Castillones, Desiree
Castillones, Desiree
Castillones, Desiree
In recent months, a virus has spread from china called corona virus or COVID19. Wuhan
China has declared a lockdown due to its rapid spread and to prevent escalation. With a few
weeks, it was called a pandemic because it spread quickly to various countries and many more
were killed.
Now, how can we apply ethics to this situation? For all we know, applied ethics is all about
moral considerations. In this crisis, people are talking about quarantine, social isolation and
lockdown. Done wrongly, it can take our rights and freedom away. But done correctly, it can
dramatically reduce the spread and mortality rate of this disease. In the opinion of others,
quarantine and social isolation will help slow the transmission. But there are other people who
are opposed to it because during a quarantine or lockdown, people’s basic needs should be met.
This means access to food, water, healthcare and even compensation for income loss. And that’s
where applied ethics enters. We need to consider what is best for everyone. Yes, we may not
understand and we cannot accept this decision by the government. But if we think about it well,
they have a lot to consider before implementing lockdown, social distancing and quarantine. For
us, it is not good because it can take away our rights and freedoms. But if we think ethically, we
will have the benefits of our safety and our health as well.
If we notice, due to the implementation of lockdown, the COVID19 case in Wuhan China
has dropped by a percent and it continues to decline by the end of February. The corporation of
the people in Wuhan has been a great help in eradicating the virus and thanks to the frontliners
and police men as well.