Detailed Teaching Syllabus (DTS) and Instructor Guide (Ig'S)
Detailed Teaching Syllabus (DTS) and Instructor Guide (Ig'S)
Detailed Teaching Syllabus (DTS) and Instructor Guide (Ig'S)
The PHILIPPINE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY is committed to the pursuit of excellence relative to student’s professional growth and
PHILIPPINE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY envisions producing quality graduates fully equipped with knowledge, attitudes, values and
skills and who are globally competitive in their chosen profession ever ready to render quality services.
PHILIPPINE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY provides quality education to every student through a well-balanced research oriented
learning environment that develops critical and creative thinking for maximum development of individual’s talents and capabilities.
In pursuit of its Vision and Mission, PHILIPPINE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY will achieve the following:
1. Provide programs and activities that will enhance the development of the students physically, intellectually, culturally, emotionally,
socially, spiritually and morally.
2. Provide college education opportunities to poor but deserving students through the PHILIPPINE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
scholarship grants.
3. Train students with globally competitive technical skills that will make them competent and capable of handling challenges in life.
4. Provide manpower needs of the country with professionally qualified graduates imbued with dignity and high moral values who are
mature, self-reliant, responsible and self-discipline citizens.
To provide the country with globally competit6ive and professionally licensed graduates as integral part of the total manpower needed for the
economic development in the national and international levels.
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College Dean VP for Academic Affairs
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The Philippine College of Science and Technology, College of Accountancy and Business Programs provides excellent trainings in business
education in a highly competitive world.
1. To develop, implement, evaluate and continually improve programs of business education that enhance administrative competence
and entrepreneurial abilities;
2. To develop the professional and technical proficiency of business education students so that they can become effective leaders in
their chosen careers.
The above goal will be achieved through the following specific objectives:
1. To provide students with basic concepts of economics, finance, management, marketing and business law;
2. To apply these concepts in business and related professions;
3. To inculcate social responsibilities in business;
4. To develop the entrepreneurial potential of students; and
5. To update students with emerging business trends in consonance with information age.
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The Three-Year Diploma Course in Accountancy aims to provide a framework for developing the skills and knowledge needed for
employment and self-employment in the progressively dynamic business environment. The Diploma is developed specifically in recognition of
the growing importance of individuals equipped with essential skills and knowledge in accountancy context.
The objectives of the program are to prepare students to embark on a career in the accountancy field or to further continuing education at the
sub-professional level by providing them:
Knowledge and skills of accounting, economics, management, business law, business communications, numeracy and information
Cognitive, communication and interpersonal skills;
Information technology skills;
An educational experience to pursue life-long learning; and
A strong sense of responsibility as a member of the society.
1. Demonstrate the understanding of fundamental accounting knowledge and skills for higher level of study, employment or self-
2. Record financial transactions and prepare financial statements in compliance with acceptable accounting principles for various forms of
organisations, be it profit or not-for-profit.
3. Demonstrate good interpersonal and communication skills in order to function as a member of the society.
4. Demonstrate analytical, judgment and critical thinking skills in decision-making and problem-solving in relations with financial
information and business operations.
5. Develop values, ethics, and skills necessary to embrace a career in accountancy at sub-professional level and for lifelong learning.
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This course is intended to familiarize the students with the framework for the managers and leaders available for understanding and
making decisions relating to issues related organizational structure, production operations, marketing, Human resource Management,
product management and strategy.
REFERENCE: 1. Schermerhorn, John R. (2013). Introduction to Management, 12th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. Robbins, Stephen P. (2013). Management, PEARSON.
3. Robbins, Stephen P. (2012). Management, Prentice Hall.
4. Flores, Marivic F. (2013)Fundamentals of Management: theories, practices and cases. Purely Books Trading &
Publ. Corp.
5. DuBrin Andrew J. (2012). Fundamentals of Management: theories, practices and cases. Cengage Learning
6. Salvador, Sanuel M. (2013) Principles & Practices of Management & Organization. Allen Adrian Books Inc.
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Discuss and analyze the department.
grading system of the Illustration as to the
school. computation of
grades: rate
Produce humane allocated to
individuals & communities assignments,
in the face of rapid change. recitations, quizzes
and periodic exams.
Produce thoughtful Group discussion as
graduates imbued with: to the attainment of
*values reflective of a SMART.
humanist orientation;
fundamental respect for
others as human beings
with intrinsic rights,
cultural rootedness, an
avocation to serve
*analytical & problem
solving skills
*ability to think through
the ethical & social
implications of a given Reference Books
course of action. Researches
*competency to learn Handouts
continuously throughout PPTs
life-that will enable them Video Presentation
to live meaningfully in a Orientation Case Studies
complex, rapidly
changing & globalized
world while engaging Pre-Assessment
Page 5 of 34
their community & the Lecture and
nation’s development Collaboration
issues and concern.
Challenges of Working in
the New Economy
Technology Orientation of the Subject
Globalization Discuss the rules and
Ethics regulation in the class and
Diversity inform students in advance
Careers the requirements for the
What is an
organization? After completing this
Organizations as lesson, students should be
systems able to:
Organizational Describe how
performance intellectual capital,
ethics, diversity,
Page 6 of 34
Changing nature of globalization,
organizations technology, and the
changing nature of
careers influence
working in the new
Definition of Manager economy.
Levels of managers Define intellectual
Types of managers capital, workforce
Managerial diversity, and
performance globalization.
Changing nature of Explain how prejudice,
managerial work discrimination, and the
glass ceiling effect can
hurt people at work.
Management Process Describe how
organizations operate
Management as open systems.
functions Explain productivity as
Managerial roles and a measure of
activities organizational
Managerial agendas performance.
and networks Distinguish between
effectiveness and
Essential Managerial Skills performance efficiency.
And Competencies List several ways in
which organizations
Essential managerial are changing today.
skills Describe the various
Developing managerial types and levels of
Page 7 of 34
potential managers.
Define accountability
and quality of work life,
and explain their
importance to
Discuss how
managerial work is
changing today.
Explain the role of
managers in the
upside-down pyramid
view of organizations.
Define and give
examples of each of
the management
organizing, leading,
and controlling.
Explain Mintzberg’s
view of what managers
do, including the 10
key managerial roles.
Explain Kotter’s points
on how managers use
agendas and networks
to fulfill their work
Define three essential
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managerial skills—
technical, human, and
conceptual skills.
Explain Katz’s view of
how these skills vary in
importance across
management levels.
Define emotional
intelligence as an
important human skill.
List and give examples
of personal
important for
managerial success.
Classical Management After completing this Lecture Reference Books Evaluation of Output
Thinking lesson, students should be Researches Quizzes
Scientific management able to: Recitation Handouts Oral/ Written Report
Administrative PPTs Long Test
principles State the underlying
Bureaucratic Collaboration and Video Presentation
assumption of the Deliberation Case Studies
organization classical management Preliminary Assignment
Behavioral Management List the principles of Internet-Based #3
Approaches Taylor’s scientific Exercises and Preliminary Recitation #3
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Organizations as management. Analysis handouts
communities List three of Fayol’s
The Hawthorne studies “principles” for guiding Solving/Analysis of Preliminary Assignment
Maslow’s theory of managerial action. presented video case #4
human needs List the key
McGregor’s Theory X characteristics of and written cases Preliminary Quiz #1
and Theory Y bureaucracy and about the topic Preliminary Recitation #4
Argyris’s theory of explain why Weber
adult personality considered it an ideal
form of organization. Classroom-based
Foundations of modern Identify possible Workshop
management thinking disadvantages of
Quantitative analysis bureaucracy in today’s
and tools environment.
Organizations as Explain Follett’s
systems concept of
Contingency thinking organizations as
Quality management communities.
Knowledge Define the Hawthorne
management and effect.
organizational learning Explain how the
Evidence-based Hawthorne findings
management influenced the
development of
management thought.
Explain how Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs
operates in the
Distinguish between
Theory X and Theory Y
assumptions, and
explain why McGregor
favored Theory Y.
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Explain Argyris’s
criticism that
practices are
inconsistent with
mature adult
Define system,
subsystem, and open
Apply these concepts
to describe the
operations of an
organization in your
Define contingency
thinking, knowledge
management, and a
learning organization.
List characteristics of
learning organizations.
Describe evidence-
based management
and its link with
scientific methods.
Page 11 of 34
Ethical Behavior After completing this Lecture Reference Books Evaluation of output
Laws and values as lesson, students should be Researches Quizzes
determinants of able to: Recitation Handouts Oral/ Written Report
ethical behavior Explain why obeying PPTs Long Test
Alternative views of the law is not always Collaboration and Video Presentation
ethics the same as acting Deliberation Case Studies Midterm Assignment #1
Cultural issues in ethically. Midterm Recitation #1
ethical behavior Identify the four Internet-Based
alternative views of Exercises and
ethics. Analysis handouts Midterm Assignment #2
Ethical Dilemmas In The Contrast cultural Midterm Quiz # 1
Workplace relativism with Midterm Recitation #2
universalism. Solving/Analysis of
Ethics in the Define ethical dilemma presented video
workplace and give workplace case and written Midterm Assignment #3
Ethical dilemmas examples. cases about the Midterm Quiz # 2
Influences on ethical Explain how ethics topic Midterm Recitation #3
decision making intensity influences
Rationalizations for ethical decision
unethical behavior making. Classroom-based Midterm Assignment #4
Explain how ethics Workshop Midterm Quiz # 3
decisions are Midterm Recitation #4
Maintaining high ethical influenced by an
standards organization’s culture Role Playing
Moral Management and the external
Ethics training environment. Experiential Midterm Assignment #5
Codes of ethical Differentiate between exercises Midterm Quiz # 4
conduct amoral, immoral, and Midterm Recitation #5
Whistleblower moral management.
protection Compare and contrast Case presentation
Power Point
Page 12 of 34
ethics training and Presentation
Social Responsibility and codes of ethical Midterm Assignment #6
Corporate Governance conduct as methods Midterm Quiz # 5
Stewardship and the for encouraging ethical Reflection Paper Midterm Recitation #6
triple bottom line behavior in presentation
Stakeholders and organizations.
stakeholder Identify common
management barriers to
Perspectives on whistleblowing and the
corporate social factors to consider
responsibility when determining
Evaluating corporate whether
social performance whistleblowing is
Corporate governance appropriate.
Define sustainability Lecture
and corporate social
responsibility. Recitation
Discuss stakeholder
General Or management and Collaboration and
Macro identify key Deliberation
Environme organizational
nt Of stakeholders. Internet-Based
Organizati Explain four possible Exercises and
ons social responsibility Analysis handouts
Economic conditions strategies.
conditions Solving/Analysis of
Socio-cultural presented video
conditions case and written
Technological cases about the
conditions topic
Page 13 of 34
Natural environment
Key Classroom-based
Elements Workshop
And Issues
in the Task After completing this
Environme lesson, students should be Role Playing
nt Of able to:
Organizati List key elements in Experiential
ons the general and task exercises
Stakeholders and environments of
value creation organizations.
Competitive Describe how a Case presentation
advantage business can create Power Point
Uncertainty, value for key Presentation
complexity, and stakeholders.
change Give examples of
Organizational potential conflicting Reflection Paper
effectiveness interests among presentation
stakeholders for a
Accomplishing business in your
Organizations Innovation community.
Types of innovations Define competitive
The innovation advantage and give
process examples of how a
Disruptive innovation business might achieve
and technology it.
Characteristics of Analyze the
innovative uncertainty of an
organizations organization’s external
Page 14 of 34
Emerging Issues Of environment using
Sustainability And The degree of complexity Lecture
Environment and rate of change.
Sustainable Describe the systems Recitation
development resource, internal
Sustainable business process, goal, and Collaboration and
Sustainability goals, strategic Deliberation
measurement and constituencies’
reporting approaches to Internet-Based
Human sustainability organizational Exercises and
effectiveness. Analysis handouts
Define innovation.
List and explain the
characteristics of Solving/Analysis of
innovative presented video
organizations. case and written
Discuss the differences cases about the
between process, topic
product, business
model, and social
business innovations. Classroom-based
List the five steps in Workshop
Hamel’s wheel of
Understand how Role Playing
Management Challenges technology causes
Of Globalization disruptive innovation. Experiential
Management and Define sustainable exercises
globalization business.
Global management Define the terms
Why companies go Case presentation
Page 15 of 34
global sustainable Power Point
How companies go development, Presentation
global environmental capital,
Global business and the triple bottom
environments line. Reflection Paper
Explain and give presentation
examples of
sustainable or green
innovations issues
Role of global businesses Discuss human
Types of global sustainability as a
businesses management concern.
Pros and cons of
global businesses After completing this
Ethics challenges for lesson, students should be
global businesses able to:
Describe and give
Impact of Culture to examples of global
Global Management sourcing,
Cultural intelligence exporting/importing,
Silent languages of franchising/licensing,
culture joint ventures, and
Values and national foreign subsidiaries.
cultures Discuss how
differences in legal
Benefits of global environments can
management learning affect businesses
Are management operating
theories universal? internationally.
Page 16 of 34
competencies Explain the goals of the
Global learning goals WTO.
Discuss the significance
of regional economic
alliances such as
and SADC.
Differentiate a
Role of Managers in corporation from a
Planning transnational
Importance of corporation.
planning List at least three host-
The planning process country complaints
Benefits of planning and three home-
Planning and time country complaints
management about global business
Types Of Plans Do Give examples of
Managers Use corruption,
Short-range and long- sweatshops, and child
range plans labor in international
Strategic and tactical business.
plans Define culture.
Operational plans Explain how
ethnocentrism can
create difficulties for
Useful Planning Tools And people working across
Techniques cultures.
Forecasting Differentiate between
Contingency planning
Page 17 of 34
Scenario planning low-context and high-
Benchmarking context cultures, and
Staff planners monochronic and
polychronic cultures
Implementation of Plan and tight and loose
Goal setting cultures.
Goal alignment List and illustrate
Participation and Hofstede’s five
involvement dimensions of value
differences among
national cultures.
Answer this question:
“Do management
theories apply
universally around the
Describe the concepts
of global organizational
learning and
Page 18 of 34
formal planning
Illustrate the benefits
of planning for an
organization familiar to
Illustrate the benefits
of planning for your
personal career
List at least three
things you can do now
to improve your time
Differentiate between
short-range and long-
range plans
Differentiate between
strategic and
operational plans and
explain how they
relate to one another
Define policy and
procedure and give an
example of each in a
university setting
Explain how a zero-
based budgeting works
Define forecasting,
contingency planning,
Page 19 of 34
scenario planning, and
Explain the benefits of
contingency planning
and scenario planning
Describe pros and cons
of using staff planners
List the criteria of great
Describe the value of a
hierarchy of objectives
Give examples of
improvement and
personal development
Explain how goal
alignment can take
place between a team
leader and team
Page 20 of 34
controlling able to: Recitation Handouts Oral/ Written Report
Types of controls PPTs Long Test
Internal and external Define controlling as a Collaboration and Video Presentation
control management function Deliberation Case Studies
Steps In The Control Explain benefits of
Process after-action reviews Simulation Games Semi-final Assignment #1
Establish objectives Explain why planning is Semi-final Quiz # 1
and standards important to Solving/Analysis Semi-final Recitation #1
Measure actual controlling of presented
performance Illustrate how a fast- video case and
Compare results with food restaurant utilizes written cases Semi-final Assignment #2
objectives and feedforward, about the topic Semi-final Quiz # 2
standards concurrent, and Semi-final Recitation #2
Take corrective action feedback controls
Common Control Tools Discuss internal control Classroom-based Semi-final Assignment #3
And Techniques and external control Workshop Semi-final Quiz # 3
Project management systems Semi-final Recitation #3
and control Give examples of
Inventory control bureaucratic, clan, and Role Playing
Financial controls market controls Semi-final Assignment #4
Balanced scorecards List the steps in the Experiential Semi-final Quiz # 4
control process exercises Semi-final Recitation #4
Differentiate between
output and input
standards Case presentation
State the control Power Point
equation Presentation
Define management by
exception Reflection Paper
Explain how Gantt presentation
Page 21 of 34
charts and CPM/PERT
analysis assist in apply the
project management different methods
Define economic order of web
quantity and just-in- presentation
Strategic Management time scheduling
Competitive inventory control
advantage methods
Strategy and strategic Calculate a breakeven
intent point
Levels of strategy List and explain
Strategic common ratios used in
management process financial control
Identify the four main
balanced scorecard
Essentials Of Strategic
Analysis of mission, After completing this
values, and objectives lesson, students should be
SWOT analysis of able to:
organization and
environment Define competitive
Five forces analysis of advantage, strategy,
industry and strategic intent
attractiveness Explain the concept of
Corporate-level strategies competitive advantage
Portfolio planning Differentiate
Page 22 of 34
Growth and corporate, business
diversification and functional
strategies strategies
Retrenchment and Differentiate strategy
restructuring formulation from
strategies strategy
Global strategies implementation
Cooperative strategies List the major phases in
the strategic
management process
Business-Level Strategies Explain what a mission
Competitive strategies statement is and
model illustrate how a good
Differentiation mission statement
strategy helps organizations
Cost leadership List several operating
strategy objectives of
Focus strategy organizations
Define core
Foundations for Strategy Explain SWOT analysis
Implementation Explain how Porter’s
Management five forces model can
practices and systems be used to assess the
Strategic corporate attractiveness of an
and corporate industry
Strategic leadership Describe the BCG
matrix as a type of
strategic portfolio
planning tool
Page 23 of 34
List and explain the
major types of growth
and diversification
List and explain the
major types of
retrenchment and
restructuring and
List and give examples
of global strategies
Define strategic
alliance and explain
cooperation as a
business strategy
List and explain the
four competitive
strategies in Porter’s
Clarify the roles of both
price and cost in a cost
leadership strategy
Explain the differences
between focused
differentiation and
focused cost leadership
Illustrate how Porter’s
competitive strategies
Page 24 of 34
apply to products in a
market familiar to you
Explain how the
management process
supports strategy
Define corporate
Explain why boards of
directors sometimes
fail in their governance
Define strategic control
and strategic
List the responsibilities
of a strategic leader in
today’s organizations
Organizing as a After completing this Lecture Reference Books Evaluation of output
Management Function lesson, students should Researches Quizzes
What is organization be able to: Recitation Handouts Oral/ Written Report
structure? Define organizing PPTs Long Test
Formal structures as a
Informal structures management Collaboration and Video Presentation
function Deliberation Case Studies
Explain the
Traditional Organization difference Internet-Based Final Assignment #1
Page 25 of 34
Structures between formal Exercises and Final Recitation #1
Functional structures and informal Analysis
Divisional structures structures handouts
Matrix structures Discuss the /Simulation Games Final Assignment #2
Types Of Horizontal advantages and Final Quiz #1
Organization Structures disadvantages of Solving/Analysis of Final Recitation #2
Team structures informal presented video
Network structures structures in case and written
Boundary less organizations cases about the
organizations Explain the topic
differences Final Assignment #3
How organizational between Final Quiz #2
designs changing the functional,
Classroom-based Final Recitation #3
workplace divisional, and
matrix structures Workshop
Contingency in List advantages
organizational design and
Mechanistic and disadvantages of Role Playing Final Assignment #4
organic designs a functional Final Quiz #2
Trends in structure, Experiential Final Recitation #4
organizational divisional exercises
designs structure, and
matrix structure
Draw charts to
show how each Case presentation
Nature of Leadership type of structure Power Point
Leadership and is used in Presentation
power organizations
Leadership and vision familiar to you
Leadership as service Describe how Final passing of the
organizations can
student’s portfolio
Key Leadership Traits and use cross-
Behaviors functional teams
Page 26 of 34
Leadership traits and project
Leadership behaviors teams in their
Classic leadership structures
styles Define network
Contingency Approaches Illustrate how a
To Leadership new venture
Fiedler’s contingency might use a
model network
Hersey-Blanchard structure to
situational model organize its
Path-goal theory various
Leader-member operations
exchange theory Discuss the
Leader-participation potential
model advantages and
disadvantages of
Current Issues In Personal a network
Leadership Development structure
Charismatic and Explain the
transformational concept of the
leadership boundaryless
Emotional organization
intelligence and Define
leadership organizational
Gender and design
leadership Describe the
Moral leadership characteristics of
Drucker’s “old- mechanistic and
fashioned” organic designs
leadership Explain when the
design and the
organic design
Page 27 of 34
work best
Describe trends
in levels of
delegation and
and use of staff
Page 28 of 34
leadership research
Identify five personal
traits of successful
Illustrate leader
behaviors consistent
with a high concern
for task
Illustrate leader
behaviors consistent
with a high concern
for people
Describe behaviors
associated with four
classic leadership
Contrast the leader-
behavior and
approaches to
leadership research
Explain Fiedler’s
contingency model
Identify the four
leadership styles in
the Hersey-Blanchard
situational model
Explain House’s path-
goal theory
Define substitutes for
Explain LMX theory
Contrast the
Page 29 of 34
consultative, and
group decisions in the
Vroom-Jago model
Explain how
contributes to
leadership success
Discuss research
insights on the
relationship between
gender and
Define interactive
Discuss integrity as a
foundation for moral
List Drucker’s three
essentials of good
(Criteria for Grading)
Methods of Evaluation: Students will be evaluated according to the following:
05 Examinations (Check-Up Examination, Preliminary Examination, Mid-Term Examination, Semi-Final Examination and Final Examination);
14 Recitations (Preliminary Recitation, Mid-Term Recitation, Semi-Final Recitation and Final Recitation);
14 Quizzes; and
10 Assessment
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The final course grade will be computed according to the following formula:
1. Eighty percent (80%) attendance or better
2. Seventy five percent (75%) general average based on the grading system as follows:
a. Prelim Grade- (5%) (Assignment) + (10%) (Recitation) + (50%) (Quizzes) + (35%)[(Checkup exam + Prelim Exam)/2]
b. Midterm Grade- [(Prelim Grade)+ (TMG)/2]; where :TMG= (5%) (Assignment) + (10%) (Recitation) + (50%) (Quizzes) + (35%) (Midterm Exam)
c. Final Grade = (Midterm Grade) + 2 (TFG)/3; where TFG = (5%) (Assignment) + (10%) (Recitation) + (50%) (Quizzes) + (35%)[(S-Final Exam + Final Exam)/2]
A. Attendance Procedure: Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class. Students are expected to attend every class. Students are responsible for all
materials covered during any absence and assignments must be completed by the due date for credit. The absence of four or more lectures and/or labs will result
in a “DROPPED” grade. Missed exams will require proof of extenuating circumstances for any make-up consideration;
B. Absence due to illness: if you are sick, DO NOT ATTEND THE CLASS. Contact the instructor by email, telephone, or cellphone to discuss how will you keep up with
the coursework assignments and complete the tasks assigned.
C. Methods of Instruction: Methods will include lectures and demonstrations that discuss the terms, concepts and formulate of the assigned chapter. During the
lecture a quizzes about the basic concepts of each chapter will be given. The student is expected to read one chapter and solve the assigned problems each week.
This will require an average of five hours of study outside of the classroom each week. The previously assigned problems will be collected for grading and the
solution will be derived in class. This process is designed to help the student thoroughly understand the conce3pts and applications of the material covered.
D. Academic Honesty: All students are expected to behave with academic honest. It is not academically honest, for example, to misrepresent another person’s
worlds or ideas as one’s own, to take credit for someone else’s work or ideas; to cope and paste material from another document or from the internet, to accept
help on a test or to obtain advanced information or confidential test materials or to act in a way that might harm another students’ chance for academic success.
When the instructor believes that a student has failed to maintain academic honesty, he or she may be given an “F” grade, either for the assignment, quiz,
examination, or the course depending upon the severity of the offense.
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