BUG Guidelines Revised Dec 2010
BUG Guidelines Revised Dec 2010
BUG Guidelines Revised Dec 2010
Community Based Resource
Management Project
Local Government Engineering
These guidelines have been developed for the Beel Users Group (BUG) of CBRMP to
assist them in building viable institution of their own and practice a sustainable
resource management.
This is a revised version updated in the light of the present Jalmahal Management
Guidelines 2009 and the learning so far gathered by the project in implementing the
programme of beel resource management and development.
Foreword 2
Abbreviation & 4
Article I Name, Address and Territorial 5
Article II Values and Objectives 5
Article III Activities 6
Article IV Structure of the Organization 6
Article V Membership 7
Article VI BMC/Office Bearers 8
Article VII Meeting 11
Article VIII Rules of Fishing/Harvesting 12
Article IX Rules of Selling and Marketing 13
Article X Rules of Benefit Distribution 13
Article XI Financial Management 13
Article XII Amendment 14
Article XIII Dissolution 15
Article XIV Certification 15
Annex I Undertaking 17
Abbreviation and Glossary
ARTICLE I: Name, Address and Territorial Limit
Section 2 Address:…………………………………………………………………….
Section 3 Working Territory: The villages …of the union (s) ……….
( respectively) in the Upazila…………….fallen under the
command areas of the beel…………………………located at the
mouza No. …….. of the Upazila……….., in District Sunamganj.
Section1 Values:
Section 2 Goals:
Section 3 Objectives:
3. Raising the production of the beel at optimum level
4. Ensuring to establish the Fisheries Acts for promoting the
conservation of haor/beel resources
5. Developing skill of fishers for better resource management
6. Ensuring participatory approach in decision making of beel
resource management
7. Extending support and practicing haor-based resource
8. Promoting women participation in mainstream beel resource
9. Giving support and participating policy campaign for
promoting better haor resource management
19.Taking initiative to resolve any conflicts of interest in beel
resource access/management
20.Initiating efforts to promote and practice the rules of
contemporary Government Jalmahal management policy
21.Observing the days to promote social and environmental
22.Protecting the beel resources from any illegal and harmful
activities such as poaching, damaging and so on
23.Ensuring fair distribution of the benefit among the BUG
24.Taking initiative to give the BUG a sustainable institutional
25.Taking initiative to raise capital of BUG for promoting credit
scheme, collective IGA and so on.
26.Ensuring very transparent account management through
regular systematic documentation of all transactions
ARTICLE V: Membership
1. For first initiated BUG the fisher shall have to apply to
CBRMP and he/she should be in the list of fisher drawn by the
CBRMP for that concerned beel
2. For membership to ongoing BUG the intended fisher shall
have to apply to concerned BUG and he/she should be in
the list of fisher drawn by the CBRMP for that concerned beel
3. An admission fee of Tk. 25 shall be paid
4. To get enrolled in an ongoing BUG, the intendant shall have
to pay all the dues that others members paid meanwhile
5. BUG member shall have to give a signed undertaking
( given in annex 1) that he/she shall abide by all the rules of
the BUG guidelines
7. Migrated permanently
8. Get involved in anti-BUG activities
9. If become physically and mentally unfit
10.If involved in misappropriation of BUG fund
11.In case of losing membership the member shall get back
his/her savings
12.Any expelled member shall not be entitled to get benefit
from group fund, except his/her savings, if he/she is expelled
due to 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 of Section 4 in Article V.
Section 5 Nominee/Successor:
President: 1
Vice-President: 1
Secretary: 1
Assistant Secretary: 1
Organizing Secretary: 1
Treasurer: 1
Member: 1
Member: 1
Member: 1
Section 2 Terms:
applied. A standard rules and procedures of election shall be
followed introduced by the project until and unless the BUG shall
standalone being a sovereign entity.
BMC shall usually sit for meeting after the 15 days of BUG
meeting. President shall chair the meeting and in absence of
him/her Vice- President shall take the roles of the president.
1. President:
2. Vice President:
3. Secretary
4. Assistant Secretary
5. Treasurer
6. Organizing Secretary
6.7Shall assist President and Secretary to take initiatives for
building BUG institution
6.8Shall take initiative to promote gender values in BUG
7. Executive Members
7.1 Shall assist the BMC in its works and take issue based
Section 5 Quorum:
For quorum of any meeting attendance of three fourth members
shall be required to pass any decision and where at least half of
the women members enrolled in any group/committees should
be present.
Section 6 Voting:
Section 4 Compliances:
1. For fish harvesting BUG shall follow the rules of existing Fish
Conservation Acts
2. Dewatering shall not be allowed for fish harvesting
3. Sanctuary shall be fully restricted for fishing
4. Any katha, if selected for pile fisheries that shall be
maintained according to the rules of pile fishing
5. Breaking any rules in harvesting , may be fined by BMC
6. The customary methods of harvesting, if do not conflict with
Fish Conservation Acts and effective catch that may be
7. All records of fish harvest shall be recorded on spot in
specific books and formats
Section 1
1. The harvested fish shall be sold on open auction adjacent to
beel area. For mobilizing maximum numbers of parties in
auction necessary contact should be done prior to the date of
auction informing the date, time and place of the auction.
2. For better price the fish shall be sorted and that shall be
done by the women BUG members and others as well on
3. The fish shall not be sold on credit
4. BUG member as well may take part in auction
5. For earning more income the harvest may be marketed to
other places too such as bigger market at district town, but
that should be decided in BUG meeting
6. The sold money shall be deposited in Bank account on the
day of selling or by the next day.
Section 1 All members of BUG shall take part in activities that are equally
distributed in terms of responsibilities and considering the
competitiveness, and benefit shall also be equally distributed to
members irrespective of gender.
3. Members contribution to BUG activities
4. Gear license fee
5. Sell from fish and other produces
6. Loan taken by BUG
7. Penalty
8. Others as approved by BUG in consent of CBRMP
Section 2 Heads of Key Expenditure:
1. Office rent
2. Office management and caretaking
3. Books for account and record keeping
4. Guarding
5. Harvesting
6. Establishing sanctuary
7. Fixing demarcation pillar
8. Setting Katha
9. Maintenance of sanctuary, demarcation pillar and Katha
11.Investing in IGA
12.Arranging promotional activities, such as day observation,
conservation campaign and so on
13.Contribution to social causes
16.Others as approved by BUG in consent of CBRMP
ARTICLE XII: Amendment
Signature Date:
Annex I
I do sign hereby and promise to abide by all the rules and responsibilities
mentioned in these Guidelines: