BM1155 Introduction To Marketing Management

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BM1155 Introduction to Marketing


Week 15

Module Introduction

Julius Stephan
(MSc, B.A. Hons, PgCert)
Julius Stephan
Module Leader and Lecturer
ABS 427 (Marketing & Strategy Group)
Aston Profile:

To book an appointment in Julius’ office

hours via WASS:
Office hours are usually: Tues & Thurs
David Carrington
ABS 242 (Marketing & Strategy Group)

Aston Profile:

Aston Replay
This session is being recorded for
educational purposes
It will be available to students on this
module via Aston Replay and Blackboard
later today
If you ask a question or make a comment
your voice may appear on the recording
Ask me to pause the recording if you do
not want your question or comment
See for more
Expectations of me….
I will deliver to you:
Thorough teaching, to ensure that you understand the
module content (theory + practical examples)
Lecture slides posted at least 48 hours before
Timely responses to your emails and discussion posts
Regular office hours (see WASS)
Continuous feedback in tutorials and on your
assessed work
Expectations of you….
It is expected that you will:
Arrive at the lecture on time
Pay attention during the lecture
Ensure your phone is on silent. Only use it to check
information relevant to the lecture.
Not leave the lecture early unless you have asked for
permission at the start of the lecture
Add to the class experience through Comments, Questions,
Answers, Humour
Professionally communicate (in written & verbal
communication, incl. emails)
Common Problems with studying Marketing…
Information Overload
732 page textbook
Approx. 500 slides
11 lectures – 10,000 words per lecture
Subject Diversity
Amount of ideas/concepts
Number of skills required
Lack of a simple hierarchy of knowledge
Not a unified science
Different Perspectives, no black and white
Not a Unified Science

Business Geography
Subjects Economics

Statistics Psychology

Technology Philosophy

Anth’ology Sociology

How to deal with these problems…
Information Overload
Slow but steady assimilation
Read assigned material every week before class
Attend your lectures
Plan ahead for your coursework (group assignment)
Subject Diversity
Realise you will have strengths and weaknesses
Don’t be too impatient – it will make sense in the end
A new language
Try to learn the terminologies and definitions
Not a unified science
Accept debate and shades of grey
15 Marketing Principles & Society

16 Marketing Environment & Strategy

17 Marketing Research & Customer Insights

18 Consumer & Business Buying Behaviour

19 Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (Prof Paul Baines)

20 Product Innovation & Branding

21 Marketing Communications

22 Pricing Decisions

23 Marketing Channels & Retailing (Guest lecture tbc)

24 Managing Relationships & Services Marketing

25 Revision Lecture
Essential Reading
Baines, P., Fill, C. and Sarah Rosengren (2016)
Marketing, 4th Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Textbook - Online Resource Centre

Practitioner Insight Videos

Library of Video Links
Author Audio Podcasts
Multiple-Choice Questions
Flashcard Glossaries
Employability Guidance and Marketing Careers Insights
Internet Activities
Research Insights (Seminal Paper Links)
Web Links

Module Objectives
Critically assess the marketing environment using
appropriate tools and techniques
Identify and describe marketing issues and problems
based on a case study scenario
Recall, apply and evaluate a set of appropriate
marketing theories, frameworks and techniques
Demonstrate cooperative working in a small group to
present findings

Group Presentation: Devise and present a
rebranding and repositioning strategy using the Müller
case study (40% weighting)
More details will be provided in tutorials and on
Blackboard from Week 16
Check which group you are in on Blackboard

Multiple Choice Examination – 2 hours – 80

questions (60% weighting) – May 2018
Module Structure & Learning Schedule
Lectures (11 hours)
Tutorials (4) – held every other week – please ensure
you know which group you belong to – tutorials start
next week (week 16) for some groups and week 17 for
Group Presentations – check Blackboard to see which
subgroup you have been allocated to
Office Hours
Independent Reading
Please read the module outline for BM1155
BM1155 Introduction to Marketing

Week 15

Marketing Principles and Society

Learning Objectives
By the end of the session students should be able to:

Define the marketing concept

Explain how marketing thought has developed over
the twentieth and into the twenty first century
Understand the exchange and marketing mix concepts
in marketing
Understand the contribution that marketing makes to
What is Marketing?

“Selling and
advertising are
only the tip of
the iceberg”

(Armstrong et
al., 2016:11)
What is Marketing? (continued)
“Marketing is the activity, set
of institutions, and processes
for creating, communicating,
Definitions of Marketing delivering, and exchanging
offerings that have value for
“The management process of customers, clients, partners,
anticipating, identifying and and society at large” (AMA,
satisfying customer requirements 2007)
profitably” (CIM, 2001)


“Marketing is the endeavour of adapting

organisations to their competitive markets
in order to influence, in their favour, the
C behaviour of their publics, with an offer
whose perceived value is durably superior
to that of the competition” (French trans.:
Lendrevie, Lévy and Lindon, 2006).


Needs Wants Demands
Core of Marketing
Needs – state of felt deprivation for basic items
such as food, clothing and other complex needs
Example: I am hungry

Wants – form that a human need takes as shaped

by culture and individual personality
Example: I want a pizza

Demands - human wants backed by buying power

Example: I have money to buy this meal
Market Orientation

The 3 Customer Orientation

of market

Profit Focus

Competitor Interfunctional
Orientation Coordination

Narver & Slater (1990)

A brief history of Marketing (Examples)

Late 19th Century Japan 18th Century England

(Source:, 2017) (Source: McKendrick, 1982)
Company Orientations or Philosophies

Production Selling Marketing
Concept Concept Concept
Production Concept
Consumers will favour products that are
available and affordable
Selling Concept
Consumers will not buy enough
without a large scale selling
and promotion effort
Marketing Concept
Focus on satisfying the needs and wants of
target markets
Societal Marketing Concept

Stronger focus on social and ethical concerns

in marketing
Company Orientations
Orientation Means Ends
Product and Technology Profits through
Product R&D
“Our product is so good, it will sell itself” technical
Product and technical features prowess
Production Manufacturing Profits through
“Make and sell” process scale and
Cost and volume output capability efficiency
Selling and Profits through
“Let’s go out there and persuade
promotional increasing
customers to buy”
techniques sales
Sales incentives based upon volume
Profits through
“Listen, serve and customise”. The expanded
Superior value across key customers / marketing mix
customer segments

Think about the most successful strategy?

Marketing and Business Performance
Does Marketing Work?

Market Narver & Slater (1990)

Orientation Kohli & Jaworski (1990)

Kirca, Jayachandran &
Business Bearden (2005)
Marketing Exchange Processes
The 4Ps of the Marketing Mix
What about Services?
Extension of the 4Ps – 7Ps (Services)
Physical evidence / ambience – to emphasize that the
tangible components of services were strategically

Process – to emphasize the importance of the service

delivery. When processes are standardized, it is easier to
manage customer expectations.

People – to emphasize the importance of customer

service personnel, sometimes experts and often
professionals interacting with the customer. How they
interact with customers, and how satisfied customers are
as a result of their experiences, is of strategic importance.
Exercise – how is the marketing mix used by
Costa Coffee?
In pairs spend 5 minutes thinking about the following:

What is the basic customer need?

Target market?
Product/service offering?
Promotional tools?
Place (where purchased & how)?
Physical evidence?
The Aggregate Marketing System
Marketing provides benefits to society through:
promotion and delivery of desired products and services
a forum for market learning
stimulation of market demand
a wide scope for choice of products and services by
offering a close / customized fit with consumer needs
facilitates purchases (or acquisitions generally)
saves time and promotes efficiency in customer
requirement matching
new products and services (and improvements) to market
to meet needs
seeks customer satisfaction for repeat purchases

(Wilkie and Moore, 1999)

Some possible controversies in Marketing
What is fair pricing?
Persuasion or manipulation of customers?
International vs home based marketing?
Limitless consumption?
Protection of vulnerable or susceptible groups
Impact of powerful groups of producers

Define the marketing concept
Explain how marketing thought has developed over
the twentieth and into the twenty first century
Understand the exchange and marketing mix concepts
in marketing
Understand the contribution that marketing makes to
For Next Week
Please read textbook Chapter 1 – Marketing Principles
and Society – Baines and Fill
Start to read Chapters 4 and 5 – Marketing
Environment and Marketing Strategy – ready for next

Check timetable to find out when/where your tutorial

sessions will be
Thank You and Any Questions?

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