MIND MAP Walking in Pain
MIND MAP Walking in Pain
MIND MAP Walking in Pain
ATHEROSCLEROSIS - Carotid artery disease
process of hardening ATHEROSCLEROSIS
Medical history- Diabetes - Peripheral artery disease
and thickening of the - Aneurysms • Superficial fibrous cap- Smooth muscle
mellitus, hypertension, gout
arteries walls due to - Atherosclerotic Stenosis cells, relatively dense collagen
Social history- smoking,
the formation of - Thrombosis • Where the cap meets the vessels wall
sedentary lifestyle (eating
atheroma/atheromato - Vasoconstriction (the “shoulder”)- More cellular area
fast food)
us plaque on the inner containing macrophages, T lymphocytes
lining of the wall. and smoothmuscle cells
heart disease Endothelial injury • Necrotic core- Containing lipid (primarily
Gender- male (higher risk) Doesn’t occur in the ↓ cholesterol and cholesterol esters),
Age- between 40-50 y/o veins or capillarie Lipoprotein accumulation necrotic debris, lipid laden macrophages
(↑risk of myocardial ↓ and smooth muscle cells (foam cells),
infarction) Monocyte adhesion and fibrin, variable organized thrombus and
transformation other plasma proteins.
↓ • Periphery of the lesions-
MANAGEMENT Platelet adhesion Neovascularization (proliferating small bld
• Risk factor modification- diet control ↓ vessels)
(diabetic and cholesterol intake), Factor release to recruit smooth
↑physical activity, BP control muscle cells
(optimize medication), diabetic ↓ LAB INVESTIGATION
control (medication) Smooth muscle cells proliferation • FBC-slightly ↓Hb
• Vascular intervention- stenting and ECM production • Fasting plasma glucose- slightly ↑
• Medication- fibrinolytic agents, anti- ↓ • Fasting serum lipid- TGs ↑
coagulants (heparin/warfarin), aspirin Lipid accumulation • ESR and CRP ↑- indicate Inflammation
• Surgery- Vascular bypass (to redirect • Coagulation profile- INR- ↓, APTT- ↑,
blood flow from one area to another HbA1c- ↑
by reconnecting blood vessels and • Carotid Doppler- fibrous plaque at left
amputation (left gangrenous of the Atherosclerosis distal Common Carotid Artery, bulb and
second toe) proximal Internal Carotid Artery (cause
Internal Carotid Artery stenosis)
SYMPTOMS/ PHYSICAL FINDINGS • CT Angiogram Bilateral Lower Limbs- both
• Normal : 37°C common and external iliac arteries,
PERIPHERAL • Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, gout and active smoker (20 per day) superficial and common femoral arteries,
VASCULAR • Progressive worsening left leg pain for 6 months , occasional chest pain and and deep profunda→ present of
DISEASE left carotid bruit atherosclerotic changes
• Capillary refill was reduced on left limb-weak pulse on left femoral and • Coronary Angiogram- Left Anterior
absence pulse in left popliteal, posterior tibialis and dorsalis pedis arteries Descending Proximal (40-50% stenosis),
• After 3 months- pain and numbness on left leg and blackish discoloration of Left Circumflex Small with collateral Right
second toe (Dry gangrene) Coronary Artery (mild occlusion), Right
• BP: 150/90mmHg (hypertension) Coronary Artery Dominant (40-50% mild
• PR: 82/min (normal) stenosis)