Government of Maharashtra: Self-Certification/ Permission For Commissioning of Factory Under Lock-In Condition

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Government of Maharashtra

Department of Industries, Energy & Labour

Date: 27/04/2020

Self-Certification/ Permission for commissioning of factory under lock-in condition

With reference to the Government notification no. DMU/2020/CR.92/DisM-1, Dated: 2nd May
2020, I, Mr./Ms. MR. SURESH DATTATRAY MANDLIK, DIRECTOR of Yama Engineers and
Testing Instruments Pvt Ltd state that, our factory/ unit is permitted to operate under lock-in
condition as per the guidelines mentioned in the above notification.

Details of my factory/unit/plant is as below:

Yama Engineers
Company Name: and Testing AAACY0651J
Instruments Pvt Ltd

16/6 Y. P. Powar Nagar, Kolhapur 416 012

District: Kolhapur Taluka: Karvir

Industrial Area/
Estate name:

Activity: Others Product: Testing Instruments


Contact Number: 9922414499 Contact Email:

No. of
Total Employees Employees
3 2
in Factory / Unit: required for

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Employees’ accommodation details:

Description Numbers Location address

Number of employees where

accommodation provided in 2 16/6 Y. P. Powar Nagar, Kolhapur 416 012
company premises:

Number of employees where

accommodation provided in
other building within the same
industrial area:

Number of employees where

accommodation provided
within the same revenue

Number of employees in
Self accommodation :

Employees details:

Sr. No Employee Designation Age in Yrs Gender

1 Mr. Vishal Suresh Mandlik Director 34 Male

2 Mr. Suresh Dattatray Mandlik Director 67 Male

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Compliance to National Directives for COVID-19 Management and Standard

Operating Procedure for Social Distancing

I, on behalf of "Yama Engineers and Testing Instruments Pvt Ltd" hereby confirm that we will
comply to the national directives for COVID-19 management and the standard operating
procedure for Social Distancing for Offices, Workplace, Factories and Establishments as per the
GoM guidelines vide notification no. DMU/2020/CR.92/DisM-1, dated 2nd May 2020 and 3rd
May 2020,and any further addendum to the notification. We also certify that we will comply with
the below mentioned conditions:

All areas in the premises will be disinfected using user friendly disinfectant medium
(including below mentioned:)
a. Entrance Gate of Building, Office, etc.
b. Cafeteria and canteens
1(i). c. Meeting room, Conference halls/ open areas available/ verandah/entrance gate of
site, bunkers, porta cabins. building etc.
d. Equipment and lifts.
e. Washroom. toilet, sink; water points etc.
f. Walls/ all Other surfaces

In phases, water supply to all wash basins will be replaced by foot operated taps for all
common / public areas of premises

2(i). For all employees requiring transport, special transportation facility will be arranged.

(ii). These vehicles will be operating with 30-40% passenger capacity only

3(i). All vehicles entering the premise will be mandatorily disinfected by spray

(ii). All the machinery entering the premise will be mandatorily disinfected by spray

Thermal scanning of everyone entering and exiting the work place will be done

5 Medical insurance for the workers will be provided mandatorily

Sufficient quantities of hand wash and sanitizer (preferably with touch free mechanism)
6 will be provided at all entry and exit points and common areas for employees to
disinfect themselves

7(i). One-hour gap between shifts will be provided to ensure social distancing

Lunch break will be staggered for employees in small batches, to ensure social
distancing in canteens, etc.

Large gatherings will be prohibited, and meetings of 5 or more people will not be

Seating arrangement will be such that each person is at-least 6 feet apart from others,
on job sites and in gatherings, meetings and training sessions.

9 More than 2 persons will not be allowed to travel in lifts or hoists (depending on size).

10 Use of staircase for climbing will be encouraged

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11 Gutka, tobacco, liquor etc. will be strictly banned and spitting will be strictly prohibited

12 Entry of non-essential visitors will not be permitted at the sites

List of all nearby hospitals / clinics authorized to treat COVID-19 patients will be
available at work place at all times

14 Wearing of face cover will be compulsory for all persons on premises

All persons in charge of work place and transport will ensure social distancing at all
times, as per the guidelines issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Following persons will be encouraged to work from home

(i) Persons above 65 years of age
(ii) Persons with co-morbidities
(iii) Parents of children below the age of 5

17 Mandatory sanitization of work place and vehicles will be carried out between shifts

Frequent cleaning of common surfaces and hand washing for employees will be

19 Intensive communication and training on good hygiene practices will be taken up

20 Use of Arogya Setu app will be encouraged for all employees

At the time of submission of application, work place is not in containment zone, and
work place will not be operational if the said area is declared as a containment zone

22 No employees from containment zone will be permitted to commute to work place

Quality accommodation will be provided, which will have basic facilities of health and
hygiene (toilets, bathrooms, kitchen facility), space provided for each person should be
able to maintain minimum of 6 feet distance during rest time (sleeping) and also during
movement. (Thumb rule: 100 -125 sq ft / person)

I, on behalf of Yama Engineers and Testing Instruments Pvt Ltd hereby declare that all the
details provided in this confirmation are accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

I also acknowledge that I have read and understood the penal provisions as mentioned under
MHA guidelines dated 1st May, 2020 (Annexure II) and the penal provisions as mentioned
under GoM guidelines dated 2nd May, 2020 (Annexure II), in case of violations, if any.

I further declare that, all provisions mandated under Annexure I of the GoM guidelines dated
2nd May, 2020 will be duly complied with.

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Offences and Penalties for Violation of Lockdown Measures (As per the Annexure
II of Government of Maharashtra Guidelines dated 2nd May 2020)

A. Section 51 to 60 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005

51. Punishment for obstruction, etc.—Whoever, without reasonable cause –

(a) obstructs any officer or employee of the Central Government or the State Government, or a
person authorised by the National Authority or State Authority or District Authority in the
discharge of his functions under this Act; or

(b) refuses to comply with any direction given by or on behalf of the Central Government or the
State Government or the National Executive Committee or the State Executive Committee or
the District Authority under this Act,

shall on conviction be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or
with fine, or with both, and if such obstruction or refusal to comply with directions results in loss
of lives or imminent danger thereof, shall on conviction be punishable with imprisonment for a
term which may extend to two years.

52. Punishment for false claim.—Whoever knowingly makes a claim which he knows or has
reason to believe to be false for obtaining any relief, assistance, repair, reconstruction or other
benefits consequent to disaster from any officer of the Central Government, the State
Government, the National Authority, the State Authority or the District Authority, shall, on
conviction be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, and also
with fine.

53. Punishment for misappropriation of money or materials, etc. Whoever. being entrusted with
any money or materials, or otherwise being, in custody of, or dominion over, any money or
goods, meant for providing relief in any threatening disaster situation or disaster,
misappropriates or appropriates for his own use or disposes of such money or materials or any
part thereof or wilfully compels any other person so to do, shall on conviction be punishable with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, and also with fine.

54. Punishment for false warning. Whoever makes or circulates a false alarm or warning as to
disaster or its severity or magnitude, leading to panic, shall on conviction, be punishable with
imprisonment which may extend to one year or with fine.

55. Offences by Departments of the Government. —(l) Where an offence under this Act has
been committed by any Department of the Government, the head of the Department shall be
deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished
accordingly unless he proves that the offence was committed without his knowledge or that he
exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of such offence.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (l), where an offence under this Act has

This is electronically generated letter and does not require signature.

been committed by a Department of the Government and it is proved that the offence has been
committed with the consent or connivance of, or is attributable to any neglect on the part of, any
officer, other than the head of the Department, such officer shall be deemed to be guilty of that
offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.

56. Failure of officer in duty or his connivance at the contravention of the provisions of this Act. -
Any officer, on whom any duty has been imposed by or under this Act and who ceases or
refuses to perform or withdraws himself from the duties of his office shall, unless he has
obtained the express written permission of his official superior or has other lawful excuse for so
doing, be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine.

57. Penalty for contravention of any order regarding requisitioning. —lf any person contravenes
any order made under section 65, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which
may extend to one year or with fine or with both.

58. Offence by companies. (l) Where an offence under this Act has been committed by a
company or body corporate, every person who at the time the offence was committed, was in
charge of, and was responsible to, the company, for the conduct of the business of the
company, as well as the company, shall be deemed to be guilty of the contravention and shall
be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly: Provided that nothing in this sub-
section shall render any such person liable to any punishment provided in this Act, if he proves
that the offence was committed without his knowledge or that he exercised due diligence to
prevent the commission of such offence. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section
(l), where an offence under this Act has been committed by a company, and it is proved that the
offence was committed with the consent or connivance of or is attributable to any neglect on the
part of any director, manager, secretary or other officer of the company, such director, manager,
secretary or other officer shall also, be deemed to be guilty of that offence and shall be liable to
be proceeded against and punished accordingly.

Explanation. —For the purpose of this section— (a) "company" means any body corporate and
includes a firm or other association of individuals; and (b) "director", in relation to a firm, means
a partner in the firm.

59. Previous sanction for prosecution.—No prosecution for offences punishable under sections
55 and 56 shall be instituted except with the previous sanction of the Central Government or the
State Government, as the case may be, or of any officer authorised in this behalf, by general or
special order, by such Government.

60. Cognizance of offences.- No court shall take cognizance of an offence under this Act except
on a complaint made by-(a) the National Authority, the State Authority, the Central Government,
the State Government, the District Authority or any other authority or officer authorised in this
behalf by that Authority or Government, as the case may be; or (b) any person who has given
notice of not less than thirty days in the manner prescribed, of the alleged offence and his
intention to make a complaint to the National Authority, the State Authority, the Central
Government, the State Government, the District Authority or any other authority or officer
authorised as aforesaid.

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B. Section 188 in the Indian Penal Code, 1860

188. Disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant.—Whoever, knowing that, by an

order promulgated by a public servant lawfully empowered to promulgate such order, he is
directed to abstain from a certain act, or to take certain order with certain property in his
possession or under his management, disobeys such direction, shall, if such disobedience
causes or tends to cause obstruction, annoyance or injury, or risk of obstruction, annoyance or
injury, to any person lawfully employed, be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which
may extend to one month or with fine which may extend to two hundred rupees, or with both;
and if such disobedience causes or trends to cause danger to human life, health or safety, or
causes or tends to cause a riot or affray, shall be punished with imprisonment of either
description for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to one
thousand rupees, or with both.

Explanation. - lt is not necessary that the offender should intend to produce harm, or
contemplate his disobedience as likely to produce harm. It is sufficient that he knows of the
order which he disobeys, and that his disobedience produces, or is likely to produce, harm.

An order is promulgated by a public servant lawfully empowered to promulgate such order,
directing that a religious procession shall not pass down a certain street. A knowingly disobeys
the order, and thereby causes danger of riot. A has committed the offence defined in this


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