Philippine Science High School - Cagayan Valley Campus

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Philippine Science High School – Cagayan Valley Campus

Masoc, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Course Outline in Computer Science 2

SY 2016–2017

First Quarter
A. Introduction to Programming
1. The Computer System
a. Definition
b. Major Components
c. Classification
2. Analog vs Digital
3. Programming Languages
a. Classification
b. High Level vs Low Level
4. Scripting Languages
a. Client–side
b. Server–side
5. Programming Models/Paradigm
a. Compiled
b. Interpreted
c. Translated
6. Number System
a. Binary, Octal & Hexadecimal
b. Conversion
B. Programming and Problem Solving Process
1. Algorithm
a. Definition
2. Expressing Algorithm in
a. Pseudocode
b. Flowchart
3. The Software Development Life Cycle
4. Using Scratch
a. Drag & Drop Programming
Second Quarter
C. Introduction to Programming Languages
1. Source Code vs Machine Language
a. Definition of Terms
b. Assembly Language
c. Compiler, Interpreter & Translator
2. Origins of the Programming Languages
a. Generation of Programming Languages
b. Authors of Programming Languages
3. The C++ Programming Language
a. Basic Structure of C++ Program
b. C++ Headers & Libraries
4. C++ Sample Program
5. Layout of a Simple Program
a. Using Editors (Notepad, Brackets & C++ Editor)
b. Environment Variables
6. Compiling and Running a Program
a. Saving the Source Code
b. Compiling & Debugging
D. Programming Basics
1. Constant and Variables
a. Rules in Naming Variables
2. Data Types
a. Integer, Float, Char, String, Boolean
3. Declaring a Memory Location
a. Identifiers
4. Input and Output Statements
a. The cin and cout statements in C++
5. Operators and Expressions
a. Arithmetic Operators
b. Logical Operators
c. Relational Operators
d. The Boolean Expression
6. Precedence Rules in Coding
7. Coding Conventions in C++
E. Logical Control Structures
1. Sequential
a. The Decision Logic Structure
b. The if Statement
2. Branching Statement
3. Selection / Decision
a. The if … else Statement
4. Nested Decisions
a. The if … else if … else
Third Quarter
F. More Logical Control Structures
1. Loops
a. Designing Loops
b. Ending a Loop
2. Counter Controlled Structures
a. The For Loop Statement
3. Event Controlled Loops
4. Pre and Post Test Loops
a. While Loop
b. Do … While Loop
5. The goto Statement
6. Nested Loop Structures
G. Array
1. Introduction to Array
a. Declaring and Referencing Arrays
b. Arrays in Memory
c. The Single Dimensional
d. The Multi–Dimensional
e. Uses of Array
f. Homogeneous Sets of Data Type
2. Declaration and Initialization
a. How to Declare Single Dimensional Array
b. How to Declare Multi–Dimensional Array
3. Referencing
a. How to Reference Data in an Array
4. Traversing
a. Reading Array Contents
b. Traverse Array Contents Using Loop Statement
5. String Manipulation
a. Declare a Variable as Character Array
6. Practical Application Using Arrays
a. Counting the Number of Elements in an Array
7. Project (ATM Simulation Program)
Fourth Quarter
H. Functions
1. Definition of Terms
a. Pre–defined Functions
b. User–defined Functions
2. Purpose of Functions
a. Why and How to Use Functions
3. Prototypes, Definitions and Calls
4. Function Parameters
5. Pass–by–value, Pass–by–reference
a. Difference between Pass by value and Pass by reference
6. Using the C++ Predefined Functions
I. Object Oriented Programming
1. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
2. The Visual Basic Programming Language
a. The Visual Basic Objects
b. Procedures and Sub Routines
c. Forms
3. Event–driven Application
4. Datatypes and Declaring Variables in Visual Basic
5. Creating Programs in Visual Basic
6. Running and Compiling Visual Basic Program
7. Project (Applications on File Streaming)


First – Fourth Quarter

Quiz 25%
Exercise / Seatwork 20%
Long Exam / Practical Test 30%
Homework 10%
Group Activity / Project 15%

Class Standing (2/3)
Periodical / Quarter Exam (1/3)

Prepared by:

SSTI, ComSci2 Teacher

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