1 On 1 - Challenge of Druid's Grove

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The wizard has been assigned a dangerous quest by the Wizard's Guild to enter the Forest of Lath and claim it, ridding it of evil and finding powerful magic devices hidden within.

The Wizard's Guild has assigned the wizard, Ar-Kane, a quest to enter the Forest of Lath and reach the Inner Sanctuary of the late Archdruid Lath to claim it for the Guild.

The wizard summons Swiftwing the griffon as a mount and Brett the Bowman as an ally to help on the quest.


You are the wizard. Ar-Kane. The Wizard's Guild has assigned
you a very special quest. The Guild discovered. through arcane
means. that the Archdrutd, Lath, died ten years ago. Though the
druids have sought to keep this hushed up, the Guild believes
Lath was attempting to summon a great Earth Spirit and his
experiment went awry. The Forest of Lath ts now a place of great
The Guild plans to enter the Grove. rid it of the evil that lurks
there. and claim it for its own. There are powerful magic devices
hidden within the Forest of Lath. Acquiring the Forest would
mean great power for the Guild and rich reward for the wizard who
accomplishes the dangerous task!
As one of the most powerful Wizards in the Guild, you have been
selected to attempt to enter the Forest and reach the Inner Sanctu-
ary of Lath. This ls a deadly task in itself. but the Guild has discov-
ered that the Archdruld's Council ls sending one of their own to
claim the Sanctuary! You will have to fight .him, that ts unavoid-
able. But you have been instructed not to kill him. The Guild
wants you to capture him and hold him for ransom. forcing the
Druids to give up many valuable magical objects they have gained
over the years.
Before you go. you are able to summon two allies to help you in
this quest. Swiftwlng the Griffon wlll be your mount on this jour-
ney. You trained him from an egg and he Is a faithful creature. You
have also asked your good friend . Brett the Bowman. to aid you on
this trip. Both of your allies are strong and loyal. With their help.
you hope to reach the Inner Sanctuary of Lath's Grove-alive!
Prepare to enter the deadly Forest of Lath!

For Those Who -Have Played One-On-One"' Games before. it
will not be necessary to read through the rules again. Please note
the following important changes:
Map: The evil in the forest has prevented the making of an accu -
rate map. You have no map in this adventure.
Combat: Since this adventure is for high-level players. we have
made the combat more difficult. No longer will you be given the
number of an enemy's Hit Points. This information will be availa-
ble only to your opponent and can be found at the back of his book.
Since this will make it more difficult for you to tell how you are
doing against an enemy, we advise that you and your opponent
give descriptive information about your status during a battle.
nuce: You can capture your opponent in this adventure and hold
h im for ransom. If you two meet before you reach the end. there-
fore, you should call a truce. Your final confrontation will take
place If you both survive and meet in the Inner Sanctuary. The
rivalry between the two of you Is too great for you to work together.
Retreat Option: Read the new Retreat Option , page 8.
Objectives: Read these on page 5.

\'OU ARf

A Wizard

ONf.()N.()Nf"' Adventure Gamebook



<> Copyright 1985, TSR, Inc.
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IMAGINATION. and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR. Inc.
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First printing: November. 1985
Printed In the United States of America
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 85-51050
ISBN: 0·88038-187-6
All characters In this book are fictitious. Any resem biance to actual pe r·
sons. living or dead. Is purely coincidental.
TSR. Inc. TSR UK. Ltd.
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United Kingdom
Object of the Game: You have two objectives this Grune. The pri-
mary objective is to reach the Inner Sanctuary of Lath's Grove and
destroy the evil that has taken control of the Forest. Tu do this, you
must win your way through several Circles of Protection that
guard the Inner Sanctuary. Your second objective is to find your
rival, capture him, and hold him for ransom. Before you face him
in final contest. it will be to your advantage to gain as many magi-
cal objects as you can acquire. Therefore. you may want to call a
truce should you both meet before the end of the quest.
Allies: You have allies that will help you fight your enemies. Char-
acter Sheets describe your allies and their skills. Since your allies
help you in battle. Hit Point damage may be divided up between
you and any allies with you. (See Combat Turn.)
Area Movement: Start with "The Adventure Begins" on page 19.
The text indicates the first areas you can reach from your starting
point. You move from one area to another by turning to the pages
given in the text.
Movement Turn: You go first. Read the "Adventure Begins" and
select the area to visit, making a note of the page number. That
ends your turn. It is now your opponent's turn to start his adven-
ture. He decides where he wants to go and makes a note of the
page number. That ends his turn. On your next turn. go to the
page number you selected and follow the instructions. Tums alter-
nate until one of you wins.
When you encounter an enemy and decide to fight. resolve the
combat during that Movement Turn. You can then decide where to
go next. but do not read further until it is your tum again.
Communication: You must tell your opponent what area you are
moving into. You do not have to reveal what is happening to you in
that area unless you are fighting monsters or you are instructed to
tell. It is wise to keep information about treasure or traps secret!

Combat: Occurs whenever you attack or are attacked by a mon-
ster or another character in the Forest of Lath. All combat
encounters follow the same sequence of events, except where
changes are indicated in the text.
Attacker and Defender: One of you is the Attacker and the other
is the Defender. This changes from Combat Turn to Combat Turn
in all battles in order to give each player a fair chance to score
against the other.
The Attacker is the first character to strike. The Defender is the
character reacting to the attack. You and your allies will be the
attacker in most combat situations . The only exception is when an
enemy catches you by surprise. This will be indicated in the text.
When you fight monsters. the other reader plays the part of the
monster. For example, the Druid must fight a Giant Spider. The
Wizard reader plays the part of the Spider. giving the Spider"s ran-
dom numbers and recording damage. The Druid takes the mon-
ster's part when the Wizard fights. A "Monster Thble'' starting on
page 146 lists all monsters your opponent is likely to encounter.
their Hit Points and damage.
The Attacker chooses a number at random from between 1 and 20
and calls it out (without looking at the COMBAT TABLE). The
Defender also calls out a random number (without looking at the
COMBAT TABLE). Now refer to the COMBAT TABLE on the back
cover of the book. The Attacker reads the numbers down the left
side of the table. while the Defender reads the numbers across the
top. Find your number and scan across the table until you reach
the row of the number your opponent called out. This gives you
the result of your actions.
Example: You (Attacker) call out 5 . Your opponent calls out 15. You
find 5 on the left-hand side of the table. Staying In your row, scan
across the table until you are below the number 15 at the top of the
table. The Defender finds the number 15 and. staying in his
column, scans down until he Is across from the number 5. This is a
"X" hit for the Attacker. Next Combat Turn. you become the
Defender and read the numbers across the top. Your opponent
becomes the Attacker.

X - Hit. A hit is recorded for the Attacker. The Attacker tells the
Defender how many Hit Points of damage the Defender loses from
the Attacker's weapon or spell. (Refer to Character Sheet and Mon-
ster Tuble for Damage and Hit Points.)
0 - Miss. A miss means that the Attacker did not cause damage
this Combat Tum.
2X - Double Hit. A double hit Is recorded for the Attacker. T he
defender loses double the number of Hit Points this tum.
" • ·· - "Special." This allows the Attacker to tum to his "Specials"
on page 157. The "Specials" simulate some of the unexpected
things that can happen in a combat situation. The page number
you are reading determines the number of the "Special." (See
Tuble below.) If you encounter more than one "Special" during a
single Combat Turn. use th e next consecutive page number. The
"Specials" Thble is repeated on the bookmark at the end of the
"Specials" Table
21-99-Use the last digit with 0 being 10.
101-120-Use the last two digits.
121-160-Use the last digit with 0 being 20.
The Druid and the Wizard are the only two who may use "Spe·
cials" in combat situations. When running combat for allies or
monsters. record a "• .. as a miss unless the text tells you other-
Spe lls in Combat. You and other magic-users have the ability to
cast spells during combat. Tull your opponent you are casting a
spell this Combat Turn and which spell you are using.
Choose random numbers as usual. If an "X" or "2X.. is scored. the
spell is successful and must be crossed off your list unless the text
indicates it may be used more than once. If the Combat Tuble
records a miss. the spell can be used again until a hit is scored
(unless the text states otherwise). If you get a"•" result. you must
refer to the "Special .. table and your spell will be considered used.
Spells never do double damage. 'freat all "2X" as "X".

Many years ago. you discovered a cache of three magical Crystals
of Life. In times of danger these Crystals will send your physical
body (and those of all of your allies) into a healing d imension. But
In return for this service. it will transport your spirit into t he body
of a warrior in need of help. You must use your skills to get this
being out of danger. Only then will th e Crystal return you to your
own healed body.
RETREAT #ONE: Turn to page 119.
RETREAT #TWO: Turn to page 121.
RETREAT #THREE: Turn to page 123.
You may find healing devices. potions. and ointments that will
restore lost Hit Points. Follow instructions for their use. You may
carry them as part of your equipment.
H ealing Devices and Potions: restore a specified number of
Hit Points to one character per tum .
H ealing Ointments: restore a variable number of Hit Points
and may be used on more than one character at different
times until their total healing power is used up.
A twenty-sided die may be used to roll random numbers on the
Combat Th.hie. Some players find this easier and more fun than
calling out numbers. 1\venty-sided die can be purchased at most
local hobby centers.

Character Sheets give Hit Points. describe powers and abilities.
and provide you with all items you start with in this adventure.
You have a Character Sheet for yourself and one for each ally. We
suggest that you photocopy the Character Sheets for easy refer-
ence during the game.
Alignment: describes the character·s nature and how he/she will
react to outside influences. A character who is ··1awful good..
always puts others first. A character of .. neutral.. alignment
thinks first of himself and qow any actions affect him. "Chaotic"
characters are cruel and de.stritctive.
Class: describes a character's role-fighter. thief. etc.
Level: a measure of that person's skill in his class. Most individ-
uals start with level 0 and advance as they become more skilled.
Weapons and Spella: All the character's weapons and magical
spells are listed. Additional weapons and spells may be added only
if discovered on the adventure.
Bit Pointe: keep track of the health of that character. When a
character is struck by an enemy, his Hit Points are reduced by the
attack according to the amount of damage listed for that weapon.
Lightly pencil out the numbered space~. When the numbers are
all crossed out. the character has "died .. or fallen unconscious.
Use a pencil to record Hit Points. since it is possible to gain back
lost Hit Points. Hit Point damage may be divided up between you
and allies if you are fighting together.
Weapon and Damage: deal with the amount of Hit Point damage
done to an opponent. Each weapon subtracts a specific number of
Hit Points from an enemy in a successful attack.
Objects Gained: record treasure that you find during your adven-
ture. You may also gain the help of new allies. We suggest that you
either make a note of the page number that gives their Hit Points
and damage totals or copy these onto the "Notes" pages provided.

Alignment: Neutral
Clau: Magic-User
Armor: Magic Bracers of Defense

Level: 16
Weapon: 1\vo Magical Daggers of Light, Bright Beam and Quick
Ray. When used against any creatures larger than man-size. the
daggers glow brightly, often blinding an enemy and impairing his
fighting ability. (No enemy can score a "2X" against you when you
use these daggers. Count "2X" as "X" .) When using daggers, you
cannot use spells.
Hit Points: 4 7
(1) (2) (S) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (lS)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (2S) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (SO) (Sl) (S2) (SS) (34) (S5)
(S6) (S7) (S8) (S9) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)
Description: You are 38 years old and highly skilled In your pro-
fession. Early in your youth, you discovered the books of several
powerful wizards and were able to translate them and gain their
power. Basically an honest human. you have gained a great deal
by trusting in your own abilities and not cheating others in deal-
ings of any sort. You are a very private person and you believe that
he travels fastest who travels alone, although you have accepted
the help of two trustworthy allies for this adventure. Your hobby is
collecting magical devices. You will go to great lengths to acquire
any such object. You always attack first in your group in combat.
Other Equipment: Magical Bracers ofDefense subtract the first 2
Hit Points of damage done to your group in each Combat Tum.
Scroll of ProtecUon from Plants: protects the group from a plant
attack. May be used only once. Ring of the Ram: 5 charges left.
This rtng will create a force that will strike an enemy, doing 7 Hit
Points of damage. The charge is used up if it hits or not. Robe of
Stars: allows the magic user 5 enchanted star m~ssiles that each
do 8 Hit Points of damage per successful hit.

Spell C..tlnC AbWtle.: Select the spells you will take with you
into the Grove from your spellbook. You have already used several
spells to get this far. These are what you have left. A spell ts consid-
ered used up only if it hits successfully or if a "•" ls scored.
First Level Spella:
(4) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Second Level Spell:

Third Level Spells:
(1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'~~~~
Fourth Level Spell:
Fifth Level Spells:
Sizth Level Spells:
Object• Gained:

You may select more than one of the same spell for each level.
Firat Le•el Spella
Magic Missile: does 11 Hit Points of damage to enemy group as a
whole. Hits automatically.
Grease: causes entire enemy group to slip and miss all attacks
next Combat Tum. Hits automatically.
'Jaunt: sends the enemy into such rage that all "2X" results are
misses. Hits automatically.
Shock ing Grasp: does 10 Hit Points of damage per successful
Second Level Spella:
Mirror Image: causes several Illusions of yourself to appear. The
confused enemy will have all "2X" scores reduced to misses. Hits
Strength: cast on an ally. it will increase his/her strikes by 5 Hit
Points per successful Combat Tum. one battle only. Hits automati-
Third Le•el Spella:
Me/I's Minute Meteors: creates 4 small spheres ofenergy that are
treated as separate attacks. Each sphere does 5 Hit Points of dam-
age per successful hit.
Wind Wall: a wall of wind prevents all enemies from attacking
first Combat Tum. On second and third Combat Tum. It reduces
all "2X" scores to "X". Hits automatically.
Fireball: does 10 Hit Points of damage per successful hit. but
may only be used In the first Combat Tum.
ProtecUon from Normal Missiles: stops all nonmagical arrows
and thrown weapons from striking the entire group for one battle.
Hits automatically.
Fourth Level Spella
Ray ofColq: does 14 Hit Points o(damage per successful hit.
Fear: causes one enemy to run away In terror If it hits.
Fifth Level Spells
Cone of Cold: does 17 Hit Points of damage to one enemy and 9
Hit Points to a second enemy per successful hit.
Hold Monster: may be used against up to four monsters. Will
prevent monsters from attacking for entire battle if a "2X" or .. • ··
is scored.
Monster Summon Ill: will summon a Giant Snapping Turtle to
fight for you during one battle. Turtle has 15 Hit Points and does 8
Hit Points snapping damage.

Si:l::th Level Spells
Death Spell: strips away half the original Hit Points of one
enemy if it hits. (Round fractions down.)
Flesh to Stone: turns one enemy to stone if a "2X'" or "•" is
· Invisible Stalker: creates an Invisible Stalker that will fight one
battle for you. It has 18 Hit Points and strikes twice per Combat
Tum for 7 Hit Points damage per each successful strike.
Monster Summon IV: summons a Wind Spirit that will fight one
battle for you. It has 19 Hit Points and does 12 Hit Points of dam-
age per successful Combat Tum.

ALLY and Mount: Swiftwing the Griffon
Alignment: Neutral
Armor: Tuugh Hide
Weapon: Claws and Beak. Its tearing beak does 5 Hit Points of
damage per successful Combat Tum and its claws do 4 Hit Points
of damage per successful strike. (1\vo attacks per Combat Tum.)
Bit Points: 13
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
Description: Ar-Kane raised Swiftwing from an egg. The Griffon
will do anything for its master. A noble. intelligent beast. the Grif-
fon is a deadly fighter and powerful ally. Swiftwing has proved his
loyalty many times, standing over a helpless Ar-Kane and driving
off his enemies until the magician could recover.

ALLY: Brett. the Bowman
Alignment: Neutral
Armor: Leather
Weapon: Longbow. named Throatcatcher. and short sword.
named Quickwork. Brett uses the bow in the first Combat Turn. It
hits automatically. doing 7 Hit Points of damage. He then switches
to his sword. It does 5 Hit Points of damage per successful Combat
Bit Points: 1 7
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17)
Description: Ar~Kane needed someone with ranger skUls and
woodslore to aid him on this quest. Nearly ten years younger than
the wizard·. Brett admires and respects Ar-Kane and is a loyal com-
panion. As payment for joining this dangerous quest. Ar-Kane has
promised to give Brett all magical swords and other weapons
when the quest is ended. Ar-Kane has also given Brett magical
wings so that he can keep up with the Griffon.
Special Ability: Brett is not frightened of the undead or spirits
from another plane. When fighting these. he will hit automati-
cally. though he will never score a "2X" .
Objects Gained:


Standing outside this forest, you think to yourself how fortunate
you are to have been chosen by the Wizard's Guild for this task.
You've long wanted to build a castle in the wilderness. This ls your
golden opportunity. and you aren't going to fail. You're also look-
ing forward to picking up some additional magical spells and
maybe a few magical items as well. Oh. of course you know it's
going to be dangerous. But you're ready to risk your life for the
rewards that are at stake. Besides. you've studied for years to
attain your high degree of skill in magic. You're confident you can
handle any situation that arises.
Glancing around, you think the forest looks fairly normal. Cast-
ing a routine detect magic spell, you discover, however, that sev-
eral parts of it fairly radiate powerful magic. An evil influence fills
these woods. You have the uncomfortable feeling that things are
watching you. And they're not friendly!
You had hoped to be able to use your magical powers to fly over
the forest, but some sort of spell has been cast upon It that made It
impossible for you to see where you were going. So you'll have to
travel the forest the hard way-walking. You have loyal and pow-
erful allies, however. Running through your spells one more time,
you enter the forest.
Tum to page 20.


You're prepared for nothing less than armies of dragons and

hordes of giants. But all you see is one old man, standing In the
middle of the path.
"Wouldn't this be a good place to make camp for the night?" the
One-Eyed Wanderer asks you.
"Are you mad?" you exclaim indignantly. "It's barely past
dawn. We've a long way to go. Now. step aside. my good fellow."
The old man raises his hand. Suddenly. a thunder storm rages
around you. Hail and rain nearly pound you Into the ground, light-
ning strikes at your feet. The old man lowers his hand, and the
s torm ends. H~ stands before you. smiling. dry as a bone.
"I guess we'll make camp:· you mutter. '"How about some
"Thank you. Ar-Kane," he answers. ··1 knew you'd see things
my way. Now. in-return, I will give you either a magical device or a
new spell.'"
-+ ''I'll take the magical device." Tum to page 88.
-+ "I'll take the new magic spell.'' Tum to page 43.


You have chosen to attack the Witch. Tull the Druid reader to
tum to the Monster Thble on page 146 and run Encounter #21.
If you lose all of your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you survive, you are thankful to see the evil maiden vanish in a
magical burst of energy. laughing wickedly as she disappears. You
search the area. but find little that is of use after the effects of the
magical battle. A magical force radiates power to the north. You
move that direction. Tum to page 40.

The Gypsies take you into the Wagon of Magic. and you are
pleased to see it is filled with spell components and magical
devices. There are potion bottles. magical gems. and magical
staves of power. But you quickly discern that most of these items
are fakes! The Gypsies obviously expected you to grab something
that looks like a Staffof Continual Light and leave. only to discover
later that it's nothing more than a fancy stick! You're not angry,
however. You can appreciate the work that went into some of these
fakes. Plus you have detected two magical devices ·or real value in
this wagon. The Gypsies apparently don't know the true worth of
these two devices.
-+ You pick up a Magical Coffer. Then you hear the sounds of
. fighting outside. You and your allies rush out to see what it
is. Tum to page 35.
-+ You select a silken bag of Magical Dust. Suddenly. the
wagon shivers as something large hits It. You and your
allies rush out to see what it is. Tum to page 61.

Sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose. This time it looks like
you lose. When you activate the magic staff. it hurls you to the
ground and strips away one of your magical spells. (Cross off one
of your spells Immediately).
You consider returning the thing to the witch and wrapping it
around her neck! Then, suddenly. you realize how it might work to
your benefit!

Staff of Dispelling: negates the first spell or magical blast cast

at you and your allies in any battle.

Pleased with your cleverness. you continue on. A magical force

radiates power to the north. You move that direction. Turn to page


You immediately sense magic in this area. but you can't dis-
cover the source. Looking around. you see a bronze statue nearly
hidden by weeds. You also see two paths leading out of this grove.
One ls dark and gloomy and choked with thorny vines. The other
ts a clear. wide trail that appears to have been well-traveled at one
time. Faint strains of music drift down the wide path.
Turning back to the statue. you sense that something magical ls
hidden in the base. But you can't tell if it is dangerous or not. and it
will take quite a bit of work to clear the weeds out and reach it.
"I think I'll-
-+- start pulling up these weeds around the statue." Turn to
page 86.
-+- travel down the thorn-choked path. Hopefully those
thorns have kept out wandering monsters." Tum to page
-+- find out where that music is coming from." Tum to page


You have found a truly marvelous sword stuck In the trunk of a

tree. But, when you pull it out, you discover that the tree was actu·
ally a 'free Demon! The sword was keeping it prisoner!
You are being attacked by a 'Iree Demon. Tull the Druid reader to
tum to the Monster Thble on page 146 and run Encounter 25.
If you lose all of your Hit Points, tum to page 144.
If you win the battle. the sword can be used by any of your allies.

Sword of Defencllng: does 9 Hit Points damage per successful

Combat Tum and will stop the first 3 Hit Points done by an
enemy from affecting your group every Combat Tum.

Chiding yourself for taking dangerous side trips. you return to the
wide path. Turn to page 47.


Sorting through the old bones of previous enemies. you discover

several valuable items.

Monster Treasure: a Jar ofHealing Ointment that restores 14

Hit Points of damage. a Lightning Bolt Scroll that contains 3
Lightning Bolt spells-each spell does 6 Hit Points of damage.
Once used, each spell is gone. however. Potion of Lion Control
causes any lions you face to flee in terror. and 5 Magical Arrows
that each do 10 Hit Points of damage if they hit.

Now. you're ready to face the Dragon. Turn to page 30.

You follow the Drow group holding the Warrior captive until they
stop and begin a strange ritual. These magic-users mean trouble
for the Warrior. You rush in to fight them!
You must fight the Drow Wizards. Have the Druid reader tum to
the Monster Th.ble on page 146 and run Monster Encounter 27.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win the battle, the Warrior joins you.
Warrior's Hit Points: 22 with 10 remaining
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
The Warrior fights with two magical daggers that do a total of 10
Hit Points per successful Combat Tum.
You also find:

Wand of Magic Missiles: does 5 Hit Points of damage per Com·

bat Tum and hits automatically. It must be used instead of any
other weapon.

Tum to page 142.

The sound of music grows louder. and suddenly you find your-
self in a camp of Gypsies.
"Velcome to our camp, dahlink," the Gypsy leader purrs. "Ve
know vy you are here, and ve can help. I tink- for a price, ov
"Of course," you reply warily. "What price?"
"You powerful wizard, no? Thach our spell casters von of your
spells. and ve giv you a gift, no? Vrom ze Wagon of Magic or ze
Wagon of Fighting-your choice."
Looking at the sword in her hand, you figure there are probably
a hundred more Gypsies hiding in the wagons. You agree to the
deal. Cross off one of your magic spells. It is used up when you
teach it to the Gypsies. Then you follow the Gypsy woman to:
_. the Wagon of Magic. Turn to page 22.
_. the Wagon of Fighting. Turn to page 72.

Your magic destroys the razor-sharp. poisonous thorns that
form the front gate. The gate swings open. You ·now find yourself
facing Barbarian Warriors and a Wlzardess! You could try talking
to them. Or you could attack Instantly. hoping to get In the first
-+"Excuse me. I'm searching for Lath's Grove and I wan-
dered in here by mistake. Could you give me directions?"
you ask politely. Turn to page 89.
-+ "Prepare to die. Barbarians," you shout in a rage. Turn to
page 85.

You're eager to reach the Dragon and slay it so that you can fin-
ish this business. But you 're not so eager that you lose all caution.
Creeping up outside the Dragon's cave. you peer Inside. Oh. no!
How did that girl manage to get herself In that predicament?
Well. you'll have to rescue her-but before or after dealing with
the Dragon?
-+ You creep to the woman's side to free her from her chains.
Tum to page 91.
-+ You don't want to give the Dragon any warning of your
coming. So. planning to free the girl after you meet the
Dragon, you move quietly into the cave. Tum to page 87.

No ·wonder nothing seems to go right! You aren't supposed to
rescue the Princess-you're supposed to stop her from doing more
harm! But now it might be too late. When you throw the key into
the cage. the Princess. enraged at-your behavior, turns into a Vam-
piress and attacks you. In a way. you 're relieved: at least now that
you know how things really stand, you can finish the job.
You are being attached by the Vampiress. Tull the Druid reader to
tum to the Monster Th.hie on page 146 and run Encounter 31.
If you lose all your Hit Points, turn to page 144.
If you win the battle. you search the area for any other unfortu-
nates who might have fallen into this creature's trap. Turn to page

The Forest .has been getting thicker and darker as you move
along. Gone are the tall. stately trees. Now all you can see are
twisted hulks whose roots claw the ground. The trall is choked
with black briar patches and noxious weeds. Eyes peer at you
from the shadows, snakes slither across your path. spiders drop
from the trees into your hair. YQu grow more and more apprehen-
Suddenly. just as you're starting to consider turning back. you
walk from the dark forest into a lovely meadow. The sun streams
through the tall trees. the clover ~mells sweet in the breeze. and
the $ense of impending doom is lifted. You take time just to sit and
enjoy your peaceful surroundings. Unfortunately. the stlllness is
shattered by the sound of hoofbeats.
You leap to your feet. weapons ready. at the sight of two knights.
They ride out of the foliage. charging straight for-each other!
They don't even see you. A vicious battle ensues. One knight falls
from his saddle. his opponent's lance through his breast. The
other knight gallops over his fallen foe. then vanishes in a ball of
You run over to the dead knight. knowing there is nothing you
can do for such a terrible wound, when-suddenly-he stands up
to face you!
"You have come to my meadow. Now you must play my game!''
Tum to page 106 to play the Fallen Knight Game.

The camp is being attacked by a hydra! You and all your allies
(including the animated suit of armor) leap forward to do battle.
The Gypsies flee into the woods.
Magical Suit of Armor•s Hit Points: 15
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15)
The Armor does 6 Hit Points of damage per successful Combat
Tum. The Armor will fight for you until it loses all its Hit Points. It
cannot be healed by any means.
You are entering combat with a Hydra. Tull the Druid reader to
tum to the Monster Thble on page 146 and run Monster Encounter
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win the battle. the Gypsies return and declare you to be their
hero. They offer you their hospitality for the night. You don't really
want to wander this forest in the dark. so you accept.
Tum to page 65.

You feel safe in giving up your weapons to the Elf because you
have so many other ways of fighting. So you drop your weapons on
the ground in front of the Elf and glare at him sternly.
"I wm be back for them. Warrior. I expect them to be here when I
The Elf in front of you sighs and says. "Wizard. if you do return.
these weapons will be here and so will one of my brother elves. He
will serve you in your final quest." With that the Elf disappears.
Moving on down the path. you fret a bit about leaving your
weapons. but then you have an idea. You can make more weapons,
even from this evil. twisted forest .

Makeshift Weapons: 4 Javelins, each does 4 Hit Points of

damage in a successful Combat Turn but is not reusable. Wiz-
ard's Staff does 12 Hit Points of damage but can only be used
every other Combat Tum because of its great weight. Sling does
5 Hit Points of damage each time it s~kes.

You continue on to face the Dragon. Tum to page 54.


The camp is being attacked by Skeletal Warriors! You and your

allies fight back. The Gypsies immediately flee. Thll the Druid
reader to turn to the Monster Thble on page 146 and run Monster
Encounter 35.
You may choose not to attack the first Combat Turn and, instead,
investigate the Magic Coffer. If so. the Skeletal Warriors do 9 Hit .
Points of damage automatically to your group while you are ex;am-
ining the Coffer. After this initial attack. continue normal Combat.
You may use what you find in the Coffer to help you. If you do not
examine the Coffer. enter Combat immediately. then examine the
Coffer if you survive.

Magical Coffer: contains five magical bear charms. At your

command, each charm will grow into a gigantic bear. Each bear
has 7 Hit Points and attacks for 3 Hit Points per successful Com-
bat Turn. Each can be used in only one battle, then will vanish,
no matter how many Hit Points it has left.

If you lose all your Hit Points, turn to page 144.

If you win the battle. the Gypsies invite you to ·spend the night
with them. You agree. Turn to page 65.

The dark, narrow forest path you've been walking along sud·
denly widens. The trees lift their branches. allowing sunlight to
stream in on you. There seems to have been a lot of people travel·
ing down this path. you think. starting to feel better about this
quest. Then suddenly you hear the sounds of battle-the beating
of Ore war drums and the trumpeting of Elven war horns. Then
you hear the clash of metal and the screams of the dying.
Running down the forest trail. you soon reach the field of battle.
Hundreds of Ores are attacking a large band of Elves. The Elven
warriors are fighting bravely, but they are badly outnumbered.
The battle is turning against them.
-+ "I must do what I can to help them," you decide, preparing
to enter the battle. Tum to page 114.
-+"My mission is too important. I can't risk jeopardizing it.
May the gods be good to your spirits, poor Elves." Tum to
page 82.

Somehow, you're not surprised when the key you insert in the
lock blows up and flings you down to the ground. Your group takes
6 Hit Points of damage. ·
If you lose all your Hit Points, tum to page 144.
If you survive. you're really surprised to see the Princess
unharmed and still standing in the cage. She looks tearfully at you
and says, 'Tm so sorry. I thought surely I was the one who would
be hurt." Then she adds eagerly, "But now the other key has got to
be the one that works!"
You're hurt, sick. and tired of this whole business. Tu.king the
remaining key. you toss it to Princess Lynnra. telling her to get
herself out. Turn to page 31.

If the Green Servant is a Dragon. you will need all your weapons.
so you must fight the Elf to go past. But you decide to try not to kill
him. even though you know he will do his best to prevent your
You must fight the Elf Warrior. Have the Druid reader tum to the
Monster Tuble on page 146 and run Monster Encounter 38.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win the battle. you look down sadly at the unconscious Elf
on the path, then hurry after the Dragon who was forcing the Elf to
fight for him. Tum to page 30.

You enter the rear door easily. too easily in fact. Getting out again
is going to be a problem! Getting out alive that is!
You are facing Combat with Ogres. Tull the Druid reader to turn to
the Monster Tuble on page 146 and run Monster Encounter 39.
If you lose all of your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you survive, you discover that the Ogres were guarding a large
treasure of gems and jewelry. As you collect the best pieces. you
suddenly uncover a trap door. You can hear a horrible moaning
sound coming from it, but-try as you might-you cannot get the
trap door open. Finally. feeling frustrated. you decide to enter a
door that leads into the heart of the Castle of Thorns.
Turn to page 77.

The thorns grow thicker and higher as yo_u continue down the
path. Because of your magical skills. you and your allies are able
to keep going. but it costs you a great deal of energy. The bramble
bushes get thicker and thicker until even your powerful magic will
not work against them.
Puzzled. you examine the bramble bush and suddenly discover
that it isn't a bush at all. It's a wall! Looking up. you see a fortress
built of huge thorn trees and bramble bushes!
There is a front gate into the fortress. You push on it. but it will
not open. Exploring further. you find a rear entrance into the cas-
tle that opens easily-too easily. Finally. you see an underground
entrance. probably a cellar.
You decide to:
-+ use your magic to open the front gate. Cross off one spell
and turn to page 29.
-+ take the easy way inside. Go to the rear entrance and turn
to page 39.
-+ sneak into the fortress through the underground passage.
hoping to surprise whoever built this monstrosity. Turn to


You have been transported to an arena. As you draw nearer the

two doors. the faces begin to speak to you!
"The beautiful woman on the balcony is the Princess Lynnra.
She is being held prisoner here," one face says. weeping.
"All you have to do is open the correct door, and you will find the
stairs leading to her balcony. Then you may free her.'' the other
face says. laughing. "A true hero knows which door to open. A
fake chooses the wrong door every time. Naturally. the wrong door
has something very nasty behind it."
"You must pick one of these doors," the crying face whimpers. "I
only hope you pick t he right one."
You open:
-.. the crying door. Turn to page 57 .
-.. the laughing door. Turn to page 83.

You duck under the water. Then a brief gleam of light reflecting
on the surface gives you an idea. If you can make a light below the
water, the Medusa might see her reflection in the pool. Still hold-
ing your breath, you struggle with the necessary magic. Then a
light shines from your hands. and within seconds you feel some-
thing heavy splash into the water. You leap out of the pool and see
a stone Medusa in the water. You've won!
Suddenly a small glowing mirror floats to the surface from her
clothing. You discover that it reverses the Tum to Stone spell and
quickly hold it to each of the enchanted statues. All the freed crea-
tures run away except for the three men. who want to help you in
your quest.
Warriors' Total Bit Points: 24
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
The Warrtors fight together. doing a total of9 Hit Points of damage
per successful Combat Tum.
Your good deed done, the portal transports you into dense forest
near the entrance to Lath's Grove. Tum to page 64.


"Excellent decision, Ar-Kane," the old man says. "I know your
reason for entering these woods. Your quest ls a worthy one. I will
give you a new magic spell. plus some advice on the best way to
reach the Inner Sanctuary of Lath."
You are only half listening to this stranger. When you think he
does not notice, you cast a detect magic spell on him. You are
amazed to discover that he doesn't exist! He isn't real! Yet you can
see him clearly. Shuddering. you begin to pay closer attention to
his words.
"I am giving you the Spell of Summoning. 1\vo times during
your adventure in these woods, you may use it to summon aid,"
the One-Eyed Wanderer tells you. "And I have this piece of advice.
"There are many paths in this forest. All of them lead to Lath's
Grove. Some are safer than others. however. Remember this-
'beware the glint of metal and stay on this path.' You may reach
your goal alive.'' With that. the old man vanishes before your eyes!
Considerably shaken. you think about the One-Eyed Wanderer
as you prepare to continue your journey. He wasn't a wizard, but
his great magical powers were obvious. Glancing down the dark,
tree-lined path. you shudder. It certainly looks dangerous! But you
decide you're going to trust the One-Eyed Wanderer. whoever he

Spell of Sammonlne: The summoning spell will instantly

bring a regiment of dwarves to fight for you. Mark this on your
Character Sheet.
DwUTea' 'lbtal Blt Polllta: 22
(1) (2) (S) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
The Dwarves do 10 Hit Points of damage per successful Combat
Turn. They disappear after the fight ls over. You may only sum-
mon them twice.

Turn to page 24.

You wander and wander. The path you are on appears to lead
you in circles. You try desperately to use your magic to determine
where the Inner Sanctuary of Lath is located. but it's impossible.
The evil of the forest surrounds you like a blanket. You do sense a
powerful magical source to your right, however. so you head that
You've found a Thleportatlon Portal! Maybe this will lead you
directly to Lath 's Grove! As you start to enter. the Spirit of a Druid
appears before you.
" None may enter save those who are willing to perform one good
deed. selected by us. If you agree to perform the deed. place your
right hand in the center of the portal."
You put your hand in the portal. Instantly three small objects
appear in your palm.
"These are the Tukens," says the Spirit. "Select one and give it
back to the portal. It will determine the nature of the deed.''
You toss the small:
-+ Unicom Tuken into the portal. Tum to page 80.
-+Golden Bear Tuken into the portal. Turn to page 51.
-+White Glove Tuken into the portal. Tum to page 41.

You activate the powers of the bracelet and discover, to your hor-
ror, that it's a Dimensional Thleporter! You find yourself in a
strange dimension, staring a t a weird creature, who doesn't like
your looks at all!
You are being attacked by a Nonatlon. Thll the Druid reader to turn
to the Monster Tu.hie on page 146 and run Encounter 45.
If you lose all of your Hit Points, turn to page 144.
If you survive the battle, you try the bracelet again, hoping to get
back to the Forest of Lath. If It works, It will be a long time before
you make another bargain with a witch! Turn to page 24.

Running to the piles of armor and arms in the comer of the
cavern, you grab the first thing that comes to hand and turn and
face the Medusa. The creature is momentarily stunned as the
shield in your hands flashes in a ray of sun. You have a potent
weapon indeed! Inspecting the shield. you discover its magical
powers. Overjoyed, you advance on the Medusa with your eyes
averted. But before you even reach her, you hear a thud.
The Medusa has been turned to stone and fallen to the floor! She
must have seen her reflection in the shield! Relieved. you search
through the pile further and you find a shield-shaped necklace
that glows magically as you put it around your neck.

Medusa's Treasure: Shield of Medusa prevents the first 2 Hit

Points of a physical attack from doing any harm to you or your
allies. Necklace ofMedusa prevents the first 3 Hit Points of spell
damage from harming you or your allies.

When you exit the cave. the shield in your hand pulls you toward
the men's statues. One touch of the magic shield and the men
come to life! They want to accompany you in your quest.
Warriors' Thtal Hit Points: 24
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (1 5) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
The Warriors fight together. doing 9 Hit Points of damage per suc-
cessful Combat Tum.
. Your good deed accomplished. you are transported by the portal
into the dense forest near the entrance to Lath's Grove. Turn to

Walking along the path. you see the forest in front of you open
into a large meadow. At its center. on a small knoll. is a huge old
oak. Around it is a bandit camp.
More armed men than you can count mov.e around the camp.
cooking, eating. laughing. P<?lishing weapons. Just as you are con-
sidering fighting the group with your magic. an additional band of
the evil men comes from the woods across from you. Now there are
far too many for even your skill to handle.
As you watch. the bandit leader and several others start shoot-
ing arrows at a target with their longbows. Their skill is amazing!
The leader is especially good. And you know that you need to get
away from this place. You start to turn on the path as you hear a
crunch behind you. A band of bowmen surround you, weapons
drawn. You're trapped!
They march you into the meadow clearing where their evil-
looking leader waits.
Tum to page 68.

Pondering. you fail to observe the Elf Warrior blocking the path.
No evil Elf this. but a good one.
"Go no further," he demands. "Tu.m back."
"Elf," you reply, "your kind and mine have always worked
together. Important work demands I go this way. Won't you let me
"I can't. noble Wizard," the Elf Warrior says sadly. "The Green
Dragon living in the· woods beyond demands a tribute from the
Elves every year. You must pay a toll to pass-give up all of your
weapons or fight me. Which will it be?"
Knowing that you must go on. you decide:
-.. regretfully, that you must fight the Elf Warrior. Turn to
page 38.
-.. that you can defeat the Dragon without weapons. Turn to


You attack the the group of Drow Elves. and in the first rush of
battle are able to release the Faerie Dragon.
You must fight the Drow Elves. Have the Druid reader turn to the
Monster Thble on page 146 and run Monster Encounter 49.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win. the grateful Faerie Dragon offers to aid your quest.
Faerie Dragon's Hit Points: 14
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
(13) (14)
The Faerie Dragon uses magical spells that do 3 Hit Points of dam-
age a Combat Tum and never miss.
As you search the belongings of the Drow Elves. you also discover
a small jar of ointment.

Healing Ointment: restores up to 11 Hit Points of damage.

Turn to page 142.

Hoping that the insects will keep the raging Medusa busy, you
quickly enter the cave and look around. There's a pool of water fill-
ing a large part of the cave. but your attention is caught by a pile of
arms and armor in one corner. Inspecting the pile. you are sur-
prised by the size. But you soon focus on a wonderful magical
shield. The shield glows in your hands. You can't use it, but one of
your allies can. You also find a magical, shield-shaped necklace
that glows as you put it around your neck.

Medusa's Treasure: Shield of Medusa prevents the first 2 Hit

Points of a physical attack from doing any harm to you or your
allies. Necklace ofMedusa prevents the first 3 Hit Points of spell
damage from harming you or your allies.

Searching further, you find a small mirror lying by the pool. as if

it had fallen from the Medusa's clothing. When you touch the mir-
ror. it glows. It's magical! But what does it do? You don't think the
Medusa uses it because you've heard that the evil creature can be
turned to stone herself by looking in a mirror. Perhaps the magical
mirror undoes the Medusa's enchantment!
You quickly peer outside the cave and discover that the Medusa
. has been driven away by the insects from your spell. Using the
mirror on the stone creatures you can find. you free them all of the
Medusa's Turn to Stone spell. The three grateful men offer to help
you on your quest.
Warriors' 'lbtal Hit Points: 24
(1) (2) (8) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (18)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (28) (24)
The Warriors fight together, doing 9.Hit Points of damage per suc-
cessful Combat Turn.
Your good deed accomplished. you are transported by the portal
into the dense forest near the entrance to Lath's Grove. Turn to


Stepping from the portal. you immediately discover a life-sized

statue of a golden bear. The creature is standing on its hind legs as
if it's about to strike. You can't imagine what such a thing is doing
in the middle of the forest ... until you see other statues. There's a
squirrel on the trunk of a tree. an eagle on a boulder to your left.
There's even a group of three men standing in front of a cave. All of
the statues appear to be looking at that cave. Perhaps whatever
has turned these creatures to stone is still in there!
Your first thought is to rush into the cave and surprise what-
ever's in there before it can add you to its art collection. Then you
notice a bee hive hanging from a nearby tree. The idea of letting
the bees do your work appeals to you.
-+- You rush into the cave, ready to face whatever monster is
there. Tum to page 62.
-+- Casting a spell on the hive, you send it into the cave,
watching as the angry insects swarm out. Tum to page 58.

The sound of evil laughter and a strange, sweet smell draw you
toward the hut. Looking in, you see a witch stirring up some magi-
cal brew. Normally, you would leave a witch alone, especially this
one, who has captured a creature whose evil is strong enough to
make your beard curl. But this witch is obviously powerful. Maybe
she has some magical items or spells you can use.
On the other hand, it could be dangerous dealing with a witch.
And you feel uneasy leaving someone that powerful behind. She
might sneak after you and destroy.you.
-+ You decide to rush in and attack the witch before she can
attack you. Kick in the door and turn to page 21 .
-+ You decide to try and make a deal with the witch. Knock
politely on her door. then turn to page 90.

You must fight the Medusa and from the first you fear for your
life. Tull the Druid reader to tum to the Monster Thble on page 146
and run Monster Encounter 53.
If you are turned to stone. this is the end of your quest. Start Over
If you win the battle. you discover a special mirror hidden in the
folds of the creature's clothing. Using the mirror on the faces of all
the petrified creatures. you free them from the enchantment. The
three men want to help you on your quest.
Warriors' 'lbtal Hit Points: 24
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
The Warriors fight together and do 9 Hit Points of damage per suc-
cessful Combat Tum.
You have done your good deed. The portal transports you nearer
the entrance to Lath's Grove. Tum to page 64.

You 're prepared for almost anything as you walk on past the Elf.
but not the tall. red-eyed creature that appears before you-a
Phantom Stalker! Another guardian, this one spawned by evil.
You can only hope for the best as you meet it in battle.
You must fight the Phantom Stalker. 'Tull the Druid reader to turn
to the Monster Tuble on page 146 and run Monster Encounter 54.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you survive. you drag your wounded body off the path to rest. As
you lie in the grass, trying to recover. you see the remains of other
monsters this creature has killed.
-. You rise to investigate the remains of the monsters. Tum
to page 26.
-. Eager to finish the Dragon and get back to your quest. you
return to the path. Tum to page 30.

Sneaking in through the underground entrance. you are
pleased with yourself at first. You were right to come this way. you
think. Nothing's guarding this entrance. As you walk into the
area. you are fascinated by the lovely green tile floor. It's like noth·
ing you've ever seen before. It looks almost like polished snake
Just then, the green tile floor starts to move!
You are entering combat with a Giant Snake. Thll the Druid reader
to tum to the Monster Tuble on page 146 and run Monster
Encounter 55.
If you lose all of your Hit Points, tum to page 144.
If you survive, you crawl out of the underground passage and:
-. head down the nearest path, eager to get as far from this
evil Castle as possible. Tum to page 44.
_. go down the path toward the sound of music. Tum to page


As you move through the forest. you quickly become lost as the
path twists and turns. You can only hope that the path leads
toward your destination. You come to a fork in th~ path. Which
way will you take?
One path is dark and narrow and overgrown with weeds. Look-
ing down it, you catch a glimpse of metal and you detect a sword
stuck in the trunk. The other path is wide and appears well-
-+ You are intrigued by the magical sword. You take the dark
and narrow path. Tum to page 25.
-+ You decide to stick to the w ide path, hoping to find your
way out. Tum to page 4 7.

There are two possible ways to reach the Princess. and you bet
one or both of them are trapped. You can either climb over that
stack oflogs or swim through that icky-looking pond. Neither way
appeals to you. There could be a monster hiding behind that stack
or it could blow up in your face . On the other hand. the pond could
be acid. or the home of some horrible water monster. You're not
getting anywhere standing here. You decide to:
... swim across the pool. Turn to page 67.
_. climb the log wall. As you climb, you see the Princess's
cage being pulled over the wall. Turn to page 75.


Sending the insects into the cave worked beyond your wildest
expectations. There's a commotion inside the cave. and suddenly
a raging figure comes running out. batting wildly at· the angry
bees. A Medusa!
You know you can fight her while she's distracted by the insects.
but then you realize that this is also a good opportunity to sneak
into her cave and see if there's something you can use to help the
stone captives.
~ You '11 have to fight the Medusa eventually. so you might as
well get it over with. Tum to page 53.
~ With the Medusa still slapping at insects, you go into the
cave. Tum to page 50.


Well, you didn't find any captives. But you found treasure!

Vampire••'• Treas ure: Beaker of Healing: restores 15 Hit

Points to one person: Ring ofProtection: prevents the first 2 Hit
Points of damage to the group in any battle: and 2 Magical
Darts: do 8 Hit Points of damage and are reusable.

Unfortunately for you, while you 're finding treasure, the Guardian
Skeleton finds you!
You are being attacked by the Guardian Skeleton. Tull the Druid
reader to turn to the Monster Tuble on page 146 and run
Encounter 59.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
Ifyoti survive, you have finally done your good deed and the portal
transports you much closer to the entrance to Lath's Grove. Tum
to page 64.


Your movement through the forest Is suddenly blocked by huge

spider webs binding the trees together. You must enter the webs
and try to destroy them.
The webs you touch disintegrate Into dust that drifts around
your head. Suddenly you realize what Is happening! This Is sleep
dust! You recognize it from your studies as an apprentice wizard.
Quickly you warn your allies of the effects of the dust and they
escape. But there is no escape from the evil Giant Spiders. who
have just discovered their trap failed!
You must fight Giant Spiders. Have the Druid reader tum to the
Monster Tuble on page 146 and run Monster Encounter 60.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win the battle. you release any webbed allies and begin
burning the webs around you. This part of the forest Is magically
purified by the fire. Flowers and new shoots long trapped In the
magical webs now reach for the sun . Exulting In the new life. your
eye Is caught by a small shrine. Tum to page 78.


The camp is being attacked by a band of Warlocks! The Gypsies

immediately flee into the forest. Thll the Druid reader to turn to the
Monster Tuble on page 146 and run Monster Encounter 61.
You may choose not to attack the first Combat Turn and. ins tead.
Inves tigate the Magic Dust. If so. the Warlocks will attack. doing 7
Hit Points of damage automatically to your group while you are
examining the Dust. After this initial attack. continue normal
Combat. You may use the.Oust to help you. If you do not examine
the Dust. enter Combat immediately. then examine the Dust if you
s urvive.

Magical Dust of Protection: There are three bags of Magical

Dust. Each time you toss one into the air. the dust will float out
and absorb all magical spells cast by both you and your ene-
mies for one Combat Turn. The only attacks that could score
this Tum are physical attacks.

If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.

If you win the battle, you are now a hero to the Gypsies. T hey
insist that you spend the night with them. Turn to page 65.

You enter the cave and face a Medusa! Quickly you avert your
eyes so as not to be turned to stone, but you know that's only a
temporary measure. You might avoid being turned to stone. but
can you also avoid the poisonous snakes on her head?
You look hurriedly around the cave for ideas. One side chamber
contains a large pool. Arms and armor are piled up in another cor-
-+ Fearing the worst, you enter the battle, hoping the
Medusa won't tum you into a statue, too. Tum to page 53.
-+ You rush to the pile of arms and armor, hoping there is
something useful there. Turn to page 46.
-+ You leap into the water, hoping to find some way to use it.
Turn to page 42.



You are being attacked by Fire Giants! The Gypsies flee into the
Thll the Druid reader to turn to the Monster Tuble on page 146 and
run Monster Encounter 63.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you survive the battle. you have time to read the Magical Scroll
you found in the sword.

2 Spells of Cold Rays: Each Spell does 13 Hit Points of dam-

age. Each hits automatically. Once cast. however. each spell ls

If you win the battle. the Gypsies proclaim you a hero. They invite
you to spend the night with them. You accept. Tum to page 65.


Moving down the trail, you become increasingly uneasy as the

forest around you changes Into a horrific parody of a forest. The
trees have turned black and droop gracelessly. The other plants
are twisted. dark. petrified monstrosities that ooze black poison.
The horrors you are seeing almost prevent you from detecting a
small open meadow where a group of Drow Elves is camped. Shak-
ing off your debilitating shock. you quietly scout the camp. keep-
ing the evil black creatures from detecting your presence. You
discover that the Elves hold three captives. Just as you admit that
there are far too many Elves to take on In a direct fight. the group
begins to break camp. The numerous Drow split Into three groups.
each with a different prisoner and going a different direction. You
can now save one prisoner. but which one?
Swearing that you will return to try to save the others after dealing
with the evil in the Archdruid's Grove. you decide to try to help:
-+ the Faerie Dragon. Tum to page 49.
-+ the Wizardess. Tum to page 84.
-+ the Warrior. Turn to page 27.

The Gypsies can't do enough for you. Their leader brings out
two magical treasures, and offers them to you, along with a little
free fortune-telling.
"I vill gif you zis advice. 1\vo paths lie before you. Ze vide path
leads you to a troubled spirit and its curse. Ze narrow path leads
you to magical gateways. I vlll gif you ze magical object you vlll
need to help you along vlchever path you choose."
You reply:
-. 'TU take the vide-er-wide path." The Gypsy hands you
the Sphere of Dragon kind. Tum to page 71.
-. 'TU take the narrow path." The Gypsy hands you the
Wand of the Witchking. Tum to page 73.

You have entered combat with the warrior. Thll the Druid reader
to turn to the Monster Thble and run Monster Encounter 66.
If you lose all of your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win the battle. the unicorns are free and you have done your
good deed.

Reward for the Good Dee d. Healing Ointment: restores 21 Hit

Points of damage. A Book of Spell Restoration: restores all
spells you have used. Sword ofthe Unicorn. May be used by an
ally. Restores all the ally's Hit Points one time only. When used
in battle, it does 10 Hit Points of damage per successful Combat
Tum and hits automatically every other Combat Tum.

The portal now transports you nearer to the entrance to Lath's

Grove. Tum to page 64.

It wasn't a pool at all. but a mirage in a sandy desert! And it's
Inhabited by a horrible. evil, manlike creature that sets dreadful
vibrations up in your body! You know that only magic can kill it!
You must fight the Dune Stalker. Have the Druid reader tum to the
Monster Tuble on page 146 and run Monster Encounter 67 .
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you win the battle, you see that someone has pulled the Princess
over the wall. Turn to page 75.


"What are you doing here?" demands the bandit leader.

You tell him of your quest to try to find Archdruid Lath and put
an end to the evil in the forest.
"Lath!" exclaims the bandit. "He was long a friend of mine."
And so you find that the bandit leader. named Alain, is not evil
after all. In fact he tells you what he knows of the forest that might
be of help to you. You learn that down a large path is a huge thorn
bramble that the bandits have not been able to get past. You know
that your magic skills would take you through the brambles. but
you wonder what the brambles might be hiding.
''I'll tell you what I'll do," offers Alain with a disarming smile.
''I'll give you help in your quest if you can win it in an archery con-
Your heart drops, knowing you wouldn't stand much chance of
getting help this way. But then you know you have to at least try.
You and your allies join Alain at the archery range.
Tum to page 76.

"Wait. Friend!" the Elf Warrior shouts. Something in her voice
causes you to hesitate before attacking her. Quickly she adds. "I
have come to serve you, not fight you!"
You stare at her without speaking. weapons still at the ready in
case this Is some kind of a trick.
"You have killed the Green Servant. and my people are grateful.
This great. evil beast has held power over us for a long time. We
have lost many of our best young Elves In Its service. I have come
to thank you for putting an end to the Dragon and to offer to help
you finish your quest."
Elf Warrior'• Hit Points: 29
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29)
The Elf Warrior does 11 Hit Points of damage with her weapon.
You gladly accept her help. and you ail go into the cave to see what
treasure will be useful.
Turn to page 143.

The Druid has unknowingly accepted the help of a neutral evil
wizardess. She intends to take him for everything she can. then
leave him, just when he needs her powers most. Because of her
magical nature, you can communicate with her. She fears you and
will obey you. She will either leave the Druid, taking what she can.
or attack him by your command. The Druid reader has been
instructed that he is to tell you what she is doing a t all times.
Mericules's Hit Points: 18
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (ll) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
Note: Mericules has 5 more Hit Points than the Druid believes she
has. When she appears to the Druid to be dead. she will actually be
able to rise and either flee or attack him. She has a Lightning Bolt
Wand from the Witch's things. The Wand has 19 charges and
strikes for 9 Hit Points of damage. The charge is used up whether it
hits or not.
She also has several magic spells:
Magic Missile: does 4 Hit Points of damage.
Fireball: does 11 Hit Points of damage.
Snake Kill: strips all but 1 Hit Point from a single snake or rep-
tile of any type. including Dragons!
Return to your part of the adventure.


You can't believe your luck! A Sphere of Dragonkind. You've

only read about them in the most ancient of magical writings. You
move down the wide path, then try the magic of the Sphere.
You and your allies are engulfed by the Sphere and whisked into
and out of countless realities. Frantically. you try to control it. then
realize that the last user set it to locate unusual battles. It offers
you two choices as you whiz through time and space.
-+ Horrible monsters on a metal flying carpet.are firing light-
ning bolts at a single human warrior. Turn to page 92.
-+ Several warriors are fighting a lone female archer in a
sandy arena. Turn to page 102.

At first glance. it appears that the Wagon is filled with magical
weapons. Then you realize that the Gypsies are trying to pull a fast
one! They have placed simple light spells on the weapons and
shields. making them look magical when in reality they are all just
ordinary weapons! A lot of work went into this fakery. you realize
with grim amusement. What should you do? Ordinarily you
would have simply revealed this junk to be worthless. but you
want to make the Gypsies pay for having tricked you.
-+ Using the magic of the entire wagon. you animate a suit of
armor and take it with you. Then you hear the sounds of
fighting outside. You and your allies (including the magical
armor) rush out to see what is going on. Turn to page 33.
-+ Looking around. you find a Dorinthen Message Sword.
Quickly. you open the hidden compartment you know from
your studies Is located in the hilt. Inside is a magical scroll.
Before you can read it. however. the wagon shivers as some-
thing large hits it. You and your allies rush out to see what it
is. Turn to page 63.

You are indeed fortunate! The Wand of the Witchking. You've
heard tales of its protective powers! Suddenly. you get a chance to
see it in action! Just a few h undred paces down the narrow path-
way you must use it! A Wyvern attacks!

The Wand of the Wltchking has 5 charges. When activated, it

shoots out a defense shield that protects you and all allies from
10 Hit Points of damage per successful Combat Tum. It must be
used instead of attacking. however. since it will prevent you
from making any attack as well. When all 5 shield charges have
been used up. it crumbles to ash.

You are being attacked by a Wyvem. Tull the Druid reader to tum
to the Monster Thble on page 146 and run Encounter 73.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win the battle, you continue to search for the Inner Sanctu-
ary of Lath. Tum to page 32.

The Druid has saved the life of a dwarf. but he doesn't know that
the dwarf is a thief. who wants only to steal everything the Druid
has and run away. You are able to communicate magically with
the dwarf thief. He fears you, and he will obey your commands.
You can have him steal one magical item at random from the
Druid, or he can simply run off at a most inconvenient time!
The Druid has been instructed to tell you the dwarfs actions.
though he doesn't know why.
Dwarf Thief's Hit Points: 23
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23)
The Druid believes that the dwarf has 18 Hit Points. but you con-
trol a reserve of 5 Hit Points. When the Druid thinks the dwarf is
dead. you can use him for one more action. The dwarf can steal
one magical item from the group and bring it to you. (If this hap-
pens. tell the Druid reader you have one of his magical items. his
choice.) Or the dwarf can run away at any time you desire. Tull the
Druid what is happening when you finally take control of the
dwarf thief.
Return to your part of the adventure.

. 74

You quickly run to the wall and leap over it. There you find the
Princess trapped in a cage.
"Oh. dear," she says. weeping. "Only you can get me out of
"How can I do that?" you ask.
"There are two keys on that table," she says. pointing. "One will
open the cage door. But t he other will put me in grave danger. I
don't care about the danger," she adds, bravely. "I just want to get
out of here!"
You ponder the problem and find yourself wondering what it is
about the Princess that keeps making it so difficult to accomplish
what should be a simple, good deed. Maybe she has something to
do with the problems facing you instead of being a victim.
-+ It's easy enough to just pick up a key and try it in the lock.
Tum to page 37.
-+ You pick up both keys and throw them into the cage. Let
her open her own door. It isn't very gallant. but it sure is
logical. Tum to page 31.

You and the Druid reader use the Combat Tuble on the back
cover to carry out this archery contest. A "2X" will indicate a
First. you and all your allies wUl shoot. one shot apiece. with you
giving the "attacker" number and the Druid reader giving the
"defender" number. Then. Alain shoots (with the Druid reader as
"attacker"). Any time he gets a"•" or "O" he gets another chance.
The two of you take three turns each.
If Alain wins the contest. he says. "Well done. Wizard. You made
such a good try that I'll still offer you the services of my right-hand
man, Will Wade." You look at where he gestures and see a huge
man handling a giant quarterstaff as if it were a twig.
Will Wade's Hit Points: 19
Jl) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
Will gets two attacks each Combat Turn. doing 5 Hit Points of dam-
age each successful strike.
If you win the contest. Alain roars with laughter and says. "Oh.
well done. Master Archers! For that I offer you the services of my
right-hand man. Will Wade." He also presents you with a small sil-
ver horn. "Blow that. Wizard. when you need the help of some of
my men in a hurry. But its magical message will reach me only

Silver Horn of Summoning: magically brings Alain's men to

your side: usable one time:
Horn Men's Hit Points: 15
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
(13) (14) (US)
The Men strike for a total of 12 Hit Points of damage per suc-
cessful Combat Turn. They disappear into the woods after the

Thanking Alain, you head for the wall of black thorns. Turn to
page 40.


Entering the Tuwer, you are horrified to find yourself in the pres-
ence of a Wolfman!
"You've walked into my castle uninvited," the Wolfman shouts.
"and now you must pay for trespassing! Give me all the magical
skill and magical devices you possess, and I will allow you to leave
peacefully. Otherwise, I will fight you. But beware-my bite can
tum you into a creature like those you see here with me-a wolf
If you decide to give up all your magical skill and magical devices
to the Wolfman, you may do so and he will allow you to go
unharmed. Unfortunately. this means you have lost the game, for
you will no longer have the power to continue searching for Lath's
Grove. For you, this is The End.
If you decide to fight the Wolfman. tum to page 81.


Cautiously, you approach the shrine. It's druidic, there's no

doubt about that. But it is old and overgrown with weeds.
A good feeling lingers in this place, however. Perhaps the spirit
of the Archdruid still protects it. You decide to make camp for the
night and get some rest before traveling on.
Acting on impulse, you remove a small ring you have worn since
you were a boy and set it in the shrine, in memory of the great
Archdruid. Tu your amazement. a gift materializes at your feet.

Lath's Gift. Potion ofHealing: restores 8 Hit Points of damage.

Ring ofSpell Turning: any magical attacks that score a "2X" or
" • " are turned back on the spellcaster-doing damage to them,
not you.

The next morning you move on, going to page 64.


You gasp as you realize just how much treasure is here. If you
survive your quest. your order of wizards will profit greatly from
the Dragon's horde. As you look it over. you guess that much of it
came originally from Archdruid Lath's coffers. You see his mark
on many of the items tossed carelessly over the floor.
It must have been the lure of the treasure that enabled the evil
forces of the Grove to bring the Green Dragon to these woods. You
were definitely wise to fight the Dragon before you entered the
Grove. If you hadn't, the Green Dragon would have been sum-
moned and you would have had to battle several powerful enemies
at once. Now. all you need to do is take what might be useful in
completing your quest and leave for Archdruid Lath's Grove.
Before you can determine what might be useful. you hear the
sound of someone in armor approaching. You should have known
that taking this treasure would not be so easy!
You and your surviving allies ready your weapons and charge
from the cave. Turn to page 69.


You find yourself at the edge of a lovely meadow. You see uni-
corns playing here. Nothing seems to be wrong. yet you sense a
great evil.
Then you see the source of the evil when a huge armor-clad war·
rior enters. "How Is my beauty today?" the warrior says. stroking
one of the unicorns. " Keeping our prisoners happy?"
Prisoners! As you listen to the conversation. you realize that this
man has managed to tame a unicorn and Is now using It to trap
"I demand that you release these creatures!" you shout. striding
forward. "Unicorns are things of beauty that belong to all."
The warrior laughs. "No. they don't! They belong to me! And.
before I'm finished, I'll own every unicorn in the world. Unless you
think you are capable of stopping me. wizard. Look. I'll give you a
choice. I'll fight you here and now. or we can play a game where
there's no fighting but /make up the rules. Which will it be?"
-+'TH fight you here and now," you shout. "Games are for
children ." Turn to page 66.
-+ ' TU play your game." You sneer. " If you make up the
rules. it should be child's play!" Tum to page 100.

You have chosen to fight the Wolfman. Tull the Druid reader to tum
to the Monster Th.ble on page 146 and run Monster Encounter 81.
If you lose all of your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you survive. you discover:

Wolfman'& 'h'easure. Fifty bars of gold. A Magical Dagger:

does 3 Hit Points of damage and hits automatically. A Jar of
Healing Ointment: restores a total of9 Hit Points. A Medallion of
Magical Protection: negates the 3 first points of magical dam-
age done in every battle. It may be used only once per battle.

Note: if the Barbarians and the Wizardess helped you fight this
battle, you must give them half the treasure. They will allow you
to keep all the magical devices and the healing ointment. if you
give them the fifty bars of gold. Otherwise. you must give up half of
everything. The trio bids you farewell.
-+ You move away from this place along the largest path.
Tum to page 44.
-+ You travel down the path toward the sound of music. Tum
to page 28.

You hate the thought of leaving the Elves to their fate. but
because of the importance of your quest. you feel you have no
choice. You continue down the bramble path.
Tu your horror, you discover that you haven "t left the Ores com-
pletely behind. A band of the horrible monsters leaps from the
dark forest around you. You'll have to fight them after all!
Tull the Druid reader to tum to the Monster Thble on page 146 and
run Monster Encounter 82.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you survive the battle, you find yourself wondering about the
Elves as you clean up around you. If there are more of these stray
groups of Ores around, the Elves won't have a chance.
You decide to:
-+ rush back to the battle to help the Elves. Tum to page 114.
-+ stick by your earller decision to go on. The path becomes
increasingly edged by brambles. Tum to page 40.


The lovely Princess Lynnra stands on the balcony above you,

looking on in horror as you fight for your life.
You must fight the Vargouille. Have the Druid reader tum to the
Monster Tuble on page 146 and run Monster Encounter 83.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win the fight. you rush to the other door. throw it open, and
climb the stairs. Tum to page 57.

You follow the Drow group holding the Wizardess captive. Or are
they? The Wizardess frees herselfl As she tries to flee. they attack
her. You rush in to save her.
You must fight the evil Drow Elves. Have the Druid reader tum to
the Monster Tu.hie on page 146 and run Monster Encounter 84.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you win the battle. the Wizardess Is very grateful for your help
and she offers to aid you in your quest.
Wlzardess•s Hit Points: 31 with 12 remaining.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
The Wizardess uses spells that do 8 Hit Points of damage per suc-
cessful Combat Tum.
As you tum to leave. a dying Drow stirs briefly.
-+ If you ignore the Drow and head directly to the first circle
of Lath's Grove. tum to page 140.
-+If you bend down by the dying Drow. tum to page 142.

You have chosen to fight the Barbarians and the Wizardess. Tull
the Druid reader to tum to the Monster Thble at the end of his book
and run Monster Encounter 85.
If you lose all of your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
When the Barbarians and the Wizardess are each reduced to 5 Hit
Points. they will surrender. They give you several useful items in
return for their freedom.

Spoils of Battle: A Potion ofHealingthat restores 6 Hit Points.

A Potion of Strength which causes all "X" scores to count as
"2X" scores for one group member in one battle only. 1\venty-
eight huge rubies that are worth a king's ransom.

Pleased with your luck and hoping to find more treasure. you
enter a door leading to the heart of the Castle of Thoms.
Tum to page 77.

Clearing away the last of the weeds. you detect a magical being
that is held captive inside the statue! Quickly casting a spell. you
are pleased to see a Pixie burst out of the statue!
"Free! Freeeee at last!" the Pixie squeaks. "O, noble wizard,
since you have freed me. I will be your devoted servant."
Note: This magic act has been detected by the Druid. Tull the
Druid reader to turn to page 88. From now on, whenever you use
the Pixie or reduce its Hit Points, you must inform the Druid
Pixie's Hit Points: 5
(1) (2) (S) (4) (5)

The Pixie has five Battle Arrows, each doing 4 Hit Points of dam-
age. It has three Sleep Arrows that will put anything to sleep if it
scores a "2X" or a"•" . Finally, it has 4 Confusion Arrows that will
prevent one. enemy from attacking for 2 Combat Turns if a hit is
scored. All of these arrows are used up if they hit or not. If the Pixie
loses all its Hit Points. the arrows vanish.
-+ You head down the thorn-choked trail. Tum to page 40.
-+ You walk down the wide trail, listening to the music. Turn
to page 28.
The raging Green Dragon in front of you promises you the
toughest fight of your life. In the brief moment that you have to
think beyond battle, you shudder at the thought of what the Grove
itself will hold! And if the Dragon is just the servant ...
You must now fight the Green Dragon. Tull the Druid reader to tum
to the Monster Tu.ble on page 146 and run Encounter 87.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you survive. you congratulate yourself. then take time to search
the Dragon's lair very carefully. Dragon treasure should ~ertainly
yield something useful to you in your struggle to clean up the
Druid's Grove. Tum to page 79.

"Wise choice. Ar-Kane," the old man says. "I know. your reason
for entering these woods. Your quest is a worthy one. I will give you
a magical dev1ce. plus some advice on the best way to reach the
Inner Sanctuary of Lath."
You are only half listening to this stranger. When you think he
does not notice. you cast a detect magic spell on him. You are
amazed to discover that he doesn't exist! He isn't real! Yet you can
see him clearly. Shuddering. you begin to pay closer attention to
his words.
"I give you the Ring of Change. 1\vo times during your adven-
ture in the woods. you can use it to transfer the life force of your
enemies to yourself," the One-Eyed Wanderer tells you. "And now.
this piece of advice.
"There are many paths in this forest. All of them lead to Lath's
Grove. Some are safer than others. however. Remember this-
'beware the glint of metal and stay on this path.' You may reach
your goal alive." With that, the old man vanishes before your eyes!
Considerably shaken. you think about the One-Eyed Wanderer
as you prepare to continue your journey. He wasn't a wizard. but
his great magical powers were obvious. Glancing down the dark.
tree-lined path. you shudder. It certainly looks dangerous! But you
decide you're going to trust the One-Eyed Wanderer, whoever he

Ring of Change: Each time you use it, it takes away half the Hit
Points (round fractions up) of one enemy and gives them to you
(even if this exceeds your original total number of Hit Points).
You must use it during a Combat Turn instead of any other
attack. It hits automatically. You may use the Ring only two
times. It does not work against the Druid or his allies.

Tum to page 36.


For a moment. you're afraid trying to talk to these Barbarian

louts was a mistake. They charge forward. ready to kill you. But.
at the sound of your voice, the Wizardess raises her hand and the
Barbarians are frozen in place.
"I am Tharmera," she tells you. "My bodyguards and I are lost in
this Castle. I sense evil within the heart of the Castle. but also great
reward. If you will help us. we will share any treasure we find."
You readily agree. Copy down the statistics for your new allies,
then turn to page 77 to enter the heart of the Castle of Thorns.
Barbarian Fighters' 'n>tal Hit Points: 22
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6 (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14)(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
Barbarian Fighters do a total of7 Hit Points of damage per success-
ful Combat Turn.
Wlzardess's Hit Points: 19
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6 (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
The Wizardess's spells do 3 Hit Points of damage. She hits auto-
matically every Combat Turn.


"Do come in, my dear. I'm sooo happy to seeee you." the witch
cooes. "What can I do for you today? A love potion, perhaps? Run
low on bat guano?"
"l just stopped by to see if you would be interested in doing a lit-
tle trading?" you reply stiffly. "I have some new speJJs you may
possibly not be familiar with-..
"Oh, how exciting, dearie. Doooo come in."
You trade according to the the time-honored convention. You write
down two speJJs in the language of magic that the witch wiil have
to take time to translate after you leave. In return. she offers you
your choice of two magic items without telling you what either
-+ You take the staff in her right hand. Turn to page 23.
-+ You take the bracelet in her left hand. Turn to page 45.


It's an illusion! There was no helpless girl. just an illusion that

tricked you into falling into a pit. You're not injured and you can
quickly scramble out. but the damage is done-the Green Dragon
is ready and facing you.
The Green Dragon does 9 Hit Points of damage to your group
before you can get a strike in.
You drop back into the pit quickly. using whatever healing
magic you have. so that you and your allies start what promises to
be a vicious fight at full strength.
Then the fight continues. Turn to page 87.

You don't know what strange dimension you're in. but you want
to save the life of this brave human warrior. who has weird aliens
after him.
'Jell the Druid reader to tum to the Monster Tu.hie on page 146 and
run Monster Encounter 92.
If you lose all your Hit Points, tum to page 144.
If you win the battle. the warrior agrees to go with you on your

Space Warrior's Hit Points:

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
His laser gun does 10 Hit Points of damage per successful Com-
bat Tum.

Pleased with your new ally. you're able to activate the energies of
the Sphere to get back into the forest of Lath. Tum to page 60.

There's trouble instantly! One of the guardians of the First Circle
waits to stop you. You re~ize that the guardians are the trapped
souls of good warriors. probably ones who came to the Grove to rid
it of evil. You mourn for this one and know you could free It by kill-
ing it, but s hould you take the chance this early in the Grove? You
could just go around.
If you just move around the guardian, turn to page 132.
If you feel you must free it, prepare to fight. Have the Druid reader
tum to the Monster table on page 146 and run Monster Encounter
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
Ifyou win, you feel the soul of the warrior leave with a sigh and you
know you've done a good thing. Tum to page 138.

Running into the dragon's lair, you grab the first magical object
you see. The magic of the Crystal transports you immediately
back to the Forest of Lath. Unfortunately. you land right in a pack
of Hell Hounds!
You are entering combat with Hell Hounds. Tull the Druid reader to
tum to the Monster Tu.hie on page 146 and run Monster Encounter
If you lose all of your Hit Points, tum to page 144.
If you win the battle, you have time to examine the treasure.

Gloves of Missile Snaring: Putting on the gloves, you dis-

cover you have the power to grab any thrown or fired weapon
out of the air before it harms you. This applies to arrows, bolts.
darts, bullets, javelins. axes. hammers, and spears. They will
not work against magic missiles of any sort.

-+ If you have encountered the Gypsies, turn to page 56. ·

-+ If you have encountered the Bandits, tum to page 28.


There's a quietness in the Second Circle of Lath's Grove. but It's

the quiet of waiting. not of peace. With no immediate dangers visi-
ble. you walk through the circle until you come across a small
shrine in the center. where you pause for a moment to consider
what to do. Darkness is coming. a time when evil things could hap-
pen with no warning. Should you rush on or take the time to clear
away the malign growths choking this bower and perhaps rest
here for the night?
-+ Hoping your work will be beneficial, you clear away the
evil that threatens to s wallow the shrine and rest in its
goodness for the night. Turn to page 130.
-+ Wanting above all else to meet and defeat the evil that is
consuming the entire Grove. you continue on in the gath-
ering gloom. Turn to page 128.


You travel with the Sundance Kid for a week, heading for an
ancient site of great magical power. You are able to use the magic
you find in the ancient temple to open a gateway back to your own
world. But. just before you leave with your allies. you discover that
there are several doors to other magical realms.

Butch'• Weapon: You have a pistol and twenty bullets. Each

shot will do 8 Hit Points of damage if they hit. The bullets are
gone if they miss.

You decide to:

-+ return to the forest of Lath. Tum to page 64. (If you have
already faced the Drow. make a different choice and con-
tinue on.)
-+enter the Egyptian Pyramids. Tum to page 104.
-+ investigate the Lost Plateau. Tum to page 110.
-+ explore the city of Atlantis. Turn to page 118.


As you enter the Third Circle, you shudder at the sight of the
plants. You have always been fond of working in your garden,
growing the plants that you use as spell components. But these
plants are evil! You are sure that you will soon face the instigator of
all this horror that has been inflicted on Lath's forest. You hope
you 're strong enough to meet it.
Suddenly you hear a shuffling sound and feel something brush
your cloak. A thief has stolen something and gotten away unde-
tected! (A magic item has been stolen from your group. Mark one
off your list.) You immediately consider going after the culprit. But
then you hesitate-could this be a trick to get you off the path?
-+ You move through the evil flowers after the invisible thief.
Tum to page 103.
-+ You ignore the theft and keep to the path you have set
yourself. But you move more cautiously as you go toward
the Grove. Tum to page 105.


You h.a ve beaten the Druid, but now you see the face behind the
mysterious voice in the mist. It's an evil Earth Spirit!
The creature has not only taken over Lath's Grove but also
Lath's dead body. thus giving it control of tl\e Archdruid's great
magic! You try to control your fear as the horrible creature speaks
"I did not think you had it in you, Wizard. to get so far. Several
times I thought my forest would take you. but you proved better
than I anticipated. You are a worthy opponent to battle for posses-
sion of this druidic grove and my right to stay on this plane of
The creature's gemlike eyes tum toward the undead Lath. and
you know th~t you will have to fight not only the Earth Spirit but
the awesome powers of the evil-possessed Great Druid, too! The
monster chuckles as it sees your face tum pale.
"But there is another way for us to battle, Wizard. On my plane
of existence. all important things are decided by a contest of wills.
If you choose such an encounter. our minds will meet in ultimate
combat. The stronger will win, but the weaker will be brain-
"So your choices are simple: contest me directly in a battle of
wills. or bring all your allies against me and mine in combat.
Either way. it will be to the death!"
_.. You and your allies rush at the creature, determined to
end this magical evil forever! Tum to page 117.
_.. You do not want to face the undead later. You summon
your owri strength to take on the Earth Spirit in a one-on-
one challenge. Tum to page 111.


Tull the Druid reader to turn to page 100 to take the part of the war·
The big warrior talks while he marks out a pattern of squares in
the dirt of the meadow.
"We wl11 use your darts. wizard. You go to the other edge of this
meadow and pick a square to stand in. I will then toss a handful of
your darts high in the air to try to make them fall on you. Every
time I miss, you can advance toward me one row. If you win, I will
leave this forest. But if you lose- or if you fail to survive the
game-these unicorns are mine. and you will leave me alone."
The game is played between the two readers. The Wizard player
marks a square in the first row to show where the Wizard Is stand·
ing. The Druid reader then guesses where the Wizard is standing.
If he is correct. the Wizard takes 9 Hit Points of damage. If he is
wrong. the Wizard ls safe for that round. The Wizard reader makes
a mark in the next row and play continues.
The game can end in one of three ways:
-+You lose all your Hit Points. Turn to page 144.
-+ You reach the finish line before losing all your Hit Points
but you never win a round against the Warrior. The good
deed has not been done. Sad at leaving the unicorns In
slavery to the warrior, you toss another token Into the por-
tal. Turn to page 44 to make the choice.
-+ You win and have accomplished your good deed. The por·
tal transports you i:iearer the entrance to Lath's Grove.
You find yourself In a dense part of the evil forest. Turn to
page 64.


1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4

1 2 3

1 2

You aren't sure you're going to get out of this· one! You've never
seen warriors fight like this! The archer tells you they are Roman
You are fighting Roman Gladiators. '!ell the Druid reader to tum to
the Monster Thble on page 146 and run Encounter 102.
If you lose al~ your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win the battle, the Romans are furious. The crowd falls
deathly silent. Armed troops pour into the side entrances toward
you. You can't fight this mob! Just in time. you're able to activate
the energies of the sphere to get you back into the Forest of Lath.
Tum to page 52.

You move away from the path, determined to track down the
thief. With your magic abilities, you quickly discover that he isn't
really invisible, just amazingly adept! As you prepare to attack,
you realize that he hid your magic items before you found him and
there's no way that he'll tell you where they are. You have to forget
them, but you 're not going to let this thief steal from you again!
You must fight the Thief. Have the Druid reader tum to the Mon-
ster Thble on page 146 and run Monster Encounter 103.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you survive the battle. you pause to heal what damage you can.
Then y.ou go quickly to the entrance to the Inner Sanctuary. more
than ready to come to grips with the evil that waits there. Tum to
page 134.

This world is filled with wonders! You sense strong magical
power coming from that strange cat statue and those pyramids
you see in the distance. They are probably filled with treasure and
magical items you can use in your quest. Unfortunately. you also
sense magical guardians lying In wait for you!
The lure of the treasure is too strong to pass up. Now it's just a
choice of which guardian to fight.
-+ The magic of the pyramid is weaker, but then-so is the
guardian. You decide to play it safe and fight the Mummy.
Turn to page 141.
-+ The magic of the sphinx must be strong if it is guarded by
an Androsphinx! You decide to risk everything to obtain
it-even your life. Turn to page 126.


Moving up the hill toward the Inner Sanctuary, you find things
missing again ... and again! (Cross two more magic items from
your group's list.)
You sense that the invisible thief has gone into one of the caves
on the side of the hill. You start to head toward them when your
eye ts caught by the movement of large, dark forms in the brush
around the entrance to the Inner Sanctuary. You feel drawn
toward it. but if you head up the hill, the thief will be at your back.
-+ You decide to come to grips with the thief. Turn to page
-+ Determined not to be sidetracked, you head toward the
creatures at the entrance to Lath's Inner Sanctuary. Turn to
page 134.


Tull the Druid reader to turn to page 106 to play the game.
The knight wa~ betrayed and his equipment sabotaged before
the joust. Now the equipment lies before you. You must pick up
four undamaged things, then you'll be allowed to leave. Every
time you touch a sabotaged item, however, you take the damage
the knight took in his battle long ago.
Th play, tell the Druid reader to secretly select five items from the
pile illustrated. Each one he chooses will do 7 Hit Points of dam-

Now, the Wizard reader must choose items. If you picks one that
the Druid reader has selected, you takes 7 Hit Points of damage.
When you select four pieces of undamaged equipment, the game
is ended.

If you lose all your Hit Points, turn to page 144.

If you win the game, the Ghost allows you to leave with the knowl-
edge that in just a short while you must fight a huge Green
Dragon. Turn to page 48.

You are entering combat with a Giant Ape. Tull the Druid reader to
tum to the Monster Thble on page 146 and run Monster Encounter
If you lose all of your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win the battle. you gain two magic devices and are sent back
to the Forest of Lath.

Gloves of Missile Snaring: Putting on the gloves, you dis-

cover you have the power to grab any thrown or fired weapon
out of the air before it harms you. This applies to arrows. bolts,
darts. bullets. javelins. axes. hammers. and spears. They will
not work against magic missiles of any sort. Ape•s Magical
Heart: The next being in your group. including yourself. who
falls to 0 Hit Points will have 10 Hit Points restored to him. This
works only once and will go into effect automatically. You have
no control over it.

.-+If you have encountered the Gypsies. tum to page 56.

-+ If you have encountered the Bandits, tum to page 28.

The Inner Sanctuary of Lath's Grove is in sight. but your mental
preparation for the confrontation is interrupted as again a silent.
invisible thief steals something from your belongings. (Cross
another item from your group's list.) If this thievery continues.
you will have nothing to fight with by the time you reach the cen-
ter of the evil!
-+ With your goal in sight. you eagerly move on. ignoring the
invisible thief. Tum to page 105.
-+ You must put a stop to this! You move rapidly through the
forest after the thief. Tum to page 103.


No wonder it's lost! With creatures like this wandering around.

who would want to find it! Running for your life, you manage to
escape from the creature, then begin to search for the nearest exit!
Suddenly, you have a great idea. What if you could take one of
t hese monsters back to the Forest of Lath with you? It would be
risky. but it might be worth it to gain such a powerful ally.
-+ It isn't worth the risk. You settle for collecting some of the
magic of this place. then leave. Tum to page 125.
-+ One of those would make a great pet. You attempt to catch
a dinosaur. Tum to page 122.


You have agreed to fight a mystical battle between you and the
Earth Spirit. You are sure that a similar one must have occurred
between Archdruid Lath and the Earth Spirit for possession of the
Grove-and Lath lost!
Tull the Druid reader to tum to the Monster Thble on page 146 and
run Monster Encounter 111. Your allies cannot help you battle,
but at least you don't have to fight the animated form of Lath's
This is a mental battle. Your adversary has incredible mental
strengthof61 Hit Points. For every "X .. result you get on theCom-
ba,t Thble, you do 10 Hit Points of damage. All other results are a
miss. You cannot use spells or weapons of any kind.
At any time during the battle, you may skip one Combat Tum.in
order to use any healing devices.
You cannot retreat from this battle!
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win. tum to page 145.

You work to save the boy. After you both flee the place, the magi-
cal building sinks into the ground. You might have been trapped
and killed if you had gone in there!
After you rescue the boy. you discover he is a wizard. almost
equal to you in power. In return for saving his life. he offers you his
service for a year and a day.
Wizard Boy's Bit Points: 15
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11} (12) (13)
(14) (15)
You teach the boy four of your own spells. He learns them
instantly and can cast them any time from now on.
Spells: ·

You decide to return to the Forest of Lath. Turn to page 64. If you
have already faced the Drow. make a different choice and continue

You've won your way to a great treasure. If you could carry even
part of it with you. you would be wealthy for the rest of your life.
But. as you're sorting through the gold and the gems. you find
something truly valuable!

Amulet of Death: The Amulet reduces by half the Hit Points of

any single foe if a "2X" or "•" is scored on the Combat Tuble.
Round fractions down. The Amulet may be used twice. Its
magic is considered used whether it hits or not.

You return to the Forest of Lath. Tum to page 64. If you have
already faced the Drow. make a different choice and continue on.

Turn to page 116 to fight this battle.

You know you must do what you can to help the good Elves
against the Ores. Tull the Druid reader to tum to the Monster Th.ble
on page 146 and run Monster Encounter 116.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win the battle and drive off the surviving Ores. there's great
rejoicing among the Elves. In gratitude, their leader lends you his
best warrior to aid you in your quest while the remainder of the
Elves go after the Ores.
Elf Warrior's Hit Points: 15
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) .
The Elf Warrior does 7 Hit Points per successful Combat Tum.

Now that the battle is over, you investigate the wall of brambles
you see before you. With a new ally at your side, you move toward
it. Tum to page 40.


You and your allies rush to the attack, knowing it will be a battle
to the death ... with no retreat!
It's clear from the Earth Spirit's massive talons that its attacks
will be brutal physical ones. But it's the animated form of Lath
that is the real danger to you. It will fight with the spells of the late
Archdruid. You decide to attack the undead Druid first.
Tull the Druid reader to tum to the Monster Thble on page 146
and run Monster Encounter 117.
If you win the battle against Lath's undead form . you see it fall to
the ground as a pile of dust. With just a slight second for mourning
a bitter end to a great man. you attack the mighty Earth Spirtt.
If you lose all your hit points. tum to page 144.
If you win the battle. tum to page 145.

Most of the inhabitants of this doomed city have fled . You don't
plan to stay long. but you sense a magical presence here. The
ground is shaking. Buildings are falling all around you. You rush
toward the building where you feel the magical force. It is partially
You hear a cry. "Help! Please. help me! I'm trapped!"
There are probably thousands trapped here. You can't help
everyone that cries out! You are here to try and find whatever
magic you can.
You hear the cry again. The building starts to shake.
-+ You 're probably going to regret it, but you go inside to save
the trapped person. Tum to page 112.
-+ You rush in to get the magical object you are certain is
inside. Then you'll try and save the trapped person. Tum
to page 139.


You 're forced to activate the first of the Crystals of Change.

You find yourself in the body of a warrior named Beowulf. fight·
ing a fierce dragon that's been threatening his kingdom. All of
Beowulfs allies have left him, and he is near death. As your vital-
ity fills him. you're able to cast spells that defeat the dragon.
(Cross off all your fourth and fifth level spells.)
The energy of the Crystal heals you and all your surviving allies.
(All Hit Points restored.) But there is nothing you can do for the
brave warrior. Beowulf. You will be allowed to leave this world, but
first you are given a choice.
You may take a treasure from the dragon's horde. but that will
release a magical guardian. This guardian Is every bit as bad as
the dragon you just defeated and will terrorize the countryside.
-+ You take the treasure and are magically transported to the
Forest of Lath. After all. it's not your world. Tum to page
-+ You release the guardian and then fight it. Even though it
isn't your world. you feel you owe this much to the brave
hero. who died fighting evil. Tum to page 108.

You took a risk and now you 're paying for it!
You are being attacked by the Magical Guardian. Tull the Druid
reader to turn to the Monster Thble on page 146 and run
Encounter 120.
If you lose all of your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you win. you have the numberofCrystalsofSoothing remaining
after the battle.
You return to the forest of Lath. Turn to page 64. If you have
already faced the Drow. make a different choice and continue on.


You have to activate the Second Crystal. Unfortunately. this bat-

tle is worse than the one you left! You have floated Into the body of
an outlaw named Butch Cassidy. He and his friend. the Sundance
Kid. are holding off an entire army!
"Sundance," you say. "I know things look bad but I'm going to
get rid of these guys for you."
The Sundance Kid grins at you and says. "Sure. Butch. Just like
magic. huh?"
"Of course!" you say. and begin casting spells! (Cross off all of
your remaining second and third level spells.) The soldiers run.
away In panic at the sight of your magic. Unfortunately. Sundance
nearly does the same!
"Don't ask questions. Sundance," you tell him. "Let's ride!"
The magical powers of the Crystal heal you and your surviving
allies of all lost Hit Points. You also examine some strange things
you find yourself wearing. Sundance tells you they are "weap-
ons." He offers to show you how they work. then says you better
take a long rest! You've obviously been In one fight too many!
Tum to page 96.

After observing these huge monsters for several hours. you see
that all they do is eat and search for food and you easily develop a
plan for catching one. You know you will only have one chance,
however. Catching a smaller one, you use it as bait. When a big
one comes up to attack it, you cast one of your spells and place an
Amulet of Charming around its neck. (Cross off one spell.)

Gorgorsaurus: Your new pet has 15 Hit Points. It does 9 Hit

Points of damage per successful Combat Tum. It will fight in
one battle for you. then the Amulet loses its power. If the
Gorgorsaurus lives. it will be returned to this plane.

Pleased with your new pet. you return to the Forest of Lath. Tum
to page 64. If you have already faced the Drow, make a different
choice and continue on.


You have u sed the last Crystal to retreat. This time. you're
offered a choice. You must enter and fight in the body of a famous
hero. but you have no idea who any of them are. As the crystal
magically heals you and your surviving allies of all lost Hit Points.
you consider your choice and decide to become a:
-+Viking Chieftain. Tum to page 127.
-+Knight. Turn to page 129.
-+ Warrior of the Future. Tum to page 131.
-+Frontiersman. Turn to page 133.
-+ Wizard. Tum to page 135.

The battle rages for hours. You and your forces surge through
the castle. but you never find Morgan Le Fay. The battle against
her will have to wait for another time.
But you have freed the poor wretches she was holding prisoner
and you have helped Merlin by giving him several spells he didn't
know. In return, you receive a Pseudo-dragon, who agrees to be
your familiar! It will be some time before you can train the little
creature properly but, for now. you can use it to restore the next 10
Hit Points you lose in battle. Mark this on your Character Sheet.
You then send the Pseudo-dragon back to your home. and you
return to the Forest of Lath.
If you have faced the Green Dragon, tum to page 140.
If you have yet to meet the Green Dragon, tum to page 48.

You discover strange-looking crystals. You've read about these
In the Guild's library of Ancient Writings.

Crystals of Sooth ing: absorb damage and pain. Each crystal

will absorb a "2X" successful hit from an enemy. then it will
turn to dust. The damage will not affect either you or your
allies. But they are activated automatically and cannot be
saved. The very next "2X" hit that scores against your group
will cause the first crystal to activate.

There are fifteen crystals in the bowl. but a warning !able on the
side states: "Tuke more than five. and you will suffer the wrath of
the Magical Guardian of the Bowl!"
Should you risk it?
-+ "What the heck!" You grab the fifteen crystals and run.
Tum to page 120.
-+ "Thank you most kindly." You take only the five crystals
you are allowed. then leave for the forest of Lath. Tum to
page 64. If you have already faced the Drow. make a differ-
ent choice and continue on.

You have chosen to the fight the Androsphinx. Tull the Druid
reader to turn to the Monster Tuble on page 146 and run
Encounter 126.
If you lose all of your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win the battle, you discover great treasure.

Treasure of the Sphinx: Jar of Healing Ointment restores 11

Hit Points. Sphinx 's Dagger does 6 Hit Points of damage on a
successful hit when thrown at any flying creature. A Bow and 7
Magical Arrows-each arrow h its automatically and does 5 Hit
Points of damage. A Ring of Protection Against Spirits that
reduces damage by 3 Hit Points on every attack made by a
spirit from another plane.

Pleased with your treasure. you return to the Forest of Lath. Turn
to page 64. If you have already faced the Drow, make a different
choice and continue on.


Your spirit enters the body of a brave Viking Warrior. Leif Eric-
son. This chieftain has led his men to a new land across an ocean.
Here he has encountered a band of strange fighters who object to
his presence. Until your coming. things looked bad for the
Vikings! They were badly outnumbered. But your spells are able
to drive their attackers. (Cross off one second or third level spell.)
In return for your help. you are given a reward. You can now use
a bow and a throwing axe in battle. If you come across s uch weap-
ons. you can use them instead of spells. Your spirit leaves Leifs
body. and you are sent back to the Forest of Lath.
If you have faced the Green Dragon. turn to page 140.
If you have yet to meet the Green Dragon. tum to page 48.


Moving as quickly as you can through the gloom, you are

ambushed by horrible, strange creatures that appear from
nowhere. They slash at you with swords already dripping blood
and gore!
You must fight the Githzerai. Have the Druid reader turn to the
Monster Th.ble on page 146 and run Monster Encounter 128.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you survive the battle in the dusk. you realize that darkness is
almost upon you. You know you can't move safely i.n the night.
and, besides. you must rest. You take what precautions you can,
then sleep.
When you wake at dawn, you discover that you and your allies
have regained all the spells you started the quest with. But some
time during the night, one of your allies vanished. (Cross off one
ally. If you were alone to start with, then you notice nothing when
you waken.)
All you can do is go on, determined that if you are given the
chance to take Lath's protection again. you won' t refuse it. Tum to
page 136.


You enter the body of a brave knight. Ivanhoe. He Is fighting evil

knights and losing. Your magic spells save his life. His enemies flee
in fear. (Cross off two spells.)
In return for saving Ivanhoe. you are given the ability to use a
crossbow and a shield and still retain your spellcasttng powers.
You are sent back to the Forest of Lath.
If you have faced the Green Dragon. tum to page 140.
If you have yet to meet the Green Dragon. tum to page 48.

The cleared shrine fills yqu with a great sense of protection and
peace. You can almost feel Lath's spirit guarding you.
You sleep undisturbed and wake in the morning to find that you
have all the spells you started the quest with. (You and your allies
may use any spell you had at the beginning.) You take time to heal
any one who can benefit from it.
Then. feeling refreshed and confident. you once again head
toward the center of Lath's Grove and the Inner Sanctuary. Turn to
page 136.


You enter the body of a space warrior of the future! He is battling

horrible aliens sent by an evil spacelord to defeat the Earth. The
Ranger was losing until you used your magical powers to drive off
the aliens. (Cr-oss off two spells.)
As a reward for saving the Space Ranger. you are given a Psy·
chic Energy Rifle. It uses the power of the mind for energy. It's a
complicated weapon that will take you a long time to learn how to
use fully. But. for now. it does 5 Hit Points of damage every Com-
bat Tum and hits automatically. It must be used instead of any
other attack. however.
You are sent back to the Forest of Lath.
If you have faced the Green Dragon. turn to page 140.
If you have yet to n:ieet the Green Dragon. tum to page 48.


Going around the 'Iree Warriors proves to be costly. Just as you

are about to enter the Second Cirele. you 're attacked by another of
the first-circle guardians. Bird Warriors swoop down and strike!
You must now fight Bird Warriors. Tull the Druid Reader to tum to
the Monster Thble on page 146 and run Encounter 132.
If you lose all your Hit Points, tum to page 144.
If you survive, you move toward the gate leading into the Second
Circle of Lath's Grove. Tum to page 138.


You enter the body of the great frontiersman-Davy Crockett. He

ls In a life and death struggle with two wounded bears. Your magic
spells easily drive the bears away. (Cross off two spells.) You have
saved Davy's life and. in reward, you are given the ability to use a
bow or hand axe in battle instead of spells.
You are sent back to the Forest of Lath.
If you have faced the Green Dragon, tum to page 140.
If you have yet to meet the Green Dragon. tum to page 48.

Arriving at the entrance to the Inner Sanctuary of Lath, you dis-
cover that the area is shrouded in a strange. green mist. Suddenly
you hear a deep voice.
"You have done well, Wizard, but one more foe stands between
you and me.''
The green mist parts. and you see the Druid and all his allies
appear before you!
"You must battle each other for the right to face me-as you both
knew when you started this quest."
You must now fight the Druid. Tull the Druid reader to turn to page
118. He has been magically transported to the Inner Sanctuary of
Lath to face you in final combat. Remember, however. that this Is
not a fight to the death. Both of you want the rich ransom that has
been promised by both your guilds. Therefore, your spells and
weapons will be used to subdue each other. When either you or
your opponent or any allies reach 0 Hit Points. they will be consid-
ered to have fallen victim to the enemy and will be bound and held
under guard. Neither side may retreat from this battle.
If you lose all your Hit Points. you are now being held prisoner by
the Druids. Your rival, Renwood, has won the dubious honor of fac-
ing the final evil within the Grove. This ends the game for your
character. However. since you will take the part of the unknown
evil forces Renwood must face. be prepared to run the final
If you survive the battle. you turn the Druid and his allies over to
the Druid's Guild. In return. you receive the following treasure.

DRUID'S RANSOM: 2 Jars of Healing Ointment that restore

15 Hit Points each. Scroll of Wizard Spells contains the fol-
lowing: Magic Missile does 10 Hit Points of damage automati-
cally. Web prevents all enemies from fighting for one Combat
Turn. Fireball does 14 Hit Points of damage. may only be used
once even if It misses. Potion of Giant Strength doubles dam-
' 1 age caused by one ally during one battle for all successful

You must now face the evil that has taken over Lath's Grove. Turn
.t o page 98.


You're in the body of the greatest wizard who ever lived-Merlin!

You were able to free him from a crystal cave prison in time to go to
the side of the dying Arthur. You are grieved at the sight and, after
summoning a magical ship to take Arthur to a special land, you
decide to avenge yourself on Morgan Le Fay-the evil wizardess
who brought about Arthur's death.
Magically teleporting yourself to Morgan Le Fay's castle. you:
-+ use the memories of Merlin fo descend into the dungeons
and free the prisoners there to aid you in the battle. even
though it means Morgan Le Fay may have time to escape.
Tum to page 124.
-+attack immediately. Tum to page 137.

Moving on in the growing light. you are kept from entering the
Third Circle by a wall of thorns. You gasp with relief as you realize
that they're Fire Thoms. These thorns are a protection created by
Lath, not a product of the evil that now inhabits the Grove.
You can get through the Thoms without harm if you cast a
magic spell on them. Cross off one magic spell. then tum directly
to page 97.
If you don't want to use up a spell. you must take three Fire
Thom attacks. (The Druid reader strikes at you three times. with a
normal hit doing 4 Hit Points of flame damage.)
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you survive. you continue on into the Third Circle of the Grove.
Tum to page 97.

The battle rages between you and Morgan Le Fay for a long time.
You're able .to help defeat her. however. with several spells that
were not in Merlin's mind. (Cross off two spells.) Eventually. the
wizardess. knowing that she is certain to lose. teleports herself out
of the castle. You have saved Merlin and, in return, you are given
several of his spells. (Copy these onto your Character Sheet.)
Fourth Level Spells:
Shout- the magic-user screams in such a terrifying manner
that your enemies are deafened. It will stop all living ene-
mies from fighting for two Combat Turns. It will not work
against spirits. liches. etc.
Stoneskin- the magic-user and all allies will be immune
from nonmagical weapons and claws for two Combat
Fifth Level Spell:
Sending:-you can use this to summon Wardenson the War-
rior to help you at any time. He has 20 Hit Points and
strikes for 8 Hit Points of damage per successful Combat
You are sent back to the Forest of Lath.
·If you have faced the Green Dragon. turn to page 140.
If you have yet to.meet the Green Dragon. tum to page 48.

You see the huge, evil creature blocking your way and know you
have no alternative-you must fight!
Have the Druid reader tum to the Monster Thble on page 146 and
run Monster Encounter 138.
If you lose all your Hit Points, tum to page 144.
If you survive the combat. you discover a small vial on the ground
in the gateway.

IPotion of Healing: restores 6 Hit Points.

You walk through the gate into the Second Circle of the Grove.
Tum to page 95.

You rush into the building. only to find that the magical pres-
ence you sensed was yourselfl Or an illusion of yourself at any
rate. Suddenly you realize you made a mistake. You should have
tried to save the trapped person. But you cannot escape without
battling yourself first!
You must fight an illusion of yourself. Tull the Druid reader to turn
to the Monster Tu.ble and run Monster Encounter 139.
If you lose all of your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
Ifyou survive. the building tumbles down around you. You have to
escape to the Forest of Lath or die. Tum to page 64. If you have
already faced the Drow. make a different choice and continue on.


You are finally here. You've been struggling a long time, and
much has happened-things both frightening and encouraging-
but you 're only now nearing the center of the evil that has spread
through the forest. If it's been tough up to now, it can only be more
difficult as you enter the Archdruid's Grove itself. You know that
somewhere in here you'll meet the Druid who has come to collect
Lath's magic. And he won't willingly give it up!
You look over all your weapons and magic items, as well as those
of your remaining allies. You take time to heal whatever damage
you can so that you'll all start in the best shape possible. But even
so, you know that death awaits some of you ... perhaps even you
With a grim smile on your lips, you use your magic to part the
thorny wall that surrounds the First Circle of Archdruid Lath's
Cross off a magic spell and turn to page 93.


You have chosen to fight the Mummies. Tull the Druid reader to
turn to the Monster Thble on page 146 and run Encounter 141.
If you lose all of your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you win the battle. you enter the Tumb of the Ancient Pharaoh.
Turn to page 113.

You stand over the last dying Drow. He opens his eyes and stares to
the west. "The Green Servant will avenge us," he murmurs. And
then he dies. You have no idea who or what the "Green Servant" is,
but you have an uneasy feeling that you may find out.
Pondering the ominous words of the Drow, you deliberately
choose to go west. in the direction the dying Elf was looking when
he spoke his curse. Tum to page 48.


The Elf Warrior. knowing the kinds of things that would be useful
to finishing your quest. helps you explore the Dragon's treasure.
Pleased at what you find. you pick out a number of special items.
knowing that you will be back later to get the remainder.

Dragon's Treasure: 2 Chalices of Healing Potion: restores 17

Hit Points per chalice. Bracers ofDefense: prevents 4 Hit Points
of damage from hitting your group with every successful
enemy strike. 2 Wizard Spell Scrolls: two Death Ray spells,
each does 20 Hit Points of damage and hits automatically.

With these great treasures and your new-found ally, you feel confi-
dent as you start back up the path. checking out your weapons
and readying yourself for the battle to come .... But as you move
closer to the First Circle of Lath's evil-inhabited Grove, your
doubts reawaken.
Turn to page 140.

You've lost. and now you face a fate worse than death. These
creatures.are going to see you as a slave! There is nothing you can
do now. Weak and wounded, you have lost your magical abilities.
They have taken your spell components and burned your scrolls.
Hopefully. you will regain some of your power and be able to try to
escape. But you're afraid'it will be a long time. Life is very hard.

Start Over

You've won!
Your name will be ranked among the list of famous wizards. You
have banished the evil from the Forest of Lath, and now you will
gain great wealth. But it is even more satisfying to see the light and
healing warmth begin to spread throughout the forest. It will be a
long time before evil tries again to come into these woods. It's
worth all the danger and risk you faced.
The Wizard's Guild has released the Druid In return for the ran-
som. He has taken his defeat honorably, especially since the Guild
promised him he could set up a new Druid's sanctuary in the for-
est in memory of the great Archdruid who lost his life there.

Start Over


This section lists the encounters that the Druid will face during
the .a dventure. The Wizard reader uses these Monster Encounters
to play the part of the monster the Druid faces. Each numbered
encounter shows how many Hit Points the monster has. keeps
track of those numbers during combat, and tells how much dam-
age the monster does to the Druid and his party. A monster "dies"
when it loses all its Hit Points. A monster cannot retreat. Feel free
to be dramatic in playing the role of the monster!
•21 - Witch's Hit Points in Hut: 36
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
The Witch's energy bolts do 9 Hit Points of damage. The Witch
attacks first and continues to attack first.
•25 - 4 Fire Giants: 14 Hit Points each
•1 - (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
(13) (14)
•2 - (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
(13) °(14)
•3 - c1> c2> (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
(13) (14)
•4 - (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
(13) (14)
Each of the four Giants does 9 Hit Points of damage. Roht the Ham-
mer Warrior kills one Giant every Combat Tum and never misses.
•26 - Drow Elves• collective Hit Points: 48
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
(36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)
(47) (48)
The three male Drow Elves attack separately with swords. doing 5
Hit Points of damage. The female attacks with a small crossbow
that fires magical bolts. putting an ally of the Druid's asleep for the
rest of the battle with a "2X" or ..... result. A "X" result does 2 Hit
Points of damage.

•27 -Giant• and Hell Hound•
7 Fire Glanta: 14 Hlt Point• each
•1 - (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
(13) (14)
•2 - (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
(13) (14)
•s - Cl) (2) cs> (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) c10) (11) (12)
(13) (14)
•4 - ( 1) (2) (3 ) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9 ) (10) (11) (12)
(13) (14)
•5 - c1> c2> cs > (4) (5) (6) (7) C8> (9) c10) c11) c12>
(13) (14)
•6 - (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9 ) (10) (11) (12)
(13) (14)
•7 - (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
(13) (14)
The Giants do 9 Hit Points of damage. Roht fights the Giants while
the Druid's group fights the Hounds. Roht kills one Giant automat-
ically every round. without missing. Only one Giant (plus the 5
Hell Hounds) strikes at the Druid's group durtng a Combat Tum.
5 Hell Hounds: 5 Hlt Pointe each
• 1 - (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
•2 - (1) (2) (S) (4) (5)
•s - (1) (2) cs> (4) (5)
•4 - (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
•5 - Cl) (2) cs> (4) (5)
The Hell Hounds collectively do 5 Hit Points of damage.

•so- Orce' collective Hit Points: 29

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6 ) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
{14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29)
Collectively. the Ores do 8 Hit Points of damage.
•31. Zombie Warrior's Hlt Points: 22
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
The creature's magical weapon does 11 Hit Points of damage per
successful Combat Tum.

•34 - Red Dragon'• Bit Points: 40
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
(36) (37) (38) (39) (40)
The Dragon does 15 Hit Points of damage. but it hits only on a
"2X" result. Robt's Hammer does 15 Hit Poin ts of damage and
never m isses.
•35 - Drow Wizard•' Bit Points: 38
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
(36) (37) (38)
The Drow Wizards and Wizardesses fight collectively with spells.
each s pell doing 5 Hit Points of damage.
•36 - Unicorn Warrior's Bit Points: 43
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
(36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43)
The Warrior does 10 Hit Poin ts of dam age.
•39 - Guardian Skeleton's Bit Points: 19
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
The Skeleton does 8 Hit Points of damage.
•40 - Thorn Monaters' Hit Points: 38
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
(36) (37) (38)
Th e Thom Mon sters collectively do 9 Hit Points of damage.

•42 - Ogres' Bit Points: 33
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33)
The Ogres hit collectively for 11 Hit Points of damage. 'Treat the
"2X" result as an "X".

•45 - Medusa's Hit Points: 22

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
The Medusa is trying to tum the Druid to stone. If the Druid gets a
"2X" result. use the Combat Tuble again. If an "X" or a "2X" is
obtained, the Druid or an ally is turned to stone. The battle con-
tinues until they are all stone or the Medusa loses all her Hit

•46 - Giant Snake's Hit Points: 34

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)
The Snake does 5 Hit Points of damage. neat all "• .. results for the
Snake as "2X" for this battle only.

•51 - Vampiress's Bit Points: 32

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32)
The Vampiress does 9 Hit Points of damage.
•54 -Wolfman'• Hit Points: 37
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
(36) (37)
The Wolfman bites for 5 Hit Points of damage. Ift~e Wolfman gets
a "•" result. an ally of the Druid is turned into a Wolf. Only the
Druid is resistant to this attack. These newly changed Wolves will
not take part in the battle. Tull the Druid reader that he must tell
you who is taking the damage so that you can announce who has
been turned Into a Wolf slave.
3 Wol•es' collecti•e Bit Points: 9
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
The Wolves bite collectively for 5 Hit Points of damage.

•58 ·Giant Spiders• Bit Points: 32
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (28) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32)
The Spiders bite collectively for 9 Hit Points of damage. On a " • "
result for the Spiders. run Combat again and If another "•"
results. one of the Druid's allies is webbed for the rest of the battle.
The Druid cannot be webbed in such a manner.
•so· Vargoullle's Bit Points: 19
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19)
The Vargouille does 4 Hit Points of damage. After the Druid's party
takes the first strike. tell them that the Vargouille's damage cannot
be healed by any means.
•69 • Phantom Stallter•s Bit Points: 20
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)
The Stalker is especially magical. With every "2X" or"•" result. it
strips one unused spell from the Druid's group's list of spells.
When the spells are all gone. it will do 11 Hit Points of damage per
successful strike.
•70 ·Drow Warriors' Hit Points: 41
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
(36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41)
Each of the 5 Drow Warriors gets an attack for 6 Hit Points of dam-
•71 ·Green Dragon's Bit Points: 34
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)
The Dragon's claws and bite do 11 Hit Points of damage.
•72 ·Zombie Warriors• Bit Points: 32
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) {11) (12) {13)
{14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32)
Zombies strike for 4 Hit Points of damage.

•74-Da.De Stalker'• Blt Poiata: 20
(I) (2) (S) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (IS)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)
The Dune Stalker does 8 Hit Points of sonic damage.
•77 - Elf Warrior'• Hit Poiats: 29
(I) (2) (S) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (2S) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29)
The Elfs sword does 6 Hit Points of damage.
•79 - Fighters and Wlzardess
2 Fighters• collective Hit Poiats: 22
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (lS)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
The Fighters collectively do 7 Hit Points of damage.
Wlzardess's Blt Poiats: 19
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (IS)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
The Wizardess does 4 Hit Points of damage but never misses.
•so - Zombie Trees• Bit Poiats: 42
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (2S) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (SO) (Sl) (S2) (S3) (34) (35)
(36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42)
The 'Irees collectively do 9 Hit Points of damage.
•90-Pyrohyd ra's Hit Poiats: 35
(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
The Pyrohydra has five heads. each doing 3 Hit Points of damage
by fire . The creature gets one attack, and if it is successful. each
head breathes fire. Every 7 Hit Points of damage done by the Druid
and his allies put another head out ofaction so that it can no longer
breathe fire.

•91 • Witch•• Bit Pointe out of the But: 21
(1) (2) (S) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
The Witch won't be able to attack on her first Combat Tum
because she ls so surprised. Bu t after that her energy bolts strike
for 6 Hit Points of damage.
•92 ·Tree Warrior•• Bit Pointe: 25
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
The 1\"ee Warrior strikes for 5 Hit Poin ts of damage.
•95 • Foe Giant'• Bit Pointe: 22
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
The Fog Giant does 9 Hit Points of damage with his huge sword .
•97 • Llzardm.ea'• collective Bit Pointe: 25
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
T he Llzardmen collectively do 8 Hit Points of damage.
• 102 - Orea• and Ogre'• collective Bit Points: 22
(1) (2) (S) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
T he Ore band's collective damage is 7 Hit Poin ts.
• 103 - Llzardm.ea's collective Bit Points: 29
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (28) (27) (28) (29)
T he Llzardmen group collectively does 13 Hit Points of damage.
• 104 - Cloud Giant and Spotted Lloa
Cloud Giant'• Bit Points: 20
(1) (2) (S) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) (20)
The Cloud Giant does 10 Hit Poin ts of damage.
Spotted Lion'• Bit Pointe: 8
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8)
The Spotted Lion does 2 Hit Points of damage.
• 10~ • Wl&ard and Warriors
Wl&ard'a Bit Pointa: 19
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
The Wizard does 5 Hit Points of damage.
Ttro Warrior•' collectiYe Bit Pointa: 20
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)
Collectlvely they do 6 Hit Points of damage.

Special Combat Material: use only lf the Druid tella you to.
The Druid ls fighting a Wizard with a magical green power
which he can choose to use twice during battle instead of
attacking. At each time that you. acting for this Wizard. choose
to use it. you run Combat to see if a "2X" or a"•·· result occurs.
If it does. tell the Druid to tum to page 131. If it doesn •t. normal
combat continues.

• 110 • Dwarf's Hit Points: 24

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
The Dwarfs axe does 10 Hit Points of damage.

• 112 • Githzeral's Hit Points: 22

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
The Githzerai strike for 6 Hit Points of damage. They are so resist-
ant to magic that only a "2X" result from a spell attack will affect
#113 ·Floating Sword's Hit Points: 15.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15)
The Sword does 10 Hit Points of damage.
• 114 · Ore fioop's collective Hit Points: 22
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
The Ore's collectively do 6 Hit Points of damage.

"117 - Llghbllng Creature'• Bit Pointe: 15
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15)
The Creature does 11 Hit Points of damage.
"122 - Giant nro-headed 'holl'a Bit Points: 30
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)
The lroll does 10 Hit Points of damage.
"125-Firat Warrior'• Bit Points: 9
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
The Warrior does 2 Hit Points of damage.
"128 -The Final Battle
Earth Spirit'• Bit Points: 61
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
(36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)
(47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57)
(58) (59) (60) (61)
The Earth Spirit's clublike talons do 14 Hit Points of damage.
Lath's Bit Points: 35
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
Lath's undead body uses one of the following magical spells each
Combat Tum. lfit does n ot hit, it does no damage. but it is not reµs-
Sky L ightning: does 20 Hit Points of electrical damage.
Black Root: poisonous mist does 19 Hit Points of damage.
Death Bark: does 18 Hit Points of cutting damage.
Earth Command: does 17 Hit Points of shock damage.
Rock Shower: does 16 Hit Points of blast damage.
'free Shatter: does 15 Hit Points of shattering damage.
Darts of Pain: does 14 Hit Points of energy damage.
Swirling Fog: does 13 Hit Points of poison damage.
Earth Fire: does 12 Hit Points of bum damage to each enemy in
the group.
Stone Darts: does 11 Hit Points of impact damage to each enemy
in the group.

"135 ·Bandit•' collectl•e Bit Pointe: 39
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) ( 13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
(36) (37) (38) (39)
T he Bandits do 15 Hit Poin ts of damage.
"138 ·Thief's Bit Points: 31
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (28) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31)
The Thief does 4 Hit Points of damage, except on a "2X" result
wh en he does 12 Hit Points for t his battle only.
"139 · Ogre's Hit Points: 13
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
The Ogre does 5 Hit Points of damage.
"141 ·Bird Warriors' Bit Points: 35
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (28) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
The Bird Warriors strike collectively for 9 Hit Points of damage.
"143 ·Earth Spirit's Bit Points: 61
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (28) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
(36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (48)
(47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (58) (57)
(58) (59) (80) (81) .
For every "X" result the Druid gets on the Combat Thble, he does
10 Hit Points of damage. All other results are a miss. For every
"2X" or " • " result the Earth Spirit gets, it does 8 Hit Points of
damage, ignoring all oth er results.

by James M. Ward

The ONE-ON-ONE Gamebooks are self-

contained role-playing games for two people.
Each player becomes the central character in one
of the two books. Each book portrays the adventure,
step by step, as the two characters stalk eac.h other
through a dangerous environment until they reach
the final combatf
Play anytime!
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You are the vengeful red dragon or the marauding black
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Suggested retail price: $5.95. Available at
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ONE-ON-ONE and 1he ONE-ON-ONE logoatt trademarks owned by TSR. Inc.
o 1985 by TSR. Inc. All Rights R~rved.
( 1) You discover a hidden coffer of glowing gems during the course
of the battle. The gems' brilliance blinds your enemies. All miss
the next Combat Tum.
(2) A spell you cast backfires and does 6 Hit Points to your group
this Combat Tum.
(3) A magic lance hurtles out of the trees, striking your enemies for
3 Hit Points of damage this Combat Tum.
(4) An ancient trap is sprung and catches all of your enemies. pre-
venting them from striking your group on their next Combat Tum.
(5) You trip and fall into a bubbling brook and miss this Combat
Tum. But the fresh water fills you with new strength, restoring 5
lost Hit Points.
(6) You find a part of the Forest that is still under the late Arch-
druid 's protection. It stops all the magical attacks of any enemy.
except the Druid for the next Combat Tum.
(7) Evil insects swarm out of a nearby bush, biting you and your
allies. The terrible itching that results causes all of you to miss
your attacks this Combat Turn.
(8) Earthquake! The ground splits apart. Falling trees land
between you and your enemy. Only missile weapons and magic
spells will work the next 1\vo Combat Turns.
(9) A wild boar crashes out of the forest and blunders into you.
breaking your concentration and causing you to miss this turn. It
also does 3 Hit Points of damage to you alone.
(10) Your enemy slips in a puddle of green slime and takes 6 Hit
Points of damage t his Combat Turn.
(11) You stumble across the tomb of another wizard who died here
centuries ago. If you win this battle. you will find a scroll of two
Fireball spells that do 8 Hit Points of damage each per successful
hit. They are used up if they hit or not. If you retreat. you do not get
(12) The One-Eyed Wanderer takes a personal interest in this bat-
tle. The next spell you cast will do double the normal damage.
(13) The thorns of the forest reach out and grab you. You struggle
to free yourself and cannot strike this Combat Turn.
(14) You and any allies with you are filed with battle rage. Every-
one using physical attacks hits automatically this Combat Turn.
doing double damage.

(15) You suddenly realize you're not as young as you thought you
were. Exhausted. you must sit down and rest. You miss this Com-
bat Tum and the next.
(16) A Potion of Healing appears magically in your hand. restoring
9 lost Hit Points.
(17) An evil lree Spirit rises up before you. doing 7 Hit Points of
damage to everyone In your group and causing everyone to miss
this Combat Tum.
(18) The Forest erupts In a magical explosion offorce that has been
hidden for years. You're the first of both groups to recover this
Combat ·Tum. You score an automatic hit.
(19) An undead warrior rises from the ground and joins the side of
your enemies. It has 7 Hit Points and strikes for 5 Hit Points of
damage per successful Combat Tum.
(20) You receive a telepathic message from the Head of the Wiz-
ards· Guild, causing you to miss this Combat Tum as you llsten,
but you do double damage with your next physical attack.

Use this bookmark to keep your place when you are engaged In
combat or other encounters. Retreat pages and "Specials" pages
are repeated here for easy reference.
When a "•" comes up in combat. use the following guide to find
out the number of your "Special".
If you are on pages:
21-99-Use the last cllglt with 0 being 10.
101-120-Use the last two cllglts.
121-160-Use the last cllglt with 0 being 20.
Use the following table to determine your "Retreat Page."
(1) (2) (3)
First Retreat. tum to page 132.
Second Retreat, tum to page 136.
Third Retreat. turn to page 140.
(1) (2) (3)
First Retreat. Tum to page 119.
Second Retreat. Tum to page 121.
Third Retreat. Tum to page 123.
YES, I want to join the adventure! Rush me a Enclose check or money
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x x x 0 x 0
• 2X 0
x . xx
0 0 0 x x 0
. x 0 0 x 0 x
.x 0 x . 2X 0 2X x 0
0 0 X 2X 0 2X
x 0 0 x
0 0 x 0 . 0 2X x
0 0 0 0
x x x x
0 0
x . x 0 0
0 • 2X 0
X 2X 0 .
2X 0 0 0 0 x x x x
x x . 0 x x x 0 x 0
0 2X2X X 0
0 0
0 • 2X X 0 2X X x .x0 0 0 0 0 0
x x 0 0 x x 0 0 x x x x 0 0
x 0 x 0 x x 0 2X 0 .
2X 2X
x x 0 2X
x 0 x x . x . x
0 0 0
x 0 X 2X 0 2X 0 x 0 0
x x x x x x x x . . 2X 2X 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 x x 0 x 0 x 0 X 2X x 0 x . x
x 0 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x . 2X 2X 0
x .
0 0
0 X 2X • 2X • 0 0 x 0 x 0 x x x x
0 0 0 0 0 x X 2X 2X 0 0 0 x 0 x 0
' 2X 2X 0 0 x x 0 0 x 0 x 0 . x 0 x
x 0 x 0 x 0 0 0 0 x 0 x X 2X 0 . 2X .
x x 2X X x 0 0 x

You are the druid, Renwood. The Council of Druids has selected
you to undertake a perilous quest. One of their greatest members,
Lath, the Archdruid, went into his forest ten years ago and was
· never heard from again. Since then, a great evil has filled Lath's
Forest. Secret information recently obtained leads the Druid's
Guild to fear that Lath tried to summon a powerful Earth Spirit
and his experiment went awry.
You have been asked to enter the evil Forest and restore the bal·
ance of good and evil that should exist there. It would be a difficult
task in itself, but the Druids have received news that the Wizard's
Guild is going to try and claim the Sanctuary in an attempt to gain
the magical power there. They have sent one of their own to beat
you to it. You will have to fight this wizard, that is unavoidable. But
you have been instructed not to kill him. The Guild wants you to
capture him and hold him for ransom. forcing the Wi.zards to give
up many valuable druidic objects they have gained over the years.
Before you go, you are able to summon two allies to help you in
this quest. Soral the Swanmay is a good and faithful friend. She
loves the forest as much as you do and grieves to see the evil
within it. The Buckawn is also a loyal ally. who serves you out of
respect and admiration. With their help, you hope to reach the
Inner Sanctuary of Lath's Grove-alive!
Prepare to enter the deadly Forest of.Lath!

For Those Who Have Played One-On-One"' Games before. it
will not be necessary to read through the rules again. Please note
the following important changes:
Map: The evil in the forest has prevented the making of an accu-
rate map. You have no map in this adventure.
Combat: Since this adventure is for high-level players, we have
made the combat more difficult. No longer will you be given the
number of an enemy's Hit Points. This information will be availa-
ble only to your opponent and can be found at the back of his book.
Since this will make it more difficult for you to tell how you are
doing against an enemy, we advise that yon and your opponent
give descriptive information about your status during a battle.
'Inace: You can capture your opponent In this adventure and hold
him for ransom. If you two meet before you reach the end, there-
fore, you should call a truce, Your final confrontation will take
place if you both survive and meet in the Inner Santuary. The
rivalry between the two of you is too great for you to work together.
Retreat Option: Read the new Retreat Option, page 8.
Objectives: Read these on page 5.


A Druid

ONf.ON.ONflll Adventure Gamebook



o Copyright 1985, TSR, Inc.
All RJghta ReaerYed.

This book Is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of
·America. Any reproducuon or other unauthorized use of the material
or artwork contained herein Is prohibited without the express written
permission ofTSR. Inc.
Distributed to the book trade In the United States by Random House,
Inc .. and In Canada by Random House of Canada. Ltd.
Distributed In the United KJngdom by TSR UK. Ltd. Distributed to the
toy and hobby trade by regional distributors.
IMAGINATION. and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
D&D Is a registered trademark owned by TSR. Inc.
First printing: November. 1985
Printed In the United States of Amertca
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 85-51050
ISBN: 0-88038-187~
9 '87654321
All characters In this book are ficttUous. Any resemblance to actual per·
sons. living or dead. Is purely coincidental.
TSR. Inc. TSR UK, Ltd.
P.O. Box 756 The Mill, Rathmore Road
Lake Geneva. WI 53147 Cambrtdge CBl 4AD
United KJngdom
Object of the Game: You have two objectives this Game. The pri-
mary objective is to reach the Inner Sanctuary of Lath's Grove and
destroy the evil that has taken control of the Forest. Th do this, you
must win your way through several Circles of Protection that
guard the Inner Sanctuary. Your second objective ·is to find your
rival, capture him. and hold him for ransom. Before you face him
in final contest, it will be to your advantage to gain as many magi-
cal objects as you can acquire. Therefore. you may want to call a
truce should you both meet before the end of the quest.
Allie s: You have allies that will help you fight your enemies. Char·
acter Sheets describe your allies and their skills. Since your allies
help you in battle. Hit Point damage may be divided up between
you and any allies with you. (See Combat Turn.)
Area Movement: Start with "The Adventure Begins" on page 19.
The text indicates the first areas you can reach from your starting
point. You move from one area to another by turning to the pages
given in the text. .
Movement Turn: You go first. Read the "Adventure Begins" and
select the area to visit. making a note of the page number. That
ends your turn. It is now your opponent's tum to start his adven-
ture. He decides where he wants to go and makes a note of the
page number. That ends his tum. On your next tum, go to the
page number you selected and follow the instructions. Tums alter·
nate until one of you wins.
When you encounter an enemy and decide to fight. resolve the
combat during that Movement Turn. You can then decide where to
go next. but do not read further until it is your turn again.
Communication: You must tell your opponent what area you are
moving into. You do not have to reveal what is happening to you in
that area unless you are fighting monsters or you are instructed to
tell. It is wise to keep information about treasure or traps secret!

Combat: Occurs whenever you attack or are attacked by a mon·
ster or another character in the Forest of Lath. All combat
encounters follow the same sequence of events, except where
changes are indicated in the text.
Attacker and Defender: One of you is the Attacker and the other
is the Defender. This changes from Combat Tum to Combat Tum
in all battles in order to give each player a fair chance to score
against the other.
The Attacker is the first character to strike. The Defender is the
character reacting to the attack. You and your allies will be the
attacker in most combat situations. The only exception is when an
enemy catches you by surprise. This will be indicated in the text.
When you fight monsters, the other reader plays the part of the
monster. For example, the Druid must fight a Giant Spider. The
Wizard reader plays the part of the Spider, giving the Spider's ran-
dom numbers and recording damage. The Druid takes the mon·
ster's part when the Wizard fights. A "Monster Tuble" starting on
page 147 lists all monsters your opponent is likely to encounter,
their Hit Points and damage.
The Attacker chooses a number at random from between l and 20
and calls it out (without looking at the COMBAT TABLE). The ·
Defender also calls out a random number (without looking at the
COMBAT TABLE). Now refer to the COMBAT TABLE on the back
cover of the book. The Attacker reads the numbers down the left
side of the table, while the Defender reads the numbers across the
top. Find your number and scan across the table until you reach
the row of the number your opponent called out. This gives you
the result of your actions.
Example: You (Attacker) call out 5. Your opponent calls out 15. You
find 5 on the left-hand side of the table. Staying in your row, scan
across the table until you are below the number 15 at the top of the
table. The Defender finds the number 15 and, staying in his
column. scans down until he is across from the number 5 . This is a
"X" hit for the Attacker. Next Combat Tum. you become the
Defender and read the numbers across the top. Your opponent
becomes the Attacker.

X - Hit. A hit is recorded for the Attacker. The Attacker tells the
Defender how many Hit Points of damage the Defender loses from
the Attacker's weapon or spell. (Refer to Character Sheet and Mon-
ster Thble for Damage and Hit Points.)
0 - Miss. A ~iss means that the Attacker did not cause damage
this Combat Turn.
2X • Double Hit. A double hit ls· recorded for the Attacker. The
defender loses double the number of Hit Points this turn.
"• •• = "Special." This allows the Attacker to turn to his "Specials"
on page 157. The "Specials.. simulate some of the unexpected
things that can happen in a combat situation. The page number
you are reading determines the number of the "Special." (See
Tuble below.) If you encounter more than one "Special.. during a
single Combat Turn, use the next consecutive page number. The
"Specials" Tuble is repeated on the bookmark at the end of the
"Specials.. 'Iable
21-99-Use the last digit with 0 being 10.
101-120-Use the last two digits.
121-160-Use the last digit with 0 being 20.
The Druid and the Wizard are the only two who may use "Spe-
cials" in combat situations. When running combat for allies or
monsters, record a "• .. as a miss unless the text tells you other-
Spells in Combat. You and other magic-users have the ability to
cast spells during combat. Tull your opponent you are cas~ng a
spell this Combat Turn and which spell you are using.
Choose random numbers as usual. Ifan "X" or "2X" is scored, the
spell is successful and must be crossed off your list unless the text
indicates it may be used more than once. If the Combat Thble
records a miss, the spell can be used again until a hit is scored
(unless the text states otherwise). If you get a"• .. result. you must
refer to the "Special" table and your spell will be considered used.
Spells never do double damage. 'Ireat all "2X" as "X".

If you and any comrades with you have taken a great deal of dam-
age from opponents, you can retreat from battle on your attack
tum. Th retreat, tell your opponent(s) that you're retreating
instead of attacking this Combat Tum. You then determine the
"retreat page" b~ refertng to the table below.
RETREAT# ONE: Turn to page 132.
RETREAT #TWO: Turn to page 136.
RETREAT# THREE: Turn to page 140.
You may find healing devices, potions, and ointments that will
restore lost Hit Points. Follow instructions for their use. You may
carry them as part of your equipment.
Healing Devices and Potions: restore a specified number of
Hit Points to one character per tum.
Healing Ointments: restore a variable number of Hit Points
and may be used on more than one character at different
times until their total healing power is used up.
A twenty-sided die may be used to roll random numbers on the
Combat Tuble. Some players find this easier and more fun than
calling out numbers. 1\venty-sided die can be purchased at most
local hobby centers.

Character Sheets give Hit Points. describe powers and abilities.
and provide you with all items you start with in this adventure.
You have a Character Sheet for yourself and one for each ally. We
suggest that you photocopy the Character Sheets for easy refer-
ence during t~e game. ·
Alignment: describes the character's nature and how he/she will
react to outside influences. A character who is "lawful good"
always puts others first. A character of "neutral" alignment
thinks first of himself and how any actions affect him. "Chaotic"
characters are cruel and destructive.
Class: describes a character's role-fighter. thief. etc.
Level: a measure of that person's skill in his class. Most individ·
uals start with level 0 and advance as they become more skilled.
Weapons and Spells: All the character's weapons and magical
spells are listed. Additional weapons and spells may be added only
if discovered on the adventure.
Bit Points: keep track of the health of that character. When a
character is struck by an enemy. his Hit Points are reduced by the
attack according to the amount of damage listed for that weapon.
Lightly pencil out the numbered spaces. When the numbers are
all crossed out. the character has "died" or fallen unconscious.
Use a pencil to record Hit Points. since it is possible to gain back
lost Hit Points. Hit Point damage may be divided up between you
and allies if you are fighting together.
Weapon and Damage: deal with the amount of Hit Point damage
done to an opponent. Each weapon subtracts a specific number of
Hit Points from an enemy in a successful attack.
Objects Gained: record treasure that you find during your adven-
ture. You may also gain the help of new allies. We suggest that you
either make a note of the page number that gives their Hit Points
and damage totals or copy these onto the "Notes" pages provided.

PRIMARY PLAYER CHARACTER: Renwood, Initiate of the
7th Circle
Alignment: Neutral
Class: Druid
Level: 9
Armor: Leather worn beneath robes
Weapon: 4 War Darts. Each dart does 6 Hit Points of damage per
successful Combat Tum. The Druid can toss two darts a Combat
Tum. but he must use these instead of spells. Darts are reusable.
Hit Points: 53
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
(36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)
(47) (48) (49) (50) (51) .(52) (53)
Special Abilities: you can do the following at any time:
(l)ldentify plants. animals. and detect if water is pure.
(2) Speak the following languages: Centaur. Dryad. Elvish.
Gnome. Hill Giant. Lizardman. Manticore. Nixie, Pixie. Sprite.
and 'Ireantish.
(3) Partially resist attacks by fire and lightning. (Deduct 2 Hit
Points damage from any fire or lightning attack.)
(4) Protect against all woodland charm spells.
(5) Change form. This will restore 10 Hit Points lost through non-
magical damage. But you must face the very next encounter in the
animal form . When the encounter is concluded. you change back.
When in animal form. you cannot use your weapons or cast magi-
cal spells.
Black Bear Form: does 8 Hit Points of damage per successful
Combat Turn. Giant Eagle Form: does 6 Hit Points of damage per
successful Combat Turn. Giant Snake Form: does 4 Hit Points of
damage per successful Combat Turn.
Description: You are 42 years old and come from a long line of
powerful druids. This heritage has served you well in your train-
ing and dealing with woodland creatures. In fact. you were chosen
for this quest because of your unusual empathy with the forces of
nature. You are accustomed to living frugally. with one exception.
You enjoy fine clothing. Let others of you order wear dull browns
and greens. You prefer bright colors with gold embroidery. You
belleve it is a sign of your good humor and your cheerful outlook
on life. You always attack first in combat.

Spell Casting Abllitlea: Select the spells you will take with you
into the Grove. You have already used several spells to get this far.
These are what you have left. A spell is considered used up only if
it hits successfully or if a "•" is scored.
First Level Spells:
Second Level Spells:
Third Level Spell:
Fourth Level Spell:
Fifth Level Spell:
Objects Gained:

You may select more than one of the same spell for each level.
First Level Spells
Entangle: stops all enemies from attacking for two Combat
Tums if it hits.
Faerie Fire:. does 5 Hit Points damage and cannot miss. If you
score a miss. you get another chance.
Animal Friendship: will tum nonmagical animal enemies into
friends if the spell hits.
Second Level Spells:
Cure Light Wounds: restores 4 lost Hit Points to one person in
your group.
Heat Metal: causes heat damage to an enemy wearing metal
armor or carrying metal weapons. Does 3 Hit Points damage the
first successful Combat Tum. then add 2 Hit Points damage per
Tum for the duration of the battle. If it hits the first time. it will hit
automatically during that same battle.
Warp Wood: causes all spears and arrows to do only 2 Hit Points
of damage if it hits.
Third Level Spells:
Neutralize Poison: restores all lost Hit Points from a poison bite
attack to one member of your group.
Protection from Fire: stops all but 2 Hit Points of damage from
affecting your group for every fire attack in one battle.
Hold Animal: will paralyze any nonmagical creature if it hits.
This will end the battle.
Fourth Level Spells
Call Woodland Beings: will summon two Warrior Centaurs to
fight for you in one battle. They have a total of 18 Hit Points and
each does 6 Hit Points damage per successful Combat Tum.
Cure Serious Wounds: restores 11 Hit Points of damage to one
person in your group.
Hold Plant: prevents any plant from attacking if it hits. This will
end the battle.

Fifth Level Spells
Insect Plague: summons a horde of insects that will do 20 Hit
Points of damage to each enemy if the spell hits. This damage hap-
pens in the second and third rounds of Combat after the spell is
used, doing 10 Hit Points damage per round. The Druid may make
other attacks during those rounds as well.
Sticks to Snakes: creates 3 snakes that will fight for you. The
snakes have a total of 9 Hit Points and strike as a group for 4 Hit
Points of damage per successful Combat Tum. A "2X" result does
15 Hit Points poison damage.
Wall ofFire: creates a blazing wall of fire that does 9 Hit Points of
damage to each enemy if it hits. It will work every Combat Tum of
the battle. provided the druid concentrates on this spell and does
nothing else. It must be cast continually to see if it hits each round.
One battle only.

ALLY: Berk the Buckawn
Armor: Leather
Weapon: 5 Drugged Darts. Each does 3 Hit Points of damage per
successful hit and a dart score of "2X" or " • " puts one enemy to
sleep for the entire battle. Darts are reusable.
Bit Points: 8
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Description: Buckawns normally do not associate with humans,
but the king of the Buckawns owed Ren wood a favor and gave him
the services of his most capable follower, Berk, for one year. The
short statured creature is a loyal companion and has come to
admire the Druid greatly.
Magical Spells: each may be used only once. IfIt misses, it is con-
sidered used.
Entangle: stops all the enemies from attacking for two Combat
Summon Insects: will bring a cloud of small insects that will do
2 Hit Points of damage every Combat Turn for the entire battle.
1Hp: prevents one enemy from attacking during one Combat
Special Ablllty: Magic resistant. Any spell cast on the Buckawn
that scores a "2X" counts as a miss.
Objects Gained:

ALLY: Soral the Swanmay
Alignment: Neutral Good
Weapon: magical short bow, FeatherfJlght, does 8 Hit Points of
damage per successful Combat Tum.
Bit Points: 11
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


Deecrlptlon: Soral is one of Renwood's closest friends. She
eagerly offers to help him restore the proper balance in the forests
of the Archdruid.
Special Abilltles: change into swan form. Soral he81s'6 Hit
Points lost damage each time she changes form. She must remain
in swan form during the next encounter. When In swan form. all
spells that are cast at her with a "2X" result count as misses. As a
swan. she attacks for 4 Hit Points of damage and hits automati-
cally. She can carry nothing in swan form and all armor, magic
items. or weapons are useless to her.
Objects Gained:

)) 18

You transport yourself and your allies to the edge of Archdruid

Lath's forest. using your druidic abilities. You quickly use those
same abilities to communicate with the birds and other small
woodland creatures around you. They are singing and chattering
as usual. but there is a vivid underlying message in all that they
say: DANGER! .
You move into the forest surrounding Lath's Grove. But with
each step. the evil that you perceive intensifies. You begin to fear
what you will find in Lath's Grove. at the center of the forest.
You, Berk. and Soral fan out so that you can inspect more of the
forest, each of you using your si:>ecial woodland skills and abilities.
Suddenly. you hear Soral cry out in pain!
Rushing to the Swanmay. you find her trapped in the grips of a
huge tangle of black. dripping vines. The unnatural plant is slowly
choking your ally to death! Using the powerful magic at your com·
mand. you manage to free her from the evil plant. As soon as you
free her, the vines revert to normal appearing plants. There's noth·
Ing to tell that heartbeats ago they had become a horrid monster
strangling your friend.
As you stare in dismay at the weird metamorphosis. you hear a
gigantic crash in the direction that Berk went. You dash through
the forest as Soral takes wing and flies to the Buckawn.
You find your little friend trapped under a tree. The tree is per·
fectly healthy and has not fallen. Instead. it has lifted its roots and
Upped over to land on Berk. The only reason Berk ts alive is that he
found a very small depression to force his body into.
You try to communicate with the tree but are unable to make
contact. You and Soral dig under the heavy root until you can pull
your friend to safety.
"From now on we'll stay together," you tell the others. "There's
a force in these woods trying to stop us. and it will take all of us
together to get safely through these woods and into Archdruid
Lath's Grove. Lath was very powerful. Whatever has taken posses·
sion of his forest appears to be even more powerful. But we wJJJ get
there! We'll get there or die trying!"
You and your two friends. determined to rid the woods of the evil
that has consumed them. stride boldly down the forest path.
Tum to page 20.

As you enter Archdruid Lath's forest. you sense the twisted evil
that has invaded all life. Normal mortals would not notice. but you
are aware of the pain of each tree you pass. A winding path brings
you to a small lake of sweet. pure water. The lake is enchanted. A
Water Sprite rises from its depths and speaks to you:
"Welcome. Druid Renwood. The pain of the forest touches my
heart deeply." The Sprite's voice is like rushing water. "I can help
by revealing the dangers in the two paths ahead of you.
"The path of willows will force you to battle horrible giants and
the forest itself. On the path of oaks. you must fight fearsome mag-
ical elements. Either path will gain you great power for your final
trial at Archdruid Lath's Grove.
"However. you must first fight the evil in this lake. I can weave
water creatures to look like you and travel ahead of you, letting
you slip by the monster: but you must give up some of your life
force (4 Hit Points). Or. if you want to fight the evil. I will give you a
magical teardrop that will protect you just once."
-+ You decide to give up some life force (cross off 4 Hit Points)
and move past the creature. Tum to page 22.
-+ You want to rid the lake of the monster. so you accept the
magical teardrop and prepare for battle. (The teardrop is
usable only in this battle: it wlll keep the evil from attack-
ing for two Combat Tums.) Tum to page 90.

You push open the door. prepared to surprise the Witch. But you
find her standing in front of her cauldron facing you. powerful
energy bolts sizzling toward you from her fingers.
"Your gods have failed you. Druid!" she cackles. "I knew the
instant you enter:ed this area. Prepare yourselfl"
You must fight the Witch. Have the Wizard reader tum to the Mon-
ster Thble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 21. The Witch
has the first attack and continues to attack first.
If you lose all of your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you destroy the Witch, you rush to the side of the trapped
maiden. As you release her. she introduces herself as Mertcules.
Grateful for your rescue, she offers to help you on your quest.
If you decide that she could be helpful. turn to page 81 and then
come back to this page to make a choice of where to go next.
If you think you had better go on without her. say good-bye, and
look around you:
-+ Through the trees down one path you hear noises that
sound like fighting. The sounds draw you that way. Tum
to page 48.
-+ You see a massive oak tree rising out of the forest like a
beacon. You go to investigate whether this oldest of oaks
has been affected by the evil in the forest. Tum to page 24.
-+ You sense that a path choked with black thorns has the
greatest concentration of evil around the Witch's hut. so
you head toward it, knowing that the heart of the forest
and Lath's Grove lie that way. Tum to page 52.

Giving in to your curiosity. you allow the Sprite to take some of
your life force. Golden threads of energy are drawn from your
bodies and formed Into perfect copies of the three of you. Magi-
cally. the copies move ahead of you down the forest path.
The Water Sprite smiles. "Follow them. Druid, and may the luck
of water. wind. and rain be with you on your quest." She dives
beneath the waves. leaving you wrapped in the warmth of her
Your doubles move rapidly through the forest away from you
until they are out of sight. Suddenly you hear a monstrous roar
cutting through the woods. Running forward. you round a curve
in the path and see your three copies In a battle with a fire-
breathing Hydra. Chuckling. you watch the creature's confusion
when it breathes on your Image and only a huge cloud of steam
rises up. The reptile bends several of Its heads down to bite and
can find nothing but hot steam to sink Its fangs into.
Moving around the scene of battle. you suddenly wonder If leav-
ing this thing alive behind you is such a good idea. Then again.
looking toward the willow and oak paths ahead of you. you think
perhaps you had better conserve all your energy for the battles
ahead of you. vital battles to reclaim the Archdruid's forest from
the evil that has consumed it.
-. You decide to fight the creature. You don't want others to
encounter It. Tum to page 90.
-t- You sneak past the battle to the path of the willows. You
feel that it's best to clean out the source of this evil before
starting with the surrounding infection. Tum to page 55.
-t- You sneak past the battle to the path of the oaks. You have
a feeling that evil magic may the most important force you
can fight. Tum to page 59.


Moving back to the oak tree. you carefully search it and discover
a magical opening. Inside is a wondrous cloak and a piece of parch-
ment. You hold the cloak as you read the note:
I can feel 111yse{ffalling.
Soon I will iJie. OMn who will care J11r "'!I ~ly J11rt.st'?
Perhaps others ,i;/J jinJ SOlflt 9ooJ in the things
l luu lriJ«n in the J11resl.

Displacer Cloak: when worn, magically fools those who would

try to harm you into failing in the attack. Any enemy group fac-
ing you in a new battle will. automatically miss in their first

You don the clock and discover that its protective magic warms
your entire body. giving you a mystical edge that makes you cer-
tain that now you can win through to the Archdruid's sacred
Grove and rid it of evil.
Once again you set out for the hut, willing to come to grips with
whatever evil waits there. Turn to page 64.

As you move through the forest. you quickly lose sight of the
mighty oak as the path twists and turns. You can only hope that
the path leads toward the tree that is your destination. You realize
that all around you the scent of death is in the air. The black molds
and fungal ~xcrescences that indicate rot at the heart of a tree
abound wherever you look. You feel the pain of these dying trees as
you pass. and you move even faster through the forest in order to
reach Lath's Grove-where perhaps the solution lies-as·soon as
Then, abruptly. the forest changes. Within the space ofjust a few
steps, you feel it become more normal. Some of the creatures are
still twisted, you notice in anguish. but plant life seems healthy.
Perhaps it's the influence of the ancient oak you 're seeking. It
must be near.
An uneasiness in the air tells you to approach the oak cau-
tiously. You slow your step and soon find the forest in front of you
opening into a large meadow. At its center, on a small knoll, is the
huge old oak that has been your goal. But around it is a bandit
More armed men than you can count move around the camp.
cooking. eating, laughing, polishing weapons. Just as you are con-
sidering fighting the group with your magic, an additional band of
the evil men comes from the woods across from you. Now there are
far too many for even your skill to handle.
As you watch, the bandit leader and several others start shoot-
ing arrows at a target with their longbows-and amazing skill!
The leader is especially good. And you know that you need to get
away from this place. The mighty oak can watt. You start to tum
on the path as you hear a crunch behind you. A band of bowmen
surround you, weapons drawn. You're trapped!
They march you into the meadow clearing. to where their evil-
looking leader waits. You regret that you were not able to get to
Lath's Grove and save the forest.
Tum to page 89.

The little-traveled path takes you to a clearing where the Fire
Giants have constructed a fortlike outpost of trees ripped from the
ground. Robt wants to dash in to the attack, but you persuade him
to wait while you inspect the area further. The Giants have con-
structed their o.u tpost on a hill that looks out over the forest for
many miles. You know you must help Robt rid the land of these
creatures who are free to attack wherever they wish from the
safety of this fort. You can almost hear the trees weeping at being
put to such a use.
When you say that to Robt. the hugh warrior replies. "You 're
right. So we'll let the skies weep and solve the problem for us." He
raises his hammer into the skies.
Vast black clouds roil up and release their rains. right on to the
outpost. A heavy fog rises on all sides of it, except where you are.
so you are prepared as the torrential downpour washes the Giants
out of the fort. Wet and angry. they come running toward you.
You must fight the four Giants. Have the Wizard reader tum to the
M~nster Thble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 25.

If you lose all your Hit Points, tum to page 144.

If you win the battle. turn to page 78.

You attack the group of Drow Elves, and in the first rush of battle
are able to release the Faerie Dragon.
You must fight the Drow Elves. Have the Wizard reader tum to the
Monster Thble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 26.
If you lose all your Hit Points, tum to page 144.
If you win, the grateful Faerie Dragon offers to aid your quest.

Faerie Dragon's Hit Points: 14

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
(13) (14)
The Faerie Dragon uses magical spells that do 3 Hit Points of dam-
age a Combat Tum and never miss.
As you search the belongings of the Drow Elves, you also discover
a small jar of ointment.

Healing Ointment: restores up to 11 Hit Points of damage.

Tum to page 98.

It was a fight Roht wanted and it's a fight he gets!
When you and Roht move in to fight two visible guards. you dis-
cover that five more giants were out of sight. In addition. as the
melee starts, 5 Hell Hounds appear.
You are entering Combat with 7 Fire Giants and 5 Hell Hounds.
Tull the Wizard reader to turn to the Monster Th.ble on page 147
and run Monster Encounter 27. Roht fights the Giants and you
and your allies fight the Hell Hounds. although one Giant will
strike at you each· Combat Turn. Roht automatically kills one
Giant every round without missing.
If you lose all your Hit Points, tum to page 144.
If you win the battle. you see hordes of Fire Giants stream out of
the main keep looking for someone to fight. Robt and you. laugh-
ing together, disappear into the depths of the forest. stopping only
to inspect the pouch that hangs from one Giant's belt.

Giant's Treasures: 5 Golden Sling Stones: usable only if you

have acquired a Golden Sling. Emerald: bears the mark of Lath
and contains a druid's Cure Light Wounds spell that restores 5
Hit Points.

Tum to page 7K

Moving through the forest becomes more difficult as you feel the
evil emanating from the Archdruid's Grove become stronger as
you move closer.
Suddenly. the dark forest seems to part for a moment. and you
find yourself at a magical portal, probably one of several the Arch·
· druid used for transporting himself around the forest. You know
that the more accomplished druids have portals that can send
them long distances, and Lath was one of the best.
You read the runes around the portal to discover that it will send
you anywhere. but only after you do a task that the portal will send
you on.
Three small tokens fall into your hands. All you have to do is
choose one, toss lt into the portal, and follow lt. You choose:
-+ the unicorn. Tum to page 43.
-+ the golden bear. Tum to page 58.
-+ the dainty, white silk glove. Tum to page 83.

You and the Wizard reader use the Combat Tu.hie on the back
cover to carry out this archery contest. A " 2X" will indicate a
First, you and all your allies will shoot, one shot apiece, with you
giving the "att~cker" number and the Wizard reader giving the
''defender" number. Then. Alain shoots (with the Wizard reader
as :·attacker"). Any time he gets a .. •" or "O" he gets another
chance because of his great skill. The two of you take three turns
If Alain wins the contest. he says. "Well done, Renwood. You
made such a good try that I'll still offer you the services of my
right-hand man, Will Wade." You look to where he gestures and see
a huge man handling a giant quarterstaff as if it were a twig.
Will Wade's Hit Points: 19
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) "(12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (l '7) (18) (19)
Will gets two attacks each Combat Tum, doing 5 Hit Points of dam-
age each successful strike.
If you win the contest. Alain roars with laughter and says. "Oh.
well done. Master Archers! For that I offer you the services of my
right-hand man, Will Wade.'' He also presents you with a small sil-
ver horn. "Blow that. Druid Renwood. when you need the help of
some of my men in a hurry. But its magical message will reach me
only once."

Silver Born of Summoning: magically brings some of Alain's

men to your side; usable one time:
Born Men's Hit Points: 15
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
(13) (14) (15)
The men strike for a total of 12 Hit Points of damage per suc-
cessful Combat Turn. They disappear into the woods after the

Thanking Alain. you move:

-+ down the path that leads to the Giant Spide·rs. Tum to
page 56.
-+ toward the wall of black thorns that has stumped the ban-
dits. Tum to page 52.

You hate the thought of leaving the El\'.eS to their fate, but
because of the importance of your quest, you feel you have no
choice. Moving on. you sense the growing nearness of the huge,
healthy oak you saw before. .
Tu your horror you discover that you hadn't left the Ores com-
pletely behind. A band of the horrible. forest-destroying monsters
leaps from the dark forest around you and attacks. You 'II have to
fight them after all!
Tull the Wizard reader to tum to the Monster Thble on page 147
and run Monster Encounter 30.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you survive the battle, you find yourself wondering about the
Elves as you clean up around you. If there are more of these stray
groups of Ores around, the Elves won't have a chance.
You decide to:
-+ rush back to the battle to help the Elves. Tum to page 114.
-+ stick by your earlier decision to go investigate the huge
oak tree. It may help you to discover why one tree man-
aged to withstand the evil in the forest. Tum to page 24.


You follow the trail the Zombies had made to a dark meadow. At
its center. on a raised mound. stands a huge .Zombie which. sur-
prisingly. speaks as you draw near:
"I guard this mound. creature of light;· the thing says. its
ghastly mouth barely moving. "You may not come closer."
Knowing you must"see what It's protecting. you attack.
You must fight the Zombie Warrior. Tull the Wizard reader to turn
to the Monster Thble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 31.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you win the battle. you unearth the mound and find:

Lath'• Treasure Cache: contains Potion ofHealing: restores 4

Hit Points; Ring of Protection: negates the first 2 Hit Points of
. damage from every magical attack on your group; and a note.
Oo ptl" safely tlrrtnigh 111y wall efJirt tlimu,
say tlit "liorJ "&Mt," anJ mm llrrtnigh unluirmd.

Looking around. you realize you have no choice-the only path is

through a row of increasingly rotten. fungus-covered trees. Turn
to page 80.
You're disturbed at having to take time from your quest to inves-
tigate the mysterious Green Servant. but you know you dare not
leave such great evil at your back. Pondering. you fail to observe
the Elf Warrior blocking the path. No Drow this. but a good Elf.
" Go no further," he demands. "Turn back."
"Elf," you reply. not wHUng to fight a good Elf. "your kind and
mine have always worked together. Important work demands I go
this way. Won't you let me pass?"
"I can't, noble Druid," the Elf Warrior says, looking both dis-
mayed and ready to fight. "The Green Dragon living in the woods
beyond demands a tribute from the Elves every year. I am its
guardian and must stop you or insist that you pay a toll to pass."
"What's the toll?" you ask.
"You must give up all your weapons or fight me In order to pass.
Which will It be?"
Knowing that you must go on, you review the ways you can fight
without your weapons and decide:
-+ regretfully, that you must fight the Elf Warrior. Turn to
-+ that you can defeat the Dragon without weapons. Turn to

As you reverently approach the shrine. the spirit of Archdruid
Lath himself rises from the crystal on the central pedestal.
· "Renwood." Lath's voice sounds in the breeze. "You have done
well to get this far, but much danger lies ahead. If you go to the
East, the trees themselves will rise up and try to destroy you. Th
the West, normally kind creatures, now tainted by .evil. will not
easily let you pass. The path in front of you is the most dangerous
of all-evil Elves control it, but that way is the most direct route to
my evil-imprisoned Grove."
As the image starts to fade, you hear it speak once more: "Thke
the crystal. When you face foes in my Inner Sanctuary. shatter lt
and the magical shards will protect you for a timmmmme . ..."

Lath's Crystal: can be used one time, only in Lath's Inner

Sanctuary, to stop an enemy group from attacking for 2 Combat
Turns. You may attack in complete safety.

Remembering the words of Lath's spirit, you decide to go:

-+ east. Turn to page 80.
-+ west. Turn to page 28.
-+ straight ahead. Turn to page 84.

Most castles have secret entrances. and this one is no exception.
You are pleased that you found it so readily .. . until you discover
the Red Dragon on guard inside the door. You turn to Robt to sug-
gest fleeing. but the Hammer Warrior is already charging the huge
creature. his hammer swinging. And he's laughing!
You must fight the Red Dragon. Tull the Wizard reader to tum to
the Monster Tuble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 34.
Roht's hammer does 14 Hit Points of damage per Combat Tum
and never misses.
If you lose all of your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you win the battle. you collect several treasures before hordes of
Fire Giants arrive and force you to flee into the forest.

Giants' Treasure: 2 Potions of Healing. each restoring 5 Hit

Points; Scroll of Protection versus Demons; and a small Spell
Gem with the mark of Lath on it: lets you cast another Call
Woodland Beings spell.

If you win the battle. tum to page 78.

You follow the Drow group holding the Warrior captive until they
stop and begin a strange ritual. You don't know what the gestures
and sparks mean, but you're certain these magic-using Elves
mean trouble for the Warrior. You rush in to fight them!
You must fight the Drow Wizards and Wizardesses. Have the Wiz-
ard reader turn to the Monster Tuble on page 147 and run Monster
Encounter 35.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you win the battle. you release the Warrior. He gratefully agrees
to join you on your quest.
Warrior's Hit Points: 22 with 10 remaining
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
The Warrior fights with two of the magical daggers taken from the
defeated Drow. The daggers do a total of 10 Hit Points damage.
Exploring the Wizards' and Wizardesses' belongings further. you
discover a magic wand.

Wand of Magic Missiles: does 5 Hit Points of damage per Com-

bat Turn and never misses. (Do not use the Combat Tuble for
this weapon.)

Turn to page 98.

You must fight the Warrior! It's the only way you can be sure the
unicorns will be safe!
Tull the Wizard reader to turn to the Monster Thble on page 147
and run Monster Encounter 36.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you win the battle, you see the unicorns freed from the Warrior's
control. As you drive off the Warrior. you grab his pack. In it you
find a small jar and a book of magic that you put away to study

Jar of Healing Ointment: restores 21 Hit Points of damage.

Your good deed done, the portal transports you into dense forest
near the entrance to Lath's Grove. Turn to page _8 4.

You are able to get through the razor·sharp thorns that make up
the front door of the castle without a problem. But when you step
through you find yourself facing three humans-two barbarian
fighters and a wlzardess-who present new problems. They hold
their weapons ready with a confidence that tells of much experi·
ence and skill. This will not be an easy fight.
One barbarian raises his weapon to charge. and in a flash you
know that you have two options:
-+ You can dash into a fight. certain that these beings are evil
just by the fact that they are In this evil thorn castle.1 Tum
to page 79.
-+ You can try to talk to these barbarian fighters and the
wizardess. Perhaps they can be of help In your quest. Turn
to page 85.

You enter the cave and face a Medusa! Quickly you avert your
eyes so as not to be turned to stone, but you know that's only a
temporary measure. You might avoid being turned to stone, but
can you·also avoid the poisonous snakes on her head?
Keeping your eyes to the ground, you look hurriedly around the
cave for ideas. One side chamber contains a large pool. Arms and
armor are piled up in one corner.
-+ Fearing the worst. you enter the battle. hoping the
Medusa won't manage to tum you into a statue too. Turn
to page 45.
-+ Grasping at straws. you rush to the pile of arms and
armor. hoping there is something useful there. Turn to
-+ You leap toward the water. hoping to find some way to use
it. Tum to page 53.

You've really hit the jackpot! There's so much treasure that you
and your allies can't possibly carry it all away. So you pick the
most useful things.

Vam.plress's Treasure: Beaker of Healing: restores 15 Hit

Points to one person; Ring ofProtection: prevents the first 2 Hit
Points of damage to the group in any battle; and Magical Darts:
do 8 Hit Points of damage and are reusable.

Unfortunately for you, while you 're finding treasure, the Guardian
Skeleton finds you.
Tull the Wizard reader to turn to the Monster Thble on page 147
and run Monster Encounter 39.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
Ifyou survive, you have finally done your good deed and the portal
transports you much closer to the entrance to Lath's Grove. Turn
to page 84.

You're surrounded by evil things that you can barely recognize
as having been trees. They are now twisted black monstrosities
covered in thorns and oozing poison. The grotesqueness of it all
sends shivers of horror up your spine.
As you start to move through the area using your druidical
powers. the thorns suddenly transform into strange parodies of
human warriors that attack you.
You must fight the Thom Monsters. Tull the Wizard reader to tum
to the Monster Tu.hie on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 40.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you survive the battle. you discover that the Thom Monsters
have been drained of evil and suddenly the grotesque thorns that
surround you tum into healthy mistletoe plants. You use this holy
plant to create healing salves that restore 5 Hit Points each to
yourself and all surviving allies. You use the salves immediately.
When you move past the mistletoe-crowned trees. you find
yourself at the entrance to the First Circle of Lath's Grove. Tum to
page 120.


"You chose to come to my castle;· shouts the Wolfman the

moment you enter the door. "I did not ask you here, and now you
must pay for your invasion. Give me all the magic you have and I
will let you leave peacefully. Otherwise, I will fight you. Be
warned-my bite will turn you Into my wolf slaves."
A miasma of evil surrounds this monstrous creature. and you
have no doubt it can do what it says. But can you force yourself to
give in to that immense evil?
-+ You wonder if perhaps here might be the center of all the
evil in the forest and decide to fight. Turn to page 54.
-+ You eye the Wolfman and the Wolves and decide to give up
all your magic items (cross them om. Then you leave the
castle, to go and try to finish your quest. But taking a last
glance at the evil Wolfman, you swear that you will come
back. Turn to page 56.


The small door at the rear of the strange castle of thorns opens
easily. You step quietly into a large. open room. rather like a store
room. You look around and then tum back to close the door. And
you find yourself surrounded by a large group of Ogres towering
over you, ready to take your life!
You must fight the Ogres. Have the Wizard reader tum to the Mon-
ster Tuble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 42.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you survive, you discover that the Ogres are guarding a large
treasure of gems and jewelry. While sorting out the best pieces.
your fingers accidentally uncover a trap door. You open the trap
door the merest crack, and a low and mournful moan comes from
the depths beneath. Your first thought is of a ghost or ghoul. and
you quickly close the door. But there's something sad about the
sound, too. you think as you explore the room. From a back win-
dow. you see a large tower. the main keep. in the courtyard.
-+ You go to the main castle keep. Tum to page 41.
-+ You start to move to tl~e castle keep. but something in that
sad moan draws you back. Tum to page 50.
You find yourself at the edge of a lovely. green meadow where a
group of unicorns Is frolicking. It's a beautiful scene. but some-
thing feels wrong with it.
Then you see him. From the woods comes a huge Warrior strid-
ing toward the group by the side of a large unicorn. It seems the
Warrior has tamed one of the unicorns and the others stay in the
area because the tamed one is the leader. This is against all the
laws of the forest!
"Hold. varlet!" you shout. "Leave these unicorns alone and go
away now. or you will account to me-in battle!"
The big man laughs. "There's no contest in battling a druid! But
I haven't had a good skirmish In a long while. So I'll tell you
what-we can fight here and now or you can play me In a contest
In which there's no fighting but I name the rules. What do you say,
-+ Your blood races with the desire to instantly right this
wrong. and you decide to fight the Warrior. Tum to page
-+ You would rather play this large Warrior's game than meet
him in open combat. Tum to page 100.
The sounds of battle are clear long before you actually see the
fighting. Then you see a huge fighter taking care of the last survi-
vor in a group of Fire Giants. The warrior's hammer gives off thun-
derbolts as it fells the Giant in a single blow. There's nothing left
for you to do.
"Well. mighty Druid," the big fighter says, wiping sweat from his
brow. "you didn't arrive in time for this free-for-all. But I expect
that you can help me in another matter. I have to find where these
Fire Giants came from . I know it was somewhere in this forsaken
woods. If you will help remove any others from this plane of exist-
ence. I will help you in your quest. Is it a bargain?'"
You readily agree. and the huge fighter introduces himself as
Roht, the Hammer Warrior. Then he adds. "I know of two paths
from here. Druid. One wtll take us to a huge fortress inhabited by
these Fire Giants. The other will take us to a small but important
outpost of theirs. But I do not know which path leads where. Per-
haps you can choose. using your woodslore."
You study the forest paths and realize that one has been traveled
more than the other. but you can't tell which is which. All you can
do is choose a path.
-+ If you choose t he path least traveled. tum to page 25.
-+ If you pick the path most traveled. tum to page 76.

You must fight the Medusa and. from the first. you fear for your
life. 'Jell the Wizard reader to turn to the Monster Tuble on page 151
and run Monster Encounter 45.
If you are turned to stone, turn to page 144.
If you win the battle, you discover a special mirror hidden in the
folds of the creature's clothing. Using the mirror on the faces of all
the petrlfled creatures. you free them from the enchantment.
The grateful Bear wishes to help you on the rest of your quest.
Bear's Hit Points: 24
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
The Bear does 9 Hit Points of damage with its claws per successful
Combat Tum.
You have done your good deed. The portal transports you into
dense forest near the entrance to Lath's Grove. Tum to page 84.


You step through the door in the underground dungeon. admir-

ing the spark.ling green of the tile floor that shows in the faint Ugh t.
But then the Ule floor comes to life. You are walking on the scales
of a green Giant Snake! It's a Snake so huge that it could eat your
entire party In one gulp .. . If it can get at you.
You must fight the Giant Snake. Have the Wizard reader turn to
the Monster Tuble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 46. For
this battle only. treat any "•" result for the Snake as "2X".
If you lose all your Hit Points, turn to page 144.
If you survive the battle, you decide you must get away from this
castle. You climb back up, open the door, and head for t he clearest
path you can see. Turn to page 56.


Nothing leaps out at you as you go through the right door . . .

except the fact that you still have to save the Princess. who you see
in the distance. But first you have to reach her. And for that, you
need to either climb the pile of logs or swim across a pool.
Before p~cking which way to go, you think about the worst that
could happen. The pool might be horrible, like acid, or there can
be a huge water monster it in, waiting to eat you the moment you
set foot in the pool. On the other hand, there could be a monster
behind the wall oflogs. Or the wall itself could be a monster. Or the
logs could explode in a huge fireball. Or .. .
That line of thinking is accomplishing nothing. Besides, the face
on the door said that a hero would know the right path. You don't
feel much like a hero at the moment, but there's no one else
-+ You walk through the pool. Tum to page 7 4 .
-+ You start to climb over the logs. As you do so, you look up
and see the Princess being pulled, shrieking, up and over
the wall. Tum to page 68.

In anguish at hearing the dreadful sounds of battle. you travel
the forest path from the Witch's hut. Clearly the path has recently
been used by many beings. and on closer examination, you realize
that the beings are armed Ores! You wonder what new evil is loose
in these sad woods.
Your reluctant feet carry you closer and closer to the source of
the sounds until, finally rounding one bend, you see before you the
sad sight of hundreds of evil Ores fighting a smaller but valiant
band of good Elves. The Elven warriors are giving as good as they
can, but there are many more Ores than Elves, and the Ores are
beginning to vanquish the forces of good.
You want to rush in and help the Elves, but you have your own
urgent quest to finish.
~You decide that the goodness of the Elves must be
acknowledged, and you enter the battle. Tum to page 114.
~ Certain that the brave Elves would agree that you
shouldn't risk your own mission, you go around the bat-
tle, giving the Elves your silent blessing. Tum to page 30.


Somehow, you're not surprised when the key you lnsert in the
lock blows up and flings you down to the ground. Your group takes
6 Hit Points of damage.
If you lose all your Hit Points, turn to page 144.
If you survive, you're really surprised to see the Princess
unharmed and still standing in the cage. She looks tearfully at you
and says, 'Tm so sorry. I thought surely I was the one who would
be hurt." Then she adds eagerly. "But now the other key has got to
be the one that works!"
-+ You take the remaining key and toss it to Princess Lynnra,
telling her to get herself out. Turn to page 51.
-+ Still determined to be a gentleman and a hero, you use the
key on the lock. Turn to page 57.


A forlorn. wounded Dwarf lies unconscious on the floor. You real-

ize that to revive him will take one Potion of Healing or all of one
Jar of Healing Ointment.
If you have one of these Items and want to use it on the Dwarf.
cross it off your list. If you don't have one or don't want to use It.
you still think it would be humane to release the Dwarf from his
The act of breaking the chains creates a burst of magical sparks.
You think they are some sort of magical warning. but don't know
just what it is.
If you have healed the Dwarf. tell the Wizard reader that he has
perceived some sort of magical signals from the Dwarf and to tum
to page 74. You turn to page 82.
If you did not heal the Dwarf. at least you've freed h im from his
-. You climb the stairs back to the main floor and head
toward the main keep of the castle. Turn to page 41.
-. Your ea.is catch a slight sound farther in the dungeon. so
you decide to investigate. Tum to page 46.
No wonder nothing seems to go right! You aren't supposed to
rescue the Princess-you're supposed to stop her from doing more
harm! But now it might be too late. When you throw the key into
the cage. the Princess. enraged at your behavior. turns into a Vam-
piress. oozes out between the bars, and attacks you. In a way.
you're relieved: at least now that you know how things really
stand, you can finish the job.
You must fight the Vamplress. Tull the Wizard reader to turn to the
Monster Tu.ble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 51.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you win the battle. you search the area for any other unfortu-
nates who might have fallen into this creature's trap. Turn to page

As you move Into the thorny area. you realize that there are
fewer and fewer trees. as if they had been consumed. one by one.
by the brambles. The going becomes tougher. but your druidic
skills let you open a path through the brambles that your allies can
follow. But soon. even you are brought to a halt.
You are confronted by a solid, black wall. As you Inspect It, you
realize that it is woven from millions of huge black thorns. This is
no innocent bramble hedge that you can easily pick your way
through. As you walk all the way around the wall and find no weak
spot. you gather your magical powers to get you through the
vicious wall.
Breaking through the terrible thorns. you discover that the wall
surrounds a strange sight-a huge. black castle. a castle made
entirely of thorns.
But as you sit there. stunned by the sight. you realize that you
are also tired from expending so much magical power to get
through the wall of thorns. Lose one tum before going on.

When you've regained your strength. you explore the outside of

the castle and discover that there appear to be three ways by
which you might enter the strange. forbidding building:
-+ The front entrance. which is locked. but you can use your
magic to go through the doors. Tum to page 37.
-+ A small rear door. which appears not to be guarded. Tum
to page 42.
-+ An underground entrance. which looks as if it has not
been used for a long time. so maybe you can surprise who-
ever is inside the castle. Tum to page 46.

You dive into the pool, but you're not sure what good it will do.
The allies with you rush out of the cave, trying to cause a diver·
sion, but the Medusa ignores them and comes to the water's edge.
You duck under the water. Then a brief gleam of light reflecting
on the surface gives you an idea. If you can make a light below the
water, the Medusa might see her reflection in the pool. Still hold·
ing your breath, you struggle with the necessary magic. Then a
light shines from your hands, arid within seconds you feel some·
thing heavy splash into the water. You leap out of the pool and see
a stone Medusa in the water. You've won!
Suddenly a small glowing mirror floats to the surface from her
clothing. You discover that it reverses the Tum to Stone spell and
quickly hold it to each of the creatures, who scamper away. The
Golden Bear wishes to help you in your quest.
Golden Bear's Bit Points: 24
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
The Golden Bear does 9 Hit Points of damage with its claws per
successful Combat Tum.
Your good deed done, the portal transports you into dense forest
near the entrance to Lath's Grove. Tum to page 84.
You can't afford to lose your magic items if you are to go on with
your quest. so you must fight the Wolfman and his three Wolves
(the Wolves will fight collectively). Thll the Wizard reader to turn to
the Monster Th.hie on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 54.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you survive, you explore the keep of the Thorn Castle and dis·
cover a great treasure trove.

Wolfman's Treasure. Magical dagger: does 3 Hit points of

damage and never misses in combat: can be used by an ally,
who can use it in conjunction with other weapons. Healing
Ointment: restores 9 Hit Points. Medallion of Magical Protec-
tion: negates the first 3 Hit Points of magical damage done in
every battle, but just once in a battle.

Pleased at having put a stop to such evil. you leave the castle by
the widest path. Turn to page 56.

The path through the willows is horrible. All the small green
leaves have turned to thorns, and the graceful branches are
twisted and gnarled. Even with no wind, the branches whip at you
as you pass. You shudder as you realize that you still have far to go
and that the evil done to the forest can only get worse.
You take a moment to commune with the plants and creatures
along the path, but the evil around you is overwhelming. Your eye
is caught by a small beech tree growing just off the path. It still
looks fresh and free. But as you head toward it, you see that it is
now being attacked. Poisonous vines are draining its life force. as
willows lean over it, blocking out the life-giving light. When you
try to remove the clinging vines. you notice the mark of Lath in the
fork of the beech. He must have marked this tree for a purpose.
You bend to inspect the mark when you hear the sou11ds of battle
farther along the path. It's a battle like none you've ever heard
before. Lightning flashes from the sky. and beneath the thunder
you hear light laughter between the thud of blows. You leap up to
go, but the tree seems to call to you for attention. You are tom
between instantly going to the battle and taking time to discover
why Lath marked the beech tree.
-+ You head toward the battle. which sounds as if it is coming
toward you anyway. Tum to page 44.
-+ You must check out the beech tree. Anything to do with
Lath could be important. Tum to page 86.


Your movement through the forest is suddenly blocked by huge

spider webs binding the trees together. You must enter the webs
and try to destroy them. You find the work surprisingly easy yet
tiring, so tiring you may have to lie down and sleep. . . . You' re
being magically attacked!
The webs you touch disintegrate into dust that drifts around
your head, putting you to sleep! Turning your mind to thoughts of
Nature. you withstand the effect of the dust. Tu see if each of your
allies can. you and the Wizard reader use the Combat Thble. A
result of .. •" or "2X" puts an ally to sleep. ·
Just as you are trying to waken the allies who could not resist the
magical sleep. evil Giant Spiders attack. You can quickly use your
Neutralize Poison spell to waken one ally. But then you must fight!
You must fight Giant Spiders. Have the Wizard reader turn to the
Monster Thble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 56.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you win the battle. you release any allies who are still asleep and
begin burning the webs around you. This part of the forest is magi-
cally purified by the fire. Flowers and new shoots long trapped in
the magical webs now reach for the sun. Exulting in the new life.
your eye is caught by a small shrine. Turn to page 33.

The second key blows up long before you even get it into the
lock. Your group talces 8 Hit Points of damage.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you survive, you watch, horrified. as the Princess turns into a
Vampiress which drifts through the bars and attacks. You now
realize that getting rid of her is supposed to be your good deed. not
any of the other things you've had to do up to now.
You must fight the Vampiress. Have the Wizard reader turn to the
Monster Thble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 51.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you win the battle. you search the area carefully for any other
unfortunates who have fallen victim to this creature's trap. Turn to
page 39.


Stepping from the portal. you immediately discover a life-sized

statue of a golden bear. The creature Is standing on its hind legs as
if It's about to strike. You can't imagine what such a thing is doing
in the middle of the forest .. . until you see other statues. There's a
squirrel on the trunk of a tree. an eagle on a boulder to your left.
There's even a group of three men standing in front of a cave. All of
the statues appear to be looking at that cave. Perhaps whatever
has turned these creatures to stone is still in there!
You must fulfill the portal's requirement! You can think of only
two things to do: pursue whatever-it-is into the cave or use an
Insect spell to try to drive the· thing out.
-+ You rush into the cave. ready to face whatever monster is
there. Turn to page 38.
-+ You call up a magical swarm of insects and send them into
the cave. Tum to page 61.


Oaks have always been your joy and your solace. but as you
move among these oaks. you feel only the evil that has corrupted
them. Instead of reaching out to you in magical healing comfort.
the oak trees want to crush and devour you. If trees on the edge of
Lath's forest have been so twisted, what must those near Lath's
sacred Grove be like?
As you pause to protect yourself and your allies with minor
magic. you notice a single giant oak that seems to have escaped
the evil. Inspecting it more closely. you see the protective mark of
Lath on its huge trunk, but you also see that it's being attacked
from the outside. The other. evil trees have bent to block it from
the sun. Evil dark spores are working their way through the bark.
And a colony of termites is trying to penetrate its heart. You work
quickly to rid the noble tree of these destructive things.
Then you hear the sound of evil laughter and scent the odor of
something impossibly sweet. Quickly finishing your work. you
move' along the path toward the sound and soon see a hut some
distance away. You know it to be the source of the strange smell.
You start to head toward the hut when the great oak you saved
seems to call you back.
-+ You move cautiously to the hut to investigate the evil that
hides there. Tum to page 64.
-+ You move back to the giant oak which, you realize, Lath
must have marked for some reason. Tum to page 23.


The lovely Princess Lynnra stands on the balcony above you.

looking on in horror as you fight for your life.
You must fight the Vargouille. Have the Wizard reader tum to the
Monster Thble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 60.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win the fight, you rush to the other door. throw it open, and
climb the stairs. Tum to page 47.


Throwing the magical insects into the cave worked beyond youi:
wildest expectations. There's a commotion inside the cave, and
suddenly a raging figure comes running out. A Medusa!
You know you can fight her while she's distracted by the insects.
but then you reali.ze that this is also a good opportunity to sneak
into her cave and see if there's something you can use to help the
-+ You '11 have to fight the Medusa eventually, so you might as
well get it over ~ith . Tum to page 45.
-+ With the Medusa still slapping at insects. you go into the
cave. Tum to _page 62.

Hoping that the insects will keep the raging Medusa busy. you
quickly enter the cave and look around. There's a pool of water fill-
ing a large part of the cave. but your attention is caught by a pile of
arms and armor in one corner. Inspecting the pile, you are sur-
prised by the size. But you soon focus on a wonderful magical
spear. The weapon glows in your hands as if it had been made for
you. Looking closely. you discover druidic runes inscribed on it.
On the handle is the mark of the Archdruid Lath. Perhaps he left
this spear here just for you!

Lath's Spear: does 11 Hit Points of damage per successful

Combat Turn.

Searching further, you find a small mirror lying by the pool. as if

it had fallen from the Medusa's clothing. When you touch the mir-
ror. it glows. It's magical! But what does it do? You don't think the
Medusa uses it because you've heard that the evil creature can be
turned to stone herself by looking in a mirror. Perhaps the magical
m.i rror undoes the Medusa's enchantment!
You quickly peer outside the cave and discover that the Medusa
has been driven away by the insects from your spell. Using the
mirror on all the stone creatures you can find. you free them of the
Medusa's Tum to Stone spell. They quickly scamper away. except
for the Bear, who offers to help you on your quest.
Golden Bear's Hit Points: 24
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
It does 9 Hit Points of damage with its claws.
Your good deed done, you are transported by the portal to the
dense forest near the entrance to Lath's Grove. Turn to page 84.

You feel safe in giving up your weapons to the Elf because you
have so many other ways of fighting. So you drop your weapons on
the ground in front of the Elf and glare at him sternly.
"I will be back for them, Warrior. I expect them to be here when I
The Elf in front of you sighs and says. " Druid. if you do return.
these. weapons will be here and you may find your quest being
aided by a warrior Elf." With that the Elf disappears into the forest
almost as easily as a druid could.
Moving on down the path, you fret a bit about leaving your
weapons, but then you have an idea. The Elf guard is there to .
relieve you of your weapons. but now that you're past. you can
make more weapons. even from this eyil. twisted forest.
Working quickly, you are able to make a number of weapons
from the twisted limbs of black trees as well as a huge wooden club
for yourself. One ally manages to create a sling out of tough vines
and finds several of the proper-sized stones to use with it. Re-
armed. you're ready to face even the Green Dragon.

Makeshift Weapons: 4 Javelins: each does 4 Hit Points of

damage in a successful Combat Tum but is not reusable.
Druid's Club: does 12 Hit Points of damage but can only be used
every other Combat Tum because of its great weight. Sling:
does 5 Hit Points of damage each time it strikes.

You move on down the path with considerably more assurance.

Tum to page 69.


The sound of evil laughter and the ~trange. sweet smell draw
you toward the hut. You feel no surprise at discovering a Witch
within. Normally, you would leave her to her cauldron and go on,
but there is a maiden trapped in the hut. a maiden who needs your
Considering that your druidic magic works best in the open.
your first thought is to try to get the Witch out of her lair. But you
know from experience that there is a great advantage in surprise.
Perhaps you should just burst in the door. Whatever you decide
could well mean the difference between life and death.
-+You decide to try to draw the Witch out of her hut. Prepare
your magic and tum to page 91.
-+ Deciding that surprise is the best. you rush in the door
shrieking. Turn to page 21.


Checking out Lath's mark has truly paid off. The Great Druid, In
his Infinite wisdom, has left you some gifts that will give you a
great deal of help In reclaiming his lost Grove from the evil that
holds It.

Druid'• Cache: Wand ofMagic Missiles: allows anyone to shoot

a bolt ofenergy that never misses, doing 4 Hit Points of damage.
Ring of ProtecUon: stops the first 2 Hit Points of damage in a
successful hit by an enemy from affecting your group. 3 PoUons
ofHealing: each restores 5 Hit Points of damage. Druid Scimitar
of DestrucUon: does 12 Hit Points of damage per successful
Combat Turn.

Now you're really ready to face the Dragon. Turn to page 75.

Running to the piles of armor and arms in the comer of the
cavern. you grab the first thing that comes to hand and turn to
face the Medusa. The creature is momentarily stunned as the
spear in your hands flashes in a ray of sun. You have a potent
weapon indeed! Inspecting the spear. you discover the runes of
Archdruid Lath on the shaft-it was his spear. Overjoyed. you
advance on the Medusa with your eyes averted. But before you
even reach her. you hear a thud.
The Medusa has been turned to stone and fallen to the floor! She
must have seen her reflection in the broad blade of your weapon.
When you exit the cave. the spear in your hand pulls you toward
the bear statue. One touch of the magic weapon and the Bear
comes to life! You restore all the other creatures. too. and they all
go running gratefully off.

Archclruld's Spear: does 11 Hit Points of damage.

You've done your good deed. The portal transports you into the
dense forest near the entrance to Lath's Grove. Tum to page 84.


It's an illusion! There was no helpless girl. just an illusion that

tricked you into falling into a pit. You 're not damaged and you can
quickly scramble out. but different damage has been done-the
. Green Dragon is ready and facing you!
You drop back into the pit to quickly use whatever healing magic
you have, so that you and your allies start what promises to be a
vicious fight at full strength.
The Dragon gets the first strike. then the fight continues. Tum to
page 71 to conduct combat. The Dragon gets the first strike
because you can't surprise it.


Finding yourself safe. you quickly run to the wall and leap over
it. There you find the Princess trapped In a cage.
"Oh, dear," she says. weeping. "Only you can get me out of
"How can I do that?" you ask.
"There are two keys on that table," she says. pointing. "One will
open the cage door. But the other will put me in grave danger. I
don't care about the danger," she adds. bravely. "I just want to get
out of here!"
You ponder the problem and find yourself wondering what it is
about the Princess that keeps making it so difficult to accomplish
what should be a simple good deed. Maybe she has something to
do with the problems facing you instead of being a victim.
-+ It's easy enough to just pick up a key and try it in the lock.
Tum to page 49.
-+ You pick up both keys and throw them into the cage. Let
her open her own door. It isn't very gallant, but it sure is
logical. Tum to page 51.


You're prepared fpr almost anything as you walk on past the Elf,
but not the tall. red-eyed creature that appears before you-a
Phantom Stalker! Another guardian, this one spawned by evil.
You can only hope for the best as you meet it in battle.
You must fight the Phantom Stalker. 'Jell the Wizard reader to tum
to the Monster Thble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 69.
If you lose all your Hit Points, tum to page 144.
If you survive. you drag your wounded body off the path to rest. As
you lie in the grass. trying to recover, you see a mark on one of the
trees, the mark of Lath, the Archdruid.
-+ You rise to investigate the mark before pursuing the
Dragon further. Tum to page 65.
-+ Eager to finish the Dragon and get back to your quest, you
return to the path. Tum to page 75.

You follow the Drow group holding the Wizardess captive. Or are
they? As you get deeper into the woods, you see the Wizardess free
herse1fl When she tries to flee, the Drow Elves attack her, and you
rush in to help her.
You must fight the evil Drow Elves. Have the Wizard reader tum to
the Monster Thble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 70.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you win the battle, the Wizardess is very grateful for your help
and she offers to aid you in your quest.
Wizardess's Bit Points: 31 with 12 remaining after battle
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
The Wizardess uses spells that do 8 Hit Points of damage.
As you turn to leave, sensing that the Archdruid's Grove is near. a
dying Drow stirs briefly.
-+ If you ignore the Drow and head directly to the First Circle
of Lath's Grove, turn to page 120.
-+If you bend down by the dying Dro~. turn to page 98.
The raging Green Dragon in front of you promises you the
toughest fight of your life. In the brief moment that you have to
think beyond battle, you shudder at the thought of what the Grove
itself will hold! And if the Dragon is just the servant ...
You must fight the Green Dragon. Tull the Wizard reader to tum to
the Monster Thble on page 147 and Monster Encounter 71.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you survive, you congratulate yourself, then take time to search
the Dragon's lair very carefully. Dragon treasure should certainly
yield something useful to you in your struggle to clean up the
Druid's Grove. Tum to page 87.

The forest gets so dark you can't even see the woodland crea-
tures. As you round a huge rotting tree. you discover a lone female
warrior battling an army of horrible undead creatures. The only
sounds are the labored breathing of the woman and the gentle
sighs that the undead warriors make as they fall to her blade.
Breaking the silence, you rush shouting into the fray!
You must fight the Zombie Warriors. Tull the Wizard reader to tum
to the Monster Tuble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 72.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you win the battle. the female warrior introduces herself as Ver-
dure Lath. a ranger and niece of Archdruid Lath. When she hears
your story. she insists on going with you.
Verdure Lath's Hit Points: 20 with 10 remaining
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Her weapon does 6 Hit Points of damage per successful Combat

Turn. Note this page number for when you use her help in combat.
Curious about why the undead warriors attacked. you follow the
path they made. Turn to page 31.
"Wait. Friend!" the Elf Warrior shouts. Something in her voice
causes you to hesitate before attacking her. Quickly she adds. " I
have come to serve you. not fight you!"
You stare at her without speaking. weapons still at the ready in
case this is some kind of a trick.
"You have killed the Green Servant. and my people are grateful.
This great. evil beast has held power over us for a long time. We
have lost many of our best young Elves in its service. I have come
in to thank you for putting an end to the Dragon and to offer to help
you finish your quest."
Elf Warrior's Hit Points: 29
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29)
The Elf Warrior does 11 Hit Points of damage with her weapon.
Note this page number for when you use her help In combat.
You gladly accept her help. and you all go into the cave to see what
treasure w11l be useful.
Tum to page 99.
It wasn't a pool at all, but a mirage in a sandy desert! And it's
inhabited by a horrible. evil, manlike creature that sets dreadful
vibrations up in your body! You know that only magic can kill it!
You must fight the Dune Stalker. Have the Wizard reader to turn to
the Monster Tuble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 74.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win the battle, you see that the bound Princess is being
hauled, shrieking. up and over the wall. Turn to page 68.

You're eager to reach the Dragon and slay it so that you can fin-
ish this business. But you're not so eager that you don't step out of
sight of the Dragon's cave to find out what's happening. And
what's happening is something that can slow you up in getting to
the Druid's Grove.
Well, you certainly have to rescue the girl-but before or after
dealing with the Dragon?
4 You creep to the girl's side to free her from her chains. Turn
to page 67.
4 You don't want to give the Dragon any warning of your
coming. So. planning to free the girl after you meet the
Dragon. you move quietly into the cave. Turn to page 71.

The well-traveled path soon leads you to a huge castle that rises
from the top of an active volcano.
"Let's go get 'em!" exclaims Roht. "Those giants have done too
much damage in this forest!"
You manage to persuade the huge warrior to be patient while
you try to gather what information you can.
"All right," he says grudgingly. "but what shall we do?"
You describe two plans to him and let him pick one:
-+ Roht will challenge the guards at the front gate am;l then
run and hide to see what happens. Tum to page 27.
-+ The two of you will look for a secret entrance, hoping to
get in to scout the inner castle. Tum to page 34.

If the Green Servant is a Dragon, you will need all your weapons,
so you must fight the Elf to go past. But you decide not to try to kill
him, even though you know he will do his best to prevent your
You must fight the Elf Warrior. Have the Wizard reader turn to the
Monster Th.hie on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 77.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you win the battle. you look down sadly at the unconscious Elf
on the path. then hurry toward the Dragon who was forcing the Elf
to fight for him. Turn to page 69.

You decide to move on in pursuit of your own quest for the source
of the evil in the forest. In thanks for your help. Roht gives you a
magical figurine of a hammer.

Magical Hammer of Summoning: usable one time to call

Roht to come to your aid.
Roht's Hlt Points: 30
( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10) ( 11) ( 12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23)
(24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)
Roht"s Hammer does 14 Hit Points of damage each Combat
Turn and doesn't miss. Make a note of this page number so that
you can return here when calling on Robt's assistance.

Saying good-bye to the Hammer Warrior, you move deeper into

the evil forest. Turn to page 72.


Fighting seems like the only answer. but you quickly discover
they are as tough as you thought.
You are about to enter Combat with two Fighters and a Wizardess.
Tull the Wizard reader to turn to the Monster Thble on page 147
and run Monster Encounter 79.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you win the battle, you refrain from carrying out the final. fatal
blows. You 're still torn about whether attacking was the best thing
to do. But you just keep them safely bound as you search the three
to see what they are carrying. Then you send them-amazed- on
their way.

Fighters' and Wizardeaa'a 'Ireaaure: 28 huge rubies; PoUon

ofHealing: restores 6 Hit Points; and Potion ofStrength: causes
"X" results in Combat to be "2X" for one group member in one

With the enemies gone. you look around the courtyard and then
move toward a large keep. Turn to page 41.
You know you 're getting closer to Lath's Grove. You can feel the
evil concentrating around you. 'free roots become personal ene-
mies and try to trip you more and more frequently. The lower
branches of dead trees seem to come to life long enough to slash at
you as you pass. The path twists and turns many times until even
your forest-wise senses become confused. Your growing unease
peaks as you realize that the dead trees themselves are trying to
destroy you!
You must fight the Zombie 'frees. Have the Wizard reader turn to
the Monster Thble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 80.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you survive the immediate battle, you see even more trees
slowly moving to attack you. You rush away along the path, only
to realize that the forest area you've now entered is a solid wall of
thorns. Normally. such thorns would be no problem for one of your
experience, but nothing is normal on this quest! Turn to page 40.

After describing to Mertcules the reason you are trying to reach
the Archdruid's Grove, she admits that she has some magtcal
powers, which she will be happy to put to your use.
Merlcule•' • Hit Points: 13
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
She takes a Lightning Bolt Wand from the Witch's things. (Wand
has 19 charges and strikes for 9 Hit Points of damage. The charge
is used up whether it hits or not.)
She also has several magic spells:
Magic Mlssfle: does 4 Hit Points of damage.
Fireball: does 11 Hit Points of damage.
Snake Kill: strips all but 1 Hit Point from a single snake
or reptile of any type. 1ncludlng Dragons!
Items given to Mertcules during the adventure:

Mertcules's magical nature puts her in tune with the Wizard, who
is aware of everything she does. Tull the Wizard reader to tum to
page 70. You must inform the Wizard reader every tlme you use
her Wand or a magic spell.
Return to the page with the Witch's hut. Page 21 or Page 91
You are able to revive the dwarf. Weeping tears of gratitude, he
promises undying loyalty to you. Embarrassed, you ask him
about himself.
As you find arms and armor for the Dwarf, he tells you that he is
a fighter from the Dwarven Mountains of Gold. He was captured
on his way through this forest. And once again. he emotionally
promises to guard your back forever.

Dwarf's Hit Points: 18

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
The Dwarfstrikes for 5 Hit Points of damage with the war hammer
you find for him.
Items given to the Dwarf during the adventure:

Be sure to make a note of this page number so you can return here
when you use him in combat.
With the Dwarf at your back. seemingly ready to protect you from
anything. you go:
-+ back up the stairs and to the main keep of the castle. Turn
to page 41.
-+ through the room where you found the Dwarf. farther into
the dungeon. Turn to page 46.


You follow the little silk glove into a small. walled courtyard. The
faces on the doors are magical. and they speak to you:
"The Princess Lynnra. standing above you. is a prisoner here,"
the crying face says between sobs. .
"All you have to do is open the proper door. and you will find
stairs that will take you to her balcony," the smiling face says
brightly. "A real hero will know which door to pick. A lout will
choose the wrong door every t!me. Naturally. the wrong door has
something very dangerous behind it."
'Tm sorry to say that you must pick one of these doors," whim-
pers the crying face. "I can only hope that you pick the right door."
~ You take the crying door on the right. Tum to page 4 7 .

~ You take the laughing door on the left. Tum to page 60.

Moving down the trail, you become increasingly uneasy as the
forest around you changes Into a horrific parody of a forest. The
trees have turned black and droop gracelessly. The other plants
are twisted. dark. petrified monstrosities that ooze black poison.
The horrors you are seeing almost prevent you from detecting a
small open meadow where a group of Drow Elves is camped. Shak-
ing off your debilitating shock, you quietly scout the camp. keep-
ing the evil black creatures from detecting your presence. You
discover that the Elves hold three captives. Just as you admit that
there are far too many Elves to take on in a direct fight. the group
begins to break camp. The numerous Drow split into three groups.
each with a different prisoner and going a different direction. You
can now save one prisoner. but which one?
Swearing that you will return to try to save the others after dealing
with the evil in the Archdruid's Grove, you decide to try to help:
-+ the Faerie Dragon. Turn to page 26. ·
-+ the Wizardess. Turn to page 70.
-+ the Warrior. Turn to page 35.

"Hold, brave fighters!" you say, courageously holding up your
weaponless hand In the face of their charge. You fear they will not
listen. but then the Wizardess steps in front of them. ·
"They listen to Tharmera but a minute. Speak fast and tell us
why you are here!" You quickly tell them of your quest and that
you think something important may be in the keep of the castle.
Tharmera returns your trust by telling you that the three of
them, lost in the woods. sought safety in this strange castle for the
night. Safety was almost denied them In a fight with a host of
Ogres. but they survived and were just about to go explore the
main keep for themselves when you and your allies burst In.
"Then let us go in together," you suggest.
And they agree ... as long as you share the spoils.
Ttro Fighters' Hit Points: 22
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (llS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
Wlzardess's Hit Points: 19
(1) (~) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
Fighters collectively do 7 Hit Points of damage per successful
Combat Tum. The Wizardess does 4 Hit Points. but she never
misses in a Combat Tum.
Preparing to enter the main keep. tum to page 41.
Knowing better than to ignore anything related to Lath. you set
about freeing the beech of the entangling vines. You then gain the
small tree more light by using your special powers to force the
encroaching willows to move back. The tree relays its satisfaction
to you, then moves so that for the first time you see a small hole in
its trunk. The hole is filled with an unusual fur.
The sounds of battle in your ears. you quickly remove the fur
and spread it on the ground in front of you. A glowing Golden Sling
and 11 small glowing Sling Stones fall out. Each of the Stones and
the Sling itself are marked with a small golden lightning bolt. You
haven't used a sling since you were a boy and certainly never one
this fine. You place a Stone in the strap of the Sling and swing it
around your head. Immediately. the sky above you fills with
clouds and thunder crackles through them. At first you think that
the distant battle has caused this magical thunder. but then you
realize that it's the Golden Sling. Unable to resist the temptation to
see the weapon work. you aim a Stone at the blackest of the evil
willows. Berk and Soral gasp as a huge lightning bolt shoots down
from the sky and strikes the willow exactly where your Stone
marked it. You've a potent weapon indeed!

Golden Sling and 10 Stones: Each Stone will call lightning

down from the sky and do IO Hit Points of damage if it hits. A
Stone is used up whether or not it hits because its magic calls
down the lightning. Any member of your original group can use
the Sling. but it will work only with the special Stones.

With this new weapon in hand. you race toward the sound of bat-
tle. Tum to page 44.


You gasp as you realize just how much treasure is here. If you
survive your quest. your order of druids will profit greatly from the
Dragon's horde. As you look it over, you can tell that much of it
came originally from Archdruid Lath's coffers. You see his mark
on many of the items tossed carelessly over the floor.
It must have been the lure of the treasure that enabled the evil
forces of the Grove to bring the Green Dragon to these woods. You
were definitely wise to fight the Dragon before you entered the
Grove. If you hadn't, the Green Dragon would have been sum-
moned and you would have had to battle several powerful enemies
at once. Now, all you need to do is take what might be useful in
completing your quest and leave for Archdruid Lath's Grove.
Before you can determine what might be useful. you hear the
sound of someone in armor approaching. You should have known
that taking this treasure would not be so easy!
You and your surviving allies ready your weapons and charge
from the cave. Tum to page 73. ·

The Wizard has magically freed a Pixie from a mystical prison.
This Pixie doesn't really want to serve the Wizard but feels bound
to help out at least once. It magically contacts you and tells you
that it will take your advice on the matter.
You can call the Pixie to your side after the Wizard has one
encounter or you m ay allow it to stay there. If items are given to
the Pixie, they become ·yours when you call it to your side.
Pbde's Hit Points: 5
( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Plus an additional 3 Hit Points the Wizard doesn't know
( 1) (2) (3)
The Pixie's weapons:
5 War arrows that do 4 Hit Points of damage each: used up
whether they hit or not.
3 Sleep arrows that will put anything to sleep on a "2X" or
" • " and are used up whether they hit or not.
4 Confusion arrows that cause a being to refrain from attacking
for 3 Combat Turns; used up whether they hit or not when shot.
Items acquired by the Pixie during the adven ture:

"What are you doing here?" demands the bandit leader.
You tell him of your quest to try to find Archdruld Lath and put
an end to the evil in the forest.
"Lath!" exclaims the bandit. "'He was long a friend of mine."
And so you find that the bandit leader. named Alain. is not evil
after all. In fact he tells you what he knows of the forest that might
be of help to you. You learn that down a large path on the other side
of the clearing are Giant Spiders. which the band has been fighting
for months in order to keep them from spreading. Down another
path is a huge thorn bramble that the bandits have not been able
to get past. You know that your druidic skills would take you
through the brambles. but you wonder what the brambles might
be hiding.
'Tll tell you what I'll do," offers Alain with a disarming smile.
'Tll give you help in your quest if you can win it in an archery con-
Your heart drops. knowing you wouldn't stand much chance of
getting help this way. But then you know you have to at least try.
You and your allies join Alain at the archery range.
Turn to page 29.


Your commitment to Nature decrees that you must fight the

creature. but you know from the first strike that it will be difficult.
It's hard enough to fight a multi-headed hydra. but this one
breathes fire!
You are entering combat with a Pyrohydra. '!ell the Wizard reader
to turn to the Monster Tuble on page 147 and run Monster
Encounter 90.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you survive the battle. you hear the voice of the Water Sprite
again. "Thank you for freeing this lake from that evll creature. On
your journey. be sure to take time to stop at Lath's marks when
you see them. Now choose which path you will you take. Druid."
-+ Willing to confront giants and the forest-turned-evil itself.
you take the path of willows. Tum to page 55.
-+ Willing to fight evil magic. you take the oak path. Tum to

When you have hidden, one of your allies stands in the middle of
the path and starts yelling.
In the blink of an eye, the Witch is standing in the open doorway.
smiling as sweetly as an ugly old crone can. " Why, dearte, what-
ever's the matter?" she croons. "Do come in. I've got a friend here
who would love some company."
"Arrrrgh!" Your ally falls to the ground. faking great pain, and
the Witch hurries out of the hut.
"Goooood," she coos. "My pot will help you forget all about your
You leap to the attack!
You fight the Witch. Have the Wizard reader tum to the Monster
Thble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 91.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win the battle. you rush into the hut and free the trapped
maiden. who introduces herself as Mericules. Grateful for the res-
cue, she offers to help you on your quest.
If you decide that she could be helpful. tum to page 81 and then
come back to this page to make a choice of where to go next.
If you think you had better go on without her. say good-bye, and
look around you:
_.. Through the trees down one path you hear noises that
sound like fighting . The sounds draw you that way. Turn
to page 48.
_.. You see a massive oak tree rising out of the forest like a
beacon. You go to investigate whether this oldest of oaks
has been affected by the evil in the forest. Turn to page 24.
_.. You sense that a path choked with black thorns has the
greatest concentration of evil around the Witch's hut, so
you head toward it, knowing that the heart of the forest
and Lath's Grove lie that way. Turn to page 52.

There's trouble instantly! One of the guardians of the First Circle
waits to stop you. You realize that the guardians are the trapped
souls of good warriors. probably ones who came to the Grove to rid
it of evil. You mourn for this one and know you could free it by kill-
ing it. but should you take the chance this early in your dreadful
journey lo~he Inner Sanctuary? You could just go around it.
lfyoujust move around the guardian, turn to page 141.
If you feel you must free it. prepare to fight. Have the Wizard
reader turn to the Monster Thble on page 147 and run Monster
Encounter 92.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win. you feel the soul of the warrior leave with a sigh and you
know you've done a good thing. Tum to page 137.

. .

You locate the bandits and have a chance to study them before
they spot you. There are more of them than you had hoped. The
Dwarf leader is holding a huge glowing battle-axe in his hands.
You briefly consider challenging the Dwarf to personal combat so
that you can use all of your strengths and not have to worry about
the other bandits. But you still have the advantage of surprise.
->- You charge the bandits, hoping that surprise will out·
weigh superior numbers. Turn to page 135.
->- You and your allies come out of hiding to challenge the
Dwarf to single combat. Turn to page 110.

There's a quietness in the Second Circle of Lath's Grove. but it's
the quiet of waiting. not of peace. With no immediate dangers visi·
ble. you walk through the circle until you come across a small
shrine. where you pause for a moment to consider what to do.
Darkness is coming. a time when evil things could happen with no
warning. Should you rush on or take the time to clear away the
malign growths choking this bower and perhaps rest here for the
-+ Hoping your work will be beneficial, you clear away the
evil that threatens to swallow the shrine. and then you
rest in its goodness for the n ight. Tum to page 133.
-+ Wanting above all else to meet and defeat the evil that is
consuming the entire Grove. you continue on in the gath·
ertng gloom. Tum to page 112.

It's not a fog cloud. it's a Fog Giant! As you realize from the
stench what it is. the creature also becomes aware of you!
You must fight the Fog Giant. Tull the Wizard reader to tum to the
Monster Tu.hie on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 95.
If you lose all your Hit Points. something has really gone awry.
Tum to page 144.
If you survive the battle, you discover that the Giant has some
treasure stolen from the forest elves.

Elven Treaaure: Magic Bow: allows one archery attack In any

new battle. automatically hitting for 6 Hit Points ofdamage: Jar
of Healing Ointment: restores up to 10 Hit Points of damage;
and Scroll with 2 Magic-user Fireball Spells: each does 10 Hit
Points of damage but may be used only by a magic-user.

The fog cloud didn't disappear with the death of the Fog Giant! If
you want to see if you can find out why. tum to page 103.
If you decide you want to go on. the Sprites. in gratitude. tell you:
-+ If you have already fought the Zombie 'Il-ees. tum to page
-+If you have already seen the Drow. tum to page 40.
As you enter the Third Circle. you shudder at the sight of the
plants. They are so malign that they seem to bear no kinship with
the plants that you have communed with all your years as a druid.
You are sure that you will soon face the instigator of all this horror
that has been inflicted on Lath's forest. You hope you're strong
enough to meet it.
Suddenly you hear a shuffling sound and feel something brush
your cloak. A Thief has stolen something and gotten away unde-
tected! (A magic item has been stolen from your group. Mark one
off your list.) You immediately consider going after the culprit. But
then you hesitate-:could this be a trick to get you off the path?
-+ You move through the evil flowers after the invisible Thief.
Turn to page 138.
-+ You ignore the theft and keep to the path you have set
yourself. But you move more cautiously as you go toward
the Grove. Tum ta page 134.

It's a good thing for the Sprites that you stayed around-the
monster you fought was just an advance guard! There's a band of
Lizardmen Warriors coming, too!
You decide to fight the newcomers. Tull the Wizard reader to tum
to the Monster Thble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 97.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win the battle, you find that the warriors had some helpful

Lizard.men's Treasure: Magical Shield: subtracts 2 Hit Points

from successful strikes against your group in a Combat Tum.
Potion ofHealing: restores 4 Hit Points of damage. Darts: These
are better than yours and you now do 7 Hit Points per success-
ful Combat Tum.

Because you protected them, the Sprites give you guidance on get-
ting back to your quest:
-+If you have already fought the Zombie 'frees, tum to page
-+ If you have already seen the Drow, tum to page 40.
A single dying Drow Elf lies at your feet. He opens his eyes
widely and stares to the west. "The Green Servant will avenge us,"
he murmurs. And then he dies. You have no idea who or what the
''Green Servant" is, but you have an uneasy feeling that you may
find out.
Pondering the ominous words of the Drow. you deliberately
choose to go west, in the direction the dying Elf was looking when
he spoke his curse. Tum to page 32.


The Elf Warrior, knowing the kinds of things that would be useful
to finishing your quest, helps you explore the Dragon's treasure.
Pleased at what you find, you pick out a number of special items,
knowing that you will be back later to get the remainder.

Dragon's Treasure: 2 Chalices ofHealing Potion: restores 17

Hit Points per chalice. Bracers ofDefense: prevents 4 Hit Points
of damage from hitting your group with every successful
enemy strike. 2 Druid Spell Scrolls: both Creeping Doom spells
do 20 Hit Points of damage and work automatically. 5 Fire
Seeds: do 8 Hit Points of damage when thrown and do not miss.

With these great treasures and your new-found ally, you feel confi-
dent as you start back up the path, checking out your weapons
and readying yourself for the battle to come.... But as you move
closer to the First Circle of Lath's evil-inhabited Grove, your
doubts reawaken.
Tum to page 120.


The big Warrior talks while he marks out a pattern of squares in

the dirt of the meadow.
"We will use your darts. Druid. You go to the other edge of this
meadow and pick a square to stand in. I will then toss a handful of
your darts high in the air to try to make them fall on you. Every
time I miss you can advance toward me one row. If you win, I will
leave this forest. But if you lose-or if you fail to survive the
game-these unicorns are mine. and you will leave me alone."
The game Is played between the two readers. The Druid player
marks a square in the first row to show where the Druid is stand-
ing. The Wizard reader then guesses where the Druid is standing.
If he is correct. the Druid takes 9 Hit Points of damage. If he is
wrong, the Druid is safe for that round. The Druid reader makes a
mark in the next row and play continues.
The game can end in one of three ways:
-+You lose all your Hit Points. Tum to page 144.
-+ You reach the finish line before losing all your Hit Points
but you never win a round against the Warrior. The good
deed has not been done. Sad at leaving the unicorns in
slavery to the Warrior, you toss another token into the por-
tal. Tum to page 28 to make the choice.
-+ You win and have accomplished your good deed. The por-
tal transports you into the dense forest near the entrance
to Lath's Grove. Tum to page 84.


1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4

1 2 3

1 2

You quickly find yourself facing the band of Ores and their huge.
ferocious leader. You could fight the entire group. but you think
the leader looks egotistical enough to accept a one-against-one
If you challenge the Ogre to single combat. turn to page 139.
If you choose to fight them all at once. tell the Wizard reader to
turn to the MonsterTu.ble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you win the battle, the Dryad thanks you and hands you and
each of your allies a gift and sends you down the trail.

Potions of Beallng: one each for you and your allies, each
restoring 8 Hit Points of damage.
The Dryad also gives you some advice:
-+ If you have already met the Female Ranger. turn to page
-+ If you have already met the Giant Spiders. turn to page 28.
When the fog doesn't go away. you're sure something is wrong.
Then you realize that the Fog Giant was only the scout for a band
of Lizardmen. They are led by a huge Lizardman warrior with a
magical glow that shines through the fog.
If you are going to truly help the Sprites. you must fight these
creatures. too!
Tull the Wizard reader to tum to the Monster Thble on page 147
and run Monster Encounter 103.
If you lose all your Hit Points, tum to page 144.
If you win the battle. you discover several useful items among the
Lizardmen 's things:

Llzardmen's Treasure: Magical Spear: does 8 Hit Points of

damage. Healing Ointment: restores 11 Hit Points. Magical
Flint Dagger: does 5 Hit Points and can be used with another
weapon on the attack.

In gratitude, the Sprites give you some guidance:

-+ If you have already fought the Zombie 'frees. tum to page
-+If you have already seen the Drow, tum to page 40.

You know the Cloud Giant and his Spotted Lion will be difficult
opponents. but you have the advantage of surprise.
Tull the Wizard reader to tum to the Monster Tuble on page 147
and run Monster Encounter 104. You get two strikes per Combat
Tum. one directed at each of your adversaries.
If you lose all your Hit Points. something really went wrong! Tum
to page 144.
If you win the battle, you discover a magical bracelet.

Lion Bracelet: allows you to repel Spotted Lions without hav-

ing to fight them.

If you want to investigate this area where the Sprites brought you
a little further, turn to page 97.
If you want to head back toward the Druid's Grove, the grateful
Sprites help you:
-+If you have already fought the Zombie 'frees. turn to page
-+If you have already seen the Drow, tum to page 40.
As you grab for the bottle, you make a hasty move and acciden-
tally knock the brass stopper off. Tu your horror. an Efreet comes
steaming out the bottle, shrieking in delight.
"For 3,000 years I have been in that botUe. Now it's time to fly!"
The creature grabs you and your allies as well as the Wizard and
his henchmen that you've been fighting and takes to the air.
Appalled, you watch as he swoops down on a large group of
Lizardmen and blasts them with fire just for fun.
You remind the creature that the Wizard and his Warriors are
your enemies. The Efreet laughs and goes to the ground. where he
sets them down gently. "You don't need them," he says. chuckling.
"You have enough other enemies!"
You know what the creature means when he sets you down in
the dense forest by the entrance to the First Circle of Lath's Grove.
"You think I have done you a favor. little man. Just you wait," he
says. laughing. "Just you wait!"
Tum to page 120.

·. ·.

The knight was betrayed and his equipment sabotaged before
the joust. Now the equipment lies before the Wizard. He must pick
up four undamaged things, then he'll be allowed to leave. Every
time he touches a sabotaged item, however. he takes the damage
the knight took in his battle long ago.
Tu play. you secretly select five items from the pile illustrated.
Each one you choose will do 7 Hit Points of damage to the Wizard.

Now, the Wizard reader must choose items. Ifhe picks one that the
Druid reader has selected. he takes 7 Hit Points of damage. When
he selects four pieces of undamaged equipment. the game is

Return to your adventure.

You see the Wizard and his Warriors coming and know that the
Wizard is aware of your presence. There'll be no surprise attack
You must fight. Tull the Wizard reader to turn to the Monster Tuble
on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 108.
After the first round of combat. the Wizard unknowingly drops a
glowing bottle.
If you pick it up so he can't use its magic against you. turn to page
If you don't pick it up. the Wizard finally notices it. Continue the
battle and tell the Wizard to use the Special Combat material
under Monster Encounter 108.
If you lose all your Hit Points in regular combat. turn to page 144.
If you win the battle, turn to page 123.

Your challenge of the dwarf works. He rushes into battle and the
rest of the bandits stay back.
You must fight the Dwarf. Tull the Wizard reader to turn to the
Monster Thble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 110.
If you lose all your Hit Points. you did something very wrong. Turn
to page 144.
If you win the battle, one of your allies ~an use the axe in battle.

Dwarf's Axe: does 10 Hit Points of damage per successful

Combat Turn.

The Dryad, in gratitude, gives you some guidance on where to go

~ If you have already met the Female Ranger, turn to page
~ Ifyou have already met the Giant Spiders. turn to page 28.


"Druid.'' a disembodied voice says. "you have served Nature

faithfully all your life and will be given a reward.
"During your perilous travels on this quest. you will face a
Dragon. Use one of my thorns for a dart. It cannot miss and will
thus be of great benefit to your cause."

Nature's Dart: hits a Dragon automatically. doing 25 Hit

Points of damage.

"Now go back to your quest with the blessings and guidance of

-+ " Ifyou have already fought the Zombie 'Irees. tum to page
-+"If you have alre~dy seen the Drow. tum to page 40."

Moving as quickly as you can through the gloom, your impa-
tience keeps you from being ready when some horrible, strange
creatures appear from nowhere. They slash at you with $Words
already dripping blood and gore!
You must fight the Githzerai. Have the Wizard reader tum to the
Monster Tuble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 112.
If you lose all your Hit Points, tum to page 144.
If you survive the battle in the dusk, you realize that darkness is
almost upon you. You know you can't move safely in the night.
and. besides, you must rest. You take what precautions you can
and set your mind to wake up on and off during the night.
When you wake at dawn, you discover that you and your allies
have regained all the spells you started the quest with. But some
time during the night. one of your allies was taken. There is no
sign of what or who. (Cross off one ally. If you were alone to start
with. then you notice nothing when you waken.)
All you can do is go on. determined that if you are given the
chance to take Lath's protection again, you won't refuse it.
Tum fo page 124.
You float in this strange new environment for many hours, grad·
ually being rocked to sleep. Only the abrupt howling of the Sword
Creature wakes you just as you are about to die. The thing fights
as if it's being held by an invisible being. You struggle for your life.
You must fight the strange Floating Sword. Tull the Wizard reader
to tum to the Monster Tuble on page 147 and run Monster
Encounter 113.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you survive. the death of the Sword Creature sends you back to
the Prime Material Plane.
_.If you have already fought the Zombie 'Irees. tum to page
_. If you have already seen the Drow, tum to page 40.

Turn to page 116 to fight this battle.

You know you must do what you can to help the good Elves
against the Ores. Tull the Wizard reader to tum to the Monster
Tu.ble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 114.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win the battle and drive off the surviving Ores. there's great
rejoicing among the Elves. In gratitude. their leader lends you his
best warrior to aid you in your quest while the remainder of the
Elves go after the Ores.
Elf Warrior'• Bit Points: 15
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
(13) (14) (15)
The Elf Warrior does 7 Hit Points of damage per successful Com-
bat Tum.
Now that th~ battle is over. you feel the lure of the huge. healthy
oak tree again. With a new ally at your side, you move toward it.
Tum to page 24.

Before you can even get used to your strange new environment.
a creature made of pure lightning flies your way and attacks!
You must fight the Lightning Creature. Tull the Wizard reader to
tum to the Monster Tu.hie on page 147 and run Monster Encounter
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win the battle. the magical death of the creature opens a rift
in the dimensions that lets you return to the Prime Material Plane.
-+If you have already fought the Zombie 'frees. tum to page
-+ If you have already seen the Drow. tum to page 40.

You have beaten the Wizard, but now you see the face behind the
mysterious voice in the mist. It's an evil Earth Spirit!
The creature has not only taken over Lath's Grove but also
Lath's dead body. thus giving it control of the Archdruid's great
magic! You try to control your fear as the horrible creature speaks
"I did not think you had it in you. Druid. to get so far. Several
times I thought my forest would take you. but you proved better
than I anticipated. You are a worthy opponent to battle for posses-
sion of this druidic grove and my right to stay on this plane of
The creature's gemlike eyes turn toward the undead Lath. and
you know that you will have to fight not only the Earth Spirit but
the awesome powers of the evil-possessed Great Druid, too! The
monster chuckles as it sees your face turn pale.
"But there is another way for us to battle. Druid. On my plane of
existence. all important things are decided by a contest of wills. If
you choose such an encounter. our minds will meet in ultimate
combat. The stronger will win. but the weaker will be brain-
"So your choices are simple: contest me directly in a battle of
wills. or bring all your allies against me and mine in combat.
Either way. it will be to the death!"
-+ You and your allies rush at the creature, determined to
end this magical evil forever! Tum to page 128.
-+ Knowing that your allies have been weakened by the
struggle to get this far. you summon your own strength to
take on the Earth Spirit in a one-on-one challenge. Turn to
page 142.

You are finally here. You've been struggling a long time, and
much has happened-things both frightening and encouraging-
but you 're .only now nearing the center of the evil that has spread
through the forest. If it's been tough up to now, it can only be more
difficult as you enter the Archdruid 's Grove itself. You suspect that
somewhere in here you'll meet the wizard who has come to collect
Lath's magic. And he won't willingly give it up!
You look over all your weapons and magic items, as well as those
of your remaining allies. You take time to heal whatever damage
you can so that you'll all start in the best shape possible. But even
so, you know that death awaits some of you . . . perhaps even you
With a grim smile on your lips. you use your druid magic to part
the thorny wall that surrounds the First Circle of Archdruid Lath's
Turn to page 92.

"Creature of all things neutral. you are being judged!" a voice
screams In your mind. "We are the forces ofChaos and we are tired
of your opposition. But you haven 't done enough good things for
us to put an end to you. Therefore. our punishment must be light
... this time!
"You must sacrifice some of your magical Items. Consider it
well, Druid!"
Cross two magic items from your group's lists. If you don't have
two magic items. cross off 10 Hit Points.
The forces of Chaos open a portal back to the Prime Material Plane
and throw you into it.
-+ If you have already fought the Zombie 'frees, turn to page
-+If you have already seen the Drow. turn to page 40.

You see the huge, evil creature blocking your way and know you
have no alternative-you must fight!
Have the Wizard reader tum to the Monster Thble on page 147 and
run Monster Encounter 122.
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
Ifyou survive the combat. you discover a small vial on the ground
in the gateway.

IPotion of Healing: restores 6 Hit Points.

You walk through the gate into the Second Circle of the Grove.
Tum to page 94.

You defeat the Wizard and his two Warrior henchmen. You know
that they would willingly have killed you. but you decide to be
humane. You think that the Sprites can put them to good use
somewhere. Before you leave your subdued enemies. you lnvesti·
gate their equipment.

Wizard •s and Warriors• Treasure: 2 Potions ofHealing: each

restores 6 Hit Points of damage. Self-loading Crossbow: can be
used by either of your allies and does 4 Hit Points of damage per
successful Combat Tum. Magical Throwing Dagger: automati·
cally hits on the first Combat Tum of any new battle for 3 Hit
Points of damage.

If you want to Investigate this area further. tum to page 97 .

If you want to get back to your quest. the Sprites give you some
guidance: ·
-+ If you have already fought the Zombie 'frees. tum to page
-+ If you have already seen the Drow. tum to page 40.

Moving on in the growing light. you are abruptly stopped from
entering the Third Circle by a wall of thorns. You gasp with relief
as you realize that they're Fire Thoms. These thorns are a protec-
tion created by Lath. not a product of the evil that now inhabits the
If you remember the secret password. you go through safely.
Tum directly to page 96.
If you cannot remember the password, you must take three Fire
Thom attacks. (The Wizard reader strikes at you three times. with
a normal hit doing 4 Hit Points of flame damage.)
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you survive the gauntlet. you continue on into the Third Circle
of the Grove. Tum to page 96.


"You must fight me!" demands the Warrior at the head of the
At first you see no reason why you should yield to his demand.
but the sight of his sword reaching for your throat c hanges your
You and your allies must fight this strange Warrior. Tull the Wizard
reader to tum to the Monster Thble on page 147 and run Monster
Encounter 125.
When you win the battle. the line of warriors disappears. Sud-
denly you hope that the line of warriors wasn't Indicative of your
life. With that sad thought. you find yourself in dense forest and
know you are at the entrance to the First Circle of Lath's Grove.
Tum to page 120.

Arriving at the entrance to the Inner Sanctuary of Lath, you dis-
cover that the area ts shrouded in a strange. green mist. Suddenly
you hear a deep voice.
"You have done well, Druid, but one more foe stands between
you and me." . ·
The green mist parts. and you see the Wizard and all his allies
appear before you!
"You must battle each other for the right to face me-as you both
knew when you started this quest."
You must now fight the Wizard. Tull the Wizard reader to tum to
page 118. He has been magically transported to the Inner Sanctu-
ary of Lath to face you in final combat. Remember. however, that
this is not a fight to the death. Both of you want the rich ransom
that has been promised by both your guilds. Therefore. your spells
and weapons will be used to subdue each other. When either you
or your opponent or any allies reach 0 Hit Points. they will be con·
sidered to have fallen victim to the enemy and will be bound and
held under guard. Neither side may retreat from this battle.
If you lose all your Hit Points. you are now being held prisoner by
the Wizards. Your rival. Ar-Kane. has won the dubious honor of
facing the final evil within the Grove. This ends the game for your
character. However, since you will take the part of the unknown
evil forces Ar-Kane must face. be prepared to run the final
If you survive the battle. you tum the Wizard and his allies over to
the Wizard's Guild. In return. you receive the following treasure.

WIZARD'S RANSOM: 2 Potions of Healing Ointment that

restore 10 Hit Points each. Scroll of Durld Spells contains the
following: 1Hp, if it hits it causes the enemy to miss on their
next Combat Tum. Call Lightning. if it hits it does 20 Hit Points
of damage to the enemy. Wall of Fire. it hits all your enemies.
doing 9 Hit Points of damage to each. A Necklace ofMissiles, 4
missiles. each does 10 Hit Points of damage if it hits.

You must now face the evil that has taken over Lath's Grove. Tum
to page 119.


As you smilingly count and inspect the gems in the small coffer,
you find yourself teleported to the edge of a river bubbling with
brimstone. The creature that stands before you demands all of
your gems for passage back to where you came from . The monster
ls too powerful to fight. so you hand them over and quietly get into
the boat. Something within you foretells that such easy loss will
always be the result of such easy gain.
In the blink of an eye you find yourself in the dense woods, near
the entrance to Lath's Grove. Tum to page 120.


You and your allies rush to the attack, knowing It will be a battle
to the death . .. with no retreat!
It's clear from the Earth Spirit's massive talons that his attacks
will be brutal physical ones. But it's the animated form of Lath
that is the real danger to you-you have no idea what magical
spells it has at its command, but you know you may not escape
them. Perhaps you should consider directing all your attacks at
the undead Druid!
Tull the Wizard reader to turn to the Monster Tuble on page 147
and run Monster Encounter 128.
If you win the battle against Lath's undead form. you see it fall to
the ground as a pile of dust. With just a slight second for mourning
a bitter end to a great man. you continue fighting In order to finish
the mighty Earth Spirit.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you win the complete battle, turn to page 145.


Open doors mean knowledge, so you take the key. Suddenly you
find yourself in an evil part of the forest which you haven't seen
before. You use the key to open the door and find two pathways-
but now you have knowledge of where they lead.
One path leads to an evil Green Dragon but also to many items
that will help you fight the main evil possessing Lath's Grove. The
other path leads directly to that Grove itself. where the evil awaits.
-+ You decide to meet the Dragon. Tum to page 75.
-+ You feel ready to meet the major evil head on. Tum to page

Moving up the hill toward the Inner Sanctuary. you find things
missing again ... and again! (Cross two more magic items from
your group's list.)
You sense that the invisible Thief has gone into one of the caves
on the side of the hill. You start to head toward them when your
eye is caught by the movement of large, dark forms in the brush
around the entrance to the Inner Sanctuary. You feel drawn
toward it. but ifyou head up the hill, the Thief will be at your back.
-+ You decide to come to grips with the Thief. Turn to page
-+ Determined not to be sidetracked, you head toward the
creatures at the entrance to Lath's Inner Sanctuary. Turn
to page 126.


Using the magical green powder took all the Wizard's magic,
and it did him and his Warrior henchmen no good. They will be
useless In a fight against the Sprites, with whom you have kept
your agreement.
However, the magical powder has taken you to the Ethereal
Plane. You are drifting freely. in the hands of blind fate.
Use the Combat Th.ble one more time to determine where you go
from here .
.+ If you get an "X". tum to page 113 .
.+If you get a "2X", tum to page 117 .
.+ If you get a "• '', tum to page 111.
.+ If you get a "O". tum to page 121.


Accepting that you are apt to lose, you decide to retreat. You let
yourself be taken ·by the good forces of Nature that always sur-
round you.
You wake up in the arms of a lovely Dryad.
"Gentle Druid, I've healed your wounds and those of your sur-
viving allies:· she says in a voice like the rustle of leaves in the
wind. "The forces of Nature have brought you here to benefit both
of us.
"My tree and the powerful magic it holds have attracted two
powerful groups of enemies-a band of Ores led by a vicious Ogre
and a group of bandits led by an evil Dwarf. If you can defeat either
band. you will aid me and you will be free to choose from among
the weapons and magic they have. Which group will you pursue
for me?"
Since she rescued you from sure defeat. you cannot refuse to
help her. You tell her that you will take on:
-+the Ore~. Tum to page 102.
-+ the bandits. Tum to page 93.


The cleared shrine fills you with a great sense of protection and
peace. You can almost feel Lath's spirit guarding you.
You sleep undisturbed and wake in the morning to find that you
have all the spells you started the quest with. (You and your allies
may use any spell you had at the beginning.) You take time to heal
anyone who can benefit from it.
Then, feeling refreshed and confident. you once again head
toward the center of Lath's Grove and the Inner Sanctuary. Tum to
page 124.

The Inner Sanctuary of Lath's Grove is in sight. but your mental
preparation for the confrontation Is Interrupted as again a silent.
Invisible Thief steals something from your belongings. (Cross
another item from your group's list.) If this thievery continues,
you wtll have nothing to fight with by the time you reach the cen-
ter of the evil!
-+ With your goal in sight. you eagerly move on. Ignoring the
invisible Thief. Tum to page 130.
-+ You must put a stop to this! You move rapidly through the
forest after the Thief. Tum to page 138.

You fight the bandits, hoping surprise is enough of an advan-
tage. (You will get two Combat Tums before they can attack you.)
Tull the Wizard reader to tum to the Monster Thble on page 147
and run Monster Encounter 135.
If you lose all your Hit Points. you did something very wrong. Tum
to page 144.
If you win the battle, one of your allies can use the axe in battle.

Dwarf's Axe: does 10 Hit Points of damage per successful

Combat Tum.

The Dryad, in gratitude, gives you some guidance on where to go

-+ If you have already met the Female Ranger, tum to page
-+ If you have already met the Giant Spiders. tum to page 28.


Tumporarily relinquishing the struggle, you sink back into Nat-

ure. You wake to find yourselflying in a clearing with Sprites danc-
ing around your head.
"Druid;' the Sprites say. "we've healed all the damage done to
you and your friends (adjust the Hit Point totals accordingly). You
had to retreat from danger and we helped you. Now we need you to
help us. We're being attacked by the evil of Lath's Grove from
three different directions. We have the numbers to handle two of
them, but we need help with the third."
"Just what are you facing? " you ask.
"There's a Giant and his Lions coming from the North. A Wizard
and his two Warrior henchmen are coming from the South. And
there's a strange fog cloud moving in from the West. You can keep
the possessions of whichever one you defeat for us. just. please.
defeat one!"
-+You head north. Tum to page 104.
-+You head south. Tum to page 108.
-+ You head west. Tum to page 95.

Moving quickly toward the gate into the next circle, you stop
abruptly as you see Lath's mark on an old oak. As you inspect the
tree. a face appears and speaks to you with Lath's voice.
"Brother druid. I know you've suffered much to get this far and I
am sorry. I cannot help you finish your quest. but I can give you a
piece of advice and something that wlll be helpful."
Suddenly. a small oak wand appears in your hand. The tree
speaks again:
"The spells in this small wand are made to fight the evil that pos-
sesses the center of my Grove. Use the spells if you must to get
there. but try and save as many as you can because they will be
doubly effective at my heart. May Nature be your armor."

Oaken Wand: contains 5 spells:

Call Lightning: does 10 Hit Points of damage.
Fire Storm: does 11 Hit Points of damage.
Call Hail: does 12 Hit Points of damage.
Summon Nature: does 13 Hit Points of damage.
Sun Blast: does 15 Hit Points of damage.
Spells are used up whether or not they hit and have double
effect on creatures that guard or live in the Inner Sanctuary.

You move to the gate into the Second Circle. Tum to page 122.
You move away from the path. determined to track down the
Thief. With your druidic abilities. you quickly discover that he
isn't really invisible. just amazingly adept! As you prepare to
attack, you realize that he hid your magic items before you found
him and there's no way that he'll tell you where they are. You have
to forget them. but you 're not going to let this Thief steal from you
You must fight the Thief. Have the Wizard reader tum to the Mon-
ste~ Thble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 138.

If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.

If you survive the battle, you pause to heal what damage you can.
Then you go quickly to the entrance to the Inner Sanctuary. more
than ready to come to grips with the evil that waits there. Tum to
page 126.

The Ogre quickly agrees to fight you alone and battle Is joined.
You know the creature to be powerful. but you hope that if you
beat him. you won't have to fight the Ores he commands.
You must fight the Ogre. Tull the Wizard reader to turn to the Mon-
ster Tuble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 139.
Ifyou lose all your Hit Points. you did something very wrong. Tum
to page 144.
If you win the battle, the defeat of their leader sends the Ores run-
ning. just as you hoped. Searching the creature, you discover a
powerful magical dagger that you give to one of your allies.

o,re•a Daaer: does 8 Hit Points of damage against creatures

taller than a man and 4 Hit Points of damage against all other

The Dryad gives you help In returning to your quest:

-+ If you have already met the Female Ranger. tum to page
-+ If you have already met the Giant Spiders. turn to page 28.
Relinquishing yourself to the familiar forces of nature, you find
yourself brought to a magical glen. where a peaceful old man heals
your wounds and those of your surviving allies (correct your Hit
Point chart). Then he speaks of your future:
"You are being given a rare·chance. young Druid, to select your
own fate. The path of the sword will lead to glory in battle for you
and your order. The path of the treasure will be one of riches for
you and your faith. The final path is the simplest. It holds the key
that may or may not open many unusual doors for you.
"Tuke one path, Druid, and may Nature's force be with you."
The choice is easy to make:
-+You take the path of the sword. Tum to page 125.
-+You take the path of the treasure chest. Turn to page 127.
-+You take the path of the key. Turn to page 129.


Going around the 1\"ee Warriors proves to be costly. Just as you

are about to enter the Second Circle. you 're attacked by another of
the First Circle guardians. Bird Warriors swoop down and strike!
You must fight the Bird Warriors. Tull the Wizard reader to turn to
the Monster Tuble on page 147 and run Monster Encounter 141.
If you lose all your Hit Points. turn to page 144.
If you survive, you move toward the gate leading into the Second
Circle of Lath's Grove. Tum to page 122.

You have agreed to fight a mystical battle between you and the
Earth Spirit. You are sure that a similar one must have occurred
between Archdruid Lath and the Earth Spirit for possession of the
Grove-and Lath lost!
Tull the Wizard reader to tum to the Monster Tu.ble ·on page 147
and run Monster Encounter 143. Your allies cannot help you bat-
tle. but at least you don't have to fight the animated form of Lath's
This Is a mental battle. Your adversary has an incredible mental
strength of 61 Hit Points.
For every "X" result you get on the Combat Thble. you do 10 Hit
Points of damage; all other results are a miss. You cannot use
spells or weapons of any kind.
At any time during the battle you may skip one Combat Tum in
order to use any healing devices from your or your allies· supplies.
You cannot retreat from this battle!
If you lose all your Hit Points. tum to page 144.
If you win. tum to page 145.

You have lost. Not even your best was enough to destroy the evil
that took possession of Lath's Grove.
The council of great druids quickly learns of your defeat, but
they also learn of the heroic measures you took before your defeat.
They erect a small memorial for you, and your name becomes leg-
end in the order as one who protected Nature with all he had.

Start Over

You've won!
The name of Renwood, Druid, will stand with Lath's as one of
the greatest druids of all time. As you strlde through the forest, on
your way to report to the council, you feel new life-good life-
moving through the things in the forest once again. The plants
reach for the healing light of the sun, and the small creatures
scurry hither and yon, feeling a joy in living that has long been
missing. It will be a long time before evil again trles to take over
these woods. It was well worth all the danger and risk you faced.

Start Over


This lists the encounters the Wizard will face. Refer to this when
you take the part of the monster. The sheet tells you how much
damage the monster does against the Wizard per successful Com-
bat Tum. It also keeps track of the monster's Hit Points. A monster
"dies" when it loses all its Hit Points. Monsters cannot retreat.
11121 Witch's Bit Points: 36
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
The Witch's energy bolts do 9 Hit Points of damage.
11125 Tl'ee Demon's Bit Points: 30
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)
The 'free Demon does 8 Hit Points of damage per successful Com-
bat Tum. On every turn it isn't hit, the creature has 3 Hit Points
magically restored, but this can't exceed the 30 point total.
11127 Drow Wizardesses' 'n>tal Bit Points: 38
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
(36) (37) (38)
Each Drow Wizardess uses spells to attack. doing a total of 5 Hit
Points of damage.
11131 Vamplresa's Bit Points: 32
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32)
The Vampiress does 9 Hit Points of damage per.
11133 Hydra's Bit Points: 36
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) ·(32) (33) (34) (35)
The Hydra has an attack for each head. It does 3 Hit Points per suc-
cessful attack. For every 6 points of damage done to the Hydra, it
loses a head and thus an attack.

•35 Skeletal.Warriors 'lbtal Bit Points: 38
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (28) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
The Skeletal Warriors do a total of9 Hit Points of damage.
•38 Elf Warrior'• Hit Points: 29
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29)
The Elfs sword does 6 Hit Points of damage.
•39 Ogres• Hit Points: 33
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (28) (27) (28) (29) (30) (Si.) (32) (33)
The Ogres do a total of 11 Hit Points of damage, but treat the "2 X"
result as an " X".
•45 Nonation•s Bit Points: 20
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)
The Nonation attacks 3 times for 4 Hit Points of damage. Its magic
resistance causes all "2 X" magical attacks against it to miss, this
battle only.
•49 Drows• Total Bit Points: 48
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
(36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (48)
(47) (48)
The three males attack with swords for three attacks doing 5 Hit
Points of damage. The female attacks with a small crossbow that
fires magical bolts. A successful "2 X" or " • " will put an ally of the
Wizard's asleep for the rest of the battle. An .. X" result does 2 Hit
Points of damage.
•53 Medusa's Bit Points: 22
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
The Medusa turns enemies to stone. Tull the Wizard that if she
scores a "2 X", she gets another chance to hit. A score of" X" or
"2X" means an enemy has been turned to stone-Wizard's

•54 Phantom Stalker's Bit Points: 20
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)
The Stalker's claws do 9 Hit Points of damage. It also does magical
damage. Every time a "2 X" or"•" is scored, it strips one unused
magical spell from the enemy. If the enemy runs out of spells. the
Stalker will do 11 Hit Points of damage per strike.
•55 Giant Snake's Bit Points: 34
(1) (2) (S) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (IS)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (SI) (32) (33) (34)
The Snake does 5 Hit Points of damage. 'freat all Snake's .....
results as "2 X" .
•59 Guardian Skeleton's Hit Points: 19
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
The Skeleton does 8 Hit Points of damage.
•so Giant Spiders' Bit Points: 32
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32)
The Spiders fight together. Their bites do a total of 9 Hit Points of
damage. If the Spiders score a "• ". they get another chance to hit.
Another "• " means an ally is webbed for the rest of the battle. The
Wizard cannot be webbed.
•61 Warlocks' Bit Points: 30
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (1.3 )
(14) (US) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)
The Warlocks fight together. Their magical spells strike for a total
of 7 Hit Points damage.
•63 Fire Giants• 'lbtal Bit Points: 31
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10) ( 11) ( 12) ( 13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31)
The Fire Giants fight together, doing a total of 10 Hit Points dam-

•88 Warrior•• Bit Polnta: 43
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (28) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
(38) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43)
The Warrior does 10 Hit Points of damage.
•87 Dune Stalker•• Hit Pomta: 20
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) (20)
The Dune Stalker does 8 Hit Points of sonic damage.
•73 Wyvern•s Hit Points: 27
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (28) (27)
The Wyvem gets two attacks per Combat Tum. once with lts bite
and once with its poisonous tail. The bite does 5 Hit Points dam-
age. The tall does 8 Hlt Points of damage if an " X" ls scored: a
"2X" score takes away half the present Hit Points of one charac-
ter: a ..... kills one enemy-Wizard's choice.
•81 Wolfman and Wolves
Wolfman•• Hit Pomta: 37
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (2S) (24)
(25) (28) (27) (28) (29) (SO) (S 1) (S2) (33) (S4) (S5)
(38) (S7)
The Wolfman 's bite does 5 Hit Points of damage per successful
Combat Tum. If a " •" ls scored. one of the Wizard's allies ls turned
into a wolf (will not fight). This will not affect the Wizard.
Wolyea• 'Ibtal Bit Pomta: 9
(1) (2) (S) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9)
The Wolves' bite does a total of 5 Hlt Points of damage.
•ss Vargoallle•a Bit Pointe: 19
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (IS)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) .
The Vargoullle does 4 Hit Points of damage per strike. Thll the Wiz-
ard that this damage cannot be healed by any means.

•84 Five Drow Warriors• Bit Points: 41
(1) (2) (S) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (lS)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (2S) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (SO) {S l) (S2) (SS) (S4) (35)
(S6) (S7) (S8) (S9) (40) (41)
Each of the five ·Drow Warriors gets an attack for 6 Hit Points of
damage. (A total of 5 attacks per tum.)
•85 Barbarian Fighters and Wizardess
Two Barbarian Fighters• Total Hit Points: 22
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (US) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
The Barbarian's fight together. doing a total of 7 Hit Points of dam-
Wizardress•s Bit Points: 19
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
The Wizardess does 3 Hit Points automatically each Combat Tum.
When the Barbarians and Wizardess each reach 5 Hit Points. they
will surrender.
•87 Green Dragon's Hit Points: 34
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (SO) (Sl) (S2) (SS) (S4)
The Dragon's claws and bite do 11 Hit Points of damage.
•92 Allens• Bit Points: 25
(1) (2) (S) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
The Aliens fight together, doing 8 Hit Points of damage.
•9s Tree Warrior's Bit Points: 25
(1) (2) (S) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (lS)
(14) (15) (16) (17) {18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
The 'Itee Warrior strikes for 5 Hit Points of damage.
•94 Bell BoUDds' Total Bit Points: 22
(1) (2) (S) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
The Hell Hounds have two attacks per Combat Tum. Their bite
does a total of 5 Hit Points of damage and their fiery breath does a
total of 7 Hit Points.

•98 Earth Spirit'• Bit Polllta: 81
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (18) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (28) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
(38) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)
(47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (58) (57)
(58) (59) (80) (61)
The Earth Spirit does 8 Hit Points of damage if it scores a "2 X" or
a"•" . All other scores are misses. The Wizard does 10 Hit Points of
damage to the Earth Spirit if he scores an ··x" only. All other
scores are misses.
•102 Roman Gladiators Hit Polllts: 25
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
The Gladiators fight together. doing 9 Hit Points of damage.
• 103 Thief's Hit Polllts: 31
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31)
The Thief does 4 Hit Points of damage except on a score of "2 X".
then he does 12 Hit Points of damage.
•108 Ape's Hit Polllts: 15
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15)
The Ape does 6 Hit Points of damage.
• 116 Ore Troops' 1bta1 Hit Polllts: 22
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
The Ores do a total of 6 Hit Points of damage.

"11 7 Lllth'• Undead Body and tJae Earth Spirit
Lath'• Bit Points: S5 .
(1) (2) (S) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (2S) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (SO) (31) (S2) (S3) (S4) (35)
Lath attacks with a spell every Combat Tum. If a spell misses. it is
used up. ·
Sky Lightning: does 20 Hit Points damage.
Black Root: poisonous mist does 19 Hit Points damage.
Death Bark: does 18 Hit Points cutting damage.
Earth Command: does 17 Hit Points shock damage.
Rock Shower: does 16 Hit Points blast damage.
'Iree Shatter: does 15 Hit Points shatter damage.
Darts of Pain: does 14 Hit Points energy damage.
Swirling Fog: does 13 Hit Points poison damage.
Earth Fire: does 12 Hit Points bum damage to each enemy in
Stone Darts: does 11 Hit Points of impact damage to each
enemy in group.
After these 10 spells are used up or Lath's Hit Points are gcine. the
animated form of Lath falls to the ground, turning to black dust.
Earth Spirit: see Encounter 98.
"120 Guardian's Hit Points: 35
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
The Guardian does 8 Hit Points damage. an " X" scores as "2 X"
this battle only.
"126 Androsphlnx's Hit Points: 33
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) '(11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (SO) (31) (32) (33)
The Androsphinx does 10 Hit Points of damage.
"128 Githzeral'a Bit Points: 22
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
The Githzerai do a total of 6 Hit Points damage. They are magic
resistant. The Wizard must score a "2 X" to hit. All other scores
are misses.

•1s2 Bird Warrlors' 'lbtal Bit Points: S5
(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (IS)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (2S) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (SO) (SI) (S2) (S3) (S4) (S5)
The Bird Warriors do a total of 9 Hit Poin ts damage.
•1s8 Giant Two-headed Troll's Bit Pohits: SO
(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (IS)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (2S) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)
T he TI-oil does 10 Htt Points of damage.
•139 Wizard Wusion•s Hit Points: 20
(I) (2) (S) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12) (IS)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)
The Wizard's Illusion shoots magical bolts of energy that do 5 Hit
Points of damage.
•141 Egyptian Mummy's Hit Points: 35
(I) (2) (S) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (SO) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)
T he Mummy strikes for 10 Hit Points damage.

by James M. Ward

The ONE-ON-ONE Gamebooks are self-

contained role-playing games for two people.
Each player becomes the central character in one
of the two books. Each book portrays the adventure,
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( 1) This part of the Forest is still under the protection of the late
Archdruid. Vines shoot out and wrap around the feet of your ene-
mies, causing them to miss on their next Combat Tum.
(2) Huge, spiked thorns suddenly shoot out, grabbing everyone In
your group. doing 4 Hit Points of damage this Combat Tum.
(3) Horrible green goo drips down from the rotting trees, burning
your flesh for 3 Hit Points of damage this Combat Tum.
(4) The sun's rays burst magically through the dark trees, blinding
your opponents. They all miss on their next Combat Tum. In addi-
tion. the warmth of the sun restores 2 lost Hit Points to you and
each of your allies.
(5) A beautiful. ivory colored unicorn rushes out of the foliage
beside you and strikes at your enemies. doing 9 Hit Points of dam-
age. Then it turns and races toward the forest.
(6) Lightning streaks down from the sky. striking your enemies for
7 Hit Points of damage. Unfortunately. it also does 1 Hit Point dam-
age to each of your allies.
(7) The evil in the Forest depresses and saddens you to such an
extent that you and all of your allies miss this Combat Tum.
(8) An ancient druid, who bears an uncanny resemblance to your
grandfather, wanders out of the woods and casts a spell that
causes all of your enemies to miss for the next two Combat Tums.
He disappears without saying a word.
(9) Evil insects with ruby red pincers and leprous green shells rise
up in a cloud and blind you and your group. causing all of you to
miss this Combat Tum.
(10) The battle uncovers some of Lath's hidden treasure. If you
win this battle, you will receive a Potion ofHealing that restores 10
lost Hit Points and a scroll of two Druid spells: Neutralize Polson
and Call Woodland Beings. If you retreat, you must leave this
(11) You accidentally strike a huge fungus pod. It erupts with a gas
that does 5 Hit Points of damage to you alone.
(12) A magical dart shoots out of the darkness of the forest and
strikes one of your allies. who falls asleep instantly and snores
through this entire battle.
(13) An illusion of Lath rises up from the forest and attacks your
enemies, doing 9 Hit Points of damage to them before it disap-
(14) Tu your amazement. your darts attack by themselves. doing
double damage this Combat Tum.
(15) An ancient spell of Lath's still lingers, doing 3 Hit Points of
damage to each of your enemies and restoring 2 Hit Points to you
and each of your allies.
(16) Suddenly. you hear the sound of approaching footsteps and
you know some horrible being is coming to help your enemy. Fear
fills your heart. If you have a Retreat Option left, you must take it.
If not, your group misses everyone in the next two Combat Tums
out of sheer terror.
(17) Lath's blessing descends upon you. The next spell you cast
will hit automatically.
(18) Fearing for your life, you call on the forces of nature to aid you.
The enemy in front of you disappears in a green mist, leaving you
victorious. This will not work if you are in the Inner Sanctuary or
fighting the Wizard. Count as a miss.
(19) A small butterfly attacks your enemies, causing them to miss
the next two Combat Tums while they search frantically for their
attacker. ·
(20) A gentle rain begins to fall, causing all of your enemies to miss
on their next Combat Tum and healing you alone of all damage.

Use this bookmark to keep your place when you are engaged In
combat or other encounters. Retreat pages and "Specials" pages
are repeated here for easy reference.
When a "•" comes up in combat. use the following guide to find
out the number of your "Special".
If you are on pages:
21-99-Use the last cllglt with 0 being 10.
101-120-Use the last two cllglts.
121-160-Use the last cllglt with 0 being 20.
Use the following table to determine your "Retreat Page."
(1) (2) (3)
First Retreat. tum to page 132.
Second Retreat, tum to page 136.
Third Retreat. turn to page 140.
(1) (2) (3)
First Retreat. Tum to page 119.
Second Retreat. Tum to page 121.
Third Retreat. Tum to page 123.
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x x x x x 0
• 2X 0
x .x 0 0 0
x 0 0 x
0 0
x 0 0 .x 0 X 2X 0
0 0 x
0 x . 2X 0 2X
x 0
x x x x xx
x .
x 0 0
0 • 2X 0
X 2X 0 .0
2X 0
x x x x
0 0
0 2X

2X 2X X 0 x x 0 0 0 x x x 0 x 0
x 0 2X X 0 2X X x .
x 0 0 0 0 0 0
x x 0 0 x x 0 0 x x 2X 2X x x 0 0 .
x 0 x 0 x x 0 2X 0 0 0 x 0 x 0 2X
x 0 X 2X 0 2X 0 x 0 0 x 0 x x
. x x
x x x x x x x x 2X 2X 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 x x 0 x 0 x 0 x 2X x 0 x x
x 0 0 x 0 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x 2X 2X 0
x . 0 x 2X • 2X • 0 0 x 0 x 0 x x x x
0 0 0 0 0 x X 2X 2X 0 0 0 x 0 x 0
' 2X 2X 0 0 x x 0 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x .
x 0 x 0 x 0 0 0 0 x 0 x x 2X 0
x • 2X X 0 0 0 0 0 x

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