Health Risk Assessments For Alumina Refineries
Health Risk Assessments For Alumina Refineries
Health Risk Assessments For Alumina Refineries
Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JOEM r Volume 56, Number 5S, May 2014 HRA for Alumina Refineries
Health Risk Assessment The HARP assessment found that exposure by pathways other
Ground-level concentrations generated by air dispersion mod- than inhalation had potential to be significant only for the metals ar-
eling are used to assess three types of health risks: senic and cadmium. Cadmium made only a very minor contribution
to the CHI, and as the maximum CHI itself was so small, exposures
• Risks of acute health effects via dermal absorption and ingestion would not make any appreciable
• Risks of chronic health effects difference to the overall CHI, justifying the exclusion of alternative
• Incremental carcinogenic risks pathways for cadmium. Arsenic exposure via inhalation was a sig-
Short-term GLCs are used to assess the risks of acute health nificant contributor to the predicted ICR, however; so it received
effects. Typically 99.9th percentile 1-hour average GLCs and 99.5th further evaluation. The HARP program indicated that the inhalation
percentile 24-hour average GLCs are used, to represent an estimate of exposure pathway was likely to account for approximately 75% of
near worst-case conditions, which by definition occur infrequently. the carcinogenic exposure to arsenic. The remaining 25% of the ex-
Annual average GLCs are used to assess the risks of chronic health posure was predicted to occur as a result of soil ingestion (14%),
effects and incremental carcinogenic risks. vegetable ingestion (8%), dermal absorption (2%), and drinking wa-
The risks of acute health effects and chronic health effects are ter ingestion (1%). Incorporating these additional pathways in the
assessed by calculating the acute hazard index (AHI) and chronic Wagerup refinery assessment meant that the total ICR for all com-
hazard index (CHI), respectively. These are each calculated as the pounds would have increased from 0.63×10−6 to 0.72×10−6 at the
sum of hazard quotients for each compound, where the hazard quo- maximum receptor, which is less than the US EPA “de minimis”
tient is calculated as the GLC divided by the relevant health-based level of 1 × 10−6 . Therefore, the alternative exposure pathways for
ambient air quality guideline concentration—for the relevant averag- arsenic were not expected to have contributed significantly to the
ing period. This approach assumes additive relationships, conserva- ICR at the maximum receptor and would have contributed even less
tive, given the diversity of toxicological properties of the compounds at other receptors. Noting that the assumptions inherent in the HARP
under assessment. are designed to err on the side of health protection to avoid under-
Unit risk factors, published by agencies such as the US EPA estimation of risk to the public (Office of Environmental Health
and the World Health Organization, give, for each carcinogen of Hazard Assessment13 ), it is reasonable to confine the HRA pathways
interest, the upper-bound probability of cancer that would be ex- to the inhalation route, in the knowledge that other pathways will not
pected with continuous exposure to an inhaled concentration of 1 significantly affect the overall assessed risk level.
μg/m3 over 70 years.7,8 Incremental carcinogenic risk (ICR) is the
incremental upper-bound probability of an individual developing RESULTS
cancer as a result of lifetime exposure to a carcinogen at a speci- Emission Sources
fied concentration. This incremental probability is over and above Alumina refinery sources may be divided into point and fugi-
the probability of cancer occurring as a result of other factors— tive sources. Point sources include stacks, vents, open-top tanks,
that is, the background incidence rate of cancer. The ICR of each and vessels in the Bayer process areas of the refinery, as well as
compound is calculated by multiplying the relevant unit risk factor stacks and cooling towers associated with powerhouse sources, boil-
by the annual average GLC. The total ICR is then calculated by ers, and gas turbines. Point sources may be further divided into
summing the ICRs for each compound. This again assumes additive low- and high-level sources, buoyant and nonbuoyant releases, and
relationships, conservative, given the specificity generally shown by low- or high-moisture content sources. Some of these sources are
carcinogenic agents for particular types of cancer. The US EPA “de relatively complex to reliably measure and derive reliable emission
minimis” ICR is 1 × 10−6 . This incremental risk, which equates rates for, particularly, low-level, nonbuoyant, and high-moisture con-
to less than one person in a million, is regarded as negligible from tent sources.
the US EPA regulatory perspective. Tolerable ICRs vary among reg- Fugitive sources include area sources, such as bauxite
ulatory jurisdictions, typically between 10−6 and 10−4 , with 10−5 residue–storage areas, cooling ponds, bauxite stockpiles, and loading
gaining acceptance in some jurisdictions.9,10 and transfer areas, such as train- and ship-loading facilities. These
Hazard indices and ICRs are computed for each point on a types of sources also involve difficult measurement, estimation,
grid around the refinery. Corresponding contours are often plotted and/or release intermittency challenges.
on maps or aerial photographs, representing the AHI, CHI, and ICR When assumptions are made about emission sources, both
at locations/receptors near to the refinery. This can aid presentation point sources and fugitive sources, as part of the HRA process,
to stakeholder groups. Health risk assessment methodology has been they are deliberately conservative and precautionary—tending to
described in more detail by the enHealth Council of Australia.11 overestimate the effect on point risk estimates.
Noninhalation Pathways Case Studies in Australia
Alumina refinery HRAs conducted to date have concentrated There have now been at least five HRAs undertaken for alu-
mainly on the air inhalation pathway. Inhalation is expected to rep- mina refineries in Australia, with reports publicly available on the
resent the most significant exposure route for atmospheric emission Internet. See, for example, the Wagerup refinery, Pinjarra refin-
sources. Compounds tending toward the particulate phase have been ery, and Pinjarra residue HRAs undertaken on behalf of Alcoa, the
investigated as potential candidates for multipathway exposure, as Worsley refinery expansion HRA undertaken for BHP Billiton, and
these may deposit on surfaces and so become available for ingestion. the QAL Gladstone refinery HRA undertaken for Queensland Alu-
The Hot Spots Analysis and Reporting Program (HARP) mina Limited.12,14–17 The outcomes of these HRAs were as follows.
methodology, developed in consultation with various Californian
environmental agencies, was applied in the Wagerup and Pinjarra Acute and chronic hazard indices tend to be dominated by a few
refinery HRAs.12–14 The analyses considered the following indirect compounds or substances, with many other substances adding only
exposure pathways: very marginally to the cumulative hazard profile. For example, the
criteria pollutants nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and particu-
• soil ingestion late matter (expressed as PM10 ) were found to comprise most of
• dermal absorption the AHI in each of the Wagerup, Pinjarra, Worsley, and Glad-
• vegetable ingestion stone alumina refinery HRAs.12,14,16,17 Up to 70 individual com-
• water ingestion pounds were included in the HRAs, including criteria pollutants, air
C 2014 American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine S19
Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Donoghue and Coffey JOEM r Volume 56, Number 5S, May 2014
C 2014 American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JOEM r Volume 56, Number 5S, May 2014 HRA for Alumina Refineries
1. Queensland Health. Clean and Healthy Air for Gladstone Project: Human
Health Risk Assessment Report, Summary of Findings. Brisbane, Queensland,
Australia: Queensland Health; 2010. Available at
air/gladstone/pdf/final-health-risk-assessment-summary.pdf. Accessed June
12, 2013.
2. D’Abreton P. Air Quality Modelling Best Practice Guidance for the Australian
Alumina Industry – Report to the Australian Aluminium Council. Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia: PAE Holmes; 2009.
3. CSIRO Atmospheric Research. Meteorological and Dispersion Modelling
Using TAPM for Wagerup. Phase 3B: HRA (Health Risk Assessment) Con-
centration Modelling – Expanded Refinery Scenario. Aspendale, Victoria,
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pdf . Accessed June 12, 2013.
4. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Revision to the Guideline
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and Complex Terrain) Dispersion Model and Other Revisions; Final Rule.
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5. Air Assessments. Air Dispersion Modelling of Fugitive Emissions Wa-
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7. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Integrated Risk Informa-
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8. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. Air Quality Guidelines
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9. Ministry for the Environment. Contaminated Land Management Guidelines
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10. Alberta Health and Wellness. Guidance on Human Health Risk Assessment
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FIGURE 3. Incremental carcinogenic risk contours, Pinjarra Spots Program Guidance Manual for Preparation of Health Risk As-
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reporting the Wagerup refinery experience.20 Presentations of HRA Australia, Australia: Environ Australia; 2008. Available at http://www.alcoa.
C 2014 American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine S21
Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Donoghue and Coffey JOEM r Volume 56, Number 5S, May 2014
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C 2014 American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.