Dynamic Space Frame Structures
Dynamic Space Frame Structures
Dynamic Space Frame Structures
Student M.A.P.M. (Michel) Buijsen
Studentnr. 151 92 98
This is, in my opinion, feasible today and certainly a challenge for the
new generation in the evolution of architecture.”
Cecilia Lew Kausel, Ann Pendleton-Jullian (2002) Santiago Calatrava: Conversations with Students (New York)
Princeton Architectural Press p. 35
4 Summary
The graduation research focuses on dynamic space frame Geometry
structures, a highly innovative field of investigation. The The geometry has been crucial for the project. The precedent
research towards these structures is divided into the structural analysis and study on structural basics for space frames
geometry and the design of the structural members, such as have introduced some very important principles regarding
the beams, connection points and actuators. for example stability. One of the main challenges of this
research was to design a structure which is dimensionally
As the research does not focus on a specific application or stable as well as dynamic. This has been realised by making a
architectural design, the research began very broad. It first structure which is composed of stable grid unit cells, which are
had to be determined which reconfigurations the structure arranged in a stable configuration. Thereby, the grid unit cells
should be able to handle. This needed an intensive study, are able to be reconfigured while remaining stable.
because it is complex to determine on maximal movement Another interesting study regarding the reconfigurability of the
while the intention of the research is to be widely applicable. structure relates to the structural elements which can alter their
lengths; the actuators. It has been thoroughly investigated
Transformation which group of structural elements could best be actuated.
The most interesting and feasible option was to take a planar Several aspects have guided this decisive process. The most
structure as a basis for transformation towards single- and important factor for the actuation was the achievable radius
double curved surfaces. For analysing different types of and thereby the dynamics which the structure would be able
transformations, an important distinction has been made to handle. This process has been developed simultaneously
between freeformed and developable surfaces. The main together with the design of the actuators. The most interesting
difference between them is the ability of the developable principle was actuating the bottom layer. A variation on this
surfaces to be translated into planar surfaces without in- concept was actuating the bottom layer partially, thereby
planar deformations. As freeform surfaces require in-plane only actuating the bottom layer elements in between of the
deformations, whereby these are far more complex to realise. grid unit cells.
Therefore, the transformation of the basic planar geometry has
been limited to single curvature and a ´molehill´ as case study Actuation
project for slight double curvature (see figure 1). Further investigation on several aspects of the design of
the actuators has given some very important conclusions
regarding the final actuation principle. These aspects are:
- Achievable radius
a. b. c.
- Angular alterations in the nodes
- Forces (actuators)
- Standard element lengths
- Minimal / Maximal length for the actuators
The first two aspects, the achievable radius and angular Nodular system
alterations, can be related directly to the number of actuators. The last part of the research focused on the design of the
The principle of bottom layer actuation contains twice elements within the structure. The most important elements
as much actuators as the partial bottom layer actuation. are the nodes, which form the connections between the
Calculations have proved that hereby, the achievable (actuated) beams. For these nodes, four concepts have
radii with the same length alteration is twice as small in the been developed which all have potential in being applied in
partial bottom layer principle (6 metres versus 3 metres) and dynamic space frame trusses. The final model is based on the
the angular transformations in the nodes for this principle principle of creating a ball-and-socket joint. The main property
are twice as large. Minimizing the necessary angular and with which it distinguishes itself from the other concepts is that
length alterations of the structural members leads to less it is able to handle only small angular alterations for the bars.
complex detailing and more feasible end results. The forces As this is sufficient for the dynamic principle which has been
which the actuators should be able to handle have been developed, the nodes can be produced rather simple and
calculated for different element lengths. This study shows that inexpensive related to more complex node. The ball node is
the partial bottom layer actuation can only handle standard also very elegant and functions very well in receiving the fixed
element lengths of 1 metre versus 1,5 metres for entire elements.
bottom layer actuation. This is a very important conclusion,
because this leads directly to a reduction of the number of By finishing the project with the nodes, the research has dealt
structural elements and will thereby be more feasible from an with all the basic aspects for constructing a dynamic structure.
economical point of view. It has been a very inspiring study, opening up a new world to
The conclusion out of the analysis on these aspects is that
the entire bottom layer actuated structure is most feasible,
because it results in a more smooth curvature, whereby the
element lenghts can be longer and the angular alterations in
the nodes are smaller. This last aspect is important in deciding
on the nodular system.
1. Project description 11
2. Theory on geometry 17
3. Geometry 33
4. Dynamics 47
5. Structural elements 71
Future developments 88
Evaluation 90
List of images 92
Sources 94
Project description
but makes sure that the final design will still be feasible. - Constructional calculations
Keeping this aspect in mind, it is for example important to try to As explained, the constructional stability will be treated,
use no, or as less as possible, very expensive elements. because this is of basic importance. Calculations can
provide even more detailed information, such as the
- Technical feasibility deformation of the structure and the forces in the nodes.
The concepts and designs have to be technical feasible. This However, this part will not be treated but assumed from
means that they have to be able to be made using not too earlier realized static structures. In the case that the structure
difficult processes, because this would only result in a more will have to take higher loads, these elements will be over-
valuable structure. It is also difficult to make a prototype of dimensioned.
complex products, which is of main importance in proving that
l the Response
design of a project functions as it is designed
to changing Response to. artificial - Border of the structure
The natural
aspects will be left out: environment The research will focus upon the structure itself and will not
Environmental Architectural treat connections to for example the ground floor, a wall or
- Application(s)
impacts criteria columns. This would again be a very specific field to research
It is important to realise that the research project is intended as upon once this project has resulted in a feasible concept.
an exploration on the field of dynamic structures.
- Ventilation (wind)
- Sun (solar power, passive energy reduction
It is therefore
- People walking by
1.2 Research method It is important to define a clear research method, which is the
line which guides the research towards the end result. This
part will treat the method which was used for this research,
illustrated in figures 1.2.1 and 1.2.2.
Dynamic structure During the research, both parts have been developed
simultaneously. First they will not be confronted with several
aspects and constraints to stimulate freedom in thinking of
Fig. 1.2.1 Description of the Research Method new ideas and concepts. Ideas with a high potential will be
tested and confronted with some constraints which creates
´feedback´. Hereby, the different research topics will be
geared to one another.
Project description
The inspiration for these new ideas comes from multiple
sources. A literature study will gain more insight in precedents
and current possibilities. Because of the actual developments
in the research on dynamic structures, inspirational texts can
Research not only be read in books but also in papers and patents
Multidisciplinary approach which provide more actual developements.
3. Digital models Research on the geometry and structural elements will lead
to one or several concepts which have got the potential to
Rhino, Grasshopper
be realized. These concepts will be analyzed and evaluated,
resulting in a final model. The final structural design and the
designs of the structural elements together form the dynamic
4. Analysis and Evaluation structure.
Structure Node
In this research, it is important not to focus too much on the
first generated idea. Probably there is no optimal solution,
but several solutions will seem feasible. These will also all
contain different advantages and disadvantages. The more
Dynamic structure solutions there will be considered, the better the final solution
will be as it then can then be a combination of several
good concepts. The broader this research will be, the more
chances of diverging studies which lose their relevance will
Fig. 1.2.2 Description of the Research Method
be present. Therefore, several aims and constraints have to
be kept in mind very carefully.
“A robot senses the world that surrounds it.
It computes the information it receives.
It acts in the world.
It responds to uncertain environments.
Theory on Geometry
Theory on Geometry
Fig 2.1.3c Diagonal on larger square Fig 2.1.3d Larger square on diagonal
One of the six most common topologies One of the six most common topologies
Theory on Geometry
These forms are stable
2. Check if at least one edge of the
triangles is connected to another
stable form
This configuration of forms is stable s = 2k - 3 s = 2k - 3 s = 2k - 3 s = 2k - 3 s = 2k - 3
3. Check if the other (non-stable) s=5 s = 11 s = 12 s = 15 s = 15
forms are connected to at least k=4 k=7 k=7 k=9 k=9
n edges by maximal two stable
configurations. The number (n) of 5 = 2*4 - 3 11 = 2*7 - 3 12 = 2*7 - 3 15 = 2*9 - 3 15 = 2*9 - 3
edges is determined by 5=5 11 = 11 12 = 11 15 = 15 15 = 15
the number of edges minus two. Fig 2.2.2 Check of dimensional stability by using the formulas
This structure is stable The red forms and red calculations show where respectively the structure is instable or the calculation is wrong
a. b. c. d. e.
Theory on Geometry
a. b.
Surfaces which are developable can be folded from a The developable surfaces have shown three types, of which
planar surface. Three basic types of developable surfaces the cylinder and the cone are curved in one direction, also
are cylinders, cones and tangent surfaces of space curves, called single curved. Double curved surfaces belong to the
illustrated in figure 2.4.1. Cylinders are formed by 'a family category of freeform surfaces. Making freeform surfaces
of parallel lines' [Pottmann, 2007]. Cones consists of lines dynamic is very hard, because each cell has got a different
which connect the central vertex point with points at the shape. This can be demonstrated by dividing a sphere into
base (figure 2.4.2). Concerning the central points for the segments. However the earth is a closed shape, its division
rotation, the three types of developable surface have other into degrees of latitude and degrees of longitude is a very
properties. The cylinder has got one center vertex, which is clear example. In the most common division, one can see that
extruded parallel to the extrusion of the base curve creating the segments are more narrow towards the top. An attempt
a straight central axis. None of the lines of the cylinder touch to divide the earth into equal pieces has resulted in the grid
the central axis. The cones also have one vertex which is structure which is illustrated in figure 2.4.4.
joined by all the lines. The tangent surface is a combination
of multiple central vertices which are spread over a space So, it is possible to create a sphere out of equal segements.
line. Regarding the outfolds of the curved surfaces, notice However, outfolding this sphere will result in a non-regular
that the cylinders and the cones consist of equal segments grid, as has already been discussed and illustrated in figure
and the tangent surfaces of a space curve are all unique 2.4.4. Therefore, these shapes cannot be transformed into
segments. planar surfaces. An investigation on possible deformations
for developable and freeform surfaces will follow in the
Developable surfaces have the ability to only generate very next chapter, resulting in constraints for the structure and its
limited transformations. Basic geometries for the structure geometry and nodular system.
will consists of one or two types of cells, resulting in the ability
to create cylindrical or conical curved surfaces out of a
planar surface. If more complex transformations have to be
achieved, the cells will have to be able to alter their edges
resulting in for example trapezoids from squares.
Theory on Geometry
a. b. c.
a. b.
Fig 2.4.3 Bézier (a) and B-Spline surfaces (b) Fig 2.4.4 Unfolding a geodesic sphere
28 Dynamic Space Frame Structure
Building Technology Graduation Project 2010-'11
Michel Buijsen | 151 92 98
23rd June 2011
Plane Hemisphere
Using the plane as a starting point gives a lot of opportunities The hemisphere is a freeform surface. As the previous chapter
for transformations. The first one is an in-plane transformation, has shown, it is possible to construct a (hemi-)sphere out of
leading to for example a trapezoidal structure. Thereby it one type of triangle. It is however not feasible to totally unfold
can also be easily rotated in one direction, resulting in a the shape, because that would result in a surface containing
curved surface. As the previous chapter has explained, it is open and closed parts. A solution for this is to only slightly
hard to create double curvature from a plane. An interesting deform the sphere, whereby the triangles are able to alter the
possibility for creating double curvature for a planar surface length of their edges. This could lead to a stretched shape
is making the cells of the grid actuated, whereby it can lead which is illustrated at the double curved transformation.
to local curvature.
Cylinder Both the plane and the cylinder have got lots of opportunities
As well as the plane, he cylinder is also able to transform for being transformed into planar, single- and double curved
into interesting shapes. Unfolding the cylinder results in a surfaces. As outfolding the cylinder results in a plane and,
plane, which can be the same as the plane as just has been inversely, curving a plane results in a cylinder they are both
discussed. Other transformations of the cylindrical shape are based on the same starting point.
stretching the cylinder (single curved) or offsetting the curved
line, whereby creating double curvature. The research will continue researching on transformations of
planar surfaces into a single curved surface (the 'partial shell'
Cone and a double curved surface (the 'molehill').
A cone is a developable surface, which means that it can
be unfolded to a planar surface. For basic cones, this surface Fig. 2.5.1 (right page) Transformation of basic shapes
contains a central vertex (top of the cone) around which into planar, single- and double curved shapes
The red lines indicate interesting relations
radial lengths are rotated. To be able to unfold the cones, The red dotted lines indicate interesting relations between different basic
one edge has to be splitted. The angle between both edge shapes
Basic shapes (left column): Planar square, Cylinder, Cone and Hemisphere
Theory on Geometry
Basic shape Planar transformation Single curved transformation Double curved transformation
Square, top view Trapezoid, top view Partial shell ´Molehill´
Basic shape Planar transformation Single curved transformation Double curved transformation
Cylinder Outfold Stretched cylinder Converging cylinder
Basic shape Planar transformation Single curved transformation Double curved transformation
Cone Outfold Truncated cone Converging cone
Basic shape Planar transformation Single curved transformation Double curved transformation
Hemisphere Not feasible Not feasible Stretched hemisphere
30 Dynamic Space Frame Structure
Building Technology Graduation Project 2010-'11
Michel Buijsen | 151 92 98
23rd June 2011
a. a. a.
b. b.
e. d.
Fig 2.6.1 Forces in structural members of rectangular Fig 2.6.2 Force distribution in triangular Fig 2.6.3 Deformations of the double
double layer space frame structures double layered space frame structures layered structure
a. Stable rectangular space frame a. Triangular space frame a. Planar structure
b. Top chord removed, compression b. Top chord removed, compression b. and c. Rotation by removing the top- or bottom chords
c. Bottom chord removed, tension c. Bottom chord removed, tension resulting in single (b) curvature or double curvature (c)
d. Diagonal chord removed, tension d. Diagonal chord removed, compression d. Movement of a part of the structure
e. Vertical chord removed, compression
2.7 Conclusion
Theory on Geometry
to the determination on the basic form and the possible
transformation of a surface. Surfaces can be divided into
two categories; developable and freeform surfaces. The
developable surfaces can be folded from a single piece
of paper, and are thereby single curved. Freeform surfaces
contain rotation in more than one direction. Because the
research tends not to focus very specifically on one or a few
basic shapes and transformations, it is most likely to make the c.
structure able to handle double curvature, whereby it would
also have the ability to transform in a single plane. This seemed
however not the case. As spheres cannot be unfolded,
making a (hemi-)sphere planar is not possible. Further
developments in the research will take a planar surface as a
basic shape which will have to be single curved and double
curved like the 'molehill' surface illustrates (figure 2.7.1). Fig 2.7.1 Concepts for transformation
a. Basic shape
This chapter has furthermore focused on the theoretical b. Concept 1 - Single curvature
c. Concept 2 - Double curvature
background which is essential to understand and be able to
design structures in the coming chapters. These parts therefore
do not have specific conclusions yet, but will come forward in
the further development.
Fuksas (2005) Top view on the Milan Fair
The first research topic is about the geometry of the structure.
Several geometries have been developed and analyzed to lead to
a final geometry, which can be investigated on its behavior in static
and dynamic cases. The development of these models and their
conclusions are explained in the first section.
34 Dynamic Space Frame Structure
Building Technology Graduation Project 2010-'11
Michel Buijsen | 151 92 98
23rd June 2011
Neutral position of the bottom layer
The goal for the research on the Kagome Plate Truss Structure Another important aspect for the analysis of the Kagome
was to "achieve arbitrary in-plane nodal displacements Plate Truss Structure is the total geometry of the structure.
with minimal internal resistance [and] having both isotropic Because the single and double layer Kagome Structures
stiffness and the properties desired for actuation". Because are horizontally mirrored, there is no difference as seen from
of the in-plane transformation, the application wherefore the the top. The illustration op page 34 shows a more detailed
Kagome Structure is designed differs from dynamic structures view including the side and front views. The extraction of
this research is about. However, this actuated structure shows figure 3.1.2 shows the hexagonal space in between of the
very intelligent and interesting features, which can lead to triangular - tetrahedronal - units. An important advantage of
basic design principles for dynamic structures. this arrangement is that the structure is isotropic, meaning that
it provides equal strength in all directions. A disadvantage of
The most striking and crucial elements of this Truss Structure hexagonal shapes is that they are not static determined. By
are the tetrahedrons. The arrangement of these shapes connecting all sides to triangles, which are also connected to
around a hexagonal shape provides a structure which other hexagonals a network is created which is not stiff and
is applicable in form-active structures. The paper deals thereby has the perfect ability to deform in-plane but nog out-
with two structures; one being a single Kagome layer with of-plane.
tetrahedrons and the other being a double Kagome layer,
both provided with tetrahedrons connected to each other It is very interesting to see in figure 3.1.2a is the intelligent
at the tops. The physical model (figures X) shows that the composition of different cell types which are used for different
dynamics in the single and double layer structures differ very purposes. The stiff triangular cells (grey) provide stiffness,
much. whereas the hexagonal cells provide flexibility in horizontal
For analyzing the possible movements in the Kagome
Structure, the following principles illustrate both the single
and double layer structures in 2D. In the principles it is clear
to see that the single layer structure provides more freedom
in out-of-plane deformation with less actuated members.
Therefore the application of this section is further explored in
a. b.
following geometries.
a. b.
Fig 3.1.1 Principle of Kagome Structures Fig 3.1.2 Top views on neutral and deformed structures
a. double layer Kagome grid a. top view on Kagome Structure, showing the isotropic properties
b. single layer Kagome grid b. top view on an in-plane deformation
Cell Perspective view Top view Side view
The development of the grid units are illustrated in figure cells is that they are still able to transform in the structure, as
3.2.2. The Kagome structure has shown the importance of the vertices which are shared by the three smaller cells are
ascribing different properties to different cells (see figure not connected to other grid unit cells. Every grid unit cell is
3.1.2). Figure 3.2.2b illustrates how this principle has been connected at the three corners to other grid unit cells.
applied on the triangulated grid. For many purposes, it
is important that the joints in the structure contain as less To achieve a combination of the intelligent principles of the
beams as possible. The design of the joints can be easier triangular grid and the dynamic section, the three triangles
and thereby be technically as well as economically more on each corner are translated to tetrahedrons which are
feasible. Also, the number of actuators will be reduced which faced downwards (figure 3.2.2b). The lower points of the
has an important impact on the costs of the structure. tetrahedrons are connected to each others, resulting in
another triangle (figure 3.2.2c). Thereafter, a series of these
In the chapter ´dimensional stability´ it has been proved grid units is arranged, according to the developed triangular
that forms which are surrounded by stable configurations grid. The last step in making the complete structure is to
are also stable. This provides the opportunity to divide connect the bottom layers of the grid units, which is done by
the geometrical grid into cells which will be equiped with connecting the corners of three grid units. This creates another
structural elements (stable) and cells which will be left set of triangles which makes the structure complete.
blank (possibily instable). The equiped cells contain a ´sub-
geometry´ in which each cell is subdivided in four smaller The next question is how to make this static structure dynamic.
cells. This creates a unique pattern of stable elements. Each The structure is statically determined, but by actuating
small cell is connected at two vertices to the other cells, members it should be able to move. The next research issue
creating a stable grid unit cell. The unique property of these therefore focused on what members should be actuated.
Fig 3.2.1 Section of a triangular structure First model of the tetrahedronal structure
a. Neutral structure
b. Translated structure with elongated actuators in the bottom layer
c. Translated structure with contracted actuators in the bottom layer
a. b.
c. d.
Large model experimenting with the connections between the cells in the bottom layer
Larger model experimenting with the
Movement of the grid unit cell (1) connections and movement mechanism
a. b. c. d.
a. b. c.
Fig 3.5.2 Development of the structure
a. 2D subdivided grid unit cell
b. 3D grid unit cell with tetrahedrons
c. 3D grid unit cell with structural members in the bottom layer
d. Exploded view of a grid unit cell (grey) surrounded by other grid unit cells
Herzog & De Meuron (2008) Birds nest (Beiijng)
After having determined the geometry of the structure, the investigation of
dynamic structures focuses on the movement within the structure. Using the aspect
of feasibility as a key issue, this chapter researches on the transformation of the
structure for both of the dynamic concepts and their resulting length and angular
alterations of the structural members.
48 Dynamic Space Frame Structure
Building Technology Graduation Project 2010-'11
Michel Buijsen | 151 92 98
23rd June 2011
4.1 Actuation
As the tetrahedronal structure seems to have the best Bottom layer actuation
properties for being applied in dynamic structures, further Because of the development of the grid towards the final
investigation focuses on the actuation of this structure. It geometry, the first thought was to actuate the bottom
is important to notice that this first analysis is based on the layer and thereby rotate the tetrahedronal cells around
actuation of a single grid unit cell. The consequences of one another. They are able to rotate over the edge which
transforming these cells for the total structure will become is created from the vertices they share with the other
clear later on in the investigation. tetrahedrons. By elongating the bottom layer members,
the structure will become convex and by contracting the
The actuated structural members are being called the members it will become concave. The advantage of this
´actuators´ and have got the properties to be able to resist concept is its clear curvature which the model shows. It
tensional and compressional forces. The tetrahedronal certainly has potential to be applied and will therefore be
structure consists of different groups of structural members analyzed more deeply on the effects of actuation in the
of which the effects of being actuated will be investigated. chapter 'dynamics'.
Thereby the following groups will be investigated:
- Bottom layer elements
- Top layer elements
- Bracing elements at the corners
- Bracing elements around the core
Second model including actuated Detailed view of the second model
elements in the bottom layer with bottom layer actuation
50 Dynamic Space Frame Structure
Building Technology Graduation Project 2010-'11
Michel Buijsen | 151 92 98
23rd June 2011
Actuation in added top layer
52 Dynamic Space Frame Structure
Building Technology Graduation Project 2010-'11
Michel Buijsen | 151 92 98
23rd June 2011
a. b. c.
can give a solution. In the top layer actuation principle The investigation and determination on the best feasible
(figure 4.2.1c) there are 20 actuators, compared to 22 in the actuation principle will further be explained using a more
bottom- and side member actuations. The partial bottom layer complex transformation; double curvature.
actuation of figure 4.2.1f however, only has got 12 actuators.
Hereby, the preference for the single layered structures would
be given to principle b and f, respectively the bottom and
partial bottom layer actuation. A third interesting principle
would be that of the top layer actuation, illustrated in figure
d. e. f.
54 Dynamic Space Frame Structure
Building Technology Graduation Project 2010-'11
Michel Buijsen | 151 92 98
23rd June 2011
a. b. c.
issue, the top layer has to be able to transform. The illustrations This bottom layer concept has to collaborate with a
also show that none of these concepts can work on their transformation in the top layer, which is able to connect the
own. The concept of the top layer actuation is not feasibile, connection points between the grid unit cells (see figure X).
because it is not able to generate double curvature (see The length alteration of the top layer members is dependent
figure 4.3.1c). of the actuation in the bottom layer. However, one important
constraint regarding the top members is that these elements
The remaining concepts out of the analysis for single- and only have to be able to elongate.
double curvature are the bottom- and partial bottom layer
actuated structures. These will be further researched upon, to As the grid is stable, the edges of the structure are constraints
be able to argue which concept suits the dynamic structures whereby the members of the top layer in a planar state
best. are in their basic length. In any case in which the structure
comes out of this basic planar state, the elements have to be
become longer.
Fig 3.8.2 Result of actuating the top layer members
The red lines show the actuated members in the structure
When actuating the top layer members equally, the tops of the tetrahedrons share
their top vertices. Herefor, the side members need to be able to deal with small
length alterations
56 Dynamic Space Frame Structure
Building Technology Graduation Project 2010-'11
Michel Buijsen | 151 92 98
23rd June 2011
Bracing members H’
A-G = D-G = F-G = a G’
B-H = D-H = E-H = a
C-I = E-I = F-I = a
Fig 4.4.1 Grid unit
Bottom layer Overview of vertices in perspective view
G-H =b G-G' = e
H-I =c G'-G'' = f
G-I =d G-G'' = g
H-H' = h I-I' =k
H'-H'' = i I'-I'' =l
H-H'' = j I-I'' =m
a. b. a. b.
c. d. c. d.
Fig 4.4.2 Bottom layer actuation Fig 4.4.3 Partial bottom layer actuation
a. Convex structure, radius 2 and 4 m. c. Concave structure, radius 2 and 4 m. a. Convex structure, radius 2 and 4 m. c. Concave structure, radius 2 and 4 m.
b. Convex structure, radius 3 and 5 m. d. Concave structure, radius 3 and 5 m. b. Convex structure, radius 3 and 5 m. d. Concave structure, radius 3 and 5 m.
58 Dynamic Space Frame Structure
Building Technology Graduation Project 2010-'11
Michel Buijsen | 151 92 98
23rd June 2011
The results of the analysis of the actuated members are Radius Concave Convex
displayed in table 4.4.1 and 4.4.2, in which the first length shows Ratio
the length for the concave structure and the second one shows 2 m. 0,69 m. 1,61 m. 2,33
the length for the convex structure with the same radius. These 3 m. 0,77 m. 1,37 m. 1,78
values are compared to each other in the column called the 4 m. 0,82 m. 1,26 m. 1,54
ratio. This value determines the number of times the elongated 5 m. 0,85 m. 1,20 m. 1,41
length is larger than the contracted length.
Table 4.4.1
The differences in ratios between both principles show very Bottom layer actuation
interesting results. For the design of the actuators, it makes Radius Concave Convex
a great difference whether the ratio is beneath or above Ratio
the value of two. If the value is less than two, a rather simple 2 m. 0,36 m. 1,91 m. 5,31
actuator can be applied. If the ratio exceeds a value of two, a 3 m. 0,53 m. 1,65 m. 3,11
telescopic structural member has to be applied. Thereby, both 4 m. 0,63 m. 1,48 m. 2,35
principles have a large difference. In the case of bottom layer 5 m. 0,69 m. 1,38 m. 2,00
actuation, the smallest radius will be three metres. In case of Table 4.4.2
partial bottom layer actuation, the value for a radius of 5 metres Partial bottom layer actuation
The graph shows a very clear inversely proportional connection, Bottom layer actuation
4 (max.) 1436,0 1005,0 2441,0 1,70
minimal radius for entire bottom layer actuation would be
about 3 metres and for partial bottom layer actuation 6
metres. Looking more closely on the length alterations, both Table 4.4.5 Electrical cylindrical actuators
LZ80, able to take forces up to 12.000 N
actuation principles can almost succeed with the first type The minimal length is calculated by taking the maximal elongation and
of actuator, whereby the structure only can not reach the a adding 311 mm (1), 348,5 mm (2), 386 mm (3) or 431 mm (4)
G-I / G-F B I
A Vertex B B-H / B-H' B I
Vertex G' G'-A / G'-G H’’
B-H' / B-H'' H’’
G'-A / G'-G''
G G’’
B-H /B-H'' G G’’
Table 4.4.6 Radius Concave Convex Range Table 4.4.7 Radius Concave Convex Range
Angle alpha Angle beta
2 m. 69,9° 36,2° 33,7° 2 m. 40,2° 107,6° 67,4°
3 m. 67,4° 46,8° 20,6° 3 m. 45,3° 86,4° 41,1°
4 m. 65,9° 50,9° 15,0° 4 m. 48,3° 78,1° 29,8°
5 m. 64,9° 53,1° 11,8° 5 m. 50,3° 73,8° 23,5°
G'-A / G'-G'' B I
A Vertex B B-H / B-H' B I
Vertex G'' G''-A / G''-G H’’
B-H' / B-H'' H’’
G''-A / G''-G'
G G’’
B-H /B-H'' G
H’ H’
Vertex C C-I / C-I' G’ G’’
Vertex H H-A / H-H'
C-I / C-I''
H-A / H-H'' C-I / C-I''
Vertex H' H'-A / H'-H Fig 4.4.8 Angle alpha Fig 4.4.9Angle beta
Actuated members are indicated in red Actuated members are indicated in red
H'-A / H'-H''
Vertex H'' H''-A / H''-H
H''-A / H''-H'
Table 4.4.8 Radius Concave Convex Range Table 4.4.9 Radius Concave Convex Range
Angle alpha Angle beta
2 m. 79,6° 12,9° 66,7° 2 m. 20,7° 146,1° 125,4°
3 m. 74,7° 34,5° 40,2° 3 m. 30,7° 111,1° 80,4°
4 m. 71,7° 42,1° 29,6° 4 m. 36,6° 95,7° 59,1°
5 m. 69,7° 46,3° 23,4° 5 m. 40,5° 87,4° 46,9°
6 m. 68,3° 48,9° 19,4° 6 m. 43,4° 82,1° 38,7°
7 m. 67,3° 50,7° 16,6° 7 m. 45,5° 78,6° 33,1°
8 m. 66,4° 52,0° 14,4° 8 m. 47,1° 76,0° 28,9°
9 m. 65,8° 53,0° 12,8° 9 m. 48,4° 74,0° 25,6°
10 m. 65,3° 53,7° 11,6° 10 m. 49,5° 72,5° 23,0°
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Radius Concave Convex Ratio The configuration of the actuated cells changes when beams
Entire actuation are being actuated. For single- as well as double curvature,
3 m. 0,77 m. 1,37 m. 1,78 only two beams will be actuated the same time, because
Partial actuation also double curvature is build up from elements which are
6 m. 0,74 m. 1,31 m. 1,77 subjected to single curvature.
gamma Angles
gamma Angles
Angle gamma
delta Angle Angle
delta delta
Radius Concave % Convex % The last calculations on movement within the structure
Entire actuation concern the top layer. As explained in chapter 4.3, a
3 m. 0,10 m. 10% 0,03 m. 3% negative side effect making double curvature in a structure
Partial actuation is that the nodes in the top layer are not in one vertex
6 m. 0,15 m. 15% 0,08 m. 8% anymore. Therefore, the top layer has to be able to accept a
slight transformation.
Table 4.4.13 (top) Figure 4.4.12 illustrates some very important aspects
Lengths of the actuators for feasible entirely regarding this top layer actuation. As the structure has a
actuation (3 m.) and partially actuation ( 6m.)
a 55,8° 55,8° 68,4° As the length of the members in the simulation minimal length in its horizontal configuration, every change
b 60,0° 60,0° 60,0°
is 1 m., the length alterations are converted to leading towards double curvature results in elongation of the
c 56,3° 56,3° 67,5° layer. Therefore, the top layer members only have to be able
4,2° 4,2° 8,4° Table 4.4.12 (left) to elongate and do not have to be able to contract. This has
Angles gamma and delta been illustrated in the two situations in the right column of
Fig 4.4.12 Movement in top layer figure 4.4.12 showing transformation to convex and concave
a. Elongated structure (lactuator = 1,31 m.) structures, both resulting in elongation of the top layer.
b. Standard structure (lactuator = 1,00 m.)
c. Contracted structure (lactuator = 0,74 m.)
Another aspect is also shown in this right column. The corner
bracing members do not have to be able to change their
l = 1m.
l = 1,12m. length, but they however do have to be able to rotate
a. slightly around the bottom vertex.
The resulting values for the length alteration of the top layer
are shown in table 4.4.13. There is a difference in concave
l = 1,31m. and convex structures, as the radius is measured from the
b. l = 1m.
actuated layer and the length alteration from the top layer.
Therefore the radius of the top layer differs for concave and
convex structures. The most extreme value for the entire
actuated structure is 10% and for the partial actuated
structure is 15%. Besides the fact that these length differences
C are limited, the elongation is a result of transformations in
l = 1m.
Fl = 1,12m. the bottom layer. Thereby, it does not need to be controlled
A and can be designed different from the actuated structural
members. The design of these members will be explained
l = 0,74m.
I in chapter 4.6, after the more detailed explanation of the
G bottom layer actuators in the following chapter.
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Dead load 2,2 kN/m 2
Finishing layer 0,5 kN/m2 H
Fixing 0,2 kN/m2
Structure (own weight) 1,5 kN/m2
Assumption: load of the beams is 5 kg/m1 (0,05 kN/m1),
nodes weigh about 20 kg (0,20 kN)
One grid unit cell contains 21 beams (21 x 0,05 = 1,05 kN) V
and 9 nodes (9 x 0,2 = 1,8 kN), spread over about 2 m2)
Live load 1 kN/m2 b
Table 4.5.1 Values for the dead- and live load Fig 4.5.2 Schematic view on the
forces through the structure
a. Half actuated structure
b. Actuated structure
Fig 4.5.3 Forces on the structure
red dotted lines indicate the area in which the load
is directed to the point load
Top view (left) and perspective view (right)
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Half-actuated layer
a m 1 1,2 1,5 2 2,5
b m 0,87 1,04 1,30 1,73 2,17
F kN 3,59 5,16 8,07 14,34 22,41
V kN 7,17 10,33 16,13 28,68 44,82
Hd kN 8,3 11,9 18,6 33,1 51,8
Actuated layer
a m 1 1,2 1,5 2 2,5
b m 0,87 1,04 1,30 1,73 2,17
F kN 3,59 5,16 8,07 14,34 22,41
V kN 7,17 10,33 16,13 28,68 44,82
Hd kN 4,1 6,0 9,3 16,6 25,9
In case of equilibrium, the sum of forces in point A is zero. Then: V x a = H x b
The horizontal force equals the force in the actuators
Table 4.5.3 Calculation of the force in the actuator
For both the half actuated and the actuated grid
length elongation length
For the application in the top layer, a damper is a perfect [mm] [mm] [mm]
solution. It is able to take forces up to 13 kN and able to 1 220 100 320
handle length alterations of 500 - 800 mm, depending on the 2 320 200 520
length of the structural elements elements (grid size). 3 420 300 720
4 520 400 920
5 620 500 1120
6 720 600 1320
7 820 700 1520
8 920 800 1720
4.7 Conclusion
The study on the dynamics of the geometry started with an elements. The structural members consist of nodes, bars and
investigation on the effect of actuating different groups of actuators for the bottom and top layer. The following aspects
structural members. The most interesting principle contains have been investigated:
actuated members in the bottom layer of the structure,
whereby the tetrahedrons can be rotated around a central - Maximal achievable radius
triangle. A variation on this principle is the partially actuated - Angular alterations in the nodes
bottom layer, whereby the grid unit cells cannot transform, - Force which the actuator has to be able to handle
but are able to rotate around each other. - Standard length of the linear elements (bars and actuators)
- Minimal and maximal length of actuators in the bottom and
Both concepts have got potential and each has got its own the top layer to achieve the maximal radius
(dis-)advantages. The study on the actuation of the structure
continued with both principles. Specific investigations on for These aspects have all been applied on both the partially
example the lengths and forces on the structural elements and the entirely actuated bottom layer. After comparing the
should be able to point out the most feasible option for single different advantages and disadvantages, a choice can be
and double curvature. made which can be further developed. As the entirely bottom
layer actuated structure contains twice as much actuators,
SIngle- and double curvature it is able to handle a twice as small radius of 3 metres instead
There is a fundamental difference between these types of of 6 metres. These minimal radii have been determined by
transformations. Whereas single curvature is rather simple to comparing the minimal and maximal length of real actuators
realise, double curvature is far more difficult. The difference with those needed to achieve the radius. As in this phase the
between these transformations is that the grid unit cells in the standard length is not known yet, a more universal value has
single curved structure transform parallel to each other in been introduced: the ratio. This is the value with which the
one direction. In double curvature, the cells have to rotate in minimal length has to be multiplied to get the maximal length.
all three directions of the central triangle. The main problem
of double curvature however, is that the grid is dimensionally Independent on the standard lengths, the radii enable the
stable. Hereby it is only able to transform as a developable possibility to calculate the angular alterations in the nodes.
surface, whereas double curvature is a freeform surface. It might make sense that the alterations in the entirely
The only solution to be able to achieve double curvature actuated structure are twice as small as those in the partially
is by actuating both layers. It has already been conclused actuated structure. The smaller these alterations are, the less
that actuating the bottom layer functions very well to complicated and less large the nodes become. For this aspect
achieve transformations. This conclusion proves that it is also again, the entirely actuated bottom layer structure has got
necessary to actuate the top layer of the structure. important advantages.
Structural elements The calculation of the forces which run through the structure
Now that it is clear that actuation will happen in the (partial are related to the lengths of the structural elements and the
or entire) bottom layer and the top layer. The next step is to forces which the actuators have to be able to handle. As
take a closer look on what exactly happens in the different it is known that the actuators can handle up to 13 kN, the
question is how large the forces will be for different lengths.
The calculations result in maximal values of 1 metre for the Final result
partially actuated and 1,5 metres for the entirely actuated This investigation in chapter has resulted in a lot more
bottom layer structure. detailed knowledge about what happens with the structural
elements. The The investigation has lead to conclusions which
This might be one of the most decisive conclusions. As the substantiate the choice of the final actuation concept.
main advantage of the partially actuated structure is that In the beginning, there was a doubt whether it would be
it requires less actuators, and thus will be cheaper, the necessary to actuate the entire bottom layer. It has however
advantage of the entirely actuated structure is that it needs turned out to have excellent properties regarding the lengths
less elements. For example, a structure spanning 15 metres of the elements (with a maximal length of 1,5 metres), the
requires 15 cells of 1 metre and only 10 cells of 1,5 metres. forces through the actuators (not exceeding 10 kN) and
small angular transformations in the nodes, whereby the
The last investigation has been done on the top layer size of the nodes can be reduced. Besides that, the entirely
members. As the length alteration in the top layer is a lot actuated bottom layer structure also shows a more fluent
smaller than that in the bottom layer, a solution has been transformation, able to transform to a radius of up to 3 metres.
searched differing from the actuators. As the top layer does
not control the transformations, but only has to elongate The next chapter will further develop the node system for
as a result of double curvature, a more simple solution has the tetrahedronal concept, including the principles of the
been found. Industrial dampers can be applied. The relevant actuation.
products for this application are able to take forces up to
13 kN and length alterations of 500 - 800 mm.
Node B, Node B, Node E, Node E,
Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal E
50° 60°
40° D
40° H
Node H, Node H,
Horizontal Vertical
Fig 4.7.2 Transformations caused by actuation
Actuation in the bottom layer between the grid unit cells
Fig 4.7.1 Rotation in the nodes NB The cell which will not be transformed (the octahedron)
Rotation which is needed to achieve a curvature with a radius of max. 3 m. is indicated in grey, the actuators and their rotations are indicated in red
Structural elements
The constraints for the design of the structural elements
have been made in the previous chapter concerning the
dynamics. This chapter starts with a precedent study which
will lead to concepts for dynamic structural elements. These
concepts will be analyzed, resulting in a final design.
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Structural elements
74 Dynamic Space Frame Structure
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c. d.
Structural elements
a. Ball joint node
b. Shell joint system
c. Ring joint system
d. Plate joint system
76 Dynamic Space Frame Structure
Building Technology Graduation Project 2010-'11
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23rd June 2011
The first concept for a dynamic joint is based on the ball- and
socket joint system (see figure 5.2.2). The dynamic spherical
Fig 5.2.2 Ball-socket connection
node contains several holes, whereby the tubular structural
members are connected to an inner ball which is able to
rotate within the outer sphere. This connection is based on the
principle of a ball- and socket connection.
Structural elements
Top view Front view Perspective view
The plate joint system is a variation on the Ring joint system, Fig 5.2.4 Differences in transmission of the forces through the nodes
in which the rings are replaced by plates. A conceptual
difference between the Plate and the Ring joint system is that
the Ring joint is able to connect rings with a different radius.
This is needed because the rings have got a more rectangular
section, whereby the width of these profiles strongly limit the
minimal angle between two tubular members. The plates are
only a few millimeters thick but have got a larger surface.
Structural elements
Top view Front view Perspective view
rings. These are hard to detail because they have to be able to redirect
the forces through the structure, while they are also the weakest link.
Another complex detail concerns the connection between the beams
and the rings. These connection points have on the one hand to be as
small as possible, because enlarging the connection points has a high
impact on the ability of the rings to rotate and on the angles between
the beams. On the other hand, enlarging the connecting elements
improves the redirectioning of the forces through the beams, the
elements and to the rings.
Structural elements
1:1 Gyroscopic node prototype containing rings
and connections to the tubular members
82 Dynamic Space Frame Structure
Building Technology Graduation Project 2010-'11
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23rd June 2011
From the four concepts which have been illustrated (5.2), a The ring concept offers better possibilities, because a lot of
prototype has been made of two concepts. The ring joint problems of the gyroscopic model have already been solved.
in first instance looks kind of similar to the ring concept. However, it still contains the crucial details of the connections
However, it contains improvements which react upon the of the beams to the rings and the connection of the rings to
disadvantages of the gyroscopic model. The concept the central axis. A second model is based on a plate joint,
resulted in complex detailing between the rings to make whereby the rings have been replaced by plates. The main
it possible for the rings to rotate to any desired plane. For difference between the plate- and ring joint is the way they
example, the inner ring rotates around 1 axis. Hereby, the redirect the forces, which has been illustrated in figure 5.2.4.
ring cannot be positioned in any desired surface. Herefore, Both the ring- and the plate joint have been made using 2
the middle ring has to be rotated, whereby the connection different ways of making the central axis. The first one is a
points to the smaller ring rotates along. It will not be surprising cylinder with the same height as the rings, whereby the rings
that this is very hard to achieve. and plates are connected to one element. In the second
version, the middle of the axis has been removed to create an
Therefore, the ring concept is based on half rings, which empty center and thereby a visually lighter node. The models
rotate around one central axis. Only one beam will be show that this version results in an unstable node, whereby this
connected to each ring, whereby it is easier to position last version is not feasible.
each beam. Also, the rings are only made in two different
sizes. The third, inner ring of the gyroscopic model showed The other concepts of the ball- and segment joint are more
a considerably lower freedom in rotation, because the difficult to be made, because it is hard to model a spherical
circumference is smaller and the elements connecting the node. Therefore the models are first simulated and thereafter
beams to the nodes will be able to rotate in a smaller angle. roughly modeled.
Structural elements
Plate joint model with central axis (left, stable)
and without central axis (right, unstable)
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range in vertical and horizontal directions. The calculations
had resulted in some numbers, which are illustrated in figure
5.3.4. These have been modeled in the prototype which is 52,5°
showed at the bottom of this page.
Figure 5.3.4
Required freedom in the node
a. Freedom in horizontal movement (top view)
b. Freedom in horizontal movement (perspective view)
c. Freedom in vertical movement (section view)
d. Freedom in vertical movement (perspective view)
Fig 5.3.3 Conceptual illustration of the Joint showing freedom in horizontal rotation (left)
ball joint system and vertical rotation (right)
Prototyping a structure
After prototyping different joints, a prototype has been made
of an entire grid unit cell. To model all the different joints
in the structure, the beginnings of the surrounding grid unit
cells have also been connected. The concept is based on
that of a ball joint, in which the joints have been modeled
slightly abstracted. Whereas the real joint would connect to
several different beams using one node, the model contains
several balls which are each connected to one beam. When
actuating the prototype, it shows that this would result in
undesired excentric forces. The consequences of these forces
however are not very clear in the model, because they do not
handle high loads. The structure has got one important subtle
but essential detail. First, the corner elements were designed
as tetrahedrons. In this model, the edges in the top layer which
are created by the vertices which all tetrahedrons share, are
connected to each other stiff instead of rotatable (see the
photo bottom right). Thereby, the tetrahedrons have become Model of the structure
a sort of swing, rotating around this stiff top triangle. However,
this model was generated for a structure in which the bottom
layer of the grid unit cell would also be actuated. As this is not
the case, this very interesting conclusion cannot be used.
Structural elements
Model showing transformation (left) and
detailed views on different nodes (middle, right)
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Photos of the prototype, showing only the fixed beams (left), the
fixed and moving beams (middle) and the inside of the node (right)
5.5 Conclusion
The research on the node systems has been developed figure X and X, the partially actuated structure has got some
separately from the development of the geometry and advantages because each node contains three dynamic
dynamics. Hereby, some ideas for the nodes have already and four fixed connections, whereas the entirely actuated
been tested before the investigation on the exact properties bottom layer has got five dynamic and two fixed connections.
of the node had finished. The general part of this chapter Because the partially actuated structure has got fixed
focused on different concepts, which were all based on connections, it matters less that forces would not run centric
(parts of) a sphere. The most interesting concept was the through the node. Therefore, this partially actuated concept
ball concept, which is able to handle fixed connections very allows less complicated detailing, whereby the dynamic
well as well as dynamic connections. Thereby it is also a very connections can be realised by balls which have got less
elegant design, which does not very obviously show the details friction in rotating than the shell-like components from the
which are necessary to connect the dynamic elements. entirely actuated structure.
Prototyping the node has revealed some interesting results. The entirely actuated bottom layer structure is realisable, but
The conclusion from chapter 4, dynamics, was that the entirely contains more complicated details. Therefore, the partially
actuated bottom layer structure was far more interesting to actuated bottom layer structure is a highly interesting
develop. However, detailing the nodes offered some new alternative although it offers less freedom, less elegant
insights. When comparing the details of both structures, see transformations and shorter structural members.
Structural elements
p. 19 Fig. 2.1.1 Based on: Narayanan, Subramanian (2006) Space structures: Principles and practive, vol. 1
(Brentwoord) Multi-science, p. 17
p. 20 Fig. 2.1.2 Based on: Narayanan, Subramanian (idem), p. 18
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p. 303
p. 23 Fig. 2.2.2 Based on: Beranek, W.J. (idem), p. 310-311
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Fig 5.1.1a (top right) Chilton, J. (2000) Space grid structures (Oxford) Architectural press, p. 33
Fig 5.1.1a (bottom) Chilton, J. (idem), p. 33
p. 73 Fig 5.1.1b (left) Narayanan, Subramanian (2006) Space structures: Principles and practive, vol. 1
(Brentwoord) Multi-science, p. 228
Fig 5.1.1b (right) Narayanan, Subramanian (idem), p. 228
Fig 5.1.1c (top) Narayanan, Subramanian (idem), p. 243
Fig 5.1.1c (bottom) Narayanan, Subramanian (idem), p. 244
Fig 5.1.1d (top) Narayanan, Subramanian (idem), p. 238
Fig 5.1.1d (bottom) Narayanan, Subramanian (idem), p. 239
Fig 5.1.1e (top) Narayanan, Subramanian (idem), p. 231
Fig 5.1.1e (bottom) Narayanan, Subramanian (idem), p. 230
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94 List of sources
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Pellegrino, S. (2001) Deployable structures (Wien) Springer
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The field of research of the graduation project
investigates on a new generation of design
principles, being innovative in the ability to create
dynamic and interactive architecture.
The report explains the development of the dynamic space frame
structure of this research. This structure consists of structural elements,
which are arranged in a geometry which is optimally transformable.
This geometry gives the constraints for the design of the structural
elements such as the elements with their fixed and dynamic lengths
and the nodular system. The design process has been interactive
and has resulted in a structural solution in which the most important
design aspects have been integrated in both the geometry as well
as the nodular system.