BG Module 2 Weekly Test Questions Sunday BS
BG Module 2 Weekly Test Questions Sunday BS
BG Module 2 Weekly Test Questions Sunday BS
Test1: BG 7.1-24 (Total marks 25) (Imp Verses: 7.3, 14 & 19)
1. Explain the significance of the word ‘tat shrunu’? (1m, 7.1)
2. Explain the terms ‘jnana’ and ‘vijnana’ (1m, 7.2)
3. Why is KC so rare that only one in thousands know it properly? Quote BG 7.3 (3m)
4. Describe Lord’s para-sakti and apara-sakti. And Lord’s connection with them (7.4-7, 4m)
5. Explain Lord’s all pervasive nature with some examples. (7.8-12, 3m)
6. Explain the significance of word 'mam eva.' Quote 7.14 (3 marks)
7. Describe the four duskrutinahs. (7.15, 3m)
8. Describe the four sukritinahs. When do they become pure? Quote 7.19 (7.16-19, 4m)
9. Describe the devata worshippers and the impersonalists. (7.20-24, 3m)
Test2: BG 7.25-30 & 8.1-15 (Total marks 25) (Imp Verses: 8.5, 14)
1. Explain why and how no one knows the Lord but Lord knows everyone. (7.25-26, 2m)
2. What is duality of delusion? How does it bind us? (7.27, 2m)
3. When does one start worship in drudhavrata? (7.28, 2m)
4. Who is truly entitled to be called Bramhan? (7.29, 1m)
5. How is it possible to remember Krishna at the time of death? (7.30, 1m)
6. Describe the answers to Arjuna’s 7 questions. Quote BG 8.5 (8.1-6, 5m)
7. How to execute one’s prescribed duties properly? (8.7-8, 1m)
8. Describe the transcendental attributes of the Supreme Lord with Sanskrit terms. (8.9, 3m)
9. Describe the process of yoga-misra-bhakti. (8.10-13, 3m)
10. Describe the process of ananya-bhakti. Quote 8.14 (8.14-15, 4m)
Test3: BG 8.16-28 & 9.1-10 (Total marks 25) (Imp Verses: 9.2 & 3)
1. Describe the condition of the non-devotees? (8.16-19, 2m)
2. Describe the Supreme abode of Lord Krishna. (8.20-22, 2m)
3. Why is a devotee's leaving his body ' safe, certain, and direct'? (8.23 & 8.27, 2m)
4. Describe the path of light and the path of darkness. (8.24-28, 3m)
5. What does the word 'idam viditva' at the end of chapter 8 refer to? (8.28, 2m)
6. Why / How is knowledge presented in Ch 9 the most confidential knowledge? (9.1, 2m)
7. Quote 9.2 and briefly explain the 7 attributes of the pure devotional service? (9.2, 4m)
8. Quote V3. Why is faith important in KC? What happens to the faithless? (9.3, 3m)
9. Explain Lord Krishna’s all pervasiveness or yogamaisvaryam. (9.4-9, 2m)
10. Explain how the Lord the cause of everything by Quoting 9.10? (9.10, 3m)
Test4: BG 9.11-34 (Total marks 25) (Imp Verses: 9.14, 26-27 & 34)
1. Why do fools (mudha) describe Lord Krsna as an ordinary human being? (9.11, 2m)
2. Explain how those who deride Lord Krsna will never be successful. (9.12, 2m)
3. Define and describe activities of a 'mahatma' by quoting V14 (9.13-14, 3m)
4. How all Vedic sacrifices recommended in Vedas are Krishna? (9.16-19, 2m)
5. What does 'traividya' refer to and what do they explain? (9.20, 2m)
6. Describe 'yoga-kshema' Lord’s merciful protection to His pure devotees. (9.22, 2m)
7. Why is it that demigod worshipper worships Lord Krsna in a wrong way? (9.23-25, 1m)
8. Describe the science of pure devotional service by quoting V26. (9.26, 3m)
9. Describe the process recommended by Lord Krsna to become free from bondage? Quote V27 (9.27-
28, 2m)
10. How is Supreme Lord both impartial and partial? Exemplify the reciprocal relationship between
devotee and the Supreme Lord. (9.29, 2m)
11. Describe the glories and the process of pure bhakti by quoting V34. (9.30-34, 4m)
Test5: BG 10.1-17 (Total marks 25) (Imp Verses: 10.8-11 & 41)
1. Why Lord Krsna want to speak to Arjuna once again? What are the specific qualities of that
knowledge? (10.1-3, 4m)
2. Define and describe ahimsa, abhaya, charity, tapasya, satyam & sama. (10.4-5,2m)
3. What is the importance of knowing Krishna's opulence in detail? (10.7, 2m)
4. Describe the Four slokas of BG with the explanation of the main words. Quote 10.8-11 and write
translations (10.8-11, 12m)
5. Describe the meaning of the words used by Arjuna to glorify Lord Krsna. (10.12-18, 5m)
Test6: BG 10.18-42 & 11.1-4 (Total marks 25) (Imp Verses: 10.8-11, 41 & 11.55)
1. Briefly summaries Lord’s Vibhutis as per different catagories. (10.20-40, 15m)
2. How one should relate to all the glorious and wonderful things of this world? Quote BG 10.41 (10.41-
42, 1m)
3. Why does Arjuna ask Lord Krsna to reveal His universal form? (11.1-4, 4m)
4. Explain the significance of the word asamaurdhva & yogesvara. (10.42 & 11.4, 1m)