1london Pegmatites PDF
1london Pegmatites PDF
1london Pegmatites PDF
Scientific Wonders
and Economic Bonanzas Pink pezzottaite crystal,
1.2 cm long, from
Fianarantsoa Province,
David London1 and Daniel J. Kontak 2 Madagascar. The rim of
the crystal is white beryl
1811-5209/12/0008-0257$2.50 DOI: 10.2113/gselements.8.4.257 with minor microcrystals
of milarite and bavenite.
Named in honor of
ranitic pegmatites have been a focal point of research by petrologists Federico Pezzotta. Photo
Matteo Chinellato
and mineralogists for over a century. Mineralogical interest stems
from the diversity of rare minerals that some pegmatites contain.
Petrologic efforts are aimed at resolving the processes or agents that produce
the complex textures and spatial heterogeneity that distinguish pegmatites
from granites. Much of the scientific study of pegmatites has been motivated
by exploration for the economic commodities they provide. Pegmatites yield
quartz, feldspars, and micas for industrial uses; strategic rare metals for
electronic, aerospace, and energy applications; and many of the world’s finest synonymous with a granitic
composition. The bulk composi-
gem and mineral specimens.
tions of pegmatites plot close to
Keywords : pegmatite, granite, rare metals, industrial minerals, gemstones the thermal-minimum composi-
tion in the granite system, which
INTRODUCTION includes rocks with nearly equal
proportions of quartz, sodic plagioclase, and potassic
Pegmatites are texturally distinct variants of the more (alkali) feldspar. Only a small proportion of pegmatites
common and more voluminous plutonic igneous rocks, (<1%) possess assemblages that contain uncommon
including gabbros, granites, syenites, etc. Whereas common minerals, e.g. those with essential lithium, beryllium,
plutonic bodies tend to be mineralogically and texturally cesium, boron, phosphorus, and tantalum. These exotic
homogeneous throughout large volumes of rock, pegma- rocks are termed rare-element pegmatites (not to be
tites are precisely the opposite. Most pegmatite bodies are confused with rare earth element pegmatites, which are a
small, with dimensions on the scale of meters rather than subset of rare-element pegmatites). Gem-quality crystals
kilometers, and display internally complex fabrics. They for the jewelry industry are found in a small number of
occur as segregations within granites (Fig. 1a) and as these already sparse rare-element pegmatites. Most gem-
sharply discordant dikes intruding igneous and metamor- bearing pegmatites are classified as miarolitic, which refers
phic rocks (Fig. 1b). Exceedingly coarse crystal size is a to the presence of clay-filled or open, crystal-lined
hallmark of pegmatites for most geoscientists (Fig. 2), but cavities.
gigantic crystal size is not the sole or even a necessary
defining factor. Other fabrics that qualify as pegmatitic
include systematic coarsening in crystal size from the
margins to the centers of bodies (Fig. 3); sharp mineral- Pegmatites have long been viewed as essentially igneous
ogical zonation from margin to center (Fig. 4); anisotropic rocks because of their bulk compositions. The origin of
fabrics, including layering or highly oriented crystal- pegmatitic rock fabrics, however, has intrigued and baffled
growth directions; and graphic (skeletal) intergrowths of petrologists. By the end of the 19th century, virtually every
quartz and feldspar, termed “graphic granite” (Fig. 5). conceivable process had been proffered to explain the
Pegmatites and hydrothermal vein deposits share all of complex textures and the assemblages of uncommon
these textural attributes but one: that of graphic granite, minerals found in some pegmatites. Because pegmatites
which is not only unique to pegmatites but was the texture and hydrothermal veins share common textural features,
for which the term pegmatite (from phgnumi, to make stout many petrologists have called upon an aqueous fluid, alone
by binding together) was coined. or acting in concert with a coexisting silicate melt, to
generate the complexities of grain size and mineral zona-
Pegmatitic textures can be found in igneous rocks of all tion that are diagnostic of pegmatites.
compositions. However, pegmatitic textures are so preva-
lent in granitic compositions that the term pegmatite Two concepts of pegmatite formation have dominated
implies a granitic composition to many geoscientists. For scientific thought for a century. A model now associated
the sake of brevity, most of the authors of the articles in with Cameron et al. (1949) attributed the chemical evolu-
this issue use the term pegmatite, without a modifier, as tion of pegmatites (among and within individual bodies)
to the fractional crystallization of melt inward from the
margins of bodies. Through this process, rare elements (e.g.
1 ConocoPhillips School of Geology and Geophysics
University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019, USA Li, Be, and Ta), fluxes (e.g. B, P, and F), and other volatile
E-mail: dlondon@ou.edu components (e.g. H 2O and Cl) that are excluded by the
2 Department of Earth Sciences, Laurentian University initial crystallization of quartz and feldspars become
Sudbury, ON P3E 2C6, Canada concentrated inward into a diminishing fraction of residual
E-mail: dkontak@laurentian.ca
(long dimension)
Perthite average
wall 20 40 60 80 center
Proportion (%) of wall-to-center distance
in pegmatite bodies
Systematics of crystal size variation from the margin
to the center of pegmatite dikes. Modifi ed from Jahns
(1953), this figure shows the average dimension of crystals along
their longest axis of growth versus their location within the pegma-
tite as a percentage of the distance from the margin (wall) to the
dike center. Two curves are specific to perthitic K-feldspar and
spodumene; the curve for “any mineral” represents an average that
may involve more than one mineral species. The data are based on
measurements from 27 large, zoned pegmatites in the Hualapai,
FIGURE 2 A gigantic skeletal crystal of tourmaline radiating into Bagdad, and White Picacho pegmatite districts of western Arizona
a pegmatite from the upper contact, from the Água (USA).
Santa pegmatite, Coronel Murta, Jequitinhonha valley, Minas
Gerais, Brazil (Robert F. Martin for scale). PHOTO : M ILAN NOVAK
Most geoscientists would agree that pegmatites represent
the terminal stage in the fractionation of granitic magmas.
That process begins with the redistribution of elements
between parental rocks deep within the Earth’s continental
crust (with mantle influences in some cases) and their
partial melts. It continues as crystal fractionation proceeds
toward completion in upwardly mobile magma bodies,
with variable degrees of interaction with other rock types
along the way. Considering the protracted history of
granitic magmas, one might not expect their culmination
as pegmatites to preserve a record of their origins at the
source. In fact, they do, and to a surprising extent—the
affi liations of granitic pegmatites with certain source rocks
and particular tectonic environments are evident in a
majority of instances. The chemical and tectonic links
between pegmatites at one end of the magmatic spectrum
and their source rocks at the other is considered by Černý
et al. (2012 this issue). The distinctive signatures of
normally trace elements, but with elevated concentrations
in pegmatites through fractional crystallization of their
source granitic magmas, fall into two chemical families:
pegmatites enriched in lithium, cesium, and tantalum FIGURE 5 Graphic granite: quartz (gray) in microcline (white),
Colorado (USA). This texture is unique to pegmatites.
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