Licensure Examination For Teachers

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An Examination of the Table Of Specifications for the General Education & Professional Education Areas

R.A. 7836 -Legal Basis for LET Title: An Act to Strengthen the Regulation and Supervision of the Practice of Teaching in the Philippines and Prescribing a Licensure Examination for Teachers and for Other Purposes.
Approved on December 16, 1994. Administered by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) through the Board for Professional Teachers.

The New LET Competencies

Promulgated by the Professional Regulation

Commission (PRC) Board of Professional Teachers in Resolution 2009-10 Based on the National Competency-Based Teaching Standards (NCBTS) Adds Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to the Gen. Education Area Changes the weights of sub-areas in the Prof. Education Area

The LET Subsections

Elementary Level
General Education Area Professional Education Area Specialization Area Total

Secondary Level

40% 60% N/A 100%

20% 40% 40% 100%

General Education Area

English 20%
Filipino 15% Mathematics 20% Science 20% Social Science 20% Information & Communications Technology 5% Total 100%

English 20%
English 1: Study & Thinking Skills 6% English 2: Writing in the Discipline 5%

English 3: Speech & Oral Communication 3%

Literature 1: Philippine Literature 4% Literature 2: Master Works of the World 2%

English 1: Study & Thinking Skills 6%

Use the English language correctly

& appropriately 3%
Comprehend written text 3%

English 2: Writing in the Discipline 5%

Use accurate, meaningful &

appropriate language in written discourse 5%

English 3: Speech & Oral Communication 3%

Use accurate, meaningful &

appropriate language in oral discourse 3%

Literature 1: Philippine Literature 4%

Apply knowledge gained from local literary

pieces 1% Manifest comprehension to extract elements in major literary genres 1% Relate insights to given situations 2%

Literature 2: Master Works of the World 2%

Interpret passages from master

works of the world 2%

Filipino 15%
Filipino 1: Komunikasyon sa Akademikong

Filipino 6% Filipino 2: Pagbasa at Pagsulat Tungo sa Pananaliksik 5% Filipino 3: Masining na Pamamahayag 4%

Filipino 1: Komunikasyon sa Akademikong Filipino 6%

Nagagamit nang may lalong

mataas na antas ng kasanayan at kahusayan ang Filipino sa akademikong larangan 6%

Filipino 2: Pagbasa at Pagsulat Tungo sa Pananaliksik 5%

Nagagamit nang may husay ang

Filipino sa pagbuo ng isang sulating pananaliksik 5%

Filipino 3: Masining na Pamamahayag 4%

Nababasa nang may wastong pag-unawa ang

mga teksto sa ibat ibang disiplina 2% Nagagamit ang angkop na repertwal (repertoire) ng wika sa pagpapahayag ng kaalaman, karanasan at saloobin 2%

Mathematics 20%
Mathematics 1: Fundamentals of Math 7% Mathematics 2: Plane Geometry 5% Mathematics 3: Elementary Algebra 5% Mathematics 4: Statistics & Probability: 3%

Mathematics 1: Fundamentals of Math 7%

Use of the four fundamental operations in

problem solving involving arithmetic concepts 4% Measurements and units of measure 2% Convert units in the metric system 1%

Mathematics 2: Plane Geometry 5%

Show mastery of terms and basic

concepts in Plane Geometry 3% Solve problems involving basic terms and concepts in Plane Geometry 2%

Mathematics 3: Elementary Algebra 5%

Show mastery of basic terms and concepts in Elementary Algebra 3% Solve problems, evaluate and manipulate symbolic and numerical problems in elementary algebra by applying fundamental rules, principles and processes 2%

Mathematics 4: Statistics & Probability: 3%

Show mastery and knowledge of basic terms and concepts in Elementary Algebra 1% Solve, evaluate, manipulate symbolic and numerical problems in statistics and probability by applying fundamental rules 2%

Science 20%
Identify scientific traits and attitudes exhibited in various

situations 3% Use scientific inquiry to investigate materials, events & phenomena in the natural world (designing experiments, collecting, organizing, analyzing and interpreting data, making conclusions and communicating results) 5% Use scientific knowledge to natural phenomena and protect the Earths resources 5% Analyze advantages and disadvantages of different solutions to particular problems 4% Analyze the impact of technology on living and non-living things 3%

Social Science 20%

Philippine Government & Constitution with Human

Rights 3% Philippine History 4% Economics, Taxation, Land Reform and Cooperatives 3% Society and Culture with Family Planning 2% Rizal and Other Heroes 2% Philosophy 2% Art Appreciation / Humanities 2% Psychology 2%

Philippine Government & Constitution with Human Rights 3%

Demonstrate understanding of the various forms of government from the barangay to the present system 1%
Explain the nature and provisions of the present Constitution, its advantages and disadvantages to others in the past and its function as fundamental law of the state 2%

Philippine History 4%
Trace the history of the Philippines

from pre-colonial to contemporary periods 2% Draw the implications of the historical evolution of the Philippines to its present socio-political condition 2%

Economics, Taxation, Land Reform and Cooperatives 3%

Manifest understanding of the Philippine

economic condition with respect to taxation, land reform and cooperatives as well as to the growth of its Gross National Product 2% Apply the fundamental economic principles to the current economic condition of the Philippines 1%

Society and Culture with Family Planning 2%

Apply basic concepts, theories and

perspectives which relate to society, culture and family planning in life 1% Recognize cultural elements that are distinctly Filipino 1%

Rizal and Other Heroes 2%

Analyze how Rizals life and works have

contributed to the countrys development 1% Evaluate the contribution of other Philippine heroes and heroines to the development of the country 1%

Philosophy 2%
Analyze the nature of the Filipino, the

Filipino society and the emerging Filipino philosophy 1% Manifest a critical and analytical attitude toward specific issues and problems in daily life 1%

Art Appreciation / Humanities 2%

Demonstrate understanding of the totality

of human experience by formulating a human perspective that integrates all areas of knowledge 1% Manifest appreciation of art as a result of an integrative and holistic view of life 1%

Psychology 2%
Apply the basic concepts and

theories of human behavior 2%

Information & Communications Technology 5%

Manifest mastery of fundamental concepts,

principles and operations of information and communication technology (ICT) 3% Identify varied and appropriate use of technology 1% Analyze the effect / impact of ICT on the environment 1%

Professional Education Area

Teaching Profession, Social Dimensions of Education,

Field Study, Practice Teaching 20% Principles of Teaching, Educational Technology, Curriculum Development, Developmental Reading, Field Study, Practice Teaching 35% Facilitating Learning, Child and Adolescent Development 20% Assessment of Learning, Field Study, Practice Teaching 25%

Teaching Profession, Social Dimensions of Education, Field Study, Practice Teaching 20%
Determine ways and means to ensure high standards

of the teachers personal and professional development 2% Describe the roles and responsibilities of the teacher in the local and global community 2% Analyze the historical, economic, socio-cultural, geographical, environmental, political and sociopsychological factors that influence the school as an agent of change and the teacher as a facilitator of learning 5%

Teaching Profession, Social Dimensions of Education, Field Study, Practice Teaching 20%
Interpret educational problems in the light of philosophical and legal foundations of education 5%
Apply the four pillars of learning learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, learning to be in responding to the aspirations of the learner and the community 3%

Apply ethical principles in the teachers personal life and in his/her relationship with other people 3%

Principles of Teaching, Educational Technology, Curriculum Development, Developmental Reading, Field Study, Practice Teaching 35%
Employ activities, teaching methods, instructional materials and technology, classroom management techniques appropriate for a chosen subject-area 10%
Apply appropriate approaches to lesson planning and curriculum development 6% Apply principle in the preparation and utilization of the conventional and non-conventional technology as well as traditional and alternative teaching strategies 5%

Principles of Teaching, Educational Technology, Curriculum Development, Developmental Reading, Field Study, Practice Teaching 35%
Align curriculum components to instruction and assessment 5%
Distinguish the roles of stakeholders (students, teachers, employers, parents, and community) in the delivery of the curriculum 1% Use activities that enhance critical, creative, and metacognitive reading skills 5% Analyze extrinsic and intrinsic factors that affect reading performance 3%

Facilitating Learning, Child and Adolescent Development 20%

Analyze the cognitive, metacognitive, motivational socio-

cultural factors that affect learning 5% Apply theories of learning and development to the teaching learning process 8% Draw educational implications of research findings related to child and adolescent learning and development along with the biological, linguistic, cognitive, social and psychological dimensions 5% Organize a learning environment that is responsive to learners needs and that promotes fairness among learners of various cultures, family background, and gender 2%

Assessment of Learning, Field Study, Practice Teaching 25%

Apply principles in constructing traditional and

alternative / authentic forms of high-quality assessment 10% Interpret assessment results 7% Utilize processed data and assessment results in reporting learners performance to improve teaching and learning 3% Demonstrate skills in the use of techniques and tools in assessing affective learning 3% Assign students marks / ratings 2%

Areas of Specialization
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

English Social Science / Social Studies P.E., Health & Music Mathematics Filipino Values Education Biological Science Physical Science Home Economics Agriculture & Fishery Arts Industrial Arts & Related Disciplines Business Technology & ICT

Criteria for Passing the LET

At least seventy five percent (75%)

weighted total At least fifty percent (50%) correct items per Area

Do the Math . . .
200 items in the Gen. Education Area . . . 200 items in the Prof. Education Area . . . 150 200 item in the Specialization Area You need to get > 150 items correct per Area to pass the

LET . . .

The Need for Mastery . . .

Ever since the first LET in 1996, the passing rate has

ranged from 15% to 36% . . .

Thus, mortality rate is between 64% and 85% . . . Put it another way, for every 10 test takers, between 6

8 of them wont make it . . .

Time Allocation for Each Section

General Education Professional Education Area of Specialization

Elementary Level 7 10 AM
10 AM 1 PM n/a 6 + 1 hrs

Secondary Level 7 10 AM
10 AM 1 PM 2 PM 6 PM 10 + 2 hrs


Release of LET Results

LET results are usually released within 60 days after the test day. The latest LET results were released in less than 30 days. Results are usually published in major broadsheet dailies and the full list is usually available in the Internet. Individual results are mailed to the address, but can be verified in the PRC Offices.

Best of Wishes for your LET

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