Why Does My Husband Want To Wear Womens Panties
Why Does My Husband Want To Wear Womens Panties
Why Does My Husband Want To Wear Womens Panties
Most men who want to wear panties tend to be straight, and a great
proportion of them tend to be married as well.
Imagine if these women were told not that they only couldn't wear
their boyfriend's or husband's shirt, but they also would no longer be
allowed to wear trousers in public because pants are man's wear.
Imagine the anger and protests that would cause. Women would be
up in arms. Women would NEVER accept a social dictum that said they
had to swap their jeans, pantsuits, shorts and all other manner of
manly dress, and instead don skirts and dresses for the rest of their
days. Yet men are supposed to simply accept the fact that they are
not allowed even to wear the underclothes that are typically
associated with women? WHAT!?
The feeling that pervades our society tends to go far beyond simple
likes and dislikes. It goes so far as to oftentimes place value
judgments on men who wear women's panties. They're effeminate,
They're probably gay, They're not real men, etc.
For all our social advancement, for all our equality, for all of society
encouraging girls/women to be all that they can be, girls/women can
do anything, be anything, WEAR ANYTHING, etc. For some reason we
have completely left guys out of this picture entirely. Not only out of
the picture, but back in the dark ages. A guy MUST be a blend
between a rugged Neanderthal and a soulful ‘yes man’.
Enough! Surely we can quickly get to the point where what a man
wears under his pants/shorts/leggings doesn't matter any more than
what a woman wears under her pants/shorts/leggings! Sadly, we
haven't and I think that's something worth thinking about the next
time we start congratulating ourselves for being so advanced.
The fact is, a very big proportion of men enjoy wearing panties daily.
There's certainly no harm in it, yet there is a huge stigma associated
with it. A stigma that comes from the fact that men are being forcibly
kept in roles that are outmoded, outdated, and make them frustrated
with their partners and with themselves.
If you’re afraid your guy may not be 100 percent heterosexual, you
should know that most straight men do wear ladies’ panties because
they like the more comfortable feel. Also, some men have a panty
wearing fetish have successful marriages to women who aren’t
threatened by it and who help them do it.
The vast majority of guys who have a panty wearing preference are
heterosexual, and are actually much more likely to be 100% straight
than the general population. Very few men with a panty wearing
preference (aka fetish) are non-heterosexuals, it is actually really rare
for them to be non-heterosexual.
In fact 3-5% of heterosexual men regularly wear women’s lingerie for
pleasure. The majority do this secretly. So about one in every 20-30
men are secretly enjoying women’s lingerie to some extent. Most have
a deep desire to share the experience with their mate, yet keep it
Underwear is the closest thing to your skin, and when you're wearing
beautiful underwear or silk underwear, you walk differently. You feel
sexier. You look sexier. It's very, very important to wear beautiful
underwear under whatever you're wearing. Guys underwear just
doesnt have this. Underwear needs to be a part of the guys outfit too.
Very much a part of the outfit! Guys are starting to catch up to the
women on this.
Women, if you are reading this because of a special man in your life,
then he has trusted you with the deepest and most personal part of
his being, something very precious, and I am happy for you both! Men
are very sensitive about this subject. It is very important to him, and
how very difficult it can be for him to tell you.
If you know your man likes wearing panties then take full advantage
of this little gem! SECRET- Most of the time, it's so easy to wrap him
around your little finger, it's almost not fair! Soon, you may Love it
more than he does. He's a keeper, and now you know exactly how to
get anything you want. Too many women take the "try to ignore it"
approach and are sadly missing out on a wonderfully intimate
opportunity. It is such a simple little key to his heart, use it and he will
LOVE you to the end of time. SO Sad seeing such loving men getting
Guys — If she loves you, really loves you, she will listen to you about
your desire to wear panties should not be an issue. Hopefully, your
girl will happily embrace your panty preferences right away! But most
often she’s not in love with the idea, and then you need to be
respectful of her wishes too. A relationship needs to be a two way
street. Some women may be hesitant or reluctant to overtly
participate in your panty wearing. If so, shopping online together is
probably more comfortable for her than taking you panty shopping at
the mall. Guys, be flexible. If she loves or hates a color/style, then let
her do some choosing for you. Occasionally slipping on the panties
she selected will not kill you. It's a good compromise —A two way
Some women have the same “what if somebody finds out!” reflex, that
many panty wearing men have experienced. Decisions to keep your
panty preferences private vs. public should always be made together,
just like any other aspect of your sex-life details. If you both wish to
stay discrete, here are a few tips: wear solid and plain black or white
colors when out on the town, tuck in those shirts when appropriate,
and real women's panties in the laundry will be assumed to be "hers".
But she should not be telling her friends without your agreement, and
you shouldn’t be either. It's just common mutual respect.
Once she comes to realize how much simple sexy fun panties can
create, she just might start surprising you! When you have the right
girl, she will see that your panty preferences are just another easy way
to share your Love for each other.
If your man has shared this very special preference, you have a special
man in your life. He has trusted you with the deepest and most
personal part of his being, something very precious, and I am happy
for you both! Being accepted by you is so very important to him.