Data Sheet For Rotary Calciner - TEPL

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Name of the Company Rajasthan Chemicals & Minerals Department
Grinding & Processing GCC (Grounded Calcium Carbonate)
Address 1-5 Ricco Industrial Area, Tehsil- Sojat City, District Pali (Rajasthan)
Location of Plant Sojat City
Inquiry Initiated by Mr. Puneet Singh Gehlot
Designation Head of marketing Date 21st March 2020

01 Product to be calcined Chemical Grade (Limestone)

02 Production Rate (Output) 2000 Kg/hr
03 Specific Heat of Product 800 to 1000 degree Celsius
Bulk Density of the Product : BD: 705 kgs/cu.m
04 a) Feed material a) 3 to 6 mm (grits particles).
b ) Calcined material b) Calcium Oxide.
05 Moisture in feed material Less than 0.5 %
06 Desired Moisture in Calcined material Less than 0.5 %
Type of Calciner
07 Indirect fired (Electrical Elements)
viz. Direct Fired / Indirect Fired.
a) calcium carbonate 97% plus
Chemical Composition of feed material
08 b) silica content below 1%
c) Iron oxide 400-450 PPM
09 Temperature of feed material Room Temp.
Nature of feed material :
10 Granular
Pasty / Lumpy / Granular / Free Flowing
Behavior of Feed Material:
11 Break Ups
Sticky / Smears / Breaks up
12 Temperature of calcination 850 °C
13 Size of Feed Material 3 to 6 mm (Grits particle)

Is the calcined product to be cooled? Yes / No

14 Yes, till the material is cool enough
If Yes
for bagging and loading

15 Is the material Abrasive / Corrosive Abrasive

Yes, hygroscopic in nature
16 Is the material Hygroscopic ?
Source of heat for calcination :
17 Electrical
Gas / Oil / Electrical / Other
44% out of Caco3
Calcinations process includes
18 Loss on Ignition
generation of Co2 by
decomposition of Caco3 -> CaO


Recommendations / Comments
You may suggest, as sulphur and
Material of construction of shell, end breechings carbon contents shouldn’t get in
and contact parts with product material : touch with the material.

If the product is already being calcined, please No, it will be calcined in the
state type of calciner used rotary kiln.

03 Material Retention Time in Rotary Calciner 15 to 20 Mins

Conveyor belt will be used after

Type of Conveying system to charge material to
04 limestone lumps will be
hopper of calciner
reduced down using crushers.

Type of collection or conveying system to collect Product silos to store and

or convey calcined material post calcination. bagging system

Hopper size required for material before 50 tons

charging into Calciner
07 Can sample of product be furnished for trials? yes
08 Above 1 cr.
Approximate budget for the calciner?


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