Competencies To Be Tested

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Examination for Teachers (LET) Social Science Online


1. Philippine Government and Constitution –15%

1.1 Be familiar with the various forms of government established each its own time
from the barangay to the present system
1.2 Discuss the nature and provisions of the present Constitution, its
advantages/possible disadvantages over the others before it and its function as
fundamental law of the state
1.3 Know one’s rights and responsibilities as a citizen in a democratic state
1.4 Discuss the functions of the three branches of the Philippine Government

Read: LET March 2015 Experience

2. Philippine Geography – 13%

2.1 Explain the significance of location, size and shape of a region in relation to its
2.2 Describe and compare the different regions of the Philippines as to their physical
and cultural characteristics and development
2.3 Explain how the natural resources in different regions in the country contribute to
2.4 Identify the distinctive features of three most developed and three least developed
regions in the Philippines.

3. Philippine History _ 15%

3.1 Trace the development of the history of the Philippines from the pre-colonial,
colonial and contemporary periods

4. Rizal and Other Heroes – 7%

4.1 Show appreciation for the works of Rizal by (a) being familiar with them and (b)
choosing the features in his character worth emulating
4.2 Explain how Rizal’s life and works have made the Filipinos (a) aware of socio-
political problems of their society and (b) increase their nationalistic fervor and love for
4.3 Evaluate the contribution of Philippine Heroes and heroines to the course of
Philippine independence

5. Economics (Taxation, Land Reforms, Cooperatives)

– 10%
5.1 Be familiar with Philippine economic conditions with respect to taxation, land
reforms, and cooperatives as well as the growths of the gross national prodict
5.2 Comprehend and apply the fundamental economic principles, especially those
relevant to current economic conditions in the Philippines

6. Sociology and Culture – 10%

6.1 Comprehend the basic concepts, theories and perspectives vital in understanding
society and culture
6.2 Explain why people of different groups or societies have different cultures and
behave differently
6.3 Recognize cultural elements that are distinctly Filipino, and choose those that are
worth perpetuating
6.4 Identify social issues and concern affecting the Philippine Society

7. Worlds Geography – 5%
7.1 Describe the physiographic features of different regions in the world
7.2 Relate the significance of geography to social, cultural, economic an political
development of a state
7.3 Discuss the global conditions of the environment, its protection, conservation and
proper management
7.4 Explain how Natural and cultural patterns of the earth foster global

8. World History – 5%
8.1 Trace the development of world civilization
8.2 Analyze the influences of Asian and Western civilizations in Filipino life and culture
8.3 Discuss the involvement of the Philippines on important international and regional
9. Economics (Microeconomics & Macroeconomics) –
9.1 Comprehend the basic principles of economics as well as the nature and functions
of the economic system
9.2 Interpret economic concepts such as supply and demand, diminishing marginal
utility, income effect vs. substitution effect, etc.
9.3 Apply concepts on the nature and behavior of cost and the theory of production to
current economic situations in the Philippines

10. Anthropology –5%

10.1 Comprehend the basic concept in anthropology both physical and cultural
10.2 Trace and analyze the evolution of man
10.3 Study the relationships between culture and the biological traits of human beings
10.4 Examine the different techniques and tools in the study of man

11. Philosophy (Social Philosophy and Logic) – 5%

11.1 Manifest knowledge of the nature of the Filipino, the Filipino Society and the
emerging Filipino Philosophy
11.2 Discuss and analyze the various laws and principles governing correct thinking
11.3 Form a critical and analytical attitude toward specific issues and problems n daily

12. Asian Studies – 5%

12.1 Trace the historical roots and development of events affecting the whole Asian
region anchored on the pattern of world developments through an overview of the
country’s political, economic, religious, and socio-cultural systems.

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