Adalizumab PDF
Adalizumab PDF
Adalizumab PDF
he proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) plays an important role in the
pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis (UC).1 Intravenous
administration of infliximab, a chimeric IgG1 monoclonal antibody to TNF-, is effective for induction and
maintenance of remission in outpatients with moderate-to-severe UC who fail conventional therapy with
steroids and/or immunosuppressive agents.2 In a related condition, Crohns disease, 2 subcutaneously administered antiTNF- agents are approved in the
United States, and are preferred by some patients because they can be self-administered.37 At present, no
subcutaneously administered antiTNF- agents are
approved for patients with UC.
Adalimumab is a fully human IgG1 monoclonal antibody directed against TNF- that inhibits activity of this
cytokine by blocking the interaction of TNF- with its
p55 and p75 cell surface receptors. Adalimumab is approved in the United States, Europe, and Japan for
Crohns disease, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and
psoriasis. Several small open-label trials and case reports
have suggested that adalimumab might be effective therapy for UC.8 11 Recently, an 8-week randomized controlled trial demonstrated the ability of adalimumab to
induce clinical remission in patients with moderate-tosevere UC, and demonstrated that an induction regimen
of subcutaneous adalimumab 160 mg at week 0, 80 mg at
week 2, and 40 mg every other week (EOW) was more
effective than placebo or adalimumab 80 mg at week 0, 40
mg at week 2, and then 40 mg EOW ulcerative colitis
long-term remission and maintenance with adalimumab
1 (ULTRA 1).12 Although this trial established the safety
and efficacy of adalimumab for inducing clinical remission, higher than expected response rates were seen in
placebo patients for several secondary end points, including clinical response and mucosal healing. To date,
no controlled data regarding long-term (1 year) efficacy
of adalimumab in patients with UC are available, and
Abbreviations used in this paper: EOW, every other week; IBDQ,
Inammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire; NNT, number needed to
treat; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; UC, ulcerative colitis; ULTRA 1, ulcerative colitis long-term remission and maintenance with adalimumab 1;
ULTRA 2, ulcerative colitis long-term remission and maintenance with
adalimumab 2.
2012 by the AGA Institute
Study Design
Patients were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive
subcutaneous injections of adalimumab 160 mg at week 0, 80
mg at week 2 and then 40 mg EOW beginning at week 4, or
matching placebo. They were followed through week 52. Randomization was performed centrally and was stratified by prior
exposure to infliximab or other anti-TNF agents. Concomitant
medication doses remained constant except steroids, which
could be tapered after week 8 at the discretion of the investigator
in patients who had a satisfactory clinical response. The taper
consisted of reducing the prednisone dosage by 5 mg weekly
until a dosage of 10 mg/day was reached. Thereafter, the dosage
was reduced by 2.5 mg weekly until discontinuation. Patients
demonstrating inadequate response could switch to open-label
adalimumab (40 mg EOW) starting at week 12. Inadequate
response was defined as: (1) partial Mayo score equal to or above
baseline score on 2 consecutive visits at least 14 days apart (for
patients with a partial Mayo score of 47 at baseline); (2) partial
Mayo score 7 on 2 consecutive visits at least 14 days apart (for
patients with a partial Mayo score of 8 or 9 at baseline). Patients
who demonstrated inadequate response at 2 consecutive visits at
least 14 days apart while on open-label administration 40 mg
EOW were permitted to escalate dosage to adalimumab 40 mg
Efficacy Evaluations
Patients were evaluated at weeks 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 26,
32, 38, 44, and 52/early termination. The Mayo score was determined at weeks 0, 8, 32, and 52/early termination. A partial
Mayo Score (Mayo Score without endoscopy) was determined at
all visits. Health-related quality of life, as measured by the
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ),14 was determined at weeks 0, 4, 8, 20, 32, and 52/early termination.
Clinical remission was defined as a total Mayo score 2 points,
with no individual subscore exceeding 1 point. Clinical response
was defined as a decrease from baseline in the total Mayo score
by at least 3 points and at least 30% with an accompanying
decrease in rectal bleeding subscore of at least 1 point or an
absolute rectal bleeding subscore of 0 or 1. Mucosal healing was
defined as an endoscopy subscore of 0 or 1. Clinical response,
clinical remission, and mucosal healing were assessed at weeks 8,
32, and 52/early termination. Patients who achieved clinical
remission or clinical response at both weeks 8 and 52 were
considered to be in sustained clinical remission or sustained
clinical response, respectively. Partial Mayo score clinical remission was defined as a partial Mayo score 2 points, with no
individual subscore exceeding 1 point. IBDQ response was defined as an increase from baseline of at least 16 points.
Safety Evaluations
At each clinic visit from baseline (week 0) through week
52/early termination, patients underwent physical examination,
vital signs, previous (at baseline) and concomitant medications,
and adverse events were recorded, and general laboratory tests
including C-reactive protein and urinalysis were performed. Sera
Statistical Methods
The primary efficacy analysis was performed on the
intent-to-treat population and consisted of 2 co-primary efficacy
end points: (1) proportion of patients achieving clinical remission at week 8 and (2) proportion of patients achieving clinical
remission at week 52. Clinical remission per Mayo score was
defined as Mayo score 2 with no subscore 1. Ranked secondary efficacy variables included: (1) the proportion of patients
who achieved clinical remission at both weeks 8 and 52 (sustained); (24) clinical response (decrease in Mayo score of 3
points from baseline and decrease in Mayo score of 30% from
baseline and decrease in the rectal bleeding score 1 or an
absolute rectal bleeding score of 0 or 1) at week 8, week 52, and
both weeks 8 and 52 (sustained); (57) mucosal healing (endoscopy subscore of 0 or 1) at week 8, week 52, and both weeks 8
and 52 (sustained); (8) proportion of patients who achieved
remission at week 52 and discontinued corticosteroid use before
week 52; or (12) for 90 days before week 52; (13) proportion of
patients who discontinued corticosteroid use and achieved remission (sustained) at both weeks 32 and 52; (9) physicians
global assessment subscore; (10) stool frequency subscore; and
(11) proportion of patients with a rectal bleeding subscore
indicative of mild disease (1) at week 8; (15) proportion of
patients who were IBDQ responders (defined as an increase 16
points) at week 8; and (14) at week 52. Additionally, ranked
primary and secondary end points were analyzed after stratification by use of prior anti-TNF agent.
Demographic and baseline characteristics were summarized
using descriptive statistics. Efficacy analyses were done in the
intent-to-treat population. Exclusion of 3 sites from efficacy
analyses occurred due to site noncompliance with good clinical
practice and protocol requirements. Hypothesis testing for the
ranked primary and secondary end points was carried out in a
hierarchical order using a 2-sided Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test
adjusted for earlier exposure to infliximab or other anti-TNF
agents at a significance level of .05. The confirmatory multiple
testing procedure stopped at the first hypothesis that could not
be rejected. This ensured that the multiple significance level was
controlled at .05. Missing or incomplete data as well as values at
or after switch to open-label treatment of adalimumab were
handled using the nonresponder imputation methods. Comparison of treatment groups in subgroups of patients with or
without prior anti-TNF treatment use were carried out using the
2 test or Fishers exact test. Analyses of treatment-emergent
adverse events were determined in the safety population, which
included all patients who received at least 1 injection of study
drug during the study. The numbers of patients experiencing
adverse events were compared between the treatment groups
using Fishers exact test.
Sample Size
Assuming a remission rate of 5% in the placebo group at
week 8 or week 52, a difference of at least 7 percentage points
from the adalimumab group, and a 2-sided test at the .05 level,
a sample size of 250 patients provided power of .80 to detect a
Supplementary Figure 1 shows the disposition of
patients. The baseline characteristics were similar in the 2
groups (Table 1). Seventy-five percent (368 of 494) of
patients in the overall population were currently receiving
steroids and/or azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine. The remaining 25% of patients had previously failed and discontinued one or both of these agents, in the opinion of the
investigator. Forty percent (199 of 494) of patients in the
overall population had previously received and discontinued an anti-TNF agent.
Co-primary end points. At week 8, 16.5% of patients receiving adalimumab were in clinical remission as
compared with 9.3% on placebo (P .019; absolute difference 7.2; 95% confidence interval: 1.212.9) (Figure
1A). At week 52, the corresponding values were 17.3% and
8.5%, respectively (P .004; absolute difference 8.8;
95% CI: 2.814.5) (Figure 1A). The efficacy of adalimumab was generally consistent among demographic and
baseline disease characteristics (Supplementary Figures
2A and B).
Secondary endpoints and exploratory analyses.
February 2012
Placebo (n 246)
Adalimumab (n 248)
Total (n 494)
Male, n (%)
Age, y, mean SD
Weight, kg, mean SD
Disease location, n (%)
Descending colon
Disease duration, y, mean SD
High-sensitivity CRP, mg/L
Mean SD
ULN 4.94 mg/L,b n (%)
Mayo score, mean SD
Partial Mayo scorec
Endoscopy subscored
Rectal bleeding subscorec
PGA subscorec
Stool frequency subscore
Concomitant medication, n (%)
Azathioprine/6-MP and/or steroids
Azathioprine/6-MP steroids
Prior anti-TNF therapy
152 (61.8)
41.3 13.22
77.1 17.31
142 (57.3)
39.6 12.47
75.3 17.71
294 (59.5)
40.4 12.86
76.2 17.52
120 (48.8)
96 (39.0)
30 (12.2)
8.5 7.37
120 (48.4)
96 (38.7)
32 (12.9)
8.1 7.09
240 (48.6)
192 (38.9)
62 (12.6)
8.3 7.23
13.1 36.78
116 (47.2)
8.9 1.75
6.5 1.55
2.5 0.50
1.7 0.94
2.2 0.57
2.6 0.66
14.5 32.07
113 (45.7)
8.9 1.50
6.5 1.39
2.5 0.50
1.7 0.85
2.2 0.55
2.5 0.71
13.8 34.48
229 (46.5)
8.9 1.63
6.5 1.47
2.5 0.50
1.7 0.89
2.2 0.56
2.5 0.69
140 (56.9)
80 (32.5)
155 (63.0)
175 (71.1)
45 (18.3)
101 (41.1)
150 (60.5)
93 (37.5)
146 (58.9)
193 (77.8)
50 (20.2)
98 (39.1)
290 (58.7)
173 (35.0)
301 (60.9)
368 (74.5)
95 (19.2)
199 (40.3)
CRP, C-reactive protein; ITT, intent-to-treat; PGA, Physicians Global Assessment; 6-MP, 6-mercaptopurine; ULN, upper limit of normal.
patients (14 placebo 10 adalimumab) were excluded due to site noncompliance.
bn 246, placebo; n 247, adalimumab; n 493, total.
cn 245, placebo; n 247, adalimumab; n 492, total.
dn 247, adalimumab; n 493, total.
eIncludes mesalazine, sulphasalazine, balsalazide, aminosalicyclic acid, and olsalazine.
Additional Analyses
Using the nonresponder imputation method, the
proportion of patients achieving clinical remission based on
the partial Mayo score was statistically significantly higher
for adalimumab patients compared with placebo from week
2 on throughout the study (except for week 38; Figure 1D)
and the proportion of patients using corticosteroids at baseline who discontinued corticosteroid use (Figure 1E) tended
to progressively increase over study visits. No patients underwent colectomy during the placebo-controlled trial. A
subsequent publication will integrate the colectomy results
from the current trial with the colectomy results from companion open-label extension studies.
Adalimumab treatment was generally well-tolerated
and the overall safety profile of adalimumab was comparable
with that of placebo. A similar proportion of patients in each
study group experienced treatment emergent adverse events
(Table 4); the incidence rate during double-blind treatment
was numerically greater in the placebo group vs the adali-
February 2012
Figure 1. (A) Proportion of patients with clinical remission at week 8 and week 52. Proportion of patients with (B) clinical response and (C) mucosal
healing at week 8 and week 52. (D) Proportion of patients achieving remission per partial mayo score over time. (E) Corticosteroid discontinuation by
visit among baseline corticosteroid users. Intent-to-treat population; nonresponder imputation method. *P .05; **P .005 based on Cochran
MantelHaenszel test.
Treatment with adalimumab demonstrated significant benefits over placebo in the rates of clinical remission at weeks 8 and 52 among patients with moderate-tosevere UC who had previously failed or were currently
Placebo (n 246)
Adalimumab (n 248)
P valuea
10 (4.1)
30 (12.2)
26 (10.6)
92 (37.4)
70 (28.5)
143 (58.1)
8 (5.7)
21 (8.5)
59 (23.8)
46 (18.5)
114 (46.0)
94 (37.9)
174 (70.2)
20 (13.3)
8 (5.7)
20 (13.3)
2 (1.4)
15 (10.0)
65 (26.2)
144 (58.1)
40 (16.3)
112 (45.5)
End points
Prior anti-TNF
(n 145)
(n 150)
(n 101)
(n 98)
P valuea
16 (11.0)
18 (12.4)
9 (6.2)
32 (21.3)
33 (22.0)
16 (10.7)
7 (6.9)
3 (3.0)
1 (1.0)
9 (9.2)
10 (10.2)
5 (5.1)
56 (38.6)
35 (24.1)
24 (16.6)
89 (59.3)
55 (36.7)
44 (29.3)
29 (28.7)
10 (9.9)
6 (5.9)
36 (36.7)
20 (20.4)
15 (15.3)
51 (35.2)
28 (19.3)
20 (13.8)
5 (6.2)
74 (49.3)
47 (31.3)
36 (24.0)
15 (13.6)
27 (26.7)
10 (9.9)
6 (5.9)
3 (5.1)
28 (28.6)
15 (15.3)
10 (10.2)
5 (12.5)
63 (43.4)
43 (29.7)
86 (59.3)
5 (6.2)
88 (58.7)
69 (46.0)
116 (77.3)
15 (13.6)
29 (28.7)
27 (26.7)
57 (56.4)
3 (5.1)
26 (26.5)
25 (25.5)
58 (59.2)
5 (12.5)
1 (1.2)
11 (10.0)
1 (1.7)
4 (10.0)
31 (21.4)
75 (51.7)
48 (32.0)
102 (68.0)
9 (8.9)
37 (36.6)
17 (17.3)
42 (42.9)
P valuea
February 2012
Patients with
n (%)
E (E/100 PY)
n (%)
E (E/100 PY)
Any AE
Any AE at least possibly drug-relatedb
Any severe AE
Any serious AE
Any AE leading to discontinuation
Any allergic reaction-related AE
Any injection site reaction-related AE
Any opportunistic infection-related AE (excluding TB)
Any CHF-related AE
Any demyelinating disease AE
Any lupus-like syndrome AE
Any malignant AE
Any lymphomas AE
Any infectious AE
Any serious infectious AE
Any hematologic-related AE
218 (83.8)
86 (33.1)
37 (14.2)
32 (12.3)
34 (13.1)
1 (0.4)
10 (3.8)
3 (1.2)
103 (39.6)
5 (1.9)
1016 (846.1)
202 (168.2)
53 (44.1)
44 (36.6)
48 (40.0)
1 (0.8)
17 (14.2)
3 (2.5)
177 (147.4)
7 (5.8)
213 (82.9)
101 (39.3)
41 (16.0)
31 (12.1)
23 (8.9)
4 (1.6)
31 (12.1)
5 (1.9)
1 (0.4)
1 (0.4)
2 (0.8)
116 (45.1)
4 (1.6)
5 (1.9)
1086 (743.3)
273 (186.9)
56 (38.3)
45 (30.8)
25 (17.1)
4 (2.7)
58 (39.7)
6 (4.1)
1 (0.7)
1 (0.7)
2 (1.4)
212 (145.1)
4 (2.7)
5 (3.4)
P value for
n (%)a
NOTE. Safety population: All patients who received at least 1 dose of study drug or placebo.
AE, adverse event; CHF, congestive heart failure; E, event; PY, patient-year; TB, tuberculosis.
aP value for comparisons of n (%) between placebo and adalimumab using Fishers exact test.
bAs assessed by investigator.
Table 5. Median Serum Trough Concentrations Over Time by Remission Status at Week 52
Mean SD (minmax), Nnmiss
Treatment groups
40 mg EOW patients who were
remitters (n 43)
40 mg EOW patients who were
nonremitters (n 153)
Week 8
Week 32
Week 52
Placebo (n 260),
PYs 120.1
Supplementary Material
Note: To access the supplementary material
accompanying this article, visit the online version of
Gastroenterology at, and at doi:
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February 2012
Supplementary Figure 1. Patient flow. OL, open-label; eow, every other week. aSites were noncompliant with good clinical practices and protocol
February 2012
Supplementary Figure 2. (A) Summary of odds ratios for the proportion of patients achieving clinical remission at week 8 for adalimumab vs
placebo by subgroup. (B) Summary of odds ratios for the proportion of patients achieving clinical remission at week 52 for adalimumab vs placebo
by subgroup. aMedian age, 39 years. bOdds ratio could not be calculated for other race category. cOdds ratio could not be calculated for 64
age category. dOdds ratio could not be calculated for current user prior tobacco use category.