Tourist Guide: Free Cop Y
Tourist Guide: Free Cop Y
Tourist Guide: Free Cop Y
The coastal area and a chain of green
islands, lovely pebble beaches that
are deeply indented under the skirts RIVIERA SPLIT
of the surrounding mountains and
the adjacent clear waters of the Split 8
Mediterranean, over which hang Trogir 14
hundred-year-old pine trees, the Kaštela 16
green “heart’’ in the valleys of the Solin 17
Cetina and Jadro rivers is the area of Omiš 18
the central part of the Adriatic coast, Šolta 19
from Marina in the north to Gradac in
the south and it is here that tourism
has had its home for more than a
In this strange and in many ways
special place, the most skilled hands
of art and culture masters, from
ancient times and Romanesque
eras, to old Croatian folk artists and RIVIERA MAKARSKA
builders, all left their traces, inscribing
them in rocks, walls and palaces of Makarska 24
towns and urban centres that, at the Brela 26
same time, not only provide guests Baška Voda 27
with peace and solitude but also Tučepi 28
2 cheerful nights soaked in the warm Podgora 29
Mediterranean south. Živogošće 30
The history of this century-long Drvenik 30
tourist area notes the hosting of Gradac 31
many crowned heads, renowned
dignitaries, statesmen and potentates,
as well as world famous and easily-
recognizable celebrities. But the
warmth, compassion and openness
of the hosts to people from all walks
of life and their putting the customer
in the centre of their attention have
always been present here.
If you choose this region for your stay
and vacation, not only will it provide
physical comfort, but you will feel
your soul elevated to higher levels.
Your visit will allow you the adventure
of peeking into the life and customs
of the local people to discover their
cheerful nature, and you will certainly
wish to come back again, and again.
Klis 34
Dugopolje 34
Sinj 35
Trilj 36
Vrlika 36
Imotski 37
Vrgorac 38
Supetar 44
Sutivan 45 Vis 60
Milna 45 Komiža 62
Bol 46
Selca 47
Postira 47
Sumartin 47
Pučišća 47
Povlja 47
Riviera Split
World’s cultural heritage
in the palm of your hand
From the peaceful groves of Trogir, with its surrounding villages and islands,
across the seven Kaštela, Solin, Split and all the way to Omiš lies the Split Riviera,
a tourist area where every solitary step of history mingles with the present day,
where people live and work in regions which are thousands of years old.
Present Riviera underneath Kozjak and Mosor mountains is the middle part of the
Adriatic Coast, and it has been the intersection of trading routes since the period of
the Illyrians and Greeks, therefore, in this very spot, beside numerous drinking wa-
ter springs, the first and oldest settlements emerged, attested to by those rarest of
cultural and historical monuments. At a mere thirty kilometres in distance you will
find two cities registered on the UNESCO’s registry of the world’s cultural heritage:
Diocletian’s Palace along with the historical core of Split, and the historical core of
the City of Trogir, among which there is Salona, the largest archaeological site of the
Croatian Adriatic, which was formerly the capital of the Roman Province of Dalma-
tia. Croatian kings were crowned in this region, wars were fought for hundreds of
years for this small part of the coast, and it would been conquered, only to be later
given back to those to whom it belonged, and the conflicts and casualties have
been creating legends and heroes, protectors and saints for centuries.
Excursions called Vepric. If you drive for only the Kozjak Mountain and Kokorići,
On one-day excursions by boat, about ten minutes, you will get to near Vrgorac. Visit the popular
you can visit all the islands of Cen- the green hinterland of Mosor and resort Radmanove mlinice in the
tral Dalmatia: Šolta, Brač, Hvar and Kozjak mountains- Zagora, with canyon of the mouth of the Cetina
Vis. Visit Klis fortress, Makarska its karst rockery and fertile fields. River near Omiš, the Gubavica
and Malacological museum, with Get a taste of the past and the waterfall and other natural phe-
its beautiful collection of clams, life of Dalmatian peasants in the nomena, such as the Red and Blue
and the nearby Marian Sanctuary ethno-villages, Škopljanci, beyond Lakes, Vranjača cave, and more.
Split card
If you are staying in Split hotel or in a private accommodation for
three days or more, the City’s Tourist Board gives you a Split Card,
which is a card that allows you free sightseeing throughout Split!
You can ask for your Split Card at the reception desk in your hotel
TAKE Tourist bus
or in the Tourist Information Offices if you opt for private accommo-
dations. Also, the Split Card allows you free admission to museums
Participate in unforgettable and significant discounts in numerous restaurants and shops in
sightseeing activities from Split. You can also purchase the Split Card for HRK 35, approximately
an open tour bus and a pro- EUR 5, if you are staying fewer than three days in Split. 9
fessional guide, and take
in all the interesting nooks
and crannies of the city. And tian’s palace that provide shade shade of Marjan pine forest or
don’t miss the opportunity to during the hot summer days. take a swim at the famous Split
visit the first gazebo on Mar- When you walk along Split’s beaches of Bačvice, Žnjan, Bene,
jan Hill, from where you can streets, you are walking through which proudly display the Blue
view the most recognizable centuries of history and art, you Flag, the international ecologi-
panorama of Split can visit museums, galleries and cal recognition given to beach-
churches or simply relax in the es with a pristine environment.
Saint Domnius
Saint Domnius is the patron saint of the City of Split and the
first Bishop of Salona, from 284 to 304, during the time of se-
vere persecutions of Christians by the Emperor Diocletian. He
was martyred upon the orders of the Emperor Diocletian when
10 Marcus Aurelius Junius, the governor of Dalmatia, executed
him. He was buried by the soldiers outside the city walls and
a piece of his tombstone is today preserved in the Archaeolo-
gical Museum in Split. His earthly remains are placed in a tomb
at the altar from 18th century in Split Cathedral dedicated to
the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is popularly
known as the Cathedral of St. Dujam.
Sudamja is a local name given to the ce-
lebration by which Split inhabitants
and their guests celebrate the holiday
of their patron saint, Saint Domnius
on May 7. The celebration starts with
numerous cultural and entertaining
events and sport competitions during
the first days of May and continues for two
entire weeks. The most spectacular festivities
are organised on May 7 when the procession con-
sisting of thousands of people walk throughout the city and
carry the artefacts of their patron saint, with procession ending
at Riva where a mass dedicated to beloved patron saint and the
City itself is held. May 7 is a non-working day in Split for the pur-
poses of ensuring that hundreds of thousands of people have a
chance to participate in traditional religious and public events
and various activities organised for that occasion.
VISIT Apart from Diocletian’s Palace
National Theatre and numerous cultural monu-
Visit one of the plays per- ments from all epochs of this
formed by the Croatian millennia-old city’s history, the
National Theatre in Split, attractive Riva promenade, and
established in 1893, which the 14 km of beaches, Split also
is the principal and most prides itself on its numerous
prominent theatre among sports, and cultural and enter-
all the theatrical instituti- tainment events . The people of
ons in Dalmatia Among Split are emotionally attached
original plays, we certainly to their favourite football club,
recommend the operettas Hajduk, whose 103 years of
“Spli’ski akvarel” and “Mala history are proudly showcased
Floramy,” by Split compo- at the city stadium in Poljud.
ser Ivo Tijardović, which A mere 10-minute drive from
are set in Split during the this urban region centre will
period between the two place you among the peace-
World Wars ful bays of Stobreč and Pod-
strana (,
where, in thousands of private
accommodations’ beds, small
family hotels, apartments and
pensions by the sea, is the tradi-
tion of hospitality and enjoying 11
the peace, sun, the and sandy
beaches being nurtured for de-
VISIT Sfinga
At the very entrance to
the cathedral, there is an
Egyptian sphinx made of
black granite, which is
older than anything in the
Palace. It is 3.5 thousand-
years old and Diocletian
had it imported to Peristil
from Egypt
In the evening hours, Split’s
night life transfers to Poljud
in bars and discos, as well as
Bačviče, Ovčice, Zenta and
Žnjan bays where you can enjoy
cocktails made by top cocktail-
VISIT Salona
Visit Salona Archaeologi-
cal Park whose grandeur
and luxury are attested
to by its imposing walls,
towers and doors, a
forum with temples, an
amphitheatre and old
Christian churches, Ma- 17
nastirine, Marusinac and
Kapljuč, where Salona
martyrs were buried
BEAUTIES Vrulja Beach is special and different from any other beach on the
Biokovo Mountain, topping the Adriatic. It is located near Brela, under Dubpci ablaut, and there
Makarska Riviera in its entire are no roads leading to the beach and it offers no additional
length, limits the area of the facilities, and it is dwarfed by steep cliffs. The only way you can
Riviera to only 3 kilometres in reach it is on foot or by boat. Fresh water sources beneath the
width from the mountain to sea’s surface create mesmerising foam. These underwater fresh
the sea, but that is where the water sources create a difference in water temperature and if you
unmatched blue-green beauty dive more than a metre under the surface, you will become in-
of the entire Riviera area lies. stantly refreshed. Taking a ride on a boat with glass bottom and
This mountain, with its high- bright night lights is especially attractive because it allows pas-
est peak (Saint George at 1.762 sengers to see the true richness of underwater maritime life.
meters), is a protected natural
park and on a clear day from its
protected peak you can see all of wild plants, from Mediterra-
the way across the Adriatic to nean to mountainous species.
the Italian shore. The richness of Various forms of karst land- VACATION
the Mediterranean flora makes scape, limestone pavement, If your dream vacation is one
Biokovo the place where moun- caves, pits (some are over a few filled with activities that juice
tain goats, mouflon, game birds hundred metres deep) and sink- up adrenaline, such as sports,
and golden eagle live. Kotišina holes, where famous Biokovo walking, or inviting activities on
Botanical Garden is an integral potatoes are still cultivated, are water, then Makarska Riviera is
part of the Nature Park Biokovo, a real challenge for all nature the right choice for vacation you.
where you can find 300 species lovers. The natural surroundings of im-
perious mountains with all their low yourselves to enjoy the tastes Plenković, located on the sunny
secrets, meadows, forests and and scents of fruit, vegetables Biokovo slopes above Baška
gazeboes, all ensure a rich, active and aromatic herbs that are cul- Field, with 75 ha of vineyards. As
vacation possibility, especially for tivated in that sun-bathed area. a part of Opačak Tavern in Gornji
22 people into adrenaline- produc- You should also treat yourselves Tučepi, you can find a registered
ing sports, such as free climbing, to seafood specialties that are a winery in the region of the Ma-
paragliding, cave exploration, part of the traditionally simple, karska Riviera that offers quality
mountaineering, walking, bicy- light and healthy cooking style wines made of autochthonous
cling etc. As mountains tempt of Dalmatian cuisine, where the Dalmatian grape varieties that
people with their precipitous use of fresh ingredients, fish and received numerous awards and
heights, the shore also offers shells is de rigueur. What makes recognition.
various recreation in the form of this area unique is the Torta Ma-
cycling, beach volleyball courts, karana gastro-brand, a traditional
tennis courts, football pitches delicacy of the Makarska area,
and basketball courts, as well as a made of almonds whose recipe Numerous events, traditional
variety of amusement at the sea; has not changed in centuries feasts and customs that were
scooter riding, parachute sailing and which is an integral part of transformed into tourism attrac-
and hand-gliding, banana riding any festive menu. The unique tions are the hallmark of Makar-
etc. Exceptionally pleasant tem- and readily identifiable cuisine ska Riviera throughout the better
peratures and generous portions of that area allows you to enjoy part of the year, especially during
of sunshine are the hallmarks of the savoury taste and aroma of the summer season. When swim-
this Riviera in early spring and the area’s spice herbs, and you ming and sunbathing during the
late autumn when it is very pleas- should surely try some of local day give way to fresh nights spent
ant to take a walk in olive groves honeys made of flowers or sage out in bars and clubs near the sea,
and vineyards where you can from Biokovo Mountain. Makarska Riviera is transformed
participate in picking olives or into party destinations filled with
grapes with your hosts. live music for all tastes and gen-
wine erations, along with dance nights,
Plavac Mali is the most dominant Klapa groups’ concerts, jazz mu-
GASTRONOMY grapevine variety in this area, sic, exhibitions, shows, summer
Staying on the Makarska Riviera and especially impressive are carnivals and fisherman festivi-
can only be fully enjoyed if you al- the vineyards owned by Zlatan ties that ensure good times and
unmatched memories, and can
be found in all the places in the
Riviera. Especially interesting are
cool summer nights in small vil-
lages on Biokovo slopes around 23
the Riviera where you can enjoy
cultural events, plays, exhibitions
and concerts in century-old stone
With its ideal location along 60
kilometres of seashore, the Ma-
karska Riviera extends an invi-
tation to you to visit its towns
and settlements, discover new
beaches and visit small villages
on the Biokovo slopes every day.
At the same time, only a narrow
sea passage separates the Riviera
from the islands of Hvar and Brač,
which you can reach by taking a
pleasant boat trip, all while en-
joying their beautiful coves rich
culture and history. Only sixty
kilometres separate the Riviera
from the centre of Split and many
agencies encourage tourists
to visit Međugorje, the famous
sanctuary in nearby Bosnia and
VISIT Lighthouse
Visit unique Saint
Peter’s lighthouse,
built in 1884 in a
stone building and
which today serves
as a tourism facility
that can be rented
VISIT Vepric
Visit the Croatian Roman Catholic Marian church, Ve-
pric, at the entrance into Makarska, dedicated to Our
Lady of Lourdes. It was established in 1908 in a natu-
ral cave reminiscent of Lourdes. There you will find a
chapel with a vestry, an altar at the square, confessi-
onals, Stations of the Cross, home for spiritual exer-
cises and procession paths. You can visit this sanctu-
ary throughout the year, but the main pilgrimages are
organized on March 25, August 7 and September 8
each year. This is one of the most visited Croatian
sanctuaries and unavoidable pilgrimage sites on the
path towards spiritual renewal
VISIT Saint Stephen church
Visit the church dedica-
ted to Saint Stephen, the
patron saint of Brela
The most
beautiful beaches
Dugi rat and Punta
rata, and Berullia,
Soline and Vruja
Brela represents the first and plenitude of interesting possi-
most beautiful contact with Ma- bilities for tourism activities. The
karska Riviera as you travel from resort is proud of its beautiful
northwest then towards the pebble beaches, and Dugi rat
south. In this picturesque settle- beach was proclaimed one of
ment, whose beauty looks as if the top 10 beaches in the world
it came directly from a canvas, and the most beautiful Europe-
is perfect for people who wish an beach by American magazine
to enjoy solitude, a crystal-clear Forbes. Brela’s readily identifi-
sea and shade provided by pine able trademark is its abundant
trees. This settlement is almost stone, found at the sea cliff Brela,
two thousand-years-old. Due to from which several pines seem-
its natural beauty and rich tour- ingly grow from the stone itself
ism tradition, Brela is a modern and play an integral role in the
tourist resort today, offering a beautiful pebble beach.
The most
beautiful beaches
Tučepi transformed itself from also find the remains of fortifi-
a small fishermen’s village in cations and houses with numer- VISIT
the 19th century into one of the ous towers that were used for Kaštelet
leading tourism centres of Ma- defending the settlement. Explore the interior pa-
karska Riviera today. The history lace of Kaštelet baroque
of Tučepi is almost 4.000 years summer house, today’s
old, since the time of Roman Kaštelet Hotel, located
country houses (villae rusticate) on the promenade which
that were built on that location, was built during the 18th
and are inextricably bound to century for rest and for
Tučepi and tourism. Practically gatherings of noble fa-
the whole settlement is one big, milies
clean and marvellous pebble
beach, stretching almost 3 ki- VISIT
lometres in length. Along the Saint Anthony
of Padua
whole promenade, parallel to
the beach, you can take pleas- Visit parish church dedi-
ant walks in the shade of pine cated to Saint Anthony of
trees and only 10 minutes away Padua, the patron saint of
you will find small villages on Tučepi, located in Gornji
mountain slopes that are fa- Tučepi, which was built in
mous for their vineyards and ol- 1911 and contains three
ive groves. In that area you will baroque altars
Podgora VISIT Igrane
Visit Saint Michaels’ Church built in the 11th
century on a hill above
Igrane (
VISIT Drašnice
Visit All Saint’s Church in
Podgora, dating back to
1764, and Saint Thecla’s
Church, dating back to
1630, Our Lady of Ruža-
rija Church in Igrane, and
Saint George’s Church in
Drašnice, dating back to
the 15th century
The most
beautiful beaches
Plišivac and the central
municipal beach in front
of Podgora Hotel, and
Podgora was named after its to don Mihovil Pavlinović, municipal beach Drašnice
location (Croatian, ‘pod gora,’ one of the founders of the as well as Klokun, which
under the mountain). Podgora Croatian national revival in Dal- you can reach by boat
was a famous fishermen’s village matia. Above the settlement, we
since olden times, and because find a stone monument called
of the devastating earthquake “Sea gull’s wing,,” which was
in 1962 most of the old settle- erected in 1962 in honour of the
ment was destroyed and its military navy which today serves
inhabitants ventured down to- as a sort of Podgora trademark.
wards the sea, and that is when Podgora includes other settle-
Podgora became a settlement ments, such as Drašnice and
on the shore, especially attrac- Igrane, with their picturesque
tive for tourists. Known as fisher- pebble beaches and archaeo-
men, the people of Podgora to logical locations that testify that
this day keep fishing boats in the these fishermen’s villages were
port, which gives the entire set- inhabited in the time of the Ro-
tlement a special marine feeling. mans. Today they are an excel-
In the centre of the settlement, lent destination for all those who
with its promenade and stone wish to spend a peaceful vaca-
waterfront, we find a monument tion in pristine nature.
Živogošće VISIT Licinian’s epigraph
The famous Licinian’s epigraph that dates back
to 474 consists of 16 Latin
hexameters, arguably the
most beautiful piece of
classic literature, carved
into a living rock above
the Pokrivenice spring on
the sea’s shore. With this
classical piece and setting,
the Roman quaestor Licini-
an is seen celebrating the
“freshwater” spring which
still exists there to this day
An especially important day in the history of Drve-
nik is April 15, 1687 when the Turkish army con-
quered the Drvenik tower which was defended by
women from Drvenik. The remains of the building
are on the top of a high hill above Drvenik. Saint
George’s Church, dating back to the 15th century,
is a priceless cultural heritage monument and its
front façade is decorated with a rose with eight pet-
als. The large marble altar contains Saint George’s
statue. Today’s Drvenik is a relatively young settle-
ment, being created as recently as in this century,
offering a myriad of tourist invitations and specials
for pleasant family vacations on the beautiful peb-
ble beaches of Donja Vala and Gornja Vala.
Drvenik has a ferry service that connects the main-
land and the islands of Hvar and Korčula.
Gradac was named after
the fort that was located
on the hill above Saint
Michael’s Church
The ranges of Biokovo Mountain 36 pebble beaches whose total The monastery in Zaostrog is
that dwarf Gradac are a world’s length surpasses 10 kilometres, the oldest preserved monastery
phenomenon when it comes and 7 kilometres of beaches are in the entire central Dalmatia
to the number and depth of located inside the tourism settle- region, and among the many
caves and other karst features. ments. Gradac has a beautiful valuable exhibitions found in
Along 16 kilometres of coastline, beach called Gornja Vala, south monastery’s museum we wish
which includes Gradac and the of the port, which is the longest to emphasise its library that con-
smaller settlements of Podaca, beach on the Makarska Riviera. tains over 20.000 old books and
Brist and Zaostrog, you will find The first hotel was built in 1919. its unique botanical garden.
Rarely anywhere does the blue sea come so close to the continent as it Active
does in Zagora, where the green heart of valleys and the river are sepa-
rated from the sea only by the Kozjak, Mosor and Biokovo Mountains.
This is a unique “leap” into the green continental part of the region, only The diverse nature surround-
30 kilometres from the sea, containing autochthonous settlements and ing the Cetina River shores and
friendly hosts who mostly work in vineyards and with cattle, but they are valleys, the serene paths under
increasingly becoming involved in agricultural tourism, for which they willow trees, the caves, holes
have ideal conditions. Zagora, as a part of central Dalmatia, is a place and stone features of the Mosor,
of significant value and importance in Croatian history. The people and Dinara and Biokovo mountains
their legends made this region into a unique oasis of history built into encourage you to be active and
the very essence of their stone houses and forts, all surrounded by a experience adventures in this
pristine nature. Staying in the ethnological villages or on the serene natural and calm environment.
shores of Cetina River, a river that gives life to an always thirsty Dalmatia, Canoe safaris and rafting on the
or visiting the Nature Park Biokovo, or the Imotski Lakes or Vrgorac Field, Cetina River, mountain climbing,
all create memorable tourist adventures. walking, diving, bicycling, hunt-
Klis, Sinj, Trilj, Vrlika, Imotski, Vrgorac
converted into taverns and
one houses a small ethnologi-
cal collection. This family is the proud owner of 40 autoch-
thonous folk costumes from
all parts of the Zagora region.
Klis is an unusual settlement, one mans for decades until, in 1537,
Apart from a restored stone vil-
that is located on a large rock in the Ottomans finally managed
34 a notch between Kozjak on the to conquer the fort. Old Klis and
lage, this complex also includes
a downy oak forest which is a
west and Mosor on the east, only its famous fort come alive in the
protected natural heritage site.
10 kilometres from Split. Klis fort last week of July when the battle
is one of the most prominent between the Ottomans and fort
Croatian forts. Due to its strate- defenders is re-enacted. Fenc-
gic location, this area had been ing and archery tournaments,
fought over for centuries. Klis archaic folk songs, the sound
fort became famous during the of bagpipes, drums and fiddles,
Ottoman invasions when the accompanied by oriental music
fort commander Petar Kružić and belly dancers, all guarantee
and his troops resisted the Otto- an unforgettable experience.
Modern Dugopolje, only 15 kilometres from Split, is
located in a typical Zagora region landscape, on the
edge of a vast karst field which it was named after.
Particularly interesting is Vranjača Cave in Kotlenice,
which is a protected geomorphological natural heri-
tage site with numerous stalactites adjacent to a
waterfall encased in stone. Abundant speleothem
ornaments and large underground chambers which
can be reached via staircases make this cave the most
attractive cave site in all of Dalmatia.
The City of Sinj VISIT Miraculous Lady
of Sinj Church
As a crossroad, Trilj has always numerous entertainment pos-
been a destination for travel- sibilities to enjoy nature in one
lers looking for new adventures of the best-preserved natural
and experiences in nature. This reservoirs in the world. Trilj
36 is a two-millennia-old city that has always been known for its
is separated by a river and con- hospitality and good cuisine. It
nected via bridges. Its location, is exceptionally easy to enjoy
adjacent to the Cetina River on the surrounding nature, the lo-
the edge of Cetina Field and cal people, customs and life, in
between Kamešnica slopes every sense of the word, in the
and surrounding hills, ensures unique city of Trilj.
The largest Dalmatian island and the third biggest Adriatic is- Natural
land, Brač, with its twenty settlements, provides a peaceful, at-
tractive vacation opportunity. Covered with vegetation and with
numerous hidden bays where you can enjoy peace and quiet, Vidova gora
Brač is an island replete with historical heritage and a typical This is the highest peak of the
Mediterranean island with lots of sunny days and pleasant sea Adriatic archipelago (780 me-
temperature. It is widely famous for its stone which adorns the tres), and it was named after
world’s most famous buildings. One of the island’s trademarks is the ruins of Saint Vitus’s Church
the widely famous beach, Zlatni rat in Bol, whose unique beauty located only a hundred metres
leaves every visitor breathless. Apart from its plethora of hotel from the peak. On a clear day
accommodations, on Brač you can enjoy camping and private you can see all the way to Mon-
accommodations in thousands of apartments and villas, all in a te Gargano on the Apennine
pleasant environment, with hospitable hosts. The island is con- Peninsula and famous Zlatni
nected to other islands and the mainland via numerous ferry rat beach in Bol. At the summit,
lines and you can reach Split or Makarska in just one hour on a you will find a typical Dalmatian
delightful ferry ride. tavern.
Bobovišća, Bol, Dračevica, Donji Humac, Dol, Ložišća, Gornji Humac,
Milna, Mirca, Murvica, Nerežišća, Novo Selo, Postira, Povlja, Pražnica,
Pučišća, Supetar, Sutivan, Sumartin, Splitska, Selce, Škrip
Lovrečina Cove
Lovrečina, a deep cove with san-
dy beach and rich archaeological
finds, as well as exquisite location
for a picnic is located near Pučište.
There you can find the remains of
Škrip an early Christian church and on
the northern side of the cove you
The oldest and most authentic Brač village, Škrip, is a testa- will find a baptismal well in the
ment of the millennia-long life on the island and its rich his- shape of a cross.
tory. On an area of less than one hectare, you can see a line
of history reaching back to the prehistoric era, represented Pine on the roof of Saint Peter
by early defensive walls, to the Roman era, represented by and Paul’s Church
many mausoleums, reliefs and sarcophagi, to the late antiq- A black pine on the roof of the
uity Church and medieval graveyards. In old houses of typical Romanesque church in Nerežišće
Brač architecture and in the Radojković defensive tower com- is a fantastic natural phenomena
plex, built in the 16th century, you will find the Local Heritage believed to be 100 years old. A
Museum where an archaeological, ethnographic and cultur- tree trunk sprouted between
al-historic collection is housed. Near the museum you will see stone tiles on the roof, and due
old Roman stone quarries and one of them displays a carving to these unfavourable condi-
depicting Hercules with a club and lion skin. tions the pine tree remained
small and underdeveloped.
Active Wine
vacation Brač is rich in autochthonous
grapevine varieties that are used
Bicycling, hiking, free climbing, for making traditional wines of
scuba diving, kayaking, sailing exquisite quality. The vineyards
and tennis are just some of ac- on the southern slopes of the is-
tivities you can participate in land have the highest yield due
when staying on the island of to their favourable position on
Brač. The tennis centre in Bol sunny slopes. The most famous
has 20 tennis courts with red variety is Plavac Mali, which has
clay surfaces, surrounded by seemingly existed forever on
green pines, and many con- the island. When it comes to
sider Bol to be the best loca- white wines, Pošip is an espe-
tion on the Adriatic for surfing cially good variety, while Plavac
and windsurfing. Mountain bi- Mali is dominant among red
cycling across the island is an varieties. “Jako Vino” winery in
unforgettable experience. In Bol is one of the most beautiful
sports centres and hotels you wineries in Croatia. It is located
can rent bikes and enjoy taking at the waterfront in the centre
a ride on marked cycling roads of the city and it has been there
around the island. If you prefer for over a century.
walking, you can take a walk on
the designated thematic walk-
ing trails, such as Hercules trail
Olive growing
in Splitska, the Maslinov put The island of Brač holds the
(Olive trail) in Mirca, or the walk- honour of being one of the first
42 ing and gourmet thematic trail Dalmatian islands where olives
Dolčevita near Supetar or many were grown and where olive oil
other walking trails. production started. At the end
of the 17th century, Brač had ap-
proximately 500.000 olive trees, surrounded by stone drywalls.
Gastronomy and today more extra virgin They were used as shelters and
In addition to the standard olive oil is being produced on each of those houses is a unique
Dalmatian dishes such as fish, the island than ever before. Ol- masterpiece of folk architecture
seafood, fresh and organic fruit ives and the Olive Oil Museum and a testament to human
and vegetables and olive oil, are located in Mirca, and this is hardship and to the coexistence
Brač gastronomy offers some- where you can learn all about of humans and nature.
thing special. Brač lamb and the historical stages of olive oil
kid that haven’t grazed the ar- production. The mysterious bridge
omatic mediterannean herbs Franz Joseph’s Bridge, as Brač in-
but had only milk made Brač habitants call it, was built at the
gastronomy famous as early as
Trips top of Veliki dolac pass. Since
ancient times, especially “vital- The turmoil of history is seen there are no fresh water streams
ac” Brač cheese is also famous, at every step on the island on the island today, it is believed
and “procip” is a special treat and the island is filled with a that in the past a river flowed
(a traditional dish prepared notable heritage dating back through there. The bridge was
from fresh young cheese, to prehistoric times, to Illyrian built during the Austrian admin-
baked in caramelized sugar). and ancient settlements. If you istration and today it is a part of
After a tasty meal you should wish to experience this histori- an attractive walking path.
try Brač cake, Hrapočuša (rug- cal heritage, it is a good idea to
ged cake), named after its re- venture into the island’s hinter- Ložišća
semblance to the rugged cave land where you can see ‘bunje,’ This place is a typical example of
walls around Dol where this the traditional stone houses Dalmatian urban development
cake originated. that resemble piles of rocks and folk architecture. The en-
Blaca hermitage
The Imposing former monastery of hermetic monks is at the top
of the list of places to visit since this is a natural and cultural phe-
nomenon and a favourite picnic site of many Brač inhabitants
and their guests. This is a complex of buildings that seemingly
rise from the rock. Blaca hermitage was established during the
16st century at the southern tip of the island by Glagolitic monks
from Poljana. The first sanctuary that was built there was a parti-
tioned cave that was used as a shelter. Near the steep cliff, hard-
working hermits built a church and a monastery, as well as hous-
ing and outbuildings, and they converted forests into productive
vineyards and olive groves. A well-preserved hermitage inven-
tory is housed in today’s museum and it includes a library and
an observatory with a valuable astronomical collection. The Brač
Cultural Centre is responsible for maintaining the Blace desert.
tire settlement is dominated by where you can enjoy good food, dulge in a wide variety of drinks
Saint John and Paul’s Church bell great wine and divine olive oil. and various scrumptious barbe-
tower, a work by the sculptor Ivan cue dishes. The park is an ideal
Rendić in the historicism style. Donji Humac – Kopačina place for spending an afternoon
Donji Humac, only seven kilome- resting and having fun, designed
Gažul tres from Supetar, is one of the for both younger and older gen-
Gažul is a small shepherd’s village,’ oldest Brač settlements where erations and those who seek na-
with the dotting of typical shep- most houses are built of stone ture’s surrounding beauty.
herds’ dwellings seen all about, and covered with stone slabs.
set in a pristine environment. In the Kopačina tavern in Donji Brač stone quarries
During the winter, the village is Humac, you can sample the very The biggest central Dalmatian
abandoned, but in the summer, best Brač delicacies and see a island is famous for its stone that
with prior consent, you can sam- window case that displays the decorates many building around
ple traditional Brač dishes and various finds from Kopačina Cave, the globe. Brač’s white marble
the famous Brač specialty, vitalac. the oldest settlement on Brač has been used throughout his-
from where life on the island orig- tory in the construction of some
Dol - Ethno-eco village inated. It is located only a short of the most famous world sites,
In a deep valley reaching down 20-minute walk to the northwest. such as Diocletian Palace in Split,
towards the sea, you will find the White House in Washington,
Dol, a place where stone houses Nature Park Sutivan the House of Parliament in Vien-
seem to be hanging from cave- This resort offers a visit to a zoo, na and the Wiener Neustadt, the
clustered cliffs. Taking a rest playing sports at its recreational House of Parliament in Budapest
in one of two Dol taverns is an centre and taking a rest near the and the Regent’s Palace in Trieste
especially pleasant experience fountain. The visitor can also in- etc.
The most
44 beautiful beaches
West from the main city port
A typical Mediterranean settle- and Film Festival that has exist- that is, mostly extreme compe-
ment surrounded by well-kept ed in Sutivan during the month titions. The part of the festival
olive groves, orchards and vege- of July for over two decades. that is dedicated to movies at-
table plantations, Sutivan offers This festival, dedicated to ad- tracts film buffs who are partic-
ten attractive pebble beaches, venture and films, generally at- ularly into adventure-type films,
and in Livka bay you can find tracts a younger audience and and afterwards everyone can 45
a sandy beach as well. The ex- contestants who compete in indulge in the nightlife and vari-
perience of Brač as an island of climbing, bicycling, mountain ous concerts that have become
adventure is greatly enhanced climbing, scuba diving, kayak- an integral part of this popular
by its Outdoor Adventure Sport ing, sailing or standing rowing, festival.
Milna and its deep bay have always been a shelter
to sailors, and today’s marina in the centre of the
settlement is an important location on Adriatic sail-
ing route. The Milna of today is a peaceful and quiet
oasis, ideal for a vacation far away from bustling cit-
ies and large tourist centres. In Milna you will find
four vast pebble beaches, Pasikova, Lučice, Maslino-
va, and Osibova, of which two are located within
Milna, while the remaining two are in the proxim-
ity of the settlement. Milna offers many interesting
events, one of which we would particularly like to
highlight and recommend. This is the folk feast “Po-
tezanje otočića Mrduje” (Pulling of the small island
Mrduja) that is organised in July and is inspired by
a story about a never-ending quarrel between the
inhabitants of the islands of Brač and Šolta, to which
the small island Mrduja belongs.
The most
beautiful beaches
The sun, the shade from hundred-year-old
pines, pebbles and a crystal-clear sea, Zlatni
rat beach is a beach of exquisite beauty. You
can also visit nearby Paklina beach, a pebbly
oasis surrounded by many small beaches and
bays that offer relaxation far from the noise
and crowding of the tourism centres. In addi-
tion, the Bol beaches and their expansive sea
counterpart are ideal for water sports
46 Dominican
Visit the Dominican
Monastery, dating back
to the 15th century, and
its unique botanical
gardens and a museum
that houses important
archaeological findings
and baroque paintings
Bol is famous around the world tifications rise above the settle- Taste and purchase
for its Zlatni rat beach, but it is ment. This picturesque settle- wine in a beautiful old
also as a place where you can ment used to be the home of winery located in the
find top-quality accommoda- winemakers, fishermen and centre of Bol
tions, relaxation and entertain- sailors, and the tourism tradi-
ment. Located in the centre of tion emanating from this envi-
the southern part of the island, ronment has been nurtured in VISIT Gallery
as the only settlement in that Bol for the past 90 years. At that
area, Bol is the oldest coastal time, Bol began converting it- Visit Branislav Dešković
settlement on Brač located un- self into a place of hotels, camps Gallery in a renaissan-
der Vidova gora, the roof of the and apartments. It is linked to ce-baroque palace. The
Adriatic. The mountain range Split on the mainland and Jelsa Museum’s exhibit holds
Bolska kruna (Bol’s crown) and on the island of Hvar via several over 400 works by fifty
fortified Koštilo with Illyrian for- ferry and catamaran lines a day. artists
Selca Sumartin
Sumartin is, along with Supetar
This small settlement on the eastern part of the island has a long- and Bol, one of the doorways
standing connection to stone and stonemasonry. In Selca, you can of the island due to its con-
see a sort of gallery out in the open that holds busts and statues of fa- nections with Makarska on the
mous people throughout history. In 1911 a statue by the Czech sculp- mainland.
tor Jaroslav Barda and dedicated to Leo Tolstoy was erected in Selca,
only a year after Tolstoy’s death, thus making this the first monument
dedicated to this famous writer. You should also visit Christ the King’s
Church, which was dubbed Brač cathedral due to its beauty and its
unique architectural design. This is the only stonemason’s settlement
in which all houses are made of Brač white marble.
Postira 47 Pučišća
Postirais is a fishermen’s and tour- Pučišća is an ideal place for va-
ist settlement that is located on cation far away from bustling
the northern side of the island. Its cities where you can enjoy your-
heritage results from the remains self in untrammelled nature.
of many archaeological remains,
such as the Roman summer
houses (villae rusticae), the Bene-
dictine Monastery and the early
Christian church, Saint Lawrence’s
basilica. Its favourable position
made Postira an important port
and fishermen’s settlement, and
the fertile soil in the hinterland
ensured the cultivation of quality
food and grapes, which are used
for making exquisite wines. In the
surrounding areas of Postira, you
can find numerous bays with san- This coastal settlement, whose
dy beaches (Prvja and Lovrećina), parish church was built on early
and pebbly beaches (Mala Lozna Christian baptistery, was con-
and Zastivanje), as well as rocky structed adjacent to the early,
beaches that are surrounded by large Christian basilica dating
pine forests. back to the 6th century.
A sunny lavender island
Since the beginning of civilization, from the culture in antique Faros that was pro-
mulgated in 384/383 BC with the remains of Roman artefacts, to medieval buildings,
along with Renaissance and baroque influences, the island of Hvar is an island richer
in history than any other Adriatic island. Covered with purple lavender fields, Hvar
is symbolic of that nurtured tradition of organised tourism that has been unfold-
ing on the island since 1868. Unique in its size and beauty, with a mild climate of
temperate winters and pleasant summers, the island of Hvar is a place to visit if you
seek a sun-filled vacation, with a historical environment, bountiful nature, flowers,
vineyards, olive groves and numerous cultural sites. Furthermore, Hvar is one of the
ten most attractive islands in the world according to “Traveller Magazine,” and peo-
ple also eagerly land on its shores to indulge in unforgettable parties, its exuberant
nightlife, concerts or its nudist tourism. The City of Hvar is unavoidable destination of
all celebrities who visit central Dalmatia. With an annual average of 7.7 sunny hours
per day and as much as 2843 sunny hours in a year, the island of Hvar is the sunniest
island on the entire Adriatic. Those sun rays, long after they have dropped below
the horizon, continue to nurture the populous vineyards that ultimately become the
widely famous Hvar wines, acclaimed around the world.
Basina, Bogomolje, Brusje, Dol, Gdinj, GrominDolac, Hvar,
Humac, Ivan Dolac, Jelsa, Milna, Pitve, Pokrivenik, Poljica, Selca,
Stari Grad, Sućuraj, Sveta Nedjelja, Svirče, VeloGrablje,
Vrbanj, Vrboska, Vrisnik, Zarače, Zavala
Red Rocks
In an unusual and picturesque
play of nature, softer deposits Exploring the island of Hvar on
have been washed away by the bicycle is the best way to experi-
ence its beauty and call on it to highest peak, Saint Nicholas,
satisfy all your senses. Apart from from where you can see the sur-
the designated cycling routes, rounding islands. Also try sailing
you can also tour the island via in Hvar archipelago or scuba div-
walking trails and experience the ing in its rich underwater world.
everyday life in Hvar villages and
discover its magnificent tradition-
al architecture. For those seeking
the excitement of free climbing, This island of Sun, with its aromat-
50 the island of Hvar is a bounty of ic herbs, clean sea and rich fields, is an incomparable treat. The most
cliffs and steep rocks where the creates a panoply of gastronomic famous Hvar cuisine specialty is
adventuresome can truly pump riches for all its guests to enjoy. gingerbread biscuits, a traditional
up their adrenaline. We recom- Naturally, gastronomy is dominat- treat with honey that was made in
mend that you visit the cliffs ed by fish and seafood dishes, and the region of Dalmatian coast and
near Zastražišće where you can while you are at Hvar we recom- islands, especiallly in Stari Grad on
find three caves and an adapted mend you to try some distinct lo- the island of Hvar.
climbing spot in Vela Stiniva Bay. cal dishes, such as Hvar’s gregada
Visit the island’s hinterland by or brujet (a casserole made of vari-
taking jeep tours, accompanied ous fishes, shells and crabs) and
by experienced guides, and see grilled fresh fish. When it comes Ever since ancient times, thanks
vineyards in the heart of the to meat dishes, Hvar pašticada to its ever-present sun and
island, and experience the un- (stewed beef dish cooked in a spe- rich soil, Hvar has been a place
spoiled nature of the island’s cial sauce) with potato dumplings, where grapevines have been
Hvar lavender
The first lavender was planted on the island in 1928 near Velo
Grablje and nearby Brusje where it magnificently adapted to
the Hvar climate, and soon the autochthonous hybrid called
budrovka was created. The blue colours of the blushing fields
connect the island with the blue sea, captivating everyone with
the scent of fresh lavender. In almost all island settlements you
can buy popular bags that are filled with dried lavender leaves.
It is generally believed that lavender is a plant with miraculous
curative properties and that planting lavender ensures good
UNESCO’s cultural heritage
Stari Grad Plain (Ager) walls of an isolated monas- over 400 years old. Starting
Greeks from the island of tery and accompanied by a in the evening on Maundy
Paros colonized Hvar in 384 surrounding stone building in Thursday and lasting until the
BC and established a settle- the centre of the City of Hvar, early morning hours of Good
ment there, Pharos, which is the Order of Saint Benedict Friday, this procession is a
now Stari Grad. On an adja- and its nuns are nestled and folk form of worshiping the
cent vast field stretching from secreted from the rest of the Passion of Christ. The celebra-
modern Stari Grad to Jelsa, world. Since the rules of the tion starts with simultaneous
antique agricultural land di- Order forbid them to venture masses in six parishes: Jelsa,
visions are preserved in the outside of the monastery, Plitve, Vrisnik, Svirče, Vrbanj
form of 75 separate parcels their existence is only known and Vrboska, followed by a
(so-called horas), which rep- to the public because of the procession which travels 25
resent the best-preserved existence of beautiful hand- kilometres in total. Since each
antique cadastre on the Medi- made agave lace which is sold group starts the procession
terranean. as unique works of art. from its own parish and all
groups move in a clockwise
Agave lace production Easter procession direction, they never meet.
Almost every stone of Hvar “Za križen” Each group is led by a specifi-
has a unique and ancient sto- Before Easter, a special cel- cally appointed cross-bearer.
ry that lives simultaneously in ebration is organised on the This unique tradition is also
the past and in the present. island of Hvar, a procession open to visitors who can take
Set aside by the prominent called “Za križen” which is part in it.
highly cultivated. Throughout organised as a part of Hvar’s the shepherds’ village Humac, 51
their history, the inhabitants of and Stari Grad’s summer events. established in the 17th century,
Hvar have nurtured grapevines The City of Hvar is a place of which is a unique example of
and gave all their love and effort posh gatherings, fun and good preserved rural architecture.
to them since grapes and wine times, in many seaside bars Nearby Grabac Cave is the most
were their only source of secu- where you can party until the significant prehistoric site on
rity, food and medicine. They early morning hours. Pop diva the Adriatic, where cultural ar-
created the best varieties and Beyonce visited Hvar and was tefacts that date back to the
converted them into harmoni- so mesmerised by its beauty 4th century BC have been dis-
ous, exquisite wines. We recom- that she named her daughter covered. It was used as Greek
mend that you meet the famous Blue Ivy after ivy that she saw lookout and was built on the
Croatian winemakers Zlatan at Hvar. remains of the Illyrian fort.
Plenković, Andro Tomić, Antun On the northern side of the
Plančić and Ivo Duboković, as island, you can visit Parja bay
well as some small family win-
Trips which is accessible only via the
eries like the Bracanović family During your stay on Hvar, you sea.
winery, and sample their fine should experience the hidden On the southern side, you will
wines. All of them have their beauty couched in the island’s find the sun-bathed bays Milna,
own cellars, and Zlatan Otok hinterland. Take in the lush Zaraće, Dubovica and Pišćena,
in Sveta Nedjelja is especially vegetation, vineyards, olive surrounded by vineyards and
worth noting, as well as the groves, lavender and rosemary olive groves. Sveta Nedilja and
beautiful cellar in Jelsa that is fields and climb hills and rest Jagodna are also located on the
owned by Andro Tomić. in gazeboes. Visit Velo Grablje, southern side and you can reach
a village where 100 years ago them via the tunnel near Plitve
lavender and rosemary essen- near Jelsa. During the summer,
Entertainment tial oil production started and is trips to nearby Bol on the island
Numerous concerts, plays, folk- thriving to this day. You should of Brač are available every day
lore and vocal group events are also not miss a visit to Pitve and from Jelsa and Vrboska.
Stari Grad
tin, Italian and Croatian
carved into the stone. A
poet, Christian thinker and builder, Petar Hektorović
built Tvrdalj throughout his
The oldest city in Croatia was bay that is a safe and unavoidable life, almost obsessively. The
established in 384 BC by Greek port for all yachtsmen sailing the most famous site in Tvrdalj
colonists from the island of Paros Adriatic. This ancient city of rich is its fish pond with brac-
who named their new settlement history attracts visitors with its kish water in which mullets
and the entire island Pharos. It is narrow stone streets, facades and swim. The fish pond is open
the historic jewel of the island, buildings that form a rich histori- to the public between May
54 located in a deep and protected cal and cultural heritage. and October
This small fishermen settlement
on the eastern side of the island
of Hvar has a history over 2.300
years long, which was crea-
ted by both the Croats and all
other peoples that ruled over
this area, leaving many traces of
their architecture and culture.
Throughout history, Sućuraj has
been demolished and rebuilt on
several occasions, and the ol-
dest building in the settlement The most dedicated to Saint George, and
is the Franciscan monastery. Its famous Sućuraj was named after that
stone houses are connected beaches are church. Also interesting is the
and linked via closed streets, central beach baroque style Saint Anthony’s
which remind us of a speci- Česminica and Church and Venetian fort, both
fic style of buildings brought beaches Bilina, Židigova dating back to the 17th century.
about by the ever-present dan- and the pebbly beaches in Sućuraj can be reached via ship
gers of pirate attacks. At the end Mrtnovik and Prapatna bays. line from the mainland, from Dr-
of the 19th century, the present- Sandy beaches are Pernu and venik near Makarska or via the
day parish church was built and the Mlaska campsite beach road from Hvar.
A blue hideout
Blue Cave on the island of
Biševo is a natural phenomenon
and a favourite tourist destina-
tion. The cave resulted from the
sea effect on limestone rock,
and the only way to access the
grotto is via boat. One of the
many special attractions of this
grotto is the light effects cre-
ated by the refraction and re-
flection of sunrays from the bot-
tom of the cave which created a
silver-like effect. This is why this
grotto is also called the Under-
ground Fairy Court.
Vis regatta
Traditionally, each year
in October, the nautical
club “Labud” from Split,
in conjunction with the
nautical club “Vis,” organ-
ises the most prestigious
sailing spectacle in Croa-
tia, the ever- popular Vis
regatta. Each year over
1,000 people on 150 ves-
sels take part in the com-
petition. The Vis regatta
stretches over a period of
several days, and since it
is organised in October it
offers the last chance for
sailing before the onset
of winter.
The City of Komiža
Komiža, the most famous fisher- Kamenice being the most popu- in demand, you need to book
men’s settlement of the Adriatic, lar beach, one that turns into a your table in advance.
is located on the sunny side of party zone every night. Komiža Ferries do not dock in Komiža,
the island of Vis, protected from fish mongers offer fresh fish ev- so you have to take a ferry to
cold winds and currents in the ery morning, and since the area’s the city of Vis and then take a 10
deepest bay on Vis. Komiža is a reputed restaurants are so much kilometre drive to Komiža.
city of narrow streets and nar-
row buildings and is believed to
be the birthplace of the fishing
industry on the eastern side of
the Adriatic. This city is located
in the foothills of Hum. It is sepa-
rated from the rest of the island
and completely faces the open
sea and the Komiža archipelago
containing the most distant
Adriatic islands, rich with fish, es-
pecially tuna, Biševo, Palagruža,
Svetac and Jabuka. Not surpris-
ingly, traditional Komiža cuisine
is based on sea delicacies and
good wines. You will find several
pebbly beaches in Komiža, with
Falkuša is the traditional boat of the island and for centuries fisher-
men from Komiža ventured to Palagruža to catch sardines which
they salted and brought back home at the end of the season. That
was the staple food of island of Vis and Hvar. On the Komiža Riva
you can see a sleek black boat marked as 33KŽ and the name
Comeza Lisboa. That is the replica of authentic fishermen boat
falkuša. It is made of pine wood from the island Svetac, and it has
a high broadside so it can venture out to the high seas. This nine-
metre-long and three-metre- wide vessel was propelled by five
rowers. Falkušas were in use until the middle of the 20th century,
when they stopped being used . The last original, called Cicibela,
sank in 1986 on the island of Biševo. It was later removed from the
sea and is now preserved in the Fishermen Museum. For the last
several years, the historical fishery vessels regatta has been organ-
ised on the route between Komiža and Palagruža, named “Rota
During the summer months, ferry lines connecting the islands are more frequent.
The summer timetable is valid from May 31 to September 28.
Useful information
Documents required for travelling Medical service
A valid passport or other document which is There are hospitals and clinics in all of the major
recognized by the international agreement, and towns and cities, and one can also find infirmaries
which proves one’s identity and citizenship; and pharmacies in smaller towns/villages. Foreign
Notifications: Diplomatic missions and consular tourists who have compulsory health care insur-
offices of the Republic of Croatia abroad or the ance do not pay for their emergency health care
Ministry of Internal Affairs and the European services during their stay in Republic of Croatia, if
Integration of the Republic of Croatia. Croatia has concluded the health care agreement; ;; with the country they come from and provided
they have the required verification demonstrating
Money they have the right to health care for themselves.
The official currency in Croatia
is the kuna (1 HRK= 100 lipas);
Foreign currencies can be exchanged at banks, Public holidays
exchange offices, post offices, and most 1 January - New Year’s Day
tourist agencies, hotels and camps. Credit cards 6 January - Epiphany
(Eurocard/Mastercard, Visa, American Express Easter Sunday & Easter Monday
and Diners) are accepted in almost all hotels, 1 May - Labour Day
marinas, restaurants and shops, as well as at Corpus Christi
ATMs. 22 June - Anti-Fascist Resistance Day
25 June - Statehood Day
66 Electric supply 5 August - Victory Day and National
220 V with 50 Hz frequency. Thanksgiving Day
15 August - Assumption Day
Important 8 October - Independence Day
phone numbers: 1 November - All Saints’ Day
International telephone code for Croatia: 385; 25-26 December - Christmas Holidays
Split-Dalmatia County telephone code: 021;
(For Split – Dalmatia County, telephone code is 021. Useful Links
If you are calling from abroad or using your mobile Ministry of Tourism,
phone you do not have to dial the first 0, Split – Dalmatia County Tourist Board,
so the phone code is 385 21.);
National protection and rescue directorate HTZ - Croatian National Tourist Board,
(unique European phone number for
emergency services): 112; Exchange rate list,
National headquarters for search Weather,
and rescue at sea: 195. Airlines,
Split Airport
Postal service and Zagreb Airport,
telecommunications Dubrovnik Airport,
Post offices are open during the day from 7 AM Zadar Airport,
to 7 PM, in smaller towns from 7 AM to 2 PM, and
some utilize a split shift. Pets
In major towns and tourist destinations, duty Transferring pets across the border is possible
post offices are open on Saturdays and Sundays. only with the possession of all required docu-
Telephone cards sold at post offices and newspa- ments indicating the current health state of the
per stands can be used on all public phones. One animal, provided by a veterinarian, and dogs and
can make a call abroad directly from any phone. cats also need to have microchip implants.
Split-Dalmatia County Tourist Board
Prilaz braće Kaliterna 10/1, 21 000 Split, Croatia
tel./fax: +385 (0)21 490 032; 490 033; 490 036,
Publisher: Split-Dalmatia County Tourist Board, For the publisher: Joško Stella
Translation: Theatron, Klis, Proofreading: Alan Philip Crant
Concept and design: Žarko Tičinović, Photographs: Tonko Bartulović, Ljudevit
Blagec, Andrija Carli, Boris Čargo, Miro Gabela, Marko Kapitanović, Boris Kragić,
Robert Matić, Board
Branko Ostojić, Ivo Pervan, Žarko Piljak, Mario Romulić,
Zlatko Sunko, Ante +385(0)21
Verzotti, 490
Archives 036
of Split -Dalmatia County Tourist Board Print: Tiskara Velika Gorica, 2014.
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