2chapter I

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General Statement

The purpose of this study is to have knowledge about the disadvantages and impacts of

On-Screen Violence to Minors Ages 11-17; also to lessen the attraction of children on violence

in video games, television shows and movies, and how this kind of violence can affect teenagers

in physical, mental, and emotional perspective.


This research study was focused on the impacts of on-screen violence to minors ages 11-17.

To support the fundamental purpose, the research will specifically attempt to answer the

following questions:

1. What is On-Screen Violence?

2. What are the Disadvantages and Impacts of On-Screen Violence to Minors?

3. How does On-Screen Violence affect their daily life?

4. How to avoid On-Screen Violence addiction?

Scope and Delimitation

This study was conducted on December 2018 – March 2019. The participants of this

research are the minors from Bauan, Batangas ranging with the age of 11-17.

The focus and scope of this study is about the disadvantages and impacts of On-Screen

Violence to minors. In this study, we will be discussing the meaning of On-Screen Violence and

how it affects the daily lives of minors who are engulfed by violence in video games, television

shows and movies. Also, about how this kind of violence can affect teenagers in physical,

mental, and emotional perspective.

This study excludes the factors about blogs, podcasts and tags, and file swapping that are

related to violence. It won’t give focus on different online video games. This study will not

include information about the perspective and experiences of teenagers ages 18 and above.


The objectives of this research are to:

1. provide new knowledge regarding the disadvantages of On-Screen Violence

2. give the impact of On-Scree Violence to minors ages 11-17

3. help improve lives by giving information on how to avoid On-Screen Violence


4. make people understand what On-Screen Violence can do to our lives

5. explain to the readers how On-Screen Violence distract and affect the mentality of an

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study provide deeper insights on how on-screen violence affects the

minors ages 11-17. The information given by this study will give a great benefit to the following:

Parents. This study is very beneficial to all parents for them to have awareness and to

give proper guidance regarding the impact of on-screen violence to their children.

Minors. This study is very beneficial to the minors not just only the parents. This would

be helpful for them to be aware, and to lessen the use of the modern technologies to immediately

avoid the negative impact of on-screen violence to them.

Community. This study is beneficial to the community for them to obtain awareness,

apply consciousness to the minors and to empower to take action on the said issue.

Counselors. This study gives benefits to the counselor for them to be able to perform the

appropriate guidance to the minors and help the society.

Future Researchers. This study is beneficial to the future researchers for them to be a

better analyst and to use this research as a source of information to be added on their future


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