Lt. Deore P.B. Reg. No. 2018A/15P: Presented by
Lt. Deore P.B. Reg. No. 2018A/15P: Presented by
Lt. Deore P.B. Reg. No. 2018A/15P: Presented by
Hans Stubbe, writes, "He needed but very little for himself. With simple
mind of a farmer, living close to nature we find combined in him great
intellectual powers of his countrymen which made him a skillful diplomat &
a powerful opponent."
On etiology of infectious variegation
Erwin Baur
Albinism: Leaf-variegation/Panachure
o Frequent panachure (variegation): Non/infectious
o Infectious chlorosis (Chlorosis infectiosa)
Infectious chlorosis:
Transmission: grafting
Only embryonic leaves: infected
fully developed leaves/ phase of expansion: Non-infected
Non-transmitted : seed
Various Malvaceae sp. varyingly susceptible
On etiology of infectious variegation
Infectious chlorosis
No parasite found
Only living organisms are causative agents of infectious
Non-living matter ? Illogical & invalid
? Infected individual derived inoculum
? Virus of an infectious disease must multiply in body of
diseased organism
Such growth & increase attributed only to organisms/
living substances
On etiology of infectious variegation
“A non-organized (pure chemical) substance, which will
be able to assimilate foreign substances, in order to
rebuild itself from them, such a substance is yet
unknown to us. …”
If we come in contact anywhere with a "something" that
has this capacity of growth & multiplication, then we
must conclude, on basis of our present knowledge, that
this "something" is a living organism.
Infectious diseases, i.e., diseases in which virus
increases within infected individuals, can, therefore, be
produced only by living organisms.
ad infinitum …….
Virus of infectious chlorosis reproduce within infected
On etiology of infectious variegation
In spite of this virus certainly cannot be a living
organism ………..?
Prerequisite for an infection is only condition that there
exist between tissue of grafted infected twig or leaf &
tissue of plant to be infected a firm callus union & that it
endure a certain short time. A different mode of infection
is not known.
Transmission experiments: negative result
Wounds smeared leaf-pulp
Injection experiments
Forced juice into intercellular spaces
Root deep in unfiltered juice…………………
No single case of infection than by grafting.
He conclude that prerequisite to an infection is callus
union of a healthy with a diseased plant.
On etiology of infectious variegation
He also proved that infectious substance unknown to
him cannot be a living organism.
Ability to exist dependent upon occasional grafting’s
All plants attacked by infectious chlorosis reproduce in
nature only by seed & not by runners or like.
How then would hypothetical causative agent move from
one plant to other if first one dies?
A parasitic organism that has such a limited capacity to
move from one host-plant to another is not at all capable
of existence
On etiology of infectious variegation