T Rec G.874 201007 S!!PDF e
T Rec G.874 201007 S!!PDF e
T Rec G.874 201007 S!!PDF e
ITU-T G.874
Recommendation ITU-T G.874 addresses management aspects of optical transport network elements
containing transport functions of one or more of the layer networks of the optical transport network.
The management of the optical layer networks is separable from that of its client layer networks so
that the same means of management can be used regardless of the client. The management functions
for fault management, configuration management and performance monitoring are specified.
The 2008 revision of this Recommendation has updated the management information to align with
Recommendation ITU-T G.798, reorganized the sections to align with the structure of
Recommendation ITU-T G.7710/Y.1701, and replaced the generic text with pointers to
Recommendation ITU-T G.7710/Y.1701.
The 2010 revision of this Recommendation has added the management of new transport functions
that have been introduced in the 2010 revision of Recommendation ITU-T G.798, including
OPSMnk_TT, OPSM/OTUk-a_A, and ODUk for k=0, 2e, 4, and flex.
Edition Recommendation Approval Study Group
1.0 ITU-T G.874 2001-11-29 15
2.0 ITU-T G.874 2008-03-29 15
3.0 ITU-T G.874 2010-07-29 15
In this Recommendation, the expression "Administration" is used for conciseness to indicate both a
telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency.
Compliance with this Recommendation is voluntary. However, the Recommendation may contain certain
mandatory provisions (to ensure e.g. interoperability or applicability) and compliance with the
Recommendation is achieved when all of these mandatory provisions are met. The words "shall" or some
other obligatory language such as "must" and the negative equivalents are used to express requirements. The
use of such words does not suggest that compliance with the Recommendation is required of any party.
ITU 2011
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without the
prior written permission of ITU.
1 Scope
This Recommendation addresses management aspects of optical transport network elements
containing transport functions of one or more layer networks of the optical transport network (OTN)
as described in [ITU-T G.709]. The management of optical layer networks is separable from that of
its client layer networks; therefore, the same means of management can be used regardless of the
client. The management functions for fault management, configuration management, account
management, performance management and security management are specified.
This Recommendation describes the management network organizational model for communication
between an element management layer (EML) operations system and the optical equipment
management function within an OTN network element.
The architecture described in this Recommendation for the management of optical transport
networks is based upon the following considerations:
– The management view of network element functional elements should be uniform whether
those elements form part of an inter-domain interface or part of an intra-domain interface.
Those properties necessary to form such a uniform management view are to be included in
this Recommendation.
– Optical layer network entities (OLNEs) refer to trail termination, adaptation, connection
functions as described in [ITU-T G.872].
– A network element may only contain optical layer network entities.
– A network element may contain both optical layer network entities (OLNEs) and client
layer network entities (CLNEs).
– Client layer entities are managed as part of their own logical domain (e.g., SDH
management network).
– CLNEs and OLNEs may or may not share a common message communications function
(MCF) and management application function (MAF) depending on application.
– CLNEs and OLNEs may or may not share same agent.
2 References
The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the
editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision;
users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the
currently valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. The reference to a document within
this Recommendation does not give it, as a stand-alone document, the status of a Recommendation.
[ITU-T G.709] Recommendation ITU-T G.709/Y.1331 (2009), Interfaces for the Optical
Transport Network (OTN).
[ITU-T G.784] Recommendation ITU-T G.784 (2008), Management aspects of synchronous
digital hierarchy (SDH) transport network elements.
[ITU-T G.798] Recommendation ITU-T G.798 (2010), Characteristics of optical transport
network hierarchy equipment functional bocks.
5 Conventions
In this Recommendation, O.MN stands for OTN management network, O.MSN for OTN
management subnetwork, O.NE for OTN NE and FFS for further study.
3R 3R 3R 3R 3R 3R
Example a) or
Contract allows GCC1 to pass
through Operator B but not
Example b) GCC1
Contract allows GCC2 to pass
through Operator B but not
GCC1 GCC2 or
Example c) GCC1 or
Contract allows GCC1 and
GCC2 to pass through
Operator B GCC2 or
Example d) GCC1
Neither GCC1 nor GCC2 are
allowed to pass -through GCC2
Operator B
Figure 6-2 − COMMS (GCC1 and GCC2) access at ODUkP access point
(Enhancement to Figure 14-70 of [ITU-T G.798])
– GCC1 and GCC2 can be used simultaneously and separately via two cascaded independent
instances of the ODUk/COMMS_AC atomic function. For these two instances, one must be
configured as GCC1 (MI_GCCAccess = "GCC1") while the other instance must be
configured as GCC2 (MI_GCCAccess = "GCC2"). The two COMMS_CPs can then be
assigned to the MCN and SCN, respectively.
(for GCC1)
ODUk_CP (for GCC2)
Figure 6-3 − ODUk_CP expansion for COMMS access for GCC1 and GCC2
(Enhancement to Figure 14-75 of [ITU-T G.798])
– In case where there is limitation in the ODUk layer network deployment such that GCC1
and GCC2 cannot be used separately and simultaneously, it is necessary to have at least two
HO ODUk connections between the two NEs (if possible) such that the GCC of one HO
ODUk connection can be used as MCC and the GCC of the other HO ODUk connection
can be used as SCC.
Network element resources provide event processing and storage. The MAF processes the
information provided to and by the NE resources. The agent converts this information to
management messages and responds to management messages from the manager by performing the
appropriate operations on the managed objects.
This information to and from the agent is passed across the V reference point to the message
communications function (MCF).
Fault management
Alarm severity assignment profile
ARC information
Atomic functions
fZZZ-severity TEP
rZZZ-severity LOG Report
TMN alarm event
TAN notifications
Operational state
Date and time functions
cZZZ-value MP fZZZ-value
(Fault cause) PRS (Failure)
The equipment management function within the network element performs a persistency check on
the fault causes before it declares a fault cause a failure.
A transmission failure (fXXX) shall be declared if the fault cause persists continuously for
2.5 ± 0.5 s. The failure shall be cleared if the fault cause is absent continuously for 10 ± 0.5 s.
Transmission failures associated with the three types (termination, adaptation and connection) of
transport atomic functions are listed in Table 7-1.
The failure declaration and clearing shall be time stamped. The time stamp shall indicate the time at
which the fault cause is activated at the input of the fault cause persistency (i.e., defect-to-failure
integration) function, and the time at which the fault cause is deactivated at the input of the fault
cause persistency function.
7.2.2 Severity assignment function – SEV
See [ITU-T G.7710] for a description of the severity assignment function.
7.2.3 Alarm reporting control function – ARC
The alarm reporting-control (ARC) function allows a management system to control the alarm
reporting on a per-managed entity basis as defined in [ITU-T M.3100].
The alarms that can be controlled with this function are defined for each atomic function in
[ITU-T G.798].
The ARC states that may be specified for a managed entity are defined in clause For O.NE:
– The ALM state is required for all managed entities that can detect alarms.
– In addition, at least one of the states: NALM, NALM-TI or NALM-QI must be supported.
– If NALM-QI is supported, then NALM-NR is required and NALM-CD is optional.
In Table 7-2 below, for each managed entity a subset of the plausible failures (defined in Table 7-1)
are selected as qualified problems. These qualified problems are recommended as they are deemed
essential to the operability of the subject managed entity. Note that for each managed entity, one or
more of the qualified problems could then be further selected by the management system to be
included in the ARC list (see clause 7.2.3 of [ITU-T G.7710]) for controlling the reporting of alarm
for the entity. When an entity is put in the ARC state of NALM-QI, alarm reporting for the entity is
turned off until the managed entity is free of all the failures specified in the ARC list.
Default ARC state is also specified for each managed entity. If the ARC function is supported by
the O.NE and an ARC state is not explicitly provisioned from the management system for the
managed entity, then the default ARC specified in Table 7-2 should be in effect.
8 Configuration management
See [ITU-T G.7710] for the generic requirements for configuration management. OTN-specific
specifications, if needed, are explicitly described.
8.1 Hardware
See [ITU-T G.7710] for a description of hardware management.
8.2 Software
See [ITU-T G.7710] for a description of software management.
8.5 Adaptation
See [ITU-T G.7710] for a description of adaptation management.
An access point that has multiple adaptation functions connected to it, thereby allowing different
clients to be transported via the server signal, requires a mechanism for the selection of the active
The adaptation function allows a user to provision and monitor the operation of the OTN adaptation
The activation/deactivation of adaptation functions is via MI_Active signals.
Both OMS/OCh_A and OCh/Application_A will report on request from the OTN EMF the value of
the received and accepted payload type indication signal via the MI_AcPTI.
CP Id = AP Id/CN
TCP Id = AP Id
TCP Id = AP Id
The MI signals listed in Table 8-2 are communicated between the EMF and the adaptation
processes across the management point within the OTN NE.
8.8 XXX_Reported
XXX_Reported is not applicable to O.NEs.
8.11 PM thresholds
See [ITU-T G.7710] for a description of PM thresholds configuration functions.
9 Account management
Account management is for further study.
10 Performance management
See [ITU-T G.7710] for the generic requirements for performance management. OTN-specific
management requirements are described below.
Note that, due to the frame synchronous mapping between an ODUkP and an ODUkT and between
an ODUk and an OTUk, a frame slip that already exists at the source of the ODUkT or the OTUk
trail is also detected at the sink of the ODUkT and the OTUk trail. This frame slip will result in bit
error detection at the trail termination sink, even if the trail contains no errors. In order to suppress
these bit errors, incoming alignment error (IAE) and backward incoming alignment error (BIAE)
signalling is supported in the OTN. IAE is generated at the trail source if a frame slip is detected. It
is transmitted to the trail sink to suppress the bit errors. BIAE is the signalling for the reverse
direction and is used to suppress the backward error indication. Due to the detection, propagation
and signalling delay, no fixed time relation between the occurrence of bit errors and the detection of
the IAE exists. Therefore, bit errors detected in the current or previous second are wrong and must
be suppressed if IAE is detected.
11 Security management
For further study.
Regarding configuration management, the OTN network elements can be configured via the
following management information (MI) signals that are defined per atomic function in
[ITU-T G.798]:
– <atomic function name>_MI_Active
– <atomic function name>_MI_AutoMS
– <atomic function name>_MI_AdminState
– <atomic function name>_MI_APRCntrl
– <atomic function name>_MI_APSChannel
– <atomic function name>_MI_CellDiscardActive
– <atomic function name>_MI_DTDLuseEnabled
– <atomic function name>_MI_ExtCMD
– <atomic function name>_MI_ExDAPI
– <atomic function name>_MI_ExMSI
– <atomic function name>_MI_ExSAPI
– <atomic function name>_MI_FECEn
– <atomic function name>_MI_GCCAccess
– <atomic function name>_MI_GCCCont
– <atomic function name>_MI_GetAcTI
– <atomic function name>_MI_GFCActive
– <atomic function name>_MI_HECactive
– <atomic function name>_MI_HoTime
– <atomic function name>_MI_Level
– <atomic function name>_MI_MatrixControl
– <atomic function name>_MI_ModeSk
– <atomic function name>_MI_ModeSo
– <atomic function name>_MI_OperType
– <atomic function name>_MI_ProtType
– <atomic function name>_MI_SDEnable
– <atomic function name>_MI_TIMActDis
– <atomic function name>_MI_TIMDetMo
– <atomic function name>_MI_TPusgActive
– <atomic function name>_MI_TSF-ODis
– <atomic function name>_MI_TxMSI
– <atomic function name>_MI_TxTI
– <atomic function name>_MI_VPIrange
– <atomic function name>_MI_VPI-KActive
Regarding performance management, the OTN network elements can be configured via the
following management information (MI) signals that are defined per atomic function in
[ITU-T G.798]:
– <atomic function name>_MI_1second
– <atomic function name>_MI_DEGM
– <atomic function name>_MI_DEGThr
Regarding performance management, the OTN network elements can provide the performance data
via the following management information (MI) signals that are defined per atomic function in
[ITU-T G.798]:
– <atomic function name>_MI_pBIAE
– <atomic function name>_MI_pF_DS-O
– <atomic function name>_MI_pF_DS-P
– <atomic function name>_MI_pFECcorrErr
– <atomic function name>_MI_pF_EBC
– <atomic function name>_MI_pF_DS
– <atomic function name>_MI_pIAE
– <atomic function name>_MI_pN_DS-O
– <atomic function name>_MI_pN_DS-P
– <atomic function name>_MI_pN_EBC
– <atomic function name>_MI_pN_DS
– <atomic function name>_MI_pN_delay
– <atomic function name>_MI_pN_TSE
Series E Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors
Series J Cable networks and transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia signals
Series L Construction, installation and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant
Series Y Global information infrastructure, Internet protocol aspects and next-generation networks
Printed in Switzerland
Geneva, 2011