STD-LI-X-110-A04-RC - Normas API

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Index for the ISA library for Measurement and Control. Covers Symbols,
spec forms, terminology, Environmental Conditions, Instrument Air Quality,
Standards Library for Measurement and Control: Guidelines for Quality, Safety, and
0_ISA-STDLIBRARY-INDEX-1998-01 2001 Control Centers, Control Valves, Electrical and Process Systems Safety, 1
and more.Using industry standards is vital for maintaining safety, and
qualitybatch, discrete and
and productivity. continuous process automation
systems.Defines regulatory, event-driven and time-driven control system
actions. Encompasses both digital and analog control devices in addition
to non-control actions (for example, operator messages and batch end
reports).Encompasses both normal and abnormal operational
requirements of systems and shows the interactions between them. Uses
a set of terms that relate directly to the languages commonly used by plant
operators.Excludes interactions with higher-level systems. Within the
parameters of this scope, the standard is intended to: Establish functional
requirements specifications for control software documentation that covers
the classes of industrial automation equipment and systems consisting of
ANSI-ISA-5-06-01-2007 Functional Requirements Documentation for Control Software Applications 2007 distributed control systems, programmable controllers and industrial 58
personal computers (see Figure 1).Provide techniques for documenting
control system software. The software to be generated is a function of the
computer system chosen for a particular project. The documentation
procedure set forth in this standard is independent of the
hardware/software system that is chosen.Provide a basis for validation of
run-time application software after it is developed and tested to ensure
that the initial requirement specification has been met. The documentation
resulting from use of this standard: Can be used for control software
definition, design, testing and validation.Is not intended to require
specialized knowledge of any particular engineering or computer science
discipline S7.0.01-1996.
Formerly to develop or understand.
Establishes a standard for instrument quality air
providing limits for moisture content, entrained particle size and oil content,
standard air supply pressures, ranges of pneumatic transmission signals,
and criteria for testing compliance with instrument-quality air
ANSI-ISA-7-0-01-1996 Quality Standard for Instrument Air 1996 34
standards.Establishes a standard for instrument-quality air providing limits
for moisture content, entrained particle size and oil content, standard air
supply pressures, ranges of pneumatic transmission signals, and criteria
for testing compliance with instrument-quality air standards.

Formerly S12.01.01-1999. "Provides definitions and information pertaining

to protection techniques, terminology, and the installation of electrical
instruments in hazardous (classified) locations and provides an
introduction and basic background to the ISA-SP12, Electrical Safety,
series of publications and committee activities.Provides general guidance
for the safe design, installation, and maintenance of electrical instrument
systems using appropriate means to prevent ignition of flammable gases
Definitions and Information Pertaining to Electrical Instruments in Hazardous and vapors, flammable liquids, combustible dusts, or ignitable fibers or
ANSI-ISA-12-01-01-1999 1999 82
(Classified) Locations flyings." Provides definitions and information pertaining to protection
techniques, terminology, and the installation of electrical instruments in
hazardous (classified) locations and provides an introduction and basic
background to the ISA-SP12, Electrical Safety, series of publications and
committee activities. Provides general guidance for the safe design,
installation, and maintenance of electrical instrument systems using
appropriate means to prevent ignition of flammable gases and vapors,
flammable liquids, combustible dusts, or ignitable fibers or flyings.

This standard provides minimum requirements for the design,

Nonincendive Electrical Equipment for Use in Class I and II, Division 2 and Class III, construction, and marking of electrical equipment or parts of such
ANSI-ISA-12-12-01-2007 2007 46
Divisions 1 and 2 Hazardous (Classified) Locations equipment for use in Class I and Class II, Division 2 and Class III,
Divisions 1 and 2 hazardous (classified) locations.

This standard provides minimum requirements for fixed and transportable

open path gas detection apparatus. This standard specifies the
ANSI-ISA-12-13-04-2007 Performance Requirements for Open Path Combustible Gas Detectors 2007 construction, performance and testing of open path (line-of-sight) gas 42
monitors that sense the presence of combustible gas or vapor
concentrations in air.
1 ScopeThis document provides specific requirements for process sealing
between electrical systems and flammable or combustible process fluids
where a failure could allow the migration of process fluids directly into the
electrical system. Examples of this type of seal include diaphragm seals,
thermowells, and pump seals. The requirements of this document are not
Requirements for Process Sealing Between Electrical Systems and Flammable or meant to apply to electrical conduit and cable seals as addressed in
ANSI-ISA-12-27-01-2003 2003 18
Combustible Process Fluids ANSI/NFPA 70 : 2002 Section 501.5 (C) and 505.16 (D). Requirements for
basic electrical safety and explosion protection are not addressed by this
document, but may apply to equipment under investigation. The
secondary effects of leakage to the environment are not addressed by this

Formerly ANSI MC12.1-1975 and then S50.1-1982(R1992). Applies to

analog dc signals used in process control and monitoring systems to
transmit information between subsystems or separated elements of
systems.This document applies to analog dc signals used in process
control and monitoring systems to transmit information between
ANSI-ISA-50-00-01-1975-R02 Compatibility of Analog Signals for Electronic Industrial Process Instruments 1975 subsystems or separated elements of systems.Its purpose is to provide for 24
compatibility between the several subsystems or separated elements of
given systems.This document need not apply to signals entirely used
within a subsystem. When signals are to be transmitted to or received from
subsystems or elements provided by different suppliers, they shall comply
with the specified requirements for transmitters and receivers herein.

Formerly S67.02.01-1999. Establishes the applicable code requirements

and code boundaries for the design and installation of instrument sensing
lines interconnecting nuclear safety-related power plant processes with
Nuclear Safety-Related Instrument Sensing Line Piping and Tubing Standards for Use both nuclear safety-related and non-nuclear safety-related
ANSI-ISA-67-02-01-1999 1999 44
in Nuclear Power Plants instrumentation.Establishes the applicable code requirements and code
boundaries for the design and installation of instrument sensing lines
interconnecting nuclear safety-related power plant processes with both
nuclear safety-related and non-nuclear safety-related instrumentation.

This standard defines the requirements for assessing, establishing, and

maintaining nuclear safety-related and other important instrument
ANSI-ISA-67-04-01-2006 Setpoints for Nuclear Safety-Related Instrumentation 2006 setpoints associated with nuclear power plants or nuclear reactor facilities. 22
The scope includes instrumentation-based setpoints that assure
compliance to one or more design limits.

Formerly S67.06-1984. Delineates requirements and methods for

determining the response time characteristics of nuclear safety-related
instrument channels. The standard applies only to those instrument
channels whose primary sensors measure pressure, temperature, or
neutron flux. This document provides the nuclear power industry with
requirements and acceptable methods for response time testing of nuclear
Performance Monitoring for Nuclear Safety-Related Instrument Channels in Nuclear
ANSI-ISA-67-06-01-2002 2002 safety-related instrument channels.Delineates requirements and methods 70
Power Plants
for determining the response time characteristics of nuclear safety-related
instrument channels. The standard applies only to those instrument
channels whose primary sensors measure pressure, temperature, or
neutron flux. This document provides the nuclear power industry with
requirements and acceptable methods for response time testing of nuclear
safety-related instrument channels.

Formerly S67.14.01-2000. Identifies the criteria for certification of

instrumentation and control technicians in nuclear facilities. These criteria
address qualifications based on education, experience, training, and job
Qualifications and Certification of Instrumentation and Control Technicians in Nuclear
ANSI-ISA-67-14-01-2000 2000 performance.Identifies the criteria for certification of instrumentation and 26
control technicians in nuclear facilities. These criteria address
qualifications based on education, experience, training, and job
hydrodynamic equations for Newtonian incompressible fluids. They are not
intended for use when non-Newtonian fluids, fluid mixtures, slurries, or
liquid-solid conveyance systems are encountered.At very low ratios of
pressure differential to absolute inlet pressure (D P/ P1), compressible
fluids behave similarly to incompressible fluids. Under such conditions, the
sizing equations for compressible flow can be traced to the standard
hydrodynamic equations for Newtonian incompressible fluids. However,
increasing values of D P/ P1 result in compressibility effects that require
that the basic equations be modified by appropriate correction factors. The
equations for compressible fluids are for use with gas or vapor and are not
ANSI-ISA-75-01-01-2002 Flow Equations for Sizing Control Valves 2002 76
intended for use with multiphase streams such as gas-liquid, vapor-liquid
or gas-solid mixtures.For compressible fluid applications, this part of
ANSI/ISA-75.01.01-2002 is valid for all valves. However, manufacturers of
some valves with xT ? 0.84 have reported minor inaccuracies (see Annex
H). Caution must also be exercised when applying the equations for
compressible fluids to gaseous mixtures of compounds, particularly near
phase boundaries.The accuracy of results computed with the equations in
this standard will be governed by the accuracy of the constituent
coefficients and the process data supplied. Methods of evaluating the
coefficients used in the equations presented herein are given in ANSI/ISA-

Formerly 75.05-1983. Provides terminology for control valves of seven

different types and also for common types of actuators used with these
ANSI-ISA-75-05-01-2000-R05 Control Valve Terminology 2000 34
valves. This standard names individual valve parts, defines assemblies of
parts, and provides terminology for part and assembly functions.

Formerly ISA 75.03-1992 This standard applies to integral flanged globe-

style control valves, sizes 15 mm (1/2 inch) through 400 mm (16 inches),
having top, top and bottom, port, or cage guiding.The purpose of this
Face-to-Face Dimensions for Integral Flanged Globe-Style Control Valve Bodies
ANSI-ISA-75-08-01-2002-R07 2002 standard is to aid users in their piping design by providing Class 125 flat 18
Classes 125, 150, 250, 300, and 600)
face, and Classes 150, 250, 300, and 600 raised face, flanged control
valve dimensions, without giving special consideration of the equipment
manufacturer to be used.

This standard applies to flanged and flangeless rotary control valves using
a full ball or a segment of a ball and other rotary-stem control valves, sizes
ANSI-ISA-75-08-02-2003 Face-to-Face Dimensions for Flangeless Control Valves (Classes 150, 300, and 600) 2003 16
(20 mm) 3/4 inch through (600 mm) 24 inches for Classes 150 through

Aids users in their piping designs by providing ANSI Classes 150 through
2500 socket weld-end control valve dimensions and ANSI Classes 150
through 600 screwed-end control valve dimensions without giving special
Face-to-Face Dimensions for Socket Weld-End & Screwed-End Globe-Style Control consideration to the equipment manufacturer to be used. This standard
ANSI-ISA-75-08-03-2001-R07 2001 18
Valves (Classes 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500) applies to socket weld-end globe-style control valves, sizes 1/2 inch
through 4 inches, and screwed-end globe-style control valves, sizes 1/2
inch through 2-1/2 inches, having top, top and bottom, port, or cage

Aids users in their piping designs by providing ANSI Class 4500 buttweld-
end control valve dimensions without giving special consideration to the
ANSI-ISA-75-08-04-2001-R07 Face-to-Face Dimensions for Buttweld-End Globe-Style Control Valves (Class 4500) 2001 equipment manufacturer to be used. This standard applies to buttweld-end 16
globe-style control valves, sizes 1/2 inch through 8 inches, having top and
cage guiding.

Applies to buttweld-end globe-style controls valves, sizes 15 mm (1/2 inch)

Face-to-Face Dimensions for Buttweld-End Globe-Style Control Valves Class 150, through 450 mm (18 inches) for Classes 150 through 2500, having top, top
ANSI-ISA-75-08-05-2002-R07 2002 18
300, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500) and bottom, port, or cage guiding. Aids users in their piping designs by
providing buttweld-end globestyle control valve dimensions.)
Formerly ANSI/ISA?75.16?1994 This standard applies to flanged globe-
style control valves, sizes 15 mm (1/2 inch) through 450 mm (18 inches),
having top, top and bottom, port, or cage guiding.The purpose of this
standard is to aid users in their piping design by providing Classes 900,
1500, and 2500, flanged globe-style control valve dimensions, without
Face-to-Face Dimensions for Flanged Globe-Style Control Valve Bodies Classes 900,
ANSI-ISA-75-08-06-2002-R07 2002 giving special consideration to the equipment manufacturer to be used. 18
1500, and 2500)
The short-long dimensions provided in Table 1 clarify 2.1 by consolidating
the diversity of existing manufacturers? lengths into two sets of
dimensions for each valve size. Before using either the short or long
dimension, the piping designer should confirm with the selected valve
manufacturer which dimension is correct for the valve(s) being supplied.

Formerly 75.20-1991. Assists users in their piping design by providing

Face-to-Face Dimensions for Separable Flanged Globe-Style Control Valves (Classes ANSI Classes 150, 300, and 600 raised-face separable control valve
ANSI-ISA-75-08-07-2001-R07 2001 14
150, 300 and 600) dimensions, without giving special consideration to the equipment
manufacturer to be used.
Face-to-Centerline Dimensions for Flanged Globe-Style Angle Control Valve Bodies This standard applies to raised-face flanged globe-style angle control
ANSI-ISA-75-08-08-1999-R07 1999 16
(Classes 150, 300, and 600) valves, 1 inch through 8 inches.

Formerly S75.08-1999. Aids users in their piping design by providing

installed face-to-face dimensions for control valves, incorporating clamp or
pinch elements, which have flanges that mate with ANSI B16.1 Class 125
(PN20) and/or ANSI B16.5 Class 125 (PN20) flanges, without giving
special consideration to the manufacturer of the equipment to be used.
This standard applies to clamp or pinch valves sizes 1 inch through 8
ANSI-ISA-75-08-1999 Installed Face-to-Face Dimensions for Flanged Clamp or Pinch Valves 1999 inches.Identical to ISA-S75.08-1985-1985 (R1996). \Aids users in their 14
piping design by providing installed face-to-face dimensions for control
valves, incorporating clamp or pinch elements, which have flanges that
mate with ANSI B16.1 Class 125 (PN20) and/or ANSI B16.5 Class 125
(PN20) flanges, without giving special consideration to the manufacturer of
the equipment to be used. This standard applies to clamp or pinch valves
sizes 1 inch through 8 inches.

Formerly ISA 75.11-1985 (R1997) The scope of this standard is to define

the statement of typical control valve inherent flow characteristics and
ANSI-ISA-75-11-01-1985-R02 Inherent Flow Characteristic and Rangeability of Control Valves 1985 16
inherent rangeabilities, and to establish criteria for adherence to
manufacturer-specified flow characteristics.
This standard specifies tests designed to determine the performance of
positioners with analog input signals and pneumatic output. The method of
Method of Evaluating the Performance of Positioners with Analog Input Signals and
ANSI-ISA-75-13-01-1996-R07 1996 evaluation described in this standard specifies the use of an actuator of 48
Pneumatic Output
the user's or manufacturer's choice. The positioner may be single-acting or

This standard applies to control valves having bodies, bonnets, cover

plates, and bottom flanges made of carbon steel, low alloy and high alloy
(stainless) steel, nickel-base alloy, cast iron, and ductile iron. This
standard establishes requirements and definitions for standard hydrostatic
shell testing of control valves by the valve manufacturer to prove the
structural integrity and leak tightness of the valves' pressure retaining
ANSI-ISA-75-19-01-2007 Hydrostatic Testing of Control Valves 1996 34
parts, including any closure parts such as the valve body to bonnet joint,
but excluding packings, bellows or other moving seals, and packing
leakoff/purge/vent port connections. Bellows or similar moving stem seals
may be pressure tested after assembly at a pressure to be agreed upon
by the valve manufacturer and the purchaser. The requirements of this
standard do not cover pneumatic and hydraulic actuators and regulators.

Defines the testing and the reporting of step response of control valves
that are used in throttling closed loop control applications, as well as
methods and criteria for performing response tests and evaluating test
ANSI-ISA-75-25-01-2000 Test Procedure for Control Valve Response Measurement from Step Inputs 2000 results for three alternative environments: bench testing, laboratory 32
testing, and in-process testing. This standard does not define the
acceptable control valve performance for process control nor does it
restrict the selection of control valves for any application.
This document applies to all pneumatically operated, automated rotary or
reciprocating, on/off, or modulating valves. It also includes automation
components (i.e. positioners, transducers, and solenoids) as applicable. It
provides a methodology for standardizing the acquisition and reporting of
ANSI-ISA-75-26-01-2006 Control Valve Diagnostic Data Acquisition and Reporting 2006 data used in assessing valve condition. The document includes the type of 20
data to be acquired, the number of measurements to be recorded and
their resolution, units of measure, nomenclature, computer file storage
format, graphical presentation, and other reporting formats. It does not
address interpretation of data or diagnosis of valve condition.

ScopeThis standard applies to all types of surface-mount fluid distribution

components with elastomeric sealing devices used within process
analyzer and sample-handling systems. This includes components such
as valves, filters, regulators, transducers, and controllers.
The scope of this document is limited as follows:a) This document
addresses only surface-mount fluid distribution components and proper
sealing methods. This document is limited to sealing methods using
elastomeric material for the seals.b) The designs of the actual system
components and the flow substrate are not specified in this standard. Any
Modular Component Interfaces for Surface-Mount Fluid Distribution Components - indication of mounting direction or other indexing is left to the
ANSI-ISA-76-00-02-2002 2002 16
Part 1: Elastomeric Seals manufacturer as required for its equipment.c) Users shall be aware that,
based on the stream conditions of their processes, other technologies and
components may be readily available.d) This standard does not address
the effects of various stream conditions on the technical functionality of the
component.e) This standard does not address maintenance concerns for
the components.f) This standard does not refer to design issues pertaining
to specific safety requirements. These issues shall be referenced to other
standards, organizations, and recommended guidelines.g) International,
national, and local codes, regulations, and laws shall be consulted to
ensure that each component meets the user?s regulatory requirements.
This standard covers the design requirements and operator interface for
steam turbine bypass systems for drum and once-through steam
generators and combined cycle plants. Hardware configurations are
suggested to obtain the minimum design requirements to obtain a safe
and operable system. Both fixed percentage bypass and variable pressure
systems are covered. It is applicable to boilers with steam capacities of
200,000 lb/hr (25 kg/s) or greater.This standard establishes the minimum
requirements for design specifications to implement steam turbine bypass
systems and hardware configurations for drum and once-through, fossil
fuel power plant boilers. The turbine bypass system should provide for
ANSI-ISA-77-13-01-1999 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Steam Turbine Bypass Systems 1999 42
cold start-up, warm start, hot restart, load rejection, turbine shutdowns,
and unit trips. The system shall be designed to provide pressure,
temperature, and flow control of steam around and through the turbine by
controlling each bypass valve, isolation valve, and associated
desuperheater. The desuperheating function may be integral with the
bypass valve. The turbine bypass system does not interface with the
turbine control and supervisory system. The turbine bypass system is set
to maintain steam pressure, and any coordination with the turbine is
through interaction with the process as the turbine demands more or less
steam. There is no direct interconnection of control systems.

Formerly S77.20-1993. Establishes the functional requirements for several

types of fossil-fuel power plant control room simulators primarily used for
operator training. Sets criteria for the degree of hardware replication and
software modeling detail. Does not completely address stand-alone DCS-
based trainers/simulators, or simulators used for engineering or test
purposes. Does not establish criteria for the use of simulators in training
ANSI-ISA-77-20-1993-R05 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Simulators : Functional Requirements 1993 46
programs.Establishes the functional requirements for several types of
fossil-fuel power plant control room simulators primarily used for operator
training. Sets criteria for the degree of hardware replication and software
modeling detail. Does not completely address stand-alone DCS-based
trainers/simulators, or simulators used for engineering or test purposes.
Does not establish criteria for the use of simulators in training programs.
Formerly S77.41-1992. Establishes minimum requirements for the
functional design specification of combustion control systems for drum-
type, fossil-fueled power plant boilers. Addresses combustion control
subsystems in boilers with steaming capacities of 200,000 lb/hr (25 kg/s)
or greater, including (but not limited to) furnace pressure control; air flow
control; and fuel flow control when firing coal, oil, gas, or combinations
thereof. Specifically excluded from consideration are development of boiler
energy demand, all burner control, interface logic systems, and associated
systems, as well as all controls associated with fluidized bed and stoker-
ANSI-ISA-77-41-01-2005 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Boiler Combustion Controls 2005 fired combustion units.Establishes minimum requirements for the 34
functional design specification of combustion control systems for drum-
type, fossil-fueled power plant boilers. Addresses combustion control
subsystems in boilers with steaming capacities of 200,000 lb/hr (25 kg/s)
or greater, including (but not limited to) furnace pressure control; air flow
control; and fuel flow control when firing coal, oil, gas, or combinations
thereof. Specifically excluded from consideration are development of boiler
energy demand, all burner control, interface logic systems, and associated
systems, as well as all controls associated with fluidized bed and stoker-
Formerly S77.42.01-1999.
fired combustion units. Establishes minimum criteria for the control of
levels, pressures, and flow for the safe and reliable operation of drum-type
feedwater systems in fossil power plants. Aids in the development of
design specifications covering the measurement and control of feedwater
systems. The following requirements are defined for minimum system
design: (1) process measurement requirements; (2) control and logic
requirements; (3) final control device requirements; (4) system reliability
and availability; (5) alarm requirements; and (6) operator interface. The
safe physical containment of the feedwater shall be in accordance with
applicable piping codes and standards and is beyond the scope of this
ANSI-ISA-77-42-01-1999 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Feedwater Control System - Drum Type 1999 standard.Establishes minimum criteria for the control of levels, pressures, 34
and flow for the safe and reliable operation of drum-type feedwater
systems in fossil power plants. Aids in the development of design
specifications covering the measurement and control of feedwater
systems. The following requirements are defined for minimum system
design: (1) process measurement requirements; (2) control and logic
requirements; (3) final control device requirements; (4) system reliability
and availability; (5) alarm requirements; and (6) operator interface. The
safe physical containment of the feedwater shall be in accordance with
applicable piping codes and standards and is beyond the scope of this
This standard addresses the major steam temperature control subsystems
in boilers with steaming capacities of 200,000 lb/hr (25 kg/s) or greater.
These subsystems include, but are not limited to, superheat temperature
ANSI-ISA-77-44-01-2007 Fossil Fuel Power Plant - Steam Temperature Controls 2007 52
control and reheat temperature control. Specifically excluded from
consideration are controls associated with fluidized-bed, stoker-fired
furnace combustion units and mud drum desuperheaters.

Addresses the major steam temperature control subsystems in once-

through boilers with steaming capacities of 200,000 lb/hr (25 kg/s) or
greater. These subsystems include, but are not limited to, superheat
ANSI-ISA-77-44-02-2001 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Steam Temperature Control Systems - Once-Through Type 2001 temperature control and reheat temperature control. Specifically excluded 44
from consideration are turbine bypass control, motor control logic,
combustion control, sootblower control, and controls associated with
fluidized bed- and stoker-fired furnace combustion units.

Formerly S77.70-1994. Presents design, fabrication, installation, testing,

and protection of fossil power plant instrumentation sensing and control
lines. Addresses the requirements of maintaining the pressure boundary
integrity of the instrumentation sensing line in accordance with appropriate
ANSI standards. Presents design, fabrication, installation, testing, and
ANSI-ISA-77-70-1994 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Instrument Piping Installation 1994 32
protection of fossil power plant instrumentation sensing and control lines.
Addresses the requirements of maintaining the pressure boundary integrity
of the instrumentation sensing line in accordance with appropriate ANSI

This Standard gives requirements for the specification, design, installation,

operation and maintenance of a safety instrumented system, so that it can
Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector - Part
ANSI-ISA-84-00-01_P1-2004 2004 be confidently entrusted to place and/or maintain the process in a safe 94
1: Framework, Definitions, System, Hardware and Software Requirements
state. This standard has been developed as a process sector
implementation of IEC 61508.
ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004 Part 2 (IEC 61511-2 Mod) provides guidance on
Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector - Part
the specification, design, installation, operation and maintenance of Safety
ANSI-ISA-84-00-01_P2-2004 2: Guidance for the Applications of ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004 Part I ( IEC 61511-1 2004 92
Instrumented Functions and related safety instrumented system as
Mod ) - Informative
defined in ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004 Part 1 (IEC 61511-1 Mod).

Part 3 provides information on:- the underlying concepts of risk, the

relationship of risk to safety integrity, see Clause 3;
Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector - Part
- the determination of tolerable risk, see Annex A;
ANSI-ISA-84-00-01_P3-2004 3: Guidance for the Determiniation of the Required Safety Integrity Levels - 2004 66
-a number of different methods that enable the safety integrity levels for
the safety instrumented functions to be determined, see Annexes B, C, D,
E, and F.

Formerly S84.01-1996. Addresses the application of Safety Instrumented

Systems (SIS) for the process industries, including electrical, electronic,
and programmable electronic technology. This standard follows the Safety
Life Cycle presented later. This document is intended for those who are
ANSI-ISA-84-01-1996 Application of Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industries 1996 110
involved with design and manufacture of SIS products, installation,
commissioning, and pre-startup acceptance testing, and operation,
maintenance, documentation, and testing.Note: This is a withdrawn item.

This Part 2 standard on Batch Control defines data models that describe
batch control as applied in the process industries, data structures for
facilitating communications within and between batch control
implementations, and language guidelines for representing
ANSI-ISA-88-00-02-2001 Batch Control Part 2:Data Structures and Guidelines for Languages 2001 124
recipes.Defines data models that describe batch control as applied in the
process industries, data structures for facilitating communications within
and between batch control implementations, and language guidelines for
representing recipes.

This Part 3 standard on Batch Control defines a model for general and site
recipes; the activities that describe the use of general and site recipes
ANSI-ISA-88-00-03-2003 Batch Control Part 3: General and Site Recipe Models and Representation 2003 82
within a company and across companies; a representation of general and
site recipes; and a data model of general and site recipes.

This Part 4 standard defines a reference model for batch production

ANSI-ISA-88-00-04-2006 Batch Control Part 4: Batch Production Records 2006 records containing information about production of batches or elements of 88
batch production. This standard is intended for batch processes..

This standard addresses the instruments that are classified as emergency

shutdown systems and safety critical controls and establishes
Identification of Emergency Shutdown Systems and Controls that are Critical to
ANSI-ISA-91-00-01-2001 2001 requirements for testing and documenting the test results of these 12
Maintaining Safety in Process Industries
systems. This standard does not address codes, regulations, and other
requirements that apply only to the nuclear power industry.

Formerly S92.04.01, Part I-1996. Establishes performance requirements

for instruments used to detect oxygen-deficient/oxygen-enriched
atmospheres. This Standard addresses the details of construction,
performance, and testing of portable, mobile, and stationary electrical
instruments used to provide a warning of the presence of oxygen-deficient
or oxygen-enriched atmospheres. ISA-RP92.04, Part II, the companion
recommended practice to this Standard, establishes user criteria for the
installation, operation, and maintenance of oxygen-monitoring
Performance Requirements for Instruments Used to Detect Oxygen-Deficient/Oxygen-
ANSI-ISA-92-04-01-1996 1996 instrumentation.Establishes performance requirements for instruments 38
Enriched Atmospheres - Part I
used to detect oxygen-deficient/oxygen-enriched atmospheres. This
Standard addresses the details of construction, performance, and testing
of portable, mobile, and stationary electrical instruments used to provide a
warning of the presence of oxygen-deficient or oxygen-enriched
atmospheres. ISA-RP92.04, Part II, the companion recommended practice
to this Standard, establishes user criteria for the installation, operation,
and maintenance of oxygen-monitoring instrumentation.
This standard applies to the classification of valve design and provides the
methods for the testing of valve stem(s) and body seal(s). Not intended for
production testing and excludes control valves. The results of the test
methods shall classify valve designs to performance levels per the
following selections: test temperature; pressure rating; leakage
(concentration, parts per million); mechanical cycles (number of); thermal
cycles (number of); and adjustment(s) to seal(s) and/or number of
adjustments. Test methods per this Standard shall apply only to valves
with the following stem motion designs: rotating and rising; rotating and
non-rising; non-rotating and rising. The classification shall apply only to the
stem(s) motion design of 1.2, which is tested. The test results of a
particular valve may be used to extend the classification to other valves
per the following guidelines: to valves with identical stem(s) and body
Standard Method for the Evaluation of External Leakage of Manual and Automated
ANSI-ISA-93-00-01-1999 1999 seal(s) material, geometry, and loading characteristics, when the stem(s) 26
On-Off Valves
and body seal(s) diameters are within +or- 25% of the tested diameters; to
valves otherwise Formerly S93.00.01-1999. identical, which are applied
below the tested tempertaure, down to ambient temperature; to valves
otherwise identical, which are of a lower pressure rating. Valves intended
for vacuum service are beyond the scope of this standard. The purpose of
this standard is to establish a uniform process for assuring that manual
and automated on-off valves are tested using uniform methods and will
meet user needs in complying with volatile organic compounds (VOC)
fugitive emissions requirements. The test method is not intended to be a
This criteria.Applies
standard is Part 1 oftoathe classification
series of standardsof valve design
that will and
define provides
the methods
interfaces for the enterprise
between testing of valve stem(s)
activities and body
and control seal(s).Part
activities. Not 1
intended standard
provides for production testing and aexcludes
terminology control
consistent set ofvalves.
concepts and
models for integrating control systems with enterprise systems that will
improve communications between all parties involved. The models and
terminology emphasize good integration practices of control systems with
ANSI-ISA-95-00-01-2000 Enterprise-Control System Integration - Part 1: Models and Terminology 2000 142
enterprise systems during the entire life cycle of the systems.Defines the
interface content between manufacturing control functions and other
enterprise functions. The interfaces considered are the interfaces between
levels 3 and 4 of the hierarchical model defined by this standard. The goal
is to reduce the risk, cost, and errors associated with implementing these

This Part 2 standard, in conjunction with ANSI/ISA-95.00.01-2000,

Enterprise-Control System Integration Part 1: Models and Terminology,
defines the interface content between manufacturing control functions and
other enterprise functions. The interfaces considered are the interfaces
between levels 3 and 4 of the hierarchical model defined by Part 1 and
Part 2. The goal is to reduce the risk, cost, and errors associated with
implementing these interfaces.The scope of Part 2 is limited to the
definition of attributes for the Part 1 object models. This Part 2 standard
ANSI-ISA-95-00-02-2001 Enterprise-Control System Integration - Part 2: Object Model Attributes 2001 104
does not define attributes to represent the object relationships defined in
Part 1. This standard is Part 1 of a series of standards that will define the
interfaces between enterprise activities and control activities. Part 1
provides standard terminology and a consistent set of concepts and
models for integrating control systems with enterprise systems that will
improve communications between all parties involved. The models and
terminology emphasize good integration practices of control systems with
enterprise systems during the entire life cycle of the systems.

This standard defines activity models of manufacturing operations

management that enable an enterprise system to control system
integration. The activities defined in this standard are consistent with the
ANSI/ISA-95.00.01-2000 Part 1 object models definitions. The modeled
Enterprise-Control System Integration, Part 3: Models of Manufacturing Operations activities operate between business planning and logistics functions,
ANSI-ISA-95-00-03-2005 2005 104
Management defined as the Part 1 Level 4 functions, and the process control functions,
defined as the Part 1 Level 2 functions. The scope of Part 3 encompasses:
a model of the activities associated with manufacturing operations
management; Level 3 functions; and an identification of some of the data
exchanged between Level 3 activities.

This ISA-95 Part 5 standard defines transactions in terms of information

exchanges between applications performing business and manufacturing
activities associated with Levels 3 and 4. The exchanges are intended to
enable information collection, retrieval, transfer and storage in support of
ANSI-ISA-95-00-05-2007 Enterprise-Control System Integration Part 5: Business-to-Manufacturing Transactions 2007 124
enterprise-control system integration. This Part 5 standard is consistent
with the Part 1 models and terminology and Part 2 object model attributes.
This standard defines transactions that specify how to exchange the
objects defined in Part 1 Clause 7 and Part 2.
1 Scope This standard identifies the recommended criteria for certification
of control system technicians. These criteria address qualifications based
on education, experience, training, and job performance.
2 standard
Purpose Theprovides
purposegeneral requirements
of this standard for the development
is to provide industry with of
ANSI-ISA-96-02-01-2007 Guidelines for the Specification of Electric Valve Actuators 2007 24
for certifying the forqualifications
electric actuators.
of control systems technicians who work on
facility equipment that is important to safe and efficient operations, in order
to help reduce the possibility that unqualified personnel could perform
improper maintenance on such equipment. It is intended solely as a
recommendation for functional organization, and offers a structured basis
for certification of control system technicians in each specific facility where
they may be used.The standard describes three (3) technician categories
or levels, which are intended as functional descriptions of typical skill
proficiency and competency levels identified at numerous facilities as well
as empirically in job analysis. These are essentially points of reference for
application of this standard to a specific facility situation. No specific
ANSI-ISA-98-00-01-2002 Qualifications and Certification of Control System Technicians 2002 number of categories, levels, or classifications are required by this 38
standard since each facility has its own organizational structure and the
information contained in this standard is not intended to change existing
organizational arrangements.
This standard also recognizes that each facility or company needs a
certification program, procedure, and/ or plan to cross-reference the
relationship between the facility job descriptions/categories and the three
(3) functional levels. The key to this cross-reference is the existence of a
good representative job description of each type of technician at a facility.
This standard can be used independently in circumstances where no
This formally
is the first accredited
in a series of ISAprogram exists,
standards thatalthough
addresses formal
the subject of
accreditation by a recognised
security for industrial automation andand
reliable accreditor
control systems.isThe
focus is on the
Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems Part 1: Terminology, recommended. It isofnot intended, however, to setreferred
forth qualifications,
ANSI-ISA-99-00-01-2007 2007 electronic security these systems, commonly to as cyber 95
Concepts, and Models which differ according to the individual
security. This Part 1 standard describesjobthedescriptions in each
basic concepts and models
related Forsecurity.
to cyber example, the "Typical knowledge and skills list" included
as Annex A is meant to be a guideline only.
This recommended practice is intended to promote the uniform installation
Recommended Practice for Wiring Methods for Hazardous (Classified) Locations of intrinsically safe systems for hazardous (classified) locations.
ANSI-ISA-RP12-06-01-2003 2003 60
Instrumentation Part 1: Intrinsic Safety Information is provided to clarify and explain the requirements of Articles
504 and 505 of the National Electrical Code® ANSI/NFPA 70.

Provides guidance for the design, installation, and maintenance of

intrinsically safe systems for hazardous (classified) locations. Information
is provided to clarify and explain the requirements of Article 504 of the
National Electrical Code.Vendor Note: An Error has been discovered in
Wiring Practices for Hazardous Classified Locations Instrumentation Part 1 Intrinsic Section 5.2.2. This section should read: 5.2.2 For systems that have more
ANSI-ISA-RP12-6_P1-1995 1995 52
Safety than one channel of associated apparatus connected to a single
intrinsically safe apparatus, the interconection is intrinsically safe if: V max
>/= (greater than or equal to) V t I max >/= (greater than or equal to) I t C a
>/= (greater than or equal to) (C i + C cable) L a >/= (greater than or equal
to) (L i + L cable) Note: This is a withdrawn item.

ANSI/ISA-RP12.13.02 (IEC 61779-6 Mod) gives guidance on the

selection, installation, use, and maintenance of electrically operated group
II apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gases
complying with the requirements of ANSI/ISA-12.13.01 (IEC 61779-1
through 5 Mod).It is a compilation of practical knowledge to assist the user,
and applies to apparatus, instruments and systems that indicate the
Recommended Practice for the Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of
ANSI-ISA-RP12-13-02-2003 2003 presence of a flammable or potentially explosive mixture of gas or vapour 72
Combustible Gas Detection Instruments
with air by using an electrical signal from a gas sensor to produce a meter
reading, to activate a visual or audible pre-set alarm or other device, or
any combination of these. Keywords: alarms, combustible gas detection
instruments - maintenance of, preparation of, and storage of; gas
detectors; explosive service; gases; hazardous locations; safety; sample-
draw instruments.

This Standard establishes user cirteria for the installation, operation, and
maintenance of hydrogen sulfide gas detection instruments.Keywords:
alarm-only instrument, alarm set point, ambient air, calibration gas,
ANSI-ISA-RP12-15_P2-1990 Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Hydrogen Sulfide Detection Instruments 1990 42
detector head, diffusion, gas detection instrument, gases, gas-sensing
element (sensor), hazardous locations, H2S, hydrogen sulfide, safety, test
gas.Note: This is a withdrawn item.

Formerly S5.2-1976(R1992). Provides symbols for binary operating

functions. Intended to symbolize the binary operating functions of a
ANSI-ISA-S5-2-1976-R92 Binary Logic Diagrams for Process Operations 1976 system in a manner that can be applied to any class of hardware, whether 28
electronic, electrical, fluidic, pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical, manual,
optical, or other.
Formerly S12.10-1988. Recommends procedures for classifying locations
made hazardous by the presence of a cloud or blanket of combustible
dust. It conforms with the U.S. National Electrical Code (NEC) and the
Canadian Electric Code (CEC), and is intended to expand and clarify
ANSI-ISA-S12-10-1988 Area Classification in Hazardous, Classified, Dust Locations 1988 46
both.Recommends procedures for classifying locations made hazardous
by the presence of a cloud or blanket of combustible dust. It conforms with
the U.S. National Electrical Code (NEC) and the Canadian Electric Code
(CEC), and is intended to expand and clarify both.

This standard provides minimum requirements for the design,

Nonincendive Electrical Equipment for Use in Class I and II, Division 2 and Class III, construction, and marking of electrical equipment or parts of such
ANSI-ISA-S12-12-1994 1994 44
Divisions 1 and 2 Hazardous (Classified) Locations equipment for use in Class I and Class II, Division 2 and Class III,
Divisions 1 and 2 hazardous (classified) locations.
ISA-S12.15, Part I, has been prepared to provide minimum requirements
for performance of electrical instruments for the detection of hydrogen
sulfide gas to enhance the safety of personnel.Keywords: alarm-only
ANSI-ISA-S12-15_P1-1990 Performance Requirements for Hydrogen Sulfide Detection Instruments (10-100 ppm) 1990 42
instrument, ambient air, gas-sensing element (sensor), drop test, hydrogen
sulfide, initial calibration, instrument markings, nominal voltage, test
criteria, vibration Note: This is a withdrawn item.

Formerly S18.1-1979 (R1992). Covers electrical annunciators that call

attention to abnormal process conditions by the use of individual
illuminated visual displays and audible devices. Sequence designations
provided can be used to describe basic annunciator sequences and also
ANSI-ISA-S18-1-1979-R92 Annunciator Sequences & Specifications 1979 many sequence variations.Covers electrical annunciators that call 54
attention to abnormal process conditions by the use of individual
illuminated visual displays and audible devices. Sequence designations
provided can be used to describe basic annunciator sequences and also
many sequence variations.

Formerly ANSI MC12.1-1975 and then S50.1-1982(R1992). Applies to

analog dc signals used in process control and monitoring systems to
ANSI-ISA-S50-1-1982-R92 Compatibility of Analog Signals for Electronic Industrial Process Instruments 1982 20
transmit information between subsystems or separated elements of
Specifies the requirements for fieldbus component parts. It also specifies
systems.Note: This is a withdrawn item.
the media and network configuration requirements necessary to ensure
agreed levels of data integrity before data link layer error checking and
interoperability between devices at the physical layer. The fieldbus
physical layer conforms to layer 1 of the OSI 7-layer model as defined by
ISO 7498 with the exception that frame delimiters are in the physical
layer.A fieldbus is a digital, serial, multidrop data bus for communication
with low level industrial control and instrumentation devices such as
transducers, actuators, and local controllers. The Physical Layer here
specified provides for transparent transmission of data units between Data
Fieldbus Standard for Use in Industrial Control Systems, Part 2 : Physical Layer
ANSI-ISA-S50-02-1992 1992 Link Layer entities across physical connections. This document is Part 2 of 106
Specification & Service Definition
a set of eight, which together provide a complete fieldbus standard.
Review: A fieldbus is a digital, serial, multidrop data bus for
communication with low level industrial control and instrumentation
devices such as transducers, actuators, and local controllers. The Physical
Layer here specified provides for transparent transmission of data units
between Data Link Layer entities across physical connections. This
document is Part 2 of a set of eight, which together provide a complete
fieldbus standard. Price to members, $56. Annotation copyright Book
News, Inc. Portland, Or.
Book NewsPart 3-1997. Specifies a) the procedures for a single
protocol for the timely transfer of data and control information from one
data-link user entity to a peer user entity, and among the data-link entities
Fieldbus Standard for Use in Industrial Control Systems - Part 3: Data Link Service
ANSI-ISA-S50-02_P3-1997 1997 forming the distributed data-link service provider; and b) the structure of 149
the Fieldbus Data Link (DL) Protocol Data Units used for the transfer of
data and control information, and their representation as Physical Interface
Data Units.

Specifies procedures for a single protocol for the timely transfer of data
and control information from one data-link user entity to a peer user entity,
Fieldbus Standard for Use in Industrial Control Systems - Part 4: Data Link Protocol and among the data-link entities forming the distributed data-link service
ANSI-ISA-S50-02_P4-1997 1997 438
Specification provider. Also specifies the structure of the fieldbus data link (DL) protocol
data units used for the transfer of data and control information, and their
representation as physical interface data units.
Formerly S51.1-1979(R1993). Provides guidance for vendor/user
understanding when referring to product specifications, performance, and
operating conditions. It is primarily intended to cover the field of analog
measurement and control concepts and makes no effort to develop
terminology in the field of digital measurement and control. Includes many
specialized terms used in the industrial process industries to describe the
use, performance, operating influences, hardware, and product
qualification of the instrumentation and instrument systems for
measurement, control, or both.Provides guidance for vendor/user
ANSI-ISA-S51-1-1979-R93 Process Instrumentation Terminology 1979 68
understanding when referring to product specifications, performance, and
operating conditions. It is primarily intended to cover the field of analog
measurement and control concepts and makes no effort to develop
terminology in the field of digital measurement and control. Includes many
specialized terms used in the industrial process industries to describe the
use, performance, operating influences, hardware, and product
qualification of the instrumentation and instrument systems for
measurement, control, or both.

Formerly S84.01-1996. Addresses the application of Safety Instrumented

Systems (SIS) for the process industries, including electrical, electronic,
and programmable electronic technology. This standard follows the Safety
ANSI-ISA-S84-01-1996 Application of Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industries 1996 Life Cycle presented later. This document is intended for those who are 110
involved with design and manufacture of SIS products, installation,
commissioning, and pre-startup acceptance testing, and operation,
maintenance, documentation, and testing.Note: This is a withdrawn item.

Formerly S84.01-1996. Addresses the application of Safety Instrumented

Systems (SIS) for the process industries, including electrical, electronic,
and programmable electronic technology. This standard follows the Safety
ANSI-ISA-S84-01-1996_COPIA Application of Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industries 1996 Life Cycle presented later. This document is intended for those who are 110
involved with design and manufacture of SIS products, installation,
commissioning, and pre-startup acceptance testing, and operation,
maintenance, documentation, and testing.Note: This is a withdrawn item.

Formerly S92.04.01, Part I-1996. Establishes performance requirements

for instruments used to detect oxygen-deficient/oxygen-enriched
atmospheres. This Standard addresses the details of construction,
performance, and testing of portable, mobile, and stationary electrical
instruments used to provide a warning of the presence of oxygen-deficient
or oxygen-enriched atmospheres. ISA-RP92.04, Part II, the companion
recommended practice to this Standard, establishes user criteria for the
installation, operation, and maintenance of oxygen-monitoring
Performance Requirements for Instruments Used to Detect Oxygen-Deficient/Oxygen-
ANSI-ISA-S92-04-04_P1-1996 1996 instrumentation.Establishes performance requirements for instruments 38
Enriched Atmospheres - Part I
used to detect oxygen-deficient/oxygen-enriched atmospheres. This
Standard addresses the details of construction, performance, and testing
of portable, mobile, and stationary electrical instruments used to provide a
warning of the presence of oxygen-deficient or oxygen-enriched
atmospheres. ISA-RP92.04, Part II, the companion recommended practice
to this Standard, establishes user criteria for the installation, operation,
and maintenance of oxygen-monitoring instrumentation.

This Technical Report is intended to explain the "Nonincendive

Equipment" protection technique and to clarify the associated terminology.
Clarification of the term "Nonincendive Equipment" is very important since
it has been used in two different ways. When electrical equipment is used
in locations in which fire or explosion hazards may exist due to flammable
gases or vapors, flammable liquids, combustible dust, or ignitible fibers or
ANSI-ISA-TR12-06-01-1999 Electrical Equipment in a Class I, Division 2/Zone 2 Hazardous Location 1999 flyings, the National Electrical Code (NEC), ANSI/NFPA 70 requires 18
special precautions to be taken in equipment construction and installation
to minimize risks of fire and explosions. A location in which the fire or
explosion hazard exists infrequently and for short periods is designated as
a Division 2/Zone 2 location. One suitable protection technique for a
Division 2/Zone 2 location is "Nonincendive Equipment". This Technical
Report also addresses field wiring for Division 2/Zone 2 locations.
This technical report includes theoretical and practical work carried out
and collected by the U.S. Bureau of Mines relating to ignition and
explosive properties of flammable gas mixtures. Flammability limits, under
varying conditions of proportion, temperature, and pressure, are
presented. While the primary emphasis is on methane-gas mixtures as
found in coal mines, a full treatment of many other gases and vapors is
included.This technical report includes theoretical and practical work
ANSI-ISA-TR12-13-01-1999-R05 Flammability Characteristics of Combustible Gases and Vapors 1999 216
carried out and collected by the U.S. Bureau of Mines relating to ignition
and explosive properties of flammable gas mixtures. Flammability limits,
under varying conditions of proportion, temperature, and pressure, are
presented. While the primary emphasis is on methane-gas mixtures as
found in coal mines, a full treatment of many other gases and vapors is
included.Note: This is a withdrawn item.

This technical report includes theoretical and practical work carried out
and collected by the U.S. Bureau of Mines relating to ignitability,
flammability, and physiochemical properties of flammable gas mixtures,
liquids, and solids. While emphasis of this document is on investigation of
fires and explosions, a significant amount of theoretical and practical data
related to flammability limits, under varying conditions or proportion,
Investigation of Fire and Explosion Accidents in the Fuel-Related Industries: A Manual temperature, and pressure is included.This technical report includes
ANSI-ISA-TR12-13-02-1999 1999 104
by Kuchta theoretical and practical work carried out and collected by the U.S. Bureau
of Mines relating to ignitability, flammability, and physiochemical properties
of flammable gas mixtures, liquids, and solids. While emphasis of this
document is on investigation of fires and explosions, a significant amount
of theoretical and practical data related to flammability limits, under varying
conditions or proportion, temperature, and pressure is included. Note: This
is a withdrawn item.

This Technical Report provides guidance on the safe use of fiber optic
systems and their constituent parts producing or guiding visible, near
infrared, or mid infrared (maximum wavelength of 10 m) radiation in Class
I hazardous (classified) locations. Hazardous (classified) locations are
described in the National Electrical Code (NEC). Limiting levels prescribed
ANSI-ISA-TR12-21-01-2004 Use of Fiber Optic Systems in Class I Hazardous (Classified) Locations 2004 30
in this document apply only to the minimum levels of optical power, optical
power density, and optical energy needed to ignite explosive gas
atmospheres. In apparatus where optical energy is transduced to electrical
energy, the limiting values for the electrical energy must be determined
from relevant standards for electrical apparatus (e.g. ANSI/ISA-12.00.01).

Answers questions about the feasibility of performing the tests described

in the draft version of the ISA standard for chlorine gas detection
instruments (ISA-dS92.06.01-1996). The report discusses two questions;
the first is the availability of a chlorine gas supply of sufficient accuracy
and precision for performing the tests, and the second is the viability of
testing a gas detection instrument with chlorine under a variety of humidity
conditions. The report surveys the available chemical literature, presents
experimental and calculated results of humidity testing, and summarizes
information on test gas generation and analysis.Answers questions about
ANSI-ISA-TR92-06-03-1999 Feasibility of Chlorine Detection Instrument Testing 1999 30
the feasibility of performing the tests described in the draft version of the
ISA standard for chlorine gas detection instruments (ISA-dS92.06.01-
1996). The report discusses two questions; the first is the availability of a
chlorine gas supply of sufficient accuracy and precision for performing the
tests, and the second is the viability of testing a gas detection instrument
with chlorine under a variety of humidity conditions. The report surveys the
available chemical literature, presents experimental and calculated results
of humidity testing, and summarizes information on test gas generation
and analysis.
ANSI/ISA-TR96.05.01 is limited to automated valves normally operating in
either a full open or full closed position and provides guidance on the
following: Identifying when partial stroke testing may be useful
Various criteria to consider when selecting the partial stroke method, e.g.,
automated versus manual test execution, spurious trip potential, and on-
ANSI-ISA-TR96-05-01-2008 Partial Stroke Testing of Automated Block Valves 2008 line maintainability 28
The advantages and disadvantages of three basic types of partial stroke
test methods: mechanical limiting, positioners, and solenoid operated
The use of diagnostic coverage factors in the performance calculations for
an automated block valve being partial stroke tested periodically

This ISA technical report provides a current assessment of various cyber

security tools, mitigation counter-measures, and technologies that may
effectively apply to the modern electronically based IACSs regulating and
monitoring numerous industries and critical infrastructures. It describes
several categories of control system-centric cyber security technologies;
ANSI-ISA-TR99-00-01-2007 Security Technologies for Manufacturing and Control Systems 2007 102
the types of products available in those categories; the pros and cons of
using those products in the automated IACS environments relative to the
expected threats and known cyber vulnerabilities; and, most important, the
preliminary recommendations and guidance for using these cyber security
technology products and/or countermeasures.
developing an electronic security program and provides a recommended
organization and structure for the security plan. The information provides
detailed information about the minimum elements to include. Site or entity-
specific information should be included at the appropriate places in the
program. This technical report addresses manufacturing and control
systems whose compromise could result in any or all of the following
situations: endangerment of public or employee health and safety
loss of public confidence
violation of regulatory requirements
loss of proprietary or confidential information
economic loss
impact on entity, local, state or national security
The concept of manufacturing and control systems electronic security is
applied in the broadest practical sense, encompassing all types of plants,
Integrating Electronic Security into the Manufacturing and Control Systems
ANSI-ISA-TR99-00-02-2004 2004 facilities, and systems in all industries. Manufacturing and control systems 90
include, but are not limited to: Hardware and software systems such as
Distributed Control Systems (DCSs), Programmable Logic Controllers
(PLCs), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems,
networked electronic sensing, and monitoring and diagnostic systems
Associated internal, human, network, or machine interfaces used to
provide control, safety, and manufacturing operations functionality to
continuous, batch, discrete, and other processes.
Basic Process Control System (BPCS), Safety Instrumented System (SIS),
and associated systems such as advanced or multivariable control, online
optimizers, dedicated equipment monitors, and graphical interfaces.
The need for protecting manufacturing and control systems computer
environments has grown significantly over the last few years. The
combination of open systems, an increase in joint ventures, alliance
partners and outsourced services, growth in intelligent manufacturing

Formerly S5.1-1984(R1992). Establishes a uniform means of designating

instruments and instrumentation systems used for measurement and
control. The different needs of various organizations are recognized
(where not inconsistent with the objectives of the standard) by providing
alternative symbolism methods. A number of options are provided for
adding information or simplifying the symbolism, if desired. Includes
additional information on symbolism for function blocks, function
designations, computer functions, and programmable logic
ISA-5-1-1984-R92 Instrumentation Symbols and Identification 1984 72
control.Establishes a uniform means of designating instruments and
instrumentation systems used for measurement and control. The different
needs of various organizations are recognized (where not inconsistent with
the objectives of the standard) by providing alternative symbolism
methods. A number of options are provided for adding information or
simplifying the symbolism, if desired. Includes additional information on
symbolism for function blocks, function designations, computer functions,
and programmable logic control.
Formerly S5.2-1976(R1992). Provides symbols for binary operating
functions. Intended to symbolize the binary operating functions of a
ISA-5-2-1976-R92 Binary Logic Diagrams for Process Operations 1976 system in a manner that can be applied to any class of hardware, whether 28
electronic, electrical, fluidic, pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical, manual,
optical, or other.

Formerly S5.3-1983. Establishes documentation for that class of

instrumentation consisting of computers, programmable controllers,
minicomputers, and microprocessor-based systems that have shared
control, shared display or other interface features. Symbols are provided
for interfacing field instrumentation, control room instrumentation, and
other hardware to the above. Terminology is defined in the broadest
Graphic Symbols for Distributed Control-Shared Display Instrumentation, Logic & generic form to describe the various categories of these
ISA-5-3-1983 1983 22
Computer Systems devices.Establishes documentation for that class of instrumentation
consisting of computers, programmable controllers, minicomputers, and
microprocessor-based systems that have shared control, shared display or
other interface features. Symbols are provided for interfacing field
instrumentation, control room instrumentation, and other hardware to the
above. Terminology is defined in the broadest generic form to describe the
various categories of these devices.

Formerly S5.4-1991. Establishes minimum required information and

identifies additional optional information for a loop diagram for an
individual instrumentation loop. This loop typically is part of a process
depicted on the class of engineering drawings referred to as piping and
ISA-5-4-1991 Instrument Loop Diagrams 1991 instrument drawings (P&IDs;).Establishes minimum required information 22
and identifies additional optional information for a loop diagram for an
individual instrumentation loop. This loop typically is part of a process
depicted on the class of engineering drawings referred to as piping and
instrument drawings (P&IDs;).

Formerly S5.5-1985. Provides a system of graphic symbols for conveying

information on visual display units (VDUs) used for process monitoring and
control. Intended to ensure compatibility of symbols on process VDUs with
ISA-5-5-1985 Graphic Symbols for Process Displays 1985 48
related symbols used in other disciplines. The standard applies to
computers, distributed control systems, etc., and covers both color and
monochromatic displays. It supplements ISA-S5.1 and ISA-S5.3.

Formerly S7.0.01-1996. Establishes a standard for instrument quality air

providing limits for moisture content, entrained particle size and oil content,
standard air supply pressures, ranges of pneumatic transmission signals,
and criteria for testing compliance with instrument-quality air
ISA-7-0-01-1996 Quality Standard for Instrument Air 1996 34
standards.Establishes a standard for instrument-quality air providing limits
for moisture content, entrained particle size and oil content, standard air
supply pressures, ranges of pneumatic transmission signals, and criteria
for testing compliance with instrument-quality air standards.

Formerly S12.00.01-1999. Specifies the general requirements for

construction, testing and marking of electrical apparatus for Class I, Zones
0 & 1 explosive gas atmospheres. This is a modified version of IEC 60079-
0.Specifies the general requirements for construction, testing and marking
of electrical apparatus, Ex cable entries and Ex components, intended for
Electrical Equipment for Use in Class I, Zones 0,1, and 2 Hazardous (Classified)
ISA-12-00-01-1999 1999 use in potentially explosive atmospheres of gas, vapor and mist defined as 70
Locations - General Requirements
Class I, Zone 0, 1 or 2 by the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70.
Apparatus covered by this standard and the associated standards noted
below shall also comply with the applicable requirements for similar
apparatus for use in unclassified locations. A list of commonly applied
standards is shown in informative Annex E.

Formerly S12.10-1988. Recommends procedures for classifying locations

made hazardous by the presence of a cloud or blanket of combustible
dust. It conforms with the U.S. National Electrical Code (NEC) and the
Canadian Electric Code (CEC), and is intended to expand and clarify
ISA-12-10-1988 Area Classification in Hazardous, Classified, Dust Locations 1988 46
both.Recommends procedures for classifying locations made hazardous
by the presence of a cloud or blanket of combustible dust. It conforms with
the U.S. National Electrical Code (NEC) and the Canadian Electric Code
(CEC), and is intended to expand and clarify both.
Formerly S18.1-1979 (R1992). Covers electrical annunciators that call
attention to abnormal process conditions by the use of individual
illuminated visual displays and audible devices. Sequence designations
provided can be used to describe basic annunciator sequences and also
ISA-18-1-1979-R04 Annunciator Sequences & Specifications 1979 many sequence variations.Covers electrical annunciators that call 54
attention to abnormal process conditions by the use of individual
illuminated visual displays and audible devices. Sequence designations
provided can be used to describe basic annunciator sequences and also
many sequence variations.

Formerly S20-1981. Provides forms (checklist) to promote uniformity in

instrument specification, both in content and form, by listing and providing
Specification Forms for Process Measurement & Control Instruments, Primary space for all principal descriptive options, supplying terminology, and
ISA-20-1981 1981 98
Elements & Control Valves facilitating quoting, purchasing, receiving, accounting, and ordering
procedures.ISA S20-Electronic is a separately available software program
that automates the ISA-S20 standard for instrument specification sheets.

Formerly ANSI MC6.1-1975 and then S37.1-1975(R1982). Establishes

uniform nomenclature for transducers and uniform simplified terminology
ISA-37-1-1975-R82 Electrical Transducer Nomenclature & Terminology 1975 for transducer characteristics.Establishes uniform nomenclature for 28
transducers and uniform simplified terminology for transducer

Formerly S37.3-1982(R1995). Establishes uniform minimum specifications

for design and performance characteristics; uniform acceptance and
ISA-37-3-1982-R95 Specifications and Tests for Strain Gage Pressure Transducers 1982 qualification test methods, including calibration techniques; uniform 42
presentation of minimum test data; and a drawing symbol for use in
electrical schematics for strain gage pressure transducers.

Formerly S37.5-1982(R1995). Establishes uniform minimum specifications

for design and performance characteristics; uniform acceptance and
qualification test methods including calibration techniques; uniform
presentation of minimum test data; and a drawing symbol for use in
electrical schematics for strain gage linear acceleration
ISA-37-5-1982-R95 Specifications & Tests for Strain Gage Linear Acceleration Transducers 1982 34
transducers.Establishes uniform minimum specifications for design and
performance characteristics; uniform acceptance and qualification test
methods including calibration techniques; uniform presentation of
minimum test data; and a drawing symbol for use in electrical schematics
for strain gage linear acceleration transducers.

Formerly S37.6-1982(R1995). Establishes uniform minimum specifications

for design and performance characteristics; uniform acceptance and
qualification test methods, including calibration techniques; uniform
presentation of minimum test data; and a drawing symbol for use in
electrical schematics for potentiometric pressure transducers.Establishes
ISA-37-6-1982-R95 Specifications and Tests of Potentiometric Pressure Transducers 1982 42
uniform minimum specifications for design and performance
characteristics; uniform acceptance and qualification test methods,
including calibration techniques; uniform presentation of minimum test
data; and a drawing symbol for use in electrical schematics for
potentiometric pressure transducers.

Formerly S37.8-1982(R1995). Outlines uniform general specifications,

acceptance and qualification methods, methods for data presentation, and
includes a drawing symbol used in electrical schematics for tension,
compression, and combination tension/compression transducers.Outlines
ISA-37-8-1982-R95 Specifications and Tests for Strain Gage Force Transducers 1982 34
uniform general specifications, acceptance and qualification methods,
methods for data presentation, and includes a drawing symbol used in
electrical schematics for tension, compression, and combination
tension/compression transducers.

Formerly S37.10-1982(R1995). Establishes uniform specifications for

describing design and performance characteristics, acceptance and
ISA-37-10-1982-R95 Specifications and Tests for Piezoelectric Pressure & Sound-Pressure Transducers 1982 qualification test methods, and calibration techniques, and procedures for 36
presenting test data for piezoelectric (including ferroelectric) pressure and
sound-pressure transducers.
Formerly S37.12-1982(R1995). Covers potentiometric displacement
transducers, primarily those used in measuring systems. The
specifications are not intended to cover transducers used in hazardous
locations as specified in the National Electrical Code nor are all
requirements covered for transducers used in nuclear power plants.Covers
ISA-37-12-1982-R95 Specifications and Tests for Potentiometric Displacement Transducers 1982 42
potentiometric displacement transducers, primarily those used in
measuring systems. The specifications are not intended to cover
transducers used in hazardous locations as specified in the National
Electrical Code nor are all requirements covered for transducers used in
nuclear power plants.

This standard covers dynamic pressure transducers, which are, primarily ?

those? used in measurements.This standard establishes guidelines for the
ISA-37-16-01-2002 A Guide for the Dynamic Calibration of Pressure Transducers 2002 56
preferred techniques and practices in the calibration of dynamic pressure

Formerly S51.1-1979(R1993). Provides guidance for vendor/user

understanding when referring to product specifications, performance, and
operating conditions. It is primarily intended to cover the field of analog
measurement and control concepts and makes no effort to develop
terminology in the field of digital measurement and control. Includes many
specialized terms used in the industrial process industries to describe the
use, performance, operating influences, hardware, and product
qualification of the instrumentation and instrument systems for
ISA-51-1-1979-R93 Process Instrumentation Terminology 1979 measurement, control, or both.Provides guidance for vendor/user 68
understanding when referring to product specifications, performance, and
operating conditions. It is primarily intended to cover the field of analog
measurement and control concepts and makes no effort to develop
terminology in the field of digital measurement and control. Includes many
specialized terms used in the industrial process industries to describe the
use, performance, operating influences, hardware, and product
qualification of the instrumentation and instrument systems for
measurement, control, or both.

This document covers the installation of transducers for nuclear safety-

related applications.This document establishes requirements and
ISA-67-01-01-2007-R07 Transducer and Transmitter Installation for Nuclear Safety Applications 2007 26
recommendations for the installation of transducers and auxiliary
equipment for nuclear applications outside of the main reactor vessel.

Formerly S67.03-1982. Covers identification and quantitative

measurement of reactor coolant system leakage in light water-cooled
power reactors. Leak detection for gas and liquid metal-cooled reactors
and for containment building structures surrounding the reactor coolant
pressure boundary is not covered in this standard.Covers identification
ISA-67-03-1982 Standard for Light Water Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Leak Detection 1982 46
and quantitative measurement of reactor coolant system leakage in light
water-cooled power reactors. Leak detection for gas and liquid metal-
cooled reactors and for containment building structures surrounding the
reactor coolant pressure boundary is not covered in this standard. Note:
This is a withdrawn item.

Formerly S71.01-1985. Establishes uniform classifications of temperature

and humidity conditions for industrial process measurement and control
systems. The classes of temperature and humidity conditions stated in this
standard are suitable for use in activities related to process
Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control Systems :
ISA-71-01-1985 1985 instrumentation, including design, manufacturing, sales, installation, test, 22
Temperature and Humidity
use, and maintenance. The standard is compatible with IEC Publication
654-1, 1979, Operating Conditions for Industrial Process Measurement
and Control Equipment, Part 1: Temperature, Humidity, and Barometric

Formerly S71.02-1991. Establishes uniform classifications of power

supplied to process measurement and control equipment, providing users
and manufacturers with a means of specifying the electrical or pneumatic
parameters of a power system to which a specified measurement or
control system may be connected. Not intended to serve as a safe wiring
ISA-71-02-1991 Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control Systems : Power 1991 practices manual.Establishes uniform classifications of power supplied to 16
process measurement and control equipment, providing users and
manufacturers with a means of specifying the electrical or pneumatic
parameters of a power system to which a specified measurement or
control system may be connected. Not intended to serve as a safe wiring
practices manual.
Formerly S71.03-1995. Classifies mechanical influences, specifically
shock and vibration, that may affect process measurement and control
instruments. Provides both the user and the manufacturer of instruments
with a means of specifying the mechanical influences to which a specific
Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control Systems:
ISA-71-03-1995 1995 instrument may be exposed.Classifies mechanical influences, specifically 18
Mechanical Influences
shock and vibration, that may affect process measurement and control
instruments. Provides both the user and the manufacturer of instruments
with a means of specifying the mechanical influences to which a specific
instrument may be exposed.

Formerly S71.04-1985. Classifies airborne contaminants that may affect

process measurement and control instruments. This classification system
provides a means of specifying the type and the concentration of airborne
contaminants to which a specified instrument may be exposed. This
standard is limited to airborne contaminants and biological influences only,
covering contamination influences that affect industrial process
Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control Systems: Airborne measurement and control systems.Classifies airborne contaminants that
ISA-71-04-1985 1985 22
Contaminants may affect process measurement and control instruments. This
classification system provides a means of specifying the type and the
concentration of airborne contaminants to which a specified instrument
may be exposed. This standard is limited to airborne contaminants and
biological influences only, covering contamination influences that affect
industrial process measurement and control systems.

Formerly S75.02. Provides a test procedure for obtaining the following

factors for sizing control valves: valve flow coefficient (CV); liquid pressure
recovery factors (FL and FLP); Reynolds Number factor (FR); liquid critical
pressure ratio factor (FF); piping geometry factor (FP); and pressure drop
ratio factors (XT and XTP). The standard is intended for control valves
used in flow control of process fluids and is not intended to apply to fluid
power components as defined in the National Fluid Power Association
ISA-75-02-1996 Control Valve Capacity Test Procedure 1996 28
Standard NFPA T.3.5.28-1977.Provides a test procedure for obtaining the
following factors for sizing control valves: valve flow coefficient; liquid
pressure recovery factors; Reynolds Number factor; liquid critical pressure
ratio factor; piping geometry factor; and pressure drop ratio factors.
Intended for control valves used in flow control of process fluids and is not
intended to apply to fluid power components as defined in the National
Fluid Power Association Standard NFPA T.3.5.28-1977.

Formerly S75.07-1997. Defines equipment, methods, and procedures for

the laboratory testing and measurement of airborne sound radiated by a
compressible fluid flowing through a control valve and its associated
piping, including fixed-flow restrictions. The test may be conducted under
any conditions agreed upon by the user and the manufacturer. Although
this standard is designed for measurement of noise radiated from the
piping downstream of the valve, other test variations are optional,
including the use of insulation and nonstandard piping. Applications of this
standard to control valves discharging directly to the atmosphere are
ISA-75-07-1997 Laboratory Measurement of Aerodynamic Noise Generated by Control Valves 1997 20
excluded.Defines equipment, methods, and procedures for the laboratory
testing and measurement of airborne sound radiated by a compressible
fluid flowing through a control valve and its associated piping, including
fixed-flow restrictions. The test may be conducted under any conditions
agreed upon by the user and the manufacturer. Although this standard is
designed for measurement of noise radiated from the piping downstream
of the valve, other test variations are optional, including the use of
insulation and nonstandard piping. Applications of this standard to control
valves discharging directly to the atmosphere are excluded.
This standard establishes a method to predict the noise generated in a
control valve of standard design by the flow of compressible fluid and the
resulting noise outside of the pipe and downstream of the valve. The
transmission loss ( TL) equations are based on a rigorous analysis of the
interaction between the sound waves that exist in the pipe and the many
coincidence frequencies in the pipe wall. Commercial pipe specifications
ISA-75-17-1989 Control Valve Aerodynamic Noise Prediction 1989 32
allow a relatively wide tolerance in pipe wall thickness. This limits the value
of the very complicated mathematical methods required for a rigorous
analysis; calculations prove that a simplified expression is justified. The
equations in this standard make use of the valve sizing factors defined in
ANSI/ISA-S75.01 and ANSI/ISA-S75.02. This method was developed from
the fundamental principles of acoustics, fluid mechanics, and mechanics.

Formerly S82.03. Applies to electrical, electronic (analog/digital), and

electromechanical process measurement and control equipment which: (1)
measures and controls directly or indirectly an industrial process through a
final control device; (2) is intended to be connected to supply circuits that
do not exceed 250 volts rms, single phase, or dc; and (3) is rated for use
Safety Standard for Electrical and Electronic Test, Measuring, Controlling and Related in either indoor, outdoor, or sheltered locations.Applies to electrical,
ISA-82-03-1988 1988 28
Equipment electronic (analog/digital), and electromechanical process measurement
and control equipment which: (1) measures and controls directly or
indirectly an industrial process through a final control device; (2) is
intended to be connected to supply circuits that do not exceed 250 volts
rms, single phase, or dc; and (3) is rated for use in either indoor, outdoor,
or sheltered locations.

Formerly S88.01-1995. Defines reference models for batch control as

used in the process industries and terminology that helps explain the
ISA-88-01-1995-R06 Batch Control Part 1: Models and Terminology 1995 100
relationships between those models and terms. This standard was
developed in conjunction with IEC and ISO standards groups.
Formerly S92.0.01, Part I-1998. Addresses the details of construction,
performance, and testing of portable, mobile, and stationary electrical gas-
detection instruments, operating at ambient temperatures and pressures,
used to provide a warning of the presence of toxic gases in air.
Instruments used to detect flammable (explosive) concentrations of toxic
gas(es) when the LEL exceeds the TLV are excluded. This Standard also
provides minimum performance requirements of electrical instruments for
the determination of toxic gas content in air, in order to enhance the safety
of personnel. Its companion Recommended Practice, ISA-RP92.0.02,
establishes user criteria for the installation, operation, and maintenance of
ISA-92-0-01_PI-1998 Performance Requirements for Toxic Gas-Detection Instruments: Hydrogen Sulfide 1998 toxic gas-detection instruments.Addresses the details of construction, 40
performance, and testing of portable, mobile, and stationary electrical gas-
detection instruments, operating at ambient temperatures and pressures,
used to provide a warning of the presence of toxic gases in air.
Instruments used to detect flammable (explosive) concentrations of toxic
gas(es) when the LEL exceeds the TLV are excluded. This Standard also
provides minimum performance requirements of electrical instruments for
the determination of toxic gas content in air, in order to enhance the safety
of personnel. Its companion Recommended Practice, ISA-RP92.0.02,
establishes user criteria for the installation, operation, and maintenance of
performance, and testing
toxic gas-detection of portable, mobile, and stationary electrical
instruments. These instruments may be used to monitor for the presence
of ammonia gas concentrations in air. Parts of the instruments may be
installed or operated in hazardous (classified) locations. This Standard
applies to mains-connected instruments rated at 250 V nominal or less,
and to portable, mobile, and stationary-type instruments powered by a
battery(ies). It also provides minimum performance requirements of
electrical instruments for the detection of ammonia gas, in order to
enhance the safety of personnel, and establishes user criteria for the
installation, operation, and maintenance of ammonia gas detection
Performance Requirements for Ammonia Detection Instruments (25-500 ppm)
ISA-92-03-01-1998 1998 instruments.Addresses the details of construction, performance, and 38
testing of portable, mobile, and stationary electrical instruments. These
instruments may be used to monitor for the presence of ammonia gas
concentrations in air. Parts of the instruments may be installed or operated
in hazardous (classified) locations. This Standard applies to mains-
connected instruments rated at 250 V nominal or less, and to portable,
mobile, and stationary type instruments powered by a battery(ies). It also
provides minimum performance requirements of electrical instruments for
the detection of ammonia gas, in order to enhance the safety of personnel,
and establishes user criteria for the installation, operation, and
maintenance of ammonia gas detection instruments.
Formerly S92.06.01-1998. Addresses the details of construction,
performance, and testing of portable, mobile, and stationary electrical
instruments. These instruments may be used to monitor for the presence
of chlorine gas concentrations in air. Parts of the instruments may be
installed or operated in hazardous (classified) locations. This standard also
provides minimum performance requirements of electrical instruments for
the detection of chlorine gas, in order to enhance the safety of personnel.
It also establishes user criteria for the installation, operation, and
maintenance of chlorine gas detection instruments.Addresses the details
Performance Requirements for Chlorine Detection Instruments (0.5-30 ppm Full
ISA-92-06-01-1998 1998 of construction, performance, and testing of portable, mobile, and 38
stationary electrical instruments. These instruments may be used to
monitor for the presence of chlorine gas concentrations in air. Parts of the
instruments may be installed or operated in hazardous (classified)
locations. This standard also provides minimum performance requirements
of electrical instruments for the detection of chlorine gas, in order to
enhance the safety of personnel. It also establishes user criteria for the
installation, operation, and maintenance of chlorine gas detection

Formerly S20-1981. Provides forms (checklist) to promote uniformity in

instrument specification, both in content and form, by listing and providing
Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments, Primary space for all principal descriptive options, supplying terminology, and
ISA-20-1981 1981 98
Elements and Control Valves facilitating quoting, purchasing, receiving, accounting, and ordering
procedures.ISA S20-Electronic is a separately available software program
that automates the ISA-S20 standard for instrument specification sheets.

Covers coding of thermocouple and extension wire; coding of insulated

duplex thermocouple extension wires; terminology, limits of error and wire
sizes for thermocouples and thermocouple extension wires; temperature
ISA-MC96-1-1982 Temperature Measurement Thermocouples 1982 72
EMF tables for thermocouples; plus appendices that cover fabrication,
checking procedures, selection, and installation. Revision of ANSI-

Presents abbreviations and fundamental conversion factors commonly

used in manometry, recommended definitions of pressure in terms of a
column of mercury and water, and, for a large number of liquids, tables of
various pressures indicated by, or equivalent to, heights of columns at
ISA-RP2-1-1978 Manometer Tables 1978 various temperatures.Presents abbreviations and fundamental conversion 58
factors commonly used in manometry, recommended definitions of
pressure in terms of a column of mercury and water, and, for a large
number of liquids, tables of various pressures indicated by, or equivalent
to, heights of columns at various temperatures.

Provides guidance in the preparation of control drawings for intrinsically

safe apparatus, associated apparatus, and intrinsically safe systems. It is
formulated to provide guidance for and to promote the uniformity of
manufacturers control drawings for intrinsically safe apparatus, associated
apparatus, and intrinsically safe systems. This recommended practice is
Recommendations for the Preparation, Content and Organization of Intrinsic Safety intended to be used in conjunction with ANSI/UL 913-1988.Provides
ISA-RP12-2-02-1996 1996 18
Control Drawings guidance in the preparation of control drawings for intrinsically safe
apparatus, associated apparatus, and intrinsically safe systems. It is
formulated to provide guidance for and to promote the uniformity of
manufacturers? control drawings for intrinsically safe apparatus,
associated apparatus, and intrinsically safe systems. This recommended
practice is intended to be used in conjunction with ANSI/UL 913-1988.
Provides performance and test recommendations for pressurized
enclosures and guidance to those who design and install pressurized
systems for hazardous (classified) locations. The document should be
used in conjunction with ANSI/NFPA 496. This Recommended Practice
applies to equipment suitable for use in hazardous (classified) locations by
using a pressurizing system and to equipment with and without an internal
release of flammable gas or vapor. It does not apply to occupied portions
of buildings such as ventilated or pressurized control rooms.Provides
ISA-RP12-4-1996 Pressurized Enclosures 1996 28
performance and test recommendations for pressurized enclosures and
guidance to those who design and install pressurized systems for
hazardous (classified) locations. The document should be used in
conjunction with ANSI/NFPA 496. This recommended practice applies to
equipment suitable for use in hazardous (classified) locations by using a
pressurizing system. Also applies to equipment with and without an
internal release of flammable gas or vapor. It does not apply to occupied
portions of buildings such as ventilated or pressurized control rooms.

The purpose of this recommended practice is to provide guidance for the

use of general-purpose portable electronic products in certain hazardous
(classified) locations.This recommended practice does not address other
considerations involving the use of portable electronic products which may
result in these devices being considered unsafe due to creation of a
Recommendations for Portable Electronic Products Suitable for Use in Class I and II, distraction from important work tasks or radio frequency interference with
ISA-RP12-12-03-2002 Division 2, Class I Zone 2 and Class III, Division 1 and 2 Hazardous (Classified) 2002 measurement and control equipment.This recommended practice applies 26
Locations to both body worn and hand held portable electronic products for use in
Class I, and II, Division 2, Class I, Zone 2, and Class III, Division 1 and 2
Hazardous (Classified) Locations which are not available listed or labeled
for hazardous (classified) locations.This recommended practice does not
apply to products that are powered by premises wiring or connected to a
communication line during use in the hazardous (classified) location.

Establishes user criteria for the installation, operation, and maintenance of

combustible gas detection instruments. Covers storage, calibration,
external power supply systems.etc. Provides substantial
ISA-RP12-13_P2-1987 Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Combustible Gas Detection Instruments 1987 references.Keywords: alarms, combustible gas detection instruments - 224
maintenance of, preparation of, and storage of; gas detectors; explosive
service; gases; hazardous locations; safety; sample-draw instruments
Note: This is a withdrawn item.

A modified IEC 60079-10.Is concerned with the classification of hazardous

Recommended Practice for Classifications of Locations for Electrical Installations areas where flammable gas or vapor risks may arise, in order to permit the
ISA-RP12-24-01-1998 1998 78
Classified as Class I Zone 0, Zone 1, or Zone 2 proper selection and installation of apparatus for use in such hazardous

Intends to (a) establish uniformity of connection dimensions to permit

interchangeability of one manufacturer?s meters with another
manufacturer?s meters of the same size; (b) provide a common ground of
understanding the terminology, use, and component parts and accuracies
of these meters; and (c) provide a reference for the safe working
Terminology, Dimensions and Safety Practices for Indicating Variable Area Meters :
ISA-RP16-1_2_3-1959 1959 pressures of these meters.Intends to (a) establish uniformity of connection 14
Rotameters, Glass Tube, Metal Tube, Extension Type Glass Tube
dimensions to permit interchangeability of one manufacturer?s meters with
another manufacturer?s meters of the same size; (b) provide a common
ground of understanding the terminology, use, and component parts and
accuracies of these meters; and (c) provide a reference for the safe
working pressures of these meters.

Defines the nomenclature and terminology of various types of extensions

applicable to 5-inch (125-mm) glass and metal tube variable area meters
(rotameters) covered in ISA-RP16.1, 2, 3.Defines the nomenclature and
ISA-RP16-4-1960 Nomenclature and Terminology for Extension Type Variable Area Meters, Rotameters 1960 10
terminology of various types of extensions applicable to 5-inch (125-mm)
glass and metal tube variable area meters (rotameters) covered in ISA-
RP16.1, 2, 3. Note: This is a withdrawn item.
Covers the general considerations important to the installation, operation,
and maintenance of glass tube variable area meters (rotameters) to obtain
Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Instructions for Glass Tube Variable Area the most reliable results.Covers the general considerations important to
ISA-RP16-5-1961 1961 14
Meters, Rotameters the installation, operation, and maintenance of glass tube variable area
meters (rotameters) to obtain the most reliable results.Note: This is a
withdrawn item.
Describes the methods and equipment used for calibrating the glass and
metal metering tube area meters (rotameters) covered in ISA-RP16.1, 2,
ISA-RP16-6-1961 Methods and Equipment for Calibration of Variable Area Meters, Rotameters 1961 3.Describes the methods and equipment used for calibrating the glass and 18
metal metering tube area meters (rotameters) covered in ISA-RP16.1, 2,
3. Note: This is a withdrawn item.

This recommendation covers volumetric turbine flowmeters having an

ISA-RP31-1-1977 Specification, Installation, and Calibration of Turbine Flowmeters 1977 electrical output. The flowmeters are used to measure either flow rete or 38
quantity of liquids, and can be either self-generating or modulating.

Covers piezoelectric acceleration transducers, primarily those used in

aerospace test instrumentation. Terminology used in this document follows
ISA-RP37.1, except that additional terms considered applicable to
Guide for Specifications and Tests for Piezoelectric Acceleration Transducers for piezoelectric vibration transducers are defined.Covers piezoelectric
ISA-RP37-2-1982-R95 1982 36
Aerospace Testing acceleration transducers, primarily those used in aerospace test
instrumentation. Terminology used in this document follows ISA-S37.1-
1975 (R1992), except that additional terms considered applicable to
piezoelectric vibration transducers are defined.

This Recommended Practice defines nomenclature for tube fittings most

commonly used in instrumentation. It is not intended as a substitute for
ISA-RP42-00-01-2001 Nomenclature for Instrument Tube Fittings 2001 manufacturers' catalog numbers, nor does it apply to special fittings. This 22
Recommended Practice is intended to apply to mechanical flared and
flareless tube fittings as commonly used in instrument tubing systems.

Defines nomenclature for tube fittings most commonly used in

instrumentation and makes more clear the use of standardized drafting
symbols and abbreviations for common instrument tube fittings. It is not
intended as a substitute for manufacturers? catalog numbers nor does it
apply to special fittings. It is intended to apply to mechanical flared and
flareless fittings.Defines nomenclature for tube fittings most commonly
ISA-RP42-1-1992 Nomenclature for Instrument Tube Fittings 1992 16
used in instrumentation and makes more clear the use of standardized
drafting symbols and abbreviations for common instrument tube fittings. It
is not intended as a substitute for manufacturers? catalog numbers nor
does it apply to special fittings. It is intended to apply to mechanical flared
and flareless fittings.Note: This is a withdrawn item.

Presents recommendations for three levels of standardization - from the

more general National Institute of Standards and Technology, through
commercial, industrial, and government laboratories. Requirements for
nine environmental factors are discussed.Presents recommendations for
three levels of standardization, from the more general National Institute of
ISA-RP52-1-1975 Recommended Environments for Standards Laboratories 1975 32
Standards and Technology, through commercial, industrial, and
government laboratories. Requirements for nine environmental factors are
discussed. Keywords: acoustic noise; dust particle count; electrical and
magnetic fields; shielding; laboratory air pressure; lighting; relative
humidity; temperature; vibration; voltage regulation.
Establishes a basis for evaluating functional hardware performance of
digital process computers. This recommended practice covers general
recommendations applicable to all hardware performance testing, specific
tests for pertinent subsystems and systems parameters. It identifies the
tests to be considered and, in most cases, provides recommended
procedures. Only equipment provided by the computer system vendor is
within the scope of this recommended practice.Establishes a basis for
ISA-RP55-1-1975-R83 Hardware Testing of Digital Process Computers 1975 94
evaluating functional hardware performance of digital process computers.
This recommended practice covers general recommendations applicable
to all hardware performance testing, specific tests for pertinent
subsystems and systems parameters. It identifies the tests to be
considered and, in most cases, provides recommended procedures. Only
equipment provided by the computer system vendor is within the scope of
this recommended practice. Note: This is a withdrawn item.

Covers the preparation of engineering designs and specifications for

control center facilities. Because of the wide variety of industries using
control centers, the information is general rather than specific. References
are made to applicable industry codes and standards and to national
codes that are law under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).
The user is cautioned to consult local and state building and construction
codes that may also apply and to comply with the latest revisions of all
such codes and standards, particularly in the nuclear power plant
ISA-RP60-1-1990 Control Center Facilities 1990 22
industry.Covers the preparation of engineering designs and specifications
for control center facilities. Because of the wide variety of industries using
control centers, the information is general rather than specific. References
are made to applicable industry codes and standards and to national
codes that are law under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).
The user is cautioned to consult local and state building and construction
codes that may also apply and to comply with the latest revisions of all
such codes and standards, particularly in the nuclear power plant industry.

Provides guidance for specification, procurement, testing, and installation

of control centers and support facilities. Establishes a broad base for the
development of specific control center design using commonly accepted
ISA-RP60-2-1995 Control Center Design Guide and Terminology 1995 terminology and data.Provides guidance for specification, procurement, 24
testing, and installation of control centers and support facilities.
Establishes a broad base for the development of specific control center
design using commonly accepted terminology and data.

Assists the design engineer in establishing concepts that accommodate

physical and mental capabilities of the operator while recognizing the
operator?s limitations. This recommended practice is limited to those
aspects of human engineering that will affect the layout of and equipment
selection for the control center. It is recognized that some of the human
factors discussed in this document are also used in the design and
ISA-RP60-3-1985 Human Engineering for Control Centers 1985 manufacture of instruments.Assists the design engineer in establishing 22
concepts that accommodate physical and mental capabilities of the
operator while recognizing the operator?s limitations. This recommended
practice is limited to those aspects of human engineering that will affect
the layout of and equipment selection for the control center. It is
recognized that some of the human factors discussed in this document are
also used in the design and manufacture of instruments.

Covers the type, content, and extent of documentation required as record

data and information particular to a control center and control center
ISA-RP60-4-1990 Documentation for Control Centers 1990 30
facility. Provides guidelines covering various types of documents &
promotes uniformity of document terminology
Assists the designer or engineer in choosing and specifying the method of
identifying items mounted on a control center or associated with a control
center facility. This recommended practice summarizes identification
methods and suggests the uses of nameplates, labels, and tags.
Examples are included for guidance in preparing drawings and
specifications. This recommended practice also covers functional
definitions associated with nameplates, labels, and tags.Assists the
ISA-RP60-6-1984 Nameplates, Labels and Tags for Control Centers 1984 44
designer or engineer in choosing and specifying the method of identifying
items mounted on a control center or associated with a control center
facility. This recommended practice summarizes identification methods
and suggests the uses of nameplates, labels, and tags. Examples are
included for guidance in preparing drawings and specifications. This
recommended practice also covers functional definitions associated with
nameplates, labels, and tags.

Assists the design engineer in establishing the electrical requirements of a

control center; it is also intended to comply with the provisions of the NEC.
Special considerations which may apply to particular devices or circuits
are not taken into account in this recommended practice.Assists the
ISA-RP60-8-1978 Electrical Guide for Control Centers 1978 18
design engineer in establishing the electrical requirements of a control
center; it is also intended to comply with the provisions of the NEC.
Special considerations which may apply to particular devices or circuits
are not taken into account in this recommended practice.

Assists the designer or engineer in the definition of piping requirements for

pneumatic signals and supplies in control centers. Because of the special
nature of each control center, specific rules are not practical, and accepted
guidelines should take precedence. Piping external to the control center
(field piping) is beyond the scope of this document.Assists the designer or
ISA-RP60-9-1981 Piping Guide for Control Centers 1981 18
engineer in the definition of piping requirements for pneumatic signals and
supplies in control centers. Because of the special nature of each control
center, specific rules are not practical, and accepted guidelines should
take precedence. Piping external to the control center (field piping) is
beyond the scope of this document.

Describes general crating methods available for protection against

physical damage, vibration, pilferage, and climate. Also described are
various procedures and problems involved in handling, shipping, and
storage. Presents a broad outline of the various practices so that due
consideration may be given during the design and specification
ISA-RP60-11-1991 Crating, Shipping, and Handling for Control Centers 1991 stages.Describes general crating methods available for protection against 40
physical damage, vibration, pilferage, and climate. Also described are
various procedures and problems involved in handling, shipping, and
storage. Presents a broad outline of the various practices so that due
consideration may be given during the design and specification stages.

The purpose of this recommended practice is to present guidelines and

examples of methods for the implementation of ISA-S67.04.01-2000 in
order to facilitate the performance of instrument uncertainty calculations
and setpoint determination for safety-related instrument setpoints in
Methodologies for the Determination of Setpoints for Nuclear Safety-Related
ISA-RP67-04-02-2000 2000 nuclear power plants.Provides guidance for the implementation of 156
ANSI/ISA-67.04.01-2000 in the areas of equations to calculate total
channel uncertainty and estimating uncertainties, common practices in
uncertainty calculations, and sources and interpretation of data.

The purpose of this recommended practice is to present guidelines and

examples of methods for the implementation of ISA-S67.04.01-2000 in
order to facilitate the performance of instrument uncertainty calculations
and setpoint determination for safety-related instrument setpoints in
Methodologies for the Determination of Setpoints for Nuclear Safety-Related
ISA-RP67-04_P2-1994 1994 nuclear power plants.Provides guidance for the implementation of 154
ANSI/ISA-67.04.01-2000 in the areas of equations to calculate total
channel uncertainty and estimating uncertainties, common practices in
uncertainty calculations, and sources and interpretation of data.
Furnishes design criteria conducive to simplified specifications and
provides recommendations for installation, calibration, and maintenance of
continuous belt, weighbridge-type scales. This recommended practice
provides an effective base of comparison for scale suppliers, establishes
minimum values, and ensures that a scale specification and purchase
incorporates the essentials to satisfy a particular weighing job. It permits
early belt conveyor design, with the full knowledge of the weigh scale
configuration, regardless of the manufacturer.Furnishes design criteria
ISA-RP74-01-1984 Application and Installation of Continuous Belt Weighbridge Scales 1984 26
conducive to simplified specifications and provides recommendations for
installation, calibration, and maintenance of continuous belt, weighbridge-
type scales. This recommended practice provides an effective base of
comparison for scale suppliers, establishes minimum values, and ensures
that a scale specification and purchase incorporates the essentials to
satisfy a particular weighing job. It permits early belt conveyor design, with
the full knowledge of the weigh scale configuration, regardless of the

Describes a technique for communication of process data and other

requirements between process system designer or the user and the valve
supplier to facilitate the selection of control valve actuators and
accessories. The technique includes such features as the process data
envelope, process schematic, piping configuration and process data
ISA-RP75-21-1989-R96 Process Data Presentation for Control Valves 1989 worksheet.Describes a technique for communication of process data and 18
other requirements between process system designer or the user and the
valve supplier to facilitate the selection of control valve actuators and
accessories. The technique includes such features as the process data
envelope, process schematic, piping configuration and process data

Provides state-of-the-art information about control valve cavitation.

Includes information on cavitation parameters, methods of evaluating
cavitation through testing, and guidelines for selection of valves.Provides
ISA-RP75-23-1995 Considerations for Evaluting Control Valve Cavitation 1995 60
state-of-the-art information about control valve cavitation. Includes
information on cavitation parameters, methods of evaluating cavitation
through testing, and guidelines for selection of valves.

Provides advice and guidance in the development and design of plant

alarm systems. The primary application for this recommended practice is
fossil power plants; however, these guidelines are generic in nature, and
suitable for use in other process industries.Scope: This recommended
practice is provided for the benefit of design engineers and, ultimately,
plant operators. Use of this recommended practice will result in a more
coherent and useful application of plant alarms for operations personnel.
The goal of this recommended practice is to reduce alarm discrepancies,
clutter, excessive noise levels, and information overload. This
ISA-RP77-60-02-2000 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Human-Machine Interface: Alarms 2000 28
recommended practice will address the following alarm-related issues:
Functional grouping
Order and consistency
Formats and displays
Audio tone and pitch
Acknowledge, reset, and test functions
Nuisance alarms
Approaches are provided in this recommended practice for the application
of task analysis during the conceptual design, preliminary design, and
detailed design phases, as well as the test and evaluation of control room
upgrade/development programs. Although the relationship between task
analysis and other system development techniques is briefly considered,
the emphasis is clearly on the methods and benefits to be derived from a
ISA-RP77-60-05-2001-R07 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Human Machine Interface: Task Analysis 2001 detailed analysis of operator functions and activities in the control room. 24
Methods used to support the task analysis are also presented. These
include the use of surveys and questionnaires, tabletop analysis
approaches, and the use of mockups and walkthroughs. Applications of
the data are considered for addressing a number of design-related issues.
The discussion in this section will focus on the analysis of operator tasks,
but could be extended to include maintainer tasks.

Establishes user criteria for the installation, operation, and maintenance of

toxic gas-detection instruments. Its companion Standard, ISA-S92.0.01,
provides minimum requirements for the performance of toxic gas-detection
instruments. This Recommended Practice applies to all toxic gas-detection
instruments that satisfy the performance requirements in ISA-
Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Toxic Gas-Detection Instruments:
ISA-RP92-0-02_P2-1998 1998 S92.0.01.Establishes user criteria for the installation, operation, and 34
Hydrogen Sulfide
maintenance of toxic gas-detection instruments. Its companion Standard,
ISA-S92.0.01, provides minimum requirements for the performance of
toxic gas detection instruments. This Recommended Practice applies to all
toxic gas-detection instruments that satisfy the performance requirements
in ISA-S92.0.01.

Establishes user criteria for the installation, operation, and maintenance of

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Carbon Monoxide Detection Instruments carbon monoxide gas detection instruments.Establishes user criteria for
ISA-RP92-02-02_P2-1998 1998 36
( 50-100 ppm Full Scale ) the installation, operation, and maintenance of carbon monoxide gas
detection instruments

This recommended practice establishes user criteria for the installation,

operation, and maintenance of ammonia gas-detection instruments. Its
companion standard, ISA-S92.03.01-Performance Requirements for
Ammonia Detection Instruments, has been prepared to provide minimum
requirements for the performance of ammonia gas-detection instruments.
This recommended practice applies to all ammonia gas-detection
instruments that satisfy the performance requirements in ISA-
Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Ammonia Detection Instruments (25-500
ISA-RP92-03-02-1999 1999 S92.03.01.This recommended practice establishes user criteria for the 30
pm - Full Scale)
installation, operation, and maintenance of ammonia gas-detection
instruments. Its companion standard, ISA-S92.03.01-Performance
Requirements for Ammonia Detection Instruments, has been prepared to
provide minimum requirements for the performance of ammonia gas-
detection instruments. This recommended practice applies to all ammonia
gas-detection instruments that satisfy the performance requirements in

Establishes user criteria for the installation, operation, and maintenance of

instruments used to detect oxygen-deficient/oxygen-enriched
atmospheres. This Recommended Practice applies to all oxygen detection
instruments that satisfy the performance requirements in ANSI/ISA-
Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Instruments Used to Detect Oxygen- S92.04.01, Part I, Performance Requirement for Instruments Used to
ISA-RP92-04-02_P2-1996 1996 36
Deficient/Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres Detect Oxygen-Deficient/Oxygen Enriched Atmospheres.Establishes user
criteria for the installation, operation, and maintenance of instruments
used to detect oxygen-deficient/oxygen-enriched atmospheres. This
Recommended Practice applies to all oxygen detection instruments that
satisfy the performance requirements in ANSI/ISA-S92.04.01, Part I-1996.
ISA-RP92.06.02 establishes user criteria for the installation, operation,
and maintenance of chlorine gas-detection instruments.Its companion
standard, ISA-S92.06.01, "Performance Requirements for Chlorine
Detection Instruments," has been prepared to provide minimum
requirements for the performance of chlorine gas-detection instruments.
Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Chlorine Detection Instruments Establishes user criteria for the installation, operation, and maintenance of
ISA-RP92-06-02-1999 1999 30
(0.5-30 ppm Full Scale ) chlorine gas-detection instruments. Its companion standard, ISA-
S92.06.01-Performance Requirements for Chlorine Detection Instruments,
has been prepared to provide minimum requirements for the performance
of chlorine gas-detection instruments. This recommended practice applies
to all chlorine gas-detection instruments that satisfy the performance
requirements in ISA-S92.06.01-1998.

Establishes guidelines for analyzer, packaged analyzer system, and

sample system inspection and testing. The guidelines are intended to
provide minimum requirements for inspecting and testing analyzers,
sample systems, and analyzer systems prior to final
acceptance.Establishes guidelines for analyzer, packaged analyzer
ISA-RP76-0-01-1998 Analyzer System Inspection and Acceptance 1998 24
system, and sample system inspection and testing. The guidelines are
intended to provide minimum requirements for inspecting and testing
analyzers, sample systems, and analyzer systems prior to final

Scope 1. To review the existing ISA-RP12.1-1960 and provide, as

needed, general information and guidance on the requirements of
electrical instruments in hazardous locations. It is, thus, within the scope of
this committee to provide a compendium of known national and
international standards and other documents, and a glossary of terms
ISA-RP-12-1-1960_COPIA Electrical Instruments in Hazardous Atmospheres 1960 8
pertaining to electrical instruments in hazardous locations.2. Further, it is
within the scope of this committee to publish the revised ISA-RP12.1
document in one or several parts as deemed appropriate.3. It is not within
the scope of this committee to endorse any of the referenced standards or

Formerly S5.5-1985. Provides a system of graphic symbols for conveying

information on visual display units (VDUs) used for process monitoring and
control. Intended to ensure compatibility of symbols on process VDUs with
ISA-S5-5-1985 Graphic Symbols for Process Displays 1985 48
related symbols used in other disciplines. The standard applies to
computers, distributed control systems, etc., and covers both color and
monochromatic displays. It supplements ISA-S5.1 and ISA-S5.3.

Formerly S12.00.01-1999. Specifies the general requirements for

construction, testing and marking of electrical apparatus for Class I, Zones
0 & 1 explosive gas atmospheres. This is a modified version of IEC 60079-
0.Specifies the general requirements for construction, testing and marking
of electrical apparatus, Ex cable entries and Ex components, intended for
Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zones 0, 1 & 2 Hazardous (Classified)
ISA-S12-0-01-1998 1998 use in potentially explosive atmospheres of gas, vapor and mist defined as 58
Locations: General Requirements
Class I, Zone 0, 1 or 2 by the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70.
Apparatus covered by this standard and the associated standards noted
below shall also comply with the applicable requirements for similar
apparatus for use in unclassified locations. A list of commonly applied
standards is shown in informative Annex E.

Provides definitions and information pertaining to protection techniques,

terminology, and the installation of electrical instruments in hazardous
(classified) locations and provides an introduction and basic background to
Definitions and Information Pertaining to Electrical Instruments in Hazardous the ISA-SP12, Electrical Safety, series of publications and committee
ISA-S12-1-1991 1991 72
(Classified) Locations activities. Provides general guidance for the safe design, installation, and
maintenance of electrical instrument systems using appropriate means to
prevent ignition of flammable gases and vapors, flammable liquids,
combustible dusts, or ignitable fibers or flyings.
Formerly S12.13 Part I-1995. Improves the level of electrical safety and
safety-oriented performance of combustible gas detection instruments
used in hazardous (classified) locations. Covers the details of construction,
performance, and test for portable, mobile, and stationary electrical
instruments for sensing the presence of combustible gas or vapor
concentrations in ambient air; parts of these instruments may be installed
ISA-S12-13_P1-1995 Performance Requirements, Combustible Gas Detectors 1995 38
or used in Class I hazardous locations and gaseous mines in accordance
with codes specified by authorities having jurisdiction. This standard does
not cover gas detection instruments of the laboratory or scientific type
used for analysis or measurement, instruments used for process control
and process monitoring purposes, or instruments used for residential
purposes.Note: This is a withdrawn item.

Formerly S12.16.01-1998. A modified version of IEC 60079-7. Prescribes

the specific requirements for the design, construction, testing, and marking
of electrical apparatus with type of protection "e" for use in Class I, Zone 1,
Groups IIA, IIB, and IIC hazardous (classified) locations with a rated value
of supply voltage not exceeding 11 kV rms, ac, or dc, that does not
produce arcs, sparks, or dangerous temperatures in normal operation or
Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zone 1 Hazardous (Classified) Locations: Type under specified abnormal conditions.Prescribes the specific requirements
ISA-S12-16-01-1998 1998 90
of Protection - Increased Safety 'e' for the design, construction, testing, and marking of electrical apparatus
with type of protection ?e? for use in Class I, Zone 1, Groups IIA, IIB, and
IIC hazardous (classified) locations with a rated value of supply voltage not
exceeding 11 kV rms, ac, or dc, that does not produce arcs, sparks, or
dangerous temperatures in normal operation or under specified abnormal
conditions. Note: This is a withdrawn item.

Formerly S12.22.01-1998. A modified version of IEC 60079-1. Specifies

the constructional features and test requirements for flameproof
enclosures of electrical apparatus intended to be used in Class I, Zone 1,
explosive gas atmospheres. Applies to enclosures and parts of enclosures
constructed of metallic and non-metallic materials. Deals only with
flameproof enclosures and not with other means of protection against an
Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zone 1 Hazardous (Classified) Locations: Type
ISA-S12-22-01-1998 1998 explosion hazard.Specifies the constructional features and test 66
of Protection - Flameproof 'd'
requirements for flameproof enclosures of electrical apparatus intended to
be used in Class I, Zone 1, explosive gas atmospheres. Applies to
enclosures and parts of enclosures constructed of metallic and non-
metallic materials. Deals only with flameproof enclosures and not with
other means of protection against an explosion hazard. Note: This is a
withdrawn item.

Formerly S12.23.01-1998. A modified version of IEC 60079-18. Prescribes

the specific requirements for construction and testing of electrical
apparatus, parts of electrical apparatus and the Ex components which
Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zone 1 Hazardous (Classified) Locations: Type have rated voltages not exceeding 11 kV with the type of protection
ISA-S12-23-01-1998 1998 38
of Protection Encapsulation 'm' encapsulation.Prescribes the specific requirements for construction and
testing of electrical apparatus, parts of electrical apparatus and Ex
components which have rated voltages not exceeding 11 kV with the type
of protection encapsulation ?m?.

This standard contains the specific requirements for the construction,

testing and marking of electrical apparatus, parts of electrical apparatus
and Ex components in the type of protection powder filling ?q?, intended
for use in potentially explosive atmospheres of gas, vapor and mist. NOTE
Powder-filled electrical apparatus and Ex components may contain
electronic circuits, transformers, protection fuses, relays, intrinsically safe
Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zone 1 Hazardous (Classified) Locations: Type electrical apparatus, associated electrical apparatus, switches etc.This
ISA-S12-25-01-1998 1998 30
of Protection - Powder Filling 'q' standard supplements IEC 60079-0 ANSI/ISA-12.00.01-2002] (IEC 60079-
0 Mod) ?General requirements,? the requirements of which apply to
powder-filled electrical apparatus. This standard applies to electrical
apparatus, parts of electrical apparatus and Ex components with: - a rated
current less than or equal to 16 A;- a rated power consumption less than
or equal to 1000 VA, intended to be connected to a supply not exceeding
1000 V.
Formerly S12.26.01-1998. A modified IEC 60079-6. Specifies the
requirements for the construction and testing of oil-immersed electrical
apparatus, oil-immersed parts of electrical apparatus and Ex components
in the type of protection "o", intended for use in potentially explosive
atmospheres of gas, vapor and mist. Is applicable to electrical apparatus
Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zone 1 Hazardous (Classified) Locations: Type and parts of electrical apparatus which are not ignition capable in normal
ISA-S12-26-01-1998 1998 22
of Protection - Oil-Immersion 'o' operation.Specifies the requirements for the construction and testing of oil-
immersed electrical apparatus, oil-immersed parts of electrical apparatus
and Ex components in the type of protection ?o?, intended for use in
potentially explosive atmospheres of gas, vapor and mist. Is applicable to
electrical apparatus and parts of electrical apparatus which are not ignition
capable in normal operation.

Formerly S20-1981. Provides forms (checklist) to promote uniformity in

instrument specification, both in content and form, by listing and providing
Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments, Primary space for all principal descriptive options, supplying terminology, and
ISA-S20-1981 1981 98
Elements and Control Valves facilitating quoting, purchasing, receiving, accounting, and ordering
procedures.ISA S20-Electronic is a separately available software program
that automates the ISA-S20 standard for instrument specification sheets.

Formerly S26-1968. Establishes a series of dynamic test procedures for

equipment with pneumatic and electrical output and for closed loop
actuators. Methods for sine wave, step, and pulse-type signals are
ISA-S26-1968 Dynamic Response Testing of Process Control Instrumentation 1968 included.Establishes a series of dynamic test procedures for equipment 48
with pneumatic and electrical output and for closed loop actuators.
Methods for sine wave, step, and pulse-type signals are included. Note:
This is a withdrawn item.

Formerly ANSI MC6.1-1975 and then S37.1-1975(R1982). Establishes

uniform nomenclature for transducers and uniform simplified terminology
ISA-S37-1-1975-R82 Electrical Transducer Nomenclature and Terminology 1975 for transducer characteristics.Establishes uniform nomenclature for 28
transducers and uniform simplified terminology for transducer

Formerly S37.3-1982(R1995). Establishes uniform minimum specifications

for design and performance characteristics; uniform acceptance and
ISA-S37-3-1982-R95 Specifications and Tests for Strain Gage Pressure Transducers 1982 qualification test methods, including calibration techniques; uniform 42
presentation of minimum test data; and a drawing symbol for use in
electrical schematics for strain gage pressure transducers.

Formerly S37.5-1982(R1995). Establishes uniform minimum specifications

for design and performance characteristics; uniform acceptance and
qualification test methods including calibration techniques; uniform
presentation of minimum test data; and a drawing symbol for use in
electrical schematics for strain gage linear acceleration
ISA-S37-5-1982-R95 Specifications and Tests for Strain Gage Linear Acceleration Transducers 1982 transducers.Establishes uniform minimum specifications for design and 34
performance characteristics; uniform acceptance and qualification test
methods including calibration techniques; uniform presentation of
minimum test data; and a drawing symbol for use in electrical schematics
for strain gage linear acceleration transducers.

Formerly S37.6-1982(R1995). Establishes uniform minimum specifications

for design and performance characteristics; uniform acceptance and
qualification test methods, including calibration techniques; uniform
presentation of minimum test data; and a drawing symbol for use in
electrical schematics for potentiometric pressure transducers.Establishes
ISA-S37-6-1982-R95 Specifications and Tests of Potentiometric Pressure Transducers 1982 42
uniform minimum specifications for design and performance
characteristics; uniform acceptance and qualification test methods,
including calibration techniques; uniform presentation of minimum test
data; and a drawing symbol for use in electrical schematics for
potentiometric pressure transducers.
Formerly S37.8-1982(R1995). Outlines uniform general specifications,
acceptance and qualification methods, methods for data presentation, and
includes a drawing symbol used in electrical schematics for tension,
compression, and combination tension/compression transducers.Outlines
ISA-S37-8-1982-R95 Specifications and Tests for Strain Gage Force Transducers 1982 34
uniform general specifications, acceptance and qualification methods,
methods for data presentation, and includes a drawing symbol used in
electrical schematics for tension, compression, and combination
tension/compression transducers.

Formerly S37.10-1982(R1995). Establishes uniform specifications for

describing design and performance characteristics, acceptance and
ISA-S37-10-1982-R95 Specifications and Tests for Piezoelectric Pressure and Sound-Pressure Transducers 1982 qualification test methods, and calibration techniques, and procedures for 36
presenting test data for piezoelectric (including ferroelectric) pressure and
sound-pressure transducers.

Formerly S37.12-1982(R1995). Covers potentiometric displacement

transducers, primarily those used in measuring systems. The
specifications are not intended to cover transducers used in hazardous
locations as specified in the National Electrical Code nor are all
requirements covered for transducers used in nuclear power plants.Covers
ISA-S37-12-1982-R95 Specifications and Tests for Potentiometric Displacement Transducers 1982 42
potentiometric displacement transducers, primarily those used in
measuring systems. The specifications are not intended to cover
transducers used in hazardous locations as specified in the National
Electrical Code nor are all requirements covered for transducers used in
nuclear power plants.
Formerly S75.01. Presents equations for predicting the flow of
compressible and incompressible fluids through control valves. The
equations are not intended for use when mixed-phase fluids, dense
slurries, dry solids, or non-Newtonian liquids are encountered. In addition,
the prediction of cavitation, noise, or other effects is not a part of this
standard .Scope:
This standard presents equations for predicting the flow of compressible
and incompressible fluids through control valves. The equations are not
intended for use when mixed-phase fluids, dense slurries, dry solids, or
non-Newtonian liquids are encountered. In addition, the prediction of
cavitation, noise, or other effects is not a part of this standard. Purpose:
ISA-S75-01-1985-R95 Flow Equations for Sizing Control Valves 1985 52
The equations of this standard are based on the use of experimentally
determined capacity factors obtained by testing control valve specimens
according to the procedures of ANSI/ISA-75.02-1996, 'Control Valve
Capacity Test Procedures'.The equations are used to predict the flow rate
of a fluid through a valve when all the factors, including those related to
the fluid and its flowing condition, are known. When the equations are
used to select a valve size, it is often necessary to use capacity factors
associated with the fully open or rated condition to predict an approximate
required valve flow coefficient (Cv). This procedure is further explained in
Annex A.Note: This is a withdrawn item.

Formerly S75.02. Provides a test procedure for obtaining the following

factors for sizing control valves: valve flow coefficient (CV); liquid pressure
recovery factors (FL and FLP); Reynolds Number factor (FR); liquid critical
pressure ratio factor (FF); piping geometry factor (FP); and pressure drop
ratio factors (XT and XTP). The standard is intended for control valves
used in flow control of process fluids and is not intended to apply to fluid
power components as defined in the National Fluid Power Association
ISA-S75-02-1996 Control Valve Capacity Test Procedure 1996 28
Standard NFPA T.3.5.28-1977.Provides a test procedure for obtaining the
following factors for sizing control valves: valve flow coefficient; liquid
pressure recovery factors; Reynolds Number factor; liquid critical pressure
ratio factor; piping geometry factor; and pressure drop ratio factors.
Intended for control valves used in flow control of process fluids and is not
intended to apply to fluid power components as defined in the National
Fluid Power Association Standard NFPA T.3.5.28-1977.

Formerly 75.05-1983. Provides terminology for control valves of seven

different types and also for common types of actuators used with these
ISA-S75-05-1983 Control Valve Terminology 1983 46
valves. This standard names individual valve parts, defines assemblies of
parts, and provides terminology for part and assembly functions.
Formerly S75.07-1997. Defines equipment, methods, and procedures for
the laboratory testing and measurement of airborne sound radiated by a
compressible fluid flowing through a control valve and its associated
piping, including fixed-flow restrictions. The test may be conducted under
any conditions agreed upon by the user and the manufacturer. Although
this standard is designed for measurement of noise radiated from the
piping downstream of the valve, other test variations are optional,
including the use of insulation and nonstandard piping. Applications of this
standard to control valves discharging directly to the atmosphere are
ISA-S75-07-1998 Laboratory Measurement of Aerodynamic Noise Generated by Control Valves 1998 20
excluded.Defines equipment, methods, and procedures for the laboratory
testing and measurement of airborne sound radiated by a compressible
fluid flowing through a control valve and its associated piping, including
fixed-flow restrictions. The test may be conducted under any conditions
agreed upon by the user and the manufacturer. Although this standard is
designed for measurement of noise radiated from the piping downstream
of the valve, other test variations are optional, including the use of
insulation and nonstandard piping. Applications of this standard to control
valves discharging directly to the atmosphere are excluded.

Formerly S75.13-1996. Specifies the use of an actuator of the user or

manufacturer's choice and single or double-acting positioners. This
standard is intended for use by manufacturers, users, or independent
Method of Evaluating the Performance of Positioners with Analog Input Signals and testing groups to determine or verify positioner performance.Specifies the
ISA-S75-13-1996 1996 46
Pneumatic Output use of an actuator of the user or manufacturer?s choice and single or
double-acting positioners. This standard is intended for use by
manufacturers, users, or independent testing groups to determine or verify
positioner performance.

Formerly S82.03. Applies to electrical, electronic (analog/digital), and

electromechanical process measurement and control equipment which: (1)
measures and controls directly or indirectly an industrial process through a
final control device; (2) is intended to be connected to supply circuits that
do not exceed 250 volts rms, single phase, or dc; and (3) is rated for use
Safety Standard for Electrical and Electronic Test, Measuring, Controlling and Related in either indoor, outdoor, or sheltered locations.Applies to electrical,
ISA-S82-03-1988 1988 30
Equipment electronic (analog/digital), and electromechanical process measurement
and control equipment which: (1) measures and controls directly or
indirectly an industrial process through a final control device; (2) is
intended to be connected to supply circuits that do not exceed 250 volts
rms, single phase, or dc; and (3) is rated for use in either indoor, outdoor,
or sheltered locations.

Formerly S92.02.01, Part I-1998. Provides minimum performance

requirements of electrical instruments for the detection of carbon
Performance Requirements for Carbon Monoxide Detection Instruments (50-1000 monoxide gas (CO), in order to enhance the safety of personnel.Provides
ISA-S92-02-01_P1-1998 1998 40
ppm Full Scale) minimum performance requirements of electrical instruments for the
detection of carbon monoxide gas (CO), in order to enhance the safety of

Provides information and examples for assessing intrinsic safety of a wide

variety of control loops using the control drawings and the entity
concept.Provides information and examples for assessing intrinsic safety
ISA-TR12-2-1995 Intrinsically Safe System Assessment Using the Entity Concept 1995 of a wide variety of control loops using the control drawings and the entity 26
concept. Keywords: bus systems, complex loops, control drawing, entity
concept, entity parameters, loop configuration, multi-channel associated
apparatus loops, simple loops
This update includes 27 new specification forms in 2004-2006.These new
expanded specification forms have been modified extensively to cover
operating parameters and expand the form content beyond the limitations
of the original ISA-20-1981 forms. Many of the forms represent new
devices not previously covered by the original forms. Separate forms are
provided for operating parameters, device specifications, and general
requirements. This technical report applies to all processes of
development and use of ISA specification forms for process measurement
and control instruments. It does not address system specifications such as
shared control and shared display devices, where extensive use of
functionality or performance specifications is required. ISA-20.00.03-2001,
Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments Part 1: Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments.
ISA-TR20-00-01_P1-2001 2001 130
General Considerations Part 3: Form Requirements and Development Guidelines, is included with
this Technical Report.
Supplementary picklists for each form, available for free viewing and/or
printing through the following links, provide input guidance. The picklists
are arranged into seven major categories, as follows:
Control or Regulator Device Picklists
Flow Device Picklists
Level Device Picklists
Pressure or Differential Pressure Device Picklists
Receiver Device Picklists
Temperature Device Picklists
Operating Parameter Picklists

Explains the 'why' and 'how' relevant to the material included in ANSI/ISA-
50.02, Part 3-1997 and ANSI/ISA-50.02, Part 4-1997. This technical
report, divided into two parts, acts as a tutorial addressing those who are
not familiar with ISA's Fieldbus Data Link Layer (DLL) documents. Part A
Fieldbus Standard for Use in Industrial Control Systems Parts 3 & 4: Technical Report presents the specific reasons why certain features in ISA's DLL
ISA-TR50-02_P3_P4-2000 2000 126
for Fieldbus Data Link Layer - Tutorial documents are included; gives the essence of the documents' main
features; and makes simple examples or graphic representation of such
features. Part B links separate parts of the ISA DLL documents relevant to
either the same subject or to correlated items and makes detailed
examples of this DLL mechanism

Defines the details of the fieldbus process control user layer for continuous
and batch process control applications, as well as typical sequential and
interlock control applications in the process industries. Usable in other
ISA-TR50-02_P9-2000 Fieldbus Standard for Use in Industrial Control Systems: User Layer Technical Report 2000 996
industries wherever similar applications exist. Establishes a data
communications structure for implementing all types of fieldbus devices.
Required to achieve interoperability and interchangeability of field devices.

The measured value assigned to a standard or measurement instrument

has the essential qualification that the assigned value was valid at the
specific time and under the specific conditions of the calibration. No
assurance is made regarding the future value or the value under different
conditions. If the device is physically stable with time, and if a sufficient
history is compiled under environmental conditions that are compatible
with the previous calibration, the confidence level of the assigned value
ISA-TR52-00-01-2006 Recommended Environments for Standards Laboratories 2006 increases. If the specific conditions of measurements are not repeated 37
when the device is again calibrated, any variables introduced can create
substantial uncertainty. With this fact in mind, it is obvious that there is a
need for knowing and maintaining the environmental factors associated
with the various types of measurement standards and instruments. Aside
from the necessity of securing repeatable measurements, environmental
controls help to reduce the number of tedious corrections necessary in
making measurements that are affected by adverse environments.
Provides guidance on the handling of setpoints for sequenced actions in
nuclear and safety-related and nuclear power plant non-safety-related
instrumentation. This technical report supplements ANSI/ISA-S67.04-Part
I-1994 and ISA-RP67.04-Part II-1994 for the performance of instrument
uncertainty calculations and instrument setpoint determinations.Provides
ISA-TR67-04-08-1996 Setpoints for Sequenced Actions 1996 34
guidance on the handling of setpoints for sequenced actions in nuclear
and safety-related and nuclear power plant non-safety-related
instrumentation. This technical report supplements ANSI/ISA-S67.04, Part
I-1994 and ISA-RP67.04, Part II-1994 for the performance of instrument
uncertainty calculations and instrument setpoint determinations.

This Technical Report provides guidance on a graded approach for

calculating and documenting channel and indication uncertainties as well
ISA-TR67-04-09-2005 Graded Approaches To Setpoint Determination 2005 as for documenting uncertainty-adjusted interlock values, setpoints, test 22
acceptance criteria, and action points for permanently installed nuclear
plant instrumentation
This document discusses control valve stem position mechanical stability
and establishes a measurement criterion for position instability of the
ISA-TR75-04-01-1998_R06 Control Valve Position Stability 1998 22
valve. Other forms of instability associated with control valves and control
systems are not covered.
This report recognizes the substantial volumes of technical information
already in existence on the topic of Electronic Screen Display
development. The intention of this Report is to provide a practical
ISA-TR77-60-04-1996-R04 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Human-Machine Interface - Electronic Screen Displays 1996 summary overview of the important considerations that apply to the 38
1 of effective Electronic -Screen
Scope 1.1 ISA-TR84.00.02-2002 Displays.
Part 1 is It is and
informative hoped to be
does nota
containreference to those
any mandatory design ISATR84.00.02-
clauses. engineers and power-plant operators
2002 is intended to bewho
are directly
used involved
only with in display
a thorough development.
understanding of ANSI/ISA-84.01-1996 (see
Figure I.1). Prior to proceeding with use of ISA-TR84.00.02-2002 in a
safety application, the Hazards and Risk Analysis must have been
completed and the following information provided.
a) It is determined that a SIS is required.
b) Each safety instrumented function to be carried out by the SIS(s) is
c) The SIL for each safety instrumented function is defined.
1.2 ISA-TR84.00.02-2002 - Part 1 provides
a) guidance in Safety Integrity Level analysis;
b) methods to implement Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) to achieve a
Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) - Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation
ISA-TR84-00-02_P1-2002 2002 specified SIL; 108
Techniques Part 1: Introduction
c) discussion of failure rates and failure modes (Annex D) of SIS and their
d) discussion of diagnostic coverage, covert faults, common cause,
systematic failures, redundancy of SIF;
e) tool(s) for verification of SIL; and
f) discussion of the effect of functional test interval.
1.3 The objective of ISA-TR84.00.02-2002 - Part 1 is to introduce the
reader to the performance based approach for evaluating the reliability of
SIF and to present system reliability methodologies that can be used to
evaluate the system
TR84.00.02-2002 performance
? Part parameters,
1, which defines namely,
the overall the probability that
the SIF fails to respond
ISATR84.00.02- 2002 - to a demand
Part and the probability that the SIF
2 provides:
creates aa)nuisance
technicaltrip. ISA-TR84.00.02-2002
guidance in Safety Integrity- Part
Level1 (SIL)
serves as an
introduction for all other
b) ways to implement parts.Instrumented Functions (SIF) to achieve a
specified SIL;
c) failure rates and failure modes of SIF components;
d) diagnostics, diagnostic coverage, covert faults, test intervals,
redundancy of SIF components;
e) tool(s) for SIL verification of SIF.
1.2 ISA-TR84.00.02-2002 - Part 2 provides one possible technique for
calculating PFDavg values for Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF)
Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) - Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation installed in accordance with ANSI/ISA-84.01- 1996, ?Application of Safety
ISA-TR84-00-02_P2-2002 2002 44
Techniques Part 2: Determining the SIL of a SIF via Simplified Equations Instrumented Systems for the Process Industries?.
1.3 ISA-TR84.00.02-2002 - Part 2 provides the engineer(s) performing
design for a SIF with a relatively simple technique generally following the
simplified equation approach for assessing the capability of the designed
1.4 The procedures outlined in ISA-TR84.00.02-2002 - Part 2 provide the
engineer with steps to follow in estimating a mathematical value for
PFDavg for typical configurations of SIF designed according to ANSI/ISA-
84.01-1996. This procedure is appropriate for SIL 1 and SIL 2 SIFs. This
procedure should not be used for SIL 3 SIFs unless the User has a
thorough understanding of the SIL Verification mathematics and fully
understands the limitations of the simplified equations.
1.2 ISA-TR84.00.02-2002 - Part 3 is considered informative and does not
contain any mandatory requirements. The User should refer to ISA-
TR84.00.02-2002 ? Part 1, which defines the general requirements for the
verification of SIL for SIF.
1.3 ISA-TR84.00.02-2002 - Part 3 is intended to provide guidance on the
application of Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) to SIF. FTA is one possible
technique for calculating SIL for a SIF installed per ANSI/ISA- 84.01-
1996(1).1.4 ISA-TR84.00.02-2002 - Part 3 covers the analysis of a SIF
application from the field sensors through the logic solver to the final
elements.1.5 Common cause failure and systematic failure are an
example of important factors readily modeled in FTA.1.6 Part 3 assumes
that the complex analysis of the failure rate for a programmable logic
solver is done by another method (see Part 5) or is provided by a vendor
Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) - Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation as an input PFDL or MTTFspurious into this analysis (per Clause 7.3.2 of
ISA-TR84-00-02_P3-2002 2002 72
Techniques Part 3: Determining the SIL of a SIF via Fault Tree Analysis ANSI/ISA-84.01-1996, the failure rate of the logic solver should be
supplied by the logic solver vendor). Calculation of the PFDavg and
MTTFspurious of electrical/electronic/ programmable electronic systems
can be performed using FTA by applying the techniques presented in this
part.1.6 Part 3 assumes that the complex analysis of the failure rate for a
programmable logic solver is done by another method (see Part 5) or is
provided by a vendor as an input PFDL or MTTFspurious into this analysis
(per Clause 7.3.2 of ANSI/ISA-84.01-1996, the failure rate of the logic
solver should be supplied by the logic solver vendor). Calculation of the
PFDavg and MTTFspurious of electrical/electronic/ programmable
electronic systems can be performed using FTA by applying the
Scope presented in this part.1.7
1.1 ISA-TR84.00.02-2002 This
- Part 4 ispart does not and
informative cover modeling
does not of
contain communications
mandatory requirements.
or operator interfaces.
The SIL analysis
- Partincludes
4 is
the SIF envelope
intended as only
to be used defined
afterbya ANSI/ISA-84.01-1996
thorough understanding (see
of Figure I.2).
ISATR84.00.02- 2002 ? Part 1. This technical report is intended to provide
a) technical guidance in Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Analysis;
b) ways to implement Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) to achieve a
specified SIL;
c) failure rates and failure modes of SIF components;
d) diagnostics, diagnostic coverage, covert faults, test intervals,
redundancy of SIF components; and
e) tool(s) for SIL verification of SIF.
1.2 ISA-TR84.00.02-2002 - Part 4 provides one possible technique for
calculating PFDavg values for Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) installed
Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) - Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation
ISA-TR84-00-02_P4-2002 2002 in accordance with ANSI/ISA-84.01-1996, "Application of Safety 58
Techniques Part 4: Determining the SIL of a SIF via Markov Analysis
Instrumented Systems for the Process Industries.?
1.3 Persons using ISA-TR84.00.02-2002 - Part 4 require knowledge of the
Markov modeling technique. The reader who is interested in learning more
about Markov modeling is referred to:
- Evaluating Control Systems Reliability(5), Chapter 5;
- Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems(12), Chapter 8 and 9;
- Introduction to Reliability Engineering(13), Chapter 9;
- ISA-TR84.00.02-2002 - Part 5.
1.4 ISA-TR84.00.02-2002 - Part 4 introduces the reader to three
examples, which explain the Markov theory and capabilities. These three
examples 1.1 make
it possible to better - Part 5 is informative
understand and
the Base does notwhich
contain any mandatory
is also presented requirements. ISA-TR84.00.02-2002
in ISA-TR84.00.02-2002 - Part 5 is
? Part 2 and ISA-TR84.00.02-
intended to
2002 ? Part 3. be used only with a thorough understanding of
ISATR84.00.02- 2002 - Part 1 which defines the overall scope.1.2 ISA-
TR84.00.02-2002 - Part 5 provides:
a) guidance in PFD analysis of logic solvers;
NOTE The term "logic solver" will be used throughout Part 5 to indicate the
SIS logic solver. The logic solver technology may be any E/E/PES.
b) a method to determine the PFD of logic solvers;
c) failure rates and failure modes of logic solvers;
d) the impact of diagnostics, diagnostic coverage, covert faults, test
Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) - Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation
ISA-TR84-00-02_P5-2002 2002 intervals, common cause, systematic failures, redundancy of logic solvers 106
Techniques Part 5: Determining the PFD of SIS Logic Solvers via Markov Analysis
on the PFD of the logic solver; and
e) a method for the verification of PFD of logic solvers.
1.3 The procedures and examples outlined in ISA-TR84.00.02-2002 - Part
5 provide the engineer with Markov modeling steps to be followed in
determining a mathematical value for the PFD for typical configurations of
SIS logic solvers designed according to ANSI/ISA-84.01-1996.
1.4 Persons using ISA-TR84.00.02-2002 - Part 5 require a basic
knowledge of Markov Analysis.1.5 See ISA-TR84.00.02-2002 - Part 1
(Introduction), Part 2 (Simplified Equations), Part 3 (Fault Tree Analysis),
and Part 4 (Markov Analysis) if it is necessary to mathematically evaluate
the SIL of the safety instrumented function (SIF).
equipment and design of the SIF and the Pre-Startup Acceptance Test
(PSAT) is an integral part of ensuring the SIF will provide the risk reduction
necessary. When modifications are made to SIF, testing can validate that
appropriate SIF action will still take place.This technical report is an
informative document providing guidance on performing testing of SIF
components and systems that will help achieve full safety benefits of the
SIF in the most cost-effective way. Both manual and automated
techniques are presented for off-line and on-line testing of SIF and the
benefits of each technique described. Existing techniques and proposed
Guidance for Testing of Process Sector Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) new techniques will be described. Utilizing the techniques described in
ISA-TR84-00-03-2002 2002 222
Implemented as or Within Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) conjunction with an overall safety management program will allow users to
meet the testing requirements of ANSI/ISA-84.01-1996 and dIEC 61511.
Techniques are described for testing all elements of the SIF including field
sensors, final control elements, logic solvers (signal conversion modules
included), Human Machine Interface (HMI), communication links with other
systems, user application software, and other required auxiliaries such as
power. Suggested inspection techniques for regular observation of
equipment and components to detect potential problems are also
presented.The techniques described can also be used for testing burner
management systems in conjunction with the NFPA 85 code.These
This Part 1 technical report provides guidance related to the transition of
programs developed for the 1996 standard to one compliant with the intent
of the 2004 standards. This Part 1 technical report also includes 16
ISA-TR84-00-04_P1-2005 Guidelines for the Implementation of ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004 (IEC 61511 Mod) 2005 informative annexes providing guidance from the ISA-SP84 committee on 220
a wide range of topics related to the new standards. A companion
technical report, ISA-TR84.00.04-2005 Part 2, provides an example
illustrating some of the lifecycle steps in ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004.

This technical report is intended to be used in conjunction with ISA-

ISA-TR84-00-04_P2-2005 Example Implementation of ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004 (IEC 61511 Mod) 2005 TR84.00.04-2005 Part 1 to provide an example that illustrates how to 84
apply ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004 (IEC 61511 Mod).
Defines format or graphical representation for recipes used in the
automation of batch processing plants as defined in Part I of the IEC
ISA-TR88-0-03-1996 Possible Recipe Procedure Presentation Formats 1996 SC65A/ISASP88 standard.Defines format or graphical representation for 22
recipes used in the automation of batch processing plants as defined in
Part I of ANSI/ISA-S88.01-1995.

Process operating facilities utilize instrumentation to monitor and control

processes. The performance of this instrumentation ties directly into
product quality and product throughput. In addition, the process may
become hazardous to operating facility personnel, the community, and the
environment if control is lost.Some instruments perform essential functions
during emergency response activities and a high degree of confidence is
ISA-TR91-00-02-2003 Criticality Classification Guideline for Instrumentation 2003 required to ensure that instrumentation will function correctly during an 30
emergency. 1.2 This guideline is developed to assist engineering,
operations, and maintenance personnel with establishing the classification
of their instrumentation, thus facilitating all aspects of designing and
maintaining reliable operating facility instrumentation. Global
instrumentation manufacturers classify their equipment according to
various country classification standards (see clauses 6.3, 6.7, 6.8).

This document is intended to supply a general list of work-oriented

functions, activities, tasks and duties that an instrument,
instrument/electrical, automation or control system technician should be
skilled at in order to successfully work in this technical area. It is intended
ISA-TR98-00-02-2006 Skill Standards for Control System Technicians 2006 to be a dynamic document that will change as the equipment the 22
technician works with evolves. The document is inclusive of the most
common work-oriented functions. Specialty area technicians are expected
to have additional skills and higher technical competences that are not
included in this general list.
This technical report presents a general tutorial on the basic principles of
radio communications, and then discusses the performance of spread
spectrum radio systems in the presence of interference from other ISM
band users and non-ideal propagation conditions, such as may be
expected in the industrial plant environment. Its objective is to give readers
a realistic understanding of how radio links can complement and/or
The Automation Engineer’s Guide to Wireless Technology Part 1 – The Physics of replace wired connections, the factors influencing link range, and the
ISA-TR100-00-81-2006 2006 68
Radio, a Tutorial pitfalls for the unwary. Industrial applications for wireless communications
range from the relatively non-critical, such as asset monitoring to support
preventive maintenance programs, all the way to the highly-critical,
involving plant, personnel and public safety. The technical report will show
that well-designed radio systems can satisfy these varying needs, but that
the associated tradeoffs of performance vs. security and reliability result in
different system solutions for different applications.


ANSI-API-RP-1107-AMD-1998.pdf 1998 2005-R2010 32
ANSI-API-STD-1104-AMD-1993.pdf 1993 2006-R2010 41
Planning, Designing, and Constructing
API-2FPS-ISO-19904-1-2006.pdf 200X 2001 222
Floating Production Systems

API-560-Appendix E-AMD-1998.pdf CENTRIFUGAL FANS (AMENDMENTS/SUPPLEMENTS TO API 560, Appendix E) 1998 2007 18


API-614-AMD-2006.pdf AUXILIARIES 2006 2008 43



API-619-AMD-1999.pdf 1999 2010 35

API-653 Resumen Inspección de

Inspección, Reparación, Alteración y Reconstrucción de Tanques XXX 2009 10


API-672-ADM-2002.pdf 2002 2004 22


API-674-ADM-API-675-ADM-1999.pdf 1999 2010 25


API-682-ADM-1998.pdf 1998 2004 33

API-682-ISO-21049-2004.pdf Pumps—Shaft Sealing Systems for Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps 2004 VIGENTE 211


API-1104-ADM-1999.pdf PIPELINES 1999 2005 54
Glossary of Oilfield Production Terminology (GOT) 1998 VIGENTE 292


Offshore Structure Standards: RP 2A and much more 2005 2010 6



API-Bul-2521-1966.pdf 1966 VIGENTE 12


API-BULL-5C2-1999.pdf Bulletin on Performance Properties of Casing, Tubing, and Drill Pipe 1999 VIGENTE 62

Bulletin on Formulas and Calculations for Casing, Tubing, Drill Pipe, and Line Pipe
API-BULL-5C3-1999.pdf 1999 VIGENTE 60

Suggested Procedure for Development of Spill Prevention Control and

API-BULL-D16-1989.pdf 1989 2011 42
Countermeasure Plans

API-IP-1581-2001.pdf API/IP Filtration Sub-committee Press Release 2001 VIGENTE 34



API-IP-Spec-1582-2001.pdf 2001 VIGENTE 28


API-IP-Spec-1583-2000.pdf 2000 2003 40

API-MPMS-1-1994.pdf Manual de Estándares de Medición de Petróleo Capítulo 1—Vocabulario 1994 VIGENTE 94

API-MPMS-3-1A-2005.pdf Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 3—Tank Gauging 2005 VIGENTE 38

API-MPMS-4_3-1988-R-2002.pdf Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 4- Proving Systems 2002 VIGENTE 29

API-MPMS-4_8-1995-R-2002.pdf Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 4-Proving Systems 2002 VIGENTE 44

API-MPMS-5-3-2005.pdf Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 5—Metering 2005 VIGENTE 26

API-MPMS-5-6-2002.pdf Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 5—Metering 2002 VIGENTE 54

API-MPMS-5-8-2005.PDF Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 5—Metering 2005 VIGENTE 24

API-MPMS-5_1-1995-R-2002.pdf Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 5-Metering 2002 2005 9

API-MPMS-5_2-1987-R-2002.pdf Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 5-Liquid Metering 2002 2005 16

API-MPMS-11_1-VOL I-1980-R- Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 11 .I - Volume Correction

1987 2004 679
1987.pdf Factors

API-MPMS-11_1-VOL II-1980-R- Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 11 .I-Volume Correction

1987 2004 593
1987.pdf Factors

API-MPMS-12-1-1-1996.PDF Interim Guidelines for the Determination of ambient Air Temperature 1996 2001 36

Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 12-Calculation of Petroleum

API-MPMS-12-2-1-1995.PDF 1995 VIGENTE 30

Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 12-Calculation of Petroleum

API-MPMS-12-2-2-1995.PDF 1995 2003 23

Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 12-Calculation of Petroleum

API-MPMS-12-2-3-1998.PDF 1998 VIGENTE 66

Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 13-Statistical Aspects of

API-MPMS-13_1-1985.PDF 1985 VIGENTE 22
Measuring and Sampling

Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 13-Statistical Aspects of

API-MPMS-13_2-1994.PDF 1994 VIGENTE 46
Measuring and Sampling

API-MPMS-8-2-1995.pdf Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 8-Sampling 1995 VIGENTE 21

API-Publ-301-1989.pdf Aboveground Storage Tank Survey 1989 1991 47

An Enegineering Assessment of Volumetric Methods of Leak Detection in

API-Publ-306-1991.pdf 1991 VIGENTE 43
Aboveground Storage tanks
An Enegineering Assessment of Acoustic Methods of Leak Detection in Aboveground
API-Publ-307-1992.pdf 1992 1991 76
Storage Tanks

API-Publ-315-1993.pdf Assessment of Tankfield Dike Lining Materials and Methods 1993 VIGENTE 48

An Engineering Evaluation of Acoustic Methods of Leak Detection in Aboveground

API-Publ-322-1994.pdf 1994 VIGENTE 70
Storage Tanks

An Engineering Evaluation of Volumetric Methods of Leak Detection in Aboveground

API-Publ-323-1994.pdf 1994 VIGENTE 76
Storage Tanks

An Evaluation of a Methodology for the Detection of Leaks in Aboveground Storage

API-Publ-325-1994.pdf 1994 VIGENTE 98

API-Publ-327-1994.pdf Aboveground Storage Tank Standards: A Tutorial 1994 VIGENTE 76

API-Publ-334-1996.pdf A Guide to Leak Detection for Aboveground Storage Tanks 1996 VIGENTE 37

Development of Emission Factors for Leaks in Refinery Components in Heavy Liquid

API-Publ-337-1996.pdf 1996 VIGENTE 62

Liquid Release Prevention and Detection Measures for Aboveground Storage

API-Publ-340-1997.pdf 1997 VIGENTE 105

API-Publ-341-1998.pdf A Survery of Diked-Area Liner Use at Aboveground Storage Tank Facilities 1998 VIGENTE 30

Results of Range-Finding Testing of Leak Detection and Leak Location Technologies

API-Publ-346-1998.pdf 1998 VIGENTE 239
for Underground Pipelines

Survey on Petroleum Industry Occupational Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities Summary

API-Publ-421-1990-Err-1992.pdf 1992 2005 50
Report: Aggregate Data Only

API-Publ-534-1995.pdf Heat Recovery Steam Generators 1995 2007 58

API-Publ-535-1995.pdf Burnes for Fired Heaters in General Refinery Services 1995 2006 65

API-Publ-581-2000.pdf Risk-based Inspection Base Resource Document 2000 2008 333

Tutorial on the API Standard Paragraphs Covering Rotor Dynamics and Balancing: An
API-Publ-684-1996.pdf 1996 2005 145
Introducction to Lateral Critical and Train Torsional Analysis and rotor Balancing

Model Risk Management Plan Guidance for Exploration and Production (E&P)
API-Publ-761-2001.pdf 2001 VIGENTE 271

Digest of State Boiler, Pressure Vessel, Piping, and Aboveground Storage Tank Rules
API-Publ-910-1997.pdf 1997 1998 297
and Regulations

API-Publ-959-1982.pdf Characterization Study of Temper Embrittlement of Chromium-Molybdenum Steels 1982 VIGENTE 145

API-Publ-1149-1993.pdf Pipeline Variable Uncertainties And Their Effects on Leak DetectabiIity 1993 VIGENTE 130

API-Publ-1155-1995.pdf Evaluation Methodology for Software Based Leak Detection Systems 1995 VIGENTE 99

API-Publ-1200-1998.pdf Federally Mandated Training 1998 VIGENTE 158

API-Publ-1628B-1996.pdf Risk-Based Decision Making 1996 VIGENTE 20

API-Publ-1645-2002.pdf Stage II Vapor Recovery System Operations & System Installation Costs 2002 VIGENTE 18

API-Publ-1663C-1995.pdf Underground Storage Tank Installation Exhibit Book 1995 VIGENTE 138

API-Publ-1663E-1995.pdf Underground Storage Tank Removal Exhibit Book 1995 VIGENTE 82

Fighting Fires in and Around Flammable and Combustible Liquid Atmospheric Storage
API-Publ-2021-1991.pdf 1991 2001 39

Interim Study—Prevention and Suppression of Fires in Large Aboveground

API-Publ-2021A-1998.pdf 1998 VIGENTE 49
Atmospheric Storage Tanks

API-Publ-2026-1998.pdf Safe Access/Egress Involving Floating Roofs of Storage Tanks in Petroleum Service 1998 VIGENTE 26

API-Publ-2028-1991.pdf Flame Arresters in Piping Systems 1991 2002 11

API-Publ-2030-1998.pdf Application of Fixed Water Spray Systems for Fire Protection in the Petroleum Industry 1998 2005 26

API-Publ-2200-1994.pdf Repairing Crude Oil, Liquefied Petroleum Gas, and Product Pipelines 1994 2010 12

API-Publ-2207-1998.pdf Preparing Tank Bottoms for Hot Work 1998 2007 16

API-Publ-2214-1989.pdf Spark Ignition Properties of Hand Tools 1989 2004 7

API-Publ-2216-1991.pdf Ignition Risk of Hydrocarbon Vapors by Hot Surfaces in the Open Air 1991 2003 10

API-Publ-2217A-1997.pdf Guidelines for Work in Inert Confined Spaces in the Petroleum Industry 1997 2009 20

API-Publ-2218-1999.pdf Fireproofing Practices in Petroleum and Petrochemical Processing Plants 1999 VIGENTE 46

API-Publ-2219-1999.pdf Safe Operation of Vacuum Trucks in Petroleum Service 1999 2005 46

Fire-Protection Considerations for the Design and Operation of Liquefied Petroleum

API-Publ-2510A-1996.pdf 1996 VIGENTE 45
Gas (LPG) Storage Facilities

API-Publ-2514A-1987-R-2001.pdf Atmospheric Hydrocarbon Emissions from Marine Vessel Transfer Operations 1987 2009 30

Documentation Fire for API Publication 2517-Evaporation Loss from External Floating-
API-Publ-2517D-1993.pdf 1993 VIGENTE 518
Roof Tanks

Documentation Fire for API Publication 2519-Evaporation Loss from Internal Floating-
API-Publ-2519D-1993.pdf 1993 VIGENTE 480
Roof Tanks

Characteristics and Performance of Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) in the Analysis

API-Publ-4618-1995.pdf 1995 VIGENTE 23
of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soils and Sludges

Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing, and Constructing Fixed Offshore

API-RP-2A-LRFD-1993-Sup-1997.pdf 1993 VIGENTE 284
Platforms-Load and Resistance Factor Design


API-RP-2A-LRFD-ADM-1994.pdf 1994 VIGENTE 66

Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore

API-RP-2A-WSD-2000-Sup-2002.pdf 2000 VIGENTE 242
Platforms—Working Stress Design

API-RP-2D-1999.pdf Recommended Practice for Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Cranes 1999 2007 37

API-RP-2D-2003.pdf Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Cranes 2003 2007 54

API-RP-2I-1996.pdf In-Service Inspection of Mooring Hardware for Floating Drilling Units 1997 2008 38

Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing, and Constructing Heliports for

API-RP-2L-1996.pdf 1996 VIGENTE 21
Fixed Offshore Platforms

Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing, and Constructing Structures and

API-RP-2N-1995.pdf 1995 VIGENTE 93
Pipelines for Arctic Conditions

Design of Risers for Floating Production Systems (FPSs) and Tension-Leg Platforms
API-RP-2RD-1998.pdf 1998 VIGENTE 169
Recommended Practice for Design and Analysis of Stationkeeping Systems for
API-RP-2SK-1997.pdf 1997 2005 120
Floating Structures

Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing, and Constructing Tension Leg

API-RP-2T-1997.pdf 1997 2010 142

Recommended Practice for Ultrasonic and Magnetic Examination of Offshore

API-RP-2X-1996.pdf 1996 2004 88
Structural Fabrication and Guidelines for Qualification of Technicians

Recommended Practice for Preproduction Qualification for Steel Plates for Offshore
API-RP-2Z-1998.pdf 1998 2005 26

API-RP-5A3-1996.pdf Recommended Practice on Thread Compounds for Casing, Tubing, and Line Pipe 1996 2009 34

API-RP-5A5-1999.pdf Field Inspection of New Casing, Tubing, and Plain-End Drill Pipe 1998 2005 74

API-RP-5B1-1999.pdf Gauging and Inspection of Casing, Tubing, and Line Pipe Threads 1999 VIGENTE 62

Recommended Practice for Evaluation Procedures for Casing and Tubing

API-RP-5C5-1996.pdf 1996 2003 100

API-RP-5C6-1996.pdf Welding Connections to Pipe 1996 2006 16

API-RP-5L1-1990.pdf Recommended Practice for Railroad Transportation of Line Pipe 1990 2009 11

API-RP-5L1-2002.pdf Recommended Practice for Railroad Transportation of Line Pipe 2002 2009 16

API-RP-5L3-1996.pdf Recommended Practice for Conducting Drop-Weight TearTests on Line Pipe 1996 VIGENTE 16

API-RP-5L8-1996.pdf Recommended Practice for Field Inspection of Line Pipe 1996 VIGENTE 48

API-RP-5LW-1996.pdf Recommended Practice for Transportation of Line Pipe on Barges and Marine Vessels 1997 2009 13

API-RP-5UE-2002.pdf Recommended Practice for Ultrasonic Evaluation of Pipe Imperfections 2002 2005 28

Recommended Practice for Installation, Maintenance, and Operation of Internal-

API-RP-7C-11F-1994.pdf 1994 VIGENTE 24
Combustion Engines

Procedures for Inspection, Maintenance, Repair, and Remanufacture of Drilling

API-RP-7L-1995.pdf 1995 VIGENTE 24

API-RP-11AR-2000.pdf Recommended Practice for Care and Use of Subsurface Pumps 2000 VIGENTE 60

API-RP-11BR-1989.pdf Recommended Practice for Care and Handling of Sucker Rods 1989 2008 28

API-RP-11ER-1990.pdf Recommended Practice for Guarding of Pumping Units 1990 2009 24

API-RP-11G-1994.pdf Recommended Practice for Installation and Lubrication of Pumping Units 1994 VIGENTE 15

Recommended Practice for Design Calculations for Sucker Rod Pumping Systems
API-RP-11L-2000.pdf 1988 2008 28
(Conventional U nits)

API-RP-11PGT-1992.pdf Recommended Practice for Packaged Combustion Gas Turbines 1992 VIGENTE 78

API-RP-11S1-1997.pdf Recommended Practice for Electrical Submersible Pump Teardown Report 1997 VIGENTE 40

API-RP-11S2-1997.pdf Recommended Practice for Electric Submersible Pump Testing 1997 VIGENTE 12

API-RP-11S3-1999.pdf Recommended Practice for Electrical Submersible Pump Installations 1999 VIGENTE 23
Recommended Practice for Sizing and Selection of Electric Submersible Pump
API-RP-11S4-2002.pdf 2002 VIGENTE 44

API-RP-11S5-1993.pdf Recommended Practice for Application of Electric Submersible Cable Systems 1993 2008 34

Recommended Practice on Application and Testing of Electric Submersible Pump

API-RP-11S7-1993.pdf 1993 VIGENTE 30
Seal Chamber Sections

API-RP-11S8-1993.pdf Recommended Practice on Electric Submersible Pump System Vibrations 1993 VIGENTE 17

Recommended Practice for the Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting of

API-RP-11S-1994.pdf 1994 2008 22
Electric Submersible Pump Inatallations

API-RP-11T-1994.pdf Recommended Practice for Installation and Operation of Wet Steam Generators 1994 VIGENTE 29

Recommended Practicefo r Setting, Maintenance, Inspection, Operation, and Repair

API-RP-12R1-1997.pdf 1997 VIGENTE 47
of Tanks in Production Service

API-RP-13C-2004-Err-2005.pdf Recommended Practice on Drilling Fluids Processing Systems Evaluation 2004 2010 67

API-RP-14B-1994-Err-1996.pdf Design, Installation, Repair and Operation of Subsurface Safety Valve Systems 1994 2005 33

Recommended Practice for Analysis, Design, Installation, and Testing of Basic

API-RP-14C-2001.pdf 2001 VIGENTE 104
Surface Safety Systems for Offshore Production Platforms

Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of Offshore Production Platform

API-RP-14E-1991.pdf 1991 VIGENTE 61
Piping Systems

Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of Electrical Systems for Fixed and
API-RP-14F-1999.pdf Floating Offshore Petroleum Facilities for Unclassified and Class I, Division 1 and 1999 2008 104
Division 2 Locations

Recommended Practice for Fire Prevention and Control on Open Type Offshore
API-RP-14G-1993.pdf 1993 2007 39
Producction Platforms

Recommended Practice for Installation, Maintenance, and Repair of Surface Safety

API-RP-14H-1994-Err-1996.pdf 1994 2007 20
Valves and Underwater Safety Valves Offshore

Recommended Practice for Design and Hazards Analysis for Offshore Production
API-RP-14J-2001.pdf 2001 VIGENTE 90

API-RP-15S-2006.pdf Qualification of Spoolable Reinforced Plastic Line Pipe 2006 VIGENTE 38

API-RP-15TL4-1999.pdf Recommended Practice for Care and Use of Fiberglass Tubulars 1999 VIGENTE 32

API-RP-17A-1996.pdf Recommended Practice for Design and Operation of Subsea Production Sytems 1996 2006 89

API-RP-17A-2002.pdf Recommended Practice for Design and Operation of Subsea Production Systems 2002 2006 140

API-RP-17B-1998.pdf Recommended Practice for Flexible Pipe 1998 2008 147

API-RP-17B-2002.pdf Recommended Practice for Flexible Pipe 2002 2008 166

API-RP-17C-2002.pdf Recommended Practice on TFL (Through Flowline) Systems 2002 VIGENTE 80

API-RP-53-1997.pdf Recommended Practices for Blowout Prevention Equipment Systems for Drilling Wells 1997 VIGENTE 82

Recommended Practices for Oil and Gas Producing and Gas Producing and Gas
API-RP-55-1995.pdf 1995 VIGENTE 51
Processing Plant Operations Involving Hydrogen Sulfide

API-RP-67-1994.pdf Recommended Practices for Oilfield Explosives Safety 1994 2007 17

Recommended Practice for Development of a Safety and Environmental Management
API-RP-75-1998.pdf 1998 2004 36
Program for Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Operations and Facilities

Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at

API-RP-500-1997-R-2002.pdf 2002 VIGENTE 131
Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Division 1 and Division 2

Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at

API-RP-505-1997.pdf 1997 VIGENTE 145
Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Zone O, Zone 1, and Zone 2

Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at

API-RP-505-1997-R-2002.pdf 2002 VIGENTE 144
Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Zone O, Zone 1, and Zone 2

API-RP-520-2003.pdf Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices in Refineries 2003 VIGENTE 42

API-RP-521-1997.pdf Guide for Pressure-Relieving and Depressuring Systems 1997 1999 117

API-RP-531M-1980.pdf Measurement of Noise From Fired Process Heaters 1980 VIGENTE 38

API-RP-537-2001.DOC Flare Details for General Refinery and Petrochemical Service 2001 N/A 80

API-RP-540-1999.pdf Electrical Installations in Petroleum Processing Plants 1999 VIGENTE 113

API-RP-550_PART_1_Sec_3-1976.pdf Manual on Instalation of Refinery Instruments and Control Systems 1976 1985 14

API-RP-550-PART_1_Sec_7-1974.pdf Manual on Instalation of Refinery Instruments and Control Systems 1974 VIGENTE 71

API-RP-550-PART_1_Sec_9-1980.pdf Manual on Instalation of Refinery Instruments and Control Systems 1980 1985 12

API-RP-551-1993.pdf Process Measurement Instrumentation 1993 VIGENTE 68

API-RP-552-1994.pdf Transmission Systems 1994 VIGENTE 49

API-RP-553-1998.pdf Refinery Control Valves 1998 VIGENTE 37

API-RP-554-1995.pdf Process Instrumentation and Control 1995 VIGENTE 69

API-RP-555-2001.pdf Process Analyzers 2001 VIGENTE 246

API-RP-556-1997.pdf Instrumentation and Control Systems for Fired Heaters and Steam Generators 1997 2011 49

API-RP-571-2003.pdf Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in the Refining Industry 2003 2011 270

Inspection of Pressure Vessels (Towers, Drums, Reactors, Heat Exchangers, and

API-RP-572-2001.pdf 2001 2009 80

API-RP-573-1991.pdf Inspection of Fired Boilers and Heaters 1991 2003 62

API-RP-574-1998.pdf Inspection Practices for Piping System Components 1998 2009 61

API-RP-576-2000.pdf Inspection of Pressure-Relieving Devices 2000 2009 58

API-RP-578-1999.pdf Material Verification Program for New and Existing Alloy Piping Systems 1999 2010 19

API-RP-579-2000.pdf Want this course presented at your facility 2000 2007 884

API-RP-580-2002.pdf Risk-based Inspection 2002 2009 60

API-RP-582-2001.pdf Welding Guidelines for the Chemical, Oil, and Gas Industries 2001 2009 27


API-RP-591-1998.pdf User Acceptance of Refinery Valves 1998 2008 22

API-RP-651-1997.pdf Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks 1997 2007 40

API-RP-652-2005.pdf Linings of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Bottoms 2005 VIGENTE 28

Quality Improvement Manual for Mechanical Equipment in Petroleum, Chemical, and

API-RP-683-1993.pdf 1993 VIGENTE 39
Gas Industries

API-RP-686-1996.pdf Recommended Practices for Machinery Installation and Installation Design 1996 2009 160


API-RP-686-AMD-2003.pdf 2003 2009 28
API RP 686)

API-RP-750-Err-1990.pdf Management of Process Hazards 1990 2005 22

API-RP-751-1999.pdf Recommended Practice for Safe Operation of Hydrofluoric Acid Alkylation Units 1999 2007 50

API-RP-752-2003.pdf Management of Hazards Associated with Location of Process Plant Buildings 2003 2009 44

API-RP-752-Err-1995.pdf Management of Hazards Associated With Location of Process Plant Buildings 1995 2009 38

Materials and Fabrication Requirements for 2-1/4Cr-1Mo & 3Cr-1Mo Steel Heavy Wall
API-RP-934-2000.pdf 2000 VIGENTE 20
Pressure Vessels for High Temperature, High Pressure Hydrogen Service


API-RP-934-AMD-2001.pdf 2001 2008 13
Materials and Fabrication Requirements for 2-1/4Cr-1Mo & 3Cr-1Mo Steel Heavy Wall
API-RP-934B-1999.pdf 1999 2011 20
Pressure Vessels for High Temperature, High Pressure Hydrogen Service
Refractory Installation Quality Control Guidelines—Inspection and Testing Monolithic
API-RP-936-2004.pdf 2004 2008 36
Refractory Linings and Materials

Steels for Hydrogen Service at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures in Petroleum

API-RP-941-2004.pdf 2004 2008 42
Refineries and Petrochemical Plants

API-RP-945-1997.pdf Avoiding Environmental Cracking in Amine Units 1997 2003 28

API-RP-945-2003.pdf Avoiding Environmental Cracking in Amine Units 2003 VIGENTE 36

API-RP-1004-2003.pdf Bottom Loading and Vapor Recovery for MC-306 & DOT-406 Tank Motor Vehicles 2003 VIGENTE 34

API-RP-1107-1991-Err-1993.pdf Pipeline Maintenance Welding Practices 1991 2005 32

API-RP-1109-2003.pdf Marking Liquid Petroleum Pipeline Facilities 2003 2010 24

API-RP-1110-1997.pdf Pressure Testing of Liquid Petroleum Pipelines 1997 2007 24

Design, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Offshore Hydrocarbon Pipelines

API-RP-1111-1999.PDF 1999 2009 58
(Limit State Design)

Developing a Highway Emergency Response Plan for Incidents Involving Hazardous

API-RP-1112-1997.pdf 1997 VIGENTE 27

API-RP-1114-1994.pdf Design of Solution-Mined Underground Storage Facilities 1994 VIGENTE 42

API-RP-1115-1994.pdf Operation of Solution-Mined Underground Storage Facilities 1994 VIGENTE 27

API-RP-1117-1996.pdf Movement of In-Service Pipelines 1996 2008 31

API-RP-1120-1992.pdf Training and Qualification of Liquid Pieline Maintenance Personnel 1992 VIGENTE 11

API-RP-1125-1991.pdf Overfill Control Systems for Tank Barges 1991 VIGENTE 10

API-RP-1141-1994.pdf Guidelines for Confined Space Entry On Board Tank Ships in The Petroleum Industry 1994 VIGENTE 22

API-RP-1604-1996.pdf Closure of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks 1996 VIGENTE 16

API-RP-1615-1987.pdf Installation of Underground Petroleum Storage Systems 1987 2011 37

API-RP-1615-1996.pdf Installation of Underground Petroleum Storage Systems 1996 2011 64

Storage and Handling of Gasoline-Methanol/Cosolvent Blends at Distribution

API-RP-1627-1986.pdf 1986 VIGENTE 15
Terminals and Service Stations

API-RP-1631-1997.pdf Interior Lining of Underground Storage Tanks 1997 2001 17

API-RP-2001-1998.pdf Fire Protection in Refineries 1998 2005 43

Safe Welding, Cutting, and Hot Work Practices in the Petroleum and Petrochemical
API-RP-2009-2002.pdf 2002 VIGENTE 36

API-RP-2016-2001.pdf Guidelines and Procedures for Entering and Cleaning Petroleum Storage Tanks 2001 VIGENTE 112

API-RP-2028-2002.pdf Flame Arresters in Piping Systems 2002 VIGENTE 24

API-RP-2200-1994.pdf Repairing Crude Oil, Liquefied Petroleum Gas, and Product Pipelines 1994 2010 12

API-RP-2201-1995.pdf Procedures for Welding or Hot Tapping on Equipment-in Service 1995 2003 18

API-RP-2210-2000.pdf Flame Arresters for Vents of Tanks Storing Petroleum Products 2000 VIGENTE 14

API-RP-2220-1991.pdf Improving Owner and Contractor Safety Performance 1991 VIGENTE 23

API-RP-2221-1996.pdf Implementing a Contractor Safety and Health Program 1996 2004 108

API-RP-2350-1996.pdf Overfill Protection for Storage Tanks In Petroleum Facilities 1996 2005 39

API-SC2-2010.pdf Strategy Group Report & ISO Activities 2010 VIGENTE 25

API-Spec14A-ISO-10432-2000.pdf Specification for Subsurface Safety Valve Equipment 2000 2005 90

API-Spec-1B-1995.pdf Specification for Oil-Field V-Belt 1995 VIGENTE 42

API-Spec-2B-2002.pdf Specification for the Fabrication of Structural Steel Pipe 2002 2001 20

API-Spec-2C-1995.pdf Specification for Offshore Cranes 1995 2004 46


API-Spec-2H-1999.pdf Specification for Carbon Manganese Steel Plate for Offshore Platform Tubular Joints 1999 2006 21

Specification for Steel Plates for Offshore Structures, Produced by Thermo-

API-Spec-2W-1999.pdf 1999 2006 22
Mechanical Control Processing (TMCP)

API-Spec-2Y-1999.pdf Specification for Steel Plates, Quenched-and-Tempered, for Offshore Structures 1999 2006 19

API-Spec-4F-1995.pdf Specification for Drilling and Well Servicing Structures 1995 2008 24

API-Spec-5CT-1998-Err-1999.pdf Specification for Casing and Tubing (U.S. Customary Units) 1998 2005 161

API-Spec-5CT-2005.pdf Specification for Casing and Tubing 2005 2005 306

API-Spec-5D-2001.pdf Specification for Drill Pipe 2001 2009 48

API-Spec-5L-00.pdf Specificaton for Line Pipe 2000 2007 154

API-Spec-5L-2000.pdf Specification for Line Pipe 2000 2008 168

API-Spec-5L-2004.pdf Specification for Line Pipe 2004 2008 168

API-Spec-5LC-1998.pdf Specification for CRA Line Pipe 1998 2006 87


API-Spec-5LC-Amd-1998.pdf 1998 2006 42

API-spec-5LC-Amd-2001.pdf 2001 2006 61

API-Spec-5LD-1995.pdf CRA CLAD OR LINED STEEL PIPE 1995 2009 65

API-Spec-5LD-1998.pdf Specification for CRA Clad or Lined Steel Pipe 1998 2009 38

Recommended Practice for Transportation of Line Pipe on Bargers And Marine

API-Spec-5LW-1996.pdf 1997 VIGENTE 13

API-Spec-5T1-1996.pdf Standard on Imperfection Terminology 1996 VIGENTE 52

API-Spec-6A-Err-1999.pdf Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment 1999 2010 291

API-Spec-6D-2002.pdf Pipeline Valves 2002 2008 79

API-Spec-6FB-1998.pdf API Specification for Fire Test for End Connections 1998 VIGENTE 26

API-Spec-6FC-1999.pdf Specification for Fire Test for Valves With Automatic Backseats 1999 2009 20

API-Spec-7F-1999.pdf Specification for Oil-Field Chain and Sprockets 1999 2010 33

API-Spec-7K-2001-Add-2002.pdf Specification for Drilling and Well Servicing Equipment 2002 2010 70

API-Spec-9A-1995.pdf Specification for Wire Rope 1995 2004 42

API-Spec-10A-2002.pdf Specification for Cements and Materials for Well Cementing 2002 2010 58

API-Spec-11AX-2001.pdf Specification for Subsurface Sucker Rod Pumps and Fittings 2001 2006 78
API-Spec-11B-1998.pdf Specification for Sucker Rods 1998 2010 53

API-Spec-11E-1994.pdf Specification for Electric Motor Prime Mover for Beam -Pumping Unit Service 1993 2008 17

API-Spec-11L6-1993-Supp-1996.pdf Specification for PVC Lined Steel Tubular Goods 1993 2008 26

API-Spec-11N-1994.pdf Specification for Lease Automatic Custody Transfer (LACT) Equipament 1994 VIGENTE 25

Specification for Packaged Reciprocating Compressors for Oil and Gas Production
API-Spec-11P-1989.pdf 1989 2002 83

API-Spec-11V1-1995.pdf Specification for Gas Lift Equipment 1995 VIGENTE 41

API-Spec-12B-1995.pdf Specification for Bolted Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids 1995 2008 35

API-Spec-12D-1994.pdf Specification for Field Welded Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids 1994 2008 31

API-Spec-12F-1994.pdf Specification for Shop Welded Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids 1994 2008 29

API-Spec-12GDU-1990.pdf Specification for Glycol-Type Gas Dehydration Units 1990 VIGENTE 46

API-Spec-12J-1989.pdf Specification for Oil and Gas Separators 1989 2008 25

API-Spec-12J-1993.pdf Specification for Oil and Gas Separators 1993 2008 24

API-Spec-12K-1989.pdf Specification for Indirect Type Oil-Field Heaters 1989 2008 33

API-Spec-12L-1994.pdf Specification for Vertical and Horizontal Emulsion Treaters 1994 2008 39

API-Spec-12P-1995.pdf Specification for Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Tanks 1995 2008 24

API-Spec-14A-2001.pdf Specification for Subsurface Safety Valve Equipment 2001 2005 90

API-Spec-15HR-2001.pdf Specification for High Pressure Fiberglass Line Pipe 2001 VIGENTE 37

API-Spec-15LE-1995.pdf Specification for Polyethylene Line Pipe (PE) 1995 2008 29

API-Spec-15LR-2001.pdf Specification For Low Pressure Fiberglass Line Pipe and Fittings 2001 VIGENTE 38

API-Spec-15LT-1993.pdf Specification for PVC Lined Steel Tubular Goods 1993 VIGENTE 26

API-Spec-16A-1997.pdf Specification for Drill Through Equipment 1997 2004 79

API-Spec-17D-1996.pdf Specification for Subsea Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment 1996 2011 138

API-Spec-17D-suppl-1996.pdf Specification for Subsea Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment 1996 2011 16

API-Spec-17E-1998.pdf Specification for Subsea Production Control Umbilicals 1998 2010 72

API-Spec-17J-2000.pdf Specification for Unbonded Flexible Pipe 2000 2008 58

Specification for Quality Programs for the Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas
API-Spec-Q1_ISO-TS-29001-2003.pdf 2003 2007 46
Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: Maintenance Inspection, Rating, Repair, and
API-Std-510-1997-Add-2003.pdf 2003 VIGENTE 54

API-Std-521-2007.pdf Pressure-relieving and Depressuring Systems 2007 VIGENTE 202

API-Std-526-1995.pdf Flanged Steel Pressure Relief Valves 1995 2009 53

API-Std-526-2002.pdf Flanged Steel Pressure Relief Valves 2002 2009 51

API-Std-527-1991.pdf Seat Tightness of Pressure Relief Valves 1991 VIGENTE 12

API-Std-530-1996.pdf Calculation of Heater-Tube Thickness in Petroleum Refineries 1996 2008 135

API-Std-537-2003.pdf Flare Details for General Refinery and Petrochemical Service 2003 2008 116

API-Std-546-1997.pdf Brushless Synchronous Machines-500 kVA and Larger 1997 2008 115

API-Std-560-2001.pdf Fired Heaters for General Refinery Service 2001 2008 208

API-Std-560-1995.pdf Fired Heaters for General Refinery Service 1995 2008 191

API-Std-570-1998-Add-2001.pdf Piping Inspection Code 1998 2006 54

API-Std-570-1998-Add-2003.pdf Piping Inspection Code 1998 2006 54

API-Std-589-1998.pdf Fire Test for Evaluation of Valve Stem Packing 1998 VIGENTE 18

API-Std-590-1985.pdf Steel Line Blanks 1985 VIGENTE 29

API-Std-594-1997.pdf Check Valves: Wafer, Wafer-Lug, and Double Flanged Type 1997 2010 24

API-Std-598-1996-Err-1997.pdf Valve Inspection and Testing 1996 2009 14

API-Std-598-2004.pdf Valve Inspection and Testing 2004 2009 20

API-Std-599-2002.pdf Metal Plug Valves—Flanged, Threaded and Welding Ends 2002 2009 24

API-Std-600-1997-Err-1998.pdf Steel Gate Valves-Flanged and Butt-welding Ends, Bolted and Pressure Seal Bonnets 1997 2009 26

API-Std-600-2001.pdf Bolted Bonnet Steel Gate Valves for Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries 2001 2009 48

API-Std-602-1998.pdf Compact Steel Gate Valves— Flanged, Threaded, Welding, and Extended-Body Ends 1998 2009 34

API-Std-603-2001.pdf Corrosion-Resistant, Bolted Bonnet Gate Valves—Flanged and Butt-Welding Ends 2001 2007 24

API-Std-606-1989.PDF Compact Steel Gate Valves-Extended Body 1989 20

API-Std-608-1995.pdf Metal Ball Valves-Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End 1995 2008 13

API-Std-608-2002.pdf Metal Ball Valves—Flanged, Threaded, and Welding Ends 2002 2008 20

API-Std-609-1997.pdf Butterfly Valves: Double Flanged, Lug- and Wafer-Type 1997 2009 22
API-Std-610-1995.pdf Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Heavy Duty Chemical, and Gas Industry Services 1995 2010 194

API-Std-610-2003.pdf Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industries 2003 2010 204

API-Std-611-1997.pdf General-Purpose Steam Turbines for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services 1997 2008 78


API-Std-611-Amd-2000.pdf 2000 2008 22

Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industries—Steam Turbines—Special-

API-Std-612-2003.pdf 2003 2005 134
purpose Applications

Lubrication, Shaft-Sealing, and Control-Oil Systems and Auxiliaries for Petroleum,

API-Std-614-1999.pdf 1999 2008 240
Chemical and Gas Industry Services

API-Std-616-1998.pdf Gas Turbines for the Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services 1998 2011 100

API-Std-617-1995.pdf Centrifugal Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Service Industries 1995 2002 121

Axial and Centrifugal Compressors and Expander-compressors for Petroleum,

API-Std-617-2002.pdf 2002 2002 235
Chemical and Gas Industry Services


API-Std-617-Amd-2006.pdf 2006 2002 68

API-Std-618-1995.pdf Reciprocating Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services 1995 2007 167

API-Std-618-Amd-1999.pdf RECIPROCATING COMPRESSORS (Amendments/Supplements to API 618) 1999 2007 40

Rotary Type Positive Displacement Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas
API-Std-619-1997.pdf 1997 2010 127
Industry Services

API-Std-620-1996-Add-1998.pdf Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low–Pressure Storage Tanks 1998 2008 210

API-Std-620-1996.pdf Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low–Pressure Storage Tanks 1998 2008 378

API-Std-650-1997.pdf Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks 1997 2007 41

API-Std-650-1998-Add-2001.pdf Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage 2001 2007 240

API-Std-650-1998-Add-2003.pdf Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage 2003 2007 280

API-Std-650-1998-Add-2001.pdf Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage 2001 2007 461

API-Std-650-2002-ADD-2001.pdf Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage 2001 2007 240

API-Std-653-1995-Add-1999.pdf Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction 1999 2009 264

API-Std-653-2001-Add-2003.pdf Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction 2003 2009 116

API-Std-653-2001-Add-2005.pdf Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction 2005 2009 124

API-Std-660-2001.pdf Shell–and–Tube Heat Exchangers for General Refinery Services 2001 2007 42

API-Std-660-2003.pdf Shell-and-tube Heat Exchangers for General Refinery Services 2003 2007 52

API-Std-661-1997.pdf Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers for General Refinery Services 1997 2006 142
API-Std-661-2002.pdf Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers for General Refinery Service 2002 2006 126

API-Std-661-2006.pdf Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers for General Refinery Service 2006 2006 126

API-Std-662-1995.pdf Plate Heat Exchangers For General Refinery Services 1995 2006 31

API-Std-662-2002.pdf Plate Heat Exchangers for General Refinery Services 2002 VIGENTE 36

API-Std-670-2000.pdf Machinery Protection Systems 2000 VIGENTE 101

API-Std-670-2000-R-2003.pdf Machinery Protection Systems 2003 VIGENTE 100

API-Std-671-1998.pdf Special-Purpose Couplings for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services 1998 VIGENTE 45

Packaged, Integrally Geared Centrifugal Air Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical,

API-Std-672-1996.pdf 1996 2000 95
and Gas Industry Services

API-Std-673-Err-2002.pdf Centrifugal Fans for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services 2002 VIGENTE 103

API-Std-674-1995.pdf Positive Displacement Pumps-Reciprocating 1995 2010 67

API-Std-675-1994.pdf Positive Displacement Pumps-Controlled Volume 1994 VIGENTE 41

API-Std-676-1994-Err-1999.pdf Positive Displacement Pumps-Rotary 1994 VIGENTE 53

API-Std-677-1997.pdf General Purpose Gear Units for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services 1997 2006 92

Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps and Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas
API-Std-681-1996.pdf 1996 VIGENTE 80
Industry Services


API-Std-681-Amd-2001.pdf 2004 14

API-Std-1104-1999.pdf Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities 1999 2005 84

API-Std-1115-1994.pdf Operation of Solution-Mined Underground Storage Facilities 1994 VIGENTE 25

API-Std-1130-2002.pdf Computational Pipeline Monitoring for Liquid Pipelines 2002 VIGENTE 36

API-Std-1160-2001.pdf Managing System Integrity for Hazardous Liquid Pipelines 2001 VIGENTE 86

API-Std-1529-1998.pdf Aviation Fueling Hose 1998 2005 34

API-Std-1542-1996.pdf Airport Equipment Marking for Fuel Identification 1996 2007 13

API-Std-1631-2001.pdf Interior Lining and Periodic Inspection of Underground Storage Tanks 2001 VIGENTE 38

API-Std-2000-1998.pdf Venting Atmospheric and Low-Pressure Storage Tanks 1998 2009 52

API-Std-2015-1994.pdf Safe Entry and Claning of Petroleum Storage Tanks 1994 2001 56

API-Std-2015-2001.pdf Requirements for Safe Entry and Cleaning of Petroleum Storage Tanks 2001 VIGENTE 64

API-Std-2510-2001.pdf Design and Construction of LPG Installations 2001 VIGENTE 35

API-Std-2531-1963.pdf Mechanical Displacement Meter Provers 1963 VIGENTE 40

API-Std-2551-1965.pdf Method for Measurement and Calibration of Horizontal Tanks 1965 VIGENTE 46

API-Std-2552-1965.pdf Method for Measurement and Calibration of Spheres and Spheroids 1965 1966 15

API-Std-2555-1987.pdf Method for Liquid Calibration of Tanks 1987 1966 16

Desing, Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection of Terminal & Tank

API-Std-2610-1994.pdf 1994 2005 62

API-TITLE-1996.pdf Introduction to Oil and Gas Production 1996 114

Technical Report on Temperature Derating on API Flanges Under Combination of

API-TR-6AF1-1998.pdf 1998 VIGENTE 245



ISO-13628 and API-17-2004.pdf 2004 8
Publications by Number (y las "no numeradas" más abajo) - Según CATALOGO API
Normas API 2010.xls de 2010 N/A 2
Documento Ciudad de
Medio Físico del Id de Tipo de Nombre del Editorial del Idioma del
Criterios de Búsqueda del Documento: actualizado (*) Ejemplar No.: tipo de escaneo Fecha (*) Proyecto: Publicación del ISBN:
Documento: Documento: Documento: Proyecto: Documento: Documento:
por Documento:

ANSI, ISA, instrumentos, instrumentación, 0_ISA-

STDLIBRARY-INDEX-1998-01, index, standards,
TRV (Magnético) LISTADO 5/26/2009 ISA N.A. INGLES N.A.
library, for, measurement, and, control, índice,
medición, control.

ANSI, ISA, instrumentos, instrumentación, ANSI-

ISA-5-06-01-2007, functional, requirements, Research
documentation,for, control, software, Triangle Park,
TRV (Magnético) NORMA 5/26/2009 ISA INGLES 978-1-934394-33-5
applications,process, automation, systems, North Carolina,
sistemas de control, instrumentos, requerimientos, USA.
funcionales, documentación.

ANSI, ISA, instrumentos, instrumentación, ANSI-

ISA-7-0-01-1996, quality, standard, for, instrument,
Triangle Park,
air, pneumatic, control, circuit, pressure, test, HCA (Magnético) NORMA 5/8/2009 ISA INGLES 1-55617-606-6
North Carolina,
calidad, estandar, aire, instrumentos, neumatico,
presión, prueba

ANSI, ISA, instrumentos, instrumentación, ANSI-

ISA-7-0-01-1996, definitions, and, information, Research
pertaining, to, electrical, instruments, in, hazardous, Triangle Park,
HCA (Magnético) NORMA 5/8/2009 ISA INGLES 1-55617-696-1
classified, locations, electrical, area, definiciones, North Carolina,
instrumentos, eléctricos, áreas, eléctricas, USA.
clasificadas, National, Electrical, Code, NEC

ANSI, ISA, instrumentos, instrumentación, National

Electrical Code, 2008 EditionNonincendive
HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
Electrical Equipment for Use in Class I & II, Division
2 & Class III, Divisions I & 2 Hazardous : S12.12

HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009

National Electrical Code, 2008 Edition HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009

Annunciator Sequences & Specifications

HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
Control Center Facilities : ISA Standard RP60.1

Sample-Line Piping and Tubing Standards for Use

HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
in Nuclear Power Plants

Setpoints for Nuclear Safety-Related

HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009

Response Time Testing of Nuclear-Safety-Related

Instrument Channels in Nuclear Power Plants : ISA HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
Standard S67.06

HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009

Flow Equations for Sizing Control Valves HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009

Face-to-Face Dimensions for Buttweld-End Globe-

Style Control Valves (Class 4500)
Face-to-Face Dimensions for Socket Weld-End
& Screwed-End Globe-Style Control Valves
(Classes 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500)
HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
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Face-to-Face Dimensions for Flanged Globe-Style

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Face-to-Face Dimensions for Flanged Globe-Style

Control Valve Bodies: ANSI Classes 125, 150, 250,
300 and 600 HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings,
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Forged Steel Fittings, Socket-Welding and

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Threaded Control Valve Terminology

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Includes 1998 Addenda
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Buttwelding Ends

Face-to-Face Dimensions for Buttweld-End Globe-

HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
Style Control Valves : ANSI Class 4500
Face-to-Face Dimensions for Integral Flanged
Globe-Style Control Valve Bodies (ANSI Classes
125, 150, 250, 300, and 600)
Face-to-Face Dimensions for Separable Flanged HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
Globe-Style Control Valves (Classes 150, 300 and

Face-to-Face Dimensions for Separable Flanged

Globe-Style Control Valves : ANSI Classes 150, HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
300 & 600, S75.20 - OUT OF PRINT

HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009

Inherent Flow Characteristic & Rangeability of

HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
Control Valves

Method of Evaluating the Performance of

Positioners with Analog Input Signals & Pneumatic HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009

Hydrostatic Testing of Control Valves HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009

Hydrostatic Testing of Control Valves HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009

Fossil Fuel Power Plant Simulators : Functional

Requirements S77.20
Fossil Fuel Power Plant Boiler Combustion HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
Controls : ISA Standard S77.41

Fossil Fuel Power Plant Boiler Combustion Controls

: ISA Standard S77.41
Fossil Fuel Power Plant Feedwater Control HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
System - Drum Type
Fossil Fuel Power Plant Boiler Combustion Controls
HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
: ISA Standard S77.41

Fossil Fuel Power Plant Feedwater Control System

HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
- Drum-Type

Fossil Fuel Power Plant Steam Temperature

HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
Control System - Drum Type

Fossil Fuel Power Plant Steam Temperature

Control System - Drum Type
Fossil Fuel Power Plant Human Machine
HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
Interface: Task Analysis

Guidance for Testing of Process Sector Safety

Instrumented Functions (SIF) Implemented as or
Within Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS)
Fossil Fuel Power Plant Unit/Plant Demand HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
Development - Drum Type

Application of Safety Instrumented Systems for the

Process Industries
Part 1: Guideline on the Implementation of HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004 (IEC 61511 Mod)
Application of Safety Instrumented Systems for the
Process Industries
Part 1: Guideline on the Implementation of HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004 (IEC 61511 Mod)

Application of Safety Instrumented Systems for the

Process Industries
HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
Part 1: Guideline on the Implementation of
ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004 (IEC 61511 Mod)

Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for

the Process Industry Sector - Part 1: Framework,
Definitions, System, Hardware and Software
Requirements (IEC 61511-1 Mod)
Functional Safety: Safety HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry
Sector - Part 3: Guidance for the Determiniation of
the Required Safety Integrity Levels - Informative

Batch Control Part 3: General and Site Recipe

Models and Representation HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
ISA-88 Batch Standards and User Resources

Batch Control Part 1: Models and Terminology

Batch Control Part 2:Data Structures and
HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
Guidelines for Languages

HCA (Magnético) 2/8/2009

Criticality Classification Guideline for

API Recommended Practice 554, Part 2: Process HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
Control Systems - Process Control System Design,
First Edition

Performance Requirements for Instruments Used to

Detect Oxygen-Deficient/Oxygen-Enriched HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
Atmospheres - Part I
Valves - Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End -
HCA (Magnético) 5/8/2009
Includes 1998 Addenda

Batch Control Part 3: General and Site Recipe

Models and Representation
API Recommended Practice 554, Part 2: Process HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009
Control Systems - Process Control System Design,
First Edition

Batch Control Part 3: General and Site Recipe

HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009
Models and Representation

Enterprise-Control System Integration - Part 2:

HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009
Object Model Attributes

HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009

Industrial valves -- Part-turn actuator attachments
Part-Turn Valve Actuator Attachment - Flange and
HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009
Driving Component Dimensions and Performance

API Recommended Practice 554, Part 2: Process

Control Systems - Process Control System Design, HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009
First Edition

HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009

2005 National Electrical Code

Wiring Practices for Hazardous (Classified) HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009
Locations Instrumentation Part 1: Intrinsic Safety

Wiring Practices for Hazardous (Classified)

HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009
Locations Instrumentation Part 1: Intrinsic Safety

2002 National Electrical Code

Performance Requirements for Combustible Gas
HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Toxic

HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009
Gas-Detection Instruments: Hydrogen Sulfide

Graphic Symbols for Distributed Control-Shared

Display Instrumentation, Logic & Computer HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009
Systems Instrument Loop Diagrams
Engineering Procedure for Developing Electrical
Area Classifications
HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009
National Electrical Code,
2008 Edition

National Electrical Code, 2008 Edition

Nonincendive Electrical Equipment for Use in
HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009
Class I & II, Division 2 & Class III, Divisions I & 2

Performance Requirements for Toxic Gas-Detection

HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009
Instruments: Hydrogen Sulfide

Fossil Fuel Power Plant Human-Machine Interface:

HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009
Fossil Fuel Power Plant Human-Machine Interface:

HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009

Fieldbus Standard for Use in Industrial Control

Systems Parts 3 & 4, TR1: Technical Report for HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009
Fieldbus Data Link Layer - Tutorial

Fieldbus Standard for Use in Industrial Control

Systems Parts 3 & 4, TR1: Technical Report for HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009
Fieldbus Data Link Layer - Tutorial
Fossil Fuel Power Plant Steam Temperature
HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009
Control System - Drum Type

Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for

the Process Industry Sector - Part 1: Framework,
Definitions, System, Hardware and Software
Requirements (IEC 61511-1 Mod )
HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009
Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for
the Process Industry Sector - Part 3: Guidance for
the Determiniation of the Required Safety Integrity
Levels - Informative

Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for

the Process Industry Sector - Part 1: Framework,
Definitions, System, Hardware and Software
Requirements (IEC 61511-1 Mod )
HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009
Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for
the Process Industry Sector - Part 3: Guidance for
the Determiniation of the Required Safety Integrity
Levels - Informative

Performance Requirements for Instruments Used to

Detect Oxygen-Deficient/Oxygen-Enriched HCA (Magnético) 5/11/2009
Atmospheres - Part I

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

Security Technologies for Manufacturing and

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Control Systems

API Recommended Practice 554, Part 2: Process

Control Systems - Process Control System Design, HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
First Edition

Graphic Symbols for Process Displays

Fossil Fuel Power Plant Steam Temperature
Control System - Drum Type
People Who Bought This Also Bought: HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Graphic Symbols for Distributed Control-Shared
Display Instrumentation, Logic & Computer HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Systems Instrument Loop Diagrams

Graphic Symbols for Process Displays HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

Fossil Fuel Power Plant Steam Temperature

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Control System - Drum Type

Graphic Symbols for Distributed Control-Shared

Display Instrumentation, Logic & Computer HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

Producing Quality Instrument Air

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Pneumatic Control Circuit Pressure Test

Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zones 0, 1 &

2 Hazardous (Classified) Locations: General HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Requirements (IEC 60079-0 Mod)

Engineering Procedure for Developing Electrical

Area Classifications
HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
National Electrical Code,
2008 Edition
Fossil Fuel Power Plant Human-Machine Interface:
HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Fossil Fuel Power Plant Human-Machine Interface:

Instrumentation Symbols and Identification

Instrument Loop Diagrams HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

Nonincendive Electrical Equipment for Use in Class

I & II, Division 2 & Class III, Divisions I & 2
HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Hazardous Binary Logic Diagrams for Process

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

Instrument Loop Diagrams

Nonincendive Electrical Equipment for Use in Class
I & II, Division 2 & Class III, Divisions I & 2 HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Hazardous : S12.12
Instrument Loop Diagrams
Nonincendive Electrical Equipment for Use in Class
I & II, Division 2 & Class III, Divisions I & 2 HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Hazardous : S12.12

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

Fossil Fuel Power Plant Steam Temperature

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Control System - Drum Type

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

Control Center Facilities : ISA Standard RP60.1

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Annunciator Sequences & Specifications

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

Control Center Facilities : ISA Standard RP60.1

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Annunciator Sequences & Specifications

Specification for Pneumatically Actuated Cylinder

Manually Operated Thermoplastic Gas Shutoffs and
Valves in Gas Distribution Systems
People Who Bought This Also Bought: HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

Considerations for Evaluting Control Valve

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings,
Flanges and Unions
Control Valve Capacity Test Procedure
HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Hydrostatic Testing of Control Valves

Fiberglass Cable Tray Systems

Safety Requirements for Electrical
Equipment for Measurement, Control, & Laboratory HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Use (IEC 61010-2-031)

Batch Control Part 3: General and Site Recipe

Models and Representation
API Recommended Practice 554, Part 2: Process HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Control Systems - Process Control System Design,
First Edition

Performance Requirements for Hydrogen Sulfide

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Detection Instruments (10-100 ppm)

Performance Requirements for Chlorine Detection

Instruments (0.5-30 ppm Full Scale)
HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Control Center Facilities : ISA Standard RP60.1
Performance Requirements for Ammonia Detection
Instruments (25-500 ppm)
HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Control Center Facilities : ISA Standard RP60.1

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

Standard Test Method for Evaluating Automotive

Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel for Electronic Port Fuel
Injector Fouling by Bench Procedure
Machinery Protection Systems HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
People Who Bought This Also Bought:

HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

Recommended Practice for Wiring Methods for

Hazardous (Classified) Locations Instrumentation
Part 1: Intrinsic Safety
Nonincendive Electrical Equipment for Use in Class HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
I & II, Division 2 & Class III, Divisions I & 2
Hazardous : S12.12
Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical
HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Equipment, 1998 Edition

National Electrical Code, 2008 Edition HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009

Recommended Practice for the Installation,

Operation, and Maintenance of Combustible Gas HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Detection Instruments

Engineering Procedure for Developing Electrical

Area Classifications
Recommended Practice for Classifications of
HCA (Magnético) 5/12/2009
Locations for Electrical Installations Classified as
Class I Zone 0, Zone 1, or Zone 2

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009

Standard Procedures for Calibrating Magnetic

Instruments to Measure the Delta Ferrite Content of
Austenitic and Duplex Austenitic-Ferritic Stainless
Steel Weld Metal HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009
AGA Report No. 8, Compressibility Factor of
Natural Gas and Related Hydrocarbon Gases

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009

Nomenclature for Instrument Tube Fittings : ISA

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009
Standard RP42.1

Nomenclature for Instrument Tube Fittings HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009

Instrument Loop Diagrams
HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009
Temperature Measurement Thermocouples

Instrumentation Symbols and Identification

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009
Annunciator Sequences & Specifications

Human Engineering for Control Centers

Instrument Loop Diagrams HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009

Instrumentation Symbols and Identification

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009
Control Center Design Guide & Terminology

Human Engineering for Control Centers

Control Center Design Guide & Terminology
HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009
Fossil Fuel Power Plant Human-Machine Interface:
HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009

Human Engineering for Control Centers

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009
Control Center Design Guide & Terminology

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009

Control Valve Terminology

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009
Control Valve Position Stability

Laboratory Measurement of Aerodynamic Noise

Generated by Control Valves HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009
Flow Equations for Sizing Control Valves

Nameplates, Labels & Tags for Control Centers

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009
Annunciator Sequences & Specifications
Fossil Fuel Power Plant Steam Temperature
Control System - Drum Type
Fossil Fuel Power Plant Human Machine
HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009
Interface: Task Analysis

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009
Hydrogen Sulfide Detection Instruments

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009

Graphic Symbols for Distributed Control-Shared

Display Instrumentation, Logic & Computer
Systems Instrumentation Symbols and
HCA (Magnético) 5/13/2009
People Who Bought This Also Bought:

Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zones 0, 1 &

2 Hazardous (Classified) Locations: General HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009

Definitions and Information Pertaining to Electrical

Instruments in Hazardous (Classified) HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
LocationsMachinery Protection Systems
Recommended Practice for the Installation,
Operation, and Maintenance of Combustible Gas HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
Detection Instruments

Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zone 1

Hazardous (Classified) Locations: Type of
HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
Protection - Increased Safety "e" (IEC 60079-7

Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zone 1

Hazardous (Classified) Locations: Type of
Protection - Increased Safety 'e'
HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zone 1
Hazardous (Classified) Locations: Type of
Protection - Powder Filling 'q' (IEC 60079-5 Mod)

Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zone 1

Hazardous (Classified) Locations Type of HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
Protection - Encapsulation "m" (IEC 60079-18 Mod)

National Electrical Code, 2008 Edition HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009

National Electrical Code, 2008 Edition HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009

Instrumentation Symbols and Identification

Instrument Loop Diagrams HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009

Nonincendive Electrical Equipment for Use in Class

I & II, Division 2 & Class III, Divisions I & 2
HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
Binary Logic Diagrams for Process Operations

HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009

Instrument Loop Diagrams

Nonincendive Electrical Equipment for Use in
HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
Class I & II, Division 2 & Class III, Divisions I & 2

Instrument Loop Diagrams

Nonincendive Electrical Equipment for Use in Class
HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
I & II, Division 2 & Class III, Divisions I & 2

Flow Equations for Sizing Control Valves HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009

Specification for Pneumatically Actuated Cylinder

HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
Manually Operated Thermoplastic Gas Shutoffs
and Valves in Gas Distribution Systems

Face-to-Face Dimensions for Buttweld-End Globe-

Style Control Valves (Class 4500)
Face-to-Face Dimensions for Socket Weld-End HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
& Screwed-End Globe-Style Control Valves
(Classes 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500)
Considerations for Evaluting Control Valve
HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings,
Flanges and Unions

Method of Evaluating the Performance of

Positioners with Analog Input Signals and HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
Pneumatic Output

Fiberglass Cable Tray Systems

Safety Requirements for Electrical
Equipment for Measurement, Control, & Laboratory HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009

Control Center Facilities

HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
Annunciator Sequences & Specifications

Area Classification in Hazardous, Classified, Dust

Nonincendive Electrical Equipment for Use HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
in Class I & II, Division 2 & Class III, Divisions I & 2
Specification Forms for Process Measurement and
Control Instruments Part 1: General Considerations
HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
- Specification Forms CD in Microsoft Word Format,
Second Edition

Fieldbus Standard for Use in Industrial Control

Systems - Part 3: Data Link Service Definition
HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
Fieldbus Standard for Use in Industrial Control
Systems - Part 4: Data Link Protocol Specification

HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009

Control Valve Position Stability HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009

HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009

Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) - Safety

Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques Parts 1- HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
5 - Complete Set

Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) - Safety

Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques Parts 1- HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
5 - Complete Set
Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) - Safety
Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques Parts 1- HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
5 - Complete Set

Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) - Safety

Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques Parts 1- HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
5 - Complete Set

Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) - Safety

Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques Parts 1- HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
5 - Complete Set
API Recommended Practice 554, Part 2: Process
Control Systems - Process Control System Design, HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
First Edition

Part 2 ISA-TR84.00.04-2005 Part 2: Example

Implementation of ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004 (IEC
61511 Mod)
Functional safety. Safety instrumented HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
systems for the process industry sector. Guidance
for the determination of the required safety integrity

Part 1: Guideline on the Implementation of

HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004 (IEC 61511 Mod)

HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009

Application of Safety Instrumented Systems for the

Process Industries
Code of Federal Regulations - Title 40: Part 64 HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
- 71 - Protection of Environment

API Recommended Practice 554, Part 2: Process

Control Systems - Process Control System Design, HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009
First Edition
HCA (Magnético) 5/14/2009

CFM N/A Texto 5/27/2011

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CFM N/A N/A 5/30/2011

Volúmen del Lugar de Fecha de Compra Fecha de Ingreso Estado del Autor del Sector del Especialidad del
Observaciones del Documento: Cliente del Proyecto:
Documento: almacenamiento: del Documento del Documento: Documento: Documento: Documento: Documento:



Antes era conocida como ANSI/ISA– \\server\Normas

S7.0.01–1996 Codificadas\ISA

Antes era conocida como ISA- \\server\Normas

S12.01.01-1999 Codificadas\ISA







ESTA VERSION ES SUPERADA POR ANSI/ISA 75.05.01-2000 (R2005) 01-Jan-2000 EL SCOPE SE COPIO DE LA VERSION ANSI/ISA 75.05.01-2000 (R2005) 01-Jan-2000

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