Advanced Android Practicals PDF

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of Contents
Introduction 1.1
Unit 1: Expand the user experience 1.2
Lesson 1: Fragments 1.2.1
1.1: Creating a Fragment with a UI
1.2: Communicating with a Fragment
Lesson 2: App widgets 1.2.2
2.1: Building app widgets
Lesson 3: Sensors 1.2.3
3.1: Working with sensor data
3.2: Working with sensor-based orientation
Unit 2: Make your apps fast and small 1.3
Lesson 4: Performance 1.3.1
4.1A: Using the Profile GPU Rendering tool
4.1B: Using the Debug GPU Overdraw and Layout Inspector tools
4.1C: Using the Systrace and dumpsys tools
4.2: Using the Memory Profiler tool
4.3: Optimizing network, battery, and image use
Unit 3: Make your apps accessible 1.4
Lesson 5: Localization 1.4.1
5.1: Using resources for languages
5.2: Using the locale to format information
Lesson 6: Accessibility 1.4.2
6.1: Exploring accessibility in Android
6.2: Creating accessible apps
Unit 4: Add geo features to your apps 1.5
Lesson 7: Location 1.5.1
7.1: Using the device location
Lesson 8: Places 1.5.2
8.1: Using the Places API
Lesson 9: Mapping 1.5.3

9.1: Adding a Google Map to your app
Unit 5: Advanced graphics and views 1.6
Lesson 10: Custom views 1.6.1
10.1A: Creating a custom view from a View subclass
10.1B: Creating a custom view from scratch
Lesson 11: Canvas 1.6.2
11.1A: Creating a simple Canvas object
11.1B: Drawing on a Canvas object
11.1C: Applying clipping to a Canvas object
11.2: Creating a SurfaceView object
Lesson 12: Animations 1.6.3
12.1: Creating property animations
Lesson 13: Media 1.6.4
13.1: Playing video with VideoView
Unit 6: Working with Architecture Components 1.7
Lesson 14: Room, LiveData, ViewModel 1.7.1
14.1A: Room, LiveData, ViewModel
14.1B: Deleting and updating data with Room
Appendix 1.8
Appendix: Setup 1.8.1
Appendix: Homework 1.8.2


Advanced Android Development — Practicals

This is the hands-on practical workbook for Advanced Android Development, a training
course created by the Google Developers Training team. This course builds on the skills you
learned in the Android Developer Fundamentals course.

This course is intended to be taught in a classroom, but all the materials are available online,
so if you like to learn by yourself, go ahead!

The Advanced Android Development course is intended for experienced developers who
have Java programming experience and know the fundamentals of how to build an Android
app using the Java programming language. This course assumes you have mastered the
topics in Units 1 to 4 of the Android Developer Fundamentals course.

Specifically, this course assumes you know how to:

Install and use Android Studio

Run apps from Android Studio on both a device and an emulator
Create and use Activity instances
Use View instances to create your app's user interface
Enable interaction through click handlers
Create layouts using the Android Studio layout editor
Create and use RecyclerView and Adapter classes
Run tasks in the background
Save data in Android shared preferences
Save data in a local SQL database

Course materials
The course materials include:

This practical workbook, which guides you through creating Android apps to practice
and perfect the skills you're learning
A concept reference: Advanced Android Development—Concepts
Slide decks for optional use by instructors
Source code in GitHub for apps that you create during the practical exercises

Get ready for this course


The practicals in this book assume that you are using the latest version of Android Studio.
Some of the practicals require at least Android Studio 3.0.

See Appendix: Setup for details.

What topics are covered?

Unit 1: Expand the user experience

Lesson 1: Fragments

Create a fragment that has its own UI, and enable your activities to communicate with

Lesson 2: App widgets

Create and update app widgets.

Lesson 3: Sensors

Learn how to work with sensor data and build an app that detects and responds to device

Unit 2: Make your apps fast and small

Lesson 4: Performance

Learn how to detect and analyze your app's performance using tools like these:

Profile GPU Rendering

Debug GPU Overdraw and Layout Inspector
Systrace and dumpsys
Memory Profiler
Tools to improve the efficiency of your networking, battery use, and data compression

Unit 3: Make your apps accessible

Lesson 5: Localization

Use resources for different languages, and use the device locale to format information.

Lesson 6: Accessibility

Explore accessibility in Android, and learn how to make your app more usable for users who
use Google TalkBack.


Unit 4: Add geo features to your apps

Lesson 7: Location

Enable your app to detect and update the device's current location.

Lesson 8: Places

Use the Places API to detect the user's location and offer a "picker" showing local places.

Lesson 9: Mapping

Add a Google Map to your app.

Unit 5: Advanced graphics and views

Lesson 10: Custom views

Create a custom view based on an existing View class, then create a custom view from

Lesson 11: Canvas

Create a simple Canvas object, then draw on the canvas and apply clipping regions to it.
Use a SurfaceView object to draw to the screen outside of the main UI thread.

Lesson 12: Animations

Learn how use property animations to define an animation to change an object property.

Developed by the Google Developers Training Team

Last updated: October 2017


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


1.1: Creating a Fragment with a UI


What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Include a fragment for an activity's entire lifecycle
Task 1 solution code
Coding challenge
Task 2. Add a fragment to an activity dynamically
Task 2 solution code
Related concept
Learn more

A Fragment is a self-contained component with its own user interface (UI) and lifecycle that
can be reused in different parts of an app's UI. (A Fragment can also be used without a UI,
in order to retain values across configuration changes, but this lesson does not cover that

A Fragment can be a static part of the UI of an Activity , which means that the Fragment
remains on the screen during the entire lifecycle of the Activity . However, the UI of an
Activity may be more effective if it adds or removes the Fragment dynamically while the

Activity is running.

One example of a dynamic Fragment is the DatePicker object, which is an instance of

DialogFragment , a subclass of Fragment . The date picker displays a dialog window floating

on top of its Activity window when a user taps a button or an action occurs. The user can


click OK or Cancel to close the Fragment .

This practical introduces the Fragment class and shows you how to include a Fragment as
a static part of a UI, as well as how to use Fragment transactions to add, replace, or remove
a Fragment dynamically.

What you should already KNOW

You should be able to:

Create and run apps in Android Studio.

Use the layout editor to create a UI with a ConstraintLayout .
Inflate the UI layout for an Activity .
Add a set of radio buttons with a listener to a UI.

What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:

Create a Fragment with an interactive UI.

Add a Fragment to the layout of an Activity .


Add, replace, and remove a Fragment while an Activity is running.

What you will DO

Create a Fragment to use as a UI element that gives users a "yes" or "no" choice.
Add interactive elements to the Fragment that enable the user to choose "yes" or "no".
Include the Fragment for the duration of an Activity .
Use Fragment transactions to add, replace, and remove a Fragment while an
Activity is running.

App overview
The FragmentExample1 app shows an image and the title and text of a magazine article. It
also shows a Fragment that enables users to provide feedback for the article. In this case
the feedback is very simple: just "Yes" or "No" to the question "Like the article?" Depending
on whether the user gives positive or negative feedback, the app displays an appropriate

The Fragment is skeletal, but it demonstrates how to create a Fragment to use in multiple
places in your app's UI.

In the first task, you add the Fragment statically to the Activity layout so that it is displayed
for the entire duration of the Activity lifecycle. The user can interact with the radio buttons
in the Fragment to choose either "Yes" or "No," as shown in the figure above.

If the user chooses "Yes," the text in the Fragment changes to "Article: Like."


If the user chooses "No," the text in the Fragment changes to "Article: Thanks."

In the second task, in which you create the FragmentExample2 app, you add the Fragment
dynamically — your code adds, replaces, and removes the Fragment while the Activity is
running. You will change the Activity code and layout to do this.

As shown below, the user can tap the Open button to show the Fragment at the top of the
screen. The user can then interact with the UI elements in the Fragment . The user taps
Close to close the Fragment .

Task 1. Include a Fragment for the entire

Activity lifecycle
In this task you modify a starter app to add a Fragment statically as a part of the layout of the
Activity , which means that the Fragment is shown during the entire lifecycle of the

Activity . This is a useful technique for consolidating a set of UI elements (such as radio

buttons and text) and user interaction behavior that you can reuse in layouts for other


1.1 Open the starter app project

Download the FragmentExample_start Android Studio project. Refactor and rename the
project to FragmentExample1 . (For help with copying projects and refactoring and renaming,
see Copy and rename a project.) Explore the app using Android Studio.

In the above figure:

1. The Project: Android pane shows the contents of the project.

2. The Component Tree pane for the activity_main.xml layout shows the android:id
value of each UI element.
3. The layout includes image and text elements arranged to provide a space at the top for
the app bar and a Fragment .

1.2 Add a Fragment

1. In Project: Android view, expand app > java and select
2. Choose File > New > Fragment > Fragment (Blank).
3. In the Configure Component dialog, name the Fragment SimpleFragment. The
Create layout XML option should already be selected, and the Fragment layout will be
filled in as fragment_simple .


4. Uncheck the Include fragment factory methods and Include interface callbacks
options. Click Finish to create the Fragment .

5. Open SimpleFragment , and inspect the code:

public class SimpleFragment extends Fragment {

public SimpleFragment() {
// Required empty public constructor

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Inflate the layout for this fragment
return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_simple,
container, false);

All subclasses of Fragment must include a public no-argument constructor as shown.

The Android framework often re-instantiates a Fragment object when needed, in
particular during state restore. The framework needs to be able to find this constructor
so it can instantiate the Fragment .

The Fragment class uses callback methods that are similar to Activity callback
methods. For example, onCreateView() provides a LayoutInflater to inflate the
Fragment UI from the layout resource fragment_simple .

1.3 Edit the Fragment's layout

1. Open fragment_simple.xml . In the layout editor pane, click Text to view the XML.
2. Change the attributes for the "Hello blank fragment" TextView :


TextView attribute Value

android:id "@+id/fragment_header"

android:layout_width "wrap_content"

android:layout_height "wrap_content"

android:textAppearance "@style/Base.TextAppearance.AppCompat.Medium"

android:padding "4dp"

android:text "@string/question_article"

The @string/question_article resource is defined in the strings.xml file in the starter

app as "LIKE THE ARTICLE?" .

3. Change the FrameLayout root element to LinearLayout , and change the following
attributes for the LinearLayout :

LinearLayout attribute Value

android:layout_height "wrap_content"

android:background "@color/my_fragment_color"

android:orientation "horizontal"

The my_fragment_color value for the android:background attribute is already defined in

the starter app in colors.xml .

4. Within the LinearLayout , add the following RadioGroup element after the TextView


android:text="@string/yes" />

android:text="@string/no" />


The @string/yes and @string/no resources are defined in the strings.xml file in the
starter app as "Yes" and "No" . In addition, the following string resources are also
defined in the strings.xml file:

<string name="yes_message">ARTICLE: Like</string>

<string name="no_message">ARTICLE: Thanks</string>

The layout preview for fragment_simple.xml should look like the following:

1.4 Add a listener for the radio buttons

Add the RadioGroup.OnCheckedChangeListener interface to define a callback to be invoked
when a radio button is checked or unchecked:

1. Open SimpleFragment again.

2. Change the code in onCreateView() to the code below. This code sets up the View
and the RadioGroup , and returns the View ( rootView ). The View and RadioGroup
are declared as final , which means they won't change. This is because you will need
to access them from within an anonymous inner class (the OnCheckedChangeListener for
the RadioGroup ):


// Inflate the layout for this fragment.

final View rootView =
inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_simple, container, false);
final RadioGroup radioGroup = rootView.findViewById(;

// TODO: Set the radioGroup onCheckedChanged listener.

// Return the View for the fragment's UI.

return rootView;

3. Add the following constants to the top of SimpleFragment to represent the two states of
the radio button choice: 0 = yes and 1 = no:

private static final int YES = 0;

private static final int NO = 1;

4. Replace the TODO comment inside the onCreateView() method with the following code
to set the radio group listener and change the textView (the fragment_header in the
layout) depending on the radio button choice:

RadioGroup.OnCheckedChangeListener() {
public void onCheckedChanged(RadioGroup group, int checkedId) {
View radioButton = radioGroup.findViewById(checkedId);
int index = radioGroup.indexOfChild(radioButton);
TextView textView =
switch (index) {
case YES: // User chose "Yes."
case NO: // User chose "No."
default: // No choice made.
// Do nothing.

The onCheckedChanged() method must be implemented for

RadioGroup.OnCheckedChangeListener ; in this example, the index for the two radio

buttons is 0 ("Yes") or 1 ("No"), which display either the yes_message text or the
no_message text.


1.5 Add the Fragment statically to the Activity

1. Open activity_main.xml .
2. Add the following <fragment> element below the ScrollView within the
ConstraintLayout root view. It refers to the SimpleFragment you just created:

tools:layout="@layout/fragment_simple" />

The figure below shows the layout preview, with SimpleFragment statically included in
the activity layout:

A render error may appear below the preview, because a <fragment> element can
dynamically include different layouts when the app runs, and the layout editor doesn't
know what layout to use for a preview. To see the Fragment in the preview, click the
@layout/fragment_simple link in the error message, and choose SimpleFragment.

3. Run the app. The Fragment is now included in the MainActivity layout, as shown in
the figures below.


4. Tap a radio button. The "LIKE THE ARTICLE?" text is replaced by either the
yes_message text ("ARTICLE: Like") or the no_message text ("ARTICLE: Thanks"),

depending on which radio button is tapped.

5. After tapping a radio button, change the orientation of your device or emulator from
portrait to landscape. Note that the "Yes" or "No" choice is still selected.

Switching the device orientation after choosing "No" demonstrates that a Fragment can
retain an instance of its data after a configuration change (such as changing the orientation).
This feature makes a Fragment useful as a UI component, as compared to using separate
Views . While an Activity is destroyed and recreated when a device's configuration

changes, a Fragment is not destroyed.


Task 1 solution code

Android Studio project: FragmentExample1

Coding challenge
Note: All coding challenges are optional.
Challenge: Expand the Fragment to include another question ("Like the song?")
underneath the first question, so that it appears as shown in the figure below. Add a
RatingBar so that the user can set a rating for the song, and a Toast message that shows

the chosen rating.

Hint: Use the OnRatingBarChangeListener in the Fragment , and be sure to include the
android:isIndicator attribute, set to false , for the RatingBar in the Fragment layout.

This challenge demonstrates how a Fragment can handle different kinds of user input.



Challenge solution code

Android Studio project: FragmentExample1_challenge

Task 2. Add a Fragment to an Activity

In this task you learn how to add the same Fragment to an Activity dynamically . The
Fragment is added only if the user performs an interaction in the Activity —in this case,

tapping a button.

You will change the FragmentExample1 app to manage the Fragment using
FragmentManager and FragmentTransaction statements that can add, remove, and replace a

Fragment .

2.1 Add a ViewGroup for the Fragment

At any time while your Activity is running, your code can add a Fragment to the
Activity . All your Activity code needs is a ViewGroup in the layout as a placeholder for

the Fragment , such as a FrameLayout . Change the <fragment> element to

<FrameLayout> in the main layout. Follow these steps:

1. Copy the FragmentExample1 project, and open the copy in Android Studio. Refactor
and rename the project to FragmentExample2 . (For help with copying projects and
refactoring and renaming, see Copy and rename a project.)

If a warning appears to remove the FragmentExample1 modules, click to remove them.

2. Open the activity_main.xml layout, and switch the layout editor to Text (XML) view.

3. Change the <fragment> element to <FrameLayout> , and change the android:id to

fragment_container , as shown below:


2.2 Add a button to open and close the Fragment

Users need a way to open and close the Fragment from the Activity . To keep this
example simple, add a Button to open the Fragment , and if the Fragment is open, the
same Button can close the Fragment .


1. Open activity_main.xml , click the Design tab if it is not already selected, and add a
Button under the imageView element.

2. Constrain the Button to the bottom of imageView and to the left side of the parent.
3. Open the Attributes pane, and add the ID open_button and the text " @string/open ".
The @string/open and @string/close resources are defined in the strings.xml file in
the starter app as "OPEN" and "CLOSE" .

Note that since you have changed <fragment> to <FrameLayout> , the Fragment (now
called fragment_container ) no longer appears in the design preview—but don't worry,

it's still there!

4. Open MainActivity , and declare and initialize the Button . Also add a private
boolean to determine whether the Fragment is displayed:

private Button mButton;

private boolean isFragmentDisplayed = false;

5. Add the following to the onCreate() method to initialize the mButton :

mButton = findViewById(;


2.3 Use Fragment transactions

To manage a Fragment in your Activity , use FragmentManager . To perform a Fragment
transaction in your Activity —such as adding, removing, or replacing a Fragment —use
methods in FragmentTransaction .

The best practice for instantiating the Fragment in the A ctivity is to provide a
newinstance() factory method in the Fragment . Follow these steps to add the

newinstance() method to SimpleFragment and instantiate the Fragment in MainActivity .

You will also add the displayFragment() and closeFragment() methods, and use Fragment

1. Open SimpleFragment , and add the following method for instantiating and returning the
Fragment to the Activity :

public static SimpleFragment newInstance() {

return new SimpleFragment();

2. Open MainActivity , and create the following displayFragment() method to instantiate

and open SimpleFragment . It starts by creating an instance of simpleFragment by
calling the newInstance() method in SimpleFragment :

public void displayFragment() {

SimpleFragment simpleFragment = SimpleFragment.newInstance();
// TODO: Get the FragmentManager and start a transaction.
// TODO: Add the SimpleFragment.

3. Replace the TODO: Get the FragmentManager... comment in the above code with the

// Get the FragmentManager and start a transaction.

FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager

To start a transaction, get an instance of FragmentManager using

getSupportFragmentManager() , and then get an instance of FragmentTransaction that

uses beginTransaction() . Fragment operations are wrapped into a transaction (similar

to a bank transaction) so that all the operations finish before the transaction is
committed for the final result.


Use getSupportFragmentManager() (instead of getFragmentManager() ) to instantiate the

Fragment class so your app remains compatible with devices running system versions

as low as Android 1.6. (The getSupportFragmentManager() method uses the Support


4. Replace the TODO: Add the SimpleFragment comment in the above code with the

// Add the SimpleFragment.

// Update the Button text.
// Set boolean flag to indicate fragment is open.
isFragmentDisplayed = true;

This code adds a new Fragment using the add() transaction method. The first
argument passed to add() is the layout resource ( fragment_container ) for the
ViewGroup in which the Fragment should be placed. The second parameter is the

Fragment ( simpleFragment ) to add.

In addition to the add() transaction, the code calls addToBackStack(null) in order to

add the transaction to a back stack of Fragment transactions. This back stack is
managed by the Activity . It allows the user to return to the previous Fragment state
by pressing the Back button.

The code then calls commit() for the transaction to take effect.

The code also changes the text of the Button to "CLOSE" and sets the Boolean
isFragmentDisplayed to true so that you can track the state of the Fragment .

5. To close the Fragment , add the following closeFragment() method to MainActivity :


public void closeFragment() {

// Get the FragmentManager.
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
// Check to see if the fragment is already showing.
SimpleFragment simpleFragment = (SimpleFragment) fragmentManager
if (simpleFragment != null) {
// Create and commit the transaction to remove the fragment.
FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction =
// Update the Button text.
// Set boolean flag to indicate fragment is closed.
isFragmentDisplayed = false;

As with displayFragment() , the closeFragment() code snippet gets an instance of

FragmentManager using getSupportFragmentManager() , uses beginTransaction() to start

a series of transactions, and acquires a reference to the Fragment using the layout
resource ( fragment_container ). It then uses the remove() transaction to remove the
Fragment .

However, before creating this transaction, the code checks to see if the Fragment is
displayed (not null ). If the Fragment is not displayed, there's nothing to remove.

The code also changes the text of the Button to "OPEN" and sets the Boolean
isFragmentDisplayed to false so that you can track the state of the Fragment .

2.4 Set the Button onClickListener

To take action when the user clicks the Button , implement an OnClickListener for the
button in the onCreate() method of MainActivity in order to open and close the fragment
based on the boolean value of isFragmentDisplayed . The onClick() method will call the
displayFragment() method to open the Fragment if the Fragment is not already open;

otherwise it calls closeFragment() .

You will also add code to save the value of isFragmentDisplayed and use it if the
configuration changes, such as if the user switches from portrait or landscape orientation.

1. Open MainActivity , and add the following to the onCreate() method to set the click
listener for the Button:


// Set the click listener for the button.

mButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
if (!isFragmentDisplayed) {
} else {

2. To save the boolean value representing the Fragment display state, define a key for the
Fragment state to use in the savedInstanceState Bundle . Add this member variable to

MainActivity :

static final String STATE_FRAGMENT = "state_of_fragment";

3. Add the following method to MainActivity to save the state of the Fragment if the
configuration changes:

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

// Save the state of the fragment (true=open, false=closed).
savedInstanceState.putBoolean(STATE_FRAGMENT, isFragmentDisplayed);

4. Go back to the onCreate() method and add the following code. It checks to see if the
instance state of the Activity was saved for some reason, such as a configuration
change (the user switching from vertical to horizontal). If the saved instance was not
saved, it would be null . If the saved instance is not null , the code retrieves the
Fragment state from the saved instance, and sets the Button text:

if (savedInstanceState != null) {
isFragmentDisplayed =
if (isFragmentDisplayed) {
// If the fragment is displayed, change button to "close".

5. Run the app. Tapping Open adds the Fragment and shows the Close text in the button.
Tapping Close removes the Fragment and shows the Open text in the button. You can
switch your device or emulator from vertical to horizontal orientation to see that the
buttons and Fragment work.


Task 2 solution code

Android Studio project: FragmentExample2

To create a blank Fragment , expand app > java in Project: Android view, select the
folder containing the Java code for your app, and choose File > New > Fragment >
Fragment (Blank).
The Fragment class uses callback methods that are similar to Activity callbacks,
such as onCreateView() , which provides a LayoutInflater object to inflate the
Fragment UI from the layout resource fragment_simple .

To add a Fragment statically to an Activity so that it is displayed for the entire

lifecycle of the Activity , declare the Fragment inside the layout file for the Activity
using the <fragment> tag. You can specify layout attributes for the Fragment as if it
were a View .
To add a Fragment dynamically to an Activity so that the Activity can add, replace,


or remove it, specify a ViewGroup inside the layout file for the Activity such as a
FrameLayout .

When adding a Fragment dynamically to an Activity , the best practice for creating
the fragment is to create the instance with a newinstance() method in the Fragment
itself. Call the newinstance() method from the Activity to create a new instance.
To get an instance of FragmentManager , use getSupportFragmentManager() in order to
instantiate the Fragment class using the Support Library so your app remains
compatible with devices running system versions as low as Android 1.6.
To start a series of Fragment transactions, call beginTransaction()
ona FragmentTransaction .
With FragmentManager your code can perform the following Fragment transactions
while the app runs, using FragmentTransaction methods:

Add a Fragment using add() .

Remove a Fragment using remove() .
Replace a Fragment with another Fragment using replace() .

Related concept
The related concept documentation is Fragments.

Learn more
Android developer documentation:

Creating a Fragment
Building a Flexible UI
Building a Dynamic UI with Fragments
Handling Configuration Changes
Supporting Tablets and Handsets


What the Fragment? (Google I/O 2016)

Fragment Tricks (Google I/O '17)
Por que Precisamos de Fragments?



1.2: Communicating with a Fragment


What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
Apps overview
Task 1. Communicating with a fragment
Task 1 solution code
Task 2. Changing an app to a master/detail layout
Task 2 solution code
Related concept
Learn more

An Activity hosting a Fragment can send data to and receive data from the Fragment . A
Fragment can't communicate directly with another Fragment , even within the same

Activity . The host Activity must be used as an intermediary.

This practical demonstrates how to use an Activity to communicate with a Fragment . It

also shows how to use a Fragment to implement a two-pane master/detail layout. A
master/detail layout is a layout that allows users to view a list of items (the master view) and
drill down into each item for more details (the detail view).

What you should already KNOW

You should be able to:

Create a Fragment with an interactive UI.

Add a static Fragment to the UI layout of an Activity .
Add, replace, and remove a dynamic Fragment while an Activity is running.

What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:

Send data to a Fragment .

Retrieve data from a Fragment .


Implement a master/detail layout for wide screens.

What you will DO

Use an argument Bundle to send data to a Fragment .
Define a listener interface with a callback method in a Fragment .
Implement the listener for the Fragment and a callback to retrieve data from the
Fragment .

Move Activity code to a Fragment for a master/detail layout.

Apps overview
In FragmentExample2, the app from the lesson on using a Fragment , a user can tap the
Open button to show the Fragment , tap a radio button for a "Yes" or "No" choice, and tap
Close to close the Fragment . If the user opens the Fragment again, the previous choice is
not retained.


In this lesson you modify the code in the FragmentExample2 app to send the user's choice
back to the host Activity . When the Activity opens a new Fragment , the Activity can
send the user's previous choice to the new Fragment . As a result, when the user taps Open
again, the app shows the previously selected choice.

The second app, SongDetail, demonstrates how you can:

Use a Fragment to show a master/detail layout on tablets.

Provide the Fragment with the information it needs to perform tasks.

On a mobile phone screen, the SongDetail app looks like the following figure:


On a tablet in horizontal orientation, the SongDetail app displays a master/detail layout:

Task 1. Communicating with a fragment

You will modify the FragmentExample2 app from the lesson on creating a Fragment with a
UI, so that the Fragment can tell the host Activity which choice ("Yes" or "No") the user
made. You will:

Define a listener interface in the Fragment with a callback method to get the user's
Implement the interface and callback in the host Activity to retrieve the user's choice.
Use the newInstance() factory method to provide the user's choice back to the
Fragment when creating the next Fragment instance.

1.1 Define a listener interface with a callback

To define a listener interface in the Fragment :

1. Copy the FragmentExample2 project in order to preserve it as an intermediate step.

Open the new copy in Android Studio, and refactor and rename the new project to
FragmentCommunicate . (For help with copying projects and refactoring and renaming,

see Copy and rename a project.)

2. Open SimpleFragment , and add another constant in the SimpleFragment class to


represent the third state of the radio button choice, which is 2 if the user has not yet
made a choice:

private static final int NONE = 2;

3. Add a variable for the radio button choice:

public int mRadioButtonChoice = NONE;

4. Define a listener interface called OnFragmentInteractionListener . In it, specify a

callback method that you will create, called onRadioButtonChoice() :

interface OnFragmentInteractionListener {
void onRadioButtonChoice(int choice);

5. Define a variable for the listener at the top of the SimpleFragment class. You will use
this variable in onAttach() in the next step:

OnFragmentInteractionListener mListener;

6. Override the onAttach() lifecycle method in SimpleFragment to capture the host

Activity interface implementation:

public void onAttach(Context context) {
if (context instanceof OnFragmentInteractionListener) {
mListener = (OnFragmentInteractionListener) context;
} else {
throw new ClassCastException(context.toString()
+ getResources().getString(R.string.exception_message));

The onAttach() method is called as soon as the Fragment is associated with the
Activity . The code makes sure that the host Activity has implemented the callback

interface. If not, it throws an exception.

The string resource exception_message is included in the starter app for the text "must
implement OnFragmentInteractionListener".

7. In onCreateView() , get the mRadioButtonChoice by adding code to each case of the

switch case block for the radio buttons:


case YES: // User chose "Yes."

mRadioButtonChoice = YES;
case NO: // User chose "No."
mRadioButtonChoice = NO;
default: // No choice made.
mRadioButtonChoice = NONE;

1.2 Implement the callback in the Activity

To implement the callback:

1. Open MainActivity and implement OnFragmentInteractionListener in order to receive

the data from the Fragment :

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity

implements SimpleFragment.OnFragmentInteractionListener {

2. In Android Studio, the above code is underlined in red, and a red bulb appears in the left
margin. Click the bulb and choose Implement methods. Choose
onRadioButtonChoice(choice:int):void, and click OK. An empty
onRadioButtonChoice() method appears in MainActivity .

3. Add a member variable in MainActivity for the choice the user makes with the radio
buttons, and set it to the default value:

private int mRadioButtonChoice = 2; // The default (no choice).

4. Add code to the new onRadioButtonChoice() method to assign the user's radio button
choice from the Fragment to mRadioButtonChoice . Add a Toast to show that the
Activity has received the data from the Fragment :

public void onRadioButtonChoice(int choice) {
// Keep the radio button choice to pass it back to the fragment.
mRadioButtonChoice = choice;
Toast.makeText(this, "Choice is " + Integer.toString(choice),


5. Run the app, tap Open, and make a choice. The Activity shows the Toast message
with the choice as an integer (0 is "Yes" and 1 is "No").



1.3 Provide the user's choice to the fragment

To provide the user's previous "Yes" or "No" choice from the host Activity to the
Fragment , pass the choice to the newInstance() method in SimpleFragment when

instantiating SimpleFragment . You can set a Bundle and use the

Fragment. setArguments(Bundle) method to supply the construction arguments for the

Fragment .

Follow these steps:

1. Open MainActivity , and change the newInstance() statement in displayFragment()

to the following:

SimpleFragment fragment = SimpleFragment.newInstance(mRadioButtonChoice);

2. Open SimpleFragment and add the following constant, which is the key to finding the
information in the Bundle :

private static final String CHOICE = "choice";

3. In SimpleFragment , change the newInstance() method to the following, which uses a

Bundle and the setArguments(Bundle) method to set the arguments before returning

the Fragment :

public static SimpleFragment newInstance(int choice) {

SimpleFragment fragment = new SimpleFragment();
Bundle arguments = new Bundle();
arguments.putInt(CHOICE, choice);
return fragment;

4. Now that a Bundle of arguments is available in the SimpleFragment , you can add code
to the onCreateView() method in SimpleFragment to get the choice from the Bundle .
Right before the statement that sets the radioGroup onCheckedChanged listener, add the
following code to retrieve the radio button choice (if a choice was made), and pre-select
the radio button.


if (getArguments().containsKey(CHOICE)) {
// A choice was made, so get the choice.
mRadioButtonChoice = getArguments().getInt(CHOICE);
// Check the radio button choice.
if (mRadioButtonChoice != NONE) {

5. Run the app. At first, the app doesn't show the Fragment (see the left side of the
following figure).
6. Tap Open and make a choice such as "Yes" (see the center of the figure below). The
choice you made appears in a Toast .
7. Tap Close to close the Fragment .
8. Tap Open to reopen the Fragment . The Fragment appears with the choice already
made (see the right side of the figure). Your app has communicated the choice from the
Fragment to the Activity , and then back to the Fragment .

Task 1 solution code

Android Studio project: FragmentCommunicate

Task 2. Changing an app to a master/detail



This task demonstrates how you can use a Fragment to implement a two-pane master/detail
layout for a horizontal tablet display. It also shows how to take code from an Activity and
encapsulate it within a Fragment , thereby simplifying the Activity .

In this task you use a starter app called SongDetail_start that displays song titles that the
user can tap to see song details.

On a tablet, the app doesn't take advantage of the full screen size, as shown in the following


When set to a horizontal orientation, a tablet device is wide enough to show information in a
master/detail layout. You will modify the app to show a master/detail layout if the device is
wide enough, with the song list as the master, and the Fragment as the detail, as shown in
the following figure.

The following diagram shows the difference in the code for the SongDetail starter app (1),
and the final version of the app for both mobile phone and wide tablets (2-3).


In the above figure:

1. Phone or tablet: The SongDetail_start app displays the song details in a vertical layout
in SongDetailActivity , which is called from MainActivity .
2. Phone or small screen: The final version of SongDetail displays the song details in
SongDetailFragment . MainActivity calls SongDetailActivity , which then hosts the

Fragment in a vertical layout.

3. Tablet or larger screen in horizontal orientation: If the screen is wide enough for the
master/detail layout, the final version of SongDetail displays the song details in
SongDetailFragment . MainActivity hosts the Fragment directly.

2.1 Examine the starter app layout

To save time, download the SongDetail_start starter app, which has been prepared with
data, layouts, and a RecyclerView .

1. Open the SongDetail_start app in Android Studio, and rename and refactor the project
to SongDetail (for help with copying projects and refactoring and renaming, see "Copy
and rename a project").
2. Run the app on a tablet or a tablet emulator in horizontal orientation. For instructions on
using the emulator, see Run Apps on the Android Emulator. The starter app uses the
same layout for tablets and mobile phones—it doesn't take advantage of a wide screen.

3. Examine the layouts. Although you don't need to change them, you will reference the
android:id values in your code.

The song_list.xml layout is included within activity_song_list.xml to define the layout of

the song list. You can expand it to show:

song_list.xml as the default for any screen size.

song_list.xml (w900dp) for devices with screens that have a width of 900dp or larger. It

differs from song_list.xml because it includes a FrameLayout with an id of

song_detail_container for displaying the Fragment on a wide screen.


The activity_song_detail.xml layout for SongDetailActivity includes song_detail.xml .

Provided is a FrameLayout with the same id of song_detail_container for displaying the
Fragment on a screen that is not wide.

The following layouts are also provided, which you don't have to change:

song_detail.xml : Included within activity_song_detail.xml to define the layout of the

TextView for the detailed song information.

activity_song_list.xml : Layout for MainActivity . This layout includes

song_list.xml .

song_list_content.xml : Item layout for the RecyclerView adapter.

2.2 Examine the starter app code

Open SongDetailActivity and find the code in the onCreate() method that displays the
song detail:

// ...
// This activity displays the detail. In a real-world scenario,
// get the data from a content repository.
mSong = SongUtils.SONG_ITEMS.get
(getIntent().getIntExtra(SongUtils.SONG_ID_KEY, 0));

// Show the detail information in a TextView.

if (mSong != null) {
((TextView) findViewById(
// ...

In the next step you will add a new Fragment , and copy the if (mSong != null) block with
setText() to the new Fragment , so that the Fragment controls how the song detail is


The class in the content folder creates an array of fixed entries for the
song title and song detail information. You can modify this class to refer to different types of
data. However, in a real-world production app, you would most likely get data from a
repository or server, rather than hardcoding it in the app.

2.3 Add the fragment

Add a new blank Fragment , and move code from SongDetailActivity to the Fragment , so
that the Fragment can take over the job of displaying the song detail.

1. Select the app package name within java in the Project: Android view, add a new


Fragment (Blank), and name the Fragment SongDetailFragment. Uncheck the

Include fragment factory methods and Include interface callbacks options.
2. Open SongDetailActivity , and Edit > Cut the mSong variable declaration from the
Activity . Some of the code in SongDetailActivity that relies on it will be underlined

in red, but you will replace that code in subsequent steps.

public SongUtils.Song mSong;

3. Open SongDetailFragment , and Edit > Paste the above declaration at the top of the
4. In SongDetailFragment , remove all code in the onCreateView() method and change it to
inflate the song_detail.xm l layout:

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View rootView =
inflater.inflate(R.layout.song_detail, container, false);
// TODO: Show the detail information in a TextView.
return rootView;

5. To use the song detail in the Fragment , replace the TODO comment with the if (mSong
!= null) block from SongDetailActivity , which includes the setText() method to

show the detail information in the song_detail TextView . You need to add rootView
to use the findViewById() method; otherwise, the block is the same as the one
formerly used in SongDetailActivity :

if (mSong != null) {
((TextView) rootView.findViewById(

2.4 Check if the screen is wide enough for a two-pane

MainActivity in the starter app provides the data to a second Activity

( SongDetailActivity ) to display the song detail on a separate Activity display. To change

the app to provide data for the Fragment , you will change the code that displays the song

If the display is wide enough for a two-pane layout, MainActivity will host the
Fragment , and send the position of the selected song in the list directly to the

Fragment .


If the screen is not wide enough for a two-pane layout, MainActivity will use an intent
with extra data—the position of the selected song—to start SongDetailActivity .
SongDetailActivity will then host the Fragment , and send the position of the selected

song to the Fragment .

In other words, the Fragment will take over the job of displaying the song detail. Therefore,
your code needs to host the Fragment in MainActivity if the screen is wide enough for a
two-pane display, or in SongDetailActivity if the screen is not wide enough.

Open MainActivity , and follow these steps:

1. To serve as a check for the size of the screen, add a private boolean to the
MainActivity class called mTwoPane :

private boolean mTwoPane = false;

2. Add the following to the end of the MainActivity onCreate() method:

if (findViewById( != null) {
mTwoPane = true;

The above code checks for the screen size and orientation. The song_detail_container
view for MainActivity will be present only if the screen's width is 900dp or larger,
because it is defined only in the song_list.xml (w900dp) layout, not in the default
song_list.xml layout for smaller screen sizes. If this view is present, then the

Activity should be in two-pane mode.

If a tablet is set to portrait orientation, its width will most likely be lower than 900dp, and so it
will not show a two-pane layout. If the tablet is set to horizontal orientation and its width is
900dp or larger, it will show a two-pane layout.

2.5 Use the fragment to show song detail

The Fragment needs to know which song title the user selected. To use the same best
practice for creating an instance of a Fragment , as in the previous exercises, create a
newInstance() factory method in the Fragment .

In the newInstance() method you can set a Bundle and use the
Fragment. setArguments(Bundle) method to supply the construction arguments for the

Fragment . In a following step, you will use the Fragment. getArguments() method in the

Fragment to get the arguments supplied by setArguments(Bundle) .

1. Open SongDetailFragment , and add the following method to it:


public static SongDetailFragment newInstance (int selectedSong) {

SongDetailFragment fragment = new SongDetailFragment();
// Set the bundle arguments for the fragment.
Bundle arguments = new Bundle();
arguments.putInt(SongUtils.SONG_ID_KEY, selectedSong);
return fragment;

The above method receives the selectedSong (the integer position of the song title in
the list), and creates the arguments Bundle with SONG_ID_KEY and selectedSong . It
then uses setArguments(arguments) to set the arguments for the Fragment , and returns
the Fragment .

2. Open MainActivity , and find the onBindViewHolder() method that implements a

listener with setOnClickListener() . When the user taps a song title, the starter app
code starts SongDetailActivity using an intent with extra data (the position of the
selected song in the list):

holder.mView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Context context = v.getContext();
Intent intent = new Intent(context, SongDetailActivity.class);

This code sends the extra data— SongUtils.SONG_ID_KEY and

holder.getAdapterPosition() )—that SongDetailActivity uses to show the correct

detail for the tapped song title. You will have to send this data to the new Fragment .

3. Change the code within the onClick() method to create a new instance of the
Fragment for two-pane display, or to use the intent (as before) to launch the second

Activity if not a two-pane display.


if (mTwoPane) {
int selectedSong = holder.getAdapterPosition();
SongDetailFragment fragment =
.replace(, fragment)
} else {
Context context = v.getContext();
Intent intent = new Intent(context, SongDetailActivity.class);

If mTwoPane is true, the code gets the selected song position ( selectedSong ) in the
song title list, and passes it to the new instance of SongDetailFragment using the
newInstance() method in the Fragment . It then uses getSupportFragmentManager() with

a replace transaction to show a new version of the Fragment .

The transaction code for managing a Fragment should be familiar, as you performed
such operations in a previous lesson. By replacing the Fragment , you can refresh with
new data a Fragment that is already running.

If mTwoPane is false, the code does exactly the same thing it did in the starter app: it
starts SongDetailActivity with an intent and SONG_ID_KEY and
holder.getAdapterPosition() as extra data.

4. Open SongDetailActivity , and find the code in the onCreate() method that no longer
works due to the removal of the mSong declaration. In the next step you will replace it.

// This activity displays the detail. In a real-world scenario,

// get the data from a content repository.
mSong = SongUtils.SONG_ITEMS.get
(getIntent().getIntExtra(SongUtils.SONG_ID_KEY, 0));
// Show the detail information in a TextView.
if (mSong != null) {
((TextView) findViewById(

Previously you cut the if (mSong != null) block that followed the above code and
pasted it into the Fragment , so that the Fragment could display the song detail. You
can now replace the above code in the next step so that SongDetailActivity will use
the Fragment to display the song detail.


5. Replace the above code in onCreate() with the following code. It first checks if
savedInstanceState is null , which means the Activity started but its state was not

saved. If it is null , it creates an instance of the Fragment , passing it the

selectedSong . (If savedInstanceState is not null , the Activity state has been

saved—such as when the screen is rotated. In such cases, you don't need to add the
Fragment .)

if (savedInstanceState == null) {
int selectedSong =
getIntent().getIntExtra(SongUtils.SONG_ID_KEY, 0);
SongDetailFragment fragment =
.add(, fragment)

The code first gets the selected song title position from the intent extra data. It then
creates an instance of the Fragment and adds it to the Activity using a Fragment
transaction. SongDetailActivity will now use the SongDetailFragment to display the

6. To set up the data in the Fragment , open SongDetailFragment and add the entire
onCreate() method before the onCreateView() method. The getArguments() method

in the onCreate() method gets the arguments supplied to the Fragment using
setArguments(Bundle) .

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (getArguments().containsKey(SongUtils.SONG_ID_KEY)) {
// Load the content specified by the fragment arguments.
mSong = SongUtils.SONG_ITEMS.get(getArguments()

7. Run the app on a mobile phone or phone emulator. It should look the same as it did
before. (Refer to the figure at the beginning of this task.)
8. Run the app on a tablet or tablet emulator in horizontal orientation. It should display the
master/detail layout as shown in the following figure.


Task 2 solution code

Android Studio project: SongDetail

Adding a Fragment dynamically:

When adding a Fragment dynamically to an Activity , the best practice for

representing the Fragment as an instance in the Activity is to create the instance
with a newinstance() factory method in the Fragment .
The newinstance() method can set a Bundle and use setArguments(Bundle) to supply
the construction arguments for the Fragment .
Call the newinstance() method from the Activity to create a new instance, and pass
the specific data you need for this Bundle .

Fragment lifecycle:

The system calls onAttach() when a Fragment is first associated with an Activity .
Use onAttach() to initialize essential components of the Fragment , such as a listener.
The system calls onCreate() when creating a Fragment . Use onCreate() to initialize
components of the Fragment that you want to retain when the Fragment is paused or


stopped, then resumed.

The system calls onCreateView() to draw a Fragment UI for the first time. To draw a UI
for your Fragment , you must return the root View of your Fragment layout from this
method. You can return null if the Fragment does not provide a UI.
When a Fragment is in the active or resumed state, it can access the host Activity
instance with getActivity() and easily perform tasks such as finding a View in the
Activity layout.

Calling Fragment methods and saving its state:

The host Activity can call methods in a Fragment by acquiring a reference to the
Fragment from FragmentManager , using findFragmentById() .

Save the Fragment state during the onSaveInstanceState() callback and restore it
during either onCreate() , onCreateView() , or onActivityCreated() .

To communicate from the host Activity to a Fragment , use a Bundle and the following:

setArguments(Bundle) : Supply the construction arguments for a Fragment . The

arguments are retained across the Fragment lifecycle.

getArguments() : Return the arguments supplied to setArguments(Bundle) , if any.

To have a Fragment communicate to its host Activity , declare an interface in the

Fragment , and implement it in the Activity .

The interface in the Fragment defines a callback method to communicate to its host
Activity .

The host Activity implements the callback method.

Related concept
The related concept documentation is Fragment lifecycle and communications.

Learn more
Android developer documentation:

Creating a Fragment
Communicating with Other Fragments


The Activity Lifecycle

Building a Flexible UI
Building a Dynamic UI with Fragments
Handling Configuration Changes
Tasks and Back Stack


What the Fragment? (Google I/O 2016)

Fragment Tricks (Google I/O '17)
Por que Precisamos de Fragments?


2.1: Building app widgets


What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Set up the app widget project
Task 2. Create the app widget layout
Task 3. Add app widget updates and actions
Solution code
Coding challenge
Related concept
Learn more

An app widget is a miniature app view that appears on the Android home screen and can be
updated periodically with new data. App widgets display small amounts of information or
perform simple functions such as showing the time, summarizing the day's calendar events,


or controlling music playback.

App widgets are add-ons for an existing app and are made available to users when the app
is installed on a device. Your app can have multiple widgets. You can't create a stand-alone
app widget without an associated app.

Users can place widgets on any home screen panel from the widget picker. To access the
widget picker, touch & hold any blank space on the home screen, and then choose Widgets.
Touch & hold any widget to place it on the home screen. You can also touch & hold an
already-placed widget to move or resize it, if it is resizeable.

Note: As of Android 5.0, widgets can only be placed on the Android home screen. Previous
versions of Android (4.2/API 17 to 4.4/API 19) also allowed widgets to appear on the lock
screen (keyguard). Although the app widget tools and APIs still occasionally mention lock
screen widgets, that functionality is deprecated. This chapter discusses only the home
screen widgets.
App widgets that display data can be updated periodically to refresh that data, either by the
system or by the widget's associated app, through a broadcast intent. An app widget is a
broadcast receiver that accepts those intents.

App widgets can also perform actions when tapped, such as launching their associated app.
You can create click handlers to perform actions for the widget as a whole, or for any view of
the widget layout such as a button.


In this practical, you build a simple widget that displays data, updates itself periodically, and
includes a button to refresh the data on request.

Note: The term "widget" in Android also commonly refers to the user interface elements
(views) you use to build an app, such as buttons and checkboxes. In this chapter all
instances of the word widget refers to app widgets.

What you should already KNOW

You should be familiar with:

Creating, building, and running apps in Android Studio.

Sending and receiving broadcast intents.
Building and sending pending intents.

What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:

Identify app widgets, and understand the key parts of an app widget.
Add an app widget to your project with Android Studio.
Understand the mechanics of app widget updates, and how to receive and handle
update intents for your app widget.
Implement app widget actions when an element of an app widget is tapped.

What you will DO

Add an app widget to a starter project with Android Studio.
Implement an app widget layout.
Implement app widget updates, and learn the difference between periodic and
requested updates.

App overview
The AppWidgetSample app demonstrates a simple app widget. Because the app
demonstrates app widgets, the app's main activity is minimal, with one explanatory text view:



The actual app widget has two panels for information and a button:

The panels display:

The app widget ID. The user can place multiple widget instances on their home screen.
An internal ID identifies each widget.
How many times the widget has been updated, and the last update time.
An Update now button, to request an immediate update.

Task 1. Set up the app widget project

In this task, you open the starter app for the project, add a skeleton app widget to that app
with Android Studio, and explore the files for that new app widget.

1.1 Build and run the app project

1. Create a new Android project. Call it AppWidgetSample and use the Empty activity
2. Open res/layout/activity_main.xml .
3. Change the android:text attribute of the TextView to read "All the functionality for this
app is in the app widget." Extract the string.
4. Select File > New > Widget > AppWidget. Leave the widget name as NewAppWidget.
Set the minimum width and minimum height to 2 cells. Leave all the other options as
they are, and click Finish.


Android Studio generates all the template files you need for adding an app widget to
your app. You explore those files in the next section.

5. Build and run the project in Android Studio.

6. When the app appears, tap the home button.

7. Touch & hold any empty space on the home screen, then tap Widgets. A list of
available widgets appears. This screen is sometimes called the "widget picker."
8. Scroll down to AppWidgetSample section, and touch & hold the blue EXAMPLE
widget. Place it in any empty spot on any home screen, and release.

The new widget appears on the home screen two cells wide and one cell high, the
default widget size you defined when you created the widget. This sample widget
doesn't do anything other than display the word EXAMPLE on a blue background.


9. Add another widget. You can add multiple widgets from the same app on your home
screen. This functionality is mostly useful for widgets that can be configured to display
customized information. For example, different weather widgets could display the
weather in different locations.

10. Touch & hold either of the EXAMPLE widgets. Resize handles appear on the edges of
the widget. You can now move the widget or change the size of the widget to take up
more than the allotted cells on the home screen.
11. To remove an EXAMPLE widget from the device, touch & hold the widget and drag it to
the word Remove at the top of the screen. Removing a widget only removes that
particular widget instance. Neither the second widget nor the app are removed.

1.2 Explore the AppWidgetSample files

The skeleton EXAMPLE widget that Android Studio created for you generates many files in
your project. In this task you explore the files.

1. Open res/xml/new_app_widget_info.xml .

This XML configuration file is usually called the provider-info file . The provider-info file
defines several properties of your app widget, including the widget's layout file, default
size, configuration activity (if any), preview image, and periodic update frequency (how
often the widget updates itself, in milliseconds).

2. Open res/layout/new_app_widget.xml .

This file defines the layout of your app widget. App widget layouts are based on
RemoteViews elements, rather than the normal View hierarchy, although you define

them in XML the same way. Remote views provide a separate view hierarchy that can
be displayed outside an app. Remote views include a limited subset of the available
Android layouts and views.

3. Open res/drawable/example_appwidget_preview.png . This drawable is a PNG image that

provides a preview of the widget itself. The preview image appears on the Android
widget picker screen when the user installs your widget. The default preview image you
get when you create the app widget is a blue rectangle with the word EXAMPLE. If
there's no preview image, the icon for your app is used instead. The resource for the
preview image is specified in the provider-info file.

4. Open java/values/ .

This file is the widget provider , the Java file that defines the behavior for your widget.
The key task for a widget provider is to handle widget update intents. App widgets
extend the AppWidgetProvider class, which in turn extends BroadcastReceiver .


5. Open res/values/dimens.xml .

This default dimensions file includes a value for the widget padding of 8 dp. App widgets
look best with a little extra space around the edges so that the widgets do not display
edge-to-edge on the user's home screen. Before Android 4.0 (API 14), your layout
needed to include this padding. After API 14 the system adds the margin for you.

6. Open res/values/dimens.xml(2)/dimen.xml (v14) .

This dimensions file is used for Android API versions 14 and higher. The value of
widget-margin in this file is 0 dp, because the system adds the margin for you.

7. Open manifests/AndroidManifest.xml .

In the AndroidManifest.xml file, the widget provider is defined as a BroadcastReceiver

with the <receiver> tag, because the AppWidgetProvider class extends
BroadcastReceiver . The definition also includes an intent filter with an action of

android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE , which indicates that this app widget listens

to app widget update broadcast intents. Note the android:resource attribute of the
meta-data tag, which specifies the widget provider-info file ( new_app_widget_info ).

1.3 Explore the provider-info file

Some metadata about the app widget is defined in the widget provider-info file. In this step,
you explore that file and some of the metadata it contains.

1. Open res/xml/new_app_widget_info.xml .
2. Note the android:initialLayout attribute.

This attribute defines the layout resource that your app widget will use, in this case the
@layout/new_app_widget layout file.

Note: The default provider-info file also includes an android:initialKeyguardLayout

attribute. This attribute enables you to provide a different layout for keyguard (lock
screen) widgets. Previous versions of Android (4.2/API 17 to 4.4/API 19) allowed
widgets to appear on the lock screen. Although the app widget tools and APIs still
occasionally mention lock screen widgets, that functionality is deprecated.
3. Note the android:minHeight and android:minWidth attributes.

These attributes define the minimum initial size of the widget, in dp. When you defined
your widget in Android Studio to be 2 cells wide by 2 high, Android Studio fills in these
values in the provider-info file. When your widget is added to a user's home screen, it is
stretched both horizontally and vertically to occupy as many grid cells as satisfy the
minWidth and minHeight values.


The rule for how many dp fit into a grid cell is based on the equation 70 × grid_size −
30, where grid_size is the number of cells you want your widget to take up. Generally
speaking, you can use this table to determine what your minWidth and minHeight
should be:

# of cells (columns or rows) minWidth or minHeight

1 40 dp
2 110 dp
3 180 dp
4 250 dp

Task 2. Create the app widget layout

In this task, you learn how home screen cells translate to actual widget dimensions. You
create the widget layout views in the layout editor, and you edit the widget provider to build
and display the layout.

2.1 Add the widget layout

1. Open res/layout/new_app_widget.xml .
2. Note the value for android:padding in the top-level RelativeLayout element. This
padding value is defined in the dimens.xml files ( @dimen/widget_margin ), and varies
depending on the version of Android on which the widget is running.
3. Delete the existing TextView element. Add a LinearLayout element inside the
RelativeLayout element with these attributes:

Attribute Value
android:id "@+id/section_id"

android:layout_width "match_parent"

android:layout_height "wrap_content"

android:layout_alignParentLeft "true"

android:layout_alignParentStart "true"

android:layout_alignParentTop "true"

android:orientation "horizontal"

style "@style/AppWidgetSection"

This linear layout provides the appearance of a light-colored panel on top of a grey-blue
background. The AppWidgetSection style does not yet exist and appears in red in
Android Studio. (You add it later.)


4. Inside the LinearLayout , add a TextView with these attributes:

Attribute Value
android:id "@+id/appwidget_id_label"

android:layout_width "0dp"

android:layout_height "wrap_content"

android:layout_weight "2"

android:text "Widget ID"

style "@style/AppWidgetLabel"

Extract the string for the text. This text view is the label for the widget ID. The
AppWidgetLabel style does not yet exist.

5. Add a second TextView below the first one, and give it these attributes:

Attribute Value
android:id "@+id/appwidget_id"

android:layout_width "0dp"

android:layout_height "wrap_content"

android:layout_weight "1"

android:text "XX"

style "@style/AppWidgetText"

You do not need to extract the string for the text in this text view, because the string is
replaced with the actual ID when the app widget runs. As with the previous views, the
AppWidgetText style is not yet defined.

6. Open res/values/styles.xml . Add the following code below the AppTheme styles to
define AppWidgetSection , AppWidgetLabel , and AppWidgetText :


<style name="AppWidgetSection" parent="@android:style/Widget">

<item name="android:padding">8dp</item>
<item name="android:layout_marginTop">12dp</item>
<item name="android:layout_marginLeft">12dp</item>
<item name="android:layout_marginRight">12dp</item>
<item name="android:background">&#64;android:color/white</item>

<style name="AppWidgetLabel" parent="AppWidgetText">

<item name="android:textStyle">bold</item>

<style name="AppWidgetText" parent="Base.TextAppearance.AppCompat.Subhead">

<item name="android:textColor">&#64;android:color/black</item>

7. Return to the app widget's layout file. Click the Design tab to examine the layout in the
design editor. By default, Android Studio assumes that you are designing a layout for a
regular activity, and it displays a default activity "skin" around your layout. Android
Studio does not provide a preview for app widget designs.

TIP: To simulate a simple widget design, choose Android Wear Square from the device
menu and resize the layout to be approximately 110 dp wide and 110 dp tall (the values of
minWidth and minHeight in the provider-info file).

2.2 Build the widget views in the widget provider

The widget-provider class is a subclass of AppWidgetProvider . You must implement the
onUpdate() method for every app widget. This method is called the first time the widget

runs and again each time the widget receives an update request (a broadcast intent).

Implementing a widget update typically involves these tasks:

Retrieve any new data that the app widget needs to display.
Build a RemoteViews object from the app's context and the app widget's layout file.
Update any views within the app widget's layout with new data.
Tell the app widget manager to redisplay the widget with the new remote views.

Unlike activities, where you only inflate the layout once and then modify it in place as new
data appears, the entire app widget layout must be reconstructed and redisplayed each time
the widget receives an update intent.

1. Open java/values/ .
2. Scroll down to the onUpdate() method, and examine the method parameters.


The onUpdate() method is called with several arguments including the context, the app
widget manager, and an array of integers that contains all the available app widget IDs.

Every app widget that the user adds to the home screen gets a unique internal ID that
identifies that app widget. Each time you get an update request in your provider class,
you must update all app widget instances by iterating over that array of IDs.

The template code that Android Studio defines for your widget provider's onUpdate()
method iterates over that array of app widget IDs and calls the updateAppWidget()
helper method.

public void onUpdate(Context context,
AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager, int[] appWidgetIds) {
// There may be multiple widgets active, so update all of them
for (int appWidgetId : appWidgetIds) {
updateAppWidget(context, appWidgetManager, appWidgetId);

When you use this template code for an app widget, you do not need to modify the
actual onUpdate() method. Use the updateAppWidget() helper method to update each
individual widget.

3. In the updateAppWidget() method, delete the line that gets the app widget text:

CharSequence widgetText =

The template code for the app widget includes this string. You won't use it for this app

4. Modify the arguments to the views.setTextViewText() method to update the view with the actual appWidgetId .

views.setTextViewText(, String.valueOf(appWidgetId));

5. Delete the onEnabled() and onDisabled() method stubs.

You would use onEnabled() to perform initial setup for a widget (such as opening a
new database) when the first instance is initially added to the user's home screen. Even
if the user adds multiple widgets, this method is only called once. Use onDisabled() ,


correspondingly, to clean up any resources that were created in onEnabled() once the
last instance of that widget is removed. You won't use either of these methods for this
app, so you can delete them.

6. Build and run the app. When the app launches, go to the device's Home screen.

Delete the existing EXAMPLE widget from the home screen, and add a new widget. The
preview for your app widget in the widget picker still uses an image that represents the
EXAMPLE widget. When you place the new widget on a home screen, the widget
should show the new layout with the internal widget ID. Note that the current height of
the widget leaves a lot of space below the panel for the ID. You'll add more panels soon.

Note: Because app widgets are updated independently from their associated app,
sometimes when you make changes to an app widget in Android Studio those changes
do not show up in existing apps. When testing widgets make sure to remove all existing
widgets before adding new ones.
7. Add a second copy of the app widget to the home screen. Note that each widget has its
own widget ID.

Task 3. Add app widget updates and actions

The data your app widget contains can be updated in two ways:

The widget can update itself at regular intervals. You can define the interval in the
widget's provider-info file.
The widget's associated app can request a widget update explicitly.

In both these cases the app widget manager sends a broadcast intent with the action
ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE . Your app widget-provider class receives that intent, and calls the

onUpdate() method.

3.1 Handle periodic updates


In this task, you add a second panel to the app widget that indicates how many times the
widget has been updated, and the last update time.

1. In the widget layout file, add a second LinearLayout element just after the first, and
give it these attributes:

Attribute Value
android:id "@+id/section_update"

android:layout_width "match_parent"

android:layout_height "wrap_content"

android:layout_alignParentLeft "true"

android:layout_alignParentStart "true"

android:layout_below "@+id/section_id"

android:orientation "vertical"

style "@style/AppWidgetSection"

2. Inside the new LinearLayout , add a TextView with these attributes, and extract the

Attribute Value
android:id "@+id/appwidget_update_label"

android:layout_width "match_parent"

android:layout_height "wrap_content"

android:layout_marginBottom "2dp"

android:text "Last Updated"

style "@style/AppWidgetLabel"

3. Add a second TextView after the first one and give it these attributes:

Attribute Value
android:id "@+id/appwidget_update"

android:layout_width "match_parent"

android:layout_height "wrap_content"

android:layout_weight "1"

android:text "%1$d @%2$s"

style "@style/AppWidgetText"

Extract the string in android:text and give it the name date_count_format . The odd
characters in this text string are placeholder formatting code. Parts of this string will be
replaced in the Java code for your app, with the formatting codes filled in with numeric
values. In this case the formatting code has four parts:


%1 : The first placeholder.

$d : The format for the first placeholder value. In this case, a decimal number.

%2 : The second placeholder.

$s : The format for the second placeholder value (a string).

The parts of the string that are not placeholders (here, just the @ sign) are passed
through to the new string. You can find out more about placeholders and formatting
codes in the Formatter documentation.

TIP: To see the new widget in Android Studio's Design tab, you may need to enlarge
the layout by dragging the lower-right corner downward.
4. In the app widget provider-info file ( res/xml/new_app_widget_info.xml ), change the
android:minHeight attribute to 180dp .


When you add more content to the layout, the default size of the widget in cells on the
home screen also needs to change. This iteration of the app widget is 3 cells high by 2
wide, which means minHeight is now 180 dp and minWidth remains 110 dp.

5. Also in the provider-info file, change android:updatePeriodMillis to 1800000 .

The android:updatePeriodMillis attribute defines how often the app widget is updated.
The default update interval is 86,400,000 milliseconds (24 hours). 1,800,000
milliseconds is a 30 minute interval. If you set updatePeriodMillis to less than
1,800,000 milliseconds, the app widget manager only sends update requests every 30
minutes. Because updates use system resources, even if the associated app is not
running, you should generally avoid frequent app widget updates.

6. In the app widget provider ( ), add static variables to the top of the
class for shared preferences. You'll use shared preferences to keep track of the current
update count for the widget.

private static final String mSharedPrefFile =

private static final String COUNT_KEY = "count";

7. At the top of the updateAppWidget() method, get the value of the update count from the
shared preferences, and increment that value.

SharedPreferences prefs = context.getSharedPreferences(

mSharedPrefFile, 0);
int count = prefs.getInt(COUNT_KEY + appWidgetId, 0);


The key to get the current count out of the shared preferences includes both the static
key COUNT_KEY and the current app widget ID. Each app widget may have a different
update count so each app widget needs its own entry in the shared preferences.

8. Get the current time and format it as a short string ( DateFormat.SHORT ):

String dateString =
DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT).format(new Date());

You will need to import both the DateFormat ( java.text.DateFormat ) and Date
( java.util.Date ) classes.

9. After updating the text view for appwidget_id , add a line to update the
appwidget_update text view. This code gets the date format string from the resources

and substitutes the formatting codes in the string with the actual values for the number
of updates ( count ) and the current update time ( dateString ):

R.string.date_count_format, count, dateString));

10. After constructing the RemoteViews object and before requesting the update from the
app widget manager, put the current update count back into shared preferences:

SharedPreferences.Editor prefEditor = prefs.edit();

prefEditor.putInt(COUNT_KEY + appWidgetId, count);

As with the earlier lines where you retrieved the count from the shared preferences,
here you store the count with a key that includes COUNT_KEY and the app widget ID, to
differentiate between different counts.

11. Compile and run the app. As before, make sure you remove any existing widgets.


12. Add two widgets to the home screen, at least one minute apart. The widgets will have
the same update count (1) but different update times.

At each half an hour interval after you add an app widget to the home screen, the
Android app widget manager sends an update broadcast intent. Your widget provider
accepts that intent, increments the count and updates the time for each widget. You
could wait half an hour to see the widgets update itself, but in the next section you add a
button that manually triggers an update.

The automatic update interval is timed from the first instance of the widget you placed
on the home screen. Once that first widget receives an update request, then all the
widget instances are updated at the same time.

3.2 Add an update button

In this last task, you add a button to the widget that explicitly requests a widget update with a
broadcast intent. With this button you can update your widgets on request without waiting for
the widget manager to get around to updating your widgets.

1. In the widget layout file, add a Button element just below the second LinearLayout ,
and give it these attributes:

Attribute Value
android:id "@+id/button_update"

android:layout_width "wrap_content"

android:layout_height "wrap_content"

android:layout_below "@+id/section_update"

android:layout_centerHorizontal "true"

android:text "Update now"

style "@style/AppWidgetButton"


Again, you may need to enlarge the widget in the Design tab.

2. In styles.xml , add this style for the button:

<style name="AppWidgetButton" parent="Base.Widget.AppCompat.Button">

<item name="android:layout_marginTop">12dp</item>

3. In your AppWidgetProvider class, in the updateAppWidget() method, create an intent

and set that intent's action to AppWidgetManager.ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE . Add these
lines just after you save the count to the shared preferences, and before the final call to
appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget() .

Intent intentUpdate = new Intent(context, NewAppWidget.class);


The new intent is an explicit intent with the widget-provider class ( NewAppWidget.class )
as the target component.

4. After the lines to create the intent, create an array of integers with only one element: the
current app widget ID.

int[] idArray = new int[]{appWidgetId};

5. Add an intent extra with the key AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_IDS , and the array
you just created.

intentUpdate.putExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_IDS, idArray);

The intent needs an array of app widget IDs to update. In this case there's only the
current widget ID, but that ID still needs to be wrapped in an array.

6. Use the PendingIntent.getBroadcast() method to wrap the intent as a pending intent

that will perform a broadcast.

PendingIntent pendingUpdate = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(

context, appWidgetId, intentUpdate,

You use a pending intent here because the app widget manager sends the broadcast
intent on your behalf.


7. Set the onClick listener for the button to send the pending intent. Specifically for this
action, the RemoteViews class provides a shortcut method called
setOnClickPendingIntent() .

views.setOnClickPendingIntent(, pendingUpdate);

TIP: In this step, a single view (the button) sends a pending intent. To have the entire
widget send a pending intent, give an ID to the top-level widget layout view. Specify that
ID as the first argument in the setOnClickPendingIntent() method.

8. Compile and run the app. Remove all existing app widgets from the home screen, and
add a new widget. When you tap the Update now button, both the update count and

the time update.

9. Add a second widget. Confirm that tapping the Update now button in one widget only
updates that particular widget and not the other widget.

Solution code
Android Studio project: AppWidgetSample

Coding challenge
Note: All coding challenges are optional.
Challenge: Update the widget preview image with a screenshot of the actual app widget.

TIP: The Android emulator includes an app called "Widget Preview" that helps create a
preview image.

An app widget is a miniature app view that appears on the Android home screen. App


widgets can be updated periodically with new data. To add app widgets to your app in
Android Studio, use File > New > Widget > AppWidget. Android Studio generates all
the template files you need for your app widget.
The app widget provider-info file is in res/xml/ . This file defines several properties of
your app widget, including its layout file, default size, configuration activity (if any),
preview image, and periodic update frequency.
The app widget provider is a Java class that extends AppWidgetProvider , and
implements the behavior for your widget—primarily handling managing widget update
requests. The AppWidgetProvider class in turn inherits from BroadcastReceiver .
Because widgets are broadcast receivers, the widget provider is defined as a broadcast
receiver in the AndroidManifest.xml file with the <receiver> tag.
App widget layouts are based on remote views , which are view hierarchies that can be
displayed outside an app. Remote views provide a limited subset of the available
Android layouts and views.
When placed on the home screen, app widgets take up a certain number of cells on a
grid. The cells correspond to a specific minimum width and height defined in the widget
provider file. The rule for how many dp fit into a grid cell is based on the equation 70 ×
grid_size − 30, where grid_size is the number of cells you want your widget to take

up. In general, cells correspond to these dp values:

# of columns or rows minWidth or minHeight

1 40 dp
2 110 dp
3 180 dp
4 250 dp

App widgets can receive periodic requests to be updated through a broadcast intent. An
app widget provider is a broadcast receiver which accepts those intents. To update an
app widget, implement the onUpdate() method in your widget provider.

The user may have multiple instances of your widget installed. The onUpdate() method
should update all the available widgets by iterating over an array of widget IDs.
The app widget layout is updated for new data in the onUpdate() method by rebuilding
the widget's layout views ( RemoteViews ), and passing that RemoteViews object to the
app widget manager.
App widget actions are pending intents. Use the onClickPendingIntent() method to
attach an app widget action to a view.
Widget updates can be requested with a pending intent whose intent has the action
AppWidgetManager.ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE . An extra,

AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_IDS , contains an array of app widget IDs to update.


Related concept
The related concept documentation is in App Widgets.

Learn more
App Widgets
App widget design guidelines
Determining a size for your widget
AppWidgetProvider class

AppWidgetProviderInfo class

AppWidgetManager class

BroadcastReceiver class

RemoteViews class


3.1: Working with sensor data


What you should already KNOW
What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. List the available sensors
Task 2. Get sensor data
Solution code
Coding challenge
Related concept
Learn more

Many Android-powered devices include built-in sensors that measure motion, orientation,
and environmental conditions such as ambient light or temperature. These sensors can
provide data to your app with high precision and accuracy. Sensors can be used to monitor
three-dimensional device movement or positioning, or to monitor changes in the
environment near a device, such as changes to temperature or humidity. For example, a
game might track readings from a device's accelerometer sensor to infer complex user
gestures and motions, such as tilt, shake, or rotation.

In this practical you learn about the Android sensor framework, which is used to find the
available sensors on a device and retrieve data from those sensors.

The device camera, fingerprint sensor, microphone, and GPS (location) sensor all have their
own APIs and are not considered part of the Android sensor framework.

What you should already KNOW

You should be familiar with:

Creating, building, and running apps in Android Studio.

Running and testing apps with the Android emulator.

What you will LEARN


You will learn how to:

Query the sensor manager for available sensors, and retrieve information about specific
Register listeners for sensor data.
React to incoming sensor data.

What you will DO

Create an app that lists the available device sensors.
Run the app on a device and on the emulator to view sensors.
Create a second app that gets data from the light and proximity sensors, and displays
that data.
Interact with the device and note the changes in sensor data.
Run the app in the emulator and learn about the emulator's virtual sensors.

App overview
You will build two apps in this practical. The first app lists the available sensors on the device
or emulator. The list of sensors is scrollable, if it is too big to fit the screen.



The second app, modified from the first, gets data from the ambient light and proximity
sensors, and displays that data. Light and proximity sensors are some of the most common
Android device sensors.



Task 1. List the available sensors

In this task, you build a simple app that queries the sensor manager for the list of sensors
available on the device.

1.1 Build the app

1. Create a new Android project. Call it SensorSurvey and use the Empty activity template.
2. Open res/layout/activity_main.xml .
3. Add a margin of 16 dp to the constraint layout.


4. Delete the existing TextView .

5. Add a ScrollView element inside the constraint layout. Give it these attributes:

Attribute Value
android:layout_width "match_parent"

android:layout_height "match_parent"

app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf "parent"

app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf "parent"

app:layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf "parent"

app:layout_constraintRight_toRightOf "parent"

The ScrollView is here to allow the list of sensors to scroll if it is longer than the

6. Add a TextView element inside the ScrollView and give it these attributes:

Attribute Value
android:id "@+id/sensor_list"

android:layout_width "wrap_content"

android:layout_height "wrap_content"

android:text "(placeholder)"

This TextView holds the list of sensors. The placeholder text is replaced at runtime by
the actual sensor list. The layout for your app should look like this screenshot:



7. Open MainActivity and add a variable at the top of the class to hold an instance of
SensorManager :

private SensorManager mSensorManager;

The sensor manager is a system service that lets you access the device sensors.

8. In the onCreate() method, below the setContentView() method, get an instance of the
sensor manager from system services, and assign it to the mSensorManager variable:

mSensorManager =
(SensorManager) getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);

9. Get the list of all sensors from the sensor manager. Store the list in a List object
whose values are of type Sensor :

List<Sensor> sensorList =

The Sensor class represents an individual sensor and defines constants for the
available sensor types. The Sensor.TYPE_ALL constant indicates all the available

10. Iterate over the list of sensors. For each sensor, get that sensor's official name with the
getName() method, and append that name to the sensorText string. Each line of the

sensor list is separated by the value of the line.separator property, typically a newline

StringBuilder sensorText = new StringBuilder();

for (Sensor currentSensor : sensorList ) {


11. Get a reference to the TextView for the sensor list, and update the text of that view with
the string containing the list of sensors:

TextView sensorTextView = (TextView) findViewById(;


1.2 Run the app on a device and in the emulator


Different Android devices have different sensors available, which means the SensorSurvey
app shows different results for each device. In addition, the Android emulator includes a
small set of simulated sensors.

1. Run the app on a physical device. The output of the app looks something like this



In this list, lines that begin with a letter/number code represent physical hardware in the
device. The letters and numbers indicate sensor manufacturers and model numbers. In
most devices the accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer are physical sensors.

Lines without letter/number codes are virtual or composite sensors, that is, sensors that
are simulated in software. These sensors use the data from one or more physical
sensors. So, for example, the gravity sensor may use data from the accelerometer,
gyroscope, and magnetometer to provide the direction and magnitude of gravity in the
device's coordinate system.

2. Run the app in an emulator. The output of the app looks something like this screenshot:

Because the Android emulator is a simulated device, all the available sensors are virtual
sensors. "Goldfish" is the name of the emulator's Linux kernel.

3. Click the More button (three horizontal dots) on the emulator's control panel. The
Extended Controls window appears.


4. Click Virtual Sensors.

This window shows the settings and current values for the emulator's virtual sensors.
Drag the image of the device to simulate motion and acceleration with the
accelerometer. Dragging the device image may also rotate the main emulator window.

5. Click the Additional Sensors tab.


This tab shows the other available virtual sensors for the emulator, including the light,
temperature, and proximity sensors. You use more of these sensors in the next task.

Task 2. Get sensor data

The Android sensor framework provides the ability for your app to register for and react to
changes in sensor data. In this task you modify your existing app to listen to and report
values from the proximity and light sensors.

The light sensor measures ambient light in lux, a standard unit of illumination. The light
sensor typically is used to automatically adjust screen brightness.
The proximity sensor measures when the device is close to another object. The
proximity sensor is often used to turn off touch events on a phone's screen when you
answer a phone call, so that touching your phone to your face does not accidentally
launch apps or otherwise interfere with the device's operation.

2.1 Modify the layout

1. Open res/layout/activity_main.xml .
2. Delete the ScrollView and TextView elements from the previous app.
3. Add a TextView and give it the attributes in the following table. Extract the string into a
resource called "label_light" . This text view will print the current value from the light

Attribute Value
android:id "@+id/label_light"

android:layout_width "wrap_content"

android:layout_height "wrap_content"

android:text "Light Sensor: %1$.2f"

app:layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf "parent"

app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf "parent"

The "%1$.2f" part of the text string is a placeholder code. This code will be replaced in
the Java code for your app with the placeholder filled in with an actual numeric value. In
this case the placeholder code has three parts:

%1 : The first placeholder. You could include multiple placeholders in the same

string with %2 , %3 , and so on.

$.2 : The number format. In this case, .2 indicates that the value should be

formatted with only two digits after the decimal point.

f : Indicates that the value to display is a floating-point number. Use s for string


values and d for decimal values.

The part of the string that is not made up of placeholders ( "Light Sensor: " ) is passed
through to the new string. You can find out more about placeholders and formatting
codes in the Formatter documentation.

4. Copy and paste the TextView element. Change the attributes in the following table.
Extract the string into a resource called "label_proximity" . This text view will print
values from the proximity sensor.

Attribute Value
android:id "@+id/label_proximity"

android:text "Proximity Sensor: %1$.2f"

app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf "@+id/label_light"

The layout for your app should look like this screenshot:



5. Open res/values/strings.xml and add this line:

<string name="error_no_sensor">No sensor</string>

You'll use this message in the next task when you test if a sensor is available.

2.2 Get the sensors

In this task, you modify the activity's onCreate() method to gain access to the light and
proximity sensors.

1. Open MainActivity and add private member variables at the top of the class to hold
Sensor objects for the light and proximity sensors. Also add private member variables

to hold the TextView objects from the layout:

// Individual light and proximity sensors.

private Sensor mSensorProximity;
private Sensor mSensorLight;

// TextViews to display current sensor values

private TextView mTextSensorLight;
private TextView mTextSensorProximity;

2. In the onCreate( ) method, delete all the existing code after the line to get the sensor
3. Add code to onCreate() to get the two TextView views and assign them to their
respective variables:

mTextSensorLight = (TextView) findViewById(;

mTextSensorProximity = (TextView) findViewById(;

4. Get instances of the default light and proximity sensors. These will be instances of the
Sensor class. Assign them to their respective variables:

mSensorProximity =
mSensorLight = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_LIGHT);

The getDefaultSensor( ) method is used to query the sensor manager for sensors of a
given type. The sensor types are defined by the Sensor class. If there is no sensor
available for the given type, the getDefaultSensor() method returns null .

5. Get the error string you defined earlier from the strings.xml resource:


String sensor_error = getResources().getString(R.string.error_no_sensor);

6. Test that there is an available light sensor. If the sensor is not available (that is, if
getDefaultSensor() returned null ), set the display text for the light sensor's

TextView to the error string.

if (mSensorLight == null) {

Different devices have different sensors, so it is important that your app check that a
sensor exists before using the sensor. If a sensor is not available, your app should turn
off features that use that sensor and provide helpful information to the user. If your app's
functionality relies on a sensor that is not available, your app should provide a message
and gracefully quit. Do not assume that any device will have any given sensor.

7. Test for the existence of the proximity sensor.

if (mSensorProximity == null) {

2.3 Listen for new sensor data

When sensor data changes, the Android sensor framework generates an event (a
SensorEvent ) for that new data. Your app can register listeners for these events, then

handle the new sensor data in an onSensorChanged() callback. All of these tasks are part of
the SensorEventListener interface.

In this task, you register listeners for changes to the light and proximity sensors. You
process new data from those sensors and display that data in the app layout.

1. At the top of the class, modify the class signature to implement the
SensorEventListener interface.

public class MainActivity

extends AppCompatActivity implements SensorEventListener {

2. Click the red light bulb icon, select "implement methods," and select all methods.

The SensorEventListener interface includes two callback methods that enable your app
to handle sensor events:


onSensorChanged() : Called when new sensor data is available. You will use this

callback most often to handle new sensor data in your app.

onAccuracyChanged() : Called if the sensor's accuracy changes, so your app can

react to that change. Most sensors, including the light and proximity sensors, do not
report accuracy changes. In this app, you leave onAccuracyChanged() empty.
3. Override the onStart() activity lifecycle method to register your sensor listeners.
Listening to incoming sensor data uses device power and consumes battery life. Don't
register your listeners in onCreate() , as that would cause the sensors to be on and
sending data (using device power) even when your app was not in the foreground. Use
the onStart() and onStop() methods to register and unregister your sensor listeners.

protected void onStart() {

if (mSensorProximity != null) {
mSensorManager.registerListener(this, mSensorProximity,
if (mSensorLight != null) {
mSensorManager.registerListener(this, mSensorLight,

Note: The onStart() and onStop() methods are preferred over onResume() and
onPause() to register and unregister listeners. As of Android 7.0 (API 24), apps can run

in multi-window mode (split-screen or picture-in-picture mode). Apps running in this

mode are paused, but still visible on screen. Use onStart() and onStop() to ensure
that sensors continue running even if the app is in multi-window mode.
Each sensor that your app uses needs its own listener, and you should make sure that
those sensors exist before you register a listener for them. Use the registerListener()
method from the SensorManager to register a listener. This method takes three

An app or activity Context . You can use the current activity ( this ) as the context.
The Sensor object to listen to.
A delay constant from the SensorManager class. The delay constant indicates how
quickly new data is reported from the sensor. Sensors can report a lot of data very
quickly, but more reported data means that the device consumes more power.
Make sure that your listener is registered with the minimum amount of new data it
needs. In this example you use the slowest value
( SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL ). For more data-intensive apps such as


games, you may need a faster rate such as SENSOR_DELAY_GAME or


4. Implement the onStop() lifecycle method to unregister your sensor listeners when the
app pauses:

protected void onStop() {

A single call to the SensorManager. unregisterListener() method unregisters all the

registered listeners. Unregistering the sensor listeners in the onStop() method
prevents the device from using power when the app is not visible.

5. In the onSensorChanged() method, get the sensor type.

int sensorType = event.sensor.getType();

The onSensorChanged() method is called with a SensorEvent object. The SensorEvent

object includes important properties of the event, such as which sensor is reporting new
data, and the new data values. Use the sensor property of the SensorEvent to get a
Sensor object, and then use getType() to get the type of that sensor. Sensor types

are defined as constants in the Sensor class, for example, Sensor.TYPE_LIGHT .

6. Also in onSensorChanged() , get the sensor value.

float currentValue = event.values[0];

The sensor event stores the new data from the sensor in the values array. Depending
on the sensor type, this array may contain a single piece of data or a multidimensional
array full of data. For example, the accelerometer reports data for the x -axis, y -axis,
and z -axis for every change in the values[0] , values[1] , and values[2] positions.
Both the light and proximity sensors only report one value, in values[0] .

7. Add a switch statement for the sensorType variable. Add a case for
Sensor.TYPE_LIGHT to indicate that the event was triggered by the light sensor.


switch (sensorType) {
// Event came from the light sensor.
case Sensor.TYPE_LIGHT:
// Handle light sensor
// do nothing

8. Inside the light sensor case , get the template string from the resources, and update
the value in the light sensor's TextView .

R.string.label_light, currentValue));

When you defined this TextView in the layout, the original string resource included a
placeholder code, like this:

Light Sensor: %1$.2f

When you call getString() to get the string from the resources, you include values to
substitute into the string where the placeholder codes are. The part of the string that is
not made up of placeholders ( "Light Sensor: " ) is passed through to the new string.

9. Add a second case for the proximity sensor ( Sensor.TYPE_PROXIMITY ).

R.string.label_proximity, currentValue));

2.4 Run the app on a device and in the emulator

1. Run the app on a physical device. The output of the app looks something like this



2. Move the device towards a light source, or shine a flashlight on it. Move the device
away from the light or cover the device with your hand. Note how the light sensor
reports changes in the light level.

TIP: The light sensor is often placed on the top right of the device's screen.

The light sensor's value is generally measured in lux, a standard unit of illumination.
However, the lux value that a sensor reports may differ across different devices, and the
maximum may vary as well. If your app requires a specific range of values for the light
sensor, you must translate the raw sensor data into something your app can use.

3. Move your hand toward the device, and then move it away again. Note how the
proximity sensor reports values indicating "near" and "far." Depending on how the
proximity sensor is implemented, you may get a range of values, or you may get just
two values (for example, 0 and 5) to represent near and far.

TIP: The proximity sensor is often a virtual sensor that gets its data from the light
sensor. For that reason, covering the light sensor may produce changes to the proximity

As with the light sensor, the sensor data for the proximity sensor can vary from device to
device. Proximity values may be a range between a minimum and a maximum. More
often there are only two proximity values, one to indicate "near," and one to indicate
"far." All these values may vary across devices.

4. Run the app in an emulator, and click the More button (three horizontal dots) on the
emulator's control panel to bring up the Extended controls window.


5. Click Virtual sensors, and then click the Additional sensors tab.

The sliders in this window enable you to simulate changes to sensor data that would
normally come from the hardware sensors. Changes in this window generate sensor
events in the emulator that your app can respond to.

6. Move the sliders for the light and proximity sensors and observe that the values in the
app change as well.

Solution code
Android Studio projects:


Coding challenge
Note: All coding challenges are optional.
Challenge: Modify the SensorListeners app such that:

The background color of the app changes in response to the light level.

TIP: You can use getWindow().getDecorView().setBackgroundColor() to set the app's

background color.


Place an ImageView or Drawable in the layout. Make the image larger or smaller based
on the value that the app receives from the proximity sensor.

The Android sensor framework provides access to data coming from a set of device
sensors. These sensors include accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers,
barometers, humidity sensors, light sensors, proximity sensors, and so on.
The SensorManager service lets your app access and list sensors and listen for sensor
events ( SensorEvent ). The sensor manager is a system service you can request with
getSystemService() .

The Sensor class represents a specific sensor and contains methods to indicate the
properties and capabilities of a given sensor. It also provides constants for sensor types,
which define how the sensors behave and what data they provide.
Use getSensorList(Sensor.TYPE_ALL) to get a list of all the available sensors.
Use getDefaultSensor() with a sensor type to gain access to a particular sensor as a
Sensor object.

Sensors provide data through a series of sensor events. A SensorEvent object includes
information about the sensor that generated it, the time, and new data. The data a
sensor provides depends on the sensor type. Simple sensors such as light and
proximity sensors report only one data value, whereas motion sensors such as the
accelerometer provide multidimensional arrays of data for each event.
Your app uses sensor listeners to receive sensor data. Implement the
SensorEventListener interface to listen for sensor events.

Use the onSensorChanged() method to handle individual sensor events. From the
SensorEvent object passed into that method, you can get the sensor that generated the

event and the new data.

Register the sensor listeners in the onResume() lifecycle method, and unregister them
in onPause() . Doing this prevents your app from drawing system resources when your
app is not in the foreground.
Use the registerListener() method to listen to sensor events. Listener registration
includes both the type of sensor your app is interested in, and the rate at which your
app prefers to receive data. A higher data rate provides more data events, but uses
more system resources.
Use the unregisterListener() method to stop listening to sensor events.

Related concept
The related concept documentation is in Sensor Basics.


Learn more
Android developer documentation:

Sensors Overview

Android API Reference:






3.2: Working with sensor-based


What you should already KNOW
What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Build the TiltSpot app
Task 2. Add the spots
Task 3. Handle activity rotation
Solution code
Coding challenge
Related concept
Learn more

The Android platform provides several sensors that enable your app to monitor the motion or
position of a device, in addition to other sensors such as the light sensor.

Motion sensors such as the accelerometer or gyroscope are useful for monitoring device
movement such as tilt, shake, rotation, or swing. Position sensors are useful for determining
a device's physical position in relation to the Earth. For example, you can use a device's
geomagnetic field sensor to determine its position relative to the magnetic north pole.

A common use of motion and position sensors, especially for games, is to determine the
orientation of the device, that is, the device's bearing (north/south/east/west) and tilt. For
example, a driving game could allow the user to control acceleration with a forward tilt or
backward tilt, and control steering with a left tilt or right tilt.

Early versions of Android included an explicit sensor type for orientation

( Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION ). The orientation sensor was software-only, and it combined data
from other sensors to determine bearing and tilt for the device. Because of problems with the
accuracy of the algorithm, this sensor type was deprecated in API 8 and may be unavailable
in current devices. The recommended way to determine device orientation involves using
both the accelerometer and geomagnetic field sensor and several methods in the
SensorManager class. These sensors are common, even on older devices. This is the

process you learn in this practical.


What you should already KNOW

You should be familiar with:

Creating, building, and running apps in Android Studio.

Using the Android sensor framework to gain access to available sensors on the device,
and to register and unregister listeners for those sensors.
Using the onSensorChanged() method from the SensorEventListener interface to handle
changes to sensor data.

What you will LEARN

What the accelerometer and magnetometer sensors do.
The differences between the device-coordinate system and the Earth coordinate
system, and which sensors use which systems.
Orientation angles (azimuth, pitch, roll), and how they relate to other coordinate
How to use methods from the sensor manager to get the device orientation angles.
How activity rotation (portrait or landscape) affects sensor input.

What you will DO

Download and explore a starter app.
Get the orientation angles from the accelerometer and magnetometer, and update text
views in the activity to display those values.
Change the color of a shape drawable to indicate which edge of the device is tilted up.
Handle changes to the sensor data when the device is rotated from portrait to

App overview
The TiltSpot app displays the device orientation angles as numbers and as colored spots
along the four edges of the device screen. There are three components to device

Azimuth : The direction (north/south/east/west) the device is pointing. 0 is magnetic

Pitch : The top-to-bottom tilt of the device. 0 is flat.
Roll : The left-to-right tilt of the device. 0 is flat.


When you tilt the device, the spots along the edges that are tilted up become darker.

Task 1. Build the TiltSpot app

In this task you download and open the starter app for the project and explore the layout and
activity code. Then you implement the onSensorChanged() method to get data from the
sensors, convert that data into orientation angles, and report updates to sensor data in
several text views.

1.1 Download and explore the starter app

1. Download the TiltSpot_start app and open it in Android Studio.
2. Open res/layout/activity_main.xml .

The initial layout for the TiltSpot app includes several text views to display the device
orientation angles (azimuth, pitch, and roll)—you learn more about how these angles
work later in the practical. All those textviews are nested inside their own constraint


layout to center them both horizontally and vertically within in the activity. You need the
nested constraint layout because later in the practical you add the spots around the
edges of the screen and around this inner text view.

3. Open MainActivity .

MainActivity in this starter app contains much of the skeleton code for managing sensors

and sensor data as you learned about in the last practical.

1. Examine the onCreate() method.

This method gets an instance of the SensorManager service, and then uses the
getDefaultSensor() method to retrieve specific sensors. In this app those sensors are

the accelerometer ( Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER ) and the magnetometer


The accelerometer measures acceleration forces on the device; that is, it measures how
fast the device is accelerating, and in which direction. Acceleration force includes the
force of gravity. The accelerometer is sensitive, so even when you think you're holding
the device still or leaving it motionless on a table, the accelerometer is recording minute
forces, either from gravity or from the environment. This makes the data generated by
the accelerometer very "noisy."

The magnetometer , also known as the geomagnetic field sensor , measures the
strength of magnetic fields around the device, including Earth's magnetic field. You can
use the magnetometer to find the device's position with respect to the external world.
However, magnetic fields can also be generated by other devices in the vicinity, by
external factors such as your location on Earth (because the magnetic field is weaker
toward the equator), or even by solar winds.

Neither the accelerometer nor the magnetometer alone can determine device tilt or
orientation. However, the Android sensor framework can combine data from both
sensors to get a fairly accurate device orientation—accurate enough for the purposes of
this app, at least.

2. At the top of onCreate() , note this line:


This line locks the activity in portrait mode, to prevent the app from automatically
rotating the activity as you tilt the device. Activity rotation and sensor data can interact in
unexpected ways. Later in the practical, you explicitly handle sensor data changes in
your app in response to activity rotation, and remove this line.


3. Examine the onStart() and onStop() methods. The onStart() method registers the
listeners for the accelerometer and magnetometer, and the onStop() method
unregisters them.

4. Examine onSensorChanged() and onAccuracyChanged() . These are the methods from

the SensorEventListener interface that you have to implement. The
onAccuracyChanged() method is empty because it is unused in this class. You

implement onSensorChanged() in the next task.

1.2 Get sensor data and calculate orientation angles

In this task you implement the onSensorChanged() method to get raw sensor data, use
methods from the SensorManager to convert that data to device orientation angles, and
update the text views with those values.

1. Open MainActivity .
2. Add member variables to hold copies of the accelerometer and magnetometer data.

private float[] mAccelerometerData = new float[3];

private float[] mMagnetometerData = new float[3];

When a sensor event occurs, both the accelerometer and the magnetometer produce
arrays of floating-point values representing points on the x -axis, y -axis, and z -axis of
the device's coordinate system. You will combine the data from both these sensors, and
over several calls to onSensorChanged() , so you need to retain a copy of this data each
time it changes.

3. Scroll down to the onSensorChanged() method. Add a line to get the sensor type from
the sensor event object:

int sensorType = sensorEvent.sensor.getType();

4. Add tests for the accelerometer and magnetometer sensor types, and clone the event
data into the appropriate member variables:


switch (sensorType) {
mAccelerometerData = sensorEvent.values.clone();
mMagnetometerData = sensorEvent.values.clone();

You use the clone() method to explicitly make a copy of the data in the values array.
The SensorEvent object (and the array of values it contains) is reused across calls to
onSensorChanged() . Cloning those values prevents the data you're currently interested

in from being changed by more recent data before you're done with it.

5. After the switch statement, use the SensorManager.getRotationMatrix() method to

generate a rotation matrix (explained below) from the raw accelerometer and
magnetometer data. The matrix is used in the next step to get the device orientation,
which is what you're really interested in.

float[] rotationMatrix = new float[9];

boolean rotationOK = SensorManager.getRotationMatrix(rotationMatrix,
null, mAccelerometerData, mMagnetometerData);

A rotation matrix is a linear algebra term that translates the sensor data from one
coordinate system to another—in this case, from the device's coordinate system to the
Earth's coordinate system. That matrix is an array of nine float values, because each
point (on all three axes) is expressed as a 3D vector.

The device-coordinate system is a standard 3-axis ( x , y , z ) coordinate system relative

to the device's screen when it is held in the default or natural orientation. Most sensors
use this coordinate system. In this orientation:

The x -axis is horizontal and points to the right edge of the device.
The y -axis is vertical and points to the top edge of the device.
The z -axis extends up from the surface of the screen. Negative z values are


behind the screen.

The Earth's coordinate system is also a 3-axis system, but relative to the surface of the
Earth itself. In the Earth's coordinate system:

The y -axis points to magnetic north along the surface of the Earth.
The x -axis is 90 degrees from y , pointing approximately east.
The z -axis extends up into space. Negative z extends down into the ground.

A reference to the array for the rotation matrix is passed into the getRotationMatrix()
method and modified in place. The second argument to getRotationMatrix() is an
inclination matrix, which you don't need for this app. You can use null for this argument.

The getRotationMatrix() method returns a boolean (the rotationOK variable), which

is true if the rotation was successful. The boolean might be false if the device is
free-falling (meaning that the force of gravity is close to 0), or if the device is pointed
very close to magnetic north. The incoming sensor data is unreliable in these cases,
and the matrix can't be calculated. Although the boolean value is almost always true ,
it's good practice to check that value anyhow.

6. Call the SensorManager.getOrientation() method to get the orientation angles from the
rotation matrix. As with getRotationMatrix() , the array of float values containing
those angles is supplied to the getOrientation() method and modified in place.


float orientationValues[] = new float[3];

if (rotationOK) {
SensorManager.getOrientation(rotationMatrix, orientationValues);

The angles returned by the getOrientation() method describe how far the device is
oriented or tilted with respect to the Earth's coordinate system. There are three
components to orientation:

Azimuth : The direction (north/south/east/west) the device is pointing. 0 is magnetic

Pitch : The top-to-bottom tilt of the device. 0 is flat.
Roll : The left-to-right tilt of the device. 0 is flat.
All three angles are measured in radians, and range from -π (-3.141) to π.

7. Create variables for azimuth, pitch, and roll, to contain each component of the
orientationValues array. You adjust this data later in the practical, which is why it is

helpful to have these separate variables.

float azimuth = orientationValues[0];

float pitch = orientationValues[1];
float roll = orientationValues[2];

8. Get the placeholder strings, from the resources, fill the placeholder strings with the
orientation angles and update all the text views.

R.string.value_format, azimuth));
R.string.value_format, pitch));
R.string.value_format, roll));

The string ( value_format in strings.xml ) contains placeholder code ( "%1$.2f" ) that

formats the incoming floating-point value to two decimal places.

<string name="value_format">%1$.2f</string>

1.3 Build and run the app


1. Run the app. Place your device flat on the table. The output of the app looks something

like this:

Even a motionless device shows fluctuating values for the azimuth, pitch, and roll. Note
also that even though the device is flat, the values for pitch and roll may not be 0. This
is because the device sensors are extremely sensitive and pick up even tiny changes to
the environment, both changes in motion and changes in ambient magnetic fields.

2. Turn the device on the table from left to right, leaving it flat on the table.

Note how the value of the azimuth changes. An azimuth value of 0 indicates that the
device is pointing (roughly) north.


Note that even if the value of the azimuth is 0, the device may not be pointing exactly
north. The device magnetometer measures the strength of any magnetic fields, not just
that of the Earth. If you are in the presence of other magnetic fields (most electronics
emit magnetic fields, including the device itself), the accuracy of the magnetometer may
not be exact.

Note: If the azimuth on your device seems very far off from actual north, you can
calibrate the magnetometer by waving the device a few times in the air in a figure-eight

3. Lift the bottom edge of the device so the screen is tilted away from you. Note the
change to the pitch value. Pitch indicates the top-to-bottom angle of tilt around the

device's horizontal axis.


4. Lift the left side of the device so that it is tilted to the right. Note the change to the roll
value. Roll indicates the left-to-right tilt along the device's vertical axis.

5. Pick up the device and tilt it in various directions. Note the changes to the pitch and roll
values as the device's tilt changes. What is the maximum value you can find for any tilt
direction, and in what device position does that maximum occur?

Task 2. Add the spots

In this task you update the layout to include spots along each edge of the screen, and
change the opaqueness of the spots so that they become darker when a given edge of the
screen is tilted up.

The color changes in the spots rely on dynamically changing the alpha value of a shape
drawable in response to new sensor data. The alpha determines the opacity of that
drawable, so that smaller alpha values produce a lighter shape, and larger values produce a
darker shape.

2.1 Add the spots and modify the layout

1. Add a new file called spot.xml to the project, in the res/drawable directory. (Create
the directory if needed.)
2. Replace the selector tag in spot.xml with an oval shape drawable whose color is solid
black ( "@android:color/black" ):

<solid android:color="@android:color/black"/>

3. Open res/values/dimens.xml . Add a dimension for the spot size:

<dimen name="spot_size">84dp</dimen>


4. In activity_layout.xml , add an ImageView after the inner ConstraintLayout , and

before the outer one. Use these attributes:

Attribute Value
android:id "@+id/spot_top"

android:layout_width "@dimen/spot_size"

android:layout_height "@dimen/spot_size"

android:layout_margin "@dimen/base_margin"

app:layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf "parent"

app:layout_constraintRight_toRightOf "parent"

app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf "parent"

app:srcCompat "@drawable/spot"

tools:ignore "ContentDescription"

This view places a spot drawable the size of the spot_size dimension at the top edge
of the screen. Use the app:srcCompat attribute for a vector drawable in an ImageView
(versus android:src for an actual image.) The app:srcCompat attribute is available in
the Android Support Library and provides the greatest compatibility for vector

The tools:ignore attribute is used to suppress warnings in Android Studio about a

missing content description. Generally ImageView views need alternate text for sight-
impaired users, but this app does not use or require them, so you can suppress the
warning here.

5. Add the following code below that first ImageView . This code adds the other three spots
along the remaining edges of the screen.


tools:ignore="ContentDescription" />


tools:ignore="ContentDescription" />


The layout preview should now look like this:

6. Add the android:alpha attribute to all four ImageView elements, and set the value to
"0.05" . The alpha is the opacity of the shape. Smaller values are less opaque (less

visible). Setting the value to 0.05 makes the shape very nearly invisible, but you can still
see them in the layout view.

2.2 Update the spot color with new sensor data

Next you modify the onSensorChanged( ) method to set the alpha value of the spots in
response to the pitch and roll values from the sensor data. A higher sensor value indicates a
larger degree of tilt. The higher the sensor value, the more opaque (the darker) you make
the spot.

1. In MainActivity , add member variables at the top of the class for each of the spot
ImageView objects:

private ImageView mSpotTop;

private ImageView mSpotBottom;
private ImageView mSpotLeft;
private ImageView mSpotRight;

2. In onCreate() , just after initializing the text views for the sensor data, initialize the spot

mSpotTop = (ImageView) findViewById(;

mSpotBottom = (ImageView) findViewById(;
mSpotLeft = (ImageView) findViewById(;
mSpotRight = (ImageView) findViewById(;


3. In onSensorChanged() , right after the lines that initialize the azimuth, pitch, and roll
variables, reset the pitch or roll values that are close to 0 (less than the value of the
VALUE_DRIFT constant) to be 0:

if (Math.abs(pitch) < VALUE_DRIFT) {

pitch = 0;
if (Math.abs(roll) < VALUE_DRIFT) {
roll = 0;

When you initially ran the TiltSpot app, the sensors reported very small non-zero values
for the pitch and roll even when the device was flat and stationary. Those small values
can cause the app to flash very light-colored spots on all the edges of the screen. In this
code if the values are close to 0 (in either the positive or negative direction), you reset
them to 0.

4. Scroll down to the end of onSensorChanged() , and add these lines to set the alpha of all
the spots to 0. This resets all the spots to be invisible each time onSensorChanged() is
called. This is necessary because sometimes if you tilt the device too quickly, the old
values for the spots stick around and retain their darker color. Resetting them each time
prevents these artifacts.


5. Update the alpha value for the appropriate spot with the values for pitch and roll.

if (pitch > 0) {
} else {
if (roll > 0) {
} else {

Note that the pitch and roll values you calculated in the previous task are in radians, and
their values range from -π to +π. Alpha values, on the other hand, range only from 0.0
to 1.0. You could do the math to convert radian units to alpha values, but you may have


noted earlier that the higher pitch and roll values only occur when the device is tilted
vertical or even upside down. For the TiltSpot app you're only interested in displaying
dots in response to some device tilt, not the full range. This means that you can
conveniently use the radian units directly as input to the alpha.

6. Build and run the app.

You should now be able to tilt the device and have the edge facing "up" display a dot
which becomes darker the further up you tilt the device.

Task 3. Handle activity rotation

The Android system itself uses the accelerometer to determine when the user has turned the
device sideways (from portrait to landscape mode, for a phone). The system responds to
this rotation by ending the current activity and recreating it in the new orientation, redrawing
your activity layout with the "top," "bottom," "left," and "right" edges of the screen now
reflecting the new device position.

You may assume that with TiltSpot, if you rotate the device from landscape to portrait, the
sensors will report the correct data for the new device orientation, and the spots will continue
to appear on the correct edges. That's not the case. When the activity rotates, the activity
drawing coordinate system rotates with it, but the sensor coordinate system remains the
same. The sensor coordinate system never changes position, regardless of the orientation
of the device.

The second tricky point for handling activity rotation is that the default or natural orientation
for your device may not be portrait. The default orientation for many tablet devices is
landscape. The sensor's coordinate system is always based on the natural orientation of a

The TiltSpot starter app included a line in onCreate( ) to lock the orientation to portrait

setRequestedOrientation (ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT);

Locking the screen to portrait mode in this way solves one problem—it prevents the
coordinate systems from getting out of sync on portrait-default devices. But on landscape-
default devices, the technique forces an activity rotation, which causes the device and
sensor-coordinate systems to get out of sync.


Here's the right way to handle device and activity rotation in sensor-based drawing: First,
use the Display.getRotation() method to query the current device orientation. Then use the
SensorManager.remapCoordinateSystem() method to remap the rotation matrix from the sensor

data onto the correct axes. This is the technique you use in the TiltSpot app in this task.

The getRotation() method returns one of four integer constants, defined by the Surface

ROTATION_0 : The default orientation of the device (portrait for phones).

ROTATION_90 : The "sideways" orientation of the device (landscape for phones). Different

devices may report 90 degrees either clockwise or counterclockwise from 0.

ROTATION_180 : Upside-down orientation, if the device allows it.

ROTATION_270 : Sideways orientation, in the opposite direction from ROTATION_90.

Note that many devices do not have ROTATION_180 at all or return ROTATION_90 or
ROTATION_270 regardless of which direction the device was rotated (clockwise or

counterclockwise). It is best to handle all possible rotations rather than to make assumptions
for any particular device.

3.1 Get the device rotation and remap the coordinate

1. In MainActivity , edit onCreate() to remove or comment out the call to
setRequestedOrientation() .


2. In MainActivity , add a member variable for the Display object.

private Display mDisplay;

3. At the end of onCreate() , get a reference to the window manager, and then get the
default display. You use the display to get the rotation in onSensorChanged() .

WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE);

mDisplay = wm.getDefaultDisplay();

4. In onSensorChanged() , just after the call to getRotationMatrix() , add a new array of

float values to hold the new adjusted rotation matrix.

float[] rotationMatrixAdjusted = new float[9];

5. Get the current device rotation from the display and add a switch statement for that


value. Use the rotation constants from the Surface class for each case in the switch.
For ROTATION_0 , the default orientation, you don't need to remap the coordinates. You
can just clone the data in the existing rotation matrix:

switch (mDisplay.getRotation()) {
case Surface.ROTATION_0:
rotationMatrixAdjusted = rotationMatrix.clone();

6. Add additional cases for the other rotations, and call the
SensorManager.remapCoordinateSystem() method for each of these cases.

This method takes as arguments the original rotation matrix, the two new axes on which
you want to remap the existing x -axis and y -axis, and an array to populate with the
new data. Use the axis constants from the SensorManager class to represent the
coordinate system axes.

case Surface.ROTATION_90:
SensorManager.AXIS_Y, SensorManager.AXIS_MINUS_X,
case Surface.ROTATION_180:
SensorManager.AXIS_MINUS_X, SensorManager.AXIS_MINUS_Y,
case Surface.ROTATION_270:
SensorManager.AXIS_MINUS_Y, SensorManager.AXIS_X,

7. Modify the call to getOrientation() to use the new adjusted rotation matrix instead of
the original matrix.


8. Build and run the app again. The colors of the spots should now change on the correct
edges of the device, regardless of how the device is rotated.

Solution code


Android Studio project: TiltSpot

Coding challenge
Note: All coding challenges are optional.
Challenge: A general rule is to avoid doing a lot of work in the onSensorChanged() method,
because the method runs on the main thread and may be called many times per second. In
particular, the changes to the colors of the spot can look jerky if you're trying to do too much
work in onSensorChanged() . Rewrite onSensorChanged() to use an AsyncTask object for all
the calculations and updates to views.

Motion sensors such as the accelerometer measure device movement such as tilt,
shake, rotation, or swing.
Position sensors such as the geomagnetic field sensor (magnetometer) can determine
the device's position relative to the Earth.
The accelerometer measures device acceleration, that is, how much the device is
accelerating and in which direction. Acceleration forces on the device include the force
of gravity.
The magnetometer measures the strength of magnetic fields around the device. This
includes Earth's magnetic field, although other fields nearby may affect sensor readings.
You can use combined data from motion and position sensors to determine the device's
orientation (its position in space) more accurately than with individual sensors.
The 3-axis device-coordinate system that most sensors use is relative to the device
itself in its default orientation. The y -axis is vertical and points toward the top edge of
the device, the x -axis is horizontal and points to the right edge of the device, and the z -
axis extends up from the surface of the screen.
The Earth's coordinate system is relative to the surface of the Earth, with the y -axis
pointing to magnetic north, the x -axis 90 degrees from y and pointing east, and the z -
axis extending up into space.
Orientation angles describe how far the device is oriented or tilted with respect to the
Earth's coordinate system. There are three components to orientation:
Azimuth : The direction (north/south/east/west) the device is pointing. 0 is magnetic
Pitch : The top-to-bottom tilt of the device. 0 is flat.
Roll : The left-to-right tilt of the device. 0 is flat.
To determine the orientation of the device:
Use the SensorManager.getRotationMatrix() method. The method combines data from


the accelerometer and magnetometer and translates the data into the Earth's
coordinate system.
Use the SensorManager.getOrientation() method with a rotation matrix to get the
orientation angles of the device.
The alpha value determines the opacity of a drawable or view. Lower alpha values
indicate more transparency. Use the setAlpha() method to programmatically change
the alpha value for a view.
When Android automatically rotates the activity in response to device orientation, the
activity coordinate system also rotates. However, the device-coordinate system that the
sensors use remains fixed.
The default device-coordinate system sensors use is also based on the natural
orientation of the device, which may not be "portrait" or "landscape."
Query the current device orientation with the Display.getRotation() method.
Use the current device orientation to remap the coordinate system in the right
orientation with the SensorManager.remapCoordinateSystem() method.

Related concept
The related concept documentation is in Motion and position sensors.

Learn more
Android developer documentation:

Sensors Overview
Motion Sensors
Position Sensors

Android API reference documentation:








Accelerometer Basics
Sensor fusion and motion prediction (written for VR, but many of the basic concepts


apply to basic apps as well)

Android phone orientation overview
One Screen Turn Deserves Another


4.1A: Using the Profile GPU Rendering tool


What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Run the Profile GPU Rendering tool
Task 2. Run the Profile GPU Rendering tool on an app with performance issues
Solution code
Related concept
Learn more

Every app is different and could have different performance issues. While there are best
practices, you need to analyze the unique configuration of your app to find and fix
performance issues.

To discover what causes your app's specific performance problems, use tools to collect data
about your app's execution behavior. Understand and analyze what you see, then improve
your code. Android Studio and your device provide profiling tools to record and visualize the
rendering, compute, memory, and battery performance of your app.

In this practical, you use the Profile GPU Rendering tool on your device to visualize how
long it takes an app to draw frames to the screen.

Important: To run the Profile GPU Rendering tool and complete this practical exercise, you
need a physical or virtual device running at least Android 4.1 (API level 16) with Developer
Options turned on.
Your app must consistently draw the screen fast enough for your users to see smooth, fluid
motions, transitions, and responses. To this end, typically, modern devices strive to display
60 frames per second (a frame rate of 60 FPS), making 16 milliseconds available to each
frame. Therefore, your app has to do its work in 16 milliseconds or less for every screen

Important: For real-world performance tuning, run your app and the tools on a physical
device, not an emulator, as the data you get from running on an emulator may not be
accurate. Always test on the lowest-end device that your app is targeting. If you do not have
a physical device, you can use an emulator to get an idea of how your app is performing,
even though some performance data from the emulator may not be accurate.


What you should already KNOW

You should be able to download an app from GitHub, open it with Android Studio, and
run it.
It helps to be familiar with the following concepts and terminology:
CPU: A central processing unit (CPU) is the electronic circuitry within a computer that
carries out the instructions of a computer program by performing the basic arithmetic,
logical, control, and input/output (I/O) operations specified by the instructions.
GPU: A graphics processing unit (GPU) is a specialized electronic circuit designed to
rapidly manipulate and display images.
Frame rate: Frame rate (expressed in frames per second, or FPS) is the frequency
(rate) at which consecutive images, called frames , are displayed in an animated
display. Mobile devices typically display 60 frames per second, which appears as
smooth motion to the human eye.
Display list: A display list (or display file) is a series of graphics commands that define
an output image as a series of primitives (such as lines and basic shapes).
Rendering pipeline: A conceptual model that describes the steps that a graphics system
performs when it renders graphical information on the screen. At the highest level, the
pipeline creates a display list from program instructions in the CPU, passes the display
list to the GPU, and the GPU executes the display list to draw the screen.

As a refresher, watch the Invalidation, Layouts, and Performance video for an overview of
the Android rendering pipeline. Read the Rendering and Layout concept chapter as well as
How Android Draws Views.

What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:

Use the Profile GPU Rendering tool to visualize Android drawing the screen.

What you will DO

Run the Profile GPU Rendering tool on the RecyclerView app and examine the results.
Create a simple app that has performance problems and run the Profile GPU Rendering
tool on it.

App overview


For the first part of this practical, use the RecyclerView app.
For the second part of this practical, you build an app that loads images, LargeImages,
to see how image size affects performance. In a later practical, you learn more about
using images correctly.

The following screenshot shows one way of implementing the LargeImages app.



Task 1. Run the Profile GPU Rendering tool

Putting pixels on the screen involves four primary pieces of hardware:

The CPU computes display lists. Each display list is a series of graphics commands that
define an output image.
The GPU (graphics processing unit) renders images to the display.
The memory stores your app's images and data, among other things.
The battery provides electrical power for all the hardware on the device.

Each of these pieces of hardware has constraints. Stressing or exceeding those constraints
can cause your app to be slow, have bad display performance, or exhaust the battery.

The Profile GPU Rendering tool gives you a quick visual representation of how much time it
takes to render the frames of a UI window relative to the 16-ms-per-frame benchmark. The
tool shows a colored bar for each frame. Each bar has colored segments indicating the
relative time that each stage of the rendering pipeline takes, as shown in the screenshot



What it's good for:

Quickly seeing how screens perform against the 16-ms-per-frame target.

Identifying whether the time taken by any part of the rendering pipeline stands out.
Looking for spikes in frame rendering time associated with user or program actions.

1.1 Disable Instant Run

Note: While profiling an app, disable Instant Run inAndroidStudio. There is a small
performance impact when using Instant Run. This performance impact could interfere with
information provided by performance profiling tools. Additionally, the stub methods
generated while using Instant Run can complicate stack traces. See About Instant Run for
In Android Studio, turn off Instant Run for the physical and virtual devices you want to profile.

1. Open the Settings or Preferences dialog: On Windows or Linux, select File > Settings
from the menu bar. On Mac OSX, select Android Studio > Preferences from the menu
2. Navigate to Build, Execution, Deployment > Instant Run.
3. Deselect the Restart activity on code changes checkbox.

1.2 Install and run the RecyclerView app

For this tool walkthrough, use the RecyclerView app from the Android Developer
Fundamentals course.

1. Download the RecyclerView app.

2. Open the app in Android Studio and run it. You may need to uninstall previous versions
of the app.
3. Interact with the app. Does the app scroll smoothly?
4. Press the + button and add words to the list. Does this change how you perceive the
performance of the app?

RecyclerView is an efficient way of displaying information, and on most devices and recent

versions of Android, the app performs smoothly. What users perceive and how they
experience the app are your ultimate benchmarks for performance.

1.3 Turn on the Profile GPU Rendering tool

Ensure that developer options is turned on, and allow USB Debugging if prompted.


Go to Settings > Developer options and follow the steps as illustrated in the screenshot

1. Scroll down to the Monitoring section.

2. Select Profile GPU rendering.
3. Choose On screen as bars in the dialog box. Immediately, you see colored bars on
your screen. The bars vary depending on your device and version of Android, so they
may not look exactly as illustrated.

4. Switch to the RecyclerView app and interact with it.

Note the following:

Each bar represents one frame rendered.

If a bar goes above the green line, the frame took more than 16ms to render. Ideally,
most of the bars stay below the green line most of the time.

This is not an absolute requirement. For example, when you first load an image, the bar
may go above the green line, but users may not notice a problem, because they may
expect to wait a moment for an image to load. Having some tall bars does not mean
your app has a performance problem. However, if your app does have a performance
problem, tall bars can give you a hint as to where to start looking.


The colors in each bar represent the different stages in rendering the frame. The
colored sections visualize the stages and their relative times. The table below gives an

The image below shows the bars and color legend for a device that is running Android 6.0 or
higher. The bars for older versions use different coloring. See the Profile GPU Rendering
Walkthrough for the bar legend for older versions.

The following table shows the component bars in Android 6.0 and higher.


Color Description

Represents the time the CPU is waiting for the GPU to finish its
work. If this part of the bar is tall, the app is doing too much
work on the GPU.
Represents the time spent by Android's 2-D renderer as it
issues commands to OpenGL to draw and redraw display lists.
The height of this part of the bar is directly proportional to the
sum of the time it takes for all the display lists to execute—
more display lists equals a taller red segment of the bar.
Represents the time it take to upload bitmap information to the
Sync and
GPU. If this part of the bar is tall, the app is taking considerable
time loading large amounts of graphics.
Represents the time used to create and update the view's
Draw display lists. If this part of the bar is tall, there may be a lot of
custom view drawing, or a lot of work in onDraw methods.
Represents the amount of time spent on onLayout and
Measure onMeasure callbacks in the view hierarchy. A large segment
and layout indicates that the view hierarchy is taking a long time to
Represents the time spent evaluating animators. If this part of
the bar is tall, your app could be using a custom animator that's
not performing well, or unintended work is happening as a
result of properties being updated.
Represents the time that the app spent executing code inside
Input of an input event callback. If this part of the bar is tall, the app is
handling spending too much time processing user input. Consider
offloading such processing to a different thread.
Represents the time that the app spends executing operations
Misc. time between consecutive frames. It might indicate too much
/ Vsync processing happening in the UI thread that could be offloaded
delay to a different thread. (Vsync is a display option found in some
3-D apps.)

For example, if the green Input handling portion of the bar is tall, your app spends a lot of
time handling input events, executing code called as a result of input event callbacks. To
improve this, consider when and how your app requests user input, and whether you can
handle it more efficiently.

Note that RecyclerView scrolling can show up in the Input handling portion of the bar.
RecyclerView scrolls immediately when it processes the touch event. For this reason,

processing the touch event needs to be as fast as possible.


If you spend time using the Profile GPU Rendering tool on your app, it will help you identify
which parts of the UI interaction are slower than expected, and then you can take action to
improve the speed of your app's UI.

Important: As the Android system and tools improve, recommendations may change. Your
best and most up-to-date source of information on performance is the Android developer

Task 2. Run the Profile GPU Rendering tool on

an app with performance issues
Important: We do not want to teach you how to write bad apps. We don't even want to show
you the code. However, we can simulate a slow app by using images that are too large; in a
different chapter, you learn how to improve performance by using the right image sizes and
types for your app.

2.1 Create an app with image backgrounds

Build a LargeImages app that has performance problems. (You re-use this app in a later



One way to implement the LargeImages app is to show simple instructions in a TextView
and the large background image that is provided with the solution code.

Do the following:

1. Create an app named LargeImages using the Empty Template.

2. Choose 5.1, Lollipop (API 22) as the minimum SDK. (Lossless and transparent WebP
images that you use later in this app are supported in Android 4.3, API level 18 and
higher, and API 22 is recommended.)
3. Put at least one small and one large image into the drawables resource folder.

You can copy images from the solution code in GitHub.

Small images should be around 12KB.
The largest image should be a few hundred KB. The dinosaur_medium.jpg supplied
with the solution code is 495KB and a good starting point. The max size of the
image you can load depends on the amount of device memory available to your
app. You can look at the specifications for a phone model to find out how much
RAM it has. Not all of this is available to a single app, so you may have to
experiment a bit. You may need to try different size images to find the largest image
that won't crash your app.
4. Add an Activity .

5. Create a layout with a LinearLayout with a TextView . Set the height and width of the
TextView to match_parent .

6. Set the background ( android:background ) on the TextView to the small image.

7. Add this text to this to the TextView : "Click to swap image."
8. Add a click handler to the TextView that changes the background when the screen is
tapped. Use the following code snippet as a template. The code uses a numeric toggle
so that you can experiment with any number of images.

private int toggle = 0;

public void changeImage(View view){
if (toggle == 0) {
toggle = 1;
} else {
toggle = 0;

9. Run the app with Profile GPU Rendering turned on and tap to swap pictures. When you
load the small image, you should see relatively short bars. When you load the large


image, there should be relatively tall bars, similar to the ones shown below.

Profile GPU Rendering bars for the large image app are shown in the previous screenshots.
The detail on the left shows the faint short bars for the small image (1) staying below the
green line (2). The screenshot on the right show the bars as they appear on your device
emphasizing the bars that cross the green line (3,4).

1. The narrow, faint bar for the small image is below the green line, so there is no
performance issue.
2. The green horizontal line indicates the 16 millisecond rendering time. Ideally, most bars
should be close to or below this line.
3. After the small image is replaced by the large image, the red bar segment is huge. This
Command issue segment represents the time spent by Android's 2D renderer issuing
commands to draw and redraw display lists.
4. The large image also has a huge orange segment. This Swap buffers segment
represents the time the CPU is waiting for the GPU to finish its work.

The GPU works in parallel with the CPU. The Android system issues draw commands
to the GPU, and then moves on to its next task. The GPU reads those draw commands
from a queue. When the CPU issues commands faster than the GPU consumes them,
the queue between the processors becomes full, and the CPU blocks. The CPU waits
until there is space in the queue to place the next command.


To mitigate this problem, reduce the complexity of work occurring on the GPU, similar to
what you would do for the "Command issue" phase.

See Analyzing with Profile GPU Rendering for details on each stage.

To fix the app, you would use a different or smaller image. Finding problems can be as
straightforward as this, or it can take additional analysis to pinpoint what is happening in
your app's code.


If your app crashes with the images provided for the sample app, you may need to use
smaller images for your device.
If your app crashes on the emulator, edit the emulator configuration in the AVD
Manager. Use your computer's graphics card instead of simulating the device's graphic
software by selecting "Graphics: Hardware - GLES" on the configuration screen.
If you get a failed to find style 'textviewstyle' in current theme or other rendering
error in the Design view in Android Studio, click the refresh link provided with the error

2.2 Simulate long input processing

To demonstrate how doing too much work on the UI thread slows down your app, slow down
drawing by putting the app to sleep:

1. Add code to the click handler of the LargeImages app to let your app sleep for two
screen refreshes before switching the background to the smaller image. This means
that instead of refreshing the screen every 16 ms, your app now refreshes every 48 ms
with new content. This will be reflected in the bars displayed by the Profile GPU
Rendering tool.

public void changeImage(View view){

if (toggle == 0) {
toggle = 1;
} else {
try {
Thread.sleep(32); // two refreshes
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
toggle = 0;


2. Run your app. The previously short bars for the small image should now be much taller.
Wait a while before clicking the TextView to get the next image; otherwise, the Android
system may display an ANR.

If your app is only swapping backgrounds, the impact from this change may not be
significant for the user. However, if you are running animated content, skipping two out of
three frames will result in a stuttering and jagged animation.

While Profile GPU Rendering cannot tell you exactly what to fix in your code, it can hint at
where you should start looking. And let's admit it, the on-screen bars are pretty cool!

Solution code
Android Studio project: LargeImages.

You can use the Profile GPU Rendering tool on your device to visualize the relative
times it takes for your app to render frames on screen.
Because it can be turned on quickly and its results are immediate and graphical, this
tool is a good first step when analyzing potential app performance issues related to
The sections of the colored bars can indicate where in your app you might look for
performance problems.
Common reasons for slow drawing are an app taking too long to process user input on
the UI thread, and backgrounds and images that are unnecessary or too large.

Related concepts
The related concept documentation is in Rendering and layout.

Learn more
Profile GPU Rendering Walkthrough
Analyzing with Profile GPU Rendering
How Android Draws Views
Video: Invalidation, Layouts, and Performance



4.1B: Using the Debug GPU Overdraw and

Layout Inspector tools

What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Visualize overdraw with Debug GPU Overdraw
Task 2. Inspect the view hierarchy
Solution code
Related concept
Learn more

You can make your apps interesting and visually compelling by following Material Design
guidelines, creating nested hierarchies of layouts, and using drawables as background
elements for your views. However, with increasing complexity come performance
challenges, and layouts draw faster and use less power and battery if you spend time
designing them in the most efficient way. For example:

Overlapping views result in overdraw , where the app wastes time drawing the same
pixel multiple times, and only the final rendition is visible to the user. Size and organize
your views so that every pixel is only drawn once or twice.
Deeply nested layouts force the Android system to perform more passes to lay out all
the views than if your view hierarchy is flat.
To simplify your view hierarchy, combine, flatten, or eliminate views.

What you should already KNOW

You should be able to:

Create apps with Android Studio and run them on a mobile device.
Work with the Developer options settings on a mobile device.

What you will LEARN


You will learn how to:

Run the Debug GPU Overdraw tool to visualize Android drawing to the screen.
Use the Layout Inspector tool to inspect the view hierarchy of an app.

What you will DO

Create a testing app, StackedViews, to illustrate overdraw.
Run the Debug GPU Overdraw tool on the StackedViews app.
Fix the StackedViews app to reduce overdraw.
Use the Layout Inspector tool to identify how you could simplify the view hierarchy.

App overview
The StackedViews app arranges three overlapping TextView objects inside a
ConstraintLayout to demonstrate overdraw. While this is a contrived and simplistic

example, overlapping views can easily happen during development as you add more
features and complexity to your app. The screenshot below shows an arrangement of three
overlapping views. View 1 fills the screen. View 2 fills the bottom two thirds of the screen.
View 3 fills the bottom third of the screen to create progressively more overlap.



Task 1. Visualize overdraw with Debug GPU

One possible cause for slow rendering performance is overdraw, which is when your app
draws over the same area multiple times, but the user sees only what has been drawn last.
This can result in performance problems, especially for older or less powerful devices.

Learn more about overdraw in the Rendering and layout concept chapter.

1.1 Create an app to illustrate overdraw

Create an app called StackedViews that stacks views on top of each other.

1. Create an app using the Empty template, which uses ConstraintLayout .

2. Set a light gray background on the ConstraintLayout .
3. Add a TextView element where the width and height match the parent. Set a light gray
background, such as #fafafa .
4. Add a second, overlapping, TextView element. Make the width match the parent. Make
the height about three quarters of the height from the bottom. You can do this by making
the height match the parent, then use layout_marginTop to add space at the top. Use a
darker gray background, such as # e0e0e0.
5. In the same way, add a third, overlapping TextView element that fills the width of the
parent and about half of the height from the bottom. Use an even darker gray
background, such as #bdbdbd.
6. Optionally, use a large font such as @style/TextAppearance.AppCompat.Display1 for the
TextViews .

7. Run the app on your device. It should look similar to the screenshot below, with three
progressively more overlapping views.



Your final code should look similar to this:


app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />

app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />

app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />



1.2 Turn on Debug GPU Overdraw on your device

Make sure developer options is turned on. Turn on USB Debugging, and allow it when

Turn on Debug GPU Overdraw on your mobile device:

1. Go to Settings > Developer options.

2. In the Hardware accelerated rendering section, select Debug GPU Overdraw.
3. In the Debug GPU overdraw dialog, select Show overdraw areas.
4. Watch your device turn into a rainbow of colors. The colors hint at the amount of
overdraw on your screen for each pixel.

The following key shows which colors indicate how much overdraw.

True color has no overdraw.

Purple/blue is overdrawn once.

Green is overdrawn twice.

Pink is overdrawn three times.

Red is overdrawn four or more times.

An app with too much overdraw will have a lot of pink and red coloring, as shown in the

screenshot below.


A properly laid out app has little overdraw and primarily show true and purple coloring, as
shown in the screenshot below. Some overdraw is unavoidable, for example, when drawing

text onto a background.

1. Run the StackedViews app. The screen should look similar to the one below, with
green, pink, and red colors that indicate significant areas of overdraw where the
TextView objects overlap.



Important: If it's hard for you to see the difference between the colors that the tool shows,
try adjusting the tool for deuteranomaly:

1. Go to Settings > Developer options.

2. In the Hardware accelerated rendering section, select Debug GPU Overdraw.
3. In the Debug GPU overdraw dialog, select Show areas for Deuteranomaly to show

overdraw using adjusted colors.

Compare the colors of the views in this app with the color key shown above, and you see
that View 3 and View 2 are colored for 3x and 4x overdraw. This is because as laid out in
the XML file, you stacked the views on top of each other. A ConstraintLayout with a
background is the bottom layer, and View 1 is drawn on top of that, so View 1 is overdrawn
twice, and so on.

In a real-world app, you would not use a layout like this, but remember that this is a simple
example to demonstrate the tool. Common, realistic examples that produce overdraw

Lists with items that contain thumbnails, text, and controls.

Custom views, such as custom menus or drawers.
Views that overlap with other views for any reason.

1.3 Fix overdraw


Fixing overdraw can be as basic as removing invisible views, and as complex as re-
architecting your view hierarchy. To fix overdraw, you usually need to take one or more of the
following actions.

Eliminate unnecessary backgrounds, for example, when a View displays an image that
fills it, the background is completely covered, so it can be removed.
Remove invisible views. That is, remove views that are completely covered by other
In custom views, clip generously. (See Rendering and Layout. You learn about custom
views in another chapter.)
Reduce the use of transparency. For example, instead of using transparency to create a
color, find a color. Instead of using transparency to create a shine-through effect for two
overlapping images, preprocess the two images into one.
Flatten and reorganize the view hierarchy to reduce the number of views. See the
Rendering and Layout concept chapter for examples and best practices.
Resize or rearrange views so they do not overlap.

To reduce overdraw for the StackedViews app, rearrange the views in the app so that they
do not overlap. In the XML code:

1. Remove the background of the ConstraintLayout , because it's invisible.

2. Set the layout_width and layout_height of each view to 0dp .
3. Remove layout_marginTop for view2 and view3, or set it to 0dp .
4. Use constraints to lay out the views relative to each other.

The following code shows the constraints for each view:


app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />

app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@+id/view1" />

app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@+id/view2" />

Your final layout should produce output from Debug GPU Overdraw similar to one of the
images below. (The second image shows overdraw for deuteranomaly.) You draw once for
the background, and on top of that, the text.





In a realistic setting without custom views, overdraw may not be a huge performance
problem for your app since the Android framework optimizes drawing the screen. However,
since overdraw is usually straightforward to find and fix, you should always minimize it so it
does not pollute your other performance data.

Task 2. Inspect the view hierarchy

The process of rendering views to the screen includes a measure-and-layout stage, during
which the system appropriately positions the relevant items in your view hierarchy. The
"measure" part of this stage determines the sizes and boundaries of View objects. The
"layout" part determines where on the screen to position the View objects.

The following recommendations cover the most common cases:

Remove views that do not contribute to the final image.

Eliminate from your code the views that are completely covered, never displayed, or outside
the screen. This seems obvious, but during development, views that later become
unnecessary can accumulate.

Flatten the view hierarchy to reduce nesting

Android Layouts allow you to nest UI objects in the view hierarchy. This nesting can impose
a cost. When your app processes an object for layout, the app performs the same process
on all children of the layout as well.

Keep your view hierarchy flat and efficient by using ConstraintLayout wherever possible.

Reduce the number of views

If your UI has many simple views, you may be able to combine some of them without
diminishing the user experience.

Combining views may affect how you present information to the user and will include
design trade-offs. Opt for simplicity wherever you can.
Reduce the number of views by combining them into fewer views. For example, you
may be able to combine TextView objects if you reduce the number of fonts and styles.

Simplify nested layouts that trigger multiple layout passes

Some layout containers, such a RelativeLayout , require two layout passes in order to
finalize the positions of their child views. As a result, their children also require two layout
passes. When you nest these types of layout containers, the number of layout passes


increases exponentially with each level of the hierarchy. See the Optimizing View
Hierarchies documentation and the Double Layout Taxation video.

Be conscious of layout passes when using:


LinearLayout that also use measureWithLargestChild

GridView that also use gravity

Custom view groups that are subclasses of the above

Weights in LinearLayout , which can sometimes trigger multiple layout passes

Using any of the above view groups as the root of a complex view hierarchy, the parent of a
deep subtree, or using many of them in your layout, can hurt performance. Consider whether
you can achieve the same layout using a view group configuration that does not result in
these exponential numbers of layout passes, such as a ConstraintLayout .

2.1 Inspect your app's layout with Layout Inspector

The Layout Inspector is a tool in Android Studio that allows you see your view hierarchy at

Design view shows you the static layout of an activity as defined in your XML files, but it
does not include any views that you might create, destroy, or move at runtime.

Inspecting the view hierarchy can show you where you might simplify your view hierarchy. In
addition, the Layout Inspector can also help you identify overlapping views. If Debug GPU
Overdraw shows that your app has overdraw, you may need to run Layout Inspector to
identify the exact views involved, or to help you determine which views you might be able to

With Layout Inspector you take a snapshot of the view hierarchy of a running app and
display it for inspection.

2.2 Find overlapping views

If your layout includes completely overlapping views, then by default, only the front-most
view is clickable in the screenshot. To make the view behind clickable, right-click the front-
most view in the View Tree panel and uncheck Show in preview, as follows:

1. In your code, change the size of View 2 to completely cover View 3. In the layout for
@id/view3 , set android:layout_marginTop="156dp"

2. Run the app.

3. Open the Layout Inspector. Tools > Android > Layout Inspector.


In the preview, you can only see outlines around View 1 and View 3, which are on top.

4. In the Tree View, right-click View 3 and deselect Show in preview.

5. In the Tree View, right-click View 1 and deselect Show in preview.

6. Click ConstraintLayout in the Tree View. Now if you mouse over the preview, the only
outline you see is around the hidden View 2, and View 2 is highlighted in Tree View.

Layout Inspector does not connect to your running app. It creates a static capture based on
your code.

You can find the captures Android Studio made in the captures folder of your Android Studio
project. The files use the package name and the date, and have a .li extension (for
example, ). In Project view, expand the
captures folder and double-click any capture file to show its contents.

Inspecting the view hierarchy, the view arrangement and boundaries, and the properties of
each view can help you determine how to optimize your app's view hierarchy.

Solution code
Android Studio projects:

StackedViews_with_overdraw – initial version of the StackedViews app with overdraw



StackedViews_fixed – final version of the StackedViews app after the overdraw issues
have been fixed.

Use the Debug GPU Overdraw tool to identify overlapping views.
Reduce overdraw by removing unused backgrounds and invisible views; use clipping to
reduce overlapping of views.
Use the Layout Inspector to investigate your view hierarchy.
Simplify your view hierarchy by flattening the hierarchy, combining views, eliminating
invisible views, or rearranging your layout.

Related concept
The related concept documentation is in Rendering and layout.

Learn more
Debug GPU Overdraw Walkthrough
Layout Inspector
Reducing Overdraw
Optimizing Layout Hierarchies
Performance and View Hierarchies
Optimizing Your UI


4.1C: Using the Systrace and dumpsys


What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Run the Systrace tool to analyze the WordListSQL app
Task 2. Run the Systrace tool to analyze the LargeImages app
Task 3. Run the dumpsys tool
Coding challenge
Related concept
Learn more

Systrace (Android System Trace) captures and displays execution times of your app's
processes and other Android system processes, which helps you analyze the performance
of your app. The tool combines data from the Android kernel such as the CPU scheduler,
disk activity, and app threads. The tool uses this data to generate an HTML report that
shows an overall picture of an Android-powered device's system processes for a given
period of time.

Systrace is particularly useful in diagnosing display problems when an app is slow to draw or
stutters while displaying motion or animation.

dumpsys is an Android tool that runs on the device and dumps interesting information about

the status of system services.

Both of these powerful tools let you take a detailed look at what is happening when your app
runs. They produce a huge amount of detailed information about the system and apps. This
information helps you create, debug, and improve the performance of your apps.

This practical will help you get started, but fully analyzing Systrace and dumpsys output
takes a lot of experience and is beyond the scope of this practical.

What you should already KNOW

You should be able to:


Create apps with Android Studio and run them on a mobile device.
Work with Developer Options on a mobile device.

What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:

Use Systrace to collect data about your app and view its reports.
Run dumpsys to get a snapshot of information about app performance.

What you will DO

Use Systrace to capture information about the WordListSQL app on your device.
View and navigate the trace output for WordLIstSQL.
Find the Frames section in the Systrace output and get more information about specific
Examine the alerts, which show potential performance issues with your code.
Run a trace of the LargeImages app and identify a problem with the app. Correlate what
you find with the earlier Profile GPU Rendering tool output.
Run the dumpsys tool to get additional information about frames.

App overview
You will not build a new app in this practical. Instead you will use apps from other practicals.

You need the WordListSQL app. Use the version of the WordListSQL app that you built
in the Android Fundamentals Course, or download the app from the
WordListSql_finished folder from GitHub.
You also need the LargeImages app from a previous practical, or you can download the
course version of the app from GitHub.

Task 1. Run the Systrace tool to analyze the

WordListSQL app
Systrace (Android System Trace) helps you analyze how the execution of your app fits into
the many running systems on an Android device. It puts together system and application
thread execution on a common timeline.


To analyze your app with Systrace, you first collect a trace log of your app and the system
activity. The generated trace allows you to view highly detailed, interactive reports showing
everything happening in the system for the traced duration.

You can run the Systrace tool from one of the Android SDK's graphical user interface tools,
or from the command line. The following sections describe how to run the tool using either of
these methods.

1.1 Prerequisites
To run Systrace, you need:

Android SDK Tools 20.0.0 or higher, which you already have if you've followed this
A mobile device running at least Android 4.1 with USB Debugging enabled in Developer
Options. You already have this, if you've followed this course.

You can run on an emulator for practice, but your trace data may not be accurate.
Some devices do not have Systrace enabled on the kernel they are running, and
you will get an error while generating the trace. In this case, you will need to use an
emulator. See this Stack Overflow post if you want to explore deeper.

Python language installed and included in your development computer's execution path.
Check your Python installation from a command-line window:

Mac and Linux: python -v

Windows: python

If you do not have Python installed, follow the instructions for your platform at
You can also find instructions in this Check for Python documentation.

1.2a Run Systrace from Android Device Monitor

The following instructions are for Android 4.2 and higher. If you are running on an older
version of Android, follow the instructions on the Analyze UI Performance with Systrace

1. If you don't already have the WordListSQL app, download the WordListSQL app from
the WordListSql_finished folder on GitHub. Open the app in Android Studio and run it
on your device.
2. From Android Studio, choose Tools > Android > Android Device Monitor. If you have
instant run enabled, you may be asked to Disable ADB Integration. Click Yes.

Android Device Monitor launches in a separate window.


Important: If you run your app on an emulator, you must restart adb as root in order to
get a trace. Type adb root at the command line.
Follow the steps as illustrated in the screenshot below:

1. Click DDMS if it is not already selected. (1) in the screenshot below.

2. Select your app by package name in the Devices tab. (2) in the screenshot below.

3. Click the Systrace button to initiate the trace. (3) in the screenshot below.

4. In the Systrace (Android System Trace) pop-up, choose your settings for the trace.

Destination File: Where the trace is stored as an HTML file. Default is in your
home directory with the filename trace.html .
Trace duration: Default is 5 seconds, and 15-30 seconds is a good time to choose.
Trace Buffer Size: Start with the default.
Enable Application Traces from: Make sure your app is visible and selected.
Now select tags to enable. Choose all the Commonly Used Tags. In the
Advanced Options, choose Power Management and Database. Use fewer tags
to limit the size and complexity of the trace output.


5. Click OK to start tracing. A pop-up appears, indicating that tracing is active.

6. Interact with the WordListSQL app on your device. Create, edit, and delete an item.
7. When time is up, the pop-up closes, and your trace is done.

1.2b [Optional] Run Systrace from the command line

If you prefer, you can run Systrace from the command line of any terminal window in Android
Studio or on your desktop. The following steps use a terminal in Android Studio.

The following instructions are for Android 4.3 and higher. If you are running on an older
version of Android, follow the instructions in the systrace user guide.


To run Systrace from the command line:

1. In Android Studio, open the Terminal pane, for example, by selecting View > Tool
Windows > Terminal.
2. In the terminal, change directory to where Systrace is located in the Android SDK: cd
< android-sdk >/platform-tools/systrace

If you need to find the directory where the Android SDK is installed: In Android Studio,
choose Android Studio > Preferences and search for "sdk". Alternatively, open Tools
> Android > SDK Manager. The top of the pane has a text field that shows the Android
SDK location.

3. Start Systrace: python --time=10

This runs systrace for 10 seconds, with default category tags, and saves the output
HTML file to the systrace directory, which is the current directory.
Systrace is written in the Python language.
The time argument is the time to run, in seconds.
See the Systrace documentation for versions and options.
If you get an error about serial not being installed, install serial using this
command: sudo pip install pyserial
4. Interact with the WordListSQL app on your device until the trace stops, which happens
when time is up. Create, edit, and delete an item. If you need more time to perform
these actions, run the command with --time=30 , as you did with the Android Device
Monitor example above.

Here is an example command-line command and results:

$ cd android-sdk/platform-tools/systrace

$python --time=10

These categories are unavailable: disk
Starting tracing (10 seconds)
Tracing completed. Collecting output...
Outputting Systrace results...
Tracing complete, writing results
Wrote trace HTML file: file:///Users/<you>/sdk/platform-tools/systrace/trace.html

1.3 View and explore the Systrace output

Analyzing the whole trace file is beyond the scope of this practical. Systrace is a powerful
tool, and the best way to learn is by using it a lot, by spending time looking at all the outputs.
In this task, you learn to navigate the trace output and look at the Frames section.


The file generated for WordListSQL is large, and for a more complex app will be even larger.
Practice navigating around the file to find information about your app.

1. Open one of your saved trace.html files in your Chrome browser. At this time, you
must use Chrome. Using a different browser may show a blank page. The file should
look similar to the one shown below.

The groupings are in the order Kernel, SurfaceFlinger (the Android compositor process),
followed by apps, each labeled by package name. Each app process contains all of the
tracing signals from each thread it contains, including a hierarchy of high level tracing events
based on the enabled tracing categories.

You can navigate the file using these keyboard controls:

w—Zoom into the trace timeline.

s—Zoom out of the trace timeline.
a—Pan left on the trace timeline.
d—Pan right on the trace timeline.
e—Center the trace timeline on the current mouse location.
g—Show grid at the start of the currently selected task.
Shift+g—Show grid at the end of the currently selected task.
Right Arrow—Select the next event on the currently selected timeline.
Left Arrow—Select the previous event on the currently selected timeline.
m—Mark this location with a vertical line so you can examine concurrent events in the


The image shows part of the Systrace output for WordListSQL. The numbers have the
following meanings:

1. Section for each process

2. Frames section
3. Frame indicator for frame that rendered successfully
4. Frame indicator for frame that did not complete rendering
5. Method calls for rendering selected frame

To explore the Systrace output:

1. The page has one section for each process that was running when the trace was
recorded. Scroll through the very long file and find the section for the WordListSQL app,
which is called ple.wordlistsql (pid ... . The results will look different depending on
how you interacted with your app, what device you used, and what configuration you
used. You may need to scroll down quite a bit. If you get lost, close the tab and reopen
the file to start afresh. Tip: Instead of scrolling, you can use the search function of your
browser to search for Frames until you find the correct one.
2. Inside the ple.wordlistsql section, find Frames.
3. In the Frames line, in the graph to the right, you should see circles that are either green
or red and are labeled with the letter F for Frame. You may need to zoom in (w on the
keyboard) and pan right (d on the keyboard) to see individual, labeled circles.

Select a green circle. This frame is green because it completed rendering in the allotted
16 milliseconds per frame.

4. Select a red circle. This frame is red because it did not complete rendering within 16


5. In the left-hand pane, scroll down if necessary until you find Render Thread. On
devices running Android 5.0 (API level 21) or higher, this work is split between the UI
Thread and RenderThread. On prior versions, all work in creating a frame is done on
the UI thread. If you do not see Render Thread, select UI Thread instead.
6. Click on the black triangle to the right of Render Thread to expand the graph. This
expands the bars that show you how much time was spent in each system action
involved in rendering this frame.
7. Click on a system action to show more timing information in the pane below the graph.
Systrace analyzes the events in the trace and highlights many performance problems
as alerts, suggesting what to do next. Below is an example of a frame that was not
scheduled, perhaps because the frame was waiting for other work to be completed.

8. Open the Alerts tab on the right edge of the trace window. Click on an Alert type to see
a list of all alerts in the bottom pane. Click an alert to see details, a description of what
may be the problem, and links to further resources.


Think of the alerts panel as a list of bugs to be fixed. Often a tiny change or
improvement in one area can eliminate an entire class of alerts from your app!

Task 2. Run the Systrace tool to analyze the

LargeImages app
2.1 Run Systrace on the LargeImages app
LargeImages is a smaller demo app and the Systrace output will be easier to analyze. In the
previous practical, Profile GPU Rendering identified a problem with rendering some of the
frames for this app. Use Systrace to get more information about possible causes of the
problem. In this case, you may already have guessed what the problem may be. When
doing performance analysis, guessing is a valid method of narrowing down your first
approach. Be open to having guessed wrong!

1. Open the LargeImages app in Android Studio and run it on your connected device.
2. Start a Systrace trace that is 10 seconds long either from the command line or Android
Device Monitor.
3. Flip a few times between the images of the running LargeImages app, going through at


least two cycles.

4. When it has finished, open the trace in your Chrome browser. This trace should be
easier to navigate than the trace from the WordListSQL, because this trace is a lot
5. Find the section for the largeimages process.
6. Find the Frames section for LargeImages and expand the UI Thread.
7. If necessary, zoom (w and s keys on the keyboard) and pan (a and d keys on the
keyboard) to see individual frames.

8. Notice the pattern of green and red frames. This pattern corresponds with the pattern of
tall and short bars shown by Profile GPU Rendering in the Profile GPU Rendering
practical. Turn on Profile GPU Rendering to refresh your memory, if necessary.

9. Click the red circle frame to get more information.

10. Looking at the alert information does not tell you specifics about possible causes.
11. In the Frames section, zoom in so that you can see the system actions on the UI thread
that are involved in displaying this frame.

12. Notice decodeBitmap and above it, the name of the resource that is being decoded.
Decoding the image is taking up all the time AND this decoding is being done on the UI

Now you know the cause of the problem. In a real app, you could address this problem
by, for example, using a smaller or lower resolution image.

Important: Your trace may look different, and you may need to explore to find the
information you need. Use the above steps as a guideline.
Important: Systrace is a powerful tool that gathers enormous amounts of systems data that
you can use to learn more about the Android system and your app's performance. See the
systrace documentation. Explore on your own!

Task 3. Run the dumpsys tool

dumpsys is an Android tool that runs on the device and dumps information about the status

of system services since the app started. You can use dumpsys to generate diagnostic
output for all system services running on a connected device. Passing the gfxinfo


command to dumpsys provides output in Android Studio's logcat pane. The output
includes performance information that relates to frames of animation.

The purpose of this practical is to get you started with this powerful tool. The dumpsys tool
has many other options that you can explore in the dumpsys developer documentation.

3.1 Run dumpsys from the command line

1. Run the following command to get information about frames.

adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo <PACKAGE_NAME>

For example:

adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo

2. Starting with Android 6.0, you can get even more detailed information using the
framestats command with dumpsys . For example, run the following command against

a device with Android 6.0 or later:

adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo framestats

Learn more about how to use the data generated by this command in the Testing UI
Performance and dumpsys documentation.

Important: This practical has only given you the first steps in using Systrace and dumpsys .
Systrace and dumpsys are powerful debugging tools that provide you with a lot of
information. Making efficient use of this information takes practice.

Coding challenge
The tracing signals defined by the system do not have visibility into everything your app
is doing, so you may want to add your own signals. In Android 4.3 (API level 18) and
higher, you can use the methods of the Trace class to add signals to your code. This
technique can help you see what work your app's threads are doing at any given time.
Learn more at Instrument your app code.

Systrace is a powerful tool for collection runtime information about your app, for a slice
of time. Use alerts generated by the tool to find potential performance issues. Use the


following command. The output is stored in trace.html in the systrace directory.

$cd android-sdk/platform-tools/systrace
$python --time=10

The dumpsys tool collects comprehensive statistics about your app since its start time,
including frame rendering statistics. Use these commands:

adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo <PACKAGE_NAME> adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo <PACKAGE_NAME>

Related concept
The related concept documentation is Rendering and layout.

Learn more
Android developer documentation:

systrace , including a walkthrough and a description of command-line options that are

not covered in this practical

Android Profiler
Testing UI Performance

Instrument your app code

Trace class and trace.h File Reference

Reading Bug Reports



4.2: Using the Memory Profiler tool


What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Run the Memory Profiler tool
Task 2. Dump and inspect the app heap
Task 3. Record memory allocations
Solution code
Related concept
Learn more

All processes, services, and apps require memory to store their instructions and data. As
your app runs, it allocates memory for objects and processes in its assigned memory heap.
This heap has a limited but somewhat flexible size. The Android system manages this
limited resource for you by increasing or decreasing allocatable memory size. The system
also frees memory for reuse by removing objects that are no longer used. If your app uses
more memory than the system can make available, the system can terminate the app, or the
app may crash.

Memory allocation is the process of reserving memory for your app's objects and
Garbage collection is an automatic process where the system frees space in a
computer's memory by removing data that is no longer required, or no longer in use.

Android provides a managed memory environment. When the system determines that your
app is no longer using some objects, the garbage collector releases the unused memory
back to the heap. How Android finds unused memory is constantly being improved, but on
all Android versions, the system must at some point briefly pause your code. Most of the
time, the pauses are imperceptible. However, if your app allocates memory faster than the
system can collect unused memory, your app might be delayed while the collector frees
memory. The delay could cause your app to skip frames and look slow.

Even if your app doesn't seem slow, if your app leaks memory, it can retain that memory
even while in the background. This behavior can slow the rest of the system's memory
performance by forcing unnecessary garbage-collection events. Eventually, the system is


forced to stop your app process to reclaim the memory. When the user returns to your app,
the app must restart completely.

To help prevent these problems, use the Memory Profiler tool to do the following:

Look for undesirable memory-allocation patterns in the timeline. These patterns might
be causing performance problems.
Dump the Java heap to see which objects are using memory at any given time.
Dumping the heap several times over an extended period can help you identify memory
Record memory allocations during normal and extreme user interactions. Use this
information to identify where your code is allocating too many or large objects in a short
time, or where your code is not freeing the allocating objects and causing a memory

For information about programming practices that can reduce your app's memory use, read
Manage Your App's Memory.

What you should already KNOW

You should be able to:

Create apps with Android Studio and run them on a mobile device.

What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:

Use Memory Profiler to collect data about your app.

View Memory Profiler reports.
Dump the Java heap and inspect it.
Record memory allocation data for your app.

What you will DO

Run Memory Profiler and generate, save, and inspect data.

App overview
You will run the LargeImages and RecyclerView apps from previous practicals, using


the Memory Profiler.

You will run the MemoryOverload app, which creates thousands of views, eventually
using up all available memory.


Task 1. Run the Memory Profiler tool

Android Profiler is a set of tools that provide real-time information about your app, such as
memory allocation and network usage. You can capture and view data as your app runs,
and store data in a file that you can analyze in various viewers.

In this practical, you learn the basics of using Memory Profiler to track down performance
problems and crashes related to your app's memory usage.

If you did any of the previous performance tools practicals, your environment is already set
up for debugging with the Android Profiler. Otherwise, see the Prerequisites.

1.1 Start the Memory Profiler tool with the LargeImages app
1. Open the LargeImages app in Android Studio.
2. Run LargeImages on a device with Developer options and USB Debugging enabled.
If you connect a device over USB but don't see the device listed, ensure that you have
enabled USB debugging on the device.

For the next steps, use the screenshot below as a reference.

1. To open the Android Profiler, at the bottom of Android Studio click the Android Profiler
tab (shown as 1 in the screenshot).
2. Select your device and app, if they are not automatically selected (2 in the screenshot).

The Memory graph starts to display. The graph shows real-time memory use (3). The x -
axis shows time elapsed, and the y -axis shows the amount of memory used by your
app (4).


3. In the app, swap the images to see the Memory graph change.

4. Click in the Memory graph, and the graph expands and separates into memory types.
Each memory type (such as Java, Native, and Graphics) is indicated with a different
color in a stacked graph. Check the key along the top of the graph to match colors and
memory types.

1.2 Read about the Memory Profiler tool

Familiarize yourself with the Memory Profiler user interface, panes, and features with the
help of the annotated screenshot below. Not all of these tools are open when you start
Memory Profiler.


The Memory Profiler panes and features that you use in this practical are shown in the
screenshot, as follows:

(1) Force garbage collection. Small Trash icons in the graph indicate garbage-collection
events that you or the system triggered.
(2) Capture a heap dump and display its contents.
(3) Record memory allocations and display the recorded data.
(4) The highlighted portion of the graph shows allocations that have been recorded. The
purple dots above the graph indicate user actions.
(5) Allocation-recording and heap-dump results appear in a pane below the timeline.
This example shows the memory allocation results during the time indicated in the
(5 and 6) When you view either a heap dump or memory allocations, you can select a
class name from this list (5) to view the list of instances on the right (6).
(7) Click an instance to open an additional pane. When you are viewing the allocation
record, the additional pane shows the stack trace for where that memory was allocated.
When you are viewing the heap dump, the additional pane shows the remaining
references to that object.

See the Memory Profiler documentation for a full list of controls and features.

1.3 Run Memory Profiler for the MemoryOverload app

A memory leak is when an app allocates memory that is never freed, even after the memory
is no longer needed. A memory leak can happen when an app allocates many objects and
does not free unused or dereferenced objects. Memory leaks can slow down an app or in


the worst case, eventually make the app crash. Finding and fixing memory leaks is a lot
easier if you have a tool that shows you what's happening with the memory that your app is

To demonstrate a memory leak, the MemoryOverload app creates and loads hundreds of
TextView objects at the tap of a button. When you run the app and monitor it with Memory

Profiler, you see a graph that shows more and more memory being allocated. Eventually, the
app runs out of memory and crashes.

1. Download the MemoryOverload app.

2. Run the app.
3. In Android Studio, open the Android Profiler. Click in the Memory graph to see the detail
view for Memory Profiler.
4. In the app, tap the floating action button (+). Wait until the app is done adding the views
to the screen. This may take a while. In Memory Profiler, observe how the app is using
more memory as views are added.
5. Tap the + button a few more times. Your app will generate a graph similar to the one
shown below. The graph shows more and more memory used and few, small, or no
garbage-collection events. This allocation-graph pattern can indicate a memory leak.
(The graph can look very different for different devices.)

Note: You may notice a delay between tapping the plus button and the next batch of
views being added. To see just how long it takes, run the Profile GPU Rendering tool,
which you enable from within your device's Developer options settings.

6. Keep adding views until the app crashes and shows an Application Not Responding
(ANR) dialog. Logcat displays a message like this one:

03-24 13:05:05.226 10057-10057/ A/libc: Fatal

signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 10057 (.memoryoverload)

SIGABRT is the signal to initiate abort() and is usually called by library functions that

detect an internal error or some seriously broken constraint.


7. After overloading and crashing your device, it is a good idea to remove the app from
your device and restart your device.

The MemoryOverload app is a made-up example to show a pattern, and it does not follow
best practices! However, allocating and not releasing views is a common cause of memory
problems. See the Memory and Threading video for more on this topic.

One fix for the MemoryOverload app would be to not create views that are not visible on the
screen. A second solution would be to combine views. Instead of creating a view for each
rectangle in a row, you could create a patterned background of rectangles and show multiple
rectangles in one view.

1.4 Run Memory Profiler for RecyclerView

1. Run the RecyclerView app.
2. In the app, scroll through the items while Memory Profiler is open.
3. Click the floating action button (+) to add a lot more list items You may see changes in
memory allocations and some spikes in the graph.
4. Scroll through all of the items again. Notice that the memory bar is flat when you are
scrolling. RecyclerView is an efficient way of displaying lists, because views that
become invisible are reused to display new content as the list is scrolled.

Task 2. Dump and inspect the app heap

2.1 Dump the Java (app) heap
1. Run the MemoryOverload app.
2. In Android Studio, open the Android Profiler.
3. Click the Memory graph to fill the Android Profiler pane with the detailed view.
4. In the MemoryOverload app, tap the floating action button (+) once to add a set of
views. Wait for the row of views to appear.

5. In Android Studio, click the Dump Java Heap button to capture the app heap into a
file and open the list of classes. This can take a long time. The Heap Dump pane will


open after the heap dump is complete.

2.2 Inspect the dumped heap

Do the following to open all the information panes, then refer to the screenshot annotations
for an explanation of each pane.

1. In the Heap Dump pane (1), find and click the TextView class. This opens an Instance
View pane.
2. In the Instance View pane (2), click one of the TextView instances. This opens a
References pane (3). Your screen should now look similar to the screenshot below.

The Heap Dump pane (1) shows all the classes related to your app, as they are represented
on the heap. The columns give you size information for all the objects of this class. Click a
column header to sort by that metric.

Allocation Count: Number of instances of this class that are allocated.

Shallow Size: Total size of all instances of this class.


Retained Size: Size of memory that all instances of this class are dominating.

After you click the floating action button (+) in the MemoryOverload app, you see a large
number of TextView instances on the screen. Corresponding allocations are recorded on
the graph and in the allocation count for the TextView class.

The Instance View pane (2) lists all the instances of the selected TextView class that are
on the heap. The columns are as follows.

Depth: Shortest number of hops from any garbage-collection root to the selected
Shallow Size: Size of this instance, in bytes.
Retained Size: Total size of memory being retained due to all instances of this class, in

The References pane (3) shows all the references to the selected instance. For example, in
the MemoryOverload app, all the views are created and added to the view hierarchy. When
you are debugging an app, look for classes and instances that should not be there, and then
check their references.

For example, if you are offloading work to another thread, it is possible that references to
views or activities remain after an Activity has been restarted, leaking memory on every
configuration change. Look for long-lived references to Activity , Context , View ,
Drawable , and other objects that might hold a reference to the Activity or Context


Right-click a class or instance and select Jump to Source. This opens the source code, and
you can inspect it for potential issues.

Click the Export button at the top of the Heap Dump pane to export your snapshot of
the Java heap to an Android-specific Heap/CPU Profiling file in HPROF format. HPROF is a
binary heap-dump format originally supported by J2SE. See HPROF Viewer and Analyzer if
you want to dig deeper.

See Memory Profiler, Processes and Threads, and Manage Your App's Memory.

Task 3. Record memory allocations

Dumping the heap gives you a snapshot of the allocated memory at a specific point in time.
Recording allocations shows you how memory is being allocated over a period of time.

3.1 Record allocations


1. Run the MemoryOverload app.

2. In Android Studio, open the Android Profiler.
3. Click the Memory graph to fill the Android Profiler pane with the detailed view.

4. Click the Record Memory Allocations button .

5. On your device with the MemoryOverload app running, tap the floating action button (+)
to add a set of views.

6. Wait only a few seconds, then click the Record Memory Allocations button again. The

button is now a black square indicating that clicking it will pause the recording.
Don't wait too long to pause the recording, because the recorded files can get large.

3.2 Inspect recorded allocations

Refer to the screenshot below for the next steps.

1. The Memory graph indicates which portion was recorded (1). Select the recorded
portion, if necessary. You can record more than one section of the graph and switch
between them.
2. As in the previous task, the Heap Dump pane (2) shows the recorded data.
3. Click a class name to see instances allocated during this period of time (3). As in the
previous task, there should be many instances of the TextView class.
4. Click an instance to see its Call Stack (4).
5. At the top of the Call Stack (which is actually the bottom...) is the method call in your
code that initiated creation of this instance. In this case, the method is
addRowOfTextViews() .


Click addRowOfTextViews to locate this call in your code (5).

To export the recordings to an hprof file (for heaps) or an alloc file (for allocations), click

the Export button in the top-left corner of the Heap Dump or Allocations pane. Load
the file into Android Studio later for exploration.

Solution code
Android Studio project: MemoryOverload

Use Memory Profiler to observe how your app uses memory over time. Look for
patterns that indicate memory leaks.
Use Java heap dumps to identify which classes allocate large amounts of memory.
Record allocations over time to observe how apps allocate memory and where in your
code the allocation is happening.

Related concept


The related concept documentation is in Memory.

Learn more
Android developer documentation:

Android Profiler overview

Memory Profiler
Overview of Android Memory Management
Manage Your App's Memory
Investigating your RAM Usage

The Android Performance Patterns video series show older tools but the principles all apply:

Memory Monitor
Do Not Leak Views
Memory and Threading


4.3: Optimizing network, battery, and

image use

Table of Contents:
What you should already KNOW
What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Run the Network Profiler tool
Task 2. Run battery statistics and visualization tools
Task 3. Convert images to WebP format
Related concepts
Learn more

Networking is one of the biggest users of battery. Optimizing your networking by following
best practices will reduce battery drain, as well as reducing the size and frequency of data

In this practical, you learn how to use tools to measure and analyze network and battery
performance. You also learn how to compress images to reduce the size of your data

Optimizing network and battery performance is a huge topic, and as devices change, so do
some of the details and recommendations. The Android team is constantly improving the
framework and APIs to make it easier for you to write apps that perform well.

See the Best Practices: Network, Battery, Compression concept for an essential overview.
Make use of the extensive linked resources to dive deeper and get the most up-to-date

What you should already KNOW

You should be able to:

Create apps with Android Studio and run them on a mobile device.
Work with Developer options on a mobile device.
Start the Android Profiler.


What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:

Monitor networking using the Networking Profiler tool.

Dump and view battery usage using batterystats and Battery Historian 2.0.
Convert images to WebP format.

What you will DO

Run the Networking Profiler tool.
Dump battery statistics and display them as a chart using Battery Historian 2.0.
Convert an image to WebP format using Android Studio.

App overview
You'll use the WhoWroteIt app, or any app of your choice that makes network calls.
You'll create a simple demo app with a large image and an image converted to WebP

Task 1. Run the Network Profiler tool

Android Profiler includes the Network Profiler tool, which makes it possible to track when
your app is making network requests in real time. Using the Network Profiler, you can
monitor how and when your app transfers data. With this information, you can optimize your
code to reduce the frequency of data transfers, and optimize the amount of data transferred
during each connection.

In this task you run Network Profiler with the WhoWroteIt app.

1.1 Modify and run the WhoWroteIt app

1. Download the WhoWroteIt app and open it in Android Studio.
2. To help demonstrate the tools, modify the MainActivity.searchBooks() method of the
WhoWroteIt app:

Make multiple calls for each search. This will save you some tedious on-screen
Call the sleep() method between requests to ensure that each network call is


made separately—that is, to ensure that the system does not batch the calls for
Obviously, you should not do either of these things in a production app.

In the MainActivity.searchBooks() method, replace this code:

// If the network is active and the search field is not empty, start a FetchBook A
if (networkInfo != null && networkInfo.isConnected() && queryString.length()!=0) {
new FetchBook(mTitleText, mAuthorText, mBookInput).execute(queryString);

With this code:

// If the network is active and the search field is not empty, start a FetchBook A
if (networkInfo != null && networkInfo.isConnected() && queryString.length()!=0) {
new FetchBook(mTitleText, mAuthorText, mBookInput).execute(queryString);
new FetchBook(mTitleText, mAuthorText, mBookInput).execute(queryString);
new FetchBook(mTitleText, mAuthorText, mBookInput).execute(queryString);
new FetchBook(mTitleText, mAuthorText, mBookInput).execute(queryString);
new FetchBook(mTitleText, mAuthorText, mBookInput).execute(queryString);

3. Run your app and perform one search. The app's user interface has not changed, and
you should see one search result for your query.

1.2 Run the Network Profiler tool

1. On your device, turn off Wi-Fi to make sure that your device uses the mobile radio for
networking requests. Make sure that mobile data is enabled on the device.
2. Run your app on the device. If possible, do this on a physical device to get accurate
3. In Android Studio, open Android Profiler.
4. Enter a book title in the app and click the Search Books button. The Network Profiler
should display a summary graph similar to the one below. The pattern may look different
for different devices and network connections.

Orange spikes indicate data sent, and blue spikes data received. The WhoWroteIt
app does not send a lot of data, so the orange spikes are short, while the blue
spikes are much taller.


The horizontal axis moves in time, and the vertical axis shows data transfer rate in
kilobytes per second.
Every time your app makes a network request, a vertical spike on the Network
Profiler indicates the activity.
The width of the base of the spike is how long the request took. The height of the
spikes is the amount of data sent or received.

5. Click the Network Profiler section of the Android Profiler to expand the pane and see
more details, as shown in the annotated screenshot below. To keep the graph from
moving, click the Live button in the top-right corner of the profiler, or just scroll back.
Doing this does not stop the recording.

6. The horizontal colored bar at the top indicates whether the request was made on Wi-Fi
(gray) or the mobile radio (dark or light blue). The power state of the mobile radio is
indicated by dark blue for high (using more battery power) and light blue for low (using
less battery power).

7. Legend for type of radio used and power state of mobile radio.
8. The orange dotted line indicates the number of active connections over time, as shown
on the y -axis on the right.
9. The x -axis shows the time that has passed.
10. Orange spikes mark data sent. The width indicates how long it took, and the height how
much data was sent. The WhoWroteIt app requests are small, so it does not take long
to send this small about of data.
11. Blue spikes mark data received. The width indicates how long data wa received and the
height how much data was received. Depending on how many books match the


request, the size of the received data, and how long it takes to receive it, can vary.
12. The y -axis on the left shows numeric values for the amounts of data in KB per second.

13. Experiment with different queries to see whether it slightly changes the network request

1.3 Network Profiler details

To show you advanced profiling data, Android Studio must inject monitoring logic into your
compiled app. Features provided by advanced profiling include:

The event timeline on all profiler windows

The number of allocated objects in the Memory Profiler tool
Garbage collection events in the Memory Profiler tool
Details about all transmitted files in the Network Profiler tool

To enable the advanced profiling in Android Studio, follow these steps:

1. Select Run > Edit Configurations.

2. Select your app module in the left pane.
3. Click the Profiling tab, and then select Enable advanced profiling.
4. Now build and run your app again to access the complete set of profiling features.
Advanced profiling slows your build speed, so enable it only when you want to start
profiling your app.
5. Open the Android Profiler tab.
6. Click on the Network Profiler graph to open the detail view, then click on it again to open
the advanced profiling panes.
7. On your connected mobile device, search for a book to get data moving over the
network and generate a graph. The example below uses a query for the word "jungle".

Refer to the annotated screenshot below for the next steps.

1. Scroll back the graph to stop real-time viewing.

Note the purple dot at the top of the pane (1), which indicates a user action. In this case,
the action was pressing the Search Books button.

Next to the user action, you see the payload for your request, which in this case
consists of the word "jungle" (2).

2. Select a portion of the graph to get more details about it (3).

A pane opens below the graph listing all the requests and responses with additional
information in the selected portion of the graph (4).


3. Click on a request, and a new pane with three tabs opens (5). By default, you see the
contents of the first tab, displaying the contents of the response (6).

4. In the screenshot above, notice that the blue bar above the selected portion of the
graph remains dark, indicating that the radio is in a high-power state throughout the
requests. This is because the requests follow each other closely enough to keep the
radio on.

5. In the WhoWroteIt app, change the sleep time for one of the requests until the radio
powers off between requests. How long the mobile radio stays in the high state can vary
greatly between devices.

In the screenshot below, after a request, the radio is in the high-power state (1). The
radio stays in the high-power state for almost 30 seconds before powering down (2).
Then the radio powers up again for the next request (3).

6. Click the Call Stack tab to see where the request originated in your code. When your
app makes many different types of network requests, the Call Stack tab helps you
pinpoint where in your code you may want to start optimizing.


When sending requests and receiving responses, try to optimize for power consumption of
the mobile radio by minimizing the time the mobile radio is in a high-power state. This can be
challenging, and a full explanation is beyond the scope of this practical. However, here are
some tips to get you started.

Limit the size of your requests and responses. Formulate your queries to only request
the data you absolutely need.
Batch your requests so that you can send several of them together without delay to take
advantage of the high-power state. Space the sending of requests to maximize for the
mobile radio staying in lower power states.

For more best practices, see Optimizing Battery Life and the Best Practices: Network,
Battery, Compression concept.

Task 2. Run battery statistics and visualization

dumpsys is an Android tool that runs on the mobile device and dumps interesting

information about the status of system services as you use the device. The dumpsys
command retrieves this information from the device so that you can use it to debug and
optimize your app.

You used dumpsys framestats in the Systrace and dumpsys practical.

Batterystats collects battery data from your device, and the Battery Historian tool converts

that data into an HTML visualization that you can view in your browser. Batterystats is part
of the Android framework, and the Battery Historian tool is open-sourced and available on
GitHub. Batterystats shows you where and how processes are drawing current from the
battery, and it helps you identify tasks in your app that could be deferred or even removed to
improve battery life.


You can use the Battery Historian tool on the output of the dumpsys command to generate a
visualization of power-related events from the system logs, as shown in the screenshot
below. This information makes it easier for you to understand and diagnose battery-related
issues. Battery Historian is not part of the Android framework, and you will need to download
and install it from the internet.

In this practical, you create and work with a Battery Historian chart.

WARNING: Installing the Docker and Battery Historian tools requires downloading about
500 MB of data to your local computer, which may take some time. Make sure that you have
sufficient time, bandwidth, and disk space before you begin.
IMPORTANT: Use the Chrome browser to work with Battery Historian files.

2.1 Install the Docker software management platform

The Battery Historian tool is open sourced and available on GitHub.

There are different ways to install the tool. Using Docker is by far the easiest. Docker is an
open platform for developers and system administrators to build, ship, and run distributed
apps. See the file with the Battery Historian source code on GitHub for more
installation options and documentation.

To install and set up Docker:

1. On your computer, install the free community edition of Docker from
2. Start Docker. This may take some time, because more components will download.


3. Once Docker is ready, open a terminal window in Android Studio or on your desktop.
4. Enter the following commands in the terminal to verify that Docker is installed, running,
and working properly:

docker --version
docker ps
docker run hello-world

5. Read Docker's output, as it summarizes how Docker works.

docker run hello-world

Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/hello-world
78445dd45222: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:c5515758d4c5e1e838e9cd307f6c6a0d620b5e07e6f927b07d05f6d12a1ac8d7
Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest

Hello from Docker!

This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

To generate this message, Docker took the following steps:

1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon.
2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub.
3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the
executable that produces the output you are currently reading.
4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it to
your terminal.

2.2 Get the Battery Historian tool

1. Run the following Docker command.

docker run -p 1234:9999 --port 9999

1234 is the port number for Battery Historian on your localhost. You can replace 1234

with the port number of your choice. (This might pull the Battery Historian, which might
take a while depending on your internet speed.)

Important: Check the README file for Battery Historian in GitHub for the latest version
number, because the tool gets updated and improved.
You will see a series of messages in the terminal, similar to the following:


Unable to find image '' locally

3.0: Pulling from android-battery-historian/stable
c62795f78da9: Downloading 12.84 MB/45.56 MB
d4fceeeb758e: Download complete
e06a9fa76cf2: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:265a37707f8cf25f2f85afe3dff31c760d44bb922f64bbc455a4589889d3fe91
Status: Downloaded newer image for
2017/08/04 18:33:34 Listening on port: 9999

Do not close the terminal or terminate the terminal window, because this will stop Battery
Linux and Mac OS X:

That's it. Open Battery Historian, which will be available in your browser at


You may have to enable virtualization. If you are able to run the emulator with Android
Studio, then virtualization is already enabled.
Once you start Docker, it should tell you the IP address of the machine it is using. If, for
example, the IP address is 123.456.78.90 , Battery Historian will be available at
http://123.456.78.90:1234. (If you used a different port, substitute it in the URL.)

2.3 Run commands to get battery statistics

Your mobile device collects statistics about itself as it runs. This information is useful for
debugging as well as performance analysis. The dumpsys batterystats command gets
information related to battery usage from your device.

1. Connect your mobile device to your computer.

2. Turn off device Wi-Fi so that the device uses the mobile radio.
3. If you have not already done so, download the WhoWroteIt app and open it in Android


4. Run the WhoWroteIt app on your mobile device.

5. On your computer, open a terminal window. (Use the command prompt on a Windows
system, or open the Terminal pane in Android Studio.)
6. From the command line, shut down your running adb server.

adb kill-server

7. Restart adb and check for connected devices. The command lists any connected

$ adb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-5554 device
LGH918ce000b4b device

8. Reset battery data gathering. Resetting erases old battery collection data; otherwise,
the output from the dump command will be huge.

adb shell dumpsys batterystats --reset

9. Disconnect your mobile device from your computer so that you are only drawing power
from the device's battery. On the emulator, you will not get accurate data for this
10. Play with the WhoWroteIt app for a short time. Search for different books by using
different search text.
11. Reconnect your mobile device.
12. On your mobile device, turn Wi-Fi on.
13. Make sure that adb recognizes your mobile device.

adb devices

14. Dump all battery data and redirect the output to save it into a text file. This can take a

adb shell dumpsys batterystats > batterystats.txt

15. To create a report from raw data on a device running Android 7.0 and higher:

adb bugreport

For devices 6.0 and lower:


adb bugreport > bugreport.txt

bugreport could take several minutes to complete. Do not cancel, close the terminal

window, or disconnect your device until it is done.

16. On the Battery Historian starting page in your Chrome browser (see previous
screenshot), browse for the bugreport.txt or file. Click Submit to
upload and display the chart. If you used Terminal pane in Android Studio, the
bugreport file will be located in the WhoWroteIt app's root directory.

2.4 What you see in the Battery Historian chart

The Battery Historian chart graphs power-relevant events over time.

Each row shows a colored bar segment when a system component is active and drawing
current from the battery. The chart does not show how much battery was used by the
component, only that the app was active.

1. Hover over the bars to get details about each graph. You will work more with this in a
2. Hover over the "i" information icon on the left to get a color legend, as shown in the

figure below.

3. Using the chart screenshot below and explanations below, explore your chart. Your
chart looks different than the screenshot because you are on a different device, and you
likely performed different actions.

Chart guidelines


The following chart shows three minutes of information for an LG V20 mobile device running
the modified WhoWroteIt app.

The numbers in the following list reference the numbered callouts in the image below,
illustrating some of the powerful information you can gather and analyze.

(1) The Mobile radio active line shows the activity of the mobile radio. The mobile radio
is one of the biggest battery users. When working on battery efficiency, you always want
to look at and optimize the mobile radio's activity.
(2) Movable timeline that displays information about battery charge state. The upper box
shows information about the current battery state. The bottom bars show that the device
was not plugged in at this moment, and it was not charging. This information is useful
when you want to verify that your code only performs certain battery intensive activities,
such as syncs, when the device is plugged in and on Wi-Fi.
(3) Mobile radio activity. The selected bar in the Mobile radio active line, and those
nearby, are likely the WhoWroteIt app's network calls to fetch books. The information
box for the bar underneath the timeline marker shows additional information such as the
duration and the number of occurrences.

See the following documentation for more:

Battery Historian Charts

Analyzing Power Use With Battery Historian

Task 3. Convert images to WebP format


Most download traffic consists of images fetched from a server. The smaller you can make
your downloadable images, the better the network experience your app can provide for
users. Downloading smaller images means faster downloads, less time on the radio, and
potential savings of battery power. Using WebP images with your app sources reduces APK
size, which in turn means faster app downloads for your users.

WebP is an image file format from Google. WebP provides lossy compression (as JPG
does) and transparency (as PNG does), but WebP can provide better compression than
either JPG or PNG. A WebP file is often smaller in size than its PNG and JPG counterparts,
with at least the same image quality. Even using lossy settings, WebP can produce a nearly
identical image to the original. Android has included lossy WebP support since Android 4.0
(API 14) and support for lossless, transparent WebP since Android 4.3 (API 18).

Serve WebP files over the network to reduce image load times and save network bandwidth.

In general, use the following algorithm to decide which image format to use:

Do you support WebP?

Yes: Use WebP
No: Does it need transparency?
Yes: Use PNG
No: Is the image "simple" (colors, structure, subject?)
Yes: Use PNG
No: Use JPG

3.1 Create an app and compare image sizes and quality for
different formats
Android has included lossy WebP support since Android 4.0 (API 14) and support for
lossless, transparent WebP since Android 4.2 (API 18).

Support for lossless and transparent WebP images is only available in Android 4.2 and
higher. That means your project must declare a minSdkVersion of 18 or higher to create
lossless or transparent WebP images using Android Studio.

Note: You can create a new app for this task, or you can make a copy of the LargeImages
app and modify it in accordance with the steps below.
1. Create an app with a minSdkVersion of 18 using the Basic Template.
2. Add the same large image that you used in the LargeImages app as the background for
the text view.
3. Make a backup copy of the image in res/drawable. You need the backup because
conversion occurs in place, replacing your original image.
4. In your res/drawable folder, right-click the image and choose Convert to WebP at the
bottom of the menu. The Convert Images to WebP dialog opens.


This conversion happens "in-place"; that is, your original image is changed into the
compressed image.

5. Choose Lossy encoding, move the slider to 21%, and click OK to preview the files. For
this particular image, these settings will give you about 10% of the size for the
converted image. This saves you over 350 K!

6. Click Finish to save the converted small image and rename it to mnt_diablo_webp.webp .

7. Add an onClick() handler to the text view that swaps the background between the
backed up original and the WebP image.
8. Run your app.
9. Click to swap between the two images. Do you notice any difference in quality? In most
cases the difference should be unnoticeable to casual user.


Network Monitor gives you a quick live look at how your app is making network
The dumpsys batterystats command gets battery-related information from your mobile
The Battery Historian tool displays the batterystats information as an interactive time
chart. You can use the chart to correlate battery usage with activities taken by your app.

Related concepts
The related concept documentation is in Best Practices: Networking, Battery, Compression
with extensive references to more documentation.

Learn more
Performance is a huge and important topic, and there are many resources for you to dive


Android Profiler
Inspect Network Traffic with Network Profiler
Connectivity for billions
Managing Network Usage
Battery Drain and Networking (video)
Transferring Data Without Draining the Battery: in-depth docs


Batterystats and Battery Historian Walkthrough

Battery Historian Charts

Analyzing Power Use with Battery Historian
Optimizing Battery Life: in-depth docs
Battery Performance 101 (video)
Battery Drain and Wake Locks (video)
Battery Drain and Networking (video)


Create WebP Images


WebP website
Image Compression for Web Developers (good, comprehensive intro)
Reducing Image Download Sizes
Reduce APK Size
Reduced data cost for billions


5.1: Using resources for languages


What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Add another language
Task 2. Add a right-to-left (RTL) language
Task 2 solution code
Task 3. Add a Language option to the options menu
Task 3 solution code
Coding challenge
Challenge solution code
Related concept
Learn more

Users run Android devices in many different languages. To reach the most users, your app
should handle text and layouts in ways appropriate for those languages.

An Android user can change the language for a device in the Settings app. As a developer,
you should localize your app to support different languages in the locales in which your app
is released.

In this chapter, you learn how to provide support for different languages using string
resources and the Translations Editor in Android Studio.

What you should already KNOW

You should be able to:

Create and run apps in Android Studio.

Extract string resources and use string resources in the code.
Use the Layout Editor to align views in a ConstraintLayout .
Edit layouts in XML.
Change and add an options menu in the Basic Activity template.


What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:

Add support for different languages.

Use the Translations Editor to edit translations.
Modify layouts to support right-to-left (RTL) languages.

What you will DO

Add languages to an app.
Use the Translations Editor to edit translations.
Modify the app's layouts to support RTL languages, such as Hebrew.
Add a Language option to the options menu to switch languages.

Apps overview
In this lesson you work from a starter app called LocaleText_start, which is a simple app
created using the Basic Activity template. Its UI uses the default ConstraintLayout provided
by the template. It has text, an image, and a floating action button that can make a phone
call. The options menu has a single menu item, Help, that launches a second activity with
help information.


This lesson demonstrates how you can localize an app for a locale, and provide translated
text within your app for the other languages.


After adding an RTL language, you will use XML layout attributes to take advantage of the
layout mirroring feature added to Android 4.2. Layout mirroring redraws the layout for a right-
to-left orientation for RTL languages. As a result, the image, the TextView elements, the
options menu, and the floating action button are all automatically moved to the opposite side
of the screen as shown below. The app demonstrates the attributes you use for layout


Task 1. Add another language

In this task you will learn the following key practices for adding different languages:

Save all text strings as resources in the default version of strings.xml .

Add a new language in the Translations Editor.
Translate the text.
Test your app in different languages.

1.1 Examine the startup app's layout

To save time, the LocaleText_start starter app has been prepared with a layout to show the
effects of changing languages.

1. Download the LocaleText_start app.

2. Rename the LocaleText_start project folder to LocaleText , open it in Android Studio,
and refactor it to use the name LocaleText .
3. Run the app to see what it looks like.


4. Examine the app's layouts.

The MainActivity layout includes:

An ImageView constrained to the left margin of the parent (the screen).

A TextView with a heading constrained to the right side of the ImageView .
Another TextView with description text, also constrained to the right side of the
ImageView .

A floating action button with a phone icon in the lower right side.
The options menu in the app bar with one choice: Help.

The HelpActivity layout includes:

A TextView for the title, constrained to the left margin of the parent (the screen).
A floating action button with a phone icon on the left side.
Another TextView with body text, constrained to the right side of the floating action
button and to the title TextView .
The Up button and Activity name in the app bar.

Open content_main.xml to see the MainActivity layout in the Design tab. You should see
an ImageView and two TextView elements in the layout (shown in the figure below).

The product_image ImageView is constrained to the top and left side of the screen.
The heading TextView is constrained to the top and right side of the product_image
ImageView , and to the right side of the parent.

The description TextView is constrained to the bottom of heading TextView and to

the right side of product_image TextView and parent/screen.


1.2 Examine the startup app's layout and resources

To prepare an app to be translated into another language, save all text strings as resources
in strings.xml , including text from menu items such as the options menu, text on tabs, and
any other navigation elements that use text.

To save time, the LocaleText_start starter app has been prepared with all text strings in
strings.xml . Open strings.xml —known as the default strings.xml file because it is

used for the default language—to see the string resources in the app. It includes every piece
of text in the app including the action_help resource for the options menu item (Help). The
file include comments that provide the context for the translator to translate your strings—
such as the use of grammar structures and product terms.

<!-- All comments are notes to translators. -->
<string name="app_name">LocaleText</string>

<!-- The Help option in the options menu, no more than 30 chars. -->
<string name="action_help">Help</string>


Include comments in the strings.xml file to describe the context in which each string is
used. If you use a translator to translate your strings, the translator will understand the
context from the comments you provide, which will result in a better quality translation.

1.3 Add another language resource to the app

Use the Android Studio Translations Editor to create the string resources for each language.

1. Open the strings.xml file, and click the Open editor link in the top right corner.

The Translations Editor appears with a row for each resource key (such as
action_help , app_name , and nougat ). The Default Value column is the default value

of the resource key in the default language.


2. Click the globe button in the top left corner of the Translations Editor pane ("1" in the
following figure), and select French in the dropdown menu:

After you choose a language, a new column with blank entries appears in the
Translations Editor for that language, and the keys that have not yet been translated
appear in red.

To show only the keys that require translation, check the Show only keys needing
translation checkbox option at the top of the Translations Editor pane, next to the

3. Select a key (such as description ). The Key, Default Value, and Translation fields
appear at the bottom of the Translations Editor pane.

4. Add the French translation for the key by selecting the key's cell in the column for the
language (French), and entering the translation in the Translation field at the bottom of
the pane as shown in the following figure.

Note: For an app to be released to the public, you would use a translation service if you
don't know the language. You can click the Order a translation link at the top of the
Translations Editor pane to start the process with the service. The service should provide a
translated strings.xml file, which you can copy into your project folder as described in the
concept chapter, and the translations appear in the Translations Editor. For this example, if
you don't know French use Google Translate.

1.4 Enter the translations for the strings


1. Enter the translations in the French column for each key, as shown in the following


2. Click the Untranslatable checkboxes for the support_phone and dial_log_message

keys; they change from red to black. Keys shown in black don't need to be translated,
either because they've already been translated, or because you've indicated that they
are untranslatable.

Since there is no translation for the support_phone and dial_log_message keys, the
default values will be used in the layout no matter what language and locale the user
chooses in the Settings app.

If you don't want to translate the app name, you can click the Untranslatable checkbox
for it; however, you can also modify the app name for each language, as shown in the
above figure. The choice of translating the app name is up to you. Many apps add
translated names so that the users in other languages understand the app's purpose
and can find the app in Google Play in their own languages.

3. To see a preview of the layout in the new language, open content_main.xml in the
Design tab, and choose the language you added from the Language menu at the top
of the Layout Editor. The layout reappears with a preview of what it looks like in that


Changing the language can affect the layout. In this case, the headline in the previous
figure, "Pacquet de bonbons de nougat," takes up two lines. To prepare for different
languages, you need to create layouts that have enough room in their text fields to
expand at least 30 percent, because a translated version of the text may take more

4. Switch to Project: Project Files view, and expand the res directory. You see that the
Translations Editor created a new directory for the French language: values-fr . The
values directory is the default directory for colors, dimensions, strings, and styles,


while for now, the values-fr directory has only string resources.

An app can include multiple values directories, each customized for a specific language
and locale combination. When a user runs the app, Android automatically selects and loads
the values directories that best match the user's chosen language and locale. For
example, if the user chooses French as the language for the device in the Settings app, the
French strings.xml file in the values-fr directory is used rather than the strings.xml file
in the default values directory.

1.5 Run the app and switch languages

1. Run the app on the emulator or on a device. The strings appear in the language used in
the default strings.xml file (in this case, English). Click the options menu, which offers
one option (Help). Click Help to see the second Activity .


2. To switch the preferred language in your device or emulator, open the Settings app. If

your Android device is in another language, look for the gear icon:

3. Find the Languages & input settings in the Settings app, and choose Languages.

Be sure to remember the globe icon for the Languages & input choice, so that you can
find it again if you switch to a language you do not understand. Languages is the first

choice on the Languages & input screen.

4. For devices and emulators running a version of Android previous to Android 7, choose
Language on the Languages & input screen, select Français (France), and skip the
following steps.

(In versions of Android previous to Android 7, users can choose only one language. In
Android 7 and newer versions, users can choose multiple languages and arrange them
by preference. The primary language is numbered 1, as shown in the following figure,
followed by lower-preference languages.)

5. For devices and emulators running Android 7 or newer, follow these steps:

6. Choose Languages on the Languages & input screen.


7. To add a language not on the list, click Add a language, select Français, and then
select France for the locale.
8. Use the move icon on the right side of the Language preferences screen to drag
Français (France) to the top of the list.


9. Run the app again. The app now appears in French:

If the user has chosen a language that your app does not support, the app displays the
strings that are in the default strings.xml file. For example, if the user has chosen Spanish
(or any other language which your app does not support), the app displays strings in
English, which is the language used in the default strings.xml file for this app.

Note: Remember to include all the strings you need for the app in the default strings.xml
file. If the default file is absent, or if it is missing a string that the app needs, the app may

Task 2. Add a right-to-left (RTL) language

Some languages, such as English, are read from left to right (LTR), while others, such as
Arabic or Hebrew, are read from right to left (RTL). While the text fields in an LTR language
would be arranged in a layout from left to right, they should be reversed in a layout for an
RTL language. Android 4.2 and newer versions provide full native support for RTL layouts so
that you can use the same layout for both types of languages.

So far, the app uses two LTR languages: English (for the default) and French. In this task
you add Hebrew, an RTL language.

2.1 Check for RTL support


Android provides the layout mirroring feature, which redraws the layout for RTL languages
so that the image view, the text view, the options menu, and the floating action button are all
automatically moved to the opposite side of the layout.

Open AndroidManifest.xml to check that the following attribute is part of the <application>
element. This enables RTL layout mirroring:


Android Studio adds the above attribute to new projects. If you change true to false ,
RTL layout mirroring is not supported, and the views and other elements that use the RTL
language appear as they would for an LTR language.

2.2 Add an RTL language

Add Hebrew to the LocaleText app:

1. Open the LocaleText app from the previous task in Android Studio.
2. Add Hebrew and translate the strings using the Translations Editor (see previous task
for details). The translations appear in the new Hebrew (iw) column for the key.

3. To see a preview of the layout in the new language, open content_main.xml , click the
Design tab if it is not already selected, and choose Hebrew (iw) from the Language
menu at the top of the Layout Editor. The layout reappears with a preview of what it will
look like in Hebrew.


As shown in the figure, adding an RTL language can affect the layout, because Android
Studio automatically supplies a declaration in the <application> element in the
AndroidManifest.xml file that automatically turns on RTL layout support:
android:supportsRtl="true" . The RTL language characters are properly set from right to

left, and the RTL text is justified to the right margin.

However, the UI elements—with the exception of the floating action button—are still in the
same place in the layout, as if they were showing an LTR language. The floating action
button moves to the opposite (left) side of the screen, as it should for an RTL language. But
the ImageView is still constrained to the left margin, and the two TextView elements are
constrained to the right side of the ImageView.

The ImageView and TextView elements should move to the opposite side of the screen,
where a Hebrew reader would expect them to be. In the next step you will fix the layout to
fully support an RTL language.

2.3 Modify the content layout for RTL languages


To adjust a layout so that it fully supports an RTL language, you need to add a "start" and
"end" attribute for every "left" and "right" attribute in each layout. For example, if you use
android:layout_marginLeft , add android:layout_marginStart :

1. Open content_main.xml and look at the XML code.

Android Studio highlights "right" and "left" attributes (such as layout_marginLeft in the
figure) and provides suggestions about including "start" and "end" attributes to better
support right-to-left languages.

2. Add a "start" attribute for every "left" attribute, and an "end" attribute for every "right"
attribute. For example, add the android:layout_marginStart attribute to all uses of the
layout_marginLeft attribute:


The "start" attribute defines the start of the view, which is the same as the "left" attribute
for an LTR language; however, in RTL languages, the start side is the right side.

The "end" attribute defines the end of the view, which is the same as the "right" attribute
for an LTR language; however, in RTL languages, the end side is the left side.

Be sure to add "start" and "end" to the constraint attributes. For example:



3. To see a preview of the layout in the new language, click the Design tab, and choose
Hebrew (iw) in the Language menu at the top of the Layout Editor. The layout
reappears with a preview of what it will look like, now that you have added the "start"
and "end" attributes.

Compare this layout preview with the layout preview in the previous task. As a result of
adding the "start" and "end" attributes for margins and constraints, the layout now shows the
image on the right side of the screen (the "start" side), and the TextView elements are
constrained to its left ("end") side.

The following snippet is the revised XML code for the two TextView elements and the
ImageView in content_main.xml :


app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />


app:layout_constraintHorizontal_bias="0.0" >

2.4 Modify the help layout for RTL languages


Modify the activity_help.xml layout for the RTL language: Add a "start" attribute for every
"left" attribute, and an "end" attribute for every "right" attribute, as done previously for
content.xml , for the two TextView elements and the floating action button. The following

snippet shows the XML code for these elements in activity_help.xml :

app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />

app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@+id/help_title" />

app:layout_constraintHorizontal_bias="1.0" >


To see the changes, run the app on the device or emulator, and then change the language to
Hebrew and run the app again.

The image now appears on the right of the screen, at the start of the text in the main activity.
The help activity's layout is also mirrored for the RTL language.

Note also that the app name, the Help title for HelpActivity , and the Up button for
HelpActivity (shown on the right side of the figure) are also moved to the opposite side of

the layout, which is proper for RTL languages.

Task 2 solution code

Android Studio project: LocaleText1

Task 3. Add a Language option to the options

Would you like a quicker way than going back to the Settings app to change the language
for testing this app? In this task, you add a Language option to the options menu in the
LocaleText app. When tapped, this option uses an Intent to open the language list in the
Settings app.


The Language menu option will make it easier for the user to open the language list without
having to look for and launch the Settings app. The user can also immediately return to the
LocaleText app and see the app in the new language by tapping the Back button.

3.1 Add the menu option

Open the LocaleText app project from the previous section (or download the LocaleText1
app project).

Add the Language item to menu_main.xml , using action_language as the id . Set the
android:orderInCategory attribute value to a higher number than action_help so that it

appears below the Help option in the menu.

app:showAsAction="never" >


Extract the string resource for the option's android:title attribute ("Language"). Use the
Translations Editor to provide that string resource for French and Hebrew.

3.2 Modify onOptionsItemSelected()

In MainActivity, change the code in the onOptionsItemSelected() method to a switch block
that handles both Help and Language:

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
// Handle options menu item clicks here.
switch (item.getItemId()) {
return true;
Intent languageIntent = new
return true;
// Do nothing.
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

The Language case uses an Intent with Settings.ACTION_LOCALE_SETTINGS to navigate

directly to the language list.

Task 3 solution code

Android Studio project: LocaleText2

Coding challenge
Note: All coding challenges are optional and not prerequisite for the material in the later
Challenge: Localize the UI elements of another app.

Developers often work in teams and are asked to update existing apps to localize them. In
such cases you may not know everything about the code in the app, but you can apply
localization best practices to update the code.


For this challenge, download the RecyclerView_start starter app, rename it to RecyclerView ,
and run the app. It shows a list of "Word" items. The floating action button adds a "Word"
item each time you click it. Clicking on an item displays "Clicked!" with "Word" (as shown in
the figure).



The following are the general steps for this challenge:

1. Add string resources to the project with translations for French (or any LTR language)
and Hebrew (or any RTL language).

The challenge requires you to support a RTL language. The number that appears after
"Word" for an LTR language ("Word 20") should appear before "Word" ("20 ‫מָלה‬
ִ ") for an
RTL language. To control placement, use a string format with an argument for the
number, as described in the Formatting and Styling section of String Resources.

2. Open MainActivity , find the code In the onCreate() method that puts the initial data
into the word list (shown in the comment below), and replace it with code to use the
word string resource:

// Original code: mWordList.addLast("Word " + i)

.getString(R.string.word, i));

3. Within the onCreate() method, find the code for the floating action button in onClick()
that adds a new word to the word list (shown in the comment below), and replace it to
use the word string resource:

// Original code: mWordList.addLast("+ Word " + wordListSize)

mWordList.addLast("+ " +
getResources().getString(R.string.word, wordListSize));

4. Open WordListAdapter , and use the getString() method to replace the hardcoded
"Clicked!" with R.string.clicked . In the WordViewHolder class within WordListAdapter,
change the onClick() method to the following:

public void onClick(View v) {

String clickOutput = v.getContext().getString(clicked) +

5. Run the app and click the floating action button twice to add two more entries: "+ Word
20" and "+ Word 21." Click the Word 16 item to ensure that it displays "Clicked! Word


16" as shown in the previous figure. Then change your device or emulator to another
language, run the app, and perform the same steps.

Challenge solution code

Android Studio project: LocaleRecyclerView

To prepare an app to support different languages, extract and save all strings as
resources in strings.xml , including menu items, tabs, and any other navigation
elements that use text.
To use the Translations Editor, open the strings.xml file, and click the Open editor
link in the top right corner.
To add a language, click the globe button in the top left corner of the Translations Editor.
To see a preview of the layout in the new language, open the layout XML file, click the
Design tab, and choose the language in the Language menu at the top of the layout


To support right-to-left (RTL) languages with RTL layout mirroring, Android Studio
automatically includes the android:supportsRtl attribute, set to true , as part of the
<application> element in AndroidManifest.xml for each project.

To support RTL languages in a layout, add the "start" and "end" XML attributes for all
"left" and "right" attributes.
Switch the preferred language in your device or emulator by choosing Languages &
input > Languages in Settings. In Android 7 and newer you can add another language
by clicking Add a language. Drag the preferred language to the top of the list.
Use the default strings.xml file to define each and every string in the app, so that if a
language or dialect is not available, the app shows the default language.

Related concept
The related concept documentation is in Languages and layouts.

Learn more
Android developer documentation:

Supporting Different Languages and Cultures

Localizing with Resources
String Resources
Localization checklist
Language and Locale
Testing for Default Resources

Material Design: Usability - Bidirectionality

Android Developers Blog: Native RTL support in Android 4.2

Android Play Console: Translate & localize your app


Language Subtag Registry - IANA

Country Codes
ISO 3166 Country Codes
Android locale codes and variants


5.2: Using the locale to format information


What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Use the locale's date format
Task 2. Use the locale's number format
Task 3. Use the locale's currency
Solution code
Coding challenge
Challenge solution code
Related concept
Learn more

To provide the best experience for Android users in different regions, your app should handle
not only text but also numbers, dates, times, and currencies in ways appropriate to those

When users choose a language, they also choose a locale for that language, such as
English (United States) or English (United Kingdom). Your app should change to show the
formats for that locale: for dates, times, numbers, currencies, and similar information. Dates
can appear in different formats (such as dd / mm / yyyy or yyyy - mm - dd ), depending on
the locale. Numbers appear with different punctuation, and currency formatting also varies.

What you should already KNOW

You should be able to:

Create and run apps in Android Studio.

Add different languages and edit translations in the Translations Editor.
Modify layouts to accommodate right-to-left (RTL) languages.

What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:


Use the current locale to set the format for the date and for numbers.
Parse a number from a locale-formatted string.
Show different currencies based on the locale.

What you will DO

Use DateFormat to format a date (a product's expiration date) according to the user-
chosen locale.
Use NumberFormat to format numbers and currencies according to the user-chosen
Use the current locale's country code to determine which currency to use.

App overview
The LocaleText app (from the lesson about using language resources) offers localized
language resources, but there are other aspects of localization that need to be addressed.
Dates, numbers, and currencies are the most important aspects.

You will use LocaleText3_start as the starter code. It already contains extra UI elements and
strings translated into French and Hebrew, and the RTL layout adjustments ("start" and
"end" attributes) that are described in the previous lesson. You will do the following:

Convert a product expiration date to the format for the user's chosen locale.
Format the user's quantity for the user's chosen locale, so that the quantity properly
displays thousands and higher numbers with the right separators.
Set the currency format for the language and locale, and use it to display the price.


The figure below shows the fully finished LocaleText3 app.

Task 1. Use the locale's date format

In this task you learn how to get the current Date and format it for current Locale using
DateFormat . You add two views to the layout for the expiration date and its label, then

localize the views by translating a string and adding RTL attributes to the layout.

1.1 Examine the layout

Download the LocaleText3_start app project, rename the project folder to LocaleText3 , and
open the project in Android Studio.

Open content_main.xml to see the layout and become familiar with the UI elements:

date_label : Label for the expiration date.

date : Expiration date.

quantity_label : Label for the quantity.

quantity : Quantity entered by the user.

price_label : Label for the single-package price.

price : Single-package price.

total_label : Label for the total amount.

total : Total amount, calculated by multiplying the quantity by the price .


Open the Translations Editor to see French and Hebrew translations for the new string
resources. (For instructions on adding a language, see the lesson about using language
resources.) You will not be translating the date, so the Untranslatable checkbox for the
date key is already selected.

Since there is no translation for the date key, the default value will be used in the layout no
matter what language and locale the user chooses. You will add code to format the date so
that it appears in the locale's date format.

1.2 Use DateFormat to format the date

The code in adds five days to the current date to get the expiration date.
You will add code to format the expiration date for the locale.

Note: Throughout this lesson, places where you will add code are marked by TODO
comments. After adding the code, you can delete or edit the TODO comments.
1. Open MainActivity , and find the the code at the end of the onCreate() method after
the fab.setOnClickListener() section:


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

// ... Rest of the onCreate code.
fab.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
// ... Rest of the setOnClickListener code.
// Get the current date.
final Date myDate = new Date();
// Add 5 days in milliseconds to create the expiration date.
final long expirationDate = myDate.getTime() +
// Set the expiration date as the date to display.
// TODO: Format the date for the locale.

This code adds five days to the current date to get the expiration date.

2. Add the following to format and display the date:

// TODO: Format the date for the locale.

String myFormattedDate =
// Display the formatted date.
TextView expirationDateView = (TextView) findViewById(;

As you enter DateFormat , the java.text.DateFormat class should be imported. If it

doesn't automatically import, click the red warning bulb in Android Studio and import it.

The DateFormat.getDateInstance() method gets the default formatting style for the
user's selected language and locale. The DateFormat format() method formats a date


3. Run the app, and switch languages. The date is formatted in each specific language as
shown in the figure.

Task 2. Use the locale's number format

Numbers appear with different punctuation in different locales. In U.S. English, the
thousands separator is a comma, whereas in France, the thousands separator is a space,
and in Spain the thousands separator is a period. The decimal separator also varies
between period and comma.

Use the Java class NumberFormat to format numbers and to parse formatted strings to
retrieve numbers. You will use the quantity , which is provided for entering an integer
quantity amount.

MainActivity already includes OnEditorActionListener , which closes the keyboard when

the user taps the Done key (the checkmark icon in a green circle):

You will add code to parse the quantity, convert it to a number, and then format the number
according to the Locale .

2.1 Examine the listener code

Open MainActivity , and find the following listener code at the end of the onCreate()
method. This is where you will put your code to get and format the quantity:


// Add an OnEditorActionListener to the EditText view.

EditText.OnEditorActionListener() {

public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId,
KeyEvent event) {
if (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE) {
// Close the keyboard.
InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)

imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(v.getWindowToken(), 0);
// TODO: Parse string in view v to a number.

The listener defines callbacks to be invoked when an action is performed on the editor. In
this case, when the user taps the Done key, it triggers the EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE
action, and the callback closes the keyboard.

Note: The EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE constant may not work for some smartphones that
implement a proprietary soft keyboard that ignores imeOptions (as described in Stack
Overflow tip, "How do I handle ImeOptions' done button click?"). For more information about
setting input method actions, see Specify the Input Method Action, and for details about the
EditorInfo class, see EditorInfo .

2.2 Use the locale's number format to parse the string to a

The quantity value is a string, perhaps entered in a different language. In this step you
write code to parse the string to a number, so that your code can use it in a calculation. If the
value doesn't parse properly, you will throw an exception and show a message asking the
user to enter a number.

Follow these steps:

1. Open MainActivity . At the top, declare mNumberFormat to get an instance of the

number format for the user-chosen locale, and add a TAG for reporting an exception
with the entered quantity:

private NumberFormat mNumberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance();

private static final String TAG = MainActivity.class.getSimpleName();


After you enter NumberFormat , the expression appears in red. Click it and press Option-
Return on a Mac, or Alt-Return on Windows, to choose java.text.NumberFormat .

The NumberFormat.getInstance() method returns a general-purpose number format for

the user-selected language and locale.

2. In the listener code in MainActivity , change the quantity to a number (if the view is
not empty) by using the NumberFormat.parse() method with intValue() to return an

// Parse string in view v to a number.

mInputQuantity = mNumberFormat.parse(v.getText()
// TODO: Convert to string using locale's number format.

3. Android Studio displays a red bulb in the left margin of the numberFormat.parse
statement because the statement requires an exception handler. Although the keyboard
is restricted to a numeric keypad, the code still needs to handle an exception when
parsing the string to convert it to a number. Click the bulb and choose Surround with
try/catch to create a simple try and catch block to handle exceptions. Android
Studio automatically imports java.text.ParseException .

// Parse string in view v to a number.

try {
// Use the number format for the locale.
mInputQuantity = mNumberFormat.parse(v.getText()
} catch (ParseException e) {
// TODO: Convert to string using locale's number format.

4. The exception handling is not yet finished. The best practice is to display a message to
the user. The TextEdit setError() method provides a popup warning if, for some
reason, a number was not entered. Change the code in the previous step to the
following, using the string resource enter_number (provided in the strings.xml file and
previously translated).


// Parse string in view v to a number.

try {
// Use the number format for the locale.
mInputQuantity = mNumberFormat.parse(v.getText()
} catch (ParseException e) {
return false;
// TODO: Convert to string using locale's number format.

If the user runs the app and taps the Done key without entering a number, the
enter_number message appears. Since this is a string resource, the translated version

appears in French or Hebrew if the user chooses French or Hebrew for the device's

2.3 Convert the number to a string formatted for the locale

In this step you convert the number back into a string that is formatted correctly for the
current locale.

In the listener code in MainActivity , add the following to convert the number to a string
using the format for the current locale, and show the string:

// Convert to string using locale's number format.

String myFormattedQuantity = mNumberFormat.format(mInputQuantity);
// Show the locale-formatted quantity.

Run the app:

1. Enter a quantity and tap the Done key to close the keyboard.
2. Switch the language. First choose English (United States), run the app again, and
enter a quantity again. The thousands separator is a comma.
3. Switch the language to Français (France), run the app again, and enter a quantity
again. The thousands separator is a space.
4. Switch the language to Español (España), run the app again, and enter a quantity
again. The thousands separator is a period. Note that even though you have no
Spanish string resources (which is why the text appears in English), the date and the
number are both formatted for the Spain locale.


Task 3. Use the locale's currency

Currencies are different in some locales. Use the NumberFormat class to format currency
numbers. The NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance() method returns the currency format for
the user-selected language and Locale , and the NumberFormat.format() method applies
the format to create a string.

To demonstrate how to show amounts in a currency format for the user's chosen locale, you
will add code that will show the price in the locale's currency. Given the complexities of
multiple currencies and daily fluctuations in exchange rates, you may want to limit the
currencies in an app to specific locales. To keep this example simple, you will use a fixed
exchange rate for just the France and Israel locales, based on the U.S. dollar. The starter
app already includes fixed (fake) exchange rates.

3.1 Get the current locale and its country code

You can retrieve the country code of the user-chosen locale to determine whether the
country is one whose currency your app supports (that is, France or Israel). If it is, use the
locale's currency format and exchange rate. For all other unsupported countries and the
U.S., set the currency format to U.S. (dollar).

The starter app already includes variables for the France and Israel currency exchange
rates. You will use this to calculate and show the price. Pricing information would likely come
from a database or a web service, but to keep this app simple and focused on localization, a
fixed price in U.S. dollars has already been added to the starter app.


1. Open MainActivity and find the fixed price and exchange rates at the top of the class:

// Fixed price in U.S. dollars and cents: ten cents.

private double mPrice = 0.10;
// Exchange rates for France (FR) and Israel (IW).
private double mFrExchangeRate = 0.93; // 0.93 euros = $1.
private double mIwExchangeRate = 3.61; // 3.61 new shekels = $1.

2. Add the following to the top of MainActivity to get an instance ( mCurrencyFormat ) of

the currency for the user's chosen locale:

// Get locale's currency.

private NumberFormat mCurrencyFormat =

The NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance() method returns the currency format for the

user-selected locale.

3.2 Calculate and show the price in different currencies

1. To calculate the price at a specific exchange rate, open MainActivity and add the
following code to the onCreate() method after the TODO comment:

// TODO: Set up the price and currency format.

String myFormattedPrice;
String deviceLocale = Locale.getDefault().getCountry();
// If country code is France or Israel, calculate price
// with exchange rate and change to the country's currency format.
if (deviceLocale.equals("FR") || deviceLocale.equals("IL")) {
if (deviceLocale.equals("FR")) {
// Calculate mPrice in euros.
mPrice *= mFrExchangeRate;
} else {
// Calculate mPrice in new shekels.
mPrice *= mIwExchangeRate;
// Use the user-chosen locale's currency format, which
// is either France or Israel.
myFormattedPrice = mCurrencyFormat.format(mPrice);
} else {
// mPrice is the same (based on U.S. dollar).
// Use the currency format for the U.S.
mCurrencyFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US);
myFormattedPrice = mCurrencyFormat.format(mPrice);
// TODO: Show the price string.


The Locale.getDefault() method gets the current value of the Locale , and the
Locale.getCountry() method returns the country/region code for this Locale . Used

together, they provide the country code that you need to check. The code FR is for
France, and IL is for Israel. The code tests only for those locales, because all other
locales, including the U.S., use the default currency (U.S. dollars).

The code then uses the currency format to create the string myFormattedPrice .

2. After the above code, add code to show the price string:

// TODO: Show the price string.

TextView localePrice = (TextView) findViewById(;

3. Run the app. The "Price per package" appears in U.S. dollars (left side of the figure
below) because the device or emulator is set to English (United States).
4. Change the language and locale to Français (France), and navigate back to the app.
The price appears in euros (center of the figure below).
5. Change the language to Français (Canada), and the price appears in U.S. dollars (right
side of the figure below) because the app doesn't support Canadian currency.

When the user chooses the Français (Canada) locale, the language changes to French
because French language resource strings are provided. The locale, however, is Canada.
Since Canadian currency is not supported, the code uses the default locale's currency,
which is the United States dollar. This demonstrates how the language and the locale can be
treated differently.

Solution code
Android Studio project: LocaleText3


Coding challenge
Note: All coding challenges are optional and are not prerequisites for later lessons.
Challenge: This challenge demonstrates how to change colors and text styles based on the
locale. Download the Scorekeeper_start app (shown below), and rename and refactor the
project to ScorekeepLocale .



The Locales concept chapter explains how to change colors and styles for different locales.

In the Scorekeeper app, the text size is controlled by a style in styles.xml in the values
directory, and the color for a Button background is set in an XML file in the drawable
directory. An app can include multiple resource directories, each customized for a different
language and locale. Android picks the appropriate resource directory depending on the
user's choice for language and locale. For example, if the user chooses French, and French
has been added to the app as a language using the Translations Editor (which creates the
values-fr directory to hold it), then:

The strings.xml file in values-fr is used rather than the strings.xml file in the
default values directory, as you would expect.
The colors.xml and dimens.xml files in values-fr (if they have been added to the
directory) are used rather than the versions in the default values directory.
The drawables in drawable-fr (if this directory has been added to the app) are used
rather than the versions in the default drawable directory.

For this challenge, do the following:

Add the Afrikaans and Hebrew languages.

Change the text size for the team names to 40sp in Hebrew only (as shown on the left
side of the figure below).
In South Africa, red is one of the colors of mourning, and is therefore not appropriate as
the color for the minus buttons. Change the minus button color to light orange, but only
for the Afrikaans language in the South Africa locale (as shown on the right side of the
figure below).


The size is controlled in the TeamText style in styles.xml in the values directory. Add
a new styles.xml file to the values-iw directory and edit it.
The color for the Button background (the circle around the minus sign) is set in
minus_button_background.xml in the res>drawable directory. To create a different

language version, copy the drawable subdirectory and rename the copy drawable-af-
rZA. You can then change the minus_button_background.xml file in the copied directory
to change the color.
The minus sign color is set in the MinusButtons style in styles.xml .
Use "@android:color/holo_orange_light" for the new color.


Challenge solution code

Android Studio project: ScorekeepLocale

To format a date for current locale, use DateFormat .

The DateFormat getDateInstance() method gets the default formatting style for the
user's selected language and locale.
The DateFormat format() method formats a date string.

Use the NumberFormat class to format numbers and to parse formatted strings to retrieve

The NumberFormat getInstance() method returns a general-purpose number format for

the user-selected language and locale.
Use the NumberFormat parse() method to get an integer from a formatted number



Use the NumberFormat class to format currency numbers.

The NumberFormat getCurrencyInstance() method returns the currency format for the
user-selected language and locale.
The NumberFormat format() method applies the format to create a string.

Use the Locale :

Get the current value of the default Locale with Locale.getDefault() .

Get the country/region code by specifying the current Locale with
Locale.getCountry() .

Use resource directories:

Resources are defined within specially named directories inside the project's res
directory. The path is project_name /app/src/main/res/ .
Add resource directories using the following general format:

<resource type>-<language code>[-r<country code>]

<resource type> : The resource subdirectory, such as values or drawable .

<language code> : The language code, such as en for English or fr for French.

<country code> : Optional: The country code, such as US for the U.S. or FR for


Related concept
The related concept documentation is Locales.

Learn more
Android developer documentation:

Supporting Different Languages and Cultures

Localizing with Resources
Localization checklist
Language and Locale
Testing for Default Resources


Material Design: Usability - Bidirectionality

Android Developers Blog:

Android Design Support Library

Native RTL support in Android 4.2

Android Play Console: Translate & localize your app


Language Subtag Registry - IANA

Country Codes
ISO 3166 Country Codes
Android Locale Codes and Variants
How do I use NumberFormat to format currencies?
How to format international telephone numbers
International Country Calling Codes
ISO-3166-1 Standard (Wikipedia)


6.1: Exploring accessibility in Android


What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Explore TalkBack and text-to-speech
Task 2. Explore other settings
Solution code
Coding challenge
Related concept
Learn more

Android apps should be usable by everyone, including people with disabilities.

Common disabilities that can affect a person's use of an Android device include blindness,
low vision, color blindness, deafness or hearing loss, and restricted motor skills. When you
develop your apps with accessibility in mind, you make the user experience better not only
for users with these disabilities, but also for all of your other users.

In this lesson, you explore the features Android provides on the device to enable
accessibility, including Google TalkBack (Android's screen reader) and other options in the
Android framework.

Note: This practical describes the accessibility features in Android 7 (Nougat). Your device
or version of Android may not have all these options, or the options may have different

What you should already KNOW

You should be familiar with:

How to navigate an Android device.

What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:


Turn on TalkBack and navigate the Google user interface with TalkBack enabled.
Enable other accessibility settings to customize your device.

What you will DO

Experiment with the various accessibility settings on an Android device.

App overview
For this lesson you use the built-in Android settings and apps. You do not build an app.

Task 1. Explore TalkBack and text-to-speech

TalkBack is Android's built-in screen reader. With TalkBack enabled, the user can interact
with their Android device without seeing the screen, because Android describes screen
elements aloud. Users with visual impairments might rely on TalkBack to use your app.

In this task, you enable TalkBack to understand how screen readers work and how to
navigate apps.

Note: By default, TalkBack is unavailable in the Android emulator and in some older devices.
The source for the TalkBack feature is available on GitHub. To test TalkBack on the emulator
or on a device without TalkBack, download and build the source.

1.1 Turn on TalkBack

1. On an Android device or emulator, navigate to Settings > Accessibility > TalkBack.
2. Tap the On/Off toggle button to turn on TalkBack.
3. Tap OK to confirm permissions.
4. Confirm your device password, if asked.

If this is the first time you've run TalkBack, a tutorial launches. (The tutorial may not be
available on older devices.) Use the tutorial to learn about:

Explore by touch: TalkBack identifies every item you touch on the screen. You can
touch items individually or move your finger over the screen. Swipe left or right to
explore the items in tab (focus) order. The currently selected item has a green
border around the view. To activate the selected item (the last item heard), double-
tap it.
Scrolling. Lists can be scrolled with a two finger scroll, or you can jump forward or


back in a list with a side-by-side swipe.

Finding global and local TalkBack menus.
Setting the text navigation rate: Swipe up or down as TalkBack reads text to you a
character, word, line, or paragraph at a time.
Activating EditText views and entering text.
It may be helpful to navigate the tutorial with your eyes closed. To open the tutorial
again in the future, navigate to Settings > Accessibility > TalkBack > Settings >
Launch TalkBack tutorial.

1.2 Explore apps with TalkBack

With TalkBack enabled, explore the Camera and Calculator apps with these steps:

1. Tap the Home button, then double-tap the button to activate it and return to the Home
2. Tap the Camera icon, then double-tap to activate it.
3. Explore the various buttons and options in the Camera app. TalkBack identifies each
button and control by its function (for example, "Shutter Button" or "Zoom Out" button),
not by its appearance ("plus button").
4. Tap the Home button, then double-tap the button to activate it and return to the Home
5. Navigate to the Apps screen and activate the Calculator app.
6. Swipe right with one finger to navigate the views on the screen. Navigation in the app is
not strictly left-to-right and top-to-bottom. All the numbers in the leftmost panel are
identified before all the operations in the middle panel.
7. Keep swiping right to navigate to the advanced options screen, which is a panel in
green that moves out from the right. Swipe left and double-tap to activate the main view
and close the advanced operations. Note how these panel views do not have visible
labels, but are identified by purpose in TalkBack.
8. Perform the calculation 3 times 5. TalkBack reads the numbers, the operation as the
numbers are multiplied, and the result.
9. Navigate back to Settings > Accessibility > TalkBack, and turn off TalkBack. TIP:
</strong> To scroll in TalkBack, use a two-finger swipe gesture.

1.3 Other speech settings

TalkBack is the most comprehensive of Android's screen reader functions. Besides
TalkBack, Android provides other features for on-demand screen reading.

1. Navigate to Settings > Accessibility > Select to Speak. If you don't see Select to
Speak, go to Google Play to download the latest version of TalkBack.


2. Tap the On/Off toggle button.

3. Tap OK to confirm permissions.
4. Confirm your device password, if asked.

A speech button appears in the lower right corner of the screen. Select to Speak works
similarly to TalkBack, but Select to Speak works only on user-selected parts of the
screen, and only by request.

5. Tap the speech button, then tap to select a portion of the text on the screen. Android
reads that text to you.

6. Tap the Back button to return to the main Accessibility settings page.
7. Tap the speech button, then select a portion of the screen. Android reads all the text in
the selection.
8. Tap Select to Speak. Turn the toggle button off.
9. Tap the Back button, then scroll down and tap Accessibility shortcut.

This option lets you use the device buttons to enable TalkBack by holding down the
power button and then touching and holding two fingers on the screen. To disable
TalkBack again, you must go to Settings > Accessibility and turn it off manually.

10. Tap the Back button, then scroll down to Text-to-Speech output. Tap that item.

The Google text-to-speech engine is used for TalkBack and other text-to-speech
functions in apps that support speech-to-text. On this screen you can configure the
settings for speech rate and pitch. You can also configure the speech language, change
the language, and install new language packs. (To see all the options, tap the gear icon
on the Text-to-Speech output screen.)

Task 2. Explore other settings

TalkBack, Select to Speak, and the text-to-speech engine are helpful for users with visual
impairments. Android provides several other accessibility features. In this task, you explore
some of these other options.

2.1 Explore magnification, font, and display

1. On an Android device or emulator, navigate to Settings > Accessibility >
Magnification gesture.
2. Tap the On/Off toggle button.


To use the magnification gesture, tap three times on the screen. Android zooms into the
spot where you tapped, providing a magnified view. Tap again three times to exit
magnification mode.

3. Tap the Back button to return to the accessibility settings.

4. Tap Font size. Move the slider all the way to the right to increase the font size to the
largest setting. The preview at the top of the screen shows text at the chosen size.

A larger font size can make apps easier to read. A larger font size may cause app
elements to also be larger or to wrap in unexpected ways.

Note: These font-size changes only affect apps that use the Android font system. In
particular, the enlarged font size does not apply to the Chrome web browser. To enlarge
the font for web pages, use Chrome > Options menu > Settings > Accessibility >
Text scaling.
5. Return to the Home screen and examine the effect of the larger font in several apps. Try
messages, email, calendar, or any of the apps you've created in this course. Note that
apps that use their own internal fonts, such as some games, may not enlarge with this

6. Navigate back to Settings > Accessibility > Font size and return the font size to the
7. Tap the Back button, select Display size, and move the slider all the way to the right.

Enlarging the display size makes all elements on the screen larger, including the text.
Fewer elements fit on the screen. Enlarging the display size can make apps easier to
read, and it also makes buttons and other interactive elements easier to tap.

8. Return the slider in the Display size settings to the default position.

2.2 Explore color and contrast

1. Tap Settings > Accessibility > High contrast text.

High contrast text fixes the display text to be either black or white, depending on the
background, and outlines the text to emphasize it. High contrast text can make text
easier to read.

Note: High contrast text is an experimental feature and may not work in all apps.
2. Return to the Home screen. See how text appears in messages, email, calendar, or any
of the apps you've created in this course.

3. Return to Settings > Accessibility and turn High contrast text off again.
4. Scroll down to Color inversion and tap to turn it on.


Color inversion reverses the colors on your screen. For example, black text on a white
screen becomes white text on a black screen. Color inversion can make some text
easier to read and reduce eye strain.

5. Return to the Home screen and try some apps with inverted colors.

6. Swipe from the top of the screen to open the navigation drawer. Click the down arrow to
open the quick settings.
7. Tap Invert colors to disable color inversion.
8. Navigate to Settings > Accessibility > Color Correction.

Color correction changes the system colors to help users with various forms of color
blindness distinguish screen elements.

9. Tap the On/Off toggle button.

10. Navigate to the Home screen and note the differences in system colors.
11. Return to the Color Correction setting and tap to turn it off.

High contrast text, Color inversion, and Color correction are experimental features in
Android. The features may not work in all apps and may affect app performance.

In the next practical, you learn how to support accessibility features in your own apps.

Solution code
No project for this practical.

Coding challenge
Note: All coding challenges are optional.
Challenge: Download and build the RecyclerView app, if you have not already done so. Run
the RecyclerView app with TalkBack enabled, and note where you could improve the label
text and feedback.

An accessible app works well for all users, including users with low vision, blindness,
deafness or hearing loss, cognitive impairments, or motor impairments.
On an Android device, all accessibility features are available under Settings >


With TalkBack enabled, users can interact with their Android device without seeing the
screen, because Android describes various screen elements aloud. Users with visual
impairments may rely on TalkBack when they use your app.
The TalkBack "explore by touch" feature identifies the element under a user's finger.
In TalkBack, swiping left or right identifies the next element to the user. Which element
is next depends on the focus order, which is generally from left to right and top to
bottom. If you don't want the default, you can define focus order for elements.
Select To Speak works similarly to TalkBack, but only by request, and only for specific
parts of the screen. To identify those parts of the screen, click the Speech button. Then
tap or drag a selection on the screen.
The Accessibility shortcut enables the user to turn on TalkBack quickly, without needing
to navigate to the settings pages.
The Text-to-speech output settings provide options for the Google text-to-speech
engine, which TalkBack uses.
Magnification gestures enable the user to magnify portions of the screen by tapping
three times.
Font and display-size settings can be used to enlarge the default system text or all app
The high-contrast-text setting fixes the display text to be either black or white,
depending on the background, and outlines the text to emphasize it.
The color-inversion setting reverses the colors on your screen.
The color-correction setting changes the system colors to help users with various forms
of color blindness distinguish screen elements.

Related concept
The related concept documentation is in Accessibility.

Learn more
Android support documentation:

Android accessibility overview - Android Accessibility Help

Get started on Android with TalkBack - Android Accessibility Help
Select to Speak
Magnification gestures
Font size and display size
High contrast text
Accessibility shortcut


Text-to-speech output
Color inversion
Color correction


An Introduction to Android Accessibility Features - SitePoint

What's New in Android Accessibility (Google I/O '17)


6.2: Creating accessible apps


What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Download and open the project
Task 2. Add accessibility
Task 3. Add an EditText view with a label
Solution code
Coding challenge
Related concept
Learn more

Accessibility is a set of design, implementation, and testing techniques that enable your app
to be usable by everyone, including people with disabilities.

Common disabilities that can affect a person's use of an Android device include blindness,
low vision, color blindness, deafness or hearing loss, and restricted motor skills. When you
develop your apps with accessibility in mind, you make the user experience better not only
for users with these disabilities, but also for all of your other users.

Accessibility usually does not require a full overhaul of your app's design or code.
Accessibility does require you to pay attention to details and test your app under the same
conditions your users may encounter.

Android includes several accessibility-related features, to help you optimize your app's user
interface (UI) for accessibility. In this lesson, you learn how to test your app and add features
that enhance its accessibility.

What you should already KNOW

You should be familiar with:

Creating, building, and running apps in Android Studio.

Creating views and layouts in both Android Studio's design editor and XML.


What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:

Test your app for accessibility in a variety of ways.

Add attributes to your XML layouts that assist with making your app more accessible for
your users.

What you will DO

Download and run a starter app.
Test the app with Google TalkBack (Android's screen reader) to identify possible
accessibility issues. TalkBack gives spoken feedback so that you can use your device
without looking at the screen.
Run Android Studio's code inspector to identify missing accessibility-related attributes.
Update the app to resolve the accessibility issues revealed in testing.

App overview
The SimpleAccessibility app demonstrates how to add accessible features to your app's UI.

The app, when complete, looks like this:


None of the views have click handlers, so the app does not have any actual functionality.
The focus for this app (and this lesson) is in the layout XML code and in the attributes that
enable accessibility.

Task 1. Download and open the project

In this task, you run the starter app for SimpleAccessibility and explore it in TalkBack.

1.1 Download and open the sample app

1. Download the SimpleAccessibility-start app and unzip the file.
2. Open the app in Android Studio.
3. Open res/layout/activity_main.xml .

The SimpleAccessibility app contains a number of views in a layout, including buttons

( Button and ImageButton views), checkboxes, and an image. All the accessibility
functions you learn about in this practical are implemented in the layout.

1.2 Test the app with TalkBack

TalkBack is Android's built-in screen reader. When TalkBack is on, the user can interact with
their Android device without seeing the screen. Users with visual impairments may rely on
TalkBack to use your app. In this task, you manually explore the app with TalkBack enabled,
to expose possible accessibility problems.


Note: By default, TalkBack is unavailable in the Android emulator and in some older devices.
The source for the TalkBack feature is available on GitHub. To test TalkBack on the emulator
or on a device without TalkBack, download and build the source.
To test the app with TalkBack enabled, use these steps:

1. On a device, navigate to Settings > Accessibility > TalkBack.

2. Tap the On/Off toggle button to turn on TalkBack.
3. Tap OK to confirm permissions. After TalkBack is on, you can navigate the Android UI in
one of these ways:

Tap a UI element to hear the description for that element. Double-tap to select.
Swipe right or left to navigate through the elements in sequence. Double-tap
anywhere to select.
Drag your finger over the screen to hear what's under your finger. Double-tap
anywhere to select.
4. Build and run your app in Android Studio.

When your app starts with TalkBack enabled, no item is initially focused. TalkBack reads
the title of the app.

5. Tap each element or swipe to hear the descriptions for the elements in sequence. Note
the following:

The spoken feedback for the Compose button is the button title itself.
The feedback for the image button is "unlabelled button."
The feedback for a checkbox is the checkbox label and the current state of the
checkbox (selected or cleared.)
No feedback is available for the partly cloudy image. The image is not even a
focusable element.
6. Swipe from left to right to navigate between focusable elements on the screen. Note
that the focus moves from top to bottom. The partly cloudy image is not focusable.

Task 2. Add accessibility

Experimenting with TalkBack and the starter app in the previous task exposed problems in
how the app's views are identified for vision-impaired users. In this task, you fix some of
these problems.

2.1 Inspect and fix the code in Android Studio


Android Studio highlights places in your XML layout code that have potential accessibility
problems, and makes suggestions for fixing those problems. For accessibility, Android
Studio checks two things:

Missing content descriptions on ImageView and ImageButton objects. Because these

views do not have text associated with them, the TalkBack screen reader can't describe
them without an explicit description.
Missing label indicators (API 17 or higher). Text views are often used as labels for some
other view in the layout, for example, as a label to indicate the content for an EditText .
A label indicator specifies the other view that this view is a label for.

To inspect and fix your code for accessibility, use these steps:

1. In Android Studio, open the res/layout/activity_main.xml file, if it's not already open.
Switch to the Text tab.
2. Note that the ImageButton and ImageView elements have yellow highlights on them.
When you hover over the elements, the message reads, "Missing contentDescription
attribute on image."
3. Add an android:contentDescription attribute to the ImageButton view, with the value
"Discard." Extract this string into a resource.
4. Add an android:contentDescription attribute to the ImageView , with the value "Partly
Cloudy." Extract this string into a resource.
5. Build and run your app.
6. Navigate your app with TalkBack turned on. The trash-can button now has a reasonable
description, but you still can't focus on the partly cloudy image.

2.2 Add focus to views

In addition to readable descriptions, make sure that users can navigate your screen layouts
using hardware or software-based directional controls such as D-pads, trackballs,
keyboards, or on-screen gestures.

Most views are focusable by default, and the focus moves from view to view in your layout.
The Android platform tries to figure out the most logical focus order based on each view's
closest neighbor. Generally, views are focussed from left to right and top to bottom. In some
cases, you want to make your views explicitly focusable or change the focus order to reflect
how the user uses your app.

In the case of the SimpleAccessibility app, the partly cloudy image is not focusable, even
with a content description added. Assuming that the partly cloudy image is there to show the
current weather, you must add a focusable attribute to that image so that TalkBack can read
the content description.


To make the partly cloudy image focusable, use these steps:

1. Find the partly cloudy ImageView element in the XML layout.

2. Add the android:focusable attribute to the ImageView :


3. Build and run the app. With TalkBack enabled, navigate to the partly cloudy image.
TalkBack reads the image's content description.

Note: In addition to making an item focusable, you can add focus-related attributes to
the views in your app. The attributes include nextFocusUp , nextFocusDown ,
nextFocusLeft , nextFocusRight , and nextFocusForward . See Supporting Keyboard

Navigation for more information on how to navigate using input focus.

Task 3. Add an EditText view with a label

In this task, you add an EditText view and an associated label (a TextView ). EditText
views and TextView labels are a special case for handling accessibility in your app.

3.1 Add views and test the app in TalkBack

1. Add a TextView to the app's layout below the ImageView . Give it the android:text
attribute of "Message." Extract that string into a resource.
2. Add an EditText just below the TextView . Give it an ID of @+id/edittext_message ,
and the android: hint attribute "Enter your message." Extract that string into a
3. Build and run the app and navigate to the new views. Experiment with entering text in

Note these things:

For text views, TalkBack reads the text that's in the android:text attribute. Here, the
text is "Message." You do not need content descriptions for text views.
For EditText views, TalkBack reads the text that's in the android:hint attribute. Here,
the text is "Enter your message." If android:hint does not exist, TalkBack reads the
text that's in android:text instead.

In EditText views, it's better to use android:hint rather than android:text for the
default text.

When the app starts, the first EditText has the initial focus.


TIP: In TalkBack, you can move the cursor in an EditText view with the device's volume up
and volume down buttons.

3.2 Add explicit labels for EditText views (API 17 and

If you target your app to Android 4.2 (API level 17) or higher, use the android:labelFor
attribute when labeling views that serve as content labels for other views. For readable
descriptions, TalkBack prefers explicit labels (using android:labelFor ) over attributes such
as android:text or android:hint .

Explicit labels are only available in API 17 or higher, and Android Studio can highlight
missing labels for EditText views as part of code inspection. The SimpleAccessibility app
uses the default minimum SDK of 15. In this task, you change the API level to enable explicit
labels. Then you add the appropriate label attribute.

1. Open the build.gradle (Module: app) file and change minSdkVersion from 15 to 17 .
2. Click Sync Now to rebuild the project.
3. In the activity_main.xml layout file, delete the android:hint attribute from the
EditText .

The EditText element is now highlighted in yellow. When you hover over the element,
the message reads, "No label views point to this text field with an
android:labelFor="@+id/edittext_message" attribute."

4. Add the android:labelFor attribute to the TextView that serves as a label for this
EditText :


The highlight on the EditText disappears.

5. Build and run the app. TalkBack now reads the contents of the label to identify the
EditText .

Solution code
Android Studio project: SimpleAccessibility

Coding challenge


Note: All coding challenges are optional.

Challenge: If the content of a view changes programmatically as the app runs, you need to
update the content descriptions to reflect the new state.

Modify the SimpleAccessibility app to include a click handler for the Discard (trash can)
button. When the button is clicked, toggle between two images: the default trash can
and a lock icon. (You can use @android:drawable/ic_lock_lock for the lock icon.)
Use the setContentDescription() method to change the content description when the
button image changes.
Test the app in TalkBack. Verify that the correct content description appears for each


Get an image drawable from the resources:

Drawable img = ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.my_drawable);

Get a string from the resources:

String str = getResources().getString(R.string.my_string);

Compare two drawables:

if (drawable1.getConstantState() == drawable2.getConstantState()) {

Adding accessibility to your app does not require significant code changes. You can add
many accessibility features to an existing app through attributes in the XML layout. Use
Android's TalkBack feature to test your app for users with low vision.
Android Studio can highlight missing accessibility attributes (content descriptions and
labels) in your app's layout.
To provide readable descriptions of buttons, add android:contentDescription attributes
to ImageView and ImageButton elements.
To provide the ability to navigate your app's UI, use focus and focus order.
Add android:focusable attributes to ImageView views that are not by default focusable.
You don't need to add content descriptions or focus to decorative images.
For EditText views, use android:hint instead of android:contentDescription .


If your app supports API 17 or higher, use the android:labelFor attribute to indicate
that a view is a label for some other view.

Related concept
The related concept documentation is in Accessibility.

Learn more
Android support documentation:

Android accessibility overview - Android Accessibility Help

Get started on Android with TalkBack - Android Accessibility Help
Editable View labels - Android Accessibility Help
Content labels - Android Accessibility Help

Android developer documentation:

Accessibility Overview
Making Apps More Accessible
Accessibility Developer Checklist
Building Accessible Custom Views
Developing Accessible Applications
Designing Effective Navigation
Testing Your App's Accessibility
Developing an Accessibility Service

Material Design: Usability - Accessibility


GTAC 2015: Automated Accessibility Testing for Android Applications

Google I/O 2015 - Improve your Android app's accessibility


Accessibility Testing on Android

An Introduction to Android Accessibility Features - SitePoint
Having Trouble Focusing? A Primer on Focus in Android


7.1: Using the device location


What you should already KNOW
What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Set up location services
Task 2. Get the last known location
Task 3. Get the location as an address
Task 4. Receive location updates
Solution code
Coding challenge
Related concept
Learn more

Users are constantly moving around in the world, usually with their phones in their pockets.
Advances in GPS and network technologies have made it possible to create Android apps
with precise location awareness, using the location services APIs included in Google Play

When an app requests the device location, it impacts network and battery consumption,
which impacts device performance. To improve the performance of your app, keep the
frequency of location requests as low as possible.

In this practical, you learn how to access the device's last known location. You also learn
how to convert a set of geographic coordinates (longitude and latitude) into a street address,
and how to perform periodic location updates.

What you should already KNOW

You should be familiar with:

Creating, building, and running apps in Android Studio.

The Activity lifecycle.
Making data persistent across configuration changes.
Requesting permissions at runtime.


Using an AsyncTask to do background work.

What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:

Get the last known location of the device.

Obtain a physical address from a set of coordinates (reverse geocoding).
Perform periodic location updates.

What you will DO

Create the WalkMyAndroid app and have it display the device's last known location as
latitude and longitude coordinates.
Reverse geocode the latitude and longitude coordinates into a physical address.
Extend the app to receive periodic location updates.

App overview
The WalkMyAndroid app prompts the user to change the device location settings, if
necessary, to allow the app to access precise location data. The app shows the device
location as latitude and longitude coordinates, then shows the location as a physical
address. The completed app does periodic location updates and shows an animation that
gives the user a visual cue that the app is tracking the device's location.

You create the WalkMyAndroid app in phases:

In tasks 1 and 2, you implement a button that gets the most recent location for the
device and displays the coordinates and timestamp of the location in a TextView .
In task 3, you turn the coordinates into a physical address, through a process called
reverse geocoding .
In task 4, you learn how to trigger periodic updates of the location.


Task 1. Set up location services

Obtaining the location information for a device can be complicated: Devices contain different
types of GPS hardware, and a satellite or network connection (cell or Wi-Fi) is not always
available. Activating GPS and other hardware components uses power. (For more
information about GPS and power use, see the chapter on performance.)

To find the device location efficiently without worrying about which provider or network type
to use, use the FusedLocationProviderClient interface. Before you can use
FusedLocationProviderClient , you need to set up Google Play services. In this task, you

download the starter code and include the required dependencies.

1.1 Download the starter app

1. Download the starter app for this practical, WalkMyAndroid-Starter.
2. Open the starter app in Android Studio, rename the app to WalkMyAndroid, and run it.
3. You might need to update your Android SDK Build-Tools. To do this, use the Android
SDK Manager.

The UI has a Get Location button, but tapping it doesn't do anything yet.

1.2 Set up Google Play services

Install the Google Repository and update the Android SDK Manager:


1. Open Android Studio.

2. Select Tools > Android > SDK Manager.
3. Select the SDK Tools tab.
4. Expand Support Repository, select Google Repository, and click OK.

Now you can include Google Play services packages in your app.

To add Google Play services to your project, add the following line of code to the
dependencies section in your app-level build.gradle (Module: app) file:

compile ''

Replace XX.X.X with the latest version number for Google Play services, for example
11.0.2 . Android Studio will let you know if you need to update it. For more information and

the latest version number, see Add Google Play Services to Your Project.

Note: If your app references more than 65K methods, the app may fail to compile. To
mitigate this problem, compile your app using only the Google Play services APIs that your
app uses. To learn how to selectively compile APIs into your executable, see Set Up Google
Play Services in the developer documentation. To learn how to enable an app configuration
known as multidex , see Configure Apps with Over 64K Methods.
Now that Google Play services is installed, you're ready to connect to the LocationServices

Task 2. Get the last known location

The LocationServices API uses a fused location provider to manage the underlying
technology and provides a straightforward API so that you can specify requirements at a
high level, like high accuracy or low power. It also optimizes the device's use of battery
power. In this step, you will use it to obtain the device's last known location.

2.1 Set location permission in the manifest

Using the Location API requires permission from the user. Android offers two location



The permission you choose determines the accuracy of the location returned by the API. For
this lesson, use the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission, because you want the most accurate
location information possible.


1. Add the following element to your manifest file, above the <application> element:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>

2.2 Request permission at runtime

Starting with Android 6.0 (API level 23), it's not always enough to include a permission
statement in the manifest. For "dangerous" permissions, you also have to request
permission programmatically, at runtime.

Dangerous permissions cover areas where the app wants data or resources that involve the
user's private information, or could potentially affect the user's stored data or the operation
of other apps.
To request location permission at runtime:

1. Create an OnClickListener for the Get Location button in onCreate() in

MainActivity .

2. Create a method stub called getLocation() that takes no arguments and doesn't return
anything. Invoke the getLocation() method from the button's onClick() method.
3. In the getLocation() method, check for the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission.

If the permission has not been granted, request it.

If the permission has been granted, display a message in the logs. (The code
below shows a TAG variable, which you declare later, in Task 3.1.)
For information on runtime permissions, see Requesting Permissions at Run Time.

private void getLocation() {

if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this,
!= PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[]
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "getLocation: permissions granted");

4. In your MainActivity class, define an integer constant REQUEST_LOCATION_PERMISSION.

This constant is used to identify the permission request when the results come back in
the onRequestPemissionsResult() method. It can be any integer greater than 0 .
5. Override the onRequestPermissionsResult() method. If the permission was granted, call
getLocation() . Otherwise, show a Toast saying that the permission was denied.


public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode,
@NonNull String[] permissions, @NonNull int[] grantResults) {
switch (requestCode) {
// If the permission is granted, get the location,
// otherwise, show a Toast
if (grantResults.length > 0
&& grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
} else {

6. Run the app. Clicking the button requests permission from the user. If permission is
granted, you see a log statement in the console.

After you grant permission, subsequent clicks on the Get Location button have no
effect. Because you already granted permission, the app doesn't need to ask for
permission again (unless the user manually revokes it in the Settings app), even if you
close and restart the app.

2.3 Get the last known location

The getLastLocation () method doesn't actually make a location request. It simply returns
the location most recently obtained by the FusedLocationProviderClient class.

If no location has been obtained since the device was restarted, the getLastLocation()
method may return null . Usually, the getLastLocation() method returns a Location
object that contains a timestamp of when this location was obtained.

To get the last known location:

1. In strings.xml , add a string resource called location_text . Use location_text to

display the latitude, longitude, and timestamp of the last known location.

<string name="location_text">"Latitude: %1$.4f \n Longitude: %2$.4f

\n Timestamp: %3$tr"</string>

Note: If you aren't familiar with string replacement and formatting, see Formatting and
Styling and the Formatter documentation.


2. In your MainActivity class, create a member variable of the Location type called
mLastLocation .

3. Find the location TextView by ID ( textview_location ) in onCreate() . Assign the

TextView to a member variable called mLocationTextView .

4. Create a member variable of the FusedLocationProviderClient type called

mFusedLocationClient .

5. Initialize mFusedLocationClient in onCreate() with the following code:

mFusedLocationClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(this);

The getLastLocation() method returns a Task that results in a Location object (after
the Task's onSuccess() callback method is called, signifying that the Task was

Retrieve the latitude and longitude coordinates of a geographic location from the
resulting Location object:

6. Replace the log statement in the getLocation() method with the following code
snippet. The code obtains the device's most recent location and assigns it to
mLastLocation .

If the returned location is not null , set the TextView to show the coordinates and
time stamp of the Location object.
If the location returned is null , the fused location provider has not obtained a
location since the device was restarted. Display a message in the TextView that
says that the location is not available.

new OnSuccessListener<Location>() {
public void onSuccess(Location location) {
if (location != null) {
mLastLocation = location;
} else {

7. Run the app. You now see the latest location that is stored in the fused location


Testing location on an emulator

If you test the WalkMyAndroid app on an emulator, use a system image that supports
Google APIs or Google Play:

1. In Android Studio, create a new virtual device and select hardware for it.
2. In the System Image dialog, choose an image that says "Google APIs" or "Google
Play" in the Target column.

To update the fused location provider on an emulator:

1. The emulator appears on your screen with a vertical menu to the right of the virtual
device. To access emulator options, click the ... icon at the bottom of this vertical menu.
2. Click Location.
3. Enter or change the coordinates in the Longitude and Latitude fields.
4. Click Send to update the fused location provider.

Clicking Send does not affect the location returned by getLastLocation() , because
getLastLocation() uses a local cache that the emulator tools do not update.

When you test the app on an emulator, the getLastLocation() method might return null ,
because the fused location provider doesn't update the location cache after the device is
restarted. If getLastLocation() returns null unexpectedly:

1. Start the Google Maps app and accept the terms and conditions, if you haven't already.
2. Use the steps above to update the fused location provider. Google Maps will force the
local cache to update.
3. Go back to your app and click the Get Location button. The app updates with the new

Later in this lesson, you learn how to force the fused location to update the cache using
periodic updates.

Task 3. Get the location as an address

Your app displays the device's most recent location, which usually corresponds to its current
location, using latitude and longitude coordinates. Although latitude and longitude are useful
for calculating distance or displaying a map position, in many cases the address of the
location is more useful. For example, if you want to let your users know where they are or
what is close by, a street address is more meaningful than the geographic coordinates of the


The process of converting from latitude/longitude to a physical address is called reverse

geocoding . The getFromLocation() method provided by the Geocoder class accepts a
latitude and longitude and returns a list of addresses. The method is synchronous and
requires a network connection. It may take a long time to do its work, so do not call it from
the main user interface (UI) thread of your app.

In this task, you subclass an AsyncTask to perform reverse geocoding off the main thread.
When the AsyncTask completes its process, it updates the UI in the onPostExecute()

Using an AsyncTask means that when your main Activity is destroyed when the device
orientation changes, you will not longer be able to update the UI. To handle this, you make
the location tracking state persistent in Task 4.5.

3.1 Create an AsyncTask subclass

Recall that an AsyncTask object is used to perform work off the main thread. An AsyncTask
object contains one required override method, doInBackground() which is where the work is
performed. For this use case, you need another override method, onPostExecute() , which is
called on the main thread after doInBackground() finishes. In this step, you set up the
boilerplate code for your AsyncTask .

AsyncTask objects are defined by three generic types:

Use the Params type to pass parameters into the doInBackground() method. For this
app, the passed-in parameter is the Location object.
Use the Progress type to mark progress in the onProgressUpdate() method. For this
app, you are not interested in the Progress type, because reverse geocoding is
typically quick.
Use the Results type to publish results in the onPostExecute() method. For this app,
the published result is the returned address String.

To create a subclass of AsyncTask that you can use for reverse geocoding:

1. Create a new class called FetchAddressTask that is a subclass of AsyncTask .

Parameterize the AsyncTask using the three types described above:

private class FetchAddressTask extends AsyncTask<Location, Void, String> {}

2. In Android Studio, this class declaration is underlined in red, because you have not
implemented the required doInBackground() method. Press Alt + Enter (Option +
Enter on a Mac) on the highlighted line and select Implement methods. (Or select
Code > Implement methods.)


Notice that the method signature for doInBackground() includes a parameter of the
Location type, and returns a String ; this comes from parameterized types in the

class declaration.

3. Override the onPostExecute() method by going to the menu and selecting Code >
Override Methods and selecting onPostExecute() . Again notice that the passed-in
parameter is automatically typed as a String, because this what you put in the
FetchAddressTask class declaration.

4. Create a constructor for the AsyncTask that takes a Context as a parameter and
assigns it to a member variable.

Your FetchAddressTask now looks something like this:

private class FetchAddressTask extends AsyncTask<Location, Void, String> {

private final String TAG = FetchAddressTask.class.getSimpleName();
private Context mContext;

FetchAddressTask(Context applicationContext) {
mContext = applicationContext;

protected String doInBackground(Location... locations) {
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(String address) {

3.2 Convert the location into an address string

In this step, you complete the doInBackground() method so that it converts the passed-in
Location object into an address string, if possible. If there is a problem, you show an error


1. Create a Geocoder object. This class handles both geocoding (converting from an
address into coordinates) and reverse geocoding:

Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(mContext,


2. Obtain a Location object. The passed-in parameter is a Java varargs argument that
can contain any number of objects. In this case we only pass in one Location object,


so the desired object is the first item in the varargs array:

Location location = params[0];

3. Create an empty List of Address objects, which will be filled with the address
obtained from the Geocoder . Create an empty String to hold the final result, which will
be either the address or an error:

List<Address> addresses = null;

String resultMessage = "";

4. You are now ready to start the geocoding process. Open up a try block and use the
following code to attempt to obtain a list of addresses from the Location object. The
third parameter specifies the maximum number of addresses that you want to read. In
this case you only want a single address:

try {
addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation(
// In this sample, get just a single address

5. Open a catch block to catch IOException exceptions that are thrown if there is a
network error or a problem with the Geocoder service. In this catch block, set the
resultMessage to an error message that says "Service not available." Log the error and

result message:

catch (IOException ioException) {

// Catch network or other I/O problems
resultMessage = mContext
Log.e(TAG, resultMessage, ioException);

6. Open another catch block to catch IllegalArgumentException exceptions. Set the

resultMessage to a string that says "Invalid coordinates were supplied to the

Geocoder," and log the error and result message:


catch (IllegalArgumentException illegalArgumentException) {

// Catch invalid latitude or longitude values
resultMessage = mContext
Log.e(TAG, resultMessage + ". " +
"Latitude = " + location.getLatitude() +
", Longitude = " +
location.getLongitude(), illegalArgumentException);

7. You need to catch the case where Geocoder is not able to find the address for the given
coordinates. In the try block, check the address list and the resultMessage string. If
the address list is empty or null and the resultMessage string is empty, then set the
resultMessage to "No address found" and log the error:

if (addresses == null || addresses.size() == 0) {

if (resultMessage.isEmpty()) {
resultMessage = mContext
Log.e(TAG, resultMessage);

8. If the address list is not empty or null , the reverse geocode was successful.

The next step is to read the first address into a string, line by line:

Create an empty ArrayList of Strings .

Iterate over the List of Address objects and read them into the new ArrayList
line by line.
Use the TextUtils.join() method to convert the list into a string. Use the \n
character to separate each line with the new-line character:
Here is the code:

else {
// If an address is found, read it into resultMessage
Address address = addresses.get(0);
ArrayList<String> addressParts = new ArrayList<>();

// Fetch the address lines using getAddressLine,

// join them, and send them to the thread
for (int i = 0; i <= address.getMaxAddressLineIndex(); i++) {

resultMessage = TextUtils.join("\n", addressParts);



9. At the bottom of doInBackground() method, return the resultMessage object.

3.3 Display the result of the FetchAddressTask object

When doInBackground() completes, the resultMessage string is automatically passed into
the onPostExecute() method. In this step you update the member variables of
MainActivity with new values and display the new data in the TextView using a passed in


1. Create a new string resource with two replacement variables.

<string name="address_text">"Address: %1$s \n Timestamp: %2$tr"</string>

2. Create an interface in FetchAddressTask called OnTaskCompleted that has one method,

called onTaskCompleted() . This method should take a string as an argument:

interface OnTaskCompleted {
void onTaskCompleted(String result);

3. Add a parameter for the OnTaskCompleted interface to the FetchAddressTask

constructor, and assign it to a member variable:

private OnTaskCompleted mListener;

FetchAddressTask(Context applicationContext, OnTaskCompleted listener) {

mContext = applicationContext;
mListener = listener;

4. In the onPostExecute() method, call onTaskCompleted() on the mListener interface,

passing in the result string:

protected void onPostExecute(String address) {

5. Back in the MainActivity , update the activity to implement the

FetchAddressTask.OnTaskCompleted interface you created and override the required

onTaskCompleted() method.

6. In this method, updated the TextView with the resulting address and the current time:


public void onTaskCompleted(String result) {
// Update the UI
result, System.currentTimeMillis()));

7. In the getLocation() method, inside the onSuccess() callback, replace the lines that
assigns the passed-in location to mLastLocation and sets the TextView with the
following line of code. This code creates a new FetchAddressTask and executes it,
passing in the Location object. You can also remove the now unused mLastLocation
member variable.

// Start the reverse geocode AsyncTask

new FetchAddressTask(MainActivity.this,

8. At the end of the getLocation() method, show loading text while the FetchAddressTask


9. Run the app. After briefly loading, the app displays the location address in the
TextView .

Task 4. Receive location updates

Up until now, you've used the FusedLocationProviderClient.getLastLocation() method,
which relies on other apps having already made location requests. In this task, you learn
how to:

Track the device location using periodic location requests.

Make the tracking state persistent.
Show an animation to give a visual cue that the device location is being tracked.
Check the device location settings. You need to know whether location services are
turned on, and whether they are set to the accuracy that your app needs.

4.1 Set up the UI and method stubs


If your app relies heavily on device location, using the getLastLocation() method may not
be sufficient, because getLastLocation() relies on a location request from a different app
and only returns the last value stored in the provider.

To make location requests in your app, you need to:

Create a LocationRequest object that contains the requirements for your location
requests. The requirements include update frequency, accuracy, and so on. You do this
step in 4.2 Create the LocationRequest object, below.
Create a LocationCallback object and override its onLocationResult() method. The
onLocationResult() method is where your app receives location updates. You do this

step in 4.3 Create the LocationCallback object.

Call requestLocationUpdates() on the FusedLocationProviderClient . Pass in the
LocationRequest and the LocationCallback . You do this step in 4.4 Request location


The user has no way of knowing that the app is making location requests, except for a tiny
icon in the status bar. In this step, you use an animation (included in the starter code) to add
a more obvious visual cue that the device's location is being tracked. You also change the
button text to show the user whether location tracking is on or off.

To indicate location tracking to the user:

1. In MainActivity , declare the member variables mAndroidImageView (of type

ImageView ) and mRotateAnim (of type AnimatorSet ).

2. In the onCreate() method, find the Android ImageView by ID and assign it to

mAndroidImageView . Then find the animation included in the starter code by ID and

assign it to mRotateAnim . Finally set the Android ImageView as the target for the

mAndroidImageView = (ImageView) findViewById(;

mRotateAnim = (AnimatorSet) AnimatorInflater.loadAnimator

(this, R.animator.rotate);


3. In the strings.xml file:

Change the button text to "Start Tracking Location." Do this for for both the portrait
and the landscape layouts.
Change the TextView text to "Press the button to start tracking your location."
4. Refactor and rename the getLocation() method to startTrackingLocation() .

5. Create a private method stub called stopTrackingLocation() that takes no arguments


and returns void .

6. Create a boolean member variable called mTrackingLocation . Boolean primitives
default to false , so you do not need to initialize mTrackingLocation .
7. Change the onClick() method for the button's onClickListener :

If mTrackingLocation is false , call startTrackingLocation() .

If mTrackingLocation is true , call stopTrackingLocation() .

public void onClick(View v) {
if (!mTrackingLocation) {
} else {

8. At the end of the startTrackingLocation() method, start the animation by calling

mRotateAnim.start() . Set mTrackingLocation to to true and change the button text to

"Stop Tracking Location".

9. In the stopTrackingLocation() method, check if the you are tracking the location. If you
are, stop the animation by calling mRotateAnim.end() , set mTrackingLocation to to
false , change the button text back to "Start Tracking Location" and reset the location

TextView to show the original hint.

* Method that stops tracking the device. It removes the location
* updates, stops the animation and reset the UI.
private void stopTrackingLocation() {
if (mTrackingLocation) {
mTrackingLocation = false;

4.2 Create the LocationRequest object

The LocationRequest object contains setter methods that determine the frequency and
accuracy of location updates. For now, we're only interested in the following parameters:

Interval: The setInterval() method defines the desired update interval in

milliseconds. For this app, use 10 seconds (10000 milliseconds).
Fastest interval: The fused location provider attempts to make location requests more


efficient by batching requests from different apps. This means that you may receive
updates faster than what you set in setInterval() , which can cause problems if your
UI is not ready for updates. To limit the rate of location updates, use the
setFastestInterval() method. In this app, use 5 seconds (5000 milliseconds)

Priority: Use this parameter with one of the priority constants to specify a balance
between power consumption and accuracy. (Greater accuracy requires greater power
consumption.) For this app, use the PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY constant to prioritize

To create the LocationRequest object:

1. Create a method called getLocationRequest() that takes no arguments and returns a

LocationRequest .

2. Set the interval, fastest interval, and priority parameters.

private LocationRequest getLocationRequest() {

LocationRequest locationRequest = new LocationRequest();
return locationRequest;

4.3 Create the LocationCallback object

When your app requests a location update, the fused location provider invokes the
LocationCallback.onLocationResult() callback method. The incoming argument contains a

list of Location objects containing the location's latitude and longitude.

To create a LocationCallback object:

1. At the bottom of onCreate() , create a new LocationCallback object and assign it to a

member variable called mLocationCallback .
2. Override the onLocationResult() method.

mLocationCallback = new LocationCallback() {

public void onLocationResult(LocationResult locationResult) {

4.4 Request location updates


You now have the required LocationRequest and LocationCallback objects to request
periodic location updates. When your app receives the LocationResult objects in
onLocationResult() , use the FetchAddressTask to reverse geocode the Location object

into an address:

1. To request periodic location updates, replace the call to getLastLocation() in

startTrackingLocation() (along with the OnSuccessListener ) with the following method

call. Pass in the LocationRequest and LocationCallback :

(getLocationRequest(), mLocationCallback,
null /* Looper */);

2. In the stopTrackingLocation() method, call removeLocationUpdates() on

mFusedLocationClient . Pass in the LocationCallback object.


3. In the onLocationResult() callback, check mTrackingLocation . If mTrackingLocation is

true , execute FetchAddressTask() , and use the LocationResult.getLastLocation()

method to obtain the most recent Location object.

public void onLocationResult(LocationResult locationResult) {
// If tracking is turned on, reverse geocode into an address
if (mTrackingLocation) {
new FetchAddressTask(MainActivity.this, MainActivity.this)

4. In onTaskComplete() , where the UI is updated, wrap the code in an if statement that

checks the mTrackingLocation boolean. If the user turns off the location updates while
the AsyncTask is running, the results are not displayed to the TextView .
5. Run the app. Your app tracks your location, updating the location approximately every
ten seconds.

Testing the location-update functionality on an emulator can be tough: the UI will say
"Loading" until you send a new location, and seeing the timing of the set interval is
impossible. You can use a GPX file to simulate different locations over time. For testing, you
can use the places_gps_data.gpx GPX file, which contains several locations:
1. Download the places_gps_data.gpx file.
2. Open your emulator, click the ... icon at the bottom of this vertical settings menu, and
select the Location tab.
3. Click Load GPX/KML and select the downloaded file.


4. Change the duration of each item to 10 seconds, and click the play button. If you start
tracking when the GPX file is playing, you see a changing address displayed in the UI.

Right now, the app continues to request location updates until the user clicks the button, or
until the Activity is destroyed. To conserve power, stop location updates when your
Activity is not in focus (in the paused state) and resume location updates when the

Activity regains focus:

1. Override the Activity object's onResume() and onPause() methods.

2. In onResume() , check mTrackingLocation . If mTrackingLocation is true , call
startTrackingLocation() .

3. In onPause() , check mTrackingLocation . If mTrackingLocation is true, call

stopTrackingLocation() but set mTrackingLocation to true so the app continues

tracking the location when it resumes.

4. Run the app and turn on location tracking. Exiting the app stops the location updates
when the activity is not visible.

4.5 Make the tracking state persistent

If you run the app and rotate the device, the app resets to its initial state. The
mTrackingLocation boolean is not persistent across configuration changes, and it defaults to

false when the Activity is recreated. This means the UI defaults to the initial state.

In this step, you use the saved instance state to make mTrackingLocation persistent so that
the app continues to track location when there is a configuration change.

1. Override the Activity object's onSaveInstanceState() method.

2. Create a string constant called TRACKING_LOCATION_KEY . You use this constant as a key
for the mTrackingLocation boolean.
3. In onSaveInstanceState() , save the state of the mTrackingLocation boolean by using
the putBoolean() method:

protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
outState.putBoolean(TRACKING_LOCATION_KEY, mTrackingLocation);

4. In onCreate() , restore the mTrackingLocation variable before you create the

LocationCallback instance (because the code checks for the mTrackingLocation

boolean before starting the FetchAddressTask ):


if (savedInstanceState != null) {
mTrackingLocation = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(

5. Run the app and start location tracking. Rotate the device. A new FetchAddressTask is
triggered, and the device continues to track the location.

Solution code

Coding challenge
Note: All coding challenges are optional.
Challenge: Extend the location TextView to include the distance traveled from the first
location obtained. (See the distanceTo () method.)

Location information is available through the FusedLocationProviderClient .
Using location services requires location permissions.
Location permissions are categorized as "dangerous permissions," so you must include
them in the manifest and request them at runtime.
Use the getLastLocation() method to obtain the device's last known location from the
FusedLocationProviderClient .

The process of converting a set of coordinates (longitude and latitude) into a physical
address is called reverse geocoding . Reverse geocoding is available through the
Geocoder class' getFromLocation() method.

The getFromLocation() method is synchronous and may take a while to complete, so

you should not use it on the main thread.
Use a LocationRequest to specify the accuracy and frequency requirements of your
location updates.
Provided that the device settings are appropriate, use the FusedLocationProviderClient
to request periodic location updates with requestLocationUpdates() .
Stop the location updates with the FusedLocationProviderClient
removeLocationUpdates() method.


Related concept
The related concept documentation is in 7.1 C: Location services.

Learn more
Android developer documentation:

Making Your App Location-Aware





8.1: Using the Places API


What you should already KNOW
What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Sign up and obtain API keys
Task 2. Get details on the current place
Task 3. Add the place-picker UI
Coding challenge
Solution code
Related concept
Learn more

The Location APIs can provide timely and accurate location information, but these APIs only
return a set of geographic coordinates. In 7.1 Using the device location, you learned how to
make geographic coordinates more useful by reverse geocoding them into physical

But what if you want to know more about a location, like the type of place it is? In this
practical, you use the Google Places API for Android to obtain details about the device's
current location. You also learn about the place picker and the place-autocomplete APIs.
The place picker and autocomplete let users search for places rather than having your app
detect the device's current place.

What you should already KNOW

You should be familiar with:

Creating, building, and running apps in Android Studio.

The activity lifecycle.
Including external libraries in your build.gradle file.
Creating responsive layouts with ConstraintLayout .

What you will LEARN


You will learn how to:

Get details about the user's current place.

Launch the place-picker UI so the user can select a place.
Include a place-autocomplete fragment to allow the user to search for places.

What you will DO

Get an API key from the Google API Console and register the key to your app.
Get the name of the place where the device is located.
If the place is a school, gym, restaurant, or library, change an image in the UI to reflect
the place type.
Add a button to allow the user to select a place.
Add a search bar that autocompletes a user's search for a place.

App overview
The app for this practical extends the WalkMyAndroid app from the previous practical in two

1. Get details about the current location of the device, including the place type and place
name. Display the name in the label TextView and change the Android robot image to
reflect the place type.



2. Add a Pick a Place button that launches the place-picker UI, allowing the user to select
a place.



Task 1. Sign up and obtain API keys

In this task you set up the starter app, WalkMyAndroidPlaces-Starter, with an API key. Every
app that uses the Google Places API for Android must have an API key. The key is linked to
the app by the app's package name and by a digital certificate that's unique to the app.

To set up an API key in your app, you need to do the following:

Get information about your app's digital certificate.

Get an API key. To do this, you register a project in the Google API Console and add
the Google Places API for Android as a service for the project.
Add the key to your app by adding a meta-data element to your AndroidManifest.xml

1.1 Get your app's certificate information

The API key is based on a short form of your app's digital certificate, known as the
certificate's SHA-1 fingerprint . This fingerprint uniquely identifies the app, and identifies you
as the app's owner, for the lifetime of the app.

You might have two certificates:

A debug certificate , which is the certificate you use for this practical. The Android SDK
tools generate a debug certificate when you do a debug build. Don't attempt to publish
an app that's signed with a debug certificate. The debug certificate is described in more
detail in Sign your debug build.
A release certificate , which you don't need for this practical. The Android SDK tools
generate a release certificate when you do a release build. You can also generate a
release certificate using the keytool utility. Use the release certificate when you're
ready to release your app to the world. For information about release certificates, see
Signup and API Keys.

For this practical, make sure that you use the debug certificate.

To view the debug certificate's fingerprint:

1. Locate your debug keystore file, which is named debug.keystore . By default, the file
is stored in the same directory as your Android Virtual Device (AVD) files:

macOS and Linux: ~/.android/

Windows Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\\
The file is created the first time you build your project.


2. List the SHA-1 fingerprint:

For Linux or macOS, open a terminal window and enter the following:

keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -

storepass android -keypass android

For Windows Vista and Windows 7, run:

keytool -list -v -keystore "%USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore"\ -alias an

droiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

You should see output similar to the following:

Alias name: androiddebugkey

Creation date: Jan 01, 2013
Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
Certificate chain length: 1
Owner: CN=Android Debug, O=Android, C=US
Issuer: CN=Android Debug, O=Android, C=US
Serial number: 4aa9b300
Valid from: Mon Jan 01 08:04:04 UTC 2013 until: Mon Jan 01 18:04:04 PST 2033
Certificate fingerprints:
MD5: AE:9F:95:D0:A6:86:89:BC:A8:70:BA:34:FF:6A:AC:F9
SHA1: BB:0D:AC:44:D3:21:E1:41:07:71:9C:62:90:AF:A4:66:6E:44:5D:95
Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
Version: 3

The line that begins with SHA1 contains the certificate's SHA-1 fingerprint. The
fingerprint is the sequence of 20 two-digit hexadecimal numbers separated by
3. Copy this value to your clipboard. You need it in the next set of steps.

4. Download the starter code for this practical, WalkMyAndroidPlaces-Starter.

5. Open Android Studio and open your AndroidManifest.xml file. Note the package string
in the manifest tag. You need the package name in future steps.

Note: To protect your keystore file and key, don't enter the storepass or keypass
arguments on the command line unless you're confident of your computer's security. For
example, on a public computer, someone could look at your terminal window history or list of
running processes, get the password, and have write-access to your signing certificate. That
person could modify your app or replace your app with their own.

1.2 Get an API key from the Google API Console


1. Go to the Google API Console.

2. Create or select a project. You can reuse the same project and API key for multiple
3. From the Dashboard page, click ENABLED APIS AND SERVICES. The API Library
4. Search for "Places" and select Google Places API for Android.
5. Click ENABLE.
6. If a warning appears telling you to create credentials, click Create credentials.
Otherwise, open the Credentials page and click Create credentials.
7. If you see a Find out what kind of credentials you need step, skip the prompts. Click
directly on the API key link.
8. Name the key whatever you like.

Restrict the key to Android apps:

1. Follow the prompts to restrict the key to Android apps.

2. Click Add package name and fingerprint.
3. Add your app's SHA-1 fingerprint to the key. (You copied this fingerprint to your
clipboard in 1.1 Get your app's certificate information.) Also enter the package name
from Android Studio.

For example:


4. Save your changes.

On the Credentials page, your new Android-restricted API key appears in the list of API
keys for your project. An API key is a string of characters, something like this:


5. Copy the API key to your clipboard. You'll paste the key into your app manifest in the
next step.

1.3 Add the key to the manifest

Add your API key to your AndroidManifest.xml file as shown in the following code. Replace
YOUR_API_KEY with your own API key:



Task 2. Get details on the current place

Now that you have your API key set up, you're ready to start using the Places API. In this
task, you use the PlaceDetectionClient.getCurrentPlace() method to obtain the place name
and place type for the device's current location. You use these place details to enhance the
WalkMyAndroidPlaces UI.



2.1 Add the Places API to your project

To use the Places API, you need to add it to the app-level build.gradle file. You also need
to connect to the API using the GoogleApiClient class.

1. Add the following statement to your app-level build.gradle file. Replace XX.X.X with
the appropriate support library version. For the latest version number, see Add Google
Play Services to Your Project.

compile ''

2. In the MainActivity , in the onCreate() method, initialize a PlaceDetectionClient

object. You use this object to get information about the device's current location.

mPlaceDetectionClient = Places.getPlaceDetectionClient(this, null);

Note: To use the PlaceDetectionClient interface, your app needs the

ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission. You don't need to add this permission, because the

WalkMyAndroidPlaces-Starter code includes it.

2.2 Get the place name

In this step, you extend the WalkMyAndroidPlaces app to show the place name associated
with the current device location.

1. In the MainActivity , create a String member variable called mLastPlaceName . This

member variable will hold the name of the device's most probable location.
2. In strings.xml , modify the address_text string to include the place name as an
additional variable:

<string name="address_text">"Name: %1$s \n Address: %2$s \n Timestamp: %3$tr"</st


3. In the onClick() method for the Start Tracking Location button, add another
argument to the setText() call. Pass in the loading string so that the TextView label
shows "Loading..." for the Name and Address lines:

getString(R.string.loading),// Name
getString(R.string.loading),// Address
new Date())); // Timestamp

When the AsyncTask returns an Address , the onTaskCompleted() method is called. In


the onTaskComplete() method, obtain the current place name and update the
TextView . To get the current place name, call PlaceDetectionClient.getCurrentPlace() .

The getCurrentPlace() method returns a Task object. A Task object represents an

asynchronous operation and contains a parameterized type that's returned when the
operation completes in its onComplete() callback. In this case, the parameterized type is a
PlaceLikelihoodBufferResponse .

The returned PlaceLikelihoodBufferResponse instance is a list of Place objects, each with a

"likelihood" value between 0 and 1. The likelihood value indicates the likelihood that the
device is at that place. The strategy shown below is to use a loop to determine the place that
has the highest likelihood, then display that place name.

1. In the onTaskCompleted() method, call getCurrentPlace() on your

PlaceDetectionClientApi instance. Store the result in a local variable. Because you are

interested in all places, you can pass in null for the PlaceFilter :

Task<PlaceLikelihoodBufferResponse> placeResult =

2. The getCurrentPlace() method call is underlined in Android Studio, because the

method may throw a SecurityException if you don't have the right location permissions.
Have the onTaskCompleted() method throw a SecurityException to remove the
3. Add an OnCompleteListener to the placeResult :

(new OnCompleteListener<PlaceLikelihoodBufferResponse>() {
public void onComplete(@NonNull
Task<PlaceLikelihoodBufferResponse> task) {

4. Create an if/else statement to check whether the Task was successful:

if (task.isSuccessful()) {
} else {

5. If the Task was successful, call getResult() on the task to obtain the
PlaceLikelihoodBufferResponse . Initialize an integer to hold the maximum value.

Initialize a Place to hold the highest likelihood Place object.


if (task.isSuccessful()) {
PlaceLikelihoodBufferResponse likelyPlaces = task.getResult();
float maxLikelihood = 0;
Place currentPlace = null;

6. Iterate over each PlaceLikelihood object and check whether it has the highest
likelihood so far. If it does, update the maxLikelihood and currentPlace objects:

if (task.isSuccessful()) {
PlaceLikelihoodBufferResponse likelyPlaces = task.getResult();
float maxLikelihood = 0;
Place currentPlace = null;
for (PlaceLikelihood placeLikelihood : likelyPlaces) {
if (maxLikelihood < placeLikelihood.getLikelihood()) {
maxLikelihood = placeLikelihood.getLikelihood();
currentPlace = placeLikelihood.getPlace();

7. If the currentPlace is not null , update the TextView with the result. The following
code should all be within the if (task.isSuccessful()) loop:

if (currentPlace != null) {
currentPlace.getName(), result //This is the address from the AsyncTask,

8. After you use the place information, release the buffer:


9. In the else block for the case where the Task is not successful, show an error
message instead of a place name:

else {
"No Place name found!",
result, System.currentTimeMillis()));

10. Run the app. You see the place name along with the address in the label TextView .


2.3 Get the place type

The Place object you obtained from the PlaceLikelihood object contains a lot more than
just the name of the place. The object can also include the place type, rating, price level,
website URL, and more. (For a list of all the fields, see the Place reference.)

In this step, you change the image of the Android robot to reflect the place type of the
current location. The starter code includes a bitmap image for a "plain" Android robot, plus
images for four other Android robots, one for each these place types: school, gym,
restaurant, and library.

If you want to add support for other place types, use the Androidify tool to create a custom
Android robot image and include the image in your app.

1. In MainActivity , create a setAndroidType() method that uses a Place object. Have

the method assign the appropriate drawable to the ImageView , based on the place type:

private void setAndroidType(Place currentPlace) {

int drawableID = -1;
for (Integer placeType : currentPlace.getPlaceTypes()) {
switch (placeType) {
case Place.TYPE_SCHOOL:
drawableID = R.drawable.android_school;
case Place.TYPE_GYM:
drawableID = R.drawable.android_gym;
drawableID = R.drawable.android_restaurant;
case Place.TYPE_LIBRARY:
drawableID = R.drawable.android_library;

if (drawableID < 0) {
drawableID = R.drawable.android_plain;

Note: The setAndroidType() method is where you can add support for more place
types. All you need to do is add another case to the switch statement and select the
appropriate drawable. For a list of supported place types, see Place Types.
2. In the onComplete() callback where you obtain the current Place object, call
setAndroidType() . Pass in the currentPlace object.


3. Run your app. Unless you happen to be in one of the supported place types, you don't
see any difference in the Android robot image. To get around this, run the app on an
emulator and follow the steps below to set up fake locations.

How to test location-based features on an emulator

Testing location-based features on an emulator can be challenging. The
FusedLocationProviderClient and the Places API have to use a location that you provide

through the emulator settings.

To simulate a location, use a GPX file, which provides a set of GPS coordinates over time:

1. Download the WalkMyAndroidPlaces-gpx file. The file contains five locations. The first
location doesn't correspond to any of the supported place types. The other four
locations have the place types that the WalkMyAndroidPlaces app supports: school,
gym, restaurant, library.
2. Start an emulator of your choice.
3. To navigate to your emulator settings, select the three dots at the bottom of the menu
next to the emulator, then select the Location tab.
4. In the bottom right corner, click Load GPX/KML. Select the file you downloaded.

Five locations load in the GPS data playback window.

5. Notice the Delay column. By default, the emulator changes the location every 2
seconds. Change the delay to 10 seconds for each item except the first item, which
should load immediately and have a delay of 0.

(A delay of 10 seconds makes sense because your location updates happen

approximately every 10 seconds. Recall the LocationRequest object, in which the
interval is set to 10,000 milliseconds, or 10 seconds.)

6. Run the WalkMyAndroid app on the emulator to start tracking the device location.

7. Use the play button in the bottom left corner of the emulator Location tab to deliver the
GPX file's location information to your app. The location TextView and the Android
robot image should update every 10 seconds to reflect the new locations as they are
"played" by the GPX file!


The screenshot below shows the Location tab (1) for emulator location settings, the GPS
data playback button (2), and the Load GPX/KML button (3).

Task 3. Add the place-picker UI

At this point, the WalkMyAndroidPlaces app only looks for places in the device's current
location, but there are many use cases where you want the user to select a location from a
map. For example, if you create an app to help users decide on a restaurant, you want to
show restaurants in the area that the user selects, not just restaurants in the user's current

Having the user select a location from a map seems complicated: you need a map with
places of interest already on it, and you need a way for the user to search for a place and
select a place. Fortunately, the Place API includes the place picker, a UI that greatly
simplifies the work.

In this task, you add a button that launches the place-picker UI. The place-picker UI lets the
user select a place, and it displays the place information in the UI, as before. (It displays the
relevant Android robot image, if available, and it displays the place name, address, and
update time.)


3.1 Add a PlacePicker button

The place-picker UI is a dialog where the user can search for a place and select a place. To
add the place picker to your app, use the PlacePicker.IntentBuilder intent to launch a
special Activity . Get the result in your activity's onActivityResult() method:

1. Add a button next to the Start Tracking Location button. Use "Pick a Place" as the
button's text in both the portrait and the landscape layout files.
2. Add a click handler that executes the following code to start the PlacePicker . Create
an arbitrary constant called REQUEST_PICK_PLACE that you'll use later to obtain the result.
(This constant should be different from your permission-check integer.)


private static final int REQUEST_PICK_PLACE = 2;

PlacePicker.IntentBuilder builder = new PlacePicker.IntentBuilder();

try {
startActivityForResult(, REQUEST_PICK_PLACE);
} catch (GooglePlayServicesRepairableException | GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableEx
ception e) {

3. Run your app. When you click Pick a Place, a PlacePicker dialog opens. In the dialog,
you can search for and select any place.

The next step is to get whatever place the user selects in onActivityResult() , then update
the TextView and Android robot image .

3.2 Obtain the selected place

The result from the PlacePicker is sent automatically to the activity's onActivityResult()
override method. Use the passed-in requestCode integer to get the result. The result should
match the integer you passed into the startActivityForResult() method.

1. To override the onActivityResult() method, select Code > Override Methods in

Android Studio. Find and select the onActivityResult() method, then click OK.
2. In onActivityResult() , create an if statement that checks whether the requestCode
matches your request integer.

To get the Place object that was selected from the PlacePicker , use the
PlacePicker.getPlace() method.

3. If the resultCode is RESULT_OK , get the selected place from the data Intent using the
PlacePicker.getPlace() method. Pass in the application context and the data Intent ,

which the system passes into onActivityResult() .

If the resultCode isn't RESULT_OK , show a message that says that a place was not

if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
Place place = PlacePicker.getPlace(this, data);
} else {

4. After you get the Place object, call setAndroidType() . Pass in your obtained object.
5. Update the label TextView with the place name and address from the Place object.


Set the update time to be the current time:

getString(R.string.address_text, place.getName(),
place.getAddress(), System.currentTimeMillis()));

6. Run the app. You can now use the PlacePicker to choose any place in the world,
provided that the place exists in the Places API. To test your app's functionality, search
for one of the place types for which you have an Android robot image.

Note: When the user selects a location using the PlacePicker , this data is not persisted
using the SavedInstanceState . For this reason, when you rotate the device, the app resets
to the initial state.

Coding challenge
Note: All coding challenges are optional.
Challenge: Add a place autocomplete search dialog UI element to your Activity . The
place autocomplete dialog lets the user search for a place without launching the
PlacePicker .

Solution code

To use the Google Places API for Android, you must create an API key that's restricted
to Android apps. You do this in the Google API Console. In your project in the API
Console, you also need to enable the Google Places API for Android.
Include the API key in a metadata tag in your AndroidManifest.xml file.
The Place object contains information about a specific geographic location, including
the place name, address, coordinates, and more.
Use the PlaceDetectionClient.getCurrentPlace() method to get information about the
device's current location.
PlaceDetectionClient.getCurrentPlace() returns a PlaceLikelihoodBuffer in a Task .

The PlaceLikelihoodBuffer contains a list of PlaceLikelihood objects that represent

likely places. For each place, the result includes the likelihood that the place is the right


The Places API includes the PlacePicker , which you use to include the place-picker UI
in your app. The place-picker UI is a dialog that lets the user search for places and
select places.
Launch the PlacePicker using startActivityForResult() . Pass in an Intent created
with PlacePicker.IntentBuilder() .
Retrieve the selected place in onActivityResult() by calling PlacePicker.getPlace() .
Pass in the activity context and the data Intent .

Related concept
The related concept documentation is in 8.1: Places API.

Learn more
Android developer documentation:

Set Up Google Play Services

Places API for Android
Place Picker
Current Place



9.1: Adding a Google Map to your app


What you should already KNOW
What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Set up the project and get an API Key
Task 2. Add map types and markers
Task 3. Style your map
Task 4. Enable location tracking and Street View
Coding challenge
Solution code
Related concept
Learn more

Building apps with Google Maps allows you to add features to your app such as satellite
imagery, robust UI controls, location tracking, and location markers. You can add value to
the standard Google Maps by showing information from your own data set, such as the
locations of well-known fishing or climbing areas. You can also create games tied to the real
world, like Pokemon Go.

In this practical, you create a Google Maps app called Wander .

What you should already KNOW

You should be familiar with:

Basic functionality of Google Maps.

Runtime permissions.
Creating, building, and running apps in Android Studio.
Including external libraries in your build.gradle file.

What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:


Integrate a Google Map in your app.

Display different map types.
Style the Google Map.
Add markers to your map.
Enable the user to place a marker on a point of interest (POI).
Enable location tracking.
Enable Google Street View.

What you will DO

Get an API key from the Google API Console and register the key to your app.
Create the Wander app, which has an embedded Google Map.
Add custom features to your app such as markers, styling, and location tracking.
Enable location tracking and Street View in your app.

App overview
In this practical you create the Wander app, which is a styled Google Map. The Wander app
allows you to drop markers onto locations, see your location in real time, and look at Street
View panoramas.


Task 1. Set up the project and get an API Key

The Google Maps API, like the Places API, requires an API key. To obtain the API key, you
register your project in the Google API Console. The API key is tied to a digital certificate
that links the app to its author. For more about using digital certificates and signing your app,
see Sign Your App.

In this practical, you use the API key for the debug certificate. The debug certificate is
insecure by design, as described in Sign your debug build. Published Android apps that use
the Google Maps API require a second API key: the key for the release certificate. For more
information about obtaining a release certificate, see Get API Key.

Android Studio includes a Google Maps Activity template, which generates helpful template
code. The template code includes a google_maps_api.xml file containing a link that simplifies
obtaining an API key.

Note: If you wish to build the Activity without using the template, follow the steps in the API
key guide to obtain the API key without using the link in the template.


1.1 Create the Wander project with the Maps template

1. Create a new Android Studio project.
2. Name the new app "Wander". Accept the defaults until you get to the Add an Activity
3. Select the Google Maps Activity template.
4. Leave the default Activity Name and Layout Name.
5. Change the Title to "Wander" and click Finish.

Android Studio creates several maps-related additional files:


You use this configuration file to hold your API key. The template generates two
google_maps_api.xml files: one for debug and one for release. The file for the API key

for the debug certificate is located in src/debug/res/values . The file for the API key for
the release certificate is located in src/release/res/values . In this practical we only use
the debug certificate.


This layout file contains a single fragment that fills the entire screen. The
SupportMapFragment class is a subclass of the Fragment class. You can include

SupportMapFragment in a layout file using a <fragment> tag in any ViewGroup , with an

additional attribute:


The file instantiates the SupportMapFragment class and uses the
class's getMapAsync() method to prepare the Google Map. The activity that contains
the SupportMapFragment must implement the OnMapReadyCallback interface and that
interface's onMapReady() method. The getMapAsync() method returns a GoogleMap
object, signifying that the map is loaded.

Note: If you test the Wander app on an emulator, use a system image that includes Google
APIs and Google Play. Select an image that shows Google Play in the Target column of the
virtual-devices list.
Run the app and notice that the map fails to load. If you look in the logs, you see a message
saying that your API key is not properly set up. In the next step, you obtain the API key to
make the app display the map.


1.2 Obtain the API key

1. Open the debug version of the google_maps_api.xml file.

The file includes a comment with a long URL. The URL's parameters include specific
information about your app.

2. Copy and paste the URL into a browser.

3. Follow the prompts to create a project in the Google API Console. Because of the
parameters in the provided URL, the API Console knows to automatically enable the
Google Maps Android API
4. Create an API key and click Restrict Key to restrict the key's use to Android apps. The
generated API key should start with AIza .
5. In the google_maps_api.xml file, paste the key into the google_maps_key string where it
6. Run your app. You have an embedded map in your activity, with a marker set in Sydney,
Australia. (The Sydney marker is part of the template, and you change it later.)

Note: The API key may take up to 5 minutes to take effect.

Task 2. Add map types and markers

Google Maps include several map types: normal, hybrid, satellite, terrain, and "none." In this
task you add an app bar with an options menu that allows the user to change the map type.
You move the map's starting location to your own home location. Then you add support for
markers, which indicate single locations on a map and can include a label.

2.1 Add map types

The type of map that your user wants depends on the kind of information they need. When
using maps for navigation in your car, it's helpful to see street names clearly. When you are
hiking, you probably care more about how much you have to climb to get to the top of the
mountain. In this step, you add an app bar with an options menu that allows the user to
change the map type.

1. To create a new menu XML file, right-click on your res directory and select New >
Android Resource File.
2. In the dialog, name the file map_options . Choose Menu for the resource type. Click OK.
3. Replace the code in the new file with the following code to create the map options. The
"none" map type is omitted, because "none" results in the lack of any map at all.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<menu xmlns:android=""
<item android:id="@+id/normal_map"
<item android:id="@+id/hybrid_map"
<item android:id="@+id/satellite_map"
<item android:id="@+id/terrain_map"

4. Create string resources for the title attributes.

5. In the MapsActivity file, change the class to extend the AppCompatActivity class
instead of extending the FragmentActivity class. Using AppCompatActivity will show
the app bar, and therefore it will show the menu.
6. In MapsActivity , override the onCreateOptionsMenu() method and inflate the
map_options file:

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
inflater.inflate(, menu);
return true;

7. To change the map type, use the setMapType () method on the GoogleMap object,
passing in one of the map-type constants.

Override the onOptionsItemSelected() method. Paste the following code to change the
map type when the user selects one of the menu options:


public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
// Change the map type based on the user's selection.
switch (item.getItemId()) {
return true;
return true;
return true;
return true;
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

8. Run the app. Use the menu in the app bar to change the map type. Notice how the
map's appearance changes.

2.2 Move the default map location

By default, the onMapReady() callback includes code that places a marker in Sydney,
Australia, where Google Maps was created. The default callback also animates the map to
pan to Sydney. In this step, you make the map pan to your home location without placing a
marker, then zoom to a level you specify.

1. In the onMapReady() method, remove the code that places the marker in Sydney and
moves the camera.
2. Go to in your browser and find your home.
3. Right-click on the location and select What's here?

Near the bottom of the screen, a small window pops up with location information,
including latitude and longitude.

4. Create a new LatLng object called home . In the LatLng object, use the coordinates
you found from Google Maps in the browser.

5. Create a float variable called zoom and set the variable to your desired initial zoom
level. The following list gives you an idea of what level of detail each level of zoom

1 : World


5 : Landmass/continent

10 : City

15 : Streets

20 : Buildings

6. Create a CameraUpdate object using CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom() , passing in

your LatLng object and zoom variable. Pan and zoom the camera by calling
moveCamera() on the GoogleMap object, passing in the new CameraUpdate object:

mMap.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(home, zoom));

7. Run the app. The map should pan to your home and zoom into the desired level.

2.3 Add map markers

Google Maps can single out a location using a marker, which you create using the Marker

class. The default marker uses the standard Google Maps icon:

You can extend markers to show contextual information in info windows.

In this step, you add a marker when the user touches and holds a location on the map. You
then add an InfoWindow that displays the coordinates of the marker when the marker is



1. Create a method stub in MapsActivity called setMapLongClick() that takes a final

GoogleMap as an argument and returns void :

private void setMapLongClick(final GoogleMap map) {}

2. Use the GoogleMap object's setOnMapLongClickListener() method to place a marker

where the user touches and holds. Pass in a new instance of OnMapLongClickListener
that overrides the onMapLongClick() method. The incoming argument is a LatLng
object that contains the coordinates of the location the user pressed:

private void setMapLongClick(final GoogleMap map) {

map.setOnMapLongClickListener(new GoogleMap.OnMapLongClickListener() {
public void onMapLongClick(LatLng latLng) {

3. Inside onMapLongClick() , call the addMarker() method. Pass in a new MarkerOptions

object with the position set to the passed-in LatLng :

map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(latLng));

4. Call setMapLongClick() at the end of the onMapReady() method. Pass in mMap .

5. Run the app. Touch and hold on the map to place a marker at a location.
6. Tap the marker, which centers it on the screen.

Navigation buttons appear at the bottom-left side of the screen, allowing the user to use
the Google Maps app to navigate to the marked position.

To add an info window for the marker:

1. In the MarkerOptions object, set the title field and the snippet field.
2. In onMapLongClick() , set the title field to "Dropped Pin." Set the snippet field to the
location coordinates inside the addMarker() method.


map.setOnMapLongClickListener(new GoogleMap.OnMapLongClickListener() {
public void onMapLongClick(LatLng latLng) {
String snippet = String.format(Locale.getDefault(),
"Lat: %1$.5f, Long: %2$.5f",

map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()

3. Run the app. Touch and hold on the map to drop a location marker. Tap the marker to
show the info window.

2.4 Add POI listener

By default, points of interest (POIs) appear on the map along with their corresponding icons.
POIs include parks, schools, government buildings, and more. When the map type is set to
normal , business POIs also appear on the map. Business POIs represent businesses such

as shops, restaurants, and hotels.

In this step, you add a GoogleMap.OnPoiClickListener to the map. This click-listener places a
marker on the map immediately, instead of waiting for a touch & hold. The click-listener also
displays the info window that contains the POI name.



1. Create a method stub in MapsActivity called setPoiClick() that takes a final

GoogleMap as an argument, and returns void :

private void setPoiClick(final GoogleMap map) {}

2. In the setPoiClick() method, set an OnPoiClickListener on the passed-in GoogleMap :

map.setOnPoiClickListener(new GoogleMap.OnPoiClickListener() {
public void onPoiClick(PointOfInterest poi) {

3. In the onPoiClick() method, place a marker at the POI location. Set the title to the
name of the POI. Save the result to a variable called poiMarker .

public void onPoiClick(PointOfInterest poi) {

Marker poiMarker = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()

4. Call showInfoWindow() on poiMarker to immediately show the info window.


5. Call setPoiClick() at the end of onMapReady() . Pass in mMap .

6. Run your app and find a POI such as a park. Tap on the POI to place a marker on it and
display the POI's name in an info window.

Task 3. Style your map

You can customize Google Maps in many ways, giving your map a unique look and feel.

You can customize a MapFragment object using the available XML attributes, as you would
customize any other fragment. However, in this step you customize the look and feel of the
content of the MapFragment , using methods on the GoogleMap object. You use the online
Styling Wizard to add a style to your map and customize your markers. You also add a
GroundOverlay to your home location that scales and rotates with the map.

3.1 Add a style to your map


To create a customized style for your map, you generate a JSON file that specifies how
features in the map are displayed.You don't have to create this JSON file manually: Google
provides the Styling Wizard, which generates the JSON for you after you visually style your
map. In this practical, you style the map for "night mode," meaning that the map uses dim
colors and low contrast for use at night.

Note: Styling only applies to maps that use the normal map type.
1. Navigate to in your browser.
2. Select Create a Style.
3. Select the Night theme.
4. Click More Options at the bottom of the menu.
5. At the bottom of the Feature type list, select Water > Fill. Change the color of the water
to a dark blue (for example, #160064).
6. Click Finish. Copy the JSON code from the resulting pop-up window.
7. In Android Studio, create a resource directory called raw in the res directory. Create
a file in res/raw called map_style.json .
8. Paste the JSON code into the new resource file.
9. To set the JSON style to the map, call setMapStyle() on the GoogleMap object. Pass in
a MapStyleOptions object, which loads the JSON file. The setMapStyle() method
returns a boolean indicating the success of the styling. If the file can't be loaded, the
method throws a Resources.NotFoundException .

Copy the following code into the onMapReady() method to style the map. You may need
to create a TAG string for your log statements:

try {
// Customize the styling of the base map using a JSON object defined
// in a raw resource file.
boolean success = googleMap.setMapStyle(
this, R.raw.map_style));

if (!success) {
Log.e(TAG, "Style parsing failed.");
} catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Can't find style. Error: ", e);

10. Run your app. The new styling should be visible when the map is in normal mode.



3.2 Style your marker

You can personalize your map further by styling the map markers. In this step, you change
the default red markers to match the night mode color scheme.

1. In the onMapLongClick() method, add the following line of code to the MarkerOptions()
constructor to use the default marker but change the color to blue:


2. Run the app. The markers you place are now shaded blue, which is more consistent
with the night-mode theme of the app.

Note that POI markers are still red, because you didn't add styling to the onPoiClick()

3.3 Add an overlay

One way you can customize the Google Map is by drawing on top of it. This technique is
useful if you want to highlight a particular type of location, such as popular fishing spots.
Three types of overlays are supported:

Shapes: You can add polylines, polygons, and circles to the map.
TileOverlay objects: A tile overlay defines a set of images that are added on top of the

base map tiles. Tile overlays are useful when you want to add extensive imagery to the
map. A typical tile overlay covers a large geographical area.
GroundOverlay objects: A ground overlay is an image that is fixed to a map. Unlike

markers, ground overlays are oriented to the Earth's surface rather than to the screen.
Rotating, tilting, or zooming the map changes the orientation of the image. Ground
overlays are useful when you wish to fix a single image at one area on the map

In this step, you add a ground overlay in the shape of an Android to your home location.

1. Download this Android image and save it in your res/drawable folder.

2. In onMapReady() , after the call to move the camera to the home position, create a
GroundOverlayOptions object. Assign the object to a variable called homeOverlay :

GroundOverlayOptions homeOverlay = new GroundOverlayOptions();

3. Use the BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource() method to create a BitmapDescriptor

object from the above image. Pass the object into the image() method of the
GroundOverlayOptions object:


GroundOverlayOptions homeOverlay = new GroundOverlayOptions()


4. Set the position property for the GroundOverlayOptions object by calling the
position() method. Pass in the home LatLng object and a float for the width in

meters of the desired overlay. For this example, a width of 100 m works well:

GroundOverlayOptions homeOverlay = new GroundOverlayOptions()

.position(home, 100);

5. Call addGroundOverlay() on the GoogleMap object. Pass in your GroundOverlayOptions



6. Run the app. Zoom in on your home location, and you see the Android image as an

Task 4. Enable location tracking and Street

Users often use Google Maps to see their current location, and you can obtain device
location using the Location Services API. To display the device location on your map without
further use of Location data, you can use the location-data layer.

The location-data layer adds a My Location button to the top-right side of the map. When
the user taps the button, the map centers on the device's location. The location is shown as
a blue dot if the device is stationary, and as a blue chevron if the device is moving.



You can provide additional information about a location using Google Street View, which is a
navigable panorama photo of a given location.

In this task, you enable the location-data layer and Street View so that when the user taps
the info window for the POI marker, the map goes into to Street View mode.

4.1 Enable location tracking

Enabling location tracking in Google Maps requires a single line of code. However, you must
make sure that the user has granted location permissions (using the runtime-permission

In this step, you request location permissions and enable the location tracking.

1. In the AndroidManifest.xml file, verify that the FINE_LOCATION permission is already

present. Android Studio inserted this permission when you selected the Google Maps
2. To enable location tracking in your app, create a method in the MapsActivity called
enableMyLocation() that takes no arguments and doesn't return anything.

3. Define the enableMyLocation() method. Check for the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

permission. If the permission is granted, enable the location layer. Otherwise, request
the permission:

private void enableMyLocation() {

if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this,
== PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
} else {
ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[]

4. Call enableMyLocation() from the onMapReady() callback to enable the location layer.

5. Override the onRequestPermissionsResult() method. If the permission is granted, call

enableMyLocation() :


public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode,
@NonNull String[] permissions,
@NonNull int[] grantResults) {
// Check if location permissions are granted and if so enable the
// location data layer.
switch (requestCode) {
if (grantResults.length > 0
&& grantResults[0]
== PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {

6. Run the app. The top-right corner now contains the My Location button, which displays
the device's current location.

Note: When you run the app on an emulator, the location may not be available. If you
haven't used the emulator settings to set a location, the location button will be unavailable.

4.2 Enable Street View

Google Maps provides Street View, which is a panoramic view of a location with controls for
navigating along a designated path. Street View does not have global coverage.

In this step, you enable a Street View panorama that is activated when the user taps a POI's
info window. You need to do two things:

1. Distinguish POI markers from other markers, because you want your app's functionality
to work only on POI markers. This way, you can start Street View when the user taps a
POI info window, but not when the user taps any other type of marker.

The Marker class includes a setTag() method that allows you to attach data. (The
data can be anything that extends from Object ). You will set a tag on the markers that
are created when users click POIs.

2. When the user taps a tagged info window in an OnInfoWindowClickListener , replace the
MapFragment with a StreetViewPanoramaFragment . (The code below uses

SupportMapFragment and SupportStreetViewPanoramaFragment to support Android

versions below API 12.)

If any of the fragments change at runtime, you must add them in the containing
Activity class, and not statically in XML.


Tag the POI marker

1. In the onPoiClick() callback, call setTag() on poiMarker . Pass in any arbitrary


Replace the static SupportMapFragment with a runtime

2. Open activity_maps.xml and change the element to a frame layout that will serve as
the container for your fragments:

<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""
android:layout_height="match_parent" />

3. In onCreate() in MapsActivity , remove the code that finds the SupportMapFragment by

ID, because there is no longer a static SupportMapFragment in the XML. Instead, create
a new runtime instance of the SupportMapFragment by calling
SupportMapFragment.newInstance() :

SupportMapFragment mapFragment = SupportMapFragment.newInstance();

4. Add the fragment to the FrameLayout using a fragment transaction with the
FragmentManager :

.add(, mapFragment).commit();

5. Keep the line of code that triggers the asynchronous loading of the map:


Set an OnInfoWindowClickListener and check the

marker tag
6. Create a method stub in MapsActivity called setInfoWindowClickToPanorama() that
takes a GoogleMap as an argument and returns void :


private void setInfoWindowClickToPanorama(GoogleMap map) {}

7. Set an OnInfoWindowClickListener to the GoogleMap :

new GoogleMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener() {
public void onInfoWindowClick(Marker marker) {

8. In the onInfoWindowClick() method, check whether the marker contains the string tag
you set in the onPoiClick() method:

if (marker.getTag() == "poi") {}

Replace the SupportMapFragment with a

9. In the case where the marker contains the tag, specify the location for the Street View
panorama by using a StreetViewPanoramaOptions object. Set the object's position
property to the position of the passed-in marker:

StreetViewPanoramaOptions options =
new StreetViewPanoramaOptions().position(

10. Create a new instance of SupportStreetViewPanoramaFragment , passing in the options

object you created:

SupportStreetViewPanoramaFragment streetViewFragment
= SupportStreetViewPanoramaFragment

11. Start a fragment transaction. Replace the contents of the fragment container with the
new fragment, streetViewFragment . Add the transaction to the back stack, so that
pressing back will navigate back to the SupportMapFragment and not exit the app:



Note: The argument for the addToBackStack() method is an optional name. The name
is used to manipulate the back stack state. In this case, the name is not used again, so
you can pass in null .
12. Call setInfoWindowClickToPanorama(mMap) in onMapReady() after the call to

13. Run the app. Zoom into a city that has Street View coverage, such as Mountain View
(home of Google HQ), and find a POI, such as a park. Tap on the POI to place a marker
and show the info window. Tap the info window to enter Street View mode for the
location of the marker. Press the back button to return to the map fragment.



Coding challenge
Note: All coding challenges are optional.
Challenge: If you tap the info window for a POI in a location where there is no Street View
coverage, you see a black screen.

To check whether Street View is available in an area, implement the

OnStreetViewPanomaraReady callback in combination with the

StreetViewPanorama.OnStreetViewPanoramaChangeListener .

If Street View isn't available in a selected area, go back to the map fragment and show
an error.

Solution code
Wander solution code. (Doesn't include the Challenge solution.)

To use the Maps API, you need an API key from the Google API Console.
In Android Studio, using the Google Maps Activity template generates an Activity
with a single SupportMapFragment in the app's layout. The template also adds the
ACCESS_FINE_PERMISSION to the app manifest, implements the OnMapReadyCallback in

your activity, and overrides the required onMapReady() method.

Google Maps can be in one of the following map types:

Normal : Typical road map. Shows roads, some features built by humans, and
important natural features like rivers. Road and feature labels are also visible.
Hybrid : Satellite photograph data with road maps added. Road and feature labels
are also visible.
Satellite : Photograph data. Road and feature labels are not visible.
Terrain : Topographic data. The map includes colors, contour lines and labels, and
perspective shading. Some roads and labels are also visible.
None : No map.

You can change the map type at runtime by using the GoogleMap.setMapType() . method.
A marker is an indicator for a specific geographic location.
When tapped, the default behavior for a marker is to display an info window with
information about the location.


By default, points of interest (POIs) appear on the base map along with their
corresponding icons. POIs include parks, schools, government buildings, and more.
In addition, business POIs (shops, restaurants, hotels, and more) appear by default on
the map when the map type is normal .
You can capture clicks on POIs using the OnPoiClickListener .
You can change the visual appearance of almost all elements of a Google Map using
the Styling Wizard. The Styling Wizard generates a JSON file that you pass into the
Google Map using the setMapStyle() method.
You can customize your markers by changing the default color, or replacing the default
marker icon with a custom image.
Use a ground overlay to fix an image to a geographic location.
Use a GroundOverlayOptions object to specify the image, the image's size in meters,
and the image's position. Pass this object to the GoogleMap.addGroundOverlay() method
to set the overlay to the map.
Provided that your app has the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission, you can enable
location tracking using the mMap.setMyLocationEnabled(true) method.
Google Street View provides panoramic 360-degree views from designated roads
throughout its coverage area.
Use the StreetViewPanoramaFragment.newInstance() method to create a new Street View
To specify the options for the view, use a StreetViewPanoramaOptions object. Pass the
object into the newInstance() method.

Related concept
The related concept documentation is in 9.1 C: Google Maps API.

Learn more
Android developer documentation:

Getting Started with the Google Maps Android API

Adding a Map with a Marker
Map Objects
Adding a Styled Map
Street View
Ground Overlays

Reference documentation:






10.1A: Creating a custom view from a View


What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Customize an EditText view
Solution code
Related concept
Learn more

Android offers a large set of View subclasses, such as Button , TextView , EditText ,
ImageView , CheckBox , or RadioButton . You can use these subclasses to construct a UI

that enables user interaction and displays information in your app. If the View subclasses
don't meet your needs, you can create a custom view that does.

After you create a custom view, you can add it to different layouts in the same way you
would add a TextView or Button . This lesson shows you how to create and use custom
views based on View subclasses.

What you should already KNOW

You should be able to:

Create and run apps in Android Studio.

Use the Layout Editor to create a UI.
Edit a layout in XML.
Use touch, text, and click listeners in your code.

What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:

Extend the View subclass EditText to create a custom text-editing view.

Use listeners to handle user interaction with the custom view.


Use a custom view in a layout.

What you will DO

Add a new class that extends the EditText class to create a custom view.
Use listeners to provide the custom view's behavior.
Add the custom view to a layout.

App overview
The CustomEditText app demonstrates how to extend EditText to make a custom text-
editing view. The custom view includes a clear (X) button for clearing text. After the custom
view is created, you can use multiple versions of it in layouts, applying different EditText
attributes as needed.

Task 1. Customize an EditText view

In this task, you create an app with a customized EditText view that includes a clear (X)
button on the right side of the EditText . The user can tap the X to clear the text.
Specifically, you will:


Create an app with an EditText view as a placeholder.

Add layout attributes to position the view, and to support right-to-left (RTL) languages
for text input.
Extend the EditText class to create a custom view.
Initialize the custom view with a drawable that appears at the end of the EditText .
Use a text listener to show the drawable only when text is entered into the EditText .
Use a touch listener to clear the text if the user taps the drawable.
Replace the placeholder EditText with the custom view in the layout.

1.1 Create an app with an EditText view

In this step, you add two drawables for the clear (X) button:

An opaque version that appears when the user enters text.

A black version that appears while the user is tapping the X.

You also change a TextView to an EditText with attributes for controlling its appearance. If
the layout direction is set to a right-to-left (RTL) language, these attributes change the
direction in which the user enters text. (For more about supporting RTL languages, see the
lesson on localization.)

1. Create an app named CustomEditText using the Empty Activity template. Make sure
that Generate Layout File is selected so that the activity_main.xml layout file is
2. Edit the build.gradle (Module: app) file. Change the minimum SDK version to 17, so
that you can support RTL languages and place drawables in either the left or right
position in EditText views:

minSdkVersion 17

3. Right-click the drawable/ folder and choose New > Vector Asset. Click the Android
icon and choose the clear (X) icon. Its name changes to ic_clear_black_24dp . Click
Next and Finish.


4. Repeat step 3, choosing the clear (X) icon again, but this time drag the Opacity slider to
50% as shown below. Change the icon's name to ic_clear_opaque_24dp .

5. In activity_main.xml , change the "Hello World" TextView to an EditText with the

following attributes:

Attribute Value
android:id "@+id/my_edit_text"

android:layout_width "wrap_content"

android:layout_height "wrap_content"

android:textAppearance "@style/Base.TextAppearance.AppCompat.Display1"

android:inputType "textCapSentences"

android:layout_gravity "start"

android:textAlignment "viewStart"

app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf "parent"

app:layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf "parent"

app:layout_constraintRight_toRightOf "parent"

app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf "parent"

android:hint "Last name"

6. Extract the string resource for "Last name" to last_name .


7. Run the app. It displays an EditText field for entering text (a last name), and uses the
textCapSentences attribute to capitalize the first letter.



1.2 Add a subclass that extends EditText

1. Create a new Java class called EditTextWithClear with the superclass set to . AppCompatEditText is an EditText

subclass that supports compatible features on older version of the Android platform.
2. The editor opens . A red bulb appears a few moments after you
click the class definition because the class is not complete—it needs constructors.
3. Click the red bulb and select Create constructor matching super. Select all three
constructors in the popup menu, and click OK.

The three constructors are:

AppCompatEditText(context:Context): Required for creating an instance of a view

AppCompatEditText(context:Context, attrs:AttributeSet): Required to inflate the
view from an XML layout and apply XML attributes.
AppCompatEditText(context:Context, attrs:AttributeSet, defStyleAttr:int):
Required to apply a default style to all UI elements without having to specify it in each
layout file.

1.3 Initialize the custom view

Create a helper method that initializes the view, and call that method from each constructor.
That way, you don't have to repeat the same code in each constructor.

1. Define a member variable for the drawable (the X button image).

Drawable mClearButtonImage;

2. Create a private method called init() , with no parameters, that initializes the
member variable to the drawable resource ic_clear_opaque_24dp .

private void init() {

mClearButtonImage = ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(getResources(),
R.drawable.ic_clear_opaque_24dp, null);
// TODO: If the clear (X) button is tapped, clear the text.
// TODO: If the text changes, show or hide the clear (X) button.

The code includes two TODO comments for upcoming steps of this task.

3. Add the init() method call to each constructor:


public EditTextWithClear(Context context) {

public EditTextWithClear(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
public EditTextWithClear(Context context,
AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);

1.4 Show or hide the X button

If the user enters text, the EditTextWithClear custom view shows the clear (X) button. If
there is no text in the field, the EditTextWithClear custom view hides the clear (X) button.

To show or hide the button, use the TextWatcher interface, whose methods are called if the
text changes. Follow these steps:

1. Open EditTextWithClear and create two private methods with no parameters,

showClearButton() and hideClearButton() . In these methods, use

setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds() to show or hide the clear (X)


* Shows the clear (X) button.
private void showClearButton() {
(null, // Start of text.
null, // Above text.
mClearButtonImage, // End of text.
null); // Below text.

* Hides the clear button.
private void hideClearButton() {
(null, // Start of text.
null, // Above text.
null, // End of text.
null); // Below text.


In showClearButton() , the setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds() method

sets the drawable mClearButtonImage to the end of the text. The method
accommodates right-to-left (RTL) languages by using the arguments as "start" and
"end" positions rather than "left" and "right" positions. For more about supporting RTL
languages, see the lesson on localization.

Use null for positions that should not show a drawable . In hideClearButton() , the
setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds() method replaces the drawable

with null in the end position.

The setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds() method returns the exact size

of the drawable . This method requires a minimum Android API level 17 or newer. Be
sure to edit your build.gradle (Module: app) file to use minSdkVersion 17 .

2. In EditTextWithClear , add a TextWatcher() inside the init() method, replacing the

second TODO comment ( TODO: If the text changes, show or hide the clear (X)
button ). Let Android Studio do the work for you: start by entering addText:

// If the text changes, show or hide the clear (X) button.


3. After entering addText, choose the suggestion that appears for

addTextChangedListener(TextWatcher watcher). The code changes to the following,
and a red bulb appears as a warning.


4. In the code shown above, enter new T inside the parentheses:

addTextChangedListener(new T)

5. Choose the TextWatcher{...} suggestion that appears. Android Studio creates the
beforeTextChanged() , onTextChanged() , and afterTextChanged() methods inside the

addTextChangedListener() method, as shown in the code below:


addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start,
int count, int after) {

public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start,
int before, int count) {

public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {

6. In the onTextChanged() method, call the showClearButton() method for showing the
clear (X) button. You implement only onTextChanged() in this practical, so leave
beforeTextChanged() and afterTextChanged() alone, or just add comments to them.

public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start,

int before, int count) {

1.5 Add touch and text listeners

Other behaviors of the EditTextWithClear custom view are to:

Clear the text from the field if the user taps the clear (X) button.
Render the clear (X) button as opaque before the user taps it, and black while the user
is tapping it.

To detect the tap and clear the text, use the View.OnTouchListener interface. The interface's
onTouch() method is called when a touch event occurs with the button.

Tip: To learn more about event listeners, see Input Events.

You should design the EditTextWithClear class to be useful in both left-to-right (LTR) and
right-to-left (RTL) language layouts. However, the button is on the right side in an LTR
layout, and on the left side of an RTL layout. The code needs to detect whether the touch
occurred on the button itself. It checks to see if the touch occurred after the start location of


the button. The start location of the button is different in an RTL layout than it is in an LTR
layout, as shown in the figure.

In the figure above:

1. The start location of the button in an LTR layout. Moving to the right, the touch must
occur after this location on the screen and before the right edge.
2. The start location of the button in an RTL layout. Moving to the left, the touch must
occur after this location on the screen and before the left edge.

Tip: To learn more about reporting finger movement events, see MotionEvent .

Follow these steps to use the View.OnTouchListener interface:

1. In the init() method, replace the first TODO comment ( TODO: If the clear (X) button
is tapped, clear the text ) with the following code. If the clear (X) button is visible, this

code sets a touch listener that responds to events inside the bounds of the button.

// If the clear (X) button is tapped, clear the text.

setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
return false;

2. In the onTouch() method, replace the single return false statement with the

if ((getCompoundDrawablesRelative()[2] != null)) {
float clearButtonStart; // Used for LTR languages
float clearButtonEnd; // Used for RTL languages
boolean isClearButtonClicked = false;
// TODO: Detect the touch in RTL or LTR layout direction.
// TODO: Check for actions if the button is tapped.
return false;

In the previous step, you set the location of the clear (X) button using
setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds() :


Location 0: Start of text (set to null ).

Location 1: Top of text (set to null ).
Location 2: End of text (set to mClearButtonImage ).
Location 3: Bottom of text (set to null ).
In the above step, you use the getCompoundDrawablesRelative()[2] expression, which
uses getCompoundDrawablesRelative() to return the drawable at the end of the text
[2] . If no drawable is present, the expression returns null . The code executes only

if that location is not null —which means that the clear (X) button is in that location.
Otherwise, the code returns false .

1.6 Recognize the user's tap

To recognize the user's tap on the clear (X) button, you need to get the intrinsic bounds of
the button and compare it with the touch event.

For an LTR language, the clear (X) button starts on the right side of the field. Any touch
occurring after the start point is a touch on the button itself.
For an RTL language, the clear (X) button ends on the left side of the field. Any touch
occurring before the endpoint is a touch on the button itself.

Follow these steps:

1. Use getLayoutDirection() to get the current layout direction. Use the MotionEvent
getX() method to determine whether the touch occurred after the start of the button in

an LTR layout, or before the end of the button in an RTL layout. In the onTouch()
method, replace the first TODO comment ( TODO: Detect the touch in RTL or LTR layout
direction ):


// Detect the touch in RTL or LTR layout direction.

if (getLayoutDirection() == LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL) {
// If RTL, get the end of the button on the left side.
clearButtonEnd = mClearButtonImage
.getIntrinsicWidth() + getPaddingStart();
// If the touch occurred before the end of the button,
// set isClearButtonClicked to true.
if (event.getX() < clearButtonEnd) {
isClearButtonClicked = true;
} else {
// Layout is LTR.
// Get the start of the button on the right side.
clearButtonStart = (getWidth() - getPaddingEnd()
- mClearButtonImage.getIntrinsicWidth());
// If the touch occurred after the start of the button,
// set isClearButtonClicked to true.
if (event.getX() > clearButtonStart) {
isClearButtonClicked = true;

2. Check for actions if the clear (X) button is tapped. On ACTION_DOWN , you want to show
the black version of the button as a highlight. On ACTION_UP , you want to switch back to
the default version of the button, clear the text, and hide the button. In the onTouch()
method, replace the second TODO comment ( TODO: Check for actions if the button is
tapped ):


// Check for actions if the button is tapped.

if (isClearButtonClicked) {
// Check for ACTION_DOWN (always occurs before ACTION_UP).
if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
// Switch to the black version of clear button.
mClearButtonImage =
R.drawable.ic_clear_black_24dp, null);
// Check for ACTION_UP.
if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
// Switch to the opaque version of clear button.
mClearButtonImage =
R.drawable.ic_clear_opaque_24dp, null);
// Clear the text and hide the clear button.
return true;
} else {
return false;

The first touch event is ACTION_DOWN . Use it to check if the clear (X) button is touched
( ACTION_DOWN ). If it is, switch the clear button to the black version.

The second touch event, ACTION_UP occurs when the gesture is finished. Your code
can then clear the text, hide the clear (X) button, and return true . Otherwise the code
returns false .

1.7 Change the EditText view to the custom view

The EditTextWithClear class is now ready to be used in place of the EditText view in the

1. In activity_main.xml , change the EditText tag for the my_edit_text element to .

The EditTextWithClear class inherits the attributes defined for the original EditText ,
so there is no need to change any of them for this step.

If you see the message "classes missing" in the preview, click the link to rebuild the


2. Run the app. Enter text, and then tap the clear (X) button to clear the text.

1.8 Run the app with an RTL language

To test an RTL language, you can add Hebrew in the Translations Editor, switch the device
or emulator to Hebrew, and run the app. Follow these steps:

1. Open the strings.xml file, and click the Open editor link in the top right corner to open
the Translations Editor.
2. Click the globe button in the top left corner of the Translations Editor pane, and select
Hebrew (iw) in Israel (IL) in the dropdown menu.

After you choose a language, a new column with blank entries appears in the
Translations Editor for that language, and the keys that have not yet been translated
appear in red.

3. Enter the Hebrew translation of "Last name" for the last_name key by selecting the
key's cell in the column for the language (Hebrew), and entering the translation in the
Translation field at the bottom of the pane. (For instructions on using the Translations
Editor, see the chapter on localization.) When finished, close the Translations Editor.

4. On your device or emulator, find the Languages & input settings in the Settings app.
For devices using Android Oreo (8) or newer, the Languages & input choice is under


Be sure to remember the globe icon for the Languages & input choice, so that you can

find it again if you switch to a language you do not understand.

5. Choose Languages (or Language on Android 6 or older), which is easy to find

because it is the first choice on the Languages & input screen.

6. For devices and emulators running Android 6 or older, select ‫ ִעבִרית‬for Hebrew. For
devices and emulators running Android 7 or newer, click Add a language, select ‫ִעבִרית‬,
select ( ‫ עברית )ישראל‬for the locale, and then use the move icon on the right side of the
Language preferences screen to drag the language to the top of the list.
7. Run the app. The EditTextWithClear element should be reversed for an RTL language,
with the clear (X) button on the left side, as shown below.
8. Put a finger on the clear (X) button, or if you're using a mouse, click and hold on the
clear button. Then drag away from the clear button. The button changes from gray to
black, indicating that it is still touched.



9. To change back from Hebrew to English, repeat Steps 4-6 above with the selection
English for language and United States for locale.

Solution code
Android Studio project: CustomEditText

To create a custom view that inherits the look and behavior of a View subclass such as
EditText , add a new class that extends the subclass (such as EditText ), and make

adjustments by overriding some of the subclass methods.

Add listeners such as View.OnClickListener to the custom view to define the view's
interactive behavior.
Add the custom view to an XML layout file with attributes to define the view's
appearance, as you would with other UI elements.

Tip: View the different methods of the View subclasses, such as TextView , Button , and
ImageView , to see how you can modify a View subclass by overriding these methods. For

example, you can override the setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds() method

of a TextView (or an EditText , which is a subclass of TextView ) to set a drawable to
appear to the start of, above, to the end of, and below the text.

Related concept
The related concept documentation is Custom views.

Learn more
Android developer documentation:

Creating Custom Views

Custom Components

Input Events







Quick Intro to Creating a Custom View in Android

Android Custom View Tutorial


10.1B: Creating a custom view from


What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Create a custom view from scratch
Task 1 solution code
Coding challenge 1
Challenge 1 solution code
Coding challenge 2
Challenge 2 solution code
Related concept
Learn more

By extending View directly, you can create an interactive UI element of any size and shape
by overriding the onDraw() method for the View to draw it. After you create a custom view,
you can add it to different layouts in the same way you would add any other View . This
lesson shows you how to create a custom view from scratch by extending View directly.

What you should already KNOW

You should be able to:

Create and run apps in Android Studio.

Use the Layout Editor to create a UI.
Edit a layout in XML.
Use touch, text, and click listeners in your code.
Create an app with an options menu

What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:


Extend View to create a custom view.

Draw a simple custom view that is circular in shape.
Use listeners to handle user interaction with the custom view.
Use a custom view in a layout.

What you will DO

Extend View to create a custom view.
Initialize the custom view with drawing and painting values.
Override onDraw() to draw the view.
Use listeners to provide the custom view's behavior.
Add the custom view to a layout.

App overview
The CustomFanController app demonstrates how to create a custom view subclass from
scratch by extending the View class. The app displays a circular UI element that resembles
a physical fan control, with settings for off (0), low (1), medium (2), and high (3). You can
modify the subclass to change the number of settings, and use standard XML attributes to
define its appearance.


Task 1. Create a custom view from scratch

In this task you will:

Create an app with an ImageView as a placeholder for the custom view.

Extend View to create the custom view.
Initialize the custom view with drawing and painting values.
Override onDraw() to draw the dial with an indicator and text labels for the settings: 0
(off), 1 (low), 2 (medium), and 3 (high).
Use the View.OnClickListener interface to move the dial indicator to the next selection,
and change the dial's color from gray to green for selections 1 through 3 (indicating that
the fan power is on).
In the layout, replace the ImageView placeholder with the custom view.

All the code to draw the custom view is provided in this task. (You learn more about
onDraw() and drawing on a Canvas object with a Paint object in another lesson.)

1.1 Create an app with an ImageView placeholder

1. Create an app with the title CustomFanController using the Empty Activity template, and
make sure the Generate Layout File option is selected.
2. Open activity_main.xml . The "Hello World" TextView appears centered within a
ConstraintLayout . Click the Text tab to edit the XML code, and delete the

app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf attribute from the TextView .

3. Add or change the following TextView attributes, leaving the other layout attributes
(such as layout_constraintTop_toTopOf ) the same:

TextView attribute Value

android:id "@+id/customViewLabel"

android:textAppearance "@style/Base.TextAppearance.AppCompat.Display1"

android:padding "16dp"

android:layout_marginLeft "8dp"

android:layout_marginStart "8dp"

android:layout_marginEnd "8dp"

android:layout_marginRight "8dp"

android:layout_marginTop "24dp"

android:text "Fan Control"

4. Add an ImageView as a placeholder, with the following attributes:


ImageView attribute Value

android:id "@+id/dialView"

android:layout_width "200dp"

android:layout_height "200dp"

android:background "@android:color/darker_gray"

app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf "@+id/customViewLabel"

app:layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf "parent"

app:layout_constraintRight_toRightOf "parent"

android:layout_marginLeft "8dp"

android:layout_marginRight "8dp"

android:layout_marginTop "8dp"

5. Extract string and dimension resources in both UI elements.

The layout should look like the figure below.

In the above figure:

1. Component Tree with layout elements in activity_main.xml

2. ImageView to be replaced with a custom view

3. ImageView attributes

1.2 Extend View and initialize the view


1. Create a new Java class called DialView , whose superclass is android.view.View .

2. Click the red bulb for the new DialView class, and choose Create constructor
matching super. Select the first three constructors in the popup menu (the fourth
constructor requires API 21 and is not needed for this example).
3. At the top of DialView define the member variables you need in order to draw the
custom view:

private static int SELECTION_COUNT = 4; // Total number of selections.

private float mWidth; // Custom view width.
private float mHeight; // Custom view height.
private Paint mTextPaint; // For text in the view.
private Paint mDialPaint; // For dial circle in the view.
private float mRadius; // Radius of the circle.
private int mActiveSelection; // The active selection.
// String buffer for dial labels and float for ComputeXY result.
private final StringBuffer mTempLabel = new StringBuffer(8);
private final float[] mTempResult = new float[2];

The SELECTION_COUNT defines the total number of selections for this custom view. The
code is designed so that you can change this value to create a control with more or
fewer selections.

The mTempLabel and mTempResult member variables provide temporary storage for the
result of calculations, and are used to reduce the memory allocations while drawing.

4. As in the previous app, use a separate method to initialize the view. This init() helper
initializes the above instance variables:

private void init() {

mTextPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
mDialPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
// Initialize current selection.
mActiveSelection = 0;
// TODO: Set up onClick listener for this view.

Paint styles for rendering the custom view are created in the init() method rather

than at render-time with onDraw() . This is to improve performance, because onDraw()

is called frequently. (You learn more about onDraw() and drawing on a Canvas object
with a Paint object in another lesson.)


5. Call init() from each constructor.

6. Because a custom view extends View , you can override View methods such as
onSizeChanged() to control its behavior. In this case you want to determine the drawing

bounds for the custom view's dial by setting its width and height, and calculating its
radius, when the view size changes, which includes the first time it is drawn. Add the
following to DialView :

protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
// Calculate the radius from the width and height.
mWidth = w;
mHeight = h;
mRadius = (float) (Math.min(mWidth, mHeight) / 2 * 0.8);

The onSizeChanged() method is called when the layout is inflated and when the view
has changed. Its parameters are the current width and height of the view, and the "old"
(previous) width and height.

1.3 Draw the custom view

To draw the custom view, your code needs to render an outer grey circle to serve as the dial,
and a smaller black circle to serve as the indicator. The position of the indicator is based on
the user's selection captured in mActiveSelection . Your code must calculate the indicator
position before rendering the view. After adding the code to calculate the position, override
the onDraw() method to render the view.

The code for drawing this view is provided without explanation because the focus of this
lesson is creating and using a custom view. The code uses the Canvas methods
drawCircle() and drawText() .

1. Add the following computeXYForPosition() method to DialView to compute the X and Y

coordinates for the text label and indicator (0, 1, 2, or 3) of the chosen selection, given
the position number and radius:

private float[] computeXYForPosition

(final int pos, final float radius) {
float[] result = mTempResult;
Double startAngle = Math.PI * (9 / 8d); // Angles are in radians.
Double angle = startAngle + (pos * (Math.PI / 4));
result[0] = (float) (radius * Math.cos(angle)) + (mWidth / 2);
result[1] = (float) (radius * Math.sin(angle)) + (mHeight / 2);
return result;


The pos parameter is a position index (starting at 0). The radius parameter is for the
outer circle.

You will use the computeXYForPosition() method in the onDraw() method. It returns a
two-element array for the position, in which element 0 is the X coordinate, and element
1 is the Y coordinate.

2. To render the view on the screen, use the following code to override the onDraw()
method for the view. It uses drawCircle() to draw a circle for the dial, and to draw the
indicator mark. It uses drawText() to place text for labels, using a StringBuffer for the
label text.

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// Draw the dial.
canvas.drawCircle(mWidth / 2, mHeight / 2, mRadius, mDialPaint);
// Draw the text labels.
final float labelRadius = mRadius + 20;
StringBuffer label = mTempLabel;
for (int i = 0; i < SELECTION_COUNT; i++) {
float[] xyData = computeXYForPosition(i, labelRadius);
float x = xyData[0];
float y = xyData[1];
canvas.drawText(label, 0, label.length(), x, y, mTextPaint);
// Draw the indicator mark.
final float markerRadius = mRadius - 35;
float[] xyData = computeXYForPosition(mActiveSelection,
float x = xyData[0];
float y = xyData[1];
canvas.drawCircle(x, y, 20, mTextPaint);

(You learn more about drawing on a Canvas object in another lesson.)

1.4 Add the custom view to the layout

You can now replace the ImageView with the custom DialView class in the layout, in order
to see what it looks like:

1. In activity_main.xml , change the ImageView tag for the dialView to

com.example.customfancontroller.DialView , and delete the android:background



The DialView class inherits the attributes defined for the original ImageView , so there
is no need to change the other attributes.

2. Run the app.



1.5 Add a click listener

To add behavior to the custom view, add an OnClickListener() to the DialView init()
method to perform an action when the user taps the view. Each tap should move the
selection indicator to the next position: 0-1-2-3 and back to 0. Also, if the selection is 1 or
higher, change the background from gray to green (indicating that the fan power is on):

1. Add the following after the TODO comment in the init() method:

setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// Rotate selection to the next valid choice.
mActiveSelection = (mActiveSelection + 1) % SELECTION_COUNT;
// Set dial background color to green if selection is >= 1.
if (mActiveSelection >= 1) {
} else {
// Redraw the view.

The invalidate() method of View invalidates the entire view, forcing a call to
onDraw() to redraw the view. If something in your custom view changes and the

change needs to be displayed, you need to call invalidate() .

2. Run the app. Tap the DialView element to move the indicator from 0 to 1. The dial
should turn green. With each tap, the indicator should move to the next position. When
the indicator reaches 0, the dial should turn gray.


Task 1 solution code

Android Studio project: CustomFanController

Coding challenge 1
Note: All coding challenges are optional.
Challenge: Define two custom attributes for the DialView custom view dial colors:
fanOnColor for the color when the fan is set to the "on" position, and fanOffColor for the

color when the fan is set to the "off" position.

For this challenge you need to do the following:

Create the attrs.xml file in the values folder to define the custom attributes:


<declare-styleable name="DialView">
<attr name="fanOnColor" format="reference|color" />
<attr name="fanOffColor" format="reference|color" />

Define color values in the colors.xml file in the values folder:

<color name="red1">#FF2222</color>
<color name="green1">#22FF22</color>
<color name="blue1">#2222FF</color>
<color name="cyan1">#22FFFF</color>
<color name="gray1">#8888AA</color>
<color name="yellow1">#ffff22</color>

Specify the fanOnColor and fanOffColor custom attributes with DialView in the

app:layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf="parent" />

Create three constructors for DialView , which call the init() method. Include in the
init() method the default color settings, and paint the initial "off" state of the

DialView with mFanOffColor :

// Set default fan on and fan off colors

mFanOnColor = Color.CYAN;
mFanOffColor = Color.GRAY;
// ... Rest of init() code to paint the DialView.

Use the following code in the init() method to supply the attributes to the custom
view. The code uses a typed array for the attributes:


// Get the custom attributes (fanOnColor and fanOffColor) if available.

if (attrs! = null) {
TypedArray typedArray = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,
0, 0);
// Set the fan on and fan off colors from the attribute values.
mFanOnColor = typedArray.getColor(R.styleable.DialView_fanOnColor,
mFanOffColor = typedArray.getColor(R.styleable.DialView_fanOffColor,

In the init() method, change the onClick() method for the DialView to use
mFanOnColor and mFanOffColor to set the colors when the dial is clicked:

// Set up onClick listener for the DialView.

setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
// Rotate selection forward to the next valid choice.
mActiveSelection = (mActiveSelection + 1) % SELECTION_COUNT;
// Set dial background color if selection is >= 1.
if (mActiveSelection >= 1) {
} else {
// Redraw the view.

Run the app. The dial's color for the "off" position should be gray (as before), and the color
for any of the "on" positions should be cyan—defined as the default colors for mFanOnColor
and mFanOffColor .


Change the fanOnColor and fanOffColor custom attributes in the layout:



Run the app again. The dial's color for the "off" position should be blue, and the color for any
of the "on" positions should be red. Try other combinations of colors that you defined in

colors.xml .

You have successfully created custom attributes for DialView that you can change in your
layout to suit the color choices for the overall UI that will include the DialView .

Challenge 1 solution code

Android Studio project: CustomFanChallenge

Coding challenge 2
Note: All coding challenges are optional.


Challenge: Enable the app user to change the number of selections on the circular dial in
the DialView , as shown in the figure below.

For four selections (0, 1, 2, and 3) or fewer, the selections should still appear as before
along the top half of the circular dial. For more than four selections, the selections should be
symmetrical around the dial.

To enable the user to change the number of selections, use the options menu in
MainActivity . Note that because you are adding the number of selections as a custom

attribute, you can set the initial number of selections in the XML layout file (as you did with

Preliminary steps
Add an options menu to the app. Because this involves also changing the styles.xml file
and the code for showing the app bar, you may find it easier to do the following:

1. Start a new app using the Basic Activity template, which provides a MainActivity with
an options menu and a floating action button. Remove the floating action button.
2. Add a new Activity using the Empty Activity template. Copy the DialView custom
view code from the CustomFanController app or CustomFanChallenge app and paste it
into the new Activity .
3. Add the elements of the activity_main.xml layout from the CustomFanController app
or CustomFanChallenge app to content_main.xml in the new app.

The DialView custom view is hardcoded to have 4 selections (0, 1, 2, and 3), which are
defined by the integer constant SELECTION_COUNT . However, if you change the code to use
an integer variable ( mSelectionCount ) and expose a method to set the number of selections,


then the user can customize the number of selections for the dial. The following code
elements are all you need:

A custom attribute, selectionIndicators , in the res/values/attrs.xml file

A "setter" method, setSelectionCount(int count) , in the DialView class. This method
sets or updates the value of the selectionIndicators attribute.
A simple UI (the options menu) in MainActivity for choosing the number of selections

In :

Set mSelectionCount to the attribute value in the TypedArray :

mSelectionCount =

Use mSelectionCount in place of the SELECTION_COUNT constant in the onClick() ,

onDraw() , and computeXYForPosition() methods.

Change the computeXYForPosition() method to calculate selection positions for

selections greater than 4, and add a parameter called isLabel . The isLabel
parameter will be true if drawing the text labels, and false if drawing the dot
indicator mark:


private float[] computeXYForPosition(final int pos, final float radius , boolean isLab
el) {
float[] result = mTempResult;
Double startAngle;
Double angle;
if (mSelectionCount > 4) {
startAngle = Math.PI * (3 / 2d);
angle= startAngle + (pos * (Math.PI / mSelectionCount));
result[0] = (float) (radius * Math.cos(angle * 2))
+ (mWidth / 2);
result[1] = (float) (radius * Math.sin(angle * 2))
+ (mHeight / 2);
if((angle > Math.toRadians(360)) && isLabel) {
result[1] += 20;
} else {
startAngle = Math.PI * (9 / 8d);
angle= startAngle + (pos * (Math.PI / mSelectionCount));
result[0] = (float) (radius * Math.cos(angle))
+ (mWidth / 2);
result[1] = (float) (radius * Math.sin(angle))
+ (mHeight / 2);
return result;

Change the onDraw() code that calls computeXYForPosition() to include the isLabel

//... For text labels:

float[] xyData = computeXYForPosition(i, labelRadius, true);
//... For the indicator mark:
float[] xyData = computeXYForPosition(mActiveSelection, markerRadius, false);

Add a "setter" method that sets the selection count, and resets the active selection to
zero and the color to the "off" color:

public void setSelectionCount(int count) {

this.mSelectionCount = count;
this.mActiveSelection = 0;

In the menu_main.xml file, add menu items for the options menu:

Provide the text for a menu item for each dial selection from 3 through 9.


Use the android:orderInCategory attribute to order the menu items from 3 through 9.
For example, for "Selections: 4," which corresponds to the string resource
dial_settings4 :

app:showAsAction="never" />

In :

Create an instance of the custom view in MainActivity :

DialView mCustomView;

After setting the content view in onCreate() , assign the dialView resource in the
layout to mCustomView :

mCustomView = findViewById(;

Use the onOptionsItemSelected() method to call the "setter" method

setSelectionCount() . Use item.getOrder() to get the selection count from the

android:orderInCategory attribute of the menu items:

int n = item.getOrder();

return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

Run the app. You can now change the number of selections on the dial using the options
menu, as shown in the previous figure.

Challenge 2 solution code

Android Studio project: CustomFanControllerSettings

To create a custom view of any size and shape, add a new class that extends View .
Override View methods such as onDraw() to define the view's shape and basic


Use invalidate() to force a draw or redraw of the view.
To optimize performance, assign any required values for drawing and painting before
using them in onDraw() , such as in the constructor or the init() helper method.
Add listeners such as View.OnClickListener to the custom view to define the view's
interactive behavior.
Add the custom view to an XML layout file with attributes to define its appearance, as
you would with other UI elements.
Create the attrs.xml file in the values folder to define custom attributes. You can
then use the custom attributes for the custom view in the XML layout file.

Related concept
The related concept documentation is Custom views.

Learn more
Android developer documentation:

Creating Custom Views

Custom Components
Input Events


Quick Intro to Creating a Custom View in Android

Android Custom View Tutorial


11.1A: Creating a simple Canvas object


What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Create a canvas and draw on it
Solution code
Related concept
Learn more

When you want to create your own custom 2D drawings for Android, you can do so in the
following ways.

1. Draw your graphics or animations on a View object in your layout. By using this option,
the system's rendering pipeline handles your graphics—it's your responsibility to define
the graphics inside the view.
2. Draw your graphics in a Canvas object. To use this option, you pass your Canvas to
the appropriate class' onDraw(Canvas) method. You can also use the drawing methods
in Canvas . This option also puts you in control of any animation.

Drawing to a view is a good choice when you want to draw simple graphics that don't need
to change dynamically, and when your graphics aren't part of a performance-intensive app
such as a game. For example, you should draw your graphics into a view when you want to
display a static graphic or predefined animation, within an otherwise static app. For more
information, read Drawables .

Drawing to a canvas is better when your app needs to regularly redraw itself. Apps, such as
video games, should draw to the canvas on their own. This practical shows you how to
create a canvas, associate it with a bitmap, and associate the bitmap with an ImageView for

When you want to draw shapes or text into a view on Android, you need:

A Canvas object. Very simplified, a Canvas is a logical 2D drawing surface that

provides methods for drawing onto a bitmap.
An instance of the Bitmap class which represents the physical drawing surface and
gets pushed to the display by the GPU.


A View instance associated with the bitmap.

A Paint object that holds the style and color information about how to draw
geometries, text, and on bitmap.
The Canvas class also provides methods for clipping views. Clipping is the action of
defining geometrically what portion of the canvas the user sees in the view. This visible
portion is called the viewport in graphics terminology.

The figure below shows all the pieces required to draw to a canvas.

You do not need a custom view to draw, as you learn in this practical. Typically you draw by
overriding the onDraw() method of a View , as shown in the next practicals.

See the Graphics Architecture series of articles for an in-depth explanation of how the
Android framework draws to the screen.

What you should already KNOW

You should be able to:

Create apps with Android Studio and run them on a physical or virtual mobile device.
Add a click event handler to a View .
Create and display a custom View .

What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:

Create a Canvas object, associate it with a Bitmap object, and display the bitmap in an
ImageView .

Style drawing properties with a Paint object.

Draw on a canvas in response to a click event.


What you will DO

Create an app that draws on the screen in response to touch events.

App overview
As you build the SimpleCanvas app, you learn how to create a canvas, associate it with a
bitmap, and associate the bitmap with an ImageView for display.

When the user clicks in the app, a rectangle appears. As the user continues to click, the app
draws increasingly smaller rectangles onto the canvas.

When you start the app, you see a white surface, the default background for the ImageView .

Tap the screen, and it fills with orange color, and the underlined text "Keep tapping" is
drawn. For the next four taps, four differently colored inset rectangles are drawn. On the final
tap, a circle with centered text tells you that you are "Done!", as shown in the screenshot

If the device is rotated, the drawing is reset, because the app does not save state. In this
case, this behavior is "by design," to give you a quick way of clearing the canvas.



Task 1. Create a canvas and draw on it

You can associate a Canvas with an ImageView and draw on it in response to user actions.
This basic implementation of drawing does not require a custom View . You create an app
with a layout that includes an ImageView that has a click handler. You implement the click
handler in MainActivity to draw on and display the Canvas .

Note: The benefit of doing an example without a custom view is that you can focus on
drawing on the canvas. For a real-world application, you are likely to need a custom view.

1.1 Create the SimpleCanvas project and layout

1. Create the SimpleCanvas project with the Empty Activity template.
2. In activity_main.xml , replace the TextView with an ImageView that fills the parent.
3. Add an onClick property to the ImageView and create a stub for the click handler
called drawSomething() . Your XML code should look similar to this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>




4. Add the following color resources to the colors.xml file.

<color name="colorRectangle">#455A64</color>
<color name="colorBackground">#FFFFD600</color>

5. Add the following string resources to the strings.xml file.

<string name="keep_tapping">Keep tapping.</string>

<string name="done">Done!</string>


1.2 Create the SimpleCanvas member variables and

In :

1. Create a Canvas member variable mCanvas .

The Canvas object stores information on what to draw onto its associated bitmap. For
example, lines, circles, text, and custom paths.

private Canvas mCanvas;

2. Create a Paint member variable mPaint and initialize it with default values.

The Paint objects store how to draw. For example, what color, style, line thickness, or
text size. Paint offers a rich set of coloring, drawing, and styling options. You
customize them below.

private Paint mPaint = new Paint();

3. Create a Paint object for underlined text. Paint offers a full complement of
typographical styling methods. You can supply these styling flags when you initialize the
object or set them later.

private Paint mPaintText = new Paint(Paint.UNDERLINE_TEXT_FLAG);

4. Create a Bitmap member variable mBitmap .

The Bitmap represents the pixels that are shown on the display.

private Bitmap mBitmap;

5. Create a member variable for the ImageView , mImageView .

A view, in this example an ImageView , is the container for the bitmap. Layout on the
screen and all user interaction is through the view.

private ImageView mImageView;

6. Create two Rect variables, mRect and mBounds and initialize them to rectangles.

private Rect mRect = new Rect();

private Rect mBounds = new Rect();


7. Create a constant OFFSET initialized to 120, and initialize a member variable mOffset
with the constant. This offset is the distance of a rectangle you draw from the edge of
the canvas.

private static final int OFFSET = 120;

private int mOffset = OFFSET;

8. Create a MULTIPLIER constant initialized to 100. You will need this constant later, for
generating random colors.

private static final int MULTIPLIER = 100;

9. Add the following private member variables for colors.

private int mColorBackground;

private int mColorRectangle;
private int mColorAccent;

1.3 Fix the onCreate method and customize the mPaint

member variable

1. Verify that onCreate() looks like the code below.

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

2. In onCreate() , get color resources and assign them to the color member variables.

mColorBackground = ResourcesCompat.getColor(getResources(),
R.color.colorBackground, null);
mColorRectangle = ResourcesCompat.getColor(getResources(),
R.color.colorRectangle, null);
mColorAccent = ResourcesCompat.getColor(getResources(),
R.color.colorAccent, null);

3. In onCreate() , set the color of mPaint to mColorBackground .


4. In onCreate() , set the color for mPaintText to the theme color colorPrimaryDark , and
set the text size to 70. Depending on the screen size of your device, you may need to


adjust the text size.

R.color.colorPrimaryDark, null)

5. Get a reference to the image view.

mImageView = (ImageView) findViewById(;

Important: You cannot create the Canvas in onCreate() , because the views have not
been laid out, so their final size is not available. When you create a custom view in a
later lesson, you learn different ways to initialize your drawing surface.

1.4 Implement the drawSomething() click handler method

The drawSomething() method is where all the interaction with the user and drawing on the
canvas are implemented.

The drawSomething() click handler responds to user taps by drawing an increasingly smaller
rectangle until it runs out of room. Then it draws a circle with the text "Done!" to demonstrate
basics of drawing on canvas.

You always need to do at least the following:

1. Create Bitmap .
2. Associate Bitmap with View .
3. Create Canvas with Bitmap .
4. Draw on Canvas .
5. Call invalidate() on the View to force redraw.

Inside the drawSomething() method, add code as follows.

1. Create or verify the signature for the drawSomething() method.

public void drawSomething(View view) {}

2. Get the width and height of the view and create convenience variables for half the width
and height. You must do this step every time the method is called, because the size of
the view can change (for example, when the device is rotated).


int vWidth = view.getWidth();

int vHeight = view.getHeight();
int halfWidth = vWidth / 2;
int halfHeight = vHeight / 2;

3. Add an if-else statement for (mOffset == OFFSET) .

When drawSomething() is called, the app is in one of three states:

4. mOffset == OFFSET . The app is only in this state the first time the user taps. Create the

Bitmap , associate it with the View , create the Canvas , fill the background, and draw

some text. Increase the offset.

5. mOffset != OFFSET and the offset is smaller than half the screen width and height. Draw

a rectangle with a computed color and increase the offset.

6. mOffset != OFFSET and the offset is equal to or larger than half the screen width and

height. Draw a circle with the text "Done!".

if (mOffset == OFFSET) {
} else {
if (mOffset < halfWidth && mOffset < halfHeight) {
} else {

7. Inside the outer if statement (mOffset == OFFSET) , create a Bitmap .

8. Supply the width and height for the bitmap, which are going to be the same as the width
and height of the view.

9. Pass in a Bitmap.config configuration object. A bitmap configuration describes how

pixels are stored. How pixels are stored affects the quality (color depth) as well as the
ability to display transparent/translucent colors. The ARGB_8888 format supports Alpha ,
Red, Green, and Blue channels for each pixel. Each color is encoded in 8 bits, for a
total of 4 bytes per pixel.

mBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(vWidth, vHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);

10. Associate the bitmap with the ImageView .


11. Create a Canvas and associate it with mBitmap , so that drawing on the canvas draws
on the bitmap.


mCanvas = new Canvas(mBitmap);

12. Fill the entire canvas with the background color.


13. Draw the "Keep tapping" text onto the canvas. You need to supply a string, x and y
positions, and a Paint object for styling.

mCanvas.drawText(getString(R.string.keep_tapping), 100, 100, mPaintText);

14. Increase the offset.

mOffset += OFFSET;

15. At the end of the drawSomething() method, invalidate() the view so that the system
redraws the view every time drawSomething() is executed.

When a view is invalidated, the system does not draw the view with the values it already
has. Instead, the system recalculates the view with the new values that you supply. The
screen refreshes 60 times a second, so the view is drawn 60 times per second. To save
work and time, the system can reuse the existing view until it is told that the view has
changed, the existing view is invalid, and the system thus has to recalculate an updated
version of the view.


Note: If you run the app at this point, it should start with a blank screen, and when you
tap, the screen fills and the text appears.

16. In the else block, inside the if statement

17. Set the color of mPaint . This code generates the next color by subtracting the current
offset times a multiplier from the original color. A color is represented by a single
number, so you can manipulate it in this way for some fun effects.

18. Change the size of the mRect rectangle to the width of the view, minus the current
19. Draw the rectangle with mPaint styling.
20. Increase the offset.

Below is the complete if portion of the code.


if (mOffset < halfWidth && mOffset < halfHeight) {

// Change the color by subtracting an integer.
mPaint.setColor(mColorRectangle - MULTIPLIER*mOffset);
mOffset, mOffset, vWidth - mOffset, vHeight - mOffset);
mCanvas.drawRect(mRect, mPaint);
// Increase the indent.
mOffset += OFFSET;

1. In the else statement, when the offset is too large to draw another rectangle:

2. Set the color of mPaint .

3. Draw a circle with the paint.

4. Get the "Done" string and calculate its bounding box, then calculate x and y to draw the
text at the center of the circle. The bounding box defines a rectangle that encloses the
string. You cannot make calculations on a string, but you can use the dimensions of the
bounding box to calculate, its center.

else {
mCanvas.drawCircle(halfWidth, halfHeight, halfWidth / 3, mPaint);
String text = getString(R.string.done);
// Get bounding box for text to calculate where to draw it.
mPaintText.getTextBounds(text, 0, text.length(), mBounds);
// Calculate x and y for text so it's centered.
int x = halfWidth - mBounds.centerX();
int y = halfHeight - mBounds.centerY();
mCanvas.drawText(text, x, y, mPaintText);

5. Run your app and tap multiple times to draw. Rotate the screen to reset the app.

Solution code
Android Studio project: SimpleCanvas.

To draw on the display of a mobile device with Android you need a View , a Canvas , a
Paint , and a Bitmap object.

The Bitmap is the physical drawing surface. The Canvas provides an API to draw on
the bitmap, the Paint is for styling what you draw, and the View displays the Bitmap .


You create a Bitmap , associate it with a View , create a Canvas with a Paint object
for the Bitmap , and then you can draw.
You must invalidate() the view when your are done drawing, so that the Android
System redraws the display.
All drawing happens on the UI thread, so performance matters.

Related concepts
The related concept documentation is in The Canvas class.

Learn more
Android developer documentation:

Canvas class

Bitmap class

View class

Paint class

Bitmap.config configurations

Canvas and Drawables

Graphics Architecture series of articles (advanced)


11.1B: Drawing on a Canvas object


What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Create a canvas and respond to user events
Solution code
Coding challenge
Related concept
Learn more

In a previous practical, you learned the fundamentals of 2D custom drawing in Android by

drawing on a Canvas in response to user input.

A more common pattern for using the Canvas class is to subclass one of the View classes,
override its onDraw() and onSizeChanged() methods to draw, and override the
onTouchEvent() method to handle user touches.

In this practical, you write an app that uses that pattern.

What you should already KNOW

You should be able to:

Create apps with Android Studio and run them on a physical or virtual mobile device.
Add event handlers to views.
Create a custom View .
Create a bitmap and associate it with a view. Create a canvas for a bitmap. Create and
customize a Paint object for styling. Draw on the Canvas and refresh the display.

What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:

Create a custom View, capture the user's motion event, and interpret it to draw lines
onto the canvas.


What you will DO

Create an app that draws lines on the screen in response to motion events such as the
user touching the screen.

App overview
The CanvasExample uses a custom view to display a line in response to user touches, as
shown in the screenshot below.



Task 1. Create a canvas and respond to user

1.1 Create the CanvasExample project
1. Create a CanvasExample project with the Empty Activity template. Do not add a
layout file as you won't need it.
2. Add the following two colors to the colors.xml file.

<color name="opaque_orange">#FFFF5500</color>
<color name="opaque_yellow">#FFFFEB3B</color>

3. In styles.xml , set the parent of the default style to NoActionBar to remove the action
bar, so that you can draw fullscreen.

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">

1.2 Create the MyCanvasView class

1. In a separate file, create a new class called MyCanvasView .
2. Make the MyCanvasView class extend the View class.
3. Add member variables for Paint and Path objects. Import for
the Path . The path holds the path that you are currently drawing while the user
moves their finger across the screen.
4. Add member variables for Canvas and Bitmap objects; call these mExtraCanvas and
mExtraBitmap , because they are not the default canvas and bitmap used in the

onDraw() method.

5. Add int variables mDrawColor and mBackgroundColor .

private Paint mPaint;

private Path mPath;
private int mDrawColor;
private int mBackgroundColor;
private Canvas mExtraCanvas;
private Bitmap mExtraBitmap;

6. Add constructors to initialize the mPath , mPaint , and mDrawColor variables. (You only
need these two constructors of all that are available.)

Paint.Style specifies if the primitive being drawn is filled, stroked, or both (in the

same color).


Paint.Join specifies how lines and curve segments join on a stroked path.

Paint.Cap specifies how the beginning and ending of stroked lines and paths.

See Paint documentation for a list of attributes that can be set.

Here is the code:

MyCanvasView(Context context) {
this(context, null);

public MyCanvasView(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) {


mBackgroundColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(getResources(),
R.color.opaque_orange, null);
mDrawColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(getResources(),
R.color.opaque_yellow, null);

// Holds the path we are currently drawing.

mPath = new Path();
// Set up the paint with which to draw.
mPaint = new Paint();
// Smoothes out edges of what is drawn without affecting shape.
// Dithering affects how colors with higher-precision device
// than the are down-sampled.
mPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); // default: FILL
mPaint.setStrokeJoin(Paint.Join.ROUND); // default: MITER
mPaint.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND); // default: BUTT
mPaint.setStrokeWidth(12); // default: Hairline-width (really thin)

1. In MainActivity, edit the onCreate() method:

Create a variable myCanvasView of type MyCanvasView .

Create an instance of MyCanvasView and assign it to myCanvasView .
Set the SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN flag on myCanvasView so that the app fills the
Set the myCanvasView view as the content view. You cannot get the size of the view
in the onCreate() method.
Here is the code:


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

MyCanvasView myCanvasView;
// No XML file; just one custom view created programmatically.
myCanvasView = new MyCanvasView(this);
// Request the full available screen for layout.

2. In MyCanvasView , override the onSizeChanged() method.

The onSizeChanged() method is called whenever a view changes size. Because the
view starts out with no size, the onSizeChanged() method is also called after the activity
first inflates the view. This method is thus the ideal place to create and set up the

Create a Bitmap , create a Canvas with the Bitmap , and fill the Canvas with color.

The width and height of this Bitmap are the same as the width and height of the
screen. You will use this Bitmap to store the path that the user draws on the screen.

protected void onSizeChanged(int width, int height,
int oldWidth, int oldHeight) {
super.onSizeChanged(width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight);
// Create bitmap, create canvas with bitmap, fill canvas with color.
mExtraBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height,
mExtraCanvas = new Canvas(mExtraBitmap);
// Fill the Bitmap with the background color.

3. In MyCanvasView , override the onDraw() method. All the drawing work for
MyCanvasView happens in the onDraw() method. In this case, you draw the bitmap that

contains the path that the user has drawn. You will create and save the path in
response to user motion in the next series of steps. Notice that the canvas that is
passed to onDraw() is different than the one created in the onSizeChanged() method.
When the screen first displays, the user has not drawn anything so the screen simply
displays the colored bitmap.

Here is the code:


protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// Draw the bitmap that stores the path the user has drawn.
// Initially the user has not drawn anything
// so we see only the colored bitmap.
canvas.drawBitmap(mExtraBitmap, 0, 0, null);

4. Run your app. The whole screen should fill with orange color.

1.3 Respond to motion on the display

The onTouchEvent() method of the view is called whenever the user touches the display.

1. Override the onTouchEvent() method.

Get the x and y coordinates of the event.

Use a switch statement to handle the events you are interested in. There are
many more touch events available. See the MotionEvent class documentation for
a full list.
Call a utility method for each type of event. You implement those methods next.
You must call invalidate() to redraw the view after it changes. You call it inside
the case statement because you do not want to call invalidate() when the event
is not one of interest.
Here is the code:


public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
float x = event.getX();
float y = event.getY();

// Invalidate() is inside the case statements because there are many

// other types of motion events passed into this listener,
// and we don't want to invalidate the view for those.
switch (event.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
touchStart(x, y);
// No need to invalidate because we are not drawing anything.
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
touchMove(x, y);
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
// No need to invalidate because we are not drawing anything.
// Do nothing.
return true;

2. Add member variables to hold the latest x and y values, which are the starting point for
the next path.

private float mX, mY;

3. Add a TOUCH_TOLERANCE float constant and set it to 4. This tolerance serves two

If the finger has barely moved, there is no need to draw.

Using the path, it is not necessary to draw every pixel and request a refresh of the
display. Instead, you can interpolate for much better performance.
Here is the code:

private static final float TOUCH_TOLERANCE = 4;

4. Implement the touchStart() method.

When the user starts to draw a new line, set the beginning of the contour (line) to x,
y and save the beginning coordinates.
Here is the code:


private void touchStart(float x, float y) {

mPath.moveTo(x, y);
mX = x;
mY = y;

5. Add the touchMove() method.

Calculate the distance that has been moved ( dx, dy ).

If the movement was further than the touch tolerance, add a segment to the path.
Set the starting point for the next segment to the endpoint of this segment.
Using quadTo() instead of lineTo() creates a smoothly drawn line without
corners. See Bezier Curves.
Here is the code:

private void touchMove(float x, float y) {

float dx = Math.abs(x - mX);
float dy = Math.abs(y - mY);
// QuadTo() adds a quadratic bezier from the last point,
// approaching control point (x1,y1), and ending at (x2,y2).
mPath.quadTo(mX, mY, (x + mX)/2, (y + mY)/2);
// Reset mX and mY to the last drawn point.
mX = x;
mY = y;
// Save the path in the extra bitmap,
// which we access through its canvas.
mExtraCanvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaint);

6. Finally, add the touchUp() method. Reset the path so it doesn't get drawn again when
you draw more lines on the screen.

Here is the code:

private void touchUp() {

// Reset the path so it doesn't get drawn again.

7. Run your app. When the app opens, use your finger to draw. (Rotate the device to clear
the screen.)

1.4 Draw a frame around the sketch


As the user draws on the screen, your app constructs the path and saves it in the bitmap
mExtraBitmap . The onDraw() method displays the extra bitmap in the view's canvas. You

can do more drawing in onDraw() if you want. For example, you could draw shapes after
drawing the bitmap.

In this step you will draw a frame around the edge of the picture.

1. In MyCanvasView , add a member variable called mFrame that holds a Rect object.
2. Update onSizeChanged() to create the Rect that will be used for the frame.

protected void onSizeChanged(int width, int height,
int oldWidth, int oldHeight) {
// rest of method is here ...

// Calculate the rect a frame around the picture.

int inset = 40;
mFrame = new Rect (inset, inset, width - inset, height - inset);

3. Update onDraw() to draw a rectangle inset slightly from the edge of the frame. Draw
the frame before drawing the bitmap:

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

// Draw a frame around the picture.

canvas.drawRect(mFrame, mPaint);

// Draw the bitmap that has the saved path.

canvas.drawBitmap(mExtraBitmap, 0, 0, null);

4. Run the app. Does the frame appear? Why not?

5. In onDraw() , move the code that draws the frame to after the call to draw the bitmap.
6. Run the app. Does the frame appear now? Does it still appear when you draw a sketch
on the screen?
7. Feel free to try drawing other shapes in onDraw() . Also experiment with creating a new
Paint object and drawing the frame in a different color than the path.

Solution code
Android Studio project: CanvasExample


Coding challenge
Note: All coding challenges are optional.
Create an app that lets the user draw overlapping rectangles. First, implement it so that
tapping the screen creates the rectangles.
Add functionality where the rectangle starts at a very small size. If the user drags their
finger, let the rectangle increase in size until the user lifts the finger off the screen.

A common pattern for working with a canvas is to create a custom view and override the
onDraw() and onSizeChanged() methods.

Override the onTouchEvent() method to capture user touches and respond to them by
drawing things.

Related concepts
The related concept documentation is in The Canvas class.

Learn more
Android developer documentation:

Canvas class

Bitmap class

View class

Paint class

Bitmap.config configurations

Path class

Bezier curves Wikipedia page

Canvas and Drawables
Graphics Architecture series of articles (advanced)


11.1C: Applying clipping to a Canvas


What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Create an app that demonstrates clipping regions
Solution code
Related concept
Learn more

For the purpose of this practical, clipping is a method for defining regions of an image,
canvas, or bitmap that are selectively drawn or not drawn onto the screen. One purpose of
clipping is to reduce overdraw . You can also use clipping to create interesting effects in user
interface design and animation.

For example, when you draw a stack of overlapping cards as shown below, instead of fully
drawing each card, it is usually more efficient to only draw the visible portions. "Usually",

because clipping operations also have a cost.

You do this by specifying a clipping region for each card. For example in the diagram below,
when a clipping rectangle is applied to an image, only the portion inside that rectangle is
displayed. The clipping region is commonly a rectangle, but it can be any shape or
combination of shapes. You can also specify whether you want the region inside the clipping


region included or excluded. The screenshot below shows an example. When a clipping
rectangle is applied to an image, only the portion inside that rectangle is displayed.

What you should already KNOW

You should be able to:

Create apps with Android Studio and run them on a physical or virtual mobile device.
Add event handlers to views.
Create a custom View .
Create and draw on a Canvas .
Create a Bitmap and associate it with a View ; create a Canvas for a Bitmap ; create
and customize a Paint object for styling; draw on the canvas and refresh the display.
Create a custom View , override onDraw() and onSizeChanged() .

What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:

Apply different kinds of clipping to a canvas.

How to save and restore drawing states of a canvas.

What you will DO


Create an app that draws clipped shapes on the screen.

App overview
The ClippingExample app demonstrates how you can use and combine shapes to specify
which portions of a canvas are displayed in a view.



Task 1. Create an app that demonstrates

clipping regions
1.1 Create the ClippingExample project
1. Create the ClippingExample app with the Empty Activity template. Uncheck Generate
layout file as you don't need it.
2. In the MainActivity class, in the onCreate() method, set the content view to a new
instance of ClippedView .

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
setContentView(new ClippedView(this));

3. Create a new class for a custom view called ClippedView which extends View . The
rest of the work will all be inside ClippedView .

private static class ClippedView extends View {...}

1.2 Add convenience variables for the ClippedView class

1. Define member variables mPaint and mPath in the ClippedView class.

private Paint mPaint;

private Path mPath;

2. For the app to look correct on smaller screens, define dimensions for the smaller screen
in the default dimens.xml file.


<dimen name="clipRectRight">90dp</dimen>
<dimen name="clipRectBottom">90dp</dimen>
<dimen name="clipRectTop">0dp</dimen>
<dimen name="clipRectLeft">0dp</dimen>

<dimen name="rectInset">8dp</dimen>
<dimen name="smallRectOffset">40dp</dimen>

<dimen name="circleRadius">30dp</dimen>
<dimen name="textOffset">20dp</dimen>
<dimen name="strokeWidth">4dp</dimen>

<dimen name="textSize">18sp</dimen>

3. Create a values-sw480dp folder and define values for the larger screens in dimens.xml
in the values-sw480dp folder. (Note: If the empty folder does not show up in Android
Studio, manually add a resource file to the ClippingExample/app/src/main/res/values-
sw480dp directory. This makes the folder show in your Project pane.)

<dimen name="clipRectRight">120dp</dimen>
<dimen name="clipRectBottom">120dp</dimen>

<dimen name="rectInset">10dp</dimen>
<dimen name="smallRectOffset">50dp</dimen>

<dimen name="circleRadius">40dp</dimen>
<dimen name="textOffset">25dp</dimen>
<dimen name="strokeWidth">6dp</dimen>

4. In ClippedView , add convenience member variables for dimensions, so that you only
have to fetch the resources once.


private int mClipRectRight =

(int) getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.clipRectRight);
private int mClipRectBottom =
(int) getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.clipRectBottom);
private int mClipRectTop =
(int) getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.clipRectTop);
private int mClipRectLeft =
(int) getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.clipRectLeft);
private int mRectInset =
(int) getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.rectInset);
private int mSmallRectOffset =
(int) getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.smallRectOffset);

private int mCircleRadius =

(int) getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.circleRadius);

private int mTextOffset =

(int) getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.textOffset);
private int mTextSize =
(int) getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.textSize);

5. In ClippedView , add convenience member variables for row and column coordinates so
that you only have to calculate them once.

private int mColumnOne = mRectInset;

private int mColumnnTwo = mColumnOne + mRectInset + mClipRectRight;

private int mRowOne = mRectInset;

private int mRowTwo = mRowOne + mRectInset + mClipRectBottom;
private int mRowThree = mRowTwo + mRectInset + mClipRectBottom;
private int mRowFour = mRowThree + mRectInset + mClipRectBottom;
private int mTextRow = mRowFour + (int)(1.5 * mClipRectBottom);

6. In ClippedView , add a private final member variable for a rectangle of type RectF :

private final RectF mRectF;

1.3 Add constructors for the ClippedView class

1. Add a constructor that initializes the Paint and Path objects for the canvas.

Note that the Paint.Align property specifies which side of the text to align to the origin
(not which side of the origin the text goes, or where in the region it is aligned!). Aligning
the right side of the text to the origin places it on the left of the origin.


public ClippedView(Context context) {


public ClippedView(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) {

super(context, attributeSet);
mPaint = new Paint();
// Smooth out edges of what is drawn without affecting shape.
(int) getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.strokeWidth));
mPaint.setTextSize((int) getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.textSize));
mPath = new Path();

mRectF = new RectF(new Rect(mRectInset, mRectInset,

mClipRectRight-mRectInset, mClipRectBottom-mRectInset));

2. Run your app to make sure the code is correct. You should see the name of the app
and a white screen.

1.4 Understand the drawing algorithm

In onDraw() , you define seven different clipped rectangles as shown in the app screenshot
below. The rectangles are all drawn the same way; the only difference is their defined
clipping regions.



The algorithm used to draw the rectangles works as shown in the screenshot and
explanation below. In summary, drawing a series of rectangles by moving the origin of the
Canvas . (1) Translate Canvas . (2) Draw rectangle. (3) Restore Canvas and Origin .

1. Fill the Canvas with the gray background color.

2. Save the current state of the Canvas so you can reset to that initial state.
3. Translate the Origin of the canvas to the location where you want to draw the next
rectangle. That is, instead of calculating where the next rectangle and all the other
shapes need to be drawn, you move the Canvas origin, that is, its coordinate system,
and then draw the shapes at the same location in the translated coordinate system. This
is simpler and slightly more efficient.
4. Apply clipping shapes and paths.
5. Draw the rectangle.
6. Restore the state of the Canvas .
7. GOTO Step 2 and repeat until all rectangles are drawn.

1.5 Add a helper method to draw clipped rectangles


The app draws the rectangle below seven times, first with no clipping, then six time with

various clipping paths applied.

The drawClippedRectangle() method factors out the code for drawing one rectangle.

1. Create a drawClippedRectangle() method that takes a Canvas canvas argument.

private void drawClippedRectangle(Canvas canvas) {...}

2. Apply a clipping rectangle that constraints to drawing only the square to the canvas .

canvas.clipRect(mClipRectLeft, mClipRectTop,
mClipRectRight, mClipRectBottom);

The Canvas.clipRect(left, top, right, bottom) method reduces the region of the
screen that future draw operations can write to. It sets the clipping boundaries
( clipBounds ) to be the spatial intersection of the current clipping rectangle and the
rectangle specified. There are lot of variants of the clipRect() method that accept
different forms for regions and allow different operations on the clipping rectangle.

3. Fill the canvas with white color. Because of the clipping rectangle, only the region
defined by the clipping rectangle is filled, creating a white rectangle.



4. Draw the red line, green circle, and text, as shown in the completed method below.
5. After you paste the code, create a string resource "Clipping" to get rid of the error for
R.string.clipping in the last line.

private void drawClippedRectangle(Canvas canvas) {

// Set the boundaries of the clipping rectangle for whole picture.
canvas.clipRect(mClipRectLeft, mClipRectTop,
mClipRectRight, mClipRectBottom);

// Fill the canvas with white.

// With the clipped rectangle, this only draws
// inside the clipping rectangle.
// The rest of the surface remains gray.

// Change the color to red and

// draw a line inside the clipping rectangle.
canvas.drawLine(mClipRectLeft, mClipRectTop,
mClipRectRight, mClipRectBottom, mPaint);

// Set the color to green and

// draw a circle inside the clipping rectangle.
canvas.drawCircle(mCircleRadius, mClipRectBottom - mCircleRadius,
mCircleRadius, mPaint);

// Set the color to blue and draw text aligned with the right edge
// of the clipping rectangle.
// Align the RIGHT side of the text with the origin.
mClipRectRight, mTextOffset, mPaint);

6. If you run your app, you still only see the white screen, because you have not
overridden onDraw() and thus are not drawing anything yet.

1.6 Override the onDraw() method

In the onDraw() method you apply various combinations of clipping regions to achieve
graphical effects and learn how you can combine clipping regions to create any shape you

When you use View classes provided by the Android system, the system clips views for
you to minimize overdraw. When you use custom View classes and override the onDraw()
method, clipping what you draw becomes your responsibility.


WARNING:For Android O some clipPath() methods have been replaced with

clipOutPath() and clipOutRect () methods, and some Region.Op operators have been

deprecated. Depending on the version of Android you are using, you may need to adjust the
methods and operators you use to create the exact effects shown in the app screenshot.
See the Canvas and documentation for details.
1. Create the onDraw() method, if it is not already present as a code stub.

@Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { ... }

Next, add code to draw the first rectangle, which has no additional clipping.

2. In onDraw() , fill the canvas with gray color.


3. Save the drawing state of the canvas .

Context maintains a stack of drawing states. Each state includes the currently applied
transformations and clipping regions. Undoing a transformation by reversing it is error-
prone, as well as chaining too many transformations relative to each other. Translation
is straightforward to reverse, but if you also stretch, rotate, or custom deform, it gets
complex quickly. Instead, you save the state of the canvas, apply your transformations,
draw, and then restore the previous state.;

4. Translate the origin of the canvas to the top-left corner of the first rectangle.

canvas.translate(mColumnOne, mRowOne);

5. Call the drawClippedRectangle() method to draw the first rectangle.


6. Restore the previous state of the canvas.



7. Run your app. You should now see the first rectangle drawn on a gray background.

Next, add code to draw the second rectangle, which uses the difference between two

clipping rectangles to create a picture frame effect.

Use the code below which does the following:

1. Save the canvas.

2. Translate the origin of the canvas into open space to the right of the first rectangle.
3. Apply two clipping rectangles. The DIFFERENCE operator subtracts the second rectangle
from the first one.
4. Call the drawClippedRectangle() method to draw the modified canvas.
5. Restore the canvas state.
6. Run your app.

// Draw a rectangle that uses the difference between two

// clipping rectangles to create a picture frame effect.;
// Move the origin to the right for the next rectangle.
canvas.translate(mColumnnTwo, mRowOne);
// Use the subtraction of two clipping rectangles to create a frame.
canvas.clipRect(2 * mRectInset, 2 * mRectInset,
mClipRectRight-2 * mRectInset, mClipRectBottom-2 * mRectInset);
canvas.clipRect(4 * mRectInset, 4 * mRectInset,
mClipRectRight-4 * mRectInset, mClipRectBottom-4 * mRectInset,

Next, add code to draw the third rectangle, which uses a circular clipping region created

from a circular path.

Here is the code:


// Draw a rectangle that uses a circular clipping region

// created from a circular path.;
canvas.translate(mColumnOne, mRowTwo);
// Clears any lines and curves from the path but unlike reset(),
// keeps the internal data structure for faster reuse.
mPath.addCircle(mCircleRadius, mClipRectBottom-mCircleRadius,
mCircleRadius, Path.Direction.CCW);
canvas.clipPath(mPath, Region.Op.DIFFERENCE);

Next, add code to draw the intersection of two clipping rectangles.

Here is the code:

// Use the intersection of two rectangles as the clipping region.;
canvas.translate(mColumnnTwo, mRowTwo);
canvas.clipRect(mClipRectLeft, mClipRectTop,
mClipRectRight, mClipRectBottom, Region.Op.INTERSECT);

Next, combine shapes and draw any path to define a clipping region.

Here is the code:


// You can combine shapes and draw any path to define a clipping region.;
canvas.translate(mColumnOne, mRowThree);
mCircleRadius, Path.Direction.CCW);

Next, add a rounded rectangle which is a commonly used clipping shape:

Here is the code:

// Use a rounded rectangle. Use mClipRectRight/4 to draw a circle.;
canvas.translate(mColumnnTwo, mRowThree);
mPath.addRoundRect(mRectF, (float)mClipRectRight/4,
(float)mClipRectRight/4, Path.Direction.CCW);

Next, clip the outside around the rectangle.

Here is the code:


// Clip the outside around the rectangle.;
// Move the origin to the right for the next rectangle.
canvas.translate(mColumnOne, mRowFour);
canvas.clipRect(2 * mRectInset, 2 * mRectInset,

Finally, draw and transform text.

In the previous steps you used the translate transform to move the origin of the canvas. You
can apply transformations to any shape, including text, before you draw it, as shown in the
following example.

// Draw text with a translate transformation applied.;
// Align the RIGHT side of the text with the origin.
// Apply transformation to canvas.
canvas.translate(mColumnnTwo, mTextRow);
// Draw text.
getContext().getString(R.string.translated), 0, 0, mPaint);

// Draw text with a translate and skew transformations applied.;
// Position text.
canvas.translate(mColumnnTwo, mTextRow);
// Apply skew transformation.
canvas.skew(0.2f, 0.3f);
getContext().getString(R.string.skewed), 0, 0, mPaint);
} // End of onDraw()

Solution code
Android Studio project: ClippingExample


The Context of an activity maintains a state that preserves transformations and
clipping regions for the Canvas .
Use and canvas.restore() to draw and return to the original state of
your canvas.
To draw multiple shapes on a canvas, you can either calculate their location, or you can
move (translate) the origin of your drawing surface. The latter can make it easier to
create utility methods for repeated draw sequences.
Clipping regions can be any shape, combination of shapes or path.
You can add, subtract, and intersect clipping regions to get exactly the region you need.
You can apply transformations to text.

Related concepts
The related concept documentation is in The Canvas class.

Learn more
Android developer documentation:

Canvas class

Bitmap class

View class

Paint class

Bitmap.config configurations

Region.Op operators

Path class


11.2: Creating a SurfaceView object


What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Create the SurfaceView example app
Solution code
Related concept
Learn more

When you create a custom view and override its onDraw() method, all drawing happens on
the UI thread. Drawing on the UI thread puts an upper limit on how long or complex your
drawing operations can be, because your app has to complete all its work for every screen

One option is to move some of the drawing work to a different thread using a SurfaceView .

All the views in your view hierarchy are rendered onto one Surface in the UI thread.
In the context of the Android framework, Surface refers to a lower-level drawing
surface whose contents are eventually displayed on the user's screen.
A SurfaceView is a view in your view hierarchy that has its own separate Surface , as
shown in the diagram below. You can draw to it in a separate thread.
To draw, start a thread, lock the SurfaceView 's canvas, do your drawing, and post it to
the Surface .

The following diagram shows a View Hierarchy with a Surface for the views and another

separate Surface for the SurfaceView .


What you should already KNOW

You should be able to:

Create a custom View .

Draw on and clip a Canvas .
Add event handlers to views.
Understand basic threading.

What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:

How to use a SurfaceView to draw to the screen from a different thread.

A basic app architecture for simple games.

What you will DO

Create an app that uses a SurfaceView to implement a simple game.

App overview
The SurfaceViewExample app lets you search for an Android image on a dark phone screen
using a "flashlight."

1. At app startup, the user sees a black screen with a white circle, the "flashlight."
2. While the user drags their finger, the white circle follows the touch.
3. When the white circle intersects with the hidden Android image, the screen lights up to
reveal the complete image and a "win" message.
4. When the user lifts their finger and touches the screen again, the screen turns black and
the Android image is hidden in a new random location.


The following is a screenshot of the SurfaceViewExample app at startup, and after the user
has found the Android image by moving around the flashlight.

Additional features:

Size of the flashlight is a ratio of the smallest screen dimension of the device.
Flashlight is not centered under the finger, so that the user can see what's inside the

Task 1. Create the SurfaceViewExample app

You are going to build the SurfaceViewExample app from scratch. The app consists of the
following three classes:

MainActivity—Locks screen orientation, gets the display size, creates the GameView ,
and sets the GameView as its content view. Overrides onPause() and onResume() to
pause and resume the game thread along with the MainActivity .


FlashlightCone—Represents the cone of a flashlight with a radius that's proportional to

the smaller screen dimension of the device. Has get methods for the location and size
of the cone and a set method for the cone's location.
GameView—A custom SurfaceView where game play takes place. Responds to motion
events on the screen. Draws the game screen in a separate thread, with the flashlight
cone at the current position of the user's finger. Shows the "win" message when winning
conditions are met.

1.1 Create an app with an empty activity

1. Create an app using the Empty Activity template. Call the app SurfaceViewExample.
2. Uncheck Generate Layout File. You do not need a layout file.

1.2 Create the FlashlightCone class

1. Create a Java class called FlashlightCone .

public class FlashlightCone {}

2. Add member variables for x, y, and the radius.

private int mX;

private int mY;
private int mRadius;

3. Add methods to get values for x, y, and the radius. You do not need any methods to set

public int getX() {

return mX;

public int getY() {

return mY;

public int getRadius() {

return mRadius;

4. Add a constructor with integer parameters viewWidth and viewHeight .

5. In the constructor, set mX and mY to position the circle at the center of the screen.
6. Calculate the radius for the flashlight circle to be one third of the smaller screen


public FlashlightCone(int viewWidth, int viewHeight) {

mX = viewWidth / 2;
mY = viewHeight / 2;
// Adjust the radius for the narrowest view dimension.
mRadius = ((viewWidth <= viewHeight) ? mX / 3 : mY / 3);

7. Add a public void update() method. The method takes integer parameters newX
and newY , and it sets mX to newX and mY to newY .

public void update(int newX, int newY) {

mX = newX;
mY = newY;

1.3 Create a new SurfaceView class

1. Create a new Java class and call it GameView .
2. Let it extend SurfaceView and implement Runnable . Runnable adds a run() method
to your class to run its operations on a separate thread.

public class GameView extends SurfaceView implements Runnable {}

3. Implement methods to add a stub for the only required method, run() .

public void run(){}

4. Add the stubs for the constructors and have each constructor call init() .

public GameView(Context context) {


public GameView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {

super(context, attrs);

public GameView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {

super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);

5. Add private init() method and set the mContext member variable to context .


private void init(Context context) {

mContext = context;

6. In the GameView class, add stubs for the pause() and resume( ) methods. Later, you
will manage your thread from these two methods.

1.4 Finish the MainActivity

1. In MainActivity , create a member variable for the GameView class.

private GameView mGameView;

In the onCreate() method:

2. Lock the screen orientation into landscape. Games often lock the screen orientation.


3. Create an instance of GameView .

4. Set mGameView to completely fill the screen.
5. Set mGameView as the content view for MainActivity .

mGameView = new GameView(this);

// Android 4.1 and higher simple way to request fullscreen.

6. Still in MainActivity , override the onPause() method to also pause the mGameView
object. This onPause() method shows an error, because you have not implemented the
pause() method in the GameView class.

protected void onPause() {

7. Override onResume() to resume the mGameView . The onResume() method shows an

error, because you have not implemented the resume() method in the GameView .


protected void onResume() {

1.5 Finish the init() method for the GameView class

In the constructor for the GameView class:

1. Assign the context to mContext .

2. Get a persistent reference to the SurfaceHolder . Surfaces are created and destroyed
by the system while the holder persists.
3. Create a Paint object and initialize it.
4. Create a Path to hold drawing instructions. If prompted, import .

Here is the code for the init() method.

private void init(Context context) {

mContext = context;
mSurfaceHolder = getHolder();
mPaint = new Paint();
mPath = new Path();

5. After copy/pasting the code, define the missing member variables.

1.6 Add the setUpBitmap() method to the GameView class

The setUpBitmap() method calculates a random location on the screen for the Android
image that the user has to find. You also need a way to calculate whether the user has found
the bitmap.

1. Set mBitmapX and mBitmapY to random x and y positions that fall inside the screen.
2. Define a rectangular bounding box that contains the Android image.
3. Define the missing member variables.


private void setUpBitmap() {

mBitmapX = (int) Math.floor(
Math.random() * (mViewWidth - mBitmap.getWidth()));
mBitmapY = (int) Math.floor(
Math.random() * (mViewHeight - mBitmap.getHeight()));
mWinnerRect = new RectF(mBitmapX, mBitmapY,
mBitmapX + mBitmap.getWidth(),
mBitmapY + mBitmap.getHeight());

1.7 Implement the methods to pause and resume the

GameView class
The pause() and resume() methods on the GameView are called from the MainActivity
when it is paused or resumed. When the MainActivity pauses, you need to stop the
GameView thread. When the MainActivity resumes, you need to create a new GameView


1. Add the pause() and r esume() methods using the code below. The mRunning
member variable tracks the thread status, so that you do not try to draw when the
activity is not running anymore.

public void pause() {

mRunning = false;
try {
// Stop the thread (rejoin the main thread)
} catch (InterruptedException e) {

public void resume() {

mRunning = true;
mGameThread = new Thread(this);

2. As before, add the missing member variables.

Thread management can become a lot more complex after you have multiple threads in your
game. See Sending Operations to Multiple Threads for lessons in thread management.

1.8 Implement the onSizeChanged() method


There are several ways in which to set up the view after the system has fully initialized the
view. The onSizeChangedMethod() is called every time the view changes.The view starts out
with 0 dimensions. When the view is first inflated, its size changes and
onSizeChangedMethod() is called. Unlike in onCreate() , the view's correct dimensions are


1. Get the image of Android on a skateboard from github and add it to your drawable
folder, or use a small image of your own choice.
2. In GameView , override the onSizeChanged() method. Both the new and the old view
dimensions are passed as parameters as shown below.

protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);

Inside the onSizeChanged() method:

3. Store the width and height in member variables mViewWidth and mViewHeight .

mViewWidth = w;
mViewHeight = h;

4. Create a FlashlightCone and pass in mViewWidth and mViewHeight .

mFlashlightCone = new FlashlightCone(mViewWidth, mViewHeight);

5. Set the font size proportional to the view height.

mPaint.setTextSize(mViewHeight / 5);

6. Create a Bitmap and call setupBitmap() .

mBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(

1.9 Implement the run() method in the GameView class

The interesting stuff, such as drawing and screen refresh synchronization, happens in the
run() method. Inside your run() method stub, do the following:

1. Declare a Canvas canvas variable at the top of the run() method:


Canvas canvas;

2. Create a loop that only runs while mRunning is true. All the following code must be
inside that loop.

while (mRunning) {

3. Check whether there is a valid Surface available for drawing. If not, do nothing.

if (mSurfaceHolder.getSurface().isValid()) {

All code that follows must be inside this if statement.

4. Because you will use the flashlight cone coordinates and radius multiple times, create
local helper variables inside the if statement.

int x = mFlashlightCone.getX();
int y = mFlashlightCone.getY();
int radius = mFlashlightCone.getRadius();

5. Lock the canvas.

In an app, with more threads, you must enclose this with a try/catch block to make
sure only one thread is trying to write to the Surface .

canvas = mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas();

1. Save the current canvas state.;

2. Fill the canvas with white color.


3. Draw the Skateboarding Android bitmap on the canvas.

canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, mBitmapX, mBitmapY, mPaint);

4. Add a circle that is the size of the flashlight cone to mPath .


mPath.addCircle(x, y, radius, Path.Direction.CCW);

5. Set the circle as the clipping path using the DIFFERENCE operator, so that's what's inside
the circle is clipped (not drawn).

canvas.clipPath(mPath, Region.Op.DIFFERENCE);

6. Fill everything outside of the circle with black.


7. Check whether the the center of the flashlight circle is inside the winning rectangle. If
so, color the canvas white, redraw the Android image, and draw the winning message.

if (x > mWinnerRect.left && x < mWinnerRect.right

&& y > && y < mWinnerRect.bottom) {
canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, mBitmapX, mBitmapY, mPaint);
"WIN!", mViewWidth / 3, mViewHeight / 2, mPaint);

8. Drawing is finished, so you need to rewind the path, restore the canvas, and release the
lock on the canvas.


Run your app. It should display a black screen with a white circle at the center of the

1.10 Respond to motion events

For the game to work, your app needs to detect and respond to the user's motions on the

1. In GameView , override the onTouchEvent() method and update the flashlight position on


public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
float x = event.getX();
float y = event.getY();

// Invalidate() is inside the case statements because there are

// many other motion events, and we don't want to invalidate
// the view for those.
switch (event.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
updateFrame((int) x, (int) y);
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
updateFrame((int) x, (int) y);
// Do nothing.
return true;

2. Implement the updateFrame() method called in onTouchEvent() to set the new

coordinates of the FlashlightCone .

private void updateFrame(int newX, int newY) {

mFlashlightCone.update(newX, newY);

3. Run your app and GAME ON!

4. After you win, tap the screen to play again.

Solution code
Android Studio project: SurfaceViewExample

To offload drawing to a different thread, create a custom view that extends SurfaceView
and implements Runnable . The SurfaceView is part of your view hierarchy but has a
drawing Surface that is separate from the rest of the view hierarchy.
Create an instance of your custom view and set it as the content view of your activity.


Add pause() and resume() methods to the SurfaceView that stop and start a thread.
Override onPause() and onResume() in the activity to call the pause() and resume()
methods of the SurfaceView .
If appropriate, handle touch events, for example, by overriding onTouchEvent() .
Add code to update your data.
In the SurfaceView , implement the run() method to:

Check whether a Surface is available.

Lock the canvas.
Unlock the canvas and post to the Surface .

Related concept
The related concept documentation is in The SurfaceView class.

Learn more
Android developer documentation:

SurfaceView class

SurfaceHolder interface

Runnable interface

Sending Operations to Multiple Threads

Paint class

Path class

ClippingBasic code sample

Graphics architecture for a comprehensive introduction


12.1: Creating property animations


What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Creating the PropertyAnimation app
Solution code
Coding challenge
Related concept
Learn more

The Property Animation system allows you to animate almost any property of an object. You
can define an animation to change any object property (a field in an object) over time,
regardless of whether the change draws to the screen or not. A property animation changes
a property's value over a specified length of time. For example, you can animate a circle to
grow bigger by increasing its radius.

With the property animation system, you assign animators to the properties that you want to
animate, such as color, position, or size. You also define aspects of the animation such as
interpolation. For example, you would create an animator for the radius of a circle whose
size you want to change.

The property animation system lets you define the following characteristics of an animation:

Duration: You can specify the duration of an animation. The default length is 300
Time interpolation: You can specify how the values for the property are calculated as a
function of the animation's current elapsed time. You can choose from provided
interpolators or create your own.
Repeat count and behavior: You can specify whether or not to have an animation repeat
when it reaches the end of a duration, and how many times to repeat the animation. You
can also specify whether you want the animation to play back in reverse. Setting it to
reverse plays the animation forwards then backwards repeatedly, until the number of
repeats is reached.
Animator sets: You can group animations into logical sets that play together or
sequentially or after specified delays.


Frame-refresh delay: You can specify how often to refresh frames of your animation.
The default is set to refresh every 10 ms, but the speed in which your application can
refresh frames ultimately depends on how busy the system is overall and how fast the
system can service the underlying timer.

What you should already KNOW

You should be able to:

Create and run apps in Android Studio.

Create a custom View object.
Draw to the screen using a Canvas object.

What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:

Create a custom View that includes a radius property.

Create simple radius-based animations using ObjectAnimator objects.
Combine and sequence animations using an AnimatorSet object.

What you will DO

Create an app with a single activity and a PulseAnimationView custom view.
Add an mRadius property to the PulseAnimationView class and a setRadius() "setter"
method for that custom property. The Animator instance will call the setRadius()
method to change the size of mRadius during the animation.
Override the onDraw() method to draw a circle of size mRadius . The circle is created
at the place where the user taps.
Create three Animator instances for the radius property.
Use an AnimatorSet to play the animations in sequence after the user taps the screen.

App overview


PropertyAnimation app during animation.

Task 1. Creating the PropertyAnimation app

Note that in this advanced practical, you are expected to create member variables, import
classes, and extract values as needed.

1.1 Create an app with one activity

Create an app that uses the Empty Activity template. Make sure that Backwards
Compatibility and Generate Layout File are enabled.

1.2 Create the custom view to animate

1. Create a new custom view class called PulseAnimationView that extends View .

public class PulseAnimationView extends View {}

2. Add two two required constructors. When you create your custom view from code
exclusively, you only need the first constructor. When you inflate your custom view from
XML, the system calls the second constructor and if it's missing, you get an error.


2. Add two two required constructors. When you create your custom view from code
exclusively, you only need the first constructor. When you inflate your custom view from
XML, the system calls the second constructor and if it's missing, you get an error.

public PulseAnimationView(Context context) {this(context, null);}

public PulseAnimationView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {

super(context, attrs);

3. In activity_main.xml , remove the TextView and add a PulseAnimationView that

matches the size of the parent.


4. Run your app. It shows a white screen and the name of the app.

1.3 Implement the method to set the radius

This app uses a property animator, which changes a property's value over a specified length
of time. You will change the radius property of the PulseAnimationView to animate a circle
by changing its size.

The property animator needs to be able to change the property that will be animated. It does
this through a "setter" method for the property. In order for the animator to find and use the
setter, the following conditions need to be met:

If the class whose property is being animated does not provide a setter property, you
have to create one. For the PulseAnimationView , you will create a member variable for
the radius and a setRadius() method to set the variable's value.
The property setter's name needs to be of the form set PropertyName (). The
PropertyName can be any valid string. When you create the animator, you will pass the

PropertyName as string to the constructor.

To cause the object to be redrawn after the property changes, you must call the
invalidate() method. Calling invalidate() tells the system that something about the

view has changed, and the system measures, lays out, and redraw the views.

Create a member variable for the radius in PulseAnimationView .

private float mRadius;


public void setRadius(float radius) {

mRadius = radius;

To make the animation more interesting, use the radius to affect other aspects of the
animation. For example, you could play a sound as the circle grows, and the sound
could change as a function of the radius. For the PropertyAnimation app, in addition to
changing the size, you are going to change the color of the circle as a function of the

Create and initialize a mPaint member variable.

private final Paint mPaint = new Paint();

Create a constant COLOR_ADJUSTER and set it to 5. You will use this constant in the next

private static final int COLOR_ADJUSTER = 5;

Inside the setRadius() method, after setting mRadius and before calling the
invalidate() method, change the color of the mPaint variable. Colors are integers

and can thus be used in integer operations. You can change the value of the
COLOR_ADJUSTER constant to see how it affects the color of the circle. You can also use a

more sophisticated color function, if you want to.

mPaint.setColor(Color.GREEN + (int) radius / COLOR_ADJUSTER);

1.4 Add code to respond to touch events

In the PropertyAnimation app, animation is initiated by a user touch, and the animation
originates at the location of the touch event.

1. In the custom view class, create private float member variables mX and mY to
store the event coordinates.

private float mX;

private float mY;

2. Override the onTouchEvent() method to get the event coordinates and store them in the
mX and mY variables.


mX and mY variables.

public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
mX = event.getX();
mY = event.getY();
return super.onTouchEvent(event);

1.5 Add the animation code

The animation is performed by an Animator object that, once started, changes the value of
a property from a starting value towards an end value over a given duration.

1. Create class constants for the animation duration and for a delay before the animation
starts. You can change the values of these constants later and explore how that affects
the appearance of the animation. The time is in milliseconds.

private static final int ANIMATION_DURATION = 4000;

private static final long ANIMATION_DELAY = 1000;

2. Override the onSizeChanged() method.

public void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {}

Inside the onSizeChanged() method, you will create three ObjectAnimator objects and
one AnimatorSet object. You cannot create them in the onCreate() method, because
the views have not been inflated, and so the call to getWidth() used below would not
return a valid value.

3. In the onSizeChanged() method, create an ObjectAnimator called growAnimator . You

need to pass in a reference to the object that is being animated ( this ), the name of
the property that is to be animated ( "radius" ), the starting value ( 0 ), and the ending
value ( getWidth() ). In this case, the ending value is the width of the
PulseAnimationView .

ObjectAnimator growAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this,

"radius", 0, getWidth());

4. Set the duration of the animation in milliseconds.



5. Choose an interpolator for the animation. The interpolator affects the rate of change;
that is, the interpolator affects how the animated property changes from its starting
value to its ending value.

6. With a LinearInterpolator , the rate of change is constant; that is, the value changes
by the same amount for every animation step. For example, if the starting radius value
were 0 and your ending value were 10, every step of the animation might increase the
radius by 2. For example, 0 > 2 > 4 > 8 > 10.

7. With an AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator , the rate of change starts and ends slowly

but accelerates through the middle. The animation starts with increasingly larger steps
and then ends with decreasingly smaller steps. For example 0 > 2 > 5 > 10 > 20 > 30 >
35 > 38 > 40.
8. You can create custom interpolators, too. See the BaseInterpolator class for a list of
many of the available interpolators, and try some of them with this app.

growAnimator.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator());

9. Create a second ObjectAnimator object named shrinkAnimator . Use the same

parameters as for growAnimator but swap the start and end values.

ObjectAnimator shrinkAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this,

"radius", getWidth(), 0);

10. Set the duration to ANIMATION_DURATION and use a LinearOutSlowInInterpolator . This is

a more complex interpolator and you can check the documentation for details.

shrinkAnimator.setInterpolator(new LinearOutSlowInInterpolator());

11. Add a starting delay. When the animation is started, it will wait for the specified delay
before it runs.


12. Still in onSizeChanged() , create a third ObjectAnimator instance called

repeatAnimator .

ObjectAnimator repeatAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this,

"radius", 0, getWidth());

13. Add a repeat count to repeatAnimator . A repeat count of 0 is the default. With a


repeat count of 0 , the animation plays once and does not repeat. With a repeat count
of 1 , the animation plays twice.


14. Set the repeat mode to REVERSE . In this mode, every time the animation plays, it
reverses the beginning and end values. (The other possible value, which is the default,


15. Create a private AnimatorSet member variable called mPulseAnimatorSet and initialize
the variable with an AnimatorSet .

private AnimatorSet mPulseAnimatorSet = new AnimatorSet();

An AnimatorSet allows you to combine several animations and to control in what order
they are played. You can have several animations play at the same time or in a
specified sequence. AnimatorSet objects can contain other AnimatorSet objects. See
the Property Animation guide for all the cool things you can do with animator sets.

16. The following AnimatorSet is very simple and specifies that the growAnimator should
play before the shrinkAnimator , followed by the repeatAnimator . Add it after you have
created the animators.;;

17. If you run your app now, you still only see the white screen.

1.6 Add code to draw the circle

The Animator that you implemented does not draw anything. The actual drawing of the
circle must be done in the onDraw() method, which is executed after the view has been
invalidated, which happens in the setRadius() method.

1. Override the onDraw() method to draw a circle at the mX , mY coordinates.

2. Give the circle a radius of mRadius and set the color to mPaint .


protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
canvas.drawCircle(mX, mY, mRadius, mPaint);

1.7 Play the animation

1. In the onTouchEvent() method, add code to play the animation if there is an
ACTION_DOWN event. If an animation is running, cancel it. This resets the

mPulseAnimatorSet and its animations to the starting values.

if(mPulseAnimatorSet != null && mPulseAnimatorSet.isRunning()) {


2. Run your app and tap the white screen to see the animations play. Have some fun and
experiment with the animation!

This example app creates and runs animations from the Java code because it uses data that
is not available until the view has been drawn. You can also define animators and animator
sets in XML. See the Property Animation guide and the Animations concept for instructions
and code examples.

Solution code
Android Studio project: PropertyAnimation.

Coding challenge
Write an app that demonstrates the use of the physics-based animation from the support

You need to add the library dependency to your build.gradle file. Use the latest
version of the physics-based library as listed in the official documentation.

dependencies {
compile ""


Here is a code snippet for a simple vertical spring animation. See the Spring Animation
documentation and SpringAnimation class for more information.

final SpringAnimation anim = new SpringAnimation(

this, DynamicAnimation.Y, 10)

Here is a code snippet for a simple rotation fling animation. See the Fling Animation
documentation and FlingAnimation class for more information.

FlingAnimation fling = new FlingAnimation(this, DynamicAnimation.ROTATION_X);


The PhysicsAnimation app shows a possible solution.

With property animation, you can use almost any property of an object to create an
One way to create a property animation is to:

Create a view or custom view with the property.

If the view does not have a setter for the property, create one and name it set
PropertyName . The setter is called by the Animator object to change the property

value during animation. You must call invalidate() in the setter.

Override onDraw() to perform any drawing.
Decide how the animation is to be triggered. For example, the animation could be
triggered when the user taps the screen.
In the method that responds to the trigger event, for example, in the onTouchEvent()
method, create the objects.

To create an Animator , set the object and property to be animated. For the property,
set a start value, an end value, and a duration.

Use interpolators to specify how the animated property changes over time. You can use
one of the many supplied interpolators or create your own.
You can combine several animations to run in sequence or at the same time using


AnimatorSet objects.

See the PropertyAnimation guide for a complete description of all the cool things you
can do with property animations.

Related concept
The related concept documentation is in Animations.

Learn more
Android developer documentation:

View Animation
Property Animation
Drawable Animation
Physics based animation
See the Graphics Architecture series of articles for an in-depth explanation of how the
Android framework draws to the screen.


13.1: Playing video with VideoView


What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Play video with VideoView
Task 2. Play video from the internet
Solution code
Coding challenge
Related concept
Learn more

A multimedia app that plays audio or video usually has two parts:

A player that, given a media source, downloads and decodes that media, and renders it
as video and/or audio.
A user interface (UI) with transport controls to run the player and optionally display the

player's state.

The architecture of a media app can get a lot more complicated, especially if your app's
entire purpose is to play audio or video. Android provides an overall architecture for audio
and video apps, and large number of media-related classes, which you can learn about in
Media Apps Overview.

The simplest possible way to play a video clip in your app, however, is to use the VideoView
class to play the video, and the MediaController class as the UI to control it. In this practical
you build a simple app that plays a video clip that is either embedded in the app's resources,
or available on the internet.

What you should already KNOW


You should be familiar with:

Creating, building, and running apps in Android Studio

The Activity lifecycle, and how configuration changes such as changes to the device
screen orientation affect that lifecycle
Making data persistent across configuration changes with the instance state bundle

What you will LEARN

How to use the VideoView class to play video in your app
How to use the MediaController class to control video playing in a VideoView
How activity state changes affect video playback state in the VideoView
About event listeners and callbacks for media events
How to play media files from different locations (embedded in the app, or streamed from
the internet)

What you will DO

Build an app called SimpleVideoView that plays a video clip by using the VideoView
and MediaController classes.
Preserve the playback position for the video playback across activity state changes.
React to the end of the video playback with an event listener.
Handle the time period in your app where the media is being prepared (buffering or
decoding), and provide a helpful message to the user.
Play media files as embedded files in the app, or streamed from the internet.

App overview


In this practical you build the SimpleVideoView app from scratch. SimpleVideoView plays a

video file in its own view in your app:

The SimpleVideoView app includes a familiar set of media controls. The controls allow you
to play, pause, rewind, fast-forward, and use the progress slider to skip forward or back to
specific places in the video.

You start by playing a video file embedded with the app's resources. In the second task, you
modify the app to buffer and play a video file from the internet.

Task 1. Play video with VideoView

The simplest way to play video in your app is to use a VideoView object, which is part of the
Android platform. The VideoView class combines a media player (the MediaPlayer class)
with a SurfaceView to actually display the video. Although it does not provide a lot of
features or customization, VideoView class implements a lot of the basic behavior you need
to play a video in your app.

Your app can play media files from a variety of sources, including embedded in the app's
resources, stored on external media such as an SD card, or streamed from the internet. In
this example, to keep things simple, you embed the video file in the app itself.


For the video playback UI, Android provides the MediaController view. The
MediaController view provides a set of common media-control buttons that can control a

media player (the VideoView object).

In this task you build the first iteration of the SimpleVideoView app, which plays a video clip.

1.1 Create the project and initial layout

This first iteration of the app starts playing a video clip when it launches, and plays the clip to
the end.

1. Create a new Android project. Call it SimpleVideoView and use the Empty activity
template. You can leave all other defaults the same.
2. Create a new raw resource directory to hold the video file the app will play: click the res
directory in the Project view and select File > New > Android resource directory.
3. Change both the Directory name and Resource type to "raw". Leave all other options

as is and click OK.

4. Download the Tacoma Narrows MP4 video file. If the video begins to play in your
browser rather than downloading, you can use File > Save Page As... to save the file.

5. Move the tacoma_narrows.mp4 file into the raw directory in your project.
6. In activity_main.xml , delete the existing TextView , and replace it with a VideoView
element with these attributes:



When layout_width and layout_height are 0dp , the size and position of the
VideoView are calculated dynamically based on the other constraints. The

layout_constraintDimensionRatio attribute indicates that when the app calculates the

size of the VideoView , the ratio of the width to the height should be 4:3. This constraint
keeps the aspect ratio of the video the same and prevents the view from being
stretched too far in either direction (depending on how the device is rotated).

1.2 Implement MainActivity

1. In , add a constant for the name of the video sample file, and a
member variable to hold the VideoView instance.

private static final String VIDEO_SAMPLE = "tacoma_narrows";

private VideoView mVideoView;

2. Also in MainActivity , create a private method called getMedia() that takes a String
and returns a Uri . The implementation looks like this:

private Uri getMedia(String mediaName) {

return Uri.parse("android.resource://" + getPackageName() +
"/raw/" + mediaName);

This method converts the name of the sample media file (a string) into a full URI object
representing the path to the sample in your app's resources. Note that although the
actual filename in the app's resource directory is tacoma_narrows.mp4 , the string name
and resulting resource name do not include the extension.

3. In onCreate() , get a reference to the VideoView in the layout:

mVideoView = findViewById(;


4. Create a new private method called initializePlayer() that takes no arguments and
returns void .

private void initializePlayer() {

5. Inside initializePlayer() , use the getMedia() and setVideoUri() methods to set the
media URI that the VideoView will play.

Uri videoUri = getMedia(VIDEO_SAMPLE);


6. Call start() on the VideoView to start playing.


7. Create a private method called releasePlayer() , and call the stopPlayback() method
on the VideoView . This stops the video from playing and releases all the resources held
by the VideoView .

private void releasePlayer() {


1.3 Implement Activity lifecycle methods

Media playback uses many more system resources than most apps. It is critical that your
app completely release those resources when it's not using them, even if the app is paused
in the background. Implement the Activity lifecycle method for onStop() to release the
media resources when the app is stopped. Implement onStart() to initialize the resources
when the app is started again.

1. Override the onStart() method and call initializePlayer() .

protected void onStart() {


2. Override the onStop() method and call releasePlayer() .


protected void onStop() {


3. Override onPause() and add a test for versions of Android older than N (lower than 7.0,
API 24). If the app is running on an older version of Android, pause the VideoView

protected void onPause() {



This test is required because the behavior of onPause() and onStop() changed in
Android N (7.0, API 24). In older versions of Android, onPause() was the end of the
visual lifecycle of your app, and you could start releasing resources when the app was

In newer versions of Android, your app may be paused but still visible on the screen, as
with multi-window or picture-in-picture (PIP) mode. In those cases the user likely wants
the video to continue playing in the background. If the video is being played in multi-
window or PIP mode, then it is onStop() that indicates the end of the visible life cycle
of the app, and your video playback should indeed stop at that time.

If you only stop playing your video in onStop() , as in the previous step, then on older
devices there may be a few seconds where even though the app is no longer visible on
screen, the video's audio track continues to play while onStop() catches up. This test
for older versions of Android pauses the actual playback in onPause() to prevent the
sound from playing after the app has disappeared from the screen.

4. Build and run the app.

When the app starts, the video file is opened and decoded, begins playing, and plays to
the end. There is no way to control the media playback, for example using pause, play,
fast-forward, or rewind. You add these capabilities in the next task.

Note: If you test the SimpleVideoView app on an emulator, use an AVD that supports
API 23 or higher. Older versions of the emulator support fewer types of video formats,


and may also suffer from degraded performance during playback. If you run the app on
a physical device that runs a version of Android older than API 23, you should not have
either of these problems.

1.4 Add a MediaController

An app that plays video but does not provide a way for the user to control that video is less
than useful. The Android platform provides a way to control media using the
MediaController view, which is in the android.widget package. A MediaController view

combines the most common media control UI elements (buttons for play, pause, fast-
forward, and rewind, as well as a seek or progress bar) with the ability to control an
underlying media player, such as a VideoView .

To use a MediaController view, you don't define it in your layout as you would other views.
Instead you instantiate it programmatically in your app's onCreate() method and then
attach it to a media player. The controller floats above your app's layout and enables the
user to start, stop, fast-forward, rewind, and seek within the video.

In the figure above:

1. A VideoView , which includes a MediaPlayer to decode and play video, and a

SurfaceView to display the video on the screen

2. A MediaController view, which includes UI elements for video transport controls (play,
pause, fast-forward, rewind, progress slider) and the ability to control the video


In this task you add a MediaController to the SimpleVideoView app.

1. Locate the onCreate() method in MainActivity . Below the assignment of the

mVideoView variable, create a new MediaController object and use setMediaPlayer()

to connect the object to the VideoView .

MediaController controller = new MediaController(this);


Note: When you add the MediaController class make sure that you import
android.widget.MediaController , not .

2. Use setMediaController() to do the reverse connection, that is, to tell the VideoView
that the MediaController will be used to control it:


3. Build and run the app. As before, the video begins to play when the app starts. Tap the
VideoView to make the MediaController appear. You can then use any of the elements

in that controller to control media playback. The MediaController disappears on its own

after three seconds.


1.5 Preserve playback position throughout the activity

When the onStop() method is called and your app goes into the background, or restarts
because of a configuration change, the VideoView class releases all its resources and does
not preserve any video playback state such as the current position. This means that each
time the app starts or comes into the foreground, the video is reopened and plays from the

To get a baseline for comparison, run the app, if it's not already running. With your app in the
foreground, try the following tasks:

Rotate the device.

Tap the Home button and then use the task switcher to bring the app back to the
If your device or emulator is running Android 7.0 (API level 24) or higher, press and hold
the task switcher to enable multi-window mode.

Note in each of these cases how the video restarts from the beginning.

In this task you keep track of the current playback position, in milliseconds, throughout the
app's lifecycle. If the video resources are released, the video can restart where it left off.

1. In MainActivity , add a member variable to hold the video's current position (initially 0).
The playback position is recorded in milliseconds from 0.

private int mCurrentPosition = 0;

2. Add a member variable to hold the key for the playback position in the instance state

private static final String PLAYBACK_TIME = "play_time";

3. In initializePlayer() , after setVideoUri() but before start() , check to see whether

the current position is greater than 0, which indicates that the video was playing at some
point. Use the seekTo() method to move the playback position to the current position.

if (mCurrentPosition > 0) {
} else {
// Skipping to 1 shows the first frame of the video.


If the current position is 0, the video has not yet played. Use seekTo() to set the
playback position to 1 millisecond. This will show the first frame of the video rather than
a black screen.

4. Override the onSaveInstanceState() method to save the value of mCurrentTime to the

instance state bundle. Get the current playback position with the getCurrentPosition()

protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {

outState.putInt(PLAYBACK_TIME, mVideoView.getCurrentPosition());

5. In onCreate() , check for the existence of the instance state bundle, and update the
value of mCurrentTime with the value from that bundle. Add these lines before you
create the MediaController .

if (savedInstanceState != null) {
mCurrentPosition = savedInstanceState.getInt(PLAYBACK_TIME);

6. Build and run the app. Repeat the baseline tasks and note how the playback position is
saved in each case.

1.6 Add an onCompletion() callback

The VideoView class (and the MediaPlayer it contains) lets you define listeners for several
events related to media playback. For example:

The media has been prepared (buffered, decoded, uncompressed, and so on) and is
ready to play.
An error has occurred during media playback.
The media source has reported information such as a buffering delay during playback,
for example when media is streaming over the internet.
The media has finished playing.

Listeners for the preparation and completion events are the most common listeners to
implement in a media app. You haven't yet needed to handle media preparation in the
SimpleVideoView app, because the video clip is embedded in the app and is fairly small, so
it plays quickly. This may not be the case for larger video clips or those you play directly from
the internet. You come back to preparing media in a later task.


When media playback is finished, the completion event occurs, and the onCompletion()
callback is called. In this task you implement a listener for onCompletion() events to display
a toast when the playback finishes.

1. At the end of the initializePlayer() method, create a new

MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener , override the onCompletion() method, and use

setOnCompletionListenter() to add that listener to the VideoView .

mVideoView.setOnCompletionListener(new MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener() {
public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mediaPlayer) {
// Implementation here.

2. Inside the onCompletion() method, add a Toast to display the message "Playback
3. After the toast, add a call to seekTo() to reset the playback and the MediaController
to the beginning of the clip.

mVideoView.setOnCompletionListener(new MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener() {
public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mediaPlayer) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Playback completed",

By default, when the media finishes playing, both the VideoView and the
MediaController show the end state of the media. The code shown above resets both

the player and the controller to the start of the video so that the video can be played

4. Build and run the app. Tap the video to display the MediaController , and move the
slider nearly all the way to the end. When the video finishes playing, the toast appears
and the controller resets to the beginning of the clip.


Task 2. Play video from the internet

In a real-world app, many media files are too large to embed directly in your app as you did
with the video in the SimpleVideoView app. More commonly, if your app plays media it will
get the files it needs from external storage such as an SD card, or locate and buffer the
media file from a server on the internet.

If you play media from the internet, the VideoView class and the underlying MediaPlayer
implement a lot of the background work for you. When you use VideoView you don't need to
open a network connection, or set up a background task to buffer the media file.


You do, however, need to handle the time period between when you tell your app to play the
media file and when the content in that file is actually available to play. If you do nothing,
your app may appear to freeze for quite a long time while the file is buffering, especially on
slow network connections. Even a message to the user that something is going on provides
a better user experience.

VideoView (and MediaPlayer ) provide a preparation event listener to handle this case. To

use the onPrepared() callback, set the URI of the media the VideoView will play, then
receive a callback when that media is ready to play.

In this task you modify the SimpleVideoView app to play a video from a URL on the internet.
You use the preparation event listener to handle updating the app's UI while the file is being

2.1 Add a buffering message

In this task you modify the app layout to display a simple buffering message, and you use
view visibility to show and hide the message at the appropriate time.

1. In the main layout file, add a TextView element. The new TextView is centered in the
layout, same as the VideoView , and appears on top.


2. In MainActivity , change the VIDEO_SAMPLE constant to indicate the URL for the media

private static final String VIDEO_SAMPLE =


You can use any URL for any video that is available as a file on the internet.

Note: If you use your own URL for the video file, make sure that the video format is
supported by Android, by the specific version of Android your emulator or device is


running. See Supported Media Formats for a list of video codecs and file types that
Android supports.
3. Add a member variable to hold the TextView that shows the buffering message.

private TextView mBufferingTextView;

4. In onCreate() , get a reference to the TextView in the layout:

mBufferingTextView = findViewById(;

5. In the getMedia() method, change the implementation to test whether the incoming
string is a URL or a raw resource. Return the appropriate URI.

private Uri getMedia(String mediaName) {

if (URLUtil.isValidUrl(mediaName)) {
// media name is an external URL
return Uri.parse(mediaName);
} else { // media name is a raw resource embedded in the app
return Uri.parse("android.resource://" + getPackageName() +
"/raw/" + mediaName);

2.2 Add the internet permission

In the Android manifest file, add an internet permission to enable the app to access the
media file on the internet.

1. In AndroidManifest.xml , add this line just before the <application> element, at the top
level of the manifest.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

2.3 Add an onPrepared() callback

Preparing video or other media can involve streaming it, buffering it in memory, and
decoding it to make it ready to play. With VideoView and MediaPlayer , the preparation step
happens asynchronously in a separate thread, so your app does not have to pause and wait.
Use the onPrepared() callback to enable your app to be notified when the preparation step
has completed and the media is ready to play.

1. In the initializePlayer() method, before the definition for setOnCompletionListener() ,

create a new MediaPlayer.onPreparedListener , override the onPrepared() method, and
use setOnPreparedListener() to add that listener to the VideoView .


new MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener() {
public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mediaPlayer) {
// Implementation here.

2. Inside the onPrepared() method, set the visibility of the TextView to invisible. This
removes the "Buffering..." message.


3. In initializePlayer() , locate the lines of code that test for the current position, seek to
that position, and start playback. Move those lines into the onPrepared() method,
placing them after the calls to setVisibility() . The final onPrepared() definition looks
like this:

new MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener() {
public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mediaPlayer) {

if (mCurrentPosition > 0) {
} else {


4. At the top of initializePlayer() , before setting the media URI to play, restore the
visibility of the buffering TextView :


Each time initializePlayer() is called, the buffering message should be turned on. It
is turned off only when onPrepared() is called and the media is ready to play.

5. Build and run the app. Initially the "Buffering..." message appears on the screen.
Depending on the speed of your network connection, after some moments the video will
appear and start playing.


Solution code
Android Studio project: SimpleVideoView

Coding challenge
Note: All coding challenges are optional.
Challenge: Replace the MediaController in the SimpleVideoView app with a single button.

When the user taps the button, the text should toggle between "Play" and "Pause."
Change SimpleVideoView such that the video does not play automatically when the app
is started. Only start playing the media when the user clicks the "Play" button.
If the button is in the "Play" state the button should be disabled until the media has been
prepared and is ready to play.
Make sure that you update the button's Play/Pause state in response to activity state

Challenge: Add a "Skip 10s" button. When the user taps the button, the current position of
the media playback should skip ahead ten seconds.

Media apps in Android have a standard set of components, including a UI and a media
Media (audio and video) files can be played from a variety of sources, including
embedded in the app's resources, stored on external media such as an SD card, or
played as a streaming media from the internet.
The easiest way to play video in your app is to use the VideoView class. The
VideoView class wraps a MediaPlayer and a SurfaceView . VideoView can be added

to a layout like any other view.

Use VideoView.setVideoURI() to specify the URI of the video file to play, whether that
URI is in the app's resources, or on the internet. This method preloads the video sample
data in an asynchronous thread.
Use VideoView.start() to start the video playback, once the video is available for
Use VideoView.stopPlayback() to stop the video playback and release the resources
the VideoView is using.
Use VideoView.getCurrentPosition() to retrieve the current playback position, in
milliseconds. Use VideoView.seekTo() to seek to a specific playback position, in
The MediaController widget ( android.widget.MediaController ) provides a set of


common controls (play, pause, fast-forward, rewind, and a progress slider) for media
playback. MediaController is a ViewGroup that can be added programmatically to any
layout to control a VideoView .
Use MediaController.setMediaPlayer() to attach a media player such as a VideoView
to the controller.
Use VideoView.setMediaController() to attach a MediaController to the VideoView .
Use the onStart() and onStop() lifecycle methods to start and stop video playback in
your app. These methods represent the visible lifecycle of your app.
In versions of Android lower than Nougat, onPause() represents the end of the app's
visible lifecycle, but audio may continue to play for several seconds until onStop() is
called. Add a test for the Android version to pause video playback in onPause() on
older versions of Android.
The VideoView class does not preserve the state of video playback across any lifecycle
transition, including changes to background/foreground, device orientation, and multi-
window mode. To retain this state information, save and restore the current video
position in the activity instance state bundle.
Media playback uses a lot of system resources. Make sure that you release these
resources as soon as possible, usually in onStop() . Resources used by VideoView
are released when you call stopPlayback() .
The MediaPlayer class (and thus VideoView ) provides a set of media event callbacks
for various events, including onCompletion() and onPrepared() .
The onCompletion() callback is invoked when the media playback is complete. Use this
callback to announce the end of the media or reset the UI to a default state.
The onPrepared() callback is invoked when the media is ready to play. Depending on
the media and its location (embedded in the app, available on local storage, played from
the internet), it may take some time for the media to be available. Use the
onPrepared() callback to keep the user informed about the state of the media by

providing a "Buffering" message or some other status message.

Related concept
The related concept documentation is Simple media playback.

Learn more
Android developer documentation:

Media Apps Overview

Supported Media Formats

Android API reference:








An Android Studio VideoView and MediaController Tutorial

Android Media Basics: Images, Audio, and Video
What is the difference between MediaPlayer and VideoView in Android
How to Play Video In Android Studio (video)


14.1A: Working with Architecture

Components: Room, LiveData, ViewModel

What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Creating the RoomWordsSample app
Task 2. Creating the Word entity
Task 3. Creating the DAO
Task 4. Using LiveData
Task 5. Adding a Room database
Task 6. Creating the Repository
Task 7. Creating the ViewModel
Task 8. Adding XML layouts for the UI
Task 9. Creating an Adapter and adding the RecyclerView
Task 10. Populating the database
Task 11. Connecting the UI with the data
Task 12. Adding an Activity for entering words
Solution code
Related concept
Learn more

The Android operating system provides a strong foundation for building apps that run well on
a wide range of devices and form factors. However, issues like complex lifecycles and the
lack of a recommended app architecture make it challenging to write robust apps.
Architecture Components provide libraries for common tasks such as lifecycle management
and data persistence to make it easier to implement the recommended architecture.


Architecture Components help you structure your app in a way that is robust, testable, and
maintainable with less boilerplate code.

What are the recommended Architecture Components?

When it comes to architecture, it helps to see the big picture first. To introduce the
terminology, here's a short overview of the Architecture Components and how they work
together. Each component is explained more as you use it in this practical.

The diagram below shows a basic form of the recommended architecture for apps that use
Architecture Components. The architecture consists of a UI controller, a ViewModel that
serves LiveData , a Repository, and a Room database. The Room database is backed by a
SQLite database and accessible through a data access object (DAO). Each component is
described briefly below, in detail in the Architecture Components concept chapter, and you
will implement them in this practical.

Because all the components interact, you will encounter references to these components
throughout this practical, so here is a short explanation of each.

Entity: In the context of Architecture Components, the entity is an annotated class that
describes a database table.

SQLite database: On the device, data is stored in a SQLite database. The Room persistence
library creates and maintains this database for you.

DAO: Short for data access object . A mapping of SQL queries to functions. You used to
have to define these queries in a helper class. When you use a DAO, your code calls the
functions, and the components take care of the rest.


Room database: Database layer on top of a SQLite database that takes care of mundane
tasks that you used to handle with a helper class. The Room database uses the DAO to
issue queries to the SQLite database based on functions called.

Repository: A class that you create for managing multiple data sources. In addition to a
Room database, the Repository could manage remote data sources such as a web server.

ViewModel : Provides data to the UI and acts as a communication center between the

Repository and the UI. Hides the backend from the UI. ViewModel instances survive device
configuration changes.

LiveData : A data holder class that follows the observer pattern, which means that it can be

observed. Always holds/caches latest version of data. Notifies its observers when the data
has changed. Generally, UI components observe relevant data. LiveData is lifecycle aware,
so it automatically manages stopping and resuming observation based on the state of its
observing activity or fragment.

What you should already KNOW

You should be able to create and run apps in Android Studio 3.0 or higher, in particular, be
familiar with:

RecyclerView and adapters

SQLite databases and the SQLite query language

Threading in general, and AsyncTask in particular
It helps to be familiar with software architectural patterns that separate data from the UI.
It helps to be familiar with the observer pattern. In summary, the observer pattern
defines a one-to-many dependency between objects, so that whenever an object
changes its state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically. The main
object is called the "subject" and its dependents are called the "observers." Usually, the
subject notifies the observers by calling one of their methods. The subjects knows what
methods to call, because the observers are "registered" with the subject and specify the
methods to call.

Important: This practical implements the architecture defined in the Guide to App
Architecture and explained in the Architecture Components concepts chapter. It is highly
recommended that you read the concepts chapter.

What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:


Design and construct an app using some of the Android Architecture Components.
You'll use Room, ViewModel , and LiveData .

What you will DO

Create an app with an Activity that displays words in a RecyclerView .
Create an Entity that represents word objects.
Define the mapping of SQL queries to Java methods in a DAO (data access object).
Use LiveData to make changes to the data visible to the UI via observers.
Add a Room database to the app for persisting data locally, and initialize the database.
Abstract the data backend as a Repository class with an API that is agnostic to how
the data is stored or acquired.
Use a ViewModel to separate all data operations from the UI.
Add a second Activity that allows the user to add new words.

App overview
In this practical you build an app that uses the Android Architecture Components collection
of libraries. The app, called RoomWordsSample, stores a list of words in a Room database
and displays the list in a RecyclerView . The RoomWordsSample app is basic, but
sufficiently complete that you can use it as a template to build on.

Note: Does this app sound familiar? In the Android Developer Fundamentals course you
built several versions of the WorldList app using a SQLiteDatabase, an SQLiteOpenHelper,
and then added a Contract and a ContentProvider. It was quite involved. Doing the same
thing using Architecture Components is less complex, less code, and much better
The RoomWordsSample app does the following:

Works with a database to get and save words, and pre-populates the database with
some words.
Displays all the words in a RecyclerView in MainActivity .
Opens a second Activity when the user taps the + FAB button. When the user
enters a word, the app adds the word to the database and then the list updates

The screenshots below show the following:

The RoomWordsSample app as it starts, with the initial list of words

The activity to add a word


RoomWordsSample architecture overview

The following diagram mirrors the overview diagram from the introduction and shows all the
pieces of the RoomWordsSample app. Each of the enclosing boxes (except for the SQLite
database) represents a class that you create.

Tip: Print or open this diagram in a separate tab so you can refer to it as you build the code.


Task 1. Creating the RoomWordsSample app

Note: In this advanced practical, you are expected to create member variables, import
classes, and extract values as needed. Code that you are expected to be familiar with is
provided but not explained.

1.1 Create an app with one Activity

Open Android Studio and create an app. On the setup screens, do the following:

Name the app RoomWordsSample.

If you see check boxes for Include Kotlin support and Include C++ support, uncheck
both boxes.
Select only the Phone & Tablet form factor, and set the minimum SDK to API 14 or
Select the Basic Activity.


1.2 Update Gradle files

In Android Studio, manually add the Architecture Component libraries to your Gradle files.

1. Add the following code to your build.gradle (Module: app) file, to the bottom of the the
dependencies block (but still inside it).

// Room components
implementation "$rootProject.roomVersion"
annotationProcessor "$rootProject.roomVers
androidTestImplementation "$rootProject.roo

// Lifecycle components
implementation "android.arch.lifecycle:extensions:$rootProject.archLifecycleVersi
annotationProcessor "android.arch.lifecycle:compiler:$rootProject.archLifecycleVe

2. In your build.gradle (Project: RoomWordsSample) file, add the version numbers at the
end of the file.


ext {
roomVersion = '1.0.0'
archLifecycleVersion = '1.1.0'

Important: Get the latest version numbers from the Adding Components to your Project
page. Find the entry for the room and lifecycle libraries and the version number is at the
end of the name after the colon. In the following example, the version numbers is 1.0.0:
" 1.0.0 "

Task 2. Creating the Word entity

The diagram below is the complete architecture diagram with the component that you are
going to implement in this task highlighted. Every task will have such a diagram to help you
understand where the current component fits into the overall structure of the app, and to see
how the components are connected.

The data for this app is words, and each word is represented by an entity in the database. In
this task you create the Word class and annotate it so Room can create a database table
from it. The diagram below shows a word_table database table. The table has one word


column, which also acts as the primary key, and two rows, one each for "Hello" and "World."

2.1 Create the Word class

1. Create a class called Word .
2. Add a constructor that takes a word string as an argument. Add the @NonNull
annotation so that the parameter can never be null .
3. Add a "getter" method called getWord() that returns the word. Room requires "getter"
methods on the entity classes so that it can instantiate your objects.

public class Word {

private String mWord;
public Word(@NonNull String word) {this.mWord = word;}
public String getWord(){return this.mWord;}

2.2 Annotate the Word class

To make the Word class meaningful to a Room database, you must annotate it. Annotations
identify how each part of the Word class relates to an entry in the database. Room uses this
information to generate code.

You use the following annotations in the steps below:

@Entity(tableName = "word_table" ) Each @Entity class represents an entity in a

table. Annotate your class declaration to indicate that the class is an entity. Specify the
name of the table if you want it to be different from the name of the class.
@PrimaryKey Every entity needs a primary key. To keep things simple, each word in the

RoomWordsSample app acts as its own primary key. To learn how to auto-generate
unique keys, see the tip below.
@NonNull Denotes that a parameter, field, or method return value can never be null .

The primary key should always use this annotation. Use this annotation for any
mandatory fields in your rows.
@ColumnInfo(name = "word" ) Specify the name of a column in the table, if you want


the column name to be different from the name of the member variable.
Every field that's stored in the database must either be public or have a "getter" method.
This app provides a getWord() "getter" method rather than exposing member variables

For a complete list of annotations, see the Room package summary reference.

Update your Word class with annotations, as shown in the code below.

1. Add the @Entity notation to the class declaration and set the tableName to
"word_table" .

2. Annotate the mWord member variable as the @PrimaryKey . Require mWord to be

@NonNull , and name the column "word" .

Note: If you type in the annotations, Android Studio auto-imports everything you need.
Here is the complete code:

@Entity(tableName = "word_table")
public class Word {

@ColumnInfo(name = "word")
private String mWord;

public Word(@NonNull String word) {this.mWord = word;}

public String getWord(){return this.mWord;}


If you get errors for the annotations, you can import them manually, as follows:


Tip on auto-generating keys: To auto-generate a unique key for each entity, you would add
and annotate a primary integer key with autoGenerate=true . See Defining data using Room

Task 3. Creating the DAO


The data access object, or Dao , is an annotated class where you specify SQL queries and
associate them with method calls. The compiler checks the SQL for errors, then generates
queries from the annotations. For common queries, the libraries provide convenience
annotations such as @Insert .

Note that:

The DAO must be an interface or abstract class.

Room uses the DAO to create a clean API for your code.
By default, all queries ( @Query ) must be executed on a thread other than the main
thread. (You work on that later.) For operations such as inserting or deleting, if you use
the provided convenience annotations, Room takes care of thread management for you.

3.1 Implement the DAO class

The DAO for this practical is basic and only provides queries for getting all the words,
inserting words, and deleting all the words.

1. Create a new interface and call it WordDao .

2. Annotate the class declaration with @Dao to identify the class as a DAO class for
3. Declare a method to insert one word:

void insert(Word word);


4. Annotate the insert() method with @Insert . You don't have to provide any SQL!
(There are also @ Delete and @ Update annotations for deleting and updating a row,
but you do not use these operations in the initial version of this app.)
5. Declare a method to delete all the words:

void deleteAll();

6. There is no convenience annotation for deleting multiple entities, so annotate the

deleteAll() method with the generic @Query . Provide the SQL query as a string

parameter to @Query . Annotate the deleteAll() method as follows:

@Query("DELETE FROM word_table")

7. Create a method called getAllWords() that returns a List of Words :

List<Word> getAllWords();

8. Annotate the getAllWords() method with a SQL query that gets all the words from the
word_table , sorted alphabetically for convenience:

@Query("SELECT * from word_table ORDER BY word ASC")

Here is the completed code for the WordDao class:

public interface WordDao {

void insert(Word word);

@Query("DELETE FROM word_table")

void deleteAll();

@Query("SELECT * from word_table ORDER BY word ASC")

List<Word> getAllWords();

Tip: For this app, ordering the words is not strictly necessary. However, by default,
return order is not guaranteed, and ordering makes testing straightforward.

To learn more about DAOs, see Accessing data using Room DAOs.

Task 4. Using LiveData


When you display data or use data in other ways, you usually want to take some action
when the data changes. This means you have to observe the data so that when it changes,
you can react.

LiveData , which is a lifecycle library class for data observation, can help your app respond

to data changes. If you use a return value of type LiveData in your method description,
Room generates all necessary code to update the LiveData when the database is updated.

4.1 Return LiveData in WordDao

In the WordDao interface, change the getAllWords() method signature so that the
returned List<Word> is wrapped with LiveData<> .

@Query("SELECT * from word_table ORDER BY word ASC")

LiveData<List<Word>> getAllWords();

See the LiveData documentation to learn more about other ways to use LiveData , or
watch this Architecture Components: LiveData and Lifecycle video.

Task 5. Adding a Room database


Room is a database layer on top of a SQLite database. Room takes care of mundane tasks
that you used to handle with a database helper class such as SQLiteOpenHelper .

Room uses the DAO to issue queries to its database.

By default, to avoid poor UI performance, Room doesn't allow you to issue database
queries on the main thread. LiveData applies this rule by automatically running the
query asynchronously on a background thread, when needed.
Room provides compile-time checks of SQLite statements.
Your Room class must be abstract and extend RoomDatabase .
Usually, you only need one instance of the Room database for the whole app.

5.1 Implement a Room database

1. Create a public abstract class that extends RoomDatabase and call it
WordRoomDatabase .

public abstract class WordRoomDatabase extends RoomDatabase {}

2. Annotate the class to be a Room database. Declare the entities that belong in the
database—in this case there is only one entity, Word . (Listing the entities class or
classes creates corresponding tables in the database.) Set the version number.

@Database(entities = {Word.class}, version = 1)


3. Define the DAOs that work with the database. Provide an abstract "getter" method for
each @Dao .

public abstract WordDao wordDao();

4. Create the WordRoomDatabase as a singleton to prevent having multiple instances of the

database opened at the same time, which would be a bad thing. Here is the code to
create the singleton:

private static WordRoomDatabase INSTANCE;

public static WordRoomDatabase getDatabase(final Context context) {

if (INSTANCE == null) {
synchronized (WordRoomDatabase.class) {
if (INSTANCE == null) {
// Create database here
return INSTANCE;

5. Add code to create a database where indicated by the Create database here comment
in the code above.

The following code uses Room's database builder to create a RoomDatabas e object
named "word_database" in the application context from the WordRoomDatabase class.

// Create database here

INSTANCE = Room.databaseBuilder(context.getApplicationContext(),
WordRoomDatabase.class, "word_database")

6. Add a migration strategy for the database.

In this practical you don't update the entities and the version numbers. However, if you
modify the database schema, you need to update the version number and define how to
handle migrations. For a sample app such as the one you're creating, destroying and
re-creating the database is a fine migration strategy. For a real app, you must
implement a non-destructive migration strategy. See Understanding migrations with

Add the following code to the builder, before calling build()


// Wipes and rebuilds instead of migrating

// if no Migration object.
// Migration is not part of this practical.

Here is the complete code for the whole WordRoomDatabase class:

@Database(entities = {Word.class}, version = 1)

public abstract class WordRoomDatabase extends RoomDatabase {

public abstract WordDao wordDao();

private static WordRoomDatabase INSTANCE;

static WordRoomDatabase getDatabase(final Context context) {

if (INSTANCE == null) {
synchronized (WordRoomDatabase.class) {
if (INSTANCE == null) {
INSTANCE = Room.databaseBuilder(context.getApplicationContext(),
WordRoomDatabase.class, "word_database")
// Wipes and rebuilds instead of migrating
// if no Migration object.
// Migration is not part of this practical.
return INSTANCE;

Important: In Android Studio, if you get errors when you paste code or during the build
process, make sure you are using the full package name for imports. See Adding
Components to your Project. Then select Build > Clean Project. Then select Build >
Rebuild Project, and build again.

Task 6. Creating the Repository


A Repository is a class that abstracts access to multiple data sources. The Repository is not
part of the Architecture Components libraries, but is a suggested best practice for code
separation and architecture. A Repository class handles data operations. It provides a
clean API to the rest of the app for app data.

A Repository manages query threads and allows you to use multiple backends. In the most
common example, the Repository implements the logic for deciding whether to fetch data
from a network or use results cached in the local database.

6.1 Implement the Repository

1. Create a public class called WordRepository .
2. Add member variables for the DAO and the list of words.


private WordDao mWordDao;

private LiveData<List<Word>> mAllWords;

3. Add a constructor that gets a handle to the database and initializes the member

WordRepository(Application application) {
WordRoomDatabase db = WordRoomDatabase.getDatabase(application);
mWordDao = db.wordDao();
mAllWords = mWordDao.getAllWords();

4. Add a wrapper method called getAllWords() that returns the cached words as
LiveData . Room executes all queries on a separate thread. Observed LiveData

notifies the observer when the data changes.

LiveData<List<Word>> getAllWords() {
return mAllWords;

5. Add a wrapper for the insert() method. Use an AsyncTask to call insert() on a
non-UI thread, or your app will crash. Room ensures that you don't do any long-running
operations on the main thread, which would block the UI.

public void insert (Word word) {

new insertAsyncTask(mWordDao).execute(word);

6. Create the insertAsyncTask as an inner class. You should be familiar with AsyncTask ,
so here is the insertAsyncTask code for you to copy:

private static class insertAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Word, Void, Void> {

private WordDao mAsyncTaskDao;

insertAsyncTask(WordDao dao) {
mAsyncTaskDao = dao;

protected Void doInBackground(final Word... params) {
return null;


Here is the complete code for the WordRepository class:

public class WordRepository {

private WordDao mWordDao;

private LiveData<List<Word>> mAllWords;

WordRepository(Application application) {
WordRoomDatabase db = WordRoomDatabase.getDatabase(application);
mWordDao = db.wordDao();
mAllWords = mWordDao.getAllWords();

LiveData<List<Word>> getAllWords() {
return mAllWords;

public void insert (Word word) {

new insertAsyncTask(mWordDao).execute(word);

private static class insertAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Word, Void, Void> {

private WordDao mAsyncTaskDao;

insertAsyncTask(WordDao dao) {
mAsyncTaskDao = dao;

protected Void doInBackground(final Word... params) {
return null;

Note: For this simple example, the Repository doesn't do much. For a more complex
implementation, see the BasicSample code on GitHub.

Task 7. Creating the ViewModel


The ViewModel is a class whose role is to provide data to the UI and survive configuration
changes. A ViewModel acts as a communication center between the Repository and the UI.
The ViewModel is part of the lifecycle library. For an introductory guide to this topic, see

ViewModel .

A ViewModel holds your app's UI data in a way that survives configuration changes.
Separating your app's UI data from your Activity and Fragment classes lets you better
follow the single responsibility principle: Your activities and fragments are responsible for
drawing data to the screen, while your ViewModel is responsible for holding and processing
all the data needed for the UI.


In the ViewModel , use LiveData for changeable data that the UI will use or display.

7.1 Implement the WordViewModel

1. Create a class called WordViewModel that extends AndroidViewModel .

Warning: Never pass context into ViewModel instances. Do not store Activity ,
Fragment , or View instances or their Context in the ViewModel .

An Activity can be destroyed and created many times during the lifecycle of a ViewModel ,
such as when the device is rotated. If you store a reference to the Activity in the
ViewModel , you end up with references that point to the destroyed Activity . This is a

memory leak. If you need the application context, use AndroidViewModel , as shown in this
practical. </div>

public class WordViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {}

1. Add a private member variable to hold a reference to the Repository.

private WordRepository mRepository;

2. Add a private LiveData member variable to cache the list of words.

private LiveData<List<Word>> mAllWords;

3. Add a constructor that gets a reference to the WordRepository and gets the list of all
words from the WordRepository .

public WordViewModel (Application application) {

mRepository = new WordRepository(application);
mAllWords = mRepository.getAllWords();

4. Add a "getter" method that gets all the words. This completely hides the implementation
from the UI.

LiveData<List<Word>> getAllWords() { return mAllWords; }

5. Create a wrapper insert() method that calls the Repository's insert() method. In
this way, the implementation of insert() is completely hidden from the UI.

public void insert(Word word) { mRepository.insert(word); }


Here is the complete code for WordViewModel :

public class WordViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {

private WordRepository mRepository;

private LiveData<List<Word>> mAllWords;

public WordViewModel (Application application) {

mRepository = new WordRepository(application);
mAllWords = mRepository.getAllWords();

LiveData<List<Word>> getAllWords() { return mAllWords; }

public void insert(Word word) { mRepository.insert(word); }


To learn more, watch the Architecture Components: ViewModel video.

Task 8. Adding XML layouts for the UI

Next, add the XML layout for the list and items to be displayed in the RecyclerView .

This practical assumes that you are familiar with creating layouts in XML, so the code is just

8.1 Add styles

1. Change the colors in colors.xml to the following: (to use a set of material design

<color name="colorPrimary">#2196F3</color>
<color name="colorPrimaryLight">#64b5f6</color>
<color name="colorPrimaryDark">#1976D2</color>
<color name="colorAccent">#FFFF9800</color>
<color name="colorTextPrimary">@android:color/white</color>
<color name="colorScreenBackground">#fff3e0</color>
<color name="colorTextHint">#E0E0E0</color>

2. Add a style for text views in the values/styles.xml file:


<style name="text_view_style">
<item name="android:layout_width">match_parent</item>
<item name="android:layout_height">wrap_content</item>
<item name="android:textAppearance">
<item name="android:background">@color/colorPrimaryLight</item>
<item name="android:layout_marginTop">8dp</item>
<item name="android:layout_gravity">center</item>
<item name="android:padding">16dp</item>
<item name="android:textColor">@color/colorTextPrimary</item>

8.2 Add item layout

Add a layout/recyclerview_item.xml layout:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=
android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="match_parent"

tools:text="placeholder text" />

8.3 Add the RecyclerView

1. In the layout/content_main.xml file, add a background color to the ConstraintLayout :


2. In content_main.xml file, replace the TextView element with a RecyclerView element:



8.4 Fix the icon in the FAB

The icon in your floating action button (FAB) should correspond to the available action. In the
layout/activity_main.xml file, give the FloatingActionButton a + symbol icon:

1. Select File > New > Vector Asset.

2. Select Material Icon.
3. Click the Android robot icon in the Icon: field, then select the + ("add") asset.
4. In the layout/activity_main.xml file, in the FloatingActionButton , change the
srcCompat attribute to:.


Task 9. Creating an Adapter and adding the

You are going to display the data in a RecyclerView , which is a little nicer than just throwing
the data in a TextView . This practical assumes that you know how RecyclerView ,
RecyclerView.LayoutManager , RecyclerView.ViewHolder , and RecyclerView.Adapter work.

9.1 Create the WordListAdapter class

Add a class WordListAdapter class that extends RecyclerView.Adapter . The adapter
caches data and populates the RecyclerView with it. The inner class WordViewHolder
holds and manages a view for one list item.

Here is the code:


public class WordListAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<WordListAdapter.WordViewHold

er> {

private final LayoutInflater mInflater;

private List<Word> mWords; // Cached copy of words

WordListAdapter(Context context) { mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context); }

public WordViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
View itemView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.recyclerview_item, parent, false);
return new WordViewHolder(itemView);

public void onBindViewHolder(WordViewHolder holder, int position) {
if (mWords != null) {
Word current = mWords.get(position);
} else {
// Covers the case of data not being ready yet.
holder.wordItemView.setText("No Word");

void setWords(List<Word> words){

mWords = words;

// getItemCount() is called many times, and when it is first called,

// mWords has not been updated (means initially, it's null, and we can't return nul
public int getItemCount() {
if (mWords != null)
return mWords.size();
else return 0;

class WordViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {

private final TextView wordItemView;

private WordViewHolder(View itemView) {

wordItemView = itemView.findViewById(;

Note: The mWords variable in the adapter caches the data. In the next task, you add the


code that updates the data automatically.

Note: The getItemCount() method needs to account gracefully for the possibility that the
data is not yet ready and mWords is still null . In a more sophisticated app, you could
display placeholder data or something else that would be meaningful to the user.

9.2 Add RecyclerView to MainActivity

1. Add the RecyclerView in the onCreate() method of MainActivity :

RecyclerView recyclerView = findViewById(;

final WordListAdapter adapter = new WordListAdapter(this);
recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this));

2. Run your app to make sure the app compiles and runs. There are no items, because
you have not hooked up the data yet. The app should display the empty recycler view.

Task 10. Populating the database


There is no data in the database yet. You will add data in two ways: Add some data when
the database is opened, and add an Activity for adding words. Every time the database is
opened, all content is deleted and repopulated. This is a reasonable solution for a sample
app, where you usually want to restart on a clean slate.

10.1 Create the callback for populating the database

To delete all content and repopulate the database whenever the app is started, you create a
RoomDatabase.Callback and override the onOpen() method. Because you cannot do Room

database operations on the UI thread, onOpen() creates and executes an AsyncTask to

add content to the database.

If you need a refresher on AsyncTask , see AsyncTaks and AsyncTaskLoader in the Android
Fundamentals course.

1. Add the onOpen() callback in the WordRoomDatabase class:

private static RoomDatabase.Callback sRoomDatabaseCallback =

new RoomDatabase.Callback(){

public void onOpen (@NonNull SupportSQLiteDatabase db){
new PopulateDbAsync(INSTANCE).execute();

2. Create an inner class PopulateDbAsync that extends AsycTask . Implement the

doInBackground() method to delete all words, then create new ones. Here is the code

for the AsyncTask that deletes the contents of the database, then populates it with an
initial list of words. Feel free to use your own words!


* Populate the database in the background.
private static class PopulateDbAsync extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {

private final WordDao mDao;

String[] words = {"dolphin", "crocodile", "cobra"};

PopulateDbAsync(WordRoomDatabase db) {
mDao = db.wordDao();

protected Void doInBackground(final Void... params) {
// Start the app with a clean database every time.
// Not needed if you only populate the database
// when it is first created

for (int i = 0; i <= words.length - 1; i++) {

Word word = new Word(words[i]);
return null;

3. Add the callback to the database build sequence in WordRoomDatabase , right before you
call .build() :


Task 11. Connecting the UI with the data

Now that you have created the method to populate the database with the initial set of words,
the next step is to add the code to display those words in the RecyclerView .

To display the current contents of the database, you add an observer that observes the
LiveData in the ViewModel . Whenever the data changes (including when it is initialized),

the onChanged() callback is invoked. In this case, the onChanged() callback calls the
adapter's setWord() method to update the adapter's cached data and refresh the displayed

11.1 Display the words

1. In MainActivity , create a member variable for the ViewModel , because all the activity's


interactions are with the WordViewModel only.

private WordViewModel mWordViewModel;

2. In the onCreate() method, get a ViewModel from the ViewModelProviders class.

mWordViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(WordViewModel.class);

Use ViewModelProviders to associate your ViewModel with your UI controller. When

your app first starts, the ViewModelProviders creates the ViewModel . When the activity
is destroyed, for example through a configuration change, the ViewModel persists.
When the activity is re-created, the ViewModelProviders return the existing ViewModel .
See ViewModel .

3. Also in onCreate() , add an observer for the LiveData returned by getAllWords() .

When the observed data changes while the activity is in the foreground, the
onChanged() method is invoked and updates the data cached in the adapter. Note that

in this case, when the app opens, the initial data is added, so onChanged() method is

mWordViewModel.getAllWords().observe(this, new Observer<List<Word>>() {

public void onChanged(@Nullable final List<Word> words) {
// Update the cached copy of the words in the adapter.

4. Run the app. The initial set of words appears in the RecyclerView .


Task 12. Creating an Activity for adding words


Now you will add an Activity that lets the user use the FAB to enter new words. This is what

the interface for the new activity will look like:

12.1 Create the NewWordActivity

1. Add these string resources in the values/strings.xml file:

<string name="hint_word">Word...</string>
<string name="button_save">Save</string>
<string name="empty_not_saved">Word not saved because it is empty.</string>

2. Add a style for buttons in value/styles.xml :

<style name="button_style" parent="android:style/Widget.Material.Button">

<item name="android:layout_width">match_parent</item>
<item name="android:layout_height">wrap_content</item>
<item name="android:background">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
<item name="android:textAppearance">@android:style/TextAppearance.Large</item>
<item name="android:layout_marginTop">16dp</item>
<item name="android:textColor">@color/colorTextPrimary</item>

3. Use the Empty Activity template to create a new activity, NewWordActivity. Verify that


the activity has been added to the Android Manifest.

<activity android:name=".NewWordActivity"></activity>

4. Update the activity_new_word.xml file in the layout folder:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

android:inputType="textAutoComplete" />

android:text="@string/button_save" />

5. Implement the NewWordActivity class. The goal is that when the user presses the Save
button, the new word is put in an Intent to be sent back to the parent Activity .

Here is the code for the NewWordActivity activity:


public class NewWordActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

public static final String EXTRA_REPLY =

private EditText mEditWordView;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mEditWordView = findViewById(;

final Button button = findViewById(;

button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
Intent replyIntent = new Intent();
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mEditWordView.getText())) {
setResult(RESULT_CANCELED, replyIntent);
} else {
String word = mEditWordView.getText().toString();
replyIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_REPLY, word);
setResult(RESULT_OK, replyIntent);

12.2 Add code to insert a word into the database

1. In MainActivity , add the onActivityResult() callback for the NewWordActivity . If the
activity returns with RESULT_OK , insert the returned word into the database by calling the
insert() method of the WordViewModel .

public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {

super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

if (requestCode == NEW_WORD_ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE && resultCode == RESULT_OK)

Word word = new Word(data.getStringExtra(NewWordActivity.EXTRA_REPLY));
} else {


2. Define the missing request code:

public static final int NEW_WORD_ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE = 1;

3. In MainActivity, start NewWordActivity when the user taps the FAB. Replace the code
in the FAB's onClick() click handler with the following code:

Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, NewWordActivity.class);

startActivityForResult(intent, NEW_WORD_ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE);

4. RUN YOUR APP! When you add a word to the database in NewWordActivity , the UI
automatically updates.
5. Add a word that already exists in the list. What happens? Does your app crash? Your
app uses the word itself as the primary key, and each primary key must be unique. You
can specify a conflict strategy to tell your app what to do when the user tries to add an
existing word.
6. In the WordDao interface, change the annotation for the insert() method to:

@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)

To learn about other conflict strategies, see the OnConflictStrategy reference.

7. Run your app again and try adding a word that already exists. What happens now?

Solution code
Android Studio project: RoomWordsSample.

Now that you have a working app, let's recap what you've built. Here is the app structure
again, from the beginning:

You have an app that displays words in a list ( MainActivity , RecyclerView ,

WordListAdapter ).

You can add words to the list ( NewWordActivity ).

A word is an instance of the Word entity class.
The words are cached in the RecyclerViewAdapter as a List of words ( mWords ). The
list is automatically updated and redisplayed when the data changes.
The automatic update happens because in the MainActivity , there is an Observer
that observes the words and is notified when the words change. When there is a


change, the observer's onChange() method is executed and updates mWords in the
WordListAdapter .

The data can be observed because it is LiveData . And what is observed is the
LiveData<List<Word>> that is returned by the WordViewModel object.

The WordViewModel hides everything about the backend from the user interface. It
provides methods for accessing the UI data, and it returns LiveData so that
MainActivity can set up the observer relationship. Views, activities, and fragments

only interact with the data through the ViewModel . As such, it doesn't matter where the
data comes from.
In this case, the data comes from a Repository. The ViewModel does not need to know
what that Repository interacts with. It just needs to know how to interact with the
Repository, which is through the methods exposed by the Repository.
The Repository manages one or more data sources. In the RoomWordsSample app,
that backend is a Room database. Room is a wrapper around and implements a SQLite
database. Room does a lot of work for you that you used to have to do yourself. For
example, Room does everything that you used to use a SQLiteOpenHelper class to do.
The DAO maps method calls to database queries, so that when the Repository calls a
method such as getAllWords() , Room can execute SELECT * from word_table ORDER BY
word ASC .

The result returned from the query is observed LiveData . Therefore, every time the
data in Room changes, the Observer interface's onChanged() method is executed and
the UI is updated.

Related concept
The related concept documentation is Architecture Components.

Learn more
Android developer documentation:

Guide to App Architecture

Adding Components to your Project
Room DAOs
Room package summary reference
Handling Lifecycles with Lifecycle-Aware Components





Defining data using Room entities

Blogs and articles:

7 Steps To Room (migrating an existing app)

Understanding migrations with Room
Lifecycle Aware Data Loading with Architecture Components


Android Persistence codelab ( LiveData , Room, DAO)

Android lifecycle-aware components codelab ( ViewModel , LiveData , LifecycleOwner ,
LifecycleRegistryOwner )

Android Room with a View (same code as this practical)


Architecture Components overview

Architecture Components: LiveData and Lifecycle
Architecture Components: ViewModel

Code samples:

Architecture Components code samples

BasicSample (a not-so-basic but comprehensive sample)


14.1B: Deleting and updating data with


What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Initialize data only if the database is empty
Task 2. Delete all words
Task 3. Add an Options menu item to delete all data
Task 4. Delete a single word
Task 5. Enable users to swipe words away
Solution code
Coding challenge
Challenge solution code
Related concept
Learn more

This practical gives you more practice at using the API provided by the Room library to
implement database functionality. You will add the ability to delete specific items from the
database. The practical also includes a coding challenge, in which you update the app so
the user can edit existing data.

What you should already KNOW

You should be able to create and run apps in Android Studio 3.0 or higher. In particular, be
familiar with the following:

Using RecyclerView and adapters.

Using entity classes, data access objects (DAOs), and the RoomDatabase to store and


retrieve data in Android's built-in SQLite database. You learned these topics in the
previous practical, 15.1A: Working with Architecture Components: Room, LiveData,

What you will LEARN

You will learn how to:

Populate the database with data only if the database is empty (so users don't lose
changes they made to the data).
Delete data from a Room database.
Update existing data (if you build the challenge app).

What you will DO

Update the RoomWordsSample app to keep data when the app closes.
Allow users to delete all words by selecting an Options menu item.
Allow users to delete a specific word by swiping an item in the list.
Optionally, in a coding challenge, extend the app to allow the user to update existing

App overview
You will extend the RoomWordsSample app that you created in the previous practical. So
far, that app displays a list of words, and users can add words. When the app closes and re-
opens, the app re-initializes the database, and words that the user has added are lost.

In this practical, you extend the app so that it only initializes the data in the database if there
is no existing data.


Then you add a menu item that allows the user to delete all the data.

You also enable the user to swipe a word to delete it from the database.


Task 1. Initialize data only if the database is

The RoomWordsSample app that you created in the previous practical deletes and re-
creates the data whenever the user opens the app. This behavior isn't ideal, because users
will want their added words to remain in the database when the app is closed.

In this task you update the app so that when it opens, the initial data set is only added if the
database has no data.

To detect whether the database contains data already, you can run a query to get one data
item. If the query returns nothing, then the database is empty.

In a production app, you might want to allow users to delete all data without re-initializing the
data when the app restarts. But for testing purposes, it's useful to be able to delete all data,
then re-initialize the data when the app starts.

1.1 Add a method to the DAO to get a single word

Currently, the WordDao interface has a method for getting all the words, but not for getting
any single word. The method to get a single word does not need to return LiveData ,
because your app will call the method explicitly when needed.

1. In the WordDao interface, add a method to get any word:

@Query("SELECT * from word_table LIMIT 1")

Word[] getAnyWord();

Room issues the database query when the getAnyWord() method is called and returns

an array containing one word. You don't need to write any additional code to implement

1.2 Update the initialization method to check whether data

Use the getAnyWord() method in the method that initializes the database. If there is any
data, leave the data as it is. If there is no data, add the initial data set.

1. PopulateDBAsync is an inner class in WordRoomDatbase . In PopulateDBAsync , update the

doInBackground() method to check whether the database has any words before

initializing the data:


protected Void doInBackground(final Void... params) {

// If we have no words, then create the initial list of words

if (mDao.getAnyWord().length < 1) {
for (int i = 0; i <= words.length - 1; i++) {
Word word = new Word(words[i]);
return null;

2. Run your app and add several new words. Close the app and restart it. You should see
the new words you added, as the words should now persist when the app is closed and
opened again.

Task 2. Delete all words

In the previous practical, you used the deleteAll() method to clear out all the data when
the database opened. The deleteAll() method was only invoked from the
PopulateDbAsync class when the app started. Make the deleteAll() method available

through the ViewModel so that your app can call the method whenever it's needed.

Here are the general steps for implementing a method to use the Room library to interact
with the database:

Add the method to the DAO, and annotate it with the relevant database operation. For
the deleteAll() method, you already did this step in the previous practical.
Add the method to the WordRepository class. Write the code to run the method in the
To call the method in the WordRepository class, add the method to the WordViewModel .
The rest of the app can then access the method through the WordViewModel .

2.1 Add deleteAll() to the WordDao interface and annotate it

1. In WordDao , check that the deleteAll() method is defined and annotated with the SQL
that runs when the method executes:

@Query("DELETE FROM word_table")

void deleteAll();

2.2 Add deleteAll() to the WordRepository class


Add the deleteAll() method to the WordRepository and implement an AsyncTask to

delete all words in the background.

1. In WordRepository , define deleteAllWordsAsyncTask as an inner class. Implement

doInBackground() to delete all the words by calling deleteAll() on the DAO:

private static class deleteAllWordsAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>

private WordDao mAsyncTaskDao;

deleteAllWordsAsyncTask(WordDao dao) {
mAsyncTaskDao = dao;

protected Void doInBackground(Void... voids) {
return null;

2. In the WordRepository class, add the deleteAll() method to invoke the AsyncTask
that you just defined.

public void deleteAll() {

new deleteAllWordsAsyncTask(mWordDao).execute();

2.3 Add deleteAll() to the WordViewModel class

You need to make the deleteAll() method available to the MainActivity by adding it to
the WordViewModel .

1. In the WordViewModel class, add the deleteAll() method:

public void deleteAll() {mRepository.deleteAll();}

Task 3. Add an Options menu item to delete all

Next, you will add a menu item to enable users to invoke deleteAll() .

Note: The production version of your app must provide safeguards so that users do not
accidentally wipe out their entire database. However, while you develop your app, it's helpful


to be able to clear out test data quickly. This is especially true now that your app does not
clear out the data when the app opens.

3.1 Add the Clear all data menu option

1. In menu_main.xml , change the menu option title and id , as follows:

app:showAsAction="never" />

2. In MainActivity , implement the onOptionsItemSelected() method to invoke the

deleteAll() method on the WordViewModel object.

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
int id = item.getItemId();

if (id == {
// Add a toast just for confirmation
Toast.makeText(this, "Clearing the data...",

// Delete the existing data

return true;

return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

3. Run your app. In the Options menu, select Clear all data. All words should disappear.
4. Restart the app. (Restart it from your device or the emulator; don't run it again from
Android Studio) You should see the initial set of words.

After you clear the data, re-deploying the app from Android Studio will show the initial data
set again; opening the app will show the empty data set.

Task 4. Delete a single word

Your app lets users add words and delete all words. In Tasks 4 and 5, you extend the app so
that users can delete a word by swiping the item in the RecyclerView .


Again, here are the general steps to implement a method to use the Room library to interact
with the database:

Add the method to the DAO, and annotate it with the relevant database operation.
Add the method to the WordRepository class. Write the code to run the method in the
To call the method in the WordRepository class, add the method to the WordViewModel .
The rest of the app can then access the method through the WordViewModel .

4.1 Add deleteWord() to the DAO and annotate it

1. In WordDao , add the deleteWord() method:

void deleteWord(Word word);

Because this operation deletes a single row, the @Delete annotation is all that is
needed to delete the word from the database.

4.2 Add deleteWord() to the WordRepository class

1. In WordRepository , define another AsyncTask called deleteWordAsyncTask as an inner
class. Implement doInBackground() to delete a word bycalling deleteWord() on the

private static class deleteWordAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Word, Void, Void> {

private WordDao mAsyncTaskDao;

deleteWordAsyncTask(WordDao dao) {
mAsyncTaskDao = dao;

protected Void doInBackground(final Word... params) {
return null;

2. In WordRepository , add the deleteWord() method to invoke the AsyncTask you just

public void deleteWord(Word word) {

new deleteWordAsyncTask(mWordDao).execute(word);


4.3 Add deleteWord() to the WordViewModel class

To make the deleteWord() method available to other classes in the app, in particular,
MainActivity, add it to WordViewModel .

1. In WordViewModel , add the deleteWord() method:

public void deleteWord(Word word) {mRepository.deleteWord(word);}

You have now implemented the logic to delete a word, but as yet there is no way to
invoke the delete-word operation from the app's UI. You fix that next.

Task 5. Enable users to swipe words away

In this task, you add functionality to allow users to swipe an item in the RecyclerView to
delete it.

Use the ItemTouchHelper class provided by the Android Support Library (version 7 and
higher) to implement swipe functionality in your RecyclerView . The ItemTouchHelper class
has the following methods:

onMove() is called when the user moves the item. You do not implement any move

functionality in this app.

onSwipe() is called when the user swipes the item. You implement this method to


delete the word that was swiped.

5.1 Enable the adapter to detect the swiped word

1. In WordListAdapter , add a method to get the word at a given position.

public Word getWordAtPosition (int position) {

return mWords.get(position);

2. In MainActivity , in onCreate() , create the ItemTouchHelper . Attach the

ItemTouchHelper to the RecyclerView .


// Add the functionality to swipe items in the

// recycler view to delete that item
ItemTouchHelper helper = new ItemTouchHelper(
new ItemTouchHelper.SimpleCallback(0,
ItemTouchHelper.LEFT | ItemTouchHelper.RIGHT) {
public boolean onMove(RecyclerView recyclerView,
RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder,
RecyclerView.ViewHolder target) {
return false;

public void onSwiped(RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder,
int direction) {
int position = viewHolder.getAdapterPosition();
Word myWord = adapter.getWordAtPosition(position);
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Deleting " +
myWord.getWord(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

// Delete the word



Things to notice in the code:

onSwiped() gets the position of the ViewHolder that was swiped:

int position = viewHolder.getAdapterPosition();

Given the position, you can get the word displayed by the ViewHolder by calling the
getWordAtPosition() method that you defined in the adapter:

Word myWord = adapter.getWordAtPosition(position);

Delete the word by calling deleteWord() on the WordViewModel :


Now run your app and delete some words

1. Run your app. You should be able to delete words by swiping them left or right.


Solution code
Android Studio project: RoomWordsWithDelete

Coding challenge
Challenge: Update your app to allow users to edit a word by tapping the word and then
saving their changes.

Make changes in NewWordActivity

You can add functionality to NewWordActivity , so that it can be used either to add a new
word or edit an existing word.

Use an auto-generated key in Word

The Word entity class uses the word field as the database key. However, when you update
a row in the database, the item being updated cannot be the primary key, because the
primary key is unique to each row and never changes. So you need to add an auto-
generated id to use as the primary key

@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
private int id;

@ColumnInfo(name = "word")
private String mWord;

Add a constructor for Word that takes an id

Add a constructor to the Word entity class that takes id and word as parameters. Make
sure this additional constructor is annotated using @Ignore , because Room expects only
one constructor by default in an entity class.

public Word(int id, @NonNull String word) { = id;
this.mWord = word;


To update an existing Word , create the Word using this constructor. Room will use the
primary key (in this case the id ) to find the existing entry in the database so it can be

In WordDao , add the update() method like this:

void update(Word... word);

Challenge solution code

Android Studio project: Coming soon

Writing database code
Room takes care of opening and closing the database connections each time a
database operations executes.
Annotate methods in the data access object (DAO) as @insert , @delete , @update ,
@query .

For simple insertions, updates and deletions, it is enough to add the relevant annotation
to the method in the DAO.

For example:

void deleteWord(Word word);

void update(Word... word);

For queries or more complex database interactions, such as deleting all words, use the
@query annotation and provide the SQL for the operation.

For example:

@Query("SELECT * from word_table ORDER BY word ASC")

LiveData<List<Word>> getAllWords();

@Query("DELETE FROM word_table")

void deleteAll();


To enable users to swipe or move items in a RecyclerView , you can use the
ItemTouchHelper class.

Implement onMove() and onSwipe().

To identify which item the user moved or swiped, you can add a method to the adapter
for the RecylerView . The method takes a position and returns the relevant item. Call
the method inside onMove() or onSwipe() .

Related concept
The related concept documentation is Architecture Components.

Learn more
Entities, data access objects (DAOs), and ViewModel :

Defining data using Room entities

Accessing data using Room DAOs
ViewModel guide

Dao reference

ViewModel reference

To see all the possible annotations for an entity, go to in

the Android reference and expand the Annotations menu item in the left nav.

ItemTouchHelper :

ItemTouchHelper reference


Appendix: Setup

Appendix: Setup

What you should already KNOW

What you will LEARN
What you will DO
App overview
Task 1. Set up your environment
Learn more

The practicals in this book assume that you are using the latest version of Android Studio,
and some of the practicals require at least Android Studio 3.0. For example, the
Performance chapters teach you how to use the Android Profiler tools.

This page summarizes how to set up the latest version of Android Studio.

If you need more help, see Install Android Studio and Run Hello World in the Android
Developer Fundamentals course and the resources at the end of this page.

What you should already KNOW

You should be able to:

Create and run an Android app using Android Studio.

What you will LEARN

How to set up your environment for the Advanced Android Development practicals.

What you will DO

Install Android Studio 3 or later.
Update Android Studio, if necessary.
Update the SDK for building and running the apps you create in the Advanced Android
Development course.
If necessary, set up your mobile device to run and debug Android apps from your

Appendix: Setup

App overview
You can use the finished WordListSQLInteractive app from the Android Developer
Fundamentals course to test your setup, or you can use any other app that's not simplistic.

Task 1. Set up your environment

1.1 Get Android Studio 3 or later
What follows are the summary instructions for installing Android Studio 3, for each platform
that supports Android Studio.

Note that you can keep two independent versions of Android Studio on your development
machine, if you want to.


1. Download Android Studio for Windows.

2. Unpack the zip file.
3. Rename the resulting folder to something unique like "Android Studio 3."
4. Move the folder to a permanent location, such as next to your existing Android Studio
install in C:\Program Files\Android\ .
5. Inside C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio 3\bin\ , launch studio64.exe (or if
you're on a 32-bit machine, launch studio.exe ).
6. To make the version available in your Start menu, right-click studio64.exe and click
Pin to Start Menu.


1. Download Android Studio for Mac.

2. Unpack the zip file.

Note: If you download version 2.3 or lower, the app name does not include the version
number. Rename the new version before moving it into your apps directory. Otherwise,
you might override your existing version of Android Studio.

3. Drag the app file into your Applications folder.

4. Launch the app.


1. Download Android Studio for Linux.

2. Unpack the zip file.

Appendix: Setup

3. Rename the resulting folder to something unique like "android-studio-3".

4. Move the folder to wherever you have your stable version, such as within /usr/local/
for your user profile, or within /opt/ for shared users.
5. Open a terminal, navigate into android-studio-3/bin/ , and execute .
6. To make the new version available in your list of apps, select Tools > Create Desktop
Entry from the Android Studio menu bar.

1.2 Update Android Studio

1. Open Android Studio.
2. If you are not prompted to update, select Android Studio > Check for updates....
3. Continue to check for updates, until you see a dialog saying that you have the latest

1.3 Build an app to verify your Android Studio installation

You probably need to install additional SDK downloads before your app builds.

1. Open Android Studio, then open an existing app of some complexity, such as

When you build an app that you built with a previous version of Android Studio, you may
get errors about components and libraries that are missing.

2. Click the links as prompted by the error messages, and install the needed components.

3. Update Gradle, if you're prompted to do so.

4. Follow the prompts until your app finishes building.

1.4 Run the app on a mobile device

1. On your mobile device, enable developer options, if they are not already enabled. To
find these settings on the device, open Settings > Developer options.

On Android 4.2 and higher, the Developer options screen is hidden by default. To
make the screen visible, go to Settings > About phone and tap Build number seven
times. Return to the previous screen to find Developer options at the bottom.

Appendix: Setup

2. In Developer options, enable USB Debugging. This is necessary for your

development machine to see and access your mobile device.

3. Connect the mobile device to your development computer with a USB data cable.
4. In Android Studio, click Run.
5. You may be prompted to install HAXM and emulator images. If you have been using
several emulator images, this installation can take a while. Your largest update may be
over 1 GB and will take some time to download even on a fast connection. You can
postpone the system image downloads and run them later from the AVD manager.
6. After installation, choose your device and run the app.

1.5 Run the app on an emulator

1. If the app is running on your device, stop it.
2. Run the app again, choosing an emulator. Your emulator may update before it runs your

If you don't have an emulator, click Create Virtual Device in the Select Deployment
Target dialog. Choose a phone and an existing system image, if you have one, because
additional system images are large to download.

3. Make sure that the app runs correctly.

1.6 Create and run Hello World

To make sure that you're ready to work, create and run a Hello World app:

1. Create a new project using the Basic Activity.

2. Accept all the defaults.
3. Run the app on any device or emulator.

Learn more
Android Studio Release Notes
Android Plugin for Gradle Release Notes
Install Android Studio and Run Hello World practical from Android Developer
Run Apps on a Hardware Device
Android Studio Preview documentation, for information on how to get and install preview
versions of Android Studio

Appendix: Setup

Appendix: Homework

Appendix: Homework

1.1 Creating a Fragment with a UI

1.2: Communicating with a Fragment
2.1: Building app widgets
3.1: Working with sensor data
3.2: Working with sensor-based orientation
4.0 Optimizing for performance
4.1 Analyzing rendering and layout
4.2 Using the Memory Profiler
4.3 Optimizing network, battery, and image use
5.1 Using resources for languages
5.2 Using the locale
6.1: Exploring accessibility in Android
6.2: Creating accessible apps
7.1: Using the device location
8.1: Using the Places API
9.1 Adding a Google Map to your app
10.1 Creating a custom view
11.1 Applying clipping to a Canvas object
11.2 Creating a SurfaceView object
12.1 Creating animations
13.1 Simple media playback
14.1: Working with Architecture Components: Room, LiveData, ViewModel
14.2: Working with Architecture Components: Deleting and updating data

This appendix lists possible homework assignments that students can complete at the end
of each practical. It is the instructor's responsibility to do the following:

Assign homework, if homework is required.

Communicate to students how to submit homework assignments.
Grade homework assignments.

Instructors can use these suggested assignments as little or as much as they want.
Instructors should feel free to assign any other homework they feel is appropriate.

1.1: Creating a Fragment with a UI

Appendix: Homework

Build and run an app

Build an app that uses the same fragment ( SimpleFragment ) with more than one activity.

1. In Android Studio, open the FragmentExample2 app.

2. Add another Empty Activity called SecondActivity . For SecondActivity , use the same
layout as MainActivity .
3. In the SecondActivity layout, replace the article1 string resource with article2 .
Replace the title1 string resource with title2 . Both string resources are provided in
the starter app and included in FragmentExample2.

Add the following functionality to the app, using SimpleFragment with SecondActivity :

1. Add a Next button under the Open button to navigate from the first activity to the
second activity.
2. Add a Previous button in the second activity to navigate back to the first activity.

Answer these questions

Question 1
Which subclass of Fragment displays a vertical list of items that are managed by an





Question 2
Which of the following is the best sequence for adding a fragment to an activity that is
already running?

Declare the fragment inside the activity's layout file using a <fragment> view.
Declare a location for the fragment inside the activity's layout file using the
<FrameLayout> view group.

Declare the location for the fragment inside the activity's layout file using the
<FrameLayout> view group, get an instance of the fragment and FragmentManager , and

use the add() transaction.

Declare the location for the fragment inside the activity's layout file using the
<FrameLayout> view group. Then get an instance of the fragment and FragmentManager ,

begin a transaction, use the add() transaction, and commit the transaction.

Appendix: Homework

Question 3
Which statement gets a reference to a fragment using the fragment's layout resource?

fragment = new SimpleFragment();

SimpleFragment fragment = (SimpleFragment)


SimpleFragment fragment = (SimpleFragment)


FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();

Submit your app for grading

Guidance for graders

Check that the app has the following features:

The app displays a second activity when the user taps the Next button.
The app's second activity includes an Open button. The Open button opens the same
fragment ( SimpleFragment ) that appears when the user taps Open in the first activity.
The fragment looks the same, with the X button.

1.2: Communicating with a Fragment

Build and run an app
In the FragmentCommunicate app, when the user makes a choice in the fragment, the app
shows the user's choice in a Toast message. The Toast shows "Choice is 0" for "Yes" or
"Choice is 1" for "No."

Change the FragmentCommunicate app so that the Toast shows the "Yes" or "No" message
rather than "0" or "1."

Answer these questions

Question 1
Which fragment-lifecycle callback draws the fragment's UI for the first time?



Appendix: Homework



Question 2
How do you send data from an activity to a fragment?

Set a Bundle and use the Fragment . setArguments(Bundle) method to supply the
construction arguments for the fragment.
Use the Fragment method getArguments() to get the arguments.
Define an interface in the Fragment class, and implement the interface in the activity.
Call addToBackStack() during a transaction that removes the fragment.

Submit your app for grading

Guidance for graders

Check that the app has the following feature:

After the user taps Open and makes a choice, the Toast message displays "Choice is
Yes" or "Choice is No".

2.1: Building app widgets

Build and run an app
Create an app that has an EditText view and a button. When the user taps the button,
save the string that's displayed in the EditText view to the shared preferences. Ensure that
the app loads this string from the preferences in onCreate() .

Add a 1x3 app widget that displays the current value of the string. Add a click handler to the
entire app widget such that the app opens when the user taps the app widget.

Answer these questions

Question 1
Which of these app-widget components are required ? (Choose all that apply)

Provider-info file
Widget-provider class

Appendix: Homework

Configuration activity
Layout file

Question 2
Which of these layout and view classes can be used in an app widget?







Question 3
In which method in your widget-provider class do you initialize the layout (remote views) for
the app widget?





Submit your app for grading

Guidance for graders

Check that the app has the following features:

The main activity of the app has an EditText view and a button. If you change the
string in the EditText and tap the button, the string is saved. Quitting and restarting the
app should load the current string from the shared preferences.
The app widget displays the current text in the app's EditText .
Tapping the app widget opens the app.

3.1: Working with sensor data

Build and run an app

Appendix: Homework

Create an app to print the current value of a device's humidity sensor

( TYPE_RELATIVE_HUMIDITY ). If the sensor is not available in the device, print "no sensor"
instead of the value.

Answer these questions

Question 1
Which of the following features are provided by the SensorManager class? (Choose all that

Methods to register and unregister sensor listeners.

Methods to determine device orientation.
Constants representing sensor types.
Constants representing sensor accuracy.
Methods to indicate whether a sensor is a wake-up sensor.

Question 2
In which Activity lifecycle method should you register your sensor listeners?





Question 3
What are best practices for using sensors in your app? (Choose all that apply)

Register listeners for only for the sensors you're interested in.
Test to make sure that a sensor is available on the device before you use the sensor.
Check permissions for the sensor before you use it.
Register a sensor listener for the slowest possible data rate.
Don't block onSensorChanged() to filter or transform incoming data.

Submit your app for grading

Guidance for graders

Check that the app has the following features:

Appendix: Homework

In onCreate() , the app should retrieve Sensor.TYPE_RELATIVE_HUMIDITY from the sensor

In onStart() , the app should register a listener for the humidity sensor. In onStop() ,
the app should unregister all listeners.
The app should implement onSensorChanged() and test that the event's sensor type is

When you run the app in the emulator and change the value of the humidity sensor, the
app's display should reflect the current value.

3.2: Working with sensor-based orientation

Build and run an app
Create an app based on the TiltSpot app that simulates a bubble level along the long edge
of the device. (A bubble or spirit level is a tool that uses colored liquid and an air bubble to
show whether a surface is level.) Use a single spot as the "bubble." When the device is level
(flat on the table), the bubble should appear in the center of the screen. Move the spot left or
right on the screen when one long edge of the device is tilted.

Answer these questions

Question 1
Which sensors report values with respect to Earth's coordinate system, instead of reporting
values with respect to the device-coordinate system?

Geomagnetic field sensor

Orientation sensor

Question 2
Which sensors can you use to get the orientation of the device?

Accelerometer and gravity sensor
Orientation sensor
Geomagnetic field sensor and accelerometer

Appendix: Homework

Submit your app for grading

Guidance for graders

Check that the app has the following features:

When you place the device flat on a table, a spot should appear in the middle of the
When you lift the top or bottom of the device, the spot should move to the upper or
lower edge of the screen. The position of the spot should be further away from the
center as you tilt the device at a greater angle.

4.0: Optimizing for performance

Build and run an app
Build an app that shows a scrollable list of items for sale, with thumbnail images. When the
user taps an image, the app displays a details-view popup with a larger version of the image.
You will use this app to complete other performance homework assignments.

Images must be in WebP format and appropriately sized.

Supply separate images for thumbnails and detail images.
To show the product image when the user taps a thumbnail image, you can use a

Answer these questions

Question 1
Select all of the following that are good basic performance tests you can perform.

Install your app on the lowest-end device that your target audience might have.
Observe your friends using the app and make note of their comments.
Run a small usability test.
Publish your app and look at the ratings and feedback you receive.

Question 2
Select all that are good ways to approach performance problems.

Guess at what might be the problem, make a change, and see whether it helps.

Appendix: Homework

Use a systematic, iterative approach, so that you can measure improvements resulting
from your changes to the app.
Use tools to inspect your app and acquire performance data measurements.
Run your code and have someone else run your code to evaluate it.

Question 3
Select all of the following that are performance tools available on your mobile device.

Profile GPU Rendering

USB debugging
Show GPU view updates
Memory Profiler
Debug GPU Overdraw
Show CPU usage

Question 4
What is the Performance Improvement Lifecycle technique for improving app performance?

A systematic approach to testing and improving app performance.

A process with four phases: gather information , gain insight , take action , and verify .
A set of tools you can use to measure and improve app performance.
An iterative approach that allows you to evaluate how changes to your code affect app

Submit your app for grading

App should show a list or grid of items with thumbnail images. When you tap an item, a
larger image of the item is displayed.

Guidance for graders

Check that the app has the following features:

App shows a list of items.

Tapping an item shows a larger image of the item.
Images load without delay.
Scrolling is smooth.

4.1: Analyzing rendering and layout

Appendix: Homework

Build and run an app

In the app you created for the 4.0 homework assignment (4.0: Optimizing for performance),
make the following changes:

1. Use the same larger images for the thumbnails as for the details view . Run Profile GPU
Rendering with the app, take a screenshot of the bars.
2. Change the app to use small thumbnail images or text to list the items. Run Profile GPU
Rendering with the app again and take a screenshot of the bars.
3. Do the two screenshots look different? Comment on the difference or lack of difference.
4. Turn on Debug GPU Overdraw. Take a screenshot of your app. If there is a lot of red
color, use Layout Inspector to fix your app, then take another screenshot.

Answer these questions

Question 1
How much time does your app have available to calculate and display one frame of content?

16 milliseconds
Less than 16 milliseconds, because the Android framework is doing work at the same
time as your app does work.
It depends on the device.

Question 2
What are some techniques you can use to make rendering faster?

Reduce overdraw.
Move work away from the UI thread.
Use AsyncTask .
Use smaller images.
Compress your data.
Flatten your view hierarchy.
Use as few views as possible.
Use loaders to load data in the background.
Use efficient views such as RecyclerView and ConstraintLayout .

Question 3
Which answer best describes the measure-and-layout stage of the rendering pipeline?

Appendix: Homework

The GPU measures device dimensions and appropriately sizes views.

The system traverses the view hierarchy and calculates the size and position of each
view inside the view's parent, relative to other views.
The system optimizes layout times for your views.

Submit your findings for grading

No app to submit for this homework assignment.

Submit the two screenshots you took with Profile GPU Rendering turned on, and the final
screenshot you took with Debug GPU Overdraw turned on. Also submit your reflections on
why the two screenshots that show Profile GPU Rendering output might be (almost) the
same, or why they are different.

Guidance for graders

Check that:

Student submitted two screenshots of the app with Profile GPU Rendering turned on
Screenshots are different.
Student submitted comments explaining the difference.
If there is no difference, student should reflect on why not.
If there is a difference, students should reflect on what may have caused it.
Student submitted one screenshot of the app with Debug GPU Overdraw turned on, and
this screenshot shows only a little bit of red coloring.

4.2: Using the Memory Profiler

Build and run an app
1. Use the app you created for the 4.0 homework assignment (4.0: Optimizing for
2. Run Memory Profiler on the app.
3. Take a screenshot of the Memory graph to submit with your observations.
4. On the screenshot, identify portions of the graph that are relevant to your app and
reflect on them.
5. Change your app in a way that noticeably changes the graph. Take a screenshot and
submit it with an explanation of the changes.

Answer these questions

Appendix: Homework

Question 1
What tools are available in Android Studio for measuring memory performance?

Heap dumps
Debug GPU Overdraw
Memory Profiler

Question 2
Looking at this Memory Monitor graph, which of the following statements is factually true?

The app is allocating an increasing amount of memory, and you should investigate for
possible memory leaks.
The app will run out of memory and crash.
The app will slow down over time because less memory is available.
More garbage collection events will happen, resulting in a slower app.

Question 3
Select all answers that describe features and benefits of a heap dump?

A heap dump is a snapshot of the allocated memory at a specific time.

You can look at a static snapshot of allocated memory.
You can dump the Java heap to see which objects are using up memory at any given
Heap dumps show how memory is allocated over time.
Doing several heap dumps over an extended period can help you identify memory

Question 4
What are the benefits of recording memory allocations? Select up to four.

Appendix: Homework

You can track allocations and deallocations over time.

You can track how much space files take up on each partition.
You can inspect the call stack and find out where in your code an allocation was made.
You can track down which objects might be responsible for memory leaks.
You can record memory allocations during normal and extreme user interactions. This
recording lets you identify where your code is allocating too many objects in a short
time, or allocating objects that leak memory.

Submit your findings for grading

No app to submit for this homework assignment.

Submit the annotated screenshot that you took of the Memory graph, along with your

Guidance for graders

Check that:

Student submitted annotated screenshot of the app with Memory Profiler turned on
Student submitted comments relating the graph to their app.
Student submitted a second, different screenshot, along with explanations on what they
did to cause this change, as well as reflections on the change.

4.3: Optimizing network, battery, and image use

Answer these questions

Question 1
On mobile devices, what uses up battery power?

Mobile radio
Keeping the Display open
Running your device in airplane mode
Any hardware on the device that is actively in use

Question 2

Appendix: Homework

Your app can affect the amount of power that some device components use. Which of the
following device components does this include? Select up to three.

Power and volume buttons

Display (managing wake lock)
Mobile radio (batching requests, size of requests)
GPU (complex visual content, media content)

Question 3
Which of the following are best practices you should always incorporate in your app?

Defer all network requests until the user's device is on Wi-Fi and plugged in.
Use the most efficient image format for the type of images your app uses.
Compress all your data.
Respond to user actions immediately.
Always prefetch as much data as possible.
If you must poll the server, use an exponential back-off pattern.
To make your app work offline, cache data locally.

Question 4
What are best practices for working with images?

Use the smallest image possible. Resize images used for thumbnails.
Don't use images. They take up too much space.
Always use a quality setting that does not diminish the user experience but results in a
smaller image.
If you store images on a remote server, make multiple sizes available for each image.
That way, your app can request the appropriate size for the device it's running on.
WebP, PNG, and JPG image formats can be used interchangeably.
If possible, use the WebP image format, because it usually results in smaller, higher-
quality images.

Submit your findings for grading

No app to submit for this homework assignment.

5.1: Using resources for languages

Build and run an app

Appendix: Homework

In the LocaleText1 app, make the following changes:

1. Add Spanish for Mexico and Arabic for any region.

2. Add translations for both languages.
3. Test the app with both language choices.

Answer these questions

Question 1
Which of the following attributes should you add to the android:layout_marginLeft attribute
to support an RTL language?





Question 2
Which of the following attributes should you add to the app:layout_constraintLeft_toRightOf
attribute to support an RTL language?





Submit your app for grading

Guidance for graders

Check that the app has the following features:

If the user chooses Español (Mexico), the app displays Spanish.

If the user chooses Arabic and any country, the app displays Arabic in an RTL layout.

5.2: Using the locale

Build and run an app

Appendix: Homework

The LocaleText3 app calculates and shows a total after the user enters a quantity and taps
the Done button. Modify the LocaleText3 app as follows:

Modify the onEditorAction() method of the OnEditorActionListener anonymous inner

class. Add code that calculates the total from the quantity and price, then shows the
The code you add should make the calculation price times quantity .
If the user chooses Français (France), the code should show the total in euros. If the
user chooses Hebrew (Israel), the code should show the total in new shekels.
Otherwise, the code should show the total in U.S. dollars.
This code is similar to the code you added in the practical to show the price in euros or
new shekels.

Answer these questions

Question 1
Which of the following statements returns a general-purpose number format for the user-
selected language and locale?

NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance();

String myFormattedQuantity = numberFormat.format(myInputQuantity);

String deviceLocale = Locale.getDefault().getCountry();

Question 2
Which of the following statements converts a locale-formatted input quantity string to a

NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance();

String myFormattedQuantity = numberFormat.format(myInputQuantity);

myInputQuantity = numberFormat.parse(v.getText().toString()).intValue();

Question 3
Which of the following statements retrieves the country code for the user-chosen locale?

String deviceLocale = Locale.getDefault().getCountry();

String deviceLocale = Locale.getDisplayCountry();

String deviceLocale = Locale.getDisplayName();

Submit your app for grading

Appendix: Homework

Guidance for graders

Check that the app has the following features:

If the user chooses Français (France), the app displays the total in euros.
If the user chooses Hebrew (Israel), the app displays the total in new shekels.
If the user chooses any other locale, the app displays the total in U.S. dollars.

6.1: Exploring accessibility in Android

Answer these questions

Question 1
Why should you consider making your app accessible?

Accessibility enables your app to be used by people with disabilities.

Accessibility allows your users—those users with disabilities and those users without—
to customize their experiences of your app.
Accessible apps run faster.
Testing your app with accessibility in mind can reveal user-experience issues or
limitations you might not have recognized.

Question 2
Which of the following are accessibility features available in Android?

Switch Access
Closed captions
Ability to change display or font size

Question 3
What is TalkBack?

An app that converts audio into readable captions on the screen.

An app that enables screen content to be presented on a refreshable braille display.
An app that reads screen content aloud.
An app that magnifies the computer screen.

Appendix: Homework

Question 4
How should you test your app for accessibility?

Turn on TalkBack and manually try to use your app.

Add unit tests and Espresso tests.
Use tools such as Accessibility Scanner and Android Studio's lint tool to reveal potential
accessibility problems.
Use the Android Testing Support Library to enable automated accessibility testing.

Submit your findings for grading

No app to submit for this homework assignment.

6.2: Creating accessible apps

Build and run an app
In the SimpleAccessibility app, add three new images:

1. Add a description for the first image that describes the image. Ensure that the image is
2. Add a decorative image with no description. Ensure that the image is not focusable.
3. For the third image, add a text label that describes the image.

Answer these questions

Question 1
Which of the following attributes should you add to ImageView and ImageButton elements
to enable screen readers to describe the image?





Question 2
When should you add a content description to an ImageView or ImageButton ?

When the image's role on the screen is solely decorative and does not provide any

Appendix: Homework

function or meaning.
When an image's dimensions are very small and the image is difficult to see.
When the image is meaningful to the user in their use of the app.
When the image is also a button.

Question 3
When do you NOT need to add a content description to a view element?

When the view is a TextView or EditText .

When the view is an ImageView that serves only a decorative purpose.
When the view is a checkbox or radio button.
When the view has an associated text view that includes with the android:labelFor
All of the above.

Submit your findings for grading

Guidance for graders

Check that the app has the following features:

The app should have three new images, of any kind. The third image should have a text
view that serves as a label.
The layout for the first new image should include the following:
An android:contentDescription attribute with a description of the image.
An android:focusable="true" attribute.
The layout for the second new image should include the following:
An android:contentDescription attribute with a null string ( "" ).
An android:focusable="false" attribute.
The layout for the third new image should include the following:
An android:focusable="true" attribute.
A TextView element with the android:labelFor attribute. The android:labelFor
attribute should indicate the ID of the image.

7.1: Using the device location

Build and run an app
In the WalkMyAndroid app, add a second TextView to the app that shows the following:

Appendix: Homework

1. Accuracy in meters.
2. Speed in meters per second.

Hint: See the getSpeed () and getAccuracy () documentation.

Answer these questions

Question 1
Which API do you use to request the last known location on the device?

getLastKnownLocation() method in the FusedLocationProviderApi class

getLastKnownLocation() method in the LocationServices class

getLastLocation() method in the FusedLocationProviderClient class

getLastLocation() method in the LocationServices class

Question 2
Which class do you use for handling geocoding and reverse geocoding?





Question 3
Which method do you use for periodic location updates ?

requestPerodicUpdates() method in the FusedLocationClient class

requestLocationUpdates() method in the FusedLocationProviderClient class

requestUpdates() method in the FusedLocationProviderClient class

requestLocationUpdates() method in the FusedLocationProvider class

Submit your app for grading

Guidance for graders

Check that the app has the following features:

The app displays a second TextView , in addition to the TextView that shows the
The second TextView shows speed and accuracy.

Appendix: Homework

8.1 Using the Places API

Build and run an app
Modify the WalkMyAndroidPlaces app to display a new Android image for shopping malls:

1. Create a new Android image for shopping malls. (Hint: Use the Androdify tool.)
2. If the place type is TYPE_SHOPPING_MALL , replace the Android image with your image.
3. To test your app, pick a shopping mall from the PlacePicker dialog. Make sure that
your new Android image is animated, and that TextView object is updated with the
shopping mall's name and address.

Answer these questions

Question 1
Which class displays a dialog that allows a user to pick a place using an interactive map ?





Question 2
What are the two ways to add the autocomplete widget to your app?

Embed a PlaceAutocompleteFragment fragment.

Autocomplete is added along with the PlacePicker widget.
Use an intent to launch the autocomplete activity.
Add a PlaceAutocompleteActivity object to your app.

Question 3
If your app uses the PlacePicker UI or the PlaceDetectionApi interface, what permission
does your app require?





Appendix: Homework

Submit your app for grading

Guidance for graders

Check that the app has the following features:

1. When you tap the Pick a Place button, the place picker UI opens.
2. When you pick a shopping mall on the map, the new Android image is displayed.
3. The image is animated.
4. The TextView updates to show the name and address of the shopping mall.

9.1 Adding a Google Map to your app

Build and run an app
1. Create a new app that uses the Google Maps Activity template, which loads Google
Maps when the app launches.
2. When the Google Map is loaded, move the camera to your school location, your home
location, or some other location that has meaning for you.
3. Add two markers to the map, one at your school location and one at your home or some
other meaningful location.
4. Customize the marker icons by changing the default color or replacing the default
marker icon with a custom image.

Hint: See the onMapReady (GoogleMap googleMap) documentation.

Answer these questions

Question 1
Which method is called when the map is loaded and ready to be used in the app ?

onMapReady ( GoogleMap googleMap)

onMapLoaded ( GoogleMap googleMap)

onMapCreate ( GoogleMap googleMap)

onMapInitialize ( GoogleMap googleMap)

Question 2
Which Android components can you use to include Google Maps in your app ?

Appendix: Homework

MapView and MapFragment

MapFragment and MapActivity

MapView and MapActivity

Only MapFragment

Question 3
What types of maps does the Google Maps Android API offer?

Normal, hybrid, terrain, satellite, and roadmap

Normal, hybrid, terrain, satellite, and "none"
Hybrid, terrain, satellite, roadmap, and "none"
Normal, terrain, satellite, imagemap, and "none"

Question 4
What interface do you implement to add on-click functionality to a point of interest (POI)?





Submit your app for grading

Guidance for graders

Check that the app has the following features:

When the app is launched, the Google Map is displayed correctly, indicating that an API
key was generated properly.
After the Google Map loads, the camera moves to the student's home or school
location. In the code, this step should happen in the onMapReady (GoogleMap googleMap)
callback method.
Markers are displayed at the student's school location and another location, such as the
student's home.
The two markers are customized. For example, the markers use a color other than the
default red color, or they use a custom icon.

10.1: Creating a custom view

Appendix: Homework

Build and run an app

In the CustomEditText app, add a custom view that enables phone-number entry:

1. In the layout, add a second version of the EditTextWithClear custom view underneath
the first version (the Last name field).
2. Use XML attributes to define the second version of the custom view as a phone number
field that accepts only numeric phone numbers as input.

Answer these questions

Question 1
Which constructor do you need to inflate the layout for a custom view? Choose one:

public MyCustomView(Context context)

public MyCustomView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

public static SimpleView newInstance() { return new SimpleView(); }

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas) }

Question 2
To define how your custom view fits into an overall layout, which method do you override?





Question 3
To calculate the positions, dimensions, and any other values when the custom view is first
assigned a size, which method do you override?





Question 4
To indicate that you'd like your view to be redrawn with onDraw() , which method do you call
from the UI thread, after an attribute value has changed?

Appendix: Homework





Submit your app for grading

Guidance for graders

Check that the app has the following features:

The app displays a Phone number field with a clear (X) button on the right side of the
field, just like the Last name field.
The second version of the EditTextWithClear custom field (Phone number) should
use the android:inputType attribute so users can enter values with a numeric keypad.

11.1: Applying clipping to a Canvas object

Build and run an app
Create a MemoryGame app that hides and reveals "cards" as the user taps on the screen.
Use clipping to implement the hide/reveal effect.

You can use simple colored squares or shapes for the "cards."
If the user reveals two matching cards, show a congratulatory toast. If the user reveals
two cards that don't match, show an encouraging message telling them to tap to
Click handling: On the first tap, show the first card. On the second tap, show the second
card and display a message. On the next tap, restart.

Answer these questions

Question 1
To display something to the screen, which one of the following draw and animation classes
is always required?





Appendix: Homework

Question 2
What are some properties of drawables?

Drawables are drawn into a view and the system handles drawing.
Drawables are best for simple graphics that do not change dynamically.
Drawables offer the best performance for game animations.
You can use drawables for frame-by-frame animations.

Question 3
Which of the following statements are true?

You use a Canvas object when elements in your app are redrawn regularly.
To draw on a Canvas , you must override the onDraw() method of a custom view.
Every view has a Canvas that you can access.
A Paint object holds style and color information about how to draw geometries, text,
and bitmaps.

Question 4
What is clipping?

A technique for defining regions on a Canvas that will not be drawn to the screen.
A technique for making the Canvas smaller so the Canvas uses less memory.
A way of telling the system which portions of a Canvas do not need to be redrawn.
A technique to consider when you're trying to speed up drawing.
A way to create interesting graphical effects.

Submit your app for grading

Guidance for graders

Check that the app has the following features:

When the user taps, the app reveals a "card."

When the user taps again, the app reveals a second "card" and shows a toast
congratulating or encouraging the user.
On the third tap, the game restarts.
The code uses a Canvas object and clipping methods to achieve the hide/reveal effects
of playing the game.

Appendix: Homework

11.2: Creating a SurfaceView object

Build and run an app
Implement the same MemoryGame app that you created in the 11.1 homework, but use a
SurfaceView object.

The MemoryGame app hides and reveals "cards" as the user taps on the screen. Use
clipping to implement the hide/reveal effect.

You can use simple colored squares or shapes for the "cards."
If the user reveals two matching cards, show a congratulatory toast. If the user reveals
two cards that don't match, show an encouraging message telling them to tap to
Click handling: On the first tap, show the first card. On the second tap, show the second
card and display a message. On the next tap, restart.

Answer these questions

Question 1
What is a SurfaceView ?

A view in your app's view hierarchy that has its own separate surface.
A view that directly accesses a lower-level drawing surface.
A view that is not part of the view hierarchy.
A view that can be drawn to from a separate thread.

Question 2
What is the most distinguishing benefit of using a SurfaceView ?

A SurfaceView can make an app more responsive to user input.

You can move drawing operations away from the UI thread.
Your animations may run more smoothly.

Question 3
When should you consider using a SurfaceView ? Select up to three.

When your app does a lot of drawing, or does complex drawing.

When your app combines complex graphics with user interaction.

Appendix: Homework

When your app uses a lot of images as backgrounds.

When your app stutters, and moving drawing off the UI thread could improve

Submit your app for grading

Guidance for graders

Check that the app has the following features:

When the user taps, the app reveals a "card."

When the user taps again, the app reveals a second "card" and shows a toast
congratulating or encouraging the user.
On the third tap, the game restarts.
The code uses a SurfaceView object, and a separate thread for drawing.

12.1: Creating animations

Build and run an app
Create an app that uses non-trivial property animation. For example, animate multiple
properties, animate multiple objects, or create complex animations by using animator sets.
Below are some ideas.

Create an animation where text spins and recedes while getting smaller. Or text
appears from nowhere and spins to fill the screen. Combine these two animations.
Create an animation that simulates a ball that grows until it bursts into multiple smaller
Create a simple card game, where touching a card flips the card around.

Answer these questions

Question 1
What types of animations are available with Android?

View animation
Property animation
Canvas animation
Drawable animation
Physics-based animation

Appendix: Homework

Question 2
Which of the following statements about property animation are true?

Property animation lets you define an animation to change any object property over
Property animation lets you create objects with custom properties that you can animate.
A property animation tracks time and adapts its velocity to the time.
Property animation lets you animate multiple properties with animator sets.
The duration of a property animation is fixed.

Question 3
What are the advantages of using physics-based animation libraries? Select up to three

Physics-based animations are more realistic than other types of animations, because
physics-based animations appear more natural.
It is easier to use the physics-based support library than to implement adaptive
animations yourself.
Physics-based animations keep momentum when their target changes and end with a
smoother motion than other types of animations.
Physics-based animations are easier to combine with audio.

Submit your app for grading

Guidance for graders

Check that the app has the following features:

App uses property animation to implement a non-trivial animation, animates multiple

objects, and/or uses animator sets.

13.1: Simple media playback

Build and run an app
Use the SimpleVideoView app as a starting point for an app that plays multiple videos.

The main activity for the app contains a list of videos. Use a RecyclerView for the list.
Clicking a single item in the list starts the video playback activity containing the
VideoView and MediaController .

Appendix: Homework

At the end of the video playback, automatically start playing the next video in the list.
At the end of the last video in the list, finish the activity and return to the list of videos.

Answer these questions

Question 1
VideoView is a wrapper for which two classes?

Video and View

MediaPlayer and MediaController

MediaPlayer and SurfaceView

MediaPlayer and Uri

Question 2
Which of the following sources can VideoView play?

The URL of a video sample located on a web server

A sample contained on external device media
A YouTube video URL
A sample embedded in the app's resources

Question 3
Which of these callbacks are available for media events in the VideoView class?





Submit your app for grading

Guidance for graders

Check that the app has the following features:

The app's main activity contains a list of video samples to play, in a RecyclerView . The
videos may come from any source.
Clicking any video starts a new activity with a VideoView and a media controller.
Skip to the end of the video playback. The next video in the list should play.

Appendix: Homework

At the end of the playback of the last video, close the activity and return to the list of
The code should use the onComplete() callback to determine whether to play the next
video in the list or finish playing altogether.

14.1: Working with Architecture Components:

Room, LiveData, ViewModel
Build and run an app
Create an app that uses a Room database, ViewModel , and LiveData to display the data
when the data changes. You can make this as simple or as sophisticated as you wish, as
long as the app uses all the required components, and the data updates on the screen when
the data changes in the database.

Here are some hints and ideas:

Create a simple app that stores one text document whose contents are displayed in a
TextView . When the user edits the document, changes appear in the TextView .

Create a question-answer app. Start out with only questions and let users add new
questions and answers.
As a challenge, add a button to each answer in the question-answer app that displays
additional information that's stored in a different repository. The information could come
from a file on the device, or a page on the internet.

Answer these questions

Question 1
What are the advantages of using a Room database?

Creates and manages an Android SQLite database for you.

Eliminates a lot of boilerplate code.
Helps you manage multiple backends.
Using a DAO, provides a mechanism for mapping Java methods to database queries.

Question 2
Which of the following are reasons for using a ViewModel ?

Cleanly separates the UI from the backend.

Appendix: Homework

Often used with LiveData for changeable data that the UI will use or display.
Prevents your data from being lost when the app crashes.
Acts as a communication center between the Repository and the UI.
ViewModel instances survive device configuration changes.

Question 3
What is the DAO?

Short for "data access object."

A library for managing database queries.
An annotated interface that maps Java methods to SQLite queries.
A class whose methods run always in the background, not on the main thread.
A class that the compiler checks for SQL errors, then uses to generate queries from the

Question 4
What are features of LiveData ?

Updates automatically when used with Room if all the intermediate levels also return
LiveData (DAO, ViewModel , Repository).

Uses the observer pattern and notifies its observers when its data has changed.
Automatically updates the UI when it changes.
Is lifecycle aware.

Submit your app for grading

Guidance for graders

Check that the app has the following features:

Uses the Room database to store data.

Uses ViewModel and LiveData to manage and display changing data.
Has a way to edit data and show changes.

14.2: Working with Architecture Components:

Deleting and updating data
Build and run an app

Appendix: Homework

You have learned about many ways to store data. Choosing the right storage option
depends on how large your data is, and how long the data has to survive.

Create an app that demonstrates how data stored in at least two different locations survives
configuration changes and the destruction of the app. You can do this by storing small
pieces of data, such as strings, in different data stores.

The app should demonstrate what happens to data that is not saved.
The app could demonstrate what happens to data that is preserved with
saveInstanceState , data that uses LiveData with a ViewModel , and data that is stored

in a file or database.

Answer these questions

Question 1
Android Architecture Components provide some convenience annotations for DAOs. Which
of the following are available.







Question 2
What are the benefits of using Architecture Components?

Architecture Components help you structure your app in a way that is robust and
Architecture Components help you create better UIs.
Architecture Components provide a simple, flexible, and practical approach to
structuring your app.
If you use the the provided libraries and architecture, your app is more maintainable
with less boilerplate code.

Submit your app for grading

Guidance for graders

Appendix: Homework

Check that the app has the following features:

Saves data in at least two different ways.

Demonstrates how data is preserved differently with different storage options.


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