Occupational English Test: Writing Subtest: Nursing Time Allowed: Reading Time: 5 Minutes Writing Time: 40 Minutes

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Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows.

Assume that today is May 20, 2018. You are a Charge Nurse in the oncology ward looking after Mr Jeremy Taylor, a
54-year-old patient.

Hospital: Clare Medical College Hospital, 24 Harley Drive, Brooksbank

Patient details

Name: Jeremy Taylor (Mr)

DOB: 19.10.1964

Admission date: 05.03.2018

Treating doctor: Dr Meena Síngh

Moving to: Dr Gerald Jones

Social background

Works as a banker

Marital status: Widower (wife died 3 years ago)

Next of kin: Daughter, Julie (27 years, artist);son, Brad (25 years, dentist)- both single

Stressful life, works 13-15 hrs/ day; lives alone so has takeaway food; no exercise; drinks socially;

smokes 10 cigs/day since age 16

Previously tried nicotine patches +electric cigarettes unsuccessfully

Medical history

2010-Diagnosed w/hypertension (was not compliant with medication)

No family history of cancer


Presenting complaint: respiratory infection & rust-coloured sputum

(Patient was visiting daughter in Brooksbank)

Temp:38°C;BP 128/83

Amoxicillin 500mg 2/day prescribed for five days


Termp:37°C;BP 125/84

Cough still
Tests revealed Stage IIA non-small cell lung cancer

CT scan revealed category TIC, NO, MO (2.5 cm tumour) in left lung

Bronchial branches not affected


VATS procedure was successful in removing tumour-4 incisions

Tubes removed same day - dressing for incision site

Percocet for breakthrough pain

Vital signs: BP hypertensive (130/83)-others within normal limits-Ramipril 5 mg commenced


Discharged (under daughter's care)

20.03.2018- 20.05.2018

Adjuvant chemotherapy in 4 cycles (once every two weeks performed to prevent

risk of relapse (Cisplatin and Docetaxel; Zofran administered for side effects of

nausea); lost 5kg now at 60kg

Borderline leukopenia absolute neutrophil count (ANC) at 1000 (Filgrastim

325mcg daily- subcutaneous injection

Discharge plan

Needs referral to a dietician to gain 5kgs lost during chemo

Psychotherapist to help quit smoking

Regular, mild exercise needs to begin in 2 weeks

Next CT scan after three months; thereafter annually, and chest X-rays three

times per year

Continue Ramipril 5mg for hypertension

No alcohol

Daughter and son to take turns living with father in his New Abbey flat

Monitor complete blood count (CBC) weekly (2 months)

Assessment: Weak from pain, but recovering well from side effects

Writing task

Mr Jeremy Taylor is a 54-year-old patient in the oncology ward of a hospital in which you are Charge Nurse. He is
transferring from Brooksbank back to New Abbey. Use the information in the case notes to provide a treatment
summary and follow up care plan. Address your letter to oncologist Dr Gerald Jones, 24 Sophia Avenue, New Abbey.

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