Diabetes Risk Stratification Assessment Tool

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Diabetes Risk Stratification Assessment


1. Patient A1C* Points 2. Blood Pressure Points
>9.0% or Unknown 7 Unknown 3
8.5% to 9% 6 SBP>160 or DBP>95 3
8.0% to 8.4% 5 SBP 140 to 160 or DBP 90 to 95 2
7.5% to 7.9% 4 SBP 130 to 139 or DBP 80 to 89 1
7.0% to 7.4% 2 SBP<130 or DBP<80 0
<7% 0
3. Statin Use/LDL Points 4. Tobacco Status Points
Lipids not available 2 Unknown 1
Statin absent and LDL>100 or non HDL>130 2 Current every day smoker 1
Statin present and LDL>100 or non-HDL>130 1 Current some day smoker 1
Statin absent and LDL<100 1 Tobacco Positive (pipes, smokeless, etc.) 1
Statin present and LDL<100 0 Never Smoker or Recently Quit 0
5. PHQ-9 Score Points Scoring Points
Unknown 3 1. Patient A1C
> 14 (moderately severe to severe depression) 3 2. Blood Pressure
10 to 14 (moderate depression) 2 3. Statin Use/LDL
5 to 9 (mild depression) 1 4. Tobacco Status
*Patient A1C: Points are based on the widely recognized goal of 7%. In some 5. PHQ-9 Score
instances, this goal may not be warranted or safe in which case the goal would be
set at 8% and all data sets would be adjusted upward (+1% to each parameter). TOTAL


Maximum support needed. Moderate support needed. Minimal support needed.
Overall Stratification Score > 6 Overall Stratification Score 3 to 6 Overall Stratification Score < 3

YES NO N/A RED ZONE (Maximum Support Needed)

Did you address the patient’s readiness to change? If so, what stage is the patient? __________________________
Did you address any known community barriers? If so, what are they? __________________________
Did you enlist a specific visit or phone call follow-up strategy (recommended someone call patient 2 weeks before and after all
encounters)? If so, who called the patient? ___________________________________
Did you enlist a specific “no show” strategy (recommended someone call patient same day if no show)? If so, who called the
patient? ___________________________________
Did you enlist a specific follow-up strategy for ED/Admin alerts (recommended someone contact the patient within 24 hours to
schedule an appointment and follow-up within 72 hours)? If so, who contacted the patient?
Did you assist the patient with coordination of other care services during their visit? If so, what did you coordinate?
Did you address the need for ongoing education and self-management support?
Did you make a referral to a CDE? If so, to whom? ___________________________________
Did you schedule a class? If so, when/where? ___________________________________
Did you set self-management goals with the patient? If so, what are they? ___________________________________
Did you address the need for increased frequency of visits to the MD? CDE? Other?
YES NO N/A YELLOW ZONE (Moderate Support Needed)
Did you consider assessing the patient’s readiness to change? If so, what stage is the patient? __________________________
Did you consider any known community barriers? If so, what are they? __________________________
Did you enlist a specific visit or phone-call follow-up strategy? If so, who contacted the patient? ___________________________
Did you consider the need for education and self-management support?
Did you recommend an encounter with a dietician? If so, who? ___________________________________
Did you schedule a class? If so, when/where? ___________________________________
Did you set self-management goals with the patient? If so, what are they? ___________________________________
YES NO N/A GREEN ZONE (Minimal Support Needed)
Do you anticipate any future problems with the patient? If so, what are they? ___________________________________
Did you offer education and self-management support?
Did you offer a class for new or recent onset patients? If so, when/where? ___________________________________
Did you offer an encounter with a dietician? If so, who? ___________________________________
Did you offer to set self-management goals with the patient? If so, what are they? ______________________________

PLEASE NOTE: Care recommendations detailed below are intended to supplement and/or extend the care guidelines that already exist for all diabetes patients and in no way reflect a comprehensive
care management plan. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Center for Excellence in Chronic Illness Care

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