Learn Fractions by Shaunak Bhalgat (City Pride School)

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By Shaunak BHALGAT
Std 5th Wisdom
City Pride School,
Nigdi, Pune

What are Fractions ?

Examples of Fractions

Why we need Fractions ?

Index - Proper & Improper Fractions

- Mixed Fractions
Parts of Fractions - Like & Unlike Fractions
- Equivalent Fractions

- Addition
- Subtraction
Operations of Fractions - Multiplication
- Division

Comparison - Greater than and Smaller than

What are Fractions ?
 Fractions are for counting part of something.
 Loosely speaking, a fraction is a quantity that cannot be
represented by a whole number.
 A fraction (from the Latin fractus, broken) is a number
that can represent part of a whole. The earliest fractions
were reciprocals of integers: ancient symbols
representing one part of two, one part of three, one
part of four, and so on. A much later development were
the common or "vulgar" fractions which are still used
today (½, ⅝, ¾, etc.)

Examples of Fractions

How much of a pizza do we have

below? The blue circle is our
whole. if we divide the whole into
6 congruent pieces, - the
denominator would be 6. We can
see that we have 5 of these
pieces. Therefore, the numerator
is 5, and we have
2/4 of a pizza

Why we need Fractions ?
 Consider the following scenario.
 Can you finish the whole cake?
 If not, how many cakes did you eat?
 1 is not the answer, neither is 0.
 This suggest that we need a new kind of number i.e.

First Skill PAGE 5

Parts of Fractions
 The denominator tells us how many congruent pieces
the whole is divided into, thus this number cannot be 0.
 The numerator tells us how many such pieces are being I’m the NUMERATOR.
considered.(a) I tell you the number

of parts

I’m the

you the name of part

Parts of Fractions PAGE 6

Proper & Improper Fractions
 In Proper Fractions the numerator is smaller than (or
equal to) the denominator. E.g. – 2//2 ,9/5 ,6/6 etc.

 In Improper Fractions the numerator is greater than (or

equal to) the denominator. E.g. – 4/2 ,9/5 ,6/6 etc. Every
whole no is Improper Fraction E.g. – 24 = 24/1

Parts of Fractions PAGE 7

Mixed Fractions

 In Mixed Fractions a whole number and a proper

fraction are together.
E.g.. 2 1/4, 16 2/5 etc.
 Mixed Fractions and Improper Fractions are same.
 We can use any to show the same amount.

Parts of Fractions PAGE 8

Like & Unlike Fractions

 In Like Fractions the denominators of the Fractions are

1 𝟑 𝟕
5 5 5

𝟓 𝟓 𝟓
 In Unlike Fractions the denominators of the Fractions
are different. 𝟒 𝟏 𝟖

Parts of Fractions PAGE 9

Unit Fractions & Whole

 In Unit Fractions the numerator of the Fraction is 1

1 𝟏 𝟏
𝟐 𝟒 𝟗

𝟓 𝟖 𝟑
 In Whole Fractions the denominators of the Fraction is

𝟏 𝟏 𝟏

Parts of Fractions PAGE 10

Equivalent Fractions

 They are the fractions that may have many different

appearances but are same.
 In the side picture we have ½ of a cake as the cake is
divided into two congruent parts and we have only one
of those parts.
 But if we cut the cake into smaller congruent pieces, we
can see that
1/2 = 2/4
Operations of Fractions

Operations of Fractions PAGE 12

Addition Of Fractions

 Addition means combining objects in two THINGS TO KNOW !!!!

or more sets  Simplifying
 The objects must be of the same type, i.e.  Like and Unlike Fractions
we combine bundles with bundles and
sticks with sticks.  Like fractions are Compulsory to add.
 In fractions, we can only combine pieces of  If there are Unlike Fractions, then
the same size. In other words, the convert them to like fractions.
denominators must be the same.  The Denominator should not be added.
 Always change Improper fraction to a
mixed fraction.

Operations of Fractions PAGE 13

Addition Of Fractions

 Adding Fractions With Same Denominators

 Add the numerator and leave the
denominator as it is.


3 1 3+1 4
5+¿5¿ 5 ¿5

Operations of Fractions PAGE 14

Addition Of Fractions

 Adding Fractions with Different Denominators

 If there are different denominators in the
fractions, then we change them to like
3+¿5¿ ?
1 5 2 6
3¿15 5¿15

1 2 5 6 11
Operations of Fractions PAGE 15
Subtraction Of Fractions

 Subtraction means taking objects away. THINGS TO KNOW !!!!

 The objects must be of the same type, i.e.  Simplifying
we can only take away apples from a group  Like and Unlike Fractions
of apples.
 Like fractions are Compulsory to subtract.
 In fractions, we can only take away pieces
of the same size.  If there are Unlike Fractions, then
convert them to like fractions.
 In other words, the denominators must be
the same.  The Denominator should not be
 Always change Improper fraction to a
mixed fraction.
 The numerator can be negative.

Operations of Fractions PAGE 16

Subtraction Of Fractions

 Subtracting Fractions With Same Denominators

 Subtract the numerator and leave the
denominator as it is

− ¿?

4 2 4−2 2 1
6−6¿ 6 ¿6¿3

Operations of Fractions PAGE 17

Subtraction Of Fractions

 Subtracting Fractions with Different Denominators

 If there are different denominators in the fractions,
then we change them to like fractions.

3−5¿ ?

2 10 2 6
3¿15 5¿15

2 2 10 6 4
− ¿15−15¿
35 15
Operations of Fractions PAGE 18
Multiplication Of Fractions

 To Multiply Fractions, we Multiply both - THINGS TO KNOW !!!!

The numerators and the Denominators  Simplifying
 The Denominator are always multiplied.
23  “ Of ” : Of means multiply. E.g. : ½ of 2 = ½ × 2 = 1
4×2  Product of two Proper Fractions is always
less than both of them.
 Product of two Improper Fractions is always
2 3 2× 3 6 3 greater than both of them.
4×2¿ 4× 2 ¿8¿4  Product of one Improper Fraction and one
 Fraction is always less than the Improper
Fraction and greater than the Proper

Operations of Fractions PAGE 19

Dividing Fractions

 To Divide Fractions, we change the Second THINGS TO KNOW !!!!

Fraction with its Reciprocal. Then Multiply  Simplifying
the Reciprocal with the First Fraction.
Reciprocal means multiplicative inverse  Multiplication
24  Always change Improper fraction to a
4÷5 mixed fraction.
 Reciprocal: The inverse of fraction
2 4 2× 5 10 5  E.g. – 2/3 = 3/2 = 1 ½ , 2 ½ = 5/2 = 2/5
4 5¿ 4 × 4
÷ ¿16¿8


 Greater than and Smaller than

 Change the Fractions to Like Fractions.
 The fraction with greater numerator is bigger than the
other one.
 If the Numerators are same, then the Fraction with
smallest Denominator is the Biggest

2 3 10 9
¿ ¿ >
3 5 15 15

Comparison PAGE 21
Thank You


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