Lechonbliss: An Online Cebu Lechon Marketplace

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A Proposal

Presented to the Faculty of the

College of Computer Studies, University of Cebu

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the degree Bachelor of Science in Information Technology


Johnflor P. Lodonia

Peter V. Cabajar

Rengelou G. Parba

Mr. Neil A. Basabe


March 2018


This study would not be done without the guidance of the Almighty God. Through Him
we solemnly give thanks for the motivation and encouragement to achieve this study.

We also extend our deepest gratitude to those who support this work especially our
parents, supporting us emotionally and financially, believing us in our outgoing task relating to
the study. We also thank to our close friends, classmates and mentors who have imparted second
opinions and advices contributed a lot to improve this study.

To our beloved dean, Mr. Melvin M. Niñal for giving us opportunities to work on this
encouraging study.

To our supportive adviser, Mr. Neil A. Basabe, who has been heartily appreciated for
giving his assistance and undying support. His willingness to give his time so generously has
been very much appreciated.

To us researchers, Johnflor P. Lodonia, Peter V. Cabajar, Rengelou G. Parba for working

together as a team in creating this study.



We, the authors would heartily dedicate this study to Almighty Father for giving us the
knowledge and strength in making this manual a great success.

This study is dedicated to our Family, friends and colleagues who have extended their
prayers and undying support along our journey for this study.

They have been our fountain of strength, inspiration and encouragement, without them,
this project would not have been made possible. Lastly, to our adviser, for giving us opportunity
to become a better person by means of guiding us in accomplishing this study.



LECHONBLISS: AN ONLINE CEBU LECHON MARKETPLACE......................................i

TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................................................4
CHAPTER I..................................................................................................................................7
Rationale of the Study..........................................................................................................7
Objectives of the Study.........................................................................................................8
Scope and Limitations..........................................................................................................9
Significance of the Study....................................................................................................10
Flow of the Study................................................................................................................11
Definition of Terms.............................................................................................................12
Chapter II....................................................................................................................................13
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES.................................................13
Related Literature...............................................................................................................13
Comparative Matrix...........................................................................................................16
Competitors Analysis..........................................................................................................18
CHAPTER III.............................................................................................................................19
Research Methodology...........................................................................................................19
Software Engineering Methodology..................................................................................19
Planning/Conception-Initiation Phase...............................................................................20
Analysis – Design Phase......................................................................................................32
Development/Construction/Build Phase............................................................................62
CURRICULUM VITAE............................................................................................................68


Table 2..........................................................................................................................................17
Table 3..........................................................................................................................................18
Table 4..........................................................................................................................................26
Table 5..........................................................................................................................................27
Table 6..........................................................................................................................................28
Table 7..........................................................................................................................................55
Table 8..........................................................................................................................................55
Table 9..........................................................................................................................................56
Table 10........................................................................................................................................56
Table 11........................................................................................................................................56
Table 12........................................................................................................................................57
Table 13........................................................................................................................................57
Table 14........................................................................................................................................58
Table 15........................................................................................................................................58
Table 16........................................................................................................................................58
Table 17........................................................................................................................................59
Table 18........................................................................................................................................59
Table 19........................................................................................................................................59
Table 20........................................................................................................................................62
Table 21........................................................................................................................................63
Table 22........................................................................................................................................63


Figure 1: Flow of the study...........................................................................................................10
Figure 2: RoastedLine Interface.................................................................................................14
Figure 3: LydiasLechon Interface..............................................................................................14
Figure 4: AyerLechon Interface.................................................................................................15
Figure 5: ElarzPambansangLechon Interface...........................................................................15
Figure 6: Software Engineering Methodology...........................................................................18
Figure 7: Business Model Canvas...............................................................................................19
Figure 8: Program Workflow – SuperAdmins..........................................................................20
Figure 9: Program Workflow – Lechovers................................................................................21
Figure 10: Program Workflow – Lechovers..............................................................................22
Figure 11: Program Workflow – Lechovers..............................................................................23
Figure 12: Program Workflow – Lechon Shop Admin.............................................................24
Figure 13: Function Decomposition - Mobile............................................................................28
Figure 14: Function Decomposition – Mobile............................................................................29
Figure 15: Function Decomposition - Web................................................................................30
Figure 16: Use Case Diagram- Lechovers..................................................................................31
Figure 17: Use Case Diagram - Lechon Shop Admin................................................................32
Figure 18: UseCase Diagram – SuperAdmins...........................................................................33
Figure 19: Usecase Diagram– Guest..........................................................................................34
Figure 20: Story Board – Login..................................................................................................35
Figure 21: Story Board – Sign up..............................................................................................35
Figure 22: Story Board – Branch...............................................................................................37
Figure 23: Story Board – Store...................................................................................................37
Figure 24 Story Board- Order Details........................................................................................39



Rationale of the Study

It is, indeed, mouth watering for the Filipinos to hear this special, widely known national
dish called “Lechon”. We are then tempted to indulge ourselves to this traditional Filipino
centrepiece in whatever kind of celebration. Lechon baboy has now become part of the bread and
butter to every Filipino occasions.

One of the causes of having the bad choice in choosing the perfect lechon baboy because
of the words of mouth or passing information from person to a person by oral communication and
asking suggestion from someone without assurance that it is really the right size, how many
portions it will serve and does the price fit into their budget.

Usually, miscommunication and misunderstanding can lead to order completed

incorrectly & that leave the customers dissatisfied. Therefore, customer satisfaction is the key to
success but, the repeated mistakes can hamstring the profits. Based on our observation, picking
the best kind of lechon baboy in these full of lechon shops in Cebu can be sometimes hard and
difficult. There are some lechon shops that are offering different kind of varieties of flavours,
parts of the lechon, and etc. Lechovers will be indecisive in choosing where to purchase their
desired lechon because they cannot identify, look or examine the lechon baboy if this one is good,
or this one is bad, if this is the cheapest, and if this lechon baboy fits in their budget for everyone,
since there is no catalogue or options or something a menu that they can use to choose from, they
will probably end up with the bad choice.

We also experience inconveniences in reaching and contacting the lechon shop,

specifically about the delivery of the lechon baboy because some of the lechon shops cannot
guarantee their customers when will be the exact time does the lechon baboy will arrive, and they
are also times that they failed to update the lechovers regarding the delivery progress, especially
on the holidays or the peak season. And nowadays since everyone seems tech-savvy, and people
want everything to be just one-clicked away, we proposed our system LechonBliss to streamline
the said problems.


Technology or computers are an integral part of any business. With this Lechon
businesses can be aided to advertise and feature their best kind of lechon and to have better deals
in their products, that is why LechonBliss is on its way to answer the need of this kind of
business. This is a web and mobile-based application which enable lechon baboy shop owners to
manage their business and showcase their products, increase revenue and a broader customer base
because it can meet the needs of the people. Furthermore, lechovers can purchase or order
products conveniently by just a click away.

Objectives of the Study

General Objective:

The main objective of the study is to design and develop a mobile and web based
application for an online marketplace system for lechon businesses and lechovers in Cebu.

Specific Objectives:

Specifically, the proposed system aims to achieve the following:

1. Grant unregistered customers to continue as a guest;

2. Provides the nearest lechon baboy shops within the range of vicinity of their
3. Can search lechon baboy shops nearby their location;
4. Can view lechon baboy by categories;
5. Monitor delivery progress and updates of the lechon to prevent delayed
deliveries utilizing our delivery countdown;
6. Can add/delete items from the cart.
7. Allow lechovers to choose the service type between Delivery and Pickup;
8. Allow lechovers to choose pay online, pay cash on delivery or walk in
payment if the service type is Pickup;
9. Allow lechovers to update their orders but cancellations are not allowed;
10. Allow the registered lechon shop owners to add new products or items;


11. Allow the registered lechon shop owners to advertise their best kind of
lechon and other products on their menu;
12. Allow the registered lechon shop owners to view their ratings or feedback
from the lechovers;
13. Produce statistical reports;
14. Generate monthly sales reports for lechon business.

Scope and Limitations

The study focuses on the development of an online market place of Lechon in Cebu that
uses the web and android application for developers.

Mobile Support: The system is available and accessible by the lechovers in any kind of
smart phones, tablets and etc.

Web Support: The system is available for Lechon shop owners online using the web
pages and browsers.

Orders: The system allows lechovers to create orders, change orders and view orders.
Accept orders from the lechovers.

Notification: The system will allow lechovers to view the delivery updates of their
ordered lechon and will notify them with the progress.

Service: The system offered two types of services. Delivery Type which it will be
delivered to the customer’s house (door to door), next is Pick-up Type which allow the lechovers
that they can pick up their ordered lechons.

Payment: The system has three kinds of payment or transactions. First is the Cash on
Delivery which the lechovers makes payment at the time of delivery, next is Pick up Payment
which the lechovers makes payment before the lechon is being picked up, and lastly GCash, it’s
an online payment or online money transfer.

Account: The system will allow user to register or create and update their own account.
Same as the lechon shop owners.


Rate and Reviews: Intended for lechovers they can rate and review the software and the
registered lechon shops.

The proposed system has the following limitations:

 The system will use the city of Cebu as a test site.

 No cancellation of orders when already processed.
 No chat facility between the registered lechon shop owners and the lechovers.
 The system cannot provide business inventory.
 Limited only to Pork / Lechon Baboy.
 The system will not cater payments through Bank Deposit/ Money Transfer / Credit Card.
 The system is not responsible for refunds and Government taxes.

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to provide a marketplace for lechovers that will enable them
to have an easy access to Lechon, Lechon parts and Lechon sets online. The app will serve as a
useful tool and a medium that will benefit the lechovers.
This study is specifically beneficial to the following:

Lechovers. The system provides the happiness within the palm of their hand and the easy
access that the system will acquire with just a click.

Lechon Shop Owners. The system will effortlessly help gain or find more new
lechovers. The system will showcase what are the lechon shop owners are offering to the world,
how tasteful it is and etc.

Researchers. This will allow the researchers to utilize the knowledge and skills that they
learned from school and enhance their ability to develop a software guided by the principles of
software development and research.

Future-researchers. This project can serve as a reference for future researchers who are
also dealing with the same study. This will also serve as a guide for conducting further studies for
improvement of this study or a development of a new study related to this topic.


Flow of the Study

The flow of the study depicts how the data gathered is being analyzed and
processed. Thus, the researchers came up with a solution from the problem presented in
the rationale.

Rationale of the study

Related Literature
Related Studies
Objectives of the Study

Customer Validation
Business Model Canvass
Lean Startup
Iterative Development
Software Engineering

LechonBliss: An Online Marketplace of

OUTPUT Lechon in Cebu.

Figure 1: Flow of the study


Definition of Terms

LechonBliss - An Online Cebu Lechon Marketplace.

Lechovers– is a person that purchases goods or services from a store or business

recipient of goods and products obtained from the vendor or the supplier.

Lechon Shop Owner - a person sells or supply goods to the customer or the buyer owns
the Lechon Shops.

Lechon Shop – is a shop that offers their best lechon baboy and managed by the lechon
shop owner.

Lechon Baboy – is a Spanish word referring to a roasted suckling pig. Lechon is a

popular food in the Philippines. Additionally, it is a national dish of the Philippines with Cebu
being acknowledged by American chef, as having the best pig.

Online Market – Is a type of e-commerce site where product or service information is

provided by multiple third parties, whereas transactions are processed by
the marketplace operator.

Services – Type of service provided.

CashOnDelivery – Where payments are made on delivery rather than in advance.

GCash - It’s an online payment or online money transfer.

COD – Cash on Delivery, lechovers may pay cash directly to the deliver agent upon their
receipt of the purchased item.

Countdown Delivery - its  tracker to track the phases and update lechovers about
their order status.


Chapter II

Related Literature

Deutsch & Elias (2014) said that Lechon Baboy can be found throughout the Spanish-
speaking world – Spain, the Caribean, Central, and South America and especially the Philippines,
where it has become a signature dish, seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic and soy sauce. To cook
lechon traditionally the pig is gutted and impaled lengthwise on a metal spit and roasted slowly in
rotisserie style over a charcoal or wood fire. The word Lechon Baboy is derived from the Spanish
word leche (milk) which refers to a roasted suckling pig. Since then, this tasty dish has been the
highlight of any gathering. Cebu is one of the oldest towns in the Philippines, with a rich
historical past. Cebu history goes way beyond 439 years ago. Cebu is the home of the best lechon
makers and purveyors of the Philippines. Cebu is known and most famous province in the
Philippines to serve the most delicious Lechon.

A Lechon baboy requires a lot of preparations, from the equipments and big outdoor
space to the butchering and roasting of the pig. It can be time consuming and costly as well. So it
is convenient to order from different lechon shops recommended by others. Unfortunately, some
stores failed to meet the expectations of the customers. It is because they are serving different
version of what they market. In that case, some customers tend to find another option to purchase
Lechon baboy, the perfect solution is to order online.

The first online food order was a pizza from Pizza Hut in 1994.[ CITATION Huf14 \l
13321 ] GloriaFood is the first free online ordering system for restaurants was created in 2013.
[ CITATION Cru \l 13321 ] Ordering online has become more popular among many businesses
because the way that it can expand their earnings or revenue, and it also benefits those small
businesses who cannot afford to advertise their products it can also build up the business image.
There is no place for confusions or misunderstandings because all the preferences of the
customers were specified directly while ordering. And also it eliminates the middle man on the
phone and virtually eliminates staff errors.

According to a survey conducted by Toast Restaurant Technology Industry, 95% of food

shop owners agree that technology improves business efficiency. It provides simple and easy way


for customers to place their orders. It also allows customers to even re order their favourite food.
Moreover it’s obvious that online ordering has surpassed phone ordering.[ CITATION Res \l 13321
] Indeed it is, today consumers spend more time in their mobile phones. Many people will use the
mobile phones to discover the restaurants or food shops around them, see what menus they have
or what can they offer.[ CITATION Dai15 \l 13321 ] Customers barely breathe without their
phones today, so it’s a better way to reach customers using what’s in front of them.

Ordering online is a win-win for everyone, the customers and the business owner. It is
way more convenient mode of interaction with the restaurant as otherwise, it can happen
anywhere anytime. The capabilities of today’s smart phones allow for an order to be placed
virtually anywhere.[ CITATION Foo \l 13321 ] Lechon shop owners can use LechonBliss app as a
great marketing tool and it is the perfect opportunity to reach the customers to increase revenue
and a broader customer base. Bottom line if we implement LechonBliss it can drive more sales,
order size increases, and makes the ordering process easier.

 Speed of delivery is the biggest variable in customer satisfaction, with an average 60

percent of consumers across markets citing it as a key factor. The optimal wait time is no more
than 60 minutes.[ CITATION McK16 \l 13321 ] On the other hand in the side of the lechovers,
based on the terms and conditions of the Shopee if the customers fail to follow their policies, their
actions about the violations that they may encounter during the delivery stage are: listing deletion,
criminal charges, and civil actions, including without limitations a claim for damages and/or
interim or injunctive relief. [ CITATION Sho151 \l 13321 ].


Related Studies

Roasted Line - RoastedLine is a mobile ordering application for Lechon Manok and
Liempo Businesses. The customers can search nearest Lechon Manok and Liempo stores in their

Figure 2: RoastedLine Interface

Lydia’s Lechon - Lydia’s Lechon has been serving its customers for more than 50 years.
It has wide price range that starts with 6,800 to 14,800 that will matter depends on the weight of
the Lechon Baboy.

Figure 3: LydiasLechon Interface

Ayer Lechon – Cebu’s Ayer Lechon is one of the Cebu’s emerging suppliers of nothing
less but the best tasting crispy lechon. It is rapidly becoming known to deliver sumptuous, tender


juicy native lechon that last longer. It has the taste of the true Cebuano lechon even beyond
expected. They also have Payment Option that is surely convenient to all customers.

Figure 4: AyerLechon Interface

Elarz Pambansang Lechon – Is one of the best lechon producers in the
Philippines. An online web and mobile lechon food ordering company. That serves you
different kind of sizes of lechon and celebration feast set. One of mostly known in
Philippines and has high reviews of rating on mobile app and has their own farm.

Figure 5: ElarzPambansangLechon Interface


Comparative Matrix

Table 1



Competitors Analysis
Table 2


Related Studies Features Limitations Platform-Based

Elarz Pambansang Lechon Account Management No Delivery Web-Based

Manage Advertisement Countdown Mobile-Based
URL: www.elarzlechon.com Feedback Management
Year 2005
Jose and Leonor Lontoc. Notifications Available in Selected
areas only

Ayer’sLechon Payment Option No Delivery Web-based

Can Order without Countdown Mobile-based
being sign-up Account Management is
om/ Confusing
Year : 2012
Ariel Paculto

Lydia’s Lechon Account Management No Delivery Web-based

Manage Advertisement Countdown Mobile-based
URL: Feedback Management
https://lydiaslechon.ph/ Notifications Need to register
Year: 2015 before using their
Lydia De Roca system

Roasted Line Can choose from No Delivery Web-based

different lechon Countdown Mobile-based
URL: Need to register
Year: 2017
shops in Cebu. before using their
Marianne Jane Gamboa
Manage Advertisement system
Sheila Mae Z. Amores
Hyrum S. Cinco Feedback Management



Research Methodology

Software Engineering Methodology

Iterative and incremental software development is a method of software development that

is modelled around a gradual increase in feature additions and a cyclical release and upgrade

The initialization step creates a base version of the system. The goal for this initial
implementation is to create a product to which the user can react. It should offer a sampling of the
key aspects of the problem and provide a solution that is simple enough to understand and
implement easily. To guide the iteration process, a project control list is created that contains a
record of all tasks that need to be performed. It includes items such as new features to be
implemented and areas of redesign of the existing solution.

The iteration involves the redesign and implementation of iteration is to be simple,

straightforward, and modular, supporting redesign at that stage or as a task added to the project
control list. The level of design detail is not dictated by the iterative approach. In a light-weight
iterative project the code may represent the major source of documentation of the system;
however, in a critical iterative project a formal Software Design Document may be used.

The analysis of an iteration is based upon user feedback, and the program analysis
facilities available. It involves analysis of the structure, modularity, usability, reliability,
efficiency, & achievement of goals. The project control list is modified in light of the analysis

Figure 6: Software Engineering Methodology


if (! Possible questions:) {

Possible questions exists : Improvise, Adapt, Overcome


Why did you choose this methodology study?

In creating/building our capstone we find IID (Iterative and Incremental

Development) to be a suitable case for our study in implementing our system,
thoroughly analyze the step by step for us to be able to make necessary changes
after each iteration.

Planning/Conception-Initiation Phase

Business Model Canvas

Figure 7: Business Model Canvas


Program Workflow

This is the Program Workflow of LechonBliss that illustrates the customer

applications flow. We, the researchers used workflows to coordinate tasks between
people and synchronize data between systems, also to improve organizational efficiency,
responsiveness, and profitability.

Figure 8: Program Workflow – SuperAdmins


Figure 9: Program Workflow – Lechovers


Figure 10: Program Workflow – Lechovers


Figure 11: Program Workflow – Lechovers


Figure 12: Program Workflow – Lechon Shop Admin


Validation Board (Stage 1 and Stage 2)

Table 3



Table 4



Gantt Chart
Table 5



Functional Decomposition Diagram

Figure 13: Function Decomposition - Mobile


Figure 14: Function Decomposition – Mobile


Figure 15: Function Decomposition - Web


Analysis – Design Phase

Use Case Diagram

Figure 16: Use Case Diagram- Lechovers


Figure 17: Use Case Diagram - Lechon Shop Admin


Figure 18: UseCase Diagram – SuperAdmins


Story Board (partial)

Figure 21: Story Board – Sign up

The user is prompted to the app’s sign up form for signing in.

Figure 20: Story Board – Login

The user is prompted at the start of the app to connect with Google for
his/her sign up or use the app’s sign up form. Also the user can continue as
a Guest.

Figure 19: Usecase Diagram– Guest

CnT Lechon – Guadalupe
CnT Branch
Lechon – Guadalupe

Figure 23:Story

Afterlechovers arethe
signing up, provided the are
lechovers hours of the store,
provided all theratings
Lechon and
35 feedbacks
Shops here in
Cebu the lechovers. CnT Lechon – Guadalupe Branch

Figure 24 Story Board- Order Details Figure 29 Story Board – Location

The lechovers is prompted to check their

If the
order the Pin Location, the lechovers are
details before the lechovers can confirm
their order.
to choose what is the nearest landmark based on their


CnT Lechon – Guadalupe

Figure 30: Story Board – Location

Map31: Story Board – Check Order Details

If the lechovers select the Location from

After map,
the lechovers
the information
are of lechovers, the lechovers are now
prompted to pin their desired location.
provided the order details before they place their order.


Php 2,550

Figure 32: Story Board- Complete

Figure 33: Story Board- Manage Order

After placing their order, the lechovers

The lechovers
are provided
can manage
the order
their order and manage their account.



Figure 35: Story Board- Change Order

Figure 34: Story Board- View Order
The Lechovers can view their orders, Lechovers
can change
track their ordertheir orders, but before changing their
by using
our Countdown Delivery Management.order, they are required to send an email to the lechon shop for an


Good day, please expect delivery…

Your order was approved

Figure 36: Story Board- Notifications

The lechovers are notified using push notifications.



Figure 37: Story Board-Login

Before using our LechonBliss, lechon shop owners are required to sign up.


Figure 38: Story Board- Signup BA

Lechon shop owners are prompted to fill up these information to continue .


Figure 39: Story Board- Signup Lehon Shop

Lechon shop owners are prompted to fill up these information to continue .


Figure 40: Story Board- Subscription

Lechon shop owners are prompted to fill up these information to continue .


Figure 40: Story Board- Homepage

After signing up/ logging in, this will be prompted to the Lechon Shop Owners / Business Admin



Figure 41: Story Board- View Order

Figure 42: Story Board- homepage
This will be prompted if Business Admin will view the queued orders.
Upon logging in, the superadmins are prompted here.


Figure 43 : Story Board- Business Admin

The superadmins can manage business admin & lechon shops


Figure 44: Story Board- Lechovers

The superadmins can manage lechovers.


Database Design

Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 45: Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure N: Entity Relationship Diagram


Data Dictionary

Table 6

Super Admin
Field Name Description Data Type Length Null
SA_id Unique primary key with INT NO
auto-generated value
SA_firstname Super admin first name VARCHAR 50 NO
SA_lastname Super admin last name VARCHAR 50 NO
SA_contactno Super admin contact info INT 15 NO
SA_username Super admin username VARCHAR 50 NO
SA_password Super admin password VARCHAR 50 NO

Table 7

Business Admin
Field Name Description Data Type Length Null
BA_id Unique primary key with INT NO
auto-generated value
Sub_id Foreign Key INT NO
BA_username Business admin username VARCHAR 50 NO
BA_firstname Business admin first name VARCHAR 50 NO
BA_lastname Business admin last name VARCHAR 50 NO
BA_password Business admin password VARCHAR 50 NO
BA_address Business admin address VARCHAR 100 NO
BA_contact_no Business admin contact info INT 20 NO
BA_email Business admin email info VARCHAR 50 NO

Table 8

Field Name Description Data Type Length Null
Sub_id Unique primary key with INT NO
auto-generated value


BA_id Foreign Key INT NO

DTI_list_id Foreign Key INT NO
Sub_payment Payment subscription INT NO
Sub_details Subscription details VARCHAR 100 NO

Table 9

Field Name Description Data Type Length Null
DTI_list_id Unique primary key with INT NO
auto-generated value
Store_id Foreign Key INT YES
DTI_BA_firstname DTI Business Admin first VARCHAR 50 NO
DTI_BA_lastname DTI Business Admin last VARCHAR 50 NO
DTI_Store_name DTI Store name VARCHAR 50 NO
DTI_Store_address DTI Store address VARCHAR 50 NO
DTI_certif_no DTI certificate no INT 50 NO
DTI_dateregistered Date registered in DTI DATE NO
DTI_status DTI Status VARCHAR 50 NO

Table 10

Field Name Description Data Type Length Null
Lechover_id Unique primary key with INT NO
auto-generated value
L_username Lechover username VARCHAR 50 NO
L_password Lechover password VARCHAR 50 NO
L_firstname Lechover first name VARCHAR 50 NO
L_lastname Lechover last name VARCHAR 50 NO
L_email Lechover email VARCHAR 50 NO
L_address Lechover address VARCHAR 50 NO
L_contact_no Lechover contact info INT 15 NO

Table 11

Field Name Description Data Type Length Null
BA_id Foreign Key and a unique INT NO
primary key with auto-


generated value
Store_id Store id INT NO
Store_name Store name VARCHAR 50 NO
Store_address Store address/branch VARCHAR 50 NO
Store_contact_no Store contact info INT 15 NO
Open_hours Open hours of Store TIME NO
Service_type Delivery service or pick-up VARCHAR 50 NO
service of the store

Table 12

Field Name Description Data Type Length Null
Prod_id Unique primary key with INT NO
auto-generated value
Store_id Foreign Key INT NO
Prod_name Product name VARCHAR 50 NO
Prod_type Product type VARCHAR 50 NO
Prod_desc Product description VARCHAR 50 NO
Prod_size Product size INT NO
Prod_price Product price INT NO

Table 13

Field Name Description Data Type Length Null
Order_id Unique primary key with INT NO
auto-generated value
Prod_id Foreign Key INT NO
Store_id Foreign Key INT NO
Lechover_id Foreign Key INT NO
Order_date Set order date DATE NO
Order_time Set order time TIME NO
Order_status Status of order VARCHAR 15 NO

Table 14

Order Details
Field Name Description Data Type Length Null
Order_id Foreign Key and a unique INT NO
primary key with auto-
generated value


Detail_id Unique primary key with INT NO

auto-generated value
OD_name Order name/product name VARCHAR 50 NO
OD_size Order size INT NO
OD_quantity Order quantity INT NO
OD_total_amount Total amount of order INT NO

Table 15

Field Name Description Data Type Length Null
service_id Unique primary key with INT NO
auto-generated value
Payment_id Foreign Key INT NO
service_type Type of service VARCHAR 50 NO

Table 16

Field Name Description Data Type Length Null
payment_id Unique primary key with INT NO
auto-generated value
Detail_id Foreign Key INT NO
payment_option Type of payment VARCHAR 50 NO
amount_paid Amount paid INT NO

Table 17

Field Name Description Data Type Length Null
notif_id Unique primary key with INT NO
auto-generated value
Lechover_id Foreign Key INT NO
Detail_id Foreign Key INT NO
BA_id Foreign Key INT NO
payment_id Foreign Key INT NO
notif_message Notification message VARCHAR 150 NO

Table 18

Feedback & Rating


Field Name Description Data Type Length Null

Lechover_id Foreign Key and a unique INT NO
primary key with auto-
generated value
fr_id Unique primary key with INT NO
auto-generated value
Store_id Foreign Key INT NO
Feedback Post message VARCHAR 150 YES
Rating Foreign Key INT 100 YES

Network Design

LechonBliss Network Planning and Design. We use the iterative and incremental
development process, encompassing topological design, and network-synthesis, network-
realization, which aimed at ensuring that telecommunications network or service meets the needs
of our users.

Network Model

LechonBliss Network Model, our database model is conceived with a flexible way of
representing objects and their relationships. Its distinguishing feature is that the schema, viewed
as a graph in which object types are nodes and relationship types are arcs, is not restricted to
being a hierarchy or lattice.
The figure below shows the network design of the proposed system. It shows how the
nodes, network equipment and links of how they are connected to each other. As long as there is
an internet, all the users can access their accounts. The admin can access the system directly or
using the internet.


Figure 46: Network Model Diagram

Network Topology

The LechonBliss network topology is a star topology because it involves a

central location serving as the hub in the design, with sites branching off the hub like spokes on a
wagon wheel. The start-up costs are low and has fast performance with few nodes and low
network traffic. Also it is easy to add new nodes to the network. The network is robust in the
sense that if one connection between a computer and the hub fails, the other connections remain
intact. However, if the central hub fails, the entire network goes down.

Figure 47: Network Topology


Development/Construction/Build Phase

The developing phase involves more than code development and software
developers. The infrastructure is also developed during this phase and all roles are active in
building and testing deliverables. The team continues to identify all risks throughout the phase
and address new risks as they emerge.

Technology Stack Diagram

LechonBliss technology stack comprises layers of software offering the need to create a
complete platform. The figure below shows the set of components that will be used to develop
both the mobile application and website.

Software Specification Development

Table 19

Software Specification Development

Software specifications for web development
Software specification for mobile development

Hardware Specifications

Table 20




Processor 1.60 GHz or higher

Memory 1 GB or higher
Hard Drive 80 GB
Graphics 256 MB DDR memory or higher
LAN Function Fast Ethernet 100 Mbps (chipset build in)
Monitor Any Type
Keyboard Any Type
Mobile Any android phones

Program Specifications

List of Modules
Table 21

List of Modules of LECHONBLISS

List of Modules Super Admin Business Admin Lechovers

Account Management
Create * * *
Retrieve * * *
Update * * *
Deactivate *
No. of points (1 point
1 1 1
per module per user)
Order Management
Create *
Retrieve * * *
Update *
Cancel * *
No. of points (1 point 1 1 1


per module per user)

Notification Management
Create * *
Retrieve * * *
Update * *
Delete/Deactivate * *
No. of points (1 point
1 1 1
per module per user)
Delivery Management
Retrieve * * *
Update *
Cancel * *
No. of points (1 point
1 1 1
per module per user)
Payment Management
Create *
Retrieve * * *
Update *
Cancel *
No. of points (1 point
1 1 1
per module per user)
Subscription Management
Create *
Retrieve * *
Update * *
Delete/Deactivate *
No. of points (1 point
1 1 0
per module per user)
Subscription Payment
Create *
Retrieve * *


Update *
No. of points (1 point
1 1 0
per module per user)
Product Post Management
Create *
Retrieve * *
Update *
Delete *
No. of points (1 point
1 1 0
per module per user)
Feedback and Rating Management
Create * *
Retrieve * * *
Update * *
Delete * *
No. of points (1 point
1 1 1
per module per user)
Report Management
Create * *
Retrieve * * *
Update * *
Delete * *
No. of points (1 point
1 1 1
per module per user)
No. of Modules per
10 10 7
Total No. of Modules 27




Crunchbase. (n.d.). Retrieved from


DailyWTF. (2015, May 08). Retrieved from https://thedailywtf.com/articles/The-Online-


Deutsch, J., & Elias, M. J. ( 2014). Barbecue: A Global History.

HuffPost. (2014, December 24). Retrieved from


Restuarant Engine. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://restaurantengine.com/online-ordering-latest-



Capaculan Tisa Cebu City


• Date of Birth : October 29, 1998

• Gender : Male
• Civil Status : Single
• Nationality : Filipino
• Religion : Roman Catholic
• Language Spoken : English, Tagalog, Cebuano


• College : University of Cebu – Main

Bachelor of Science in Information
2015 – Present

• High School : Abellana Nation School

2011 – 2015

• Elementary : Labangon Elementary School

2005 – 2011


Lagatang, Talisay City, Cebu


• Date of Birth : February 6, 1999

• Gender : Male
• Civil Status : Single
• Nationality : Filipino
• Religion : Roman Catholic
• Language Spoken : English, Tagalog, Cebuano


• College : University of Cebu – Main

Bachelor of Science in Information
2015 – Present

• High School : Abellana Nation School

2011 – 2015

• Elementary : Lagtang Ilang-Ilang School

2005 – 2011

B.Rodriguez Sambag II Cebu City


• Date of Birth : March 29, 1996

• Gender : Male
• Civil Status : Single
• Nationality : Filipino
• Religion : Iglesia ni Cristo
• Language Spoken : English, Tagalog, Cebuano


• College : University of Cebu – Main

Bachelor of Science in Information
2013 – Present

• High School : Abellana Nation School

2009 – 2013

• Elementary : City Central Elementary School

2003 – 2009



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