Background: Medical management of GERD mainly uses proton pump inhibitors. Alginates also have proven
efficacy. The aim of this trial was to compare short-term efficacy of an alginate (Gaviscon®, 4 × 10 mL/day) and
omeprazole (20 mg/day) on GERD symptoms in general practice.
Methods: A 14-day multicentre randomised double-blind double-dummy non-inferiority trial compared Gaviscon®
(4 × 10 mL/day) and omeprazole (20 mg/day) in patients with 2-6 day heartburn episodes weekly without alarm
signals. The primary outcome was the mean time to onset of the first 24-h heartburn-free period after initial
dosing. Secondary outcomes were the proportion of patients without heartburn by D7, pain relief by D7, and
reduction in pain intensity by D7 and D14.
Results: 278 patients were recruited; 120 were included in the Gaviscon® group and 121 in the omeprazole group
for the per protocol non-inferiority analysis. The mean time to onset of the first 24-h heartburn-free period after initial
dosing was 2.0 (± 2.2) days for Gaviscon® and 2.0 (± 2.3) days for omeprazole (p = 0.93); mean intergroup difference
was 0.01 ± 1.55 days (95% CI = -0.41 to 0.43): i.e., less than the lower limit of the 95% CI of -0.5 days predetermined
to demonstrate non-inferiority. The mean number of heartburn-free days by D7 was significantly greater in the
omeprazole group: 3.7 ± 2.3 days vs. 3.1 ± 2.1 (p = 0.02). On D7, overall quality of pain relief was slightly in favour of
omeprazole (p = 0.049). There was no significant difference in the reduction in pain intensity between groups by D7
(p = 0.11) or D14 (p = 0.08). Tolerance and safety were good and comparable in both groups.
Conclusion: Gaviscon® was non-inferior to omeprazole in achieving a 24-h heartburn-free period in moderate
episodic heartburn, and is a relevant effective alternative treatment in moderate GERD in primary care.
Trial registration: ISRCTN62203233.
Keywords: Alginate, Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), General practice, Omeprazole, Randomised controlled
© 2012 Pouchain et al; BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Pouchain et al. BMC Gastroenterology 2012, 12:18 Page 2 of 8
forming oral suspensions/formulations), as the old com- preceding 2 months, and able to understand the study
parative trials were on small samples: 286 patients over- and to complete the self-administered questionnaires.
all in six trials vs. placebo [5-9]. Moreover, symptomatic Women of child-bearing age had to have effective birth
efficacy is hard to assess for alginates, as formulae differ control. Exclusion criteria were: atypical digestive or
from country to country, with floating gel resistance extradigestive symptoms without heartburn; gastric or
varying by a factor of three [10,11]. duodenal ulcer; history of upper digestive tract surgery
In case of GERD symptoms without esophagitis on or of upper digestive tract or otorhinolaryngologic neo-
endoscopy or where endoscopy is not considered neces- plasm; known hypersensitivity to at least one component
sary (esophagitis prevalence in the general population of Gaviscon® or of omeprazole; known hypersensitivity
not exceeding 2%) [1], treatment aims at rapid relief of to benzimidazoles; and treatment with clopidogrel, ata-
symptoms (heartburn, acid regurgitation). zanavir combined with ritonavir, ketoconazole, or itraco-
There have been no studies with a modern scientific nazole. Breastfeeding women and women who knew
double-blind, double-dummy design directly comparing that they were pregnant as well as patients who had par-
one alginate to a PPI with heartburn as the primary ticipated in a therapeutic trial within the month preced-
clinical endpoint. We therefore performed a trial called ing inclusion in this trial were also excluded.
“Gaviscon® vs. Omeprazole in symptOmatic treatment Included patients were randomly allocated to one of
of moDerate gastroesophageal reflux” (GOOD), the aim two groups: Gaviscon® (4 × 10 mL/day), or omeprazole
of which was to compare short-term symptomatic effi- 20 mg/day. Randomisation by blocks of 3 (2 + 1) was
cacy and safety between an alginate (Gaviscon®, 4 × 10 double-blind. Successive blocks were balanced by 2 s.
mL/day) and a PPI (omeprazole 20 mg/day) in moderate
GERD in a general practice setting. Study products
Gaviscon ® suspension in a 150-mL bottle (Reckitt
Methods Benckiser Healthcare France) was administered orally at
Design a daily dose of 10 mL (2 teaspoonfuls), 4 times a day
The GOOD trial was a 14-day multicentre randomised (after the three main meals and at bedtime). Omepra-
double-blind double-dummy non-inferiority trial com- zole (omeprazole MYLAN® 20 mg, Mylan, France) in
paring efficacy between Gaviscon® and omeprazole 20 enteric coated capsule form was administered at a daily
mg. It recruited 90 general practitioners (GPs) so as to dose of 20 mg in the morning. Maximum treatment
obtain 75 active investigators. Patients recorded symp- duration was 14 days.
toms 4 times a day for 2 weeks and the time of taking The active substances of the Gaviscon® oral suspen-
each treatment (morning, midday, evening and bedtime); sion were sodium alginate and sodium bicarbonate. The
they also recorded any onset of heartburn, and if so, at placebo was composed of hydrogenated glucose syrup,
what time of day (morning, midday, evening, bedtime) xanthane gum, methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E218), pro-
and any experience of relief, and if so, at what interval pyl parahydroxybenzoate (E216), erythrosine (E217), fen-
after first taking the treatment. The GPs performed nel flavour, titanium oxide, and purified water. The
three mandatory assessments: D0 (inclusion visit), D7, placebo was developed so as to have the same aspect,
and D14. colour, odour and flavour as the aniseed Gaviscon ®
The trial ran from August 27 to November 29, 2010, suspension.
and respected the ethical principles of the Seoul revision All Gaviscon® group patients also received a capsule
(2008) of the Helsinki Declaration and Good Clinical of omeprazole-placebo every morning for 14 days, and
Practice. The study protocol received approval by the all omeprazole 20 mg group patients also received 10
Comité de Protection des Personnes d’Île-de-France VIII mL of Gaviscon®-placebo 4 times a day (after the three
ethics committee on May 3, 2010, and was registered (N main meals and at bedtime) for 14 days.
° A 100 546-10) by the Agence Française de Sécurité Study drugs were packaged per patient and per site
Sanitaire des Produits de Santé (French health products according to the randomisation list.
approval authority). All patients were duly informed of
the trial objectives and signed an informed consent Endpoints
form. The primary outcome was the mean time to onset of
the first 24-h heartburn-free period after initial dosing.
Study population This outcome was assessed by the GP, based on the
Included patients were male or female, aged between 18 self-administered questionnaire filled in 4 times a day by
and 60 years, with 2 to 6 days of GERD episodes per the patient. Mean time to onset was calculated as the
week, with heartburn, with or without regurgitation, not difference between 2 time-points: the time of taking the
taking alginate/antacid or PPI treatment for at least the treatment for the first time and the date and time
Pouchain et al. BMC Gastroenterology 2012, 12:18 Page 3 of 8
(morning, midday, evening, before bedtime) at which a Statistical analysis was carried out on SAS version 8.2
24-h heartburn-free period had been achieved. (SAS Institute, North Carolina, USA). The significance
Secondary outcomes were: (a) the mean number of threshold was set at 5%.
days without heartburn by D7 as assessed from the
patient’s self-administered questionnaire; (b) patient’s Choice of the lower limit
overall qualitative self-assessment of pain relief on D7 In non-inferiority studies, the lower limit is classically
on a 5-point Likert scale; and (c) pain intensity on D7 set at 50% of the reference substance effect in compari-
and D14, assessed by the patient on a 100-mm visual son to placebo [12]. Previous studies showed that the
analog scale (VAS). time to a 24-h heartburn-free period was 19-21 days
with placebo [13], 4-5 days with rabeprazole 20 mg [13],
Adverse events and 2 days with pantoprazole 20 mg or omeprazole 20
Adverse events (AEs) were collected at the two study mg [14] (at least 16 days’ difference between placebo
visits (D7 and D14). An AE was defined as an untoward and PPI). Halving this difference gives a non-inferiority
medical event that occurred during the study period, limit of 8 days, which was neither ethically nor clinically
whether or not related to the study procedure or study acceptable.
products. The most recent study [14] reported a value of 1.8 ±
Severe AE (SAE) was defined as an untoward medical 0.8 day for omeprazole 20 mg. The GOOD trial
event that resulted in death, was life-threatening, hypothesized that omeprazole 20 mg provides a time to
required inpatient admission or prolongation of hospita- onset of the first 24-h heartburn-free period of 2 ± 1
lization, or resulted in severe or persistent disability or days. As patients recorded symptoms 4 times a day, the
incapacity. non-inferiority of Gaviscon® would be demonstrated by
a clinically relevant value of 0.5 days less than for ome-
Statistical analysis prazole 20 mg.
Descriptive statistical analyses were performed on the For the non-inferiority test, the mean time difference
data collected on D0, D7 and D14, and those of the in onset of the first 24-h heartburn-free period between
self-administered questionnaire (D0 to D7, and D7 to treatment groups was used, with its 95%CI. If the lower
D14), for the intention-to-treat (ITT) and per protocol limit (0.5 days) was within this confidence interval, the
(PP) populations. The PP population included all non-inferiority hypothesis was taken to be confirmed.
patients from the ITT population who attended at least
one of the study visits, except those with major protocol Sample size calculation
deviations liable to interfere with the primary outcome For an a-risk of < 5% and power of 95%, the requisite
result. As the objective of the GOOD trial was to deter- sample size was 88 assessable patient data sets per
mine whether Gaviscon® was non-inferior to omepra- group. To allow for incomplete recording of symptoms
zole 20 mg, the PP population was the reference for by patients and loss to follow-up (< 10%), 30% extra
efficacy analysis, and the efficacy results presented here patients were to be recruited: i.e., 120 patients per
are those for the PP population. group. In all, 240 patients were required in order to
Inter-group statistical comparison used appropriate meet the primary endpoint. 90 investigation centres
one-tailed tests: Chi 2 test for qualitative variable (or were set up, recruiting three patients each with a 3.5
Fisher’s exact test in case of sample size < 5), Student t- month deadline.
test for Gaussian quantitative variables, and non-para-
metric Wilcoxon test for semi-quantitative or non-Gaus- Results
sian quantitative variables. 278 patients were recruited by 75 French GPs and 241
Group comparison used analysis of variance included for efficacy analysis in the PP population: 120
(ANOVA) when variable distribution was normal. Inter- in the Gaviscon® group and 121 in the omeprazole 20
group comparability was checked at inclusion for heart- mg group (Figure 1).
burn frequency and severity, GERD duration, age, regur- At inclusion, PP population characteristics were com-
gitation and alcohol consumption. In case of non- parable between groups (Table 1) and did not differ
comparability, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was from those of the ITT population (data not shown).
performed, introducing into the model the variable or The mean age of included patients (PP population)
variables that were non-comparable at baseline. was 45.4 ± 11.5 years (SD). Mean body mass index
If the distribution of time to a 24-h heartburn-free (BMI) was 26.1 ± 5.0 kg/m2 , and 20% of patients had
period was non-normal, a non-parametric Wilcoxon test BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2. Patients had suffered from GERD for a
was used, with the Hodges-Lehmann median estimated mean 6.5 ± 7.1 years and reported a mean 4.4 days of
with its 95% confidence interval (CI). heartburn episodes in the week preceding inclusion.
Pouchain et al. BMC Gastroenterology 2012, 12:18 Page 4 of 8
Before inclusion, 78 patients (32.4%) underwent endo- consumption and smoking were moderate and compar-
scopy: results were normal for 34.6%; 30.8% showed hia- able between groups.
tus hernia and 28.2% mild to moderate esophagitis. No The percentage of patients with very good or good
patients reported history of severe esophagitis. Alcohol compliance with medication was similar (p = 0.08)
Pouchain et al. BMC Gastroenterology 2012, 12:18 Page 5 of 8
Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the patients (per the non-inferiority of Gaviscon® compared to omepra-
protocol population) zole 20 mg (Table 2).
Gaviscon® Omeprazole Secondary outcomes
N = 120 N = 121 The mean number of heartburn-free days by D7 was
Age, years: mean (SD) 46.3 (10.7) 44.5 (12.2) significantly greater in the omeprazole 20 mg than in
Women: N (%) 73 (60.8) 65 (53.7) the Gaviscon® group: 3.7 ± 2.3 vs. 3.1 ± 2.1 days (abso-
Weight, kg: mean (SD) 73.3 (14.8) 74.5 (16.1) lute difference = 0.6 days; p = 0.02) (Table 3).
BMI, kg/m2: mean (SD) 26.0 (5.2) 26.2 (4.7) By D7, overall self-assessed qualitative pain relief was
BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2: N (%) 19 (15.8) 23 (19.0) also in favour of omeprazole: p = 0.049 (Table 4).
GERD, time to diagnosis, years: mean (SD) 4.7 (6.3) 5.3 (7.3)
There was no significant difference between groups in
clinically relevant reduction in pain intensity: p = 0.11
History of upper endoscopy: N (%) 34 (28.3) 44 (36.4)
by D7 and p = 0.08 by D14 (Table 5).
Number of days with heartburn per week
- 2: N (%) 9 (7.5) 6 (5.0) All patients took at least one dose of Gaviscon® or ome-
- 3: N (%) 29 (24.2) 24 (19.8) prazole 20 mg, and were thus included in the safety ana-
- 4: N (%) 35 (29.2) 27 (22.3) lysis. Results are therefore presented for the ITT
- 5: N (%) 17 (14.2) 28 (23.1) population.
- 6: N (%) 30 (25.0) 36 (29.8) Seventeen (12.6%) of the 135 patients in the Gaviscon®
- Mean: N (SD) 4.3 (1.3) 4.5 (1.2) group vs. 20 (14.2%) of the 141 patients in the omepra-
zole 20 mg group experienced at least one AE during the
study (p = 0.70). The percentage of patients with at least
- Mild: N (%) 10 (8.3) 15 (12.4)
one AE was also comparable, regardless of time period:
- Moderate: N (%) 83 (69.2) 73 (60.3)
9.1% in the Gaviscon® group vs. 9.2% in the omeprazole
- Severe: N (%) 27 (22.5) 33 (27.3)
group between D0 and D7 (p = 0.97) and respectively
Heartburn-related pain (VAS), mm: mean 52 (22) 53 (22) 5.5% vs. 5.8% between D7 and D14 (p = 0.91).
The most frequently observed AEs were nausea (1.8%),
Systolic BP, mmHg: mean (SD) 124.8 125.4 (11.0)
constipation (1.5%), rhinopharyngitis (1.5%), drug intol-
erance (1.1%), abdominal pain, diarrhoea, abdominal dis-
Diastolic BP, mmHg: mean (SD) 74.4 (8.5) 74.2 (8.2)
tension, rhinitis and cough (0.7% each). All other AEs
Heart rate, beat/min: mean (SD) 72.6 (7.5) 72.1 (9.0)
had an incidence of 0.4% each.
Smoking, Yes: N (%) 26 (21.7) 27 (22.3) One patient in the omeprazole 20 mg group experi-
Alcohol consumption, Yes: N (%) 29 (24.2) 37 (30.6) enced one SAE (bowel obstruction).
Living alone: N (%) 25 (20.8) 37 (30.6)
In couple: N (%) 95 (79.2) 84 (69.4) Discussion
Place of residence The GOOD trial is the first randomised controlled dou-
- Rural 37 (30.8) 37 (30.6) ble-blind, double-dummy trial to directly compare effi-
- Suburban 35 (29.2) 34 (28.1) cacy between an alginate and a PPI with heartburn as
- Town 33 (27.5) 25 (20.7)
the clinical primary endpoint. It showed that Gaviscon®
(4 × 10 mL/day) was not inferior to omeprazole 20 mg/
- City 15 (12.5) 25 (20.7)
day in achieving onset of the first 24-h heartburn-free
Occupationally active 91 (75.8) 80 (66.1)
period after initial dosing in patients with moderate
GERD (heartburn at least once a week). Mean times to
onset of the first 24-h heartburn-free period after initial
between the Gaviscon® (95.7%) and omeprazole (95.9%) dosing were 2 ± 2.2 days for Gaviscon ® and 2 ± 2.3
groups. days for omeprazole (p = 0.93). In both groups, 9 out of
10 patients had a heartburn-free period of at least 24 h.
Efficacy The mean number of heartburn-free days by D7 was
Primary outcome significantly (p = 0.02) greater with omeprazole, due to
Mean time to onset of the first 24-h heartburn-free per- a higher rate of symptom recurrence in the Gaviscon®
iod after initial dosing was 2.0 ± 2.2 days in the Gavis- group. The weekly absolute difference was 0.6 days.
con® group vs. 2.0 ± 2.3 days in the omeprazole group There was no significant difference between groups in
(p = 0.93). Mean intergroup difference was 0.01 ± 1.55 clinically relevant reduction in pain intensity, although
days (95% CI:-0.41 to 0.43): i.e., less than the lower limit overall qualitative pain relief was slightly (p = 0.049) in
of the predetermined 95% CI (-0.5), thus demonstrating favour of omeprazole.
Pouchain et al. BMC Gastroenterology 2012, 12:18 Page 6 of 8
Table 2 Mean time to onset of the first 24-h heartburn-free period after initial dosing and number of patients free
from heartburn for 24 h (per protocol population)
Gaviscon® Omeprazole p-value
N = 120 N = 121
Mean time to the onset of a 24-h heartburn-free period, days: mean (SD) 2.0 (2.2) 2.0 (2.3) 0.93
Median, days 1.2 1.2
Number of patients free of heartburn for 24 h: N (%) 105 (89.7) 109 (90.1) 0.93
The proportion of patients achieving a first 24-h heartburn-free period was 105/120 (89.7%) in the Gaviscon® group, vs. 109/121 (90.1%) in the omeprazole group
(p = 0.93).
Results of the GOOD trial also showed that Gaviscon® require short-term treatment only. As the primary out-
and omeprazole 20 mg could be used both safely. come was the time to onset of the first 24-h heartburn-
This trial, performed in a general practice setting, free period, each day was divided into four periods so as
included patients with symptoms highly suggestive of to have four symptom assessments per day. As the treat-
GERD (heartburn, regurgitation) and with a very low ment was symptomatic, this endpoint was relevant clini-
estimated risk of ulcerative esophagitis. The same pri- cally and from the patient’s point of view. Patients in
mary outcome was used in a trial comparing rabeprazole the GOOD trial had moderate GERD, and therefore
vs. placebo in GERD patients without erosive or ulcer- probably belonged to the population of patients able to
ated esophagitis on endoscopy [13]. In the rabeprazole use over-the-counter PPIs, which in France are packaged
20 mg/day group, the median time to a 24-h heartburn- for a 14-day course of treatment.
free period was 4.5 days, vs. 21.5 with placebo. A trial The comparison was between two drugs with different
comparing pantoprazole 20 mg/day and esomeprazole pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties.
20 mg/day in GERD without esophagitis found a median Omeprazole 20 mg is somewhat pharmacologically
2 days to the beginning of heartburn relief in both effective as of D1, inhibiting 70% of proton pumps, with
groups [14]. efficacy increasing up to D3 [15]. Alginates display
Alginates showed proven efficacy against GERD symp- immediate action, forming a raft floating over the sto-
toms in randomised trials vs. placebo [5-9]. As the med- mach contents, eliminating or displacing the postpran-
ications in both arms of the GOOD trial had proven dial “acid pocket”, so that, in case of reflux, the raft is
short-term symptomatic efficacy in GERD vs. placebo, regurgitated first into the lower oesophagus, reducing
no placebo arm was deemed necessary. acid contact, especially when the subject is standing
The limitation of the GOOD trial was the treatment [16-21]. The raft may remain in the stomach for several
period, which was only 14 days, with the primary out- hours [18] but is then evacuated, so that 3 or 4 doses
come set during the first 7 days of treatment. The objec- per day are required for optimal efficacy.
tive was to determine whether Gaviscon ® could be a The trial used a simple, relevant and pragmatic pri-
relevant alternative to omeprazole 20 mg in patients suf- mary clinical endpoint rather than a composite score
fering from mild-to-moderate episodic GERD in primary such as symptom frequency plus intensity. On the sec-
care, not requiring prolonged continuous treatment. ondary endpoints, the results were marginally (P =
These patients represent 74% of those consulting a pri- 0.049) in favour of better efficacy for omeprazole 20 mg
mary care physician with a GERD complaint [2], and on overall qualitatively perceived pain relief (but not on
Table 4 Overall quality of pain relief by D7 (per protocol free period after initial dosing. It proved non-inferior to
population) omeprazole 20 mg/day, and is thus a relevant and effec-
Gaviscon® Omeprazole p-value tive alternative treatment in case of moderate and episo-
N = 120 (%) N = 121 (%) dic symptoms of GERD as managed in general practice.
Much worse 0 (0) 1 (0.8) 0.049
A little worse 4 (3.4) 1 (0.8)
No change 10 (8.5) 5 (4.2) The study was funded by an unrestricted grant from Reckitt Benckiser
A little better 41 (35.0) 38 (31.9) Healthcare France.
Data collection and analyses were undertaken by Mediscan (MC) and
Much better 62 (53.0) 74 (62.2) received funding from Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare France. Writing support
was provided by Fabienne Peretz, independent medical writer and funded
by Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare France.
pain intensity) and mean number of heartburn-free days The authors had full and sole responsibility for the study design, data
between D0 and D7, were in agreement with many lit- collection, statistical analysis, and interpretation of the data and for the
writing of the report. The authors had complete independence as to the
erature reports of omeprazole 20 mg’s efficacy on reflux design, integrity and publication of the study, without any intervention from
symptoms with or without esophagitis [20]. the pharmaceutical partner.
In the last 15 years, several guidelines have been pub-
Author details
lished [22-28], but mainly focused on GERD requiring a 1
Département de Médecine Générale, Université François Rabelais, Faculté
medical opinion from a gastroenterologist (disabling de Médecine, 10, boulevard Tonnellé, BP 3223,6, rue du Docteur Lebel
and/or continuous symptoms, esophagitis on endoscopy, 94300, Vincennes 37032, Tours Cedex 1, France. 2CHU de Nancy, Hôpital de
Brabois, rue du Morvan, 54500 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France. 3General
extra-digestive manifestations, and treatment failure). In Practice, 37800 Saint-Epain, France. 4Mediscan, 20, rue Saint-Saëns, 75015
these patients, alginates and antacids were often Paris, France. 5Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare France, 15, rue Ampère, 91748
restricted to self-medication. The GOOD trial demon- Massy Cedex, France. 6Reckitt Benckiser Group plc, 103-105 Bath Road,
Slough, Berkshire SL1 3UH, UK.
strated a role for Gaviscon® in the management of mod-
erate GERD with occasional recurrence, alongside on- Authors’ contributions
demand PPIs in patients showing rapid response to the DP, MAB and MC designed the study. FL participated in the design. MC
conducted the data collection and designed and carried out the statistical
latter [29]. This is a relevant and useful alternative and analysis. DP wrote the article. All authors participated in critical revision of
an effective non-systemic approach that should help the manuscript and have seen and approved the final version. DP is the
reduce excessive use of curative or preventive prescrip- guarantor of this trial.
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