Olsson Paper

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Implementation of an Isotropic Elastic-Viscoplastic Model for Soft Soils

using COMSOL Multiphysics®

M. Olsson*1,2, T. Wood1,2, C. Alén1
Division of GeoEngineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
NCC Construction Sverige AB, Gothenburg, Sweden
*Corresponding author: Sven Hultins gata 8, SE-412 96, Gothenburg, Sweden, mats.olsson@chalmers.se

Abstract: In this paper a elastic-viscoplastic Constant Rate of Strain oedometer tests (CRS)
(creep) model is implemented in COMSOL and K0-Consolidated Undrained triaxial tests
v.4.2a and v.4.3 and benchmarked against (K0CU).
another commercial finite element software
package with a very similar material model. It is 2. The isotropic elastic-viscoplastic model
also validated against commonly performed
laboratory tests such as Constant Rate of Strain The implemented material model in COMSOL is
oedometer tests (CRS) and K0-Consolidated based on a material model presented by [1].
Undrained triaxial tests (K0CU). The Some basic characteristics of the EVP model
implementation in COMSOL is conducted by are:
using a fully coupled analysis between the Solid
Mechanics node, Darcy´s Law node and a  Stress-dependent stiffness (logarithmic
distributed ODE node. The ODE node is used to compression behaviour)
simulate the creep contribution. The model  Distinction between primary loading and
implemented provides a material model that unloading-reloading
works as anticipated and can capture many  Creep behaviour
important features of soft soil behaviour.  Memory of preconsolidation pressure
 Failure behaviour according to Matsuoka-
Keywords: Soft soil, creep, elastic-viscoplastic Nakai (EMN) criterion
model, implementation, benchmark.
The EVP model is, like the SSC model, based on
1. Introduction the modified cam-clay type ellipses. The well-
known stress invariants for the mean effective
Time-dependent behaviour in clay constitutes an stress, p', and deviatoric stress, q, are adopted,
engineering challenge in road design and [2]. These stress invariants are used to define the
construction in areas with deep deposits of soft size of the ellipse and stress-strain relation, see
clay. Soil improvement and construction of eq. (1)-(4) below.
building foundations or embankments can be The EVP model is an elastic-viscoplastic
quite complicated and expensive in such areas. model, formulated as a relationship between
Construction costs need to be balanced against stress rates and total strain rates. Total strain
high maintenance costs. In order to do this rates are decomposed into elastic strain rates and
optimally, there is a need to predict long-term creep strain rates as formulated in eq. (1).
settlement with a higher degree of accuracy. To
be able to predict long-term settlements of 
r   *  * 
building foundations or embankments 1 1  p eq s p eq
   e   c  D 1     (1)
constructed on soft soils it is necessary to include  rs    p eq   
the effect of creep.  p 
In this paper a elastic-viscoplastic (EVP)
model is implemented in COMSOL. The In eq. (1) D 1 is Hooke´s law of isotropic
implemented material model EVP is elasticity with a linear stress-dependent stiffness
benchmarked against another commercial finite where the Youngs modulus for
element software package, Plaxis BV, with a unloading/reloading, Eur, is defined as:
very similar material model called the Soft Soil
Creep model (SSC). It is also validated against p
commonly performed laboratory tests such as Eur  3 1  2 ur  (2)

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2012 COMSOL Conference in Milan

Figure 1 suggests that tensile stresses are
and: possible but this could be prevented by using a
tension cut-off option.
p eq The critical state line Mcs is calculated
 (3) according to eq. (5), see [2]. This gives the shape
of the cap as shown in Figure 1.
p eq  p  (4)
1  K 
M cs p 0

1  2 K 
peq is the equivalent isotropic effective stress
M 3  *  (5)
based on the Modified Cam-Clay yield function.
1  K  1  2
0 ur    1
The material model comprises of the 
 
following parameters:
1  2K  1  2
0 ur 

 1  K0
 1   ur 
  Modified swelling index

 *  Modified compression index

rs  creep number
 ur  Poission´s ratio for unloading/reloading
 = Reference time (normally set to 1 day)
p eq
p = Isotropic preconsolidation stress

In Figure 1 the soil parameter MCS and MMC are

shown and represent the so-called ‘critical state
line’ and the Mohr-Coulomb failure line.
In this implementation the Mohr-Coulomb
failure criteria has been substituted with the
extended Matsuoka-Nakai (EMN) failure
criterion, see [8]. This has been done to get a
smooth failure surface and also that the EMN
also uses the intermediate stress unlike the
Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria. The implemeted
failure criteria is Lode angle dependent, see [3].
The parameters needed to describe the failure Figure 2. The failure surface (green) and reference
criteria is the friction angle (φ), dilatancy angle surface (red) visualized in principal stress space.
(ψ) and effective cohesion (c´). The failure
surface and reference surface (cap) are visualized
in principal stress space in Figure 2. The evolution of the preconsolidation
stress, p eq
p , is controlled by the volumetric creep

  vc 
p  p p 0  exp  
p eq (6)
 *   * 
 


r  *  * 
1  p eq s
vc    (7)
rs    p eq 
eq  p 
Figure 1. Diagram of p ellipse in a p-q plane, [4].

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2012 COMSOL Conference in Milan

This expression defines the time-dependent creep Table 2. Input for the failure criterion.
behaviour and implies that the isotropic
φ (deg) ψ (deg) c´ (kPa)
overconsolidation ratio (OCR = p eq
p p eq ) has a 30° 0° 0
considerable influence on the creep rate. If the
stress remains unchanged the creep process
continues and the preconsolidation stress keeps
on increasing, but at a decresing rate. For more
details on the SSC model see i.e. [1, 2, 5, 7]

3. Implementation in COMSOL

Since COMSOL has the linear elastic model

built in, with the option of isotropic, orthotropic
and full anisotropy, the only equation that needs
to be implemented in COMSOL is the second
part of eq. (1) i.e. the creep part. This has been
implemented in Comsol with the use of a
distributed ODE node.
The equations, eq.(3)-(6), in addition to
derivitives are defined under local varibles.
A Darcy law node is added to couple the pore
pressure response that is derived from the
volumtric strains or used to set boundary
The input parameters are given as constants
or as user defined functions that could depend on Figure 3. p´-q stress plot comparison between EVP-
stress or strain for example. This option gives the model in COMSOL and SSC model in Plaxis.
user total freedom, e.g. over how the
preconsolidation stress changes with depth.

4. Benchmark

To validate the implementation of the EVP

model a benchmark with the SSC model has
been done. The benchmark consists of two
K0CU1 compression tests, positive in deviatoric
stress, and two K0CU extension tests, negative in
deviatoric stress.
Input parameters that have been used are
presented in Table 1 and Table 2.

Table 1. Input parameters for benchmark simulations.

κ* λ* rs υur OCRv K0 Knc0
0.02 0.2 200 0.15 1.01 0.6 0.57

K0CU = K0-Consolidated triaxial test with specified
vertical and horisontal stress and then sheared
undrained. Figure 4. Stress-strain plot comparison between EVP-
model in COMSOL and SSC model in Plaxis.

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2012 COMSOL Conference in Milan

4.1 Discussion

As shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4 the

implemented material model shows very similar
results to the SSC model in Plaxis, as expected.
The small differences that could be seen in
Figure 4 could be one of many reasons e.g. the
implementation is not identical, the solver is
different etc.

5. Validation of model

In this chapter a comparison with some common

laboratory tests will be conducted and some
other important features will be shown.
The laboratory tests are conducted on soft
clay from a site located just north of Gothenburg,
Sweden. The comparison comprises of four
K0CU triaxial tests, one compression and one
extension test for clay from 12m and 18m depth
respectively, and a constant rate of strain test Figure 5. p´-q stress plot comparison between EVP-
(CRS) from 24 m depth. The simulations are model in COMSOL and triaxial laboratory tests .
conducted by using axi-symmetry which reduces
the number of nodes of the model tremendously.
The soil samples are modeled with a height
of 100 mm for the triaxial test and 20 mm for the
CRS test. The diameter is the same for both tests
and is 50 mm.

5.1 Comparision with laboratory tests

The evaluated parameters used as input in the

EVP model for the triaxial test simulations are
summarized in Table 3 and Table 4. The vertical
stress was set to 72 kPa and 108 kPa for the 12m
and 18 m soil sample respectively.

Table 3. Input parameters for triaxial laboratory

κ* λ* rs υur OCRv K0 Knc
0.02 0.2 125 0.15 1.36 0.6 0.55

Table 4. Input for the failure criterion.

φ (deg) ψ (deg) c´ (kPa)
34° 0° 4 Figure 6. Stress-strain plot comparison between EVP-
model in COMSOL and triaxial laboratory tests.
The results from the EVP model compared with
the triaxaial tests are presented in Figure 5 and
Figure 6.

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2012 COMSOL Conference in Milan

The evaluated parameters used as input in the
EVP model for the CRS test simulations are
summarized in Table 5 and the comparision
between the EVP model and the CRS laboratory
test is presented in Figure 7.

Table 5. Input parameters for CRS laboratory

κ* λ* rs υur OCRv K0 Knc0
0.015 0.23 130 0.15 1.35 0.6 0.55

Figure 8. Effect of different strain rates plotted in a

p´-q stress plot.

Figure 7. Stress-strain plot comparision between EVP-

model in COMSOL and CRS laboratory test from
24 m depth.
5.2 Effect of strain rate

To demonstrate some of the capabilites of the

model a K0CU compression test is conducted
with three different strain rates, namely 0.1, 0.01 Figure 9. Effect of different strain rates plotted in
and 0.001 mm/hr. The input parameters are the stress-strain plot for sample of h=100 mm and
same as for the benchmark above with the only d=50 mm.
difference that the isotropic preconsolidation
stress is set to 90 kPa. 5.3 Discussion
The result are presented in Figure 8 and
Figure 9. The validation of the model shows good
agreement for the triaxial compression tests but a
very poor agreement for the triaxial extension
tests. The latter is as expected as the model has
an isotropic formulation of the reference surface
(cap). The same applys to SCC model used in the
For the simulation of the CRS test there is a
good agreement to about 14% strain where the
simulation starts to diverge from the laboratory

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2012 COMSOL Conference in Milan

test curve. This is also as expected due to the 7. References
formulation that originates from the Modified
Cam-Clay, see e.g. [6]. 1. P. A. Vermeer and H. Neher, Beyond 2000 in
Computational Geotechnics - A soft soil model
6. Conclusions that accounts for creep, A.A. Balkema,
Rotterdam (1999)
This paper describes the implementation of an
isotropic Elastic Visco-Plastic (EVP) material 2. R. B. J. Brinkgreve, W. M. Swolfs and E.
model for soft soils in COMSOL. The Engin, PLAXIS Manual 2D 2011, Netherlands
benchmark against a very similar material model (2011)
(SCC) showed good agreement. Even so, one
could argue that the EVP model needs to be 3. W. F. Chen and E. Mizuno, Nonlinear analysis
benchmarked against real tests and not just other in soil mechanics, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam
material models. The implemtation in COMSOL (1990)
seems however to be acceptable.
The validation of the model by comparison 4. S. Satibi, Numerical Analysis and Design
with laboratory tests showed somewhat varying Criteria of Embankments on Floating Piles, Phd-
results. There was a very good agreement for the Thesis, University of Stuttgart (2009)
development of stresses in the compression
triaxial test, even if the decrease of the deviatoric 5. P. A. Vermeer, D. F. E. Stolle and P. G.
stress beyond the peak stress was somewhat Bonnier, From the classical theory of secondary
underestimated. Also for the CRS test the compression to modern creep analysis, Proc.
agreement was very good. The overestimation of Computer Methods and advances in
strains >14% would be of less importance in real Geomechanics, p. 2469-2478 (1998)
design as such large strains probably would not
be acceptable. Even so important features of soft 6. D. M. Wood, Soil behaviour and critical state
soil behaviour such as strain rates effects can be soil mechanics, Cambridge University Press,
captured. Cambridge (1990)
However, for the extension triaxial tests the
agreement was far from satisfactory. The peak 7. D. F. E. Stolle, P. A. Vermeer and P. G.
strength was highly overestimated. Nor does the Bonnier, Time integration of a constitutive law
model capture the viscous behavior in the for soft clays, Communications in Numerical
extension tests. But, this is as anticipated. Methods in Engineering, 15, p. 603-609 (1999)
The applied model has, as said previously, an
isotropic formulation of the reference surface, 8. D. V. Griffiths and J. Huang, Observations on
and it is a well-known fact that such models have the extended Matsuoka–Nakai failure criterion,
problems of capturing the behavior of extension International Journal for Numerical and
tests. Thus, the poor agreement is a result of the Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 33, 1889-
draw-backs of the EVP model and not the 1905 (2009)
implementation in COMSOL. As a consequence,
future development an anisotropic formulation of
the reference cap has to be incorporated in the
Using COMSOL for such a development
would be a great advantage as it offers a user
friendly interface for adding complexity to a
model in a step-by-step manner without the need
of any in depth skills of programming language.

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2012 COMSOL Conference in Milan

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