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Sample Doctor Writing Task

Time allowed: 40 minutes

Read the case notes below and complete the writing task that follows:

Today’s Date

Patient History

Amina Ahmed aged 8 years – new patient at your clinic Parents – Mother
Ayama, house-wife. Father Talan, cab driver Brothers Dalma aged 4 and
Roble aged 2 Family refugees from Somali 2005. Have Australian
Citizenship Amina and father good understanding of English, mother has
basic understanding of slowly spoken English. Amina had appendicectomy
2 years ago
No known allergies



Fever, runny nose, mild cough, loss of appetite

Unable to attend school


Pulse 85/min
Temperature 39.4
No rash
No neck stiffness
CVS, RS & abdo – normal


Viral infection


Keep home from school

Rest and paracetamol three times daily
child ? Review in 3 days if no improvement


Amina not well
Cough +, continuous headache, lethargic, loss of appetite
Difficult to control temperature with Paracetamol
Mother worried


Fever 39.8 C
No rash or neck stiffness


Prescribe Brufen 200mg as required

FBC & UFR were ordered
Review in two days with results of reports



Both parents very concerned

Reported Amina lethargic and listless
Vomited twice last night and headaches worse


FBC- WBC(18000) and left shift

Urinary Function Report Normal
Temperature 40.2C
Pulse 110/min
Macula-papular rash over legs
Neck Stiffness+


Meningococcal Meningitis Penicillin IV given (stat dose)


Arrange urgent admission to the Emergency Paediatric Unit,

Brisbane General Hospital, for further investigation and treatment.

Writing Task
You are GP, Dr Lucy Irving, Kelvin Grove Medical Centre, 53 Goma Rd,
Kelvin Grove, Brisbane. Write a referral letter to the Duty Registrar,
Emergency Paediatric Unit, Brisbane General Hospital, 140 Grange Road,
Kelvin Grove, QLD, 4222.
In your letter:

Expand the relevant case notes into complete sentences.

Do not use note form.
The body of your letter should be approximately 200 words.
Use correct letter format.
Sample Doctor Model Letter


The Duty Registrar

Emergency Paediatric Unit
Brisbane General Hospital
140 Grange Road
Kelvin Grove, QLD, 4222

Dear Doctor:
Re. Amina Ahmed (8years)

I am writing to refer Amina who is presenting with signs and symptoms of

meningococcal meningitis for urgent assessment and management. She is
the first child of a family of 5, which includes her parents and two
younger siblings. They are immigrants from Somalia, though she and her
father understand English.

Initially, accompanied by her parents, she presented to me on 9.10.10

with complaints of fever, runny nose, cough and loss of appetite. She was
febrile with a temperature of 39.4 and a pulse rate of 85 beats per
minute, but there was no rash or neck stiffness. However, her condition
continued to deteriorate over the next two days as the fever could not be
controlled by antipyretics. Therefore, blood and urine tests were ordered.

Regrettably, today Amina became lethargic and listless. She vomited

twice last night and had been having severe headaches. On examination,
she was severely febrile with a temperature of 40.2 and a pulse rate of
110 beats per minute. There was macula-papular rash over the legs and
neck stiffness was present. Blood test showed leucocytosis with a shift to
the left.

Based on the above, I believe she needs urgent admission and

management. Please note, Penicillin IV has been given as a stat dose.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Lucy Irving

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