The Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano

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The mission of this newsletter is to inspire people to spend time in Adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament. According to St. Alphonsus de Liguori, Doctor of the Church, “After that of receiving
the sacraments, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament holds the first place, is the most
pleasing to God, and the most useful to ourselves.”



The Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano

In the 700’s in the town of Lanciano, southeast In 1970-71, Pope Paul VI permitted a series of
of Rome, the monks of St. Basil had established scientific studies on the precious relics to verify
a monastery under the patronage of their nature. Dr. Odoardo Linoli, professor
St. Longinus, traditionally believed to be of anatomy and pathological histology,
the soldier at the crucifixion who pierced chemistry and clinical microscopy, and
the side of Our Lord with a lance head physician of the hospital of Arezzo,
(Jn 19:34) and proclaimed, “Truly, this conducted the study.
was the Son of God” (Mt 27:54). The major findings from this research
One day, a certain monk in that include the following: The Flesh was
monastery, described in ancient records determined to be muscular tissue from
as “...versed in the sciences of the world the human heart. The Blood was also
but ignorant in that of God,” was of human origin with the type AB, the
offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. blood type called the “universal receiver.”
Apparently plagued by doubts, he Proteins in the clotted Blood were normally
questioned whether the bread and wine fractioned with the same percentage ratio
changed substantially into the Body as those found in the sero-proteic make-
and Blood of Our Lord at the words of up of normal, fresh human blood. The
Consecration. This day, when the monk Blood contained these minerals: chlorides,
pronounced the words of Consecration, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium,
the host was miraculously changed into sodium, and calcium.
Flesh and the wine into Blood. The monk Professor Linoli asserted that the
was awestruck. He said: “O fortunate Blood, if taken from a cadaver, would
witnesses to whom the Blessed God, have deteriorated rapidly. Given that
to confound my disbelief, has wished these samples were centuries old, free of
to reveal Himself in this Most Blessed preservatives, and never hermetically sealed
Sacrament and to render Himself visible to our eyes. Come, in the reliquaries, they should have deteriorated. However,
brethren, and marvel at our God so close to us. Behold the he underscored that the samples had the same properties as
Flesh and Blood of our most beloved Christ.” Those who fresh human blood and flesh.
witnessed the miracle soon spread the news throughout the In 1973, the chief Advisory Board of the World Health
surrounding area. Organization appointed a scientific commission to
The Blood in the chalice soon coagulated into five globules corroborate Linoli’s findings. Their work lasted 15 months
of different sizes and shapes, but the Flesh remained the and included 500 tests. It was verified that the fragments
same. The archbishop ordered an investigation, and sent for taken from Lanciano could in no way be likened to
a scale to weigh the globules. The five globules contained in embalmed tissue. As to the nature of the fragment of Flesh,
the reliquary, when weighed either separately or together, totaled the commission declared it to be living tissue because it
the same weight! This confirms what the Catholic Church teaches: responded rapidly to all the clinical reactions distinctive of
that Jesus Christ is really and totally present in either the whole living beings.
consecrated Host or a fragment of it, and the same applies for the “I am the Bread of Life. He who feeds on My Flesh and
Precious Blood! drinks My Blood has life eternal and I will raise him up on
Church authorities certified the miracle although the the last day. For My Flesh is real food and My Blood real
original document was lost in the 16th century. Since the first drink. The man who feeds on My Flesh and drinks My Blood
basic investigation, the Church has permitted through the remains in Me, and I in him” (Jn 6:35, 54-56).
years other studies on the relics. In 1574, Msgr. Rodrigues The Sacred Host and the globules of Precious Blood can
once again weighed the five globules in the presence of be viewed at the Church, now named for St. Francis, in
witnesses and arrived at the same conclusion. Lanciano, Italy.
St. John Neumann and Forty Hours Devotion
By June Klins
After a friend sent me a first class relic of For weeks afterwards the thought of Forty
St. John Neumann, I yearned to learn more Hours refused to leave Bishop Neumann,
about him, and was led to a very interesting however. But whenever he would think of
book in my parish library, The Little Bishop, it, the notion of the Blessed Sacrament being
Episodes in the Life of St. John Neumann by desecrated would haunt him. No, he could
Brother Paschal Turbet, C.S.S.R. One of not risk it.
the episodes in the book, titled “The Forty One night Bishop Neumann was working
Hours,” tells how Bishop Neumann was into the wee hours of the night by candlelight.
instrumental in the promotion of this As the light grew dimmer, he drew the
devotion in the United States. candlestick near and saw that the flame
Growing up in Bavaria, John Neumann had burned down into the socket. From its
used to attend the Forty Hours devotion, flame he lit another candle stub, but since he
where the crowds would come throughout was half asleep, he set it on the back of his
the day to visit Jesus, present in the Blessed desk instead of into the socket. Then he fell
Sacrament. It was a glorious thing! After he asleep.
was named bishop of Philadelphia, this is what he desired Soon he woke up to a smoke-filled room. The letters he
for his diocese. He was saddened at how few people took was working on were burned and charred - but only around
the time to make visits to the Blessed Sacrament, and saw the edges. The writing was still intact. He dropped to his
Forty Hours as the antidote. knees and thanked God that the whole room did not go up
As head of the diocese of Philadelphia, Bishop Neumann in flames. It was then that he heard an interior voice say,
could use his authority to issue orders to establish Forty “Just as the writing was not consumed by the flames, so My
Hours, but that was not his way. He decided instead to Presence on the altar shall not be desecrated. So hesitate no
consult with some of the priests of the diocese. These priests longer to carry out your plan for My Great Glory.”
applauded the idea, but also had reservations. One priest In April of 1853 when the priests were all assembled at
said, “The people are not yet ready. As it is, we are struggling his first diocesan synod, Bishop Neumann again presented
to keep the faith alive.” Another said, “I admire your zeal, his plan for Forty Hours Devotion. He made no mention of
Your Excellency, and would be all in favor of it except for the the voice, but his words, from the heart, were so filled with
fact that bigotry is still a power to be feared…Now if Forty conviction that his motion passed by a surprising majority.
Hours were to be introduced, what is to prevent such men The opening Mass for Forty Hours Devotion in
from entering our churches and doing sacrilege against the Philadelphia was fittingly on the feast of Corpus Christi.
Blessed Sacrament?” Another priest added, “We must not From there it progressed through the whole diocese, drawing
forget that less than ten years ago, two of our Philadelphia crowds everywhere. Gradually other dioceses followed until
churches were burned to the ground by these same men.” A Forty Hours Devotion was spread throughout the country.
fourth priest said, “Bishop, I know that your motive is the Editor’s note: The relic of St. John Neumann which inspired
highest and I admire you for that. But we should remember this article, and this whole newsletter, came in the mail on the
that no other bishop in the United States has come forward Thursday after Pentecost, the traditional feast of Corpus Christi
with such a plan.” Bishop Neumann thanked the priests for (The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ)!
their input and frankness. It seemed to be a dead issue.

Forty Hours Devotion

By June Klins
One of the fondest memories of my grade school years was Most young people today have no idea about Eucharistic
going to 40 Hours Devotion. The Eucharistic procession, the Adoration. I would not either, had the seed not been planted
genuflection on two knees, the smell of the incense, the Latin in my youth at the Forty Hours Devotion. What happened
hymns, the chanting of the Litany of the Saints, and the after Vatican II was that many devotions, such as Forty
silence – it all invoked an “other worldliness.” It was holy, it Hours, praying the Rosary, Novenas, etc., were eliminated
was sacred, it was set apart. I felt like I was in Heaven. because some misguided people thought that these devotions
But then it stopped. I don’t remember when or why. I didn’t took away from the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. But just the
hear anything about Forty Hours or Eucharistic Adoration contrary is true. I know in my own life that when I began to
for over thirty years. Then one day when I arrived early for pray the daily Rosary again, it led me to daily Mass. All of
a funeral at a neighboring church, I discovered that they had these devotions bring us closer to Jesus and the closest we
Eucharistic Adoration every Friday in their chapel. I felt like can get to Him is in the Mass where we can receive Him,
I had stumbled upon a hidden treasure. From that day on, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, into our own bodies. It
I looked forward to Fridays when I could have that “sneak doesn’t get any better than that!
peak” of Heaven in the chapel. So what is Forty Hours devotion? In the first issue of


“The Spirit of Adoration” Fr. Richard Poblocki of Buffalo There are a number of churches and dioceses that have
answered that question: “Forty Hours Devotion is the brought back the Forty Hours Devotion. The Diocese of
adoration and praise of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament Pittsburgh, PA is one of them. For the Year of St. Paul, the
over 40 semi-continuous hours. The number ‘40’ is derived parishes throughout the diocese had a continuous time
from the number of hours Christ lay in the tomb.” During of Adoration from church to church, so that there was
this devotion, the Eucharist is exposed in solemn adoration Eucharistic Adoration in that diocese perpetually the whole
for a period of 40 hours, with parishioners attending in year. They hope to continue this practice for the Year of the
shifts so someone is always in the church. Forty Hours also Priest. When I searched on the Internet for churches who
can include Benediction and other traditional celebrations, were having Forty Hours Devotion in 2009 I was thrilled
including Mass (thus the word “semi-continuous”). to find that churches in West Virginia, Florida, Indiana,
According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, the exact origin Missouri, Pennsylvania, and throughout the country were
of the Forty Hours Devotion is not completely known. The bringing it back!
first evidence of its celebration came from Milan in 1527. It If your parish or diocese does not have Adoration or Forty
was originally celebrated in reparation for the sins of the Hours devotion, this would be a good time to suggest it.
community, but was also motivated to offer prayers to God We need Jesus more these days than ever before. And Forty
for protection in times of war. The practice of celebrating Hours devotion can help plant the seeds for daily Mass and
Forty Hours Devotion spread rapidly from this point. In eventually Perpetual Adoration, and the fruits which come
Rome, this period of forty hours of Solemn Exposition of the as a result.
Eucharist was scheduled so that the Forty Hours Devotion St. John Neumann, please pray for the resurgence of Forty
in each church formed a continuous time of adoration from Hours devotion throughout the world!
church to church.


By St. John Bosco
[On February 24, 1865, he addressed on the ground, seemingly dead. This
them:] piteous sight so frightened me that I
My dear boys, I have been away for awoke screaming. I woke everybody
a few days, though it is my deepest else up too, from the bishop to the last
desire to be constantly with you in servant.
order to help you all I can. . . . My dear boys, generally speaking
I went to Cuneo and stayed a few we must pay no attention to dreams,
days with the bishop, who treated but when they teach us a moral lesson,
me royally. The first night…I went we may give them thought. I have
to bed toward eleven and fell asleep always tried to learn why certain
immediately. As usual, I began to things happen, and I’ll do so also as
dream, and since the tongue always regards this dream. That monster may
turns to the aching tooth, as the well be the devil, who is ever trying to
saying goes, I dreamed that I was at ruin us. Some boys fell victims to him,
the Oratory with my beloved boys. while others went unscathed. Shall
I seemed to be seated at my desk I show you how not to fear him and
while you were having a world of successfully withstand him?
fun playing, shouting, and running Listen: there are two things the
about. I was very pleased with all the devil is deadly afraid of: fervent
noise, because I know that when you Communion and frequent visits to
are playing, the devil has no chance the Blessed Sacrament. Do you want
to harm you, no matter how hard he Our Lord to grant you many graces?
tries. I was rejoicing at this hubbub when suddenly all noise Visit Him often. Do you want Him to grant you only a few?
ceased and a deadly silence fell upon the playground. In Visit Him but seldom. Do you want the devil to attack you?
alarm I stood up to find out what had happened. Rarely visit the Blessed Sacrament. Do you want the devil to
As I crossed into the waiting room, a horrid monster flee from you? Visit Jesus often. Do you want to overcome
burst in from the outer door. Seemingly unaware of my the devil? Take refuge at Jesus’ feet. Do you want to be
presence, head and eyes lowered to the ground, the monster overcome by the devil? Give up visiting Jesus.
advanced straight forward like a beast about to spring on its Visiting the Blessed Sacrament, my dear boys, is essential
victim. Trembling for your safety, I looked down from the if you want to overcome the devil. Therefore, make frequent
window to see if anything had happened to you. The whole visits to Jesus. If you do that, the devil will never prevail
playground was full of monsters like the one in my waiting against you.
room, though smaller. You, my boys, had been forced back © 1973 Salesian Society, Inc.,used with permission, Biographical
against the walls and porticoes, but many of you were lying Memoirs of Saint John Bosco, Vol. VIII, 29. 31-33


Teaching Children about Eucharistic Adoration
By Dawn Curazzato
Several years ago a program “thing” and I immediately know they
was started at my parish where we have no conception of what Eucharistic
began introducing the young children Adoration is. It is NOT a “something”
to Eucharistic Adoration, especially it is a “Someone!” It is Jesus and He IS
those making their First Communion. for everyone. The Holy Hour is NOT
We would tell them we are taking them a devotion; it is a sharing in the work
to a very special place where Jesus is of redemption and that is an awesome
truly present, a place where they can revelation.
come any time, day or night. We tell When someone asks me what
them someday they may need someone happens in there I like to use a quote
to talk to and their parents may be from a movie, “As Good As It Gets.”
unavailable, due to work or another There is a scene where Jack Nicholson
commitment, but Jesus is ALWAYS looks at Helen Hunt across the table
available and they can come to the and says, “You make me want to be a
chapel to talk with Him and be safe. better man,” and that is what happens
One little boy asked, “What does be safe mean?” and before when we go to Adoration. We become better people, then
I could answer, his classmate said, “There are no Terrorists our families become better, our Church becomes better, our
in there!” My first reaction was to laugh, but I realized how country becomes better and eventually the world becomes a
astute these kids are even at such a young age. better place! Yes, it is true, in this very simple manner we can
As we walk down the hall I ask them if they have anyone change our lives and the world. The answer to the vocation
or anything they would like to pray for and they respond crisis will not come from priests being allowed to marry,
with, “Yes, for my grandmother who has cancer,” “For my or women becoming priests, it will come from the fervent
aunt & uncle who just died,” “For an end to war,” “For prayers being said in Eucharistic Adoration!
those who died in natural disasters,” and on it goes, but they When Jesus gave His teaching in John 6 that His Body
are all beautiful things to pray for. Some of the things they was true food and His Blood was true drink, many of His
say are so sweet and innocent it brings me to tears. They are disciples said “This teaching is too hard, who can accept
anxious to learn! They seem to understand the importance it?” and they went back to their former way of life. Jesus
of prayer, and they so badly want to help out at home and turned to the twelve and said, “Do you also wish to leave?”
in the world. We tell them praying in Adoration is a great and Peter answered, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have
way to do that! We do not want our children to ever feel a the words of eternal life. We have come to believe you are
situation is hopeless---fear is born of hopelessness and we the Christ!” I believe those are the first words spoken by a
know all things are possible unto God! We have to “Learn” Catholic!! Only by the hands of a priest are bread & wine
our faith, so we will “Love” our faith and then we can “Live” consecrated and changed to the Body and Blood of Christ!
our faith. Because as many as 60-70 percent of Catholics do not
The Eucharist is a stumbling block for many, yet it is the believe in the Real Presence or have a poor understanding
source and summit of our faith. It is what makes us different of it, we also share stories of Eucharistic Miracles and
from all other faiths. It is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity Eucharistic saints. The Eucharistic Miracles from Rome are
of Jesus Christ, which every child receives when they make traveling around the world. Much of the scientific proof was
their Communion. We teach the children to always bow when gathered by scientists who were atheists, which makes the
entering and leaving the Adoration Chapel to show respect information all the more interesting and faith affirming. Still,
for Jesus. Some ask why they can’t see Jesus and we tell them these are just “Tools of the Faith” or “Spiritual Fertilizer”
He is there, but it calls for faith. We tell them they can’t see as I like to call it. From time to time we have been given
the wind either but they know it is there! St. Augustine said, these “gifts” so that we might believe. Perhaps Jesus knew
“Faith is believing in what we cannot see, and the reward of St. Thomas would have many descendants! There was a
Faith is seeing what we believe!” man in the Bible who said “Lord I believe, help me in my
We encourage the children to visit the Chapel, perhaps unbelief!”
coming a few minutes early before Mass on Sunday, or stop One morning when I left the Adoration Chapel with a
after Mass while the parking lot is clearing out. There is small group of children a little boy asked, “What was that
also a Family Hour on Sundays from 4-5 PM, but they are Trophy in there?” Yes, indeed, Jesus is our “Trophy” and
welcome any time. We tell the children the body needs food everyone who sits before Him is a winner as we receive the
and water to live, and our souls need the Eucharist to live. We gifts and graces He has for each one of us! Praise be to Jesus
tell them Adoration is like a vitamin for the soul! Time spent Christ now and forever.
with Jesus is the best part of any day, and we will find it easier Editor’s note: Dawn lives in Williamsville, NY and is a member
getting through difficult moments by doing this! Sometimes of St. Gregory the Great Church. She is the author of Memoirs of
someone may say to me that Eucharistic Adoration isn’t their a Miracle and is working on a second book.


I Had a Dream
By Deanette Pease
One night I had a funny dream. I was in a sort of martial I began to cry (sobbing actually). I woke up and my face
arts class where the instructor told me to do a somersault. I was wet from tears, for I have been neglecting Adoration in
said, “I cannot do a somersault any longer.” The instructor the last 6 months. My daughter’s wedding plans, too busy,
told me then, “Go over and see the Master.” I went over to too tired, etc. etc. etc., one excuse after another.
see the Master instructor. He put his forehead up against Well, now after this dream I got the message loud and
my forehead for a minute and then backed away. He looked clear from Our Mother - I’m running to Adoration every
at me and said, “Mary wants to know why you are not going week now. And I would be interested in passing out those
to Adoration.” I said, “What??” He then repeated, “Mary newsletters to promote Adoration.
wants to know why you are not going to Adoration.” Editor’s note: Deanette is from Feeding Hills, MA.

Guardians of the Eucharist

By June Klins
One day a number of years ago Although we have never had every
I stopped for a visit in one of our hour covered with two people, the
neighboring churches that has system we set up has worked pretty well
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament now for over 5 years. To my knowledge
on First Fridays. I was surprised when Jesus has never been left alone.
I walked in to find Jesus all alone with It took some trial and error, but within
no adorers. Our pastor had told us that a few months we came up with a good
Jesus should never be left alone when system that works. The committed
exposed in the Monstrance. adorers for the hour each have a little
Although I relished my time alone white stole with a gold cross that they
with Jesus, I knew I had to leave because place near their seats to indicate that
I had made a prior commitment and they are committed for that hour. When
people would be worried if I did not the committed adorers for the next
show up. As time went on and no one hour come in, they take the stoles from
showed up, I prayed and prayed for Jesus to send someone. the adorers in the hour before. The committed adorers are
I didn’t know what to do. Finally, I left Jesus alone for about instructed not to leave until someone has taken the stole of
a minute and ran to my car to get my cell phone. I called a at least one of the committed adorers. Who knows if a visitor
friend who lived nearby and asked her if she would be able who comes in plans to stay for the full hour and Jesus could
to replace me, and she said she could. be left alone, so the committed adorer must wait till another
A few days later my friend told me that soon after I left the committed adorer or substitute comes. The substitutes are
chapel, another lady came. The lady told her that something instructed to take the stole and to remain until someone
strange had come over her as she was relaxing at home takes it from them.
reading the newspaper. She said that all of a sudden a very I have shared this idea with a number of people around
strong prompting came over her that she was supposed to the country because it works well not only for Perpetual
go to the Adoration chapel, and so she did. My prayers had Adoration, but also any time the Blessed Sacrament is
been answered! exposed for a length of time for private Adoration. One
About a year or so later my own parish began to have woman told me her church loved the idea and one of the
Perpetual Adoration. It was a very big undertaking at first to parishioners made some beautiful stoles and embroidered
schedule all the people, especially since Father wanted two on them the words “Guardian of the Eucharist.” I feel so
people per hour, to prevent the scenario I described above. honored to be one of the Guardians of the Eucharist.

More Than a Pen Pal

By Fr. Evaristus Ogbuagu
Are you still limping between your options: going into Remember that the best way to communicate with a friend
the chapel and adoring Jesus, real in the Blessed Eucharist, is through conversation, especially a live one. Jesus is our
or rather going shopping or running errands when that friend, and, if we want to communicate properly, we’ve got
desire comes to you? Emulate Joshua and his household to be with Him. I mean, pay Him visits as we do our best
who decided to follow and worship the Lord. Believe me, friends. May our relationship with Jesus not be a “pen pal,”
Perpetual Adoration will turn things around FOR BETTER or an “on-line” one, but a LIVELY, INVOLVING, GRACIOUS
in your life, for you and your family. THIS ISN’T JUST A and PERSONAL one.
“RELIGIOUS AD,” but the TRUTH and nothing but the Editor’s note: Fr. Evaristus is from Nigeria.
Truth! Give it a trial!


He Listens
By Doug Konzel
Just like most everyone over 40 who went feeling empty and at the end of my rope.
to Catholic grade school, my first encounter Every week after my visit with my son, I
with Eucharistic Adoration was when we would stop into the Bread of Life Chapel to
used to go to Benediction. I went to St. pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Finally
John and back then it seemed that we were one week I could not control myself any longer
going to Benediction at least once a week. and I began to sob uncontrollably. That half
I had a pretty good understanding of what hour of uncontrolled weeping, bearing my
Eucharistic Adoration was about, even at 7 or broken heart to the Lord and allowing Him
8 years old, and I liked going. But of course to take my broken heart, was the beginning
at that age, I didn’t have the understanding I of a new relationship with Him. That night in
have now as an adult, but I don’t think I can the chapel, in front of the Blessed Sacrament
recall ever having a negative reaction to going was absolutely a life changing event for my
to Adoration. I did like going and quite frankly I enjoyed relationship with Jesus and my relationship with my son.
the quiet. I no longer fit Jesus into my life; I build my life around
As a teen I went to public high school and the chances Him by praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament at least
of my going to Adoration or Benediction became slim to once a week for an hour and making occasional daily visits.
none…I had not stayed active in my church community. I thank Him every day for everything He’s done for me and
Most of my time spent in Eucharistic Adoration was due for Jason and I pray for Jason and my other children and so
to the structure of being in a Catholic school. At St. John, many others…most of them I know, but many I don’t know.
going to Eucharistic Adoration seemed like a part of our I pray for people I love and I pray for people who I don’t
religion class. But in high school, I didn’t have religion class get along with. I pray for everyone when I’m in front of the
and wasn’t made to go to CCD. Girls, cars, friends, hobbies, Blessed Sacrament.
and a million other things now occupied my life. Everything I talk to Jason a couple of times a week. He’s back in
else was more important than God…it’s an easy thing to let Pennsylvania now with his daughters. The drug rehab
happen. I fit God into my life on Sundays and holydays. program in Ohio helped to work a couple of miracles, not
When I got out of high school I became a little more active the least of which was reminding him about the Lord. We
member of my parish…you know, pastoral council, choir, talk about God and Jesus, and I make sure he knows how
and sacristan. That’s the type of relationship I thought God I and many other people I’ve come to know and love, pray
wanted - just hanging around church a couple of times a for him during Eucharistic Adoration. We both attribute
week and being a good person will get me to Heaven…..but spending time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament with
I was wrong. his being on the straight and narrow for these past 4 years.
It’s been 4 years now since I got the phone call… I got I have no doubt, that my time spent adoring Jesus in the
home from a normal day at work, picked up the mail, and Eucharist has brought my son to a closer relationship with
was feeding the dogs when the phone rang. It was my oldest me and more importantly, with Our Lord and Savior Jesus
son Jason calling me from Ohio in a panic. He and a couple of Christ. We know we still have a long road ahead… we have
his friends had been arrested for making methamphetamine. the rest of our lives, and we know where our priorities need
That day in April of 2005 my world fell apart. Week after to be focused. Eucharistic Adoration has helped by being a
week I would go see him in jail, where he would lie to me large part of that focus.
and scream at me, and call me every disgusting name that a So now I have to ask you….are you talking to people and
parent never wants to hear out of their dear child’s mouth. no one seems to be listening to you? Is there some situation in
I was at every hearing; sitting there with my broken heart your life that no one understands? Are you fitting Jesus into
in my hands trying to show it to the police, trying to show it your life instead of building your life around Him? Become
to the judge…trying to get someone, anyone, to understand a committed adorer…Jesus listens. Jesus understands. Jesus
that this was my beloved son, the boy I helped raise, the boy wants to help you.
I played baseball with. But no one would look at my broken Editor’s note: Doug is from Erie, PA and is now in the program
heart or listen to me. Week after week I would come home to become a Permanent Deacon.

He’s Alive !
By Marge Lee
Back in 1997, I was in Tampa, FL, when one day I was feeling very sad and crying. I decided to attend the Saturday
evening vigil Mass and I went early so that I could be alone in church. As I was praying and crying while looking at the
golden Tabernacle, suddenly a laser beam came out of it very slowly. I kept my eyes on it as it came towards me, and when
it entered my body I felt for a few seconds that I could move a mountain. Then I was no longer sad. How ALIVE Jesus is in
that Tabernacle!!!
Editor’s note: Marge is from North Port, FL.


The Greatest Gift to My Parish
By Fr. Neil Buchlein
I would say the greatest gift that I have given to my parish world of peace and joy where nothing else matters. The next
in the last year and a half is that of Perpetual Adoration. thing I know, the hour has passed and time to go.
The response has been wonderful and our program “runs It was mentioned in another newsletter that it would be
like clockwork”. . .and not because of me, but of how it is nice to send a card of encouragement to one’s priest I would
structured. Our parish is a little less than 400 families and say this, whether you have Adoration or not, spend one hour
we have all hours and days filled round the clock. Last year in front of the tabernacle, pray one Rosary and then give
I heard the Lord say to me that He wanted me to spend one your priest a card saying that you made a Holy Hour for
hour a day in Adoration. I said, “I did , Lord, when I was in him and a Rosary for his intentions. And, do this whether
seminary and my schedule was so predictable and set. Now, you really think he is the holiest and greatest priest you ever
it is always fluctuating and it is difficult.” The Lord said that met or not. Remember, if there are no priests, there can be
He needed this so that He could bless me with even stronger no Eucharist. No Eucharist, No Jesus. We certainly need
gifts. Oh, there are times when I can find myself saying, “I Our Jesus more than ever as we watch our world search for
still have to do Adoration, and look at the time.” It is in those answers that it cannot find since it wishes to ignore Him.
times that when I get there, I find myself in another world, a Editor’s note: Fr. Neil is from Hurricane, WV.

Further Resources
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Come to Me in the Blessed Sacrament – Fr. Vincent Martin Lucia
Eucharistic Retreats – St. Peter Julian Emyard
Jesus, Our Eucharistic Love - Fr. Stefano Manelli, O.F.M.Conv., S.T.D.
In the Presence of Our Lord – Fr. Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R., and James Monti
Moments Divine Before the Blessed Sacrament – Fr. Frederick A. Reuter, K.C.B.S
Secrets of the Eucharist – Michael H. Brown
The Holy Eucharist – St. Alphonsus de Liguori
Come to Me – An Invitation to Eucharistic Adoration (Call 504-482-8010)
The Eucharist in Communion with Me (Email

* (Incredible video on You Tube of Eucharistic Miracle) (Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament) (Pope John Paul II Eucharistic Adoration Association) (Adoration for children) (Real Presence Eucharistic and Education Adoration Association) (Online Adoration for the homebound, those without Adoration chapels, etc.) Books Pages/MHE.html (Activity book for children on Eucharistic miracles)

Angel’s Prayer At Fatima

“Most Holy Trinity; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -- I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious body,
blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges, and indifferences whereby He is offended. And through the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and
the Immaculate Heart Of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners.”

“The best, the surest and most effective way of establishing everlasting peace on the face of the
earth is through the power of Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.”
~ Pope John Paul II


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