The Interpretation of Geochemical Survey Data
The Interpretation of Geochemical Survey Data
The Interpretation of Geochemical Survey Data
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ABSTRACT: Geochemical data are generally derived from government and industry
geochemical surveys that cover areas at various spatial resolutions. These survey data
are difficult to assemble and integrate due to their heterogeneous mixture of media,
size fractions, methods of digestion and analytical instrumentation. These assembled
sets of data often contain thousands of observations with as many as 50 or more
elements. Although the assembly of these data is a challenge, the resulting integrated
datasets provide an opportunity to discover a wide range of geochemical processes
that are associated with underlying geology, alteration, landscape modification,
weathering and mineralization. The use of data analysis and statistical visualization
methods, combined with geographical information systems, provides an effective
environment for process identification and pattern discovery in these large sets of
Modern methods of evaluating data for associations, structures and patterns are
grouped under the term ‘data mining’. Mining data includes the application of
multivariate data analysis and statistical techniques, combined with geographical
information systems, and can significantly assist the task of data interpretation and
subsequent model building. Geochemical data require special handling when
measures of association are required. Because of its compositional nature logratios
are required to eliminate the effects of closure on geochemical data. Exploratory
multivariate methods include: scatterplot matrices (SPLOM), adjusting for censored
and missing data, detecting atypical observations, computing robust means, correla-
tions and covariances, principal component analysis, cluster analysis and knowledge
based indices of association. Modelled multivariate methods include discriminant
analysis, analysis of variance, classification and regression trees neural networks and
related techniques. Many of these topics are covered with examples to demonstrate
their application.
A review of contributions to the Exploration 1977, 1987 and should focus on the identification of mineral deposits at
1997 conferences held in Toronto in the field of exploration depth, and for countries such as Canada, the evaluation of
geochemistry and the interpretation of regional geochemical basal till geochemistry is an effective means of exploration for
survey data provides a perspective and appreciation of the metallic mineral deposits. The role of government surveys in
very powerful tools that geoscientists now have at their the collection of various geological media and subsequent
disposal. Boyle (1979) described the first part of the twentieth geochemical analysis was considered paramount for a success-
century when rapid advancements were made in the recogni- ful mineral exploration strategy for any country. Boyle dis-
tion of primary and secondary dispersion haloes: development cussed the term ‘vectors’ as a means to identify mineral
of accurate and rapid analytical methods (e.g. the development deposits through the evaluation of patterns and trends in
of atomic absorption spectroscopy, fluorimetry, chromatog- geochemical data in both two and three dimensions.
raphy, neutron activation analysis, mass spectrometry); At the time of Exploration 77, the use of geochemical data
improvements in sampling technologies; radiometric methods, in glacial terrains, (Bølviken & Gleeson 1979), non-glaciated
airborne geochemical sampling methods; improvements in terrains (Bradshaw & Thomson 1979), lithogeochemistry
field techniques and access (helicopters); heavy minerals in (Govett & Nichol 1979), biogeochemistry (Brooks 1979;
glacial media; and developments in statistical and computer Cannon 1979), stream sediment geochemistry (Meyer et al.
techniques. At that time, Boyle also pointed out that further 1979), lake sediments (Coker et al. 1979) and hydrogeochemis-
research was required to understand the trace and major try were well advanced. The fundamentals of these develop-
element chemistry of rocks and their geochemical relationship ments are still applicable today. There have been refinements
to metallogenic belts. Boyle also noted that future research in methods of extraction (digestion methods and selective
Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment Analysis, Vol. 10 2010, pp. 27–74 1467-7873/10/$15.00 2009 AAG/Geological Society of London
DOI 10.1144/1467-7873/09-210
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28 E. C. Grunsky
leaches), improvements in detection limits and better under- consist of collecting several thousand specimens and be ana-
standing of the sedimentary environments of stream, lake, lysed for at least 50 elements. Analysing and interpreting these
glacial and weathered environments. Howarth & Martin (1979) large sets of data can be a challenge. Data can be categorical
provided the basics of evaluating geochemical data, the princi- (discrete numeric or non-numeric) or continuous in nature. To
ples of which are still in use today. The term ‘integration’ was extract the maximum amount of information from these data,
already in use in the 1970s when it was realized that several various multivariate data analysis techniques are available. In
types of geoscience data could be merged using computer- many cases, these techniques reduce these large datasets into a
based methods (Coope & Davidson 1979). few simple diagrams that outline the principal geochemical
The Exploration ’87 meeting contained similar discussions trends and assist with interpretation. The trends that are
along the lines of weathered terrains (Butt 1989; Mazzucchelli identified may include variation associated with underlying
1989; Smith 1989), glaciated terrains (Coker & DiLabio 1989; lithologies, zones of alteration, and in special cases, zones of
Shaw 1989), stream sediments (Plant et al. 1989), lake sedi- potentially economic mineralization. Areas of mineralization
ments (Hornbrook 1989), biogechemistry (Dunn 1989), and are typically small in geographic extent and less likely to be
bedrock geochemistry (Govett 1989). In addition, the role of ‘sampled’ in the course of regional geochemical sampling
computers, databases and computer-based methods for use in survey. Thus, they can be considered as rare events relative to
mineral exploration were distinct contributions to the meeting the regional geochemical signatures within a study area and they
(Garrett 1989a; Harman et al. 1989; Holroyd 1989) and expert will commonly be under-represented within a population. This
systems were introduced as a means for decision-making in means that they may be observed as atypical or masked by the
exploration (Campbell 1989; Martin 1989). Exploration ’87 also main mass of the population.
contained more results on the benefits of integrated exploration The term ‘sample’ in statistical literature, usually refers to a
strategies. selection of observations from a population. In the lexicon of
Exploration ’97 covered much of the same material of geoscientists, specimens of soil, rocks, stream sediments and
advances in geochemical exploration methods for the geo- other such media, are generally called ‘samples’. This has been
chemistry of glaciated terrains (Klassen 1997; McClenaghan a source of confusion between the geoscience and the statistical
et al. 1997), the geochemistry of deeply weathered terrains communities. Within this contribution, specimens (i.e. the
(Mazzucchelli 1997; Smith et al. 1997), geochemistry of stream geochemist’s samples) that have been collected in the field are
sediments (Fletcher 1997), lake sediment geochemistry (Friske referred to as ‘specimens’ and the data derived from them as
1997; Davenport et al. 1997a), lithogeochemistry (Franklin ‘observations’. Elements are the geochemical entities that
1997; Harris et al. 1997), plus developments in extraction become variables in the application of statistics. The terms
techniques for the enhancements of geochemical responses ‘variable’ and ‘element’ are used interchangeably in this contri-
(Bloom 1997; Hall 1997; Smee 1997). Closs (1997) emphasized bution. Specimen collection strategies are an important part of
that careful sample design and objectives are the fundamental any geochemical survey programme. Garrett (1983, Chapter 4)
tenets of exploration geochemistry, which had not changed in provides a useful discussion on various approaches for sam-
the previous 30 years. Integrated exploration information pling media for geochemical surveys.
management was a major focus at the Exploration ’97 confer- The evaluation and interpretation of geochemical data rely
ence with significant contributions by Bonham-Carter (1997), on understanding the nature of the material that has been
Davenport et al. (1997b), de Kemp & Desnoyers (1997) and sampled. Different materials require a variety of methods and
Harris et al. (1997) along with the early developments on the techniques of data analysis for the interpretation of geochemi-
use of the world wide web (internet) by Cox (1997). cal results. In the case of surficial sedimentary materials (glacial
Prior to the arrival of Geographic Information Systems till, lake and stream sediments), different size fractions of
(GIS) and desktop statistical computing packages, exploration specimens can reflect different geological processes. The choice
geochemistry was limited in scope in terms of extensive data of size fraction can have a profound influence on the inter-
analysis. Textbooks such as those by Hawkes & Webb (1962), pretation of the geochemistry of an area. In any geochemical
Rose et al. (1979) and Levinson (1980) provided the foundation survey the material for study should be carefully collected and
for exploration geochemistry strategies and defined the princi- classified in order to provide any clues about the underlying
ples for planning, executing and interpreting geochemical geochemical processes.
surveys. These texts were written before the development of Quality control is an essential part of assessing geochemical
GIS or easily accessible statistical packages. As a result, they data. All data should be initially examined for analytical reliabil-
offered limited treatment for a statistical analysis of geochemi- ity and screened for the identification of suspect analyses.
cal survey data. In the late 1980s, GIS began to play an Typically, this is done using exploratory data analysis (EDA)
increasingly important role in the display and management of methods. Issues of quality control, analytical accuracy and
spatially referenced data (e.g. geochemical data). These systems precision are beyond the scope of this contribution; however, it
required large computers and specialists in the management and is briefly discussed in the section, ‘Special Problems’.
maintenance of the software. GIS have evolved into ‘Desktop Five sets of data have been used in this contribution.
Mapping’ systems that allow users of personal computers to
display, query, manage, and to a limited extent analyse spatially 1. Lithogeochemical data from Ben Nevis township, Ontario, Canada
referenced data. (Plate 1). Rock specimens were collected as part of a study to
Geochemical surveys are an important part of geoscience examine the nature of alteration and associated mineraliza-
investigations in both mineral exploration and environmental tion in a sequence of volcanic rocks (Grunsky 1986a, b).
monitoring. The International Geological Correlation Program Two significant Zn–Ag–Cu–Au occurrences have been
(IGCP Project 259 (Darnley et al. 1995) summarized the value investigated in this area: the Canagau Mines deposit and the
of geochemical surveys for both exploration and global change Croxall property (Grunsky 1986a). The results of a detailed
monitoring. This report contains recommendations for sam- lithogeochemical sampling programme outlined a zone of
pling strategies, data management, analytical methods and extensive carbonatization associated with the Canagau
numerous other topics for the development of a global network Mines deposit. The alteration consists of a large north–south
of geochemical knowledge. A soil or lake sediment survey can trending zone of carbonate alteration with a central zone of
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30 E. C. Grunsky
evaluate data comparatively in both the spatial domain (geo- goals of the geochemist can be achieved faster and at less cost.
graphic location) and the variable (element/oxide) domain. As digitally based map and attribute data are being created
When a single element’s data are being evaluated, simple plots continually, there has been an increasing demand to view and
such as probability plots (Sinclair 1976; Stanley & Sinclair 1987, assess these data without the use of complex GIS. In its
1989; Stanley 1987), histograms, or box plots can be used. simplest form, a desktop mapping system has significant
However, there are many other ways to evaluate data graphi- advantages in exploration geochemistry. Geochemical data can
cally. Many of these methods have been outlined by Cleveland be loaded and visualized in both the geochemical space and the
(1993). Garrett (1988) developed a data analysis, statistics and geographical space very quickly. Geochemical data can also be
visualization system, IDEAS, that provides a multitude of processed using a number of statistical or other data analysis
methods that are useful to the exploration geochemist. This techniques from which the results can also be loaded into a
package was recently replaced by another package, ‘rgr’ (Garrett desktop mapping system. The permutations and combinations
& Chen 2007) and is available from Reimann of data layer manipulation provide a wide variety of ways of
et al. (2008) have published a book that provides methods for examining and interpreting data.
evaluating geochemical data in an environmental context using R.
Even the field of statistical evaluation of data has changed
significantly in the past 10 years. This is exemplified by texts Image processing
that combine extensive visualization techniques (Sarkar 2008) When the sampling density of geochemical data is adequate, it
together with modern statistical methods (Venables & Ripley is desirable to produce maps that represent smoothed gridded
2002). data and coloured/shaded surfaces. Smoothed, gridded data
This contribution has made extensive use of the data analysis can be considered a raster image. Image analysis is primarily
and statistical analysis software package, R (R-Development used for presentation purposes to enhance the results of an
Core Team 2008), which provides a number of powerful tools analysis or to show variation within data. Image analysis
for manipulating and visualizing data. Most of the statistical manipulates integer-scaled raster data using a number of
graphics herein have been created using R. The application of matrix-based methods and after the use of additional integer-
this environment for geoscience applications is described by scaling procedures represents the resulting transformed data on
Grunsky (2002a). various graphical output devices using colour (e.g. intensity,
hue, saturation, RGB, CMYK). Richards & Jia (1999) provide
an introduction to image processing methods. Carr (1994)
Geographical information systems provides an introduction to image processing in geological
GIS represent digital visualization of spatially-based data on a applications and Gupta (1991) and Vincent (1997) provide
map. GIS require a spatial definition of the data plus attribute comprehensive reviews of remote sensing applications in
tables that contain information relevant to the specified geo- geology. Rencz (1999) contains a collection of papers covering
graphic locations and the representation of geochemical data. the topic of remote sensing in the Earth sciences and Pieters &
Examples of this have been presented by Mellinger et al. (1984), Englert (1993) covers the topic of remote geochemical analysis
Gaál (1988), Kuosmanen (1988), Bonham-Carter (1989a, b), through the evaluation of satellite spectroscopy.
George & Bonham-Carter (1989), Hausberger (1989) and
Mellinger (1989). In particular, GIS facilitates the organized
storage and management of spatially-based data that are linked Exploratory data analysis (EDA)
to a number of other features or other geo-referenced data sets. Exploratory data analysis is concerned with analysing geo-
Bonham-Carter (1994) has written a monograph of geoscience chemical data for the purpose of detecting trends or structures
applications using GIS and Harris (2006a) has edited a volume in the data. These features can provide insight into the
on GIS applications in the Earth sciences covering a wide range geochemical/geological processes from which models can be
of topics in which geochemistry is covered by Cheng (2006), constructed. Exploratory methods of data analysis include the
Grunsky (2006), Harris (2006b) and Wilkinson et al. (2006). evaluation of the marginal (individual) distributions of the data
As geoscience information and data become available in by numerical and graphical methods. These include the use of
ever-increasing volumes, exploration programmes and govern- summary tables (minimum, maximum, mean, median, standard
ment research programmes involve significant amounts of data deviation, 1st and 3rd quartiles), measures of correlation,
compilation. The compiled datasets are subsequently placed covariance and skewness. Graphical methods include histo-
into GIS and integrated with other geoscience information. grams, probability (quantile–quantile) plots, box plots, density
Recent developments in the use of GIS together with data plots and ScatterPLOt Matrices (SPLOM). More sophisticated
compilation programmes have been discussed in Wilkinson data visualization can be carried out using packages such as the
et al. (1999) and Harris et al. (1997, 1999, 2000) and a book with ‘lattice’ library that is available in R (Sarkar 2008). The spatial
a chapter on the evaluation of geochemical data using GIS presentation of data summaries can be incorporated into a GIS
(Harris 2006a, Chapters 12–16). using features such as bubble and symbol plots, and interpo-
Depending on the nature of the geochemical data (stream lated grids.
sediment, soil, lake sediment, or lithogeochemical), various Multivariate methods include the use of PCA, cluster
types of analysis can be performed that are dependent on the analysis, Mahalanobis distance plots, empirical indices and
type of associated data present. Point, polygon (vector) and various measures of spatial association.
raster (regular array cells) features can be overlain, merged and
analysed through the associated map merging and database
querying tools. Raster image grid cells can be considered as Target and background populations
points provided there is an associated attribute record of data In an exploration programme, geochemical background repre-
with each grid cell. sents a population of observations that reflect unmineralized
Desktop mapping systems have evolved to the point that ground. Background may be a mixture of several populations
they are cheaper and less complex, are easier to use and offer an (gravel–sand–clay or granitoid–volcanic–sedimentary litholo-
effective way for the geochemist to evaluate data. Thus, the gies). The separation of the background population into similar
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subsets that represent homogeneous multivariate normal popu- Standard numerical and statistical methods have been devel-
lations is important and forms the basis of the modelled oped for data analysis where the values being considered add to
approach of geochemical data analysis. This can be achieved a constant sum (e.g. whole rock analyses summing to 100%).
using exploratory methods such as PCA, methods of spatial This is discussed in more detail below.
analysis, Mahalanobis distance plots and cluster analysis. Quality assurance and quality control of geochemical data
A group of specimens that represent an entity under require that rigorous procedures be established prior to the
investigation (features of geochemical alteration or mineraliza- collection and subsequent analysis of geochemical data. This
tion) is termed the ‘sample’ population, from which inferences includes the inclusion of certified reference standards, randomi-
will be made about the ‘target’ population that cannot be zation of samples and the application of statistical methods for
sampled in its entirety. These populations are derived from testing the analytical results. Historical accounts of ‘Thompson
specimens collected from orientation studies over known and Howarth’ plots for analytical precision studies can be found
mineral deposits or areas of specific interest. in Thompson & Howarth (1973, 1976a, b, 1978). Additional
Sample populations, whether representing background or discussion on the subject was most recently covered by Stanley
other populations, represent training sets with unique charac- (2003, 2006) and Garrett & Grunsky (2003).
teristics. These training sets are generally distinct from one
another through their statistical properties, although it is
common for training sets to overlap. Unknown specimens can Compositional data
be tested against these populations to determine if they have Geochemical data are reported as proportions (weight %, parts
similar characteristics. Probability-based methods can deter- per million, etc.) For a given observation compositional pro-
mine if the unknown specimen belongs to none, one or more portions (i.e. weight %) always sum to a constant (100%). As a
of the populations. result, as some measures increase, others are ‘forced’ to
A case study is presented where distinctions between kim- decrease to keep the sum constant. Because compositional data
berlites from the Fort à la Corne area, Saskatchewan have been occur only in the real positive number space, the calculation of
statistically determined based on their multi-element signatures. statistical measures, such as correlation and covariance, can be
misleading and result in incorrect assessment of correlation or
other measures of association. It is dangerous to make the
assumption that closure has no effect on the outcome of any
Special problems
statistical measure. Raw compositional data is useful for observ-
Problems that commonly occur in geochemical data include: ing stoichiometric trends in data (e.g. Grunsky & Kjarsgaard
+ many elements have a ‘censored’ distribution, meaning that 2008); however, any type of regression or procedure that
values at less than the detection limit can only be reported as requires statistical measures necessitates the use of logratios
being less than that limit; which are described below.
+ the distribution of the data is not normal; Aitchison (1986) developed a methodology for data analysis
+ the data have missing values. That is, not every specimen has and statistical inference of compositional data using logratio
been analysed for the same number of elements. Often, transformations. These transformations project the composi-
missing values are reported as zero, which is not the same as tional data into the entire (positive and negative) real number
a specimen having a zero amount of an element. This can space, which allows standard statistical procedures to be
create complications in statistical applications; applied. These methods are gaining popularity and examples of
+ combining groups of data that show distinctive differences application to geochemical data are given by Aitchison (1990),
between elements where none is expected. This may be the Grunsky et al. (1992) and Buccianti et al. (2006). The approach
result of different limits of detection, instrumentation or has also been extended into spatial data processing that is
poor Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) proce- commonly used in ore reserve estimation (Pawlowsky 1989).
dures. Levelling of the groups is required; Recent work by Barcelo et al. (1995, 1996, 1997), Martin-
+ the constant sum problem for compositional data. Fernandez et al. (1998, 2000) Pawlowsky-Glahn & Buccianti
(2002) and von Eynatten et al. (2002, 2003) document methods
These problems create difficulties when applying math- and issues around the treatment of compositional data.
ematical or statistical procedures to the data. Statistical proce- Aitchison (1997) provides a very readable account of compo-
dures have been devised to deal with all of these problems. In sitional data issues. Appendix 1 provides a basic description of
the case of varying detection limits, the data require separation the use of logratios. Buccianti et al. (2006) provide the most
into the original groups so that appropriate adjustments can be recent developments in the field of compositional data analysis.
applied to the groups of data. A package for compositional data analysis (van den Boogaart &
To overcome the problems of censored distributions, pro- Tolosana-Delgado 2008) known as ‘compositions’ provides a set
cedures have been developed to estimate replacement values of tools for evaluating compositional data using the R statistical
for the purposes of statistical calculations. When data have package (
missing values, several procedures can be applied to impute Most geochemical survey data comprise trace element
replacement values that have complete analyses. This will be measurements that are reported as parts per million (ppm). The
discussed in more detail further on in the text. reporting in ppm constitutes the potential for closure, the trace
Plate 5 summarizes the problems of censoring, non- element concentrations may interfere with each other particu-
normality and the discrete differences in the data due to larly when one or more of the elements of interest is close to
analytical resolution. The image is a shaded relief map derived zero. The application of a centred logratio transformation (clr)
from the density of observations of As v. Au. The ‘valleys’ will provide more reliable and statistically defensible results
represent limits in data resolution near the lower limit of than the use of raw data. The use of the isometric logratio (ilr)
detection for Au. The actual limit of detection appears as a (Egozcue et al. 2003), where balances between the elements are
‘wall’ at the zero end of the Au axis. In contrast, As displays a constructed, provides orthonormal basis in the compositional
continuous range of values without the same resolution or data space in which statistical and vector calculations can be
detection limit problems exhibited by Au. applied.
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32 E. C. Grunsky
The histogram is one of the most popular graphical means of
displaying a distribution since it reflects the shape similar to
theoretical frequency distributions. Figures 2a and 3a illustrate
how the histogram can be used to display the distribution of
Al and As in lake sediments. These two elements have been
chosen to demonstrate two very different geochemical
responses. Aluminium is ubiquitous in the lake sediments,
mostly derived from aluminosilicates such as feldspars and
some clay minerals (kaolinite). Aluminium abundance is largely
controlled by rock types such as granites and volcanic rocks.
Figure 2a illustrates the range of Al values from sediments in
lake catchments. The distribution appears polymodal, which
could lead to the interpretation that the lake sediments have
been derived from several different lithologies. In the Batcha-
wana area of Ontario, these lithologies are granite gneiss,
migmatite, granitoid intrusions, metasediments and metavol-
canic rocks. However, on closer examination, these ‘peaks’
appear to be artefacts of the analytical method (varying
Fig. 2. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) plot of Al in lake detection limits) and can create difficulties with the interpreta-
sediments, Batchawana area, Ontario. Note the distinct polymodal tion. Other graphical methods that are discussed below are
nature of the distribution. The Q–Q plot suggests that this polymo-
dal appearance may be due to lack of precision in the chemical better suited for interpreting these data.
analysis. Arsenic is much less abundant in the country rocks of the
area. When it is present, it is usually associated with sulphide
minerals. Relative to Al, elevated amounts of As are a ‘rare
event’. This is reflected in the histogram of Figure 3a where
most As values are below 10 ppm. The shape of this kind of
distribution is commonly thought of as ‘lognormal’. However,
such a distribution may be the result of mixtures of value from
different distributions where the number of values in the lower
range is greater than the values in the upper range.
For constructing a histogram, a number of objective proce-
dures have been established as initial starting points for interval
selection (see Venables & Ripley 2002, p. 112). If the nature of
the distribution is normal or close to normal then Sturge’s rule
can be applied. Sturge’s rule sets the number of intervals equal
to log2n +1 where n is the number of observations. Sturge’s rule
does not work well if the distributions are not normal. If the
number of intervals is too few, then the finer details of the
distribution are smoothed over. If the number of intervals is
too many, then the distribution appears discontinuous.
Histograms can be tuned by experimenting with starting
points, cut-off points and interval selections. This process is
subjective and when the end points and intervals are well
chosen, a meaningful interpretation is likely. Conversely, if the
end points and intervals are poorly chosen, an incorrect
interpretation, or no significant interpretation can be obtained.
minimum values) of the data are marked by vertical bars at the continuous but are reported as discrete values rounded off at
end of the whiskers. Alternatively, the whiskers can extend to the nearest percentage value. The step-like pattern indicates
the ‘fences’, which are defined as the last value before that measurements were made in 1% increments for some of
1.5midrange beyond the hinges of the data. Observations the data and in 0.01% increments for other data. In fact, the
that plot beyond 3midrange are plotted as bars or special pattern that is observed is a mixture of four surveys, three of
symbols. The location of the median line within the box gives which have a resolution of 1% for Al, and the fourth survey has
an indication of how symmetrical the distribution is within the a resolution of 0.01%. The departure of the stepped plot from
range of the upper to lower hinge (midrange). The lengths of the straight line indicates that it is a slightly skewed distribution.
the whiskers on each side of the box provide an estimate of the Figure 2d shows the Q–Q plot for As which clearly reveals the
symmetry of the distribution. Notches can also be added to the non-normal nature of the distribution by its non-linearity. Q–Q
diagram, which identify the width of the confidence bounds plots are also useful for identifying extreme values at the tails of
about the median. Notches are evident in the box plot of Figure the distribution. The line that cuts through the data represents
2b, where the distribution of Al is not highly skewed. The the intersection at the 25th and 75th percentiles of the data.
notches are not visible in Figure 3b because of the skewed In the case of the As data (Fig. 3d), the distribution is very
nature of the data and the scaling of the plot. skewed.
When using these plots to compare datasets representing
different lithologies, and so on, the notches provide an informal Summary statistical tables
statistical analysis. If the notches do not overlap, it is evidence
Summary statistical tables are useful descriptions of data when
that the difference between the medians is significant.
quantitative measures are desired. Summary statistical tables
commonly include listings of the minimum, maximum, mean,
Density plot median, 1st quartile, and 3rd quartiles. Measures of dispersion
include the standard deviation, median absolute deviation
The distribution of data can also be described graphically
(MAD), and the coefficient of variation (CV). The coefficient
through the use of density plots. Density plots are smooth
of variation is useful because the dispersion is expressed as a
continuous curves that are derived from computing the prob-
percentage (the mean divided by the standard deviation), so it
ability density function of the data. The density plot is similar
can be used as a relative measure to compare different
to the histogram; however, the curve actually represents an
elements. An example of a summary table for a selected group
estimate of the probability density function. Density estima-
of elements from the lake sediment data is shown in Table 1.
tion involves the use of smoothing procedures to compute
The table lists minimum, maximum, mean, median and selected
the curves and is described in Venables & Ripley (2002,
percentile values for 35 elements and loss on ignition (LOI).
p. 126–132). Density curves can be modified by specifying the
Comparison of the mean and median values for each of the
range of the data from which the smoothing and estimation is
elements shows that many of them are significantly different
from each other. This implies that the distributions for these
Figure 2c shows a density plot for Al in lake sediments. The
elements are not normal and are likely skewed.
polymodal nature of Al is shown more clearly than in Figure 3a
Summary tables are useful for the purpose of publishing
and b. Figure 3c shows the density plot for As where the
actual values; however, graphical methods, as previously
skewed nature of the distribution is illustrated by the sharp
described, provide visualization about the nature of distribu-
single peak followed by a long tail.
tions and the relationships between observations. The values of
a summary table are best interpreted when used in combination
Quantile–quantile (Q–Q) plots with graphical summaries.
Quantile–quantile (Q–Q) plots are a graphical means of com-
paring a frequency distribution with respect to an expected Spatial presentation
frequency distribution, which is usually the normal distribution. It is particularly meaningful to display geochemical survey data
Q–Q plots are equivalent to normal probability plots that have in a geographical context. As discussed previously, GIS is a very
been extensively used by Sinclair (1976) for the analysis of useful tool for evaluating geochemical data during the explora-
geochemical data. Stanley & Sinclair (1987, 1989) and Stanley tory analysis phase. Plate 6a shows a symbol plot of As from
(1987) have written extensively on the use of probability plots lake sediments in the Batchawana area of Ontario. Each symbol
for dissecting populations. A general description of Q–Q plots represents a collection site. The number of symbols and the
can be found in Venables & Ripley (2002, p. 108). These plots symbol sizes were chosen based on an evaluation of the
are generated by calculating quantile values for the normal accompanying EDA plot in Plate 6b. An initial view of the EDA
frequency distribution (value of the normal frequency distri- plot for As showed that the distribution was positively skewed
bution over the range of probability, 0.0–1.0) and then plotting and the plot was difficult to interpret. A log10 transform was
these against the ordered observed data. If a frequency distri- then applied to the data values and the resulting EDA plot was
bution is normally distributed, when the quantile values are much easier to interpret. The EDA plot of Plate 6b shows at
plotted against the ordered values of the population, the plot least four distinct populations. The first population ranges in
will be a straight line. If the frequency distribution of the values from <0.02–0 log10 scale (0.9–1 ppm) and is related to
population is skewed or the population is polymodal, the Q–Q the many specimens with As values close to the detection limit.
plot will be curved or discontinuous. The advantage of the The second population ranges from 0–1.2 log10 scale (1–16
Q–Q plot is that each individual observation is plotted and thus ppm) and reflects background As values associated with the
the detailed characteristics of groups of observations can be geology. The third population ranges from 1.2–1.6 log10 scale
observed. (16–40 ppm) and occurs mainly in the south-central part of the
Figure 2d shows a plot for Al in lake sediments. The plot Batchawana greenstone belt in an area where there is known
provides some insight into the nature of the data that is not pervasive carbonate alteration associated with shear zones. The
shown by any of the other three plots (Fig 2a–c). The ‘stepped’ fourth population ranges from 1.6–2.0 log10 scale (40–100 ppm)
nature of the plot suggests that many values of the data are not and represents areas where there are known sulphides.
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34 E. C. Grunsky
Element Units LLD Num Min 1% 5% 10% 25% Median Mean 75% 90% 95% 99% Max Std. MAD CV
Obs (50%) Dev.
LOI weight % 2.96 3019 3 8.6 20.55 27 35 44 44 53 61 65.8 76.08 91.5 13.7 13.3 0.3
Ag ppm 0.2 2900 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.7 1 1 1 1 72 1.5 0.4 2.3
Al weight % 0.36 3047 0.4 0.64 0.93 1 1.52 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 8 1.2 1.4 0.5
As ppm 0.5 3046 0.5 0.6 0.9 1 1 1.2 2.2 2 4 6 17 96 4 0.4 1.8
Au ppb 1 3042 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.1 3 5 5 8 64 2.1 0 1
Ba ppm 30 3047 30 50 70 80 109 148 167.8 210 290 340 440 680 85.2 71.2 0.5
Be ppm 0.5 3047 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.8 1 1 1 2 54.1 1 0 1.3
Bi ppm 2 3047 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.9 5 5 5 6 10 1.4 0 0.5
Br ppm 1 3046 1 3 6 8.5 14 22 25.6 34 48 57.4 76.7 132 16.1 14.1 0.6
Ca weight % 0.23 2685 0.2 0.43 0.56 0.66 0.89 1 1 1.04 1.35 1.58 2 9.1 0.4 0.1 0.4
Cd ppm 0.2 3047 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.6 1 1 1 2 2 3 6 0.6 0.3 0.5
Co ppm 1 3047 1 1 2 3 4 6 6.9 9 11 13 21 105 5 3 0.7
Cr ppm 1 3047 1 8 12 15 20 27 31.3 38 49 63 99 328 18.2 13.3 0.6
Cu ppm 2 3047 2 7 11 14 20 29 34.2 41 60 74 120 441 24.3 14.8 0.7
Fe weight % 0.14 2649 0.1 0.2 0.31 0.4 0.63 1 1 1 1.7 2 4 15 0.7 0.3 0.7
Hf ppm 1 3046 1 1 1 1 1 2 2.3 3 4 5 7 30 1.4 1.5 0.6
K ppm 0.05 1809 0.1 0.09 0.13 0.15 0.21 0.3 0.5 0.69 1 1 1.36 2 0.3 0.3 0.7
La weight % 1 3046 1 5 9 11 17 25 29 36 49 60 95 408 19.3 13.3 0.7
Lu ppm 0.1 1605 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 1 2 0.2 0 0.7
Mg weight % 0.04 1636 0 0.06 0.08 0.09 0.12 0.2 0.3 0.32 0.5 0.99 1 2 0.2 0.1 0.9
Mn ppm 20 3047 20 30 42 50 70 114 159.8 195 295 415 745 3410 168 77.1 1.1
Mo ppm 1 3047 1 1 1 1 1 2 2.3 3 4 5 10 84 3.2 1.5 1.4
Na weight % 0.03 1999 0 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.21 0.5 0.7 1 1.25 1.94 2.19 4 0.5 0.5 0.8
Ni ppm 3 3047 3 6 8 10 12 16 17.3 21 26 31 44 153 7.9 5.9 0.5
P ppm 150 2197 150 260 340 400 540 820 941 1240 1630 1890 2410 4700 508.6 474.4 0.5
Pb ppm 2 3047 2 2 4 4 6 10 11.6 14 19 22 35 1340 27.3 5.9 2.4
Sb ppm 0.1 1627 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 1 7 0.3 0 1.8
Sc ppm 0.1 3046 0.1 1.7 2.4 3 4 5 5.2 6.1 8 9 12 19 2.2 1.5 0.4
Sr ppm 12 3047 12 21 29 32 42 60 78.3 95 153 195 276 427 54.3 34.1 0.7
Ta ppm 0.5 3046 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2 1.4 2 2 2 2 3 0.7 0 0.5
Th ppm 0.4 3044 0.4 1 1.2 1.7 2 3 3.3 4 5.2 6 9 26 1.7 1.5 0.5
Ti weight % 0.009 1557 0 0.02 0.029 0.032 0.047 0.1 0.1 0.103 0.137 0.16 0.21 0.3 0 0 0.5
U ppm 0.1 3009 0.1 0.3 0.6 0.9 1 2 4.2 4.1 9.3 16 34 195.5 7.5 1.5 1.8
V ppm 5 3047 5 7 10 12 16 24 27.1 34 46 54 79 301 15.9 13.3 0.6
W ppm 1 3046 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.7 2 2 3 8 46 1.7 0 1.1
Zn ppm 13 3047 13 21 36 45 62 86 98.6 118 155 184 361 952 68.1 38.5 0.7
The choice of symbol size and colour can be used to Application of geostatistical techniques for evaluating the spatial
illustrate patterns of similarity and difference between several continuity of geochemical processes
elements in the data. If the goal is to illustrate atypical Contouring or imaging techniques are most reliable when the
observations, then once a background range of values has been sampling density is sufficient enough so that variation between
established, observations that exceed the limit of the back- sample sites is minimal for the purposes of the sampling survey.
ground can be assigned unique colours or different sized Subjective judgment is often employed for a decision to use
symbols. If the distribution of the data is non-normal and the contouring or imaging techniques. If the sampling density is
observations of interest are in the positive tail of the distri- high, but the investigator believes that the geochemical
bution, then a logarithmic scale can be used to assign symbol response between sample sites is predictable, then contouring
sizes. or imaging may be an appropriate means of visually describing
Kürzl (1988) and Reimann et al. (2005) suggest a unique the data. If the geochemical variability between sampling sites is
approach by creating symbols based on EDA methods. Using unknown or large then it is better to use point or bubble plots
the divisions within a box plot, the median value (Q2) and the
as described previously. A quantitative way of assessing spatial
interquartile range Q1–Q3 (r), the upper fence (Q3 +
variability can be carried out by the use of geostatistical
1.5*(Q3 Q1), the lower fence (Q1 1.5*(Q3 Q1),
procedures. The construction of a semi-variogram or correlo-
lower outside values (Q1 3*(Q3 Q1)), and upper outside
gram can provide a measure of the spatial continuity/variability
values (Q3 + 3*(Q3 Q1)) can be used to define unique
of a specific element. A semi-variogram measures the average
symbols which express the ranking of an observation. An
variance between sample points at specific distances (lags).
example of a seven-symbol set can be defined as:
Generally, as the distance increases between any pair of points,
1. < lower outside values the variance is expected to increase, the limit of which is the
2. lower outside values to the lower fence total variance of all of the data. In the correlogram, as the
3. lower fence to Q1 distance between any pair of points increases, the average
4. Q1 to Median (Q2) correlation between the points decreases, eventually decaying to
5. Median (Q2) to Q3 zero. Isaaks & Srivastava (1989, Chapter 4) describe a number
6. Q3 to upper fence of detailed methods for evaluating the spatial continuity of data.
7. upper fence to upper outside values The effectiveness of employing geostatistical methods relies on
8. > upper outside values 5 Q3 to Q3 + 1.5*r an adequate sampling density in terms of representing the actual
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36 E. C. Grunsky
anomalies. As well, the threshold was defined as the mean 2 the basis of examination of Mahalanobis distance plots or some
standard deviations (Hawkes & Webb 1962; Howarth 1983, p. other more robust measure of background and departures from it.
208). This definition was based on the assumption of normality Observations from distributions that represent processes of
of the data. However, with the introduction of computer-based interest (mineralization or anthropogenic effects) usually over-
methods for evaluating geochemical data, the ability to study lap with observations from background distributions such that
sample populations and the nature of geochemical distributions the threshold is more likely a range of values where the two
has provided powerful tools for the identification of outliers distributions overlap. Rather than choose a specific threshold
and specimens that might be related to mineralization targets value, it may be better to assign a probability of the likelihood
(anomalies). As a result, the use of choosing thresholds based of an unknown specimen belonging to each population. In
on the calculation of the mean 2 standard deviations is no geochemical surveys, anomalies have a spatial association and
longer recommended (see Rose et al. 1979; Levinson 1980; are small and only occupy a fraction of the area that is covered
Garrett 1989b). Filzmoser et al. (2005) describe an approach to by the regional population.
outlier and anomaly detection using robust methods and Plate 10 shows the threshold as determined by a visual
adaptive techniques for recognizing outliers. inspection of the Q–Q plot. In this case, the threshold for K2O
is chosen at 2.5 %, which is considered above the usual range
of values for volcanic rocks. The values that exceed the
The threshold and pathfinder elements threshold can be identified on the map by choosing a symbol
size or colour to identify them.
An important goal of the investigation of geochemical data is the Mineral deposits are often characterized by a unique suite of
detection of spatially continuous zones of elevated values of a elements whose values exceed the threshold of the surrounding
strategic element that exceed a specified threshold value. Obser- background material. These elements are called pathfinder ele-
vations that exceed the threshold are termed ‘anomalies’. Joyce ments and often have a greater spatial extent relative to the target
(1984, p. 9–13) provides a detailed description of indicator and being sought. In the Ben Nevis metavolcanic sequence, K can be
pathfinder elements and minerals that can be used in exploration considered as a pathfinder element. Elevated values of K are
strategies. Garrett (1991) defined the threshold as the outer limit typically associated with epithermal Au deposits. Examination of
of background variation; the term ‘outer’ is used instead of the distribution of K2O in Plate 10b suggests that values above
‘upper’. This allows the definition to include both ‘upper’ and 2.5 wt% K2O are atypical and that value defines the threshold.
‘lower’ limits, as it is common in some geochemical environments The map of K2O values in Plate 10a indicates that K2O values
for depletion haloes to be as important as enrichment haloes. greater than 2.5 wt% are associated with the two known mineral
Reimann et al. (2005) further refined the definition of threshold occurrences as well as several other sulphide-bearing occurrences.
and background based on robust methods.
The concept of threshold can be extended from single
element to multi-element data by the use of multivariate statistical Outliers or anomalies?
methods such as the use of the Mahalanobis distance (Garrett An outlier can be defined as an observation with a value that
1989c). In the multivariate case, the threshold can be selected on is distinctively different from observations with which it is
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38 E. C. Grunsky
Robust estimation
The presence of extreme or atypical values in a sample popu-
lation can have a dramatic effect on the estimation of the mean
and variance, which in turn will affect the estimation of
correlation and covariance with other variables. As these
measures of association are used by many statistical techniques,
it is useful to minimize the influence of atypical observations.
Methods of robust estimation are primarily concerned with
minimizing the influence of observations that are atypical. There
are several methods for determining robust estimates of location
(mean/median) and scale (variance). Robust estimation proce-
dures can be applied to both single and multivariate populations.
Good reviews on robust statistics can be found in Venables &
Ripley (2002, Chapter 5.5) and Daszykowski et al. 2007).
Geochemical distributions are often positively skewed and
lognormal in appearance. The skewed nature is commonly
attributed to a mixture of different populations and/or the
presence of outliers. For such distributions, a robust estimate of
the mean will be less than the standard estimate of the mean
because the influence of the long tail and outliers is reduced.
Methods for robust estimation of location and scale include
trimmed means, adaptive trimmed means, dominant cluster
mode, L-estimates, M-estimates and Huber W-estimates (see
Grunsky 2006). Fig. 8. Ni in lake sediments, Batchawana area, Ontario.
40 E. C. Grunsky
values of another survey. This ‘similarity’ implies that the lem. Trepanier (pers. comm. 2006; Identifcation de domains
means, medians and variations are similar, or in other words, géochemiques à partier des levés régionaux de sediments de
have the same parametric characteristics. Levelling geochemical fond de lacs, Projet 2004–09. Presentation at the Consortium
survey data involves many assumptions and is mitigated by de recherche en exploration minérale) developed an iterative
many factors, which are discussed below. and adaptive method for levelling a large number of surveys.
In many geochemical studies, the integration of several The method assumes that, for each element, one set of survey
sets of data is necessary. Geochemical surveys may have data represents the standard by which all other surveys will be
been carried out over an extended period of time during levelled. All data are stored in a database and an automatic
which field sampling methods, sample preparation, methods procedure is invoked to search through and adjust the data
of digestion and analytical instrumentation may have for each element. The method is computationally intensive
changed. Thus, there is the potential for a large degree of and time-consuming.
heterogeneity in the data that is not based on the underlying As shown in Figure 9, there are four typical scenarios for
geology. It is not advisable to level the results of geochemi- levelling between two datasets. Note that in Figure 9, the values
cal data derived from different methods of collection that are plotted are the values at specified quantiles of the data
(media), preparation (digestion) or analytical methods. The (i.e. 5, 10, 15, . . . 90, 95th percentiles). The worst possible
detection limits may be different and there may be system- scenario is shown in Figure 9e where no levelling is possible
atic shifts between the groups of data. In order to use these because no linear relationship exists between the two sets of
data effectively, one or more sets of data must be adjusted. data. It is also possible that a non-linear shift or multiplier will
This is known as levelling. One set of data is chosen against level two datasets. Graphical inspection of quantile plots
which all other sets of data will levelled. The relationship of between two sets of data should be carried out prior to
each element is compared and an adjustment is made assessing the type of levelling required.
through the application of a linear transformation. Given an Daneshfar & Cameron (1998) have demonstrated a method
observation x, with (i =1, . . .n) variables, of levelling geochemical data described in Darnley et al. (1995)
that accounts for the geology that underlies geochemical data
yi = axi + b survey sites. The method requires the use of GIS and a
xi is the unadjusted variable for observation x, statistical package that computes quantiles and linear regression.
yi is the adjusted variable for observation x, A strategy for levelling several datasets involves the deter-
a represents the slope of the line in the transformation, mination of which dataset should be chosen for all of the other
b represents the intercept or additive adjustment. databases to be levelled against. The choice of this dataset, the
‘standard dataset’, will depend on the following factors: spatial
The adjustment can be determined through regression proximity of the two datasets; accuracy and precision of the
methods. Non-linear transformations may also be applied if standard dataset; and that the standard dataset contains enough
necessary. Figure 9 shows the types of levelling scenarios that specimens and enough elements so that the other datasets can
can be encountered. The x and y axis of each figure shows the be levelled to it.
values of the quantiles (values at 5, 10, 15, etc. percentiles) for The integration of geochemical survey datasets requires
the two variables. With exception of Figure 9e, each scenario the identification of several key parameters so that the data
shows a possible relationship that will permit levelling. Figure can be accurately interpreted, that is: type of media; method
9e shows a random association between the two variables and of preparation; method of digestion; method of analysis; and
in this case levelling is not possible. A detailed example of lower and upper limits of detection.
levelling geochemical data is provided below. If levelling involves geochemical datasets where these char-
There are several challenges in levelling data, the first of which acteristics are different then it may be unwise to attempt to level
is the choice of data against which to level everything else. the data. An alternative approach is to map the departure from
Considerable time should be spent on assessing the variability of the median or some other measure that characterizes individual
each element across all of the surveys to be levelled. There may or specimens against the distribution for a particular area. Non-
may not be one set of survey data that can be used as the spatial levelling is often required (i.e. adjusting location and
benchmark dataset, for all elements. Choosing when an element scale) to remove boundary effects and the comparison of
requires levelling must be carried out with caution. Comparing different analytical methods. The following discussion describes
values on maps using bubble plots can be misleading, unless the some of the challenges associated with levelling geochemical
data are evaluated using the same range and scaling. survey datasets.
Assembling a large number of geochemical surveys and The lower and upper limits of detection are commonly
evaluating the need for levelling can be a challenging prob- different between geochemical survey reports. This is due to
Plate 1. General geology of the Ben Nevis Township area, Ontario, Canada.
42 E. C. Grunsky
44 E. C. Grunsky
Plate 7. Arsenic from lake sediments, Batchawana area, Ontario. The contoured image reflects the area associated with each As contour level.
The corresponding concentration–area plot display changes in slopes, which reflect changes in spatial patterns. These changes are associated in
differences in geology, anthropogenic effects and mineralization.
Plate 8. Map of altered/unaltered sampling sites in the Ben Nevis Township area.
Regional lake sediment surveys were carried out in five out over several years and the methods of analysis were
areas: Pancake Lake, Trout Lake, Hanes Lake, Montreal similar for all five datasets. However, a levelling problem
River and Cow River. The sampling programme was carried does exist amongst the survey areas. The greatest difference
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Plate 10. K2O map across Ben Nevis Township. Separation of atypical K2O values.
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46 E. C. Grunsky
Plate 11. Map of atypical As (ppm) across the Batchawana area, Ontario.
Plate 12. Lake sediment survey sites across the Batchawana area, Ontario.
reasoning for choosing bands is that an optimum distance, Plate 14 shows the selection of bands that were made for
which results in the selection of an optimal number of levelling the Cow River survey area against the Hanes Lake
specimens, will result in a best-fit quantile regression formula survey area. Bands were selected at the 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 km
for levelling. ranges in a north–south direction.
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Plate 14. Band selection for quantile regression. Zn in lake sediments, Batchawana area, Ontario.
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48 E. C. Grunsky
Plate 15. Levelled Zn values after applying quantile regression based on the 25 km band selection. See text for a detailed explanation.
Regression weights
Quantile 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95
Weight 0.103 0.175 0.28 0.348 0.386 0.399 0.386 0.348 0.28 0.175 0
50 E. C. Grunsky
Fig. 12. Quantile–quantile plots of log-centred major and trace elements for the Ben Nevis lithogeochemical data.
Multivariate techniques that have been developed specifi- one of the individual variables. These must be discarded or have
cally for geochemistry include various empirical techniques some suitable replacement value. Additionally observations that
such as the chalcophile and pegmatophile indices developed by are censored (less than the detection limit) must have a proper
Smith & Perdrix (1983), which were used to outline areas of replacement value as discussed previously. Campbell (1980) gave
potential base and precious metal mineralization in the Yilgarn some early insight into the application of robust procedures in
craton of Western Australia. multivariate analysis. Venables & Ripley (2002, p. 336) provided
a good discussion on robust estimation methods.
Two methods can be used to obtain robust multivariate
Robust estimation of mean and covariance matrices estimates of means and covariance:
Many multivariate methods require estimates of correlation or
1. Minimum Volume Ellipsoid (MVE). A multivariate method of
covariance so that interrelationships between the variables can be
determining means and correlations/covariances with mini-
quantified. Estimates of correlation/covariance are sensitive to
mal effect from outliers based on finding a hyperellipsoid
the presence of outliers in the data that can bias the results. The
that contains a subset of ‘good’ observations that minimize
influence of outliers can be reduced by applying robust methods
to the estimation of the means, correlations and covariances the volume of the ellipsoid. A geochemical application of
between variables. In multivariate analysis, the distance of an this method is given by Chork (1990).
observation to a centroid is estimated by the Mahalanobis 2. Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD) Estimatio. This
distance which depends on an estimate of the multivariate mean method works by minimizing the determinant (a measure of
and covariance. The Mahalanobis distance is defined as: ellipsoid volume) of the covariance matrix based on a
symmetric Gaussian hyperellipsoid. The method is faster
D 2 = fx ⳮ x̄g⬘Cⳮ1fx ⳮ x̄g than the minimum volume ellipsoid but has a lower
where: breakdown point (Rousseeuw & van Driessen 1999). The
x is a vector of variables for a given observations; determinant is based on a minimum number of ‘good’
observations. As the determinant decreases, the dispersion
x̄ is a vector of the group mean;
of the ellipsoid decreases with a corresponding drop in the
C1 is the inverse of the covariance matrix.
There are many techniques for determining robust estimates estimates of central values, resulting in a ‘robust’ estimate.
of mean and variances for individual populations (Rock 1987, If there are many observations with values at the same
1988). Robust estimates can be determined for each individual detection limit, a condition of collinearity occurs, which has a
variable or simultaneously for all variables. Multivariate estimates direct effect on the covariance matrix. If there are too many
are affected by observations with missing values (no value) in any identical observations, the method fails. However, by increasing
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the number of observations, the methods will generate less melting, crystal fractionation, etc.), alteration/mineralization
robust estimates. In the case of non-normal skewed distribu- (carbonatization, silicification, alkali depletion, metal associ-
tions, the means and covariances will be affected. This type of ations and enrichments, etc.) and weathering processes
problem is typically encountered when a percentage of the (bedrock–saprolite–laterite). In lithogeochemical, weathered
observations have elements with abundances below the detec- profile, lake sediment and stream sediment surveys, the first and
tion limit (censored data) and increases the likelihood of second components commonly reveal relationships of observa-
collinearity problems. tions and variables that reflect underlying lithological variation.
An example of applying multivariate robust estimates is In areas of thick overburden such as glacial till, alluvium or
shown in Table 3 where estimates of the mean for 12 elements colluvium, the linear combinations of variables and the plots of
are given for 825 lithogeochemical observations from the Ben the loadings may not be so easy to interpret as they may reflect
Nevis Township lithogeochemical data set. In this table, only a mixture of several surficial processes.
estimates of the mean are shown. Classical estimates of the Maps of the principal component scores of the observations
mean, based on univariate statistics, multivariate classical esti- can be useful in understanding geochemical processes. If a
mate, minimum volume ellipsoid and minimum covariance component expresses underlying lithologies, then a map of that
determinant methods are shown. Compared with classical component will clearly outline the major lithological variation
methods of estimation, the robust estimate tends to minimize of the area. Components that outline other processes such as
the effect of those distributions that are skewed. mineralization or alteration can also be expressed clearly on
For the minimum covariance determinant method, two maps that display the component scores (e.g. Grunsky 1986a).
estimates are shown based on two groups of ‘good’ observa- The measure of association, or metric, can have a significant
tions. The initial estimate for the MCD used 419 observations effect on the derivation of principal components. Covariance
based on an initial starting formula of (825 observations + 12 relationships between the elements reflect the magnitude of the
variables + 1)/2. Because of the large number of observations elements and thus elements with large values tend to dominate
with values at the detection limit, the initial MCD estimate was the variance–covariance matrix. This has the effect of increas-
singular. The MCD was applied using 540 and 800 observa- ing the significance of these elements in the results of the PCA.
tions. Table 3 shows that as the number of ‘good’ observations The correlation matrix represents the inter-element correla-
increases, the mean value tends towards the standard estimate- tions, which is actually the standardized equivalent of the
where the effect of the long tailed skewed distribution increases variance–covariance matrix. Other metrics of association can
the estimate of the mean for several elements. be used and this is discussed by Jöreskog et al. (1976) and Davis
(2002). If the distributions of the elements are non-normal or
PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS there is a presence of outliers the estimates of correlation/
covariance may be affected and it may be necessary to apply
The objective of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is to robust procedures (Zhou 1985, 1989).
reduce the number of variables necessary to describe the In situations where there are outliers or atypical observa-
observed variation within a dataset. This is achieved by forming tions, or where the marginal distributions are not normal, a
linear combinations of the variables (components) that describe number of choices can be made:
the distribution of the data. These linear combinations are
derived from some measure of association (i.e. correlation or 1. If the marginal distribution is censored, find a suitable replace-
covariance matrix). Davis (2002, Chapter 6) gives a very readable ment value so that the mean and variance is a good estimate of
account of the mathematics of PCA. More complete discussions the population mean and variance. This can be done by:
on the theory and application of PCA can be found in in Jöreskog a) assigning a replacement value that is c. ½ to % the
et al. (1976), Jolliffe (2002) and Jackson (2003). Appendix 2 censored value;
provides a simple geometric description of PCA. b) using statistical procedures to estimate (impute) a
A method of PCA known as simultaneous RQ-mode replacement value based on the statistical characteristics
principal component analysis (Zhou et al. 1983) has the of the uncensored portion of the data (i.e. the EM
advantage of presenting the principal component scores of the method) discussed previously.
observations and the variables (elements) at the same scale,
which permits plots of the observations and variables on the 2. If there are outliers present:
same diagram. This method is similar to the biplot method of a) remove the outliers from the calculation for means and
Gabriel (1971). The interpretation of the results of PCA is covariances;
usually oriented on placing a geological/geochemical interpreta- b) apply robust procedures that minimize or eliminate the
tion on the linear combinations of elements (loadings) that effect of these values.
comprise the components. This method has been implemented
in the S programming language (Grunsky 2001). Rare events, such as mineral occurrences or deposits,
Ideally, each principal component might be interpreted as are usually under-represented in regional geochemical
describing a geological process such as differentiation (partial survey sampling schemes. A chemical signature that may be
Table 3. Robust and non-robust estimates of central values, Ben Nevis Township lithogeochemistry.
Method Ba Co Cr Cu Li Ni Pb Zn Sr V Y Zr
Univariate mean 208 23 83 56 17 78 17 89 135 132 24 132
Classical robust estimate 208 23 83 56 17 78 17 89 135 132 24 132
Univariate median 170 24 68 42 14 85 5 74 120 150 21 130
Minimum volume ellipsoid 194 22 81 38 15 78 7 73 140 139 26 138
Minimum covariance determinant 800 observations 207 23 84 47 17 79 10 78 136 133 24 132
Minimum covariance determinant 540 observations 198 22 82 39 15 79 6 73 140 139 25 136
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52 E. C. Grunsky
Relative Contributions values <10 in italics Actual Contributions values <10 in italics
SiO2 76.63 6.93 0.11 0.42 0.16 0.38 1.13 SiO2 8.57 2.42 0.05 0.27 0.12 0.33 1.15
Al2O3 51.37 23.50 0.01 0.46 3.28 2.32 3.21 Al2O3 5.75 8.21 0.00 0.29 2.56 2.02 3.25
Fe2O3 2.82 22.97 2.57 30.83 0.02 0.41 3.21 Fe2O3 0.32 8.03 1.26 19.68 0.02 0.36 3.24
FeO 40.09 2.39 20.99 6.04 0.10 0.08 1.23 FeO 4.48 0.84 10.31 3.86 0.08 0.07 1.25
MgO 74.13 0.08 2.57 0.85 3.52 1.92 0.05 MgO 8.29 0.03 1.26 0.54 2.74 1.67 0.05
CaO 15.68 21.67 0.01 16.36 6.45 8.04 0.94 CaO 1.75 7.57 0.01 10.44 5.02 7.01 0.95
Na2O 13.08 18.99 0.42 16.27 2.17 2.15 0.19 Na2O 1.46 6.64 0.21 10.39 1.69 1.87 0.19
K2O 48.18 3.78 0.66 0.09 11.60 2.44 7.38 K2O 5.39 1.32 0.32 0.05 9.04 2.13 7.47
TiO2 18.84 35.64 0.03 1.51 0.05 1.87 0.60 TiO2 2.11 12.46 0.01 0.96 0.04 1.63 0.61
P2O5 1.53 8.51 1.03 0.01 1.89 62.58 5.68 P2O5 0.17 2.97 0.51 0.01 1.47 54.55 5.75
MnO 4.19 6.41 32.38 0.01 22.15 9.47 0.43 MnO 0.47 2.24 15.90 0.01 17.25 8.25 0.44
CO2 12.34 17.52 13.93 25.77 5.67 2.47 0.05 CO2 1.38 6.12 6.84 16.45 4.42 2.15 0.05
S 8.95 24.51 16.44 7.59 13.50 0.43 0.54 S 1.00 8.57 8.07 4.84 10.52 0.38 0.55
H2Op 21.91 0.53 18.59 14.41 7.24 0.07 8.99 H2Op 2.45 0.19 9.13 9.20 5.64 0.06 9.10
Ba 57.25 0.00 0.37 0.09 15.04 2.67 3.82 Ba 6.41 0.00 0.18 0.06 11.71 2.33 3.86
Co 78.41 2.27 1.10 0.06 0.24 0.14 0.24 Co 8.77 0.79 0.54 0.04 0.19 0.12 0.24
Cr 74.12 0.08 0.12 1.35 0.04 4.06 1.18 Cr 8.29 0.03 0.06 0.86 0.03 3.54 1.20
Cu 9.44 8.52 30.45 6.00 3.17 2.19 0.15 Cu 1.06 2.98 14.95 3.83 2.47 1.91 0.15
Li 0.38 23.88 31.60 0.97 15.43 0.79 4.04 Li 0.04 8.35 15.52 0.62 12.02 0.69 4.08
Ni 84.74 0.16 0.59 1.07 0.55 0.66 0.25 Ni 9.48 0.05 0.29 0.68 0.43 0.58 0.26
Pb 22.52 10.69 0.16 2.75 1.99 1.50 18.97 Pb 2.52 3.74 0.08 1.75 1.55 1.31 19.20
Zn 2.69 0.00 9.60 15.86 0.05 2.66 30.15 Zn 0.30 0.00 4.72 10.13 0.04 2.32 30.52
Sr 1.24 27.99 8.04 4.41 4.47 0.27 5.80 Sr 0.14 9.78 3.95 2.81 3.48 0.24 5.87
V 64.40 0.46 4.92 0.18 1.60 1.61 0.54 V 7.20 0.16 2.42 0.12 1.24 1.40 0.55
Y 45.31 13.64 4.50 1.62 7.16 1.74 0.04 Y 5.07 4.77 2.21 1.03 5.58 1.52 0.04
Zr 63.61 4.98 2.45 1.69 0.85 1.80 0.00 Zr 7.12 1.74 1.20 1.08 0.66 1.57 0.00
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54 E. C. Grunsky
following example shows the use of k-means clustering as a set of dimensions for viewing the multi-element associations of
method for partitioning multivariate geochemical data. Davis the data and thus provide additional visual assistance in
(2002) is a good introductory review of clustering methods; examining grouped associations.
Sinding-Larsen (1975) used clustering methods for the initial K-means clustering was applied to the logcentred trans-
subdivision of a heterogeneous geochemical area; Jaquet et al. formed Ben Nevis township metavolcanic data. The number of
(1975) gave a detailed analysis of lake sediment geochemistry clusters was set at 10, based on the perceived variation in the
using clustering procedures; Howarth & Sinding-Larsen (1983) rock types (felsic metavolcanics, mafic volcanics, mafic intru-
provided a general discussion of clustering methods applied to sions, granite) as well as the two known mineralization zones
geochemical exploration; and Grunsky (1986a) has shown how that have surrounding alteration. The results of the clustering
dynamic cluster analysis (Diday 1973) was used to detect are shown in Plate 19. Each observation is labelled with the
different types of mineralization based on distinct geochemical group number to which it was assigned. Several clusters
differences between the mineral occurrences. The use of fuzzy (Groups 1, 2, 5, 6, 8 and 10) are associated with the distinctions
clustering methods in geochemistry was introduced (Bochang between mafic and felsic metavolcanic rocks. Groups 3 and 9
& Xuejing 1985). are directly associated with mineralization. Observations that
Hierarchical clustering is based on the linking of variables belong to these groups occur where there is known minerali-
(R-mode) or observations (Q-mode) through measures of zation. There are also two clusters associated with carbonate
similarity. The relationships between the variables or observa- alteration (Groups 4 and 7), which occur in the eastern part of
tions can be graphically expressed using a dendrogram. Indi- the map area. It is apparent that the observations assigned to
vidual clusters can be discriminated by choosing an appropriate each group not only share similar geochemical characteristics
value of linkage, which separates internally similar groups of but also have close spatial associations, as shown in Plate 19.
objects into dissimilar groups. Hierarchical clustering assumes
that all variables are linked at some level, which may not be a
reasonable assumption in some instances. Multivariate ranking using the Mahalanobis distance: a
The correlation coefficient (R-mode) is the most common multivariate extension of Q–Q plots
measure of similarity for clustering. For Q-mode analysis The use of the covariance matrix as a tool for distinguishing
(similarities between the observations), the Euclidean distance background from anomalous populations is well established
can be used as a measure of proximity by which observations in geochemical research (Garrett 1989c, 1990; Chork 1990).
can be clustered. However, when the number of observations is Filzmoser et al. (2005) have written a library of routines
large the computation becomes intractable. (‘mvoutlier’) that is available as part of the R environment
Arbitrary origin methods are non-hierarchical and may offer ( The covariance matrix contains
some advantage over hierarchical methods since the clusters are information on the variability of the elements as well as their
formed based on multivariate similarities (proximities) rather inter-relationships. The multi-element data constitute a
than individual correlation coefficients. These methods start hyper-ellipsoid in multi-dimensional space. The mean value
with an initial number of cluster centres that can be specified or of each element defines the centroid of this hyper-ellipsoid
randomly chosen. Each observation is allocated to one of the and the distance from each observation point to the centroid
groups based on proximity to the group centres. The process is is the Mahalanobis distance. In a multivariate normal popu-
iterative and group centres change until a stable solution results. lation, most observations lie within an expected radius of the
Methods such as K-means (McQueen 1967; Everitt 1974; centroid, which defines the background group of observa-
Hartigan 1975) or dynamic cluster analysis (Diday 1973) are tions. However, if outliers are included in the data, the shape
examples of these techniques. Kaufman & Rousseeuw (1990) of the hyper-ellipsoid will change. This resulting distortion
also describe a number of clustering methods. affects the location of the centroid and thus affects the
Mahalanobis distance for all of the observations. In such
cases, the application of robust procedures is recommended.
K-means clustering Outliers can be distinguished from the main background
K-means cluster analysis is a method that starts with an initial population by determining the Mahalanobis distance of each
‘guess’ of the cluster centres. The distance of each observation observation from the group centroid. The distances can be
from each cluster centre is measured and then provisionally compared to the ‘expected’ distances of a multivariate normal
assigned to the closest cluster centre. A new cluster centre is population (cumulative probability with the number of
calculated based on the designated observations for each degrees of freedom defined as the number of variables) by
previous centre. The process is iterative until it converges on the use of 2 values as defined by Garrett (1989c). If the
stable centres. The method requires an initial choice of the population is multivariate normal, then the plotted pairs form
number of cluster centres. If the number is too great, there will a straight line. If the population contains outliers, then the
be many small clusters that have few points. If the number of observed Mahalanobis distances (D2 ) are greater than the
centres is too few, then the structure of the data may not be expected 2 quantiles and the plot becomes non-linear.
realized. A disadvantage of the procedure is that a less than However, the 2 distribution is long-tailed near the extreme
optimal clustering may result if the initial cluster centres do not ends of the distribution and this property may mask outliers
fall in distinct clusters (Davis 2002, p. 500). Venables & Ripley with large Mahalanobis distances. An alternative to the use of
(2002) provide a method by which a suitable number of the 2 values is the cubed root of a normal distribution, which
starting clusters may be determined by using a combination of does not have the long tail property of the 2 distribution and
hierarchical clustering and PCA. is thus less likely to mask outliers.
It is common to apply non-hierarchical clustering methods The lake sediment survey data from the Batchawana area of
to principal component scores. If one or more principal Ontario were evaluated for the potential to host Cu, Zn and
components can be inferred to represent specific geological/ precious metal deposits. A suite of elements (Cu, Zn, As, Sb and
geochemical processes, then the application of cluster analysis W) was chosen to test the possibility that these elements could
can provide further insight in how those processes may be identify potential mineral deposits. For these data, censored
related. Additionally, the component plots provide a reduced values were replaced with estimates from the EM method for
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Fig. 15. Mahalanobis distance (D2 ) plots of a multi-element suite (Cu, Zn, As, Sb, W) of lake sediment data. Successive trimming of the outliers
defines a homogeneous background population. The deleted outliers are then follow-up for their potential as sites of mineralization.
determining replacement values for censored distributions. geochemical processes. The techniques used in this approach
Because these data are compositional, they were normalized to a are described by Garrett et al. (1980), Chaffee (1983), Smith &
constant sum and then transformed using logratios. Perdrix (1983), Smith et al. (1987) and Garrett (1991). Garrett
Figure 15 shows a series of ranked Mahalanobis distance & Grunsky (2001) have reviewed objective comparisons of
plots versus the cubed root of a normal distribution for various weighting schemes used to highlight observations
different degrees of trimming. The first figure shows a plot of defined by pathfinder elements.
all of the observations. The plot displays a curved line with In many geochemical studies, several pathfinder elements
several outliers at the positive end of the curve, suggesting that may be identified for defining target areas (mineralization,
there are observations which are not part of a multivariate anthropogenic sources). These pathfinder elements may be
normal population. Each successive plot is the data with the chosen based on geological/geochemical knowledge of the
outliers from the previous plot removed. For each plot, a new processes of interest. Combining these pathfinder elements
centroid and corresponding Mahalanobis distances were together through a multivariate ranking scheme is a potentially
re-computed. Trimming of the data in the 7% to 10% range useful tool for defining multi-element anomalies. Defining the
yields a reasonably straight curve which suggests that the pathfinder elements can be based on geological knowledge or
trimmed observations could be considered atypical and warrant through the use of data analysis/discovery procedures dis-
further investigation. cussed previously, such as PCA and cluster analysis. These
The 10% of data that were trimmed data were then methods can reveal relationships in the data that may be directly
re-inserted into the data matrix from which the D 2 values were related to underlying lithologies or processes of interest (min-
computed based on the covariance from the other 905 of the eralization, anthropogenic effects) from which pathfinder ele-
data. The ranked multivariate distance values are plotted on the ments can be determined.
map and graph in Plate 20. Observations with high D 2 values Chaffee (1983) developed a method of scoring observations for
are locales of interest and warrant further investigation. Note anomaly potential. Each element is evaluated such that the range
that observations, which are atypical, are not necessarily geo- of values are subdivided into four groups, by thresholds, with
chemically ‘anomalous’. No multivariate equivalent of a corresponding scores that represent background (0), weakly
threshold was established, although the 10% trim could be used anomalous (1), moderately anomalous (2), and strongly anomalous
as an initial starting point in establishing the threshold. (3). These ranges are derived from orientation studies over areas
where the range of values and underlying geochemical distributions
are reasonably well understood. Each is then assessed with respect
The use of empirical indices to each element. Observations with the highest scores are consid-
The existence of pathfinder elements has prompted the use of ered anomalous and are targeted for further follow-up.
several numerical procedures through which selected elements Smith & Perdrix (1983), Smith et al. (1987) and Smith et al.
can be used in an exploration programme by creating minerali- (1989) made use of three indices derived from geochemical
zation potential indices based on the weighted sum scores of trends that were noted in the laterite geochemistry of the Yilgarn
the pathfinder elements. Empirical indices can be determined Block of Western Australia. A group of pathfinder elements, As,
from selected elements that are associated with specified Sb, Bi, Mo, Ag, Sn, and W, form the basis of these empirical
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56 E. C. Grunsky
indices known as CHI-6*X, NUMCHI, and PEG-4. These methods for isolating the patterns associated with Cu enrich-
indices show elevated values of these pathfinder elements in ment in the area.
lateritic materials associated with greenstone belts, shear zones, Difficulties were encountered when the interpretation of
base metal and precious metal deposits (CHI-6*X and PEG-4). selected elements was attempted and the observed patterns
These indices are based on simple equations as follows. appeared to be discontinuous and erratic. However, the applica-
The coefficients provide weighting to the elements such tion of multivariate statistical methods identified two distinct
that observations with elevated chalcophile values have high geochemical associations: recent volcanic ash, and a saprolitic soil
CHI-6*X or PEG-4 indices. These coefficients were derived profile containing a mineralized zone of Cu associated with mafic
for lateritic materials only. The coefficients need to be volcanic rocks. Plate 3 shows the soil sampling grid from which
altered for other materials. The CHI-6*X index is suited 1665 samples were collected and analysed for Au, Cu, Pb, Zn, As,
more to isolating observations with elements associated with Sb, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Fe, Ga, K, La, Li, Mg, Mn, Nb, Ni, Sc, Sr,
precious metal deposits, whereas the PEG-4 index is suited Ti, V, Y, Zr, and Hg, using aqua regia digestion and ICP-ES.
for isolating observations with elements associated with The results of the application of a PCA applied to the
pegmatophile environments, such as Sn deposits within logcentred data in which two distinct sample populations
granitoid terrains. representing saprolite and ash and a trend of Cu enrichment
The NUMCHI index is a score of the number of elements associated with Cu mineralization are shown in Figure 16. The
that exceed the threshold for each element. Thus for a given bi-modal population, seen along the C1 axis of the biplot
specimen, if nine elements exceed their respective thresholds, represents material that is interpreted to be volcanic ash that
then the NUMCHI index will have a value of 9. As discussed overlies the saprolitic soils.
previously, threshold values are chosen from visual inspection Plate 21 shows a draped image of the interpolated scores of
of summary tables, order statistics, Q–Q plots etc. the first principal component draped over a 25 m DEM,
derived from the scores of population on the positive side of
Weighted sum index the C1 axis (Fig. 16). The elevation ranges from 1180–1350 m.
Note that the cyan-green-yellow-red areas represent the inter-
Garrett et al. (1980, p.144) suggested the use of a linear polated positive scores of the first principal component. These
combination of a group of indicator elements that give a areas have been interpreted to be volcanic ash occurring along
weighted sum. In a multi-element survey, those elements which hill tops and the eastern slopes of the hills. This interpretation
are considered pathfinders are given more weight than elements is supported by observations of the sampled media and reports
that may be more diagnostic of background. The choice of by geologists in Indonesia where this phenomenon is com-
weights may be based on the knowledge of the investigator. monly observed. The second component draped over the
Alternatively, principal component loadings may be used as a DEM (Plate 22) represents the Cu-enrichment trend and is
starting point. Examples of the use of this index are given by associated with mafic volcanic rocks trending northwesterly
Garrett et al. (1980) and Garrett & Grunsky (2001). along the western slopes and coincident with the regional
INTEGRATION OF MULTI-ELEMENT This example highlights the effective use of multivariate
GEOCHEMISTRY AND DIGITAL TOPOGRAPHY: statistical methods for distinguishing between different sample
AN EXAMPLE OF PROCESS IDENTIFICATION, media as well as the isolation of geochemical trends that define
INDONESIA zones of possible mineralization. The use of these types of
multivariate methods isolates relationships of the elements that
Modern methods of data management including the use of are difficult or impossible to see by examining individual
desktop database management systems (DBMS) combined elements. The application of multivariate techniques integrated
with GIS that can produce images of multiple datasets simul- with digital elevation models provides a more effective way of
taneously provide significant assistance in the management and visualizing and interpreting elemental data.
presentation of geochemical data. In many areas of the world,
digital base maps can be acquired from local governments that ANALYSING LARGE GEOCHEMICAL DATASETS:
typically include lakes, rivers, streams, road networks and other AN EXAMPLE FROM THE CAMPO MORADO
topographic information that is useful in the orientation and DISTRICT, MEXICO
interpretation of geochemical data. In addition, digital topogra-
phythat provides a topographic relief backdrop for the interpreta- The Campo Morado mining camp in the Guerrero state of Mexico
tion of geochemical data may also be available. Digital geological hosts seven precious metal-bearing volcanogenic massive sulphide
maps are now routinely provided by many geological surveys, deposits in the complexly folded and faulted Guerrero terrain
together with mineral occurrence inventory databases that have (Oliver et al. 1996; Rebagliati 1999). Approximately 29 221 samples
been accumulated from both geological survey and private were collected over a soil grid comprising 25 m sample intervals
company data. along lines and spaced 100 m apart. The field samples were
Digital topography offers a unique view of data in that it analysed for Al, Fe, Ca, K, Mg, Na, Ti, Au, Ag, As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr,
provides a ‘real world view’ of the data over the terrain. When Cu, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, P, Pb, Sc, Sr, V, W and Zn using aqua regia
digital air photos or satellite imagery are integrated with digital digestion and ICP-ES. A DEM was created at 25 m resolution.
topography and viewed using image processing systems with PCA was carried out on the data and revealed several significant
three dimensional rendering ability, the viewer gets a sense of patterns related to lithological variation and mineralization.
looking at the terrain from an aircraft. Interpolated geochemical Because of the high topographic relief in the area, the problem of
images can generally be interpreted more effectively when transported material from weathering has the potential to result in
merged with digital topography and viewed in a similar manner. false anomalies that are often due to hydromorphic dispersion and
Grunsky & Smee (1999) demonstrated the usefulness of down-slope creep. When the results of the PCA are draped over
integrating digital elevation data with multi-element geochem- the topography, there is an increased ability to distinguish
istry from a soil survey on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. anomalies associated with hydromorphic dispersion from those
Cheng et al. (2000) also demonstrated the use of fractal associated with a bedrock source.
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Plate 16. Image of the first principal component derived from the log-centred lithogeochemical data, Ben Nevis Township, Ontario. This image
outlines the lithological variation.
Plate 17. Image of the second principal component derived from the log-centred lithogeochemical data, Ben Nevis Township, Ontario. This
image outlines the zones of carbonatization.
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58 E. C. Grunsky
Plate 18. Image of the third principal component derived from the log-centred lithogeochemical data, Ben Nevis Township, Ontario. This image
outlines the sulphide and mineralized occurrences.
Plate 19. K-mean clustering of the log-centred lithogeochemical data, Ben Nevis Township, Ontario. Specific groups are associated with
distinctive lithologies and zones of alteration and mineralization.
The biplot of Figure 17 shows a dominant trend associated with horizons within the volcanic assemblage of the area. The ‘horse-
mineralization. This is due to the high density of sampling over shoe’ effect in Figure 17 is due to the correlation between the two
mineralized terrain that is closely associated with sedimentary trends; highly mineralized samples are depleted in Na and K and
The interpretation of geochemical survey data
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Plate 20. Plot of D2 scores on the geological map. Sites highlighted in red indicate a significant departure from background and warrant further evaluation.
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60 E. C. Grunsky
Plate 23. Plot of the interpolated PC1 scores over the digital terrain
model in the Campo Morado area, Mexico. Areas highlighted in red
are elevated in Au, Cu, Ag, Pb and Zn values. The image is termed
as an ‘index of mineralization’.
Plate 22. Interpolated scores of the second principal component
draped over the digital elevation model. The image shows the Cu
enrichment trend is mostly exposed along the valley walls in areas
where the weathering is likely to be most active. positions and are mostly mudstones, argillites and sandstones.
These are the host rocks for several of the mineral deposits in
subsequently slightly more enriched (relatively) in elements associ- the Campo Morado area. The same image is shown in Plate 24
ated with intermediate to mafic volcanic rocks. where it is draped over the DEM of the area. The first principal
A planimetric image of the second principal component component highlights areas of relative enrichment of Ag, Zn,
over a shaded relief image of the DEM is given in Plate 23. Au, As, Pb, Hg, Sb and Cu. These areas, shown in red and
Felsic volcanic rocks (red and yellow) are distinguished from yellow, are potential sites of mineralization (Plate 23). This
mafic volcanic rocks (blue). Felsic rocks show relative enrich- image is a three-dimensional rendering over the DEM. Exami-
ment in K and Na, while the mafic rocks show relative nation of these areas in conjunction with the DEM assists in
enrichment in Fe, Co, Ti, Mg, Cr, Al, Sc, and V. The areas setting priorities for follow-up. Anomalies that lie along river-
highlighted in green represent lithologies of intermediate com- beds or show significant dispersion must be treated with
Downloaded from at Cornell University on November 19, 2012
Plate 25. Biplot of the first two principal components derived from the
kimberlite lithogeochemical data. Each kimberlite phase is shown by a
different symbol and colour. The scores of the samples are shown as
symbols. The corresponding scores of the elements are plotted as the
element symbol.
62 E. C. Grunsky
Plate 28. Planimetric map of lithologies and sample location points in the central Noranda area, Quebec.
Plate 29. A map of posterior probability for a given sample being classed as a calc-alkaline rhyolite as described in the text.
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64 E. C. Grunsky
Plate 30. Normative corundum values plotted on the geological map of the central Noranda area. High normative corundum indicates a relative
enrichment of Al over the alkali elements (Ca, Na, K) and is a likely indicator of alteration through alkali mobility.
Plate 31. Three dimensional visualization of normative corundum using data spheres of normative corundum and volcanic isosurfaces derived
from probability estimates of volcanic class designation.
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Fig. 16. Biplot of the first two principal components of the soil
survey geochemical data from the island of Sumatra. Note the two
distinct populations that represent the saprolite and volcanic ash.
Fig. 17. Biplot of the first two principal components from the
geochemistry of the Campo Morado soil survey data. Note the
significant correlation of PC1 with PC2, which is the result of relative Fig. 18. Scatterplot matrix of elements associated with kimberlite
depletion of Na and K from the volcanic rocks and the mineralized magma fractionation. Plate 24a shows the distinctions between the
areas. kimberlite phases in different symbols and colours for the raw
untransformed data. Plate 24b shows the same data after the
application of a logcentre transform. See the text for a more detailed
assigned to each eruptive phase. The producer accuracy of explanation.
Table 6 is a measure, for each eruptive phase, of the number
of observations correctly classified divided by the number of
observations that actually belong to the eruptive phase. Both APPLICATION OF LITHOGEOCHEMISTRY IN A
measures of accuracy show high values for the eJF, mJF, and 3D ENVIRONMENT, NORANDA CAMP, QUEBEC
lJF phases and a lower accuracy for the Pense and Cantuar
eruptive phases. This lower accuracy is a reflection of the Recent studies of a large lithogeochemical database from
higher degree of dispersion of the Pense and Cantuar Ontario and Quebec, Canada, have highlighted the usefulness
observations and subsequent overlap with other eruptive of using three-dimensional imaging from a set of diverse
phases. geological data for the purpose of geological modelling and
The use of principal component analysis as a mechanism for mineral exploration projects. Data from various sources in
classifying the data is based on the ability to recognize distinc- Ontario have been assembled into an Open File Report (Hillary
tive geochemical processes, as outlined previously. The appli- et al. 2008) that contains databases that can be used for
cation of the discriminant analysis applied to the first seven subsequent evaluation by mineral exploration companies and
components confirms that these linear combinations of data detailed mapping in geological surveys.
describe variation associated with specific processes and that A group of 17 164 lithogeochemical samples were processed
the classification accuracies are acceptable. using the R statistical package. These data were derived from
Downloaded from at Cornell University on November 19, 2012
66 E. C. Grunsky
government surveys and mineral industry drill-hole data in both map and can help define lithologies in areas where the surface
surface geographic coordinates and three-dimensional geographic or subsurface geology is not known.
coordinates. The data were compiled and organized as follows: Many methods exist for assessing alteration of volcanic rocks.
An initial measure of alkali alteration and migration can be
1. Use samples with the following minimum information: demonstrated through the calculation of normative mineral
SiO2, Al2O3, FeO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, P2O5, MnO, procedures. The use of normative mineral procedures is well
TiO2 and LOI (loss on ignition). established (Yegorov et al. 1988; de Caritat et al. 1994; Cohen &
2. Cation equivalent values were computed for each sample. Ward 1991; Merodio et al. 1992; Rosen et al. 2000; Piche & Jebrak
3. Normative minerals were computed using a standard Barth- 2004). When corundum occurs in the calculated norm (Plate 30),
Niggli normative classification scheme. it generally signifies the mobility of Na, K and Ca, which can be
4. The samples were classed according to the two volcanic associated with alteration signatures associated with base- and
classification schemes of Irvine & Baragar (1971) and Jensen
precious-metal mineralization.
Plate 31 shows normative corundum (diagnostic of alkali
5. The samples were logcentre transformed and then classified
alteration) plotted in GoCad by Eric de Kemp (Geological
using a linear discriminant analysis based on reference
Survey of Canada, pers. comm.) indicating an association with
groups defined by Grunsky et al. (1992).
known mineral deposits in the central Noranda camp area.
Plate 28 shows a planimetric map of the samples projected to The map is a down-plunge multi-parameter 3D model of
the surface. Drill-hole sample data are projected onto the northern Central Noranda mining camp, Quebec, Canada,
surface resulting in a denser pattern of points that is not actually combining ore bodies, regional geometry, structural observa-
present on the surface. tions, a lithological simulation and a geochemical classifica-
Grunsky et al. (1992) developed a set of reference groups tion. Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS) deposits are
representing typical volcanic compositions using the classifica- depicted as orange irregular surfaces with the Horne mine in
tion of scheme of Jensen (1975). Each composition from the the foreground (lower left inset). The deformed stratigra-
central Noranda area was classified using a linear discriminan- phic grid (in green) represents the mean of realizations for
tanalysis as documented in Venebles & Ripley (2002). Posterior felsic volcanic lithologies with bright orange (90%) and blue
probabilities of rock type membership were derived for each (< 10%) probabilities. An exhalite stratigraphic unit
sample from which maps can be created that depict the (C-Horizon) is shown as a white surface (inset upper left)
likelihood of rock type based solely on the lithogeochemistry. A contoured at 1 km depth intervals with outcrop dip measure-
logcentred transform was applied to the data and reference ments depicted as blue-red tablets with a Wulff net plot of 42
groups prior to the classification. For the classification, LOI structural observations. Variably sized spheres (green–red)
was used as the divisor for the logratio transform. Plate 29 represent normative corundum values > 5%. Geochemically,
shows a map of the likelihood of a sample being classified as a highly altered zones are represented by the largest red
rhyolite. The application of this type of scoring is that it spheres. An east–west horizontal white cylindrical scale bar is
provides a classification that is independent of the geological shown at the ground elevation.
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A STRATEGY FOR GEOCHEMICAL DATA mation. The choice of transform parameters can be chosen
ANALYSIS visually (Q–Q plots, box plots, histograms) or by semi-
automatic means.
Every set of geochemical data and area requires a unique + Examine scatter plots and Q–Q plots for the presence of
approach in the application of methods to analyse and assess the multiple populations.
data. The evaluation of geochemical data is an iterative and + If assembling datasets from diverse sources, examine the
adaptive process. The methods of data analysis and visualization requirement for levelling.
in both the geochemical and geographic spaces change through-
out the procedure of discovery of geological/geochemical
processes. Below is a list of suggested ways to evaluate data that Exploratory multivariate data analysis
should be considered in any investigation. Of course, not all The following is a summary of exploratory multivariate techniques.
steps are necessary or appropriate, but should serve as a
guideline for a thorough investigation of geochemical data. + Create a scatter plot matrix of the raw data and transformed
(logcentred ratios, isometric logratios) data. Look for trends/
Preliminary data analysis associations.
+ Use robust estimates to compute means and covariances to
+ Know your data! There is no substitute for spending time by enhance the detection of outliers.
evaluating the data using a wide variety of procedures so that + Apply dimension-reducing techniques, such as PCA, to
associations and structures in the data can be identified. identify patterns and trends in the data. Other methods such
+ Examine each element with histograms, box plots, Q–Q as non-linear mapping, multi-dimensional scaling and self-
plots, scatter plot matrix and summary tables. organizing maps may help discover structure in the data.
+ Use bubble or symbol maps to show the range and spatial + Use geographic maps of the component scores to assist in
variability of the elements of interest. identifying spatially-based geochemical processes.
+ Interpolated images can be used where appropriate. + Apply methods such as cluster analysis to isolate groups of
+ Trim the distribution of each element of gross outliers. observations with similar characteristics and atypical obser-
+ Investigate outliers for each element (analytical error or vations. Specific groups of interest can often be isolated
atypical value?). using these methods. Maps of the locations of the groups
+ Adjust data for censored values if required. can help to examine the spatial continuity of the groups.
+ Consider the application of logratio transformations (logcen- + Use robust Mahalanobis distance plots (D2 ) applied to
tred, isometric logratio) so that compositional data can be transformed data to assist in isolating outliers based on a
evaluated without the effect of ‘closure’. This is necessary if selected number of elements of interest. Maps of large
measures of association are required (correlation, covariance). distances (>95th percentile) can assist in identifying obser-
+ Apply measures of association using standard, as well as, vations or groups of observations of interest.
robust procedures. Examine the differences and scrutinize + Calculate specifically tailored empirical indices in areas
the outliers. where multi-element associations are well understood. The
+ Test the data to see if the identification of patterns and indices are based on a linear combination of pathfinder
outliers is improved by the use of transformations. Apply elements with coefficients that are selected for each area and
Box-Cox power transformations using observations below commodity being sought. Observations with high indices
the 95th–98th percentile to determine the optimal transfor- can be investigated for mineralization potential.
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68 E. C. Grunsky
+ Visualize the results! Use GIS for visualizing data analysis/ image analysis systems offer limited analytical and developmen-
statistical results. Use the visualization features in programs, tal capability. Increased integration of multivariate methods
such as R, for a better understanding of the data. together with spatial analysis will provide a comprehensive
approach to assessing all spatially reference multivariate data.
Modelled multivariate data analysis Multivariate geostatistics, which incorporates both the spatial
and inter-element relationships, has been studied by only a
+ Where target and background groups have been established, few. Grunsky & Agterberg (1988, 1992), Grunsky (1990) and
use procedures such as linear discriminant analysis (and Wackernagel & Butenuth (1989) discuss two approaches to
variants) for testing the ability to classify sample groups of multivariate geostatistics. Bailey & Krzanowski (2000),
interest and to determine which elements provide the best Christensen & Amemiya (2003) and Krzanowski & Bailey
discriminating power. (2007) discuss approaches to ‘spatial factor’ methods. Such
methods will permit the simultaneous evaluation of geo-
CONCLUDING COMMENTS AND FUTURE chemical processes within the geochemical and geospatial
DIRECTIONS domain. The long-term benefit of this will be to identify
geochemical processes as a function of spatial scale (sam-
Garrett (1989a) stated that the power of computers and pling density) and will permit further discrimination between
capability of software would continue to grow along with a geochemical background and mineralization.
corresponding decrease in price. Almost 20 years later, that There are many data analysis and statistical methods avail-
prediction still holds. Computers are not only more powerful, able to assess geochemical data. This manuscript has reviewed
but they are more portable, which permits the most sophisti- and demonstrated the application of some of the more popular
cated processing even in the most remote parts of the planet. methods. Geochemists are encouraged to investigate the devel-
Developments in software, in terms of the amount of data oping world of data analysis and statistical methods through
capacity, developments in three-dimensional visualization and projects such as R (
statistical methods have made enormous contributions to the
The author wishes to acknowledge helpful discussions with col-
way that exploration geochemists can evaluate and integrate all leagues at CSIRO, Australia, and the Geological Survey of Canada
types of geoscience data. The rapid expansion of the internet and in the mineral exploration industry. Most notably, this includes
has allowed new statistical communities to grow, such as the R Frits Agterberg, Norm Campbell, Graeme Bonham-Carter, Bob
project ( in which thousands of statisticians Garrett, Bruce Kjarsgaard, Harri Kiiveri, Barry Smee, Ray Smith and
and users throughout the world develop and contribute to an Jeremy Wallace. An earlier vision of this manuscript has also
open source statistical software environment. Recent develop- benefited from reviews by Robert Jackson, David Lawie and Graham
Closs. The author gratefully acknowledges the contribution of Eric
ments in freely available software (Grunsky 2002b) will make it de Kemp for providing the 3D imagery of the processed geochemi-
easier to integrate geochemical data with geospatial data. In the cal data from the Noranda area of Quebec. The author wishes to
R community, new statistical developments can be available to acknowledge thanks to the following for permission to use their data:
users within weeks and to anyone who has internet access. Ontario Geological Survey and the Ontario Ministry of Natural
There is no doubt that this type of cooperative approach to the Resources for the provision of the digital elevation data for the Ben
sharing of knowledge will increase the ability of geoscientists to Nevis area of Ontario; Farallon Mining Ltd and Mark Rebagliati of
Hunter Dickinson Inc., Vancouver, are also gratefully acknowledged
extract as much information from their data as possible. for their full cooperation and permission to present the results of the
Another factor that has contributed to significant advance- Campo Morado geochemical study. Shore Gold Inc. is also thanked
ments in evaluating regional geochemical data is the ubiquitous for permission to present the results of the kimberlite geochemical
development of internet resources for geochemical data avail- data from the Fort à la Corne area, Saskatchewan. This is Geological
ability. In addition, internet resources have contributed signifi- Survey of Canada contribution number: 20090302.
cantly to information on how to evaluate geochemical data. The
internet itself is one of the first places one starts to ‘mine’ for data.
Discussions on the application of transformations of geo- APPENDIX 1
chemical data have traditionally been based on raw analytical
values and the potential problems associated with closure have Logratios and compositional data
not been taken into account. Further research is required in this Compositional data should be adjusted by the use of logratios.
field. There is ongoing research at the University of Girona, A compositional vector x defined by D component variables
Spain, where the issues of evaluating compositional data are (elements). By definition, this vector will sum to a constant
being addressed. Emphasis is being placed on research and the (100%) and as a result, the composition can be described by
development of tools for the user. D1 of the variables. A composition x can be transformed by
Surprisingly, the scientific literature on levelling geochemical
data is sparse. Levelling is routinely carried out in geophysical yi = logsxi ⁄ xDd si = 1, . . . , D ⳮ 1d
and geochemical programmes; however, a formal review of
procedures has not yet been published. A full review of There is no loss of information by choosing one of the
levelling methods applied to geochemical survey data is due. variables as a divisor. This transformation is known as the
Integrating spatially referenced data together with multivari- ‘additive logratio’ (alr). The resulting logratio coordinates can-
ate observations is an area that is undergoing many interesting not be projected onto orthogonal axes because the axes are at
developments. The use of fractals has been shown to highlight 60 (Pawlowsky-Glahn & Egozcue 2006) and create difficulties
different spatial patterns that are attached to multivariate when comparing compositions using different denominators.
patterns and trends (e.g. Cheng & Agterberg 1994). Similarly In particular, measures of distances between alr-transformed
the integration of multivariate statistics with geostatistical observations are not equal when using different denominators
analysis is developing and will lead to new methods for and the angles between vectors cannot be computed using a
extracting spatially-dependent multivariate patterns and trends. standard Euclidean inner product.
Current implementations of statistics with GIS are not fully An alternative way of transforming a compositional vector is
integrated and spatial statistics that are employed by GIS or by applying the logcentered ratio, namely:
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