Fume Hoods

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When editing to suit project, author shall add job-specific requirements and delete only those portions that
in no way apply to the activity (e.g., a component that does not apply). To seek a variance from applicable
requirements, contact the LEM Mechanical POC.
When assembling a specification package, include applicable specifications from all Divisions, especially
Division 1, General Requirements.
Information within “stars” is provided as guidance to the author responsible for revising the specification.
Delete information within “stars” during editing.
This specification serves as a template. The specification was prepared by an organization operating under
a quality assurance program that meets the requirements of 10 CFR 830 (suitable for ML-1 through ML-4
projects). Implementation of this specification requires modification to the specification to meet project-
specific requirements. Responsibility for application of this specification to meet project-specific
requirements lies with the organization modifying or implementing the specification. The organization
modifying the specification shall apply a graded approach to quality assurance based on the management
level designation of the project. When this specification is used with nuclear facilities subject to 10 CFR
830, modification to this specification must be performed by an individual or organization operating under
a quality assurance program that meets the requirements of that CFR.
The specification requirements stated herein are dependent upon specific knowledge of the system,
structure and component’s safety functions and interaction with other systems, structures, and components.
The author of this section shall consider and apply additional safety requirements based upon knowledge of
the system, structure, and component’s specific safety function as related to the project and facility. These
requirements include those addressed in documents TA-55-WI-004, “Working in PF-4 Hoods,” TA-55-WI-
025, “Decommissioning and Removing of Gloveboxes and Hoods in PF-4, TA-55,” and hood related issues
in nuclear facilities such as exhaust tie-in, primary exhaust, secondary exhaust, hazard control, plans,
required training, Material Control & Accountability, waste management, required records, etc.



This section establishes the requirements for the specification of laboratory fume hoods.
1. Laboratory Fume Hoods, including constant airflow volume open bypass hoods,
variable airflow volume restricted bypass hoods, and special purpose hoods.
Equipment provisions for ADA compliance are specified where applicable.
1. Based on fume hood design, furnish and install all fume hoods and related
understructures as specified and/or as shown on drawings.

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[Rev. 0, December 5, 2002] 11612-1
2. Furnish and deliver all service outlets, accessory fittings, electrical receptacles and
switches, as listed in this specification, equipment schedules, or as shown on
3. Pre-install fittings for attachment to the fume hood superstructure at the factory.
4. Pre-plumb plumbing fixtures mounted on the fume hood superstructures per
section 2.2.K. Pre-wire electrical fixtures per section 2.2.L.
Edit applicable related sections and divisions listed below to meet project requirements associated with the
fume hood.
C. Related Sections
1. Section 01015: LANL/Contractor Furnished Property and Services
2. Section 01330: Submittal Procedures
3. Section 01600: Material and Equipment
4. Section 01700: Contract Closeout
5. Section 13085: Seismic Protection

Codes, specifications, and standards referred to by number or title form a part of this specification
to the extent required by the following references and others that may exist in this document. Use
codes, specifications, and standards referenced below of the latest revision at the time of award of
contract, unless otherwise stated below.
A. 10 CFR 830.122: Nuclear Safety Management Quality Assurance Criteria
B. ASHRAE Standard 110: Method of Testing Performance of Laboratory Fume Hoods
C. ASTM E84: Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building
D. DOE-STD-1020: Natural Phenomena Hazards Design and Evaluation Criteria for
Department of Energy Facilities
E. DOE-STD-1021: Natural Phenomena Hazards Performance Categorization Guidelines for
Structures, Systems, and Components
F. HSR-5-LIHSM-01: Ventilation Chemical Laboratory Fume Hood Testing, Los Alamos
National Laboratory Industrial Hygiene and Safety Group Laboratory Health and Safety
G. LANL Engineering Manual
H. LANL Memorandum ESA-EA:99-015
I. LANL Supplier Deviation Disposition Request
J. NFPA 255: Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building
K. NMT-AP-011: Receipt Inspection of Items and Materials

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L. SEFA 2.3: Installation of Scientific Laboratory Furniture and Equipment-Recommended
M. UL 723: Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials


A. Access Opening: Part of a fume hood through which work is performed; entrance; sash or
face opening. Also an opening that allows service access to components normally hidden
behind obstructions, structure, or panels.
B. ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act
C. AI: As installed
D. Airfoil: Curved, angular, shaped, or streamlined member at the fume hood entrance and
horizontally oriented across the lower part of the fume hood access opening. Shaped to
provide a smooth airflow into the fume hood interior across the work surface. Type of
fume hood with streamlined members at entrance opening.
E. AM: As manufactured
F. ANSI: American National Standards Institute
G. ASHRAE: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers
H. Baffle: Panels located across hood interior back wall which control and direct the pattern
of airflow moving through the hood.
I. Bypass: Compensating opening that functions to maintain constant volume fume hood
exhaust, regardless of sash position, and limit the maximum face velocity as the sash is
raised or lowered.
J. Casework: A generic term for base and wall cabinets, display fixtures, and storage shelves.
Generally includes the tops and work surfaces.
K. Certificate of Conformance: Certificate of Conformance: A supplier’s certification that is
traceable to the shipment, the items, or materials and states that the materials conform in all
respects with the purchase order requirements. This certificate is signed or otherwise
authenticated by the supplier’s authorized representative. The responsible person within the
manufacturing organization signs and authenticates the CoC and certifies the conformance
of all items shipped to purchase-order requirements [NMT: Refer to NMT-AP-011].
L. CFR: Code of Federal Regulation
M. CoC: Certificate of Conformance
N. Combination Sash: A fume hood sash with a framed member that moves vertically
housing two or more horizontally sliding transparent viewing panels.
O. Damper: Device installed in a duct to control airflow volume.
P. DBE: Design Basis Earthquake
Q. DOE: Department of Energy
R. Duct: Round, square, or rectangular tube used to enclose moving air.
S. Entrance: Front or access opening of fume hood.
T. Exhaust Collar: Place where exhaust duct connects to fume hood and through which all
exhaust air passes.

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U. Face Opening: Front access or sash opening of a fume hood. Also see sash or access
V. Face Velocity: Average velocity of air moving through the fume hood entrance or access
opening and perpendicular to the hood face. Usually expressed in FPM and measured at
the plane of the face opening.
W. Hood Face: The plan of minimum area at the front portion of a laboratory fume hood
through which air enters when the sash(es) is (are) fully opened, usually in the same plane
as the sash(es) when sash(es) are present.
X. Horizontal Sash: A fume hood sash with typically two or more framed panels that slide
horizontally across the hood opening.
Y. LANL: Los Alamos National Laboratory, operated by the University of California for the
Department of Energy.
Z. Make-Up Air: Air needed to replace the air taken from the room by fume hoods and other
air exhausting devices.
AA. NFPA: National Fire Protection Association
BB. NMT: Nuclear Materials Technology
CC. Plenum: A chamber used to equalize airflow.
DD. QA: Quality Assurance
EE. Rough-In: Location for point of connection of plumbing, electrical, or mechanical services
within the casework service tunnel/chase. Located within fifteen feet, or as stated by local
codes, whichever is less, of the final fixture location.
FF. Sash: A moveable glazed panel or door set in the hood entrance or access opening to form
a protective shield and to control the face velocity of air into the hood.
GG. Sash Opening: See face or access opening.
HH. SEFA: Scientific Equipment and Furniture Association
II. Service Fittings: Include oxygen, gas, air, vacuum, and steam cocks; turrets; hot, cold, and
distilled water faucets; remote controlled valves; filter pumps; vacuum breakers; eye-
washers; showerheads; steam cones and steam baths; sinks, cup sinks, traps, and plaster
JJ. Service Fixtures: Include electrical convenience outlet boxes, electrical pedestals, “C”
type conduits, single or duplex VAC or VDC receptacles; switches, variable voltage units,
and fluorescent tubes.
KK. Service Tunnel or Chase: Area in back of or between the backs of base cabinets and under
the working surfaces to allow room for service lines.
LL. SPL: Static Pressure Loss
MM. Standard Hood: Similar to a Constant Airflow Volume Open Bypass Hood. Sash may be
vertical, horizontal, or combination type.
NN. Static Pressure: Measurement of resistance created when air moves through a duct or
hood; expressed in inches of water.
OO. Static Pressure Loss: Measurement of resistance created when air moves through a duct or
hood, usually expressed in inches of water.

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PP. Superstructure: Portion of a fume hood that is supported by the work surface.
QQ. UL: Underwriters Laboratories
RR. VAV: Variable Airflow Volume
SS. Vertical Sash: A fume hood sash with one or more framed panels that slide up and
down/vertically across the hood opening to a height required by the operator.
TT. Work Space: That part of a fume hood interior where apparatus is set up and fumes are
generated. It is normally confined to a space extending from six inches behind the sash
plane to the face of the baffle, and extending from the work surface up to a plane parallel
with the top edge of the access opening.
Edit applicable sections listed below to meet project requirements associated with the fume hood.


A. Fume hoods specifically function as ventilated, enclosed work spaces designed to capture,
confine, and exhaust fumes, vapors, and particulate matter produced or generated within
the enclosure.
B. Face velocities of fume hoods are established on the basis of the toxicity or hazard of the
materials used or the operations conducted within the fume hood. A categorization of
fume hood types based on face velocities and materials handled is as follows:
1. Class A Fume Hoods: Used for materials of extreme toxicity or hazard such as
tetraethyl lead, beryllium compounds, metal carbonyls, and volatile carcinogens.
The recommended average face velocity is 125 to 150 FPM with corresponding
minimums of 100 to 125 FPM.
2. Class B Fume Hoods: Used for most materials and operations in the laboratory.
The recommended average face velocity is 100 FPM with a minimum of 80 FPM.
3. Class C Fume Hoods: Used for materials or operations where the hazard is not
high and may be used for low toxicity materials such as acetone, ethanol, straight
chain hydrocarbons, and for operations creating nuisance dusts and fumes. The
recommended average face velocity is 75 to 80 FPM with corresponding
minimums of 50 to 60 FPM.
C. Provide fume hoods of types listed below with airfoil design to ensure maximum operating
efficiency and containment. Foil sections at the front fascias of the hood minimize the
eddying of air currents at the hood face opening while the rear baffle system minimizes
turbulence in the rear and upper portion of the hood interior.
D. Hood operates on a once through airflow mode with no air recirculation back to any
operating zone. Configure the hood such that no equipment can be placed within the first
six inches inside the hood or placed in a way that will create an undesirable air current.
E. Provide fume hoods with consistent and safe airflow through the hood face. Ensure that
variations of face velocity do not exceed 20% of the average face velocity at any
designated measuring point.
F. Assure minimal SPL via adequate baffle slot area and exhaust collar configuration.
G. Maximum allowable variation throughout the range of baffle adjustment is +/- 5% for
exhaust CFM, static pressure, and average face velocity at any baffle position.
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H. Provide “dead man” features that would automatically return valves, controls, and switches
to a safe position for those valves, controls, and switches affecting processes that could
create hazards due to operator inattention or incapacitation.
I. Ensure that the average illumination of the work area is 80 foot-candles minimum. The
work area is defined as the area inside the superstructure, from side to side and from face
of baffle to the inside face of the sash, and from the working surface to a height of 28
inches above the work surface.
J. For fume hood interior materials, use only materials with a flame spread rating of less than
25 when tested in accordance with NFPA 255 or as otherwise specified.
K. Minimum dimensions: [Specify based on project requirements and fume hood type].
Verify that the hood will pass through a standard 3 ft x 7 ft doorframe with doorstops.
L. Fume Hood Types
1. Constant Airflow Volume Open Bypass Hood:
a. This type of hood exhausts a constant airflow volume regardless of sash
position and will automatically bypass air above and below the sash
opening as the sash is lowered.
b. This type of hood permits exact balancing of the room ventilating system
by maintaining a constant volume of hood exhaust airflow.
c. The upper bypass functions automatically by opening as the sash is
lowered and allows bypass air to enter the hood through a low impedance
d. The lower bypass, located below the bottom airfoil sill, vectors air in a
manner that continuously purges the work surface area.
e. The bypass system design limits face velocity increases to not more than
three and one-half times the face velocity with the sash fully open.
2. Variable Airflow Volume Restricted Bypass Hood:
a. Hood exhaust airflow volume varies proportionally to the sash position
when used with a hood face velocity controller system (supplied by
others). This type of hood exhausts the maximum airflow volume when
the sash is fully open and the minimum airflow volume when the sash is
completely closed.
b. Use of an independent VAV controller (supplied by others) is required.
Properly installed, the VAV controller adjusts the blower motor speed or a
balance damper to compensate for the sash position in order to maintain a
constant face velocity.
c. Correlate with other VAV controllers in the room air supply system to
ensure proper room balance. Restrict the air bypass per the VAV
manufacturer’s recommendation.
d. Ensure that the bypass system flows a minimum of 20% of total airflow
volume with the sash closed to maximize containment and achieve proper
M. Special or Specific Purpose Hoods
1. Hoods designed for specific laboratory applications, or hoods that provide unique
a. Perchloric Acid Hood: For safe handling of perchloric acid.
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b. Isotope Hood: Designed for handling radioactive isotopes.
c. Combination Hood: Providing both a work surface and walk-in area in
one hood.
d. California Hood: Providing sash openings (usually horizontal) on multiple
sides of the hood work surface for enclosing large or complex apparatus.
e. Walk-In Hood: Providing sash configuration openings and hood interiors
that extend to the floor for enclosing large or complex apparatus.
f. Distillation Hood: Providing extra depth and 1/3 to 1/2 height benches for
enclosing tall distillation apparatus.
g. Bench Hood: A fume hood that is located on a work surface.
N. Seismic Design
1. Depending upon the quantity and characteristics of the materials being contained
and the location of the fume hood installation within the LANL facility, provide
fume hoods to withstand a DBE.
2. Ensure that the fume hood and its anchorage are in accordance with applicable
performance category requirements stated in the LANL Engineering Manual
Structural Chapter, DOE-STD-1020, DOE-STD-1021, LANL memorandum ESA-
EA:99-015 and similar documents, Section 13085 Seismic Protection, and other
LANL Technical Area specific documents.

A. Submit in accordance with Sections 01330, Submittal Procedures and 01700, Contract
B. Product Data
1. Catalog or manufacturer’s data for each fume hood component and associated
equipment specified. Include design features, configurations, total CFM flow
capacity, component dimensions, weight, furnished accessories, standard materials,
construction details, utility and service requirements, and colors for each type of
fume hood.
2. Materials/parts list
C. Shop Drawings
1. Shop drawings indicating component dimensions, tolerances, equipment locations,
large scale plans, elevations, ends, cross sections, mechanical/electrical rough-in
and anchor placement dimensions, clearances for maintenance and operation, size
and location of field connections, construction details, utility requirements, service
run spaces, and materials used
2. Wiring diagrams
D. Samples
1. Hood interior lining, 6” x 6” sample.
2. Hood enclosure of color selected, 6” x 6” sample.
3. Work surfaces, 6” x 6” sample.
4. Other pre-finished equipment and accessories, 6” x 6” or appropriately sized
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5. Operation signs, placards, and/or instruction plates that will be attached to hood.
E. Test Reports and Certificates
1. Provide certification (CoC or other equivalent document) that the fume hood was
designed and factory tested in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 110.
2. Provide UL Standards for Safety listing for the fume hood superstructure.
3. Provide test reports on each size and type of hood verifying conformance to
specified parameters and regulations. A test report accompanies each hood as part
of the installation and usage package. Include performance data curves and
documentation that fume hoods meet the performance requirements described in
ASHRAE Standard 110 and this specification.
4. Provide certification that the fume hood has been through start-up procedures and
that it is functioning properly.
5. Provide test report on operation of installed fume hood after installation.
F. Manufacturer’s Instructions
1. Manufacturer’s installation and assembly instructions showing the field installation
of parts, components, equipment, and other similar items.
2. Written instructions providing details on proper operation and maintenance.
G. Closeout Submittals
1. Submit in accordance with Sections 01330 and 01700.


A. Use products of a company that has:
1. Manufactured at least 50 fume hoods of the same type and size specified.
2. Five years or more experience in the manufacture of laboratory fume hoods,
casework, and equipment of type specified.
3. Records of manufacturing facility, testing facility, assembly, and quality control
procedures available for LANL inspection.
4. A QA program meeting the requirements of 10 CFR 830.122.
B. Provide fume hoods with performance conforming to related ANSI, ASHRAE, UL, and
LANL requirements.


A. Transport, handle, store, and protect product in accordance with the requirements of
Section 01600.
B. Deliver equipment to site in manufacturer’s original, unopened containers and packaging,
with labels clearly indicating equipment name, part numbers, quantities, and manufacturer.

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A. The selected manufacturer warrants all products sold to be free from defects in material
and workmanship for a period of one-year minimum, or as negotiated within contract,
(beginning with date of acceptance). LANL shall provide notification to the
manufacturer’s representative of any defective product and provide the manufacturer a
reasonable opportunity to inspect the goods. LANL shall not return defective products
without written shipping instructions and authorization from the manufacturer.

A. Provide labor, materials, and equipment to perform the commissioning process.



A. Comply with Section 01630, Product Options and Substitutions.

A. Listed below are companies with suitable experience specializing in the design and
manufacture of laboratory fume hoods. Other companies may qualify provided they have
suitable experience performing similar work:
1. Fisher Hamilton Incorporated: SafeAire Fume Hoods
2. Kewaunee Scientific Corporation: Supreme Air Fume Hoods
B. Supply all equipment in accordance with this specification. The offering of a product
differing in materials and construction from this specification requires written approval via
LANL Supplier Deviation Disposition Request and demonstrate equivalent or superior
performance. Obtain alternate product approval no less than seven (7) days before the
proposal deadline.
C. LANL reserves the right to reject qualified or alternate proposals and to award based on
product value where such action assures equivalent or greater integrity of product.


A. Fume Hood Superstructure Frame:
1. A freestanding rigid frame structure of steel angle provided to support exterior and
interior liner and baffle panels.
2. Exterior steel panels can be removed without disassembly of the frame structure
and inner liner panels.
B. Fume Hood Interior Walls:
1. Provide double walled ends to maximize interior working area. The area between
the double walled ends houses the remote control valves, sash counterbalance
weights, electrical receptacles, and wiring.
2. To allow for plumbing and electrical system maintenance and replacements,
provide removable interior liner access panels that can be removed without
disassembly of the superstructure frame and exterior steel panels.

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3. Contour the front vertical fascia section at the front leading edge to provide a
streamlined hood air entrance section and ensure smooth even flow of air into the
hood. The vertical fascias house the required service controls, electrical switches
and receptacles.
4. Provide hood interior end panels and sash track flush with the fascia to prevent
eddy currents and back flow of air.
C. Fume Hood Exteriors:
1. Construct from cold rolled steel with component parts screwed together to allow
removal of the end panels, front end and top fascia pieces, and airfoil strips for
replacement or to afford access to the plumbing lines, service fittings, and
electrical components.
2. Weld spacers or reinforcements to the exterior parts as required.
D. Fume Hood Finish:
1. Pre-treat steel component parts after welding/fabrication, but before final
assembly, to provide a uniform fine-grained crystalline phosphate surface that will
enhance both the final finish bond and final finish resistance to humidity,
corrosion, and corrosive chemicals.
2. Physically and chemically clean the steel by degreasing and washing with an
alkaline cleaner then follow with a complete metallic phosphate solution spray
treatment. After the phosphate treatment, completely dry the steel.
3. Apply a corrosion-resistant primer base coat using an electro deposition dip
procedure to guarantee complete paint coverage. Powder-coat or solvent-based
spray paints are unacceptable for the initial base paint coat. Cure the coating by
baking at elevated temperatures to provide maximum properties of corrosion and
wear resistance.
4. Provide an acid, alkali, and solvent resistant final topcoat finish on both exterior
and interior surfaces of all parts.
E. Fume Hood Airfoil:
1. Provide an integral airfoil, streamlined similar to the sides, at the bottom of the
hood opening. Provide a nominal 1” open space between the foil and the top front
edge of the work surface to direct an airflow stream across the work surface, to
prevent the back flow of air, and to purge the work surface airspace of
contaminants. Extend the airfoil back under the sash, so that the sash does not
close the 1-inch opening.
2. Fabricate the foil from 12-gauge minimum thickness steel to provide rigidity and
to resist denting and flexing.
3. For walk-in hoods, provide a stop located at the bottom of the sash track that will
ensure a nominal 1 inch opening between the bottom of the sash and the floor.
F. Fume Hood Top Panel:
1. The top front panel of the hood may have an integral 1/4” thick laminated safety
float glass or polycarbonate vision panel located directly above the sash opening
and in such a manner as to allow viewing the top interior portion of the hood
without having the operator stoop or place their face inside the hood.

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2. For Constant Airflow Volume Open Bypass Hoods:
a. Provide an integral grille that will bypass airflow at the top of the sash
opening. The bypass will operate passively and will not rely on
mechanical or electrical means to perform its function.
G. Fume Hood Baffles:
1. Provide a baffle system with three horizontal slots designed to facilitate airflow
distribution through the hood. Position horizontal slots at the low, mid, and upper
sections of the hood interior back wall. Baffles may be adjustable or fixed
depending on system specification and intended application. Ensure that the baffle
system design does not allow back flow of air through a hood when the hood sash
is closed.
2. Ensure that a fixed baffle system accommodates the airflow management
requirements for specified contaminant properties. Provide acid-resistant labeling
indicating the specific contaminant properties that the baffle system is configured
for (i.e. lighter than air or heavier than air gases or fumes, high heat generation
processes, or general conditions).
3. For an adjustable baffle system, provide adjustability that will accommodate the
airflow management requirements for various contaminant properties. As a
minimum, provide adjustability for the top and bottom slots. When specified,
provide a single-point remote baffle adjustment device that will allow convenient
and prompt adjustment from either the hood exterior or from no further than 6”
into the hood. Locate the baffle adjustment device such that it will not require the
entry of the operator’s head into the hood and so that it will be accessible by both
able bodied and wheelchair bound operators. Provide acid-resistant labeling
indicating proper baffle adjustment position for various contaminant properties.
4. Provide removable baffles to facilitate cleaning.
H. Fume Hood Duct Collar:
1. Provide polyethylene or stainless steel bell-mouthed duct collar(s) located in the
hood plenum chamber.
I. Fume Hood Lighting:
1. Provide fluorescent or incandescent light fixtures in the top of the hood. Locate
lighting power switch so that it is operable by both able bodied and wheelchair
bound operators. Ensure that the average illumination of the work area is 80 foot-
candles minimum.
2. Ensure that all fixtures are UL approved and labeled.
3. Provide fluorescent lights with T-8 bulbs.
4. Provide electronic ballast for fluorescent light fixtures.
5. Isolate the fluorescent light fixtures from the hood interior by a 1/4” thick
tempered glass, safety glass, or polycarbonate panel sealed from the hood cavity.
Ensure that bulb replacement is accomplished from the hood exterior only.
6. Provide incandescent fixtures with vapor proof lamps and shatterproof globes.
7. Provide explosion proof lighting when specified.

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J. Fume Hood Sash
1. Provide a vertical, horizontal, or combination sash as specified.
2. Produce sash frame from 18-gauge steel with mitered and welded corners ground
smooth to provide a complete unit with no visible joints. Use replaceable plastic
guides for the sash frames that will operate in stainless steel sash guides to prevent
metal-to-metal contact.
3. Provide sash tracks set flush with the interior liner panels to minimize turbulence.
4. Produce the sash glass from 1/4” laminated safety float glass or polycarbonate
5. Set glass/polycarbonate panels into deep form extruded polyvinyl chloride, or
equivalent, channels internally interlocked with the outer member sealing and
retaining the glazing.
6. Provide rubber bumper stops for the sash to open and close against.
7. Counterbalance System:
a. Counter balance up/down moving (vertical or combination) sashes with a
weight and cable/chain system designed to prevent sash tilting and binding
during operation. Permit one finger operation at any point on the sash
b. Ensure that the system will hold the sash at any position without creep and
will prevent sash drop in the event of cable/chain failure.
c. Provide stainless steel sash cables operating on ball bearing
pulleys/sheaves. Provide stainless steel sash chains operating on ball
bearing sprockets.
d. Do not use spring type counterbalances.
K. Fume Hood Plumbing Services
1. Provide all plumbing fittings factory installed and piped between the valve, outlet,
and service inlet. Provide inlet piping with a labeled single-point connection
located on the hood exterior for each valve and route to a point that will best suit
rough-in locations shown on the drawings.
2. Provide remote controlled valves, as selected, located within the end panels and
actuated by chrome plated 4-armed handles attached to brass extension rods that
project through control panels located in the hood vertical fascias. Furnish the
valve handles with color-coded and labeled service indicators.
3. Locate all services so that they are reachable by both able bodied and wheelchair
bound operators.
4. For interior fittings supplying gases and water, provide nylon panel flanges and
nylon angle serrated hose connectors, color-coded to match services. For distilled
water interior fittings, provide tin lined bronze panel flanges and angle serrated
hose connectors with white color-coding. For steam interior fittings, provide cast
bronze flanges and angle serrated hose connectors with a chemical resistant
metallic bronze finish. Provide water goosenecks in cast bronze with a chemical
resistant metallic bronze finish.

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L. Fume Hood Electrical Services
1. Pre-wire the hood superstructure and provide a UL label certifying acceptable wire
gauge, connections, fixtures, and wire color coding.
2. Locate all frequently operated services so that they are reachable by both able
bodied and wheelchair bound operators.
M. Hood Work Surface
1. Epoxy Resin:
a. Use molded epoxy resin made in the form of a watertight pan of 3/8”
minimum depth with a 6” wide safety ledge across the front edge.
b. When water service is supplied, provide a cup drain flush with the
recessed portion of the work surface.
2. Stainless Steel:
a. Use 14-gauge, type 304 stainless steel with a No. 4 finish made in the form
of a watertight pan of 1/2” minimum depth with a 6” wide safety ledge
across the front edge.
b. When water service is supplied, provide a cup drain flush with the
recessed portion of the work surface.
c. Reinforce to support a uniform maximum loading of 200 pounds per
square foot.
N. Fume Hood Liners
1. Epoxy Resin:
a. Use 1/4” thick sheets with maximum flame spread of 6.2 per ASTM E84.
b. Fasten epoxy resin liner panels using stainless steel screws with plastic
covered heads.
c. Fiberglass reinforced plastics or polyesters are not acceptable substitute
liner materials for epoxy resin.
2. Reinforced Polyester Lining:
a. Use 1/4” thick fiberglass reinforced polyester sheet with smooth finish,
maximum flame spread of 15 per UL 723 and ASTM E84.
b. Fasten reinforced polyester liner panels using stainless steel screws with
plastic covered heads.
3. Cement Board:
a. Use 1/4" thick, dense, monolithic sheet with a chemically resistant,
inorganic, non-asbestos mixture of fiber cement. Maximum flame spread
of 0 per ASTM E84.
b. Coat surfaces exposed to the hood interior with a white epoxy finish.
c. Fasten cement board liner panels using non-corrosive fasteners.
4. Reinforced Phenolic Resin:
a. Use 1/4” thick sheet made from a compression molded cellulose fiber
reinforced phenolic resin core with integrally cured melamine surfaces.
b. Fasten reinforced phenolic resin liner panels using stainless steel screws
with plastic covered heads.

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[Rev. 0, December 5, 2002] 11612-13
5. Stainless Steel
a. 16-gauge, type 304 stainless steel with a No. 4 finish fastened in place
with stainless steel screws.
O. Fume Hood Monitors and Alarms
1. Provide a safety monitoring and alarm system that monitors:
a. Hood face velocity and provides audible and visual alarms when face
velocity drops below or rises above user specified face velocities.
b. Hood exhaust duct static pressure and provides audible and visual alarms
when pressure limits are exceeded.
c. The audible alarm is mutable via a panel mounted manually operated
switch that is accessible by both able bodied and wheelchair bound
operators. The visual alarm continues to flash as long as the alarm
condition exists.
2. Face Velocity Alarm:
a. Monitors the actual face velocity of the hood regardless of sash position
and is UL approved and labeled.
3. Low Static Pressure Alarm:
a. Monitors the static pressure in the exhaust duct above the hood regardless
of sash position and is UL approved and labeled.
4. Passive Indicating Devices
a. Equip each hood with a manometer or other passive pressure-measuring
device to provide the user visual indication that the hood is operating
within acceptable parameters.
b. Provide a passive airflow indicating device to provide the user visual
indication that the hood is providing adequate airflow and operating within
acceptable parameters.
c. Locate passive indicating devices so that they are easily and readily visible
to both able bodied and wheelchair bound operators.
P. Perchloric Acid Hoods
1. A fume hood equipped with wash down washers, integral work surfaces, coved
corners, and non-organic lining materials.
2. Fabricate hood interior lining, including end panel and back panel, from 16-gauge,
type 316 stainless steel with a No. 4 finish. Fabricate the inside back and end
panels in a seamless, welded, wrap around design that is welded to the work
surface. Fabricate all vertical and horizontal corners and seamless joints between
inside back, end panels, and work surfaces with 1/2” internal radius. Grind all
welds flush and blend to a No. 4 finish. Reinforce the entire stainless steel hood
interior to provide a completely rigid, welded together, self-supporting assembly.
Provide the hood end liners without access openings.
3. Fabricate hood work surface from 14 gauge, type 316 stainless steel with a No. 4
finish in the form of a watertight pan 1/2” deep with a 6” wide safety ledge at the
front edge and an integral, continuous trough sink across the full width at the back
of the work surface. Provide, within the trough sink, two 1-1/2” waste outlets to
drain wash down system water.

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[Rev. 0, December 5, 2002] 11612-14
4. Fabricate baffles and top panel from 16 gauge type 316 stainless steel with a No. 4
finish. Fasten the baffle to the hood interior with stainless steel screws. Provide
easily removable baffles to facilitate cleaning of the baffles and the area behind the
5. Provide a wash down system that includes a remote controlled perforated spray
pipe to wash down rear surface of the hood interior behind the baffles and a remote
controlled water fitting.
6. Provide the hood with a label stating “For Perchloric Acid Operations Only”.
Q. Isotope Hoods
1. A fume hood with integral work surface, coved corners, linings impermeable to
radioactive materials, and structure reinforced to support lead shielding bricks.
2. Provide interior construction that prevents radioactive material buildup and allows
complete cleaning.
3. Fabricate hood interior lining, including end panel and back panel, from 14-gauge,
type 304 or 316 stainless steel with a No. 4 finish. Fabricate the inside back and
end panels in a seamless, welded, wrap around design that is welded to the work
surface. Fabricate all vertical and horizontal corners and seamless joints between
inside back, end panels, and work surfaces with 1/2” internal radius. Grind all
welds flush and blend to a No. 4 finish. Reinforce the entire stainless steel hood
interior to provide a completely rigid, welded together, self-supporting assembly.
Provide the hood end liners without access openings.
4. Fabricate hood work surface from 14 gauge, type 304 or 316 stainless steel with a
No. 4 finish in the form of a watertight pan 1/2” deep with a 6” wide safety ledge
at the front edge. Reinforce the work surface to support a uniform maximum
loading of 200 pounds per square foot.
5. When water service is supplied, provide a cup drain flush with the recessed portion
of the work surface.
6. Fabricate baffles and top panel from 16 gauge, type 304 or 316 stainless steel with
a No. 4 finish. Fasten the baffle to the hood interior with stainless steel screws.
Provide easily removable baffles to facilitate cleaning of the baffles and the area
behind the baffles.


A. Containment Performance Testing
1. Purpose: To pre-qualify the performance of the bidder’s laboratory fume hood
before award of contract or before acceptance of the hood after award of contract.
2. Modifications to the hood, placement of new large equipment, or equipment that
creates heat or mechanical air disturbances that would alter the airflow
characteristics within the hood require retesting for confinement capability before
the hood is placed in service.

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[Rev. 0, December 5, 2002] 11612-15
3. Test Method
a. Conduct pre-qualification testing of fume hoods per ASHRAE Standard
110 at the bidder’s fume hood test facility. Conduct tests in the ASHRAE
defined AM mode by personnel cognizant of the recommended test
procedures. Refer to ASHRAE Standard 110 for specific requirements,
procedures, and qualification criteria.
b. Conduct AI testing of fume hoods at LANL per ASHRAE Standard 110
and HSR-5-LIHSM-01 guidance.
c. Use the following tests to judge the performance of the fume hood:
i. Face Velocity Test

ii. Flow Visualization Test

iii. Large Volume Flow Test

iv. Tracer Gas Test

v. Sash Movement Test


A. Certify that building conditions are conducive to the installation of a finished goods
product, including all critical dimensions, with LANL.
B. Inspect areas and conditions, with installer present, for compliance with requirements for
installation tolerances and other conditions affecting the performance of the fume hood.
Ensure the area is free of undesirable air currents that would adversely affect hood
C. Inspect utility rough-ins to verify actual locations of connections prior to beginning
D. Check and verify that no irregularities exist that would affect quality of execution of work
E. Notify the LANL if existing conditions will affect acceptable results.

A. Reference SEFA 2.3 for fume hood installation information and guidelines.
B. Arrange installation of fume hoods to provide access space for service and maintenance.
C. Coordinate work with the schedule and requirements of other work being performed in the
area at the same time both with regard to mechanical and electrical connections to and in
the fume hoods and the general construction work.
D. Coordinate work between LANL and the manufacturer/contractor per Section 01015.
Final plumbing and electrical connections are the responsibility of those contractors
fulfilling requirements of Divisions 15 and 16.
E. Assemble and install fume hoods in accordance with approved shop drawings and
manufacturer’s installation instructions. Ensure that fume hood assembly and installation
are performed by or supervised by fume hood manufacturer personnel.
Project I.D. [__________] Fume Hoods
[Rev. 0, December 5, 2002] 11612-16
F. Install fume hoods, plumb, level, square, with no distortion, and securely anchored to
building and adjacent furniture in proper location.
G. Install fume hood equipment to provide maximum safety and continuity of operation in the
event of seismic activity per requirements defined in section 1.4.N.
H. Secure work surfaces to casework and equipment components with material and
procedures recommended by the manufacturer.
I. Install accessories and fittings in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.


A. Site Tests, Inspection
1. Arrange for a factory authorized service representative to inspect the field
assembly and installation of the fume hoods, including piping, ductwork, and
electrical connections; and to prepare a written report on findings with
recommended corrective actions.
2. Conduct AI testing of fume hoods at LANL per ASHRAE Standard 110 and HSR-
5-LIHSM-01 guidance. Perform tests in field to verify proper operation of the
fume hood before placing into service. Perform tests only after installation is
complete, the building make-up air system is in operation, the building ventilation
system has been balanced, all connections have been made, the doors and windows
are in normal operating position, all other hoods and exhaust devices are operating
at designed conditions, and written verification has been submitted that the
aforementioned conditions have been met.
3. Correct any discrepancies, errant processes, or unsafe conditions disclosed by these
tests before request of test procedures.
4. Project substantial completion shall be withheld until all required fume hood
certification letters, tests, and reports have been submitted and approved.
B. Manufacturers’ Field Services
1. Ensure that the fume hood manufacturer field tests a random sample of 20% of the
installed units per ASHRAE 110 to a control level of Al 0.01 ppm or better.

A. Adjust sash, baffles, fixtures, accessories, and other moving or operating parts for proper
function and operation.
B. Repair or remove and replace defective work as directed by LANL.
C. Reference Section 01700 for additional detail.

A. Remove all debris, dirt, packing materials, and rubbish accumulated as a result of the
installation of the fume hoods to an on-site container provided by LANL or others, leaving
the premises clean and orderly.
B. Clean fume hood interior and exterior to remove foreign material and construction dirt.
C. Reference Section 01700 for additional detail.

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A. Provide written and oral instructions that detail proper operation and maintenance.
B. Reference Section 01700 for additional detail.

A. Provide necessary protective measures to prevent casework and equipment from being
exposed to and damaged from other construction activity.
B. Advise LANL of procedures and precautions for protection of material, installed laboratory
casework, and fixtures from damage by work of other trades.


Do not delete the following reference information.


This project specification is based on LANL Master Construction Specification Rev. 0, dated
December 5, 2002.

Project I.D. [__________] Fume Hoods

[Rev. 0, December 5, 2002] 11612-18

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