Occupational English Test: Writing Subtest: Nursing Time Allowed: Reading Time: 5 Minutes Writing Time: 40 Minutes
Occupational English Test: Writing Subtest: Nursing Time Allowed: Reading Time: 5 Minutes Writing Time: 40 Minutes
Occupational English Test: Writing Subtest: Nursing Time Allowed: Reading Time: 5 Minutes Writing Time: 40 Minutes
Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows.
Assume that today is May 20, 2018. You are a Charge Nurse in the oncology ward looking after Mr Jeremy Taylor, a
54-year-old patient.
Patient details
DOB: 19.10.1964
Social background
Works as a banker
Next of kin: Daughter, Julie (27 years, artist);son, Brad (25 years, dentist)- both single
Stressful life, works 13-15 hrs/ day; lives alone so has takeaway food; no exercise; drinks socially;
Medical history
Temp:38°C;BP 128/83
Termp:37°C;BP 125/84
Cough still
Tests revealed Stage IIA non-small cell lung cancer
20.03.2018- 20.05.2018
risk of relapse (Cisplatin and Docetaxel; Zofran administered for side effects of
Discharge plan
Next CT scan after three months; thereafter annually, and chest X-rays three
No alcohol
Daughter and son to take turns living with father in his New Abbey flat
Assessment: Weak from pain, but recovering well from side effects
Writing task
Mr Jeremy Taylor is a 54-year-old patient in the oncology ward of a hospital in which you are Charge Nurse. He is
transferring from Brooksbank back to New Abbey. Use the information in the case notes to provide a treatment
summary and follow up care plan. Address your letter to oncologist Dr Gerald Jones, 24 Sophia Avenue, New Abbey.