Aluminum Extrusions in Solar Power Applications

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Reprinted with permission, ©2010 Light Metal Age

Aluminum Extrusions in Solar Power Applications

By Craig Werner, Werner Extrusion Solutions LLC

Abengoa Solar’s unique parabolic trough type CSP system provides hot water at a federal correctional institute located in Englewood, CO
(photo: Hydro Aluminum).

Solar Power Overview almost four years; Acciona, a large Spanish company, op-

erates this and four similar installations in Spain. These
hen the term “solar power” is used, many facilities are based on the use of aluminum extrusions
people visualize panels mounted to residen- fabricated and assembled into the parabolic mirror sup-
tial roofs, directly converting sunlight into port frames. Each of the five installations utilized approx-
electrical energy for use in the home and/ imately 7.5 million pounds of extrusions. Florida Power
or connected to the electrical grid. These Photovoltaic and Light installed a CSP system in Florida this year, pro-
(PV) systems are certainly a well-recognized type of solar viding 75 MW.
power, but not by any means the only type. Over 1 GW (1,000 MW) of electricity is being produced
Energy from sunlight shining on earth is of course by CSP worldwide; many of these installations utilize steel
basic to our very existence, but for the purposes of this supporting frameworks, with additional projects for the
article, we will limit ourselves to the collection and use U.S., Spain, China, India, Morocco, and other ideal lo-
of this solar energy to create electrical energy expedi- cales planned for nearly 15 GW. Various estimates state
tiously (not, for example, including using sunlight to that 9 GW of CSP could be installed in the U.S. in the
grow crops to feed biomass fueled electrical generation next five years. If (and this is a big if, as many of the sys-
systems). This article will focus on PV and Concentrated tems will be produced using more conventional steel
Solar Power (CSP) applications, but will not cover topics frameworks supporting the parabolic mirrors) these sys-
such as using solar to heat up water or other fluids for tems were made from aluminum extrusions, this would
home or industrial use or to heat up large areas of land be the equivalent of 140 additional NSO-sized facilities—
covered with a means to channel the resulting warmer air an additional 1.08 billion lbs of aluminum (215 million
into tall “solar chimneys,” which incorporate turbines to lbs/year). Currently this market is served by several large
produce electricity. extruders, including Hydro and Sapa.
Solar energy is a clean, renewable source of energy, PV systems also utilize large quantities of aluminum
easily available for use during daytime when electricity extrusions for framing and mounting solar panels on
loads are often highest. Different types of renewable en- residential, commercial, or industrial rooftops and for
ergy systems are appropriate for different locales—one ground and pole-mount applications. Similar to CSP, alu-
size does not fit all. For example, where bright, direct minum extrusions can make additional inroads and take
sunlight exists, CSP is often an excellent choice, while market share from steel, as improved extruded framing
in locations where more diffuse sunlight is available, PV and mounting systems are designed and deployed.
is often more appropriate. In areas with high, sustained
wind velocities, large wind turbines generating electrical Sizing the Market for Aluminum
power are well suited while geothermal systems are ideal
for areas with high geothermal resources. The International Energy Agency’s 2010 “Technology
CSP has been in continuous use at the Solar Energy Roadmaps for Concentrating Solar Power and Photovol-
Generating System (SEGS) fields in the California Mojave taic” state that global installed CSP capacity could reach
desert since the mid 1980s, producing over 300 MW of 148 GW by 2020, 337 GW by 2030, and 1,089 GW by 2050
power from parabolic mirrors supported by steel frames; and that global installed PV capacity could reach 210 GW
Luz, an Israeli company, developed and installed these by 2020, 872 GW by 2030, and 3,155 GW by 2050. Current-
facilities, which is now part of Florida Power and Light’s ly CSP installations use about 120,000 lbs of aluminum/
energy producing portfolio. Developments in CSP stalled MW while PV uses about 100,000 lbs of aluminum/MW.
in the early 1990s when fossil fuel prices declined. If the 148 GW of CSP used the same percent of alumi-
Nevada Solar One (NSO) has been in operation pro- num frames (34.5%) as exist to date, this would equate to
ducing over 64 MW of power in the Las Vegas area for about 610 million lbs of aluminum used for CSP for each


of the next ten years. Similarly, if the 210 GW of PV was lar power used CSP and PV, which were made from 50%
made up of only approximately 12% aluminum (current aluminum versus the current 34.5% CSP and 12% PV,
guesstimate from an industry source), this would equate this would equate to 884 million lbs for CSP and 915 mil-
to about 794 million lbs of aluminum used for PV over lion lbs for PV, or the equivalent of about 120 extrusion
the same period. If we estimate that an average extrusion presses working full time producing these shapes (assum-
press produces 10 million lbs/year, this would equate to ing 15 million lbs/press/year).
140 extrusion presses producing nothing but PV and CSP
to meet these demands (of course, using more produc- Types of Solar Power
tive presses will drive down both the number of presses
required, and with reduced extrusion costs, demand for Broadly speaking, solar power can be broken into two
aluminum versus steel frames should increase). The ex- categories: CSP and PV. Each of these categories can be
pected power from solar for 2030 and beyond is even further subdivided into types. Within CSP there are four
higher, requiring even more presses. Projections of po- basic systems: parabolic troughs, towers, linear Fresnel
tential market size for aluminum use in the CSP and PV reflectors, and parabolic dishes. Within PV, three mount-
sectors is shown in Table I. ing types will be discussed: ground/roof mount, pole
The goal of the aluminum extrusion industry must be mount, and concentrated PV.
to increase the percentage of these CSP and PV projects,
which utilize aluminum versus steel or other materials. If, Concentrated Solar Power
for example purposes only, the 2010-2020 growth in so-
CSP systems directly collect and
focus bright, direct sunlight onto re-
ceivers, which utilize the concentrated
heat energy developed to produce
electric power. The sunlight is either
focused onto points (tower and para-
bolic dish systems) or lines (parabolic
troughs and linear Fresnel reflectors).
The receivers for these point or line
systems are either fixed (stationary, in-
dependent of the reflectors’ focusing
devices) or mobile (moving together
with the focusing devices). Figure 1 il-
lustrates the four kinds of CSP systems.
In general, fixed receivers often ease
the transport of the collected heat to
the power block (the turbines or oth-
er devices which convert the heat into
electrical power), while mobile receiv-
ers generally collect more energy.
Many CSP systems ultimately trans-
fer the heat to water, which is convert-
ed to steam, driving very large turbines
in a centrally located power block, very
similar to the operation of fossil fuel,
Table I. Assumptions and conclusions of CSP and PV market size for aluminum. nuclear, or other types of power plants
(the Rankine cycle). The exception
are parabolic dish installations, which
are more self-contained, with each
dish incorporating Stirling engines or
mini-turbines that convert heat into
rotational energy, thus creating elec-
tric power directly at each dish.
CSP systems are ideally suited to
areas with direct, not diffuse, sun-
light (the Mojave desert, Nevada, Ari-
zona, parts of Colorado and Florida,
etc.) and produce utility scale power.
Proper location of these systems is
critical, as water cooling of the steam
condensation limits the installation
and operational costs associated with
dry cooling solutions (note: parabolic
dish systems do not need water). In
addition, these large facilities are best
located near transmission lines close
to larger urban centers utilizing the
scale of electric power that these sys-
tems generate.
Parabolic Troughs: Parabolic trough
plants—like NSO (Figure 2) and its
sister plants in Spain (Figure 3), the
Figure 1. Types of CSP solar systems. SEGS field in the Mojave desert, or
power systems to incorporate more heat into the system
during longer cloudy periods or in the evenings to fur-
ther smooth out and extend the energy supplied by these
systems (particularly applicable to parabolic trough and
tower systems).
NSO has proven the merit of aluminum extrusions
applied to parabolic trough plants. Many of the compa-
nies developing these power systems are associated with
or partially owned by steel companies, which, of course,
tends to somewhat impede the substitution of aluminum
extrusions for steel structural parts in their designs. Re-
cent designs, and new concepts being developed further
leverage the tremendous design flexibility of aluminum
extrusions, allowing further part production, fabrica-
tion, assembly, and operational improvements, which
will drive the use of aluminum extruded frames into even
broader use.
Towers: A field of individual (or grouped) “heliostat”
mirrors are located around a very tall central tower (up
to 450 ft. tall or more). The hundreds (or even thou-
sands) of heliostats track the sun, focusing intense heat
Figure 2. Parabolic trough-type solar system showing aluminum extru- onto a single point on the tower. These systems can uti-
sion framing detail at Nevada Solar One operated by Acciona (photo: lize synthetic heat transfer fluid, water, or even molten
Hydro Aluminum). salts to the power block, which can be mounted on the
tower or very nearby. Molten salts enable both towers and
parabolic troughs to store part of the energy produced as
heat in the molten salts, and are able to be transferred
to the central power block when needed to allow the
plant to continue producing power during cloudy peri-
ods or even long into the night. Tower systems are gen-
erally more expensive to construct and do not yet have
the track record of success that parabolic trough systems
have earned over the last 25+ years, but they are claimed
to have increased efficiencies due to their higher oper-
ating temperatures and shorter distances that the heat
transfer fluids traverse (less pumping and heat losses).
The support structures behind the heliostat mirrors
are often based on steel truss systems, and represent an
opportunity for redesign utilizing aluminum extrusions,
similar to how frame design enhancements at NSO and
beyond have driven the use of extrusions in parabolic
trough systems.
Linear Fresnel Reflectors: These systems utilize rows of flat
or slightly curved mirrors which track the sun as it tra-
verses the sky, reflecting light onto an absorber tube of-
Figure 3. Acciona’s parabolic trough-type solar system in Alvarado, ten first reflecting off a mirror mounted above the tube.
Spain has a similar design to Nevada Solar One (photo: Hydro Alu- The energy from this tube is collected and transported
minum). to the central power block. Smaller demonstration linear
Fresnel power systems have been developed and are in
the recently installed Florida Power and Light facility— use; these types of systems are generally less expensive
utilize miles of parabolic trough-shaped mirrors support- than parabolic trough or tower systems, but convert sun-
ed on steel or aluminum frameworks (for example, NSO light into energy less efficiently and offer less easy op-
uses 43 miles of frames, 9,200 frames in all, supporting portunities for thermal storage or hybrid (e.g. fossil fuel)
184,000 parabolic mirrors). These frames can be 25 to enhancement/backup.
40 or more feet long and can be grouped and powered Similar to parabolic troughs and tower heliostats, alu-
by rotational drives, allowing many frames to turn and minum extruded frame designs can be developed and
track the sun. The heat energy is gathered in a collector optimized to drive material selection toward extrusions.
tube, a specially coated black stainless steel tube encased Parabolic Dishes: Dish installations are generally large
in glass, which forms a vacuum around the tube to limit groups of individual dishes, each of which independently
radiation (power) losses incurred during transfer of the tracks the sun. These dishes use mirrors supported on
heat energy to the central power block. Parabolic trough frameworks, most of which are now steel, but hopefully
systems are currently the most proven of the CSP designs. extruded aluminum designs will emerge. Each dish also
The heat transfer fluid circulating through the collec- incorporates a mini-turbine or a Stirling engine, which
tor tubes back to the power block provides latent heat use media and condensing systems to directly generate
storage, enabling the trough systems to continue mak- electricity at each dish. These systems are extremely scal-
ing power during brief cloudy periods, which is an ad- able; each additional dish creates its own additional elec-
vantage for the electric grid operators. In contrast, sys- tricity. Efficiency of converting sunlight into electrical
tems such as PV offer more transient power, requiring power is claimed to be very high. Technically robust sys-
some way for the grid system to respond more quickly tems are required, as a field of these designed for utility-
to the more common, quicker interruptions in power scale power would have thousands of tracking devices and
generated. Many CSP systems allow easy integration of a like number of smaller engines (similar to the size of
molten salt storage systems or fossil fuel-based auxiliary an automobile engine), each subject to wear. Developers
claim that the engines have an extremely long life before erly recognized or are built into the basic political/indus-
service is required, although not enough time has passed trial basis of our country(s). Fossil fuel supply is limited
yet to prove these longevity, operating, and maintenance with negative potential effects—such as global warming,
cost estimates. These engines are often produced in idled the BP Gulf of Mexico spill, or the handling/safe stor-
automotive engine factories, bringing much needed em- age of spent nuclear materials—and don’t appear to be
ployment to depressed economic regions. properly valued. Estimates show that the current costs of
solar power, at $0.11 to $0.16/kWh, will continue to be
Photovoltaic Systems driven down by improved solar project designs and scale,
planned to match up with fossil fuel electric power costs
PV systems directly convert sunlight into electricity; in approximately the early 2020s.
each panel creates a small amount of electricity. Panels Besides the kWh cost challenge, solar power faces po-
are banked and ultimately feed into residential, com- litical pressure from groups and candidates represent-
mercial, or even utility applications. These systems are ing fossil fuel industry jobs (coal, oil, gas, etc.) and the
extremely scalable and able to create electric power from challenge of acquiring the large amounts of funding re-
either direct or diffuse sunlight, allowing them to be used quired, particularly for utility-scale installations. Simply
in cloudier areas of the country, including the Northeast, stated, financing large, multi-decade project payoffs is
Midwest, and much of the South and Pacific Northwest. difficult in these economic times.
Steel or aluminum extruded frames and various types Further challenges include the necessity for properly
of mounting systems are easily incorporated, although locating utility-scale systems near population and trans-
there generally aren’t standard PV panel dimensions and mission centers, and in areas with appropriate water
criteria, and in many instances PV support systems are supply. Although, fossil fuel plants, too, face the same
customized by various developers/installers. Extruders water use issues recondensing the spent steam from the
already serve the market demand, but there are certainly turbine systems—the difference is that these consumers
additional opportunities to substitute aluminum extru- of water are grandfathered in to the existing water use
sions for steel. calculations/mindset. As previously noted, dry cooling
As the temperature increases in the PV cells, electric systems can be utilized, but require more up-front capital
power conversion becomes less efficient, often requiring and will increase ongoing operational costs.
that these systems be passively or actively cooled. The use Environmental and permitting challenges also cause
of extruded heat sinks for these purposes represents an- additional cost and delay issues with utility-scale solar
other excellent opportunity for aluminum. power installations as solar projects require more land
Most PV systems do not track the sun, although they use than fossil fuel or nuclear facilities producing like
may be adjusted to bias them towards the sun’s direction amounts of electric power. Other countries, such as
during various annual seasons. PV systems are not gener- Spain, Germany, and Canada, have created “Feed In Tar-
ally as grid friendly as CSP, and the power generated is iffs” to create the environment where solar power costs
more intermittent (momentary clouds can drop power can be properly compared to the true costs of fossil fuel
production immediately), and battery or other power facilities. These tariffs provide financial backers for these
backup is currently prohibitively expensive. large solar projects, known cash flow to properly fund
Ground/Roof Mount: PV panels are mounted in frames these multi-decade installations (CSP plants, for exam-
supported in multiple places that are then placed onto, ple, should be designed with at least a 40-50 year operat-
or secured to, the ground or mounted on concrete foot- ing plan).
ings. PV systems have been mounted to residential and More directly from an extruded aluminum viewpoint,
commercial/industrial rooftops for many years (appro- we face the challenge of positively influencing the design
priate evaluation of the roof’s ability to withstand the ad- and material selection choices made by existing design
ditional weight is required, which is also a reason why and construction personnel (and many in the financial
lightweight, maintenance-free extruded aluminum sys- community), who are very familiar with steel and thus
tems are well accepted). hesitant to use aluminum because of its unfamiliarity.
Pole Mount: Poles driven into the ground or mounted The industry goal must be to help to support the concept
on concrete foundations are utilized to act as a point to that aluminum extrusions are not only a possible alterna-
secure framed/supported PV panels, enabling the use of tive material for these applications, but when properly
these systems in areas with uneven ground or surfaces. designed are actually the material of choice to optimize
Concentrated PV: Similar to the CSP parabolic trough, the long term costs and technical performance of these
linear Fresnel, and parabolic dishes, concentrated PV uti- solar projects.
lizes systems to focus sunlight onto small areas where the Conclusion
intense light greatly increases the efficiency of electric
power production. These are generally simpler systems There are definitely excellent opportunities for the use
than the corresponding CSP designs (less optically criti- of aluminum extrusions in solar power applications. By
cal versus the position of the sun). There is no need to in- utilizing proper designs, driving down the installed cost
corporate the handling of heat transfer fluids or mount of systems, and enhancing the performance of systems
automobile-scale turbines or engines. Because of the utilizing extrusions versus competitive materials, more
intense light (and heat), these systems require module solar projects will be approved, and more of these will
cooling, which represents excellent opportunities for ex- specify the use of aluminum extrusions.
truded heat sink systems, utilizing more extrusions than
would be used for the mounting or framework systems Editor’s Note: The Aluminum Extruder’s Council’s (AEC)
alone. Extrusion Symposium, September 20-23rd, includes a one
hour breakout session, covering “Customer Outreach: Intro-
The Advantages and Challenges of Solar Power duction to Solar Power.” Craig Werner moderates the over-
view/introduction, powerpoint presentation, lecture, and
Solar power directly replaces fossil fuels and is inher- panel discussion of the topic. Werner has kindly provided
ently renewable. At the current time, however, solar pow- portions of his detailed presentation and distilled it here
er (and in fact most renewable energy sources) does not for publication.Werner can be contacted via email at:
provide electric power at the current cost of fossil fuels,
although many of the costs of fossil fuels are not prop-

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