Online Shopping by Augmented Reality Technology
Online Shopping by Augmented Reality Technology
Online Shopping by Augmented Reality Technology
Birmingham, England
Abstract—Online shopping has been an essential part and olfactory.[15] These augmented perceptual informa-
of our shopping activity. It makes shopping become more tion allow the physical world and the virtual world to
time-saving and provides more choices to customers. How- interact, which creating an immersing environment for
ever, the most obvious disadvantage of online shopping
people. Augmented reality (AR) is this technology to
is that customer can not be face-to-face with the prod-
create a “next generation, reality-based interface”. [13]
ucts while selecting them. Augmented Reality(AR) is a
technology combining virtual and real world. Users have
B. The development of AR
an ”immersive” experience through a variety of sensing
devices. Users and the environment achieve directly natural The head-mounted display invented by renowned com-
interaction. This paper mainly shows the principle of AR puter scientist Ivan Sutherland was the first prototype
shopping as a new shopping mode, while analyzing its to be similar to current equipment. The entire system
advantages and disadvantages as well as the current de- requires the display device to be placed on the ceiling
velopment level. Finally, this paper found current problem above the user’s head and is connected to the headset
about AR online shopping and seek solutions.
via a connecting rod to convert a simple wireframe to
Index Terms—Online shopping, augmented reality tech-
a 3D-effect image. In 1975, Myron Krueger creates the
nology, user perception, three dimensions, e-commerce.
Video place, a room that allows users to interact with
virtual objects for the first time. Later, Tom Caudell and
David Mizell from Boeing coin the phrase Augmented
A. Definition of AR
Reality while helping workers assemble wires and cable
What is Augmented Reality(AR) technology? for an aircraft.[16] In 1997, Ronald Azuma proposed
Augmented reality (AR) is a direct or indirect live a widely accepted AR, defined as a combination of
view of a physical, real-world environment whose ele- real and virtual environments while being both regis-
ments are “augmented” by computer-generated percep- tered in 3D and interactive in real time.[17] In recent
tual information, ideally across multiple sensory modal- decades, more and more applications related to AR have
ities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory, appeared, especially mobile applications. For example,
Wikitude AR Travel Guide launched in 2008. Microsoft improve the user shopping experience while ensuring the
launched an augmented reality head-mounted device in convenience of online shopping.
2015, Microsoft Hololens glasses. And several current
D. Combination of AR Tech. and Online Shopping
popular dynamic make up applications, like Mofiface.1
This paper analyzes the combination of AR technol-
Various industries are trying to apply AR technology into
ogy and online shopping, in which users can experience
themselves, such as digital map, Marketing Advertising,
the immersive feeling of trying on clothes and shoes,
game and shopping
trying out beauty products, etc. Besides, from the per-
C. Online Shopping spective of existing technologies and user experience,
to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this
Online shopping is a shopping activity where con-
shopping way and the challenges we will face in the
sumers purchase goods or services directly through the
future, meanwhile comparing it with the offline shopping
Internet. In the past few decades, Internet shopping has
to increase the feasibility of AR online shopping.
become more and more popular because of its convenient
access and lower prices than real life malls. In 2002, II. R ELATED W ORK
Lefebvre showed that e- commerce was growing faster
A. Why we use AR into online shopping
than expected, and that it was likely to have a dominant
a). Features of AR Technology:
position in the future economy. [3] Statistics show that
AR technology is a way to make virtual informa-
in 2012, Asia-Pacific increased their international sales
tion generating by computer superimposed into the real
about online shopping over 30% giving them over $433
scene, to achieve more realistic and direct understand-
billion in revenue. U.S. income was $364.66 billion.
ing of the scene. The enhanced/augmented information
[19] In the European countries, online retails sales have
includes two categories: i). Non-geometric information
continued to rise in the last five years.(fig.2) While
superimposes on real objects, such as words, pictures,
online shopping make convenience of the user needs,
and videos, etc. ii). Completely virtual geometric infor-
there are also some problems we should pay attention,
mation, such as three-dimensional objects, scenes and so
like the quality of online shopping products, the lack of
on. With AR devices, users interact with the augmented
direct shopping experience, the inability to try on clothes
reality environment in a more natural way that must be
/products, and online shopping reduces the sociality
real-time. This interaction uses a technique called 3D
of offline shopping. In this paper, we mainly consider
registration, which is a visual display technology. The so-
the interaction between consumers and online shops /
called registration, can be decomposed into identification
products in online shopping activity and analyze how to
and positioning. referring to combining seamlessly the
Modiface is an augmented reality, their mobile
computer-generated virtual objects with the real envi-
application provides the ability to perform beauty try-on simulations
on live video, and to track the face and facial features in precise ronment. Even if user move in real environment, it will
detail. also continue to maintain the correct alignment (fig.3)
applications, like Mofiface.( 注 解 一 ) Various industries are trying to apply AR technology into
themselves, such as digital map,Marketing Advertising,game and shopping.
Fig. 1 The world’s first
Fig. head-mounted display
1. The world’s first [2]
head-mounted display [2]
1.3 Online Shopping
Online shopping is a shopping activity where consumers purchase goods or services directly through
the Internet. In the past few decades, Internet shopping has become more and more popular because
of its convenient access and lower prices than real life malls. In 2002, Lefebvre showed that e‐
commerce was growing faster than expected, and that it was likely to have a dominant position in the
future economy. [3] Statistics show that in 2012, Asia‐Pacific increased their international sales about
online shopping over 30% giving them over $433 billion in revenue. U.S. income was $364.66 billion.
[19] In the European countries, online retails sales have continued to rise in the last five years.(fig.2)
While online shopping make convenience of the user needs, there are also some problems we should
pay attention, like the quality of online shopping products, the lack of direct shopping experience, the
inability to try on clothes /products, and online shopping reduces the sociality of offline shopping. In
Fig. 2. [12]
1.4 Combination of AR Tech. and Online Shopping
this paper, we mainly consider the interaction between consumers and online shops / products in online
b). Working Principleactivity and analyze how to improve the
datauser shopping tracking
experience while toensuring
This paper ofanalyzes
AR: of the
the combination of AR technology and head device
online shopping, the relative
in which users can
convenience of online shopping.
experience the immersive feeling of trying on clothes and shoes, trying out beauty products, etc.
position of the virtual scene and the real scene. In the
Fig. 3 is a Besides,
typical AR system structure, which is
from the perspective of existing technologies and user experience, to analyze the
next step, to make the alignment of the coordinates and
composed of aadvantages and disadvantages of this shopping way and the challenges we will face in the future,
virtual scene generating part and an
perform the fusion calculation of the virtual scene. In
meanwhile comparing it with the offline shopping to increase the feasibility of AR online shopping.
interactive device such as a display and a helmet.
the end, the interactive device collects external control
II. Related Work
The virtual scene generation is responsible for the signals to implement the interactive operation of the
modeling, management, rendering of the virtual scene combination with the virtual and real scenario. The
2.1. Why we use AR into online shopping?
and the management of other peripherals. The screen is information after the system is merged will be displayed
a). AR technical principle:
responsible for displaying virtual and real-world fused on the display in real time and displayed in the human
AR technology is a way to make virtual information generating by computer superimposed into the real
signals. Firstly, the camera and sensor capture the video field of vision.
scene, to achieve more realistic and direct understanding of the scene. The enhanced/augmented
or image of the real scene. Secondly, they are transferred
information includes two categories: i). Non‐geometric information superimposes on real objects, such
c). Traditional online shopping model:
to the processing unitpictures,
as words, in the background
and videos, and
etc. should be
ii). Completely virtual geometric information, such as three‐
analyzed and objects,
reconstructed. Andscenes
to so on. With the
combine AR devices,
Onlineusers interact iswith
shopping the augmented
convenient reality there are
for customers,
environment in a more natural way that must be real‐time. This interaction uses a technique called 3D
registration, which is a visual display technology. The so‐called registration, can be decomposed into
identification and positioning. referring to combining seamlessly the computer‐generated virtual
objects with the real environment. Even if user move in real environment, it will also continue to
maintain the correct alignment (fig.3)
calculation of the virtual scene. In the end, the interactive device collects external control signals to
implement the interactive operation of the combination with the virtual and real scenario. The
information after the system is merged will be displayed on the display in real time and displayed in the
human field of vision.
Fig. 3.
b). Sephora
to find Virtualyou
the product Artist
want. (fig.5) Fig. 5.
In 2014,
Sephora partnered and Modiface, a Canadian technology company dedicated to the application
of augmented reality technology for beauty brands, it launched the AR Makeover App, called Sephora
Virtual Artist. This application uses face 37 points’tracking(fig.6) and light rendering technology
enhance the realistic effects. Users turn on the camera function in this APP to scan their faces and add
cosmetic effects to them, then buy the appropriate cosmetics directly on the App. Besides, it also
incorporates the Sephora Virtual Artist Tutorials feature of the Make-up Tutorial, which determines your
face by scanning your face and displaying exclusive products and tutorials for your face. This is a better
practice than a fixed video on the Internet.
Finally, you can scan any object you with the phone to target a specific color, and then match this color
Fig. 6.
for trying on.(fig.8)
C. Existing Problem
fig.8[23] Fig. 9.
For example, when making up for lips by AR technology, face fixed-point technology can be very perfect
to identify
the way it’s the size
translating in and
ARshape of different
doesn’t mouth.that
feel natural, However, it does
people, not three-dimensionally
stroll with friends, enhance recognize the
the communication.
fullness of lips. In other words, the effect of the AR test makeup is a picture that is similar shape with
is, multi-angle and mobile identification is still difficult. At the same time, reasonable advice from peers can
you lips through color rendering to image. Similar technical problems exist in the AR system. The visual
b). Theeffects
cost isoftoo technology can not meet the user's needsreduce
AR high impulsive
for the sense shopping
of smell andSuch
and touch. helpas you pick the right
on clothes by AR, people can see the effect of the virtual product.
clothes This
on theadvantage of offline
body, but they can notshopping
touch theis well worth
The cost of creating an AR online shopping system
material of the clothes and feel how comfortable they are. In fact,The
learning. the visual
lack ofeffects
socialcan’t be exactly
function is nowtheAR shopping
is far higher than the cost of a traditional e-commerce
same as the actual effects of wearing on a real body. Specifically, when people are rotating and jumping,
problem. To better AR online shopping experience, we
website. First of it's
the way all, translating
the product needs
in AR to be
doesn't feelinput intothat is, multi-angle and mobile identification is still
difficult. should add interactions between users.
the system from the image to the textual information;
b). The cost is too high
For a different brand of goods, developer need to create III. F UTURE W ORK
The cost of creating an AR online shopping system is far higher than the cost of a traditional e-commerce
a unique system.
website. And
First from
of all,the
theperspective of users,
product needs to be the
input into
A. To theimprove
system technological
from the imagelevelto the textual
purchase of hand-held or head-mounted AR devices also
AR online shopping and Tactile Feedback2 technology
require a lot of money. How to reduce the cost of both
can be combined, to reproduce people’s true touch on the
operators and users is a problem.
product material. This 3D interactive haptic technology
c). Lack of sufficient user awareness uses ultrasound to add a tactile feedback to a virtual
AR online shopping is designed to increase customer image. Tactile interaction and feedback to the hand via
interaction with products, but social value of shopping ultrasound will provide users a better AR experience.
creating is ignored. Online shopping can not completely Specifically, From the invisible buttons you can feel to
replace the offline shopping is a very important reason the physical interface of hand tracking, this technique
is the sociability of offline shopping. Specifically, shop- 2
Haptic or Tactile Feedbacks can reproduce the sense of touch for
ping is actually regarded as a kind of social way for the user through a series of actions such as force and vibration.
is used to mimic the natural characteristics of humans reproduce the effective communication between offline
through complex algorithms. This is very suitable for shopping people.
online clothes shopping. Consumers can touch the ma-
terial of clothes, this will give them a more accurate
First of all, we have clarified the problem behind
judgment than browsing the pictures online.
the rapid development of online shopping: Consumers
cannot directly interact with online products. Products
B. The Combination of VR and AR
on the Internet can only be presented to people in the
The purpose of AR online shopping is to combine form of pictures or videos. This limitation of online
virtual product imaging with real-world environments shopping promotes the production of AR shopping mod-
so people can try on their favorite clothes, watches els. Through augmented reality technology, we hope
and cosmetics without leaving home. However, the VR, to create an immersive online shopping experience for
virtual reality technology, is a totally virtual environment consumers, that is, users can feel the realism of physical
generating by computer. The immersive environment store shopping in their own homes through their head-
can be similar to the real world to create a realistic mounted devices or handheld devices. In one word, AR
experience based on reality or science fiction.[24] If the online shopping combines the advantages of physical
combination of AR and VR technology is applied to the store shopping and online shopping. In fact, by reading
e-commerce environment, it is conceivable that people the literature and web search, the feasibility of this
use the handheld device to see themselves dressed in new shopping model needs to be improved. At present,
virtual clothes through the screen. People can also enter there are still some problems, technical breakthroughs
a virtual scene same with the real supermarket to pick are needed, costs need to be reduced, and users need to
their favorite products by wearing a pair of VR glasses. increase their awareness of this technology. I think the
This not only increases the user-product interaction but prospect of this technology is still very big. Future work
also increases the fun of online shopping. needs to solve the current problems, and at the same
time, new online shopping would combine augmented
C. Add social function into AR online shopping reality and virtual reality technology to increase the
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