7 Sins of Seduction 2020
7 Sins of Seduction 2020
7 Sins of Seduction 2020
InfiniteManSummit.com presents
Sasha Daygame’s
7 Sins of Seduction
New Edition
January, 2020
There are lots of ways to mess up when it comes to
successful dating. Everything could be going great...
but one mistake and the woman/man of your dreams
will walk out of your life forever. In this PDF, we’re
going to address the 7 deadliest sins that are likely to
destroy your chances at seduction time after time.
Not only will you learn what they are... you’ll also
learn some time-tested strategies for avoiding these
mistakes and attracting more beautiful women into
your life.
SO PAY ATTENTION! Some of these could save your
(sex) life...
What is “Seduction”?
At Infinite Man, we don’t always use the same
definitions as everyone else. For example, most
people think “seduction” means changing a person’s
mind from a “no” to a “yes” when it comes to sex.
This is NOT how we do things here. If a woman isn’t
interested in us enough upfront, we move on to a
more interested woman rather than force the
Proper seduction should be a vetting process, similar
to a job interview… but sexier! You are looking for
high compatibility and shared goals - especially
romantic ones. The process should feel fun and
organic. It might still be awkward - and that’s OK! -
r a struggle.
but it shouldn’t feel like work o
SIN #1
NOT Approaching People You Like
Most folks freeze up when they see a person they
desire. They just wait around and can’t get the nerve
to approach them until they’re already gone! Most
make up tons of excuses to avoid dealing with the
risk of rejection.
You might recognize a few of these excuses not to
“I don’t have time to approach her”
“She’s not that hot anyways”
“I’m not in the mood”
“She looks busy/bitchy”
“Somebody will see me talk to her”
SIN #2
NOT Being Upfront With Your Intention
A lot of guys will go out of their way to pretend
they’re not sexually interested in the women they
interact with. They believe that women would be
repelled if they let them know their true intentions.
This is so far from the truth... It actually pains me to
think about this.
The reality is women are bored to death of men who
are too scared to reveal their true intentions – and
are very much turned on by the men that do. This sin
is easy to correct – stop being a coward and let
women know you’re interested. This can be as early
as your opening, or a few minutes into the
conversation, but it MUST happen!
SIN #3
NOT Being Authentic
Some men feel like they have to lie or exaggerate
things to impress women – thinking that this would
make them more attractive, and increase their
chances. In fact, NOTHING can be further from the
truth. The only type of woman this type of behavior
will get you, is the gold digger type! When you drop
the pretense and connect with your inner man... you
won’t feel the need to impress anyone. This alone
will cause women’s attraction for you to triple!
How do you do this? First of all, you’ve got to come
to terms with the fact that women and men are on
equal footing. You don’t need to impress women
because they’re not up on some pedestal. Some of
them may act like they are – but likely not the woman
you’re looking for. The truth is this: You don’t need to
SIN #4
NOT Making A Move
So many times in my life I’ve had opportunities to
make a move on a woman and not taken them. Many
of these occasions the woman was dying for me to
take her to bed, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do
So many guys miss their chance to make a move on
a girl – even when she’s BEGGING for it. Some may
not know the signals, but the majority miss out simply
because they’re unsure of themselves. Unfortunately,
once you blow an opportunity like this, it’s often gone
forever. It’s absolutely critical to make these moves
when women give you the “green light” because if
you don’t – they figure you’re not interested and lose
interest themselves. Even worse, they decide you’re
a coward and lose attraction altogether!
However, if you act like SHE is the weird one for not
wanting to make out – you’re the winner. The key is
not to be phased whatsoever and to try, try again! I
once tried to kiss a girl 10 times before she let me.
Then I took her home after that. I’m not kidding!
You’ll learn more about this in SIN number 6 – so
keep reading!
*A NOTE ON CONSENT: The above advice is
absolutely not meant to imply that you should ignore
or overlook a woman telling you “no”. If she doesn’t
want to kiss you then you need to respect that. What
I’m saying here is that women will respect you for
showing your desire, and if they do not then it’s fair
to ask them why they agreed to come on the date.
The woman I tried to kiss 10 times was playful and
was not telling me “no” or “stop”.
SIN #5
Worrying About What People Think
(Lacking Social Freedom)
Far too many men get caught up worrying about
what people think of them.
Unfortunately these men don’t realize that caring too
much about other people’s opinions will kill your
game, as well as your ability to approach women you
find attractive in various situations. You should worry
about what other people think, just as much as you
should worry about what a woman thinks about you –
not at all.
Ever notice that the guys who just don’t seem to give
a SHIT end up getting with the really, really hot
women? Ever wonder why that is? Let me spell it out
for you. Real men don’t give a fuck what you think.
They don’t give a fuck what she thinks. They don’t
SIN #6
NOT Passing A Person’s Tests
Most people are unaware that we all habitually “test”
each other to see if another person is “real.” Is their
personality authentic? Are they as smart as they say
they are? Can they be easily knocked off their
convictions or not?
Unfortunately if you fail many of these tests, this
completely wipes out any warm feelings the person
might have had towards you. You must learn to spot
these tests, and pass them - or better yet - live a life
so good that it cannot be easily challenged. This is
the sin that separates men from the boys.
Why do people test us? To see if we’re men. To see if
we’ll put up with their bullshit – or put them in their
place. Harsh, but true. Temper tantrums, stupid
SIN #7
Getting Used and Manipulated
The DEADLIEST sin that you could possibly commit is
allowing yourself to be used and manipulated by
people who have no intention of sleeping with you.
We see it happen all the time – and the worst part is
– 99% of folks are completely blind to it. If you’re
“dating” someone, you should be sleeping with them.
It’s that simple. Some signs to look out for:
➔ You’ve seen a woman for over a month and
you’re not getting intimate with her.
➔ She’s making suggestions of where to go and
what to do... and you’re always going along with
The good news is, you’ve already taken the first step
to eliminate society’s bullshit and get the success
you desire – You’ve become a fan of Infinite Man and
read this PDF. You know the basics that will help you
start to attract more women. NICE WORK!
Now it’s time to take it to the next level...
It’s time to take your social life into your own hands…
I don’t care how BAD or DESPERATE you think your
sex life history may seem...
If you’ve never approached a girl in your life…
Or... if you approach women regularly but can’t seem
to get a date…
Or... if you’ve taken 6 relationships straight to the
None of that matters.
The ONLY thing that matters is that YOU HAVE
DECIDED to get this part of your life handled.
If you REALLY want to OBLITERATE your fears and
take your game to the next level, and then the level
after that, and even the level after that it’s time to
take action.
Head to www.InfiniteManSummit.com right now and
you’ll discover the fastest, most effective, and easiest
way to live a fearless, Socially Free, and highly
attractive life that sexy people will want to be a part
This stuff is so powerful that I personally guarantee it
to work. You can even see video testimonials from
previous people it has worked for!