Simulation of Switching Power Based On WEBENCH Tool

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2016 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Education (ICTE 2016)

ISBN: 978-1-60595-372-4

Simulation of Switching Power Based on WEBENCH Tool

Peng Sun, Zhi-jun Zhang, Ming-lu Jin, Kai-yu Wang
School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology,
Dalian, China

ABSTRACT: Nowadays, there are a lot of EDA simulation tools. Each of them has its own functions and
features. WEBENCH is a web based, and easy to use, design and simulation tool. The design and simulation
method of switching power using WEBENCH tool is given in this paper. A complete boost topology design
example of switching power is introduced. Electrical simulations of output voltage are given. Compensation
for current mode switching power is also discussed and calculated by WEBENCH tool. Thermal simulations
of print circuit board are analyzed.

KEYWORDS: Switching power; Simulation; WEBENCH

1 INTRODUCTION edit the schematic of design and then customize the

components of design. In the follow step, we can
WEBENCH is a web-base design tool for evaluate the design performance and analyze
customized power, lighting, filtering, clocking and electrical behavior with built-in simulation tools.
sensing designs. It can help you generate, optimize Check critical operating values, such as efficiency
and simulate designs that conform to your unique and duty cycle or improve the design if needed
specifications. (PAM et al. 2016) proposed a Thermal performance of switching power can also
compensation design of power converters using be investigated. Finally, we can export schematic,
hybrid optimization by WEBENCH. There are also board layout, simulation and reports documents.
other EDA tools from different companies. Multisim
from NI company is an electronic schematic capture
and simulation program. (Abad et al. 2015) Start
simulated a power surge monitoring and suppression
system using Lab VIEW and Multisim co-simulation Step 1: Enter your
tool. (SUN & JIN 2015) proposed a PSpice model design parameters and
choose one design.
for adjustable voltage regulator and simulated by
Orcad. Cheng (2011) introduced the application of Step 2: View schematic
Multisim in power electronic technology. This paper and edit components.
only focuses on switching power design and
simulation by WEBENCH tool.
Step 3: Evaluate and
analyze the design.
Step 4: Export the
With only four steps, we can create a custom design schematics and layout.
that matches our specifications by WEBENCH tool.
Entering input voltage range, output voltage, load End
current and ambient temperature, we already start
our design. The solutions are calculated based on our Figure 1. A typical design flow by WEBENCH tool.
design inputs including the optimizer setting.
Choose one solution in the designs that best meet
system requirements. In second step, we can view or
Figure 2. Schematic of design by WEBENCH tool.

If you change the value of any of these two

resistors, the output voltage will change accordingly.
3 DESIGN OF SWITCHING POWER We will check this result in simulation part of paper.
3.2 Oscillator frequency
Suppose that DC-DC switching power we need are
as following. The source input is limited to between The oscillator frequency is determined by a resistor
8 to 14 voltage. We hope to get a source output with and capacitor to the RC pin of the controller. The
24.5 voltage and 1.5 ampere load capacity. There are frequency is adjustable from 35 kHz to 1000 kHz.
dozens of custom designs matching our needs. In For most applications, a capacitor in the range of 68
this paper, TPS40210, a current mode boost pF to 120 pF gives the best results. In our design, the
controller, is chosen. TPS40210 is suitable for value of capacitor is 91 pF and value of resistor is
topologies which require a grounded source N- 348 kOhm. The oscillator frequency is 458.7 kHz.
channel FET including boost, fly back, SEPIC. Not
3.3 Compensation
only that, current mode control can provide
improved transient response and simplified loop Compensation design for DC-DC power converters
compensation. The schematic of switching power is often considered as difficult and time consuming.
design by WEBENCH tool is as Figure 2. It needs lots of iterations to meet all the desired
specifications. There are two methods to design a
3.1 Output voltage of switching power
suitable compensation. The first option is to use a
The output voltage of the switching power is set by a frequency response analyzer to measure the open
resistor divider (Rfb1 and Rfb2) from the output to loop modulator and power stage gain and to then
the FB pin in Figure 2. Calculate the output voltage design compensation to fit that. The second option is
of switching power using Equation 1: to make an initial guess at compensation, and then
evaluate the transient response of the system to see if
 Rfb 2  the compensation is acceptable to the application or
Vout = Vref 1 +  (1)
 Rfb1  not.
An adequate response can be obtained by placing
Where Vref represents reference voltage, equals a series resistor and capacitor (Rcomp and Ccomp)
to 0.7 volts. Rfb1 and Rfb2 represent feedback from the COMP pin to the FB pin as shown in
resistors, equal to 1.5kOhm, 51kOhm respectively. Figure 2. Though not strictly necessary, it is
From Equation 1, the output voltage should be recommended that a capacitor be added between
24.5 volts. COMP and FB to provide high-frequency noise
attenuation in the control loop circuit. This capacitor
introduces another pole in the compensation
response. The initial compensation selection can be
done more accurately with aid of WEBENCH to
select the components.
From Figure 2, we know that the value of
compensation resistor is 26.1kOhm, the value of
compensation capacitor is 8.2nF, the value of high
frequency compensation capacitor (Ccomp2) is
360pF. These parameters of schematic are calculated
and choose by WEBENCH tool.


Electrical simulation and thermal simulation are

given in this paper. Compensation of switching
power is also investigated.
4.1 Electrical simulation
By simulating circuit’s behavior before actually
building it can greatly improve efficiency and
provide insights into the behavior and stability of
designs. Simulation of steady state for switching Figure 4. Bode plots of compensation.
power is as Figure 3.
With compensation circuits, stability of switching
power system gets stronger. The cross over
frequency is changed to 3.48 kHz now. Gain margin
is -11.16 dB and Phase margin is 55.2 degree.
4.3 Efficiency
The efficiency of switching power are shown as
Figure 5. The greater the input voltage is, the higher
the output efficiency.

Figure 3. Simulation of steady state.

From Equation 1, we already calculated that the

output of switching power was 24.5 volts. The duty
cycle of controller is 68.53% and the total output
power is 36.75W. The peak-to-peak output ripple
voltage is 126.284mV in our design. Figure 5. Plots of Efficiency.
4.2 Compensation
In our design, efficiency is 96.398% when input
The bode plots of power stage, compensator and source is 14 volts and output current is 1.5 ampere.
total loop are shown as Figure 4.
4.4 Thermal simulation
We can identify heat problems on the PCB early in
the design process by thermal simulation.
Texas Instruments Semiconductor Technologies
(Shang hai) Co., Ltd. for his technical assistance.


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This work is supported by “the Fundamental

Research Funds for the Central Universities”. We
would also like to thank Xie Sheng-xiang from

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