21 - N Fixation PDF
21 - N Fixation PDF
21 - N Fixation PDF
NADPH e- e- e- e-
Ferridoxin Flarodoxin Ubiquinone
EMP e- Carrier proteins NII NI
N2 Fixation
e- - -
Ferridoxin e Flavodoxin e Ubiquinone
ATP e-
Glycolysis Nitrogenase H+
Reduction takes place on the surface of the enzyme
• Six electrons are required to reduce one mole of N to two moles of ammonia.
N2 + 8H+ +8e- +16 ATP -------2 NH3+16 ADP+ 2H+ +16pi
It is postulated that, atoms of N2 are
separated thr’h charge in the valency Reduction process
of metal ion (mo) bound to the N2 Dinitrogen
enzyme involved in reduction of N2. 2H+, 2e-
For every electron transfer, 2 ATP HN = HN Diimide
mole are required.
2H+, 2e-
Hydrogenase -Uptake hydrogenase
H2N- NH2 Hydrazine
(HUP+) converts the release d
hydrogen during N2 fixation ,and 2H+, 2e-
cycled back the Hydrogen for energy HO2HN- NH2OH Hydroxyl amide
generation.by this they contribute 9-
2H+, 2e-
10 %ATP requirement for N2 fixation
process. 2 NH3 Ammonia
Factors affecting N2 fixation
1. Presence of nitrate or ammonium : More N2, No, N2 fixation
2. Presence of certain inorganic substances
Ca, Co, Mo – influence N2 fixation along with P
3. Availability of energy source – addn. of C source increase N2 fixation
4. pH : Neutral – favours Azotobacter – Acidic- Beijerinkia
5. Soil moisture : Adequate is good for fixation
6. Temperature : Mesophilic – 30°C.
The energy requirement for BNF is very high and it is a major factor determines the
amount of N2 fixed. In, Azotobacter the rate depends on amount of available carbon. In
symbiotic N2 fixers since photosynthesis is the ultimate source of energy the rate of N2 fixation
is influenced by the factors that effect photosynthesis and rate of translocating photosynthates
to the N2 fixing system.
Nitrogenase protection mechansims
1. Leghaemoglobin scavenges O2 to protect nitrogenase in legume rhizobium symbiosis
2. Confirmatory protection in Azotobacter as well as the higher respiratory rate.
3. Thick walls of Heterocyst protect O2 in BGA, since Nitrogenase are present in the
4. Microaerophilic nature in Azospirillum
Losses of N by non biological ways
20 to 50%of fertilizer N. The most striking loss of N in rice soils where more than half of
the fertilizer N applied get lost through leaching.
Another factor is the volatalizaiotn of ammonia in soil 5-20%.
Fixation of ammonium in soils is the minor contributory factor to overall loss of N2 available for
plant growth.
Such losses of N by physical causes and by nitrification and denitirfication process can
be controlled by the application of certain chemicals. Some chemicals have been designed to
control the rate of release of nutrient from nitrogenous fertilizers, while others retard
nitrification in soil by controlling the activity of nitrifying bacteria.
a. Controlled release fertilizers
Urea from
Fertilizers, sparingly soluble in water can regulate
isobutyeldene diurea the release of N from fertilizers
Crotonilidene diurea
S coated urea
b. Nitrification inhibitors
These are substituted with pyridines, pyrimidines, anilines and isothiocyanates,
Examples: 2 chloro 6 (tricholormethyl) – pyridine – (N serve ), 2 amino 4 chloro 6 methyl
pyridine –( AM.)
N serve inhibits the growth of Nitrosomonas europea and N. agilis.
The seeds of neem conain lipid associates act as nitrification inhibitors and there by
increases the efficiency of urea fertilizers.
Ammonia assimilation
N2 fixation results in NH4 formation which reacts with organic acids and form amino
acids which is mediated by ammonia assimilating enzyme.
GS – Glutamine synthetase, GOGAT – Glutamate synthese
GDH – Glutamate dehydrogenase
Nif genes are responsible for N2 fixation.
Nif genes are 22, which are located in 7 or 8 clusters in a 24 kb fragment.