Disaster Management Plan: WAPCOS Limited

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Any Dam project if not designed on the sound principles of design after detail investigations
in respect of hydrology, geology, seismicity etc., could spell a large scale calamity. Thus
these are inherent risk to the project like improper investigation, planning, designing and
construction which ultimately lead to human catastrophe. Though through detailed field
investigations it has been ensured that the dam is founded on firm foundation, designed for
suitable seismic design parameters, yet in view of that uncertain element of “Force Majeure”
the eventuality of a disaster cannot be ignored but a rescue plan has to be devised for
confronting such an exigency without being caught in the vast realm of unpreparedness.
A disaster is an unwarranted, untoward and emergent situation that culminates into heavy
toll of life and property and is a calamity sometimes caused by “Force Majeure” and also by
human error. The identification of all types of disaster in any proposed project scenario
involves the critical review of the project vis-à-vis the study of historical past
incidents/disasters in the similar situations. The evolution of disaster management plan
dwells on various aspects such as provision of evacuation paths, setting up of alarms and
warning systems, establishing communicating system besides delineating an Emergency
Response Organization with an Effective Response System. Keeping in view the grievous
affects a disaster can cause on human or animal population, loss of property and environment
in and around the areas of impact. Therefore it is essential to assess the possibility of such
failures in context to the present project and formulate a contingent plan.
The outflow flood hydrograph from a dam failure is dependent upon many factors such as
physical characteristics of the dam, volume of reservoir and the mode of failure. The
parameters which control the magnitude of the peak discharge and the shape of outflow
hydrograph include: the breach dimensions, the manner and length of time for the breach to
develop, the depth and volume of water stored in the reservoir, and the inflow to the
reservoir at the time of failure. The shape and size of the breach and the elapsed time of
development of the breach are in turn dependent upon the geometry of the dam,
construction materials and the casual agent for failure.
For reasons of simplicity, generally, wide applicability and the uncertainty in the actual
mechanism, the BOSSDAMBRK model has been used. The model uses failure time interval,
terminal size and shape of the breach as the inputs. The possible shapes of the breach that

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can be accomplished by the model are rectangular, triangular and trapezoidal. The model is
capable of adopting either storage routing or dynamic routing methods for routing floods
through reservoirs depending on the nature of flood wave movement in reservoirs at the time
The dynamic routing method based on the complete equations of unsteady flow is the
appropriate technique to route the flood hydrograph through the downstream valley. The
method is derived from the original equations developed by St. Venant. The model uses St.
Venant’s equations for routing dam break floods in channels.
The National Weather Service’s DAMBRK model developed by Dr. L. Fread has been used in
the study. This model simulates the failure of dam, computes the resultant outflow
hydrograph and also simulates movement of the dam break flood wave through the
downstream river valley. The model is built around three major capabilities, which are
reservoir routing, breach simulation and river routing. However, it does no rainfall-runoff
analysis and storm inflow hydrographs to the upstream of reservoir must be developed
external to the model. A brief description of the capabilities of the model is described in the
following paragraphs
i. Reservoir Routing
The storage routing is based on the law of conservation given as:
I –Q = dS/dt …………………….….. (1)
In which, I is reservoir inflow. Q is the total reservoir outflow which includes the flow
spillway, breach, overtopping flow and head independent discharge, and rate of change of
reservoir storage volume. Equation (1) can be expressed in finite difference form as :
(1 + I’ ) 2 - (Q + Q’ )/2 = ∆ S/∆t -.-----(2)
In which the prime (‘ ) superscript denotes the values at the time t - ∆t and the notation
approximates the differential. The term ∆S may be expressed as:

∆S = (As +A’s) (h-h’)/2 ………………(3)

In which, As is the reservoir surface area coincidental with the elevation (h) and is a function
of h. The discharge Q which is to be evaluated from equation (2) is a function of h and this
known h is evaluated using Newton–Raphson iteration technique and thus the estimation of
discharge corresponding to h.

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ii. Dynamic Routing
The hydrologic storage routing technique, expressed by equation (2) implies that the water
surface elevation within the reservoir is horizontal. This assumption is quite adequate for
gradually occurring breaches with no substantial reservoir inflow hydrographs. However, when
the breach is specified to form almost instantaneously so as to produce a negative wave
within the reservoir, and/or the reservoir inflow hydrograph is significant enough to produce a
positive wave progressing through the reservoir, a routing option which simulates the negative
and /or positive wave occurring within the reservoir may be used in DAMBRK model. Such a
technique is referred to as dynamic routing. The routing principle is same as dynamic routing
in river reaches and it is performed using St. Venant’s equation. The movement of the dam
break flood wave through the downstream river channel is simulated using the complete
unsteady flow equations for one dimensional open channel flow, alternatively known as St.
Venant’s equations. These equations consist of the continuity equation
∂Q ∂(A +A0)
___+ _______ = q …………………………………(4)
∂t ∂t

and the conservation of momentum equation :

∂Q ∂(A2/ +A) ∂h
___+ _______ + g A ( ---- + Sf +S e) + Lc = 0 ……(5)
∂t ∂t ∂t
A = active cross – sectional flow area
A0 = inactive (off-channel storage) cross – sectional area
X = distance the channel
q = lateral inflow or outflow per unit distance along the channel
g = acceleration due to gravity
Q = discharge
H = water surface elevation
Ss = friction slope
Se = expansion – contraction loss slope
Lc = lateral inflow/outflow momentum effect due to assumed flow path of inflow
being perpendicular to the main flow.

The friction slope and expansion – contraction loss slope are evaluated by the following
n3 Q2

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Sf = --------------- ……………………….…….(6)
2.21 A2 R¾
K∆(Q/A) 2
Se = -------------------- ……………………………….…….(7)
2g ∆ X
n = Manning’s roughness coefficient
R = A/B where B is the top width of the active portion of the channel
K = Expansion – contraction coefficient varying from 0.1 to 0.3 for contraction and 0.5
to – 1.0 expansion
∆(Q/A)2 = Difference in (Q/A)2 for cross sections at their end of a reach
The non-linear partial differential equations (4) and (5) are represented by a corresponding
set of non-linear finite difference algebraic equations and they are solved by the Newton-
Raphson method using weighted four point implicit scheme to evaluate Q and h. The initial
conditions are given by known steady discharge at the dam, for which steady state non-
uniform boundary flow equation are used. The outflow hydrograph from the reservoir is the
upstream boundary condition for the channel routing and the model is capable of dealing with
fully supercritical flow or fully supercritical flow in the reach or the upstream reach having
supercritical flow and downstream reach having subs critical flow. There is a choice of
downstream boundary conditions such as internally calculated loop rating curve, user
provided single valued rating curve, user provided time dependent water surface elevation,
critical depth and dam which ma pass flow via spillways, overtopping and/or breaching.
iii. Statement of the problem
The computation of flood wave resulting from a dam breach basically involves two scenarios
which can be considered jointly or separately: (1) the outflow hydrograph from the pond (2)
the routing of the flood wave downstream from the breached dam along the river valley and
the flood plain. If breach outflow is independent of downstream conditions, or if their effect
can be neglected, the reservoir outflow hydrograph is referred to as the free outflow
hydrograph. In this case, the computation of the flood characteristics is divided into two
distinct phases: (a) the determination of outflow hydrograph with or without the routing of
the negative wave the reservoir, and (b) the routing of flood wave downstream from the
breached dam. In this study the problem of simulating the failure of “Dam” and computing
the free outflow hydrograph from the breached section using storage routing technique’ with
the aim of reproducing the maximum water level marks reached during the passage of flood
wave is considered. The information regarding inflow hydrograph into the pond due to the

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storm at the time of failure, the structural and the hydraulic characteristics details of the
dam, the time of failure, the channel cross sections details, the maximum water level marks
reached in the reservoir at the time of failure and those observed in the downstream reach of
the dam to the passage of flood wave etc. are available for the study.
iv. Availability of Data
The input data required for the National Weather Service’s BOSS DAMBRK model can be
categorized into two groups. The first data group pertains to the dam and inflow hydrograph
into the reservoir and the second group pertains to the routing of the outflow hydrograph
through the downstream valley. These are described in the following paragraphs.
 First Data Group
With reference to the data group pertaining to the dam, the information on reservoir
elevation-volume relationship, spillway details, elevation of bottom and top of dam,
elevation of water surface in the pond at the beginning of analysis and at the time of
failure, breach description data are required and available for the study.
 Second Data Group
The second group of data pertaining to the routing of the outflow hydrograph through the
downstream valley consists of a description of cross-sections, hydraulic resistance
coefficients of the reach, steady state flow in the river at the beginning of the simulation
and downstream boundary condition. The cross section is specified by location mileage,
and tables of top width and corresponding elevation. In this study, four cross sections
details, at km. 0.0, 2.0, 3.5 and 4.2 km downstream of dam, have been used.
A rectangular breach at an El 495 masl with side slope 1:0 and breach formation time as 0.5
hr. have been considered in the study for dam break analysis of rock fill Turga upper dam and
flow from upper dam will further break lower dam. After the breach, immediately below the
dam, the maximum flow will occur immediately after the start of breach. The magnitude of
the simulated outflow hydrograph will be 9368 cumec corresponding to maximum stage
elevation 491.20 masl at Km. 0.00 is attenuated to 9314 cumecs corresponding to maximum
stage elevation of 424.10 masl at Km 2.00. The further break of lower dam will increase the
flow to 18642 at a distance of 3.5 Km. The maximum flow and time at various distances d/s of
the dam is shown in following Table-1.

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Table-1: Summary of wave profile in the event of Dam Break
Max Elevation, Maximum Flow Time to Maximum
Distance from Dam (km)
(masl) (cumec) Stage, hr.
0.000 491.20 9368 0.000
2.000 424.10 9314 0.540
3.500 398.1 18642 0.600
4.200 288.10 18523 0.680

 Failure of rock fill dam like the proposed Turga Pumped Storage Project, which is
designed to the present technical standards and built with adequate quality
control, is a very remote possibility.
 The monoliths having the least resistance to withstand the unforeseen loading
combinations may give way, which in turn provides a relief and prevents failure of
other monoliths. Under such as situation, the discharge and the water depth will
be much lesser than those determined from the study.
The emergency planning for dam break scenario is devised on the basis of results of dam
break analysis mainly the travel time of flood wave to various locations in the downstream
stretch of the river. It is inferred from the analysis that in case of main dam failure the flood
peak discharge as it prorogates through valley shall inundate downstream stretch of 2.0 km
within 0.54 Hrs and the flood wave peak will reach 4.2 km in 0.68 Hrs, implying that a little
reaction time for executing any rescue plan. The plan is, therefore, based on such measures,
which are purely preventive in nature.
5.1 Dam Safety and Maintenance Manual
Based on standard recommended guidelines for the safety inspection of dams a manual should
be prepared by the project proponents in respect of dam safety surveillance and monitoring
aspects. This should be updated with the availability of instrumentation data and observation
data with periodical review. The need for greater vigil has to be emphasized during first
reservoir impoundment and first few years of operation. The manual should also cover on the
routine maintenance schedule of all hydro-mechanical and electrical instruments. It should be
cover quantum of specific construction material needed for emergency repair along with
delineation of the suitable locations for its stocking and also identify the much needed
machinery and equipment for executing emergency repair work and for accomplishing the
evacuation plan.

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5.2 Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
Dam safety programme as indicated above includes the formation of an Emergency Action
Plan for the dam. An emergency is defined as a condition of serious nature which develops
unexpectedly and endangers downstream property and human life and required immediate
attention. Emergency Action Plan shall include all potential indicators of likely failure of the
dam, since the primary concern is for timely and reliable identification and evaluation of the
emergency situation, which may lead to dam failure.
This EAP shall cover presents warning and notification procedures to follow during the
monsoon season in case of failure or potential failure of the dam. The objective is to provide
timely warning to nearby residents and alert key personnel responsible for taking action in
case of emergency.
5.3 Administration and Procedural Aspects
The administrative and procedural aspects of the Emergency Action Plan consist of flow chart
depicting the names and addresses of the responsible personnel of project proponent and the
Dist. Administration. In order of hierarchy, the following system will usually be appropriate.
In the event that the failure is imminent or the failure has occurred or a potential emergency
condition is developing, the observer at the site is required to report it to the Junior Engineer
who will report to the Superintending Engineer/ Divisional Engineer for their reporting to the
Chief Engineer through fastest available fastest communication system. The Engineer-in-
Charge will keep the district administration informed regarding the developing situation. Each
personnel are to acknowledge his/her responsibilities under the EAP in an appropriate format
at a priority.
The technical aspects of the EAP consist of preventive action to be taken with regards to the
structural safety of the dam. The EAP is drawn at a priority for the regular inspection of the
dam. For this purpose, providing an adequate and easy access to the dam site is a necessity.
The dam, its sluices, overflows and non-overflow sections should be properly illuminated for
effective operations during night time. Whenever sinkholes, boils, increased leakages,
movement of masonry rock, gate failure, rapid rise or fall of the level in the reservoir, rise in
the level of reservoir beyond the maximum working level, or wave overrun of the dam crest
are observed, the personnel on patrol is required to inform immediately to the Assistant
Engineer (AE)/Sub-Assistant Engineer (SAE) for initiation of the execution of EAP. They are
required to inform the Engineer-in-Charge and the local administrative authorities. It is
desirable that the downstream inhabitants are warned using siren, if available, so as to make
them aware of the likely imminent danger.

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The other preventive measures may include availability of sufficient number of sandbags at
several selected downstream locations and logs (for holding sandbags) and at the dam site,
one tractor, two motor boats, gas lanterns, Manila ropes and life jackets. Areas from where
the labour can be mobilized should be chalked out at a priority. In addition to these, public
participation in the process of execution of the EAP may further help in amelioration of the
adverse impacts of the likely disaster. For this, it is necessary that the public should be made
aware of its responsibilities.
5.4 Preventive Action
Once the likelihood of an emergency situation is suspected, action has to be initiated to
prevent a failure. The point at which each situation reaches an emergency status shall be
specified and at that stage the vigilance and surveillance shall be upgraded both in respect of
time and level. At this stage a thorough inspection of the dam should be carried out to locate
any visible sign(s) of distress.
Engineers responsible for preventive action should identify sources of equipment needed for
repair, materials, labour and expertise for use during an emergency. The amount and type of
material required for emergency repairs should be determined for dam, depending upon its
characteristics, design, construction history and past behavior. It is desirable to stockpile
suitable construction materials at appropriate sites. The anticipated need of equipment
should be evaluated and if these are not available at the dam site, the exact location and
availability of these equipments should be determined and specified. The sources/agencies
must have necessary instructions for assistance during emergency. Due to the inherent
uncertainties about their effectiveness, preventive actions should usually be carried out
simultaneously with the appropriate notification on alert situation or a warning situation.
5.5 Communication System
An effective communication system and a downstream warning system are absolutely
essential for the success of an emergency preparedness plan. The difference between a high
flood and dam-break situation must be made clear to the downstream population.
5.6 Evacuations Plans
Emergency Action Plan includes evacuation plans and procedures for implementation based on
local needs. These could be:
- Demarcation / prioritization of areas to be evacuated.
- Notification procedures and evacuation instructions.
- Safe routes, transport and traffic control.
- Safe areas/shelters.
- Functions and responsibilities of members of evacuation team.

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Any precarious situation during floods will be communicated either by an alert situation or by
an alert situation followed by a warning situation. An alert situation would indicate that
although failure of flooding is not imminent, a more serious situation could occur unless
conditions improve. A warning situation would indicate that flooding is imminent as a result
of an impending failure of the dam. It would normally include an order for evacuation of
delineated inundation areas.
5.7 Evacuation Team
It will comprise of following official / Representative:
 District Magistrate (D. M.)/ His Nominated officer (To peacefully relocate the
people to places at higher elevation with state administration).
 Engineer in charge of the project (Team Leader)
 Superintendent of Police (S. P.) / Nominated Police Officer (To maintain law and
 Chief Medical Officer (C. M. O.), (To tackle morbidity of affected people)
 Head of affected village to execute the resettlement operation with the aid of
state machinery and project proponents.
 Sub committees at village level
The Engineer-in-Charge will be responsible for the entire operation including prompt
determination of the flood situation time to time. Once the red alert is declared the whole
state machinery will come into swing and will start evacuating people in the inundation areas
delineated in the inundation maps. For successful execution, annually demo exercise will be
done. The D.M. is to monitor the entire operation.
5.8 Public Awareness for Disaster Mitigation
In addition, guidelines that have to be followed by the inhabitants of flood prone areas, in the
event of flood resulting from dam failure, which form part of public awareness for disaster
mitigation may also include following:
 Listen to the radio and cable network for advance information and advice.
 Disconnect all electrical appliances and move all valuable personal and
household goods beyond the reach of floodwater, if one is warned or if one
suspects that flood waters may enter the house.
 Move vehicles, farm animals and movables goods to the higher place nearby.
 Keep sources of water pollution i.e. insecticides out of the reach of water.
 Turn off electricity and LPG gas before one has to leave the house.

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 Lock all outside doors and windows if one has to leave the house.
 Never wander around a flood area.
5.9 Notifications
Notification procedures are an integral part of any emergency action plan. Separate
procedures should be established for slowly and rapidly developing situations and failure.
Notifications would include communication of either an alert situation or an alert situation
followed by a warning situation. An alert situation would indicate that although failure or
flooding is not imminent, a more serious situation could occur unless conditions improve. A
warning situation would indicate that flooding is imminent as a result of an impending failure
of the dam. It would normally include an order for evacuation of delineated inundation areas.
5.10 Notification Procedures
Copies of the EAP that also include the above described inundation map are displayed at
prominent locations, in the rooms and locations of the personnel named in the notification
chart. For a regular watch on the flood level situation, it is necessary that the flood cells be
manned by two or more people so that an alternative person is always available for
notification round the clock. For speedy and unhindered communication, a wireless system is
a preferable mode of communication. Telephones/cell phones may be kept for back up,
wherever available. It is also preferred that the entire flood cells, if more than one, are
tuned in the same wireless channel. It will ensure communication from the dam site to the
control rooms. The communication can be established by messenger service in the absence of
such modes of communication.
5.11 Management after receding of Flood Water
It is to be accepted that in the event of dam break, even with maximum efforts, the loss of
human lives, livestock and property would be inevitable. Under such a scenario, a massive
effort would be used by various government agencies to provide various relief measures to
the evacuees. Formulation of a plan delineating such measures is beyond the scope of work of
this document. However, some of the measures which need to be implemented are listed as
 Provision of various food items and shelter to the evacuees.
 Provision of fuel for various evacuees.
 Provision of adequate fodder supply.
 Arrangements for potable water supply.

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 Commissioning of low cost sewage treatment and sanitation facilities, and
disposal of treatment sewage.
 Expeditious disposal of dead bodies human and livestock.
 Immunization programmes for prevention of outbreak of epidemics of various
water related diseases.
 Adequate stocks of medicines of various diseases, especially water-related
The budget for different activities required to be carried out for mitigation and prevention of
dam break hazard exclusively from the upper and lower dam is Rs 40.0 lakh as per details
given in Table-2.
Table-2: Budget earmarked for implementation of Disaster Management Plan
S. No. Particular Cost (Rs. lakh)
1. Installation of alert system and communication 20.0
between Upper and Lower Dams
2. Setting up of communication system between dam 10.0
and d/s settlements
3. Public information system 10.0
Total 40.0

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