Monitoring of Environmental Exposure To Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: A Review

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Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195

DOI 10.1007/s10311-007-0095-0


Monitoring of environmental exposure to polycyclic aromatic

hydrocarbons: a review
K. Srogi

Received: 20 January 2007 / Accepted: 26 January 2007 / Published online: 22 March 2007
 Springer-Verlag 2007

Abstract Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a give an overview of PAH concentrations in various envi-
large group of organic compounds with two or more fused ronmental samples and to discuss the advantages and
aromatic rings. They have a relatively low solubility in limitations of applying these parameters in the assessment
water, but are highly lipophilic. Most of the PAHs with low of environmental risks in ecosystems and human health. As
vapour pressure in the air are adsorbed on particles. When it well known, there is an increasing trend to use the
dissolved in water or adsorbed on particulate matter, PAHs behavior of pollutants (i.e. bioaccumulation) as well as
can undergo photodecomposition when exposed to ultra- pollution-induced biological and biochemical effects on
violet light from solar radiation. In the atmosphere, PAHs human organisms to evaluate or predict the impact of
can react with pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen oxides chemicals on ecosystems. Emphasis in this review will,
and sulfur dioxide, yielding diones, nitro- and dinitro- therefore, be placed on the use of bioaccumulation and
PAHs, and sulfonic acids, respectively. PAHs may also be biomarker responses in air, soil, water and food, as moni-
degraded by some microorganisms in the soil. PAHs are toring tools for the assessment of the risks and hazards of
widespread environmental contaminants resulting from PAH concentrations for the ecosystem, as well as on its
incomplete combustion of organic materials. The occur- limitations.
rence is largely a result of anthropogenic emissions such as
fossil fuel-burning, motor vehicle, waste incinerator, oil Keywords Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons  Plant 
refining, coke and asphalt production, and aluminum Soil  Sediment  Water  Food  Air  PAH biomonitoring 
production, etc. PAHs have received increased attention Seasonal trend  PM2.5  PM2.5–10  Pollution control
in recent years in air pollution studies because some of
these compounds are highly carcinogenic or mutagenic.
Eight PAHs (Car-PAHs) typically considered as possible Introduction
carcinogens are: benzo(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)
fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P), Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from incomplete
dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene and benzo combustion or pyrolysis organic material sources are
(g,h,i)perylene. In particular, benzo(a)pyrene has been ubiquitous in the global environment and are typically
identified as being highly carcinogenic. The US Environ- more concentrated near urban centers (Hyötyläinen and
mental Protection Agency (EPA) has promulgated 16 Oikari 2004). Therefore vehicular emissions may not be the
unsubstituted PAHs (EPA-PAH) as priority pollutants. only source of PAHs in these samples. Other possible
Thus, exposure assessments of PAHs in the developing sources are tire wear debris, asphalt particles (Binet et al.
world are important. The scope of this review will be to 2002) and stationary combustion sources or crematoria
(Santasiero et al. 2005). Sources of PAHs in urban atmo-
sphere include automobiles, re-suspended soils, refineries
K. Srogi (&)
and power plants (Omar et al. 2002; Yang et al. 2002;
Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal,
Zamkowa 1, 41-803 Zabrze, Poland Dyke et al. 2003). PAHs are also occurring in large
e-mail: amounts in sedimentary rocks and petroleum (Lichtfouse

170 Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195

et al. 1997, 1999; Henner et al. 1999). Additional contri- cars are much smaller than coal particles and found in the
butions to ambient air levels arise from tobacco smoking breathable size fraction (Manoli et al. 2002). There is much
(Sakai et al. 2002), while the use of heating sources can information on the multi-ringed heavier PAHs but have left
increase PAH concentrations in indoor air (WHO 1987). the lighter vapor-phase PAH components rather neglected.
Natural sources such as forest fires and volcanic eruptions Although these lighter compounds have weaker carcino-
are less important. Their fate is determined by their phys- genic/mutagenic properties, they are the most abundant in
ico-chemical properties, especially nonpolarity and the urban atmosphere and react with other pollutants to
hydrophobicity responsible for their persistence in the form more toxic derivatives (Park et al. 2002). Thus, the
environment. PAHs from fuel oils tend to be quickly ad- implication of human exposure to mixtures of PAHs, rather
sorbed onto particles and to accumulate in sediments than to individual substances, is important. The levels of
(Tolosa et al. 2004). PAH refers to a group of a few hun- individual PAHs vary over several orders of magnitude and
dreds of compounds with two or more fused benzene rings. are generally in the range between <0.1 and 100 ng/m3.
PAHs have received increased attention in recent years PAHs are mainly adsorbed to airborne particulate matter
in air pollution studies because some of these compounds (WHO 1998).
are highly carcinogenic or mutagenic (IARC 1983). Eight There are various industrial workplaces for which a
PAHs (Car-PAHs) typically considered as possible car- significant increase of certain cancer diseases has been
cinogens are: benzo(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluo- found that may be attributed to an unusually high exposure
ranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P), to PAH. For instance, PAH exposure is high in coke plants,
dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene and coal tar and pitch producing and manufacturing industries,
benzo(g,h,i)perylene (Menzie et al. 1992). In particular, aluminium plants, iron and steel foundries, creosote-,
benzo(a)pyrene has been identified as being highly car- rubber-, mineral oil-, soot- and carbon black-producing or
cinogenic (Kuo et al. 1998; Wang et al. 2002). The US manufacturing companies. As highly exposed occupational
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has promulgated groups, chimney sweeps, roadmen (pavement-tarring) and
16 unsubstituted PAHs (EPA-PAH) as priority pollutants. roofers (roof-tarring) are also under increased risk (Jacob
To understand the extent of human exposure to B(a)P and Seidel 2002). Automotive byproducts are a common
and other PAHs, reliable sampling and analytical methods denominator for many observations for both PAHs and
are necessary (US EPA 1999). These indicate that particle- metals. The motor vehicle is increasingly recognized as a
bound PAHs are considered to be a significant hazardous contributor to air pollution. Motorized vehicle emissions
substance to human health through breathing. In view of are strongly associated with health problems as shown by
this health concern, monitoring the level of particle-bound research on how proximity to roads affects mortality (Hoek
PAHs in urban areas has become more important (Che- et al. 2002). Brunekreef and Holgate (2002) reviewed the
twittayachan et al. 2002). B(a)P is often used as a marker health consequences of air pollution and demonstrate a
for total PAHs exposure in industry and in the environment strong association between air pollution, asthma and
(Lin et al. 2002). Because of its lowest boiling point and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The PAHs ex-
highest volatility, naphthalene occurs almost completely in hausted as fine particles by motor vehicles are deposited in
the vapor-phase. Therefore, its surface deposition will be and accumulate in soil. Comparing busy streets with resi-
relatively small in comparison with other PAHs. The ob- dential streets in the inner-city and in the suburbs provides
served high levels of naphthalene in domestic environ- evidence about the importance of motor traffic as a source
ments in Taipei might be related to the popular use of of soil PAHs.
camphor balls in the wardrobe (Li and Ro 2000). Generally, environmental exposure of organisms is as-
The highest concentrations of atmospheric PAHs can be sessed by monitoring their environment (sediment/soil,
found in the urban environment, due to the increasing water, and air). Biomonitoring, however, can provide an
vehicular traffic and the small dispersion of the atmo- assessment of the integrated uptake through all exposure
spheric pollutants. The risk associated with human expo- routes. This is important since only the bioavailable
sure to atmospheric PAHs is highest in the cities, chemical is likely to be assimilated/concentrated in tissues,
considering the population density (Caricchia et al. 1999). body fluids, and excreta. Owing to the complexity of bio-
Despite the drastic reduction of urban particulate pollution logical samples, however, intricate analytical protocols are
in cities resulting from the improvement of coal usage and traditionally used for analyses. Conventional biomonitor-
the shift toward other fossil fuels (oil or natural gas) for ing methods are often time-consuming, labor intensive, and
domestic heating, the densification of the urban net com- expensive. Currently, urinary 1-OHP is tested as biomarker
bined with population growth and the increasing impor- for the assessment of low level PAHs exposure of general
tance of traffic have contributed to reinforce urban population. Reports by Vyskocil et al. (1997), Zhao et al.
particulate pollution. Furthermore, particles produced by (1992) Kanoh et al. (1993) and Jongeneelen (1994)

Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195 171

suggested that levels of 1-OHP reflect the levels of envi- less than 1 lm were result from combustion and other high
ronmental PAH exposure from different sources such as temperature sources (Sheu et al. 1997; Kiss et al. 1998).
air, food and the environment of the home life. However, in As it well-know low molecular weight PAHs (two- and
study (Vyskocil et al. 1997), it was shown that other fac- three-rings) occur in the atmosphere in the vapour phase
tors than air pollution contribute more substantially to whereas multi-ringed PAHs (five-rings) are bound to par-
overall exposure to PAH and it was speculated that diet ticles. Intermediate molecular weight PAHs (four-rings)
could be one of the most important factors. For example, are partitioned between the vapour and particulate phases,
the highest peak of 1-OH pyrene and benzo(a)pyrene-type depending on atmospheric temperature (Howsam et al.
metabolite concentrations, were found in significantly 2000, 2001).
elevated levels in the bile of cat-shark collected in Lenga in In the following sections, main sources of PAHs in
San Vicente Bay. These probably reflect boat traffic and ecosystem include plants, air, water, food and soils will be
combustion-based (steel, petrochemical) industries present described.
in these areas. However, the naphthalene-type metabolites
were found in all sampled cat-shark bile in the assessed Plants
areas, reflecting that petrogenic PAH are ubiquitous in the
whole embayment system of Chile (Fuentes-Rios et al. Many plants have a relatively large surface area covered
2005). Cormier et al. (2000) reported a similar situation in with waxes that facilitates the accumulation of hydropho-
white sucker from Ohio state (USA), where naphthalene- bic chemicals. The use of plants as passive samplers of
type metabolites were detected in all sampled fish bile organic compounds in the atmospheric has been suggested
including fish from the reference areas. by many authors (Niu et al. 2003; De Nicola et al. 2005;
The scope of this review will be to give an overview of Lodovici et al. 1998; Müller et al. 2001). Indeed, PAHs are
PAH concentrations in various environmental samples and characterised by a low to moderate volatility according to
to discuss the advantages and limitations of applying these their molecular weight (Sverdrup et al. 2003). Moreover,
parameters in the assessment of environmental risks in Schreiber and Schönherr (1992) reported that the main
ecosystems and human health. As it well known, there is an factor affecting the absorption of volatilized PAHs through
increasing trend to use the behavior of pollutants (i.e. the cuticle is the extent of leaf area exposed to the atmo-
bioaccumulation) as well as pollution-induced biological sphere.
and biochemical effects on human organisms to evaluate or PAHs from a polluted atmosphere are generally trans-
predict the impact of chemicals on ecosystems. Emphasis ferred to plants by particle-phase deposition on the waxy
in this review will, therefore, be placed on the use of leaf cuticle or by uptake in the gas phase through stomata
bioaccumulation and biomarker responses in air, soil, water (Kipopoulou et al. 1999; Lehndorff and Schwark 2004).
and food, as monitoring tools for the assessment of the Leaf features (surface, cuticular waxes, hairs, number of
risks and hazards of PAH concentrations for the ecosystem, stomata) play an important role in PAH uptake and accu-
as well as on its limitations. mulation (Jouraeva et al. 2002). Howsam et al. (2000)
found higher PAH concentrations in hairy leaves compared
to hairless leaves collected in the same area. Hairs increase
Exposure to PAH the leaf surface that is able to capture particulate from the
air; in addition hairs favour a boundary layer of stagnant air
The composition of PAHs in association with airborne on the leaf surface, improving particle retention (Rauret
particles changes significantly according to their emission et al. 1994). Moreover, some studies highlight the role of
sources, e.g. traffic or other processes of combustion. PAH other leaf components, such as lipids and epicuticular
concentration ratios can be used to identify possible waxes, in leaf accumulation of PAHs that are lipophilic
emission sources (Li and Kamens 1993; Venkataraman compounds (Howsam et al. 2000). Besides emission sour-
et al. 1994). Exposure to indoor particulate matter (PM) ces, PAH air concentrations depend also on atmospheric
has been recognized as a significant health problem since conditions (Menichini 1992; Caricchia et al. 1999). Indeed,
most people spend approximately 90% of their time in- the highest PAH air concentrations are measured in winter
doors. Particles of concern to human health are those due to the larger number of emission sources (De Nicola
known as inhalable particles (PM2.5, PM with aerodynamic et al. 2005), the stability of atmospheric conditions and the
diameter less than 2.5 lm). Most particulate-phase PAH presence of fewer degradation phenomena (Menichini
are adsorbed onto fine particles (<2.5 lm), which are 1992; Park et al. 2002). For example, total PAH concen-
deposited slowly and, depending on atmospheric condi- trations in Quercus ilex leaves collected in Naples showed
tions and chemical reactivity, may be transported over long a clear temporal trend, with the highest values in winter,
distances and pollute even remote areas. PAHs on particles comparable to the trend found in PAH airborne particulate.

172 Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195

At the control site leaf PAH concentrations [from 300 cornia fragilis. As high concentrations of PAH were
(September 2001 and May 2002) to 500 ng/g dw—May detected in plants, and a soil–root–shoot transfer was
2001 and January 2002] showed lower values and smaller suggested. Total PAHs concentrations in Salicornia fragilis
temporal variations than the urban sites (the concentrations tissues were from 3.5 to 40.9 mg/kg dw. As expected, the
of leaf total PAHs ranged from 1,100 to 2,076 ng/g dw in highest concentration was recorded in plants grown on the
May 2001, from 1,349 to 1,930 ng/g dw in September 2001 most polluted sediment. Total PAHs in roots of plants
and from 1,038 to 1,962 ng/g dw in May 2002). This exposed to 0.2% were found to be 33.5 mg/kg dw, about
suggests the ability of Quercus ilex leaves to act as mon- ten times the level in shoots (Meudec et al. 2006). PAH
itors of PAH gradients in time despite the variation in leaf compounds at concentrations of up to 43 lg/g (naphtha-
morphological features due to plant phenology. The high lene) were detected in roots and up to 0.2 lg/g (naphtha-
leaf concentrations of total PAHs in January are mainly lene) in leaves of plants (Spartina alterniflora) grown in
attributable to the contribution of medium molecular pots of contaminated soil. The concentrations in the roots
weight PAHs to the total (De Nicola et al. 2005). are one to two orders of magnitude lower than the con-
The temporal trend agreed with the seasonal variations centrations in the soil and are linearly related to the soil
observed in PAH leaf concentrations by other authors concentrations. The concentrations in the leaves are very
(Nakajima et al. 1995; Lodovici et al. 1998). Seasonal low-three to four orders of magnitude lower than the soil,
variations in concentrations of PAHs with higher values in and do not have a direct linear relationship to the soil
winter than in summer are found in Azalea leaves (Nak- concentrations No difference was found in leaf PAH con-
ajima et al. 1995) and in leaves of Laurus nobilis collected centrations between plants grown in contaminated water
in different sites of Tuscany (Lodovici et al. 1998). PAH and control plants (Watts et al. 2006).
leaf concentrations were on average twofold higher in According to Kipopoulou et al. (1999), the strong
leaves collected in the winter samplings. Although it was adsorption of high-weight PAHs upon the root epidermis
not possible to establish a linear quantitative relationships would prevent them from being drawn into the inner root
between leaf and air PAH concentrations, the higher values conversely to low- and medium-weight PAHs. This theory
detected in winter might be attributable to a greater is contradicted by the study of Fismes et al. (2002) who
deposition of these contaminants on leaf surface, due to a found high abundance in foliar extracts of high-weight
large number of emission sources (Menichini 1992), in- benzo(a)pyrene or benzo(ghi)perylene, after translocation
creased atmospheric stability (Caricchia et al. 1999), from roots to aerial parts (Meudec et al. 2006).
greater condensation (Simonich and Hites 1995) and lesser Henner et al. (1999) identified plants growing on soils
photolysis processes (Papageorgopoulou et al. 1999). Niu from three ancient gasworks, from an ancient coking fac-
et al. (2003) highlighted for spruce needles, that show leaf tory and from a prepared decontamination bed filled with
surface rich in wax components, an enhanced photolysis of gas-work soil. All plants were typical pioneer weeds that
PAHs under sunlight irradiation. were commonly found in heterogeneous, low fertility soils.
PAHs can also enter plant tissues by partitioning from They were well adapted to drought and all showed a dense,
contaminated soil to the roots and translocation into the deep root network, even through ‘‘aged’’ tars. Observation
shoot. However, the extent of PAH uptake by roots is still of tar shows of weathered soils in industrial fields revealed
debated in the literature: because of their high lipophility that the location of the contamination can be very hetero-
and low solubility, PAHs would be adsorbed through the geneous, some areas being highly polluted while others
epidermis of roots in contact with soil particles, but not much less. Nonetheless, all locations showed a well-
drawn along the inner root (Kipopoulou et al. 1999). By flourishing vegetation, some what enhanced by fertilisers at
contrast, Fismes et al. (2002) reported a direct relationship the decontamination bed. Noteworthy, at some locations,
between PAH concentrations in soil and plants or tree plants were even able to grow roots through ‘‘aged’’, non-
Laurus nobolis (Lodovici et al. 1998) and suggested a soil- smelling solid tar layers located at about 3 ± 10 cm depth.
to-root transfer predominant upon the atmosphere-to-plant There were only two exceptions showing the absence of
pathway. Heavy pollutions of halophytic plants, especially plants: first, a small soil area, e.g. 20 m2, located at an
Salicornia species, have been reported further to the sig- ancient gaswork field, where high amounts of foul smelling
nificant impacts of sediments by fuel oil (Meudec et al. liquid tar occur between 0 and 20 cm depth, and second, a
2006). The edible Salicornia fragilis being common along hillock of several tons of ‘‘benzene smelling’’ gas-work
the Atlantic coast of Europe is potentially exposed to soils which had been excavated 6 months ago. They con-
accidental marine pollution because of its low localisation cluded that the inhibition of plant growth is due to volatile,
on intertidal area. water-soluble compounds.
Meudec et al., (2006) reported the bioaccumulation of Grasses and annual herbs have been the primary focus of
PAHs from oil-polluted sediments in the shoots of Sali- experiments evaluating the potential of plants to remediate

Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195 173

PAH contaminated soils (Davis et al. 2002). Trees have Table 1 The concentrations of PAHs found in the different com-
received very little attention with regard to PAHs, although partments of environment (Brorström-Lundén and Löfgren 1998)
their perennial life-history and extensive root systems Period (1995) Site 1 Site 2
suggest they may be desirable for use in phytoremediation. Ambient (C)
It has also been speculated that trees may have greater rates Precipitation (mm)
of rhizodeposition (Grayston et al. 1996) including fine
root turnover (Gill and Jackson 2000) and exudation. For Air ng m–3 4.7 2.2
example, the total PAH concentrations in Melaleuca leaves Spruce nedles
from the urban background and in grass were lower than Forest edge ng g–1 dw–1 41 28
PAH levels determined in sugar maple leaves and white Inside the forest ng g–1 dw–1 38 24
pine needles collected from suburban and urban areas of Deposition
the USA (Simonich and Hites 1995), while the leaves in the Open fidel ng m–2 day–1 370 360
Melaleuca leaves collected close to the major intersection Thoughfall ng m–2 day–1 500 700
were higher (Müller et al. 2001). Litterfall ng g–1 dw–1 200 200
According to Domeňo et al. (2006) lichens could be Run-off ng L–1 4.3 3.9
used as good bioindicators of air pollution. Twelve out of Sil (humus) ng g–1 dw–1 ND 2,500
the 16 PAHs studied were found in lichens Xanthoria
parietina samples. All of them in a concentration range
from 25 to 40 ng/g. The highest concentrations in lichens The total concentrations in plant samples from other
Xanthoria parietina were found for dibenzo(a,h)anthracene urban and industrial areas are shown in Table 2 (Bakker
and benzo(k)fluoranthene, followed by benzo(a)anthra- et al. 2000). The variation in plant concentrations is large,
cene, chrysene and fluorene. The reason of non-detection arising from differences between species, differences be-
in lichens of other PAHs (five or more rings in their tween sampled plant organs (needles, leaves and fruit) and
structure) present in the atmosphere in high concentrations differences in sample treatment. For example, washing of
may be of being almost exclusively adsorbed on suspended the plant surfaces has a large influence on concentrations of
particulate matter. Concerning the origin of the PAHs particle-bound PAHs.
found in the lichen, benzo(a)pyrene is usually emitted from
catalyst and noncatalyst automobiles. Benzo(a)anthracene Food
and chrysene are often resulted from the combustion of
both diesel and natural gas. In both cases the origin sug- Food appears to be the main source of PAH intake for
gests the traffic road as a major source of these compounds, humans not occupationally exposed to PAH. Consumers
which fits to other studies in which benzo(a)pyrene and might be exposed to PAHs by eating grilled or charred
dibenzo(a,h)anthracene indicate traffic emission and iden- meats, contaminated cereals, flour, bread and vegetables
tify traffic as the main source of urban PAH emission. (Grova et al. 2006). In vivo studies suggest a transfer in
Also, Capuano et al. (2005) the highest PAH value intestinal epithelium by diffusion, which appears exten-
(101.3 ng/g) in the pine needles was observed, coming sively governed by the physicochemical properties of
from a pine tree situated close to a heavily congested road. PAHs, particularly lipophilicity. However, other mecha-
The concentration of PAHs was highest in the needles nisms, such as metabolism, are considered to intervene
collected during the soot episodes when 140 ng/g dw was (Cavret and Feidt 2005; Phillips 1999).
found, which was significantly higher than the 32 ng/g dw It should be noted that, food–animal transfer pathways
measured during the same period in 1992. In addition, a of PAHs are so far poorly known due to the absence, of
greater proportion of non-volatile PAHs, which in the investigations involving tracers (Laurent et al. 2001). For
atmosphere are mainly associated on particles, were found example, Laurent et al. (2002) reported a study of portal
in the needles collected in connection with the soot epi- absorption of PAHs using two 14C-tagged compounds: 14C-
sodes. Consequently, PAHs in the particle phase appeared phenanthrene and 14C-benzo(a)pyrene in the growing pig.
to be an important parameter governing the uptake of PAH These two compounds differ either by the lipophilicity,
in the needles. either by the water solubility, either by fused benzene rings
The concentrations of PAHs found in the different number. The analysis of portal and arterial blood radioac-
compartments of environmnet (Brorström-Lundén and tivity showed that both PAHs were absorbed with a max-
Löfgren 1998) are shown in Table 1. The authors were imum concentration at 4–6 h, or 5–6 h after milk ingestion.
found that the content of PAHs in the spruce needles was Then, the blood radioactivity decreased to reach back-
highest in the samples collected in January–February, when ground levels 24 h after milk ingestion. Furthermore, the
compared with the needles collected in April–May. portal and arterial blood radioactivities were higher for

174 Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195

Table 2 Total concentrations P

Location Number Plant PAH Reference
of PAHs plants (ng/g dry wt.) in
of PAH’s concentration
(sub)urban areas and in the
in plant
vicinity of human (industrial)
(ng g dry wt.)
activities (after Bakker et al.
2000) Highway (S) 16 Lettuce 17–90 Larssen and Sahlberg (1982)
Highway (CAN) 17 Onionsa, beeta, 10–1,900b Wang and Meresz (1982)
Al smelter (S) 16 Lettuce 320–920 Larsen and Sahlberg (1982)
Highway (S) 16 Kale 500 (at 50 m)b Brorström-Lunden and
5,000(at 10 m)b Skärby (1984)
Busy city street (S) 16 Kale 5,000(at 50 m)b Brorström-Lunden and
14,000(at 10 m)b Skärby (1984)
Urban (USA) 10 Pine 800–1,600 Simonich and Hites (1994)
Urban (USA) 10 sugar maple 500–1,100 Simonich and Hites (1994)
Urban (I) 10 Bay treea 73–880 Lodovici et al. (1994)
Suburban (UK) 16 Pine 20–3,100 Tremolada et al. (1996)
Suburban (USA) 18 Maple 510 ± 100 Wagrowski and Hites
Washed leaves (1997)
Original concentrations Urban (USA) 18 Maple 1600 ± 210 Wagrowski and Hites
expressed in lg g fresh wt. (1997)
converted to lg/g dry wt. Urban (RBD) 13 Kale 1,000–5,000 Franzaring (1997)
assuming a fresh wt. dry wt. of Urban (UK) 16 Grass 153 ± 8 Meharg et a.l (1998)
c (UK) 16 Grass 2,400d Meharg et al. (1998)
Concentration correlated to
number of inhabitants Industrial (GR) 16 Various 25–239 Kipopoulou et al. (1999)
Highest concentration

phenanthrene (even if the injected load was the lowest) formula and human milk were 0.99, 2.01 and 0.75 lg/kg,
than these of benzo(a)pyrene, in agreement with their respectively. Several studies achieved in environmental
lipophilicity and water solubility difference (Laurent et al. conditions show that PAHs can be excreted in the milk of
2001). Main 14C absorption occurred during the 1–3 h time ruminants (Grova et al. 2000, 2006). Grova et al. (2006)
period after ingestion for 14C-phenanthrene and during the reported the impact of chronic exposure to PAHs on milk
3–6 h time period for 14C-benzo(a)pyrene. 14C portal contamination was evaluated by oral administration of a
absorption rate was high for 14C-phenanthrene (95%), it mixture of fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranth-
was close to 33% for 14C-benzo(a)pyrene (9%). These re- ene, pyrene, chrysene, benzo(k)fluorene, benzo(a)pyrene
sults indicate that the two studied molecules have a quite and benzo(g,h,i)perylene at 0.02 mg/kg to lactating goats
different behaviour during digestion and absorption. for 28 days. The results evidence several major points: (1)
Phenanthrene is greatly absorbed and its absorption occurs benzo(k)fluorene, benzo(a)pyrene and benzo(g,h,i)perylene
via the blood system, whereas benzo(a)pyrene was partly were not detected in the milk; (2) unexpectedly, the con-
and weakly absorbed respectively. However, these two centration of fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluo-
molecules are mainly absorbed via the portal vein. ranthene, pyrene and chrysene did not change with time;
Concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene in meat and meat (3) monohydroxylated PAH metabolites (-OH), namely
products have been restricted to 1 lg/kg in Germany and 2-OH-fluorene, 3-OH-phenanthrene and 1-OH-pyrene were
for food and beverages to 30 ng/kg in Italy. Most of the detected shortly after administration. The concentrations of
foodstuffs are less contaminated so that 1 lg/kg rather 2-OH-fluorene and 3-OH-phenanthrene reached, respec-
appears to be a pessimistic value, although occasionally far tively, maxima of 0.41 and 0.22 ng/mL during the first
higher concentrations have been found, especially in mar- exposure week, whereas the concentration of 1-OH pyrene
ine food (oysters, mussels, smoked fish) and vegetables increased to reach a maximum of 0.97 ng/mL on day 14,
(green kale). The maximum daily benzo(a)pyrene intake then slightly decreased during the last two exposure weeks.
from food can be extrapolated to be 1 lg (Jacob and Seidel Those findings suggest a lack of activation of a metabolism
2002). that could lead to an excretion of PAHs into milk under
Kishikawa et al. (2003) reported that the average con- native forms. However, a slight increase in concentration
centrations of total PAHs in commercial milk, infant could induce the metabolism, which should lead to an

Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195 175

increase in the excretion of metabolites into the milk. In the distribution in fish muscles (Cheung et al. 2007).
spite of the absence of a significant transfer of parent PAHs Naphthalene was the most prevalent parent compound
to milk, the appearance of metabolites in milk raises (22–72% in marine fish and 14–52% in freshwater fish)
questions of their impact on human health. because it has a higher solubility than other congeners
Also, cereal products may contain high levels of PAH with a larger molecular weight of PAHs.
because of drying methods. Cereals and vegetables are the Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were also analyzed in
major dietary sources of PAHs—except for high con- fish: Mullus barbatus, Scomber scombrus, Micromesistius
sumption of meat cooked over an open flame (Phillips poutassou and Merluccius merluccius) in several pools
1999). Fiedler et al. (2002) examined green tea leaves, and coming from the Central Adriatic Sea. Atlantic mackerel,
they found that the total PAH concentrations of samples European hake and blue whiting showed the highest PAH
ranged from 497 to 517 lg/kg, compared with brick tea concentrations, ranging from 44.1 to 63.3 ng/g wt, the
leaves ranged from 1,048 to 1,162 lg/kg. These concen- group of invertebrate organisms showed a level of con-
trations are comparable to those in vegetation grown along tamination about three times lower than those of the ver-
the motorway (772 lg/kg) and an urban area (1,901 lg/kg) tebrate groups (Perugini et al. 2007).
at North West Italy (Ardito et al. 1999). It should be noted that the bioaccumulation of PAHs by
The bioavailability of organic trace pollutants adsorbed various marine organisms has been extensively reviewed
to sediments is rather low, polluted sediments still rep- by Meador et al. (1995). BSAFs of different PAH com-
resent an important source of contamination for fresh- pounds in fish are listed in Table 3 (Van der Oost et al.
water animals. Bioaccumulation of compounds in fish 2003). BSAFs for the PAHs were calculated as the lipid-
(Reynolds et al. 2003), therefore, is a result of the dif- normalised PAH concentration in the bivalves divided by
ferent uptake and elimination processes of the compounds the TOC-normalised PAH concentration in the sediments
combined with metabolic clearance (biotransformation) BSAFkg OC/kg lipid = (Co/f1)/(Cs/fOC)—where Co is the
(Verweij et al. 2004). Recently, Kong et al. (2005) concentration of contaminant in the organism (both wet
examined tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus), a fresh- and dry weight commonly used), Cs is the contaminant
water fish purchased from the markets in Hong Kong concentration in the sediment (generally dry weight), fl is
(with fish supplied from the mainland) showed higher the lipid fraction of the tissue, and fOC is the organic carbon
concentrations of PAHs (76.5 ng/g wet wt) than those fraction of the sediment (Simpson et al. 2006).
collected from Hong Kong fish ponds (60.1 ng/g wet wt). Vyskocil et al. (2000) demonstrated that food con-
This suggested that the fishponds in the mainland may be sumption represents the main source of PAH exposure for
more polluted due to the rapid socio-economic develop- the children even in the big cities that are not heavily
ment in the region during the past 20 years. In another polluted by PAH from industrial sources. Some published
works catfish (Clarias fuscus) exhibited the highest con- reports become available of other studies of multipathway
centrations of total PAHs in ventral muscle among ten PAH exposure. Butler et al. (1993) measured personal
fish species. Grass carp, mud crap and bighead carp had exposure to benzo(a)pyrene in 15 adult individuals living
low concentrations of PAHs. Among marine fish species, in a town (population of 17,000) in New Jersey (USA).
no significant difference was observed among different Compared to dietary exposures, the proportional contri-
species and between ventral and axial muscles in tissue bution of inhalation exposures during late summer was
concentrations of total PAHs. The concentrations of total about 5%, which corresponds well to results of study per-
PAHs in the muscles ranged from 15.5 to 118 ng/g wet formed by Vyskocil et al. (2000). Also Van Rooij et al.
wt. It also shows that the percentage of each PAH (1994) demonstrated in the study on Netherlands adult
congener in different species of freshwater and marine volunteers that the inhalation of ambient air is relatively
fish. Nearly all the 16 PAHs except benzo(a)pyrene, unimportant for total pyrene intake accounting for less than
indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene and benzo 1%. Lodovici et al. (1995) compared total dietary and
(g,h,i)perylene were detected in the fish samples. Higher inhalation PAH intake for adult population living in a town
percentages of two- and three-rings PAHs were found in of medium size in central Italy (the average of the sum of
all species. For example, naphthalene had the highest 15 PAH was 27 ng/m3). The intake by inhalation was 11%
proportion among all compounds in both ventral and axial of the total intake. All these results confirm that food is the
muscles of freshwater and marine fish, ranging from 14 to major source of exposure of humans to PAH in areas which
72% of total PAHs. However, no significant difference are not highly polluted by PAH.
in the distribution of PAHs between ventral and In summary, Phillips (1999) in your paper considered
axial muscles was observed in marine fish. Among dif- the current state of knowledge regarding the relative
ferent congeners of PAHs, two-ring (naphtalene) and importance of different sources of PAHs to diet and the use
three-ring PAH (phenanthrene and fluorene) dominated of biomarkers to detect human exposure to PAHs.


Table 3 Biota-sediment accumulation factors (BSAFs) of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in fish (after Van der Oost et al. 2003)
Species Mean fish–sediment concentrations ratio (range) of compounds Dimensions Reference
Fluorene Phenanthrene Fluoranthene Chrysene Sum PAH Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum
2a PAH3a PAH4a PAH5a PAH6a PAH

Antarctic fish 0.24–1.25 DW:DW McDonald et al. (1995)

Brown bullhead 2–10 2–6 2–5 1–2 1–6 FW:DW Baumann and Harshbarger (1995)
Ictalurus nebulosus 0.01–0.1 LW:OM Van der Oost et al. (1991)
Eel Anguilla 0.24–2.9 0.09–1.6 0.01–0.4 0.003–0.06 0.02–0.20 0.04–0.56 LW:OM Van der Oost et al. (1994)
Killifish Fundulus 0.05–0.36 0.004–0.05 0.0005–0.001 0.0001–0.001 0.001– DW:DW Elskus and
heteroclitus 0.012 Stegeman (1989)
Lake trout Salvelinus 0.00011 0.00016 0.00710 0.00033 – LW:OM Burkhard and
namaycush Lukasewycz (2000)
Pike Esox lucius 0.02–0.09 LW:OM Van der Oost et al. (1991)
Roach Rutilus rutilus 0.02–0.13 LW:OM Van der Oost et al. (1991)
0.5–2.3 0.1–0.6 0.02–0.14 0.01–0.06 0.01–0.13 0.02–0.13 LW:OM Van der Oost et al. (1994)
Sunfish Lepomis 0.00001– LW:OM Thomann and Komlos (1999)
macrochirus 0.8

Symbols and abbreviations: DW dry weight, FW fresh weight, LW lipid weight, OM organic matter or organic carbon
number of aromatic rings
Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195
Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195 177

Water Table 4 PAHs concentration in water (Anyakora et al. 2005)

Compound Water (lg/ml)
PAHs enter surface waters mainly via atmospheric fallout,
urban run-off, municipal effluents, industrial effluents and Naphthalene 0.55
oil spillage or leakage. Atmospheric fallout includes wet Acenapthylene 0.34
and dry deposition of particles and vapors. PAHs, as Acenapthene 0.4
semivolatile organic compounds, exist in both the gaseous Flourene 0.33
and the particulate phase in air, and are subject to both Phenanthrene 1.46
vapor and particle washout from the atmosphere during Anthracene 0.35
precipitation. Atmospheric deposition is considered to be Flouranthene 0.54
an important input of PAHs to surface waters. It has been Pyrene 0.67
estimated that 10–80% of PAH inputs to the world’s Benz[a]anthracene 0.56
oceans is from atmospheric sources. As a consequence, Chrysene 1.32
urban run-off contains PAHs deposited on surfaces, as well Benzo[b]flouranthene 2.38
as mobile-related PAHs from gasoline and oil drips or Benzo[k]flouranthene 1.82
spills, exhaust products, tyre particles, and bitumen from Benzo[a]pyrene 1.72
road surfaces. Higher concentrations of PAHs in urban Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 0
runoff were found during autumn and winter, due to the Benzo[ghi]perylene 0
high incidence of vehicles in the streets, coupled with the Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0
use of heating systems (Manoli and Samara 1999).
In another study concerning the distribution and the
budget of PAHs in western Mediterranean seawater, it has indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene were not detected in the water
been found that PAH content in the dissolved phase was sample. This can be attributed to their lower water solu-
maximal off-shore of Barcelona (1,800 pg/L) and in the bility.
Ebro river plume (2,170 pg/L), while concentrations in Groundwater is naturally filtered as it flows through
remote stations were lower (400–890 pg/L). PAHs asso- various soil matrices, and PAHs adsorb well to organic
ciated with suspended particulate matter were evenly dis- soil. Groundwater concentrations of carcinogenic PAHs
tributed in subsurface waters, and their concentrations reported for US groundwaters ranged from 0.2 to 6.9 ng/L,
ranged from 200 to 750 pg/L, maximizing at the Gibraltar while the corresponding concentrations in surface waters
and Sicilian Straits and at a frontal zone located midway were between 0.1 and 800 ng/L and most frequently be-
between the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. tween 2 and 50 ng/L (Menzie et al. 1992). Regarding the
Slightly higher concentrations were found at the conti- chlorination of drinking water, it has been found that this
nental shelf (457–772 pg/L) than in the open sea (212– disinfection technique may lead to formation of oxygen-
605 pg/L) (Dachs et al. 1997). Higher concentrations for ated and chlorinated PAHs, i.e. compounds that are more
dissolved-phase PAHs have also been observed in the toxic than the parent PAHs (Manoli and Samara 1999).
Rhone delta, NW Mediterranean. PAHs in the dissolved The presence of PAHs in drinking water may be due to
phase were found up to 30 and 50 ng/L in summer and the surface or groundwater used as raw water sources, or to
winter, respectively, whereas the corresponding particulate the use of coal tar-coated pipes in public water supply
concentrations were much lower (up to 14 and 19 ng/L) systems, European Community directive 80/778/EEC
(Bouloubassi and Saliot 1991). (1980) states a maximum level for PAHs in drinking water
According to the World Health Organization study in of 0.2 lg/L with fluoranthene, benzo(k)pyrene, benzo(b)
1997, the concentration of individual PAHs in surface and fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(ghi)perylene
coastal waters is generally in the neighborhood of 0.05 lg/ and indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene as reference compounds.
L and concentration above this point indicates some con- Maximum levels for the sum of these PAHs in surface
tamination; also, a study carried out by the World Health waters can reach 1 lg/L, depending on the surface water
Organization in 1993 revealed that benzo(a)pyrene con- treatment process.
centration of 0.7 lg/L corresponds to an excess lifetime Besides emission sources, PAH water concentrations
cancer risk of 10–5. According to studies done in the USA, depend also on the depth in the sediment core (see
in four major cities, the total PAHs in drinking water Table 5). It can be seen that a range of PAHs at varying
ranged between 4.7 and 600 lg/L (ASTDR 1995) as concentrations were found in the porewater samples.
against obtained by Anyakora et al. (2005) (see Table 4). Generally, it was the four-ring compounds that were found
As shown in Table 4. the high-molecular-mass PAHs in the highest concentrations, the largest contribution to
such as benzo(ghi)perylene, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene and this arising from the compounds fluoranthene and pyrene.

178 Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195

Table 5 PAH concentration (ng/L) in porewater samples from a sediment core from the Mersey Estuary (King et al. 2004)
Depth (cm) Naphthalene Acenaphthene Flourene Penanthrene Anthracene Flouranthene Pyrene PAHs

0–2.5 67 75 26 58 <20 77 106 409

2.5–5 275 43 29 44 42 62 109 604
5–7.5 <3 46 17 17 <20 28 58 166
7.5–10 <3 66 105 126 <20 100 125 522
10–12.5 27 21 <2 <17 <20 14 32 95
12.5–15 <3 16 28 45 <20 85 86 260
15–17.5 62 16 33 45 <20 75 92 323
17.5–20 33 <6 10 12 57 15 32 159
20–22.5 19 20 6 7 <20 13 32 96
22.5–25 65 23 <2 12 50 15 33 198
25–27.5 29 19 32 <17 <20 111 275 467
27.5–30 69 71 52 94 85 162 189 721
30–32.5 41 20 7 9 <20 18 34 129
32.5–35 35 16 6 10 <20 17 31 116
35–37.5 30 <6 7 15 <20 19 36 107
37.5–40 54 20 <2 6 <20 15 30 126
40–42.5 107 49 35 76 71 181 220 739
42.5–45 <3 <6 <2 <17 <20 73 83 156
45–47.5 159 <6 <2 <17 <20 37 38 234
47.5–50 65 <6 <2 7 <20 26 31 129
50–52.5 268 78 29 74 <20 130 162 742
52.5–55 103 47 <2 <17 <20 100 162 353

Naphthalene also dominated in many samples. Total PAH centrations ranged from 8,280 to 12,300 ng/m3. Fang et al.
concentration in porewater varied widely with depth in the (2004a, b, c) indicated that mean of total PAHs levels at
sediment core and several regions of high concentration industrial, urban, and rural areas in central Taiwan region
can be recognised, the highest (742 lg/L) occurred at be- ranged from 1,232 to 1,650, 700 to 1,740, and 610 to
tween 50 and 52.5 cm (King et al. 2004). 831 ng/m3, respectively. However, the PM2.5 (fine partic-
ulate) and PM2.5–10 (coarse particulate) total PAHs con-
PAH in ambient and indoor air centrations at the Tunghai University Pastureland (Taiwan)
sampling site were found to be 180.62 and 164.98 ng/m3,
The risk associated with human exposure to atmospheric respectively. In general, the concentrations of polycyclic
PAHs is highest in cities, considering the density of pop- aromatic hydrocarbons were higher in spring and winter
ulation, increasing vehicular traffic, and scarce dispersion than those of summer and autumn for either PM2.5 or
of the atmospheric pollutants (Rockens et al. 2000). Pres- PM2.5–10 in Taiwan (Fang et al. 2005). Table 6 showed the
ently, limit values of 1 or 10 ng benzo(a)pyrene per m3 air results of comparison of atmospheric PAHs concentrations
are recommended or mandatory in various countries (e.g. in PM10 particulates with other studies around the world. In
Italy or Germany). Actually, these concentrations are sel- general, the results indicate that special sampling sites such
dom found or exceeded nowadays in ambient air of rural or as Taiwan urban, Taiwan traffic, Taiwan Petrochemical
even of urban living areas (Jacob and Seidel 2002). industrial, Flanders urban, Taichung pastureland and Tai-
Based on calculated PAH diagnostic ratios, the major chung temple possess extremely high total PAHs average
source of PAHs exposure was from vehicle exhaust (Liu concentrations. When compared with the traffic, urban,
et al. 2007; Zhu et al. 1997). In Taiwan region, several petrochemical industrial, pastureland and temple sampling
significant contributor to PAHs sources had been sampled sites, Asian countries (Taiwan) have higher total PAHs
such as stationary industrial combustion: steel and iron concentrations than Europe (Italy and Belgium, except
industries (Yang et al. 2002) with a mean total PAHs Urban Flanders, Belgium), South-East Asia (India and
concentrations measured to be 1,020 lg/m3, traffic vehicles Malaysia) and America (Mexico) (Fang et al. 2006).
exhaust: motorcycle (Yang et al. 2005) and highway toll In general, summertime PAH levels tend a minimum,
station (Tsai et al. 2004) with a mean total-PAHs con- reflecting changes in prevailing meteorology, i.e. lower

Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195 179

Table 6 Comparison of atmospheric PAHs concentrations (ng/m3) in PM10 particulates at different sites around the world (after Fang et al.
Location Survey Total PAH’s BaP Particle size Literature
year concentrations concentrations
Traffic, Tainan, Taiwan 1994–1995 912 37.01 PM10 ( 21 PAH) Sheu and Lee (1997)
Urban, Tainan, Taiwan 1994–1995 203.9 10.5 PM10 ( 21 PAH) Sheu and Lee (1997)
Petrochemical industrial, Tainan, 1994–1995 116.8 2.39 PM10 ( 21 PAH) Sheu and Lee (1997)
Residential, Naples, italy 1996–1997 22.7 0.9 PM10 ( 15 PAH) Caricchia et al. (1999)
Traffic, Naples, italy 1996–1997 54.8 2.97 PM10 ( 15 PAH) Caricchia et al. (1999)
Industrial, Naples, italy 1996–1997 39.5 2.75 PM10 ( 15 PAH) Caricchia et al. (1999)
Urban, Mumbai, India 1995 24.5 1.8 PM10 ( 18 PAH) Kulkarni and Venkatraman
Industrial, Mumbai, India 1995 38.8 2.1 PM10 ( 18 PAH) Kulkarni and Venkatraman
Urban, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 1998–1999 6.3 ± 4.4 – PM10 ( 17 PAH) Omar et al. (2002)
Rural, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2000 0.3 ± 0.2 – PM10 ( 17 PAH) Omar et al. (2002)
Traffic, Hong Kong 2000–2001 44.54 2.13 PM10 ( 16 PAH) Guo et al. (2003)
Industrial, Hong Kong 2000–2001 23.86 1.3 PM10 ( 16 PAH) Guo et al. (2003)
Urban, Flanders, Belgium 2000–2001 93.025 0.82 PM10 ( 16 PAH) Rockens et al. (2000)
Industrial, Flanders, Belgium 2000–2001 55.125 0.76 PM10 ( 16 PAH) Rockens et al. (2000)

inversions during winter, and lack of a major PAH source, Exposure of on-duty traffic police in Beijing to PAHs
residential fuel combustion for heating. It has been sug- was investigated by Liu et al. (2007). The authors used a
gested that in urban areas only the particle associated with personal sampling technique in measuring both particulate
PAH were highest in winter, while the vapor phase com- and gaseous phase PAHs. The results were then compared
pounds were highest in summer (Baek et al. 1991). How- with those from two control sites away from the street.
ever, in Brisbane the phenanthrene, fluorene and pyrene Exposure levels to gaseous and particulate PAHs for the
levels in both vapor and particle phase were highest in traffic police were found to be 1,525 ± 759 and
sample collected at lowest mean sampling temperature 148 ± 118 ng/m3, respectively, representing 2–2.5 times
(Müller et al. 1998). Bodzek et. al. (1993) observed higher higher levels than those at the control sites. However, Park
winter/summer ratios for particle-associated PAHs with a et al. (2002) found negative correlation between vapor
lower condensation degree (from fluorene to chrysene) and phase PAHs and temperature when investigating atmo-
lower concentration ratios for the higher condensed PAHs spheric PAHs in Seoul, Korea. It is believed that changes in
BFs (B(b)Fl + B(k)Fl), B(e)Py and B(ghi)Pe. The authors the atmospheric mixing layer at higher temperatures leads
attributed this difference to the temperature dependent to stronger convection and dilution, and Panshin and Hites
distribution of the more volatile PAHs between the particle (1994), Wania et al. (1998) even developed experimental
and the gaseous phase (Broman et al. 1991). Papageor- equations to quantitatively describe the relationship be-
gopoulou et al. (1999) PAHs were determined in the tween vapor PAHs and temperature.
ambient air of six towns in Greece. Correlations of total The total concentration of 17 PAHs ranged between 0.84
PAH with other atmospheric pollutants were largely dif- and 152 ng/m3, with an average of 116 ng/m3, in urban
ferent among towns indicated that the relative contribution area were 1.1–6.6 times higher than those measured in
of emission sources is different in each location. In the suburban area of Beijing (China). It suggested a serious
warm months PAHs were significantly correlated with pollution level of PAHs in Beijing. PAHs concentrations
vehicular pollutants thus suggested traffic as major PAH increased with decreasing the ambient temperature.
emitting source. The same was also deduced from the Approximately 68.4–84.7% of PAHs were adsorbed on
comparison of the ambient PAH profiles to the profiles of particles having aerodynamic diameter 62.0 lm. Coal
particular sources. The contribution of residential heating combustion for domestic heating was probably major
was significant in most towns during winter. Principal contributor to the higher PAHs loading in winter, whereas
component analysis of the data did not result in a clear PAHs in other seasons displayed characteristic of mixed
distinction between towns suggested that all were influ- source of gasoline and diesel vehicle exhaust. Biomass
enced by similar source types. burning and road dust are minor contributors to the PAHs

180 Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195

composition of these aerosol particles. Except for source in two kindergartens are presented in Table 7. The outdoor
emission, other factors, such as meteorological condition, total PAH concentrations were 12 times higher in ‘‘pol-
photochemical decay, and transportation from source to the luted’’ kindergarten than in kindergarten situated in a ‘‘non
receptor site, should to be involved in the generation of the polluted’’ area and 3 times lower than mean concentration
observed patterns (Zhou et al. 2005). measured near the highway in Montreal. On the contrary,
Rehwagen et al. (2005) concluded that the results no difference was found between the total PAH concen-
showed a PAH seasonal behaviour in both regions of La trations measured indoors in both kindergartens. Similar
Plata (Italy), with lower contents in summer and higher tendencies were observed for pyrene concentrations (Vy-
ones in winter. Highest concentrations of total PAHs were skocil et al. 2000).
found in the industrial area in La Plata. The size distribu- Sharma et al. (2007) reported that concentrations of
tion of particles demonstrates the greater relevance of total PAHs in air were 667.73 ± 399.38 and 672.16 ±
smaller particles. More than 50% of PAHs were associated 387.69 ng/m3 (Delhi, India) in the years 2002 and 2003,
with particles of less than 0.49 lm. Moreover, this particle respectively. Data also reveal that the concentrations of
size fraction was associated with traffic, whereas other PAHs are higher in the winter months than in the monsoon
sources of combustion were related also to particles be- and summer months. In earlier studies also the concentra-
tween 0.49 and 0.95 lm. Considering the ratio of tions of particle associated PAHs in urban areas have been
benzo(ghi)perylene /benzo(a)pyrene as an indicator for found to peak in winter. The elevated concentrations of
traffic influence, it was observed that La Plata City was PAH in winter can be attributed to increased emissions
more affected than Leipzig by the same proportion in from higher consumption of fossil fuels for heating pur-
summer and in winter. The benzo(g)perylene/indeno(123- poses, more traffic volumes and less dispersion due to
cd)pyrene ratio was lower in winter than in summer in both meteorological conditions prevailing in winter (Sharma
places and indicates the presence of domestic combustion et al. 2007).
sources. It is important to point out the significance of Indoor air quality is of particular interest in the world.
using fingerprint compound ratios to identify possible With the different functions and ventilation conditions, the
sources of pollution with PAHs bound to particles (Reh- concentrations of PAHs in indoor air were: bed-
wagen et al. 2005). room > kitchen > living room > balcony. Indoor air of
In a similar study on exposure to airborne particles and kitchen is polluted by PAHs that come from not only
PAHs close to a busy street in Gliwice (Poland). Bylina outdoor air but also indoor emission sources such as
et al. (2005) found that the average concentration of PAHs cooking, gas home appliances (Liu et al. 2001). Except for
near the street was more than 1.5 times greater than that cooking practice, cooking oil-fumes should make a sig-
100 m away from the street. Although the total exposure nificant contribution to PAHs concentrations of indoor air
was much lower than that observed in Beijing (only including two parts: (1) once heated PAHs evaporate from
192 ng m–3 in the spring), the results highlight the signif- the polluted oil into air; (2) at high temperature organic
icant role exhaust gas emissions play in exposure to PAHs compounds are partially cracked to smaller unstable frag-
on busy streets (Liu et al. 2007). ments (pyrolysis), mostly radicals recombine to give rela-
For example, air concentrations of pyrene and of the tively stable PAHs (pyrosynthesis) (Moret and Conte
sum of 12 PAH compounds measured indoors and outdoors 2000).

Table 7 PAH concentrations in area (Vyskocil et al. 2000)a

Place Total PAHb (ng/m3) Pyrene (ng/m3)
Outdoor Indoor Outdoor Indoor

Kindergarten in a polluted area 36.1; 17.9; 14.8 2.8; 2.6; 3.6 5.1; 1.6; 1.3 0.4; 0.3; 0.5
Kindergarten in a nonpolluted area 1.6; 2.2; 1.9 1.0; 2.8; 2.5 0.3; 0.4; 0.4 0.2; 0.5; 0.5
Montreal highway Décairie (1989–1991)c 62.7
London (1991) 166
Individual values
Total of 12 PAH: phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene,
benzo(a)pyrene, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, benzo(ghi)perylene, indeno(1,2,3-c,d) pyrene
Sum of 12 PAH calculated by the authors of this paper from the results presented by Ringuette et al. (1993)
Sum of 15 PAH (Halsall et al. 1994)

Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195 181

According to Zhu and Wang (2003) the average con- high concentrations observed for the lower molecular
centration of 12 PAHs in air of hotel and commercial weight PAHs such as naphthalene and acenaphthylene in
kitchens of Hangzhou was 17 lg/m3, which comprised the indoor sample accounted for 58% of the total PAH
mainly of three- and four-ring PAHs. The corresponding while the same accounted for only 35% of the total PAH in
average in domestic kitchens was 7.6 lg/m3 and consisted outdoor samples. The outdoor samples were collected in an
mainly of two- and three-ring PAHs. Anthracene was more open area 5–6 m away from the respective houses. Indoor
abundant in domestic kitchen air than in commercial concentration levels of some of the compounds like nep-
kitchen air. Food boiling produced the least amount of thalene, phenanthrene and benzo(a)pyrene were found to
PAHs. The high-fat food produced more PAHs when be a magnitude higher than the respective outdoor levels.
broiled, so did low fat-level food when fried except pyrene Except for anthracene (I/O = 0.8), the I/O ratio of indi-
and anthracene. In commercial kitchens, PAHs came from vidual PAH compounds were always higher than one,
two sources, cooking practice and oil-fumes, however the varying from 1.6 to 10.5. The concentration of the car-
cooking practice had a more predominant contribution to cinogenic benzo(a)pyrene in the cooking environment
PAHs in commercial kitchen air. In domestic kitchens, using kerosene as fuel ranged between 0.2 and 17.6 ng/m3
except for cooking practice and oil-fumes, there were other and are found to be lower than 33–186 ng/m3 of
PAHs sources, such as smoking and other human activities benzo(a)pyrene from other cooking fuels like coal, wood
in the domestic houses, where three- to four-ring PAHs and cattle dung as reported by Raiyani et al. (1993). Even
mainly came from cooking practice. Two-ring PAHs, then, it exceeds the air quality standard of 1 ng/m3 speci-
naphthalene, was the most predominant kind, mostly fied by a few countries (though not India) most of the time.
resulting from the evaporation of mothball containing a The indoor concentration levels suggest that exposure to
large quantity of naphthalene, used to prevent clothes individual PAH compound during cooking period is 2–10
against moth. The level of air PAHs in commercial kitch- times higher than ambient exposure. However, based on 6-
ens was very high. The exposure to BaP in domestic h cooking and 18-h non-cooking periods, the average daily
kitchens was 0.0044–0.016 lg/day, while it increased to exposure was only two times higher than ambient air
0.32–0.94 lg/day in commercial kitchens. Meanwhile, the (Pandit et al. 2001).
production of PAHs from three common cooking oils was Chiang et al. (1999) successfully identified four PAHs
compared, in which lard produced more PAHs than rape- in fumes from these cooking oils (Chiang et al. 1999).
seed oil and soybean oil. An increase in cooking temper- B(a)P, DB(ah)A, and B(a)A are considered probable hu-
ature generally increased the production of most PAHs. man carcinogens (group 2A); B(b)FA is considered a
The concentration ranges of individual PAH compounds possible human carcinogens (group 2B) by IARC (1992).
along with their mean observed for indoor and outdoor The carcinogenic contents (lg/m3) of fumes from various
locations are given in Table 8 (Pandit et al. 2001). The oils is shown in Table 9. Exposure to PAHs is considered

Table 8 Range and geometric mean concentrations (ng/m3) of PAH compounds in a kitchen using a kerosene stove (Pandit et al. 2001)
Compound Indoor (I) Outdoor (O) Mean I/Oa

Naphthalene ND–183.5 (67.2) ND–16.6 (6.4) 10.5

Acenapthylene 2.6–45.1 (28.8) 0.6–16.5 (6.5) 4.3
Acenepthene 4.6–22.6 (14.1) 4.6–18.2 (8.9) 1.6
Fluorene ND–13.6 (4.6) 0.7–2.2 (1.2) 3.8
Phenanthrene ND–45.2 (10.3) 1.0–2.2 (1.4) 7.3
Anthracene ND–9.8 (2.3) 2.3–3.0 (2.8) 0.8
Fluoranthene 0.5–48.3 (16.1) 1.4–6.1 (3.6) 4.5
Pyrene 1.4–45.5 (12.8) 2.0–7.8 (4.5) 2.8
Chrysene 0.9–6.8 (2.0) 0.3–1.1 (0.5) 4.0
Benzo(a)anthracene 1.1–9.7 (2.9) 0.4–1.6 (0.8) 3.6
Benzo(k)fluorenthene 0.6–49.5 (16.9) 0.5–5.4 (3.8) 4.4
Benzo(a)Pyrene ND–17.6 (6.9) ND–2.0 (0.9) 7.6
Total PAH 25.3–373.9 (164.2) 23.0–45.6 (36.7) 4.5
Mean concentrations are given in parentheses
ND not detected
The I/O ratio has been calculated from mean indoor concentration to mean outdoor concentration

182 Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195

Table 9 The Carcinogenic Contents (lg/m3) of Fumes from various the summer of 1996. Diesel trucks were the major source of
oils (Chiang et al. 1999) lighter PAH, whereas light-duty gasoline vehicles were the
Carcinogens Cooking oil dominant source of higher molecular weight PAH. Size-
resolved measurements of particulate PAH showed sig-
Safflower Vegetable Corn
nificant fractions of diesel derived PAH to be present in
BaP 22.7 ± 1.5 21.6 ± 1.3 18.7 ± 0.9 both the ultra-fine size mode (<0.12 lm) and the accu-
DBahA 2.8 ± 0.2 3.2 ± 0.1 2.4 ± 0.2 mulation mode (0.12–2 lm). In contrast, the gasoline en-
BbFA 1.8 ± 0.3 2.6 ± 0.2 2.0 ± 0.1 gine-derived PAH emissions were found almost entirely in
BaA 2.5 ± 0.1 2.1 ± 0.4 1.9 ± 0.1 the ultra-fine mode (Miguel et al. 1998).
B(a)P Benzo(a)pyrene, B(a)A Benzo(a)fluoranthene, B(b)FA
Benzo(b)fluoranthene, B(ghi)P Dibenzo(ghi)perylene Soil

Soil system seems to be the important long-term repository

an etiologic factor of lung cancer (Boffetta et al. 1997). for PAHs and is considered to be a steady indicator of the
Safflower oil, vegetable oil, and corn oil are frequently environmental pollution state. Accumulation of PAHs in
used by cooks in Taiwan and during the past 10 years. soils may lead to further potential contamination of vege-
These results indicated that exposure to cooking oil fumes tables and food chains (Kipopoulou et al. 1999; Mueller
could possibly increase exposure to PAHs, which may be and Shann 2006), and then cause direct or indirect exposure
linked to the increased risk of lung cancer reported in to human. Moreover, leaching, evaporation and migration
Chinese Women. The concentration of B(a)P in cooking oil are possible PAHs sources of atmospheric or groundwater
fumes exceeds that reported in cigarette smoke by a factor contamination. Therefore, knowledge of soil contamination
of 6.5 times (Guerrin 1993). with PAHs is needed to avoid any food production risk and
In general, a ratio of outdoor to indoor air PAH con- to restrict the deleterious effect of these contaminants.
centrations are about 2:1 in a room which is not polluted by Sorption and degradation are key processes that affect the
tobacco smoking (Van Rooij et al. 1994). It must be, fate and transport of PAHs in the environment (Magee
however, noted that the other prominent indoor combustion et al. 1991). Sorption also plays a key role in controlling
sources of PAH, such as heating and cooking were absent transport of PAHs during leaching, as well as in transfor-
in kindergartens. Sakai et al. (2002) clearly demonstrated mation and bio-accumulation processes (Reeves et al.
that cigarette smoking and meat cooking are the major 2004). For example, Amellal et al. (2006a) studied the
emission sources of PAH in indoor air of the Tokyo area. It sorption and desorption of 14C-labelled phenanthrene on
was also shown that PAH air pollution in the Tokyo area is soils, during 6 months of natural conditions. The results
serious both indoors and outdoors. Most large factories showed that phenanthrene was strongly adsorbed and
have already relocated to the outskirts of the Tokyo poorly desorbed. Consequently, in the leachates of micro-
metropolitan area, since the Metropolitan government lysimeters, phenanthrene represented only a limited pro-
pollution control policies began in 1969 (TMG 1969). portion, from 20 to 40%. Leaching primarily concerned
Thus, at present, motor vehicle exhaust is considered the degradation products, maybe including traces of 9,10-
largest emission source of PAH in the Tokyo metropolitan phenanthrenedione, which was present in significant
area. Average concentrations of PM10 and PAH in the air quantities in the soils in an extractable state. Lastly, the
along the highway between Zurich and Basal on a fine sequestration or formation of non-extractable residues can
summer afternoon were 55.0 lg/m3 and 127.5 ng/m3, contribute in a very significant and quasi-final way to the
respectively (Siegmann et al. 1999). Although this PM10 exclusion of the pollutant from any other process which
average is close to that in the suburban highway in the defines its behaviour in the soil. Amellal et al. (2006b)
study, the PAH average is one half that of the suburban observed that when biological degradation occurs, there
highway around Tokyo. Also, as the ventilation system was was an increased in sequestration and in leaching, as well
operating in Tokyo highway tunnels, it is speculated that as in the concentration in residues in pore water. The in-
the suburban and metropolitan highways in the Tokyo area creased in availability for leaching was exclusively due to
are much more polluted by PAH. On this account, it was the formation of degradation products that were more
disclosed that a recent increase in the number of motor soluble and/or less adsorbed than phenanthrene on the
vehicles in Tokyo (TMG 2000; JEA 2000) has resulted in a surface of the aggregates. In the same way, these com-
serious increase in the outdoor concentrations of PAH pounds were responsible for the increased in the concen-
there. tration in residues observed in the immobile water of the
Gas and particle-phase pollutant emission was measured soil. The passage of phenanthrene degradation products
in the Caldecott Tunnel in the San Francisco Bay Area in into soil pore water occurs by diffusion due to the effect of

Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195 183

a concentration gradient created by the degradation of corresponded to soils sampled in the unpolluted area
phenanthrene (and the formation of degradation products) (52.8 ng/g). Notwithstanding, the differences did not reach
on the surface of the aggregates where it was initially ad- the level of statistical significance, for any of the indi-
sorbed. In addition, this diffusion facilitates the seques- vidual PAHs, as well as for the sum of 16 PAHs and the
tration of the compounds in the soil. They concluded that in sum of 7 carcinogenic PAHs. With respect to the total
soils contaminated by strongly adsorbed organic com- PAH sum, the concentration in soil samples from the
pounds, water pollution and sequestration are primarily chemical and urban areas decreased, while the levels
controlled by degradation. corresponding to the petrochemical and unpolluted zones
Many studies have been reported for the PAHs in soils increased. Excepting those samples collected in the
in some countries (Wild et al. 1990; Weiz et al. 1994; Nam Southern complex, a similar tendency was noted for the
et al. 2003). It was reported that the typical endogenous levels of seven carcinogenic PAHs. However, the temporal
PAHs in soils are in the range of 1–10 lg/kg (Edwards variation was not statistically significant for any of both
1983), and most of them are derived from oil seeps, bitu- groups of organic pollutants here analyzed. When the
mens, coal, plant debris, forest and prairie fires (Yunker hydrocarbons were individually assessed, it was found that
et al. 2002). PAHs with three rings or more tend to be very the concentration of naphthalene increased significantly
strongly adsorbed to the soil matrices (Knox et al. 1993), from 5.3 to 24.4 ng/g (p < 0.05) and from 3.7 to 16.6 ng/g
preferentially to small aggregates (<50 lm), which also (p < 0.001) in the chemical and petrochemical areas,
contain the most humified organic matter (Quantin et al. respectively. In contrast, acenaphthylene levels signifi-
2005). Strong adsorption coupled with very low water cantly decreased in urban samples (from 23.4 to 3.0 ng/g,
solubility render PAH loss by leaching insignificant. p < 0.01), while no significant changes were found for the
Lichtfouse et al. (1997) reported that soil PAHs were remaining PAHs (Nadal et al. 2007).
mainly of pyrolytic origin, e.g. exogenous (airborne) con- Wilcke and Amelung (2000) reported that the total of 20
tributions of fossil fuel combustion products and (old) PAHs in the soils from North America Great Plain ranges
vegetation fires, with a small contribution of uncombusted from 60 to 180 lg/kg, while PAHs in the vegetable soils in
fossil fuels. Guangzhou (China) is higher than this range (Chen et al.
A number of studies have shown that PAHs adsorb very 2005).
strongly to the surface of soil particles and organic matter, In another work PAH were present in the 0–10 cm soil
and are hence not readily available for biodegradation. For from the Swiss soil monitoring network (NABO) obser-
example, Fu et al. (1994) observed that 30 ± 50% of vation sites in concentrations from 50 to 619 lg/kg dw.
naphthalene, the most water-soluble and bioavailable PAH, The highest concentrations were observed in urban areas
resisted desorption from an Oklahoma soil consisting of (400–619 lg/kg dw), irrespective of the land utilization
92% sand. type (city park, forests, arable land). In rural areas, con-
According to Vyskocil et al. (2000) the total PAH centrations of 16 PAH in arable soils ranged from 60 to
concentration in the soil from the kindergarten situated in 145 lg/kg dw, in permanent and pasture grassland soils
the ‘‘polluted’’ area was twice higher than that in the from 50 to 314 lg/kg dw, and in forest soils from 98 to
‘‘non-polluted’’ area (see Table 10). 219 lg/kg dw. Median values obtained in these main
The highest concentration of PAHs was detected in the compartments increased in the order of arable soils (66 lg/
chemical area of Tarragona (476.2 ng/g), with values kg dw) < permanent and pasture grassland (142 lg/kg
two- and four-times higher than those of the urban/ dw) < forests (164 lg/kg dw) < urban soils (451 lg/kg
residential (206.9 ng/g) and the petrochemical zones dw) (Bucheli et al. 2004). However, Capuano et al. (2005)
(119.7 ng/g), respectively. Finally, the lowest concentration reported that the values of PAH decrease with depth soil,
for example, for sample 1 total PAH concentrations were
318,9 lg/kg dw (10 cm), 88,9 lg/kg dw (20 cm) and
74,1 lg/kg dw (30 cm). The PAH-concentrations in soil
Table 10 PAH concentrations in soil (Vyskocil et al. 2000)
samples from site 1 are approximately two orders of
Place Total PAHa Pyrene magnitude higher than those in other soils in the vicinity of
(ng/g) (ng/g)
human activities (see Table 11).
Kindergarten in a polluted area 132 10.4 According to Masih and Taneja (2006) the average
Kindergarten in a non polluted area 65 6.1 concentration of total PAH in all samples (Agra—semi-
arid region of India) was 12.1 lg/g and the range was from
Total of 12 PAH: phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene,
benzo(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluo- 3.1 to 28.5 lg/g. The total PAH concentrations were 13.72,
ranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, benzo(ghi)peryl- 12.98, 9.37 and 6.73 lg/g at industrial, roadside, residential
ene, indeno(1,2,3-c,d) pyrene and agricultural sites, respectively. The industrial sites had

184 Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195

Table 11 Total concentrations of PAHs in soils (lg g dry wt.) in urban areas and in the vicinity of human (industrial) activities (after Bakker
et al. 2000)
Location Number Soil depth (cm) PAH concentration Reference
of PAHS in soil (lg g dry wt.)

Highway (CAN) 17 Surface 1.4 Wang and Meresz (1982)

Motorway (UK) 7 0–4 20 at 1 m Butler et al. (1984)
4–8 at 600 m
Highway (USA) 14 0–5 3 Yang et al. (1991)
Urban (JAP) 8 0–3 1.3 ± 0.8 Spitzer and Kuwatsuka (1993)
Chemical plant (AUS) 18 0–5 0.3–79 Weiss et al. (1994)
Urban (CH) 16 0–20 11–12 Niederer et al. (1995)
Al plant (SK) 17 Surfacea 40–200 Wickle et al. (1996)
Urban (UK) 16 0–10 2.7 ± 0.5 Meharge et al. (1998)
Polyprop. fire (UK) 16 0–10 12–18 Meharge et al. (1998)
Organic surface layer

the highest total PAH concentration followed by roadside, differences between residual total PAHs for samples from
residential and agricultural site. High concentrations at adjacent sites (Song et al. 2006). For comparison, Chen
industrial site can be due to the location of the site, which is et al. (2003) reported that the total PAHs were 3,000–
well known for generator manufacturing, tanning and iron 5,000 lg/kg in the agricultural soil within the wastewater
casting industries. The maximum concentrations of PAHs irrigation region in Tianjin, China. The background level of
were found to be in winter season. The concentration of TPAHs in the unpolluted paddy soil in Shenyang, China,
PAH decreased in the order chrysene > benzo(b)fluo- was 275–317 lg/kg (Song et al. 2002).
ranthene > fluoranthene (Masih and Taneja 2006). This PAH contents ranged from 450 lg/kg of dry material at
might be due to industrial-oil burning, wood combustion Honfleur to 5,650 lg/kg at Notre-Dame de Gravenchon
and emission coming from diesel powered vehicles (Rav- (France) (Motelay-Massei et al. 2004). Maliszewska-
indra et al. 2001). Kordybach (1996) measured an average of 264 lg/kg (for
The total PAHs concentrations in soils from the paddy 16 PAHs) in agricultural soils in Poland.
fields at Hunpu wastewater irrigation areas in Shenyang, Aamot et al. (1996) found low values (144 lg/kg on
China, were between 950 and 2,790 lg/kg. There was no average) in forested soils of Norway. However, in Estonian
regular pattern on the accumulation of PAHs in soil along urbanized areas, the high levels reported were from 2,200
the irrigation channel from the upper reach to the lower to 12,300 lg/kg (Trapido 1999). Mielke et al. (2001) found
reach. For instance, total PAHs measured in soil at sites 1 concentrations of 3,700 lg/kg in the urban centre of New
and 2 were 2,760 and 2,000 lg/kg, respectively, but the Orleans (USA). The concentration range of 16 PAHs var-
content of total PAHs was 2,230 lg/kg in soil at site 6 ied by over two orders of magnitude from 0.016 lg/kg in
about 25 km further downstream from site 1, which sug- rural to 3.884 lg/kg in suburban soils of Beijing (China)
gested that the channel played no role in the dilution and (Ma et al. 2005). The concentrations of the total PAH at
decontamination of the pollutants. Two reasons contributed rural site were generally less than those of urban site of
to this phenomenon: one was the re-solubilizing of pollu- Tianjin, China. Total PAH concentrations ranged from 144
tants from the channel sediment, former study (Song et al. to 308 ng/m3 and 239 to 537 ng/m3 for Chenlou and
2005) had showed that the total content of 16 PAHs in the Meteorological tower sampling, respectively (Wu et al.
channel sediment had reached up to 67 mg/kg; the other 2006). The total PAH at meteorological tower (urban) were
might be the possible additional unregulated discharge of about one or two order higher than those of Mumbai (21–
sewages in the middle and/or lower reach of the channel, 42 ng/m3; Venkataraman et al. 1999) and Kuala Lumpur
both of which would result in the elevated accumulation of (6.28 ± 4.35 ng/m3; Omar et al. 2002), and were close to
pollutants in soils at the sites far from the pollution sources the concentration of Inchon (410 ng/m3; Bae et al. 2002) in
of the upper reach. This was consistent with communica- winter season. The average total PAH at Chenlou was also
tions with local farmers at the sampling sites. The total much higher than that of Yangsuri rural (119 ng/m3; Bae
concentration of the 14 PAHs in soil collected from the et al. 2002). The total PAH differences between Chenlou
wastewater irrigation region in the former eastern Berlin, (rural) and meteorological tower (urban) were significant
ranged from 830 to 3,690 lg/kg; there were no significant and similar results have been reported in Massachusetts

Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195 185

(Allen et al. 1996), Kuala Lumpur (Omar et al. 2002), to a specific distribution of each molecule (according to
Birmingham (Smith and Harrison 1996) and Korea (Bae their volatility and the number of aromatic rings) while no
et al. 2002) with the urban and rural total PAH were 49.5, specific behavior was revealed in soil. In another work
6.28, 4.37, 410 and 1.94, 1.3, 1.13, 119 ng/m3, respec- (Bryselbout et al. 2000) results showed that the low-
tively. molecular weight PAHs such as naphthalene, fluorene,
Crépineau et al. (2003) reported a study on the con- and anthracene increased from 2 to 6 m of a highway
tamination of pastures, grass and soil samples by PAHs in (Nancy, France). However, the concentrations of high-
the vicinity of a highway (70,000 vehicles per day). All molecular weight PAHs such as benzo(a)pyrene and
samples have been collected from 10 m (d1), 50 m (d2), benzo(g,h,i)pyrene decreased from 2 to 6 m. According to
and 150 m (d3) perpendicular to a French highway and at these authors the results strengthen the hypothesis of a
a control site in a rural area away from nearby contami- local distillation effects around the highway.
nating sources. Total PAH concentration were ranges Table 12 shows a worldwide comparison of PAHs
from 767 ng/g dry weight to 3,989 ng/g dry weight, concentration (Masih and Taneja 2006). The PAH con-
according to the matrix and the distance from the high- centration in soil of industrial (13.72 lg/g) and roadside
way. The authors concluded that the distance was not a (12.98 lg/g) area of Agra is less than the concentration
significant factor for PAH deposition on grass, while in found in Austria/Germany (79.00/16.00 lg/g) and USA
soil it has an effect between d1 and d2 or d3. The total (58.60 lg/g), respectively, whereas residential (9.37 lg/g)
PAH concentration in highway samples was eight times and agricultural (6.73 lg/g) sites concentrations of PAH
higher than in control site samples for grass and seven to were found to be higher than in UK (4.20 lg/g) and
four times higher for soil. Fluoranthene, pyrene, and Germany (1.90 lg/g), respectively. As evident from the
phenanthrene were the major PAHs in grass samples at Table 12 the concentrations measured in soils of various
the control site and the highway, but the concentrations sites at Agra (industrial, roadside, residential and agricul-
were about five times higher near the highway. In soil tural) show much difference between each other. In the
samples collected near the highway, the values of con- present data, contamination in the urban industrial area
centrations between all compounds were not statistically appears to be two times higher than in agricultural areas;
different. PAH deposition on grass was linked to the similar results have been reported in earlier studies
physicochemical properties of the compounds, which lead (Tremolada et al. 1996; Wagrowski and Hites 1997).

Table 12 Soil PAH

Study area PAH Number Reference
concentrations compiled from
concentration (lg/g) of PAH
literature data (after Masih and
Taneja 2006) Agricultural (rural)
Brazil 0.096 20 Wickle et al. (1999)
UK 0.19 12 Wild and Jones (1995)
Germany 1.90 06 Tebaay et al. (1993)
India 6.7 11 Masih and Taneja (2006)
Residential (urban)
Bangkok 0.38 20 Wickle and Muller (1999)
Brazil 0.39 20 Wickle et al. (1999)
Germany 1.80 06 Tebaay et al. (1993)
UK 4.20 12 Wild and Jones (1995)
India 9.3 11 Masih and Taneja (2006)
Roadside (urban)
Australia 3.30 14 Yang et al.
USA 58.68 14 Rogge et al. (1993)
India 12.9 14 Masih and Taneja (2006)
Industrial (urban)
UK 4.50 12 Wild and Jones (1995)
Germany 16.0 06 Tebaay et al. (1993)
Austria 79.0 18 Weiss et al. (1994)
India 13.7 11 Masih and Taneja (2006)

186 Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195

Sediments important changes in the PAHs accumulation in sediments

take place depending on the direct influence of anthropo-
Sediments are deposited material consisting of organic genic activities, mainly combustion processes of traffic and
matter in various stages of decomposition, particulate industrial activities.
mineral matter and inorganic material of biogenic origin.
They have been proven an efficient tool to identify envi-
ronmental impacts (Evans et al. 1990). Due to the exposure Occupational exposure
time to industrial effluents, they are valid for long-term
studies. Sediments constitute a pollutant trap and are an An increased risk of cancer has been reported in occupa-
important factor to establish the assimilative capacity of the tions with heavy exposure to traffic related air pollution,
environment. Sediments may contain a high level of pol- such as professional drivers. PAHs are present in gasoline
lutants ready to pass on to the food chain or be mobilised and diesel engine exhaust, thus making, motor vehicle
by anthropogenic or natural means. Therefore, sediments emissions in urban areas a major source of exposure to
can act as indicator of the relationship between natural and these compounds (Fromme et al. 1998). Personal PAH
anthropogenic variables (Salomons 1995; Calmano et al. exposure due to urban traffic has been the subject of several
1996). investigations, be it in the general population (Minoia et al.
PAHs entering the aquatic environment, due to their 1997) or in occupationally exposed individuals, such as
hydrophobicity, rapidly become associated with sediments policemen (Merlo et al. 1997; Perico et al. 2001) and
and suspended particles. Sediment retention capacity may newsagents (Piccardo et al. 2003). Menichini (1992) re-
be related to physico-chemical properties such as grain size ported that the evaluate the daily personal exposure to
and organic matter. Previous results have demonstrated that benzo(a)pyrene is one of the most important of taxi drivers.
the sorption of hydrocarbons is related to the organic Twenty-four hour personal exposures (both occupational
matter of the sediments. and environmental) to benzo(a)pyrene of 15 taxi drivers
According to Viguri et al. (2002) the results of the working in Genoa was determined by Piccardo et al.
distribution of PAHs in surface sediments of the Santander (2004). Daily personal B(a)P exposures of taxi drivers and
Bay, Cantabric Sea, (Spain), the concentration of PAHs controls in Genoa and mean daily airborne B(a)P concen-
were strongly dependent on the organic matter, with sedi- trations (ng/m3) measured by three fixed samplers in dif-
ments below 2% of organic matter always below 10 lg ferent monitoring periods shown in Table 13. Table 13
S16 PAHs/g dw. The left side of the Bay, where the main also reports the daily BaP concentrations measured by
urban and industrial activities take place, shows sediment three fixed PM10 monitoring stations during the same
samples with very high concentrations (355 lg/g dw) of periods of personal exposure sampling. The mean BaP
the sum of the 16 PAHs. An important change in the exposures measured at these different times were 1.4, 1.23
sediments characterisation can be observed according to and 1.22 ng/m3, respectively, values were significantly
the industrial activities along the rivers in the estuaries. greater than the levels found in controls (0.16 ± 0.2 ng/
From heavily polluted sediments in the Boo estuary, m3). Mean daily personal B(a)P exposures of taxi drivers
moderately polluted sediments in the Solia and San Sal- were not statistically different from the mean daily airborne
vador estuary to slightly/non-polluted sediments in the B(a)P concentrations measured by fixed samplers during
Cubas estuary. This result allows us to consider that the same sampling periods. However, they concluded that

Table 13 Daily personal BaP

No. samples Mean ± SD Geometric mean Min Max
exposures of taxi drivers and
controls in Genoa and mean Personal exposure of taxi drivers
daily airborne BaP
concentrations (ng/m3) May–July 1998 15 1.04 ± 0.66 0.85 0.17 2.66
measured by three fixed February 1999 7 1.23 ± 0.50 1.16 0.72 2.27
samplers in different monitoring June 1999 7 1.22 ± 1.10 0.84 0.22 2.82
periods (after Piccardo et al.
Personal exposure of controls
April 1999 5 0.16 ± 0.12 0.11 0.03 0.28
Fixed sampling stations
May–July 1998 13 1.05 ± 0.5 0.78 0.28 1.9
February 1999 5 1.52 ± 0.6 1.44 0.95 2.4
June 1999 4 1.16 ± 0.2 1.15 1.0 1.4
April 1999 3 1.17 ± 0.4 1.12 0.8 1.6

Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195 187

mean daily B(a)P exposures measured in taxi drivers dur- Table 14 Median PAH concentrations stratified by residential col-
ing May–June 1998, (n = 9; 1.19 ± 0.7 ng/m3) were sig- lection sites for the combined data of the inner-city and suburban
census tracts (Mielke et al. 2004)
nificantly higher (P – 0.01) than the daily BaP exposures
measured during the same sampling months in another PAH Busy Residential Open Foundation
occupational category, namely non-smoker newsagents streets streets areas samples
(n = 16; 0.65 ± 0.25 ng/m3) (Piccardo et al. 2003). A 10 8 2 8
Newsagents work 12 h shifts a day inside open newsstands B 6 0 5 9
commonly placed in heavily trafficked areas. Therefore, C 1 4 4 5
their lower mean BaP exposure would seem to confirm the D 1 0 3 3
importance of pollution levels usually found inside vehi- E 133 29 21 77
cles. Indeed, in Berlin Fromme et al. (1998) sampled B(a)P F 38 8 7 10
in the interior of a car in the breathing zone of passengers
G 266 107 82 105
for 9 h (from 07:00 to 16:00 h under different meteoro-
H 237 97 67 78
logic conditions). The mean values obtained during the two
I 145 41 28 51
measurement periods (summer and winter) inside the car
J 111 42 32 40
were 1.0 and 3.2 ng/m3 for benzo(a)pyrene, 10.2 and
K 319 112 94 105
28.7 ng/m3 for total-measured-PAHs, and in the subway
L 95 34 24 72
0.7 and 4.0 ng/m3 for benzo(a)pyrene, 30.2 and 67.5 ng/m3
M 255 141 144 163
for total PAHs. A comparison between subway and car
N 322 202 205 233
exposures shows significantly higher concentration of
O 208 126 123 128
PAHs in the subway train, which can be explained by
P 237 125 122 137
relatively high concentrations of fluoranthene and pyrene
PAH 2,469 1,061 975 1,188
in the subway. So far a satisfactory explanation has not
been found, but one source might be the wooden railway N 8 18 6 6
ties which were formerly preserved with tar based prod- Units are ng/g. Key for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: A, naph-
ucts. In wintertime in both transportation systems the thalene; B, aenaphthylene; C, acenaphthene; D, fluorene; E, phen-
anthrene; F, anthracene; G, fluroanthene; H, pyrene; I, benz(a)
concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene are three to four times
anthracene; J, chrysene; K, benzo(b)fluoranthene; L, benzo(k)fluo-
higher than in summer corresponding to the changing of ranthene; M, benzo(a)pyrene; N, indeno[1,3,3-cd]pyrene; O, dibenz
the ambient air concentrations. (a,h)anthracene; P, benzo(g,h,i)perylene; total PAHs
Mielke et al. (2004) were determined PAH concentra-
tions of the inner-city and suburban census tracts. Table 14
list the results of the medians of each local site by per- (TRK-Wert 1989), Poland (Srogi 2007) and 0.15 mg
centiles. The largest medians are found along busy streets B(a)P/m3 in France for the production of coke electrodes
and the ranking for the remaining sites are founda- (Jacob and Seidel 2002).
tions > residential streets > open areas of New Orleans. It should be noted that, industrial contamination of
Note that the same overall trend exists for both PAHs and workers of PAH has been found to occur by disposition
metals. The most pronounced trend is for PAHs. Busy from air or following contact with contaminated surfaces
streets have over twice the quantities of PAHs as founda- including clothing and tools. The studies indicate that total
tion soils, the second largest PAH containing soil. Vehicle PAH in skin oil of roofing workers and road-paving crews
exhaust is the major source PAHs in residential commu- may reach levels as high as 1,400 ng/cm2 (Jongeneelen
nities. Note that as traffic volumes change from busy streets et al. 1988). Of concern in such individuals, PAH are
to residential streets, the amount of PAHs also changes in highly lipophillic compounds and thus are readily absorbed
the direction expected (Mielke et al. 2004). through the skin (Van Rooij et al. 1993).
From the huge number of studies on the PAH exposure
at workplaces a small selection is collated in Table 15. 1-Hydroxypyrene—biological monitoring
which presents concentration of benzo(a)pyrene only. It
shows that there are enormous variations even at similar or The assessment of environmental exposure to PAH re-
identical workplaces, but also that significant progress has quires the measurement of levels present in each pathway
been made by modernisation of the plants to reduce the of possible contact. The biological monitoring of PAH
emission of PAH (Jacob and Seidel 2002). This holds in enables the best way to assess the internal dose of PAH.
particular for coke plants for which the limit values have 1-Hydroxypyrene in human urine has been examined as
been set to 5 mg B(a)P/m3 for the oven platform and to a potential biomarker for the assessment of human expo-
2 mg B(a)P/m3 for other workplaces in Germany sure to PAHs (Viau et al. 1995). In general, background

188 Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195

Table 15 Benzo[a]pyrene
Workplace Country Benzo(a)piren (lg/m3) References
concentration at various
workplaces Coke plants Poland Braszczyńska
et al. (1975, 1976)
Oven platforms—before 99 (A), 112.3 (B),
modernisation 112,4 (C)
After modernisation 25.8 1.3 2.3
Coke plants Poland Brzeźnicki (1995)
Coke charging man 25,7; 3.3 Braszczyńska (1989)
Coke guide man 4,5
Coke-quenching man 0,4
Coke man 2,6; 1.7
Coke door man 6,5; 25.6
Coke plants Poland Luks-Betlej and
Bodzek (1992)
Coke charging car 2.72
Coke plants Poland Smolik (2001)
Battery top 5.54
Battery side 3.11
Battery bottom 0.65
Coke plants Poland Braszczyńska
et al. (1976)
Coke charging system 273.2
Coke plants Sweden Levin (1995)
Battery topa 16
Battery topb 4.0
Coal conveyerc 2.6
Charging car 12
Oven doorsa 22
Oven doorsb 1.9
Oven platforms Sweden 9.4–13.5 Lindstedt and
Sollenberg (1982)
Driver of filling container 4.7–17
Aluminum plants—various Norway 11.3–854 Bjørseth et al. (1978)
20 cigarettes/day
Coke plants Finland Pyy et al. (1997)
Gas worker 1.0; 2.2d
15 cigarettes/day
On the bridge of the larry car 5.0
In 1994

urinary 1-hydroxypyrene levels are influenced by factors with a relatively high baseline concentration of air-borne
such as diet, industrial pollution, and cigarette smoking. PAHs. These observations support the use of 1-hydrox-
Most previous studies show that the concentrations of ypyrene as a potential biomarker of PAH exposure.
urinary 1-hydroxypyrene are correlated with cigarette According to Li et al. (2000) the average concentrations
smoking in a non-occupational population (Van Rooij et al. of urinary 1-hydroxypyrene were 0.04 lmol/mol creatinine
1994; Levin 1995). However, other studies show a statis- in non-smokers, and 0.20 lmol/mol creatinine in light
tically significant correlation between the levels of 1-hy- smokers, 0.46 lmol/mol creatinine in medium smokers,
droxypyrene in human urine and those of pyrene and and 1.16 lmol/mol creatinine in heavy smokers. The uri-
benzo(a)pyrene in ambient air (Jongeneelen et al. 1986). nary 1-hydroxypyrene levels of light, medium and heavy
Smoking has little influence on this correlation when per- smokers were 5, 11, and 28 times higher than those of non-
sons smoke less than 20 cigarettes daily in an environment smokers, respectively. The apparent values (from non-

Environ Chem Lett (2007) 5:169–195 189

detectable to 3.03 lmol/mol creatinine) of urinary 1-hy- threne metabolites including its phenols and dihydrodiols
droxypyrene found in this study are higher and vary greater were summarized in described work.
than those previously reported: 0.07 ± 0.76 lmol/mol
creatinine (Van Rooij et al. 1994). The dose-response
correlation is closer than those previously reported (Van Conclusion
Rooij et al. 1994; Boogaard and van Sittert 1995; Göen
et al. 1995; Levin 1995). Despite many factors such as Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) comprise the
sampling, analysis and air quality, the difference may be largest class of chemical compounds known to be cancer
attributed to the population which may differ in personal causing agents. Some, while not carcinogenic, may act as
smoking characteristics, smoking histories and diets. synergists. Some of these PAHs are manufactured for re-
It is well known that cigarette smoke contains a variety search or are used in medicines, dyes, plastics and pesti-
of potentially toxic components including PAHs. Pyrene cides such as naphthalene found in mothballs. PAHs can
from smoking is presumably the main source of 1-hy- also be found in coal tar, bitumen, crude oil, creosote and
droxypyrene detected in the cigarette smokers’ urine, par- roofing tar.
ticularly when compared with non-cigarette smokers. The Thus, potential exposures to chemicals may be assessed
background urinary 1-hydroxypyrene can be derived from by testing contaminated soil, air or water for the chemicals
a number of sources such as diets, ambient air, and second of interest and estimating the degree of intake of each of
hand smoke. The baseline values of urinary 1-hydroxypy- these media into the human body. In conclusion, the reader
rene vary greatly among population subgroups, occupation is referred to the book (Lichtfouse et al. 2005) for more
and air quality (Van Rooij et al. 1994; Levin 1995) Li et al. details associated with review on the actual knowledge
(2000) found low amounts of 1-hydroxypyrene in non- about PAHs.
smokers’ urine and a clear difference in the excretion of
urinary 1-hydroxypyrene between non-smokers and
smokers who smoked one, two, or three packs of cigarettes References
per day. This study confirms that 1-hydroxypyrene is a
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