Square Textiles LTD

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Daffodil International University


“Marketing activities of Textile Industry in Bangladesh”

A case study on Square Textiles Ltd.
An Internship Report Presented to the Faculty of Business Administration in
Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Business

Supervised By:

Professor Dr. Ahmed Fakhrul Alam

Department of Business Administration

Faculty of Business and Economics

Daffodil International University (DIU)

Submitted By:

Anwar Parves

ID: 093-11-171

Major - Marketing

Date of Submission: November, 2014

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I do hereby solemnly declare that the work presented in this Internship Report has been
carried out by me and has not been previously submitted to any other University/ College/
Organization for an academic certificate/degree.

I, Anwar Parves, ID: BBA 093-11-171 declare that the presented internship report on
“Marketing Activities of Square Textiles Limited” submitted as a course requirement for
Bachelor of Business Administration at Daffodil International University was prepared by

The work I have presented does not breach any existing copyright and no portion of this
report is copied from any work done earlier for a degree or otherwise.

I further undertake to indemnify the damage arising from breach of the foregoing obligations.

Anwar Parves
ID No: 093-11-171
Major in Marketing
Department of Business Administration
Daffodil international University

“©Daffodil International University” i


This is to certify that the internship report on “Marketing Activities of Square Textiles
Limited”in the bona fide record at the report is done by Anwar Parves, ID: BBA 093-11-
171as a partial fulfillment of the requirement of B.B.A. major in Marketing, Daffodil
International University.

The report has been prepared under my guidance and is a record of the bona fide work carried
out successfully.

Professor Dr. Ahmed FakhrulAlam
Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business and Economics
Daffodil International University

“©Daffodil International University” ii


Anwar Parves, a student of Marketing program DIU, bearing ID No -093-11-171, has

submitted the Internship Report titled “Marketing Activities of Square Textiles Limited”
on November, 2014 for the fulfillment of the requirements of B.B.A internship. He
completed organizational training from Sales and Marketing Department of Square Textiles
Ltd Head Office at House # 4, Road # 12, Sector # 03 (2nd floor) under organization’s



Senior Executive

Sales and Marketing Department

Head Office

Square Textiles Ltd

“©Daffodil International University” iii


November, 2014
Professor Dr. Ahmed FakhrulAlam
Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business and Economics
Daffodil International University

Subject: Submission of Internship Report on “Marketing Activities of Square Textiles


Dear Sir,

I have prepared my internship report on the topic of “Marketing Activities of Square

Textiles Limited”under your kind supervision as a requirement of completing the degree of
BBA program. I have tried my best to prepare the report in consistence with the optimal
standard under your valuable direction.

I made every effort to reveal greater insight in this report. I hope that this will meet the
standard of your judgment.

Thanking you for your kind supervision.

Sincerely yours

Anwar Parves
ID No: 093-11-171
Major in Marketing
Department of Business Administration
Daffodil international University

“©Daffodil International University” iv


It was a great pleasure to prepare Internship report on the Marketing Activities of Square
Textiles Ltd, Head office, Sales and Marketing Department. I would like to thank and convey
my gratitude to honorable Supervisor, Professor Dr. Ahmed FakhrulAlam, Lecturer BBA
Program, Faculty of Business and Economics, Daffodil International University, for letting
me to prepare this report and I would also like to express my sincere appreciation to him for
his whole hearted support and guidance.

I am also grateful to the management of the Square Textiles Ltd for offering me the
Internship training. My sincere gratitude goes to Mr. AshequrRahman (SE), Mohammad
Faisal Faruque (Asif) Assistant Manager, Mr. SilversterDatta Gupta (SE), and Mr. Abu Jar
Gifari, Sales and Marketing Department, Square Textiles Ltd, who gave special attention to
me from the very beginning and whenever I went there. My special thanks to Mr.
NaziburRahman Assistant General Manager, Square Textiles Ltd. I am also owed to each
person who provides their co-operation inside of Square Textiles Ltd in carrying out this
report. And finally I wish all my unwilling mistakes for example miss presentation of kind of
information will be forgiven.

“©Daffodil International University” v


The report contains the Square Textiles Ltd profile and data about the markets, products, and
company history. The report also outlines financial highlights & product analyzing
company’s long-term solvency. The report provides relevant news, an analysis of and HR
Management activities. The latter are correlated with pertinent news and press releases, and
annual and quarterly forecasts are given by a variety of experts and market research firms.
The future plans of the company are discussed which fills a strong positive attitude. This
report also contain objectives, values, business strategies, Infrastructural Development,
segmentation, recruitment, strategic group map & SWOT analysis of squire textile.

The strategic Goals and Objectives of Square Textiles Ltd are to strive hard to optimize profit
though conduction and transparent business operations and to create more competitive in the
internal and external market.

In line with the concept of good corporate management practice and the provisions of
Articles of Association, The Board of Directors, The Top Management tier is responsible for
overall control and supervision of the entire affairs of the Company primarily through
strategic planning & budgetary control mechanisms. To this end, The Board of Directors hold
periodic meetings to resolve issues of policies and strategies, recording the minutes/ decisions
for implementation by the Executive Management.

The managing director, the CEO is the head of the executive management team. Below in
there are directors, executive directors and general manager. Under the direct super vision of
the general manager a number of departments are controlled.

Business line of this company in manufacturing and marketing of high quality yarn, which
have large quantity, yet share in textile sector in Bangladesh. If the Square Textiles Ltd
wants to complete with world class textile industries, they must have analyzed about
marketing distribution channel, price margin maintains by them and the promotional
activities given to traders etc. In order to know the current marketing management system
of these companies they must have to do market research.

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Contents Page No

Student Declaration I

Certificate of Supervisor II

Acceptance of the Report III

Letter of Transmittal IV

Acknowledgement V

Executive Summery VI

Chapter One: Introduction of the Study

1.1 Introduction of the report 1
1.2 Origin of the Report 1
1.3 Objectives of the Report 1
1.4 Scope 2
1.5 Methodology 2
1.6 Limitations 3
Chapter Two: Organization Overview
2.1 Organization Overview
2.2 The Objectives of the Company 4
2.3 Corporate Governance 5

2.4 Board of Directors 5

2.5 Separate Role of the Chairman and Managing Director 5
2.6 Audit Committee of Board 5
2.7 Executive Management 6
2.8 Functional Department of Square Textiles Ltd 6
2.9 Sales and Marketing 6
2.10 Management Structure 7-8
2.11 Specific Internship Position and Duties 8
2.12 Major Learning Points 9
Chapter Three: Marketing Activities of Square Textiles Ltd
3.1 Marketing Activities of Square Textiles Ltd 10
3.1.1 About Marketing

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3.2 About Marketing Mix 10-11
3.2.1 Marketing Mix for Service Firms 12
3.3 Marketing Mix of Square Textiles Ltd 13-17
3.4 Relationship Management strategy 17-18
3.5 Operational Procedure of Square Textiles Ltd 18-19
3.6 Environment of Square Textiles Ltd 19-20
3.6.1 Marketing Environment 19
3.6.2 Micro Environment 19
3.6.3 Macro Environment 20
3.7 Market Segmentation 20-22

3.8 Target Marketing 22

3.9 Market positioning 22

3.10 Company Current Position 22

3.11 Market Share and Position 22-23
3.12 Competitive Position in the local industry 23

3.13 Present Scenario of the Textile Industries 24

3.13.1 Labor cost & its competitors 24
3.13.2 Energy cost and its competitors 25
3.14 Life Cycle of Square Textiles Ltd 25-26
Chapter Four: Analysis and Findings
4.1 SWOT Analysis 27-28

4.2 Findings 29

Chapter Five: Recommendations and Conclusion

5.1 Recommendations 30

5.2 Conclusion 31
Bibliography 32

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1.1 Introduction of the report:

Internship is the mandatory course for all BBA students to fulfill the graduation because it
gives firsthand experience of the complexities of practical life. As a result it benefits the
students to relate our acquired knowledge with practical job life. The prime objective of the
internship program is to work under organizational environment so that, we can turn up
ourselves as professionals with practical experience and can get an opportunity to reconcile
the theoretical knowledge with real life situation. For this reason internship is an
indispensable part of BBA program. I try to prepare this report on the basis of practical
knowledge, which I gather from this organization.

1.2 Origin of the Report:

As a part our BBA program I have to accomplish my internship from an organization. And
in this process I have completed 4 months internship in Square Textiles Ltd. Square Textiles
Ltd. is one of the largest organizations in our country and I have to involve all most all
activities related with marketing. This company has many sections and I’m involved in the
sales and marketing department. I have worked only in head office of this company. The
report mainly concentrates on the process system of buyers order on yarn in the Square
Textiles Ltd.

1.3 Objectives of the Report:

The study attempted to explore and examine the present market situation of textile industry
and the marketing implications in textiles industry specially the objective of the study as

1) To know the present scenario of the market of Square Textiles Ltd.

2) To identify the marketing objectives of Square Textiles Ltd.

3) To analysis the marketing mix of Square Textiles Ltd.

4) To know about the marketing environment of Square Textiles Ltd.

5) To learn about different segments of Square Textiles Ltd.

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1.4 Scope:

The scope of the study may be stated as under:

· The study would help top management in planning and decision marketing strategy.
· The study would help management in identifying the key areas of weakness and
· The study would aware the top management to take corrective and appropriate
measure timely to improve the company’s marketing strategy and other performance.

1.5 Methodology:

I have used both primary and secondary data for preparing this report. But most of the data
are collected from primary source. I observed various activities of Square Textiles Ltd. My
practical experience in Square Textiles Ltd. (Head Office) was a great source of information.

(A) Primary source of Data: · Primary data is collected through

unstructured personal interview with
officials of Square Textiles Ltd.
· Day to day desk job (Informal
conversation with the employees)

(B) Secondary source of Data · Annual report of Square Textiles Ltd.

· Recent published brochure of Square
Textiles Ltd.
· Prospectus of Square Textiles Ltd.
· Internet, Web-siteetc.

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1.6 Limitation of the report:

The limitations of the report including the following:

· Lack of time:One of the major limitations of the study was limited time. The
allocation of the study was inadequate. Because in this short time one intern student
had to both attend the office and also do the survey. For the scarcity of time I could
not communicate largely with concern persons and authority, which would be very
helpful for preparing, the report could be made much more comprehensive.
· Administrative secrecy: Another major problem every private company maintains
some secrecy of its sales and Square Textiles Ltd. Was not expected in this regard.
The authority kept much information as secrete.
· Lack of adequate information: There was lack of necessary information what I
needed. That is primary and secondary data.
Information is not updated.
· Lack of knowledge about textile industries.
· Lack of self-knowledge concerning report preparation, was also a limiting factor in
preparing a better report.
· The secondary data that have been observed was in a form, which is not helpful for
this study.

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2.1 Organization Overview:

In 1997, Square entered the textile sector with its manufacturing facilities of cotton yarn.
Combining modern technology with skilled manpower under Square's unique inspiring,
atmosphere, this new venture soon rose to the top of the local textile industry.Its venture
comprises of:
1. Square Textiles Ltd
2. Square Yarns Ltd
3. Square Texcom Ltd

The industry is one of the largest producers of knitting & weaving yarns in Bangladesh.
Today it has one of the most sophisticated vertically integrated set-ups by which we are
producing 90,000 kg of yarns every day.

Mission of Square Textiles Ltd: The mission is the pole star of their vision for
maximization of production of quality lifesaving products and services strictly on ethical and
moral standards at minimum costs to the society ensuring optimum benefits to the consumers,
the shareholders and other stakeholders.
Vision of Square Textiles Ltd: The conception of business germinated from their vision
which sees it as a means to the well-being of the investors, stakeholders, employees and
members of the society at large by creating new wealth in the form of goods and services that
go to satisfy the wants of all of them without distributing or damaging the socio-ecological
balance of the mother earth and the process of human civilization leading to peaceful Co-
existence of all the living beings.
2.2 The Objectives of the Company:

· To strive hard to optimize profit through conduction of transparent business

operations within the legal & Social framework with malice to none and justice for
all in respective of gender disparity, caste, creed or religion or region.
· To Increase productivity.
· To create more jobs with minimum investments.
· To be competitive in the internal as well as external markets.
· To maximize export earning with minimum imported in-puts.
· To reduce the income gap between top & bottom categories of employees.
· To promote corporate social responsibilities (CSR) amongst all.

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2.3 Corporate Governance:
Corporate governance is the key to its sustenance. Good Corporate Governance is the key to
successful sustenance. Square Textiles Ltd’s Corporate Governance is as follows:

2.4 Board of Directors:

In line with the concept of good corporate management practice and the provisions of
Articles of Association, The Board of Directors, The Top Management tier is responsible for
overall control and supervision of the entire affairs of the Company primarily through
strategic planning & budgetary control mechanisms. To this end, The Board of Directors hold
periodic meetings to resolve issues of policies and strategies, recording the minutes/ decisions
for implementation by the Executive Management.

The Board of Directors is reconstituted every year by the shareholders through retirement /re-
election/ election of one third of its members. Members of the Board of Directors often travel
abroad to bring into focus, the Company's image and acquire technological gains. Top
Management inaugurates / participates in seminars, training courses, conferences, and various
cultural activities of the employees and workers which instill in them a sense of

2.5 Separate Role of the Chairman and Managing Director:

The positions of Chairman and Managing Director are held separate persons. The Chairman
is responsible for functions of the Board while the Managing Director serves as the Chief
Executive of the Company.

2.6 Audit Committee of Board:

An audit committee consisting of the Independent Director as Chairman and two other
Directors as memberhas been constituted in terms of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange
Commission (BSEC) guidelines for ensuring good governance practices.

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2.7 Executive Management:

The Managing Director, the CEO, is the head of the Executive Management Team which
comprises seniormembers of the Management Apparatus. Within the limits of delegated
authority and responsibility by theBoard of Directors, Executive Management operates
through further delegation of authority at everyechelon of the line management. The
Executive Management operates within the frame work of policy & planning strategies set by
the Top Management with periodic performance reporting for guidance. TheExecutive
Management is responsible for preparation of segment plans/ sub-segment plans for every
profitcentres with budgetary targets for every items of goods & services and are held
accountable for deficiencies, with appreciation for outstanding and exceptional performances.
These operations are continuously carriedout by the Executive Management through series of
Committees, Sub-Committees, Adhoc Committees &Standing Committees assisting the line

2.8Functional Department of Square Textiles Ltd:

Square Textiles Ltd is one of the structured organizations of Square Group. All the
responsibilities of the company are divided to different departments. The department looks
after total factory operations. It has a number of sections and each section has definite
responsibility. Some of departments are listed below-
1. Production Department
2. Sales and Marketing Department
3. Finance and Accounts
4. Management Information Department (MIS)
5. Administration Department
6. Human Resource Development (HRD) Departmentand many others.

2.9 Sales and Marketing:

The main duty for the marketing department is to convince the buyer. The search for the
buyers who are looking for RMG products from Bangladeshi Garments coming from
deferent part of the world.As the buyers are highly concern in yarn they test the sample and
marketing department deals this sample- testing price and time of shipment.

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2.10 Management Structure:

Management Apparatus

Mr. Samuel S. Chowdhury Chairman

Mrs. RatnaPatra Vice Chairman
Mr. TapanChowdhury Managing Director
Mrs. Anita Chowdhury Director
Mr. AnjanChowdhury Director
Mr. M. Sekander Ali Independent Director
Mr. Syed AfzalHasanUddin Independent Director

Management Committee

Mr. TapanChowdhury Chairman

Mr. AnjanChowdhury Member
Mr. Mostaque Ahmed Siddiqui Member
Mr. Md. Kabir Reza Member
Mr. Md. AlamgirHossain Member

Management Team

Mr. Mostaque Ahmed Siddiqui Chief Operating Officer

Mr. Md. AlamgirHossain Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Md. Abdur Rashid Head of Factory
Mr. Md. Idris Ali Head of Engineering
Mrs. NasrinAkter Head of Internal Audit
Mrs. NasrinAkter Head of Internal Audit
Mr. Sayeed Ahmed Chowdhury Head of Technical Services Department
Mr. Sayeed Ahmed Chowdhury Head of Technical Services Department
Mr. AbulKalam Azad Head of Quality Assurance
Mr. NaziburRahman Head of Salse& Marketing
Mr. Md. Adam Ali Khondoker Head of HR & Admin

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Legal Advisers

1. Mr. Rokanuddin Mahmud, Bar-at- Law Walsow Tower, 21-23, KaziNazrul Islam

Avenue, Dhaka

2. Ms. NaziaKabir, Bar-at-Law Walsow Tower, 21-23, KaziNazrul Islam

Avenue, Dhaka

Concord Ovilash (1st floor), House-62

Road- 11A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka


1. Standard Chartered Bank SCB House, 67 Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka.

2. HSBC Ltd. Anchor Tower, 1/1 –B Sonargaon Road,


3. Prime Bank Ltd. Adamjee Court, Annex Building-2,119-120,

Motijheel C/A, Dhaka

4. Bank Al Falah Limited 5, Rajuk Avenue, Dhaka

2.11 Specific Internship Position and Duties:

Mainly I have done my internship in Sales and Marketing department in Square Textiles
Ltd. I work under the supervision of manager of marketing and my main task was receiving
various types of data information and making database. As most of the time I have to
manipulate with various raw data so that time I was also able to help in documentation unit
by providing various necessary data. In preparing database I have used Microsoft Excel and
Microsoft Word.

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2.12 Major Learning Points:

During the time of internship program in the Square Textiles Ltd, I assemble many learning
things, which inspire me. The learning things are pointed in the following-

· In the time of my internship period I learnt how to make a document for the buyer
order I try to summarize how many order collect in a month and how many Yarn
sale in a month.

· When problems arise in the marketing section in Square Textiles Ltd then I try to
communicate with the concern person for the problem. So my communication skill
must be increase for this.

· Before working in the Square Textiles Ltd I have no job experience and have no
concept how an organization follows time management. After working in the Square
Textiles Ltd I have clear conception about time management practices of an

· Adoption in any situation is not so easy. Every time I try to communicate with the
higher authority and lots of employee who working here. For this reason I think my
adaptation power must be increased.

· Before working in the Square Textiles Ltd I was very week in speak in English. But
after working in the Square Textiles Ltd I gather much practical experience to
communicate in English.

· Before working in Square Textiles Ltd I have no idea about yarn making process but
now I have clear idea about the making process of yarn.

· Before working in Square Textiles Ltd, swatch, sample, and count of the yarn but
now it is very familiar word for me.

· In the time of my internship I learnt about how a person can develop his career and
maintain his subordinate.I learnt about the corporate culture, which is strictly
maintained by the organization.

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3.1 Marketing Activities of Square Textiles Ltd:

3.1.1 About Marketing:

Marketing deals with identifying and meeting human and social needs. One of the shortest
definitions of marketing is "meeting needs profitably". The goal of marketing is to attract new
customer by promising superior value and to keep and grow current customers by delivering
The American Marketing Association offers the following formal definition: "Marketing is an
organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering
value to customers and for managing customers' relationships in ways that benefit the
organization and its stake holders.
Marketing means managing markets to bring about profitable customer relationships. The
aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service
fits him and sells itself. However, creating profitable customer relationships takes work.
Sellers must search for buyers, identify their needs, design good marketing offers, set prices
for them, promote them, and store and deliver them. Activities such as product development,
research, communication, distribution, pricing, and service are core marketing activities.
Broadly defined, marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and
groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging value with others. In
a narrower business context, marketing involves building profitable, value-laden exchange
relationships with customers. Hence, we define marketing as the process by which companies
create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value
from customers in return.

3.2 About Marketing Mix:

In deciding on tile marketing program, a company must decide how much to adapt its
marketing mix i.e. 4p’s (Product, Price, Promotion and Place) to local conditions, at the two
ends of the spectrum are standardized and adapted marketing mixes, with many step in
between. At the product level, firms can pursue a strategy or striate extension, product
adaptation, or product invention, at the promotional level, firm may choose communication,
adaptation or dual adaptation. At the price level firms may encounter price escalation and
grey market and it may be very difficult to set standard, prices. At tile distribution level firm
needs to take a whole- channel view at the challenge of distributing its product to the final

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users. In creating all elements of the marketing mix firm must be aware of the cultural,
social, political, environmental, technological and legal limitations they face in other
Now here we will examine potential adaptations that Square Textiles Ltd. Might make to
their product, promotion, price, and distribution as they enter foreign market.

The marketing mix is the set of controllable tactical marketing tools – Product, Price, Place
and Promotion; that the organization blends to produce the response it wants in the market.
The marketing mix is consisting of everything the organization can do to influence the
demand for its product or services.

Square Textiles Ltd. is product and service oriented organization. For any organization that
provides service- it is important that all the 4 Ps’ of marketing mix are implemented properly.


Product market Place

Product variety Channels

Quality Coverage

Design Price Promotion Assortments

Features List Price Sales promotion Locations

Brand name Discount Advertising Inventory

Packaging Allowances Sales force Transport

Sizes Payment period Public relation

Services Credit terms Direct marketing

Figure:The Four ‘P’ component of the

marketing mix

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3.2.1 Marketing Mix for Service Firms:

The Service marketing mix comprises of the 7 Ps.These include:

1. Product 2. Price

3. Place 4. Promotion

5. People 6. Process

7. Physical Evidence

Figure: The extended Marketing Mixes of Service Firm

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3.3 Marketing Mix of Square Textiles Ltd:


Product means the goods-and-services combination the company offers to the target market.
In simplest word, Product is that satisfy customer’s needs.
Square Textiles Ltd produces yarn for RMG (Ready Made Garments) in Bangladeshi
garments industry who exports RMG abroad; because of that Square Textiles Ltd is 100%
export oriented company. They ensure the best quality of the products. Square Textiles Ltd
manufactures not only conventional yarn but also produces fancy yarn that can satisfy
customer’s needs locally and globally.
Beside conventional cotton yarn, Square concentrate on PIMA cotton yarn (Supima
Certified), Organic cotton yarn (Control Union Certified), CMIA (Cotton made in Africa),
Core spun, Slub Compact yarn and Bamboo yarn.
Based on global demand, Square move forward to blended yarn like Modal (100% or
50+50), Viscose (100% or 50+50), PC (65+35 or 50+50), CVC (60+40 or 80+20) and

The product range of Square Textiles Ltd-

1.100% conventional cotton yarn:

Combed, Carded, Compact, Core spun, Open End (Atuocoro, BT in Cotton 100%, Viscose
100% in woven, knit & towel standard)

2. Value added cotton yarn:

Pima, CmiA (Cotton Made in Africa), Organic (GOTS and Open End Standard)
· 100% Combed, Carded, slub, rotor
· Blend with Polyester/ Modal/ Viscose/ Lyocel, Grey Mélange, Cotton Mélange,
Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) 100% and blend with Polyester, Viscose, Modal& Mélange
etc. USA cotton (for contamination free)

“©Daffodil International University” 13

3. Rayon yarn:

Modal/ Promodal: 100% Modal, Modal + Cotton, Modal Slub

Viscose: 100% Viscose, Viscose + Cotton, Viscose + Polyester, Viscose Slub
Lyocel (Tencel or Excel): 100% Lyocel, Lyocel + Cotton, LyocelSlub
Bamboo: 100% Bamboo, Bamboo + Cotton, Bamboo Slub

4. Fancy Yarn:

Neppy/ dot yarn, NeppySlub

Inject yarn (cotton + polyester/ Viscose), Inject Slub
Siro (cotton+ Viscose/ Polyester/ Modal), SiroSlub
Slub (Any specification i.e. normal, short, long, and negative in any composition)
S-twist (Any composition), S-twist Slub
Compact (Cotton, Modal, Viscose, PC, CVC etc.)

4. Two ply/ Multi ply twisted yarn:

Count Range: Ring: NE 06 to NE 60, Rotor: NE 06 to NE 22

5. Polyester:

100% Polyester, Polyester + cotton (PC & CVC), slub,

Polyester+ Viscose/ Modal/ Lyocell/ Linen, slub

6. Recycle Polyester (GRS Standard):

Recycle Polyester + Conventional cotton/ Organic cotton/ BCI/ Modal/ Viscose/ Linen

7. Tri Blend/ Multi blend:

Cotton+ Polyester+ Viscose/ Modal/ Lyocel/ Linen

8. Linen Blend:

Linen + (Cotton/ Polyester/ Viscose/ Lyocel)

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9. Mélange:

Cotton Mélange (100% Cotton)

Gray Mélange (Cotton + Viscose 1% to 50%)
PV Melange (Polyester + Viscose)
Cotton Modal Mélange (Cotton + Modal)
Polyester Mélange (100% Polyester), Poly Cotton Melange (Cotton + Polyester)

3.3.2 Price:

The amount of the company charged for a product or service, or the sum of the value that
customer exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service called price.

The price of the product is determined by the accounts section of Square Textiles Ltd. The
account section determines demand by analyzing its previous sales volume. The company
market estimates are helpful in establishing the relationship between its product price and
the quality.As the company has an objective to stay in the market along possible with this
business, it has adopted the market based price policy.

3.3.3 Promotion:

Promotion, the marketing tools, standards for the various activities the company under take
to communicate its product’s benefits and to pursued target customer by it. In Square
Textiles Ltd, they do not have to take much promotional activities. Because of their
reputation that they never compromise with quality, that is their main promotional tools. In
the overseas market the company promotes its product by-Provide Sample, Brochure,
Collection, Attending international fair, CD supply, Participation in auction over internet,
E-mail, Fax, Various Journal, Cortex, Magazine etc.

3.3.4 Distribution/Place:
The strategy structure used to transfer product and service foreman organization to its
market. Generally the company is issued direct channel.GMS Composite Knitting Ind.
Ltdgives the order directly to Square Textiles Ltd.At first the companies try to fulfill the
buyer demand. If 5% lower or over production from the order then it will be acceptable by
the buyer in according to contract schedule. On the other hand when tile quality of tile
product is not as good as there requirement or expectation then they canceled it.

“©Daffodil International University” 15 Transportation:

Square Textiles Ltd. maintains its own transportation system for delivering product to
their customers.

GMS Composite Sales & Marketing Square Textiles Ltd.

Knitting Ind. Ltd Department

GMS Composite Knitting Ind. Ltd gives the order to Sales & Marketing Department
then Sales & Marketing Department gives order to factory to produce the product.
And then from the factory product is delivered to the customer.

ü The extended Marketing Mixes of Service are:

3.3.5 People:

People all people who directly or indirectly influence the perceived value of the product or
service, including knowledge workers, employees, management and consumers.

People are the opportunities for an organization for developing economic conditions of a
country. So that a textiles industry like Square Textiles Ltd. can develop best key marketing
people to do better business by giving them proper training.

As a student marketing I think it will be better for the textiles industry if it is done properly
within the organization.

3.3.6 Process:

Process is the procedures, mechanisms and flow of activities which lead to an exchange of

In Square Textiles Ltd. process is under supply chain management. If there any problem in
process then the whole thing will be hampered. For better process for both in factory and also
satisfying the customers Square Textiles Ltd. always take proactive action to maintain the

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process. For example, Square Textiles Ltd’s own power supplies system, not to hamper the
production process.

3.3.7 Physical evidence:

Physical evidence the direct sensory experience of a product or service that allows a customer
to measure whether he or she has received value. Examples might include the way a customer
is treated by a staff member, or the length of time a customer has to wait, or a cover letter
from an insurance company, or the environment in which a product or service is deliver.

The employees of Square Textiles Ltd. are always give priority of their customers. The
company trained their employees to maintain a good relation with customers. They have
waiting room for customers and employees give to do the things in time as per customer’s

3.4 Relationship Management strategies:

Butterflies True Friends

Good fit between company’s Good fit between

High Profitability offerings and customer’s need; high company’sofferings and

profit potential. customer’s need; highest profit

Strangers Barnacles
Little fit between company’s Limited fit between company’s
Low Profitability offerings and customer’s need; offerings and customer’s need; low
lowest profit potential. profit potential.

Figure-: Different relationship management strategy

“©Daffodil International University” 17

Butterflies: Are profitable but not loyal. Good fit between company’s offerings and
customer’s needs. However like real butterflies, we can enjoy for only a short while and
they’re gone.

True Friends: Are both profitable and loyal. There is strong fit between their needs and the
company’s offerings. The firm wants to make continuous relationship investments to delight
these customers and nature, retain and grow them. It wants to turn true friends into “true
believes” who come back regularly and tell others about their good experiences with the

Strangers: It shows low profitability and little projected loyalty. There is little fit between
the company’s offerings and their needs. The relationship management strategy for these
customers is simple.

Barnacles: Are highly loyal but not very profitable. There is a limited fit between
company’s offerings. For example- an Uttara bank customer who is regularly but do not
generate enough returns to cover the costs of maintaining their accounts. Like barnacles on
the hull of a ship they create drag. Barnacles are perhaps the most problematic customers.
The Banksmight be able to improve their profitability by selling them more, raising their
fees, or reducing service to them. However, if they cannot be made profitable, they should
be “fired”.

3.5 Operational Procedure of Square Textiles Ltd:

The main task of Square Textiles Ltd is producing various types of Yarns. Generally
according to the buyers demand the firm produces these Yarns. Like other organization
Square Textiles Ltd. also has various departments these are: – administration, accounts,
marketing, production and quality control. For Square Textiles Ltd. budgeting, financing
and administration work is directly supervised and controlled by its corporate office. Square
Textiles Ltd. management of raw material, production operation management, production,
quality assurance, storing finished goods, and a bit accounts’ maintenance is done by the
production department. Liaison office works as head office of the Square Textiles Ltd.
In this branch odder collection, production time and customer desired quality executing,
document processing, legal complicacy handlings, dealing with LC s’ and payments and
accountants maintaining, shipment, network maintaining with foreign and national buyers is
done. In textile most of the order comes from firm’s reputation, firma managements’

“©Daffodil International University” 18

network and liaison and few comes from the new local buyers. The main function of the
organization may be divided into two parts as:
1. Export
2. Import.
The phases/ Functions in export procedure include:
a. Manufacturing Yarn
b. Ex-out the Yarns
c. Shipment the Yarns
d. Preparing documents
e. Receive foreign Currency.

Import/ Procurement of raw materials follow the under mentioned steps:

· Order placing
· Getting/Receiving Performa Invoices
· Opening Back to Back L/C and Receiving raw materials

3.6 Environment of Square Textiles Ltd:

3.6.1 Marketing Environment:

Marketing environment of Square Textiles Ltd are the actors and forces outside marketing
that affect marketing manager’s ability to build and maintain successful relationships with
targeted customers. Marketing environment is divided into two parts microenvironment and
macro environment of the company.

3.6.2 Micro Environment:

Marketing micro environment contains suppliers, marketing intermediary’s customers,

competitors and public. In the case of Square textiles the component “Company” itself
almost works well with its departments. Square Textiles Ltd’s suppliers of raw materials
policy and cost of raw materials or inflation directly affect the macro environment of
Square. So quality ensuring is a big concern here. In the case of marketing intermediaries;
company fame, managers’ strong liaison/ network with business buyers are the main
strategy of Biswas to sell products. Government policies (favorable) are the main publics
here. C Square competitors’ of Square Textiles Ltd are local producers of Bangladesh.

“©Daffodil International University” 19

3.6.3 Macro Environment:

Macro environments major forces of Square Textiles Ltd.’s are discussed below.

Demographic factor- South Asian region is suitable for textile industry. Big working
population and raw materials outsourcing facility, supports the industrial growth of

Economic factor- Low production cost, energy availability, workers availability and
suitable government policy is the economic factor for Square Textiles Ltd.

Technological factor-China machineries are available and cost efficient for Square Textiles

Political factors- Unstable political situation and various types of strikes plays negative roll
on Square Textiles Ltd.

Natural and cultural factors- Natural and cultural factors doesn’t play significant role in
macro environment of Square Textiles Ltd.

3.7 Market Segmentation:

3.7.1 The Global Segment:

In RMG sector it is a huge market for global market. Rise of China as economic power is
an issue in textile sector, because China has a great market of textile industry. Rising
global trade and WTO can open doors for doing trade globally in smooth ways.
Intellectual property protection is a big issue for doing business and keeps business safe
from competitors. Important political events like war can put some impact on this sector,
but overall clothing is very necessary for people and it’ll never be abolished. On the other
hand low cost suppliers can be potential for marketers.

3.7.2 Economic Segment:

Size and change in gross domestic product, Per capita income levels, Inflation rate,
Interest rates, foreign trade deficit or surplus, Unemployment and Rates of saving and
investment all together makes mass impact on textile industry. Per capita income level can
increase of decrease the purchase level and it can be good for the textile industry. But after

“©Daffodil International University” 20

all clothing’s can be considering as a basic need of human being. That’s why it’ll never
lose its value if the price and quality can be in controlled.

3.7.3 Demographic Segment:

Size of population and growth rate is pretty good in this industry. Age distribution of
population also related and can make good impact. Cause target market of this industry
can be the any aged group. Education levels and income distribution also mass up with life
style. Income distribution and Ethnic diversity can be potential for this industry.
Geographic distribution may potential for this industry.

3.7.4 Socio-Cultural Segment:

Socio-cultural segment is also very important for any industry. It can control the purchase
behavior of the buyer group. Family relationships can put impact on purchase behavior of
an individual or group as a whole. Attitude about work and living arrangements also a fact
for purchase behavior. Lower living arrangement cannot be the high purchase condition.
Developed countries are the main importer of RGM products, and it is also the great
opportunities for Bangladesh. Styles of entertainment and changing life style also makes
variation for purchasing habits and creates new position for this sector. Attitudes toward
health make impact in both ways positively and negatively in this sector. Companies need
to rethink about health care as well as they can also introduce new organic clothing in the
potential market.

3.7.5 Technological Segment:

Technologies make the world closer and easier for everybody. Telecommunications and
Internet is the biggest issue for better communication. It also reduces cost of
communication and the list time consuming process. Online training is also the latest
concept of trade in globally. R&D can be very rich with new and innovative product and
process become easier to innovations.

3.7.6 Market segmentation:

Dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who have distinct needs, characteristics, or
behavior and who might require separate services or marketing programs is called market

“©Daffodil International University” 21

segmentation. A market segment consists of customers who respond in a similar way to
given set or marketing efforts.

3.8 Target Marketing:

The process of evaluating each market segments attractiveness and selecting one or more
segments to enter. A company should target segments in which it can profitability generate
the greatest customer value and sustain it over time.

3.9 Market positioning:

A product's position is the place the product occupies relative to competitors in consumers'
minds. Square Textiles Ltd. wants to develop unique market positions for their products. In
positioning its product, Square Textiles Ltd. first identifies possible competitive advantages
upon which to build the position. To gain competitive advantage, the company offer greater
value to target consumers by charging lower prices and offering more benefits than
competitors. As offering greater value, the bank also promises to deliver that greater value.
Once the Square Textiles Ltd. has chosen a desired position, it takes strong steps to deliver
and communicate that position to target consumers. The company's entire marketing program
also supports the chosen positioning strategy.

3.10 Company Current Position:

The net profit of Tk. 587,782,036 earned during the year 2013. It has been recommended
by the board of directors to be appropriated in the following manner:

1. Provision for proposed cash dividend for the year 2013 @20% (Tk. 2.00 per share) Tk.
2. Provision for Stock Dividend (Bonus Share) @10% (in the ratio of 10:100) Tk.
3. Transfer to General Reserve & Surplus Tk. 184,521,223

3.11 Market Share and Position:

Square Textiles Ltd has approved cash dividend at the rate of 20 percent and Stock
Dividend (Bonus Share) at the rate of 10 percent to its shareholders for the year ended
2013.The approval came at the 19th Annual General Meeting of the company held at the
Factory Premises, Sardaganj, Kashimpur, Gazipur.
“©Daffodil International University” 22
The gross profit, net profit (Before Tax) and net profit (After Tax) for the year 2012 were
Tk. 886.75 million, Tk. 676.17 million and Tk. 564.76 million respectively.

Marketing Department of Square Textiles Ltd are control and compared actual with budget
under the following cost-
· Selling
· Warehousing
· Packing and shipping
· Promotional
· Credit and collection
· General accounting (for marketing)

When the expanses variance is adverse then corrective action and analysis the company
tries to find out why is to done. In many time the company cannot able to export their
product, which was expectation then the company take proper step to achieve the target as
per example the design teams along with business department staff were already in USA in
September 2001 presenting their collection. They were meeting all their existing customers
while targeting other big names, which are still not on their customer list. Some of these are
Wal-Mart in Mexico, USA and Europe, Federated store of USE, Hudson Bay of Canada.
For this reason after September I’ll 2001, hit the economies of the world the company going
on with successfully.

3.12 Competitive Position in the local industry:

Square Textiles Ltd. by nature operates in the weaving and finishing segment of the
complex structure of the Textile & Clothing industry of Bangladesh. The local textiles
producers did never exert threats to the company. Rather it is the textile giants in China,
India, Indonesia, Pakistan are the major competitors ofSquare Textiles Ltd. as the
company’s perception, because most of them operate in the same markets as like as Square
Textiles Ltd.
In the local industry Square Textiles Ltd. is currently grabbing a big volume in terms of the
share in the export-oriented RMG market.

“©Daffodil International University” 23

3.13 Present Scenario of the Textile Industries:
Bangladesh is the second largest exporter of readymade garment products trailing China
according to the McKinsey report (2011). Bangladesh’s garment exports during July-June
2012-13 period climbed by about 12.7 percent to US$ 21.515 billion over exports of US$
19.089 billion made during the corresponding period of 2011-12. In 2012-13, the top three
export destinations for Bangladesh garments were Europe, which accounted for US$ 12.56
billion, followed by the US and Canada, which accounted for US$ 4.99 billion and US$ 980
million, respectively. But now it has received bad news. Recent incidents like fire in the
Tazreen Fashions factory in November last year that killed more than 110 and the collapse
of the Rana Plaza garment factory building in April that killed over 1,100 people and more
than 2,500 were injured in the disaster. It may be the second biggest industrial accident in
recent history. As a result, The President Barack Obama-led US government in June
suspended Bangladesh from the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), which allows
duty-free entry of over 5000 goods to the US market from least developed countries. Now,
RMG products (which make up most of the US import from Bangladesh) are not included
in the list of duty-free products in GSP, there will an export fall of about $40 million .At
present, Bangladesh exports about $5 billion worth of goods to the USA every year and
hence, the suspension from US GSP will account for a fall in export of about 0.8 %. Losing
the GSP facility will cost Bangladesh millions of dollars in taxes. It is also influence the
European Union to take similar action, which would have a much bigger impact on
Bangladesh and its garment sector.

3.13.1 Labor cost & its competitors:

Country Labor cost per hour Country Labor cost per hour

Thailand $ 1.00/Hour Indonesia $ 0.40/Hour

India $ 0.60/Hour Pakistan $ 0.40/Hour
Sri Lanka $ 0.45/Hour China $ 0.35/Hour
Vietnam $ 0.40/Hour Bangladesh $ 0.25/Hour

(Source: BKMEA websites)

“©Daffodil International University” 24

3.13.2 Energy cost and its competitors:

Country Cost/KwH
India $ 0.095/KwH
Pakistan $ 0.08/KwH
Bangladesh $ 0.07/KwH

Energy cost in Bangladesh in lower compared to India and Pakistan

(Source: BKMEA websites)

3.14 Life Cycle of Square Textiles Ltd:

Yarn Life Cycle

Annual Turnover
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Annual Turnover:

Year Turnover (Taka)

2005 2,390,978,521
2006 2,620,965,931
2007 2,541,542,767
2008 3,052,235,640
2009 3,882,244,010
2010 4,445,402,112
2011 5,247,748,947
2012 5,431,437,667
2013 5,238,437,265

“©Daffodil International University” 25

Yarn Life Cycle
Gross Profit
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Gross Profit

Year Gross Profit(Taka)

2005 543,160,060
2006 579,900,538
2007 582,846,363
2008 463,215,904
2009 533,373,721
2010 886,759,262
2011 1,085,336,475
2012 988,529,485
2013 948,720,329

The turnover decreased by during the year 2013 in comparison to 2012 due to decline
ofUSD/Taka conversion rate and decrease in production for power shortage and
politicalunrest. Gross profit decreased and Net profit decreased due to increase in unitcost in
the year 2013 than 2012.
From the year 2005 to 2012 there is radical improvement in Square Textiles Ltd. Although
in 2013 they increase their production units and that’s why they are not loss.

“©Daffodil International University” 26

4.1 SWOT Analysis of Square Textile Ltd:

SWOT Analysis

Internal Factors External Factors

Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats

· Strengths: attributes of the person or company those are helpful to achieve the

· Weaknesses: attributes of the person or company those are harmful to achieve the

· Opportunities: external conditions those are helpful to achieve the objective.

· Threats: external conditions which could do damage to the objective

4.1.1 Strength:

Square Textiles Ltd. is a rapidly expanding company. After starting its journey in 1998 it has
already doubled the net turnover by the year of 2013. All the units of the factory enjoy higher
use of machinery that is imported from Germany, Switzerland, Italy & Japan. As a result it
can maintain a smooth rate of production. Well trained human recourses are strengths of the
company. They train up their key personal within the country and in abroad. In this way the
company can get some competitive advantages over the competitions. The HRM practice is
also remarkable in Square Textiles Ltd.

“©Daffodil International University” 27

4.1.2 Weakness:
Square Textiles Ltd. is highly dependent on Cotton. And raw materials of cotton are
becoming expensive. Sometimes transaction time at Ports and transportation time create
many problems there. And the higher taxes, power and interest rates are also included in
weaknesses of this textile company.

4.1.3 Opportunity:

There are bright opportunities for the Company in the overseas market. If it can communicate
well and capture a significant market portion in the Europe and USA market, it can be the
leader in textiles fields. Growth rate of Domestic Textile Industry is increasing. Besides this,
Product development and Diversification are also happening to cater global needs.

4.1.4 Threats:

For Square Textiles Ltd. Competition level is increasing both in local and abroad market.
And the competition will be stiffer among the other foreign competitors like Sri-lanka, China,
Pakistan and India are prominent. To balance between demand & supply and price & quality
are also included in threats this company.

“©Daffodil International University” 28

4.2 Findings:

a) Lack of software system:

At present Square Textiles Ltd is using their own software for operating the organizational
task, but it is not online basis software.

b) Shortage of backup:

Because of the software not online basis so the backup of the files is very important.

c) Doing business only in local market:

As we know that Square Textiles Ltd is a 100% export oriented company and they only
deals with the local customers.

d) Lees experienced employees:

Lees experienced employees performing the marketing sector. They are not well-experienced
to satisfied customer.

e) Less number of employees:

Again, at front desk there is less number of employees for the account opening task as well as
dispatch related works. So, it takes a bit longer time to finish off his or her job.

“©Daffodil International University” 29

5.1 Recommendations:

a) Creating online basis software:

At present Square Textiles Ltd is using their own software for operating the organizational
task, but it is not online basis software. If any occurrence happens then the whole
department has to suffer for this problem. So if they upgrade the system then that could be
more effective for operating the task in organization.

b) Ensuring the backup:

Because of the software not online basis so the backup of the files is very important. Using
of software reduces environmental pollution like less using of paper but company’s
important documents can be under risk. So the company should more aware of the backup
and ensure that they have the documents backup.

c) Export directly in abroad:

Square Textiles Ltd not only competes with local textiles industry within our country but
also in global market. As we know that Square Textiles Ltd able to manufacture almost all
kind of yarns, so they can export yarn in India, China and also other country.

d) Appointing more Peoples:

Square Textiles Ltd. has a huge number of customers, suppose 200 but a group of six
members is not sufficient to handle them properly. So if they appoint more skilled people
that can make it easy to cope up with regarding task that can make more customers, because
of more customers the demand of product will be increased. So Square Textiles Ltd can
make more profit.

e) Adding Research and Development team with Sales and Marketing


Although Square Textiles Ltd. has Research and Development department but if they add an
open R&D team with Sales and Marketing department so that customers can easily consult
with them and then they come to marketing department. Now it’s a lengthy process because
firstly marketing department consult with R&D then they discuss with customers. So if they
do that it will reduce more time like 24 office hours.
“©Daffodil International University” 30
5.2 Conclusion:

Lots of new textiles industries have been established in last few years and these industries
have made this sector very competitive. So, now textiles industries have to organize their
operation and do their operations according to the need of the market. Textiles industries
no more depend on a traditional method. In this competitive world this sector has trenched
its wings wide enough to cover any kind of financial services anywhere in this world. The
major task for textiles industries, to survive in this competitive environment is by
managing its assets and liabilities in an efficient way.

Business line of this company in manufacturing and marketing of high quality Yarn, which
have large, yet share in textile sector in Bangladesh. If the Square Textiles Ltd. wants to
complete with world class textile industries, they must have analyzed about marketing
distribution channel, price margin maintains by them and the promotional activities given to
traders etc. In order to know the current marketing management system of this companies
they must have to do market research.

“©Daffodil International University” 31



1. David W. Cravens & Nigel F. Piercy, Strategic Marketing 8th Edition, Inc, Singapur,
2. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management 11th Edition, Inc, USA, 2003.

3. Philip Kotler, Principles of Marketing 13th Edition, Inc, USA, 2005.

· http://www.fiber2fashion.com, retrieved on 15/09/2014 at 6p.m.

· http://www.squaregroup.com/textiles, retrieved on 10/10/2014 at 10p.m

· http://textilebulltin.com/present situation-rmg-sector-bangladesh-2013, retrieved on
10/10/2014 at 10p.m.

“©Daffodil International University” 32

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