HW 4
HW 4
HW 4
1. Canonical Ensemble. Evaluate the partition function and the thermodynamic properties
(equation of state, internal energy, pressure, entropy, and so on) of an ideal gas consisting of N1
particles of mass m1 , N2 particles of mass m2 , and N2 particles of mass m2 , confined in a space
of volume V at temperature T. Assume that the particles of a given kind are mutually indistin-
guishable, while those of one kind are distinguishable from those of the other kind. Compare
your results with the ones pertaining to an ideal gas consisting of N1 + N2 + N3 particles, all of
one kind, of mass m, such that m( N1 + N2 + N3 ) = m1 N1 + m2 N2 + m3 N3 .
2. Canonical Ensemble. Consider an extreme relativistic gas of N particles with energy-
momentum relationship ε = pc with c the speed of light. Calculate the partition function at
spatial dimensions 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Derive the equation of state (relation between PV and
E) and relation between E/N and T.
3. Grand canonical ensemble. Consider a three dimensional classical gas of independent and
indistinguishable particles with a single particle Hamiltonian H (q, p) = F (p), where p and q are
the momentum and position of the single particle. In the grand canonical ensemble: (i) find the
probability to have N particles (represented in terms of ⟨ N ⟩)
z N Q N ( T, V )
P( N ) ≡ .
Q( T, V, z)
In the above expression, Q N ( T, V ), z and Q( T, V, z) are the canonical partition function of N par-
ticles, the fugacity, and the grand canonical partition function respectively. (ii) Determine the
fluctuations ⟨(∆N )2 ⟩ ≡ ⟨ N 2 ⟩ − ⟨ N ⟩2 .
4. Grand canonical ensemble. An ideal gas of N non interacting molecules with magnetic
moment µ and mass m is immersed in a magnetic field B = (0, 0, B), so that the single particle
Hamiltonian is
H= − sµB
with p the absolute value of the momentum and s = ±1 depending on the particle we consider,
i.e. with the momentum parallel or antiparallel to B . These two kinds of molecules have densities
n+ and n− respectively. What is the ratio n− /n+ as a function of B at equilibrium?