Nervous System: Chapter Test

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Chapter Test B Nervous System

Part A: Multiple Choice
In the space at the left, write the letter of the term or phrase that best answers each question.

1. Which is the result of the actions of the sodium-potassium pump?

A. negative charge inside a neuron
B. no charge inside the neuron
C. no charge outside the neuron
D. positive charge inside a neuron

2. Which is controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system?

A. increased digestion
B. increased heart rate
C. reduced mouth saliva
D. reduced peristalsis

3. Which is a snail-shaped structure in the ear filled with fluid and lined with tiny hairs?
A. cochlea
B. incus
C. malleus
D. tympanum

4. Which is the effect of dopamine on the nervous system?

A. creates pain feelings
B. creates pleasure feelings
C. jump starts the nervous system
D. shuts down the nervous system

5. Which is the most common response of a physiologically addicted person who stops
drinking alcohol?
A. euphoric symptoms
B. hyperactive behavior
C. normal behaviors
D. withdrawal symptoms

Part B: Matching and Completion

Matching Set 1 Place a check in the correct box to identify the part of the nervous system
responsible for each event.

Autonomic Somatic
Nervous System Nervous System
1. Relays information from sensory receptors to central nervous system

2. Controls reflexes such as pulling away from a hot object

3. Controls the “flight or fight” response of the body

4. Controls the “rest and digest” response of the body

64 Nervous System CHAPTER 33 Unit 9

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Chapter Test B CONTINUED

Matching Set 2 Write the letter of the correct class of drug on the line next to its description.
Answers may be used only once or not at all.

5. causes increased blood pressure and lung cancer

A. depressant
6. causes increased alertness and physical activity
B. inhalant
7. depresses the central nervous system
C. nicotine
8. alcohol, for example
D. stimulant

E. dopamine

Completion Write the correct term in the blank to complete each sentence below.

9. The neuron structure that receives nerve impulse signals is called a(n) .

10. An electrical impulse traveling the length of a neuron is called a(n) .

11. The gap between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of a second neuron is called a(n)

12. Any substance that alters the function of the body is called a(n) .

Part C: Interpreting Drawings

Use Figure 1 to respond to the following
1. Identify the neuron structures labeled A–E.

Use Figure 2 to respond to the following statement.

2. Identify the brain structures labeled A–C.

Unit 9 CHAPTER 33 Nervous System 65
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Chapter Test B CONTINUED

Part D: Short Answer

Write your response to each statement in the space provided.

1. Describe a reflex arc.

2. Distinguish between a tolerance and an addiction to the illegal drug heroin.

Part E: Concept Application

Write your response to each statement in the space provided.

1. Dim light does not activate the cones in the human eye. Infer how this impacts
human vision at night.

2. A person will feel dizzy after spinning in circles for several seconds. Analyze how
the inner ear is responsible for this sensation. Use the term semicircular canals in
your answer.

66 Nervous System CHAPTER 33 Unit 9

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