Study On Mathematical Model of Compression Performance of Bamboo Culm Integrated Bamboo Bundles Glulam Beam

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Advances in Intelligent Systems Research (AISR), volume 151

2018 International Conference on Computer Modeling, Simulation and Algorithm (CMSA 2018)

Study on Mathematical Model of Compression

Performance of Bamboo Culm Integrated Bamboo
Bundles Glulam Beam
Zhangrong Zhao1, Xiaomei Sui2,*, Xingyu Liu3, Weihua Sun1 and Xiangling Gong1
Department of Logistics, Beijing WUZI University, Beijing, 101149, China
Department of electronic and Information Engineering, North China Institute of Science &Technology, Sanhe, 065201, China
Guolian Automotive Power Battery Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing, 100083, China
*Corresponding author

Abstract—This paper proposes a new type of the bamboo on which the adhesive was disposed were put at the bottom and
culm integrated bamboo bundles glulam using bamboo culm as the top layer, the bamboo culm as skeleton coated with an
skeleton, which solves the problem of the irregular size of the adhesive was put in the middle of material, and the gaps
original bamboo and the hollow structures. A three dimension between the bamboo skeletons were filled with the bamboo
finite element model of bamboo culm integrated bamboo bundles bundles.
glulam was established using continuum damage mechanics and
cohesive element model. This failure and damage evolution The bamboo glulam not only makes full use of the high
process of bamboo culm integrated bamboo bundles glulam strength and high elasticity of the natural physical bamboo
under the compression load was analyzed, and the process of culm structure, but also absorbs the forming advantages of the
adhesive failure between bamboo bundles was also analyzed. The modified bamboo bundles. It realizes the shape rule and
results showed that 900 bamboo bundles layer were damaged, strength dual target. A bamboo culm is set in the bamboo
and 00 bamboo bundles layer were not damage. The load capacity bundles; those have two different shapes but the same material.
of bamboo laminated glue material with the skeleton is 6 times Compared other composites with different material, the
higher than bamboo laminated glue material. bonding strength of this material is higher, and the performance
is stable under the change of the temperature. The bamboo
Keywords—bamboo culm integrated bamboo bundle; glulam; reorganization material can be applied to a variety of
failure; finite element
architectural beams and columns, wall surfaces, door panels,
and furniture floors and panels. It has a good market
I. INTRODUCTION development prospect, expands the application of bamboo
With modern industry development, people use a large materials, and increases the economic value of bamboo
amount of non-renewable materials as production materials, products. The design model is shown in Figure 1.
causing bad effects on human ecology. In modern buildings
industry high-energy-consuming raw materials such as steel
bars, concrete, and cement currently are used. At the same time,
these raw materials cannot be regenerated, it is an
unsustainable production patterns. Bamboo is a kind of short
growth cycle green material. It has good tensile and
compressive properties and is very suitable for the building
beams because it’s longitudinal fiber structure. It is difficult to
apply the original bamboo to industrial building material for its
natural irregular size. In order to realization of bamboo FIGURE I. BAMBOO CULM INTEGRATED BAMBOO BUNDLES
industrial application, it is necessary to reorganize and modify GLULAM
the natural bamboo. At present, there are many methods about
reorganized bamboo and laminated bamboo. The performance of this glulam depends on the properties
of the bamboo culm as a skeleton and the gluing properties of
The industrial utilization of bamboo in the prior art is the the bamboo bundles, and the gluing properties of the bamboo
reorganization of the bamboo bundles splitted by bamboo piece, culm and bamboo bundles play a decisive role in this glulam. It
or the reorganization using the natural bamboo culm. However, is an excellent choice to study bamboo glulam by numerical
there is no method to combine the bamboo bundle with the simulation. In order to solve those problems, the research group
bamboo culm to form the reorganized material. The authors established a numerical model of composite bamboo bundle
studied a bamboo reorganized material, which included the glulam, and studied the cracking of bamboo bundles, skeletons
bamboo bundles obtained by rolling, directionally flattening and failure under the compression load. In the bamboo glulam
and parsing the original bamboo culm, and a bamboo culm as manufacturing process parameters on the material performance,
skeleton with the natural hollow structure. The bamboo bundles

Copyright © 2018, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. 42

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Advances in Intelligent Systems Research (AISR), volume 151

many scholars have done research. Matthew Penellum [1] study  22 2  

fiber volume fraction of laminated bamboo on bending stiffness. ( )  ( 12 )2  ( 23 )2  1 (2)
Zujian Huang [2] study bamboo material parameters on the YC S12 S 23
bamboo-based panel. For bamboo reorganization and glulam,
many scholars have carried on the research. Compared with
structural wood, reorganized bamboo material has the ability to In the equation,  22 ,  12 ,  23 , Yc , S 23 are Y direction
carry large bending compressive loads and good mechanical tensile stress of the matrix, X-Y plane shear stress of the matrix,
properties [3-5].Building structure beam bends under the load, Y-Z plane shear stress of the matrix-direction compressive
the reinforced concrete beam only depends on the strength and Y-Z plane shear strength, respectively.
reinforcement to bear the tensile stress, but the bamboo
longitudinal fiber structure causes the fibers under the axis to The glue layer between bamboo bundles will also be
bear the tensile load, so the bearing capacity is strong. In the damaged under load. The adhesive layer was modeled with a
design of steel structures and concrete structures fields, finite certain thickness of cohesive elements, and a zero-thickness
element mathematical models have been successfully used to cohesive element was used for the layer between the adhesive
optimize structural design parameters. Some scholars have used layer and the bamboo bundle layer. A bilinear constitutive
finite element analysis to analyze the design of wood structures relational model was used for cohesive element degradation.
[6, 7].
However, there are few reports on the application of finite For the damaged layer, linear elasticity relationship was used
element methods in bamboo reorganized material applications. when no damage has occurred at the beginning.
In this paper, a three-dimensional finite element model was
established for the newly bamboo culm composite bamboo III. FINITE ELEMENT MODEL CALCULATION RESULTS AND
bundles beam proposed, and the material failure process under ANALYSIS
pressure was analyzed. It provides a certain support for the Using the in-plane and between layer damage models
application of the material. previously established, a three dimension finite element model
of the bamboo culm integrated bamboo bundles glulam was
II. ESTABLISHMENT OF A MATHEMATICAL MODEL realized in ABAQUS, and the model was used to analyze the
The bamboo culm integrated bamboo bundles glulam can damage of this material under pressure loading. The boundary
be regarded as a multilayer laminated composite material and is condition of the model was that the compressive displacement
an anisotropic orthogonal composite material with bidirectional load was applied to both ends until the material was failure.
fiber distribution. It is also different from wood and its Because of the symmetry of the model, a quarter-model
composite materials. The maximum stress theory, Tsai-Wu calculation was chosen to reduce calculations. The bamboo
theory, and Tsai-Hill theory are often used for the destruction culm as a skeleton was simulated using a linear elastic model.
of wood and composite materials. These theories are mostly The cohesive layer between the bamboo culm and the bamboo
used for the analysis of unidirectional lamination materials and bundles was modeled with a cohesive element. The bamboo
rarely used in bidirectional fiber composites. Because the bundle layer was modeled with a composite material model,
bamboo bundles of the bamboo culm integrated bamboo and the adhesion layer between the bamboo bundle plies was
bundles glulam are similar to composite materials, the Hashin simulated with a cohesive element. Displacement and boundary
criterion is used to determine whether the material is damaged conditions are shown in Figure 1.a. The overall model
or not. The in-plane damage model was established based on established is shown in Figure 1.b. 00 first layer, 900 first layer,
the Hashin criterion and the damage mechanics of continuous 00 second layer, 900 second layer of bamboo bundles are laid
media. The theory of progressive damage analysis was used to along the positive direction of the Y axis, respectively. The
simulate the initiation and evolution of in-plane damage. Seven bamboo culm is placed at the center. The sizes of the model
different modes of damage failure including fiber tension (or were: 72mm × 80mm × 200mm. The bamboo culm is 16mm in
compression) fracture, matrix tension and shear fracture in outer diameter, 6mm in inner diameter, and 100mm in length.
transverse, matrix compression and shear in transverse, matrix Bamboo bundles thickness is 5mm, glue thickness is 2mm. The
layering under parallel tension and shear. Compression failure bamboo bundles layer adopts 8-node continuous shell element
of fiber of bamboo bundles, SC8R, and the adhesive layer thickness is 0.1mm cohesive
element COH3D8. The four layers are arranged according to
00/900/00/900. The model established is shown in Figure 2.
 11 2
( )  1 (1)

In the equation,  11 , X C are the tensile stress in the X

direction of the fiber axis and the compressive strength in the X
direction of the fiber axis. Compression failure in the matrix of
bamboo bundles,

Advances in Intelligent Systems Research (AISR), volume 151

900 ply of bamboo bundles. From the stress changes in the

figures, it can be seen that the bamboo culm integrated bamboo
bundles glulam 900 layups will fail and 00 layup only produces
a small amount of plastic strain under the compression
displacement load.



A. Failure Mode in Lamination

In order to study the damage of the bamboo culm integrated
bamboo bundles glulam under load, 10 elements were selected CHANGES WITH TIME (A) 0° FIRST LAYER, (B) 0° SECOND
along the Z-axis to study the variation of the stress changes LAYER
with time. The stress changes with time is shown in figure 3, 4.
From figure1, it can be seen that the stress of 10 elements in the
first and second layer 00 ply changes with time. There have the
same variation trend at different positions, and the stress first
increases with time, then reaches the peak value of 14 MPa at
0.009s, drops to 10 MPa.
This is due to a certain amount of plastic deformation of the
material at that moment. For the second layer 00 ply of bamboo
bundles, 10 elements at the same position were selected to see
the stress changes with time. It can be seen that the stress
reaches 11 MPa at 0.008 s and drops to 2 MPa at last. The
plastic deformation occurs in bamboo bundles. 10 elements of
the first layer 900 ply were selected at the same position to see
the stress change with time. It can be seen that the material
stress reaches a peak value of 42 MPa at 0.008 s and drops to 0
with time, and the material plastic deformation and failure
occurs in this ply. For the second layer 900 ply of bamboo
bundles, 10 elements were selected at the same position to see
the change in stress with time. It can be seen that the material
stress reaches the maximum value of 42MPa at 0.008 s and
drops to 0 at last, the plastic deformation and failure occurs in
the ply. The stress change curve is the same as the first layer

Advances in Intelligent Systems Research (AISR), volume 151

From figure 5, it can be seen that the main failure of the

bamboo culm integrated bamboo bundles glulam is the damage
of the bamboo bundles, which is shown in the tensile failure of
the bamboo bundle fiber and the failure of the matrix. By
analyzing the failure process of the material, it can be seen that
the failure of the fiber compression damage in the material
mainly laid in the 900 plies 1 and 2 of bamboo bundles, the
damage occurred in 0.0002s, and reached 100% at the time of
0.0085s. There was no damage to the 00 bamboo plies 1 and 2
plies. From the failure results of the compression failure of the
material matrix, it can be seen that the matrix in the 00 ply 1
and the 900 ply 2 were damaged. The matrix in 900 ply 2 began
to be damaged at the time of 0.008s, and the damage reached
(A) 100% at 0.0082s, and the matrix in 00 ply 1 damage reached
85% at 0.0085s. There was no damage in 00 ply 2 and 900 ply 1.

B. Failure Between Layers

In addition to the failure of compression of bamboo fiber
bundles in bamboo bundles and the failure of compression of
the matrix, the failure of the bamboo culm integrated bamboo
bundles glulam can also be failure between bamboo bundles.
Once failure occurs between the bamboo bundle layers, the
material fails. A mathematical model that describes the
layering of bamboo bundles is established in this section. The
size of the model was a 72mm×80mm×200mm bamboo bundle
layer. The outer dimension of the glue layer was the same as
(B) that of the layup, and the thickness was 0.2mm. The adhesive
FIGURE IV. STRESS IN THE BUNDLES OF LAMINATED BAMBOO layer between bundles layer was simulated with a certain
BUNDLES CHANGES WITH TIME (A) 90° FIRST LAYER, (B) 90° thickness of cohesive element, and the bilinear equation was
SECOND LAYER used for the cohesive element degradation. A linear elasticity
was used for the adhesive layer between bundles layer when no
damage has occurred at the beginning. When the inner tensile
stress and the shear stress of the adhesive layer reached the
tensile stress strength and shear strength, the adhesive layer
cracked. In this paper, the secondary stress criterion is applied
by considering the internal tensile stress and shear stress
mixing effect.
In ABAQUS, a three dimension finite element model of the
bamboo culm integrated bamboo bundles glulam considering
the layering of bamboo bundle layers was established. In order
to accurately simulate layering, the adhesive layer was
subdivided into a layer of mesh along the thickness direction,
and a reduced-integration 8-node continuous shell element
(A) SC8R was used. Cohesion element COH3D8 with a thickness
of 0.2 mm was used. The sample is axisymmetric, only the 1/4
model is analyzed, and one end of the model applies a
compressive displacement load.


Advances in Intelligent Systems Research (AISR), volume 151

The changes in stiffness degradation coefficient with time

for different layers are shown in Figure 6. It can see that the
first, second, and third layers of the adhesive layer cracked, and
the fourth layer did not crack. 7 elements of the adhesive layer
are taken to observe cracking of the adhesive layer. The cracks
appeared in the adhesive layer, and only two of the seven
elements selected in the first adhesive layer began cracking at
0.008 s. The stiffness degradation coefficient reached 100% at
0.0085s. Only one of the seven elements selected for the
second adhesive layer began to crack at 0.008s, and the
stiffness degradation factor reaches 100% at 0.0085s. Three of
the seven elements selected in the third adhesive layer were
degraded. The time of occurrence was at 0.0085S. The
complete cracking coefficient of one element reached 100% at
(A) the time of 0.0085s, and the two elements completely cracked
at 0.009s. There was no damage for the adhesive layer glued to
the bamboo culm, the coefficient of stiffness degradation was 0,
and no cracking occurred.

C. Performance Comparison with Bamboo Bundles

Comparing the compressive performance of the bamboo
culm integrated bamboo bundles glulam and the solid bamboo
bundle glulam. The bamboo culm integrated bamboo bundles
glulam has the bamboo culm as central skeleton, the solid
bamboo bundle glulam only has the same thickness bamboo
bundles layer and the glue layer. Those two materials are all
applied displacement load until failure.




As shown in Figure 7.A, the bamboo culm integrated

bamboo bundles glulam fails under the pressure displacement
of 0.000249m, the maximum stress reaches 53MPa, and the
outermost bamboo bundles layer fails, and the first to third
FIGURE VI. THE STIFFNESS DEGRADATION COEFFICIENT OF layers of adhesive layer from the outside to the inside are all
cracking. The bamboo bundles glulam stress are shown in Fig.

Advances in Intelligent Systems Research (AISR), volume 151

7.B, failure at a pressure displacement of 0.00154 m occurs, the [5] Li Haitao, Zhang Qisheng, Wu Gang, etc., “Research progress of
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[6] Zhou Junwen, Shen Yurong, “Numerical Analysis on flexural bearing
layers of glue from the outside to the inside. The compressive capacity of reorganized bamboo beams,” Science and Technology of
strength of the bamboo culm integrated bamboo bundles China, vol. 3, pp. 10-16,June 2018.
glulam is six times than the solid bamboo bundles glulam. This [7] Shandy Alexandra Morassi, Júlia Lopes Ribeiro da Silva, “Altibano
is because the bamboo culm skeleton plays a major supporting Ortenzi, omparative result between standard requirements and finite
role. At the same time, it was found that for the bamboo culm element analysis of wood-frame panels,” Journal of Building
integrated bamboo bundles glulam the bamboo bundles on the Engineering, vol. 15, pp. 78-84, August 2018.
outermost and adjacent bamboo culm are subject to greater [8] B. Toson, P. Viot, J. J. Pesqué, “Finite element modeling of Balsa wood
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stress. For solid bamboo bundles glulam two 900 layer 36-52, June 2014.
withstands more stress.

In this paper, a three dimension finite element model of the
bamboo culm integrated bamboo bundles glulam under
pressure is established. By comparison between the bamboo
culm integrated bamboo bundles glulam and bamboo bundles
glulam, the following conclusions are obtained.
1) Under compressive load, failure of all the fibers in the
ply 1and ply 2 of the 900 bamboo bundles occur, and failure of
the fibers in ply 1and ply 2 of the 00 bamboo bundles do not
2) Under the compressive load, failure of the matrix in 900
bamboo bundle ply 2 and 00 bamboo bundle ply 2 occur, failure
of the matrix in 900 bamboo ply 1 and 00 bamboo bundle ply 1
do not occur.
3) In the four adhesive layers, three adhesive layers except
the adhesive layer for the bamboo culm are all exits cracking.
Compared the bamboo culm integrated bamboo bundles glulam
with the bamboo bundles glulam, the compressive performance
of the bamboo culm integrated bamboo bundles glulam is
increased by 6 times. The failure of the bamboo culm
integrated bamboo bundles glulam mainly occurs in the
outermost 900 bamboo bundle ply 2, and for the bamboo
bundles glulam the main failure occurs in 900 bamboo bundle
ply 2 and ply 1.


This research was financially supported by National Natural

Science Foundation of China (No.31470588) Science and
technology project of Hebei Province(No.15211830.

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