Final Demo
Final Demo
Final Demo
College of Education
I. Objectives
Classroom Management
Before you sit, kindly arrange your chairs and
pick the pieces of trash if there is any.
Please be seated.
Checking of Attendance
Let us now check the attendance.
Secretary, who is absent today?
a. Influenza
Awesome! It seems that you really understood b. Pneumonia
the lesson last meeting. Let us now have a c. Tuberculosis
short game
I have here a jumbled letters, what where going
to do is to re- arrange the jumbled letters to
form a word. I will group you into two.
Did you enjoy the activity?
What do you think is the relationship of each
words on our topic?
What else?
Very good!
Now, who do you think is the most vulnerable Because smoking and drinking alcohol is
to the negative effects of smoking and alcohol common on some parties and celebrations.
Why teenagers?
Media influence.
Very good! Media like television, films, commercials,
print ads, and the internet influence and
Class, let’s proceed to the tobacco and its condition people’s mind and attitude
nature. towards cigarette smoking and drinking
What is tobacco? alcohol.
What else?
Alcohol is a depressant drug, so when we say The juice or sugar is broken down into
depressant it slows down body processes and simpler substances through the process of
functions especially the central nervous fermentation.
What else?
Isopropanol sir
What else?
Very good!
What is the alcohol percentage and proof of a
rum? Rum sir!
I have here a short video about smoking and Isopropanol, is a colorless, flammable
alcohol drinking prevention. substance. It is sometimes denatured for
specific industrial purposes.
Is there any more questions or clarification
about the topic?
Direction. I will group you into two groups and Students will watch the video.
each group will be given a situation and you
will have a short role play on how you will
deal on the given situation. None sir.
Group 1. Someone Is Smoking. What Can
You Do?
Your brother-in-law’s friend comes to your
home for a dinner party. Most of the family
and guests are in the living room talking. Your
brother-in-law’s friend comes to the kitchen to
ask you for an ashtray, as he lights up his
cigarette. You know smoking around the
children is harmful. What can you do?
Group 2. Drunk Driver
You're at a party and the friend who was
supposed to give you a ride home is drunk or
high on drugs. She insists that she's fine and
tells you to get in. You know that getting in the
car with her would put your life at risk - and
hers -- but you don't want to make a big scene.
What will you do?
What is gateway drugs?
What is the importance of knowing the effects
of cigarettes and alcohol in our health?
Direction. Identify the answers to the following
1. They are considered legal by society but
has adverse effects on individuals, family,
and community.
2. It came from a tall, leafy plant called
3. It is a colorless and bitter substance which
comes from plant sugar and fruit juices.
4. It is also called “beverage alcohol” as this
is the only alcohol humans can drink.
5. It is the widely known species of tobacco 1. Gateway Drugs
for producing cigarettes.
2. Cigarette
G. Assignment
1. What are some ways to prevent the 3. Alcohol
usage of Gateway Drugs?
2. What are some ways to control the 4. Ethanol
usage of Gateway Drugs?
3. Cite your answers on your
notebooks. 5. Nicotiana tabacum
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