Question Bank BG CH 10-11-12
Question Bank BG CH 10-11-12
Question Bank BG CH 10-11-12
1. Give the English meaning of the words ajam & anadim. (10.3)
2. What is the special mercy rendered to the pure devotee by Krishna? (10.11)
3. Explain the significance of the phrase “param brahma” (10.12)
4. Give the English meaning of the phrase jnana-dipena (10.11)
5. Why does Arjuna ask Krishna to explain His opulences? (10.17-18)
6. Explain the meaning of the word ‘vibhuti’. (10.19)
7. Explain the meaning of the word Guḍakesa. (10.20)
8. Amongst sacrifices, what is the significance of chanting the holy names? (10.25)
9. List any 4 opulences that are considered feminine. (10.34)
10. Give the English meaning of the phrases:
a. ekamsena sthito jagat (10.42)
b. asamaurdhva (10.42, purport)
11. List the three puruṣa-avataras (10.20 purport)
Closed Book Short
1. How does the universal form differ from other forms of the Lord? (11.5)
2. Describe any four aspects of Arjuna’s vision of the universal form. (11.15-31)
3. Who was eligible to see the universal form on the battlefield? (11.20)
4. Define the phrases kalo asmi loka-kṣaya-krt and nimitta-matram bhava (11.32-33)
5. Why Arjuna addresses Krishna as the great-grandfather? (11.39)
6. Explain the analogy of the sun and lamplight. (11.52)