ICE Problems
ICE Problems
ICE Problems
20. The overall efficiency of an electric system, coal file to lights, is 11 %. What
cal energy at the rate of 1000 kg m/s. What is its efficiency ? fraction of a pound of coal containing 30250 J/g must be consumed to light a
100 W
lamp 45 minutes ?
Solution: power output 1000 kg m/s x 1 kJ/ 101.92 kg m
ηm = = = 0.8176 Solution:
power input 12 kW Heat equivalent of one 100 W lamp lighted 45 min = 100 J/s(45min x 1 min/60s)
= 270000 J
17. How many kg m of torque are given to a turbine shaft transmitting 30000 kW at Required heat input from fuel for 11 % efficiency = 270000 ÷ 0.11 = 2454545.5 J
1800 rpm ? at 3600 rpm ? Fraction of 30250 J/g coal to supply 2454545.5 J = 2454545.5 J ÷ 30250 J/g
= 81.1419 g ( 2.2 lb ÷ 1000 g )
Solution: P = 2πTN = 0.1785 lb
21. A power dam creates a head of 25 m in a stream whose normal flow is 4200 cfs.
30000 kJ/s x 101.92 kg m / kJ Hydraulic turbines that can convert 92 % of the water power into shaft power are
@ N = 1800 rpm ; T = = 16221.072 kg m installed. They are connected to generators whose efficiency is 97.5 %. What is the
2 π( 1800 rev/min x 1min/60 s) kilowatt capacity of the plant ?
30000(101.92) Solution: Pg output of generator
@ N = 3600 rpm ; T = = 8110.5359 kg m ηg = =
2π x 3600 x 1/60 Ps shaft power
Ps = 0.92 water power
18. What water horsepower (metric) is required to raise 1900 liters/min through a = 0.92 γ Q H
height of 38 m ? = 0.92(9.807 kN/m3 x 4200 ft3/s x 1 m3 / 35.31 ft3)(25 m)
= 25552.082 kW
Solution: P = γ Q H = 9.807 kN/m 3(1900 l/min x 1m3/1000 kg x 1min/60s) x Pg = 0.975 x 25552.082 = 24913.28 kW
= 11.8011 kW x 1 hp / 0.7355 kW = 16.045 hp
22. A farmer has a small stream on his property which he thinks might supply
19. A power plant serves a factory having two 22 kW motors and ten 3.7 kW power to light his buildings. The stream is gauged and found to be flowing 0.03
motors. Assume the efficiency of motors 80 %, of transmission line 95 %, of m3/s. The available fall is 2.1 m. A small hydraulic turbine and generator will have a
generator 92 %. (A) What should the rated capacity of the generator be if it is combined efficiency of 70 %. Taking the transmission line efficiency as 80 %, How
assumed that all motors might be delivering their rated power simultaneously ? (b) many 50 W lamps can be connected to the generator simultaneously ?
what should the rated capacity of the engine be ?
Solution: total input to motors let n = no. Of 50 W lamps that can be connected to the generator simultaneously
(a) Transmission line efficiency , ηt = power from transmission line
input to transmission ( or generator n =
total motor output power per lamp
motor efficiency, ηm = ηc ηt ( power available from the stream
total input to motors =
total motor output = 2 (22) + 10 (3.7) = 81 kW power / lamp
total input to motors = 81 kW ÷ 0.80 = 101.25 0.7(0.80)( 9.807 kN/m3 x 0.03 m3/s x 2.1 m )
input to transmission lines = 101.25 ÷ 0.95 = 106.5789 kW =
(b) generator output 50 W/Lamp x 1 kW/ 1000 W
generator efficiency, ηg =
input to generator ( or engine output )
engine output = 106.5789 ÷ 0.92 n = 6.92 lamps say 7 lamps
= 115.8466 kW
1. If the mass of a typical neutron is 1.66 x 10 -24 gram and the velocity is
approximately 2200 mps. What is the kinetic energy of this neutron in electron ?
5. A locomotive is tested with a dynamometer car coupled between the tender and
the train traveling over a level track at a speed of 130 kmph. The dynamometer
registers 10615 kg. What horsepower is the locomotive then delivering ? on an
extended run the dynamometer integrator gives 2945 kW hour and over the same
stretch 6215 kg of 27920 J/g coal were consumed. Calculate the thermal efficiency of
the locomotive.
8. If 2685200 kJ/hr are given to an engine which can convert 12 % of the heat into
work, What is the power in kW developed by the engine ?
9. A plant containing one 600 kW and one 200 kW generating unit is being operated
at rated capacity. The coal consumption at the same time is 860 kg/hr. Heating value
of the coal is 22106 J/g. What fraction of heat in the coal is converted into useful
energy ?