Course Guid Book Machine Design Project 2012
Course Guid Book Machine Design Project 2012
Course Guid Book Machine Design Project 2012
1. General Information
Course Title Machine Design Project
Course Code MEng3132 Instructors
Pre requisite Machine element-I and Machine element-II 1. Yonas Mitiku (Ass.Prof.)
Office no:- Main Budg 316
2. Sewnet Alemu
3. Mulugeta Eshetu
Course type Major/Compulsory/common
Contact Lecture Tutorial Lab H. Study Consultation hr 1hr.
hours 1 0 5 4 Lab Instructors /Assistants
Program/Department Year Section Name
Target Group Mechanical Engineering 3rd C Office no
4. Course Description
Conceptual Design; Embodiment Design; Design procedures and special calculation methods related to the design projects;
Practical design of typical machine assemblies; Simple machine units and elements; Design project: Unfired pressure vessels
and jacks (Bottle, Scissor, Fiat Type, Service, etc.)
5. Course objective/learning out come
At the end of the course, students would be able to know:
The different types of machine design methodologies
Design procedures of machinery and equipment
Specifications of machineries and equipment
Documentation of machine design reports
1 • Machine Design Method/ Procedures ➢ Lecture G. Pahl, W. Beitz, J.
• Design Considerations Feldhusen and K.H. Grote
➢ Group discussion pp. 63 – 436
• Conceptual Design
• Embodiment Design
• Design for strength
7 Mid Exam-Week
8 Project II (Design of Car Jacks, Press, etc)
Data will be given
9-13 Project II (Design of Car Jacks, Press, etc) • Individual
• Group discussion
14 Submission and Presentation of project II
(Design of Car Jacks, Press, etc)
Assessment type Mark allotted Duration
Type 1 Project I 20 % Before Mid
Type 2 Progress I 5% Before Mid
Type 3 Presentation I 5% Before Mid
9. Course Policy
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students (article 166 and 166.1.1, of the
Senate Legislation of Bahir Dar University May 20, 2005) throughout this course. Academic dishonesty,
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be reported to concerned
bodies for action.
Class attendance and participation:You are expected to attend class regularly. I will take attendance on
regular days during the semester to ensure that students are coming to class, and if you miss class
repeatedly, your grade will be affected as it has value. If you miss more than 85% lecture and tutorial
and 100% for laboratory class attendance you will not sit for final exam.
1. Avallon, E.A., Marks’ Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, Tenth Edition, MacGraw Hill, 1997
2. Coulson and Richardson’s , Chemical Engineering Design, Volume 6, Second Edition, Butterworth Heinemann, 1996
3. G. Pahl, W.Beitz, J. Feldhusen and K.H. Grote, Engineering Design: A Systematic Pproach, Springer, 3rd Edition. 2007.
4. 2. J.E Shigley and C.R Mischk , Mechanical Engineering Design , McGraw Hill Publication, 5th Edition. 1989.
5. 3. Khurmi, R.S. and Gupta J.K., Text book on Machine Design, Eurasia Publishing House, New Delhi.
6. Gill, S.S., The Stress Analysis of Pressure Vessels and Pressure Vessel Components, Pergamon Press, 1970
7. Harvey, J.F., Theory and Design of Pressure Vessel, Second Edition, 1991
8. Joshi, M.V., and Mahajiani, V.V., Process Equipment Design, Third Edition, Macmillan, 2004
9. Dennis R. Moss, Pressure Vessel Design Manual, Third Edition, Gulf Professional Publishing, 2004
10. Juvinal, R.C., Fundamentals of Machine Component Design
11. Perry, R.H., Chemical Engineering Hand Book, Six Edition, 1984
12. Spence, J., and Tooth, A.S, Pressure Vessel Design Concepts and Principles