CH-14 Design Fundamentals of Boiler
CH-14 Design Fundamentals of Boiler
CH-14 Design Fundamentals of Boiler
1.0 In a steam generating unit two distinct fundamental processes take place:
1. Conversion of the chemical energy of the fuel into thermal energy
2. Transfer of this liberated thermal energy to the working fluid to generate steam for
useful purpose(s).
This being the case, the basic task of a boiler designer is to maximise the output of these
two processes simultaneously. Heat can only flow from higher temperature to lower
temperature and as such the designer must design the layout of the entire heat-absorbing
surface in such a manner that it will receive maximum available heat in the process of
fuel combustion.
Boiler design is an extremely specialized subject. In practical terms, the designers face
various processes of heat transfer due to constant variations of operating parameters,
changes in the configuration and cleanliness of heating surfaces. Finally, there is another
paramount task of obtaining maximum efficiency at lowest cost. For this, all component
parts must be properly designed and accurately proportioned and linked to the other
elements with each process being correctly assessed and related to the other processes
involved in the unit as a whole.
1. Water / steam vessel capable of withstanding the pressure for which the boiler
2. Safety valves to prevent excessive pressure
DLP/BOE-II/ 3-I/ 01092001
3. A gauge for indicating pressure
4. The vessel must only be partly filled with water in order to leave space the steam
5. The Water gauge glass to show water level of the boiler.
6. A pipe to remove the steam generated, which must be fitted with a stop valve.
7. A pipe fitted to introduce the water in to the boiler to replace, that which has been
evaporated thus keeping the water level constant.
8. A blow down pipe to remove sediments that is carried with the water
9. An adequate amount of drum internals or internal water surface area so that the
bubbles rising from water surface do not carry water particles along with them into
the steam outlet thus causing what is called ‘ priming’.
10. Since stagnant water is bad conductor of heat, it is necessary to ensure that heat from
the furnace is readily conveyed to the steam-water mixture by good circulation.
It can be demonstrated by heating water filled test tube at the top and making the
water at the top boil but ice held at the bottom not melting for long time. Adding color
pieces at the bottom of the test tube and heating it from the bottom will show the
starting of convection current.
11. Some means for feed air and fuel to burn fuel and release heat, and remove products
of combustion.
d) Heating surface requirements – These depend upon the duty of the element heat
exchangers such as primary evaporators, secondary evaporators, superheaters –
radiant and convective, reheater, economiser and air preheater.
4.1 Furnace:
The furnace design is influenced by the following factors:
a. Quantity of Fuel fired and type of fuel
b. Allowable heat loading in furnace
i. Effective Projected Radiant Surface (EPRS)
ii. Plan area
iii. Volumetric
c. Burner clearance
d. Arrangement of pressure parts
1.5 H
1.2 H
1.10 D 1.05 D D
The figure above illustrates the relative size of units designed for these three fuels.
All coals have certain characteristics (Table 1) which may be used on a relative basis to
compare their effect on furnace sizing.
Total moisture 15 %
Ash 30 %
Sulphur 0.50 %
HHV 4500 K.Cal/Kg.
Ash softening temperature 1250°C
(at reducing atmosphere)
Sodium content in ash as Na2O 01
The moisture content in coal affects the design of the boiler in many ways such as
combustion gas weight, flue gas velocities, boiler efficiency, heat transfer rates and low
temperature corrosion.
The ash quantity and quality can affect the furnace slagging rate, fouling of superheater,
reheater and air heater surfaces, the unburned carbon loss, the amount of particulate
emission discharged to the atmosphere and the capacity of ash handling system.
and gas fired boilers. This gas temperature is very much significant in the case of coal
fired boilers. This value should be considerably lower than the initial ash deformation
temperature to protect superheaters and reheaters from fouling due to ash deposition. In
the case of oil and gas fired boilers this loading will be high, however taking care of the
metal temperatures in the water wall and maintaining an optimum gas temperature for the
heat transfer in superheater/reheater. The plan area heat loading can be correlated to the
maximum localized heat absorption rate and maximum temperature of products of
combustion. In other words, a very high plan area loading may tend the furnace to slag in
the case of coal fired boilers and increase the furnace wall temperatures in the case of oil
and gas fired boilers. The normal value for coal ranges from 3 to 4 x 10 6 K.Cal/hr/m2 and
for oil and gas a maximum value of unto 5 x 106 k.Cal/hr/m2 shall be used.
The volumetric heat loading are important criteria especially for fuels critical about
stabilization for combustion and low heating value gases. A low value of volumetric heat
loading signifies an increased residence time in the furnace for the combustion to
complete. The values used for the normal fuels range from 130 to 300 x 10 3
4.6 Economizer
This is also a convection heat transfer section located in a relatively cooler gas
temperature zone and preheats the water entering the drum. The factors to be considered
during the sizing of an economiser are given below:
a. The feed water temperature entering economiser.
b. The feed water temperature leaving economiser.
The inlet temperature should not be less than 105/125°C (depending on % S in fuel from
2.1 to 4.1) from the low temperature corrosion point of view. The outlet temperature
should preferably be 35 to 45°C lower than the saturation point. This would avoid the
steaming tendency in the economizers. However steaming economisers can be used when
use of boiler bank can be avoided.
4.7 Airheaters:
There are two basic types of airheaters viz. Tubular and Regenerative. The technological
developments provide regenerative type airheater even for industrial boilers of medium
capacity. The size of the airheater is decided by the air temperature required for drying in
the case of coal fired boilers and an optimum temperature is used for oil and gas fired
boilers for the required boiler efficiency.
5.1 Furnace:
The complete water wall system of all natural circulation boilers is provided with only
carbon steel or 0.5 Moly carbon steel, since the water / vapour mix temperature in the
furnace is not going to be more than 25ºC above the saturation temperature at the
operating pressure of the system i.e. much less than 425°C
In the layout of a high pressure piping system, the main steam lines, carrying the
superheated steam from the boilers to the prime movers, usually take precedence as to
location and are considered in more detail before taking up the piping used for the
auxiliaries. The design of the main steam lines depends on the pressure and temperature
of the transmitted steam and the location and arrangement of the steam generating
equipment with respect to the power generating units and auxiliaries supplied with steam.
In many power plants the single header, having its length subdivided into sections by
properly located valves, is used. These valves make it possible to divide the station into
independent units, thus facilitating testing the equipment and localizing breakdown
troubles. In the majority of such installations the header is located on the boiler room side
of the wall between the turbine and boiler rooms. In such an arrangement the steam flows
directly from the boilers to the prime movers and permits using a somewhat smaller
header than that required in either the loop or duplicate steam main systems. The last two
systems referred to are only occasionally used at the present time. In high pressure
installations it is desirable to minimize the chance of steam leaks, and this may be
accomplished by eliminating the number of joints by using a so-called manifold in place
of the subdivided single header mentioned above. In the older plants where two or more
boilers are required to supply the steam for a single turbo-generating unit, the manifold is
somewhat more complicated than that used in a plant of more recent design having a
single boiler per turbo-generating unit. The manifolds are interconnected by a tie-over
line so that in case of emergency, one generating unit may have more than one source of
steam supply. The single-header system has the following advantages over the loop and
duplicate main systems:
1. Requires less piping, valves, fittings, and insulation.
2. Requires smaller piping, hence it is cheaper to install.
3. Due to the smaller piping, the radiation losses are less.
The superheated steam used by auxiliaries is frequently distributed through a separate
header connected at some convenient point in the main steam line. If saturated steam is
used in the plant, it is taken from the boiler drums and is distributed by a header of simple
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