Sandeep Technical
Sandeep Technical
Sandeep Technical
In different countries there has been development of hybrid construction systems
wherein bamboo-based system is synthesized with adobe and masonry
construction. Even in these structures there have been ample improvisations;
however, as always, every earthquake has posed interesting challenges to the
traditional users and it appears that there has been improvement after every lesson.
Bamboo Housing. 3
Vengala et al
This paper presents a summary of the Since India has large areas falling in
performance of a variety of housing the zones of high seismicity, bamboo
systems where bamboo is used as a can play a vital role in appropriate
predominant structural member and housing and construction owing to its
bamboo frame as a predominant structural suitability and availability.
system, during earthquakes.
Dasa et al
Syeda et al
These papers discuss the The main characteristic of the bamboo which
potential of bamboo and makes it a suitable building material is it’s high
project the possibilities of tensile strength which is equivalent to mild steel
usage of bamboo in the at the yield point and very good weight strength
construction field. Bamboo ratio making it high resilient against the forces
is an ancient solution for created by the earth quakes and hurricanes.
the present day problem.
Bamboo material: Bamboo is not a material well known to civil engineers.
Nonetheless, it is not the intent of this work to describe or quantify all physical
properties of bamboo.
Local Materials: Historically, use of local materials was the fact of due to the
ease of transportation and appropriateness to local climates. Structures were built
in response to the surrounding environment using materials that would provide the
best shelter.
For instance, the adobe houses of the south-western United States provide thermal
comfort in a desert climate; Iceland ice turf houses were built into the hillside
which utilized the ground for insulation and cooling, as well as providing a unique
form that reduced the forces from the wind.
Truss systems and various ways to connect bamboo elements. From his work on
the composition of bamboo.
The present understanding of the material properties of bamboo, as expressed in
the ISO
Standard (2004a) and the Indian National Building Code (NBCI 2005), for
instance, stem largely from the work done
The equations were based on the modulus of composites and modified to
account for the volume gradation within the Culm. An additional study by
explored the fibre orientation within the Culm and more specifically at the
nodes of Phyllostachys edulis bamboo.
Bamboo material
The present study relies on both quantitative and qualitative results to provide a
seismic performance assessment of bamboo frame structures.
Nonlinear Static (Pushover) Analysis:
A pushover analysis on the model that included the effects of gravity load was first
performed. The lateral load was applied at the left column-lateral joints. The
pushover was conducted until the equivalent modulus of rupture load at the
column bases was reached. The modulus of rupture was taken as 53 MPa and the
ultimate lateral displacement of a single culm corresponded to an applied pushover
load approximately 400 N.
Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis:
A nonlinear dynamic analysis was conducted using. The dynamic analysis included
Newton-Raphson tangent stiffness iteration and an integration method based on the
New mark average acceleration method. The model included 5% Rayleigh
proportional damping. The four ground motion histories were applied to the model.
The lateral drift was recorded at the left outside column- joint. The base shear was
measured at the Culm bases.
The bamboo house of 2.7m x 2.7m was tested on shaking table (Plate 14). The
mass of the house was 2636kg. A seismic simulation of 30 seconds was carried out
on the bamboo house for a design spectrum of zone IV and zone V classification as
per IS-1893, 2002.
Use of round bamboo as columns, rafters and trusses as main load bearing
Use of split bamboo grids/chicken mesh plastered with cement mortar to act as
shear walls for transmitting wind loads and to provide overall stability to the
Application of appropriate preservative treatment to bamboo depending on the
degree of hazard and service conditions.
Use of Bamboo Mat Board (BMB) as gussets in combination with mild steel bolts
for load bearing joints in roofing structure, and
Use of Bamboo Mat Corrugated Sheet (BMCS) as roof claddings.
Strength: bamboo is an extremely strong natural fiber, on par with standard
hardwoods, when cultivated, harvested, prepared and stored properly.
Flexibility: bamboo is highly flexible. During its growth, it may be trained to grow
in unconventional shapes. After harvest, it may be bent and utilized in archways
and other curved areas.
Earthquake-resistance: it has a great capacity for shock absorption, which makes it
particularly useful in seismic prone areas
Lightweight: bamboo is extremely lightweight. Consequently, building with
bamboo can be accomplished faster with simple tools than building with other
materials. Cranes and other heavy machinery are rarely required.
Cost-effective: economical, especially in areas where it is cultivated and is readily
available. Transportation cost is also much lesser.
Durability: as long as its wooden correlates, when properly harvested and
Jointing techniques: although many traditional joint types exist, their structural
efficiency is low. Considerable research has been directed at the development of
more effective methods.
Lack of design and guidance and codification: The engineering design of bamboo
structures has not yet been fully addressed. There is little or no data containing
specification of bamboo.
The angle that the micro fibrils of bamboo make with the cell axis has a large
impact on the stresses and displacements observed in mechanical tests.
An increase in moisture content decreases compressive strength, and the
compressive strength increases with the height along the Culm from which sample
was taken.
Shear stress is the cause of failure for smaller spans, and the limiting shear stress is
much lower than a typical shear test would indicate.
In bending, dry bamboo behaves better; strength decreases with the height along
the Culm
from which the sample is taken. Additionally, there is a possible relationship
between ultimate bending stress and density.
Variation in cross-section and modulus of elasticity produce a reduction of no more
than 15% in the bending strength and axial stiffness compared to the values a
theoretical uniform member would yield.
Variation in cross-section and the presence of nodes can reduce bending stiffness
by 50%, and axial strength by 80%.
The slenderness ratio (KL/r) of compression elements should be kept below 50 to
avoid global buckling or splitting resulting from flexural behavior.